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Opinion Essay
Opinion essay
Opinion essay is a formal piece of essay writing which presents the author's point of view on a
particular subject supported by reasons and examples. The opposing viewpoint is also suggested, it
goes with arguments that show that it is unconvincing.
A Successful Opinion Essay Consists of:
An introduction where the topic and the author's opinion are stated clearly.
A main body where viewpoints supported by reasons are presented in several paragraphs. This
section has also the opposing viewpoint which is proved to be unconvincing. A conclusion where the
main points of the essay are summarized and the author's opinion is restated in other words.
Useful Tips for Writing an Opinion Essay:
Decide your opinion as for more content...
2.a Education is compulsory but, despite this, some people do not take it seriously. Furthermore, 2.b.
jobs are available even if students do not have a good education.
3. The third reason is work pressure. 3.a Some families are poor and need their children to work
in order to increase the income. All these problems will create young people who do not have any
skills and who will not be able to improve their lives for the family and the country.
There are several things that can be done about these problems. Parents should be encouraged to
send their children to school. Schools with baby–minding facilities should be opened specially for
married students. The government needs to stress the importance of education and even offer
financial support to students to continue. This will encourage students to stay at school rather than
start working.
In conclusion, there are several things that the government can do to allow more people to finish
school. However, a number of society attitudes also have to change if the country's young people are
to achieve their full
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Opinion Poll Essay
Another factor to note is the influence of opinion polls. Parties that gain popular support during
campaigns may have benefited from "the bandwagon effect", (Kay, 1997). Some undecided voters
may look at opinion polls, and other polling data to decide where the political parties stand relative
to each other. The various opinion polls conducted seem to indicate that Alberta was to be an NDP
province as the campaign neared its later stages. There were several pre–election polls conducted in
the province that showed the roughly even amount of support between all three parties. However,
the Progressive Conservative's did hold an early lead at the start of the campaign, leading some to
believe that they would be re–elected. As the more content...
In addition, Jim Prentice unsuccessfully attempted to convince the Albertans on the importance of
such economic blueprint. The early election call made it possible for the NDP to take an advantage
of an unpopular budget.
By calling an early election, Jim Prentice was trying to take advantage of the political
environment. The PC government were facing a declining approval rate and Jim Prentice had
hoped that an early election would provide his government with a new mandate and more years in
power. Yet, voters were tired of the PC's budget deficits and lack of vision, and scandals, which
provided the NDP the opportunity to offer voters an alternative solution, (Leeson, 2015). These
events made the NDP's appear even more attractive to voters as a new approach to governing.
The image of Jim Prentice has been mentioned on most occasions as a reason why Albertans
withdrew their support from the long–governing PCs. The then government led by Mr. Prentice had
received poor reputation and this led to the defeat of his government. Jim Prentice was seen as an
elite that was out of touch with the common, everyday Albertan, (Sayers and Stewart, 2016). As a
result of this, many voters defected from the PC party and supported other options instead. This was
an adequate indication that the party was losing its popularity while NDP was gaining. Also, theNew
Democratic Party accused the incumbent government of Jim Prentice of poor fiscal policy due to his
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What makes a good teacher? Essay
In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because
only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard
for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to
classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy
lessons as well.
Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or
even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have
the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage
them. Let them know that the more content...
It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would
let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher.
"You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and
feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that
lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive
hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years
ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on.
I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about
what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I
had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be
able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less
insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new
school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails.
But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk.
What was the point of studying? My parents are
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Personal Opinion Essay
Opinion Essay
An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. People have different opinions
about things. In an opinion essay, you write your opinion about a topic. When you write an opinion
essay, you choose a topic about which you have strong feelings. You support your opinion with
reasons. For this Unit Project, you are going to write an opinion essay about the wetlands of
Writing Process
Part I: Prewriting
Ideas As you learned in Unit 1, Mississippi has wetlands in the northwesten part of the state. Some
people have opinions about the importance of wetlands, protecting existing wetlands, and protecting
the species that live in wetlands. All of these can be ideas for an opinion more content...
Write your introduction. State your opinion and try to hook the readers' attention right away. Look at
these examples:
Weak Opening
I think Mississippi's wetlands are very important.
Strong Opening
Mississippi's wetlands help prevent floods and provide homes for animals and plants.
