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    CENTRE NO: 11049

My name is:…Raissa Ishagi…………………

 Candidate No:…2202………………..
Preliminary Project – Research & Planning
• How did you think about target audience?
•   I thought about my target audience by looking at the students that attend the college and researching into what other
    school magazines were addressing. I thought about who were more likely to read the magazine and the location of it was
    the most important aspect to consider. The students at the college are ages 16-19 so I had to consider what they would
    want. Although some teachers and parents would read the magazine I had to focus on the main audience which was the

• How did awareness of that audience impact upon your visual
  design and choice of language?
•   As the audience is teenagers aged 16-19 I had to use quite informal language as really formal language wouldn’t appeal to
    them as much. As the audience was not one specific gender I had to use colours that appealed to both genders. I used a lot
    of blue which is usually associated with males but I used a female student on the front cover and highlighted some words in
    white and yellow to appeal to females as well.

• What key points did you learn about Adobe Photoshop and
  InDesign in constructing your artefacts?
•   I learned that using Photoshop you can really manipulate images to fit what you want it to be and to give off certain
    impression. I also learned that on inDesign there are different tools you can use to help create your product that will help
    you to create a good lay out and help you move the features of your magazine around.
Preliminary Project
• College Cover      • College Contents
Reflections & Feedback
• What would you do differently next time?
•    I would work more and put more effort into the actual layout and design of the front cover and contents page. I would do
     more research into designs and use Photoshop and InDesign to improve the overall design. I would also do more research
     to help me decide what to put on the actual front cover.

• What kind of feedback did you get that might influence you?
Feedback such as to make magazine look more like an actual magazine and less like a poster would definitely influence me as I
    would focus more on the layout. I have to take note of what attracts the audience and make sure that these features are

• What aspects of your understanding of Adobe Photoshop &
  InDesign do you need to improve?
•    I need to improve my understanding of how to blend and manipulate pictures properly as the images used in my cover and
     contents page didn’t require me to do this much. I also need to practice using the different tools more so that I can gain a
     full understanding of what each of them does. I also need to look at more tutorials of the programs to make sure I know
     exactly what everything does and what features of my magazine each tool will help me with.
The music genre of my music magazine is:

• Genre : POP

•    and my chosen title is “Pop Off” because the nature of the genre is
     generally quite loud. This is reflected in the name as ‘Pop Off” stands for
     the way pop culture is. It will appeal to my target audience as it will excite
     them. I also thought it would work because it has the name of genre
     included in the name which could easily attract the audience.
So I researched this genre of music publication
                  and studied:
• Model 1                • Model 2
What I learned from this was…..
• Cover Design                                    • Cover Line

•   The magazine’s I looked at had a similarity   •   The cover lines that were used in the
    in that they didn’t use too many colours.         magazines were all to do with the artists
    There was usually one colour scheme used          in that genre of music and what was
    and this is something that I carried into         happening around that industry. The
    my magazine. The magazines also had one           magazines contained other artists names
    main artist on the front, using a head shot       that were mentioned and had interviews
    of them as the main image which is also           inside the magazine. They had lines on
    what I did. They had the name of the              new artists, awards and also what is new
    magazine quite big and bright and the             on the artists. Many also had slight
    name of the main artist also big and bright       mentions to the artists personal lives and
    and this was a consistent feature in the          material.
    magazines and I also incorporated this
    into my front cover.
For my music magazine….
• Target Audience: Teenagers (age 13-18), mainly female, who
   listen to popular music/music on the charts. These teens usually are
   familiar with the popular artists and celebrities and are interested in the
   artists music and lives.

• Frequency: Every month.

