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Reecha Sharma
M.Sc Zoology (2019-2021)
Department of Zoology and Aquaculture, COBS&H
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
At a Glance
• One of the brightest chapters in the history of science is the impact
of vaccines on human longevity and health.
• Vaccines have a history that started late in the 18th century.
• From the late 19th century, vaccines
could be developed in the laboratory.
• However, in the 20th century, it became
possible to develop vaccines based on
immunologic markers.
• In the 21st century, molecular biology
permits vaccine development that was
not possible before.
Plotkin, 2014
Introduction : Immune system
The immune system evolved to protect multicellular organisms from
pathogens. Highly adaptable, it defends the body against invaders as
diverse as the tiny intracellular virus that causes polio and as large as
the giant parasitic kidney worm Dioctophyme renale. This diversity of
potential pathogens requires a range of recognition and destruction
mechanisms to match the multitude of invaders. To meet this need,
vertebrates have evolved a complicated and dynamic network of cells,
molecules, and pathways.
Polio virus under microscope The parasitic Kidney Worm
(Book : Kuby Immunology by Punt)
Natural immunity against a pathogen derives from the integrated
activation of the innate and adaptive immune systems.
Key characteristics and effectors cells of the innate and adaptive immune response:
Innate Immunity: First line of defense Adaptive Immunity: Second line of defense
• Triggered by damage or threat
(recognition of PAMPs)
• Activated by pathogen encounter
• Rapid response (hours) • Slower response (days or weeks)
• Usually no development of memory • Development of memory
• Pathogen destruction via phagocytosis,
killing and release of bioactive
• Antibody mediated and T-cell mediated
• Stereotypical response • Highly specific and adaptable
• Effector cells: Granulocytes , Mast cells,
Macrophages, Monocytes, Natural killer
cells, Dendritic cells
• Effector cells: CD4+ T-cells, CD8+ T-cells,
B-cells, Plasma cells
Cunningham et al , 2016
• Innate immunity arises after detection of specific pathogen-
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) through a variety of pattern
recognition receptors (PRRs) and depending on the type of PAMP,
activate specialized Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) e.g., dendritic
• Activation of innate immunity induces expansion of adaptive
immune cells targeted to the particular threat through antigen-
specific T-cell effector and antibody mechanisms. The
immunological memory derived from this antigen-specific response
persists and can react more rapidly upon subsequent infection .
• Immunization is the strategy of stimulating the host’s defense
against a specific pathogen to establish immunological memory and
thus protect against the consequences of infection.
Cunningham et al , 2016
Vaccination : Definition
• Vaccination is the administration of the vaccine to help the
immune system develop protection from disease.
• Vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired
immunity to a particular infectious disease.
• A vaccine typically contains
an agent that resembles a
disease-causing microorganism
and is often made from weakened
(attenuated) or killed forms of the
microbe, its toxins, or genetically
engineered etc.
The Birth of Vaccinology
• The genesis of vaccinology came through the evolution of attempts to
control smallpox. The observation that persons who had contracted smallpox
rarely developed a second case suggested the concept of immunity to
• The Chinese are generally credited with the development of variolation more
than a thousand years ago. This method of prevention spread westward into
Europe in the 17th century, although results were mixed and significant
complications often ensued.
• In 1796, Edward Jenner combined the practice of variolation with the
observation that milkmaids who had previously contracted cowpox rarely
contracted smallpox, and he performed the first immunization by inoculating
an 8-year-old boy with fluid from a cowpox pustule and later intentionally
infected the child with smallpox. As predicted, the child did not develop
smallpox. (McCullers, 2007)
• His assertion “that the cow-pox protects the human constitution from the
infection of smallpox” laid the foundation for modern vaccinology.
(Stern and Markel, 2005)
Timeline of Vaccine Development
Live Attenuated Killed whole
Purified proteins
and polysaccharide
Genetically engineered
18th Century
19th Century
Rabies (1885) Typhoid (1896)
Cholera (1896)
Plaque (1897)
Early 20th Century, 1st half
Tuberculosis (BCG) (1927) Pertussis (1926) Diphtheria (1923)
Yellow fever (1935) Influenza (1936) Tetanus toxoid(1926)
Early 20th Century, 2nd half
Polio (Oral) (1963) Polio (injected)
Anthrax secreted
protein (1970)
Hepatitis B surface
antigen Recomb.(1986)
Live attenuated Killed whole
Purified protein and
Measles (1963) Rabies (cell culture)
Meningococcus poly-
saccharide (1974)
Lyme OspA (1998)
Mumps(1967) Japanese encephalitis
Pneumococcus poly-
saccharide (1977)
Cholera (Recomb.
Toxin B) (1993)
Rubella (1969) Tick born encephalitis
Haemophilus influenza
type B polysach.(1985)
Adenovirus(1980) Hepatitis A (1996) H. Influenza type B
Conjugate (1987)
Typhoid (1989) Cholera (1991) Typhoid polysach. (1994)
Varicella (1995) Meningococcal
conjugate (1999)
Acellular pertussis (1996)
Rotavirus (1999) Hepatitis B (1981)
Cholera (1994)
Cold adapted
influenza (1999)
Plotkin, 2014
Live attenuated Killed whole
Purified protein and
21st Century
Rotavirus (attenuated
and new
reassortment) (2006)
encephalitis (2009)
(heptavalent) (2000)
recomb. (4 valent)
Zoster (2006) Cholera (WC only)
Meningococcal conj-
ugates (3 valent) (2005)
Human P. Virus
(bivalent) (2009)
Pneumococcal conj-
ugates (13 valent)
Meningococcal group
B proteins (2013)
Progress of polio elimination 1988 and 2014
Source : Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
How do vaccine work
World Health Organisation (WHO)
The goal of all vaccines is
to elicit an immune
response against an
antigen so that when the
individual is again
exposed to the antigen,
a much stronger
secondary immune
Properties of an Ideal Vaccine
1) Effectiveness
• The vaccine would be effective against all current and future strains of the pathogen.