Write the body of your essay. Tell why you think your opinion is correct. Begin a new paragraph for
each reason. Write a main–idea sentence for each paragraph that states the reason. Then use at least
two supporting details for each reason. Write a conclusion. Sum up your important points. End in a
way that your reader will remember. Look at these examples.
Weak Closing
Mississippi's wetlands should be preserved.
Strong Closing
Preserving Mississippi's wetlands will show future generations that we cared about our environment
and about them. We protected wonderful animals and plants that help make our state special.
Research and Writing Projects
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Part III: Revising
Reread your first draft. Did you state your opinion clearly? Did you include good reasons for your
opinion? Did you support your reasons with details? Does your opening catch a reader's attention?
Is your conclusion strong? Word Choice Think about the words you used. Use synonyms to replace
words you use too often. Synonyms are words with the same or nearly the same meaning.
Without Synonyms
I think that wetlands are important. They have land for
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Opinion on the Death Penalty Essay
Opinion on the Death Penalty
The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, has been abolished in Canada since 1976,
but still exist in a few American States. The last execution in Canada took place in 1962.
I disagree with the death penalty for several reasons. My first reason is that I find it extremely
inhumane to take someone's life in order to demonstrate the power of the law. Another reason for
my disapproval of the death penalty, is the amount of money that it takes to put someone to death,
as it would cost the same to keep an inmate in jail for life, as it would to put that same inmate to
death. My third and final reason, is the guilty conscience that is placed on everyone involved: the
jury who more content...
Therefore, I do not feel that Canada should permit such a deplorable undertaking of a human life. I
know they must be punished, but there is a better way.
Prior to putting someone to death, the accused's lawyer will attempt several appeals to the courts in
order to lengthen the amount of time he has to live; and dependent on a technicality, or a
sympathetic jury, the accused may be sentenced to life imprisonment. These appeals take up an
abundance of court time and cost the public millions of dollars. With the cost of these appeals, it
would cost the same amount to keep the same inmate in jail for a life term.
Would it not be better for the inmate to perhaps obtain an education or be given the chance to
rehabilitate, rather than strapped to a chair and killed ??? I personally would rather see the inmate
suffer in prison and have nothing to look forward to rather than letting the government put him out
of his misery by killing him. To sentence someone to death takes one trial but to actually get some
one in the chair to kill them could take a dozen of trials. The question must be asked why do we
bother with this lengthy and costly process when we could sentence people to life in prison, at the
same cost.
The killing of a human being is very traumatizing to all. Whenever the courts issue someone to death,
the innocent everyday people who are involved must be affected. Just imagine how these normal
human beings, like you and I,
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Essay on Opinion on Abortion
Opinion on Abortion
My own opinion of abortion is very varied. There are so many different reasons for abortions.
Every woman who has had one will have had reasons. I am sure they wouldn't have decided in a
few minutes that they were going to abort their baby. They would have thought long and hard
about what to do. I put myself in the position of someone else. If I got pregnant now would I
really be able to keep it. I would, for one, have to stop school and miss out on the education I
would need to bring up a child. I probably wouldn't be able to cope with the emotional pressures
and cope with the pain of giving birth. It all seems so easy before you see it through someone else's
eyes. more content...
Today,abortion is illegal in very few countries–even those with religious beliefs and traditions.
During the 1960s and 1970s many governments relaxed their abortion laws and made it easier for
women to terminate unwanted pregnancies. In a few countries such as the Soviet Union abortion is
seen as an alternative to contraception. In China women are forced to have abortions because of the
one–child–per–family policy. This policy is aimed at reducing the country's overpopulation problems.
Reasons for abortions with different circumstances
If you are thinking that there are no valid reasons for abortion, just imagine a fourteen year old girl
who has been raped. How can she be expected to get on with her life and ever recover if she has a
baby? How can she receive a full education? Every time she looks at the baby, she will be reminded
of her terrible experience.
