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Psychological Impacts Of Attachment Disorder
Psychological Impacts of Attachment Disorder The theory of attachment was originally developed
by John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst who was attempting to understand the extreme anguish
experienced by infants who had been estranged from their parents. Attachment is the term
developmental psychologists use to describe the emotional bond between infants and one or more
adults. Attachment is like a security blanket. It allows infants to venture out and explore, returning
to the adult as a place of protection. It is a building block for future relationships and for the
development of the child 's personality. Most infants display a secure attachment: a balance of
exploration and play with the desire to remain near their mothers or ... Show more content on ...
The relationships between attachment classification, psychopathology, and personality traits during
adolescence, undergoes a process of individuation, separation and profound socio–emotional
changes. Throughout this period, attachment functions as a stress regulator, mediating internal
security and proximity access, while emotion regulation is often linked to an increased rate of
psychopathology (Rosenstein & Horowitz, 1996). Baby 's attachments develop in the following
sequence: o Up to 3 months of age – Indiscriminate attachments. The newborn is predisposed to
attach to any human. Most babies respond equally to any caregiver. o After 4 months – Preference
for certain people. Infants they learn to distinguish primary and secondary caregivers but accept care
from anyone. o After 7 months – Special preference for a single attachment figure. The baby looks
to particular people for security, comfort and protection. It shows fear of strangers (stranger fear)
and unhappiness when separated from a special person (separation anxiety). Some babies show
stranger fear and separation anxiety much more frequently and intensely than others, but
nevertheless they are seen as evidence that the baby has formed an attachment. This has usually
developed by one year of age. o After 9 months – Multiple attachments. The baby becomes
increasingly independent and forms several attachments. These results indicated that attachments
were most
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Jeanine Mary In The Glass Castle
Rose Mary Walls' character in The Glass Castle portrays someone who, upon first glance, doesn't
appear to behave at all rationally in any situation, from her eccentric, unpredictable attitude to her
seeming lack of regard for the well–being of her children. A closer analysis, however, reveals her
attitude and ideas not only to be more consistent within her character, but reveals her to play an
important role in the development of the story and key to the experience of the reader. This essay
moves to reveal Rose Mary's role as a mirror to Jeanette's experience throughout the story, as well as
exploring her character through Jeanette Walls' writing choices via diction and other literary tools to
create a consistent character. By comparing the way Rose Mary is portrayed in the story before and
after the Walls family's move to Welch, her relevance to the story is revealed. Before the Walls
family moved to Welch, Rose Mary is introduced as a character, while rather eccentric, still serves
as a core member of the Walls family. The very beginning of the book revolves around Jeanette's
injury and subsequent visit to the hospital after she was allowed to cook hot dogs by her mother,
despite her young age of three. This introduction sets the stage for a character, while a little strange
in her very relaxed ideas of parenting, seems relatively normal in all respects. As the story
progresses we see more of Rose Mary, each time with a focus on her eccentric views expressed
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Evaluation Of The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory IIi...
An Evaluation of the "Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III Manual, MCMI–III Third Edition
Nikyra James
Dr. Jacobsen
Psyc 220
The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III or MCMI–III is a level C, self–report personality test
created by Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc, with Carrie Millon, PhD, Roger Davis, PhD, and Seth
Grossman, PsyD. The MCMI–III was published originally by NCS Pearson, Inc in 1994 but was
then re–released in 1997 (Millon et al, 1997). This test is pretty pricey coming at $406.95 for the
fourth edition, the third edition is no longer available for purchase since a newer version has been
published and using the third edition would be unethical. The price for the fourth edition of the
MCMI–III personality test is for the manual scoring starting kit, which includes: 10 test booklets, 50
answer sheets, 50 worksheets, 50 profile forms and answer keys; however the plain manual without
any of the additional required items can be purchased for $61.50. The fourth edition will be released
later on this year, 2015 (Clinical Psychology, 2015). The MCMI–III Third edition is a test that
assesses DSM–IV related personality disorders and syndromes for the use of people 18 years of age
and older at an 8th grade reading level and is also available in Spanish (Clinical Psychology, 2015).
"The primary purpose of the MCMI–III test is to provide information to clinicians–––psychologists,
psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, physicians, and nurses–––who must
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Crime Recidivism And Its Effects On Society
It is estimated that 1% of the population is psychopathic and yet, they commit more than 50% of
serious crimes and their crime recidivism is three times more likely than other criminals (how to
create a psychopath). It is irrefutable that despite the fact that psychopaths do not comprise much of
the population, they are dangerous and menacing to society. Their crimes are callous and gruesome,
and often have a profound impact on society as psychopaths prey on as many people as they can,
particularly vulnerable people, until they satisfy their needs. They cannot seem to distinguish
between moral and conventional transgressions. To them, everything is conventional. They have
little or no morality due to the fact that their frontal lobe is malfunctioning and fails to restrain them
from harming someone or committing a crime. Justice provides a security blanket for all members
of society. They desire that sense of safety and knowledge that the world is in order. Psychopaths
walk among us and some are dangerous which causes a dilemma for society whether to lock them
up and achieve justice for society or allow them to roam freely to achieve justice for psychopaths as
a minority. Psychopaths continue to pose a threat to society primarily due to the fact that they suffer
from a severe personality disorder that may cause them to act on their malicious whims at any time.
Psychopaths seem less threatening to society when they are out of sight and locked away.
Psychopathy is one of many
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Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Research Paper
Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness,
perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and
efficiency. A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that
deviates from the norm of the individual's culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the
following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring
pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. A pervasive
pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the
expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency, ... Show more content on ...
Although OCD and OCPD share some related features, they are two different disorders. As such, it
is possible for a person to have both disorders. The primary distinction between these two disorders
is the presence of obsessions and compulsions, as with OCD; or the absence them, as with OCPD.
Compulsions are learned behaviors, which become repetitive and habitual when they are associated
with relief from anxiety. OCD is due to genetic and hereditary factors. Chemical, structural and
functional abnormalities in the brain are the cause. Distorted beliefs reinforce and maintain
symptoms associated with
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The Millon Clinical Multiaxial IIi
The Millon Clinical Multiaxial III (MCMI–III) is a frequently used self–report personality inventory
(Magalhaes, Magalhaes, Noblitt, and Lewis, 2012). Millon theorized that certain personality
prototypes are directly related to certain disorders. This test takes approximately 25 minutes to
complete (Choca, & Widiger, 2001). This version does include an optional Correctional Report to be
used with the inmate population. The MCMI–III is used to evaluate individuals for interpersonal,
emotional, or behavioral difficulties (Millon et al., 1994). The Millon Clinical Multiaxial IV
(MCMI–IV) was recently released, however due to lack of published studies it will not be utilized in
this review (Millon et al. The MCMI–III is a widely utilized ... Show more content on ...
The 175 items are self report true–false items. The MCMI–III measures 14 personality disorders and
10 clinical syndromes (Strack, & Millon, 2007). It utilizes an ordinal scale to measure how well the
examinee fit the constructs being measured. Each construct is split into two groups of items. One
type of item (prototype) represents features that are unique to a disorder, and the other type of item
(peripheral) represents features that may be similar to different construct item (Strack, & Millon,
2007). This accounts for why there is so much crossover between constructs. The prototypal items
are weighted two and the peripheral items are only weighted one. The item weighting system of the
MCMI–III was changed to a two point system in comparison to the three point systems used in
previous versions (Craig & Bivens, 1998). The 24 scales are broken down into four sections
designed to distinguish between the personality characteristics (Axis II) and the disorder displayed
(Axis I) (Millon et al., 1994). The moderate personality disorder scales consist of Schizoid,
Avoidant, Depressive, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Aggressive, Compulsive,
Passive–Aggressive, and Self–defeating disorders (Millon et al., 1997). Schizotypal, Borderline, and
Paranoid Disorder make up the severe personality pathology scales (Millon et al., 1997). The
moderate clinical syndrome scale is composed of Anxiety, Somatoform, Bipolar: Manic, Dysthymia,
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Personality Disorder Research Paper
Personality Disorders When it comes to personality disorders, some have certain causes to get them;
or you are born with them, They can be treated depending on the personality disorder otherwise they
can't, there is one personality disorder that has many similarities with schizophrenia and then there
is another personality disorder that has similarities were they are kinda like introverts but not really.
"Most psychiatrists and psychologist agree that disordered personalities have their roots in
childhood and are the result of specific stresses in the environment." (According to Friedland,
Bruce) So people have their personality disorders form in their childhood and it comes from certain
topics or events that have a lot of stress ... Show more content on ...
So kids or adults with it could have it be determined as avoidant or they could have it be determined
as schizoid just because of the similarities that the both have. "The exact cause of this disorder is not
known." (According to Millon, Theodore) Because researchers and doctors do not know what is
causing this type of disorder, anything around these people could be causing this certain disorder in
people without them knowing what is causing it. "According to the ICD–10, a patient must have a
minimum of four of these traits to be diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder: persistent and
pervasive feelings of tension and apprehension, belief hat one is socially inept, personally
unappealing or inferior to others, excessive preoccupation with being criticized or rejected in social
situations, unwieldiness to become involved with people unless certain of being liked., restrictions
in lifestyle because of need to have physical security, avoidance of social or occupational activities
that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism, disapproval, or rejection."
(According to Millon,
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Dependent Personality Disorder Research Paper
Dependent Personality Disorder
And How it can Affect your Daily Life
Everyone has personality traits. Some people are shy while others are outgoing and some people are
optimistic and some are pessimistic. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between a personality
trait and a disorder. Personality disorders are diagnosed when ways of seeing, interpreting, or
behaving in the world become inflexible and maladaptive. A personality disorder causes distress to
self or others. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations
and to people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social encounters,
work and school (Personality 2015).
When diagnosing a patient, it is important ... Show more content on ...
Cluster A personality disorders are characterized by odd, eccentric thinking or behavior. Paranoid
personality disorder would fit under Cluster A. Cluster B is the wild cluster. People with these
disorders have very dramatic, emotional or erratic behaviors. Cluster C personality disorders are
characterized by anxious, fearful thinking or behavior. This cluster includes dependent personality
disorder (Personality 2015).
Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed personality
disorders. The terrifying fear of being left alone and being abandoned are both signs of DPD. When
faced with this disorder you really cling to other people, usually a significant other. You get self–
satisfaction by being wanted by another person. Fourteen percent of people with personality
disorders are diagnosed with DPD (Ekern 2013).
The causes of dependent personality disorder to this day are unknown. Both biological and
developmental factors are most likely involved (Dependent 2015). There are multiple speculations
as to why people obtain this disorder like overprotective parenting. Also, one's social environment
can play a role in DPD. In all most all cases the patient experiencing DPD has faced some sort of
abuse or trauma, making them stick to another person (Ekern
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Joker Antisocial Personality Disorder
Through these symptoms described, the Joker appears to have an Antisocial Personality Disorder
along with schizophrenia. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual states that the criteria for APD are
exhibiting at least 3 of the following traits: an inability to follow the social normality's, when it
comes to the law especially if said acts lean toward reasons for arrest. When being deceitful i.e.;
lying, conning others, using a name rather than your own. Another trait is to be impulsive (Tang,
Jiang, Liao, Wang, & Luo, 2013). The Joker tends to be impulsive when he does large scale jobs.
For example, in The Dark Knight he blew up the hospital without any sort of real escape plan, he
knew he'd escape but he didn't have any sort of real plan. Aggressiveness ... Show more content on ...
The Joker has no care whether or not he committed a crime, in fact that's his literal motif. He only
cares about what he does, not who or what it affects. APD is diagnosed to those who contravene the
rights of others without feeling bad or guilty. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Those with
Antisocial Personality Disorder are likely to be persistent criminals and take part in actions which
would be grounds for criminal arrest and hurt others in ways that are often considered unethical as
well as in violation of societies' normalcy's. Those with APD are often considered to be antisocial.
The term antisocial is often confused to mean not with society as dictated by slang. Most of the
public confuses the term antisocial by pairing it with the meaning to be alone with one's self and
away from others. The actual, correct usage of the word antisocial is to be literally against society;
against the everyday rules that most people follow in order to be part of a society. While the
intelligence of antisocial people is obviously well appropriated, they tend to have the ability to
quickly analyze others and in doing so can realize what they desire and use that knowledge to
manipulate said person.
