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Drivers of Internet Shopping 
Mohamed Khalifa and Moez Limayem 
The two distinct forms of e-commerce—business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer 
(B2C)—have emerged as an important way of doing business that will surely 
grow in years to come. According to some recent forecasts, total Web sales will reach 
1.4 trillion dollars in 2004. Most of the growth, however, is expected to be in B2B, with 
projected B2C barely constituting 21% of Web sales in 2004 [3]. With the exception of 
software, hardware, travel services, and a few other niche areas, shopping on the Internet 
is far from universal, even among people who spend long hours online. While B2C has 
not yet attained widespread acceptance in the overall scheme of e-commerce, the poten-tial 
is definitely there. Indeed, there is substantial room for the growth of B2C once the 
major obstacles are overcome. 
Although some of the hurdles to the growth of B2C e-commerce have been dis-cussed 
in the literature, we still lack a good understanding of consumer behavior on 
the Internet and how new technologies challenge the traditional assumptions under-lying 
conventional theories and models. Butler and Peppard [1], for example, explain 
the failure of IBM-sponsored Web shopping malls on a lack of understanding of the 
true nature of consumer behavior on the Internet. A critical understanding of this 
behavior in cyberspace, as in the physical world, cannot be achieved without a good 
appreciation of the factors affecting the purchase decision. If cybermarketers know 
how consumers make these decisions, they can adjust their marketing strategies to fit 
this new way of selling so that they can convert potential customers to real ones and 
retain them. Similarly, Web site designers, who are faced with the difficult question 
of how to design pages to make them not only popular but also effective in increas-ing 
sales, can benefit from such an understanding. 
In this research we applied well-established behavioral theories to explain Inter-net 
consumer behavior. We then conducted a longitudinal survey study to identify 
key factors influencing purchasing on the Web and to examine their relative impor-tance. 
The results of this study enhance our understanding of consumer behavior on 
the Web and lead to valuable implications for marketers and managers on how to 
Mohamed Khalifa ( is an associate professor and director of the Asia Centre for 
Electronic Business at City University of Hong Kong. 
Moez Limayem ( is an associate professor and coordinator of the BBA Electronic 
Commerce Program in the Information Systems Department at City University of Hong Kong. 
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies 
are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy 
otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 233 
© 2003 ACM
develop effective strategies to win the battles of cyber competition. The findings of 
this study should also help Web designers in their difficult task of designing sites that 
must compete with millions of other sites on the Web. 
Explaining Internet Consumer Behavior 
Studies that investigated consumers’ perceptions of obstacles hindering the development 
of Internet shopping have reported several concerns, for example, security, trust, band-width, 
legal framework. These concerns, however, will soon become irrelevant. The 
rapid development of e-commerce technology will alleviate the security and bandwidth 
problems. Several governments have realized the strategic importance of e-commerce 
and are rapidly developing appropriate legal frameworks. Perceptions will also change as 
more and more people adopt Internet shopping. As these concerns are being addressed, 
other factors, such as the convenience of the entire shopping cycle (ordering, payment, 
delivery, and support), product quality and variety, and customer service, become more 
salient. Although most of these factors have been discussed in the e-commerce literature, 
their effects and their relative importance are still not well understood. This lack of 
understanding is causing a wide confusion regarding what is really happening, how 
much potential there is, and what companies should be doing to take advantage of 
Internet shopping. 
This study sheds light on Internet consumer behavior through the application and 
empirical testing of a comprehensive behavioral model. Based on a thorough literature 
review and focus group meetings with 177 Internet consumers, we identified important 
factors affecting the adoption of Internet shopping and the level of its use. The elicita-tion 
of these factors was based on a well-accepted behavioral model proposed by Trian-dis 
[4]. According to this model, behavior is preceded by intentions and is affected by 
facilitating conditions. Intentions are in turn determined by social influences, attitude 
towards the behavior, and perceived consequences of the behavior among other factors. 
