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Q.1) Driver types are used to categorize the technology used to connect to the database.
A. True *
B. False
Q.2) This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the database.It
uses SQL as its database language.
Q.3) JDBC is ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is natural for java programmiers.
A. True*
B. False
Q.4) In this Data processing Model,the client communicates directly to the database server without the
help of any middle-ware technologies or another server.
A. Two-tier Data processing Model*
B. Three - tier Data processing Model
Q.5) The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver.
A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls. *
B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls
C. Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods on the server.
D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine.
Q.6) This method is use to execute any SQL statement with a "SELECT" clause, that return the result
of the query as a result set.
A. executeUpdate();
B. executeQuery();*
C. execute();
Q.7) This method is used to execute INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE , and other SQL DDL such as CREATE,
DROP Table.
A. executeUpdate();*
B. execute();
C. executeQuery();
Q.8) This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into java String
A. getVarchar();
B. getObject();
C. getString();*
Q.9) This method is used for retrieving the value from current row as object.
A. getRow();
B. getObject();*
C. getString();
Q.10) A client application uses stored procedures increases the network traffic, but it reduces the number of
times a database is accessed.
A. True
B. False*
Q.11) This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value pf this parameter cannot changed
or reassigned within the module and hence is constant.
A. IN*
Q.12) OUT Parameter.
- 3 choices.
A. pass out of procedure module. *
B. is a constant
C. is a variable*
D. back to the calling block*
Q.13) This Parameter behaves like an initialized variable.
Q.14) This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored procedure.
A. CallableStatment*
B. PreparedStatment
C. prepareCall();
Q.15) It reefers to the ability to move backward as well as forward through a result set.
A. Scrollable*
B. Updatable
C. Holdable
Q.16) This refers to the ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT.
A. Updatable
B. Holdable*
C. Scrollable
Q.17) The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns:
A. PrepareStatment Object*
B. Callalbalestatment Object
C. PrepareCall () method.
Q.18) The CallableStatment object contains the SQL statments.
A. True*
B. False
Q.19) A cursor that can only be used to process from the beginning of a ResultSet to the end of it.It is default
Q.20) A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatabilitu for any kind of DBMS or drivers.
A. True*
B. False
Q.21) A ResultSet object contains a set of rows from a result set or some other source of tabular data, like a file
or spreadsheet.
A. True*
B. False
Q.22) Which class is a disconnected rowset.
A. A CachedRowSet class. *
B. A JDBCRowSet class.
C. A WebRowSet class.
Q.23) This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back to the data
A. A connected RowSet.
B. A Disconnected RowSet. *
Q.24) Which statments are true?
A. A RowSet has to be make scrollable and updatable at the time of creation.
B. Scrollability and Updatability of a RowSet is independent of the JDBC driver*
C. A connect RowSet can read data from a non relational database source also.
D. A RowSet is a JavaBeans component which has to programmatically notify all registered event listener.
Q.25) The Result Set can not be modified and hence, It is not updatable in any way.
Q.26) This is the mechanism of encoding information in a secret coded form, intented only for the recipient to
access the information.
A. Cryptography*
B. Encryption
Q.27) The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again decrypted into
usable plaintext.
A. True*
B. False
Q.28) This transforms the input, called the plaintext, to an output, known as ciphertext. this is known as
Symmetric cryptography.
A. Hash Function
B. Secret key cryptography*
C. Public Key cryptography
Q.29) This is as asymmetric cryptography, It operates under two different keys.
A. Public Key cryptography*
B. Hash Function
C. Secret key cryptography
Q.30) This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest.
A. Secret key cryptography
B. Public Key cryptography
C. Hash Function*
Q.31) Which statements are true?
A. The Tamper-proofing process verifies whether the data received by the receiver is the same data as
sent by the sender. *
B. Spoofing or identity interception, which means impersonating the identity of a different user and use
it in an unauthorized way. *
C. Authentication is the process that provides tamper-proofing, while it is on the network.
Q.32) The class is use to hash value of the specified data.
A. Message Digest*
B. Signature
C. KeyPair Generator
D. KeyFactory
E. Certificate Factory
Q.33) The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified.
A. Signature
B. Message Digest
C. KeyPair Generator*
D. KeyFactory
E. Certificate Factory
Q.34) The class is used to sign and check the authenticity of digital signature
A. Message Digest
B. Signature*
C. Certificate Factory
D. KeyFactory
E. KeyPair Generator
Q.35) The class is used to transform opaque keys of type Key into key specifications and provide transparent
representations of the underlying key material and vice versa.
A. Message Digest
B. KeyPair Generator
C. Signature
D. KeyFactory*
E. Certificate Factory
Q.36) The class is used to generate public key certificates.
A. Certificate Factory*
B. KeyPair Generator
C. Message Digest
D. Signature
E. KeyFactory
Q.37) This class is a database of keys and certificates
A. Algorithm Parameters
B. KeyStore*
C. Key
D. KeySpec
Q.38) Cryptography is essential for making a application safe and secure, including:
- 3 choices
A. Tampering*
B. Non-repudiation*
C. Integrity & confidentiality*
D. Spoofing
E. Authentication*
Q.39) this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a transaction.
A. Non-repudiation*
B. Tampering
C. Integrity
D. confidentiality
Q.40) Data integrity is to protect data from getting tampered,while it is on the network.
A. True*
B. False
Q.41) This is a framework written in java to access and develop cryptographic functionality, and forms part of
the java security API.
Q.42) With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte.
Q.43) Single-bit ciphers are called:
A. Block cipher*
B. Stream cipher
Q.44) Cipher objects are created using this method of the cipher class.
A. getInstance();*
B. init();
Q.45) the cipher object is initialized by the init() method?
A. True*
B. False
Q.46) The Code : "DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is the form of
A. "mode/algorithm/padding"
B. "algorithm/mode/padding"*
C. "algorithm/padding/mode"
D. "DeCrypto/Cipher/padding"
Q.47) "(Only)algorithm" such as
A. "DES"*
B. "PKCS5"
C. "CBE"
Q.48) Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password text to derive
an encrypted key.
A. Encryption and Decryption
B. Key Agreement
C. Password Base Encryption*
Q.49) Single bits or a block of bits can be encrypted into cipher blocks
A. True*
B. False
Q.50) The product components of JDBC are:
A. JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
B. Net-Protocol/all-Java driver
C. JDBC Driver Manager*
D. JDBC Test Suite & JDBC API*
Q.51) In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server.
A. Three-Tier JDBC
B. Two-Tier JDBC*
Q.52) The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type
A. I
B. II*
Q.53) The 'Native Protocol - All Java' is Driver Type
A. I
D. IV*
Q.54) Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from Statement Interface. The CallableStatement is
inherited from PreparedStatement interface.
A. True*
B. False
Q.55) This Objects are used to receive and store the data in the same form as it is returned from the SQL
A. PreparedStatement
B. CallableStatement
C. ResultSet*
D. ExecuteQuery()
Q.56) This Method return an Integer value indicating the row count.
A. ExecuteQuery();
B. Execute();
C. ExecuteUpdate();*
Q.57) If row value is 0, this method has no effect.If row value is positive, the cursor is moved forward that
many row.
A. relative(int row) method*
B. absolute(int row) method.
Q.58) Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last()
A. True
B. False*
Q.59) Which statements are true?
- 3 choices
A. In Scrollable ResultSet, the cursor is positioned on the first row.
B. A default ResultSet object is not updated and has a cursor that moves forward only. *
C. The ResultSet should be compulsorily closed after a COMMIT statement.
D. Holdable refers to ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. *
E. The createStatement method has two argurments namely resultSetType and *resultSetConcurrency
.61) This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class.
A. Security Manager
B. Policy File*
C. Access Controler

1. JDBC and ODBC are identical?
A. True
B. False*

2. How many kinds of JDBC drivers?
A. 10
B. 3
C. 4*
D many

3. The JDBC API is a Java API for accessing virtually any kind of tabular data
A. False
B. True*

4. What is the correct statement about CallableStatement interface? (choose 1)
A. It defines a statement to create a stored-procedure
B. It contains a call to a stored-procedure*
C. It defines a store-procedure