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Predestination And The Movie ' Predestination '
The movie Predestination has presented many great examples of different psychological cases. In
the movie the plot of the story is that a bomber has killed many people and the main character has to
go back in time to stop him. The aftereffects of going back in time multiple occasions is what may
be a leading factor as to what each characters unique disorder may be, but the tiny details on the side
is what reveals the bigger issue. The main characters are easy to breakdown and it 's obvious as to
what each ones disorders are.The background of this character is directly unique to the movie as the
main story of the movie is what causes him to develop all of his problems. The movie itself is a
paradox and requires a lot of thought even after seeing it from a third person point of view so the
characters themself face a harder grasp on the reality of what 's happening to them.
The movie has three major characters that are unique to themselves and each other. The characters
are all different to each other in many ways such as age, appearances, and even personalities yet
they are crucial to each other at the end of the movie. The first character is a middle aged man
named John, the second character is a younger woman named Jane, and the last character is an older
man whose name is also John. The middle aged man, John, is the time traveling agent mentioned
before whereas the older man named John is the fizzle bomber. The younger woman, Jane, works as
a magazine
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Taking a Look at Sexual Sadism
One of the clearest definitions of sexual sadism comes from a man who kidnapped, kept captive,
sodomized, raped and even murdered many victims in several states across the nation over a certain
period of time. "Sadism: The wish to inflict pain on others is not the essence of sadism one essential
impulse to have complete mastery over another person to make him/her a helpless object of our will
to become the absolute ruler over her, to become her God, to do with her as one pleases. To
humiliate her, to enslave her, are means to this end, and the most important radical aim is to make
her suffer since there is no greater power over another person than that of inflicting pain on her to
force her to undergo suffering without her being able to defend herself. The pleasure in the complete
domination over another person is the very essence of the sadistic drive." (Diaz, Hazelwood,
Warren, 1990). By the end of this short essay you will have a better understanding of what a sexual
sadist is, their qualifications, their characteristics, and treatments. Sexual sadist are usually males
who become sexually aroused by the thought or act of inflicting suffering on others by dominating,
restraining, blindfolding, cutting, strangling, mutilating or even killing the victim accompanied by a
sexual act. The term comes from the famous Marquis de Sade who tortured others in order to satisfy
his own sexual desires. Sadist usually imagine that they have complete control over their victim,
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Antisocial Personality Disorder And Psychopathy
What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Antisocial Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long–standing pattern of
disregard for other people's rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. A person with
Antisocial Personality Disorder often feels little or no empathy toward other people, and doesn't see
the problem in bending or breaking the law for their own needs or wants. The disorder usually
begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into adulthood. Individuals with Antisocial
Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be heartless, distrustful, and
condescending of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They are also known to be egotistical.
(Bressert, Retrieved on ... Show more content on ...
Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or
pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by
repeated physical fights or assaults. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. Consistent
irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor
financial obligations. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having
hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. There should also be signs of a conduct disorder in the
individual as a child, whether or not it was ever diagnosed by a professional. Only adults 18 years or
older can be diagnosed with this disorder. (Bressert, Retrieved on February 24, 2016, from) .
Another diagnostic tool is The Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Originally designed to evaluate people
accused or convicted of crimes, the check list consists of a 20 symptoms. When the checklist is
executed, the total score shows how closely the individual matches the score of a typical
psychopath. Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2. A typical psychopath
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Jeffrey Dahmer, The Milwaukee Monster
Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most well–known serial killers of all time. He earned this reputation by
his sick and twisted ways of killing and preserving his victim's body parts. From organizing bones in
filing cabinets to freezing internal organs for later consumption, Dahmer proved to be a very sick
and twisted individual. Throughout this paper it will be analyzing and discussing the life and
possible diagnosis of Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee monster. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1960. Although Dahmer did not have a horrible childhood, it was not an
ideal one. Jeffrey's mother, Joyce Dahmer was reported to have a rough pregnancy. Due to her
complications she suffered from post–partum depression, resulting in withdrawal from Jeffrey. At
the age of four he suffered from a double hernia. Although it was not a major surgical procedure
young Jeffrey was confused and alone due to the fact that no one ever comforted and explained to
him what was going on. At the age of six Jeffrey welcomed a little brother into the world. After his
brother was born Jeffrey's father got a new job and they relocated to Ohio where Jeffrey's
insecurities deepened. At the age of ten Jeffrey's parents started noticing his interest in
experimenting with dead animals. Jeffrey would ride his bike around the woods and collect dead
animals and then take them home. Once home he would do a variety of things with them from
decapitating rodents, to bleaching
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Psychopaths: A Case Study
The word "psychopath" may call to mind the sadistic Hollywood cannibal Hannibal Lector or the
infamous serial killer from the 1970s Ted Bundy. This perception of psychopathy is accurate but
incomplete. Psychopaths are significantly more likely to make contact with the criminal justice
system and their crimes also tend to be more violent than those of other criminals (Carré et al.,
2013). Psychopaths are found to be responsible for approximately 50% of serious crimes and make
up about 20% of North American prisons (Hare, 1999). Psychopaths are notorious for being among
society's most dangerous individuals; however, this category not only refers to the ruthless serial
killers, sex–offenders, and stereotypical convicts. In reality, most psychopaths are not criminals. In
fact, most psychopaths possess a superficial charm that makes them rather appealing. This paper
will focus less on the extreme, criminalized psychopath and more on those whom we might
unknowingly encounter in everyday life. After exploring the diagnostic criteria for psychopaths and
how the qualities associated with psychopathy tend to be favored in the workplace, this paper will
examine how the disorder poses ethical problems for corporations and how society is dealing with
the issue. Before exploring the callous world of the psychopath, the distinction between
psychopathy and sociopathy must be addressed. While these two terms are frequently used
interchangeably, they are not identical diagnoses.
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Social Media And Its Effects On Society Essay
into the world, the concept of personality serves as the basis for all human interaction, and in this
case, cyberbullying. With the explosion of social media and internet related activities, there has been
a sudden increase in cyberbullying cases. Over the years, cyberbullying–which has often been
linked "to harassing text messages, rumors spread online or through social media websites, and
derogatory comments about someone on social media sites" (Stockdale, Coyne, Nelson, & Erickson,
2015)––has grown tremendously, accounting for nearly "42% of kids" (Laird, 2012). Despite
cyberbullying being a widely–known issue that is prevalent in all levels of society, not everyone is
aware of the main factor influencing cyberbullying–personality. By identifying the personalities
behind the cyberbullying cases, individuals will become more successful in reducing the amount of
cyberbullying cases. Personality can be interpreted in many ways, but "loosely interpreted, it is a
complex set of characteristics which make up an individual's unique imprint" ("Factors of Bullying,"
2015). In the world of cyberbullying, personality is indicative of the aggressor's temperament.
Depending on each personality, the level of cyberbullying will vary significantly: mild, occasional
rude remarks to the victim; to extreme, full–blown confrontations with repeated use of derogatory
language. Due to the variance in personality
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The Victimization of Teenage Girls
What does it mean to be a girl according to society? How does society see it? In many countries, a
girl is seen as powerless, uneducated, and too emotional to handle a man's job. For example, women
in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. In the past, writers used to describe a woman's role as the
victim of many forms of discrimination in the United States of America. In other words, women
were only involved in things that men thought were not important. For instance, women did not
have any other role than being a housewife. They had to stay at home, watch the children, be
responsible, and do all the chores. Nonetheless, American women got their freedom earlier
comparing to other countries in the world. Now they are more independent, more ... Show more
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Kerry Cohen, as a practicing psychotherapist and writing teacher, provides in her book different
resources and website where teen girls can get more information about these symptoms.
Another second reason why teen girls are victimized is the culture of this society. Teen girls are told
to be princesses when they are small. However when they are grown up they are told by their
parents that they are too young to use inappropriate cloth. When they go out and meet other teens
who wear sexy cloths, they are getting mixed feeling about it. Another example is when they watch
TV they see girls in sexy cloths and they automatically think that it is right. The TV uses girls in
bikinis to attract the audience. Even more, when teen girls go to school, they want to "fit" in their
group of friends by wearing the same cloths because that is what they make them seem "cool."
Therefore, how they are seen by others is more important than anything. Image comes first. They
must do anything to "fit in the Cinderella's shoe." Likewise, on the short story, 'Where Are You
Going, Where have You Been" written by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie wants attention at all costs.
She enjoys when men are looking at her. Connie's mother never agrees with her that she is beautiful.
Instead, Connie's mother criticizes her and compares her with June, her older sister. Then, Connie
develops a low self–esteem because her family is not accepting her sexual admiration. For example,
there is a part on
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Essay on Simon vs. Roger in Lord of the Flies
In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, Simon represents the innate morality of humans, acting as a
Christ–like figure, while Roger embodies the all present cruelty and inherent sadism of individuals.
Throughout the novel, Simon remains unchanged in terms of morality, as others slowly turn to
savagery and hunting, as can be seen when Jack's group become, "demoniac figures with faces of
white and red and green." Instead Simon finds a quiet spot "in a little cabin screened off from the
open space by a few leaves." By "holding his breath, he [cocks] a critical ear at the sounds of the
island," using his secret cabin to meditate. Coupled with his deep connection to nature, Simon is
revealed to be a Christ figure. When left alone with the ... Show more content on ...
He "led the way straight through the castles, kicking them over, burying the flowers, scattering the
chosen stones," only to remain, "watching the littluns." Maurice, however, "still felt the unease of
wrongdoing." Jack's only fault was yearning for power, which corrupts those who wield it. Roger is
corrupted and malevolent without ever thirsting for this power, and is therefore more evil than Jack.
Roger keeps to himself, much like Simon, and remains consistently evil throughout the novel. Near
the beginning, he "picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry–threw it to miss," held back by
"the taboo of the old life." Later, he did not miss and "with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned
all his weight on the lever," releasing a huge boulder and killing Piggy. Under the weight of the
boulder, "the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." The main
symbol for the democracy, equality and justice was indirectly destroyed by Roger. To him, "Ralph
was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat," thus dehumanizing and objectifying them. When Sam
and Eric were cornered by Jack's group of savages, Roger demonstrates his enjoyment for hurting
others by "[advancing] upon them as one wielding a nameless authority." It was not for the sake of
supremacy or control, but for unbridled sadistic pleasure. When Ralph finds Sam and Eric, they say
that Roger is "a terror". He also points out that Jack is a terror, but the twins respond with "only
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Lars And The Real Girl Analysis
Being sociable in life can be really difficult at times for certain people, this could not be shown more
when director Craig Gillespie portrays this in Lars and the Real Girl. This movie is set up around
one person and how their attitude on people greatly change. The main plot of the story revolves
around Lars Lindstrom who is played by Ryan Gosling being one of these types of people in the
start of the movie. In the beginning of the movie Lars is seen as a guy that doesn't like to interact
with those around him very often. Lars goes so far that he goes back on his work when invited to
breakfast with his brother Gus who is played by Paul and his wife Karin. This is also seen in his
workplace as Lars focuses more on his work than on a new employee ... Show more content on ...
The very first scenes of the movie Lars first accepts an invitation to have breakfast with Gus and
Karin, but ends up going straight to work as soon as breakfast is being made. While accepting an
invitation and ditching seems rude of Lars, when Karin goes back inside the house to tell Gus that
Lars has accepted the invitation and that he owed her five dollars Gus was quick to say that he'll
believe it when he sees it. Another instance like this happened when Lars goes to work Margo asks
if Lars would want to carpool since both of them live close enough to ride together, at this point
Lars seems to not even recognize the question that Margo is asking and Lars is reminded that it's his
turn to go grab some coffee and continued like Margo was not even there. While being shy is one
thing what Lars is showing in these first few scenes is that he doesn't feel like getting to know those
around him. Lars in the beginning stages of the movie showed signs of being an introvert, which is
defined as a person who generally prefers solitary activities instead of interacting with large groups
of people. While Lars is mostly seen around small groups of people he still shows signs of an
introverted person and how they act. But with interversion there are people that can work out of
hiding themselves when it comes to either small or large groups of people as seen in the later parts
of the movie. After the
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Narcissistic And Cult Leaders Essay
Narcissistic and Cult Leaders Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Cult Leaders
Every day we face and deal with either small or big issues relating to terrorist leaders from inside
and outside of country. During the past decade we have seen North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un,
Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Idi Amain of Uganda and more, who
have been described as crazy, cruel, lunatic, madman, psychopath and even worse. How could they
acquire all the power, rule over people and become a leader in a country if they were such a
Ironically, they are just as rational as we are. We simply do not have a full understanding of their
personalities, which are unusually different from societal norms and expectation. They are defined
as a personality disorder. There are six personality disorders classified: sadistic, antisocial, paranoid,
narcissistic, schizoid and schizotypal.