Seven perceived consequences were identified as particularly influential. The partici-pants 
in the focus groups perceived that their Internet shopping behavior was motivated 
by cheaper prices, convenience, saving time, improved customer service, and their abil-ity 
to do comparative shopping. They also thought that they would shop on the Inter-net 
more frequently if they did not have concerns regarding risks of security breach and 
privacy violation. On the social side, the influences of the family, media, and friends 
were perceived to be important. The participants also identified five conditions for facil-itating 
Internet shopping. These included transaction efficiency, navigation efficiency, 
product description, site accessibility, and Web page loading speed. 
Internet Shopping Surveys 
Following the elicitation of the beliefs of Internet shoppers regarding the various fac-tors 
affecting their intentions and behavior, we conducted a longitudinal study con-sisting 
of two online surveys. The first survey was aimed at assessing the intentions of 
Internet shoppers regarding their future behavior (shopping frequency) and exploring 
the determinants of these intentions, such as attitude, perceived consequences, and 
social influences. A total of 6110 consumers were chosen randomly from 4 Internet-based 
directories and were solicited by email to complete the first online question-naire. 
The respondents were told that they would be asked to answer a second 
questionnaire in three months and that, in order to match the first questionnaire with 
234 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
the second one, they had to specify the last five digits of their phone number. This 
method allowed us to keep the survey anonymous while enabling us to match the 
answers of the two questionnaires to the same individual. A total of 1410 responded 
to the first survey. The second survey, on the other hand, focused on investigating the 
effects of intentions (assessed in the first survey) and facilitating conditions on actual 
Internet shopping behavior. Only 705 of those who responded in the first round 
answered the second questionnaire. Table 1 describes the demographic profile of the 
Results and Discussion 
The analysis of the data was done in a holistic manner using Partial Least Squares (PLS), 
a procedure that tests both the structural model (hypothesized relationships between fac-tors) 
and the measurement models (items measuring each factor) simultaneously (see 
[2]). The results of the analysis are presented in Figure 1. The significant effects (signif-icant 
path coefficients for constructs and weights for measurements items, as indicated 
by t-statistics) are indicated with solid lines with the most important ones (highest coef-ficients 
& weights) in double lines. Both intentions and facilitating conditions are found 
to affect Internet shopping behavior (that is, frequency of shopping) significantly. Facil-itating 
conditions, however, have a more important effect. It is not enough to form an 
intention to shop online; such an intention will not translate into action if the appro-priate 
conditions are not present. All facilitating conditions, identified through the lit- 
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 235 
Percentage (%) 
Less than 20 years 
20 – 35 years 
35 – 50 years 
Greater than 50 years 
Missing values 
Missing values 
Annual Income 
Less than 20,000 USD 
20,000 – 35,000 USD 
35,000 – 50,000 USD 
Greater than 20,000 USD 
Missing values 
Number of Purchases within 3 Months 
1 – 5 purchase(s) 
5 – 10 purchases 
10 – 15 purchases 
15 – 20 purchases 
Over 20 purchases 
Missing values 
Table 1. D emographics.
Intention to shop online 
erature review and the belief-elicitation process, are significant. These findings highlight 
the importance of transaction efficiency, product description, navigation efficiency, 
Web-page loading speed, and site accessibility in assisting the Internet consumers to act 
on their intentions. 
236 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 
Actual Internet 
Web Page 
Loading Speed 
Most important effects 
Significant effects 
Insignificant effect s 
Figure 1. Significance and relative importance of Internet shopping factors.
