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In what ways does your media
product use, develop or
challenge forms and
conventions of real media
Magazine front cover
Sell lines
Main sell line
Magazine cover
The research and planning really helped me overall design my magazine as I had thoroughly looked more into the target
audience and more deeply into magazines, billboards and websites.
For the masthead I have it taken up the top third of my magazine. Since the title may have been too long to fit all together the
word chic underneath the word northern which may challenge the conventions as usually the masthead is put together and not
separated. The reason I made it this way and so big is so the reader can recognize and remember the name of my product. The
name it self represents the region it is set in so the target audience can recognize the area it is from. It was also chosen by my
target audience in a survey they took part in, and this was the most popular answer.
Underneath the masthead I have put a tagline using regional dialect using the word ‘belta’ which people from the North East
region will recognize and be able to be familiar with. This is also used as a slogan as I have put it on my billboard and website
underneath the masthead.
Another thing I added underneath the tagline was a puff to advertise free samples inside the magazine. This may challenge the
conventions of a regional magazine as from research I have not seen free samples in these types of magazines. They are usually in
national magazine in which the customer usually pays for it. I included this to attract the readers attention because as my
magazine is targeted for students they might not be able to afford the expensive fragrances and this gives them a little insight of
other products. Also from my survey the most popular response I got was to include a free fragrant samples.
At the center of my magazine is the dominant image, this is typically placed in the center of the magazine as it is supposed to
catch the audiences attention. If the front cover only had sell lines it would look unappealing as it helps separate information and
it attracts the audience visually. I have made the image meet the eyeline match which makes it look like the audience is sharing
eye contact with the reader and I did this so it would engage with the reader. I chose to add a long shot for my front cover as
typically in a fashion magazine long shots are used because it is advertising clothing to the reader.
On the bottom I have included a banner to tell a reader that every issue is free, the reason I chose to do this is because as yet
again it is targeted towards students and I wanted to create a magazine that they would enjoy and would not have to buy as they
may not be able to afford it if it is was a high end fashion magazine such as Vogue. Since every issue is free that meant I did not
need to add a barcode on the magazine as they are used typically for when a customer buys a magazine, typically on a regional
magazine there is not a barcode because they are usually free. On the banner is a red ‘N’ which is the logo for my product and it
is placed on my billboard, website and it is even placed on the contents page. The reason I created a logo was because most
products have one and the reader can usually distinguish products through logos. I wanted to keep it relatively simple so it is
easier to remember.
(Continued on the next slide)
Magazine cover continued
The sell lines are all on the sides of the magazine the reason I did was this was so I did not cover my dominant image because I feel like it
would ruin it and be unprofessional considering it is fashion magazine. I have used different colours as I felt like if I used the same colour
it would look boring and would possibly confuse the reader as it may have been all blended together. To also prevent this I used different
fonts to distinguish the different sell line articles. I also added a pun on one of the sell lines that says “Smells of the Scentury’ I did this as
it would humor the read article as the purpose of the sell line is to provide a sneak peak of the content inside the magazine.
I wanted to make my main sell line stand out from the other ones as it would be the main feature of my article and I wanted to show
how important it was compared to the other sell lines. To do this I had made it a different font compared to the other to fonts I use for
the smaller sell lines and made it more colourful by making it gold and orange. I had also placed in the center with the dominant image
as it acts like an anchor with it being linked with the dominant image emphasizing it’s importance.
A typical convention I have added at the top of the magazine is the date because it is important for the reader to know it is the latest
issue of the product.
For the colour scheme I used an olive green, gold, white and orange as they represent colours of an Autumn pallete and the issue I was
making was an Autumn edition. Although this isn’t the typical regional colours I wanted to make to use these colours so it attract the
audiences attention as it is bright and I wanted the gold, white and orange to stand out from the dark background so it would be easy to
read what content is on the magazine. If a reader can’t make out what is on there they won’t pick it up and will ignore it.
Contents page
Logo Masthead
Page number/anchorage Article name and
Social media
Page number
Magazine contents page
At the top left hand corner I have put the logo for the product to reinforce the idea of the reader remembering
the brand by the logo. This is because many companies use a small logo that makes people remember the
product, an example is the yellow letter ‘m’ in McDonalds.
For my contents page I have placed the masthead at the top as it is typically at the top because it is the title of
the page. I made my masthead stand out from the other text as it it is separated from the different sections and
is in a larger font.