Remarkably, most of these cult leaders have been suffering from narcissistic personality disorder,
which brings a dictatorship in social relationship and a fatal negative influential to both oneself and
others. Any ... Show more content on ...
The first cause of NPD is to have an inflated view of self or their importance, often at the expense of
others. This trait is strongly associated with an attraction to political leadership. Grandiose people
tend to hunger for power. They strive to occupy important positions of power and often become
"dictators" toward establishing repressive structure, as Lobaczewski (2007) points out. They know
how to manipulate people by skin color, language, nationality, wealth, religion, etc. That evokes
people's emotion to hatred or
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A Clockwork Orange : Antisocial Personality Disorder Essay
Antisocial Personality Disorder ( ASPD) is a mental illness with various causal factors such as
genetic predispositions, environment, parental neglect, gender, brain abnormalities, etc. The factors
presented affect the character Alex DeLarge from Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1963).
Despite Alex not being diagnosed, it is evident that he suffers from ASPD, it is clearly expressed
through his behaviors and mentality. Eventually, Alex is incarcerated preceding a murder he
committed, in order to be released early he enlists himself to a treatment so that he could be cured.
The events that follow include his participation in the Ludovico Technique, an experimental form of
aversion therapy which leaves him unable to fulfill the needs of his mental illness.
A Clockwork Orange: Antisocial Personality Disorder and Alex DeLarge Previous research suggests
that Alex DeLarge, a fictional character created by Anthony Burgess, was the epitome of evil.
However, previous research has not considered the environmental, socio–economical, and
physiological dispositions that molded him into the person he became. Hence, in this paper, it is
argued that Alex DeLarge is at a greater risk for Antisocial Personality Disorder than most members
of the general population. This is important because it allows us to view beyond the theatrics and the
metaphors into a character that is mentally unstable not a villainous caricature in the eyes of the
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Shawn Lamb Research Paper
Criminology Group Research Paper Winter 2017
Shawn Lamb – Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women
By: Noah Elston, Nathan Clifford, Luke Hodgson, Deryck Williamson
Shawn Lamb has confessed to the manslaughter of two aboriginal women, Lorna Blacksmith, and
Carolyn Sinclair. In both cases he killed the women while under the influence of cocaine and claims
to have killed them both because they stole the drugs and hid from him. The two theories are
Andrews and Bonta's Personal, Interpersonal, Community–Reinforcement theory, and Farrington's
Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential Theory. These theories accurately describe Lamb's
relationship with crime and describe how had come to pursue his life of crime. As an antisocial ...
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Inquiries into the mental wellbeing and "child friendliness" of hopeful foster parents should be a top
priority. It should also be a requirement for foster families to be reviewed or at least monitored over
the course of a few years to determine whether or not they are good parents. There should also be an
increase in awareness regarding familial abuse including ways to identify it and help those who are
victims of abuse.
It appears that the Andrew and Bonta's personal, interpersonal, community–reinforcement theory
more accurately describes the relationship Shawn Lamb has with crime than . The four main
indicators of criminal reoffending all apply to Lamb, as well as many other minor indicators. This
theory also suggests the reason as to why Lamb decides to behave in his criminal fashion. The many
links used to research the career criminal Shawn Lamb have show that the early developmental
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Antisocial Personality Disorder Analysis
mentioned, the general features that represent most personality disorders are chronic interpersonal
difficulties, problems with ones identity or sense of self, and inability to function adequately in
society. Personality disorders can stem form stressful events in life that may cause a person to
develop inflexible, distorted personality and behavioral patterns that translate into maladaptive way
of perceiving, thinking and interacting in the world. The people that have personality disorders
struggle with maintaining healthy relationships and those that find themselves in a relationship with
them find their behavior exhausting, confusing and unpredictable (Hooley, Butcher, Nock &
Mineka, 2017).
Antisocial Personality disorder 301.7 (F60.2)
The ... Show more content on ...
Many environmental factors and stressful events played a role with my son. Farrinton, 2006; Granic
& Patterson, 2006 said that traumatic experiences and delinquent peers play a huge role in
understanding antisocial personality disorder. "The number of antisocial behaviors exhibited in
childhood is the single best predictor of who will develop an adult diagnosis of ASPD, and the
younger the age at which problems start, the higher the risk" (Robins, 1978). This was so true with
my son. Also, Lahey, Loeber, Burke, & Applegate, (2005) stated that children with oppositional
defiant disorder towards authority figures usually begins by age 6 years old, followed by early
onset–conduct disorder around age 9 are most likely to develop ASPD as adults. Gathering and
asking all the pertinent information is going to be vital as a clinicians to make proper diagnoses.
Hooley, Butcher, Nock, & Mineka, (2017) cautioned clinicians regarding diagnosis of personality
disorders and said there are more misdiagnoses in this category of disorders than any other and said
they are not as sharply defined as they are for most other diagnostic categories. Therefore, the
clinician must exercise more judgement in making their diagnosis than is the case for many other
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Louise Belcher Case Study
Louise Belcher most likely has a slight narcissistic personality disorder, and because she is only
nine, I would actually experiment with Psychodynamic Therapy. I think Louise is afraid of many
things and that's why she must be the alpha with everything in life. As the baby of the family, she
has been able to get away with anything, which hasn't helped her in anyway as far as being aware of
her choices. If we look back at her pink bunny ears, I think it's clear that she is holding on to
something and her resistance manifests into narcissism. I would try my best to get her to identify
whatever kind of transference she hasn't yet recognized. Growing up is difficult for everyone, but it
might be something that is next to impossible for Louise.
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Psychopath And Sociopath
Sociopath and Psychopath: Their Origins and Different Types
The terms Sociopath and Psychopath has been used over and over again by numerous individuals
without knowing their correct usage. These terms are so commonly used that differentiating it from
each other and also to Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is difficult and complicated. One way
of knowing how to use these terms accurately is to look at and examine its history and origins.
Psychopaths, as deemed by most psychology researchers, are born with underdeveloped brain parts
that are usually believed to be responsible for impulse control and emotion regulation. The
amygdala, – a roughly almond–shaped mass of gray matter inside each cerebral hemisphere,
involved with the experiencing of emotions – when impaired, give rise to the functional
impairments shown by individuals with psychopathy. It is therefore suggested that amygdala
dysfunction is one of the core neural systems implicated in the pathology of psychopathy. (Blair et
al, 1999) Philippe Pinel (1801), the founding father of modern ... Show more content on ...
They are the largest type of sociopath and have a weak or unelaborated conscience. They are not
ashamed by the same things normal people would be ashamed of. Common sociopaths are like feral
children grown up, taking pleasures and gratifying impulses at every opportunity or temptation.
They especially enjoy and take pride in bending or breaking the rules. As teenagers, they are often
runaways. As adults, they are often geographically mobile, living in shelters, or taking advantage of
welfare systems. They are experienced shoplifters and have quite an active sex lives. They are
usually of average intelligence, but don't do well in school and never seem to break out of low–
paying dead–end jobs. Nevertheless, they seem genuinely happy with their lives, unburdened by any
sense of negative self–worth or the fact that they have not been a functional, contributing member of
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Sadistic Personality Disorder And Children
Sadistic Personality Disorder in Children Review of literature indicates that Henry from The Good
Son (1993) exhibits sadistic behavior throughout the film. Abnormal mental behavior of any kind in
children is an important topic of study in psychology. There are many different kinds of mental
illnesses that some children can exhibit and form into their adulthood (Hucker, 2012). Sadistic
Personality Disorder is unfortunately one of the illnesses. Henry from The Good Son (1993) is a
prime example of Sadistic Personality Disorder in children. Questions of Sadistic Personality
Disorder include,
1. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?;
2. What causes Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; and
3. What can be done about Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?
These are some of the questions that are asked and can be answered through a review of literature.
Children with these illnesses are studied to find the reasons of the illness and to solve the problem.
The cause of the illness is also identified when study's take place.
What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? Sadistic Personality Disorder is defined as an
individual 's pattern of cruel, harsh, aggressive, intimidating, humiliating, and demeaning behavior
(Levesque, 2011). Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits this behavior by killing, threatening,
etc. This disorder begins in childhood and is consistent thereafter (Hucker, 2012), as seen in Henry.
This behavior
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The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Test
Introduction It can be said that there are numerous tests that have been created by psychologists all
over the world, but of all those tests how many are as unique as the Millon? Through rigorous
research and reading I have selected the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III test. The Millon
Clinical Multiaxical Inventory (3rded: MCMI–III) is a widely used psychological assessment of
clinical and personality disorders (Grove, W. M., 2009). This test, now on its 3rd edition, has
embodied several innovative ideas in personality and psychopathology assessment (Grove, 2003).
Moving in–between the 3rd and 4th editions was a once in a lifetime opportunity and amazing
learning experience. Through analysis of the MCMI–III manual and other ... Show more content on ...
The MCMI–III structure is very simplistic it is composed of 175 true–false questions that reportedly
takes twenty–five to thirty minutes to complete. This test is wonderful for rapid administration and
minimizing patient fatigue and resistance (Millon, et al., 2006). It was created by Theodore Millon,
Carrie Millon, Roger Davis, and Seth Grossman (Millon, et al., 2006). The test is easily accessible
for the qualified individual who will be administering the test, and because it is not given to a
normal population group if an individual needs to be tested they can easily be administered the test;
For example one feature that the MCMI–III offers is Q–Local a software that allows test takers to
take the MCMI–III on a laptop (Millon, et al., 2006).
Purposes and use of this test
This test is NOT a general personality instrument to be used with normal populations or for the
purposes other than diagnostic screening or clinical assessment (Millon, et al., 2006). This test is
only applicable to individuals who show problematic emotional and interpersonal symptoms or who
are undergoing professional psychotherapy or psychodiagonistic evaluation (Millon, et al., 2006).
Because this test is easy to administer and interpretation readily available this test can be used on
routine basis in outpatient clinics, community agencies, mental health centers, college counseling
programs, and general and mental hospitals (Millon, et al.,2006). The primary
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Annotated Bibliography: Character
Annotated Bibliography: Character Emptiness is always a daily question to each person walking on
the street. Human consciousness is the ultimate level among species: the capability of thinking about
the future in many scenes and real–life situations. Throughout various stages of education, one's
perspective grows wider; one proceeds to see things further, and the true size of one's value to the
world. The more knowledge is absorbed, the bigger this capability grows. Meanwhile, the present
does not change: social class, environment, place, current circumstance, and rules. With the limited
ability to barely change the present, one's value varies and degrades. Because of that, the mental safe
zone, where a perfect world is built in one's mind, is developed as an instinct to prevent the progress
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Firstly, the sources listed will help me to have some insights about how morals are gradually taken
away, and how self–centeredness becomes the main character that is developed in the next
generation. Second, the sources will help me see how character and personalities are related each
other; and the changes of one can lead to the changes of the other. Lastly, the sources will be useful
in proving character educational programs are necessary.
1. Brooks, David. "Character in the Selfie Age." The Importance of Character, Royal Society for the
encouragement of Arts, 19 June, 2015, London. Guest
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Case Of Suzanne Case Study Essay
Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren Suzanne is diagnosed with a fairly mild case of schizophrenia and
dependent personality disorder. According to the DSM 5 this falls under Schizotypal Personality
Disorder 301.22 (F21). Individuals with Schizotypal Personality Disorder are categorized by a
prevalent pattern of interpersonal and social boundaries. These individuals experience an acute
distress in social settings and have a condensed capacity for close relationships. These individuals
tend to be socially isolated, reserved, and distant for these reasons. (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013) The medical model focusses on problems of behavior, emotions, human
relations, living and thought. In Suzanne's case she experiences behavior issues, she easily gets
upset, ... Show more content on ...