In some countries, for example, Russia and China, there is an absence of family planning. Abortion
is used as a form of birth control. In Russia, a woman has on average four or five abortions in her
lifetime. In China there are over ten million abortions annually. I think that the amount of money
spent on abortions in these countries could be better spent on promoting contraceptives and family
planning. I do not agree
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My Personal Opinion Essay
For as long as I can remember I have been told to constantly strive for more and never settle for
less. It wasn't until one day when I decided to chauffeur a few friends to a local creek that I began
to change my personal opinion in regards to exceling in the workplace. During a conversation,
my friends and I got on the topic on how each of us was doing. One of us said "I'm good, I'm not
overwhelmed or underwhelmed." and someone responded, "so you're whelmed?" This simple
and somewhat odd question caused me to think about things differently. I decided that the idea of
"whelmed" can be defined as being completely content with the current state of your life and self,
be it physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. The idea of being "whelmed"
caused me to wonder why it isn't okay, to just be okay. I believe that the society that we live in
has conditioned us to believe that more is better and happiness is only achieved when you have
the most recent top of the line inanimate object and enough left over money to splurge on things
you don't need. That way of thinking has caused America to become an individualistic society. You
hear the phrases "This is a dog eat dog world" and "fend for yourself" and it shows that there is an
underlying drive to make it to the "top". And once you finally get to the top that is when you are
successful. But if you're not fighting to get there then you are doing something wrong. This nonstop
fight to excel in the workplace
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Vietnam War Opinion Essay
Opinion on the Vietnam War In 1954, Northern and Southern Vietnam entered a war that led to the
death of nearly 3 million people including civilians, Vietnamese troops, and ally soldiers. Though
the number of lives lost during the war is atrocious, so are some of the other lasting effects of the
"poor man's fight". Throughout this essay, I will explain my opinion regarding what I believe were
the costs and the benefits of U.S interaction in the war in Vietnam.
Personally, I feel that the greatest costs of the Vietnam war were the lives lost, the effect it had on
U.S soldiers, the division it created throughout the country, and the newfound economic issues.
Initially, I believe that the most profound cost was the numerous American lives lost. By the war's
peak, the number of American soldiers involved in the conflict reached a high of about 500,000.
Of those 500,000 involved, 58,000 fell victim to the war. It may not seem too dastardly, but many
soldiers recruited during this time were volunteers or were drafted at a young age. Their lack of
experience and proper more content...
For example, U.S citizens earned the right to vote at the age of 18 due to the unnerving fact that 18
year olds could risk their lives, but could not have a say in their local politics. Another benefit of the
United States' involvement in the war was the end of the draft. The termination of the draft allowed
for discrimination against the lower class and less educated individuals to stop as well as the
founding of an volunteer only military force. The question is, do the benefits outway the costs and
do they justify the war? In my opinion, the downfalls of the United States' contribution to the
Vietnam war heavily outway what little good came from it. The U.S suffered more loss and upset
than happiness from the newfound rights and laws so I personally do not think that the war was
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Essay on The News Media
The News Media Being "objective" has been an unrealistic ethic that defines the news media. Fallows
agues that journalism and the news has provided largely "entertainment fluff" and has virtually
selected unthinking news communicated to the American people; and Paenti agrees and states that
the Media is big business and therefore is not independent, objective, neutral, informative, balanced,
and truthful. Their ideas may seem outlandish and farfetched, but it is the fact of life for the media
today. The news media struggles to please every component of the business, from the advertisers to
the owners. In turn, every word that is typed or spoken has one side of the story. The news shows
that air on television today is nothing. more content...
None of those questions were ever answered. Fallows notes that, "There was no overlap whatsoever
between the questions the students asked and those raised by the anchors. None of the questions
from these news professionals concerned the impact that legislation or politics on people's lives
(Fallows 22)." Fallows goes on to say "...the questions concerned the pure game of–– the struggle
among candidates interest mainly in their own advancement (Fallows 23)." Even with the
opportunity to ask questions that concern people's lives the media would rather talk about only
the tactics of politics, barely skimming the surface of the real important issues that affects
common peoples lives. The news media, to many Americans, is a source of impartiality and a way
to hear both sides of the story. Contrary to those popular beliefs, personal beliefs and economic
interests do not only persuade the news media. Fallows gives many examples of public icons that
have stated facts that had hidden agendas. The first example I will use, that Fallows brings up an
event that happened in May 1995. A man named George Will wrote a column and made on–air
comments scorning President Clinton and his administration for planning to place tariffs on
Japanese cars focusing on the Lexus. On the Brinkley show Will said that the tariffs would be
"illegal" and would amount to "a subsidy for Mercedes dealerships". Fallows goes on to say,