• Should give life long immunity.
• Must induce effective herd immunity.
• Must evoke protective levels of immunity rapidly.
2) Safety
• The vaccine should be 100% safe to the recipient.
• An ideal vaccine should not have any potential to disease or lead to any vaccine
associated diseases like allergic response, local inflammation, fever etc.
3) Availability : Readily cultured in bulk or accessible source of subunit and cheap.
4) Stability: Stable under extreme climatic conditions, preferably not requiring
5) Dose : Only one dose required with easy administration.
6) Compatibility : Delivery of the vaccine simultaneously with other vaccines would
be possible. Many vaccines today are delivered simultaneously with other vaccines.
E.g. DTP and MMR.
Herd Immunity
When the vaccination of a portion of the population provides protection
to unprotected individuals is termed herd immunity.
Source : Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
Development of vaccine
Any new vaccine development requires integration of information concerning :
1. Pathogen life-cycle & epidemiology
2. Immune control & escape
3. Antigen selection & vaccine formulation
4. Vaccine preclinical & clinical testing
Pathogen Life-cycle and epidemiology
• Understanding the epidemiology of the disease is crucial to
identifying the target antigens.
• In order to identify antigens suitable for disease prevention, detailed
knowledge required are :
Biology and
Structure of
the pathogen
with cellular
• Knowledge of the route of entry and subsequent replication sites of
the pathogen is also essential.
• This is because protection against pathogens entering via the
respiratory (influenza, pneumococcus), gastrointestinal (Salmonella)
or genital tracts (Herpes simplex virus [HSV] or human
immunodeficiency virus [HIV]), or entering the bloodstream by
injury/injection (hepatitis B/C) or mosquito bite (Malaria), may
require different vaccination strategies.
• For example, the immune response after natural malaria infection is
considered to be predominantly directed against the blood stage of the
pathogen but some vaccines have shown that it is possible to induce
effective immunity by targeting the pre-erythrocytic stage, e.g. during
sporozoite stage and the liver stage of the pathogen.
Cunningham et al , 2016
Life cycle stages of Plasmodium and vaccine candidates that target each stage.
Duffy and Gorres, 2020
Immune control & escape
Sometimes pathogens express a number of virulence determinants that
allow the pathogen to avoid immune defenses, facilitating infectivity
and transmission due to its considerable genetic diversity within its
species or virus type.
Immune evasion strategies :
1) Hiding from the immune system: Viruses such as Varicella
zoster (chickenpox) and Herpes viridae (herpes simplex viruses)
can hide from the immune system in neurons and non-neuronal
cells where they may persist for many years, before emerging in
pathogenic form when the host has a lowered resistance.
2) Interfering with the function of the immune system :
• Pathogen-encoded determinants bind to specific cellular receptors
allowing cell entry without alerting the immune response (viruses
and some bacteria)
• Production of proteins, enzymes and micro-RNAs that inhibit host-
pathogen recognition mechanisms and innate immune effector
responses (influenza A)
• Production of structures such as polysaccharide capsules that inhibit
immune effectors such as complement. (Neisseria meningitidis)
• High rates of mutation that ensure that antibodies stimulated during
earlier infection remain ineffective (influenza, HIV, hepatitis C)
• Expression of toxins that cause tissue destruction and modulate the
immune response (pneumococcus)
Detailed knowledge of immune escape strategies used by individual
pathogens is important for developing effective vaccines against them.
Cunningham et al , 2016
Antigen selection & vaccine formulation
• There are many types of vaccines, categorized by the antigen used in
their preparation.
• In principle anything from whole organism to small subcellular
fragment can be used as antigen in vaccine.
Whole organism Vaccine
 Live but attenuated vaccines
 Inactivated (Killed) vaccine
Purified antigen vaccine or subunit vaccine
DNA vaccine
Recombinant vector vaccine
Live Attenuated Vaccine
• An attenuated vaccine contain a group of microbes that had been
weakened and decreased its virulent under laboratory conditions
(unfavorable conditions).
• The microorganisms lose their virulence and do not produce any type
of lesion in the animal, but continue to be able to replicate or multiply
sufficiently in order to be processed by the immune system .
(Saadh et al , 2017)
Plotkin, Vaccine Fact Book , 2013
(Book : Kuby Immunology by Punt)
• Due to their capacity for transient growth,
these vaccine show prolonged
immunogenicity and eliminate the need for
repeated boosters.
• Infectious microbes can stimulate
generation of memory as well as humoral
immune response.
• Major disadvantage of these vaccine is the
associated risk of reverting back to
virulent form.
• Since they are alive and their activity
depends on their viability, proper storage
is critical.
• Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis,
developed in 1921 by Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin, caused
by attenuation of the Mycobacterium bovis strain on a medium
containing increasing concentration of bile.
• The sabin polio vaccine is an example of attenuated vaccine,
consisting of three attenuated strain of poliovirus.
• Mumps vaccine consists of live attenuated strains of Paramyxvirus
parotitidis. In many world regions, it is used to routinely vaccinate
children, often a part f a combined measles, mumps and rubella
• Rabies vaccine, Yellow Fever vaccine, Vibrio cholera vaccine , Rota
virus vaccine.
Inactivated (killed) Vaccine
 Inactivated vaccines or killed vaccines is a vaccine consist of virus,
bacterial or other pathogens that have been grown in a specialized
culture and then completely killed by heat, radiation or chemicals so it
is no longer capable of replication in the host and to be effective must
contain much more antigen than live vaccines.
