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Learning Objectives: - After attending Participants will be able to:
 Explain basic facts about COVID -19
 Assess the risk of Workplace exposure to COVID-19
 Define key steps in worker protection and infection control.
 Identify methods to prevent and respond to COVID-19 exposure in workplace.
❑ Transmission
 SARS-CoV-2 is spread from person to person mainly through
coughing , sneezing and possibly taking and breathing .
 Droplet: - Respiratory selections from Coughing or sneezing landing on
mucosal surfaces, (nose, mouth, and eyes) direct face to face talking, exhale
 Droplet typically do not travel more than six feet (about two meters)
 Aerosol: - A solid Particle or liquid droplet suspended in air.
 Contact: - Touching something with SARS-2 Virus on it and then touching
mouth, nose or eyes.
 Other Possible routes: - Through fecal matters
 The people most at risk of COVID-19 infection are those who are in close
contact with a suspect/confirmed COVID-19 patient or who care for such
Risk factors
❑Who are at higher risk for severe illnesses?
➢People aged 65 years and older
➢People who live in a nursing home, Hospitals or long term care facility
❑Other High risk Conditions could include:-
➢People with Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
➢People who have heart disease with complications
➢ People who are immuno-compromised including cancer treatment, bone marrow or
organ transplant , Immunodeficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, Prolonged use of
➢People of any age with severe obesity or certain underlying medical conditions,
particularly if not well controlled, such as those with diabetes, renal failure or liver
disease might also be at risk.
➢People who are pregnant should be monitored .
Source: National center for immunization and respiratory diseases (NCIR)
➢ Check the body temperature, symptoms of cold & cough at the entry /Security
gate or entering the building / work unit .
 Train the staff with all safety measure viz, distance to be maintained , mask, hand
wash / sanitization.
 The precaution for droplets include Surgical mask addition to water resistant gown
( PPE) and gloves and goggles too.
 surgical mask is replaced by an N 95 or higher protective mask and also take
other equipment same way.
 Compulsory Clinic staff to wear mask all time , While in office premises .
 Clinic staff to wear apron, PPE (as per MHA guidelines) and maintain distance from
the volunteers .
 Avoid crowded lift as possible
 Minimize group meeting by using phone, email and avoid close contact when
meeting are necessary.
 If possible increase the distance between you and your colleagues.
 The volunteers / research participant will be trained to keep and maintain distance,
use of mask and hand wash/ sanitizer all the time while they are in the facility.
 Arrange flexible meal hours avoid meal gathering
➢ Keep the work clothes as well as seat covers clean and disinfect
them regularly.
 Wash hands frequently good environmental hygiene at the
 Practice good hand hygiene.
 Don’t touch your mouth nose and eyes when you are not sure
if your hands are clean.
 Wash hand frequently and correctly.
 Minimize hand contact with public facilities
 And regularly sterilized the work table, operating button and official
documents cover and cupboards
 disinfect the surfaces and accessories of equipments operated by
people and also wear gloves when operating the equipment.
 Operate with 33% or 50% (Depending on the zone )staff or divide
staff in two shifts.
 Use of mask ,Transparent glasses, gloves & PPE (as per MHA
guidelines) by lab staff.
 clinical researcher shall wear PPE s likes N95 mask (or any three
layered masks) cap, specs, gloves, shoe cover and disposable apron.
 The use of Aarogya setu application is mandatory for all the
employees as per the guidelines from MHA & developed by Govt. of
 Limit unnecessary visitors and visit to the workplace.
 Isolate symptomatic patients are soon as possible.
❖ Office Hygienic to prevent the outspread of COVID-19
 keep the office hygienic
 wash the office floor and desk and all frequently touchable equipments with
 the use of disinfectant sprays soap, and alcohol based hand sanitizers is the
key to maintain office hygiene.
 employee should be focused on maintaining their personnel hygiene.
 Disposable tissues should always be available in office along with close bins.
 any of the employees are sick with cold or other corona virus symptoms direct
them to work from home. Also make them seek immediate medical attention
to rule out COVID -19
❖ Traveling
 If traveling is unavoidable for any of
employees make a prior inquiry
about COVID - 19 situations at the
destination places.
 If the situation is worse better to call
off the traveling program.