5. Which is the default port number of RMI Registry Server?
A. 1023
B. 1099*
C. 1069

6. Which of the following statements is correct for retrieving all fields from Student table?

String sql=”SELECT * FROM Student”;
Statement st=cn.createStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery();


String sql=”SELECT * FROM Student”; *
Statement st=cn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(sql);

7. If you need to use a stored procedure with output parameters, which of the following
statement type should be used to call the procedure?
A. PreparedStatement
B. CallableStatement*
C. Statement

8. From which object do you ask for DatabaseMetaData?
A. DriverManager
B. ResultSet
C. Connection*
D. Driver

9. Which character is used to represent an input parameter in a CallableStatement?
A. *
B. #
C. ? *
D. %

10. Which one of the following will not get the data from the first column of ResultSet rs,
returned from executing SQL statement: SELECT name, rank, serialNo FROM employee.
A. rs.getString(“name”);
B. rs.getString(1);
C. rs.getString(0); *

11. Which class contains the transaction control method setAutoCommit, commit, and rollback?
A. Statement
B. Connection*
C. ResultSet

12. You can use an applet in RMI program as ________
A. None of the other options
B. Server program
C. Client program*

13. Which of the following will not cause a JDBC driver to be loaded and registered with the

A. Class.forName(driverString);
B. new DriverClass();
C. Include driver name in jdbc.drivers system property
D. None of the above*

14. SQLWarnings from multiple Statement method calls (like executeUpdate) will build up until
you ask for them all with getWarnings and getNextWarning.
A. True
B. False*

15. If one intends to work with a ResultSet, which of these PreparedStatement methods will not
A. execute()
B. executeQuery()
C. executeUpdate()*

16. Can a ResultSet be reliably returned from a method that creates a Statement and executes a

A. Yes
B. No*

17. How can I use JDBC to create a database?
A. Include create=true at end of JDBC URL
B. Execute "CREATE DATABASE jGuru" SQL statement*
C. Execute "STRSQL" and "CREATE COLLECTION jGuru" SQL statements
D. Database creation is DBMS specific

18. Which of the following can you do with a JDBC 2.0 database driver that you cannot with a
JDBC 1.x driver?
A. Batch multiple statements, to be sent to the database together
B. Scroll through result sets bi-directionally
C. Work with SQL3 data types directly
D. All of the above*

19. A __________ result set has a cursor that moves both forward and backward and can be
moved to a particular row
A. scrollable*
B. nonscrollable
C. Unscrollable

20. The method___________ is designed for statements that produce a single result set, such as
SELECT statement
A. executeUpdate
B. execute
C. Update
D. executeQuery*

21. Which three of the following are classes of Java.rmi package?
A. Naming*
B. MarshalledObject*
C. RMISecurityManager*
D. Remote

22. Which option of jar file indicates manifest file not created?
A. Jar M
B. Jar t
c. Jar m
D. Jar c

23. _______ option of Jar command makes a Java archive file.
A. JAR -c
B. JAR -m
C. JAR -v
D. JAR –f

24. Which command adds the file file.class to Xyz.jar?
A. jar – uf Xyz . jar file.class
B. jar – xf Xyz . jar
C. jar – tf Xyz . jar

25. Driver types are used to categorize the technology used to connect to the database.
A. True*
B. False

26. This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the
database.It uses SQL as its database language.

27. JDBC is ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is natural for java
A. True*
B. False

28. In this Data processing Model,the client communicates directly to the database server
without the help of any middle-ware technologies or another server.
A. Two-tier Data processing Model*
B. Three - tier Data processing Model

29. The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver.
A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls. *
B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls
C. Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods on the
D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine.

30. This method is used to execute INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE , and other SQL DDL such as
A. executeUpdate();*
B. execute();
C. executeQuery();

31. This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into
java String object.
A. getVarchar();
B. getObject();
C. getString();*

32. This method is used for retrieving the value from current row as object.
A. getRow();
B. getObject();*
C. getString();

33. This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back
to the data source.
A. A Connected RowSet.
B. A Disconnected RowSet. *

34. A client application uses stored procedures increases the network traffic, but it reduces the
number of times a database is accessed.
A. True
B. False*

35. This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value of this parameter
cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant.
A. IN*

36. OUT Parameter. - 3 choices.
A. pass out of procedure module*
B. is a constant
C. is a variable*
D. back to the calling block*

37. This Parameter behaves like an initialized variable.

38. This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored
A. CallableStatment*
B. PreparedStatment
C. prepareCall();

39. This refers to the ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT
A. Updatable
B. Holdable*
C. Scrollable

40. The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns:
A. PrepareStatment Object*
B. Callalbalestatment Object
C. PrepareCall () method.
41. The CallableStatment object contains the SQL statments.
A. True*
B. False

42. A cursor that can only be used to process from the beginning of a ResultSet to the end of
it.It is default type.

43. A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatability for any kind of DBMS or drivers.
A. True*
B. False

44. A ResultSet object contains a set of rows from a result set or some other source of tabular
data, like a file or spreadsheet.
A. true
B. false*

45. Which class is a disconnected rowset.
A. A CachedRowSet class. *
B. A JDBCRowSet class.
C. A WebRowSet class.

46. Which statments are true?
A. A RowSet has to be make scrollable and updatable at the time of creation.
B. Scrollability and Updatability of a RowSet is independent of the JDBC driver*
C. A connect RowSet can read data from a non relational database source also.
D. A RowSet is a JavaBeans component which has to programmatically notify all registered event

47. The Result Set can not be modified and hence, It is not updatable in any way.

48. This is the mechanism of encoding information in a secret coded form, intented only for the
recipient to access the information.
A. Cryptography*
B. Encryption

49. The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again
decrypted into usable plaintext.
A. True*
B. False

50. This transforms the input, called the plaintext, to an output, known as ciphertext. this is
known as Symmetric cryptography.
A. Hash Function
B. Secret key cryptography*
C. Public Key cryptography

51. This is as asymmetric cryptography, It operates under two different keys.
A. Public Key cryptography*
B. Hash Function
C. Secret key cryptography

52. This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest.
A. Secret key cryptography
B. Public Key cryptography
C. Hash Function*

53. Which statements are true?
A. The Tamper-proofing process verifies whether the data received by the receiver is the same data as
sent by the sender. *
B. Spoofing or identity interception, which means impersonating the identity of a different user and
use it in an unauthorized way*
C. Authentication is the process that provides tamper-proofing, while it is on the network.

54. The class is use to hash value of the specified data.
A. Message Digest*
B. Signature
C. KeyPair Generator
D. KeyFactory
E. Certificate Factory

55. The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type
A. I
B. II*

56. The 'Native Protocol - All Java' is Driver Type
A. I
D. IV*

57. Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from Statement Interface. The
CallableStatement is inherited from PreparedStatement interface.
A. True*
B. False

58. This Method return an Integer value indicating the row count.
A. ExecuteQuery();
B. Execute();
C. ExecuteUpdate();*
59. If row value is 0, this method has no effect.If row value is positive, the cursor is moved
forward that many row.
A. relative(int row) method*
B. absolute(int row) method.

60. Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last()
A. True
B. False*

61. Which statements are true? (3 choices)
A. In Scrollable ResultSet, the cursor is positioned on the first row.
B. A default ResultSet object is not updated and has a cursor that moves forward only. *
C. The ResultSet should be compulsorily closed after a COMMIT statement.
D. Holdable refers to ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. *
E. The createStatement method has two argurments namely resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency*

62. Which statements are true? (3 choices)
A. The original message text has to be transmitted separately since the content of a digitally signed
message is altered irreversibly.
B. A Certification authority creates a signed certificate by encrypting the digitally signature with its
private key. *
C. The digital signature and sender's public key are appended to end of a message. *
D. A recipient decrypts a signed signature using its own public key.
E. The integrity of a message cannot be ensure while using message digests*

63. This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class.
A. Security Manager
B. Policy File*
C. Access Controller

64. The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified.
A. Signature
B. Message Digest
C. KeyPair Generator*
D. KeyFactory
E. Certificate Factory

65. The class is used to sign and check the authenticity of digital signature
A. Message Digest
B. Signature*
C. Certificate Factory
D. KeyFactory
E. KeyPair Generator

66. The class is used to transform opaque keys of type Key into key specifications and provide
transparent representations of the underlying key material and vice versa.
A. Message Digest
B. KeyPair Generator
C. Signature
D. KeyFactory*
E. Certificate Factory

67. The class is used to generate public key certificates.
A. Certificate Factory*
B. KeyPair Generator
C. Message Digest
D. Signature
E. KeyFactory

68. This class is a database of keys and certificates
A. Algorithm Parameters
B. KeyStore*
C. Key
D. KeySpec

69. this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a
A. Non-repudiation*
B. Tampering
C. Integrity
D. Confidentiality

70. Data integrity is to protect data from getting tampered, while it is on the network.
A. True*
B. False

71. This is a framework written in java to access and develop cryptographic functionality, and
forms part of the java security API.

72. With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte.

73. Single-bit ciphers are called:
A. Block cipher
B. Stream cipher*

74. Cipher objects are created using this method of the cipher class.
A. getInstance();*
B. init();

75. the cipher object is initialized by the init() method?
A. True*
B. False

76. The Code : "DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is the form of
A. "mode/algorithm/padding"
B. "algorithm/mode/padding"*
C. "algorithm/padding/mode"
D. "DeCrypto/Cipher/padding"

77. "(Only)algorithm" such as
A. "DES"*
B. "PKCS5"
C. "CBE"

78. Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password
text to derive an encrypted key.
A. Encryption and Decryption
B. Key Agreement
C. Password Base Encryption*

79. Single bits or a block of bits can be encrypted into cipher blocks
A. True*
B. False

80. In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server.
A. Three-Tier JDBC
B. Two-Tier JDBC*
1.which of the following are JDBC drivers?(chon 4)(1.5d)
A, JDBC –ODBC bridge*
B native API party – java driver*
C, Net –protoco all – java*
D, JDBC – network driver
E, Native protocol all – java driver*
2. The naming clss extend the -----class
A serializable
B Object*
C System
D Remote
3. -the------Class of java RMI provides stati methods for accep
A MarshalledObject
B Naming
C RMI Security Manager
D log Stream
E Remote Server
4 . the -----use local native libraries to commulicate with the database
A JDBC – ODBC Bridge*
B native – API – Party- java driver
C ODBC net all java driver
D Native Protoco – all – java driver
5 . which interface of the JDBC API contains method used to execute SQL stored procedures
A statement
B resultset
C CallableStatement*
6 .. . which interface of the JDBC API execute pre – compied SQL statement(1d)
A preparedStatement*
B statement
C Resultset

which of the following three interfaces the JDBC API provides for sending SQL statements
to the database? (2d)
A Statement*
B PreparedStatement*
C callablestatement*
D Connection
E Getconnection
the ----- class is the traditional managerment layer of JDBC working between the …. The


a Driver manager
b Connection
c Resultset

9 The java software provides three JDBC product components they are (2d)
A The JDBC DriverManager facility *

The JDBC driver test suite*


The JDBC – ODBC bridge*


The callable stament

10 . A ------obiect is used to send SQL statement to a database
A Connection *




11 . Which interface of the JDBC API provides mothod to setive data that an SQL statement
A ResultSet *
B Statement
C Driver
D Connection
12 Which two of the following are valid JDBC driver(choose 2)
a JDBC –ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver
b native – API partly –Java drivr

ODBC Driver
Native java driver

13 Which kind of driver converts ODBC calls drectly into the network protocol
A JDBC _ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver*
B Native API partly java driver
C Native protocol pure java driver

Depending upon scrollabity how many types of result sets are av…..
A One
B Four
C three
D Two

15. Which of the following classes contain the Execute() method?
A ResultSet






16. the -----method is used to retreve the name of
A getColumName()*
B GetColumCaption()
C GetColumLabel()
D None of the others

The statement interface provides three different methods for executing SQL
statement, they are (2d)
A ExecuteQuery *
B ExecuteUpdate *
C Execute*
D ExecuteDelete



Once the Drver classes have been loaded and registered with the driver avaitable for
eatablahing a connection with a database is the statement correct?
A true
B False*
1. A cipher disables encryption and decryption operations.
2. JDBC is an acronym of ?Java Database Connectivity.?
3. Wich of the following are the advantages of JDBC?
1.Continued usage of existing data
2.Vendor dependent
3.Platform independent
4.Ease of use
4. Native Protocol-All Java is ________ JDBC driver.
Type IV
4. The next() method allows to traverse forward by moving the cursor ___ forward.
One row
5. The executeUpdate() method is used to execute which of the following objects?
PreparedStatement and CallableStatement
6. Which of the following are the characteristics of the Stored procedures?
All of the above
7. Which of the following are the benefits of using stored procedure?
8. The drawback of using a stored procedure is lack of portability.
9. Which of the following is the characteristics of ResultSet?
10. Which of the following parameters are used in stored procedure?
11. Which of the following are the static constant values that can be specified for the result set
12. Once the updaterow() method is called, changes to the database are final and cannot be
13. The UpdateXXX() method of ResultSet is used to change the data in an existing row
14. ____ is the parent interface implemented by all connected RowSet objects.
15. Which of the following contains path of the class and permission details required to access a
Policy file
16. Which of the following classes is used to grant access to network resources?
17. Encryption converts original data into an encrypted form by appluing ___ transformations.
a. Cipher

Q.1) This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the database.It
uses SQL as its database language.
Q.2) The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver.
A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls.
B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls
Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods
on the server.
D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine.
Q.3) This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into
java String object.
A. getVarchar();
B. getObject();
C. getString();

This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value pf this parameter
cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant.


This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored


The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns:
A. PrepareStatment Object
B. Callalbalestatment Object
C. PrepareCall () method.


A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatabilitu for any kind of DBMS or drivers.


This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back to
the data source.
A. A connected RowSet.
B. A Disconnected RowSet.

Q.9) In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server.
A. Three-Tier JDBC
B. Two-Tier JDBC
Q.10) The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type
Q.11) This Objects are used to receive and store the data in the same form as it is returned from the
SQL queries.
A. PreparedStatement
B. CallableStatement
C. ResultSet
D. ExecuteQuery()
Q.12) Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last()

Q.13) The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again decrypted
into usable plaintext.
A. True
B. False
Q.14) This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest.
Secret key cryptography
Public Key cryptography
Hash Function
Q.15) The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified.
A. Signature
B. Message Digest
C. KeyPair Generator
D. KeyFactory
E. Certificate Factory
Q.16) The class is used to generate public key certificates.
Certificate Factory
KeyPair Generator
Message Digest
Q.17) this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a
A. Non-repudiation
B. Tampering
C. Integrity
D. confidentiality
Q.18) With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte.
Q.19) the cipher object is initialized by the init() method?
A. True
B. False
Q.20) Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password
text to derive an encrypted key.
Encryption and Decryption
Key Agreement
Password Base Encryption
Q.21) This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class.
A. Security Manager
B. Policy File
C. Access Controler
Q.22 Code


namespace Abstract_Animal {
abstract class Animal {
public void run() {
Console.writeLine("Run by 4 feet");

void Eat();

class Bird:Animal{
public void Eat(){
Console.writeLine("All of dove eat rice");
static void Main(String[] args){
Bird dove = new Bird();

A. Compiler Error.
B. Print: "All of dove eat rice"
C. print: "Run by 4 feet"
Q.23) Abstact method ,which contains at least one statement, is declared in abstract class.
Q.24) Eat();
A. An Abstract class
B. An Interface
Q.25) Interface can not contain constants, data fields, contructors, Deconstructors and static
A. True
B. False


Driver types are used to categorize the technology used to connect to the database.






