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Advancing the
7-Sentence Marketing Plan
 (Goals, Actions & Audience)
     by Monique Trottier
The 7-Sentence Marketing Plan
• Sentence 1: What is the purpose of your marketing?

• Sentence 2: How will you accomplish your purpose?

• Sentence 3: Who is your target market?

• Sentence 4: What is your niche in the marketplace?

• Sentence 5: What tools and tactics will you use to carry out your

• Sentence 6: What is your business identity?

• Sentence 7: How will you measure success and allocate time and
                                                        Monique Trottier
Sentence #1: What is the purpose of your
•   What are your goals? These need to be specific and measurable:

    •   Reach a new audience (#, %)

    •   Promote an event (#, $)

    •   Get sales (#, $)

•   Identify the top 3 goals and tailor them to be specific to your client/project.
    Be as specific as possible (i.e., drive # people to the FB page who will enter
    the contest (est. 10% conversion rate))

                                                                      Monique Trottier
Example 1: Assignments

•   Get 100 people to purchase tickets to event (ticket price would include copy
    of book)

•   Increase mentions of the book & event in news outlets/blogs by 25%

•   Sell 25 extra books at the event

                                                                     Monique Trottier
Sentence #2: How will you achieve that
•   Sentence #1 must include specific, measurable goals. #2 provides more

    •   Lead Generation: acquiring customers or convincing prospective book
        buyers to stay in touch via email newsletters, sign-up forms or other

    •   Revenue Generation: typically about increasing sales – what percentage
        increase are you aiming for? What’s the desired average order value?
        Number of orders? Lifetime value of the customer?

    •   Audience Engagement: If you’re trying to build community – how many
        new members a month do you need? If you are generating buzz, what
        volume increase are you expecting and estimating?

•   Your goals need to be measurable so that you will know if you’ve met them
    or not.
                                                                  Monique Trottier
Example 2: Assignments

•   Reach New Audience - have a twitter retweet contest for free food voucher at
    teriyaki chicken cart outside the venue

•   Establish the Author - set up Facebook page for author, link to band page and
    offer free download of novel to those who like the page

•   Press coverage - outreach to social media sites, as well as print and radio

                                                                      Monique Trottier
Goals, Actions, Response, KPIs Grid

                  Actions that                          Desired
     Goal         will achieve          Why            Audience            KPIs
                      goal                             Response

                  Facebook event,     Need to get     Register for event
Attract attendees  Facebook ads,   noticed by lots of Share event with Book 100% venue
to the event (200      Twitter      people in order        friends         capacity
       ppl)          promotion,     to ensure some         Offer to
                  Blogger outreach   people attend    volunteer at event

         Goals > Actions > Response > KPI
        Goals (#1) > Actions (#2, 5, 6) > Response (#3, 4) > KPI (#7)

                                                                                 Monique Trottier
Sentence #3: Finding Your Target Audience

•   Who are the people you want to reach?

•   Create personas for them:

    •   What kind of people are they?

    •   What characteristics do they share?

    •   What social media channels do they use?

    •   How do they engage online?

                                                   Monique Trottier
Sentence #3: Example Persona


Basics: (Includes demographics and psychographics – age, gender,
location, family life, likes and dislikes, location in adoption curve [i.e.
innovator, early adopter, early majority, late majority)

Professional and personal background: (Includes job title, job history,
role, leisure activities)
Quote: (related to context of the marketing)

Favourite Sites: (What websites does this person visit with context to this

Goals: (What is this person’s goals when looking for the services/product
you’re offering?)

I need / I want: (What does this person need and or want in order to reach the
above goals? Remember to keep in mind all of the characteristics you
described above)                                                                  Monique Trottier
Sentence #3: Personas

•   Developing personas. Personas are character sketches of individual audience
    members that define who the content is for and you can use as sounding

•   “Playing Barbies” or G.I. Joe

•   Moves you away from what the project team wants and towards what the
    persona wants.

•   Ideally, a project will have both primary personas – common user types that are
    important to the business success of the project – and secondary personas –
    user types that are very different from primary users but whose needs still
    need to be addressed for the success of the project. This helps to ensure that
    all user needs are outlined.

•   Make a better product that is more relevant to the audience.

                                                                      Monique Trottier
Sentence #3: Finding Your Target Audience

•   If you can’t imagine the people represented in your personas, go
    and search for them – investigate!