❖ Contrarily –
 Traveling is mandatory it’s better to
send younger & healthier employees
 While traveling makes sure that the
employees have alcohol –based
sanitizers, high-quality face masks,
and gloves.
 They must carry their lunch rather
than eating anything from outsider.
 Avoid the area as much as possible
which is identified as Hot Spot Area
or Containment area..
1. Initial talk should be on the telephone with the
subject before visiting to the site .
2. Also ask about the family history of any exposure
in the neighborhood.
3. Ask subject to report with the mask on if not has
masked the face to be covered properly with a cloth.
4. Follow up the subject before coming and after
returning from site with 14 days period .
5. Provide training to the screening staff on wearing a
mask, transparent glasses and additional PPEs as
6. Check the subject keeping a safe distance.
7. Inform EC about it.
8. The monitoring of the study by Sponsor monitor,
QA/QC personnel, etc. should be from the glass
partition or in separate chamber.
10. Areas that are frequently touched by employees
should be cleaned regularly, such as phones, lockers,
printers, staircase railing, door handles, knobs, taps,
bins, etc
11.The unit should be disinfected every day at least 2
12. Work bench in wet lab should be allocate considering
the one-meter distance between the two employees.
13.having adequate PPE when staff is closely interacting
with volunteers for any clinical study procedure
14. Staffs exposed to the volunteers
should be secluded in the unit
and not expose themselves
to other staff.
15.Divide the workforce in shifts.
16.Visitor entry, such as vendors,
technicians; should be avoided to
the extent possible, if not then
should be followed All procedures
defined for employees
17 .Avoid gathering in conference
and training rooms, try to use the
digital platform to conduct virtual
18. Documents should not be
handled with bare hands.
19. QC/QA personnel, document
authorizing persons should also
wear gloves while
reviewing/singing the documents
20.Handling of materials/couriers
coming from outside. Once the
materials are received at the
security post/receipt bay, surface
sanitization (preferably with 70%
IPA) should be performed.
 Facility to be disinfected twice a day. Use diluted solution of sodium hypochlorite
or hydrogen peroxide to disinfect.
 Sanitize hands before and after the any biological sample collection and Disinfect
the area where it is performed.
 Articles like tissues, no-touch dust bins (foot operated) and alcohol-based hand
rubs, cotton should be abundantly provided and encouraged at all identified
 Staff carrying their bags should wipe it with 70% IPA
 Regular gowning procedure to be followed, staff should use their own gowns /
 Used garments should be removed on the same day for washing and not stored in
locker overnight.
 Self-monitor temperature and respiratory symptoms daily for 14 days after the
last day of exposure to a COVID-19 patient. HCWs should be advised to call health
care facility if he/she develop any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19;
1. all due precautions for preventing the spread of infection to be taken like
Social distancing, wearing of face masks, face shield, Goggles etc. and
frequent Hand Wash/Hand rub
2. Ensure minimum touch of OPD Cards, Trial Frames, Trail lenses and other
paraphernalia, BP Machine being used in the Eye OPD/ other departmental
OPD and their frequent disinfection.
3. Ensure patient wears a face covering and uses a hand rub before entering
the OPD and does not have symptoms resembling COVID infection.
4. A special consent form should be got filled by the patient before any
invasive procedure is undertaken, disclaiming responsibility from the
development of future Corona infection in the patient. This fact should be
well explained to the patient.
5. Pre-surgical COVID test on patients is not mandatory
6. During surgical procedures, the surgeons and the OT team should follow
the guidance and precautions as for other surgeons (as per MOHFW
additional guidelines).
During Work [Upon reaching the hospital: ]
 wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer,
 get yourself screened at the screening desk for fever,
 change into the set of clothes brought along,
 sanitize phone, ID cards, spectacles, vehicle keys, etc,
 keep the doors of your rooms open to avoid touching the
doorknobs and handles,
 wash your hands again before starting work, and wear triple layered
mask/N95 Mask, Gloves, eye/face sealed. Head cover
 Wear PPE as may be applicable.
 Practice physical distancing.
 Greet your colleagues and patients with Namaste. Avoid handshake.
 Avoid touching your face and politely remind others too.
 Observe hand hygiene protocols.
