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April 4, 2017
IPT – Intellectual
Products & Technologies
Reactive Java
Robotics & IoT
with Spring Reactor
Trayan Iliev
Copyright © 2003-2017 IPT - Intellectual
Products & Technologies
Oracle®, Java™ and JavaScript™ are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
LEGO® is a registered trademark of LEGO® Group. Programs are not
affiliated, sponsored or endorsed by LEGO® Education or LEGO®
Raspberry Pi™ is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
All information presented in this document and all supplementary
materials and programming code represent only my personal opinion
and current understanding and has not received any endorsement or
approval by IPT - Intellectual Products and Technologies or any third
party. It should not be taken as any kind of advice, and should not be
used for making any kind of decisions with potential commercial impact.
The information and code presented may be incorrect or incomplete. It is
provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied,
including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
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whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or
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Tales of JAVA Robotics
There are several tales to share:
Tale of Robotics, IoT and Complexity
Tale of Common Sense: DDD
Tale of two cities - Imperative and Reactive
 Tale of two brave robots: LeJaRo and IPTPI
 And some real reactive Java + TypeScript / Angular 2 /
Reactive WebSocket code 
High Performnce Reactive JAVA
 Reactive programming. Reactor & Proactor design
patterns. Reactive Streams (java.util.concurrent.Flow)
 High performance non-blocking asynchronous apps
on JVM using Reactor project & RxJava
 Disruptor (RingBuffer), Flux & Mono, Processors
 End-to-end reactive web applications and services:
Reactor IO (REST, WebSocket) + RxJS + Angular 2
 Demo - reactive hot event streams processing on
Raspberry Pi 2 (ARM v7) based robot IPTPI.
 RxJava (not Zen only :) coans for self assessment
IPT - Intellectual Products & Technologies
IT Education Evolved
Since 2003 we provide trainings and share tech knowledge
in Java SE/ EE/ Web/ JS/ ES/ TypeScript/ Node/ Express/
Socket.IO/ NoSQL/ Angular 2/ React / REST SOA:
Java EE6/7, Spring, JSF, Portals/Portlets: Liferay, GateIn
Reactive IoT with Reactor / RxJava / RxJS
Node.js + Express/ hapi + React.js + Redux + GraphQL
Angular 2 + TypeScript + Redux (ngrx)
SOA & Distributed Hypermedia APIs (REST)
Domain Driven Design & Reactive Microservices
Where to Find the Demo Code?
IPTPI Reactive Demo is available @ GitHub:
Robots Can Be Complex
… Even More Complex
Cross-section of many
 mechanical engineering
 electrical engineering
 computer science
 artificial intelligence (AI)
 human-computer interaction
 sociology & psychology
Picture by Hugo Elias of the Shadow Robot Company -, CC BY-SA 3.0
Engineering, Science & Art
Source:, CC BY-SA 3.0
and How Can We Forget
w/index.php?curid=234900, CC BY-SA 3.0
Source: Korea Institute of Industrial Technology,
Robots: The Most Intelligent Things
CC BY 2.0, Source:
Radar, GPS, lidar for navigation and obstacle
avoidance ( 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge )
The Internet of Things has the potential to change the
world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so.
 Nearly 50 petabytes of data are captured and created
by human beings
 People have limited time, attention and accuracy
 Capturing data about things in the real world in real time
 Track and count everything, reduce waste, loss & cost.
 Know when things need replacing, repairing or recalling
— Kevin Ashton, 'That 'Internet of Things' Thing', RFID Journal,
Internet of Things (IoT)
 There will be nearly 26 billion devices on the Internet of
Things by 2020.
 More than 30 billion devices will be wirelessly
connected to the Internet of Things by 2020
[ABI Research]
 It's expected to be a 19 Trillion USD market
[John Chambers, Cisco CEO]
IoT Perspectives
"Basket of remotes" problem – we'll have hundreds of
applications to interface with hundreds of devices that
don't share protocols for speaking with one another
[Jean-Louis Gassée, Apple initial team, and BeOS co-founder]
Only IPv6 addresses are not enough – IoT devices
should be also easily and directly accessible for users
and [their] agents
In read/write mode
Preferably using a standard web browser
Even behind firewalls
IoT - Need for Standards
IoT Services Architecture
Devices: Hardware + Embedded Software + Firmware
UART/ I2C/ 2G/ 3G/ LTE/ ZigBee/ 6LowPan/ BLE
Aggregation/ Bus: ESB, Message Broker
Device Gateway: Local Coordination and Event Aggregation
M2M: HTTP(/2) / WS / MQTT / CoAP
Management: TR-069 / OMA-DM / OMA LWM2M
Cloud (Micro)Service Mng.
Docker, Kubernetes/
Apache Brooklyn
Web/ Mobile
PaaS API: Event Processing Services, Analytics
Tracking Complexity
We need tools to cope with all that complexity inherent in
robotics and IoT domains.
Simple solutions are needed – cope with problems through
divide and concur on different levels of abstraction:
Domain Driven Design (DDD) – back to basics:
domain objects, data and logic.
Described by Eric Evans in his book:
Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of
Software, 2004
Common Sense: DDD
Main concepts:
 Entities, value objects and modules
 Aggregates and Aggregate Roots [Haywood]:
value < entity < aggregate < module < BC
 Repositories, Factories and Services:
application services <-> domain services
 Separating interface from implementation
Imperative and Reactive
We live in a Connected Universe
... there is hypothesis that all
the things in the Universe are
intimately connected, and you
can not change a bit without
changing all.