    •   What kinds of websites are similar?

    •   Who is commenting? Follow the clues and links.

    •   Find them online – profiles, Facebook, Twitter.

•   Check your assumptions with the Forrester Social
    Technographics ladder.

                                                                   Monique Trottier

                                      Monique Trottier
Sentence #3: Finding Your Target Audience

•   The Social Technographics Ladder from industry analyst firm Forrester
    can inform you about typical web behaviours based on gender, age and
    geographic location.

•   Find what your target audience does online.

•   For example, while a small percentage of website visitors comment on
    blog posts, create content for contests and engage of Facebook pages,
    the majority of people are Spectators – they’ll read blogs and “Like”
    Facebook pages but they won’t actively engage with brands.

•   Check your specific, measurable goals – are they realistic?

•   Check your assumptions – will this campaign work with our particular
    target audience?

                                                                   Monique Trottier
Personas Exercise
Complete the Group Persona Assignment

                                         Monique Trottier
The 7 Sentences are Connected

•   Sentence #1 and 2 establish the basic outline of the plan.

•   Sentence #5 and #7 reinforce that plan.

•   Sentence #3 (your client's target audience), #4 (your client's niche and
    competitive advantage) and Sentence #6 (your client's business identity) all
    need to work together.

    Your client's niche, competitive advantage and business identity need to reflect
    the wants and needs of the target audience. If your client's identity and
    positioning don't address something that your audience wants or needs you
    need to reexamine the audience that you're targeting or the product you are

                                                                       Monique Trottier
Sentence #4: What is Your Niche in the
Be clear about why the audience cares about what you’re doing.

In order to attract your readership you need to answer:
   • “What is this?”
   • “Who is it for?”
   • “Why should the reader care?”

What attracts your audience? Why do they return?

Who are your competitors? What sets you apart?
  • Look at Amazon related titles
  • How is this book better or different?
  • Why should someone choose your title over another?

You need a strong elevator pitch:
  • Make advertisers/vendors say “Why aren’t I advertising or sponsoring
    that event?”
  • Make customers say “I will go out of my way to get there because...”
                                                                   Monique Trottier
Sentence #4: S.P.H.E.R.E.

• So what: Why does Terroryaki or your event matter? What makes your event
  different from its competitors? (list competitors – name, URL) Why do people
  choose your event over someone else?
• Personality: What are the adjectives that describe your author’s brand, your
  event’s brand?
• Hook: What’s your story angle? Use phrases that are easy to remember to
  helps to spread your story via word of mouth.
• Ego: Who does your author/event need to engage with? Who can benefit
  from promoting the brand amongst their friends? Why do people want to
  engage with the brand?
• Relevancy: What is the relevancy between the audiences’ motivations and
  what you are trying to do?
• Effort: What do you need to do in order to keep the audience engaged
  throughout the campaign as well as after the campaign is finished.
                                                                    Monique Trottier
There are 9 themes that get people talking:

 • aspirations and beliefs
 • David vs. Goliath
 • Avalanche about to roll
 • Anxieties
 • Contrarian/counterintuitive/challenging assumptions
 • Personalities and personal stories
 • How-to
 • Glitz and glam
 • Seasonal/event-related

                                                          Monique Trottier
Sentence #4: Example

                        Monique Trottier
Monique Trottier
Sentence 4

              Monique Trottier
Sentence #4: Example S.P.H.E.R.E.
So What: What makes this mag special?
• Original content and access to underground and established artists
Personality: What are the adjectives that describe the brand?
• Relevant, reputable, underground, easily accessible, mobile
Hook: What’s the story angle?
• Underground and established. Local artists.
Ego: Who does the mag need to engage with?
• Artists who hold a high reputation within street culture
• Advertisers: exposure; interviews with stores and brands
• Artists: exposure in Van, TO, Montreal; exclusive feeds and original content
• Staff: own writers, videographers, photographers (high quality, professionalism)
Relevancy: What is the relevancy between the audiences’ motivations and what the mag is
trying to do?
• Easy access, mobile
• Original content, inspiring, motivating content
• Knowledge of the current hype: events, discounts, fashion, music, gossip
Effort: What does the mag need to do in order to keep the audience engaged throughout the
campaign as well as after the campaign is finished.                           Monique Trottier
• Weekly up-to-date content, contests and chances to win.                   @BoxcarMarketing
Sentence #4: Competitive Advantage

• Nothing else exists like this in the Canadian market
• No other magazine on urban street culture delivers more relevant content than justalilhype
• justalilhype stands out because of its ability to share new, hip, cutting edge taste with its
• justalilhype is a valuable player in trendsetting
• For advertisers, it’s exposure to a diverse, concentrated audience of 17-25 year olds focused
  on street culture of Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal
• Gather data to prove position in the market:
  Inbound traffic, PageRank, social media subscribers, etc.