However, Suzanne experiencing paranoia, abnormal behaviors, magical thinking, depression, I
would prescribe an antipsychotic medication such as Clozapine. Along with the clozapine I would
want Suzanne to take an antidepressant such as Lexapro. Lexapro will help with certain symptoms,
such as psychotic episodes and depression. I believer that Suzanne being adopted plays a big part in
her life. Suzanne never hung out with people her own age. However, she was close to her little sister
and did a lot with her friends. Her adoptive mother put so much pressure on her to do things that she
did not want to do. This left Suzanne with emotional scaring, because at the same time she was
made fun of. I feel that Suzanne's adoptive mother babied her as well never learning how to live on
her on. She did not know how to function without someone being there at night with her. With
treatment, as I stated before I would treat Suzanne by using psychotherapy. In with the
psychotherapy I would add CBT to identify and change Suzann's distorted thought patterns, teaching
her explicit social skills, and changing problem
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The Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder
Many theorists for decades have presented theoretical approaches in an effort to comprehend
personality. Hence, to this date, no theorist has been able to find all the answers in their theory to
understand an individual personality. The purpose of this paper is to present –the Trusty model of
dependent personality disorder. Major topics relevant to the disorder will be explored including the
human image (determination vs. free will, nature vs. nurture and the past vs. the present) as well as
the dysfunctional personality style. As you read this paper, I hope you will be more enlightened
from the information presented and also gain a better understanding of dependent personality
disorder. Keywords: dependent, theory, personality, Trusty, model
Personality Theory: The Trusty Model
To be honest people need each other. We exist as social creatures. However, it is almost a tough
situation to co–exist with individual who suffer from dependent personality disorder as a result of
their clingy behavior. The Trusty model for dependent personality disorder is described below.
Components of the Trusty Model of Dependent Personality Disorder
Image of Human Nature
Nature versus nurture. The origin of personality is character–biological nature with a heredity
support. Individuals with dependent personality generally display orientation towards being vigilant
and at the same time apprehensive as far back as their childhood age (Bornstein, 1992). However,
growing up
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Serial Killers And The Serial Killer
Although the prevalence of the serial killer is ultimately unknown, many researchers agree about
"one–half of 1%" of homicides are determined to be the product of serial killers (Homant &
Kennedy, 2014). In order to prevent future victims, improve the ability of law enforcement to detect
and apprehend, potentially incorporate treatment for current serial killers, and increase the ability to
detect potential future serial killers it is important to identify characteristics that may cause one to
become a serial killer. The question researchers have strived to answer is are serial killers born or
are there explicit factors that contribute to someone ultimately becoming a serial killer? Researchers
have potentially exposed several factors that potentially contribute to one becoming a serial killer.
These conditions are notably greater in prevalence in known serial killers compared to the general
population. These factors consist of family dynamics/parental characteristics, experienced child
abuse (physical, sexual, and neglect), and psychological disorders. Serial Killers: Born or Created
Dependent Variable A serial killer is an individual who has killed three or more people during
separate incidents and at possibly different geographic locations where there is a cooling off period
between each homicide (Homant & Kennedy, 2014). Researchers have identified several typologies
of serial killers, however most of the research has been done on the serial sexual sadist
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Lars And The Real Girl Analysis
Intro Lars and the real girl is a 2007 movie that follows the story of an extremely shy man, Lars, and
his inadequate skills to socialise or even make friends. As Lars had poor social skills, his brother
(Gus) and his sister–in–law (Karin) worrys terribly that he would be lonely forever, until one day,
they are overwhelmed with the news that Lars has indeed met someone over the internet. They soon
realise that Lars' new girlfriend is infact a life–sized doll, whom he communicates with, fights with,
and takes out to public places. Thankfully, a psychologist named Patricia Clarke guides Lars and his
family through the delusions, enabling a new life within the community for Lars and his 'real' doll.
As a young boy, Lars suffered with the loss
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Jig On Abortion
Jig became impregnated by the American, most likely on the trips they had been taking together, at
one of the many hotels they had been staying at. Whether it was intentional on anyone's part, or
whether it happened completely by accident is never once mentioned in the story. But from what we
can understand, the American wanted absolutely nothing to do with their baby. He believed they
would be much happier without the baby and because of this, he was constantly pressuring Jig in an
exhausting pursuit to get Jig to agree to kill the baby.Though the author decided to keep the name of
the procedure out of the story, the details are sufficient to know that it was indeed an abortion that
the American wanted. He even described it as a procedure ... Show more content on
Unfortunately, as the baby had come at an unexpected time, the parents had not been ready, which
had caused massive tension for both parties. When Jig had stared out over yonder to the hills
something had settled into place inside her brain and she had realized that maybe she did not want to
get rid of her baby after all. She even goes off to remark that the hills do not actually look like white
elephants after all, but that they are actually quite lovely. This shows that she indeed was warming
up to the thought of the sweet child and that she was most probably going to end up giving birth.
In any story, no matter what kind, I think that if you read a sentence that the character is actually
thinking, or in this case, if we read how Jig compared her child to white elephants, rather than
having the author say it to us directly, it gives us more of a closer bond to the character. We know
she is struggling, we can clearly read the signs with her words, and her body language, with the
symbolisms. If we read it as if it came from her own lips, with her own words, it gives us a deeper
understanding of the kind of persona she has and the words she uses to carry
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Ender's Game Sadism
Sadistic personality disorder, also known as sadism, is a condition in which someone enjoys seeing
someone or something suffer. Although it is no longer considered as a valid diagnostic category in
the current revision or the Diagnostic and Statistical 4th Edition (DSM–IV), it is still approached as
a personality disorder. To this day there is no single known cause to this personality disorder,
although there are many theories. For some, it is caused by abuse early in their life for others it is
caused by brain abnormalities and chemical imbalances. For some there is nothing in their medical
or personal histories that would cause future personality disorders. These behaviors typically appear
during adolescence and get into bigger problems ... Show more content on ...
The young boy was Andrew Wiggin he was a Third meaning he was a third child during the time
period that the military passed a law that stated that each family may only have two children. The
government authorized Andrews birth because he was part of an experiment. The book starts off
with Ender(Andrew) getting his monitor taken out. Peter is the older brother of Valentine and Ender.
He lacks the compassion that Valentine and Ender have, and is ruthless. He is very good at
manipulating. Peter decides to rule the world and convinces Valentine. Under fake names Peter takes
in the name Locke. Through the nets of communication he begins to gather power. After Ender
destroys the bugger race Peter gets in command of earth he becomes the hegemon. His ambition is
satisfied, he likes being in control of
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Avoidant Personality Disorder: Charlie Brown
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Name : Charlie Brown
Source : Charlie Brown ( First Debut October 2, 1950)
Background Information : The storyline of Charlie Brown is focused on a very small social circle of
young children. One of the main animated character is Charlie Brown who has various insecurities.
The author made a common connection between himself and the character. He was a child who
others preyed on and made a mockery out of. The comical was used as an example of a great
American un–success story, where the character failed at everything he attempted to do. Charlie
Brown was always prone to bad luck.
Description Of The Problem :
People with Avoidant Personality Disorder commonly ponder on their own shortcomings. They may
feel reluctant
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Personality Assessment of Felix Unger in the Odd Couple
A Personality Assessment of the character Felix Unger in the Movie The Odd Couple Argosy
University Abstract This paper analyzes and assesses the personality of the character Felix Unger
(played by Jack Lemmon) in the movie, The Odd Couple. The paper starts by offering a synopsis of
the movie, which is followed by a description of Mr. Unger, his presenting problem, a mental status
examination of him, and a history of Mr. Unger's background. Next the paper offers a five–axis
diagnostic impression of Mr. Unger and rationalization for such diagnoses. The paper develops a
case formulation which includes the pathology behind Mr. Unger's diagnosis and recommendations
for treatment. Both the case formulation and recommendations for treatment ... Show more content
on ...
After our first meeting it became clear that Mr. Unger was resigned to the fact that he needs to make
major changes in his life. The fact that he lost his wife and nearly lost his best friend, as well, were
clearly weighing heavily on him. Mental Status Examination: Mr. Unger is approximately 55 years–
old, is Caucasian–American, and recently separated from his wife with whom he has two school–
aged children. He dresses impeccably in pressed suits and polished shoes. He is clean cut and
shaven. His hair is cut short and is neatly parted to one side. He has a rigid and stiff posture. He
displays rigidity in his thought content which are manifested in preoccupations with cleanliness and
his family affairs. He is inflexible in his personality. His wife recently separated from him and called
him "impossible to live with." During their relationship he displayed a huge need to be in control by
doing things such as re–cooking a meal she made because he felt he could do a better job or
obsessive cleaning their apartment and complaining when she was messy. While he loved her very
much and had a sense that he was annoying her, he is so inflexible in his personality that he was
unable to make changes. Mr. Unger's mood is normally elevated due to his obsessive–compulsive
nature. He is generally pre–occupied with his job,
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Paranoid Personality Disorder Cluster
Question: Choose one of the clusters of personality disorders as categorised by the DSM–5.
Describe, compare and contrast at least two personality disorders from this cluster in terms of their
symptomology, diagnosis, treatment and other factors.
A personality disorder is defined as 'an enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that
deviates markedly from the expectations of the individuals culture as manifested in two (or more) of
the following areas; cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning and impulse control'
(Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 2013). There are three categories that
personality disorders are split into. Cluster A – Odd or eccentric behaviour, cluster ... Show more
content on ...
Individual therapy, including dynamic therapy which focuses on intensive– exploratory and
transference focus psychotherapies, cognitive behavioural therapy and supportive therapy which
focuses on encouragement and adaptive skills. (Gabbard, 2004) ScPD can also gain from group
therapy although mistrust may interfere it can help in breaking down barriers o thoughts in that
individuals head that people won't like them in order to help them achieve a realistic sense of self.
Also useful is family therapy in order to gain understanding of the disorder and get the support of
the family, rather than them not understand and make ScPD worse. ScPD is the only disorder in this
cluster which has medication, although highly diverse and no unitary prescription they do tend to
benefit from antipsychotic
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Personality Disorder Research Paper
Jadelyn Lorton
English 10
Mrs. Wintrow
10 April,2015
Personality Disorder
What are personality disorders and what do they do? There are a numerous of personality disorders
and people that have them. You can't look at someone sometimes and know right away. For
example, Robin Williams had the bipolar disorder but most people couldn't tell. "Personality
disorder is a psychiatric term and draws on a medical framework to try to understand human
emotions, behaviour and distress" (Diagnosis).
Personality disorders are broken into 3 different classifications, Cluster A, Cluster B and Cluster C
(Diagnosis). Cluster A comprises with the paranoid ,schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder
(Diagnosis). Cluster B comprises with antisocial, ... Show more content on ...
A person that has Dependent personality disorder has a lack of self–confidence and an excessive
need to be taken care of, fears abandonment and may go to considerable lengths to secure and
maintain relationships(1). They often feel safe and secure in the hands of people that they know will
protect them. People with the avoidant personality disorder are " persistently tense, belives they are
socially inept, unappealing, fear being embarrassed, criticized or rejected." (1). Anxiety plays a huge
role in this disorder. People with the obsessive– compulsive disorder tend to have an "excessive
preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization and schedules" (1). For example Mrs.
Heitkamp flipped the lights on and off until it felt right to her, she counted to three each time. In
Cluster C, anxiety is the main key.
The cure and treatment...
Personality disorders affect people of all ages and sizes. They range from anxiety to phobias.
Majority of the time you could never guess someone had them. The quote " Don't judge a book by
its cover" comes in to play with the personality disorders. You have to go to a doctor to get
diagnosed with it and depending on the type of disorder you have you can get help and
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Mental Illness Narrative
1st narrative– What the video is implying that being forthcoming and disclosing the fact that you
have been treated for a mental illness, OCD along with depression. That required you to stop
working due to unreasonable thoughts and fears or obsessions, and go on disability. At this time it
appears that your OCD is under control with medication. You would like to return to the workforce
However thou you are well qualified for the job, you were not going to have it. Since being
diagnosed with the two mental illness anywhere you applied for a job, getting hired would be
difficult. Simple since Mental Illness I believe is misunderstood illness. The video the interviewer
remarked "we do not want to have him come in and go postal on us one day.
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Decrease Of The Behavior Of Perfectionism
This major term paper is designed to show the decrease of the behaviour of "perfectionism" within a
20 year old, male university student. This paper is designed to achieve a more realistic and
sustainable lifestyle as well as to decrease the negative effects of "perfectionism" and effective ways
of dealing with this type of behaviour. Negative effects of "perfectionism" typically include
depression, anxiety, OCD, deterioration of social aspects and emotional aspects. In the past methods
he has used included maintain outside social relations, decreasing the withdrawal period after an
unattainable goal hasn't been achieved. Often times the participant would seek advice from his
mother who also suffers from being a "perfectionist" by doing so ... Show more content on ...
Which in turn leads to failure, which will lead to disappointment and negative feelings of
worthlessness or not being good enough, which in time could lead to depression, anxiety, etc...