(Saadh et al , 2017)
Plotkin, Vaccine Fact Book , 2013
• Inactivated process is critically important to maintain the structure of
epitopes on surface antigens during inactivation.
• Excessive heat inactivation cause denaturation of protein, therefore
the epitope depend on structure of protein are altered or damaged.
• So the most successful methods to kill the pathogen depend on
chemicals such as Formaldehyde, phenol, and binary ethylenimine
• Excessive treatment can destroy immunogenicity whereas insufficient
treatment can leave infectious virus capable of causing disease
 The Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is produced by formaldehyde
treatment of the poliovirus.
 Hepatitis A
Subunit Vaccine (Purified Antigen Vaccine)
• A vaccine composed of a purified Antigenic determinant that is
separated from the virulent organism is called subunit vaccine.
• It consists of only those antigens that elicit protective immunity.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Toxoid (Inactivated Exotoxin)
• Toxoid vaccines are made by purifying the bacterial exotoxin.
• Toxicity of purified exotoxins is suppressed or inactivated either by
heat or with formaldehyde (while maintaining immunogenicity) to
form toxoids. Vaccination with toxoids induces anti-toxoid
antibodies that are able to bind with the toxin and neutralize its
deleterious effects. (Yadav et al, 2014).
• Example : DPT
Vaccine Research Catalog, 2016
Capsulated Polysaccharide Vaccine
• Bacteria can synthesize hundreds of chemically and
immunologically different polysaccharides.
• Vaccines composed of purified polysaccharides against
meningococcus and pneumococcus were developed .
• Unfortunately, those vaccines, while partially immunogenic in
adults, were completely unable to induce an antibody response in
infants and children, the population for whom the vaccines were
mostly needed.
• Later the problem was solved and reported that the bacterial CPSs
become very immunogenic when covalently linked to a carrier
protein and thus started working on a conjugate vaccine which
worked beautifully in infants and children.
(Rappuoli et al , 2019)
Pure polysaccharide V/S Conjugate vaccine
Rappuoli et al , 2019
Conjugate Vaccine
• A conjugate vaccine is created by covalently attaching a poor antigen
(polysaccharide) to a strong antigen (protein/ toxoid) thereby eliciting
a stronger immunological response to the poor antigen.
• Example:
 Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) Vaccine
 Pneumococcal
 Meningococcal
Recombinant Subunit Vaccine
• The use of recombinant DNA technology has made the
development of subunit vaccine more efficient.
• Recombinant subunit vaccines can be delivered as purified
recombinant proteins, as proteins delivered using live non-
pathogenic vectors (bacterial or viral) or as nucleic acid molecules
encoding the antigen, thereby making the production safer and
generally more efficient.
• The first Recombinant subunit vaccine approved for human use is
the Hepatitis B vaccine.
(Andersson, 2000)
DNA Vaccine
• The DNA vaccines are simple rings of DNA containing a gene
encoding an antigen, and a promoter/terminator to make the gene
express in mammalian cells.
• They are a promising new approach for generating all types of
desired immunity: cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), T helper cells
and antibodies.
Liu, 2003
Liu, 2003
Advantages of DNA Vaccines
The main advantage of DNA vaccines is their ability to
stimulate both the humoral and cellular arms of the
adaptive immune system.
Versatility: In addition to the prevention of
infectious diseases, DNA vaccines may also be used
to treat malignancies and autoimmune or genetic
Due to the ability to genetically modify the antigen
encoded by DNA vaccines, the vaccine provides a
means to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies
against pathogens such as HIV and the influenza
Flingai et al , 2013
Recombinant Vector Vaccine
• In this, genes that encode antigens isolated from a pathogen can be
inserted into non-virulent viruses or bacteria.
• Such recombinant micro-organisms serve as vectors, replicating
within the host and expressing the gene product of the pathogen-
encoded antigenic proteins.
• A no. of organisms have been used for vector vaccines, including
vaccinia virus, the canary pox virus, attenuated polio virus,
adenovirus and others. (Book : Kuby Immunology by Punt)
Formulation of Vaccine
Vaccines include a variety of ingredients including antigens, stabilizers,
adjuvants, antibiotics, surfactants, diluent, residual and preservatives.
 All vaccines contain an active component (the antigen) which
generates an immune response, or the blueprint for making the active
 Stabilizers are used to help the vaccine maintain its effectiveness
during the storage.
 Instability can cause loss of antigenicity and decreased infectivity of
 Factors affecting stability are temperature and acidity or alkalinity of
the vaccine (pH).
 Stabilizing agents include MgCl2 (for OPV), MgSO4 (for measles),
lactose-sorbitol and sorbitol-gelatine.
Added to vaccines to stimulate the production of
antibodies against the vaccine to make it more
Chemically, adjuvants are a highly heterogeneous group of
compounds with only one thing in common: their ability to
enhance the immune response.
Example : Aluminium salt (like aluminium phosphate,
aluminium hydroxide or potassium aluminium sulphate),
CpG ( Two nucleic acids, Cytosine(C) and Guanine (G)
found in the DNA) are linked to form an adjuvant that is
contained in a hepatitis B vaccine.
Lambert et al , 2005
17 February 2020
 Antibiotics (in trace amounts) are used during the manufacturing
phase to prevent bacterial contamination of the tissue culture cells in
which the viruses are grown.
 Usually only trace amounts appear in vaccines, for example, MMR
vaccine and IPV each contain less than 25 micrograms of neomycin
per dose (less than 0.000025 g).
 Example: Neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, chlortetracyline
and amphotericin B.
 Preservatives are added to multidose vaccines to prevent bacterial
and fungal growth. They include a variety of substances.
 Example:
 Thiomersal (ethyl mercury-containing compound)
 Formaldehyde(Used to inactivate viruses (e.g. IPV) and to detoxify
bacterial toxins, such as the toxins used to make diphtheria and
tetanus vaccines).