This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the
database.It uses SQL as its database language.





JDBC is ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is natural for java





In this Data processing Model,the client communicates directly to the database server
without the help of any middle-ware technologies or another server.

Two-tier Data processing Model


Three - tier Data processing Model

5. The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver.

Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls.


Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls

Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native
methods on the server.

Directly calls RDBMS from client machine.


This method is use to execute any SQL statement with a "SELECT" clause, that return the
result of the query as a result set.







This method is used to execute INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE , and other SQL DDL such as







This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into
java String object.







This method is used for retrieving the value from current row as object.







A client application uses stored procedures increases the network traffic, but it reduces
the number of times a database is accessed.





This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value pf this parameter
cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant.







OUT Parameter.
- 3 choices.

pass out of procedure module.


is a constant


is a variable


back to the calling block


This Parameter behaves like an initialized variable.







This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the
stored procedure.







It reefers to the ability to move backward as well as forward through a result set.








This refers to the ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT.








The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns:


PrepareStatment Object


Callalbalestatment Object


PrepareCall () method.

The CallableStatment object contains the SQL statments.






A cursor that can only be used to process from the beginning of a ResultSet to the end of
it.It is default type.







A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatabilitu for any kind of DBMS or





A ResultSet object contains a set of rows from a result set or some other source of tabular
data, like a file or spreadsheet.




Which class is a disconnected rowset.

A CachedRowSet class.


A JDBCRowSet class.


A WebRowSet class.


This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data
back to the data source.

A connected RowSet.


A Disconnected RowSet.


Which statments are true?


A RowSet has to be make scrollable and updatable at the time of creation.


Scrollability and Updatability of a RowSet is independent of the JDBC driver


A connect RowSet can read data from a non relational database source also.

A RowSet is a JavaBeans component which has to programmatically notify all registered
event listener.


The Result Set can not be modified and hence, It is not updatable in any way.






This is the mechanism of encoding information in a secret coded form, intented only for
the recipient to access the information.





The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again
decrypted into usable plaintext.





This transforms the input, called the plaintext, to an output, known as ciphertext. this is
known as Symmetric cryptography.

Hash Function


Secret key cryptography


Public Key cryptography


This is as asymmetric cryptography, It operates under two different keys.


Public Key cryptography


Hash Function


Secret key cryptography


This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest.


Secret key cryptography


Public Key cryptography


Hash Function

Which statements are true?

The Tamper-proofing process verifies whether the data received by the receiver is the same
data as sent by the sender.
Spoofing or identity interception, which means impersonating the identity of a different user
and use it in an unauthorized way.


Authentication is the process that provides tamper-proofing, while it is on the network.

The class is use to hash value of the specified data.


Message Digest




KeyPair Generator




Certificate Factory


The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified.




Message Digest


KeyPair Generator




Certificate Factory

The class is used to sign and check the authenticity of digital signature


Message Digest




Certificate Factory




KeyPair Generator


The class is used to transform opaque keys of type Key into key specifications and
provide transparent representations of the underlying key material and vice versa.

Message Digest


KeyPair Generator






Certificate Factory


The class is used to generate public key certificates.


Certificate Factory


KeyPair Generator


Message Digest





This class is a database of keys and certificates


Algorithm Parameters








Cryptography is essential for making a application safe and secure, including:
- 4 choices





Integrity & confidentiality






this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a









Data integrity is to protect data from getting tampered,while it is on the network.





This is a framework written in java to access and develop cryptographic functionality,
and forms part of the java security API.





With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte.








Single-bit ciphers are called:


Block cipher


Stream cipher


Cipher objects are created using this method of the cipher class.





the cipher object is initialized by the init() method?






The Code : "DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is the form of










"(Only)algorithm" such as








Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the
password text to derive an encrypted key.

Encryption and Decryption


Key Agreement


Password Base Encryption

Single bits or a block of bits can be encrypted into cipher blocks
A. True(correct answer)
B. False(your answer)


The product components of JDBC are:




Net-Protocol/all-Java driver


JDBC Driver Manager


JDBC Test Suite & JDBC API




In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server.


Three-Tier JDBC


Two-Tier JDBC


The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type









The 'Native Protocol - All Java' is Driver Type










Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from Statement Interface. The
CallableStatement is inherited from PreparedStatement interface.





This Objects are used to receive and store the data in the same form as it is returned from
the SQL queries.









This Method return an Integer value indicating the row count.







If row value is 0, this method has no effect.If row value is positive, the cursor is moved
forward that many row.

relative(int row) method


absolute(int row) method.

58 Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last()





Which statements are true?
- 3 choices

In Scrollable ResultSet, the cursor is positioned on the first row.


A default ResultSet object is not updated and has a cursor that moves forward only.


The ResultSet should be compulsorily closed after a COMMIT statement.


Holdable refers to ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT.

The createStatement method has two argurments namely resultSetType and


Which statements are true?
-3 choices
The original message text has to be transmitted separately separately since the content of a
digitally signed message is altered irreversibly.
A Certification authority creates a signed certificate by encrypting the digitally signature with
its private key.

The digital signature and sender's public key are appended to end of a message.


A recipient decrypts a signed signature using its own public key.


The integrity of a message cannot be ensure while using message digests.


This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class.


Security Manager


Policy File


Access Controler


An abstract class can be sealed





using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Abstract_class


abstract class Animal {

publicvoid run() {
Console.WriteLine("Run by 4 feet");


public void Eat();



// implement method Eat of abstract class Animal.

publicoverride void Eat(){

Console.WriteLine("All of dove eat rice");


static voidMain(string[] args)


bird dove = new bird();






Compiler Error.


Print: "All of dove eat rice"


print: "Run by 4 feet"

Abstact method ,which contains at least one statement, is declared in abstract class.







An Abstract class


An Interface


Interface can not contain constants, data fields, contructors, Deconstructors and static