"Perfectionism – the maladaptive practice of holding oneself or others to an unrealistic, unattainable
or unsustainable standard of organization, order, or accomplishment in one particular area of living,
while sometimes neglecting common standards of organization, order or accomplishment in other
areas of living." (Out of the fog 2007–2015, retrieved from:–100–
trait–blog/2015/11/4/perfectionism). A full description of "perfectionism" as by article reads:
"Perfectionism in its Adaptive form is often seen as a compliment in reference to diligence and the
pursuit of excellence. But the Maladaptive (or neurotic) form is a destructive, dysfunctional type of
persistent perfectionism, which is ultimately damaging both to the perfectionist and to those closest
to them." (Out of the fog 2007–2015, retrieved from:–100–trait–
blog/2015/11/4/perfectionism). This is a personality disorder that the participant has struggled with
for as long as he can remember; the origin is unsure but is believed that it may have come from his
parents who are also "perfectionist." While there is no concrete evidence that "perfectionism" is
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Psychological Impacts Of Attachment Disorder

  • 1. Psychological Impacts Of Attachment Disorder Psychological Impacts of Attachment Disorder The theory of attachment was originally developed by John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst who was attempting to understand the extreme anguish experienced by infants who had been estranged from their parents. Attachment is the term developmental psychologists use to describe the emotional bond between infants and one or more adults. Attachment is like a security blanket. It allows infants to venture out and explore, returning to the adult as a place of protection. It is a building block for future relationships and for the development of the child 's personality. Most infants display a secure attachment: a balance of exploration and play with the desire to remain near their mothers or ... Show more content on ... The relationships between attachment classification, psychopathology, and personality traits during adolescence, undergoes a process of individuation, separation and profound socio–emotional changes. Throughout this period, attachment functions as a stress regulator, mediating internal security and proximity access, while emotion regulation is often linked to an increased rate of psychopathology (Rosenstein & Horowitz, 1996). Baby 's attachments develop in the following sequence: o Up to 3 months of age – Indiscriminate attachments. The newborn is predisposed to attach to any human. Most babies respond equally to any caregiver. o After 4 months – Preference for certain people. Infants they learn to distinguish primary and secondary caregivers but accept care from anyone. o After 7 months – Special preference for a single attachment figure. The baby looks to particular people for security, comfort and protection. It shows fear of strangers (stranger fear) and unhappiness when separated from a special person (separation anxiety). Some babies show stranger fear and separation anxiety much more frequently and intensely than others, but nevertheless they are seen as evidence that the baby has formed an attachment. This has usually developed by one year of age. o After 9 months – Multiple attachments. The baby becomes increasingly independent and forms several attachments. These results indicated that attachments were most ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Jeanine Mary In The Glass Castle Rose Mary Walls' character in The Glass Castle portrays someone who, upon first glance, doesn't appear to behave at all rationally in any situation, from her eccentric, unpredictable attitude to her seeming lack of regard for the well–being of her children. A closer analysis, however, reveals her attitude and ideas not only to be more consistent within her character, but reveals her to play an important role in the development of the story and key to the experience of the reader. This essay moves to reveal Rose Mary's role as a mirror to Jeanette's experience throughout the story, as well as exploring her character through Jeanette Walls' writing choices via diction and other literary tools to create a consistent character. By comparing the way Rose Mary is portrayed in the story before and after the Walls family's move to Welch, her relevance to the story is revealed. Before the Walls family moved to Welch, Rose Mary is introduced as a character, while rather eccentric, still serves as a core member of the Walls family. The very beginning of the book revolves around Jeanette's injury and subsequent visit to the hospital after she was allowed to cook hot dogs by her mother, despite her young age of three. This introduction sets the stage for a character, while a little strange in her very relaxed ideas of parenting, seems relatively normal in all respects. As the story progresses we see more of Rose Mary, each time with a focus on her eccentric views expressed through ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Evaluation Of The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory IIi... An Evaluation of the "Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III Manual, MCMI–III Third Edition Nikyra James Dr. Jacobsen Psyc 220 4/30/2015 The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III or MCMI–III is a level C, self–report personality test created by Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc, with Carrie Millon, PhD, Roger Davis, PhD, and Seth Grossman, PsyD. The MCMI–III was published originally by NCS Pearson, Inc in 1994 but was then re–released in 1997 (Millon et al, 1997). This test is pretty pricey coming at $406.95 for the fourth edition, the third edition is no longer available for purchase since a newer version has been published and using the third edition would be unethical. The price for the fourth edition of the MCMI–III personality test is for the manual scoring starting kit, which includes: 10 test booklets, 50 answer sheets, 50 worksheets, 50 profile forms and answer keys; however the plain manual without any of the additional required items can be purchased for $61.50. The fourth edition will be released later on this year, 2015 (Clinical Psychology, 2015). The MCMI–III Third edition is a test that assesses DSM–IV related personality disorders and syndromes for the use of people 18 years of age and older at an 8th grade reading level and is also available in Spanish (Clinical Psychology, 2015). "The primary purpose of the MCMI–III test is to provide information to clinicians–––psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, physicians, and nurses–––who must ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Crime Recidivism And Its Effects On Society It is estimated that 1% of the population is psychopathic and yet, they commit more than 50% of serious crimes and their crime recidivism is three times more likely than other criminals (how to create a psychopath). It is irrefutable that despite the fact that psychopaths do not comprise much of the population, they are dangerous and menacing to society. Their crimes are callous and gruesome, and often have a profound impact on society as psychopaths prey on as many people as they can, particularly vulnerable people, until they satisfy their needs. They cannot seem to distinguish between moral and conventional transgressions. To them, everything is conventional. They have little or no morality due to the fact that their frontal lobe is malfunctioning and fails to restrain them from harming someone or committing a crime. Justice provides a security blanket for all members of society. They desire that sense of safety and knowledge that the world is in order. Psychopaths walk among us and some are dangerous which causes a dilemma for society whether to lock them up and achieve justice for society or allow them to roam freely to achieve justice for psychopaths as a minority. Psychopaths continue to pose a threat to society primarily due to the fact that they suffer from a severe personality disorder that may cause them to act on their malicious whims at any time. Psychopaths seem less threatening to society when they are out of sight and locked away. Psychopathy is one of many ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Research Paper Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of the individual's culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency, ... Show more content on ... Although OCD and OCPD share some related features, they are two different disorders. As such, it is possible for a person to have both disorders. The primary distinction between these two disorders is the presence of obsessions and compulsions, as with OCD; or the absence them, as with OCPD. Compulsions are learned behaviors, which become repetitive and habitual when they are associated with relief from anxiety. OCD is due to genetic and hereditary factors. Chemical, structural and functional abnormalities in the brain are the cause. Distorted beliefs reinforce and maintain symptoms associated with ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial IIi The Millon Clinical Multiaxial III (MCMI–III) is a frequently used self–report personality inventory (Magalhaes, Magalhaes, Noblitt, and Lewis, 2012). Millon theorized that certain personality prototypes are directly related to certain disorders. This test takes approximately 25 minutes to complete (Choca, & Widiger, 2001). This version does include an optional Correctional Report to be used with the inmate population. The MCMI–III is used to evaluate individuals for interpersonal, emotional, or behavioral difficulties (Millon et al., 1994). The Millon Clinical Multiaxial IV (MCMI–IV) was recently released, however due to lack of published studies it will not be utilized in this review (Millon et al. The MCMI–III is a widely utilized ... Show more content on ... The 175 items are self report true–false items. The MCMI–III measures 14 personality disorders and 10 clinical syndromes (Strack, & Millon, 2007). It utilizes an ordinal scale to measure how well the examinee fit the constructs being measured. Each construct is split into two groups of items. One type of item (prototype) represents features that are unique to a disorder, and the other type of item (peripheral) represents features that may be similar to different construct item (Strack, & Millon, 2007). This accounts for why there is so much crossover between constructs. The prototypal items are weighted two and the peripheral items are only weighted one. The item weighting system of the MCMI–III was changed to a two point system in comparison to the three point systems used in previous versions (Craig & Bivens, 1998). The 24 scales are broken down into four sections designed to distinguish between the personality characteristics (Axis II) and the disorder displayed (Axis I) (Millon et al., 1994). The moderate personality disorder scales consist of Schizoid, Avoidant, Depressive, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Aggressive, Compulsive, Passive–Aggressive, and Self–defeating disorders (Millon et al., 1997). Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid Disorder make up the severe personality pathology scales (Millon et al., 1997). The moderate clinical syndrome scale is composed of Anxiety, Somatoform, Bipolar: Manic, Dysthymia, alcohol ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Personality Disorder Research Paper Personality Disorders When it comes to personality disorders, some have certain causes to get them; or you are born with them, They can be treated depending on the personality disorder otherwise they can't, there is one personality disorder that has many similarities with schizophrenia and then there is another personality disorder that has similarities were they are kinda like introverts but not really. "Most psychiatrists and psychologist agree that disordered personalities have their roots in childhood and are the result of specific stresses in the environment." (According to Friedland, Bruce) So people have their personality disorders form in their childhood and it comes from certain topics or events that have a lot of stress ... Show more content on ... So kids or adults with it could have it be determined as avoidant or they could have it be determined as schizoid just because of the similarities that the both have. "The exact cause of this disorder is not known." (According to Millon, Theodore) Because researchers and doctors do not know what is causing this type of disorder, anything around these people could be causing this certain disorder in people without them knowing what is causing it. "According to the ICD–10, a patient must have a minimum of four of these traits to be diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder: persistent and pervasive feelings of tension and apprehension, belief hat one is socially inept, personally unappealing or inferior to others, excessive preoccupation with being criticized or rejected in social situations, unwieldiness to become involved with people unless certain of being liked., restrictions in lifestyle because of need to have physical security, avoidance of social or occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism, disapproval, or rejection." (According to Millon, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Dependent Personality Disorder Research Paper Dependent Personality Disorder And How it can Affect your Daily Life Everyone has personality traits. Some people are shy while others are outgoing and some people are optimistic and some are pessimistic. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between a personality trait and a disorder. Personality disorders are diagnosed when ways of seeing, interpreting, or behaving in the world become inflexible and maladaptive. A personality disorder causes distress to self or others. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social encounters, work and school (Personality 2015). When diagnosing a patient, it is important ... Show more content on ... Cluster A personality disorders are characterized by odd, eccentric thinking or behavior. Paranoid personality disorder would fit under Cluster A. Cluster B is the wild cluster. People with these disorders have very dramatic, emotional or erratic behaviors. Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxious, fearful thinking or behavior. This cluster includes dependent personality disorder (Personality 2015). Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed personality disorders. The terrifying fear of being left alone and being abandoned are both signs of DPD. When faced with this disorder you really cling to other people, usually a significant other. You get self– satisfaction by being wanted by another person. Fourteen percent of people with personality disorders are diagnosed with DPD (Ekern 2013). The causes of dependent personality disorder to this day are unknown. Both biological and developmental factors are most likely involved (Dependent 2015). There are multiple speculations as to why people obtain this disorder like overprotective parenting. Also, one's social environment can play a role in DPD. In all most all cases the patient experiencing DPD has faced some sort of abuse or trauma, making them stick to another person (Ekern ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Joker Antisocial Personality Disorder Through these symptoms described, the Joker appears to have an Antisocial Personality Disorder along with schizophrenia. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual states that the criteria for APD are exhibiting at least 3 of the following traits: an inability to follow the social normality's, when it comes to the law especially if said acts lean toward reasons for arrest. When being deceitful i.e.; lying, conning others, using a name rather than your own. Another trait is to be impulsive (Tang, Jiang, Liao, Wang, & Luo, 2013). The Joker tends to be impulsive when he does large scale jobs. For example, in The Dark Knight he blew up the hospital without any sort of real escape plan, he knew he'd escape but he didn't have any sort of real plan. Aggressiveness ... Show more content on ... The Joker has no care whether or not he committed a crime, in fact that's his literal motif. He only cares about what he does, not who or what it affects. APD is diagnosed to those who contravene the rights of others without feeling bad or guilty. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Those with Antisocial Personality Disorder are likely to be persistent criminals and take part in actions which would be grounds for criminal arrest and hurt others in ways that are often considered unethical as well as in violation of societies' normalcy's. Those with APD are often considered to be antisocial. The term antisocial is often confused to mean not with society as dictated by slang. Most of the public confuses the term antisocial by pairing it with the meaning to be alone with one's self and away from others. The actual, correct usage of the word antisocial is to be literally against society; against the everyday rules that most people follow in order to be part of a society. While the intelligence of antisocial people is obviously well appropriated, they tend to have the ability to quickly analyze others and in doing so can realize what they desire and use that knowledge to manipulate said person. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Predestination And The Movie ' Predestination ' Predestination The movie Predestination has presented many great examples of different psychological cases. In the movie the plot of the story is that a bomber has killed many people and the main character has to go back in time to stop him. The aftereffects of going back in time multiple occasions is what may be a leading factor as to what each characters unique disorder may be, but the tiny details on the side is what reveals the bigger issue. The main characters are easy to breakdown and it 's obvious as to what each ones disorders are.The background of this character is directly unique to the movie as the main story of the movie is what causes him to develop all of his problems. The movie itself is a paradox and requires a lot of thought even after seeing it from a third person point of view so the characters themself face a harder grasp on the reality of what 's happening to them. The movie has three major characters that are unique to themselves and each other. The characters are all different to each other in many ways such as age, appearances, and even personalities yet they are crucial to each other at the end of the movie. The first character is a middle aged man named John, the second character is a younger woman named Jane, and the last character is an older man whose name is also John. The middle aged man, John, is the time traveling agent mentioned before whereas the older man named John is the fizzle bomber. The younger woman, Jane, works as a magazine ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Taking a Look at Sexual Sadism One of the clearest definitions of sexual sadism comes from a man who kidnapped, kept captive, sodomized, raped and even murdered many victims in several states across the nation over a certain period of time. "Sadism: The wish to inflict pain on others is not the essence of sadism one essential impulse to have complete mastery over another person to make him/her a helpless object of our will to become the absolute ruler over her, to become her God, to do with her as one pleases. To humiliate her, to enslave her, are means to this end, and the most important radical aim is to make her suffer since there is no greater power over another person than that of inflicting pain on her to force her to undergo suffering without her being able to defend herself. The pleasure in the complete domination over another person is the very essence of the sadistic drive." (Diaz, Hazelwood, Warren, 1990). By the end of this short essay you will have a better understanding of what a sexual sadist is, their qualifications, their characteristics, and treatments. Sexual sadist are usually males who become sexually aroused by the thought or act of inflicting suffering on others by dominating, restraining, blindfolding, cutting, strangling, mutilating or even killing the victim accompanied by a sexual act. The term comes from the famous Marquis de Sade who tortured others in order to satisfy his own sexual desires. Sadist usually imagine that they have complete control over their victim, when ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Antisocial Personality Disorder And Psychopathy What is Antisocial Personality Disorder? Antisocial Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long–standing pattern of disregard for other people's rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. A person with Antisocial Personality Disorder often feels little or no empathy toward other people, and doesn't see the problem in bending or breaking the law for their own needs or wants. The disorder usually begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into adulthood. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be heartless, distrustful, and condescending of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They are also known to be egotistical. (Bressert, Retrieved on ... Show more content on ... Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. There should also be signs of a conduct disorder in the individual as a child, whether or not it was ever diagnosed by a professional. Only adults 18 years or older can be diagnosed with this disorder. (Bressert, Retrieved on February 24, 2016, from) . Another diagnostic tool is The Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Originally designed to evaluate people accused or convicted of crimes, the check list consists of a 20 symptoms. When the checklist is executed, the total score shows how closely the individual matches the score of a typical psychopath. Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2. A typical psychopath ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Jeffrey Dahmer, The Milwaukee Monster Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most well–known serial killers of all time. He earned this reputation by his sick and twisted ways of killing and preserving his victim's body parts. From organizing bones in filing cabinets to freezing internal organs for later consumption, Dahmer proved to be a very sick and twisted individual. Throughout this paper it will be analyzing and discussing the life and possible diagnosis of Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee monster. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1960. Although Dahmer did not have a horrible childhood, it was not an ideal one. Jeffrey's mother, Joyce Dahmer was reported to have a rough pregnancy. Due to her complications she suffered from post–partum depression, resulting in withdrawal from Jeffrey. At the age of four he suffered from a double hernia. Although it was not a major surgical procedure young Jeffrey was confused and alone due to the fact that no one ever comforted and explained to him what was going on. At the age of six Jeffrey welcomed a little brother into the world. After his brother was born Jeffrey's father got a new job and they relocated to Ohio where Jeffrey's insecurities deepened. At the age of ten Jeffrey's parents started noticing his interest in experimenting with dead animals. Jeffrey would ride his bike around the woods and collect dead animals and then take them home. Once home he would do a variety of things with them from decapitating rodents, to bleaching ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Psychopaths: A Case Study The word "psychopath" may call to mind the sadistic Hollywood cannibal Hannibal Lector or the infamous serial killer from the 1970s Ted Bundy. This perception of psychopathy is accurate but incomplete. Psychopaths are significantly more likely to make contact with the criminal justice system and their crimes also tend to be more violent than those of other criminals (Carré et al., 2013). Psychopaths are found to be responsible for approximately 50% of serious crimes and make up about 20% of North American prisons (Hare, 1999). Psychopaths are notorious for being among society's most dangerous individuals; however, this category not only refers to the ruthless serial killers, sex–offenders, and stereotypical convicts. In reality, most psychopaths are not criminals. In fact, most psychopaths possess a superficial charm that makes them rather appealing. This paper will focus less on the extreme, criminalized psychopath and more on those whom we might unknowingly encounter in everyday life. After exploring the diagnostic criteria for psychopaths and how the qualities associated with psychopathy tend to be favored in the workplace, this paper will examine how the disorder poses ethical problems for corporations and how society is dealing with the issue. Before exploring the callous world of the psychopath, the distinction between psychopathy and sociopathy must be addressed. While these two terms are frequently used interchangeably, they are not identical diagnoses. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Social Media And Its Effects On Society Essay PERSONALITIES OF CYBERBULLIES BY CYNTHIA HUANG Introduction Deeply ingrained into the world, the concept of personality serves as the basis for all human interaction, and in this case, cyberbullying. With the explosion of social media and internet related activities, there has been a sudden increase in cyberbullying cases. Over the years, cyberbullying–which has often been linked "to harassing text messages, rumors spread online or through social media websites, and derogatory comments about someone on social media sites" (Stockdale, Coyne, Nelson, & Erickson, 2015)––has grown tremendously, accounting for nearly "42% of kids" (Laird, 2012). Despite cyberbullying being a widely–known issue that is prevalent in all levels of society, not everyone is aware of the main factor influencing cyberbullying–personality. By identifying the personalities behind the cyberbullying cases, individuals will become more successful in reducing the amount of cyberbullying cases. Personality can be interpreted in many ways, but "loosely interpreted, it is a complex set of characteristics which make up an individual's unique imprint" ("Factors of Bullying," 2015). In the world of cyberbullying, personality is indicative of the aggressor's temperament. Depending on each personality, the level of cyberbullying will vary significantly: mild, occasional rude remarks to the victim; to extreme, full–blown confrontations with repeated use of derogatory language. Due to the variance in personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Victimization of Teenage Girls What does it mean to be a girl according to society? How does society see it? In many countries, a girl is seen as powerless, uneducated, and too emotional to handle a man's job. For example, women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. In the past, writers used to describe a woman's role as the victim of many forms of discrimination in the United States of America. In other words, women were only involved in things that men thought were not important. For instance, women did not have any other role than being a housewife. They had to stay at home, watch the children, be responsible, and do all the chores. Nonetheless, American women got their freedom earlier comparing to other countries in the world. Now they are more independent, more ... Show more content on ... Kerry Cohen, as a practicing psychotherapist and writing teacher, provides in her book different resources and website where teen girls can get more information about these symptoms. Another second reason why teen girls are victimized is the culture of this society. Teen girls are told to be princesses when they are small. However when they are grown up they are told by their parents that they are too young to use inappropriate cloth. When they go out and meet other teens who wear sexy cloths, they are getting mixed feeling about it. Another example is when they watch TV they see girls in sexy cloths and they automatically think that it is right. The TV uses girls in bikinis to attract the audience. Even more, when teen girls go to school, they want to "fit" in their group of friends by wearing the same cloths because that is what they make them seem "cool." Therefore, how they are seen by others is more important than anything. Image comes first. They must do anything to "fit in the Cinderella's shoe." Likewise, on the short story, 'Where Are You Going, Where have You Been" written by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie wants attention at all costs. She enjoys when men are looking at her. Connie's mother never agrees with her that she is beautiful. Instead, Connie's mother criticizes her and compares her with June, her older sister. Then, Connie develops a low self–esteem because her family is not accepting her sexual admiration. For example, there is a part on ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay on Simon vs. Roger in Lord of the Flies In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, Simon represents the innate morality of humans, acting as a Christ–like figure, while Roger embodies the all present cruelty and inherent sadism of individuals. Throughout the novel, Simon remains unchanged in terms of morality, as others slowly turn to savagery and hunting, as can be seen when Jack's group become, "demoniac figures with faces of white and red and green." Instead Simon finds a quiet spot "in a little cabin screened off from the open space by a few leaves." By "holding his breath, he [cocks] a critical ear at the sounds of the island," using his secret cabin to meditate. Coupled with his deep connection to nature, Simon is revealed to be a Christ figure. When left alone with the ... Show more content on ... He "led the way straight through the castles, kicking them over, burying the flowers, scattering the chosen stones," only to remain, "watching the littluns." Maurice, however, "still felt the unease of wrongdoing." Jack's only fault was yearning for power, which corrupts those who wield it. Roger is corrupted and malevolent without ever thirsting for this power, and is therefore more evil than Jack. Roger keeps to himself, much like Simon, and remains consistently evil throughout the novel. Near the beginning, he "picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry–threw it to miss," held back by "the taboo of the old life." Later, he did not miss and "with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever," releasing a huge boulder and killing Piggy. Under the weight of the boulder, "the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." The main symbol for the democracy, equality and justice was indirectly destroyed by Roger. To him, "Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat," thus dehumanizing and objectifying them. When Sam and Eric were cornered by Jack's group of savages, Roger demonstrates his enjoyment for hurting others by "[advancing] upon them as one wielding a nameless authority." It was not for the sake of supremacy or control, but for unbridled sadistic pleasure. When Ralph finds Sam and Eric, they say that Roger is "a terror". He also points out that Jack is a terror, but the twins respond with "only ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Lars And The Real Girl Analysis Being sociable in life can be really difficult at times for certain people, this could not be shown more when director Craig Gillespie portrays this in Lars and the Real Girl. This movie is set up around one person and how their attitude on people greatly change. The main plot of the story revolves around Lars Lindstrom who is played by Ryan Gosling being one of these types of people in the start of the movie. In the beginning of the movie Lars is seen as a guy that doesn't like to interact with those around him very often. Lars goes so far that he goes back on his work when invited to breakfast with his brother Gus who is played by Paul and his wife Karin. This is also seen in his workplace as Lars focuses more on his work than on a new employee ... Show more content on ... The very first scenes of the movie Lars first accepts an invitation to have breakfast with Gus and Karin, but ends up going straight to work as soon as breakfast is being made. While accepting an invitation and ditching seems rude of Lars, when Karin goes back inside the house to tell Gus that Lars has accepted the invitation and that he owed her five dollars Gus was quick to say that he'll believe it when he sees it. Another instance like this happened when Lars goes to work Margo asks if Lars would want to carpool since both of them live close enough to ride together, at this point Lars seems to not even recognize the question that Margo is asking and Lars is reminded that it's his turn to go grab some coffee and continued like Margo was not even there. While being shy is one thing what Lars is showing in these first few scenes is that he doesn't feel like getting to know those around him. Lars in the beginning stages of the movie showed signs of being an introvert, which is defined as a person who generally prefers solitary activities instead of interacting with large groups of people. While Lars is mostly seen around small groups of people he still shows signs of an introverted person and how they act. But with interversion there are people that can work out of hiding themselves when it comes to either small or large groups of people as seen in the later parts of the movie. After the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Narcissistic And Cult Leaders Essay Narcissistic and Cult Leaders Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Cult Leaders Every day we face and deal with either small or big issues relating to terrorist leaders from inside and outside of country. During the past decade we have seen North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Idi Amain of Uganda and more, who have been described as