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Meaning Of Recruitment
According to Edwin B. Flippo, recruitment is the process of searching the candidates
for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation". Recruitment
is the activity that links the employers and the job
seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are:

 A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The
process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are
submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.

 It isthe process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of
staffing schedule and to employ effective

measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection
of an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a
pool of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the
right candidate for the right job from this pool. The
main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of
qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies
do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger
initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.


i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.

Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by
studying trends in internal and external environment.

Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

The Purpose and Importance of Recruitment are given below:

 Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organisation.

 Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates
for the organisation.

 Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction
with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.
recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.

 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

 Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of
visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

 Help reduce theprobability that job applicants once recruited and selected will
leave the organization only after a short period of time.

 Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition
of its workforce.

 Begin identifying and prepa
                            ring potential job applicants who will be appropriate

 Increase organization and individual effectiveness of variousrecruiting
techniques and sources for all types of job applicants

The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department
and recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and
the recruitment strategic advantage for the organisations. Recruitment process
involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting
the interviews and requires
many resources and time. A general recruitment process is as follows:

Identifying the vacancy:
The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving
requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. These contain:

•Posts to be filled
•Number of persons
•Duties to be performed •
Qualifications require

   • Preparing the job description and person specification.
   • Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of
       employees (Advertising etc).

   • Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with required

   • Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates.
   • Conducting the interview and decision making
1. Identify vacancy

 2. Prepare job description and person specification

 3. Advertising the vacancy

 4. Managing the response

 5. Short-listing

 6. Arrange interviews

 7. Conducting interview and decision making

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final
interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment

Sources Of Recruitment

Every organisation has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes
from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the
organisation itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions)
to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment
candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the
external sources of The recruitment.

Internal Sources Of Recruitment

Some Internal Sources Of Recruitments are given below:


The employees are transferred from one department to another according to their
efficiency                     and                     experience.


The employees are promoted from one department to another with more benefits and
greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience.

3. Others are Upgrading and Demotion of present employees according to their

4. Retired and Retrenched employees may also be recruited once again in case of shortage
of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. recruitment such people save time and
costs of the organisations as the people are already aware of the organisational culture and
the policies and procedures.

5. The dependents and relatives of Deceased employees and Disabled employees are
also done by many companies so that the members of the family do not become dependent
on the mercy of others.

External Sources Of Recruitment
Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and journals are a widely used
source of recruitment. The main advantage of this method is that it has a wide reach.


Various management institutes, engineering colleges, medical Colleges etc. are a good
source of recruiting well qualified executives, engineers, medical staff etc. They provide
facilities for campus interviews and placements. This source is
known                       as                    Campus                       Recruitment.


Several private consultancy firms perform recruitment functions on behalf of client
companies by charging a fee. These agencies are particularly suitable for recruitment of
executives and specialists. It is also known as RPO (Recruitment
Process Outsourcing)

       Government establishes public employment exchanges throughout the country.
       These exchanges provide job information to job seekers and help employers in
       identifying suitable candidates.

       Manual workers can be recruited through contractors who maintain close contacts
       with the sources of such workers. This source is used to recruit labour for
       construction jobs.

       Many job seekers visit the office of well-known companies on their own. Such
       callers are considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the enterprise. But can
       help in creating the talent pool or the database of the probable candidates for the

       Many organisations have structured system where the current employees of the
       organisation can refer their friends and relatives for some position in their
       organisation. Also, the office bearers of trade unions are often aware of the
       suitability of candidates. Recruitment Management can inquire these leaders for
       suitable jobs. In some organizations these are formal agreements to give priority in
       recruitment to the candidates recommended by the trade union.


Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory gate these may be employed whenever a
permanent worker is absent. More efficient among these may be recruited to fill permanent

Factors Affecting Recruitment

The recruitment function of the organisations is affected and governed by a mix of
various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the
factors that can be controlled by the organisation. And the external factors are
those factors which cannot be controlled by the organisation. The internal and
external forces affecting recruitment function of an organisation are:


Recruitment Policy Of a Company

In today's rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy is
necessary for organizations to respond to its human resource requirements in time.
Therefore, it is important to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, which
can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the right
candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the first
step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensure a
sound recruitment process.

It specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation
of recruitment programme. It may involve organizational system to be developed for
implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling
up            vacancies            with         best          qualified          people.


   • The general recruitment policies and terms of the organisation
   • Recruitment services of consultants
   • Recruitment of temporary employees
   • Unique recruitment situations
   • The selection process
   • The job descriptions
• The terms and conditions of the employment
A recruitment policy of an organisation should be such that:

   • It should focus on recruiting the best potential people.
   • To ensure that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity
       and respect.