 Phenol derivatives.
 Surfactants keep all the ingredients in the vaccine blended together.
They prevent settling and clumping of elements that are in the liquid
form of the vaccine.
 Residuals are tiny amounts of various substances used during
manufacturing or production of vaccines that are not active
ingredients in the completed vaccine.
 Substances will vary depending on the manufacturing process used
and may include egg proteins, yeast or antibiotics. Residual traces of
these substances which may be present in a vaccine are in such small
quantities that they need to be measured as parts per million or parts
per billion.
 A diluent is a liquid used to dilute a vaccine to the correct
concentration immediately prior to use. The most commonly used
diluent is sterile water.
Route of Administration
World Health Organization (WHO)
Source : Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
Vaccine Preclinical & Clinical Testing
Clinical Development
Regulatory Review and Approval
 This step can only come after detailed applications and rigorous
demonstration of Good Manufacturing Practices.
 Regulatory review and approval processes then allow the
manufacturer to receive FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
 The process includes :
 An Investigational New Drug application,
 Pre-licensure vaccine clinical trials,
 A BLA (Biologics License Application),
 Inspection of the manufacturing facility,
 Presentation of findings and usability testing of product labeling.
 During this part of the process, vaccines are made.The production
takes between six and 36 months. Several hundreds of quality tests
will take place during that span.
Quality Control
 Using information from the public and healthcare providers, quality
control continues through different agencies/methods long after a
vaccine is licensed, manufactured and distributed.
 As soon as public vaccine use starts, vaccine performance is
constantly checked. Multiple systems and organizations monitor and
test the vaccine.
Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
Vaccine Development
Global Pandemic
How do vaccine work against Covid19 ?
 Scientist and researchers worldwide race to develop a vaccine in the fight against
global pandemic (COVID-19) where main focus is to the so-called spike protein,
which is present in the COVID virus.
 The spike protein interacts with ACE2
proteins on human cells, facilitating
infection of the cells, encouraging the
virus to replicate and cause disease.
 Several vaccines in development are
aimed at exposing the body to spike
protein and having the immune system
recognize it as an antigen, or foreign.
 The immune system then develops a
response with specialized white blood cells that are aimed at either destroying the
virus or producing antibodies that will block infection by the virus when exposed to the
real pathogen.
Host Immune Response against SARS-CoV2-infection
Prompetchara et al, 2020
The global COVID-19 vaccine landscape
World Health Organization (WHO)
Phase 3 Covid Vaccine
Sputnik V
• Vaccination as a means of preventing infectious disease has had
arguably the greatest impact on human health of any medical
• Vaccine development is a complex multidisciplinary activity,
combining understanding of host-pathogen interactions at the
molecular level, with clinical science, population-level
epidemiology and the biomechanical requirements of production
• Increased understanding of the molecular nature of immune
responses and advances in the technologies of gene sequencing
and molecular biology have resulted in new approaches to vaccine
• The ultimate goal is an affordable vaccine that generates strong
and lasting immunity with the fewest possible side effects,
implemented without the need for expensive cold chains.
• Plotkin, S. (2014). History of Vaccination. PNAS , 111(34): 12283-12287.
• Punt, J., Stranford, S., Jones, P. and Owen., J. Book Kuby Immunology, 8th Edition.
• Cunningham, A.L., Garcon, N., Leo, O., Friedland, L.R., Strugnell, R., Laupeze, B., Doherty,
M. and Stern, P. (2016). Vaccine development: from concept to early clincal testing. Vaccine,
34(52): 6655-6664.
• McCullers, J.A. (2007). Evolution, Benefits, and Shortcomings of Vaccine Management.
Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 13(7), 1-5.
• Stern, A.M. and Markel, H. (2005). The History of Vaccines and Immunization: Familiar
Patterns, New Challenges. Health Affairs,24(3): 611-621.
• Ploktin. S. (2013). Vaccine Fact Book .PhRMA.
• Duffy, P.E. and Gorres, J.P. (2020). Malaria vaccines since 2000: progress, priorities,
products. Nature partner Journal/ Vaccine,5(48): 1-9.
• Rappuoli, R., Gregoroi, E.D. and Costantino, P. (2019). On the mechanisms of Conjugate
Vaccines. PNAS, 116(1): 14-16.
• Flingai, S., Czerwonko, M., Goodman, J., Kudchodkar, S.B., Muthumani, K. and Weiner,
D.B. (2013). Synthetic DNA vaccines: improved vaccine potency by electroporation and co-
delivered genetic adjuvants. Fronteir Immunology, 4: 354.
• Saadh, M.J., Sbaih, H.M., Mustafa, A.M., Alawadie, B.A., Abunuwar, M.J., Aldhoun, M.,
Naser, A., Dakkah, H. and Al-Jaidi, B. (2017). Whole Organism Vaccine(Attenuated and
Killed Vaccines). Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 9(10): 1-4.
• Liu, M.A. (2003). DNA vaccines: a review. Journal of Internal Medicine, 253: 402-410.
• Andersson, C. (2000). Production and delivery of recombinant subunit vaccines. KTH,
Sweden. 1-92.
• Prompetchara, E., Ketloy, C. and Palaga, T. (2020). Immune responses in COVID-19 and
potential vaccines: Lessons learned from SARS and MERS epidemic . Asian Pacific
Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 38: 1-9.
• Yadav, D.K., Yadav, N. and Khurana, S.M.P. (2014). Vaccines: Present Status and
Applications .Animal Biotechnology, 491-508.
• Lambert, P.H., Liu, M. and Slegrist, C.A. (2005). Can successful vaccines teach us how
to induce efficient protective immune responses? . Nature Medicine Supplement , 11(4):
• World Health Organisation (WHO).