 Carry minimum numbers of personal belongings like laptops, bags,
lunchboxes, water bottles, etc. Carry only the bare essentials.
 Since frequent hand washing would be required, it is advisable to
remove watch and jewellery worn on hands
 Wear personal clothing to work. Bring uniform in a washable bag.
Those who do not have the uniform, bring a set of personal clothing
or extra shirt.
 Wear shoes that can be easily cleaned
 Wear mask upon leaving your house.
1. Remove PPE. Disinfect (protective glasses and face shields) or dispose as may be applicable
according to the BMW Management Rules. Masks and caps in YELLOW and gloves in RED.
2. Change back into the home clothes and place the work clothes in the washable bag brought
3. Sanitize phone, ID cards, spectacles, etc.
4. Leave what you can at the workplace. Whatever items are needed daily at the workplace and
not needed at home should be left at the workplace & Wash your hands.
5. Ring-up phone when you are about to reach home. Someone at home should keep the front
door open so that you do not have to touch any objects like call bell, doorknobs.
6. Again sanitize phone, ID cards, spectacles, shoes, etc on reaching home.
7. Take bath (including head bath) immediately after arriving home.
8. Wash your work clothes along with the bag and change into clean clothes.
9. Keep things (vehicle keys, pen, sanitizer bottle, phone) in box outside the door .
10. Wash your hands in the bucket and stand in the water for a few minutes. Meanwhile use
tissue and sanitizer and wipe the items you have placed in the box .
11. Wash your hands with soap water again.
12. Now enter the house without touching anything .
13. The bathroom door is kept open by someone and a bucket of detergent soap water is ready.
14. Take off all the clothes and soak inside the bucket
15.Take head bath with a shampoo and body with soap
16. Wash your clothes and dry clothes in direct sunlight
17. Practice wellness activity every day.
 All persons to wash hands and/or use hand sanitizers at the entry point to the hospital.
 Strict enforcement of screening protocols, self-declaration form, and one attendant only policy
at the entry point.
 The Self Declaration/ Consent Form is to be filled and every visit and body temperature to be
noted all OPD patients.
 All IPD admissions- this form to be included in the MRD file of the patient.
 AROGYA SETU APP to be downloaded by all staff and patients as mandated by Govt.
guidelines with locate on enabled in his/her mobile.
 A checklist for patients to be pasted near the screening counter for information and education
about the measures.
 Floor of all the high-risk areas MUST be cleaned with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite every 2 to 3
hourly and Moderate risk areas 3 times a day.
 AC temp. from 28-30 degree Celsius with 40-70% Humidity along with running of fan in
room are to be encourage.
 Slightly keep open the door or window while running on the AC .
 Before and after running the AC the room door window will be open for proper transmission of
air running and cross ventilation or the air present in the room to be drive out.
 If possible do air sanitization ,Change the room air every day 12 time in 24 hrs.
 Changing the room air every day before or after using the Ac and once at list running the AC.
Physical Health-
 Maintain your physical and
emotional health with rest,
diet, exercise and relaxation-
 1. Symptoms such as fever,
fatigue and cough should seek
medical treatment in a
designated hospital or your
nearest hospital (or Site) while
avoiding contact with others.
 2. Clean hands with Alcohol
based sanitizer or soap and
running water and take your
temperature at least twice a
 3. Body temperature is higher
than 37.3 degree Celsius
should stop working
immediately and go see your
APPLICATION ,use measures to
promote immunity .
Mental Health and Stress-
 As the number of cases of COVID-19
increase, so does the associated anxiety
and stress. consider the following steps :
 1. Use your smart: phone to stay
connected to family and friends
 2. Keep comfortable: Do more of the
things you enjoy doing at home.
 3. Practice stress relief:- whenever you
feel anxiety building- do some deep
breath , exercise, read, stress relief work
 4. A dedicated toll free helpline-
08046110007, for providing psycho-
social support for health care workers
has been created by using suitable
professionals including psychiatry
department residents.
 5. Training modules have been designed
in this regard and available at the
website of the Ministry.
 6. Keep looking forward: Think about
plans you’d like to make down the road.
➢ Any employee developing respiratory symptoms (e.g. fever, cough,
shortness of breath) should be considered a suspected case of COVID-19.