Action – Reaction principle is
the essence of how Universe
Imperative and Reactive
 Reactive Programming: using static or dynamic data
flows and propagation of change
Example: a := b + c
 Functional Programming: evaluation of mathematical
➢ Avoids changing-state and mutable data, declarative
➢ Side effects free => much easier to understand and
predict the program behavior.
Example: -> book.getYear() > 2010)
.forEach( System.out::println )
Functional Reactive (FRP)
According to Connal Elliot's (ground-breaking paper @
Conference on Functional Programming, 1997), FRP is:
(a) Denotative
(b) Temporally continuous
Reactive Manifesto
Reactive Programming
 Microsoft®
opens source polyglot project ReactiveX
(Reactive Extensions) []:
Rx = Observables + LINQ + Schedulers :)
Java: RxJava, JavaScript: RxJS, C#: Rx.NET, Scala: RxScala,
Clojure: RxClojure, C++: RxCpp, Ruby: Rx.rb, Python: RxPY,
Groovy: RxGroovy, JRuby: RxJRuby, Kotlin: RxKotlin ...
 Reactive Streams Specification
[] used by:
 (Spring) Project Reactor []
 Actor Model – Akka (Java, Scala) []
Trayan Iliev
IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies
Systems & Social
15/01/2015 Slide 24Copyright © 2003-2015 IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Ltd. All rights
Подход на интелигентните агенти при
моделиране на знания и системи
Reactive Streams Spec.
 Reactive Streams – provides standard for
asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking
back pressure.
 Minimal set of interfaces, methods and protocols for
asynchronous data streams
 April 30, 2015: has been released version 1.0.0 of
Reactive Streams for the JVM (Java API,
Specification, TCK and implementation examples)
 Java 9: java.util.concurrent.Flow
Reactive Streams Spec.
 Publisher – provider of potentially unbounded number
of sequenced elements, according to Subscriber(s)
Publisher.subscribe(Subscriber) => onSubscribe onNext*
(onError | onComplete)?
 Subscriber – calls Subscription.request(long) to
receive notifications
 Subscription – one-to-one Subscriber ↔ Publisher,
request data and cancel demand (allow cleanup).
 Processor = Subscriber + Publisher
FRP = Async Data Streams
 FRP is asynchronous data-flow programming using the
building blocks of functional programming (e.g. map,
reduce, filter) and explicitly modeling time
 Used for GUIs, robotics, and music. Example (RxJava):
new String[]{"Reactive", "Extensions", "Java"})
.take(2).map(s -> s + " : on " + new Date())
.subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));
Reactive : on Wed Jun 17 21:54:02 GMT+02:00 2015
Extensions : on Wed Jun 17 21:54:02 GMT+02:00 2015
 Performance is about 2 things (Martin Thompson – ):
– Throughput – units per second, and
– Latency – response time
 Real-time – time constraint from input to response
regardless of system load.
 Hard real-time system if this constraint is not honored then
a total system failure can occur.
 Soft real-time system – low latency response with little
deviation in response time
 100 nano-seconds to 100 milli-seconds. [Peter Lawrey]
What About High Performance?
 Low garbage by reusing existing objects + infrequent GC
when application not busy – can improve app 2 - 5x
 JVM generational GC startegy – ideal for objects living very
shortly (garbage collected next minor sweep) or be immortal
 Non-blocking, lockless coding or CAS
 Critical data structures – direct memory access using
DirectByteBuffers or Unsafe => predictable memory layout
and cache misses avoidance
 Busy waiting – giving the CPU to OS kernel slows program
2-5x => avoid context switches
 Amortize the effect of expensive IO - blocking
Low Latency: Things to Remember
 Non-blocking (synchronous) implementation is 2 orders of
magnitude better then synchronized
 We should try to avoid blocking and especially contended
blocking if want to achieve low latency
 If blocking is a must we have to prefer CAS and optimistic
concurrency over blocking (but have in mind it always
depends on concurrent problem at hand and how much
contention do we experience – test early, test often,
microbenchmarks are unreliable and highly platform dependent
– test real application with typical load patterns)
 The real question is: HOW is is possible to build concurrency
without blocking?
Mutex Comparison => Conclusions
 Message Driven – asynchronous message-passing allows
to establish a boundary between components that ensures
loose coupling, isolation, location transparency, and
provides the means to delegate errors as messages
[Reactive Manifesto].
 The main idea is to separate concurrent producer and
consumer workers by using message queues.
 Message queues can be unbounded or bounded (limited
max number of messages)
 Unbounded message queues can present memory
allocation problem in case the producers outrun the
consumers for a long period → OutOfMemoryError
Scalable, Massively Concurrent
 Queues typically use either linked-lists or arrays for the
underlying storage of elements. Linked lists are not
„mechanically sympathetic” – there is no predictable
caching “stride” (should be less than 2048 bytes in each
 Bounded queues often experience write contention on
head, tail, and size variables. Even if head and tail
separated using CAS, they usually are in the same cache-
 Queues produce much garbage.