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Quiz test JDBC

  • 1. Q.1) Driver types are used to categorize the technology used to connect to the database. A. True * B. False Q.2) This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the database.It uses SQL as its database language. A. JDBC B. ODBC* Q.3) JDBC is ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is natural for java programmiers. A. True* B. False Q.4) In this Data processing Model,the client communicates directly to the database server without the help of any middle-ware technologies or another server. A. Two-tier Data processing Model* B. Three - tier Data processing Model Q.5) The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver. A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls. * B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls C. Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods on the server. D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine. Q.6) This method is use to execute any SQL statement with a "SELECT" clause, that return the result of the query as a result set. A. executeUpdate(); B. executeQuery();* C. execute(); Q.7) This method is used to execute INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE , and other SQL DDL such as CREATE, DROP Table. A. executeUpdate();* B. execute(); C. executeQuery();
  • 2. Q.8) This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into java String object. A. getVarchar(); B. getObject(); C. getString();* Q.9) This method is used for retrieving the value from current row as object. A. getRow(); B. getObject();* C. getString(); Q.10) A client application uses stored procedures increases the network traffic, but it reduces the number of times a database is accessed. A. True B. False* Q.11) This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value pf this parameter cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant. A. IN* B. OUT C. IN/OUT Q.12) OUT Parameter. - 3 choices. A. pass out of procedure module. * B. is a constant C. is a variable* D. back to the calling block* Q.13) This Parameter behaves like an initialized variable. A. OUT B. IN C. IN/OUT* Q.14) This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored procedure.
  • 3. A. CallableStatment* B. PreparedStatment C. prepareCall(); Q.15) It reefers to the ability to move backward as well as forward through a result set. A. Scrollable* B. Updatable C. Holdable Q.16) This refers to the ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. A. Updatable B. Holdable* C. Scrollable Q.17) The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns: A. PrepareStatment Object* B. Callalbalestatment Object C. PrepareCall () method. Q.18) The CallableStatment object contains the SQL statments. A. True* B. False Q.19) A cursor that can only be used to process from the beginning of a ResultSet to the end of it.It is default type. A. TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE B. TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE C. TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY* Q.20) A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatabilitu for any kind of DBMS or drivers. A. True* B. False Q.21) A ResultSet object contains a set of rows from a result set or some other source of tabular data, like a file or spreadsheet. A. True*
  • 4. B. False Q.22) Which class is a disconnected rowset. A. A CachedRowSet class. * B. A JDBCRowSet class. C. A WebRowSet class. Q.23) This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back to the data source. A. A connected RowSet. B. A Disconnected RowSet. * Q.24) Which statments are true? A. A RowSet has to be make scrollable and updatable at the time of creation. B. Scrollability and Updatability of a RowSet is independent of the JDBC driver* C. A connect RowSet can read data from a non relational database source also. D. A RowSet is a JavaBeans component which has to programmatically notify all registered event listener. Q.25) The Result Set can not be modified and hence, It is not updatable in any way. A. CONCURENT_READ_ONLY* B. CONCURENT_UPDATABLE Q.26) This is the mechanism of encoding information in a secret coded form, intented only for the recipient to access the information. A. Cryptography* B. Encryption Q.27) The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again decrypted into usable plaintext. A. True* B. False Q.28) This transforms the input, called the plaintext, to an output, known as ciphertext. this is known as Symmetric cryptography. A. Hash Function B. Secret key cryptography* C. Public Key cryptography
  • 5. Q.29) This is as asymmetric cryptography, It operates under two different keys. A. Public Key cryptography* B. Hash Function C. Secret key cryptography Q.30) This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest. A. Secret key cryptography B. Public Key cryptography C. Hash Function* Q.31) Which statements are true? A. The Tamper-proofing process verifies whether the data received by the receiver is the same data as sent by the sender. * B. Spoofing or identity interception, which means impersonating the identity of a different user and use it in an unauthorized way. * C. Authentication is the process that provides tamper-proofing, while it is on the network. Q.32) The class is use to hash value of the specified data. A. Message Digest* B. Signature C. KeyPair Generator D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory Q.33) The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified. A. Signature B. Message Digest C. KeyPair Generator* D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory Q.34) The class is used to sign and check the authenticity of digital signature A. Message Digest B. Signature*
  • 6. C. Certificate Factory D. KeyFactory E. KeyPair Generator Q.35) The class is used to transform opaque keys of type Key into key specifications and provide transparent representations of the underlying key material and vice versa. A. Message Digest B. KeyPair Generator C. Signature D. KeyFactory* E. Certificate Factory Q.36) The class is used to generate public key certificates. A. Certificate Factory* B. KeyPair Generator C. Message Digest D. Signature E. KeyFactory Q.37) This class is a database of keys and certificates A. Algorithm Parameters B. KeyStore* C. Key D. KeySpec Q.38) Cryptography is essential for making a application safe and secure, including: - 3 choices A. Tampering* B. Non-repudiation* C. Integrity & confidentiality* D. Spoofing E. Authentication*
  • 7. Q.39) this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a transaction. A. Non-repudiation* B. Tampering C. Integrity D. confidentiality Q.40) Data integrity is to protect data from getting tampered,while it is on the network. A. True* B. False Q.41) This is a framework written in java to access and develop cryptographic functionality, and forms part of the java security API. A. JCA* B. JCE Q.42) With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte. A. DES B. PKCS5* C. CBC Q.43) Single-bit ciphers are called: A. Block cipher* B. Stream cipher Q.44) Cipher objects are created using this method of the cipher class. A. getInstance();* B. init(); Q.45) the cipher object is initialized by the init() method? A. True* B. False Q.46) The Code : "DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is the form of A. "mode/algorithm/padding" B. "algorithm/mode/padding"*
  • 8. C. "algorithm/padding/mode" D. "DeCrypto/Cipher/padding" Q.47) "(Only)algorithm" such as A. "DES"* B. "PKCS5" C. "CBE" Q.48) Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password text to derive an encrypted key. A. Encryption and Decryption B. Key Agreement C. Password Base Encryption* Q.49) Single bits or a block of bits can be encrypted into cipher blocks A. True* B. False Q.50) The product components of JDBC are: A. JDBC-ODBC Bridge. B. Net-Protocol/all-Java driver C. JDBC Driver Manager* D. JDBC Test Suite & JDBC API* E. ODBC Q.51) In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server. A. Three-Tier JDBC B. Two-Tier JDBC* Q.52) The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type A. I B. II* C. III D. IV
  • 9. Q.53) The 'Native Protocol - All Java' is Driver Type A. I B. II C. III D. IV* Q.54) Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from Statement Interface. The CallableStatement is inherited from PreparedStatement interface. A. True* B. False Q.55) This Objects are used to receive and store the data in the same form as it is returned from the SQL queries. A. PreparedStatement B. CallableStatement C. ResultSet* D. ExecuteQuery() Q.56) This Method return an Integer value indicating the row count. A. ExecuteQuery(); B. Execute(); C. ExecuteUpdate();* Q.57) If row value is 0, this method has no effect.If row value is positive, the cursor is moved forward that many row. A. relative(int row) method* B. absolute(int row) method. Q.58) Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last() A. True B. False* Q.59) Which statements are true? - 3 choices A. In Scrollable ResultSet, the cursor is positioned on the first row.
  • 10. B. A default ResultSet object is not updated and has a cursor that moves forward only. * C. The ResultSet should be compulsorily closed after a COMMIT statement. D. Holdable refers to ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. * E. The createStatement method has two argurments namely resultSetType and *resultSetConcurrency .61) This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class. A. Security Manager B. Policy File* C. Access Controler ====================================================================== 1. JDBC and ODBC are identical? A. True B. False* 2. How many kinds of JDBC drivers? A. 10 B. 3 C. 4* D many 3. The JDBC API is a Java API for accessing virtually any kind of tabular data A. False B. True* 4. What is the correct statement about CallableStatement interface? (choose 1) A. It defines a statement to create a stored-procedure B. It contains a call to a stored-procedure* C. It defines a store-procedure 5. Which is the default port number of RMI Registry Server? A. 1023