   • Unbiased policy.
   • To aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential.
   • Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection.
   • Weight age during selection given to factors that suit organization needs.
   • Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process.
   • Defining the competent authority to approve each selection.
   • Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment

   • Integrates employee needs with the organisational needs.

   • Organizational objectives
   • Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.
   • Government policies on reservations.
   • Preferred sources of recruitment.
   • Need of the organization.
   • Recruitment costs and financial implications.
Recent Trends in Recruitment

The following trends are being seen in recruitment:

In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company
may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the
organisation by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the
organisation and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the
organisation. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people
for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn,
the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organisations for their services.
Advantages of outsourcing are:

   1. Company need not plan for human resources much in advance.

   2. Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage

   3. turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM

   4. Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable

   5. Company can save a lot of its resources and time

       "Buying talent" (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed
       by the organisations today. Poaching means employing a competent and
       experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or
       different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry. A
       company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages
       and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate.
       But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about. Indian software
       and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of poaching today.
       It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle
       poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm.

       Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E-
       recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They
       advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their
       applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet.
       Alternatively job seekers place their CV's in worldwide web, which can be drawn
       by prospective employees depending upon their requirements.

       Advantages of recruitment are:

           o   Low cost.

           o   No intermediaries

           o   Reduction in time for recruitment.

           o   Recruitment of right type of people.

           o   Efficiency of recruitment process.

The buzzword and the latest trends in recruitment is the "E-Recruitment". Also known as
"Online recruitment", it is the use of technology or the web based tools to assist the
recruitment processes. The tool can be either a job website like, the
organisation's corporate web site or its own intranet. Many big and small organizations are
using Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide
web. The job seekers send their applications or
curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job
seekers place their CV's in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees
depending upon their requirements.

The internet penetration in India is increasing and has tremendous potential. According to
a study by NASSCOM - "Jobs is among the top reasons why new users will come on to the
internet, besides e-mail." There are more than 18 million
resume's             floating          online           across         the          world.

The two kinds of e-recruitment that an organisation can use is -

Job portals - i.e. posting the position with the job description and the job
specification on the job portal and also searching for the suitable resumes posted on the site
corresponding to the opening in the organisation.

 Creating a complete online recruitment/application section in the companies
own website. - Companies have added an application system to its website, where the
'passive' job seekers can submit their resumes into the database of the organisation for
consideration in future, as and when the roles become available.

Resume Scanners: Resume scanner is one major benefit provided by the job portals to the
organisations. It enables the employees to screen and filter the resumes through pre-
defined criteria's and requirements (skills, qualifications,
experience,             payroll         etc.)            of        the        j ob.

Job sites provide a 24*7 access to the database of the resumes to the employees facilitating
the just-in-time hiring by the organisations. Also, the jobs can be posted on the site almost
immediately and is also cheaper than advertising in the employment newspapers.
Sometimes companies can get valuable references through the "passers-by" applicants.
Online recruitment helps the organisations to automate the recruitment process, save their
time and costs on recruitments.

Online recruitment techniques

   • Giving a detailed job description and job specifications in the job postings to
       attract candidates with the right skill sets and qualifications at the first stage.

   • E-recruitment should be incorporated into the overall recruitment strategy
       of the organisation.

   • A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be
       integrated and the system should have a back-end support.

   • Along with the back-office support a comprehensive website to receive and
       process job applications (through direct or online advertising) should be

Therefore, to conclude, it can be said that e-recruitment is the "Evolving face of

Advantage & Disadvantage Of E-Recruitment
Recruitment Vs Selection

Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process.
The         differences          between           the         two         are:

1. The recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation WHEREAS selection involves the
series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the
most           suitable         persons           for         vacant      posts.

2. The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the
selection of best candidates for the organisation, by attracting more and more employees to
apply in the organisation WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the
right candidate to fill the various positions in the organisation.

3. Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees to apply
WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the
unsuitable                                                                    candidates.

4. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS
selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate
through            various             interviews           and        tests.

5. There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment WHEREAS selection
results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee.

Types Of Job Seekers

1. Quid Pro Que

These are the people who say that " I can do this for you, what can you give me" These
people value high responsibilities, higher risks, and expect higher rewards, personal
development and company profiles doesn't matter to them.

2. I-will-be-with-you

These people like to be with big brands. Importance is given to brands. They are not
bothered about work ethic, culture mission etc.

3. I-will-do-you-what-you-want

These people are concerned about how meaningful the job is and they define
meaning        parameters        criteria   known           by      previous             job.