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  • 1. Reecha Sharma (2019BS49M) M.Sc Zoology (2019-2021) Department of Zoology and Aquaculture, COBS&H CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar email:
  • 2. At a Glance • One of the brightest chapters in the history of science is the impact of vaccines on human longevity and health. • Vaccines have a history that started late in the 18th century. • From the late 19th century, vaccines could be developed in the laboratory. • However, in the 20th century, it became possible to develop vaccines based on immunologic markers. • In the 21st century, molecular biology permits vaccine development that was not possible before. Plotkin, 2014
  • 3. Introduction : Immune system The immune system evolved to protect multicellular organisms from pathogens. Highly adaptable, it defends the body against invaders as diverse as the tiny intracellular virus that causes polio and as large as the giant parasitic kidney worm Dioctophyme renale. This diversity of potential pathogens requires a range of recognition and destruction mechanisms to match the multitude of invaders. To meet this need, vertebrates have evolved a complicated and dynamic network of cells, molecules, and pathways. Polio virus under microscope The parasitic Kidney Worm (Book : Kuby Immunology by Punt)
  • 4. Natural immunity against a pathogen derives from the integrated activation of the innate and adaptive immune systems. Key characteristics and effectors cells of the innate and adaptive immune response: Innate Immunity: First line of defense Adaptive Immunity: Second line of defense • Triggered by damage or threat (recognition of PAMPs) • Activated by pathogen encounter • Rapid response (hours) • Slower response (days or weeks) • Usually no development of memory • Development of memory • Pathogen destruction via phagocytosis, killing and release of bioactive mediators • Antibody mediated and T-cell mediated destruction • Stereotypical response • Highly specific and adaptable • Effector cells: Granulocytes , Mast cells, Macrophages, Monocytes, Natural killer cells, Dendritic cells • Effector cells: CD4+ T-cells, CD8+ T-cells, B-cells, Plasma cells Cunningham et al , 2016
  • 5. • Innate immunity arises after detection of specific pathogen- associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) through a variety of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and depending on the type of PAMP, activate specialized Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) e.g., dendritic cells. • Activation of innate immunity induces expansion of adaptive immune cells targeted to the particular threat through antigen- specific T-cell effector and antibody mechanisms. The immunological memory derived from this antigen-specific response persists and can react more rapidly upon subsequent infection . • Immunization is the strategy of stimulating the host’s defense against a specific pathogen to establish immunological memory and thus protect against the consequences of infection. Cunningham et al , 2016
  • 6. Vaccination : Definition • Vaccination is the administration of the vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from disease. • Vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. • A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened (attenuated) or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or genetically engineered etc.
  • 7. The Birth of Vaccinology • The genesis of vaccinology came through the evolution of attempts to control smallpox. The observation that persons who had contracted smallpox rarely developed a second case suggested the concept of immunity to disease. • The Chinese are generally credited with the development of variolation more than a thousand years ago. This method of prevention spread westward into Europe in the 17th century, although results were mixed and significant complications often ensued. • In 1796, Edward Jenner combined the practice of variolation with the observation that milkmaids who had previously contracted cowpox rarely contracted smallpox, and he performed the first immunization by inoculating an 8-year-old boy with fluid from a cowpox pustule and later intentionally infected the child with smallpox. As predicted, the child did not develop smallpox. (McCullers, 2007) • His assertion “that the cow-pox protects the human constitution from the infection of smallpox” laid the foundation for modern vaccinology. (Stern and Markel, 2005)
  • 8. Timeline of Vaccine Development Live Attenuated Killed whole organisms Purified proteins and polysaccharide Genetically engineered 18th Century Smallpox(1796) 19th Century Rabies (1885) Typhoid (1896) Cholera (1896) Plaque (1897) Early 20th Century, 1st half Tuberculosis (BCG) (1927) Pertussis (1926) Diphtheria (1923) Yellow fever (1935) Influenza (1936) Tetanus toxoid(1926) Rickettsia(1938) Early 20th Century, 2nd half Polio (Oral) (1963) Polio (injected) (1995) Anthrax secreted protein (1970) Hepatitis B surface antigen Recomb.(1986)
  • 9. Live attenuated Killed whole organism Purified protein and Polysaccharide Genetically engineered Measles (1963) Rabies (cell culture) (1980) Meningococcus poly- saccharide (1974) Lyme OspA (1998) Mumps(1967) Japanese encephalitis (1992) Pneumococcus poly- saccharide (1977) Cholera (Recomb. Toxin B) (1993) Rubella (1969) Tick born encephalitis (1981) Haemophilus influenza type B polysach.(1985) Adenovirus(1980) Hepatitis A (1996) H. Influenza type B Conjugate (1987) Typhoid (1989) Cholera (1991) Typhoid polysach. (1994) Varicella (1995) Meningococcal conjugate (1999) Acellular pertussis (1996) Rotavirus (1999) Hepatitis B (1981) Cholera (1994) Cold adapted influenza (1999)
  • 10. Plotkin, 2014 Live attenuated Killed whole organism Purified protein and Polysaccharide Genetically engineered 21st Century Rotavirus (attenuated and new reassortment) (2006) Japanese encephalitis (2009) Pneumococcal conjugates (heptavalent) (2000) Human papillomavirus recomb. (4 valent) (2006) Zoster (2006) Cholera (WC only) (2009) Meningococcal conj- ugates (3 valent) (2005) Human P. Virus (bivalent) (2009) Pneumococcal conj- ugates (13 valent) (2010) Meningococcal group B proteins (2013)
  • 11. Progress of polio elimination 1988 and 2014 Source : Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
  • 12. How do vaccine work World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • 13. The goal of all vaccines is to elicit an immune response against an antigen so that when the individual is again exposed to the antigen, a much stronger secondary immune response.