 He/she should immediately inform his supervisor/designated authority
/HICC. He/she should be isolated and arrangement must be made to
immediately to refer such employee to COVID-19 designated hospital for
isolation and further management.
 He/she should be immediately taken off from the duty roster.
 Rapidly identify other employees and other patients that might have been
exposed to the suspect/employee and put them under quarantine and
follow up for 14 days (or earlier if the test result of a /suspect case turns
out negative). Their details to be shared with the local health authorities.
 Organization should follow a contingency plan to maintain continuity of
operations. Staff rosters may done by dividing into two teams which
alternate between reporting to hospital and work from home.
 Ensure that the disinfection procedures are strictly followed.
 All healthcare and supportive staff is encouraged to monitor their own
health at all the time for the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms and report
them at the earliest.
COVID19 Symptoms: COVID19 Symptoms
Severe Common Less Common
Difficulty in breathing
Chest Pain
Bluish lips or face
Dry Cough
Shortness of
Myalgia, Fatigue
Headache, Hemoptysis
Diarrhea, Sore Throat
Wet Cough
Loss of smell and test
Some Do’s and Don’ts for Hospital Centre
Staff and Patients Dos DON’Ts
1.Only one attendant allowed for patients for :-
a. age > 60 years,
b. blind / disabled patients
c. children less than 16 years
2. Wear mask.
3. Sanities/Wash hands at entrance.
4. Maintain social distancing.
5. Stand and Sit only in designated areas.
6. Maintain fresh air circulation by keeping doors and
windows open.
7. Keep open as many doors as possible to avoid touching of
8. Try to follow an open-door and no-AC policy if possible
1. Don’t overcrowd the room
2. Don’t Cough or Sneeze with open face.
3.Cover face with elbow
4.Avoid touching table tops, door handles, lift
buttons etc
5.Don’t visit the centre if you are suffering from
cold, cough, fever or feeling unwell
6..Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth
7.Do not spit in public.
✓ Hand hygiene
✓ About Personal Protection equipments & their use
 1. Wet your hands with water apply
enough soap to cover your hand
 2. Rub hand palm to palm together
 3. Use one hand to rub the back of the
other hand and clean in between the
 4. Rub palm to palm and clean in
between the fingers
 5. Rub the back of your fingers against
your palm.
 6. Rub your thumb using your other
 7. Rub the tips of your fingers on the
palm of your other hand vices versa .
 8. Don’t forget about your wrists.
 9. Wash your hands up to elbow if you
don’t cover it.
 10. Rinse your hands with running water
 11. Dry your hands completely with a
disposable tissue.
 12. The whole process should be no less
than 20 seconds
 1. Use alcohol –Based Hand rub
(ABHR) when hands are not visibly
soiled or tap and running water is
not available
 2. Apply a palmful of the product
in a cupped hand covering all
 3. Doing all hand wash steps with
hand sanitizer/ Hand rub
 4. Don’t rinse hand with water
 5. No need to dry your hands
completely with a disposable
 6. Allow your hand to dry normally
 7. Once dry your hands are safe
 Hand sanitizer with a minimum of
60 % alcohol content are the best
Tipple layered Surgical
N-95 Masks
Tipple layered Surgical Mask
 • Three layered medical mask of
non-woven material with nose piece,
having filter efficiency of 99% for 3
micron particle size.
 a. ISI specifications or equivalent
 Fit tightly against the skin to form a
 Filter tiny particles such as viruses or
bacteria that are in the air.
 Special procedures that generate
aerosols air born precaution should
be following the surgical mask is
replaced by an N 95 or higher
protective mask
 The job with high potential exposure
at least use N95 (if Respirator not
N-95 Masks
 • Shape that will not collapse easily
 • High filtration efficiency
 • Good breathability, with expiratory
 • Quality compliant with standards
for medical N95 respirator: a. NIOSH
N95, EN 149 FFP2, or equivalent
 • Fluid resistance: minimum 80
mmHg pressure based on ASTM
F1862, ISO 22609, or equivalent
 • Quality compliant with standards
for particulate respirator that can be
worn with full- face shield
It is important to differentiate between extended use, re-use, and mask re
 1. The CDC reports that prolonged N95 mask use (including between patients) can be
safe for up to 8 hours, (encourages each user to review each manufacturer’s
recommendations prior to following this strategy)
 Re-use:- Because corona viruses lose their viability significantly after 72 hours ,
many organizations have promoted a rotation and re-use strategy. Assuming there is
no soiling and minimal to no viral contamination to the mask, the CDC suggests that
masks can be re-used up to 5 times with the following strategy:
 Mask Rotation
 Acquire a set number of N95 masks (at least 5 per the CDC), and rotate their use each
day, allowing them to dry for long enough that the virus is no longer viable (>72
 Proper storage for this technique requires either hanging the respirators to dry, or
keeping them in a clean, breathable container like a paper bag between uses.