These people observe things like where is your office, what atmosphere do you offer.
Career prospects and exciting projects don't entice them as much. It is the responsibility of
the recruiter to decide what the employee might face in given job and thus take decision. A
good decision will help cut down employee retention costs and future recruitment costs.
Internal Factors Affecting Recruitment

The internal factors or forces which affecting recruitment and can be
controlled     by    the    organisation     are     1.    RECRUITMENT            POLICY
The recruitment policy of an organisation specifies the objectives of recruitment and
provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programme. It may involve
organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment
programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with best qualified people.


• Organizational objectives
• Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.
Government policies on reservations.

• Preferred sources of recruitment.
• Need of the organization.
• Recruitment costs and financial implications.

Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in the existing
manpower of the organization. It also helps in determining the number of employees to be
recruited and what qualification they must possess.


The size of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If the organization is
planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring more
personnel, which will handle its operations.

   4. COST

Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organizations try to employ that source of
recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for each


Organization will employ or think of employing more personnel if it is expanding it's operations.


The size of the labour market, the image of the company, the place of posting, the nature of job, the
compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner of aspirants are likely to
respond to the recruiting efforts of the company. Through the process of recruitment the company tries
to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels.
Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection.

Definition To select means to choose. Selection is the process of picking
individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organisation. The basic purpose is to
choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified


The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirements of
the job in an organisation best, to find out which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this
goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age,
qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with the profile of candidates.
The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the unsuitable applicants through
successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is matched to a job is very important
because it is directly affects the amount and quality of employee's work. Any mismatch in this regard
can cost an organisation a great deal of money, time and trouble, especially, in terms of training and
operating costs. In course of time, the employee may find the job distasteful and leave in frustration.
He may even circulate negative information about the company, causing incalculable harm to the
company in the long run. Effective election, therefore, demands constant monitoring of the 'fit'
between people the job.

The Process

Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before the
applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place on each step will definitely vary from
one organisation to another and indeed, from job to job within the same organisation. The sequence of
steps may also vary from job to job and organisation to organisation. For example some organisations
may give more importance to testing while others give more emphasis to interviews and reference
checks. Similarly a single brief selection interview might be enough for applicants for lower level
positions, while applicants for managerial jobs might be interviewed by a number of people.
1. Reception

A        company          is known         by       the people it employs. In order to attract
people with talents, skills and experience          a company has to create           a
favourable impression on the applicants' right from the stage of reception. Whoever meets the
applicant initially should be tactful and able to extend help in a friendly and courteous way.
Employment possibilities must be presented honestly and clearly. If no jobs are available at that point
of time, the applicant may be asked to call back the personnel department after some time.

2. Screening Interview

A preliminary interview is generally planned by large organisations to cut the cost of selection by
allowing only eligible candidates to go through the further stages in selection. A junior executive from
the Personnel Department may elicit responses from the applicants on important items determining the
suitability of an applicant for a job such as age, education, experience, pay expectations, aptitude,
location, choice etc. this 'courtesy interview' as it is often called helps the department screen out
obvious misfits. If the department finds the candidate suitable,
a prescribed application form is given to the applicants to fill and submit.

3.Application Blank
Application blank or form is one of the most common methods used
to collect information on the various aspects of the applicants' academic, social, demographic, work
related background and references. It is a brief history sheet of employee's background.

Usefulness of Application Blank or Form

Application blank is highly useful selection tool, in that way it serves
three important purposes:

1. It introduces the candidate to the company in a formal way.
2. It helps the company to have a cross-comparison of the applicants;
the company can screen and reject candidates if they fail to meet the eligibility criteria at this stage
3. It can serve as a basis to initiate a dialogue in the interview.

4.Selection Testing

Selection tests or the employment tests are conducted to assess intelligence, abilities, and
personality trait.

A test is a standardized, objective measure of a person's behaviour, performance or attitude. It is
standardised because the way the tests is carried out, the environment in which the test is
administered and the way the individual scores are calculated- are uniformly applied. It is objective
in that it tries to measure individual differences in a scientific way giving
very little room for individual bias and interpretation. Some of them are

1. Intelligence Tests: These are mental ability tests. They measure the
incumbent's learning ability and the ability to understand instructions and make judgements. The
basic objective of such test is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at learning things so
that they can be offered adequate training to improve their skills for the benefit of the organization.
2. Aptitude Test: Aptitude test measure an individual's potential to learn
certain skills- clerical, mechanical, mathematical, etc. These tests indicate whether or not an
individual has the capabilities to learn a given job quickly and efficiently. In order to recruit
efficient office staff,
aptitude tests are necessary
3. Personality Test: The definition of personality, methods of measuring
personality factors and the relationship between personality factors and actual job criteria has been
the subject of much discussion. Researchers have also questioned whether applicants answer all the
items truthfully or whether they try to respond in a socially desirable manner. Regardless of these
objections, many people still consider personality as an important component of job success.
4. Simulation Tests: Simulation exercise is a tests which duplicate many
of the activities and problems an employee faces while at work.