                                                                               Monique Trottier
Sentence #4: Competitors and
               Competitive Advantage
• Ion Magazine and Inventory have print versions of their magazine.
• Ion Magazine has also been around for more than 5 years.
• Inventory Magazine also has a physical retail store in which they sell various products
  and brands that feature in their magazine.
• Our content is different because we only post original content.
• Justalilhype! has a crew of talented and skilled photographers and videographers to help
  capture the essence of street culture for its readers, while many other media outlets
  simply use photography provided by the interview subjects.
• The Modline magazine has more of a focus on mainstream news. Justalilhype! attracts
  their audience by providing coverage of both mainstream and underground events.
  For example, they attend both the prestigious Vancouver Fashion Week and
  underground Hip-Hop Breakdancing Tournaments.
• Visiting Modline will bring you to coverage of mainstream events, but visiting
  justalilhype! will allow you to see a glimpse of all angles of the city, both underground
  and mainstream events.

                                                                               Monique Trottier
Sentence #6: What is Your Business Identity?

  What is your brand’s personality?
   •   What adjectives describe it?
   •   What are the feelings you want to evoke?
   •   What brand attributes do you want to convey?

  Go back and look at the brand attributes of OPEN companies from
  the OPEN Brand book.

  How do you align your identity with the identity of your customers?

                                                                    Monique Trottier
Sentence #6: Example

Feelings evoked by justalilhype! magazine include: youthful, friendly, con dent, open and

Brand attributes they want to convey include creative, underground, professional, and

• Justalilhype is a leading online magazine in Canada focusing on mainstream and
  underground culture.
• With its creative approach to documenting and representing street culture, justalilhype!
  has garnered a large following among young adults who are encouraged to provide
  feedback on articles, music, and videos through the website and social media channels.
  (Justalilhype! generally receives an average of 5 of comments on blog posts.)
• Not only has justalilhype! allowed users to engage and interact with its brand, but also
  encouraged users to be creators of content – they’re open.
• With such a variety of distributed content, justalilhype! attracts and caters to the likes of
  different audiences, essentially “giving each user what they want.”
                                                                                 Monique Trottier
Sentence #6: Example Proof

• Proof points: number of retweets, comments on blog posts, page views, unique

• By encouraging feedback on articles, music and videos justalilhype! allowed users
  to engage and interact

• Encouraged users to be creators of content.

• Different audiences gives each user what they want

• Creates sense of community and collaboration.

                                                                           Monique Trottier
Revising Sentences #4 & #6

•   Sentence #3 (your target audience), #4 (your niche and competitive advantage)
    and Sentence #6 (your client's business identity) all need to work together.

•   Your niche, competitive advantage and business identity need to reflect the
    wants and needs of the target audience.

•   If your business identity and positioning don't address something that your
    audience wants or needs you need to reexamine the audience that you're
    targeting, or you need to make some cultural and product changes within the

•   Match what they want with what you’re offering.

                                                                   Monique Trottier
Sentence 7
• Do the KPIs relate to the stated goals in #1?

• Are they specific and measurable? Can they be used to
  evaluate the campaign’s success?

• Are there estimated hours per channel or budgets?

                                                   Monique Trottier
Next Steps
•Steve Krug, “Chapter 2: How We Really Use the Web, ” Don’t Make Me Think, http://
•Kelly Mooney, Open Brand Part 3: Inside the Open Brand” and “Part 4: Getting to Open,” Open
Brand, p. 100 – 186.
•Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo, “Chapter 2: Get Social Media Ready,” Friends w/ Bene ts, 22 –
•Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo, “Chapter 13: The Power of Crowds: Understanding and
Participating in Online Communities,” Friends With Bene ts, 239-260.