• Cover price: 3.50

• Publisher: Bauer

• Unique Selling Point: Exclusive print out of the
  singles and albums charts
This is the face of the magazine
• Front cover
                 • This is how it works
                 •   On my front cover I have a main artist,
                     and the left third regarding him. I used
                     the Around this I have cover lines on
                     different pop artists and what is
                     happening in the industry to appeal to . I
                     used bright colours through out to appeal
                     to my target audience. The information on
                     the front shows that there is a lot of
                     information inside that the readers want. I
                     also made sure to note that there was
                     exclusive content inside. I almost tried to
                     make sure that everything was in a good
                     position and it had information such as
                     price and barcode.
Here are the 4 original photographs I
       shot for the project……
I modified each photograph; here is
    the original next to the final version:
• Raw 1                                             • Final 1

•   To edit this picture I used photo shop to feather it and change the background of the picture to
    white. I did this so that the background of the original picture wouldn’t clash with the
    background of my magazine. By making it white it matched the colour of my contents page.
And the second one:

• Raw 2                                                • Final 2

•   I decided not to edit this picture as I felt like it was very natural and I didn’t want it to look too
    modified. I like the way the light hits the microphone and I felt it added a nice effect to it and
    so I didn’t want to lose that by editing it.
And the third one:

• Raw 3                                             • Final 3

•   I changed the focus on the picture and made it a bit softer to fit the rest of the pictures on my
    contents page. I also took away the border and cropped the picture to make it more centered. I
    did this to change the way it looked on the contents page.
And the last one:
• Raw 4                                               • Final 4

•   I didn’t edit this picture as I again felt like it would take away from the natural elements in the
    photo such as they way the light hits the edge of the stage. I didn’t feel it needed to be edited
    as it was raw and goes along with the contents page title that goes with it.
Here are a couple of research models for
          my contents page…
This is my contents page
• Contents Page    • These are key features…

                   •   The tall image of the main artist that is featured
                       on the front cover. He is the main person on the
                       contents page as well which shows how the
                       contents page relates to and follows on from
                       the front cover.
                   •   The cover lines are split into four categories,
                       features, news, interviews and regulars. This
                       helps the reader to easily spot what they want
                       to read.
                   •   The
How does the contents page link back to
             the cover page?

• My contents page links back to my cover page because it carries the same
  cover lines that were on the cover. The main artist on the cover page is
  also the main picture on the contents page and the main story regarding
  him can easily be found on the contents page as it has a heading saying
  COVER STORY in red. On the cover page there is a list of artists and the
  lines on the contents page refer to those artists and give future artists.
Key points of contents page
• How have you made the reader want to read on? The lines on the
    contents page only give a taster to what is on the article and don’t give too much away therefore it makes
    the reader want to turn to the pages to find out the full story. Some articles also have headings such as
    ‘New talent’ which makes it seem new and exclusive which would make the reader want to find out about
•   What are the links between images and words? The images used connect with lines
    underneath them. Such as the picture of the stage connects to an article called ‘behind the stage’ which is a feature of the
    magazine that would appear in other issues. Also the article on studio tips from successful artists is accompanied by a
    picture of a standard studio microphone which would attract readers who use studios.

•   What determines the dominant stories?
•   The dominant stories are determined by what was on the cover page, for example the main story on the
    contents page was the main story from the cover page. You can tell this by the heading and the change in
    colour. Also from the use of bold text.
•   How have you gone about ordering the information on the page?
•   I used headings to section the articles on my contents page. The articles are sectioned under
    features, news, interviews & regulars. This was to make it easier for the reader to find
    whichever article they want to read & for them to find the things that come in to every issue.
How does the contents page flag up your
        double page spread?