 Typical queues conflate a number of different concerns –
producer and consumer synchronization and data storage
Queues Disadvantages
 LMAX Disruptor design pattern separates different
concerns in a “mechanically sympathetic” way:
- Storage of items being exchanged
- Producer coordination – claiming the next sequence
- Consumers coordination – notified new item is available
 Single Writer principle is employed when writing data in
the Ring Buffer from single producer thread only (no
 When multiple producers → CAS
 Memory pre-allocated – predictable stride, no garbage
LMAX Disruptor (RingBuffer)
LMAX Disruptor (RingBuffer) High Performance
Source: LMAX Disruptor github wiki -
LMAX-Exchange Disruptor License @ GitHub: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 -
LMAX Disruptor (RingBuffer) High Performance
Source: LMAX Disruptor @ GitHub -
LMAX-Exchange Disruptor License @ GitHub: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 -
Project Reactor
 Reactor project allows building high-performance (low
latency high throughput) non-blocking asynchronous
applications on JVM.
 Reactor is designed to be extraordinarily fast and can
sustain throughput rates on order of 10's of millions of
operations per second.
 Reactor has powerful API for declaring data
transformations and functional composition.
 Makes use of the concept of Mechanical Sympathy
built on top of Disruptor / RingBuffer.
Project Reactor
 Pre-allocation at startup-time
 Message-passing structures are bounded
 Using Reactive and Event-Driven Architecture patterns
=> non-blocking end-to-end flows, replies
 Implement Reactive Streams Specification – efficient
bounded structures requesting no more than capacity
 Applies above features to IPC and provides non-
blocking IO drivers that are flow-control aware
 Expose a Functional API – organize their code in a
side-effect free way, which helps you determine you are
thread-safe and fault-tolerant
Reactor Projects
41, Apache Software License 2.0
IPC – Netty, Kafka, Aeron
Reactor Projects
Reactor Flux
43, Apache Software License 2.0
Reactor Mono
44, Apache Software License 2.0
Example: Flux.combineLatest()
45, Apache Software License 2.0
Reactor: Hello World
public static void main(String... args) throws
InterruptedException {
EmitterProcessor<String> emitter =
BlockingSink<String> sink = emitter.connectSink();
.filter(s → s.startsWith("HELLO"))
sink.submit("Hello World!"); // emit - non blocking
sink.submit("Goodbye World!");
sink.submit("Hello Trayan!");
Reactor: Flux Example
.map(d -> d * 2)
.subscribe(System.out::println);, Apache Software License 2.0
Reactor Bus: IPTPI Java Robot
Disruptor (Ring Buffer) used in Reactor
Reactor provides 3 major types of Processors:
 EmitterProcessor – using 0 threads (on same thread)
 TopicProcessor using – N threads concurrently
processing the messages (AND operation)
 WorkQueueProcessor – N threads alternatively
processing the messages (XOR operation – messages
are processed exactly by one thread – load ballancing
and work distribution)
Meet IPTPI :)
IPTPI: RPi2 + Ardunio Robot
 Raspberry Pi 2 (quad-core ARMv7
@ 900MHz) + Arduino Leonardo
cloneA-Star 32U4 Micro
 Optical encoders (custom), IR
optical array, 3D accelerometers,
gyros, and compass MinIMU-9 v2
 IPTPI is programmed in Java
using Pi4J, Reactor, RxJava, Akka
 More information about IPTPI:
IPTPI: RPi2 + Ardunio Robot
3D accelerometers, gyros,
and compass MinIMU-9 v2
Pololu DRV8835
Dual Motor Driver
for Raspberry Pi
Arduino Leonardo clone
A-Star 32U4 Micro
USB Stereo
Speakers - 5V
LiPo Powebank
15000 mAh
IPTPI: RPi2 + Ardunio Robot
Raspberry Pi 2 (quad-core
ARMv7 @ 900MHz)
IR Optical Sensor QRD1114
Array (Line Following)
Adafruit 2.8" PiTFT -
Capacitive Touch Screen
LeJaRo: Lego®
Java Robot
 Modular – 3 motors (with encoders) – one driving each
track, and third for robot clamp.
 Three sensors: touch sensor (obstacle avoidance), light
color sensor (follow line), IR sensor (remote).
 LeJaRo is programmed in Java using LeJOS library.
 More information about LeJaRo:
 Programming examples available @GitHub:
LEGO® is a registered trademark of LEGO® Group. Programs of IPT are not
affiliated, sponsored or endorsed by LEGO® Education or LEGO® Group.