"Neither in his column nor on the show
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Opinion Essays

  • 1. Opinion Essay Opinion essay Opinion essay is a formal piece of essay writing which presents the author's point of view on a particular subject supported by reasons and examples. The opposing viewpoint is also suggested, it goes with arguments that show that it is unconvincing. A Successful Opinion Essay Consists of: An introduction where the topic and the author's opinion are stated clearly. A main body where viewpoints supported by reasons are presented in several paragraphs. This section has also the opposing viewpoint which is proved to be unconvincing. A conclusion where the main points of the essay are summarized and the author's opinion is restated in other words. Useful Tips for Writing an Opinion Essay: Decide your opinion as for more content... 2.a Education is compulsory but, despite this, some people do not take it seriously. Furthermore, 2.b. jobs are available even if students do not have a good education. 3. The third reason is work pressure. 3.a Some families are poor and need their children to work in order to increase the income. All these problems will create young people who do not have any skills and who will not be able to improve their lives for the family and the country. There are several things that can be done about these problems. Parents should be encouraged to send their children to school. Schools with baby–minding facilities should be opened specially for married students. The government needs to stress the importance of education and even offer financial support to students to continue. This will encourage students to stay at school rather than start working. In conclusion, there are several things that the government can do to allow more people to finish school. However, a number of society attitudes also have to change if the country's young people are to achieve their full Get more content on
  • 2. Opinion Poll Essay Another factor to note is the influence of opinion polls. Parties that gain popular support during campaigns may have benefited from "the bandwagon effect", (Kay, 1997). Some undecided voters may look at opinion polls, and other polling data to decide where the political parties stand relative to each other. The various opinion polls conducted seem to indicate that Alberta was to be an NDP province as the campaign neared its later stages. There were several pre–election polls conducted in the province that showed the roughly even amount of support between all three parties. However, the Progressive Conservative's did hold an early lead at the start of the campaign, leading some to believe that they would be re–elected. As the more content... In addition, Jim Prentice unsuccessfully attempted to convince the Albertans on the importance of such economic blueprint. The early election call made it possible for the NDP to take an advantage of an unpopular budget. By calling an early election, Jim Prentice was trying to take advantage of the political environment. The PC government were facing a declining approval rate and Jim Prentice had hoped that an early election would provide his government with a new mandate and more years in power. Yet, voters were tired of the PC's budget deficits and lack of vision, and scandals, which provided the NDP the opportunity to offer voters an alternative solution, (Leeson, 2015). These events made the NDP's appear even more attractive to voters as a new approach to governing. Leadership The image of Jim Prentice has been mentioned on most occasions as a reason why Albertans withdrew their support from the long–governing PCs. The then government led by Mr. Prentice had received poor reputation and this led to the defeat of his government. Jim Prentice was seen as an elite that was out of touch with the common, everyday Albertan, (Sayers and Stewart, 2016). As a result of this, many voters defected from the PC party and supported other options instead. This was an adequate indication that the party was losing its popularity while NDP was gaining. Also, theNew Democratic Party accused the incumbent government of Jim Prentice of poor fiscal policy due to his Get more content on
  • 3. What makes a good teacher? Essay In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy lessons as well. Another point that makes a good teacher would be his/her patience. Teachers should not get upset or even worse, give up on the students who are not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have the patience to slowly coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage them. Let them know that the more content... It would be better if the teacher is able to find common topics to chat with the students. This would let the students feel like they can relate better to the teacher. "You must not give up. I want to let you know that even if you're facing so many problems, and feel like there's no one to talk to, I'll be here for you. Everyone else might want to be the sun that lights up your life, but I rather be the moon that guides you through your darkest hours. Let's strive hard and work toward our goal together!" This was what my high school teacher told me 10 years ago and I have remembered it until now, and will remember it for the next 10 years and so on. I was once a problematic kid who mixed with bad company and flunk tests. I never thought about what I was going to do the next day, what more when I grew up. Of course when I was younger, I had lots of dreams. I wanted to set up my own company, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be able to drive an airplane and the list went on. But as the years went by, they became less insignificant to me and soon, I forgot every single one of those dreams and goals. I got to a new school and knew friends who smoke and took drugs. My grades started dropping from "A" to fails. But I did not care. I could not be bothered by then. I went partying every night and got home drunk. What was the point of studying? My parents are Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Opinion