 The contents page flags up the double page spread as the largest photo on the page is of the
 main artist which is on the double page spread. The cover line that refers to the double page
 spread gives a brief insight into what the article on the double page spread is going to talk
 about. It links directly and does not give any misconceptions of what is on the double page
 therefore the reader is more likely to keep reading when they start as it will be exactly what
 they expected from the cover line on the contents page. The cover line also links directly to the
 introduction at the beginning of the double page spread.
Here’s an example of an inspiring double
             page spread…
This is why I think that double spread
•   I think this double page spread works because it gives the reader a clear picture of the main artist so they
    immediately know who it is. I also think the title is quite large which would also attract the reader.
•   Another feature of the page that works is the brief introduction to the artist and to the interview. This
    attracts the audience and gives them an insight into what is on the rest of the page.
•   I think the use a larger quote also makes the page work because this is another feature that would attract
    the audience and this is probably going to be the first bit of the interview that they read so by having that
    small quote to attract them, it sets them up for the rest of the contents on the page.
•   I also think the layout of the text works because the colour is black and against the white background it is
    very easy to read. I also think it works because it is in a clear font and you can easily distinguish the
    questions from the answers and this is very important because if a text is not easy to read then the
    audience are likely to not actually read it.
•   The fact that there isn’t too much going on in the pages also make it work because it’s clear where
    everything is and what everything is so the reader doesn’t get confused and doesn’t find themselves not
    knowing where to look. This is very important for having a successful product.
•   I also think that the questions asked are ones that fans of this artist and readers would like to know the
    answer to and would find interest in.
This is my double-page spread
This is how my double page spread works
•   I think my double page spread works because its clear to the reader that it is the same
    artist that has been the main feature of the front cover and contents page. This means the
    reader is likely to read the page as it is something that’s been almost advertised in the
    beginning sections of the magazine.
•   The pictures on the page are only of the main artist and the page has the artists name at
    the top which again clarifies the reader on what the article is about.
•   Before the interview begins there is a very brief introduction to the artist, his background,
    and some topics that are discussed in the interview which can attract the reader to read
    the rest of the page and also to inform them.
•   The interview layout is very systematic and in a quite chronological order which makes it
    easy to read.
•   The interview focuses directly on the questions the audience would like to know the
    answers to which means it is likely to keep the readers attention throughout.
•   After the interview there is a section on the main artists tour dates and information on
    how to get updates from them which is convention of magazine articles. This will also be
    of use to the reader which is why it works well.
This is how all three components are
                  linked together….

My front cover, contents page and double page spread have various features that link them
together. The main feature is the presence of the main artist. The photos of the artist are the main
feature on all of the pages as he appears consistently and clearly among all the pages. There is
direct links between the front cover and the contents page that lead to the double page spread.
The description of the interview on the front cover is similar to the one on the contents page and
that also continues into the introduction on the double page spread and the interview itself on the
This is my re-drafted cover page
• Cover Page      • Key modifications from
                  •   After receiving feedback there is various things I
                      changed about my cover page. The main thing I
                      changed was the colour scheme. My first cover
                      page was very pink and this would only appeal
                      to half of my target audience. To make it more
                      appealing I changed the colours to black, white,
                      red and yellow as these are quite neutral
                      colours that appeal to both genders.
                  •   I also changed the font of the main artists name
                      to make it stand out more as previously it
                      blended in with the rest of the page quite easily.
                  •   I also added design features such as the double
                      lines between cover lines to make the cover
                      more professional.
                  •   I also changed and cut out some cover lines to
                      make them appeal to my audience better and so
                      that they are more relevant to the genre.
This is my re-drafted contents page

• Cover Page          • Key modifications from
                      •   I changed the overall design of the contents
                          page as I didn’t feel the first one looked
                          professional enough. I added back colours
                          behind the headings of the different sections on
                          the page and I also added a “in every issue”
                          section so that regular readers would be able to
                          locate these.
                          I modified this one to make sure that all the
                          cover lines where in line with each other and
                          spread out equally. I also made sure the titles of
                          the cover lines were bold so that it was easy for
                          the reader to see and locate. I also changed the
                          font and size of the numbers to fit the page.
                          I also changed the image of the main artist to fit
                          the new layout better than the previous image
This is my re-drafted double spread

• Double spread
Key modifications to double spread from
•   To improve my double page spread I firstly added a relevant title as the first page I did didn’t
    have this. Along with this I re-wrote the introduction before the interview to make it more
    relevant. I also changed the font and position to make sure it fitted better with the overall
    page. As well as this I added a larger quotation from the article which I found is a convention
    of double page spread interviews in magazines after doing some research. This added to the
    professionalism of the page.
•   I cut down the interview by about one question to allow room for a box containing some tour
    dates, website and information on how to get updates from the artist. This was another
    convention of music magazines that I found and it is very important in terms of supplying the
    reader with all the information they require.
•   In making these changes I had to change the layout slightly to make sure everything fit. I also
    changed some of the colour of text and font to make it easier for the reader to read. I also
    made minor changes such as the position of the page numbers to make it again, more
• You can find my blog here:

You can find my evaluation with responses to the 7 questions

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Raissa ishagi presentation

  • 2. My name is:…Raissa Ishagi………………… Candidate No:…2202………………..
  • 3. Preliminary Project – Research & Planning • How did you think about target audience? • I thought about my target audience by looking at the students that attend the college and researching into what other school magazines were addressing. I thought about who were more likely to read the magazine and the location of it was the most important aspect to consider. The students at the college are ages 16-19 so I had to consider what they would want. Although some teachers and parents would read the magazine I had to focus on the main audience which was the students. • How did awareness of that audience impact upon your visual design and choice of language? • As the audience is teenagers aged 16-19 I had to use quite informal language as really formal language wouldn’t appeal to them as much. As the audience was not one specific gender I had to use colours that appealed to both genders. I used a lot of blue which is usually associated with males but I used a female student on the front cover and highlighted some words in white and yellow to appeal to females as well. • What key points did you learn about Adobe Photoshop and InDesign in constructing your artefacts? • I learned that using Photoshop you can really manipulate images to fit what you want it to be and to give off certain impression. I also learned that on inDesign there are different tools you can use to help create your product that will help you to create a good lay out and help you move the features of your magazine around.
  • 4. Preliminary Project • College Cover • College Contents
  • 5. Reflections & Feedback • What would you do differently next time? • I would work more and put more effort into the actual layout and design of the front cover and contents page. I would do more research into designs and use Photoshop and InDesign to improve the overall design. I would also do more research to help me decide what to put on the actual front cover. • What kind of feedback did you get that might influence you? Feedback such as to make magazine look more like an actual magazine and less like a poster would definitely influence me as I would focus more on the layout. I have to take note of what attracts the audience and make sure that these features are present. • What aspects of your understanding of Adobe Photoshop & InDesign do you need to improve? • I need to improve my understanding of how to blend and manipulate pictures properly as the images used in my cover and contents page didn’t require me to do this much. I also need to practice using the different tools more so that I can gain a full understanding of what each of them does. I also need to look at more tutorials of the programs to make sure I know exactly what everything does and what features of my magazine each tool will help me with.
  • 6. The music genre of my music magazine is: • Genre : POP • and my chosen title is “Pop Off” because the nature of the genre is generally quite loud. This is reflected in the name as ‘Pop Off” stands for the way pop culture is. It will appeal to my target audience as it will excite them. I also thought it would work because it has the name of genre included in the name which could easily attract the audience.
  • 7. So I researched this genre of music publication and studied: • Model 1 • Model 2
  • 8. What I learned from this was….. • Cover Design • Cover Line • The magazine’s I looked at had a similarity • The cover lines that were used in the in that they didn’t use too many colours. magazines were all to do with the artists There was usually one colour scheme used in that genre of music and what was and this is something that I carried into happening around that industry. The my magazine. The magazines also had one magazines contained other artists names main artist on the front, using a head shot that were mentioned and had interviews of them as the main image which is also inside the magazine. They had lines on what I did. They had the name of the new artists, awards and also what is new magazine quite big and bright and the on the artists. Many also had slight name of the main artist also big and bright mentions to the artists personal lives and and this was a consistent feature in the material. magazines and I also incorporated this into my front cover.
  • 9. For my music magazine…. • Target Audience: Teenagers (age 13-18), mainly female, who listen to popular music/music on the charts. These teens usually are familiar with the popular artists and celebrities and are interested in the artists music and lives. • Frequency: Every month. • Cover price: 3.50 • Publisher: Bauer • Unique Selling Point: Exclusive print out of the singles and albums charts
  • 10. This is the face of the magazine • Front cover • This is how it works • On my front cover I have a main artist, and the left third regarding him. I used the Around this I have cover lines on different pop artists and what is happening in the industry to appeal to . I used bright colours through out to appeal to my target audience. The information on the front shows that there is a lot of information inside that the readers want. I also made sure to note that there was exclusive content inside. I almost tried to make sure that everything was in a good position and it had information such as price and barcode.