Although all significant, two out of the five facilitating conditions emerged as the 
most important ones, specifically, site accessibility and transaction efficiency. To 
enhance the accessibility of an Internet shop, one has to make sure that the site is 
always up and running (available) and that it can be easily located. Choosing the 
appropriate domain name, registering the site with important search engines and 
optimizing its ranking, reminding visitors to bookmark the site address, and estab-lishing 
a presence in popular cybermalls are all techniques that can enhance the acces-sibility 
of Internet shops. Improving the transaction efficiency, on the other hand, 
requires the optimization of the cycle times associated with product identification and 
selection, ordering, delivery, and after-sale service. While some aspects of transaction 
efficiency are associated with the user-interface design (for example, number of clicks 
required), others are associated with the reengineering of the order taking and fulfill-ment 
Although not as important as accessibility and transaction efficiency, the other facil-itating 
conditions—product description, navigation efficiency, and Web page loading 
speed—are nevertheless significant and should not be neglected. To improve loading 
speed, the literature provides a number of guidelines for Web designers, such as keeping 
graphics simple and meaningful, limiting the use of unnecessary animation and multi-media 
plug-in requirements, using thumbnails, providing a “text-only” option, continu-ously 
monitoring the server and the Internet routes, and allowing text to load first, 
followed by graphics. To improve navigation efficiency, Web designers should carefully 
think of their online store layout. Some online stores keep a similar layout to that of the 
physical stores with which customers are already familiar. Other useful guidelines for 
navigation design include creating intuitive/meaningful hyperlinks and labeling them 
properly, providing a site map, and developing an effective search engine. It is important 
to note that navigation efficiency affects transaction efficiency (discussed previously), an 
important facilitating condition of online shopping. Finally, providing a good product 
description is a significant facilitating condition that can minimize an important draw-back 
of online shopping: the inability of the customer to physically feel and examine the 
product. Enhancing the information content of the product is often cited in the litera-ture 
as one of the critical success factors of online shopping. While in a physical store 
customers may complain about information shortage, in an online store they may be 
overwhelmed by information. The main challenges of Web designers are therefore to 
decide on the appropriate amount of information, to organize it, and to present it prop-erly. 
The results also indicate that the intentions of Internet consumers are significantly 
affected by the perceived consequences of online shopping, the consumers’ attitudes 
towards it, and social influences. Perceived consequences of online shopping, however, 
have the most important effect. Out of the hypothesized seven consequences, five are 
perceived to matter. The insignificant two are privacy violation and convenience. Sur-prisingly, 
our respondents did not give much importance to the convenience (anywhere 
and anytime) and privacy factors in forming their intention to shop on the Internet. 
Instead, they were enticed by cheaper prices, saving time, improved customer service, 
and the ability to do comparative shopping while they were discouraged by security con-cerns. 
There is a clear indication that security remains a big hurdle for the growth of 
B2C despite the important improvements in the technical solutions. Therefore, Inter-net 
retailers should work on their consumers’ perceptions in addition to implementing 
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 237
effective security measures. The results also indicated that the possibility of saving time 
is an important perceived consequence of online shopping. This is a confirmation of the 
significance of transaction efficiency and represents an important guideline for Web 
designers. Improved customer service is also found to be a significant perceived conse-quence 
of online shopping. Preferably, customer service and support should cover pre-purchase 
interactions, purchase, and post-purchase activities. According to the 
literature, one of the main advantages of Internet shopping is the improvement of infor-mation 
content, customization, and speed of customer service. In addition to improv-ing 
customer satisfaction, online support can also reduce the operational costs of 
businesses. For example, adding a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section about the 
company and its products/services can significantly reduce customer requests and can 
alleviate the burden on call centers. Another perceived consequence that is found to be 
significant in this study is comparative shopping. Supporting the search-and-compari-son 
activities of shopping helps the consumer to make a more informed decision. 