Essay Name Date Opinion Essay An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. People have different opinions about things. In an opinion essay, you write your opinion about a topic. When you write an opinion essay, you choose a topic about which you have strong feelings. You support your opinion with reasons. For this Unit Project, you are going to write an opinion essay about the wetlands of Mississippi. Writing Process Part I: Prewriting Ideas As you learned in Unit 1, Mississippi has wetlands in the northwesten part of the state. Some people have opinions about the importance of wetlands, protecting existing wetlands, and protecting the species that live in wetlands. All of these can be ideas for an opinion more content... Write your introduction. State your opinion and try to hook the readers' attention right away. Look at these examples: Weak Opening I think Mississippi's wetlands are very important. Strong Opening Mississippi's wetlands help prevent floods and provide homes for animals and plants. Write the body of your essay. Tell why you think your opinion is correct. Begin a new paragraph for each reason. Write a main–idea sentence for each paragraph that states the reason. Then use at least two supporting details for each reason. Write a conclusion. Sum up your important points. End in a way that your reader will remember. Look at these examples. Weak Closing Mississippi's wetlands should be preserved. Strong Closing Preserving Mississippi's wetlands will show future generations that we cared about our environment and about them. We protected wonderful animals and plants that help make our state special. Research and Writing Projects Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
  • 5. Name Date Part III: Revising Reread your first draft. Did you state your opinion clearly? Did you include good reasons for your opinion? Did you support your reasons with details? Does your opening catch a reader's attention? Is your conclusion strong? Word Choice Think about the words you used. Use synonyms to replace words you use too often. Synonyms are words with the same or nearly the same meaning. Without Synonyms I think that wetlands are important. They have land for Get more content on
  • 6. Opinion on the Death Penalty Essay Opinion on the Death Penalty The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment, has been abolished in Canada since 1976, but still exist in a few American States. The last execution in Canada took place in 1962. I disagree with the death penalty for several reasons. My first reason is that I find it extremely inhumane to take someone's life in order to demonstrate the power of the law. Another reason for my disapproval of the death penalty, is the amount of money that it takes to put someone to death, as it would cost the same to keep an inmate in jail for life, as it would to put that same inmate to death. My third and final reason, is the guilty conscience that is placed on everyone involved: the jury who more content... Therefore, I do not feel that Canada should permit such a deplorable undertaking of a human life. I know they must be punished, but there is a better way. Prior to putting someone to death, the accused's lawyer will attempt several appeals to the courts in order to lengthen the amount of time he has to live; and dependent on a technicality, or a sympathetic jury, the accused may be sentenced to life imprisonment. These appeals take up an abundance of court time and cost the public millions of dollars. With the cost of these appeals, it would cost the same amount to keep the same inmate in jail for a life term. Would it not be better for the inmate to perhaps obtain an education or be given the chance to rehabilitate, rather than strapped to a chair and killed ??? I personally would rather see the inmate suffer in prison and have nothing to look forward to rather than letting the government put him out of his misery by killing him. To sentence someone to death takes one trial but to actually get some one in the chair to kill them could take a dozen of trials. The question must be asked why do we bother with this lengthy and costly process when we could sentence people to life in prison, at the same cost. The killing of a human being is very traumatizing to all. Whenever the courts issue someone to death, the innocent everyday people who are involved must be affected. Just imagine how these normal human beings, like you and I, Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Opinion on Abortion Opinion on Abortion My own opinion of abortion is very varied. There are so many different reasons for abortions. Every woman who has had one will have had reasons. I am sure they wouldn't have decided in a few minutes that they were going to abort their baby. They would have thought long and hard about what to do. I put myself in the position of someone else. If I got pregnant now would I really be able to keep it. I would, for one, have to stop school and miss out on the education I would need to bring up a child. I probably wouldn't be able to cope with the emotional pressures and cope with the pain of giving birth. It all seems so easy before you see it through someone else's eyes. more content... Today,abortion is illegal in very few countries–even those with religious beliefs and traditions. During the 1960s and 1970s many governments relaxed their abortion laws and made it easier for women to terminate unwanted pregnancies. In a few countries such as the Soviet Union abortion is seen as an alternative to contraception. In China women are forced to have abortions because of the one–child–per–family policy. This policy is aimed at reducing the country's overpopulation problems. Reasons for abortions with different circumstances If you are thinking that there are no valid reasons for abortion, just imagine a fourteen year old girl who has been raped. How can she be expected to get on with her life and ever recover if she has a baby? How can she receive a full education? Every time she looks at the baby, she will be reminded of her terrible experience. In some countries, for example, Russia and China, there is an absence of family planning. Abortion is used as a form of birth control. In Russia, a woman has on average four or five abortions in her lifetime. In China there are over ten million abortions annually. I think that the amount of money spent on abortions in these countries could be better spent on promoting contraceptives and family planning. I do not agree Get more content on