  • 11. Here are the 4 original photographs I shot for the project……
  • 12. I modified each photograph; here is the original next to the final version: • Raw 1 • Final 1 • To edit this picture I used photo shop to feather it and change the background of the picture to white. I did this so that the background of the original picture wouldn’t clash with the background of my magazine. By making it white it matched the colour of my contents page.
  • 13. And the second one: • Raw 2 • Final 2 • I decided not to edit this picture as I felt like it was very natural and I didn’t want it to look too modified. I like the way the light hits the microphone and I felt it added a nice effect to it and so I didn’t want to lose that by editing it.
  • 14. And the third one: • Raw 3 • Final 3 • I changed the focus on the picture and made it a bit softer to fit the rest of the pictures on my contents page. I also took away the border and cropped the picture to make it more centered. I did this to change the way it looked on the contents page.
  • 15. And the last one: • Raw 4 • Final 4 • I didn’t edit this picture as I again felt like it would take away from the natural elements in the photo such as they way the light hits the edge of the stage. I didn’t feel it needed to be edited as it was raw and goes along with the contents page title that goes with it.
  • 16. Here are a couple of research models for my contents page…
  • 17. This is my contents page • Contents Page • These are key features… • The tall image of the main artist that is featured on the front cover. He is the main person on the contents page as well which shows how the contents page relates to and follows on from the front cover. • The cover lines are split into four categories, features, news, interviews and regulars. This helps the reader to easily spot what they want to read. • The
  • 18. How does the contents page link back to the cover page? • My contents page links back to my cover page because it carries the same cover lines that were on the cover. The main artist on the cover page is also the main picture on the contents page and the main story regarding him can easily be found on the contents page as it has a heading saying COVER STORY in red. On the cover page there is a list of artists and the lines on the contents page refer to those artists and give future artists.
  • 19. Key points of contents page • How have you made the reader want to read on? The lines on the contents page only give a taster to what is on the article and don’t give too much away therefore it makes the reader want to turn to the pages to find out the full story. Some articles also have headings such as ‘New talent’ which makes it seem new and exclusive which would make the reader want to find out about it. • What are the links between images and words? The images used connect with lines underneath them. Such as the picture of the stage connects to an article called ‘behind the stage’ which is a feature of the magazine that would appear in other issues. Also the article on studio tips from successful artists is accompanied by a picture of a standard studio microphone which would attract readers who use studios. • What determines the dominant stories? • The dominant stories are determined by what was on the cover page, for example the main story on the contents page was the main story from the cover page. You can tell this by the heading and the change in colour. Also from the use of bold text. • How have you gone about ordering the information on the page? • I used headings to section the articles on my contents page. The articles are sectioned under features, news, interviews & regulars. This was to make it easier for the reader to find whichever article they want to read & for them to find the things that come in to every issue.
  • 20. How does the contents page flag up your double page spread? The contents page flags up the double page spread as the largest photo on the page is of the main artist which is on the double page spread. The cover line that refers to the double page spread gives a brief insight into what the article on the double page spread is going to talk about. It links directly and does not give any misconceptions of what is on the double page therefore the reader is more likely to keep reading when they start as it will be exactly what they expected from the cover line on the contents page. The cover line also links directly to the introduction at the beginning of the double page spread.
  • 21. Here’s an example of an inspiring double page spread…
  • 22. This is why I think that double spread works • I think this double page spread works because it gives the reader a clear picture of the main artist so they immediately know who it is. I also think the title is quite large which would also attract the reader. • Another feature of the page that works is the brief introduction to the artist and to the interview. This attracts the audience and gives them an insight into what is on the rest of the page. • I think the use a larger quote also makes the page work because this is another feature that would attract the audience and this is probably going to be the first bit of the interview that they read so by having that small quote to attract them, it sets them up for the rest of the contents on the page. • I also think the layout of the text works because the colour is black and against the white background it is very easy to read. I also think it works because it is in a clear font and you can easily distinguish the questions from the answers and this is very important because if a text is not easy to read then the audience are likely to not actually read it. • The fact that there isn’t too much going on in the pages also make it work because it’s clear where everything is and what everything is so the reader doesn’t get confused and doesn’t find themselves not knowing where to look. This is very important for having a successful product. • I also think that the questions asked are ones that fans of this artist and readers would like to know the answer to and would find interest in.