5. Graphology Test: Graphology involves using a trained evaluator to
examine the lines, loops, hooks, stokes, curves and flourishes in a person's handwriting to assess
the person's personality and emotional make-up.
6. Polygraph (Lie-Detector) tests: the polygraph records physical
changes in the body as the tests subject answers a series of questions. It records fluctuations in
respiration, blood pressure and perspiration on a moving roll of graph paper. The polygraph
operator forms a judgement as to whether the subject's response was truthful or deceptive by
examining the biological movements recorded on the paper.

Tests are useful selection devices in that they uncover qualifications and talents that can't be
detected otherwise. They can be used to predict how well one would perform if one is hired, why
one behaves the way one does, what situational factors influence employee productivity, etc. Tests
also provide unbiased information that can be put to scientific and statistical analysis.

However, tests suffer from sizeable errors of estimate. Most psychological tests also have one
common weakness, that is, we can't use scales which have a known zero point and equal intervals.
An intelligence test, for example starts at an arbitrary point, where a person may not be able to
answer question properly. This does not mean that the person is totally lacking in intelligence.
Likewise, a person who is able to answer all the 10 questions correctly cannot be called twice as
intelligent as the one who was able to answer only 5.

SELECTION INTERVIEW: Interview is the oral examination of candidates for employment.
This is the most essential step in the selection process. In this step the interviewer matches the
information obtained about the candidates through various means to the job requirements and to
the information obtained through his own observations during the interview.
Interview gives the recruiter an opportunity

         To size up the candidate personally;
         To ask question that are not covered in the tests;
         To make judgments on candidates enthusiasm and intelligence;
         To assess subjective aspects of the candidate - facial expressions,
appearance, nervousness and so forth;
   To give facts to the candidates regarding the company, its policies,
etc. and promote goodwill towards the company.

Types of interviews:

Several types of interviews are commonly used depending on the nature and importance of the
position to be filled within an organization.

In a non directive interview the recruiter asks questions as they come to mind. There is no specific
format to be followed.

In a patterned interview, the employer follows a pre-determined sequence of questions. Here the
interviewee is given a special form containing questions regarding his technical competence,
personality traits, attitudes, motivation, etc.

In a structured or situational interview, there are fixed job related questions that are presented to
each applicant.

In a panel interview several interviewers question and seek answers from one applicant. The panel
members can ask new and incisive questions based on their expertise and experience and elicit
deeper and more meaningful expertise from candidates.
Interviews can also be designed to create a difficult environment where the applicant's confidence
level and the ability to stand erect in difficult situations are put to test. These are referred to as the
stress interview. This is basically an interview in which the applicant is made uncomfortable by a
series of, often, rude, annoying or embarrassing questions.

Steps in interview process:

Interview is an art. It demands a positive frame of mind on part of the interviewers. Interviewers
must be treated properly so as to leave a good impression about the company in their minds. HR
experts have identified
certain steps to be followed while conducting interviews:


•       Establishing the objective of the interview

•       Receiving the candidates application and resume

•       Keeping tests score ready, along with interview assessment forms

•       Selecting the interview method to be followed

•       Choosing the panel of experts who would interview the candidates

•       Identifying proper room for environment

1.RECEPTION: The candidate should be properly received and led into
the interview room. Start the interview on time.


•      State the purpose of the interview, how the qualifications are going
to be matched with skills needed to handle the job.

•      Begin with open-ended questions where the candidate gets enough
freedom to express himself.

•         Focus on the applicant's education, training, work experience, etc.
Find unexplained gaps in applicants past work or college record and
elicit facts that are not mentioned in the resume.

3.EVALUATION: Evaluation is done on basis of answers and justification given by the applicant
in the interview.

decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to
undergo a physical fitness test. A job offer is often contingent upon the candidate being declared fit
after the physical examination.

5.REFERENCE CHECKS: Once the interview and medical examination of the candidate is
over, the personnel department will engage in checking references. Candidates are required to give
the names of 2 or 3 references in their application forms. These references may be from the
individuals who are familiar with the candidate's academic achievements or from the applicant's
previous employer, who is well versed with the applicant's job performance and sometimes from
the co-workers.


The line manager has to make the final decision now - whether to select or reject a candidate after
soliciting the required information through different techniques discussed earlier. The line manager
has to take adequate care in taking the final decision because of economic, behavioral and social
implications of the selection decisions. A careless decision of rejecting a candidate would impair
the morale of the people and they suspect the selection procedure and the very basis of selection in
a particular organization.

A true understanding between line managers and personnel managers should be established so as
to facilitate good selection decisions. After taking the final decision, the organization has to
intimate this decision to the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. The
organization sends the appointment order to the successful candidates
either immediately or after sometime depending upon its time schedule.