  • 11. B. 1099* C. 1069 6. Which of the following statements is correct for retrieving all fields from Student table? A. String sql=”SELECT * FROM Student”; Statement st=cn.createStatement(sql); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(); B. String sql=”SELECT * FROM Student”; * Statement st=cn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(sql); 7. If you need to use a stored procedure with output parameters, which of the following statement type should be used to call the procedure? A. PreparedStatement B. CallableStatement* C. Statement 8. From which object do you ask for DatabaseMetaData? A. DriverManager B. ResultSet C. Connection* D. Driver 9. Which character is used to represent an input parameter in a CallableStatement? A. * B. # C. ? * D. % 10. Which one of the following will not get the data from the first column of ResultSet rs, returned from executing SQL statement: SELECT name, rank, serialNo FROM employee. A. rs.getString(“name”);
  • 12. B. rs.getString(1); C. rs.getString(0); * 11. Which class contains the transaction control method setAutoCommit, commit, and rollback? A. Statement B. Connection* C. ResultSet 12. You can use an applet in RMI program as ________ A. None of the other options B. Server program C. Client program* 13. Which of the following will not cause a JDBC driver to be loaded and registered with the DriverManager? A. Class.forName(driverString); B. new DriverClass(); C. Include driver name in jdbc.drivers system property D. None of the above* 14. SQLWarnings from multiple Statement method calls (like executeUpdate) will build up until you ask for them all with getWarnings and getNextWarning. A. True B. False* 15. If one intends to work with a ResultSet, which of these PreparedStatement methods will not work? A. execute() B. executeQuery() C. executeUpdate()* 16. Can a ResultSet be reliably returned from a method that creates a Statement and executes a query?
  • 13. A. Yes B. No* 17. How can I use JDBC to create a database? A. Include create=true at end of JDBC URL B. Execute "CREATE DATABASE jGuru" SQL statement* C. Execute "STRSQL" and "CREATE COLLECTION jGuru" SQL statements D. Database creation is DBMS specific 18. Which of the following can you do with a JDBC 2.0 database driver that you cannot with a JDBC 1.x driver? A. Batch multiple statements, to be sent to the database together B. Scroll through result sets bi-directionally C. Work with SQL3 data types directly D. All of the above* 19. A __________ result set has a cursor that moves both forward and backward and can be moved to a particular row A. scrollable* B. nonscrollable C. Unscrollable 20. The method___________ is designed for statements that produce a single result set, such as SELECT statement A. executeUpdate B. execute C. Update D. executeQuery* 21. Which three of the following are classes of Java.rmi package? A. Naming* B. MarshalledObject* C. RMISecurityManager* D. Remote 22. Which option of jar file indicates manifest file not created? A. Jar M B. Jar t
  • 14. c. Jar m D. Jar c 23. _______ option of Jar command makes a Java archive file. A. JAR -c B. JAR -m C. JAR -v D. JAR –f 24. Which command adds the file file.class to Xyz.jar? A. jar – uf Xyz . jar file.class B. jar – xf Xyz . jar C. jar – tf Xyz . jar 25. Driver types are used to categorize the technology used to connect to the database. A. True* B. False 26. This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the database.It uses SQL as its database language. A. JDBC B. ODBC* 27. JDBC is ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is natural for java programmers. A. True* B. False 28. In this Data processing Model,the client communicates directly to the database server without the help of any middle-ware technologies or another server. A. Two-tier Data processing Model* B. Three - tier Data processing Model 29. The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver. A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls. * B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls
  • 15. C. Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods on the server. D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine. 30. This method is used to execute INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE , and other SQL DDL such as CREATE, DROP Table. A. executeUpdate();* B. execute(); C. executeQuery(); 31. This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into java String object. A. getVarchar(); B. getObject(); C. getString();* 32. This method is used for retrieving the value from current row as object. A. getRow(); B. getObject();* C. getString(); 33. This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back to the data source. A. A Connected RowSet. B. A Disconnected RowSet. * 34. A client application uses stored procedures increases the network traffic, but it reduces the number of times a database is accessed. A. True B. False* 35. This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value of this parameter cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant.
  • 16. A. IN* B. OUT C. IN/OUT 36. OUT Parameter. - 3 choices. A. pass out of procedure module* B. is a constant C. is a variable* D. back to the calling block* 37. This Parameter behaves like an initialized variable. A. OUT B. IN C. IN/OUT* 38. This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored procedure. A. CallableStatment* B. PreparedStatment C. prepareCall(); 39. This refers to the ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT A. Updatable B. Holdable* C. Scrollable 40. The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns: A. PrepareStatment Object* B. Callalbalestatment Object C. PrepareCall () method.
  • 17. 41. The CallableStatment object contains the SQL statments. A. True* B. False 42. A cursor that can only be used to process from the beginning of a ResultSet to the end of it.It is default type. A. TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE B. TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE C. TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY* 43. A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatability for any kind of DBMS or drivers. A. True* B. False 44. A ResultSet object contains a set of rows from a result set or some other source of tabular data, like a file or spreadsheet. A. true B. false* 45. Which class is a disconnected rowset. A. A CachedRowSet class. * B. A JDBCRowSet class. C. A WebRowSet class. 46. Which statments are true? A. A RowSet has to be make scrollable and updatable at the time of creation. B. Scrollability and Updatability of a RowSet is independent of the JDBC driver* C. A connect RowSet can read data from a non relational database source also. D. A RowSet is a JavaBeans component which has to programmatically notify all registered event listener. 47. The Result Set can not be modified and hence, It is not updatable in any way.
  • 18. A. CONCURENT_READ_ONLY* B. CONCURENT_UPDATABLE 48. This is the mechanism of encoding information in a secret coded form, intented only for the recipient to access the information. A. Cryptography* B. Encryption 49. The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again decrypted into usable plaintext. A. True* B. False 50. This transforms the input, called the plaintext, to an output, known as ciphertext. this is known as Symmetric cryptography. A. Hash Function B. Secret key cryptography* C. Public Key cryptography 51. This is as asymmetric cryptography, It operates under two different keys. A. Public Key cryptography* B. Hash Function C. Secret key cryptography 52. This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest. A. Secret key cryptography B. Public Key cryptography C. Hash Function* 53. Which statements are true? A. The Tamper-proofing process verifies whether the data received by the receiver is the same data as sent by the sender. *
  • 19. B. Spoofing or identity interception, which means impersonating the identity of a different user and use it in an unauthorized way* C. Authentication is the process that provides tamper-proofing, while it is on the network. 54. The class is use to hash value of the specified data. A. Message Digest* B. Signature C. KeyPair Generator D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory 55. The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type A. I B. II* C. III D. IV 56. The 'Native Protocol - All Java' is Driver Type A. I B. II C. III D. IV* 57. Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from Statement Interface. The CallableStatement is inherited from PreparedStatement interface. A. True* B. False 58. This Method return an Integer value indicating the row count. A. ExecuteQuery(); B. Execute(); C. ExecuteUpdate();*
  • 20. 59. If row value is 0, this method has no effect.If row value is positive, the cursor is moved forward that many row. A. relative(int row) method* B. absolute(int row) method. 60. Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last() A. True B. False* 61. Which statements are true? (3 choices) A. In Scrollable ResultSet, the cursor is positioned on the first row. B. A default ResultSet object is not updated and has a cursor that moves forward only. * C. The ResultSet should be compulsorily closed after a COMMIT statement. D. Holdable refers to ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. * E. The createStatement method has two argurments namely resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency* 62. Which statements are true? (3 choices) A. The original message text has to be transmitted separately since the content of a digitally signed message is altered irreversibly. B. A Certification authority creates a signed certificate by encrypting the digitally signature with its private key. * C. The digital signature and sender's public key are appended to end of a message. * D. A recipient decrypts a signed signature using its own public key. E. The integrity of a message cannot be ensure while using message digests* 63. This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class. A. Security Manager B. Policy File* C. Access Controller 64. The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified.
  • 21. A. Signature B. Message Digest C. KeyPair Generator* D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory 65. The class is used to sign and check the authenticity of digital signature A. Message Digest B. Signature* C. Certificate Factory D. KeyFactory E. KeyPair Generator 66. The class is used to transform opaque keys of type Key into key specifications and provide transparent representations of the underlying key material and vice versa. A. Message Digest B. KeyPair Generator C. Signature D. KeyFactory* E. Certificate Factory 67. The class is used to generate public key certificates. A. Certificate Factory* B. KeyPair Generator C. Message Digest D. Signature E. KeyFactory 68. This class is a database of keys and certificates A. Algorithm Parameters B. KeyStore* C. Key