  • 14. Properties of an Ideal Vaccine 1) Effectiveness • The vaccine would be effective against all current and future strains of the pathogen. • Should give life long immunity. • Must induce effective herd immunity. • Must evoke protective levels of immunity rapidly. 2) Safety • The vaccine should be 100% safe to the recipient. • An ideal vaccine should not have any potential to disease or lead to any vaccine associated diseases like allergic response, local inflammation, fever etc. 3) Availability : Readily cultured in bulk or accessible source of subunit and cheap. 4) Stability: Stable under extreme climatic conditions, preferably not requiring refrigeration. 5) Dose : Only one dose required with easy administration. 6) Compatibility : Delivery of the vaccine simultaneously with other vaccines would be possible. Many vaccines today are delivered simultaneously with other vaccines. E.g. DTP and MMR.
  • 15.
  • 16. Herd Immunity When the vaccination of a portion of the population provides protection to unprotected individuals is termed herd immunity. Source : Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
  • 17. Development of vaccine Any new vaccine development requires integration of information concerning : 1. Pathogen life-cycle & epidemiology 2. Immune control & escape 3. Antigen selection & vaccine formulation 4. Vaccine preclinical & clinical testing
  • 18. Pathogen Life-cycle and epidemiology • Understanding the epidemiology of the disease is crucial to identifying the target antigens. • In order to identify antigens suitable for disease prevention, detailed knowledge required are : Biology and Structure of the pathogen Interaction with cellular receptors Disease causing mechanism
  • 19. • Knowledge of the route of entry and subsequent replication sites of the pathogen is also essential. • This is because protection against pathogens entering via the respiratory (influenza, pneumococcus), gastrointestinal (Salmonella) or genital tracts (Herpes simplex virus [HSV] or human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]), or entering the bloodstream by injury/injection (hepatitis B/C) or mosquito bite (Malaria), may require different vaccination strategies. • For example, the immune response after natural malaria infection is considered to be predominantly directed against the blood stage of the pathogen but some vaccines have shown that it is possible to induce effective immunity by targeting the pre-erythrocytic stage, e.g. during sporozoite stage and the liver stage of the pathogen. Cunningham et al , 2016
  • 20. Life cycle stages of Plasmodium and vaccine candidates that target each stage. Duffy and Gorres, 2020
  • 21. Immune control & escape Sometimes pathogens express a number of virulence determinants that allow the pathogen to avoid immune defenses, facilitating infectivity and transmission due to its considerable genetic diversity within its species or virus type. Immune evasion strategies : 1) Hiding from the immune system: Viruses such as Varicella zoster (chickenpox) and Herpes viridae (herpes simplex viruses) can hide from the immune system in neurons and non-neuronal cells where they may persist for many years, before emerging in pathogenic form when the host has a lowered resistance. 2) Interfering with the function of the immune system : • Pathogen-encoded determinants bind to specific cellular receptors allowing cell entry without alerting the immune response (viruses and some bacteria)
  • 22. • Production of proteins, enzymes and micro-RNAs that inhibit host- pathogen recognition mechanisms and innate immune effector responses (influenza A) • Production of structures such as polysaccharide capsules that inhibit immune effectors such as complement. (Neisseria meningitidis) • High rates of mutation that ensure that antibodies stimulated during earlier infection remain ineffective (influenza, HIV, hepatitis C) • Expression of toxins that cause tissue destruction and modulate the immune response (pneumococcus) Detailed knowledge of immune escape strategies used by individual pathogens is important for developing effective vaccines against them. Cunningham et al , 2016
  • 23.
  • 24. Antigen selection & vaccine formulation • There are many types of vaccines, categorized by the antigen used in their preparation. • In principle anything from whole organism to small subcellular fragment can be used as antigen in vaccine. Whole organism Vaccine  Live but attenuated vaccines  Inactivated (Killed) vaccine Purified antigen vaccine or subunit vaccine DNA vaccine Recombinant vector vaccine
  • 25. Live Attenuated Vaccine • An attenuated vaccine contain a group of microbes that had been weakened and decreased its virulent under laboratory conditions (unfavorable conditions). • The microorganisms lose their virulence and do not produce any type of lesion in the animal, but continue to be able to replicate or multiply sufficiently in order to be processed by the immune system . (Saadh et al , 2017) Plotkin, Vaccine Fact Book , 2013
  • 26. (Book : Kuby Immunology by Punt) Advantages • Due to their capacity for transient growth, these vaccine show prolonged immunogenicity and eliminate the need for repeated boosters. • Infectious microbes can stimulate generation of memory as well as humoral immune response. Disadvantages • Major disadvantage of these vaccine is the associated risk of reverting back to virulent form. • Since they are alive and their activity depends on their viability, proper storage is critical.
  • 28. Example: • Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis, developed in 1921 by Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin, caused by attenuation of the Mycobacterium bovis strain on a medium containing increasing concentration of bile. • The sabin polio vaccine is an example of attenuated vaccine, consisting of three attenuated strain of poliovirus. • Mumps vaccine consists of live attenuated strains of Paramyxvirus parotitidis. In many world regions, it is used to routinely vaccinate children, often a part f a combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). • Rabies vaccine, Yellow Fever vaccine, Vibrio cholera vaccine , Rota virus vaccine.