Finally, out of all perceived consequences, cheaper prices emerge as having the most 
important influence on intention formation. The bottom line for Internet consumers is 
saving money. This is an important factor for Internet retailers to take into considera-tion 
in formulating their business strategies in general and their marketing strategies in 
Other significant factors affecting intention formation for online shopping are 
social influences. The literature indicates that individuals use the Internet more fre-quently 
if they have a more socially supportive environment, including friends and 
relatives who are also Internet users. Our results indicate that online shoppers are sig-nificantly 
influenced by family members and the media rather than by friends. What 
is new in this study is that the media turned out to have the most important social 
influence on forming intentions to shop online. These days, one can hardly read a 
newspaper or watch TV without coming across some e-commerce news or commer-cials. 
The media can therefore play a very important role in the development of B2C. 
Although online advertising presents several advantages, it is not supposed to com-pletely 
replace, but rather supplement, the traditional advertising channels. The 
importance of media influence indicated by the results of our study implies that 
online businesses should promote their sites in the media—radio, TV, newspapers, 
and trade journals. 
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of online consumer 
behavior through an investigation of factors affecting online shopping intentions and 
behavior. This was done based on a well-established behavioral model. Coupling 
belief elicitation through focus groups with a review of prior research allowed us to 
obtain a salient set of measures that resulted in interesting practical implications for 
Web designers and marketers about the critical drivers of facilitating conditions, 
social factors, and perceived consequences of online shopping. The use of a longitu-dinal 
approach for data collection provided a causal understanding of the factors 
affecting online shopping intentions and behavior. Nevertheless, this study, like all 
others, is not without limitations. It is important to recognize that online shopping 
behavior was self-reported and was assessed only once, three months from the time 
intentions were measured. Moreover, we did not evaluate the breadth of this behav- 
238 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
ior (that is, the variety of products bought) or its change over time. We realize that it 
is important for businesses to sell, but what is probably more important is to retain 
their customers for repeated purchases. Future research should use a wider variety of 
measures of online shopping and track the shopping behavior over a longer period of 
1. Butler, P. and Peppard, J. Consumer purchasing on the Internet: Processes and prospects. 
European Management Journal 16, 5 (Oct. 1998), 600–610. 
2. Chin, W. W. The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling. Lawrence 
Erlbaum Associates, 1998. 
3. ePayments Resource Center. Electronic transactions statistics, 1999; 
4. Triandis, C. H. Values, attitudes and interpersonal behavior. Nebraska Symposium on Moti-vation 
(1979). Beliefs, Attitudes and Values, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE, 1980. 
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 239

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  • 1. Drivers of Internet Shopping Mohamed Khalifa and Moez Limayem The two distinct forms of e-commerce—business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C)—have emerged as an important way of doing business that will surely grow in years to come. According to some recent forecasts, total Web sales will reach 1.4 trillion dollars in 2004. Most of the growth, however, is expected to be in B2B, with projected B2C barely constituting 21% of Web sales in 2004 [3]. With the exception of software, hardware, travel services, and a few other niche areas, shopping on the Internet is far from universal, even among people who spend long hours online. While B2C has not yet attained widespread acceptance in the overall scheme of e-commerce, the poten-tial is definitely there. Indeed, there is substantial room for the growth of B2C once the major obstacles are overcome. Although some of the hurdles to the growth of B2C e-commerce have been dis-cussed in the literature, we still lack a good understanding of consumer behavior on the Internet and how new technologies challenge the traditional assumptions under-lying conventional theories and models. Butler and Peppard [1], for example, explain the failure of IBM-sponsored Web shopping malls on a lack of understanding of the true nature of consumer behavior on the Internet. A critical understanding of this behavior in cyberspace, as in the physical world, cannot be achieved without a good appreciation of the factors affecting the purchase decision. If cybermarketers know how consumers make these decisions, they can adjust their marketing strategies to fit this new way of selling so that they can convert potential customers to real ones and retain them. Similarly, Web site designers, who are faced with the difficult question of how to design pages to make them not only popular but also effective in increas-ing sales, can benefit from such an understanding. In this research we applied well-established behavioral theories to explain Inter-net consumer behavior. We then conducted a longitudinal survey study to identify key factors influencing purchasing on the Web and to examine their relative impor-tance. The results of this study enhance our understanding of consumer behavior on the Web and lead to valuable implications for marketers and managers on how to Mohamed Khalifa ( is an associate professor and director of the Asia Centre for Electronic Business at City University of Hong Kong. Moez Limayem ( is an associate professor and coordinator of the BBA Electronic Commerce Program in the Information Systems Department at City University of Hong Kong. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 233 © 2003 ACM
