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Roy Oscar R. Magillano 
BSE-IV Social Science
The Policymaking Process 
Public policy refers to the actions taken by 
government — its decisions that are intended to 
solve problems and improve the quality of life for its 
citizens. At the federal level, public policies are 
enacted to regulate industry and business, to protect 
citizens at home and abroad, to aid state and city 
governments and people such as the poor through 
funding programs, and to encourage social goals.
A policy established and carried out by the 
government goes through several stages from 
inception to conclusion. These are agenda building, 
formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, 
and termination.
In the community of nations, governance is considered 
“good” and “democratic” to the degree in which a 
country’s institutions and processes are transparent. Its 
institutions refer to such bodies as parliament and its 
various ministries. Its processes include such key 
activities as elections and legal procedures, which must 
be seen to be free of corruption and accountable to the 
people. A country’s success in achieving this standard has 
become a key measure of its credibility and respect in the 
Welfare State 
is a concept of government in which the state plays a key 
role in the protection and promotion of the economic and 
social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles 
of equality of opportunity, equitabledistribution of wealth, 
and public responsibility for those unable to avail 
themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The 
general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and 
social organization. The sociologistT.H. Marshall identified 
the welfare state as a distinctive combination 
of democracy, welfare, and capitalism.
Countries under discussion are as 
Doha, the capital city is 
located here.
Fast Facts 
• Located in the Middle East 
• Official religion is Islam 
• Time GMT +3 
• Total: 11,437 sq km 
• Natural resource petroleum, natural gas, fish 
• Population 928,635 (July 2008 est.) 
• Capital City Doha 
• Currency is Qatar Riyal (QAR) 
• Football is a very important sport in Qatar
SShhoorrtt HHiissttoorryy OOff QQaattaarr 
IItt hhaass bbeeeenn pprroovveenn tthhaatt tthhee ffiirrsstt 
iinnhhaabbiittaannttss ooff QQaattaarr lliivveedd iinn 44000000bbcc.. TThhiiss 
hhaass bbeeeenn pprroovveenn ffrroomm AAnncciieenntt rroocckk 
ccaarrvviinnggss tthhaatt wweerree ffoouunndd dduurriinngg EEuurrooppeeaann 
eexxppeeddiittiioonnss.. AAllssoo QQaattaarr iiss llooccaatteedd oonn oolldd 
hhiissttoorriiccaall mmaappss.. TThhee hhiissttoorriiccaall tteexxttss wweerree 
ssaaiidd ttoo hhaavvee ccoommee ffrroomm tthhee ffiirrsstt 
iinnhhaabbiittaannttss,, tthhee CCaannaaaanniitteess..
DDeettaaiilleedd HHiissttoorryy 
QQaattaarr wwaass aa vveerryy ssmmaallll aanndd ppoooorr ccoouunnttrryy bbeeffoorree tthhee 
1166tthh cceennttuurryy,, bbuutt iittss ggrroowwtthh wwaass rreeaallllyy ssttaarrtteedd bbyy aa 
mmaann nnaammeedd SShheeiikkhh QQaassiimm BBiinn MMuuhhaammmmaadd AAll--TThhaannii,, 
hhee''ss tthhee mmaann tthhaatt uunniitteedd QQaattaarr aanndd ffoouugghhtt ffoorr iitt.. TThhee 
mmaann wwaass vveerryy bbrraavvee aanndd ddaarriinngg aanndd hhaadd tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo 
ttaakkee ddoowwnn aannyy pprroobblleemmss hhee ffaacceedd,, iinn oorr oouutt ooff tthhee 
ccoouunnttrryy.. TThhee SShheeiikkhh wwaass iinnffoorrmmeedd aabboouutt hhiiss ccoouunnttrryy 
aatt aallll ttiimmeess aanndd nneevveerr hheessiittaatteedd ttoo ddeeffeenndd QQaattaarr,, bbuutt 
nneevveerr ttrriieedd ttoo ccaauussee ccoonnfflliicctt.. WWhheenn tthhee OOttttoommaannss 
ttrriieedd ttoo iinnvvaaddee QQaattaarr hhee ttrriieedd ttoo mmaakkee ppeeaaccee,, bbuutt 
wwhheenn tthhee ffoooolliisshh OOttttoommaannss ssttiillll ddiiddnn''tt aacccceepptt hhee 
ddeeffeennddeedd hhiiss ccoouunnttrryy aanndd ddeeffeeaatteedd tthhee OOttttoommaannss..
The Qatari Tribes entered Qatar in The beginning of 
18th century, and progressed throughout Qatar later 
on in the 18th century. The Tribes of Qatar were 
unified in 1849 starting with Doha. When the 
Ottomans were defeated in the battle of Al-Wajba, the 
independence of Qatar grew a substantial amount; 
many of the Qatari tribes recognized the amazing 
leadership of Sheikh Qasim because of this victory. 
Qatar stayed part of the Ottoman Empire until it 
signed a treaty with Britain. Although this happened 
Qatar was still going to be ruled by the Al-Thani 
Qatar gained it's independence in 1971, when this 
happened Qatar became a member of the Arab League 
and the United Nations. Since then Qatar has 
discovered Natural Gas and has made a lot of money 
from this natural resource. Qatar has more gas lines 
then roads; this is because Qatar needs to export its 
rich substances to different countries. Its natural gas 
is Qatar's main energy source and money source. 
Qatar is now worldwide known and is the worlds 3rd 
richest country per capita. The leader right now of 
Qatar is Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who is continuing 
the road to make Qatar a wonderful place for people…
EEccoonnoommyy aanndd ppooppuullaattiioonn iinn QQaattaarr 
• IInn tthhee ppaasstt ffeeww ddeeccaaddeess tthhee eeccoonnoommyy ooff QQaattaarr hhaass 
bbeeeenn rriissiinngg vveerryy qquuiicckkllyy.. SSiinnccee tthhee ooiill hhaass bbeeeenn ffoouunndd 
QQaattaarr hhaass bbeeeenn fflloouurriisshhiinngg.. TThhee ppooppuullaattiioonn ooff QQaattaarr 
hhaass aallssoo bbeeeenn rriissiinngg vveerryy qquuiicckkllyy.. TThhee ooiill iinn QQaattaarr iiss 
tthhee mmaajjoorr ssoouurrccee ooff iinnccoommee aanndd pprroovviiddeess QQaattaarr wwiitthh 
lloottss ooff wwhhaatt iitt hhaass rriigghhtt nnooww.. TThhee ffaammoouuss AAll JJaazzeeeerraa 
cchhaannnneell wwaass mmaaddee bbyy tthhee QQaattaarrii ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt,, aanndd iiss 
nnooww tthhee mmoosstt ppooppuullaarr nneewwss cchhaannnneell iinn aallll ooff QQaattaarr.. 
OOnnee llaarrggee pprroojjeecctt tthhaatt QQaattaarr iiss ddeeaalliinngg wwiitthh nnooww iiss 
tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg aanndd ddeevveellooppiinngg ooff tthhee nneeww ttoowwnn,, LLuussaaiill.. 
PPeeaarrll ddiivviinngg uusseedd ttoo bbee tthhee mmaaiinn ssoouurrccee ooff iinnccoommee..
Social Facts 
Tourism is a growing source of income in Qatar. 
Lots of visitors come to Qatar and lots of hotels 
have been built. All the hotels in Qatar can suit up to 
8000 people. There are lots of tourist companies 
that offer trips to the desert and such. 
law closely restricts the activities of Qatari women, who 
are largely limited to roles within the home. Women are 
not allowed to obtain a driver's license without the 
permission of her husband. 
However, growing numbers of woman are receiving 
government scholarships to study abroad, and some 
women work in education, medicine, and the media 
Qatar has the lowest violence rate in the world.
Political aspects of Qatar 
•Qatar is now ruled by H.H. Sheikh 
Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, who 
was put to power in 1995. 
•Qatar gained its independence 
when the British withdrew back in 
September 3rd 1971.
The Emir 
•H.H. Sheikh Hamad is a very popular emir to 
his people because of his loyalty and 
kindness to Qatar. 
•One time when he came back from America 
after a kidney transplant he received a very 
warm welcome from his people. 
•He began his education in Qatar then 
continued his college years in Sandhurst 
Military Academy in England.
•He has done a very good job in developing 
•He is one of the many reasons of why Qatar 
is now one of the most developed countries 
in the Middle East. 
•One of the reasons why Qatar has the 
highest income per capita is thanks to the 
•He is sometimes known as the Emir of 
generosity. One day after hurricane Katrina 
he donate $100million.
EEdduuccaattiioonn iinn QQaattaarr 
• EEdduuccaattiioonn iiss vveerryy iimmppoorrttaanntt iinn QQaattaarr,, aanndd SShheeiikkhhaa MMoozzaa 
hhaass ddoonnee hheerr bbeesstt ttoo iimmpprroovvee tthhee eedduuccaattiioonn eevveenn mmoorree.. 
• OOnnee ooff tthhee bbiiggggeesstt eedduuccaattiioonn cceennttrreess iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd iiss iinn 
QQaattaarr,, iitt iiss ccaalllleedd EEdduuccaattiioonn CCiittyy aanndd iiss ssttiillll bbeeiinngg 
• TThheerree aarree aallssoo ssoommee ootthheerr ffaammoouurr ccoolllleeggeess aanndd 
uunniivveerrssiittiieess iinn QQaattaarr,, ssuucchh aass CCaammbbrriiggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, 
TTeexxaass AA&&MM UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, CCoolllleeggee ooff tthhee NNoorrtthh AAttllaannttiicc aanndd 
•Qatar Academy is in the top 10 best schools 
in the middle east. Qatar Academy hires only 
the best of teachers from all over the world. 
•Qatar is building a major building for medical 
usage. This building is called Sidra. It is 
going to be really big and will provide state 
of the art facilities.
QQaattaarr iiss tthhee oonnllyy GGCCCC ccoouunnttrryy ttoo aallllooww wwoommeenn ttoo 
vvoottee.. AAllccoohhooll iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee iinn QQaattaarr,, yyeett yyoouu nneeeedd aa 
lliicceennssee ffoorr tthhiiss ffiirrsstt.. 3300%% ooff ppeeooppllee iinn QQaattaarr aarree 
QQaattaarrii''ss,, wwhhiicchh sshhoowwss tthhaatt tthheerree aarree mmaannyy 
eexxppaattrriiaatteess.. QQaattaarr aallssoo hhaass tthhee llaarrggeesstt MMoonneeyy ppeerr 
CCaappiittaa.. SShheeiikkhh HHaammaadd iiss rreeaallllyy ffooccuusseedd oonn ggeettttiinngg 
tthhee ppeeooppllee iinn QQaattaarr ttoo bbee AAtthhlleettiicc,, aanndd hhee hhaass 
oorrggaanniizzeedd tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg ooff AAssppiirree.. AAssppiirree iiss aa wwoorrlldd 
wwiiddee rreeccooggnniizzeedd ssppoorrttss ffaacciilliittyy.. HHee aallssoo bbuuiillddss bbiigg 
ffoooottbbaallll ssttaaddiiuummss aanndd hhaass nnooww bbrroouugghhtt iinn aa ggrroouupp 
ooff pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss ffrroomm aallll oovveerr EEuurrooppee..
These 14 people are supposed ttoo ttrryy aanndd eennaabbllee oonnee QQaattaarrii 
tteeaamm ttoo eenntteerr tthhee cchhaammppiioonnss lleeaagguuee.. TThhiiss wwoouulldd bbee aa bbiigg 
sstteepp ffoorr QQaattaarr ssiinnccee QQaattaarrii''ss rreeaallllyy lliikkee ffoooottbbaallll aanndd wwoouulldd 
bbrriinngg QQaattaarr mmoorree oonn tthhee mmaapp.. TThhee QQaattaarrii llaawwss aarree bbaasseedd 
oonn IIssllaammiicc LLaawwss.. TThhee ddrreessss ccooddee iinn QQaattaarr iiss aallssoo cchhaannggiinngg 
aanndd WWeesstteerrnniizziinngg mmoorree,, aass nnooww wwoommeenn ccaann rreeaallllyy wweeaarr 
wwhhaatt tthheeyy wwaanntt.. LLoottss ooff nneeww sshhooppppiinngg mmaallllss aanndd 
eenntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt ffaacciilliittiieess iinn oorrddeerr ttoo aattttrraacctt mmoorree ttoouurriissttss 
aanndd ccoonnvviinnccee tthheemm ttoo ccoommee bbaacckk.. QQaattaarr iiss bbeeiinngg ttuurrnneedd 
iinnttoo aa lluuxxuurryy ddeessttiinnaattiioonn wwiitthh lloottss ooff ffaammoouuss hhootteellss ssuucchh 
aass tthhee RRiittzz CCaarrllttoonn,, tthhee FFoouurr SSeeaassoonnss aanndd tthhee ffaammoouuss 
ppyyrraammiidd sshhaappeedd SShheerraattoonn..
AAssiiaann GGaammeess,, OOllyymmppiiccss 
 TThhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess wweerree hheelldd iinn QQaattaarr iinn 22000066 aanndd wweerree aa 
bbiigg ssuucccceessss.. QQaattaarr iiss nnooww aa ccaannddiiddaattee ffoorr tthhee rruunn iinn 
hhoollddiinngg tthhee OOllyymmppiiccss.. TThhiiss wwoouulldd bbee aa vveerryy bbiigg aanndd 
iimmppoorrttaanntt sstteepp ffoorr tthhee ttoouurriissmm iinndduussttrryy iinn QQaattaarr.. LLoottss 
ooff ppeeooppllee ccaammee ttoo tthhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess,, aanndd lloottss ooff hhootteellss 
wweerree bbuuiilltt ffoorr tthhiiss.. RRooaaddss wweerree aallssoo rree--bbuuiilltt aanndd tthhee 
iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree wwaass uuppddaatteedd.. TThhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess wweenntt 
rreeaallllyy ssmmooootthh,, aanndd ssoo hhooppeeffuullllyy tthhee OOllyymmppiiccss wwiillll bbee aa 
bbiigg ssuucccceessss jjuusstt lliikkee tthhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess..
TThhee cchhaannggee 
 OOvveerr tthhee ppaasstt ffeeww yyeeaarrss QQaattaarr hhaass rreeaallllyy 
cchhaannggeedd aa lloott.. AAss yyoouu ccaann sseeee QQaattaarr hhaass 
rreeaallllyy cchhaannggeedd aa lloott dduurriinngg tthhee ppaasstt ffeeww 
yyeeaarrss aanndd QQaattaarr iiss aa vveerryy nneeww ccoouunnttrryy.. 
1975 2007
TThhee PPeeaarrll 
TThhee PPeeaarrll iiss aa bbiigg hhoouussiinngg ccoommpplleexx ooppeenniinngg 
iinn QQaattaarr.. MMaannyy cceelleebbrriittiieess hhaavvee aallrreeaaddyy 
bboouugghhtt aa hhoouussee hheerree ((FFoorr eexxaammppllee DDaavviidd 
BBeecckkhhaamm)) TThhee PPeeaarrll wwiillll bbee vveerryy ffaammoouuss aanndd 
aa vveerryy lluuxxuurriioouuss ccoommpplleexx,, lliikkee TThhee PPaallmm,, 
llooccaatteedd iinn DDuubbaaii
•There are lots of people in Qatar, and 
these are of many different Religions. 
There are Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, 
Hindus and others. However the most 
popular religion is Islam. Most people in 
Qatar are Sunni Muslims, however there 
are some Shia’a.
The Skyline of Qatar 
The Emir. The Qatar 
Foundation Logo 
The Qatari 
National football 
Money in 
Al Jazeera 
Logo Logo of the QFA 
(Qatar football 
The Sheraton 
Hotel. It used to be 
the tallest building 
in Qatar (2001)

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  • 1. SUMMARY Roy Oscar R. Magillano BSE-IV Social Science
  • 2. The Policymaking Process Public policy refers to the actions taken by government — its decisions that are intended to solve problems and improve the quality of life for its citizens. At the federal level, public policies are enacted to regulate industry and business, to protect citizens at home and abroad, to aid state and city governments and people such as the poor through funding programs, and to encourage social goals.
  • 3. A policy established and carried out by the government goes through several stages from inception to conclusion. These are agenda building, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination.
  • 4. Governance In the community of nations, governance is considered “good” and “democratic” to the degree in which a country’s institutions and processes are transparent. Its institutions refer to such bodies as parliament and its various ministries. Its processes include such key activities as elections and legal procedures, which must be seen to be free of corruption and accountable to the people. A country’s success in achieving this standard has become a key measure of its credibility and respect in the world.
  • 5. Welfare State is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitabledistribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and social organization. The sociologistT.H. Marshall identified the welfare state as a distinctive combination of democracy, welfare, and capitalism.
  • 6. Countries under discussion are as follows: JAPAN CHINA INDIA
  • 8. Doha, the capital city is located here.
  • 9. Fast Facts • Located in the Middle East • Official religion is Islam • Time GMT +3 • Total: 11,437 sq km • Natural resource petroleum, natural gas, fish • Population 928,635 (July 2008 est.) • Capital City Doha • Currency is Qatar Riyal (QAR) • Football is a very important sport in Qatar
  • 10. SShhoorrtt HHiissttoorryy OOff QQaattaarr IItt hhaass bbeeeenn pprroovveenn tthhaatt tthhee ffiirrsstt iinnhhaabbiittaannttss ooff QQaattaarr lliivveedd iinn 44000000bbcc.. TThhiiss hhaass bbeeeenn pprroovveenn ffrroomm AAnncciieenntt rroocckk ccaarrvviinnggss tthhaatt wweerree ffoouunndd dduurriinngg EEuurrooppeeaann eexxppeeddiittiioonnss.. AAllssoo QQaattaarr iiss llooccaatteedd oonn oolldd hhiissttoorriiccaall mmaappss.. TThhee hhiissttoorriiccaall tteexxttss wweerree ssaaiidd ttoo hhaavvee ccoommee ffrroomm tthhee ffiirrsstt iinnhhaabbiittaannttss,, tthhee CCaannaaaanniitteess..
  • 11. DDeettaaiilleedd HHiissttoorryy QQaattaarr wwaass aa vveerryy ssmmaallll aanndd ppoooorr ccoouunnttrryy bbeeffoorree tthhee 1166tthh cceennttuurryy,, bbuutt iittss ggrroowwtthh wwaass rreeaallllyy ssttaarrtteedd bbyy aa mmaann nnaammeedd SShheeiikkhh QQaassiimm BBiinn MMuuhhaammmmaadd AAll--TThhaannii,, hhee''ss tthhee mmaann tthhaatt uunniitteedd QQaattaarr aanndd ffoouugghhtt ffoorr iitt.. TThhee mmaann wwaass vveerryy bbrraavvee aanndd ddaarriinngg aanndd hhaadd tthhee aabbiilliittyy ttoo ttaakkee ddoowwnn aannyy pprroobblleemmss hhee ffaacceedd,, iinn oorr oouutt ooff tthhee ccoouunnttrryy.. TThhee SShheeiikkhh wwaass iinnffoorrmmeedd aabboouutt hhiiss ccoouunnttrryy aatt aallll ttiimmeess aanndd nneevveerr hheessiittaatteedd ttoo ddeeffeenndd QQaattaarr,, bbuutt nneevveerr ttrriieedd ttoo ccaauussee ccoonnfflliicctt.. WWhheenn tthhee OOttttoommaannss ttrriieedd ttoo iinnvvaaddee QQaattaarr hhee ttrriieedd ttoo mmaakkee ppeeaaccee,, bbuutt wwhheenn tthhee ffoooolliisshh OOttttoommaannss ssttiillll ddiiddnn''tt aacccceepptt hhee ddeeffeennddeedd hhiiss ccoouunnttrryy aanndd ddeeffeeaatteedd tthhee OOttttoommaannss..
  • 12. The Qatari Tribes entered Qatar in The beginning of 18th century, and progressed throughout Qatar later on in the 18th century. The Tribes of Qatar were unified in 1849 starting with Doha. When the Ottomans were defeated in the battle of Al-Wajba, the independence of Qatar grew a substantial amount; many of the Qatari tribes recognized the amazing leadership of Sheikh Qasim because of this victory. Qatar stayed part of the Ottoman Empire until it signed a treaty with Britain. Although this happened Qatar was still going to be ruled by the Al-Thani family.
  • 13. Qatar gained it's independence in 1971, when this happened Qatar became a member of the Arab League and the United Nations. Since then Qatar has discovered Natural Gas and has made a lot of money from this natural resource. Qatar has more gas lines then roads; this is because Qatar needs to export its rich substances to different countries. Its natural gas is Qatar's main energy source and money source. Qatar is now worldwide known and is the worlds 3rd richest country per capita. The leader right now of Qatar is Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who is continuing the road to make Qatar a wonderful place for people…
  • 14. EEccoonnoommyy aanndd ppooppuullaattiioonn iinn QQaattaarr • IInn tthhee ppaasstt ffeeww ddeeccaaddeess tthhee eeccoonnoommyy ooff QQaattaarr hhaass bbeeeenn rriissiinngg vveerryy qquuiicckkllyy.. SSiinnccee tthhee ooiill hhaass bbeeeenn ffoouunndd QQaattaarr hhaass bbeeeenn fflloouurriisshhiinngg.. TThhee ppooppuullaattiioonn ooff QQaattaarr hhaass aallssoo bbeeeenn rriissiinngg vveerryy qquuiicckkllyy.. TThhee ooiill iinn QQaattaarr iiss tthhee mmaajjoorr ssoouurrccee ooff iinnccoommee aanndd pprroovviiddeess QQaattaarr wwiitthh lloottss ooff wwhhaatt iitt hhaass rriigghhtt nnooww.. TThhee ffaammoouuss AAll JJaazzeeeerraa cchhaannnneell wwaass mmaaddee bbyy tthhee QQaattaarrii ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt,, aanndd iiss nnooww tthhee mmoosstt ppooppuullaarr nneewwss cchhaannnneell iinn aallll ooff QQaattaarr.. OOnnee llaarrggee pprroojjeecctt tthhaatt QQaattaarr iiss ddeeaalliinngg wwiitthh nnooww iiss tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg aanndd ddeevveellooppiinngg ooff tthhee nneeww ttoowwnn,, LLuussaaiill.. PPeeaarrll ddiivviinngg uusseedd ttoo bbee tthhee mmaaiinn ssoouurrccee ooff iinnccoommee..
  • 15. Social Facts Tourism is a growing source of income in Qatar. Lots of visitors come to Qatar and lots of hotels have been built. All the hotels in Qatar can suit up to 8000 people. There are lots of tourist companies that offer trips to the desert and such. law closely restricts the activities of Qatari women, who are largely limited to roles within the home. Women are not allowed to obtain a driver's license without the permission of her husband. However, growing numbers of woman are receiving government scholarships to study abroad, and some women work in education, medicine, and the media Qatar has the lowest violence rate in the world.
  • 16. Political aspects of Qatar •Qatar is now ruled by H.H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, who was put to power in 1995. •Qatar gained its independence when the British withdrew back in September 3rd 1971.
  • 17.
  • 18. The Emir •H.H. Sheikh Hamad is a very popular emir to his people because of his loyalty and kindness to Qatar. •One time when he came back from America after a kidney transplant he received a very warm welcome from his people. •He began his education in Qatar then continued his college years in Sandhurst Military Academy in England.
  • 19. •He has done a very good job in developing Qatar •He is one of the many reasons of why Qatar is now one of the most developed countries in the Middle East. •One of the reasons why Qatar has the highest income per capita is thanks to the Emir. •He is sometimes known as the Emir of generosity. One day after hurricane Katrina he donate $100million.
  • 20. EEdduuccaattiioonn iinn QQaattaarr • EEdduuccaattiioonn iiss vveerryy iimmppoorrttaanntt iinn QQaattaarr,, aanndd SShheeiikkhhaa MMoozzaa hhaass ddoonnee hheerr bbeesstt ttoo iimmpprroovvee tthhee eedduuccaattiioonn eevveenn mmoorree.. • OOnnee ooff tthhee bbiiggggeesstt eedduuccaattiioonn cceennttrreess iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd iiss iinn QQaattaarr,, iitt iiss ccaalllleedd EEdduuccaattiioonn CCiittyy aanndd iiss ssttiillll bbeeiinngg eexxppaannddeedd.. • TThheerree aarree aallssoo ssoommee ootthheerr ffaammoouurr ccoolllleeggeess aanndd uunniivveerrssiittiieess iinn QQaattaarr,, ssuucchh aass CCaammbbrriiggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, TTeexxaass AA&&MM UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, CCoolllleeggee ooff tthhee NNoorrtthh AAttllaannttiicc aanndd mmoorree..
  • 21. Education •Qatar Academy is in the top 10 best schools in the middle east. Qatar Academy hires only the best of teachers from all over the world. •Qatar is building a major building for medical usage. This building is called Sidra. It is going to be really big and will provide state of the art facilities.
  • 22. CCuullttuurree QQaattaarr iiss tthhee oonnllyy GGCCCC ccoouunnttrryy ttoo aallllooww wwoommeenn ttoo vvoottee.. AAllccoohhooll iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee iinn QQaattaarr,, yyeett yyoouu nneeeedd aa lliicceennssee ffoorr tthhiiss ffiirrsstt.. 3300%% ooff ppeeooppllee iinn QQaattaarr aarree QQaattaarrii''ss,, wwhhiicchh sshhoowwss tthhaatt tthheerree aarree mmaannyy eexxppaattrriiaatteess.. QQaattaarr aallssoo hhaass tthhee llaarrggeesstt MMoonneeyy ppeerr CCaappiittaa.. SShheeiikkhh HHaammaadd iiss rreeaallllyy ffooccuusseedd oonn ggeettttiinngg tthhee ppeeooppllee iinn QQaattaarr ttoo bbee AAtthhlleettiicc,, aanndd hhee hhaass oorrggaanniizzeedd tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg ooff AAssppiirree.. AAssppiirree iiss aa wwoorrlldd wwiiddee rreeccooggnniizzeedd ssppoorrttss ffaacciilliittyy.. HHee aallssoo bbuuiillddss bbiigg ffoooottbbaallll ssttaaddiiuummss aanndd hhaass nnooww bbrroouugghhtt iinn aa ggrroouupp ooff pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss ffrroomm aallll oovveerr EEuurrooppee..
  • 23. These 14 people are supposed ttoo ttrryy aanndd eennaabbllee oonnee QQaattaarrii tteeaamm ttoo eenntteerr tthhee cchhaammppiioonnss lleeaagguuee.. TThhiiss wwoouulldd bbee aa bbiigg sstteepp ffoorr QQaattaarr ssiinnccee QQaattaarrii''ss rreeaallllyy lliikkee ffoooottbbaallll aanndd wwoouulldd bbrriinngg QQaattaarr mmoorree oonn tthhee mmaapp.. TThhee QQaattaarrii llaawwss aarree bbaasseedd oonn IIssllaammiicc LLaawwss.. TThhee ddrreessss ccooddee iinn QQaattaarr iiss aallssoo cchhaannggiinngg aanndd WWeesstteerrnniizziinngg mmoorree,, aass nnooww wwoommeenn ccaann rreeaallllyy wweeaarr wwhhaatt tthheeyy wwaanntt.. LLoottss ooff nneeww sshhooppppiinngg mmaallllss aanndd eenntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt ffaacciilliittiieess iinn oorrddeerr ttoo aattttrraacctt mmoorree ttoouurriissttss aanndd ccoonnvviinnccee tthheemm ttoo ccoommee bbaacckk.. QQaattaarr iiss bbeeiinngg ttuurrnneedd iinnttoo aa lluuxxuurryy ddeessttiinnaattiioonn wwiitthh lloottss ooff ffaammoouuss hhootteellss ssuucchh aass tthhee RRiittzz CCaarrllttoonn,, tthhee FFoouurr SSeeaassoonnss aanndd tthhee ffaammoouuss ppyyrraammiidd sshhaappeedd SShheerraattoonn..
  • 24. AAssiiaann GGaammeess,, OOllyymmppiiccss  TThhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess wweerree hheelldd iinn QQaattaarr iinn 22000066 aanndd wweerree aa bbiigg ssuucccceessss.. QQaattaarr iiss nnooww aa ccaannddiiddaattee ffoorr tthhee rruunn iinn hhoollddiinngg tthhee OOllyymmppiiccss.. TThhiiss wwoouulldd bbee aa vveerryy bbiigg aanndd iimmppoorrttaanntt sstteepp ffoorr tthhee ttoouurriissmm iinndduussttrryy iinn QQaattaarr.. LLoottss ooff ppeeooppllee ccaammee ttoo tthhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess,, aanndd lloottss ooff hhootteellss wweerree bbuuiilltt ffoorr tthhiiss.. RRooaaddss wweerree aallssoo rree--bbuuiilltt aanndd tthhee iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree wwaass uuppddaatteedd.. TThhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess wweenntt rreeaallllyy ssmmooootthh,, aanndd ssoo hhooppeeffuullllyy tthhee OOllyymmppiiccss wwiillll bbee aa bbiigg ssuucccceessss jjuusstt lliikkee tthhee AAssiiaann ggaammeess..
  • 25. TThhee cchhaannggee  OOvveerr tthhee ppaasstt ffeeww yyeeaarrss QQaattaarr hhaass rreeaallllyy cchhaannggeedd aa lloott.. AAss yyoouu ccaann sseeee QQaattaarr hhaass rreeaallllyy cchhaannggeedd aa lloott dduurriinngg tthhee ppaasstt ffeeww yyeeaarrss aanndd QQaattaarr iiss aa vveerryy nneeww ccoouunnttrryy.. 1975 2007
  • 26. TThhee PPeeaarrll TThhee PPeeaarrll iiss aa bbiigg hhoouussiinngg ccoommpplleexx ooppeenniinngg iinn QQaattaarr.. MMaannyy cceelleebbrriittiieess hhaavvee aallrreeaaddyy bboouugghhtt aa hhoouussee hheerree ((FFoorr eexxaammppllee DDaavviidd BBeecckkhhaamm)) TThhee PPeeaarrll wwiillll bbee vveerryy ffaammoouuss aanndd aa vveerryy lluuxxuurriioouuss ccoommpplleexx,, lliikkee TThhee PPaallmm,, llooccaatteedd iinn DDuubbaaii
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Religion •There are lots of people in Qatar, and these are of many different Religions. There are Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and others. However the most popular religion is Islam. Most people in Qatar are Sunni Muslims, however there are some Shia’a.
  • 30. The Skyline of Qatar The Emir. The Qatar Foundation Logo The Qatari National football team Money in Qatar
  • 31. Al Jazeera Logo Logo of the QFA (Qatar football association) The Sheraton Hotel. It used to be the tallest building in Qatar (2001)
  • 32. Sources        