Interviewing Mistakes: May have been influenced by 'cultural noise, snap judgments, halo
effect, stereotyping, first impression etc.


A clear, accurate and up-to-date job description is crucial to ensuring a good person-job fit. It is
worthwhile spending some time making sure that the job description matches the everyday reality
of the job.


Periodically evaluating the effectiveness of your recruitment strategy, such as the type of sources
used for recruiting, can be a useful activity. For instance, a cost-benefit analysis can be done in
terms of the number of applicants referred, interviewed, selected, and hired. Comparing the
effectiveness of applicants hired from various sources in terms of job performance and absenteeism
is also helpful. One could also examine the retention rates of workers who were hired from
different sources.

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Recruitment & Selection

  • 1. RECRUITMENT Meaning Of Recruitment According to Edwin B. Flippo, recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation". Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are:  A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.  It isthe process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process. Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy. RECRUITMENT NEEDS ARE OF THREE PLANNED i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.  ANTICIPATED Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment. UNEXPECTED Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs. The Purpose and Importance of Recruitment are given below:  Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organisation.  Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation.  Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.
  • 2. recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.  Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.  Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.  Help reduce theprobability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time.  Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce.  Begin identifying and prepa ring potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.  Increase organization and individual effectiveness of variousrecruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department and recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and the recruitment strategic advantage for the organisations. Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time. A general recruitment process is as follows: Identifying the vacancy: The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. These contain: •Posts to be filled •Number of persons •Duties to be performed • Qualifications require • Preparing the job description and person specification. • Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees (Advertising etc). • Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with required characteristics. • Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates. • Conducting the interview and decision making
  • 3. 1. Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews 7. Conducting interview and decision making The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities. Sources Of Recruitment Every organisation has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organisation itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of The recruitment.
  • 4. SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT Internal Sources Of Recruitment Some Internal Sources Of Recruitments are given below: 1. TRANSFERS The employees are transferred from one department to another according to their efficiency and experience. 2. PROMOTIONS The employees are promoted from one department to another with more benefits and greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience. 3. Others are Upgrading and Demotion of present employees according to their performance. 4. Retired and Retrenched employees may also be recruited once again in case of shortage of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. recruitment such people save time and costs of the organisations as the people are already aware of the organisational culture and the policies and procedures. 5. The dependents and relatives of Deceased employees and Disabled employees are also done by many companies so that the members of the family do not become dependent on the mercy of others. External Sources Of Recruitment
  • 5. Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and journals are a widely used source of recruitment. The main advantage of this method is that it has a wide reach. 2. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES Various management institutes, engineering colleges, medical Colleges etc. are a good source of recruiting well qualified executives, engineers, medical staff etc. They provide facilities for campus interviews and placements. This source is known as Campus Recruitment. 3. PLACEMENT AGENCIES Several private consultancy firms perform recruitment functions on behalf of client companies by charging a fee. These agencies are particularly suitable for recruitment of executives and specialists. It is also known as RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) 4. EMPLOYMENT-EXCHANGES Government establishes public employment exchanges throughout the country. These exchanges provide job information to job seekers and help employers in identifying suitable candidates. 5. LABOUR-CONTRACTORS Manual workers can be recruited through contractors who maintain close contacts with the sources of such workers. This source is used to recruit labour for construction jobs. 6. UNSOLICITED-APPLICANTS Many job seekers visit the office of well-known companies on their own. Such callers are considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the enterprise. But can help in creating the talent pool or the database of the probable candidates for the organisation. 7. EMPLOYEE-REFERRALS-/-RECOMMENDATIONS Many organisations have structured system where the current employees of the organisation can refer their friends and relatives for some position in their organisation. Also, the office bearers of trade unions are often aware of the suitability of candidates. Recruitment Management can inquire these leaders for suitable jobs. In some organizations these are formal agreements to give priority in recruitment to the candidates recommended by the trade union. RECRUITMENT AT FACTORY GATE Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory gate these may be employed whenever a permanent worker is absent. More efficient among these may be recruited to fill permanent vacancies. Factors Affecting Recruitment The recruitment function of the organisations is affected and governed by a mix of various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the