  • 2. develop effective strategies to win the battles of cyber competition. The findings of this study should also help Web designers in their difficult task of designing sites that must compete with millions of other sites on the Web. Explaining Internet Consumer Behavior Studies that investigated consumers’ perceptions of obstacles hindering the development of Internet shopping have reported several concerns, for example, security, trust, band-width, legal framework. These concerns, however, will soon become irrelevant. The rapid development of e-commerce technology will alleviate the security and bandwidth problems. Several governments have realized the strategic importance of e-commerce and are rapidly developing appropriate legal frameworks. Perceptions will also change as more and more people adopt Internet shopping. As these concerns are being addressed, other factors, such as the convenience of the entire shopping cycle (ordering, payment, delivery, and support), product quality and variety, and customer service, become more salient. Although most of these factors have been discussed in the e-commerce literature, their effects and their relative importance are still not well understood. This lack of understanding is causing a wide confusion regarding what is really happening, how much potential there is, and what companies should be doing to take advantage of Internet shopping. This study sheds light on Internet consumer behavior through the application and empirical testing of a comprehensive behavioral model. Based on a thorough literature review and focus group meetings with 177 Internet consumers, we identified important factors affecting the adoption of Internet shopping and the level of its use. The elicita-tion of these factors was based on a well-accepted behavioral model proposed by Trian-dis [4]. According to this model, behavior is preceded by intentions and is affected by facilitating conditions. Intentions are in turn determined by social influences, attitude towards the behavior, and perceived consequences of the behavior among other factors. Seven perceived consequences were identified as particularly influential. The partici-pants in the focus groups perceived that their Internet shopping behavior was motivated by cheaper prices, convenience, saving time, improved customer service, and their abil-ity to do comparative shopping. They also thought that they would shop on the Inter-net more frequently if they did not have concerns regarding risks of security breach and privacy violation. On the social side, the influences of the family, media, and friends were perceived to be important. The participants also identified five conditions for facil-itating Internet shopping. These included transaction efficiency, navigation efficiency, product description, site accessibility, and Web page loading speed. Internet Shopping Surveys Following the elicitation of the beliefs of Internet shoppers regarding the various fac-tors affecting their intentions and behavior, we conducted a longitudinal study con-sisting of two online surveys. The first survey was aimed at assessing the intentions of Internet shoppers regarding their future behavior (shopping frequency) and exploring the determinants of these intentions, such as attitude, perceived consequences, and social influences. A total of 6110 consumers were chosen randomly from 4 Internet-based directories and were solicited by email to complete the first online question-naire. The respondents were told that they would be asked to answer a second questionnaire in three months and that, in order to match the first questionnaire with 234 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
  • 3. the second one, they had to specify the last five digits of their phone number. This method allowed us to keep the survey anonymous while enabling us to match the answers of the two questionnaires to the same individual. A total of 1410 responded to the first survey. The second survey, on the other hand, focused on investigating the effects of intentions (assessed in the first survey) and facilitating conditions on actual Internet shopping behavior. Only 705 of those who responded in the first round answered the second questionnaire. Table 1 describes the demographic profile of the respondents. Results and Discussion The analysis of the data was done in a holistic manner using Partial Least Squares (PLS), a procedure that tests both the structural model (hypothesized relationships between fac-tors) and the measurement models (items measuring each factor) simultaneously (see [2]). The results of the analysis are presented in Figure 1. The significant effects (signif-icant path coefficients for constructs and weights for measurements items, as indicated by t-statistics) are indicated with solid lines with the most important ones (highest coef-ficients & weights) in double lines. Both intentions and facilitating conditions are found to affect Internet shopping behavior (that is, frequency of shopping) significantly. Facil-itating conditions, however, have a more important effect. It is not enough to form an intention to shop online; such an intention will not translate into action if the appro-priate conditions are not present. All facilitating conditions, identified through the lit- COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 235 Category Percentage (%) Age Less than 20 years 20 – 35 years 35 – 50 years Greater than 50 years Missing values 10 49 23 16 2 Education Bachelor Master Ph.D. Others Missing values 37 18 10 32 3 Annual Income Less than 20,000 USD 20,000 – 35,000 USD 35,000 – 50,000 USD Greater than 20,000 USD Missing values 27 24 21 19 9 Number of Purchases within 3 Months None 1 – 5 purchase(s) 5 – 10 purchases 10 – 15 purchases 15 – 20 purchases Over 20 purchases Missing values 26 36 16 6 2 8 6 Table 1. D emographics.