Tale of Simplicity: DDD
IPTPI Reactive Streams
(using Reactor)
Angular 2 /
public class IPTPIVDemo {
public IPTPIDemo() {
//receive Arduino data readings
ArduinoData =
//calculate robot positions
PositionsFlux = PositionFactory.createPositionFlux(
//enable sending commands to Arduino
ArduinoCommandsSub = ArduinoFactory.getInstance()
//Audio player - added @jPrime 2016 Hackergarten
audio = AudioFactory.createAudioPlayer();
//wire robot main controller with services
movementSub =MovementFactory.createMovementCommandSubscriber(
positionsFlux, arduinoData.getLineReadingsFlux());
controller = new RobotController(this::tearDown, movementSub,
arduinoCommandsSub, audio);
//create view with controller and delegate material views
from query services
view = new RobotView("IPTPI Reactive Robotics Demo",
controller, presentationViews);
//expose as WS service
movementSub2 =MovementFactory.createMovementCommandSubscriber(
positionsFlux, arduinoData.getLineReadingsFlux());
positionsService = new RobotWSService(
positionsFlux, movementSub2);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// initialize wiringPi library
try {
IPTPIDemo demo = new IPTPIDemo();
} catch (IOException e) {
IPTPI: ArduinoData I
positionsFlux = EmitterProcessor.create();
positionsSink = positionsFlux.connectSink();
lineFlux = EmitterProcessor.create();
lineSink = lineFlux.connectSink();
final Serial serial = SerialFactory.createInstance();
serial.addListener(new SerialDataEventListener() {
private ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
public void dataReceived(SerialDataEvent event) {
try {
ByteBuffer newBuffer = event.getByteBuffer();
buffer.put(newBuffer); buffer.flip();
long timestamp = buffer.getInt(); //get timestamp
int encoderL = -buffer.getInt(); //motors mirrored
int encoderR = buffer.getInt();
IPTPI: ArduinoData II
EncoderReadings readings =
new EncoderReadings(encoderR, encoderL, timestamp);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {, 38400);
} catch(SerialPortException | IOException ex) {
System.out.println(“SERIAL SETUP FAILED:"+ex.getMessage());
IPTPI: PositionFlux I
public PositionsFlux(
Flux<EncoderReadings> readingsFlux) {
this.encoderReadings = readingsFlux;
Flux<EncoderReadings> skip1 = readingsFlux.skip(1);
positionsFlux =, skip1)
.map(tupple ->
.scan(new Position(0, 0, 0), (last, tupple) -> {
EncoderReadings prev = tupple.getT1();
EncoderReadings curr = tupple.getT2();
int prevL = prev.getEncoderL();
int prevR = prev.getEncoderR();
int currL = curr.getEncoderL();
int currR = curr.getEncoderR();
int sL = currL - prevL;
int sR = currR - prevR;
double alpha0 = last.getHeading();
IPTPI: PositionFlux II
double alpha0 = last.getHeading();
if(sR == sL) {
return new Position((float)(last.getX() + sL *
ENCODER_STEP_LENGTH * cos(alpha0)),
(float)(last.getY()+ sL * ENCODER_STEP_LENGTH *
sin(alpha0)), alpha0, curr.getTimestamp());
} else {
CommandMovementSubscriber I
public class CommandMovementSubscriber extends
ConsumerSubscriber<Command<Movement>> {
private PositionFluxion positions;
public CommandMovementSubscriber(PositionFluxion positions){
this.positions = positions;
Gpio.wiringPiSetupGpio(); // initialize wiringPi library
Gpio.pinMode(5, Gpio.OUTPUT); // Motor direction pins
Gpio.pinMode(6, Gpio.OUTPUT);
Gpio.pinMode(12, Gpio.PWM_OUTPUT); // Motor speed pins
Gpio.pinMode(13, Gpio.PWM_OUTPUT);
public void doNext(Command<Movement> command) { ... }
CommandMovementSubscriber II
private void runMotors(MotorsCommand mc) {
//setting motor directions
Gpio.digitalWrite(5, mc.getDirR() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
Gpio.digitalWrite(6, mc.getDirL() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
//setting speed
if(mc.getVelocityR()>=0 && mc.getVelocityR() <=MAX_SPEED)
Gpio.pwmWrite(12, mc.getVelocityR()); // set speed
if(mc.getVelocityL()>=0 && mc.getVelocityL() <=MAX_SPEED)
Gpio.pwmWrite(13, mc.getVelocityL());
Reactor IO – NetStreams API
68, Apache License 2.0
Takeaways: Why Go Reactive?
Benefits using Reactive Programming + DDD:
 DDD helps to manage complexity in IoT and Robotics -
many subsystems = sub-domains
 Reactive Streams (Fluxes, Monos) = uni-directional data
flows, CQRS, event sourcing, microservices
 Reactive Streams can be non-blocking and highly
efficient, or can utilize blocking if needed
 Naturally implement state management patterns like
Redux, allow time travel, replay and data analytics
 Clear, declarative data transforms that scale (Map-
Reduce, BigData, PaaS)
Takeaways: Why Maybe Not?
Cons using Reactive Programming + DDD:
 DDD requires additional efforts to clearly separate
different (sub) domains – DSL translators, factories...
 Reactive Streams utilize functional composition and
require entirely different mindset then imperative – feels
like learning foreign language
 Pure functions and Redux provide much benefits,
but there's always temptation to “do it the old way” :)
 Tool support for functional programming in Java is still
not perfect (in Eclipse at least :)
Where to Find the Demo Code?
IPTPI Reactive Demo is available @ GitHub:
Resources: RxMarbles & Rx Coans
Lite Rx API Hands-On with Reactor Core 3:
RxJava Koans – Let's try to solve them at:
RxJS Koans – for those who prefer JavaScript :)
Tale of Simplicity: DDD
73 Let's move!
Thank’s for Your Attention!
Trayan Iliev
CEO of IPT – Intellectual Products
& Technologies

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Reactive Java Robotics & IoT with Spring Reactor

  • 1. April 4, 2017 IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies @ DEV.BG Reactive Java Robotics & IoT with Spring Reactor Trayan Iliev Copyright © 2003-2017 IPT - Intellectual Products & Technologies
  • 2. 2 Trademarks Oracle®, Java™ and JavaScript™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. LEGO® is a registered trademark of LEGO® Group. Programs are not affiliated, sponsored or endorsed by LEGO® Education or LEGO® Group. Raspberry Pi™ is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
  • 3. 3 Disclaimer All information presented in this document and all supplementary materials and programming code represent only my personal opinion and current understanding and has not received any endorsement or approval by IPT - Intellectual Products and Technologies or any third party. It should not be taken as any kind of advice, and should not be used for making any kind of decisions with potential commercial impact. The information and code presented may be incorrect or incomplete. It is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the author or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the information, materials or code presented or the use or other dealings with this information or programming code.