crazy, cruel, lunatic, madman, psychopath and even worse. How could they acquire all the power, rule over people and become a leader in a country if they were such a psychopath? Ironically, they are just as rational as we are. We simply do not have a full understanding of their personalities, which are unusually different from societal norms and expectation. They are defined as a personality disorder. There are six personality disorders classified: sadistic, antisocial, paranoid, narcissistic, schizoid and schizotypal. Remarkably, most of these cult leaders have been suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which brings a dictatorship in social relationship and a fatal negative influential to both oneself and others. Any ... Show more content on ... The first cause of NPD is to have an inflated view of self or their importance, often at the expense of others. This trait is strongly associated with an attraction to political leadership. Grandiose people tend to hunger for power. They strive to occupy important positions of power and often become "dictators" toward establishing repressive structure, as Lobaczewski (2007) points out. They know how to manipulate people by skin color, language, nationality, wealth, religion, etc. That evokes people's emotion to hatred or ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. A Clockwork Orange : Antisocial Personality Disorder Essay Antisocial Personality Disorder ( ASPD) is a mental illness with various causal factors such as genetic predispositions, environment, parental neglect, gender, brain abnormalities, etc. The factors presented affect the character Alex DeLarge from Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1963). Despite Alex not being diagnosed, it is evident that he suffers from ASPD, it is clearly expressed through his behaviors and mentality. Eventually, Alex is incarcerated preceding a murder he committed, in order to be released early he enlists himself to a treatment so that he could be cured. The events that follow include his participation in the Ludovico Technique, an experimental form of aversion therapy which leaves him unable to fulfill the needs of his mental illness. A Clockwork Orange: Antisocial Personality Disorder and Alex DeLarge Previous research suggests that Alex DeLarge, a fictional character created by Anthony Burgess, was the epitome of evil. However, previous research has not considered the environmental, socio–economical, and physiological dispositions that molded him into the person he became. Hence, in this paper, it is argued that Alex DeLarge is at a greater risk for Antisocial Personality Disorder than most members of the general population. This is important because it allows us to view beyond the theatrics and the metaphors into a character that is mentally unstable not a villainous caricature in the eyes of the audience. Personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Shawn Lamb Research Paper Criminology Group Research Paper Winter 2017 Shawn Lamb – Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women By: Noah Elston, Nathan Clifford, Luke Hodgson, Deryck Williamson Shawn Lamb has confessed to the manslaughter of two aboriginal women, Lorna Blacksmith, and Carolyn Sinclair. In both cases he killed the women while under the influence of cocaine and claims to have killed them both because they stole the drugs and hid from him. The two theories are Andrews and Bonta's Personal, Interpersonal, Community–Reinforcement theory, and Farrington's Integrated Cognitive Antisocial Potential Theory. These theories accurately describe Lamb's relationship with crime and describe how had come to pursue his life of crime. As an antisocial ... Show more content on ... Inquiries into the mental wellbeing and "child friendliness" of hopeful foster parents should be a top priority. It should also be a requirement for foster families to be reviewed or at least monitored over the course of a few years to determine whether or not they are good parents. There should also be an increase in awareness regarding familial abuse including ways to identify it and help those who are victims of abuse. Conclusion: It appears that the Andrew and Bonta's personal, interpersonal, community–reinforcement theory more accurately describes the relationship Shawn Lamb has with crime than . The four main indicators of criminal reoffending all apply to Lamb, as well as many other minor indicators. This theory also suggests the reason as to why Lamb decides to behave in his criminal fashion. The many links used to research the career criminal Shawn Lamb have show that the early developmental stages ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Antisocial Personality Disorder Analysis mentioned, the general features that represent most personality disorders are chronic interpersonal difficulties, problems with ones identity or sense of self, and inability to function adequately in society. Personality disorders can stem form stressful events in life that may cause a person to develop inflexible, distorted personality and behavioral patterns that translate into maladaptive way of perceiving, thinking and interacting in the world. The people that have personality disorders struggle with maintaining healthy relationships and those that find themselves in a relationship with them find their behavior exhausting, confusing and unpredictable (Hooley, Butcher, Nock & Mineka, 2017). Antisocial Personality disorder 301.7 (F60.2) The ... Show more content on ... Many environmental factors and stressful events played a role with my son. Farrinton, 2006; Granic & Patterson, 2006 said that traumatic experiences and delinquent peers play a huge role in understanding antisocial personality disorder. "The number of antisocial behaviors exhibited in childhood is the single best predictor of who will develop an adult diagnosis of ASPD, and the younger the age at which problems start, the higher the risk" (Robins, 1978). This was so true with my son. Also, Lahey, Loeber, Burke, & Applegate, (2005) stated that children with oppositional defiant disorder towards authority figures usually begins by age 6 years old, followed by early onset–conduct disorder around age 9 are most likely to develop ASPD as adults. Gathering and asking all the pertinent information is going to be vital as a clinicians to make proper diagnoses. Hooley, Butcher, Nock, & Mineka, (2017) cautioned clinicians regarding diagnosis of personality disorders and said there are more misdiagnoses in this category of disorders than any other and said they are not as sharply defined as they are for most other diagnostic categories. Therefore, the clinician must exercise more judgement in making their diagnosis than is the case for many other ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Louise Belcher Case Study Louise Belcher most likely has a slight narcissistic personality disorder, and because she is only nine, I would actually experiment with Psychodynamic Therapy. I think Louise is afraid of many things and that's why she must be the alpha with everything in life. As the baby of the family, she has been able to get away with anything, which hasn't helped her in anyway as far as being aware of her choices. If we look back at her pink bunny ears, I think it's clear that she is holding on to something and her resistance manifests into narcissism. I would try my best to get her to identify whatever kind of transference she hasn't yet recognized. Growing up is difficult for everyone, but it might be something that is next to impossible for Louise. ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Psychopath And Sociopath Sociopath and Psychopath: Their Origins and Different Types The terms Sociopath and Psychopath has been used over and over again by numerous individuals without knowing their correct usage. These terms are so commonly used that differentiating it from each other and also to Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is difficult and complicated. One way of knowing how to use these terms accurately is to look at and examine its history and origins. Psychopaths, as deemed by most psychology researchers, are born with underdeveloped brain parts that are usually believed to be responsible for impulse control and emotion regulation. The amygdala, – a roughly almond–shaped mass of gray matter inside each cerebral hemisphere, involved with the experiencing of emotions – when impaired, give rise to the functional impairments shown by individuals with psychopathy. It is therefore suggested that amygdala dysfunction is one of the core neural systems implicated in the pathology of psychopathy. (Blair et al, 1999) Philippe Pinel (1801), the founding father of modern ... Show more content on ... They are the largest type of sociopath and have a weak or unelaborated conscience. They are not ashamed by the same things normal people would be ashamed of. Common sociopaths are like feral children grown up, taking pleasures and gratifying impulses at every opportunity or temptation. They especially enjoy and take pride in bending or breaking the rules. As teenagers, they are often runaways. As adults, they are often geographically mobile, living in shelters, or taking advantage of welfare systems. They are experienced shoplifters and have quite an active sex lives. They are usually of average intelligence, but don't do well in school and never seem to break out of low– paying dead–end jobs. Nevertheless, they seem genuinely happy with their lives, unburdened by any sense of negative self–worth or the fact that they have not been a functional, contributing member of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Sadistic Personality Disorder And Children Sadistic Personality Disorder in Children Review of literature indicates that Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits sadistic behavior throughout the film. Abnormal mental behavior of any kind in children is an important topic of study in psychology. There are many different kinds of mental illnesses that some children can exhibit and form into their adulthood (Hucker, 2012). Sadistic Personality Disorder is unfortunately one of the illnesses. Henry from The Good Son (1993) is a prime example of Sadistic Personality Disorder in children. Questions of Sadistic Personality Disorder include, 1. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; 2. What causes Sadistic Personality Disorder in children?; and 3. What can be done about Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? These are some of the questions that are asked and can be answered through a review of literature. Children with these illnesses are studied to find the reasons of the illness and to solve the problem. The cause of the illness is also identified when study's take place. What is Sadistic Personality Disorder in children? Sadistic Personality Disorder is defined as an individual 's pattern of cruel, harsh, aggressive, intimidating, humiliating, and demeaning behavior (Levesque, 2011). Henry from The Good Son (1993) exhibits this behavior by killing, threatening, etc. This disorder begins in childhood and is consistent thereafter (Hucker, 2012), as seen in Henry. This behavior ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Test Introduction It can be said that there are numerous tests that have been created by psychologists all over the world, but of all those tests how many are as unique as the Millon? Through rigorous research and reading I have selected the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III test. The Millon Clinical Multiaxical Inventory (3rded: MCMI–III) is a widely used psychological assessment of clinical and personality disorders (Grove, W. M., 2009). This test, now on its 3rd edition, has embodied several innovative ideas in personality and psychopathology assessment (Grove, 2003). Moving in–between the 3rd and 4th editions was a once in a lifetime opportunity and amazing learning experience. Through analysis of the MCMI–III manual and other ... Show more content on ... The MCMI–III structure is very simplistic it is composed of 175 true–false questions that reportedly takes twenty–five to thirty minutes to complete. This test is wonderful for rapid administration and minimizing patient fatigue and resistance (Millon, et al., 2006). It was created by Theodore Millon, Carrie Millon, Roger Davis, and Seth Grossman (Millon, et al., 2006). The test is easily accessible for the qualified individual who will be administering the test, and because it is not given to a normal population group if an individual needs to be tested they can easily be administered the test; For example one feature that the MCMI–III offers is Q–Local a software that allows test takers to take the MCMI–III on a laptop (Millon, et al., 2006). Purposes and use of this test This test is NOT a general personality instrument to be used with normal populations or for the purposes other than diagnostic screening or clinical assessment (Millon, et al., 2006). This test is only applicable to individuals who show problematic emotional and interpersonal symptoms or who are undergoing professional psychotherapy or psychodiagonistic evaluation (Millon, et al., 2006). Because this test is easy to administer and interpretation readily available this test can be used on routine basis in outpatient clinics, community agencies, mental health centers, college counseling programs, and general and mental hospitals (Millon, et al.,2006). The primary ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Annotated Bibliography: Character Annotated Bibliography: Character Emptiness is always a daily question to each person walking on the street. Human consciousness is the ultimate level among species: the capability of thinking about the future in many scenes and real–life situations. Throughout various stages of education, one's perspective grows wider; one proceeds to see things further, and the true size of one's value to the world. The more knowledge is absorbed, the bigger this capability grows. Meanwhile, the present does not change: social class, environment, place, current circumstance, and rules. With the limited ability to barely change the present, one's value varies and degrades. Because of that, the mental safe zone, where a perfect world is built in one's mind, is developed as an instinct to prevent the progress ... Show more content on ... Firstly, the sources listed will help me to have some insights about how morals are gradually taken away, and how self–centeredness becomes the main character that is developed in the next generation. Second, the sources will help me see how character and personalities are related each other; and the changes of one can lead to the changes of the other. Lastly, the sources will be useful in proving character educational programs are necessary. 1. Brooks, David. "Character in the Selfie Age." The Importance of Character, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, 19 June, 2015, London. Guest ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Case Of Suzanne Case Study Essay Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren Suzanne is diagnosed with a fairly mild case of schizophrenia and dependent personality disorder. According to the DSM 5 this falls under Schizotypal Personality Disorder 301.22 (F21). Individuals with Schizotypal Personality Disorder are categorized by a prevalent pattern of interpersonal and social boundaries. These individuals experience an acute distress in social settings and have a condensed capacity for close relationships. These individuals tend to be socially isolated, reserved, and distant for these reasons. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) The medical model focusses on problems of behavior, emotions, human relations, living and thought. In Suzanne's case she experiences behavior issues, she easily gets upset, ... Show more content on ... However, Suzanne experiencing paranoia, abnormal behaviors, magical thinking, depression, I would prescribe an antipsychotic medication such as Clozapine. Along with the clozapine I would want Suzanne to take an antidepressant such as Lexapro. Lexapro will help with certain symptoms, such as psychotic episodes and depression. I believer that Suzanne being adopted plays a big part in her life. Suzanne never hung out with people her own age. However, she was close to her little sister and did a lot with her friends. Her adoptive mother put so much pressure on her to do things that she did not want to do. This left Suzanne with emotional scaring, because at the same time she was made fun of. I feel that Suzanne's adoptive mother babied her as well never learning how to live on her on. She did not know how to function without someone being there at night with her. With treatment, as I stated before I would treat Suzanne by using psychotherapy. In with the psychotherapy I would add CBT to identify and change Suzann's distorted thought patterns, teaching her explicit social skills, and changing problem ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder Abstract Many theorists for decades have presented theoretical approaches in an effort to comprehend personality. Hence, to this date, no theorist has been able to find all the answers in their theory to understand an individual personality. The purpose of this paper is to present –the Trusty model of dependent personality disorder. Major topics relevant to the disorder will be explored including the human image (determination vs. free will, nature vs. nurture and the past vs. the present) as well as the dysfunctional personality style. As you read this paper, I hope you will be more enlightened from the information presented and also gain a better understanding of dependent personality disorder. Keywords: dependent, theory, personality, Trusty, model Personality Theory: The Trusty Model To be honest people need each other. We exist as social creatures. However, it is almost a tough situation to co–exist with individual who suffer from dependent personality disorder as a result of their clingy behavior. The Trusty model for dependent personality disorder is described below. Components of the Trusty Model of Dependent Personality Disorder Image of Human Nature Nature versus nurture. The origin of personality is character–biological nature with a heredity support. Individuals with dependent personality generally display orientation towards being vigilant and at the same time apprehensive as far back as their childhood age (Bornstein, 1992). However, growing up ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Serial Killers And The Serial Killer Although the prevalence of the serial killer is ultimately unknown, many researchers agree about "one–half of 1%" of homicides are determined to be the product of serial killers (Homant & Kennedy, 2014). In order to prevent future victims, improve the ability of law enforcement to detect and apprehend, potentially incorporate treatment for current serial killers, and increase the ability to detect potential future serial killers it is important to identify characteristics that may cause one to become a serial killer. The question researchers have strived to answer is are serial killers born or are there explicit factors that contribute to someone ultimately becoming a serial killer? Researchers have potentially exposed several factors that potentially contribute to one becoming a serial killer. These conditions are notably greater in prevalence in known serial killers compared to the general population. These factors consist of family dynamics/parental characteristics, experienced child abuse (physical, sexual, and neglect), and psychological disorders. Serial Killers: Born or Created Dependent Variable A serial killer is an individual who has killed three or more people during separate incidents and at possibly different geographic locations where there is a cooling off period between each homicide (Homant & Kennedy, 2014). Researchers have identified several typologies of serial killers, however most of the research has been done on the serial sexual sadist ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Lars And The Real Girl Analysis Intro Lars and the real girl is a 2007 movie that follows the story of an extremely shy man, Lars, and his inadequate skills to socialise or even make friends. As Lars had poor social skills, his brother (Gus) and his sister–in–law (Karin) worrys terribly that he would be lonely forever, until one day, they are overwhelmed with the news that Lars has indeed met someone over the internet. They soon realise that Lars' new girlfriend is infact a life–sized doll, whom he communicates with, fights with, and takes out to public places. Thankfully, a psychologist named Patricia Clarke guides Lars and his family through the delusions, enabling a new life within the community for Lars and his 'real' doll. As a young boy, Lars suffered with the loss ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Jig On Abortion Jig became impregnated by the American, most likely on the trips they had been taking together, at one of the many hotels they had been staying at. Whether it was intentional on anyone's part, or whether it happened completely by accident is never once mentioned in the story. But from what we can understand, the American wanted absolutely nothing to do with their baby. He believed they would be much happier without the baby and because of this, he was constantly pressuring Jig in an exhausting pursuit to get Jig to agree to kill the baby.Though the author decided to keep the name of the procedure out of the story, the details are sufficient to know that it was indeed an abortion that the American wanted. He even described it as a procedure ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, as the baby had come at an unexpected time, the parents had not been ready, which had caused massive tension for both parties. When Jig had stared out over yonder to the hills something had settled into place inside her brain and she had realized that maybe she did not want to get rid of her baby after all. She even goes off to remark that the hills do not actually look like white elephants after all, but that they are actually quite lovely. This shows that she indeed was warming up to the thought of the sweet child and that she was most probably going to end up giving birth. In any story, no matter what kind, I think that if you read a sentence that the character is actually thinking, or in this case, if we read how Jig compared her child to white elephants, rather than having the author say it to us directly, it gives us more of a closer bond to the character. We know she is struggling, we can clearly read the signs with her words, and her body language, with the symbolisms. If we read it as if it came from her own lips, with her own words, it gives us a deeper understanding of the kind of persona she has and the words she uses to carry ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Ender's Game Sadism Sadistic personality disorder, also known as sadism, is a condition in which someone enjoys seeing someone or something suffer. Although it is no longer considered as a valid diagnostic category in the current revision or the Diagnostic and Statistical 4th Edition (DSM–IV), it is still approached as a personality disorder. To this day there is no single known cause to this personality disorder, although there are many theories. For some, it is caused by abuse early in their life for others it is caused by brain abnormalities and chemical imbalances. For some there is nothing in their medical or personal histories that would cause future personality disorders. These behaviors typically appear during adolescence and get into bigger problems ... Show more content on ... The young boy was Andrew Wiggin he was a Third meaning he was a third child during the time period that the military passed a law that stated that each family may only have two children. The government authorized Andrews birth because he was part of an experiment. The book starts off with Ender(Andrew) getting his monitor taken out. Peter is the older brother of Valentine and Ender. He lacks the compassion that Valentine and Ender have, and is ruthless. He is very good at manipulating. Peter decides to rule the world and convinces Valentine. Under fake names Peter takes in the name Locke. Through the nets of communication he begins to gather power. After Ender destroys the bugger race Peter gets in command of earth he becomes the hegemon. His ambition is satisfied, he likes being in control of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Avoidant Personality Disorder: Charlie Brown Avoidant Personality Disorder Name : Charlie Brown Source : Charlie Brown ( First Debut October 2, 1950) Background Information : The storyline of Charlie Brown is focused on a very small social circle of young children. One of the main animated character is Charlie Brown who has various insecurities. The author made a common connection between himself and the character. He was a child who others preyed on and made a mockery out of. The comical was used as an example of a great American un–success story, where the character failed at everything he attempted to do. Charlie Brown was always prone to bad luck. Description Of The Problem : People with Avoidant Personality Disorder commonly ponder on their own shortcomings. They may feel reluctant ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Personality Assessment of Felix Unger in the Odd Couple A Personality Assessment of the character Felix Unger in the Movie The Odd Couple Argosy University Abstract This paper analyzes and assesses the personality of the character Felix Unger (played by Jack Lemmon) in the movie, The Odd Couple. The paper starts by offering a synopsis of the movie, which is followed by a description of Mr. Unger, his presenting problem, a mental status examination of him, and a history of Mr. Unger's background. Next the paper offers a five–axis diagnostic impression of Mr. Unger and rationalization for such diagnoses. The paper develops a case formulation which includes the pathology behind Mr. Unger's diagnosis and recommendations for treatment. Both the case formulation and recommendations for treatment ... Show more content on ... After our first meeting it became clear that Mr. Unger was resigned to the fact that he needs to make major changes in his life. The fact that he lost his wife and nearly lost his best friend, as well, were clearly weighing heavily on him. Mental Status Examination: Mr. Unger is approximately 55 years– old, is Caucasian–American, and recently separated from his wife with whom he has two school– aged children. He dresses impeccably in pressed suits and polished shoes. He is clean cut and shaven. His hair is cut short and is neatly parted to one side. He has a rigid and stiff posture. He displays rigidity in his thought content which are manifested in preoccupations with cleanliness and his family affairs. He is inflexible in his personality. His wife recently separated from him and called him "impossible to live with." During their relationship he displayed a huge need to be in control by doing things such as re–cooking a meal she made because he felt he could do a better job or obsessive cleaning their apartment and complaining when she was messy. While he loved her very much and had a sense that he was annoying her, he is so inflexible in his personality that he was unable to make changes. Mr. Unger's mood is normally elevated due to his obsessive–compulsive nature. He is generally pre–occupied with his job, ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Paranoid Personality Disorder Cluster PERSONALITY DISORDERS: CLUSTER A Question: Choose one of the clusters of personality disorders as categorised by the DSM–5. Describe, compare and contrast at least two personality disorders from this cluster in terms of their symptomology, diagnosis, treatment and other factors. A personality disorder is defined as 'an enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individuals culture as manifested in two (or more) of the following areas; cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning and impulse control' (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 2013). There are three categories that personality disorders are split into. Cluster A – Odd or eccentric behaviour, cluster ... Show more content on ... Individual therapy, including dynamic therapy which focuses on intensive– exploratory and transference focus psychotherapies, cognitive behavioural therapy and supportive therapy which focuses on encouragement and adaptive skills. (Gabbard, 2004) ScPD can also gain from group therapy although mistrust may interfere it can help in breaking down barriers o thoughts in that individuals head that people won't like them in order to help them achieve a realistic sense of self. Also useful is family therapy in order to gain understanding of the disorder and get the support of the family, rather than them not understand and make ScPD worse. ScPD is the only disorder in this cluster which has medication, although highly diverse and no unitary prescription they do tend to benefit from antipsychotic ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Personality Disorder Research Paper Jadelyn Lorton English 10 Mrs. Wintrow 10 April,2015 Personality Disorder What are personality disorders and what do they do? There are a numerous of personality disorders and people that have them. You can't look at someone sometimes and know right away. For example, Robin Williams had the bipolar disorder but most people couldn't tell. "Personality disorder is a psychiatric term and draws on a medical framework to try to understand human emotions, behaviour and distress" (Diagnosis). Personality disorders are broken into 3 different classifications, Cluster A, Cluster B and Cluster C (Diagnosis). Cluster A comprises with the paranoid ,schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder (Diagnosis). Cluster B comprises with antisocial, ... Show more content on ... A person that has Dependent personality disorder has a lack of self–confidence and an excessive need to be taken care of, fears abandonment and may go to considerable lengths to secure and maintain relationships(1). They often feel safe and secure in the hands of people that they know will protect them. People with the avoidant personality disorder are " persistently tense, belives they are socially inept, unappealing, fear being embarrassed, criticized or rejected." (1). Anxiety plays a huge role in this disorder. People with the obsessive– compulsive disorder tend to have an "excessive preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization and schedules" (1). For example Mrs. Heitkamp flipped the lights on and off until it felt right to her, she counted to three each time. In Cluster C, anxiety is the main key. The cure and treatment... Personality disorders affect people of all ages and sizes. They range from anxiety to phobias. Majority of the time you could never guess someone had them. The quote " Don't judge a book by its cover" comes in to play with the personality disorders. You have to go to a doctor to get diagnosed with it and depending on the type of disorder you have you can get help and ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Mental Illness Narrative 1st narrative– What the video is implying that being forthcoming and disclosing the fact that you have been treated for a mental illness, OCD along with depression. That required you to stop working due to unreasonable thoughts and fears or obsessions, and go on disability. At this time it appears that your OCD is under control with medication. You would like to return to the workforce However thou you are well qualified for the job, you were not going to have it. Since being diagnosed with the two mental illness anywhere you applied for a job, getting hired would be difficult. Simple since Mental Illness I believe is misunderstood illness. The video the interviewer remarked "we do not want to have him come in and go postal on us one day. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Decrease Of The Behavior Of Perfectionism This major term paper is designed to show the decrease of the behaviour of "perfectionism" within a 20 year old, male university student. This paper is designed to achieve a more realistic and sustainable lifestyle as well as to decrease the negative effects of "perfectionism" and effective ways of dealing with this type of behaviour. Negative effects of "perfectionism" typically include depression, anxiety, OCD, deterioration of social aspects and emotional aspects. In the past methods he has used included maintain outside social relations, decreasing the withdrawal period after an unattainable goal hasn't been achieved. Often times the participant would seek advice from his mother who also suffers from being a "perfectionist" by doing so ... Show more content on ... Which in turn leads to failure, which will lead to disappointment and negative feelings of worthlessness or not being good enough, which in time could lead to depression, anxiety, etc... "Perfectionism – the maladaptive practice of holding oneself or others to an unrealistic, unattainable or unsustainable standard of organization, order, or accomplishment in one particular area of living, while sometimes neglecting common standards of organization, order or accomplishment in other areas of living." (Out of the fog 2007–2015, retrieved from:–100– trait–blog/2015/11/4/perfectionism). A full description of "perfectionism" as by article reads: "Perfectionism in its Adaptive form is often seen as a compliment in reference to diligence and the pursuit of excellence. But the Maladaptive (or neurotic) form is a destructive, dysfunctional type of persistent perfectionism, which is ultimately damaging both to the perfectionist and to those closest to them." (Out of the fog 2007–2015, retrieved from:–100–trait– blog/2015/11/4/perfectionism). This is a personality disorder that the participant has struggled with for as long as he can remember; the origin is unsure but is believed that it may have come from his parents who are also "perfectionist." While there is no concrete evidence that "perfectionism" is hereditary, ... Get more on ...