NEXT WEEK: Guest Speakers Crissy & Sean

OCT 21 WEEK: Guest Speakers Crissy & Monica
Blogger outreach and pitch letters
                                                                              Monique Trottier

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Pub 355 Advancing The 7-Sentence Marketing Plan

  • 1. Advancing the 7-Sentence Marketing Plan (Goals, Actions & Audience) by Monique Trottier
  • 2. The 7-Sentence Marketing Plan • Sentence 1: What is the purpose of your marketing? • Sentence 2: How will you accomplish your purpose? • Sentence 3: Who is your target market? • Sentence 4: What is your niche in the marketplace? • Sentence 5: What tools and tactics will you use to carry out your marketing? • Sentence 6: What is your business identity? • Sentence 7: How will you measure success and allocate time and budget? Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 3. Sentence #1: What is the purpose of your marketing? • What are your goals? These need to be specific and measurable: • Reach a new audience (#, %) • Promote an event (#, $) • Get sales (#, $) • Identify the top 3 goals and tailor them to be specific to your client/project. Be as specific as possible (i.e., drive # people to the FB page who will enter the contest (est. 10% conversion rate)) Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 4. Example 1: Assignments • Get 100 people to purchase tickets to event (ticket price would include copy of book) • Increase mentions of the book & event in news outlets/blogs by 25% • Sell 25 extra books at the event Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 5. Sentence #2: How will you achieve that purpose? • Sentence #1 must include specific, measurable goals. #2 provides more detail. • Lead Generation: acquiring customers or convincing prospective book buyers to stay in touch via email newsletters, sign-up forms or other offers. • Revenue Generation: typically about increasing sales – what percentage increase are you aiming for? What’s the desired average order value? Number of orders? Lifetime value of the customer? • Audience Engagement: If you’re trying to build community – how many new members a month do you need? If you are generating buzz, what volume increase are you expecting and estimating? • Your goals need to be measurable so that you will know if you’ve met them or not. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 6. Example 2: Assignments • Reach New Audience - have a twitter retweet contest for free food voucher at teriyaki chicken cart outside the venue • Establish the Author - set up Facebook page for author, link to band page and offer free download of novel to those who like the page • Press coverage - outreach to social media sites, as well as print and radio Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 7. Goals, Actions, Response, KPIs Grid Actions that Desired Goal will achieve Why Audience KPIs goal Response Facebook event, Need to get Register for event Attract attendees Facebook ads, noticed by lots of Share event with Book 100% venue to the event (200 Twitter people in order friends capacity ppl) promotion, to ensure some Offer to Blogger outreach people attend volunteer at event Goals > Actions > Response > KPI Goals (#1) > Actions (#2, 5, 6) > Response (#3, 4) > KPI (#7) Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 8. Sentence #3: Finding Your Target Audience • Who are the people you want to reach? • Create personas for them: • What kind of people are they? • What characteristics do they share? • What social media channels do they use? • How do they engage online? Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 9. Sentence #3: Example Persona Name: Title: Basics: (Includes demographics and psychographics – age, gender, location, family life, likes and dislikes, location in adoption curve [i.e. innovator, early adopter, early majority, late majority) Professional and personal background: (Includes job title, job history, role, leisure activities) Quote: (related to context of the marketing) Favourite Sites: (What websites does this person visit with context to this project?) Goals: (What is this person’s goals when looking for the services/product you’re offering?) I need / I want: (What does this person need and or want in order to reach the above goals? Remember to keep in mind all of the characteristics you described above) Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 10. Sentence #3: Personas • Developing personas. Personas are character sketches of individual audience members that define who the content is for and you can use as sounding boards. • “Playing Barbies” or G.I. Joe • Moves you away from what the project team wants and towards what the persona wants. • Ideally, a project will have both primary personas – common user types that are important to the business success of the project – and secondary personas – user types that are very different from primary users but whose needs still need to be addressed for the success of the project. This helps to ensure that all user needs are outlined. • Make a better product that is more relevant to the audience. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 11. Sentence #3: Finding Your Target Audience • If you can’t imagine the people represented in your personas, go and search for them – investigate! • What kinds of websites are similar? • Who is commenting? Follow the clues and links. • Find them online – profiles, Facebook, Twitter. • Check your assumptions with the Forrester Social Technographics ladder. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 12. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 13. Sentence #3: Finding Your Target Audience • The Social Technographics Ladder from industry analyst firm Forrester can inform you about typical web behaviours based on gender, age and geographic location. • Find what your target audience does online. • For example, while a small percentage of website visitors comment on blog posts, create content for contests and engage of Facebook pages, the majority of people are Spectators – they’ll read blogs and “Like” Facebook pages but they won’t actively engage with brands. • Check your specific, measurable goals – are they realistic? • Check your assumptions – will this campaign work with our particular target audience? Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 14. Personas Exercise Complete the Group Persona Assignment Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 15. The 7 Sentences are Connected • Sentence #1 and 2 establish the basic outline of the plan. • Sentence #5 and #7 reinforce that plan. • Sentence #3 (your client's target audience), #4 (your client's niche and competitive advantage) and Sentence #6 (your client's business identity) all need to work together. Your client's niche, competitive advantage and business identity need to reflect the wants and needs of the target audience. If your client's identity and positioning don't address something that your audience wants or needs you need to reexamine the audience that you're targeting or the product you are offering. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 16. Sentence #4: What is Your Niche in the Marketplace? Be clear about why the audience cares about what you’re doing. In order to attract your readership you need to answer: • “What is this?” • “Who is it for?” • “Why should the reader care?” What attracts your audience? Why do they return? Who are your competitors? What sets you apart? • Look at Amazon related titles • How is this book better or different? • Why should someone choose your title over another? You need a strong elevator pitch: • Make advertisers/vendors say “Why aren’t I advertising or sponsoring that event?” • Make customers say “I will go out of my way to get there because...” Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 17. Sentence #4: S.P.H.E.R.E. • So what: Why does Terroryaki or your event matter? What makes your event different from its competitors? (list competitors – name, URL) Why do people choose your event over someone else? • Personality: What are the adjectives that describe your author’s brand, your event’s brand? • Hook: What’s your story angle? Use phrases that are easy to remember to helps to spread your story via word of mouth. • Ego: Who does your author/event need to engage with? Who can benefit from promoting the brand amongst their friends? Why do people want to engage with the brand? • Relevancy: What is the relevancy between the audiences’ motivations and what you are trying to do? • Effort: What do you need to do in order to keep the audience engaged throughout the campaign as well as after the campaign is finished. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 18. Hook There are 9 themes that get people talking: • aspirations and beliefs • David vs. Goliath • Avalanche about to roll • Anxieties • Contrarian/counterintuitive/challenging assumptions • Personalities and personal stories • How-to • Glitz and glam • Seasonal/event-related Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 19. Sentence #4: Example Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 21. Sentence 4 Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 22. Sentence #4: Example S.P.H.E.R.E. So What: What makes this mag special? • Original content and access to underground and established artists Personality: What are the adjectives that describe the brand? • Relevant, reputable, underground, easily accessible, mobile Hook: What’s the story angle? • Underground and established. Local artists. Ego: Who does the mag need to engage with? • Artists who hold a high reputation within street culture • Advertisers: exposure; interviews with stores and brands • Artists: exposure in Van, TO, Montreal; exclusive feeds and original content • Staff: own writers, videographers, photographers (high quality, professionalism) Relevancy: What is the relevancy between the audiences’ motivations and what the mag is trying to do? • Easy access, mobile • Original content, inspiring, motivating content • Knowledge of the current hype: events, discounts, fashion, music, gossip Effort: What does the mag need to do in order to keep the audience engaged throughout the campaign as well as after the campaign is finished. Monique Trottier • Weekly up-to-date content, contests and chances to win. @BoxcarMarketing