  • 22. D. KeySpec 69. this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a transaction. A. Non-repudiation* B. Tampering C. Integrity D. Confidentiality 70. Data integrity is to protect data from getting tampered, while it is on the network. A. True* B. False 71. This is a framework written in java to access and develop cryptographic functionality, and forms part of the java security API. A. JCA* B. JCE 72. With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte. A. DES B. PKCS5* C. CBC 73. Single-bit ciphers are called: A. Block cipher B. Stream cipher* 74. Cipher objects are created using this method of the cipher class. A. getInstance();* B. init(); 75. the cipher object is initialized by the init() method?
  • 23. A. True* B. False 76. The Code : "DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is the form of A. "mode/algorithm/padding" B. "algorithm/mode/padding"* C. "algorithm/padding/mode" D. "DeCrypto/Cipher/padding" 77. "(Only)algorithm" such as A. "DES"* B. "PKCS5" C. "CBE" 78. Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password text to derive an encrypted key. A. Encryption and Decryption B. Key Agreement C. Password Base Encryption* 79. Single bits or a block of bits can be encrypted into cipher blocks A. True* B. False 80. In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server. A. Three-Tier JDBC B. Two-Tier JDBC* ====================================================================== 1.which of the following are JDBC drivers?(chon 4)(1.5d) A, JDBC –ODBC bridge* B native API party – java driver* C, Net –protoco all – java*
  • 24. D, JDBC – network driver E, Native protocol all – java driver* 2. The naming clss extend the -----class A serializable B Object* C System D Remote 3. -the------Class of java RMI provides stati methods for accep A MarshalledObject B Naming C RMI Security Manager D log Stream E Remote Server 4 . the -----use local native libraries to commulicate with the database A JDBC – ODBC Bridge* B native – API – Party- java driver C ODBC net all java driver D Native Protoco – all – java driver 5 . which interface of the JDBC API contains method used to execute SQL stored procedures (1d) A statement B resultset C CallableStatement* 6 .. . which interface of the JDBC API execute pre – compied SQL statement(1d) A preparedStatement* B statement C Resultset 7 which of the following three interfaces the JDBC API provides for sending SQL statements to the database? (2d) A Statement* B PreparedStatement* C callablestatement* D Connection
  • 25. E Getconnection the ----- class is the traditional managerment layer of JDBC working between the …. The driver 8 a Driver manager b Connection c Resultset 9 The java software provides three JDBC product components they are (2d) A The JDBC DriverManager facility * B The JDBC driver test suite* C The JDBC – ODBC bridge* D The callable stament 10 . A ------obiect is used to send SQL statement to a database A Connection * B Statement C Drive 11 . Which interface of the JDBC API provides mothod to setive data that an SQL statement returns? A ResultSet * B Statement C Driver D Connection 12 Which two of the following are valid JDBC driver(choose 2) a JDBC –ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver b native – API partly –Java drivr c d ODBC Driver Native java driver 13 Which kind of driver converts ODBC calls drectly into the network protocol A JDBC _ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver* B Native API partly java driver C Native protocol pure java driver 14. Depending upon scrollabity how many types of result sets are av…..
  • 26. A One B Four C three D Two 15. Which of the following classes contain the Execute() method? A ResultSet B RescordSet C Statement* D Connection 16. the -----method is used to retreve the name of A getColumName()* B GetColumCaption() C GetColumLabel() D None of the others 17 The statement interface provides three different methods for executing SQL statement, they are (2d) A ExecuteQuery * B ExecuteUpdate * C Execute* D ExecuteDelete E ExecuteInsert 18 Once the Drver classes have been loaded and registered with the driver avaitable for eatablahing a connection with a database is the statement correct? A true B False* ================================================= 1. A cipher disables encryption and decryption operations. False 2. JDBC is an acronym of ?Java Database Connectivity.? False 3. Wich of the following are the advantages of JDBC? 1.Continued usage of existing data 2.Vendor dependent 3.Platform independent 4.Ease of use
  • 27. 4. Native Protocol-All Java is ________ JDBC driver. Type IV 4. The next() method allows to traverse forward by moving the cursor ___ forward. One row 5. The executeUpdate() method is used to execute which of the following objects? PreparedStatement and CallableStatement 6. Which of the following are the characteristics of the Stored procedures? All of the above 7. Which of the following are the benefits of using stored procedure? 1,2,3,4 8. The drawback of using a stored procedure is lack of portability. False 9. Which of the following is the characteristics of ResultSet? Scrollable 10. Which of the following parameters are used in stored procedure? 1,2,3,4 11. Which of the following are the static constant values that can be specified for the result set type? TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE 12. Once the updaterow() method is called, changes to the database are final and cannot be undone. True 13. The UpdateXXX() method of ResultSet is used to change the data in an existing row False 14. ____ is the parent interface implemented by all connected RowSet objects. CacheRowSet 15. Which of the following contains path of the class and permission details required to access a resource? Policy file 16. Which of the following classes is used to grant access to network resources? SocketPermission 17. Encryption converts original data into an encrypted form by appluing ___ transformations. a. Cipher Q.1) This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the database.It uses SQL as its database language. JDBC A. ODBC B. Q.2) The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver. A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls. B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods C. on the server. D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine. Q.3) This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into java String object.
  • 28. A. getVarchar(); B. getObject(); C. getString(); Q.4) This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value pf this parameter cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant. A. IN B. OUT C. IN/OUT Q.5) This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored procedure. CallableStatment A. PreparedStatment B. prepareCall(); C. Q.6) The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns: A. PrepareStatment Object B. Callalbalestatment Object C. PrepareCall () method. Q.7) A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatabilitu for any kind of DBMS or drivers. True A. False B. Q.8) This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back to the data source. A. A connected RowSet. B. A Disconnected RowSet. Q.9) In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server. A. Three-Tier JDBC B. Two-Tier JDBC Q.10) The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type I A. II B. III C. IV D. Q.11) This Objects are used to receive and store the data in the same form as it is returned from the SQL queries. A. PreparedStatement B. CallableStatement C. ResultSet D. ExecuteQuery()
  • 29. Q.12) Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last() True A. False B. CRYPTO Q.13) The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again decrypted into usable plaintext. A. True B. False Q.14) This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest. Secret key cryptography A. Public Key cryptography B. Hash Function C. Q.15) The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified. A. Signature B. Message Digest C. KeyPair Generator D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory Q.16) The class is used to generate public key certificates. Certificate Factory A. KeyPair Generator B. Message Digest C. Signature D. KeyFactory E. Q.17) this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a transaction. A. Non-repudiation B. Tampering C. Integrity D. confidentiality Q.18) With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte. DES A. PKCS5 B. CBC C.
  • 30. Q.19) the cipher object is initialized by the init() method? A. True B. False Q.20) Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password text to derive an encrypted key. Encryption and Decryption A. Key Agreement B. Password Base Encryption C. Q.21) This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class. A. Security Manager B. Policy File C. Access Controler Q.22 Code ) using using using using System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Text; namespace Abstract_Animal { abstract class Animal { public void run() { Console.writeLine("Run by 4 feet"); } public void Eat(); } class Bird:Animal{ public void Eat(){ Console.writeLine("All of dove eat rice"); } static void Main(String[] args){ Bird dove = new Bird(); dove.Eat(); } } } A. Compiler Error. B. Print: "All of dove eat rice" C. print: "Run by 4 feet" Q.23) Abstact method ,which contains at least one statement, is declared in abstract class. True A. False B.
  • 31. Q.24) Eat(); Run(); A. An Abstract class B. An Interface Q.25) Interface can not contain constants, data fields, contructors, Deconstructors and static members A. True B. False 1. Driver types are used to categorize the technology used to connect to the database. A. True B. False 2. This is an Application Programming Interface provided by Microsoft for access the database.It uses SQL as its database language. A. JDBC B. ODBC 3. JDBC is ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is natural for java programmiers. A. True B. False 4. In this Data processing Model,the client communicates directly to the database server without the help of any middle-ware technologies or another server. A. Two-tier Data processing Model B. Three - tier Data processing Model 5. The Type 1 driver is also known as JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver.