I included images on my contents page as it provides a visual preview of what is inside the magazine. This is an
enigma to the reader as it leaves them wanting to know more. I have used bright and colourful images because I
wanted it to capture a readers interest as they might not be interested in some of the articles on the contents
page. I included anchorage on the images by putting the page numbers. This makes it easier for the reader to
navigate their way through as it informs the reader where they can find out more about the article.
Each article has a page number next to it used as an anchorage which is used for the reader to easily make
their way through without any difficulties. If I didn’t include this it would confuse the reader as to where they can
find articles they would prefer to read.
I split my articles into separate subheading sections, the reason I did this was because If I just had them all
together in one list it might be overwhelming for readers. I wanted to break it apart for readers as it is not only
easier to navigate but an the reader will get to choose what type of article is best for them in preference.
Underneath my articles I have provided a small description. I have done tis as it is a a teaser for what is inside
the article leaving the audience wanting to know more about it.
For the colour scheme I wanted to incorporate colours from my front cover. I wanted to reinforce the autumn
theme. Also the bright colours also are eye-catching and reinforce positive messages. The colour orange
denotes enthusiasm and is stimulating in social environment, the Amber colour also denotes inspirations and
confidence which can fit well with my target audience as it can boos self esteem and self image. The colour
green denotes ambition which also fits with my target audience as students strive themselves to be successful in
their future.
In the bottom left hand corner of the contents page I have left social media links. I chose to do this as my
target audience are teenagers and students social media is a big part of their life. Having these social media links
can help connect with the target audience and it can be used to provide sneak previews of the next issue. I
chose Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as from my research I created a survey and these were three of the most
popular social media websites.
Double page spread
Page numbers
Magazine double page spread
For the masthead I have stretched it out across to the double page spread and made it large and
bold. I made it bold by having it in capital letters and making it bright orange. I chose to do this
because I wanted the masthead to stand out from the regular text to capture the readers interest
as they are flicking through the magazine.
I made the opening paragraph of my article a kicker which is the summary and opening of the
article. I made it bold and in capital letters to capture the readers attention. The kicker’s purpose
is an enigma to entice the readers to wanting to read more and know more about the article.
At the bottom of the article I have included by-lines of the person who edited the article and
took pictures. This is usually used in magazines to give credit to the people who have worked on
that specific article.
At the bottom corners of the pages I have included page numbers, this is a typical convention
that needs to be used in any magazine. It is used as a navigation device for the reader as they can
find the articles on the contents page. Without the page numbers it would leave the reader
confused. It would also look really unprofessional and it would have made my magazine look
I used three images on my double page spread. This may challenge conventions as usually there
is a dominant image, but as it is a fashion magazine I felt like it was important to show off
different styles to fit the audience personal taste. I chose to make the images long shots as
typical convention of a fashion magazine to fully show off the clothes. The purpose of the image
is to also visually attract the reader because they would be bored if they were just reading two full
pages and the images take up most of the room typically on a double page spread. This is to
prevent it looking there is too much text.
Underneath the images I have put descriptions which can be typically put in magazines to
provide information. For my descriptions I put information on where the reader can get the
clothes and the price. This was important to me as the purpose of my magazine was to find
affordable clothing for students who may not have that much money.
For the colour scheme on my double page spread I wanted to keep it fairly simple which is why
it is mainly a white background and black text. The orange masthead is used to keep in with the
autumn theme and to attract the reader of the article. I wanted to keep the colour scheme fairly
simplistic as the images for my article are colourful to attract the reader into buying the clothes.
For my billboard I had done previous designs but realized that it didn’t meet the usual
expectations because I had put too much content. The purpose of the billboard is
supposed to be visually pleasing as person is walking or driving past. This is why I
changed it and made it more simple to be visually attractive. I think I originally struggled
with this as I had creating a billboard was brand new to me and I wasn’t used to the
typical conventions.
For the billboard I have the dominant image taking up to half the size of the billboard.
The reason I did this as typically the image is large because it has to be able to attract
people from a distance and the colours of the image will stand out form the white
background. The dominant image is important as it is also an anchor to the product
which is a fashion magazine this is why I also used a long shot as typically for fashion
related products a long shot is used as it is advertising the clothing the model is
On the right side of the billboard I have the masthead placed in the center of the
billboard and it is in large. The reason I did this is because it is important for the person
passing by to remember the product name. And since it is large that means that person
will be able to read it form the distance.
Underneath the masthead is the tagline I used in the magazine. The reason I have put
it on the billboard is because I have made it the slogan of my product. And it should be
on the billboard as a short phrase is often how people remember the product. I also
added a slogan as form my survey my target audience said they would expect to see this
typically on a billboard and would like to see it on mine and I wanted to do this to
please my target audience.
Above the masthead is the ’N’ which is used as logo for my product. I put this on my
billboard because I wanted for people to remember and be able to recognize my
product. The logo is large and that means people who are passing by will be able to see
For the colour scheme on my billboard I used red and white as they are the typical
colours that represent the region. I felt like it was important to use these colours as a
person passing by will recognize that this will be targeted for the region. Also the red
text stands out from the white background which is helpful as you can easily read the
information that is advertising the product.
Website home page
Website address
Search box
Masthead and tagline
Navigation box
Slide deck
Hyperlinked article
Website article page
Website subscription page
For my website I made the usability of it was very important. This is because it must be easy for the reader to navigate otherwise the reader won’t go on the website if
it is difficult to use. A way I did this was by having a navigation bar underneath my masthead and header for the website. This is useful as the separate sections of the
website and it narrows down what the reader might be interested in. This makes it easier for the reader to navigate and find articles and there would be a page
dedicated to the content on the selection section. Another way to improve the usability is by having a search box at the top of the website page. The reason I put a
search box on my website is that it can be used for the reader to narrow down the articles they want to read or similar articles by putting in a word or phrase, this
again makes it easier for the reader to navigate and use the website if they can’t find what they are looking for on the homepage. At the footer of my website I have
added local sponsors from the area. The reason I added this is because they can support and provide prizes for the readers plus I wanted to show how much the region
supports the people who live in it.
Typically, at the very top of my website page is the website address, this convention is very important as this is what takes a reader to the website without it can’t be
reached by other computers or technological devices that provide the internet. At the header of my website is the masthead along with the logo, this is a typical
convention for websites. It is placed at the top as it is the name of the product and the audience should be able to remember it. The logo is used as visual
representation and provides a unique identity for my product and it is a simple but classy design for the audience to remember. Also, I have placed social media links in
the header of my website. The reason I chose to do this is because I have my target audience is female teenagers and students who live their lives through social media.
I thought it would seem fitting to have social media pages to provide further information about my product and any updates in the future. Underneath the masthead, I
have placed an award for my product saying it was the best student magazine in the region and the reason I chose to do this was because I feel like it might attract
people who aren’t familiar with the product and it gives it a bit of edge over other products in the region.
To make my website appealing for the readers I have added many images for my sub-articles, along with a slide deck gallery. I feel like it would have been
unprofessional to have no images as there would be no visual interest. Also, I think it would be difficult for a person to read through a website with no images as there
would only just be a lot of text and information which might be too much for them to take in. My Autumn Picks article image is hyperlinked to take the reader onto an
article I have created on the website, this can also be found from the fashion section on my navigation bar. The purpose of hyperlinks are that it makes it easier for the
reader to go directly onto the page they select making it easy for the usability of the website. What may challenge conventions of my website is one for the images I
have included which is the Halloween sub-article is that it is a selfie. I chose to add selfies onto my product as it is a very popular thing amongst my teenage target
audience and it shows that they also help and are apart of my product. I want to include participation from my readers as I feel it is important for them to have a
connection with the product and be able to interact with it which is what makes my product a unique selling point and different compared to other regional products. A
slide deck gallery is not usually on every website but I included it for my fashion product to show off different potential articles on the website because I wanted
display my content in multiple ways than just having images. This also makes my website more interactive as it provides something for the reader to do.
The colour scheme I have chosen is very similar to my billboard design which is the red and white. The reason of this being that it is traditional colours that represent
my region in which the reader will be able to familiarize themselves with. I didn’t want to make my website overly colourful as I feel like it would have been too much for
the reader and wanted to keep it fairly simple because I feel it looks classier instead of over doing it.
Another hyperlinked page is on the subscription section of the navigation bar to take the reader to the subscription page. The reason I added a subscription page is
to advertise that my magazine product is can also be digital as well as the traditional print version. I wanted to show a digital version as some teenagers prefer to read
magazines on their phone instead of the traditional print version and this gives my reader more variety. Even though my product is free I added a subscription page for
those who are dedicated to the product and it can be beneficial for them as I advertised they would get the issues a day earlier than everyone else as well as being in a
prize draw to win a voucher.

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Unit 2- Research Aptitude (UGC NET Paper I).pdfUnit 2- Research Aptitude (UGC NET Paper I).pdf
Unit 2- Research Aptitude (UGC NET Paper I).pdf
Model Attribute Check Company Auto Property
Model Attribute  Check Company Auto PropertyModel Attribute  Check Company Auto Property
Model Attribute Check Company Auto Property

Question 1

  • 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products
  • 3. Magazine cover The research and planning really helped me overall design my magazine as I had thoroughly looked more into the target audience and more deeply into magazines, billboards and websites. For the masthead I have it taken up the top third of my magazine. Since the title may have been too long to fit all together the word chic underneath the word northern which may challenge the conventions as usually the masthead is put together and not separated. The reason I made it this way and so big is so the reader can recognize and remember the name of my product. The name it self represents the region it is set in so the target audience can recognize the area it is from. It was also chosen by my target audience in a survey they took part in, and this was the most popular answer. Underneath the masthead I have put a tagline using regional dialect using the word ‘belta’ which people from the North East region will recognize and be able to be familiar with. This is also used as a slogan as I have put it on my billboard and website underneath the masthead. Another thing I added underneath the tagline was a puff to advertise free samples inside the magazine. This may challenge the conventions of a regional magazine as from research I have not seen free samples in these types of magazines. They are usually in national magazine in which the customer usually pays for it. I included this to attract the readers attention because as my magazine is targeted for students they might not be able to afford the expensive fragrances and this gives them a little insight of other products. Also from my survey the most popular response I got was to include a free fragrant samples. At the center of my magazine is the dominant image, this is typically placed in the center of the magazine as it is supposed to catch the audiences attention. If the front cover only had sell lines it would look unappealing as it helps separate information and it attracts the audience visually. I have made the image meet the eyeline match which makes it look like the audience is sharing eye contact with the reader and I did this so it would engage with the reader. I chose to add a long shot for my front cover as typically in a fashion magazine long shots are used because it is advertising clothing to the reader. On the bottom I have included a banner to tell a reader that every issue is free, the reason I chose to do this is because as yet again it is targeted towards students and I wanted to create a magazine that they would enjoy and would not have to buy as they may not be able to afford it if it is was a high end fashion magazine such as Vogue. Since every issue is free that meant I did not need to add a barcode on the magazine as they are used typically for when a customer buys a magazine, typically on a regional magazine there is not a barcode because they are usually free. On the banner is a red ‘N’ which is the logo for my product and it is placed on my billboard, website and it is even placed on the contents page. The reason I created a logo was because most products have one and the reader can usually distinguish products through logos. I wanted to keep it relatively simple so it is easier to remember. (Continued on the next slide)
  • 4. Magazine cover continued The sell lines are all on the sides of the magazine the reason I did was this was so I did not cover my dominant image because I feel like it would ruin it and be unprofessional considering it is fashion magazine. I have used different colours as I felt like if I used the same colour it would look boring and would possibly confuse the reader as it may have been all blended together. To also prevent this I used different fonts to distinguish the different sell line articles. I also added a pun on one of the sell lines that says “Smells of the Scentury’ I did this as it would humor the read article as the purpose of the sell line is to provide a sneak peak of the content inside the magazine. I wanted to make my main sell line stand out from the other ones as it would be the main feature of my article and I wanted to show how important it was compared to the other sell lines. To do this I had made it a different font compared to the other to fonts I use for the smaller sell lines and made it more colourful by making it gold and orange. I had also placed in the center with the dominant image as it acts like an anchor with it being linked with the dominant image emphasizing it’s importance. A typical convention I have added at the top of the magazine is the date because it is important for the reader to know it is the latest issue of the product. For the colour scheme I used an olive green, gold, white and orange as they represent colours of an Autumn pallete and the issue I was making was an Autumn edition. Although this isn’t the typical regional colours I wanted to make to use these colours so it attract the audiences attention as it is bright and I wanted the gold, white and orange to stand out from the dark background so it would be easy to read what content is on the magazine. If a reader can’t make out what is on there they won’t pick it up and will ignore it.
  • 5. Contents page Logo Masthead Page number/anchorage Article name and description Social media Page number
  • 6. Magazine contents page At the top left hand corner I have put the logo for the product to reinforce the idea of the reader remembering the brand by the logo. This is because many companies use a small logo that makes people remember the product, an example is the yellow letter ‘m’ in McDonalds. For my contents page I have placed the masthead at the top as it is typically at the top because it is the title of the page. I made my masthead stand out from the other text as it it is separated from the different sections and is in a larger font. I included images on my contents page as it provides a visual preview of what is inside the magazine. This is an enigma to the reader as it leaves them wanting to know more. I have used bright and colourful images because I wanted it to capture a readers interest as they might not be interested in some of the articles on the contents page. I included anchorage on the images by putting the page numbers. This makes it easier for the reader to navigate their way through as it informs the reader where they can find out more about the article. Each article has a page number next to it used as an anchorage which is used for the reader to easily make their way through without any difficulties. If I didn’t include this it would confuse the reader as to where they can find articles they would prefer to read. I split my articles into separate subheading sections, the reason I did this was because If I just had them all together in one list it might be overwhelming for readers. I wanted to break it apart for readers as it is not only easier to navigate but an the reader will get to choose what type of article is best for them in preference. Underneath my articles I have provided a small description. I have done tis as it is a a teaser for what is inside the article leaving the audience wanting to know more about it. For the colour scheme I wanted to incorporate colours from my front cover. I wanted to reinforce the autumn theme. Also the bright colours also are eye-catching and reinforce positive messages. The colour orange denotes enthusiasm and is stimulating in social environment, the Amber colour also denotes inspirations and confidence which can fit well with my target audience as it can boos self esteem and self image. The colour green denotes ambition which also fits with my target audience as students strive themselves to be successful in their future. In the bottom left hand corner of the contents page I have left social media links. I chose to do this as my target audience are teenagers and students social media is a big part of their life. Having these social media links can help connect with the target audience and it can be used to provide sneak previews of the next issue. I chose Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as from my research I created a survey and these were three of the most popular social media websites.
  • 8. Magazine double page spread For the masthead I have stretched it out across to the double page spread and made it large and bold. I made it bold by having it in capital letters and making it bright orange. I chose to do this because I wanted the masthead to stand out from the regular text to capture the readers interest as they are flicking through the magazine. I made the opening paragraph of my article a kicker which is the summary and opening of the article. I made it bold and in capital letters to capture the readers attention. The kicker’s purpose is an enigma to entice the readers to wanting to read more and know more about the article. At the bottom of the article I have included by-lines of the person who edited the article and took pictures. This is usually used in magazines to give credit to the people who have worked on that specific article. At the bottom corners of the pages I have included page numbers, this is a typical convention that needs to be used in any magazine. It is used as a navigation device for the reader as they can find the articles on the contents page. Without the page numbers it would leave the reader confused. It would also look really unprofessional and it would have made my magazine look disorganized. I used three images on my double page spread. This may challenge conventions as usually there is a dominant image, but as it is a fashion magazine I felt like it was important to show off different styles to fit the audience personal taste. I chose to make the images long shots as typical convention of a fashion magazine to fully show off the clothes. The purpose of the image is to also visually attract the reader because they would be bored if they were just reading two full pages and the images take up most of the room typically on a double page spread. This is to prevent it looking there is too much text. Underneath the images I have put descriptions which can be typically put in magazines to provide information. For my descriptions I put information on where the reader can get the clothes and the price. This was important to me as the purpose of my magazine was to find affordable clothing for students who may not have that much money. For the colour scheme on my double page spread I wanted to keep it fairly simple which is why it is mainly a white background and black text. The orange masthead is used to keep in with the autumn theme and to attract the reader of the article. I wanted to keep the colour scheme fairly simplistic as the images for my article are colourful to attract the reader into buying the clothes.
  • 10. Billboard For my billboard I had done previous designs but realized that it didn’t meet the usual expectations because I had put too much content. The purpose of the billboard is supposed to be visually pleasing as person is walking or driving past. This is why I changed it and made it more simple to be visually attractive. I think I originally struggled with this as I had creating a billboard was brand new to me and I wasn’t used to the typical conventions. For the billboard I have the dominant image taking up to half the size of the billboard. The reason I did this as typically the image is large because it has to be able to attract people from a distance and the colours of the image will stand out form the white background. The dominant image is important as it is also an anchor to the product which is a fashion magazine this is why I also used a long shot as typically for fashion related products a long shot is used as it is advertising the clothing the model is wearing. On the right side of the billboard I have the masthead placed in the center of the billboard and it is in large. The reason I did this is because it is important for the person passing by to remember the product name. And since it is large that means that person will be able to read it form the distance. Underneath the masthead is the tagline I used in the magazine. The reason I have put it on the billboard is because I have made it the slogan of my product. And it should be on the billboard as a short phrase is often how people remember the product. I also added a slogan as form my survey my target audience said they would expect to see this typically on a billboard and would like to see it on mine and I wanted to do this to please my target audience. Above the masthead is the ’N’ which is used as logo for my product. I put this on my billboard because I wanted for people to remember and be able to recognize my product. The logo is large and that means people who are passing by will be able to see it. For the colour scheme on my billboard I used red and white as they are the typical colours that represent the region. I felt like it was important to use these colours as a person passing by will recognize that this will be targeted for the region. Also the red text stands out from the white background which is helpful as you can easily read the information that is advertising the product.
  • 11. Website home page Website address Logo Search box Masthead and tagline Navigation box Slide deck gallery Articles Sponsors Hyperlinked article
  • 14. Website For my website I made the usability of it was very important. This is because it must be easy for the reader to navigate otherwise the reader won’t go on the website if it is difficult to use. A way I did this was by having a navigation bar underneath my masthead and header for the website. This is useful as the separate sections of the website and it narrows down what the reader might be interested in. This makes it easier for the reader to navigate and find articles and there would be a page dedicated to the content on the selection section. Another way to improve the usability is by having a search box at the top of the website page. The reason I put a search box on my website is that it can be used for the reader to narrow down the articles they want to read or similar articles by putting in a word or phrase, this again makes it easier for the reader to navigate and use the website if they can’t find what they are looking for on the homepage. At the footer of my website I have added local sponsors from the area. The reason I added this is because they can support and provide prizes for the readers plus I wanted to show how much the region supports the people who live in it. Typically, at the very top of my website page is the website address, this convention is very important as this is what takes a reader to the website without it can’t be reached by other computers or technological devices that provide the internet. At the header of my website is the masthead along with the logo, this is a typical convention for websites. It is placed at the top as it is the name of the product and the audience should be able to remember it. The logo is used as visual representation and provides a unique identity for my product and it is a simple but classy design for the audience to remember. Also, I have placed social media links in the header of my website. The reason I chose to do this is because I have my target audience is female teenagers and students who live their lives through social media. I thought it would seem fitting to have social media pages to provide further information about my product and any updates in the future. Underneath the masthead, I have placed an award for my product saying it was the best student magazine in the region and the reason I chose to do this was because I feel like it might attract people who aren’t familiar with the product and it gives it a bit of edge over other products in the region. To make my website appealing for the readers I have added many images for my sub-articles, along with a slide deck gallery. I feel like it would have been unprofessional to have no images as there would be no visual interest. Also, I think it would be difficult for a person to read through a website with no images as there would only just be a lot of text and information which might be too much for them to take in. My Autumn Picks article image is hyperlinked to take the reader onto an article I have created on the website, this can also be found from the fashion section on my navigation bar. The purpose of hyperlinks are that it makes it easier for the reader to go directly onto the page they select making it easy for the usability of the website. What may challenge conventions of my website is one for the images I have included which is the Halloween sub-article is that it is a selfie. I chose to add selfies onto my product as it is a very popular thing amongst my teenage target audience and it shows that they also help and are apart of my product. I want to include participation from my readers as I feel it is important for them to have a connection with the product and be able to interact with it which is what makes my product a unique selling point and different compared to other regional products. A slide deck gallery is not usually on every website but I included it for my fashion product to show off different potential articles on the website because I wanted display my content in multiple ways than just having images. This also makes my website more interactive as it provides something for the reader to do. The colour scheme I have chosen is very similar to my billboard design which is the red and white. The reason of this being that it is traditional colours that represent my region in which the reader will be able to familiarize themselves with. I didn’t want to make my website overly colourful as I feel like it would have been too much for the reader and wanted to keep it fairly simple because I feel it looks classier instead of over doing it. Another hyperlinked page is on the subscription section of the navigation bar to take the reader to the subscription page. The reason I added a subscription page is to advertise that my magazine product is can also be digital as well as the traditional print version. I wanted to show a digital version as some teenagers prefer to read magazines on their phone instead of the traditional print version and this gives my reader more variety. Even though my product is free I added a subscription page for those who are dedicated to the product and it can be beneficial for them as I advertised they would get the issues a day earlier than everyone else as well as being in a prize draw to win a voucher.