  • 23. Sentence #4: Competitive Advantage • Nothing else exists like this in the Canadian market • No other magazine on urban street culture delivers more relevant content than justalilhype • justalilhype stands out because of its ability to share new, hip, cutting edge taste with its audience. • justalilhype is a valuable player in trendsetting • For advertisers, it’s exposure to a diverse, concentrated audience of 17-25 year olds focused on street culture of Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal • Gather data to prove position in the market: Inbound traffic, PageRank, social media subscribers, etc. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 24. Sentence #4: Competitors and Competitive Advantage • Ion Magazine and Inventory have print versions of their magazine. • Ion Magazine has also been around for more than 5 years. • Inventory Magazine also has a physical retail store in which they sell various products and brands that feature in their magazine. • Our content is different because we only post original content. • Justalilhype! has a crew of talented and skilled photographers and videographers to help capture the essence of street culture for its readers, while many other media outlets simply use photography provided by the interview subjects. • The Modline magazine has more of a focus on mainstream news. Justalilhype! attracts their audience by providing coverage of both mainstream and underground events. For example, they attend both the prestigious Vancouver Fashion Week and underground Hip-Hop Breakdancing Tournaments. • Visiting Modline will bring you to coverage of mainstream events, but visiting justalilhype! will allow you to see a glimpse of all angles of the city, both underground and mainstream events. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 25. Sentence #6: What is Your Business Identity? What is your brand’s personality? • What adjectives describe it? • What are the feelings you want to evoke? • What brand attributes do you want to convey? Go back and look at the brand attributes of OPEN companies from the OPEN Brand book. How do you align your identity with the identity of your customers? Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 26. Sentence #6: Example Feelings evoked by justalilhype! magazine include: youthful, friendly, con dent, open and enthusiastic. Brand attributes they want to convey include creative, underground, professional, and trustworthy. • Justalilhype is a leading online magazine in Canada focusing on mainstream and underground culture. • With its creative approach to documenting and representing street culture, justalilhype! has garnered a large following among young adults who are encouraged to provide feedback on articles, music, and videos through the website and social media channels. (Justalilhype! generally receives an average of 5 of comments on blog posts.) • Not only has justalilhype! allowed users to engage and interact with its brand, but also encouraged users to be creators of content – they’re open. • With such a variety of distributed content, justalilhype! attracts and caters to the likes of different audiences, essentially “giving each user what they want.” Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 27. Sentence #6: Example Proof • Proof points: number of retweets, comments on blog posts, page views, unique visitors. • By encouraging feedback on articles, music and videos justalilhype! allowed users to engage and interact • Encouraged users to be creators of content. • Different audiences gives each user what they want • Creates sense of community and collaboration. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 28. Revising Sentences #4 & #6 • Sentence #3 (your target audience), #4 (your niche and competitive advantage) and Sentence #6 (your client's business identity) all need to work together. • Your niche, competitive advantage and business identity need to reflect the wants and needs of the target audience. • If your business identity and positioning don't address something that your audience wants or needs you need to reexamine the audience that you're targeting, or you need to make some cultural and product changes within the business. • Match what they want with what you’re offering. Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 29. Sentence 7 • Do the KPIs relate to the stated goals in #1? • Are they specific and measurable? Can they be used to evaluate the campaign’s success? • Are there estimated hours per channel or budgets? Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing
  • 30. Next Steps READINGS •Steve Krug, “Chapter 2: How We Really Use the Web, ” Don’t Make Me Think, http:// •Kelly Mooney, Open Brand Part 3: Inside the Open Brand” and “Part 4: Getting to Open,” Open Brand, p. 100 – 186. •Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo, “Chapter 2: Get Social Media Ready,” Friends w/ Bene ts, 22 – 46. •Darren Barefoot and Julie Szabo, “Chapter 13: The Power of Crowds: Understanding and Participating in Online Communities,” Friends With Bene ts, 239-260. NEXT WEEK: Guest Speakers Crissy & Sean OCT 21 WEEK: Guest Speakers Crissy & Monica Blogger outreach and pitch letters Monique Trottier @BoxcarMarketing