  • 4. Attitude Intention to shop online Social Influences Navigation Efficiency erature review and the belief-elicitation process, are significant. These findings highlight the importance of transaction efficiency, product description, navigation efficiency, Web-page loading speed, and site accessibility in assisting the Internet consumers to act on their intentions. 236 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM Facilitating Conditions Actual Internet Shopping Perceived Consequences Family Friends Media Transaction Efficiency Product Description Site Accessibility Web Page Loading Speed Saving Time Security Breach Cheaper Prices Privacy Violation Improved Customer Service Comparative Shopping Most important effects Significant effects Insignificant effect s Convenience Figure 1. Significance and relative importance of Internet shopping factors.
  • 5. Although all significant, two out of the five facilitating conditions emerged as the most important ones, specifically, site accessibility and transaction efficiency. To enhance the accessibility of an Internet shop, one has to make sure that the site is always up and running (available) and that it can be easily located. Choosing the appropriate domain name, registering the site with important search engines and optimizing its ranking, reminding visitors to bookmark the site address, and estab-lishing a presence in popular cybermalls are all techniques that can enhance the acces-sibility of Internet shops. Improving the transaction efficiency, on the other hand, requires the optimization of the cycle times associated with product identification and selection, ordering, delivery, and after-sale service. While some aspects of transaction efficiency are associated with the user-interface design (for example, number of clicks required), others are associated with the reengineering of the order taking and fulfill-ment processes. Although not as important as accessibility and transaction efficiency, the other facil-itating conditions—product description, navigation efficiency, and Web page loading speed—are nevertheless significant and should not be neglected. To improve loading speed, the literature provides a number of guidelines for Web designers, such as keeping graphics simple and meaningful, limiting the use of unnecessary animation and multi-media plug-in requirements, using thumbnails, providing a “text-only” option, continu-ously monitoring the server and the Internet routes, and allowing text to load first, followed by graphics. To improve navigation efficiency, Web designers should carefully think of their online store layout. Some online stores keep a similar layout to that of the physical stores with which customers are already familiar. Other useful guidelines for navigation design include creating intuitive/meaningful hyperlinks and labeling them properly, providing a site map, and developing an effective search engine. It is important to note that navigation efficiency affects transaction efficiency (discussed previously), an important facilitating condition of online shopping. Finally, providing a good product description is a significant facilitating condition that can minimize an important draw-back of online shopping: the inability of the customer to physically feel and examine the product. Enhancing the information content of the product is often cited in the litera-ture as one of the critical success factors of online shopping. While in a physical store customers may complain about information shortage, in an online store they may be overwhelmed by information. The main challenges of Web designers are therefore to decide on the appropriate amount of information, to organize it, and to present it prop-erly. The results also indicate that the intentions of Internet consumers are significantly affected by the perceived consequences of online shopping, the consumers’ attitudes towards it, and social influences. Perceived consequences of online shopping, however, have the most important effect. Out of the hypothesized seven consequences, five are perceived to matter. The insignificant two are privacy violation and convenience. Sur-prisingly, our respondents did not give much importance to the convenience (anywhere and anytime) and privacy factors in forming their intention to shop on the Internet. Instead, they were enticed by cheaper prices, saving time, improved customer service, and the ability to do comparative shopping while they were discouraged by security con-cerns. There is a clear indication that security remains a big hurdle for the growth of B2C despite the important improvements in the technical solutions. Therefore, Inter-net retailers should work on their consumers’ perceptions in addition to implementing COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 237