  • 6. factors that can be controlled by the organisation. And the external factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organisation. The internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of an organisation are: FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT Recruitment Policy Of a Company In today's rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy is necessary for organizations to respond to its human resource requirements in time. Therefore, it is important to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the right candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the first step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensure a sound recruitment process. It specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programme. It may involve organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with best qualified people. COMPONENTS OF THE RECRUITMENT POLICY • The general recruitment policies and terms of the organisation • Recruitment services of consultants • Recruitment of temporary employees • Unique recruitment situations • The selection process • The job descriptions
  • 7. • The terms and conditions of the employment A recruitment policy of an organisation should be such that: • It should focus on recruiting the best potential people. • To ensure that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity and respect. • Unbiased policy. • To aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential. • Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection. • Weight age during selection given to factors that suit organization needs. • Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process. • Defining the competent authority to approve each selection. • Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment relationship. • Integrates employee needs with the organisational needs. FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT POLICY • Organizational objectives • Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors. • Government policies on reservations. • Preferred sources of recruitment. • Need of the organization. • Recruitment costs and financial implications. Recent Trends in Recruitment The following trends are being seen in recruitment:  OUTSOURCING In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the organisation by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organisation and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the organisation. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organisations for their services.
  • 8. Advantages of outsourcing are: 1. Company need not plan for human resources much in advance. 2. Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage 3. turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM 4. Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates. 5. Company can save a lot of its resources and time • POACHING/RAIDING "Buying talent" (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organisations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm. • E-RECRUITMENT Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV's in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements. Advantages of recruitment are: o Low cost. o No intermediaries o Reduction in time for recruitment. o Recruitment of right type of people. o Efficiency of recruitment process. The buzzword and the latest trends in recruitment is the "E-Recruitment". Also known as "Online recruitment", it is the use of technology or the web based tools to assist the recruitment processes. The tool can be either a job website like, the organisation's corporate web site or its own intranet. Many big and small organizations are using Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or
  • 9. curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV's in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements. The internet penetration in India is increasing and has tremendous potential. According to a study by NASSCOM - "Jobs is among the top reasons why new users will come on to the internet, besides e-mail." There are more than 18 million resume's floating online across the world. The two kinds of e-recruitment that an organisation can use is - Job portals - i.e. posting the position with the job description and the job specification on the job portal and also searching for the suitable resumes posted on the site corresponding to the opening in the organisation.  Creating a complete online recruitment/application section in the companies own website. - Companies have added an application system to its website, where the 'passive' job seekers can submit their resumes into the database of the organisation for consideration in future, as and when the roles become available. Resume Scanners: Resume scanner is one major benefit provided by the job portals to the organisations. It enables the employees to screen and filter the resumes through pre- defined criteria's and requirements (skills, qualifications, experience, payroll etc.) of the j ob. Job sites provide a 24*7 access to the database of the resumes to the employees facilitating the just-in-time hiring by the organisations. Also, the jobs can be posted on the site almost immediately and is also cheaper than advertising in the employment newspapers. Sometimes companies can get valuable references through the "passers-by" applicants. Online recruitment helps the organisations to automate the recruitment process, save their time and costs on recruitments. Online recruitment techniques • Giving a detailed job description and job specifications in the job postings to attract candidates with the right skill sets and qualifications at the first stage. • E-recruitment should be incorporated into the overall recruitment strategy of the organisation. • A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be integrated and the system should have a back-end support. • Along with the back-office support a comprehensive website to receive and process job applications (through direct or online advertising) should be developed. Therefore, to conclude, it can be said that e-recruitment is the "Evolving face of recruitment." Advantage & Disadvantage Of E-Recruitment
  • 10. Recruitment Vs Selection Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process. The differences between the two are: 1. The recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation WHEREAS selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. 2. The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organisation WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organisation. 3. Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees to apply WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates. 4. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interviews and tests. 5. There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment WHEREAS selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee. Types Of Job Seekers 1. Quid Pro Que These are the people who say that " I can do this for you, what can you give me" These people value high responsibilities, higher risks, and expect higher rewards, personal development and company profiles doesn't matter to them. 2. I-will-be-with-you These people like to be with big brands. Importance is given to brands. They are not bothered about work ethic, culture mission etc. 3. I-will-do-you-what-you-want These people are concerned about how meaningful the job is and they define meaning parameters criteria known by previous job. 4.-Where-do-you-want-me-to-come These people observe things like where is your office, what atmosphere do you offer. Career prospects and exciting projects don't entice them as much. It is the responsibility of the recruiter to decide what the employee might face in given job and thus take decision. A good decision will help cut down employee retention costs and future recruitment costs.