  • 29. Inactivated (killed) Vaccine  Inactivated vaccines or killed vaccines is a vaccine consist of virus, bacterial or other pathogens that have been grown in a specialized culture and then completely killed by heat, radiation or chemicals so it is no longer capable of replication in the host and to be effective must contain much more antigen than live vaccines. (Saadh et al , 2017) Plotkin, Vaccine Fact Book , 2013
  • 30. • Inactivated process is critically important to maintain the structure of epitopes on surface antigens during inactivation. • Excessive heat inactivation cause denaturation of protein, therefore the epitope depend on structure of protein are altered or damaged. • So the most successful methods to kill the pathogen depend on chemicals such as Formaldehyde, phenol, and binary ethylenimine (BEI). • Excessive treatment can destroy immunogenicity whereas insufficient treatment can leave infectious virus capable of causing disease Example:  The Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) is produced by formaldehyde treatment of the poliovirus.  Hepatitis A
  • 31. Subunit Vaccine (Purified Antigen Vaccine) • A vaccine composed of a purified Antigenic determinant that is separated from the virulent organism is called subunit vaccine. • It consists of only those antigens that elicit protective immunity. Subunit Vaccine Inactivated exotoxin Capsular polysaccharide Recombinant antigen World Health Organization (WHO)
  • 32. Toxoid (Inactivated Exotoxin) • Toxoid vaccines are made by purifying the bacterial exotoxin. • Toxicity of purified exotoxins is suppressed or inactivated either by heat or with formaldehyde (while maintaining immunogenicity) to form toxoids. Vaccination with toxoids induces anti-toxoid antibodies that are able to bind with the toxin and neutralize its deleterious effects. (Yadav et al, 2014). • Example : DPT Vaccine Research Catalog, 2016
  • 33. Capsulated Polysaccharide Vaccine • Bacteria can synthesize hundreds of chemically and immunologically different polysaccharides. • Vaccines composed of purified polysaccharides against meningococcus and pneumococcus were developed . • Unfortunately, those vaccines, while partially immunogenic in adults, were completely unable to induce an antibody response in infants and children, the population for whom the vaccines were mostly needed. • Later the problem was solved and reported that the bacterial CPSs become very immunogenic when covalently linked to a carrier protein and thus started working on a conjugate vaccine which worked beautifully in infants and children. (Rappuoli et al , 2019)
  • 34. Pure polysaccharide V/S Conjugate vaccine Rappuoli et al , 2019
  • 35. Conjugate Vaccine • A conjugate vaccine is created by covalently attaching a poor antigen (polysaccharide) to a strong antigen (protein/ toxoid) thereby eliciting a stronger immunological response to the poor antigen. • Example:  Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) Vaccine  Pneumococcal Vaccine  Meningococcal Vaccine
  • 36. Recombinant Subunit Vaccine • The use of recombinant DNA technology has made the development of subunit vaccine more efficient. • Recombinant subunit vaccines can be delivered as purified recombinant proteins, as proteins delivered using live non- pathogenic vectors (bacterial or viral) or as nucleic acid molecules encoding the antigen, thereby making the production safer and generally more efficient. • The first Recombinant subunit vaccine approved for human use is the Hepatitis B vaccine. (Andersson, 2000)
  • 37.
  • 38. DNA Vaccine • The DNA vaccines are simple rings of DNA containing a gene encoding an antigen, and a promoter/terminator to make the gene express in mammalian cells. • They are a promising new approach for generating all types of desired immunity: cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), T helper cells and antibodies. Liu, 2003
  • 39.
  • 41. Advantages of DNA Vaccines The main advantage of DNA vaccines is their ability to stimulate both the humoral and cellular arms of the adaptive immune system. Versatility: In addition to the prevention of infectious diseases, DNA vaccines may also be used to treat malignancies and autoimmune or genetic disorders. Due to the ability to genetically modify the antigen encoded by DNA vaccines, the vaccine provides a means to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies against pathogens such as HIV and the influenza virus. Flingai et al , 2013
  • 42. Recombinant Vector Vaccine • In this, genes that encode antigens isolated from a pathogen can be inserted into non-virulent viruses or bacteria. • Such recombinant micro-organisms serve as vectors, replicating within the host and expressing the gene product of the pathogen- encoded antigenic proteins. • A no. of organisms have been used for vector vaccines, including vaccinia virus, the canary pox virus, attenuated polio virus, adenovirus and others. (Book : Kuby Immunology by Punt)
  • 43.
  • 44. Formulation of Vaccine Vaccines include a variety of ingredients including antigens, stabilizers, adjuvants, antibiotics, surfactants, diluent, residual and preservatives.
  • 45. Antigen  All vaccines contain an active component (the antigen) which generates an immune response, or the blueprint for making the active component. Stabilizers  Stabilizers are used to help the vaccine maintain its effectiveness during the storage.  Instability can cause loss of antigenicity and decreased infectivity of LAV.  Factors affecting stability are temperature and acidity or alkalinity of the vaccine (pH).  Stabilizing agents include MgCl2 (for OPV), MgSO4 (for measles), lactose-sorbitol and sorbitol-gelatine.
  • 46. Adjuvants Added to vaccines to stimulate the production of antibodies against the vaccine to make it more effective. Chemically, adjuvants are a highly heterogeneous group of compounds with only one thing in common: their ability to enhance the immune response. Example : Aluminium salt (like aluminium phosphate, aluminium hydroxide or potassium aluminium sulphate), CpG ( Two nucleic acids, Cytosine(C) and Guanine (G) found in the DNA) are linked to form an adjuvant that is contained in a hepatitis B vaccine.
  • 47. Lambert et al , 2005
  • 49. Antibiotics  Antibiotics (in trace amounts) are used during the manufacturing phase to prevent bacterial contamination of the tissue culture cells in which the viruses are grown.  Usually only trace amounts appear in vaccines, for example, MMR vaccine and IPV each contain less than 25 micrograms of neomycin per dose (less than 0.000025 g).  Example: Neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, chlortetracyline and amphotericin B. WHO
  • 50. Preservatives  Preservatives are added to multidose vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal growth. They include a variety of substances.  Example:  Thiomersal (ethyl mercury-containing compound)  Formaldehyde(Used to inactivate viruses (e.g. IPV) and to detoxify bacterial toxins, such as the toxins used to make diphtheria and tetanus vaccines).  Phenol derivatives. Surfactants  Surfactants keep all the ingredients in the vaccine blended together. They prevent settling and clumping of elements that are in the liquid form of the vaccine.