  • 6. effective security measures. The results also indicated that the possibility of saving time is an important perceived consequence of online shopping. This is a confirmation of the significance of transaction efficiency and represents an important guideline for Web designers. Improved customer service is also found to be a significant perceived conse-quence of online shopping. Preferably, customer service and support should cover pre-purchase interactions, purchase, and post-purchase activities. According to the literature, one of the main advantages of Internet shopping is the improvement of infor-mation content, customization, and speed of customer service. In addition to improv-ing customer satisfaction, online support can also reduce the operational costs of businesses. For example, adding a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section about the company and its products/services can significantly reduce customer requests and can alleviate the burden on call centers. Another perceived consequence that is found to be significant in this study is comparative shopping. Supporting the search-and-compari-son activities of shopping helps the consumer to make a more informed decision. Finally, out of all perceived consequences, cheaper prices emerge as having the most important influence on intention formation. The bottom line for Internet consumers is saving money. This is an important factor for Internet retailers to take into considera-tion in formulating their business strategies in general and their marketing strategies in particular. Other significant factors affecting intention formation for online shopping are social influences. The literature indicates that individuals use the Internet more fre-quently if they have a more socially supportive environment, including friends and relatives who are also Internet users. Our results indicate that online shoppers are sig-nificantly influenced by family members and the media rather than by friends. What is new in this study is that the media turned out to have the most important social influence on forming intentions to shop online. These days, one can hardly read a newspaper or watch TV without coming across some e-commerce news or commer-cials. The media can therefore play a very important role in the development of B2C. Although online advertising presents several advantages, it is not supposed to com-pletely replace, but rather supplement, the traditional advertising channels. The importance of media influence indicated by the results of our study implies that online businesses should promote their sites in the media—radio, TV, newspapers, and trade journals. Conclusion The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of online consumer behavior through an investigation of factors affecting online shopping intentions and behavior. This was done based on a well-established behavioral model. Coupling belief elicitation through focus groups with a review of prior research allowed us to obtain a salient set of measures that resulted in interesting practical implications for Web designers and marketers about the critical drivers of facilitating conditions, social factors, and perceived consequences of online shopping. The use of a longitu-dinal approach for data collection provided a causal understanding of the factors affecting online shopping intentions and behavior. Nevertheless, this study, like all others, is not without limitations. It is important to recognize that online shopping behavior was self-reported and was assessed only once, three months from the time intentions were measured. Moreover, we did not evaluate the breadth of this behav- 238 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
  • 7. ior (that is, the variety of products bought) or its change over time. We realize that it is important for businesses to sell, but what is probably more important is to retain their customers for repeated purchases. Future research should use a wider variety of measures of online shopping and track the shopping behavior over a longer period of time. References 1. Butler, P. and Peppard, J. Consumer purchasing on the Internet: Processes and prospects. European Management Journal 16, 5 (Oct. 1998), 600–610. 2. Chin, W. W. The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998. 3. ePayments Resource Center. Electronic transactions statistics, 1999; statistics/. 4. Triandis, C. H. Values, attitudes and interpersonal behavior. Nebraska Symposium on Moti-vation (1979). Beliefs, Attitudes and Values, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE, 1980. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 239