  • 11. Internal Factors Affecting Recruitment The internal factors or forces which affecting recruitment and can be controlled by the organisation are 1. RECRUITMENT POLICY The recruitment policy of an organisation specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programme. It may involve organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with best qualified people. FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT POLICY • Organizational objectives • Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors. Government policies on reservations. • Preferred sources of recruitment. • Need of the organization. • Recruitment costs and financial implications. 2. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in the existing manpower of the organization. It also helps in determining the number of employees to be recruited and what qualification they must possess. 3. SIZE OF THE FIRM The size of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If the organization is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations. 4. COST Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organizations try to employ that source of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for each candidate. GROWTH AND EXPANSION Organization will employ or think of employing more personnel if it is expanding it's operations.
  • 12. SELECTION Introduction The size of the labour market, the image of the company, the place of posting, the nature of job, the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner of aspirants are likely to respond to the recruiting efforts of the company. Through the process of recruitment the company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection. Definition To select means to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organisation. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates. Purpose The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirements of the job in an organisation best, to find out which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with the profile of candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the unsuitable applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is matched to a job is very important because it is directly affects the amount and quality of employee's work. Any mismatch in this regard can cost an organisation a great deal of money, time and trouble, especially, in terms of training and operating costs. In course of time, the employee may find the job distasteful and leave in frustration. He may even circulate negative information about the company, causing incalculable harm to the company in the long run. Effective election, therefore, demands constant monitoring of the 'fit' between people the job. The Process Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before the applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place on each step will definitely vary from one organisation to another and indeed, from job to job within the same organisation. The sequence of steps may also vary from job to job and organisation to organisation. For example some organisations may give more importance to testing while others give more emphasis to interviews and reference checks. Similarly a single brief selection interview might be enough for applicants for lower level positions, while applicants for managerial jobs might be interviewed by a number of people. STEPS IN SELECTION PROCESS
  • 13. 1. Reception A company is known by the people it employs. In order to attract people with talents, skills and experience a company has to create a favourable impression on the applicants' right from the stage of reception. Whoever meets the applicant initially should be tactful and able to extend help in a friendly and courteous way. Employment possibilities must be presented honestly and clearly. If no jobs are available at that point of time, the applicant may be asked to call back the personnel department after some time. 2. Screening Interview A preliminary interview is generally planned by large organisations to cut the cost of selection by allowing only eligible candidates to go through the further stages in selection. A junior executive from the Personnel Department may elicit responses from the applicants on important items determining the suitability of an applicant for a job such as age, education, experience, pay expectations, aptitude, location, choice etc. this 'courtesy interview' as it is often called helps the department screen out obvious misfits. If the department finds the candidate suitable, a prescribed application form is given to the applicants to fill and submit. 3.Application Blank
  • 14. Application blank or form is one of the most common methods used to collect information on the various aspects of the applicants' academic, social, demographic, work related background and references. It is a brief history sheet of employee's background. Usefulness of Application Blank or Form Application blank is highly useful selection tool, in that way it serves three important purposes: 1. It introduces the candidate to the company in a formal way. 2. It helps the company to have a cross-comparison of the applicants; the company can screen and reject candidates if they fail to meet the eligibility criteria at this stage itself. 3. It can serve as a basis to initiate a dialogue in the interview. 4.Selection Testing Selection tests or the employment tests are conducted to assess intelligence, abilities, and personality trait. A test is a standardized, objective measure of a person's behaviour, performance or attitude. It is standardised because the way the tests is carried out, the environment in which the test is administered and the way the individual scores are calculated- are uniformly applied. It is objective in that it tries to measure individual differences in a scientific way giving very little room for individual bias and interpretation. Some of them are 1. Intelligence Tests: These are mental ability tests. They measure the incumbent's learning ability and the ability to understand instructions and make judgements. The basic objective of such test is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at learning things so that they can be offered adequate training to improve their skills for the benefit of the organization. 2. Aptitude Test: Aptitude test measure an individual's potential to learn certain skills- clerical, mechanical, mathematical, etc. These tests indicate whether or not an individual has the capabilities to learn a given job quickly and efficiently. In order to recruit efficient office staff, aptitude tests are necessary 3. Personality Test: The definition of personality, methods of measuring personality factors and the relationship between personality factors and actual job criteria has been the subject of much discussion. Researchers have also questioned whether applicants answer all the items truthfully or whether they try to respond in a socially desirable manner. Regardless of these objections, many people still consider personality as an important component of job success. 4. Simulation Tests: Simulation exercise is a tests which duplicate many of the activities and problems an employee faces while at work. 5. Graphology Test: Graphology involves using a trained evaluator to examine the lines, loops, hooks, stokes, curves and flourishes in a person's handwriting to assess the person's personality and emotional make-up. 6. Polygraph (Lie-Detector) tests: the polygraph records physical changes in the body as the tests subject answers a series of questions. It records fluctuations in respiration, blood pressure and perspiration on a moving roll of graph paper. The polygraph operator forms a judgement as to whether the subject's response was truthful or deceptive by examining the biological movements recorded on the paper.