Editor's Notes

  1. 3 hrs\n\n\n
  2. what is it: The 7-Sentence Marketing Plan is a systematic approach to developing and executing a marketing strategy. It was developed by Jay Conrad Levinson and first published in his book Guerilla Marketing in 1984. \n\nAt Boxcar Marketing, we like Levinson’s framework for marketing planning because he’s not thinking about marketing in a traditional sense, he’s thinking like a guerilla marketer--someone who has conventional goals that can be achieved through unconventional means. \n\nWhether the business needs to earn more money or grow a larger audience, his plan is about how you take your ideas for revenue generation and ultimately earn repeat and referral customers through investments in time, energy, imagination and information vs. dollars. \n\nNow, if you always had a million bucks to spend on marketing, you could do some exciting or lousy things and still make a sale. But most of you will work for companies who have limited funds, especially if they are publishers, which means your ability to invest time, energy, imagination and information into conversation, collaboration and community is what will make you successful. \n\nLast unit, I introduced the 7-sentence plan and you were asked to create a plan based on a specific scenario. This week we’re going to look at how to advance your answers for Sentences 1, 2 and 3. \n\n
  3. 1. The purpose of our marketing is:a. What are your goals? (Check those that apply OR add your own goals)\n•Reach a new audience\n•Promote an event\n•Build excitement prior to event\n•Get people to take a particular action (contest entries, voting, download file, buy, sign-up)\n•Draw traffic to a particular URL\n•Build your email list\n•Build a community around an event/topic\n•Get press coverage\n•Get sales\nb. Identify the top 3 goals. Tailor them to be specific to your client/project. Be as specific as possible (i.e, Drive people to FB page who will enter the contest and Like the page.)\n\n
  4. Cecilie, Gemma, Beryl, Ariana, Meaghan\n\n
  5. Top 3 goals tend to be Lead Generation, Audience Engagement and Revenue Generation (Sales)\n
  6. Annamaija, Sindhu, Jennifer, Maggie\n\n
  7. Dennis\nGoals > Actions > Response > KPI\nGoals: #1 what is the purpose of your marketing: to drive traffic, to generate revenue, to reach a particular target (specific, measurable, goal, give a #)\n\nActions: #2 how will you accomplish this goal? what are you going to do? \n#5 what tools are you going to use? \n#6 what is your biz identity, how are you going to position yourself?\n\nResponse: #3: who is your audience and what do you want them to do\n#4 SPHERE, why will they care about what you’re doing, what motivates them? \nWho do you need? What do you want them to do? \n\nKPI: #7. How are you going to measure success?\n
  8. \n
  9. Remember Steve\nTitle: Search marketing coordinator at a technology company\n\nBasics: (Includes demographics and psychographics – age, gender, location, family life, likes and dislikes, location in adoption curve [i.e. innovator, early adopter, early majority, late majority) \n\nSteve is 35 and lives in Vancouver with his family. He’s an early adopter when it comes to the web and is constantly learning and trying to keep his skills up to date. \n\nProfessional and personal background: (includes job title, job history, role, leisure activities, hobbies) \n\nHe’s done SEO and link building campaigns before but would like to improve his skills. \nHe is self-taught and looking for a program that offers a certificate or recognition of his understanding of the theory as well as his job experience. \nHe has a university degree\nHe’s passionate about the internet and social interactions on the web\n\nQuote: \nIf I could learn this stuff through osmosis, I would. There’s never enough time in the day to stay up to date. I need something that can fit in between my job duties and dad role. \n\nSites:\nSEMPO Canada events\nBoxcar Marketing blog\n6S Marketing blog\n\nGoal: \nI need a class that fits my schedule\nI need an expert teacher because I’m not a beginner, but I still have some basics to learn. \nI want something that fits my budget, but I’m not too concerned about costs as my job might cover the course. \n\n
  11. if you can’t imagine these people, need to use some investigative techniques. \nEven if you can imagine them, good to check your assumptions\n
  13. if you can’t imagine these people, need to use some investigative techniques. \nEven if you can imagine them, good to check your assumptions\n
  14. \n
  15. \n
  16. And now it’s time to look more closely at your niche in the marketplace.\n
  17. \n
  18. \n
  19. Let me introduce you to justalilhype! magazine. Justalilhype is an online magazine about street culture in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. The magazne reaches 5K+ unique visitors per month, 200+ FB subscribesrs and 650+ followers on twitter. \n\nThe general target audience is university students, high school students and young professionals within the age range of 17-25, who have a passion for music, creative arts and experiencing underground urban street culture. \n
  20. \n