  • 8. My Personal Opinion Essay For as long as I can remember I have been told to constantly strive for more and never settle for less. It wasn't until one day when I decided to chauffeur a few friends to a local creek that I began to change my personal opinion in regards to exceling in the workplace. During a conversation, my friends and I got on the topic on how each of us was doing. One of us said "I'm good, I'm not overwhelmed or underwhelmed." and someone responded, "so you're whelmed?" This simple and somewhat odd question caused me to think about things differently. I decided that the idea of "whelmed" can be defined as being completely content with the current state of your life and self, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. The idea of being "whelmed" caused me to wonder why it isn't okay, to just be okay. I believe that the society that we live in has conditioned us to believe that more is better and happiness is only achieved when you have the most recent top of the line inanimate object and enough left over money to splurge on things you don't need. That way of thinking has caused America to become an individualistic society. You hear the phrases "This is a dog eat dog world" and "fend for yourself" and it shows that there is an underlying drive to make it to the "top". And once you finally get to the top that is when you are successful. But if you're not fighting to get there then you are doing something wrong. This nonstop fight to excel in the workplace Get more content on
  • 9. Vietnam War Opinion Essay Opinion on the Vietnam War In 1954, Northern and Southern Vietnam entered a war that led to the death of nearly 3 million people including civilians, Vietnamese troops, and ally soldiers. Though the number of lives lost during the war is atrocious, so are some of the other lasting effects of the "poor man's fight". Throughout this essay, I will explain my opinion regarding what I believe were the costs and the benefits of U.S interaction in the war in Vietnam. Personally, I feel that the greatest costs of the Vietnam war were the lives lost, the effect it had on U.S soldiers, the division it created throughout the country, and the newfound economic issues. Initially, I believe that the most profound cost was the numerous American lives lost. By the war's peak, the number of American soldiers involved in the conflict reached a high of about 500,000. Of those 500,000 involved, 58,000 fell victim to the war. It may not seem too dastardly, but many soldiers recruited during this time were volunteers or were drafted at a young age. Their lack of experience and proper more content... For example, U.S citizens earned the right to vote at the age of 18 due to the unnerving fact that 18 year olds could risk their lives, but could not have a say in their local politics. Another benefit of the United States' involvement in the war was the end of the draft. The termination of the draft allowed for discrimination against the lower class and less educated individuals to stop as well as the founding of an volunteer only military force. The question is, do the benefits outway the costs and do they justify the war? In my opinion, the downfalls of the United States' contribution to the Vietnam war heavily outway what little good came from it. The U.S suffered more loss and upset than happiness from the newfound rights and laws so I personally do not think that the war was Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on The News Media The News Media Being "objective" has been an unrealistic ethic that defines the news media. Fallows agues that journalism and the news has provided largely "entertainment fluff" and has virtually selected unthinking news communicated to the American people; and Paenti agrees and states that the Media is big business and therefore is not independent, objective, neutral, informative, balanced, and truthful. Their ideas may seem outlandish and farfetched, but it is the fact of life for the media today. The news media struggles to please every component of the business, from the advertisers to the owners. In turn, every word that is typed or spoken has one side of the story. The news shows that air on television today is nothing. more content... None of those questions were ever answered. Fallows notes that, "There was no overlap whatsoever between the questions the students asked and those raised by the anchors. None of the questions from these news professionals concerned the impact that legislation or politics on people's lives (Fallows 22)." Fallows goes on to say "...the questions concerned the pure game of–– the struggle among candidates interest mainly in their own advancement (Fallows 23)." Even with the opportunity to ask questions that concern people's lives the media would rather talk about only the tactics of politics, barely skimming the surface of the real important issues that affects common peoples lives. The news media, to many Americans, is a source of impartiality and a way to hear both sides of the story. Contrary to those popular beliefs, personal beliefs and economic interests do not only persuade the news media. Fallows gives many examples of public icons that have stated facts that had hidden agendas. The first example I will use, that Fallows brings up an event that happened in May 1995. A man named George Will wrote a column and made on–air comments scorning President Clinton and his administration for planning to place tariffs on Japanese cars focusing on the Lexus. On the Brinkley show Will said that the tariffs would be "illegal" and would amount to "a subsidy for Mercedes dealerships". Fallows goes on to say, "Neither in his column nor on the show Get more content on