  • 51. Residuals  Residuals are tiny amounts of various substances used during manufacturing or production of vaccines that are not active ingredients in the completed vaccine.  Substances will vary depending on the manufacturing process used and may include egg proteins, yeast or antibiotics. Residual traces of these substances which may be present in a vaccine are in such small quantities that they need to be measured as parts per million or parts per billion. Diluent  A diluent is a liquid used to dilute a vaccine to the correct concentration immediately prior to use. The most commonly used diluent is sterile water. WHO
  • 52. Route of Administration World Health Organization (WHO)
  • 53. Source : Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
  • 54. Vaccine Preclinical & Clinical Testing
  • 56. Regulatory Review and Approval  This step can only come after detailed applications and rigorous demonstration of Good Manufacturing Practices.  Regulatory review and approval processes then allow the manufacturer to receive FDA (Food and Drug Administration) licensing.  The process includes :  An Investigational New Drug application,  Pre-licensure vaccine clinical trials,  A BLA (Biologics License Application),  Inspection of the manufacturing facility,  Presentation of findings and usability testing of product labeling.
  • 57. Manufacturing  During this part of the process, vaccines are made.The production takes between six and 36 months. Several hundreds of quality tests will take place during that span.
  • 58.
  • 59. Quality Control  Using information from the public and healthcare providers, quality control continues through different agencies/methods long after a vaccine is licensed, manufactured and distributed.  As soon as public vaccine use starts, vaccine performance is constantly checked. Multiple systems and organizations monitor and test the vaccine. Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
  • 61. How do vaccine work against Covid19 ?  Scientist and researchers worldwide race to develop a vaccine in the fight against global pandemic (COVID-19) where main focus is to the so-called spike protein, which is present in the COVID virus.  The spike protein interacts with ACE2 proteins on human cells, facilitating infection of the cells, encouraging the virus to replicate and cause disease.  Several vaccines in development are aimed at exposing the body to spike protein and having the immune system recognize it as an antigen, or foreign.  The immune system then develops a response with specialized white blood cells that are aimed at either destroying the virus or producing antibodies that will block infection by the virus when exposed to the real pathogen.
  • 62. Host Immune Response against SARS-CoV2-infection Prompetchara et al, 2020
  • 63.
  • 64. The global COVID-19 vaccine landscape World Health Organization (WHO)
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67. Phase 3 Covid Vaccine Sputnik V mRNA-1273 Ad5 Covaxin
  • 68. Conclusion • Vaccination as a means of preventing infectious disease has had arguably the greatest impact on human health of any medical intervention. • Vaccine development is a complex multidisciplinary activity, combining understanding of host-pathogen interactions at the molecular level, with clinical science, population-level epidemiology and the biomechanical requirements of production • Increased understanding of the molecular nature of immune responses and advances in the technologies of gene sequencing and molecular biology have resulted in new approaches to vaccine development. • The ultimate goal is an affordable vaccine that generates strong and lasting immunity with the fewest possible side effects, implemented without the need for expensive cold chains.
  • 69. References • Plotkin, S. (2014). History of Vaccination. PNAS , 111(34): 12283-12287. • Punt, J., Stranford, S., Jones, P. and Owen., J. Book Kuby Immunology, 8th Edition. • Cunningham, A.L., Garcon, N., Leo, O., Friedland, L.R., Strugnell, R., Laupeze, B., Doherty, M. and Stern, P. (2016). Vaccine development: from concept to early clincal testing. Vaccine, 34(52): 6655-6664. • McCullers, J.A. (2007). Evolution, Benefits, and Shortcomings of Vaccine Management. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 13(7), 1-5. • Stern, A.M. and Markel, H. (2005). The History of Vaccines and Immunization: Familiar Patterns, New Challenges. Health Affairs,24(3): 611-621. • Ploktin. S. (2013). Vaccine Fact Book .PhRMA. • Duffy, P.E. and Gorres, J.P. (2020). Malaria vaccines since 2000: progress, priorities, products. Nature partner Journal/ Vaccine,5(48): 1-9. • Rappuoli, R., Gregoroi, E.D. and Costantino, P. (2019). On the mechanisms of Conjugate Vaccines. PNAS, 116(1): 14-16. • Flingai, S., Czerwonko, M., Goodman, J., Kudchodkar, S.B., Muthumani, K. and Weiner, D.B. (2013). Synthetic DNA vaccines: improved vaccine potency by electroporation and co- delivered genetic adjuvants. Fronteir Immunology, 4: 354.
  • 70. • Saadh, M.J., Sbaih, H.M., Mustafa, A.M., Alawadie, B.A., Abunuwar, M.J., Aldhoun, M., Naser, A., Dakkah, H. and Al-Jaidi, B. (2017). Whole Organism Vaccine(Attenuated and Killed Vaccines). Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 9(10): 1-4. • Liu, M.A. (2003). DNA vaccines: a review. Journal of Internal Medicine, 253: 402-410. • Andersson, C. (2000). Production and delivery of recombinant subunit vaccines. KTH, Sweden. 1-92. • Prompetchara, E., Ketloy, C. and Palaga, T. (2020). Immune responses in COVID-19 and potential vaccines: Lessons learned from SARS and MERS epidemic . Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 38: 1-9. • Yadav, D.K., Yadav, N. and Khurana, S.M.P. (2014). Vaccines: Present Status and Applications .Animal Biotechnology, 491-508. • Lambert, P.H., Liu, M. and Slegrist, C.A. (2005). Can successful vaccines teach us how to induce efficient protective immune responses? . Nature Medicine Supplement , 11(4): 54-62. • World Health Organisation (WHO).