  • 4. Tales of JAVA Robotics 4 There are several tales to share: Tale of Robotics, IoT and Complexity Tale of Common Sense: DDD Tale of two cities - Imperative and Reactive  Tale of two brave robots: LeJaRo and IPTPI  And some real reactive Java + TypeScript / Angular 2 / Reactive WebSocket code 
  • 5. 5 High Performnce Reactive JAVA  Reactive programming. Reactor & Proactor design patterns. Reactive Streams (java.util.concurrent.Flow)  High performance non-blocking asynchronous apps on JVM using Reactor project & RxJava  Disruptor (RingBuffer), Flux & Mono, Processors  End-to-end reactive web applications and services: Reactor IO (REST, WebSocket) + RxJS + Angular 2  Demo - reactive hot event streams processing on Raspberry Pi 2 (ARM v7) based robot IPTPI.  RxJava (not Zen only :) coans for self assessment
  • 6. IPT - Intellectual Products & Technologies IT Education Evolved 6 Since 2003 we provide trainings and share tech knowledge in Java SE/ EE/ Web/ JS/ ES/ TypeScript/ Node/ Express/ Socket.IO/ NoSQL/ Angular 2/ React / REST SOA: Java EE6/7, Spring, JSF, Portals/Portlets: Liferay, GateIn Reactive IoT with Reactor / RxJava / RxJS Node.js + Express/ hapi + React.js + Redux + GraphQL Angular 2 + TypeScript + Redux (ngrx) SOA & Distributed Hypermedia APIs (REST) Domain Driven Design & Reactive Microservices
  • 7. Where to Find the Demo Code? 7 IPTPI Reactive Demo is available @ GitHub:
  • 8. Robots Can Be Complex 8
  • 9. … Even More Complex 9 Cross-section of many disciplines:  mechanical engineering  electrical engineering  computer science  artificial intelligence (AI)  human-computer interaction  sociology & psychology Picture by Hugo Elias of the Shadow Robot Company -, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 10. Engineering, Science & Art 10 Source:, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 11. and How Can We Forget 11 Source: w/index.php?curid=234900, CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=020&aid=0000371339
  • 12. Robots: The Most Intelligent Things 12 CC BY 2.0, Source: Radar, GPS, lidar for navigation and obstacle avoidance ( 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge )
  • 13. The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so.  Nearly 50 petabytes of data are captured and created by human beings  People have limited time, attention and accuracy  Capturing data about things in the real world in real time  Track and count everything, reduce waste, loss & cost.  Know when things need replacing, repairing or recalling — Kevin Ashton, 'That 'Internet of Things' Thing', RFID Journal, 2009 Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 14.  There will be nearly 26 billion devices on the Internet of Things by 2020. [Gartner]  More than 30 billion devices will be wirelessly connected to the Internet of Things by 2020 [ABI Research]  It's expected to be a 19 Trillion USD market [John Chambers, Cisco CEO] IoT Perspectives
  • 15. "Basket of remotes" problem – we'll have hundreds of applications to interface with hundreds of devices that don't share protocols for speaking with one another [Jean-Louis Gassée, Apple initial team, and BeOS co-founder] Only IPv6 addresses are not enough – IoT devices should be also easily and directly accessible for users and [their] agents In read/write mode Preferably using a standard web browser Even behind firewalls IoT - Need for Standards
  • 16. IoT Services Architecture 16 Devices: Hardware + Embedded Software + Firmware UART/ I2C/ 2G/ 3G/ LTE/ ZigBee/ 6LowPan/ BLE Aggregation/ Bus: ESB, Message Broker Device Gateway: Local Coordination and Event Aggregation M2M: HTTP(/2) / WS / MQTT / CoAP Management: TR-069 / OMA-DM / OMA LWM2M HTTP, AMQP Cloud (Micro)Service Mng. Docker, Kubernetes/ Apache Brooklyn Web/ Mobile Portal PaaSDashboard PaaS API: Event Processing Services, Analytics
  • 17. Tracking Complexity 17 We need tools to cope with all that complexity inherent in robotics and IoT domains. Simple solutions are needed – cope with problems through divide and concur on different levels of abstraction: Domain Driven Design (DDD) – back to basics: domain objects, data and logic. Described by Eric Evans in his book: Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, 2004
  • 18. Common Sense: DDD 18 Main concepts:  Entities, value objects and modules  Aggregates and Aggregate Roots [Haywood]: value < entity < aggregate < module < BC  Repositories, Factories and Services: application services <-> domain services  Separating interface from implementation
  • 19. Imperative and Reactive 19 We live in a Connected Universe ... there is hypothesis that all the things in the Universe are intimately connected, and you can not change a bit without changing all. Action – Reaction principle is the essence of how Universe behaves.