  21. So What: What makes this mag special? \n * relevant, reputatable, orginal content\n * access to underground and established artists\n \n Why does your client’s product/service matter? What makes your client different from its competitors? (list competitors – name, URL) Why do consumers choose your client over someone else?\n \n Personality: What are the adjectives that describe your client’s brand? \n * Relevant, reputable, underground, easily accessible, mobile\n \n Hook: What’s your client’s story angle? Use phrases that are easy to remember to helps to spread your client’s story via word of mouth.\n \n Ego: Who does your client need to engage with? Who can benefit from promoting the brand amongst their friends? Why do people want to engage with the brand?\n Underground and established artists who hold a high reputation within street culture\n their fans\n \n * Advertisers' egos: exposure in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal; interviews with stores and brands (are cool, if you're reported on by the cool kids)\n * Artists: exposure in Van, TO, Montreal; exclusive feeds and original content\n * Staff: own writers, videographers, photographers (appeal to their sense of high quality, professionalism), they are immessed in the culture\n \n \n Relevancy: What is the relevancy between the audiences’ motivations and what your client is trying to do?\n \n * easy access, mobile (understand their audience wants content on the go)\n * original content\n * inspiring, motivating content\n * knowledge of the current hype: events, discounts, fashion, music, gossip\n * weekly contests: chances to win\n \n Effort: What does your client need to do in order to keep the audience engaged throughout the campaign as well as after the campaign is finished.\n \n \n
  22. There exists nothing else in the Canadian market that delivers a more relevant and on-point magazine to such a diverse and demanding audience than justalilhype!. Within the market, there are various small blogs, personal blogs, as well as many un-coordinated online magazines. However, justalilhype! stands out amongst its competitors because of its ability to share new, hip and cutting-edge tastes with its audience. Thus, making it a valuable player in trendsetting. By advertising with justalilhype!, your business and purpose are exposed to a diverse yet concentrated audience.\n\n\n
  23. There exists nothing else in the Canadian market that delivers a more relevant and on-point magazine to such a diverse and demanding audience than justalilhype!. Within the market, there are various small blogs, personal blogs, as well as many un-coordinated online magazines. However, justalilhype! stands out amongst its competitors because of its ability to share new, hip and cutting-edge tastes with its audience. Thus, making it a valuable player in trendsetting. By advertising with justalilhype!, your business and purpose are exposed to a diverse yet concentrated audience.\n\n\n
  24. There exists nothing else in the Canadian market that delivers a more relevant and on-point magazine to such a diverse and demanding audience than justalilhype!. Within the market, there are various small blogs, personal blogs, as well as many un-coordinated online magazines. However, justalilhype! stands out amongst its competitors because of its ability to share new, hip and cutting-edge tastes with its audience. Thus, making it a valuable player in trendsetting. By advertising with justalilhype!, your business and purpose are exposed to a diverse yet concentrated audience.\n\n\n
  25. Feelings evoked by justalilhype! magazine include friendliness, cautious, confident and excitement. Brand attributes we want to convey include underground, professional- ism, simplicity and trustwor- thiness. \n\nJustalilhype is a leading online magazine in Canada focusing on mainstream and underground culture. With its creative approach to documenting and representing street culture, justalilhype! has garnered a large following among young adults, capturing over 6500 visits and 17500 page viewers per month. By encouraging feedback on articles, music, and videos through their website and social media channels, not only has justalilhype! allowed users to engage and interact with its brand, but also encouraged users to be creators of content. With such a variety of distributed content, justalilhype! attracts and caters to the likes of different audiences, essentially “giving each user what they want.” By advertising with justalilhype!, your brand will become more diversified, helping increase your brand awareness with the new audiences and the underground subcultures of today. Justalilhype! generally receives an average of 5 of comments on blog posts. \n
  26. Justalilhype is a leading online magazine in Canada focusing on mainstream and underground culture. With its creative approach to documenting and representing street culture, justalilhype! has garnered a large following among young adults, capturing over 6500 visits and 17500 page viewers per month. By encouraging feedback on articles, music, and videos through their website and social media channels, not only has justalilhype! allowed users to engage and interact with its brand, but also encouraged users to be creators of content. With such a variety of distributed content, justalilhype! attracts and caters to the likes of different audiences, essentially “giving each user what they want.” By advertising with justalilhype!, your brand will become more diversified, helping increase your brand awareness with the new audiences and the underground subcultures of today. Justalilhype! generally receives an average of 5 of comments on blog posts. \n
  27. Justalilhype is a leading online magazine in Canada focusing on mainstream and underground culture. With its creative approach to documenting and representing street culture, justalilhype! has garnered a large following among young adults, capturing over 6500 visits and 17500 page viewers per month. By encouraging feedback on articles, music, and videos through their website and social media channels, not only has justalilhype! allowed users to engage and interact with its brand, but also encouraged users to be creators of content. With such a variety of distributed content, justalilhype! attracts and caters to the likes of different audiences, essentially “giving each user what they want.” By advertising with justalilhype!, your brand will become more diversified, helping increase your brand awareness with the new audiences and the underground subcultures of today. Justalilhype! generally receives an average of 5 of comments on blog posts. \n
  28. \n
  29. \n
  30. \n\nOptional Reading\nForrester, “Social Technographics Defined 2010,”\nBoxcar Marketing, “Defining Your Target Audience with Personas,”\nVanity Fair, “New Gap Logo, Despised Symbol of Corporate Banality, Dead at One Week”\n