  • 32. A. Translates JDBC calls into ODBC calls. B. Translates JDBC calls into database=specific calls or native calls C. Maps JDBC calls to the underlying "network" protocol, which in turn calls native methods on the server. D. Directly calls RDBMS from client machine. 6. This method is use to execute any SQL statement with a "SELECT" clause, that return the result of the query as a result set. A. executeUpdate(); B. executeQuery(); C. execute(); 7. This method is used to execute INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE , and other SQL DDL such as CREATE, DROP Table. A. executeUpdate(); B. execute(); C. executeQuery(); 8. This method is used for retrieving a string value (SQL type VARCHAR) and assigning into java String object. A. getVarchar(); B. getObject(); C. getString(); 9. This method is used for retrieving the value from current row as object.
  • 33. A. getRow(); B. getObject(); C. getString(); 10. A client application uses stored procedures increases the network traffic, but it reduces the number of times a database is accessed. A. True B. False 11. This parameter is used to pass values into a store procedure.The value pf this parameter cannot changed or reassigned within the module and hence is constant. A. IN B. OUT C. IN/OUT 12. OUT Parameter. - 3 choices. A. pass out of procedure module. B. is a constant C. is a variable D. back to the calling block 13. This Parameter behaves like an initialized variable. A. OUT B. IN
  • 34. C. IN/OUT 14. This object does not contain the stored procedure itself but contains only a call to the stored procedure. A. CallableStatment B. PreparedStatment C. prepareCall(); 15. It reefers to the ability to move backward as well as forward through a result set. A. Scrollable B. Updatable C. Holdable 16. This refers to the ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. A. Updatable B. Holdable C. Scrollable 17. The prepareStatment() method sends SQL query to the database. and this returns: A. PrepareStatment Object B. Callalbalestatment Object C. PrepareCall () method.
  • 35. 18. The CallableStatment object contains the SQL statments. A. True B. False 19. A cursor that can only be used to process from the beginning of a ResultSet to the end of it.It is default type. A. TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE B. TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE C. TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY 20. A Rowset Object provides scrollability and updatabilitu for any kind of DBMS or drivers. A. True B. False 21. A ResultSet object contains a set of rows from a result set or some other source of tabular data, like a file or spreadsheet. A. True B. False 22. Which class is a disconnected rowset.
  • 36. A. A CachedRowSet class. B. A JDBCRowSet class. C. A WebRowSet class. 23. This object connects to a data source only to read data from a ResultSet or write data back to the data source. A. A connected RowSet. B. A Disconnected RowSet. 24. Which statments are true? A. A RowSet has to be make scrollable and updatable at the time of creation. B. Scrollability and Updatability of a RowSet is independent of the JDBC driver C. A connect RowSet can read data from a non relational database source also. D. A RowSet is a JavaBeans component which has to programmatically notify all registered event listener. 25. The Result Set can not be modified and hence, It is not updatable in any way. A. CONCURENT_READ_ONLY B. CONCURENT_UPDATABLE 26. This is the mechanism of encoding information in a secret coded form, intented only for the recipient to access the information.
  • 37. A. Cryptography B. Encryption 27. The term "encrypting " pertains to converting plaintext to ciphertext, which is again decrypted into usable plaintext. A. True B. False 28. This transforms the input, called the plaintext, to an output, known as ciphertext. this is known as Symmetric cryptography. A. Hash Function B. Secret key cryptography C. Public Key cryptography 29. This is as asymmetric cryptography, It operates under two different keys. A. Public Key cryptography B. Hash Function C. Secret key cryptography 30. This is algorithms that does not use any key, it is known as message digest. A. Secret key cryptography B. Public Key cryptography
  • 38. C. 31. Hash Function Which statements are true? A. The Tamper-proofing process verifies whether the data received by the receiver is the same data as sent by the sender. B. Spoofing or identity interception, which means impersonating the identity of a different user and use it in an unauthorized way. C. 32. Authentication is the process that provides tamper-proofing, while it is on the network. The class is use to hash value of the specified data. A. Message Digest B. Signature C. KeyPair Generator D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory 33. The class is use to produce a pair of public and private keys appropriate for a specified. A. Signature B. Message Digest C. KeyPair Generator D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory
  • 39. 34. The class is used to sign and check the authenticity of digital signature A. Message Digest B. Signature C. Certificate Factory D. KeyFactory E. KeyPair Generator 35. The class is used to transform opaque keys of type Key into key specifications and provide transparent representations of the underlying key material and vice versa. A. Message Digest B. KeyPair Generator C. Signature D. KeyFactory E. Certificate Factory 36. The class is used to generate public key certificates. A. Certificate Factory B. KeyPair Generator C. Message Digest D. Signature E. KeyFactory
  • 40. 37. This class is a database of keys and certificates A. Algorithm Parameters B. KeyStore C. Key D. KeySpec 38. Cryptography is essential for making a application safe and secure, including: - 4 choices A. Tampering B. Non-repudiation C. Integrity & confidentiality D. Spoofing E. Authentication 39. this ensures that a user or a business organization or a program entity has performed a transaction. A. Non-repudiation B. Tampering C. Integrity D. confidentiality 40. Data integrity is to protect data from getting tampered,while it is on the network.
  • 41. A. True B. False 41. This is a framework written in java to access and develop cryptographic functionality, and forms part of the java security API. A. JCA B. JCE 42. With this padding technique a short block is padded with a repeating byte. A. DES B. PKCS5 C. CBC 43. Single-bit ciphers are called: A. Block cipher B. Stream cipher 44. Cipher objects are created using this method of the cipher class. A. getInstance(); B. init();
  • 42. 45. the cipher object is initialized by the init() method? A. True B. False 46. The Code : "DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" is the form of A. "mode/algorithm/padding" B. "algorithm/mode/padding" C. "algorithm/padding/mode" D. "DeCrypto/Cipher/padding" 47. "(Only)algorithm" such as A. "DES" B. "PKCS5" C. "CBE" 48. Most these implementations mix a random number, known as the "salt" with the password text to derive an encrypted key. A. Encryption and Decryption B. Key Agreement C. Password Base Encryption
  • 43. 49. Single bits or a block of bits can be encrypted into cipher blocks A. True(correct answer) B. False(your answer) 50. The product components of JDBC are: A. JDBC-ODBC Bridge. B. Net-Protocol/all-Java driver C. JDBC Driver Manager D. JDBC Test Suite & JDBC API E. ODBC 51. In this Environment, the java application is the client and DBMS is the database server. A. Three-Tier JDBC B. Two-Tier JDBC 52. The 'Native API-Java/Party Java' is Driver Type A. I B. II C. III D. IV
  • 44. 53. The 'Native Protocol - All Java' is Driver Type A. I B. II C. III D. IV 54. Statement and PreparedStatement is inherited from Statement Interface. The CallableStatement is inherited from PreparedStatement interface. A. True B. False 55. This Objects are used to receive and store the data in the same form as it is returned from the SQL queries. A. PreparedStatement B. CallableStatement C. ResultSet D. ExecuteQuery() 56. This Method return an Integer value indicating the row count. A. ExecuteQuery(); B. Execute(); C. ExecuteUpdate();
  • 45. 57. If row value is 0, this method has no effect.If row value is positive, the cursor is moved forward that many row. A. relative(int row) method B. absolute(int row) method. 58 Calling absolute(1) is equivalent to calling last() A. True B. False 59. Which statements are true? - 3 choices A. In Scrollable ResultSet, the cursor is positioned on the first row. B. A default ResultSet object is not updated and has a cursor that moves forward only. C. The ResultSet should be compulsorily closed after a COMMIT statement. D. Holdable refers to ability to check whether the cursor stays open after a COMMIT. E. The createStatement method has two argurments namely resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency 60. Which statements are true? -3 choices A. The original message text has to be transmitted separately separately since the content of a digitally signed message is altered irreversibly. B. A Certification authority creates a signed certificate by encrypting the digitally signature with its private key.
  • 46. C. The digital signature and sender's public key are appended to end of a message. D. A recipient decrypts a signed signature using its own public key. E. The integrity of a message cannot be ensure while using message digests. 61. This comprises the mapping of one or more permissions with a class. A. Security Manager B. Policy File C. Access Controler 62. An abstract class can be sealed A. True B. False 63. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Abstract_class { abstract class Animal { publicvoid run() {
  • 47. Console.WriteLine("Run by 4 feet"); } public void Eat(); } classbird:Animal { // implement method Eat of abstract class Animal. publicoverride void Eat(){ Console.WriteLine("All of dove eat rice"); } static voidMain(string[] args) { bird dove = new bird(); dove.Eat(); } } } A. Compiler Error. B. Print: "All of dove eat rice" C. print: "Run by 4 feet"
  • 48. 64. Abstact method ,which contains at least one statement, is declared in abstract class. A. True B. False 65. Eat(); Run(); Sound(); A. An Abstract class B. An Interface 66. Interface can not contain constants, data fields, contructors, Deconstructors and static members A. True B. False