  • 20. Imperative and Reactive  Reactive Programming: using static or dynamic data flows and propagation of change Example: a := b + c  Functional Programming: evaluation of mathematical functions, ➢ Avoids changing-state and mutable data, declarative programming ➢ Side effects free => much easier to understand and predict the program behavior. Example: -> book.getYear() > 2010) .forEach( System.out::println )
  • 21. Functional Reactive (FRP) 21 According to Connal Elliot's (ground-breaking paper @ Conference on Functional Programming, 1997), FRP is: (a) Denotative (b) Temporally continuous
  • 23. Reactive Programming 23  Microsoft® opens source polyglot project ReactiveX (Reactive Extensions) []: Rx = Observables + LINQ + Schedulers :) Java: RxJava, JavaScript: RxJS, C#: Rx.NET, Scala: RxScala, Clojure: RxClojure, C++: RxCpp, Ruby: Rx.rb, Python: RxPY, Groovy: RxGroovy, JRuby: RxJRuby, Kotlin: RxKotlin ...  Reactive Streams Specification [] used by:  (Spring) Project Reactor []  Actor Model – Akka (Java, Scala) []
  • 24. Trayan Iliev IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Ltd. Multi-Agent Systems & Social Robotics 15/01/2015 Slide 24Copyright © 2003-2015 IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Подход на интелигентните агенти при моделиране на знания и системи
  • 25. Reactive Streams Spec. 25  Reactive Streams – provides standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure.  Minimal set of interfaces, methods and protocols for asynchronous data streams  April 30, 2015: has been released version 1.0.0 of Reactive Streams for the JVM (Java API, Specification, TCK and implementation examples)  Java 9: java.util.concurrent.Flow
  • 26. Reactive Streams Spec. 26  Publisher – provider of potentially unbounded number of sequenced elements, according to Subscriber(s) demand. Publisher.subscribe(Subscriber) => onSubscribe onNext* (onError | onComplete)?  Subscriber – calls Subscription.request(long) to receive notifications  Subscription – one-to-one Subscriber ↔ Publisher, request data and cancel demand (allow cleanup).  Processor = Subscriber + Publisher
  • 27. FRP = Async Data Streams 27  FRP is asynchronous data-flow programming using the building blocks of functional programming (e.g. map, reduce, filter) and explicitly modeling time  Used for GUIs, robotics, and music. Example (RxJava): Observable.from( new String[]{"Reactive", "Extensions", "Java"}) .take(2).map(s -> s + " : on " + new Date()) .subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s)); Result: Reactive : on Wed Jun 17 21:54:02 GMT+02:00 2015 Extensions : on Wed Jun 17 21:54:02 GMT+02:00 2015
  • 28. 28  Performance is about 2 things (Martin Thompson – ): – Throughput – units per second, and – Latency – response time  Real-time – time constraint from input to response regardless of system load.  Hard real-time system if this constraint is not honored then a total system failure can occur.  Soft real-time system – low latency response with little deviation in response time  100 nano-seconds to 100 milli-seconds. [Peter Lawrey] What About High Performance?
  • 29. 32  Low garbage by reusing existing objects + infrequent GC when application not busy – can improve app 2 - 5x  JVM generational GC startegy – ideal for objects living very shortly (garbage collected next minor sweep) or be immortal  Non-blocking, lockless coding or CAS  Critical data structures – direct memory access using DirectByteBuffers or Unsafe => predictable memory layout and cache misses avoidance  Busy waiting – giving the CPU to OS kernel slows program 2-5x => avoid context switches  Amortize the effect of expensive IO - blocking Low Latency: Things to Remember
  • 30. 33  Non-blocking (synchronous) implementation is 2 orders of magnitude better then synchronized  We should try to avoid blocking and especially contended blocking if want to achieve low latency  If blocking is a must we have to prefer CAS and optimistic concurrency over blocking (but have in mind it always depends on concurrent problem at hand and how much contention do we experience – test early, test often, microbenchmarks are unreliable and highly platform dependent – test real application with typical load patterns)  The real question is: HOW is is possible to build concurrency without blocking? Mutex Comparison => Conclusions
  • 31. 34  Message Driven – asynchronous message-passing allows to establish a boundary between components that ensures loose coupling, isolation, location transparency, and provides the means to delegate errors as messages [Reactive Manifesto].  The main idea is to separate concurrent producer and consumer workers by using message queues.  Message queues can be unbounded or bounded (limited max number of messages)  Unbounded message queues can present memory allocation problem in case the producers outrun the consumers for a long period → OutOfMemoryError Scalable, Massively Concurrent
  • 32. 35  Queues typically use either linked-lists or arrays for the underlying storage of elements. Linked lists are not „mechanically sympathetic” – there is no predictable caching “stride” (should be less than 2048 bytes in each direction).  Bounded queues often experience write contention on head, tail, and size variables. Even if head and tail separated using CAS, they usually are in the same cache- line.  Queues produce much garbage.  Typical queues conflate a number of different concerns – producer and consumer synchronization and data storage Queues Disadvantages []
  • 33. 36  LMAX Disruptor design pattern separates different concerns in a “mechanically sympathetic” way: - Storage of items being exchanged - Producer coordination – claiming the next sequence - Consumers coordination – notified new item is available  Single Writer principle is employed when writing data in the Ring Buffer from single producer thread only (no contention),  When multiple producers → CAS  Memory pre-allocated – predictable stride, no garbage LMAX Disruptor (RingBuffer) []
  • 34. 37 LMAX Disruptor (RingBuffer) High Performance [ 1.0.pdf] Source: LMAX Disruptor github wiki - Exchange/disruptor/images/Models.png LMAX-Exchange Disruptor License @ GitHub: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 -
  • 35. 38 LMAX Disruptor (RingBuffer) High Performance [ 1.0.pdf] Source: LMAX Disruptor @ GitHub - Exchange/disruptor/blob/master/docs/Disruptor.docx LMAX-Exchange Disruptor License @ GitHub: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 -
  • 36. Project Reactor 39  Reactor project allows building high-performance (low latency high throughput) non-blocking asynchronous applications on JVM.  Reactor is designed to be extraordinarily fast and can sustain throughput rates on order of 10's of millions of operations per second.  Reactor has powerful API for declaring data transformations and functional composition.  Makes use of the concept of Mechanical Sympathy built on top of Disruptor / RingBuffer.