 Make sure the masks do not touch each other, and that you do not share your
respirator with other people.
 A user seal check should be performed before each use.
 Importantly, when planning to reuse an N-95 mask, practice fastidious
donning/doffing to avoid contamination of the inside or outside of the mask at all
times (see below methods for donning and doffing).
 If the mask is damaged or significantly contaminated from aerosol generating
procedures or bodily fluids, the CDC recommends discarding it .
Mask decontamination Strategies are actively being investigated by the CDC
mask companies and large academic/industry collaborative General
principles of Re-Processing include :-
 1. The method must sufficiently inactivate the viral load on the mask.
 2. The mask cannot be soiled (bodily fluids, makeup[a]).
 3. The filtration capacity and electrostatic charge must be preserved as much
as possible.
 4. The fit of the mask cannot be compromised.
 5. Most studies on N95 decontamination were performed with flu virus or
bacterial spores and cautious extrapolation to the current pandemic is being
exercised. Recent publications have started to test SARS-CoV-2 specifically,
and have found promising results.
- Below summary of the decontamination methods
supported by current data. Due to the rapid nature of this research, some
publications are not yet peer-reviewed. Additionally, note that there are
many versions of N95 masks, with different strap materials and shapes.
Thus, one method may work well for one mask type, and not for another-
 Hydrogen Peroxide Vaporization
Hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV) decontamination has been shown in pilot
studies to allow multiple cycles of N95 processing with acceptable
preservation of function approved by the FDA as an emergency.
 UV treatment
Proper UV treatment of N95 masks requires specific dosing protocols and
full surface area illumination to ensure proper inactivation of viral particles
with minimal mask degradation.
 Moist Heat
Moist heat (heating at 60-70°C and 80-85% relative humidity) has been
shown to be effective for flu viruses, but there is limited data on the
temperature, humidity, and time required to completely inactivating SARS-
COV-2 viral particles.
 Dry Heat
Dry heating of the mask at 70°C for 30 minutes has been suggested as a
method of decontamination which can adequately kill virus and preserve the
filter integrity for reuse.
 The CDC recently allowed use of particular non-NIOSH masks from other
countries. The approved list is here.
 Certain hospital systems have created masks from available hospital
materials. These are listed here for informational purposes only, but are not
endorsed by the FDA:
 Reusable Elastomeric Respirator
 Halyard Masks
● The number of masks to be issued will depend on the duty roster.
● N95 mask can be reused with 72 hours of air drying between uses.
● The reuse can be up to a maximum of 4 times.
 All the N95 Masks to be labeled with user Name & Numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
On the first working day, the use Mask No 1.
 After the day end, the mask should be carefully removed, packed in a breathable
bag (paper bag can be used) for Re-use purpose.
 The mask should be left in the breathable bag. (72 hours of air dry is required
between uses. It is Mandatory).
 The location for air drying will depend on the convenience of the user and it can
be done at your home.
 Please ensure that it is kept at a location where no one else will be touching it.
 On the Second working day you should wear Mask No 2 and repeat the steps given
above and so on.
 After wearing and removing the masks, sterilize your gloved hands with sterilium.
 After using each mask for 5 working days (one fresh use + 4 re use), bring all
masks in a bag and throw them in the YELLOW BIN.
 New set of N-95 masks to be issued and the above-mentioned steps to be
 With transparent glasses, zero power, well fitting, covered from
all sides with elastic band/or adjustable holder.