  • 15. TEST AS SELECTION TOOL: Tests are useful selection devices in that they uncover qualifications and talents that can't be detected otherwise. They can be used to predict how well one would perform if one is hired, why one behaves the way one does, what situational factors influence employee productivity, etc. Tests also provide unbiased information that can be put to scientific and statistical analysis. However, tests suffer from sizeable errors of estimate. Most psychological tests also have one common weakness, that is, we can't use scales which have a known zero point and equal intervals. An intelligence test, for example starts at an arbitrary point, where a person may not be able to answer question properly. This does not mean that the person is totally lacking in intelligence. Likewise, a person who is able to answer all the 10 questions correctly cannot be called twice as intelligent as the one who was able to answer only 5. SELECTION INTERVIEW: Interview is the oral examination of candidates for employment. This is the most essential step in the selection process. In this step the interviewer matches the information obtained about the candidates through various means to the job requirements and to the information obtained through his own observations during the interview. Interview gives the recruiter an opportunity To size up the candidate personally; To ask question that are not covered in the tests; To make judgments on candidates enthusiasm and intelligence; To assess subjective aspects of the candidate - facial expressions, appearance, nervousness and so forth; To give facts to the candidates regarding the company, its policies, etc. and promote goodwill towards the company. Types of interviews: Several types of interviews are commonly used depending on the nature and importance of the position to be filled within an organization. In a non directive interview the recruiter asks questions as they come to mind. There is no specific format to be followed. In a patterned interview, the employer follows a pre-determined sequence of questions. Here the interviewee is given a special form containing questions regarding his technical competence, personality traits, attitudes, motivation, etc. In a structured or situational interview, there are fixed job related questions that are presented to each applicant. In a panel interview several interviewers question and seek answers from one applicant. The panel members can ask new and incisive questions based on their expertise and experience and elicit deeper and more meaningful expertise from candidates.
  • 16. Interviews can also be designed to create a difficult environment where the applicant's confidence level and the ability to stand erect in difficult situations are put to test. These are referred to as the stress interview. This is basically an interview in which the applicant is made uncomfortable by a series of, often, rude, annoying or embarrassing questions. Steps in interview process: Interview is an art. It demands a positive frame of mind on part of the interviewers. Interviewers must be treated properly so as to leave a good impression about the company in their minds. HR experts have identified certain steps to be followed while conducting interviews: PREPARATION: • Establishing the objective of the interview • Receiving the candidates application and resume • Keeping tests score ready, along with interview assessment forms • Selecting the interview method to be followed • Choosing the panel of experts who would interview the candidates • Identifying proper room for environment 1.RECEPTION: The candidate should be properly received and led into the interview room. Start the interview on time. 2.INFORMATION EXCHANGE: • State the purpose of the interview, how the qualifications are going to be matched with skills needed to handle the job. • Begin with open-ended questions where the candidate gets enough freedom to express himself. • Focus on the applicant's education, training, work experience, etc. Find unexplained gaps in applicants past work or college record and elicit facts that are not mentioned in the resume. 3.EVALUATION: Evaluation is done on basis of answers and justification given by the applicant in the interview. 4. PHYSICAL AND MEDICAL EXAMINATION: After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to
  • 17. undergo a physical fitness test. A job offer is often contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after the physical examination. 5.REFERENCE CHECKS: Once the interview and medical examination of the candidate is over, the personnel department will engage in checking references. Candidates are required to give the names of 2 or 3 references in their application forms. These references may be from the individuals who are familiar with the candidate's academic achievements or from the applicant's previous employer, who is well versed with the applicant's job performance and sometimes from the co-workers. HIRING DECISION: The line manager has to make the final decision now - whether to select or reject a candidate after soliciting the required information through different techniques discussed earlier. The line manager has to take adequate care in taking the final decision because of economic, behavioral and social implications of the selection decisions. A careless decision of rejecting a candidate would impair the morale of the people and they suspect the selection procedure and the very basis of selection in a particular organization. A true understanding between line managers and personnel managers should be established so as to facilitate good selection decisions. After taking the final decision, the organization has to intimate this decision to the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. The organization sends the appointment order to the successful candidates either immediately or after sometime depending upon its time schedule. Interviewing Mistakes: May have been influenced by 'cultural noise, snap judgments, halo effect, stereotyping, first impression etc. STRATEGIES FOR SUCESSFUL RECRUITMENT STEP 1: ENSURE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB DESCRIPTION A clear, accurate and up-to-date job description is crucial to ensuring a good person-job fit. It is worthwhile spending some time making sure that the job description matches the everyday reality of the job. STEP 2: EVALUATE THE RECRUITMENT STRATEGY Periodically evaluating the effectiveness of your recruitment strategy, such as the type of sources used for recruiting, can be a useful activity. For instance, a cost-benefit analysis can be done in terms of the number of applicants referred, interviewed, selected, and hired. Comparing the effectiveness of applicants hired from various sources in terms of job performance and absenteeism is also helpful. One could also examine the retention rates of workers who were hired from different sources.