  • 37. Project Reactor 40  Pre-allocation at startup-time  Message-passing structures are bounded  Using Reactive and Event-Driven Architecture patterns => non-blocking end-to-end flows, replies  Implement Reactive Streams Specification – efficient bounded structures requesting no more than capacity  Applies above features to IPC and provides non- blocking IO drivers that are flow-control aware  Expose a Functional API – organize their code in a side-effect free way, which helps you determine you are thread-safe and fault-tolerant
  • 38. Reactor Projects 41, Apache Software License 2.0 IPC – Netty, Kafka, Aeron
  • 43. Reactor: Hello World 46 public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException { EmitterProcessor<String> emitter = EmitterProcessor.create(); BlockingSink<String> sink = emitter.connectSink(); emitter.publishOn(Schedulers.single()) .map(String::toUpperCase) .filter(s → s.startsWith("HELLO")) .delayMillis(1000).subscribe(System.out::println); sink.submit("Hello World!"); // emit - non blocking sink.submit("Goodbye World!"); sink.submit("Hello Trayan!"); Thread.sleep(3000); }
  • 44. Reactor: Flux Example 47 Flux.fromIterable(getSomeLongList()) .mergeWith(Flux.interval(100)) .doOnNext(serviceA::someObserver) .map(d -> d * 2) .take(3) .onErrorResumeWith(errorHandler::fallback) .doAfterTerminate(serviceM::incrementTerminate) .subscribe(System.out::println);, Apache Software License 2.0
  • 45. Reactor Bus: IPTPI Java Robot 48
  • 46. Disruptor (Ring Buffer) used in Reactor 49 Reactor provides 3 major types of Processors:  EmitterProcessor – using 0 threads (on same thread)  TopicProcessor using – N threads concurrently processing the messages (AND operation)  WorkQueueProcessor – N threads alternatively processing the messages (XOR operation – messages are processed exactly by one thread – load ballancing and work distribution)
  • 49. IPTPI: RPi2 + Ardunio Robot 52  Raspberry Pi 2 (quad-core ARMv7 @ 900MHz) + Arduino Leonardo cloneA-Star 32U4 Micro  Optical encoders (custom), IR optical array, 3D accelerometers, gyros, and compass MinIMU-9 v2  IPTPI is programmed in Java using Pi4J, Reactor, RxJava, Akka  More information about IPTPI:
  • 50. IPTPI: RPi2 + Ardunio Robot 53 3D accelerometers, gyros, and compass MinIMU-9 v2 Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi Arduino Leonardo clone A-Star 32U4 Micro USB Stereo Speakers - 5V LiPo Powebank 15000 mAh
  • 51. IPTPI: RPi2 + Ardunio Robot 54 Raspberry Pi 2 (quad-core ARMv7 @ 900MHz) IR Optical Sensor QRD1114 Array (Line Following) Adafruit 2.8" PiTFT - Capacitive Touch Screen
  • 52. 55
  • 53. LeJaRo: Lego® Java Robot 56  Modular – 3 motors (with encoders) – one driving each track, and third for robot clamp.  Three sensors: touch sensor (obstacle avoidance), light color sensor (follow line), IR sensor (remote).  LeJaRo is programmed in Java using LeJOS library.  More information about LeJaRo:  Programming examples available @GitHub: e/master/motors_demo LEGO® is a registered trademark of LEGO® Group. Programs of IPT are not affiliated, sponsored or endorsed by LEGO® Education or LEGO® Group.