  • 23. This is my double-page spread
  • 24. This is how my double page spread works • I think my double page spread works because its clear to the reader that it is the same artist that has been the main feature of the front cover and contents page. This means the reader is likely to read the page as it is something that’s been almost advertised in the beginning sections of the magazine. • The pictures on the page are only of the main artist and the page has the artists name at the top which again clarifies the reader on what the article is about. • Before the interview begins there is a very brief introduction to the artist, his background, and some topics that are discussed in the interview which can attract the reader to read the rest of the page and also to inform them. • The interview layout is very systematic and in a quite chronological order which makes it easy to read. • The interview focuses directly on the questions the audience would like to know the answers to which means it is likely to keep the readers attention throughout. • After the interview there is a section on the main artists tour dates and information on how to get updates from them which is convention of magazine articles. This will also be of use to the reader which is why it works well.
  • 25. This is how all three components are linked together…. My front cover, contents page and double page spread have various features that link them together. The main feature is the presence of the main artist. The photos of the artist are the main feature on all of the pages as he appears consistently and clearly among all the pages. There is direct links between the front cover and the contents page that lead to the double page spread. The description of the interview on the front cover is similar to the one on the contents page and that also continues into the introduction on the double page spread and the interview itself on the page.
  • 26. This is my re-drafted cover page • Cover Page • Key modifications from feedback • After receiving feedback there is various things I changed about my cover page. The main thing I changed was the colour scheme. My first cover page was very pink and this would only appeal to half of my target audience. To make it more appealing I changed the colours to black, white, red and yellow as these are quite neutral colours that appeal to both genders. • I also changed the font of the main artists name to make it stand out more as previously it blended in with the rest of the page quite easily. • I also added design features such as the double lines between cover lines to make the cover more professional. • I also changed and cut out some cover lines to make them appeal to my audience better and so that they are more relevant to the genre.
  • 27. This is my re-drafted contents page • Cover Page • Key modifications from feedback • I changed the overall design of the contents page as I didn’t feel the first one looked professional enough. I added back colours behind the headings of the different sections on the page and I also added a “in every issue” section so that regular readers would be able to locate these. I modified this one to make sure that all the cover lines where in line with each other and spread out equally. I also made sure the titles of the cover lines were bold so that it was easy for the reader to see and locate. I also changed the font and size of the numbers to fit the page. I also changed the image of the main artist to fit the new layout better than the previous image did.
  • 28. This is my re-drafted double spread • Double spread
  • 29. Key modifications to double spread from feedback • To improve my double page spread I firstly added a relevant title as the first page I did didn’t have this. Along with this I re-wrote the introduction before the interview to make it more relevant. I also changed the font and position to make sure it fitted better with the overall page. As well as this I added a larger quotation from the article which I found is a convention of double page spread interviews in magazines after doing some research. This added to the professionalism of the page. • I cut down the interview by about one question to allow room for a box containing some tour dates, website and information on how to get updates from the artist. This was another convention of music magazines that I found and it is very important in terms of supplying the reader with all the information they require. • In making these changes I had to change the layout slightly to make sure everything fit. I also changed some of the colour of text and font to make it easier for the reader to read. I also made minor changes such as the position of the page numbers to make it again, more professional.
  • 30. Evaluation • You can find my blog here: And You can find my evaluation with responses to the 7 questions here: