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A Reflection On Public Administration Essay
Posttraditional Public Administration Since the linguistic turn, sparked in the late 1960s by such
theorists as Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault, interesting normative and methodological
challenges for the policy sciences have emerged. A posttraditional society is often characterized as
an individualized society because individuals are increasingly required to construct their own lives.
To begin, a posttraditional society refers to both modernity and its reverberation postmodernity.
Modernity, in a general sense, refers to institutions and modes of behavior. Anthony Giddens (1991)
writes, "modernity is a post–traditional order, in which the question, 'How shall I live?' has to be
answered in day–to–day decisions about how to behave, what to wear, what to eat – and many other
things – as well as interpreted within the temporal unfolding of self–identity" (p. 14). According to
Giddens, there are four main discourses of modernity: industrialism is the social relations implied in
the widespread use of material power and machinery in production processes; capitalism is a system
of commodity production involving competition and commodification; surveillance is the
supervisory control of subject populations, whether this takes "the form of 'visible' supervision in
Foucault's sense", or use of information; and organization is the regularized control of social
relations across "indefinite time–space distances" (pp. 14–16). There are also three elements of
modern social life –
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Public Administration
Public administration was once defined as "a detailed and systematic execution of public law"
(Boundreau, 1950, p. 371). However, in White's book Introduction to the Study of Public
Administration, he defined it as " 如ublic administration consists of all those operations having for
their purpose the fulfillment or enforcement of public policy, as declared by the competent
authorities" (Boundreau, 1950, p. 371). The public interest in public administration is making
decisions and carrying out duties by the government that corresponds and agrees with the majority
of the public. The public is made up of individuals, and groups that embody various ideals, points
of views, and interests. In a way, public interest is defined as "a working compromise and be
subject to continuous redefinition, as need arises, in the process of achieving an often delicate
balance among conflicting interests" (Boundreau, 1950, p. 371). The public interest and the
approach to serving such duty by public administrators have changed since September 11, 2001,
which was when the terrorist attacks took place on the twin towers. Public interest reflected a new
concern for the public good, and a new approach to deal with the threats placed on the people on a
global level. September 11th was an event that took place that shook the core and reevaluated the
values that public administrators held dear and near, which include an "order for a free and
democratic society to flourish, all its citizens, including,
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Essay on Approaches to Public Administration
| Approaches to Public Administration| | | Reuby Benson| 3/18/2012|
There are different approaches to running a government. There are those that believe that the
government should be run like a private business. Then there are those that believe in
representativeness and the separation of powers that rest in the government to properly operate the
government. There are also those who believe that the government should adhere to the strictest
letter of the law. I look to describe all three approaches to public administration and apply those
approaches to my life. The managerial approach to public administration was championed by
Frederick Taylor. It came about as a reaction to the political influence in more content...
Government needs to be more flexible. Public administration needs to more flexible instead of rule
bound to respond to public needs.
The organizational structure of the NPM is much flatter than the traditional managerial approach to
government management. It is not a bureaucratic or hierarchical. NPM views individuals as
customers. The cognitive approach to NPM takes from the public choice approach to public policy.
The budgeting process for NPM focuses on outputs and outcomes instead of money, personnel and
equipment. The decision making process should be based on responsiveness to customers,
performance levels and cost effectiveness. The next approach to public administration to be
discussed is the political approach. The underpinnings of the political approach are representation,
responsiveness, accountability, and separation of powers and pluralism. The idea of separation of
powers was not to create friction between the branches of government but to protect the citizenry.
The basic tenet of pluralism within public administration is that the administrative branch, as the
policy making branch, it must be structured to enable groups that compete with each other to
counteract each other provided by their political representation. To the extent that this is achieved,
the structure of public administration becomes politicized, with different groups seeking
representation. The view of the individual is to lump the individual into broad social, economic, and
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The reasons that I got into the field of public administration was the community needs and its'
lifeblood. Plus, I have this desire to constant improve the overall policies for the ideal of good
government. Ever since I got into the graduate school for a Master of Public Administration at the
San Diego State University. I came from a small town in the east and moved to one of major cities
in the United States. Everything and everyone from there opened my eyes wide opened to the world
and all of its' opportunities. I felt and recognized that the opportunity for this fellowship will help me
with my career–development into full–time with the local government. Let me share my career goal
with you, which is to be a City Manager at one day. Or even to be higher and daring than my
current goal. I wanted to make a difference like every public servant wants. Despite of that
comment I felt that I know what the hardship is like and I am ready to face more of it. As deaf
person, which already experienced struggles and constant breaking barriers. While breaking those
barriers I found out two key thinking are proactive and strive. Both of them have enhanced my
thinking. Just same necessity for the local government to be a good government by being
proactive and strive opposed to reactive or survival. I believe that I am capable candidate with great
potential to be one of LGMFs. Especially with plenty of room for me to grow within this
fellowship. I believe I am the right candidate to be
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Public Administration
Overview of the sector
Public Administration Reform is structured, according to SIGMA, around six dimensions: Strategic
framework, policy development, human resources management, accountability of public institutions,
public service delivery and public finance management.
A comprehensive Baseline Assessment was carried out by SIGMA at the end of 2015 and published
in March 2016. The study described strengths and weaknesses of the Public Administration at
national level. In parallel to this process, the Government of Moldova – with the support of DFID–
designed a PAR strategy based, partially, on the needs identified by SIGMA. This PAR Strategy
was endorsed by the Government of Moldova on 6 July 2016 (Government's Decision 911). This more content...
Professionalization and depoliticisation of the civil service by consolidating State Secretaries
position, increasing the number of competitions for recruitment of public employees, as well as
reform of the general legal framework, revision of the disciplinary and promotion mechanisms.
The improvement of the capacities of the public employees must also combine to aspects: the raise
of their salaries to acceptable levels and an effective fight against corruption.
The significant improvement of the policy development process by increasing the capacities for
effective policy coordination among stakeholders as well effective cooperation with the Ministry of
Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration when it comes to monitoring of
the Association Agreement.
Territorial reform must happen as the current number of subnational territorial units (32 raion, two
municipalities and 898 local authorities) is too high, according to many observers, for the financial
and human resources capabilities of the country. Not tackling the territorial reform will leave the
country in a financially unsustainable situation as well in a very low quality level of public services
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Reflection On Public Administration
Critical Reflection Throughout my daily life, I never took the time to realize how important and
how often public administration affects how people, including myself, function in society. Public
administration plays a role in every aspect of life; which includes walking to your mailbox to
retrieve mail for the day, driving to work every morning in slow traffic due to construction being
done, or even simply receiving an education. That all includes interacting with street level
bureaucrats, and they are essential to everyday life. With my profound understanding of public
administration values, such as social equity and individual rights, I know that we, as people in
society, use them in a daily routine without even realizing it. Especially when I deal with people
first hand in working at a law office. Describe There isn't a specific activity that I am writing
about in this reflection. I am writing about several activities that I have encountered during my
time at the law office. I have directly faced many criminals whenever they walk through the doors
of the office, and I am the first person they see. However, I do not feel threatened or nervous. When
it became prevalent to me that I wanted to go into law, I knew full heartedly that I would be on the
prosecuting side, not on the defense council. Why would I want to defend a criminal? That mentality
changed when I started working at the law office. When I moved to Indianapolis to attend my first
semester at Indiana
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Public Administration And The Public Sector
Old Public Administration was created to answer the questions to many unanswered problems.
President Woodrow Wilson said it was "harder to run a constitution than to frame it" because of the
difficult administrative tasks had to deal with. Sure enough, he was not the only person who felt that
way. President Wilson believed that in order to run an effectivegovernment, ideas from the private
sector should be incorporated into the public sector. He even went as far as to give input on how
the government would be able to implement ideas from the private sector to the public sector. And
that is to limit what hierarchical organization can do. Wilson believed that those in power would not
have control of creating the policy, but they will have a handle on how the policy is implemented.
Two themes stood out around the topic of Public Administration " the distinction between policy and
administration, and the accountability of elected individuals who are a part of an organization. The
second theme was around the use of structures and strategies to ensure that management work
Many had much to say when it came Wilson's statement that " Policy and Administration" should be
separate entities. A few people argued that policy and administration could not be separated because
policy and administration depend on one another to work effectively. Frederick Taylor, a theorist
believed that in order to enforce efficiency within an organization, a scientific management
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Importance Of Leadership In Public Administration
For centuries, leadership has been studied and used as a theme in many works of literature. The
Egyptians had the word "leadership" written in hieroglyphics. The Chinese studied and wrote about
the responsibilities of its leaders to the people. Homer, Plato, and Aristotle wrote about leadership in
their literature. Authors such as "Caesar, Cicero, Seneca, and Plutarch wrote aboutleadership as it
related to administration." (Bass & Bass, 2008). By 1948, Stogdill was able find 128 studies of
leadership that he classified according to the traits of importance of leadership: capacity,
achievement, responsibility, participation, and status." (Bass & Bass, 2008). Leadership will
continue to be studied as more questions arise about its importance in public administration.
Studying leadership is important in public administration because "in organizations, effective
leadership provides higher–quality and more efficient goods and services; it provides a sense of
cohesiveness, personal development, and higher levels of satisfaction among those conducting the
work." (Van Wart, 2003). The study of leadership in public administration is also important in that
public administrators have to be involved with many different levels the administrations. Because of
this involvement, they must be able to connect the different levels of the administration with their
leadership. Secondly, the leadership skills of a public administrator must be strong enough to deal
with the multifaceted
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Public Administration: Accountability
SEMESTER 2 2012/2013
PSCI 2523
INTRODUCTION. When the word Public Administration come accross one's mind, people would
think of government civil workers and bureaucracy in government office. However, Public
Administration is wider than that. It comprises of many part among them are technical
issues,financal issues and ethical issues.Among many of them is the importance of manegerial
technique, a characteristic where an organization such as government office should have in order to
organize, planned, co–ordinate and budgetting. Government office is a more content...
Public Administration exist to provide services to the peoples. Therefore people have rights to know
how their tax money would be spend, what happen to the budgett allocate to Public Administration
by government and who is taking responsibilities over any action or planned carried out by the
public sectors.
Eventhough there might be distortion in achieving government policy, which is sometime is cause
by unavoidable external cause, the citizen are expecting Public Administration would be handle it in
a way that would bring less impact to the society. In order to satisfy citizen's almost idealistic
expectations, Public Administration must have the sense of highest integrity. Government are
entrusted with public funds and resources, and must adhere to the highest ethical standards. Honesty,
integrity, propriety, and objectivity, These goals can only be achieved through a combination of
individual proffesionalism, personal standards and rigorous control framework (Deloitte). These
years, people are began to question government officials integrity and government are trying to
promotes the importance of integrity to their officials as well as to the citizens. For example in
Malaysia, the government had establish Malaysian Integrity Instituition and Enforcement Agency
Integrity Commission, that would receive reports from citizens regarding the misbehaviour of
government officials.
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The Field Of Public Administration Essay
The field of Public Administration is undoubtedly one of the most vast study fields there is. It is said
that public administration is closely related to Management in terms of public management theories.
After all Public Administration is the perfect management of people in a more vast public
setting.According to Nigro and Nigro in their book Modern Public Administration, Public
Administration is a co–operative group effort in a public setting which works in collaboration with
the executive, legislature and judiciary of a nation, plays a significant role in the policy making
process and is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals for providence of
service to the community.
As public value increment is the main goal in public administration, the public management must be
up to the task in optimization of service output at all times. As in public administration the
Administration of the State is the service provider and we, the citizens, are their clients. As public
administration is the allover perfect management of the public, it follows the principles of basic
management and every task they perform can be categorized and analyzed by a certain
management theory. Keeping that in mind, the main goal of this paper is to shed some light on the
management theories that were formulated by scholars and the comparison of the management
theories of the classical approach and new classical approach and their ways and views of analysis.
The classical and new
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Essay about The Study of Public Administration
Professionalism is important to understand in the study of public administration. Professionalism
is a concept that describes certain types of public agencies as well as the individuals that work for
these organizations. Changes in the way that these individuals are regarded may impact the way in
which these administrators function. The concept of professionalism means that workers are
specially trained in their field. These workers are required to possess a high level of technical
expertise. In these types of organizations authority is not based on rank as much as it is based on
professional norms and standards. For the purposes of this paper, we will focus on professionalism
as it pertains to education. Specifically, we will more content...
Under the new system, appropriately named the performance pay model, teachers would be
evaluated by students and administrators. The results of these evaluations would determine how
much the teacher would be compensated for their time. It would no longer matter how long a
teacher has been teaching or how well the teacher is educated. This would mean that a new
teacher could be paid much more than a teacher that has been teaching for many years. This is
generally not a good policy in any industry, particularly an industry that is responsible for
education the youth. Likewise, it would mean that it would not matter if a teacher possessed a
master's, or even doctorate, degree or if they held a bachelor's degree. Their compensation would
be totally based on the rating they received on their evaluations (Sherman 2014). Critics of the
performance pay model assert that the concept may lead to a popularity contest. Instead of the
highest performing teachers being rewarded it would be the most like teachers being rewarded.
They believe that teachers may abandon their professionalism and begin giving A's away. Whether
or not this would be true is yet to be seen. It is, hopefully, a worst–case scenario. However, it could
very well happen. This, undoubtedly, would lead to better evaluations from happy students resulting
in salary increases for teachers. The performance pay model would also punish teachers
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Importance of Public Administration
STUDENT NO: 201317030
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Define and describepublic administration
2. Describe the basic values and principle of public administration as espoused in section 195(1) of
the constitution of the Republic of South Africa (No 108 of 1996) and give examples based on the
implementation of these principles by your organization/municipality.
3. Describe the role and functions of parliament, legislature, municipal council and the executive
(cabinet) more content...
(1) Public administration must be governed by the democratic values and principles enshrined in the
Constitution, including the following principles; (a) A high standard of professional ethics must be
promoted and maintained (b) Efficient, economic and effective use of resources must be promoted.
(c) Public administration must be development–oriented. (d) Services must be provided impartially,
fair, equitably and without bias. (e) People's needs must be responded to, and the public must be
encouraged to participate in policy–making. (f) Public administration must be accountable. (g)
Transparency must be fostered by providing the public with timely, accessible and accurate
information. (h) Good human–resource management and career–development practices, to maximise
human potential, must be cultivated. (i) Public administration must be broadly representative of the
South African people, with employment and personnel management practices based on ability,
objectivity, fairness, and the need to redress the imbalances of the past to achieve broad
representation. EXAMPLES:
One example that I wane give is one that shows that our administrations implementation of these
principles and the lack of democratic values and
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Characteristics of Public Administration
Administration is a multi–dimensional discipline, defined by different authors and scholars,
according to their understanding. It is viewed by each author in relation to his political environment.
It is pertinent to know what public administration is before viewing it's characteristics... According to
Woodrow Wilson; Public Administration is the most obvious part more content...
It is said that the ideals and objectives of government may be very popular, the plans for national
development may be extremely progressive and the national resources of the country may be
abundant, but without an efficient administration, nothing can be achieved. In other words, even the
good objectives of the best policies and laws of a government may remain as mere paper
declarations of intent, if the administrative machinery does not function efficiently and honestly. An
efficient public administration can avoid waste, correct errors; limit the consequences of
incompetence, or irresponsibility while implementing laws and public policies. Thus public
administration acts as an instrument for translating plans, laws and policies into reality. As A.D.
Gorwala remarks, "in a democracy there can be no successful planning without a clear , efficient
and impartial administration". * Participation in Policy Formulation: According to Dimock and
Dimock Administration "In the modern world bureaucracy is the chief policy maker in
government". It is a source of facts and experience as well as of ideas and solution of public
problems. I n modern democracies, public administrators participate in policy making by giving
advice to ministers and providing them the necessary information(i.e., facts and figures) which is
relevant for policy formulation. As Sir Josiah Stamp says, "the officials
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Public administration houses the implementation of government policy and an academic discipline
that studies this implementation and that prepares civil servants for this work. As a "field of inquiry
with a diverse scope" its "fundamental goal... is to advance management and policies so that
government can function." Some of the various definitions which have been offered for the term are:
"the management of public programs"; the "translation of politics into the reality that citizens see
every day"; and "the study of government decision making, the analysis of the policies themselves,
the various inputs that have produced them, and the inputs necessary to produce alternative policies."
According to Dubios & Fattore (2009), the goals more content...
Now, it is a way of life that those who want works that are not right are those who want their deeds
hidden. With this reality, there ought to be a system that keeps accountability strong and invincible
against these imperfections of life and, with more reason, against those who want to do not right by
the impulsion of greed. With these principles in mind, the next challenge really of public
administration is how to make use of the modern things offered by modern times. (Evardone)
In answering this question, the best way is to know the fundamental governance principles that
public administration is a result of the collective consent of the citizens to be governed and the fact
that the world has gone too modern.
The Definition of Public Administration Public administration, developed in the early 1900s, is a
special field of study within the academic discipline of political science. It emphasizes the structure
and operation of bureaucracies and organizations, including budgeting, personnel, and formal and
informal internal controls. Some public administration programs include study of the special
management skills required in governmental (as
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Traditional Public Administration
Woodrow Wilson, the founding father of public administration, classified the aim of public
administration (PA) is to discover, first, what government can properly and successfully do, and,
secondly, how it can do these proper things with the utmost possible efficiency and at the least
possible cost either of money or of energy (Wilson, p. 127).
The goals and methods of public administration have changed since Woodrow's classification of
traditional public administration in 1887 to the present era of new public administration. The
management transformed from a bureaucratic system, marked by weak performance, and excessive
rules and regulations to a democratic citizenship, marked by transparency, efficiency, and social
equity. These changes have in turn refined the image of a public servant from the era of traditional
PA to New PA.
To analyze the transition from traditional to new public administration and its impacts on the image
of public servants, as citizens we must clarify the differences between the two. Traditional PA is
distinguished by its bureaucratic, slow and inefficient system, low quality of the civil service, and
weak performance. During the period of traditional PA, public administration and politics were a
dichotomy, two separate entities that work independently of one another. Woodrow Wilson noted
that the political atmosphere expanded tremendously and became out of proportion to its skill. To fix
this problem, public administration is to be separated from
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public administration Essay
The roll of ethics in public administration is based on the administration; administrators should be
value–free when they implement public policy. I will discuss why ethics should be based on the
administration and, why it should not be based on each individual worker in the administration. I
will discuss Weber's stance on values in bureaucratic organizations, what Macintyre suggests, and
what Hummel and Goodsell would conclude about values in public administration. Most people do
not understand what an administration deals with everyday on an individual basis. They might think
that an administration is supposed to make the best ethical choices, but that is not the case. People
who are outside more content...
The roll that ethics plays in public administration is based on each individual administration. If a
public administration wants to do the right ethical things than more power to them, and if they do
not than the administration should not be seen as something evil, but it should be seen as a business.
Administrators should be value–free when they are implementing public policy for their
administration. They should be value free, because if they let their own personnel values in to play
they would be hurting the administration. An example of this is dealing with student loans, an
administrator may feel that giving a bigger loan to someone who is in need of it is the right thing to
do, but they know if they give the extra loan instead of the standard amount for the situation than the
administration would suffer. This does not mean that every administrator has values like a used car
salesman would, but that they have to do what their job specifies.
Administrators just can not change the rules for an individual. It basically goes back to the
paragraph on ethics; the values are also based on the administration and not the administrators
running the administration. Most administrators do have good values, they follow the laws, go to
church, give money to charity, but they can not implement those ideas in their
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The Five Paradigms Of Public Administration
Five paradigms of Public Administration will be discussed here to indicate that Public
Administration is new unique synthesizing field. This is because many conceived that Public
Administration as a discipline is an amalgam of organization theory, management science and the
concept of public interest. It is now, time to time establish itself as an institutionally autonomous
enterprise in colleges and universities in order to retain its social relevance and worth.
Paradigm:1, The politics/Administration:
The concentration of study during this period was on lucus where public administration should
пѓјPolitics: has to do with policies or expression of the state will.
пѓјAdministration: has to do with the execution of these policies.
B Leonard D white he published in 1926 the first textbook devoted in to the field of public
administration Introduction to the study of public administration. The book is considered by waldo
as quite essentially American progressive character:
пЃ¶Politics should not intrude on administration.
пЃ¶Management lends itself to scientific study.
пЃ¶Public administration is capable of becoming a value free science in its own right.
пЃ¶The mission of administration is economy and efficiency.
In this paradigm the nation was to strengthen a distinct politics or administration dichotomy by
relating it to value or fact. Everything that public administrationists scrutinized in the executive
branch was imbued with the colorings and legitimacy of being somehow
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Essay on Public Policy and Administration
1.Over time, how have members of the field of public administration examined the subject of policy
and administration (has the dichotomy changed)?
The studies of policy and administration have been viewed in different ways; overtime, the
pre–modern era to its now 21st century outlook has changed. In the beginning, kings had treasures
and tax collector to oversee the daily business of the empire. Today these members are public
servants working in all levels of government; implanting various inputs to produce their desired
policies as results. New policies in public administration spurred from the peoples dissatisfaction
with the government. From corruption, favoritism and self–preservation drew the attention of
change; leading to more content...
For example, "Two months after the attacks, Congress federalized airport security by passing the
Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which created the Transportation Security Administration.
Prior to 9/11, security had been handled by each airport, which outsourced to private security
companies." Thereafter, TSA enforced a stricter security screening for passengers and luggage;
personnel without tickets were banned from passing through security. This showed political
responsiveness and representation; according to the Washington Post, more than 263 government
organizations were either created or reorganized due to 9/11. (
2. How do states interact with other layers of government?
The term intergovernmental relationship is often used to describe the way the states interact with
other layers of government. This also explains their collaborative efforts in working together for a
greater cause. The U.S. Constitution created what is called today as the Federalist system of
government. The Federalist system shaped several layers of government; some of the models use to
explain the workings of the federalist system are the layer cake model, the marble cake model, and
the picket fence model. "The Constitution not only defines the structure and power of the federal
government, but also contains general provisions regarding state government." Furthermore, each
state has its own constitution which contains provisions
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Public Administration, as a field, had always captivated me right from my undergraduate days. I
believe my curiosity for this field comes from my family. Both my father and my uncle were
politicians. During my early days, I used to go to my father's office where I had a great chance to
observe different kinds of people with various jobs and interests. This was the first time I learned
how mutual interests bring people together. When I understood how public relations work naturally,
it forced me strongly to study and comprehend the complex theory of politics. After finishing high
school, I made up my mind to pursue a career in Political Science. For this reason, I was enrolled to
Istanbul Bilgi University's Political Science program. more content...
The society is moving towards a large–scale economy and there is an exceptional increase of free
trade and exchange all around the world. This fact has brought vast opportunities to build up newer
policies, wide–range political programs and methodologies in the field of public administration. I
would like to contribute to this challenging environment after completing the necessary education.
My intention is to supply well–rounded ideas which would possibly contribute to public
administration in my home country. I am determined to provide meaningful and finest solutions to
diverse problems of public administration. Consequently, my goal is to successfully complete master
of public administration and serve society as a high quality public official.
In order to achieve my career goals, I have to study and internalize the current developments and
new policy strategies in public administration, and political applications in different geographical
areas of the world. A Master's Degree will grant me the necessary theoretical understanding, and
will also provide me with an in depth idea of realistic approaches in decision–making process and
research skills to allow me develop exceptional ideas. I would like to discover facts about various
areas such as health administration, leading health problems in developed and developing countries,
global health
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Public Administration and Ethics Essay
Public Administration & Ethics
In public administration, decisions are a lot of times made based upon ethical principles, which are
the perception of what the general public would agree is correct. This helps keep the administrators
ethical because they first must ask themselves if they will be under public scrutiny if they don't make
an ethical decision. Ethics has also placed additional burden on public administrators regarding how
they handle their personal lives. When a person enters into the public realm, a lot of the details that
would normally be private from their individual lives become made available for public record.
These 'details' are things such as the individual's health, finances, any misconduct on record, etc. more content...
Corruption is a huge issue in public administration. There is a lot of temptation for the individual in
the public eye to use their high authority position for their personal well–being. The government
must keep a close eye on this as it often becomes an issue. The issue of corruption can be as small
as low level city government and can go as high as the president.
Public administrators also have to decipher the difference between "majority of the people" versus
just public interest. Just because the majority of the people think that guns should be banned because
they can cause death, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do for society. The minority of the
people might think that they deserve to keep their 2nd amendment rights and keep protecting their
families. In this case, the minority may be right versus the majority. The government must decipher
such differences. Just because the majority may believe something, it may not be in the best interest
for the entire public. The government must defend the human rights of minority groups in order to
defend human rights. In some cases, this can be an ethical issue because the government may sway
more towards the majority to keep more people happy to win votes.
A current example of privatization of government is President Obama and his healthcare reforms.
President Obama wants to de–privatize health care because it is "public interest". He wants the
health care to be
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Public Administration Essay

  • 1. A Reflection On Public Administration Essay Posttraditional Public Administration Since the linguistic turn, sparked in the late 1960s by such theorists as Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault, interesting normative and methodological challenges for the policy sciences have emerged. A posttraditional society is often characterized as an individualized society because individuals are increasingly required to construct their own lives. To begin, a posttraditional society refers to both modernity and its reverberation postmodernity. Modernity, in a general sense, refers to institutions and modes of behavior. Anthony Giddens (1991) writes, "modernity is a post–traditional order, in which the question, 'How shall I live?' has to be answered in day–to–day decisions about how to behave, what to wear, what to eat – and many other things – as well as interpreted within the temporal unfolding of self–identity" (p. 14). According to Giddens, there are four main discourses of modernity: industrialism is the social relations implied in the widespread use of material power and machinery in production processes; capitalism is a system of commodity production involving competition and commodification; surveillance is the supervisory control of subject populations, whether this takes "the form of 'visible' supervision in Foucault's sense", or use of information; and organization is the regularized control of social relations across "indefinite time–space distances" (pp. 14–16). There are also three elements of modern social life – Get more content on
  • 2. Public Administration Public administration was once defined as "a detailed and systematic execution of public law" (Boundreau, 1950, p. 371). However, in White's book Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, he defined it as " 如ublic administration consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfillment or enforcement of public policy, as declared by the competent authorities" (Boundreau, 1950, p. 371). The public interest in public administration is making decisions and carrying out duties by the government that corresponds and agrees with the majority of the public. The public is made up of individuals, and groups that embody various ideals, points of views, and interests. In a way, public interest is defined as "a working compromise and be subject to continuous redefinition, as need arises, in the process of achieving an often delicate balance among conflicting interests" (Boundreau, 1950, p. 371). The public interest and the approach to serving such duty by public administrators have changed since September 11, 2001, which was when the terrorist attacks took place on the twin towers. Public interest reflected a new concern for the public good, and a new approach to deal with the threats placed on the people on a global level. September 11th was an event that took place that shook the core and reevaluated the values that public administrators held dear and near, which include an "order for a free and democratic society to flourish, all its citizens, including, Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Approaches to Public Administration | Approaches to Public Administration| | | Reuby Benson| 3/18/2012| | There are different approaches to running a government. There are those that believe that the government should be run like a private business. Then there are those that believe in representativeness and the separation of powers that rest in the government to properly operate the government. There are also those who believe that the government should adhere to the strictest letter of the law. I look to describe all three approaches to public administration and apply those approaches to my life. The managerial approach to public administration was championed by Frederick Taylor. It came about as a reaction to the political influence in more content... Government needs to be more flexible. Public administration needs to more flexible instead of rule bound to respond to public needs. The organizational structure of the NPM is much flatter than the traditional managerial approach to government management. It is not a bureaucratic or hierarchical. NPM views individuals as customers. The cognitive approach to NPM takes from the public choice approach to public policy. The budgeting process for NPM focuses on outputs and outcomes instead of money, personnel and equipment. The decision making process should be based on responsiveness to customers, performance levels and cost effectiveness. The next approach to public administration to be discussed is the political approach. The underpinnings of the political approach are representation, responsiveness, accountability, and separation of powers and pluralism. The idea of separation of powers was not to create friction between the branches of government but to protect the citizenry. The basic tenet of pluralism within public administration is that the administrative branch, as the policy making branch, it must be structured to enable groups that compete with each other to counteract each other provided by their political representation. To the extent that this is achieved, the structure of public administration becomes politicized, with different groups seeking representation. The view of the individual is to lump the individual into broad social, economic, and political Get more content on
  • 4. The reasons that I got into the field of public administration was the community needs and its' lifeblood. Plus, I have this desire to constant improve the overall policies for the ideal of good government. Ever since I got into the graduate school for a Master of Public Administration at the San Diego State University. I came from a small town in the east and moved to one of major cities in the United States. Everything and everyone from there opened my eyes wide opened to the world and all of its' opportunities. I felt and recognized that the opportunity for this fellowship will help me with my career–development into full–time with the local government. Let me share my career goal with you, which is to be a City Manager at one day. Or even to be higher and daring than my current goal. I wanted to make a difference like every public servant wants. Despite of that comment I felt that I know what the hardship is like and I am ready to face more of it. As deaf person, which already experienced struggles and constant breaking barriers. While breaking those barriers I found out two key thinking are proactive and strive. Both of them have enhanced my thinking. Just same necessity for the local government to be a good government by being proactive and strive opposed to reactive or survival. I believe that I am capable candidate with great potential to be one of LGMFs. Especially with plenty of room for me to grow within this fellowship. I believe I am the right candidate to be Get more content on
  • 5. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Public Administration Overview of the sector Public Administration Reform is structured, according to SIGMA, around six dimensions: Strategic framework, policy development, human resources management, accountability of public institutions, public service delivery and public finance management. A comprehensive Baseline Assessment was carried out by SIGMA at the end of 2015 and published in March 2016. The study described strengths and weaknesses of the Public Administration at national level. In parallel to this process, the Government of Moldova – with the support of DFID– designed a PAR strategy based, partially, on the needs identified by SIGMA. This PAR Strategy was endorsed by the Government of Moldova on 6 July 2016 (Government's Decision 911). This more content... Professionalization and depoliticisation of the civil service by consolidating State Secretaries position, increasing the number of competitions for recruitment of public employees, as well as reform of the general legal framework, revision of the disciplinary and promotion mechanisms. The improvement of the capacities of the public employees must also combine to aspects: the raise of their salaries to acceptable levels and an effective fight against corruption. The significant improvement of the policy development process by increasing the capacities for effective policy coordination among stakeholders as well effective cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration when it comes to monitoring of the Association Agreement. Territorial reform must happen as the current number of subnational territorial units (32 raion, two municipalities and 898 local authorities) is too high, according to many observers, for the financial and human resources capabilities of the country. Not tackling the territorial reform will leave the country in a financially unsustainable situation as well in a very low quality level of public services delivered Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection On Public Administration Critical Reflection Throughout my daily life, I never took the time to realize how important and how often public administration affects how people, including myself, function in society. Public administration plays a role in every aspect of life; which includes walking to your mailbox to retrieve mail for the day, driving to work every morning in slow traffic due to construction being done, or even simply receiving an education. That all includes interacting with street level bureaucrats, and they are essential to everyday life. With my profound understanding of public administration values, such as social equity and individual rights, I know that we, as people in society, use them in a daily routine without even realizing it. Especially when I deal with people first hand in working at a law office. Describe There isn't a specific activity that I am writing about in this reflection. I am writing about several activities that I have encountered during my time at the law office. I have directly faced many criminals whenever they walk through the doors of the office, and I am the first person they see. However, I do not feel threatened or nervous. When it became prevalent to me that I wanted to go into law, I knew full heartedly that I would be on the prosecuting side, not on the defense council. Why would I want to defend a criminal? That mentality changed when I started working at the law office. When I moved to Indianapolis to attend my first semester at Indiana Get more content on
  • 7. Public Administration And The Public Sector Old Public Administration was created to answer the questions to many unanswered problems. President Woodrow Wilson said it was "harder to run a constitution than to frame it" because of the difficult administrative tasks had to deal with. Sure enough, he was not the only person who felt that way. President Wilson believed that in order to run an effectivegovernment, ideas from the private sector should be incorporated into the public sector. He even went as far as to give input on how the government would be able to implement ideas from the private sector to the public sector. And that is to limit what hierarchical organization can do. Wilson believed that those in power would not have control of creating the policy, but they will have a handle on how the policy is implemented. Two themes stood out around the topic of Public Administration " the distinction between policy and administration, and the accountability of elected individuals who are a part of an organization. The second theme was around the use of structures and strategies to ensure that management work efficiency. Many had much to say when it came Wilson's statement that " Policy and Administration" should be separate entities. A few people argued that policy and administration could not be separated because policy and administration depend on one another to work effectively. Frederick Taylor, a theorist believed that in order to enforce efficiency within an organization, a scientific management Get more content on
  • 8. Importance Of Leadership In Public Administration For centuries, leadership has been studied and used as a theme in many works of literature. The Egyptians had the word "leadership" written in hieroglyphics. The Chinese studied and wrote about the responsibilities of its leaders to the people. Homer, Plato, and Aristotle wrote about leadership in their literature. Authors such as "Caesar, Cicero, Seneca, and Plutarch wrote aboutleadership as it related to administration." (Bass & Bass, 2008). By 1948, Stogdill was able find 128 studies of leadership that he classified according to the traits of importance of leadership: capacity, achievement, responsibility, participation, and status." (Bass & Bass, 2008). Leadership will continue to be studied as more questions arise about its importance in public administration. Studying leadership is important in public administration because "in organizations, effective leadership provides higher–quality and more efficient goods and services; it provides a sense of cohesiveness, personal development, and higher levels of satisfaction among those conducting the work." (Van Wart, 2003). The study of leadership in public administration is also important in that public administrators have to be involved with many different levels the administrations. Because of this involvement, they must be able to connect the different levels of the administration with their leadership. Secondly, the leadership skills of a public administrator must be strong enough to deal with the multifaceted Get more content on
  • 9. Public Administration: Accountability PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Assignment SEMESTER 2 2012/2013 PSCI 2523 INSTRUCTOR "ACCOUNTABILITY" | NAME| MATRIC NO.| SECTION| 1| | 1| | | | | INTRODUCTION. When the word Public Administration come accross one's mind, people would think of government civil workers and bureaucracy in government office. However, Public Administration is wider than that. It comprises of many part among them are technical issues,financal issues and ethical issues.Among many of them is the importance of manegerial technique, a characteristic where an organization such as government office should have in order to organize, planned, co–ordinate and budgetting. Government office is a more content... Public Administration exist to provide services to the peoples. Therefore people have rights to know how their tax money would be spend, what happen to the budgett allocate to Public Administration by government and who is taking responsibilities over any action or planned carried out by the public sectors. Eventhough there might be distortion in achieving government policy, which is sometime is cause by unavoidable external cause, the citizen are expecting Public Administration would be handle it in a way that would bring less impact to the society. In order to satisfy citizen's almost idealistic expectations, Public Administration must have the sense of highest integrity. Government are entrusted with public funds and resources, and must adhere to the highest ethical standards. Honesty, integrity, propriety, and objectivity, These goals can only be achieved through a combination of individual proffesionalism, personal standards and rigorous control framework (Deloitte). These years, people are began to question government officials integrity and government are trying to promotes the importance of integrity to their officials as well as to the citizens. For example in Malaysia, the government had establish Malaysian Integrity Instituition and Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission, that would receive reports from citizens regarding the misbehaviour of government officials. The Get more content on
  • 10. The Field Of Public Administration Essay The field of Public Administration is undoubtedly one of the most vast study fields there is. It is said that public administration is closely related to Management in terms of public management theories. After all Public Administration is the perfect management of people in a more vast public setting.According to Nigro and Nigro in their book Modern Public Administration, Public Administration is a co–operative group effort in a public setting which works in collaboration with the executive, legislature and judiciary of a nation, plays a significant role in the policy making process and is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals for providence of service to the community. As public value increment is the main goal in public administration, the public management must be up to the task in optimization of service output at all times. As in public administration the Administration of the State is the service provider and we, the citizens, are their clients. As public administration is the allover perfect management of the public, it follows the principles of basic management and every task they perform can be categorized and analyzed by a certain management theory. Keeping that in mind, the main goal of this paper is to shed some light on the management theories that were formulated by scholars and the comparison of the management theories of the classical approach and new classical approach and their ways and views of analysis. The classical and new Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about The Study of Public Administration Professionalism is important to understand in the study of public administration. Professionalism is a concept that describes certain types of public agencies as well as the individuals that work for these organizations. Changes in the way that these individuals are regarded may impact the way in which these administrators function. The concept of professionalism means that workers are specially trained in their field. These workers are required to possess a high level of technical expertise. In these types of organizations authority is not based on rank as much as it is based on professional norms and standards. For the purposes of this paper, we will focus on professionalism as it pertains to education. Specifically, we will more content... Under the new system, appropriately named the performance pay model, teachers would be evaluated by students and administrators. The results of these evaluations would determine how much the teacher would be compensated for their time. It would no longer matter how long a teacher has been teaching or how well the teacher is educated. This would mean that a new teacher could be paid much more than a teacher that has been teaching for many years. This is generally not a good policy in any industry, particularly an industry that is responsible for education the youth. Likewise, it would mean that it would not matter if a teacher possessed a master's, or even doctorate, degree or if they held a bachelor's degree. Their compensation would be totally based on the rating they received on their evaluations (Sherman 2014). Critics of the performance pay model assert that the concept may lead to a popularity contest. Instead of the highest performing teachers being rewarded it would be the most like teachers being rewarded. They believe that teachers may abandon their professionalism and begin giving A's away. Whether or not this would be true is yet to be seen. It is, hopefully, a worst–case scenario. However, it could very well happen. This, undoubtedly, would lead to better evaluations from happy students resulting in salary increases for teachers. The performance pay model would also punish teachers Get more content on
  • 12. Importance of Public Administration UNIVERSITY OF FORT HARE FACULTY OF LAW NELSON R MANDELA SCHOOL OF LAW EAST LONDON CAMPUS INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION NAME: PETRUS KAYSTER STUDENT NO: 201317030 LECTURER: MR. S T MOKO MODULE CODE : ITL101E TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Define and describepublic administration 2. Describe the basic values and principle of public administration as espoused in section 195(1) of the constitution of the Republic of South Africa (No 108 of 1996) and give examples based on the implementation of these principles by your organization/municipality. 3. Describe the role and functions of parliament, legislature, municipal council and the executive (cabinet) more content... (1) Public administration must be governed by the democratic values and principles enshrined in the Constitution, including the following principles; (a) A high standard of professional ethics must be promoted and maintained (b) Efficient, economic and effective use of resources must be promoted. (c) Public administration must be development–oriented. (d) Services must be provided impartially, fair, equitably and without bias. (e) People's needs must be responded to, and the public must be encouraged to participate in policy–making. (f) Public administration must be accountable. (g) Transparency must be fostered by providing the public with timely, accessible and accurate information. (h) Good human–resource management and career–development practices, to maximise human potential, must be cultivated. (i) Public administration must be broadly representative of the South African people, with employment and personnel management practices based on ability, objectivity, fairness, and the need to redress the imbalances of the past to achieve broad representation. EXAMPLES: One example that I wane give is one that shows that our administrations implementation of these principles and the lack of democratic values and
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  • 14. Characteristics of Public Administration | 2011| | YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY RASHEED BALOGUN| | MATRIC NUMBER:P /ND/10/3621360 DEPARTMENT:BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CLASS:ND1 N| [ASSIGNMENT:BRIEFLY EXAMINE THE CHRACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ITS PRIMARY OBJECTIVES REGARDING ITS ADMINISTRATIVE RELEVANCE.] CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DEFINITION: Public Administration is a multi–dimensional discipline, defined by different authors and scholars, according to their understanding. It is viewed by each author in relation to his political environment. It is pertinent to know what public administration is before viewing it's characteristics... According to Woodrow Wilson; Public Administration is the most obvious part more content... It is said that the ideals and objectives of government may be very popular, the plans for national development may be extremely progressive and the national resources of the country may be abundant, but without an efficient administration, nothing can be achieved. In other words, even the good objectives of the best policies and laws of a government may remain as mere paper declarations of intent, if the administrative machinery does not function efficiently and honestly. An efficient public administration can avoid waste, correct errors; limit the consequences of incompetence, or irresponsibility while implementing laws and public policies. Thus public administration acts as an instrument for translating plans, laws and policies into reality. As A.D. Gorwala remarks, "in a democracy there can be no successful planning without a clear , efficient and impartial administration". * Participation in Policy Formulation: According to Dimock and Dimock Administration "In the modern world bureaucracy is the chief policy maker in government". It is a source of facts and experience as well as of ideas and solution of public problems. I n modern democracies, public administrators participate in policy making by giving advice to ministers and providing them the necessary information(i.e., facts and figures) which is relevant for policy formulation. As Sir Josiah Stamp says, "the officials Get more content on
  • 15. Public administration houses the implementation of government policy and an academic discipline that studies this implementation and that prepares civil servants for this work. As a "field of inquiry with a diverse scope" its "fundamental goal... is to advance management and policies so that government can function." Some of the various definitions which have been offered for the term are: "the management of public programs"; the "translation of politics into the reality that citizens see every day"; and "the study of government decision making, the analysis of the policies themselves, the various inputs that have produced them, and the inputs necessary to produce alternative policies." According to Dubios & Fattore (2009), the goals more content... Now, it is a way of life that those who want works that are not right are those who want their deeds hidden. With this reality, there ought to be a system that keeps accountability strong and invincible against these imperfections of life and, with more reason, against those who want to do not right by the impulsion of greed. With these principles in mind, the next challenge really of public administration is how to make use of the modern things offered by modern times. (Evardone) In answering this question, the best way is to know the fundamental governance principles that public administration is a result of the collective consent of the citizens to be governed and the fact that the world has gone too modern. The Definition of Public Administration Public administration, developed in the early 1900s, is a special field of study within the academic discipline of political science. It emphasizes the structure and operation of bureaucracies and organizations, including budgeting, personnel, and formal and informal internal controls. Some public administration programs include study of the special management skills required in governmental (as Get more content on
  • 16. Traditional Public Administration Woodrow Wilson, the founding father of public administration, classified the aim of public administration (PA) is to discover, first, what government can properly and successfully do, and, secondly, how it can do these proper things with the utmost possible efficiency and at the least possible cost either of money or of energy (Wilson, p. 127). The goals and methods of public administration have changed since Woodrow's classification of traditional public administration in 1887 to the present era of new public administration. The management transformed from a bureaucratic system, marked by weak performance, and excessive rules and regulations to a democratic citizenship, marked by transparency, efficiency, and social equity. These changes have in turn refined the image of a public servant from the era of traditional PA to New PA. To analyze the transition from traditional to new public administration and its impacts on the image of public servants, as citizens we must clarify the differences between the two. Traditional PA is distinguished by its bureaucratic, slow and inefficient system, low quality of the civil service, and weak performance. During the period of traditional PA, public administration and politics were a dichotomy, two separate entities that work independently of one another. Woodrow Wilson noted that the political atmosphere expanded tremendously and became out of proportion to its skill. To fix this problem, public administration is to be separated from Get more content on
  • 17. public administration Essay The roll of ethics in public administration is based on the administration; administrators should be value–free when they implement public policy. I will discuss why ethics should be based on the administration and, why it should not be based on each individual worker in the administration. I will discuss Weber's stance on values in bureaucratic organizations, what Macintyre suggests, and what Hummel and Goodsell would conclude about values in public administration. Most people do not understand what an administration deals with everyday on an individual basis. They might think that an administration is supposed to make the best ethical choices, but that is not the case. People who are outside more content... The roll that ethics plays in public administration is based on each individual administration. If a public administration wants to do the right ethical things than more power to them, and if they do not than the administration should not be seen as something evil, but it should be seen as a business. Administrators should be value–free when they are implementing public policy for their administration. They should be value free, because if they let their own personnel values in to play they would be hurting the administration. An example of this is dealing with student loans, an administrator may feel that giving a bigger loan to someone who is in need of it is the right thing to do, but they know if they give the extra loan instead of the standard amount for the situation than the administration would suffer. This does not mean that every administrator has values like a used car salesman would, but that they have to do what their job specifies. Administrators just can not change the rules for an individual. It basically goes back to the paragraph on ethics; the values are also based on the administration and not the administrators running the administration. Most administrators do have good values, they follow the laws, go to church, give money to charity, but they can not implement those ideas in their Get more content on
  • 18. The Five Paradigms Of Public Administration Five paradigms of Public Administration will be discussed here to indicate that Public Administration is new unique synthesizing field. This is because many conceived that Public Administration as a discipline is an amalgam of organization theory, management science and the concept of public interest. It is now, time to time establish itself as an institutionally autonomous enterprise in colleges and universities in order to retain its social relevance and worth. Paradigm:1, The politics/Administration: The concentration of study during this period was on lucus where public administration should be........... пѓјPolitics: has to do with policies or expression of the state will. пѓјAdministration: has to do with the execution of these policies. B Leonard D white he published in 1926 the first textbook devoted in to the field of public administration Introduction to the study of public administration. The book is considered by waldo as quite essentially American progressive character: пЃ¶Politics should not intrude on administration. пЃ¶Management lends itself to scientific study. пЃ¶Public administration is capable of becoming a value free science in its own right. пЃ¶The mission of administration is economy and efficiency. In this paradigm the nation was to strengthen a distinct politics or administration dichotomy by relating it to value or fact. Everything that public administrationists scrutinized in the executive branch was imbued with the colorings and legitimacy of being somehow Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Public Policy and Administration 1.Over time, how have members of the field of public administration examined the subject of policy and administration (has the dichotomy changed)? The studies of policy and administration have been viewed in different ways; overtime, the pre–modern era to its now 21st century outlook has changed. In the beginning, kings had treasures and tax collector to oversee the daily business of the empire. Today these members are public servants working in all levels of government; implanting various inputs to produce their desired policies as results. New policies in public administration spurred from the peoples dissatisfaction with the government. From corruption, favoritism and self–preservation drew the attention of change; leading to more content... 303) For example, "Two months after the attacks, Congress federalized airport security by passing the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which created the Transportation Security Administration. Prior to 9/11, security had been handled by each airport, which outsourced to private security companies." Thereafter, TSA enforced a stricter security screening for passengers and luggage; personnel without tickets were banned from passing through security. This showed political responsiveness and representation; according to the Washington Post, more than 263 government organizations were either created or reorganized due to 9/11. ( 2. How do states interact with other layers of government? The term intergovernmental relationship is often used to describe the way the states interact with other layers of government. This also explains their collaborative efforts in working together for a greater cause. The U.S. Constitution created what is called today as the Federalist system of government. The Federalist system shaped several layers of government; some of the models use to explain the workings of the federalist system are the layer cake model, the marble cake model, and the picket fence model. "The Constitution not only defines the structure and power of the federal government, but also contains general provisions regarding state government." Furthermore, each state has its own constitution which contains provisions Get more content on
  • 20. Public Administration, as a field, had always captivated me right from my undergraduate days. I believe my curiosity for this field comes from my family. Both my father and my uncle were politicians. During my early days, I used to go to my father's office where I had a great chance to observe different kinds of people with various jobs and interests. This was the first time I learned how mutual interests bring people together. When I understood how public relations work naturally, it forced me strongly to study and comprehend the complex theory of politics. After finishing high school, I made up my mind to pursue a career in Political Science. For this reason, I was enrolled to Istanbul Bilgi University's Political Science program. more content... The society is moving towards a large–scale economy and there is an exceptional increase of free trade and exchange all around the world. This fact has brought vast opportunities to build up newer policies, wide–range political programs and methodologies in the field of public administration. I would like to contribute to this challenging environment after completing the necessary education. My intention is to supply well–rounded ideas which would possibly contribute to public administration in my home country. I am determined to provide meaningful and finest solutions to diverse problems of public administration. Consequently, my goal is to successfully complete master of public administration and serve society as a high quality public official. In order to achieve my career goals, I have to study and internalize the current developments and new policy strategies in public administration, and political applications in different geographical areas of the world. A Master's Degree will grant me the necessary theoretical understanding, and will also provide me with an in depth idea of realistic approaches in decision–making process and research skills to allow me develop exceptional ideas. I would like to discover facts about various areas such as health administration, leading health problems in developed and developing countries, global health Get more content on
  • 21. Public Administration and Ethics Essay Public Administration & Ethics In public administration, decisions are a lot of times made based upon ethical principles, which are the perception of what the general public would agree is correct. This helps keep the administrators ethical because they first must ask themselves if they will be under public scrutiny if they don't make an ethical decision. Ethics has also placed additional burden on public administrators regarding how they handle their personal lives. When a person enters into the public realm, a lot of the details that would normally be private from their individual lives become made available for public record. These 'details' are things such as the individual's health, finances, any misconduct on record, etc. more content... Corruption is a huge issue in public administration. There is a lot of temptation for the individual in the public eye to use their high authority position for their personal well–being. The government must keep a close eye on this as it often becomes an issue. The issue of corruption can be as small as low level city government and can go as high as the president. Public administrators also have to decipher the difference between "majority of the people" versus just public interest. Just because the majority of the people think that guns should be banned because they can cause death, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do for society. The minority of the people might think that they deserve to keep their 2nd amendment rights and keep protecting their families. In this case, the minority may be right versus the majority. The government must decipher such differences. Just because the majority may believe something, it may not be in the best interest for the entire public. The government must defend the human rights of minority groups in order to defend human rights. In some cases, this can be an ethical issue because the government may sway more towards the majority to keep more people happy to win votes. A current example of privatization of government is President Obama and his healthcare reforms. President Obama wants to de–privatize health care because it is "public interest". He wants the health care to be Get more content on