  • 56. IPTPI: IPTPIDemo I 59 public class IPTPIVDemo { ... public IPTPIDemo() { //receive Arduino data readings ArduinoData = ArduinoFactory.getInstance().createArduinoData(); //calculate robot positions PositionsFlux = PositionFactory.createPositionFlux( arduinoData.getEncoderReadingsFlux()); resentationViews.add( PositionFactory.createPositionPanel(positionsFlux)); //enable sending commands to Arduino ArduinoCommandsSub = ArduinoFactory.getInstance() .createArduinoCommandSubscriber(); /
  • 57. IPTPI: IPTPIDemo II 60 //Audio player - added @jPrime 2016 Hackergarten audio = AudioFactory.createAudioPlayer(); //wire robot main controller with services movementSub =MovementFactory.createMovementCommandSubscriber( positionsFlux, arduinoData.getLineReadingsFlux()); controller = new RobotController(this::tearDown, movementSub, arduinoCommandsSub, audio); //create view with controller and delegate material views from query services view = new RobotView("IPTPI Reactive Robotics Demo", controller, presentationViews);
  • 58. IPTPI: IPTPIDemo III 61 //expose as WS service movementSub2 =MovementFactory.createMovementCommandSubscriber( positionsFlux, arduinoData.getLineReadingsFlux()); positionsService = new RobotWSService( positionsFlux, movementSub2); } public static void main(String[] args) { // initialize wiringPi library Gpio.wiringPiSetupGpio(); try { IPTPIDemo demo = new IPTPIDemo(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
  • 59. IPTPI: ArduinoData I 62 positionsFlux = EmitterProcessor.create(); positionsSink = positionsFlux.connectSink(); lineFlux = EmitterProcessor.create(); lineSink = lineFlux.connectSink(); final Serial serial = SerialFactory.createInstance(); serial.addListener(new SerialDataEventListener() { private ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); public void dataReceived(SerialDataEvent event) { try { ByteBuffer newBuffer = event.getByteBuffer(); buffer.put(newBuffer); buffer.flip(); ... buffer.get(); long timestamp = buffer.getInt(); //get timestamp int encoderL = -buffer.getInt(); //motors mirrored int encoderR = buffer.getInt();
  • 60. IPTPI: ArduinoData II 63 EncoderReadings readings = new EncoderReadings(encoderR, encoderL, timestamp); emitter.submit(readings); ... buffer.compact(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); try {, 38400); } catch(SerialPortException | IOException ex) { System.out.println(“SERIAL SETUP FAILED:"+ex.getMessage()); }
  • 61. IPTPI: PositionFlux I 64 Redux Pattern! public PositionsFlux( Flux<EncoderReadings> readingsFlux) { this.encoderReadings = readingsFlux; Flux<EncoderReadings> skip1 = readingsFlux.skip(1); positionsFlux =, skip1) .map(tupple -> .scan(new Position(0, 0, 0), (last, tupple) -> { EncoderReadings prev = tupple.getT1(); EncoderReadings curr = tupple.getT2(); int prevL = prev.getEncoderL(); int prevR = prev.getEncoderR(); int currL = curr.getEncoderL(); int currR = curr.getEncoderR(); int sL = currL - prevL; int sR = currR - prevR; double alpha0 = last.getHeading();
  • 62. IPTPI: PositionFlux II 65 double alpha0 = last.getHeading(); if(sR == sL) { return new Position((float)(last.getX() + sL * ENCODER_STEP_LENGTH * cos(alpha0)), (float)(last.getY()+ sL * ENCODER_STEP_LENGTH * sin(alpha0)), alpha0, curr.getTimestamp()); } else { … } }) ); }
  • 63. CommandMovementSubscriber I 66 public class CommandMovementSubscriber extends ConsumerSubscriber<Command<Movement>> { private PositionFluxion positions; public CommandMovementSubscriber(PositionFluxion positions){ this.positions = positions; Gpio.wiringPiSetupGpio(); // initialize wiringPi library Gpio.pinMode(5, Gpio.OUTPUT); // Motor direction pins Gpio.pinMode(6, Gpio.OUTPUT); Gpio.pinMode(12, Gpio.PWM_OUTPUT); // Motor speed pins Gpio.pinMode(13, Gpio.PWM_OUTPUT); Gpio.pwmSetMode(Gpio.PWM_MODE_MS); Gpio.pwmSetRange(MAX_SPEED); Gpio.pwmSetClock(CLOCK_DIVISOR); } @Override public void doNext(Command<Movement> command) { ... } }
  • 64. CommandMovementSubscriber II 67 private void runMotors(MotorsCommand mc) { //setting motor directions Gpio.digitalWrite(5, mc.getDirR() > 0 ? 1 : 0); Gpio.digitalWrite(6, mc.getDirL() > 0 ? 1 : 0); //setting speed if(mc.getVelocityR()>=0 && mc.getVelocityR() <=MAX_SPEED) Gpio.pwmWrite(12, mc.getVelocityR()); // set speed if(mc.getVelocityL()>=0 && mc.getVelocityL() <=MAX_SPEED) Gpio.pwmWrite(13, mc.getVelocityL()); } }
  • 65. Reactor IO – NetStreams API 68, Apache License 2.0
  • 66. Takeaways: Why Go Reactive? 69 Benefits using Reactive Programming + DDD:  DDD helps to manage complexity in IoT and Robotics - many subsystems = sub-domains  Reactive Streams (Fluxes, Monos) = uni-directional data flows, CQRS, event sourcing, microservices  Reactive Streams can be non-blocking and highly efficient, or can utilize blocking if needed  Naturally implement state management patterns like Redux, allow time travel, replay and data analytics  Clear, declarative data transforms that scale (Map- Reduce, BigData, PaaS)
  • 67. Takeaways: Why Maybe Not? 70 Cons using Reactive Programming + DDD:  DDD requires additional efforts to clearly separate different (sub) domains – DSL translators, factories...  Reactive Streams utilize functional composition and require entirely different mindset then imperative – feels like learning foreign language  Pure functions and Redux provide much benefits, but there's always temptation to “do it the old way” :)  Tool support for functional programming in Java is still not perfect (in Eclipse at least :)
  • 68. Where to Find the Demo Code? 71 IPTPI Reactive Demo is available @ GitHub:
  • 69. 72 Resources: RxMarbles & Rx Coans RxMarbles: Lite Rx API Hands-On with Reactor Core 3: RxJava Koans – Let's try to solve them at: RxJS Koans – for those who prefer JavaScript :)
  • 70. Tale of Simplicity: DDD 73 Let's move!
  • 71. Thank’s for Your Attention! 74 Trayan Iliev CEO of IPT – Intellectual Products & Technologies