 Good seal with the skin of the face
 Flexible frame to easily fit all face contours without too much
 Covers the eyes and the surrounding areas and accommodates
for prescription glasses
 Fog and scratch resistant
 Adjustable band to secure firmly so as not to become loose
during clinical activity
 Indirect venting to reduce fogging
 May be re-usable (provided appropriate arrangements for
decontamination are in place) or disposable
• Quality compliant with the below standards, or equivalent: a.
EU standard directive 86/686/EEC, EN 166/2002 b. ANSI/SEA
 Nitrile
 • Non-sterile
 • Powder free
 There is a high rate of allergies to latex and contact allergic
dermatitis among health workers. However, if nitrile gloves are
not available, latex gloves can be used.
 Non powdered gloves are preferred to powdered gloves.
 • Outer gloves preferably reach mid-forearm (minimum 280 mm
total length)
 • Different sizes (6.5 & 7)
 • Quality compliant with the below standards, or equivalent:
a. EU standard directive 93/42/EEC Class I, EN 455 b. EU standard
directive 89/686/EEC Category Ill, EN 374 c. ANSI/SEA 105-2011
d. ASTM D6319-10
 Gowns are considerably easier to put on and for removal. An
apron can also be worn over the gown for the entire time the
health worker is in the treatment area(medium and large)*
 • Impermeable to blood and body fluids
 • Single use
 • Avoid culturally unacceptable colors e.g. black
 • Light colors are preferable to better detect possible
 • Thumb/finger loops to anchor sleeves in place
 • Quality compliant with following standard
a. Meets or exceeds ISO 16603 class 3 exposure pressure, or
1) Impermeable 8) U shape with Zip
2) Leak proof 9) 4/6 grips
3) Air sealed 10) Size: 2.2 x 1.2 Mts
4) Double sealed 11) Standards:
5) Disposable a) ISO 16602:2007
6) Opaque b) ISO 16603:2004
7) White c) IS016604:2004
d) ISO/DIS 22611:2003
 Shoe covers
 • Made up of the same
fabric as of coverall
 • Should cover the
entire shoe and reach
above ankles
 Head covers
 covers the head and neck
while providing clinical care
for patients.
 Hair and hair extensions
should fit inside the head
PPE to be Used: (Ref: Additional guidelines on rational use of Personal Protective
Equipment setting approach for Health functionaries working in non-COVID areas by
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare dated 1st May 2020)
Policy for Disinfecting
and Reusing Personal
Protective Equipment
(PPE) S. No
PPE – Type Reuse Disinfection
1. N 95Mask ONLY 4 times **** Refer to the
Protocol .
2. 3 ply Mask NO -
3. Gloves NO -
4. Head Cap NO -
5. Shoe Cover NO _
6. Face Shields
& Goggles
YES **** Refer to the
all PPE items are needed is hand
Gown Mask-
Goggles/Face Shield
 Collect all equipment needed
 Perform hand hygiene with an alcohol-
based hand rub (preferably when hands
are not visibly soiled) or soap and
 Put on PPE in the order that ensures
adequate placement of PPE items and
prevents self-inoculation while using
and taking off PPE; an example of the
order in which to don PPE
1.Remove PPE in a manner that
prevents self-contamination or
self –inoculation with
contaminated PPE or hands.
2. Remove the most contaminated
PPE item first:
3. Perform hand hygiene
immediately after removing gloves
4. Perform hand hygiene with an
alcohol-based hand rub whenever
un-gloved hands touch every
contaminated PPE items.
5. Remove the mask or particulate
respirator last (by grasping the
ties and discarding in a rubbish
6. Discard disposable items in a
closed rubbish bin
7. Put reusable items in dry (e.g.
without any disinfectant Solution)
closed container; an example of
the order in which to take off PPE
when all PPE items are needed is
gloves (If the gown is disposable,
gloves can be peeled off together
with gown upon removal), hand
hygiene, gown , eye protection,
mask or respirator , hand hygiene
Gloves Goggles/Face Shield GOWNS
 ● 3 PLY Masks, Head Caps, PPE Suits, Disposable Gowns in Yellow bin
 ● Gloves in the red bin
● Eye shields and goggles can be cleaned with 70% alcohol solution/ Alcohol
● This should be done prior to beginning the work and should be repeated at
the end of workday prior to leaving the hospital.
● Please keep these in your possession and avoid mixing it with other staff.
Preferable to write your name in one corner for identification.
 Place the mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to
minimize any gaps between the face and the mask.
 Should not wear mask in your neck rooming around with it , that make it
more contaminated.
 Not to holding mask from front ware or remove the mask holding from the
ear side mask strips .
 While in use, avoid touching the mask
 Remove the mask by using the appropriate technique (i.e., do not touch the
front but remove the lace from behind)
 Remove PPE in the reverse order that it was worn and discard the material in
appropriately colored disposal bags for infective plastic items (red)
 Do not reuse or use three-ply surgical mask for more than 8 hours , If using
the same mask while examining multiple patients, transmission to the
patient must be avoided by not touching the front of the mask.
 Additionally, do not allow the mask to hang down on shirt/clothing when not
examining patients.
 Must include an opportunity to drill the actual process of donning and
doffing PPE and respirators/ mask.
 cover the site specific decontamination procedures.
 Coveralls and N95 masks can be decontaminated using doubling
dilution off 11 % Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor in a sealed room.
 Face shields and goggles can be decontaminated using 0.5 %
Sodium hypochlorite solution and 70% Alcohol.
 According to the AIIMS guidelines decontamination of PPE kits for
the purpose of reuse is currently not recommended primarily
because of concerns that would degrade the performance, especially
of the respirator
Environmental cleaning is
part of standard
which should be applied
to all patients in all
healthcare facilities.
Ensure that cleaning and
disinfection procedures
are followed consistently
and correctly
The training tool was created
upon the current Different
guidelines and work safety and
health science worker training
programs with different
institutional safety guidelines
(SOPs/protocols) , to create this
orientation briefing for those
who may be exposed to COVID
-19 (Corona virus disease
Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC)
 occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)
 World Health Organization
 National Institute for Occupational safety and Health (NIOSH)
 NIESH worker Training Program
 AIIMS,Delhi/INC webinars –Suggested by govt. of India Department of Health and Family welfare Ministry
of Health & Family welfare (MoHFW website) [Measures for safety of heath workers during COVID -19]
 govt. of India Department of Health and Family welfare Ministry of Health & Family welfare (MoHFW
➢ National Guidelines for infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities
 Basic rules remain same: Standard precaution most essential
 Hand Hygiene : Crucial to break the chain of transmission
 Standard, contract , and droplet precautions Triple layer
surgical mask with other PPEs for critical care and
The addition of airborne precautions–(i.e., respirator )
is warranted during aerosol-generating procedures.
 Standard sanitization practices for various hospital areas
 Healthcare personnel management depends upon type of
(Sr. QC & QA-Clinical Researcher)
4 & half year of experience.

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  • 1.
  • 2. Learning Objectives: - After attending Participants will be able to:  Explain basic facts about COVID -19  Assess the risk of Workplace exposure to COVID-19  Define key steps in worker protection and infection control.  Identify methods to prevent and respond to COVID-19 exposure in workplace.
  • 3. ❑ Transmission  SARS-CoV-2 is spread from person to person mainly through coughing , sneezing and possibly taking and breathing .  Droplet: - Respiratory selections from Coughing or sneezing landing on mucosal surfaces, (nose, mouth, and eyes) direct face to face talking, exhale  Droplet typically do not travel more than six feet (about two meters)  Aerosol: - A solid Particle or liquid droplet suspended in air.  Contact: - Touching something with SARS-2 Virus on it and then touching mouth, nose or eyes.  Other Possible routes: - Through fecal matters  The people most at risk of COVID-19 infection are those who are in close contact with a suspect/confirmed COVID-19 patient or who care for such patients.
  • 4. Risk factors ❑Who are at higher risk for severe illnesses? ➢People aged 65 years and older ➢People who live in a nursing home, Hospitals or long term care facility ❑Other High risk Conditions could include:- ➢People with Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma ➢People who have heart disease with complications ➢ People who are immuno-compromised including cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplant , Immunodeficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, Prolonged use of corticosteroids. ➢People of any age with severe obesity or certain underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, such as those with diabetes, renal failure or liver disease might also be at risk. ➢People who are pregnant should be monitored . Source: National center for immunization and respiratory diseases (NCIR)
  • 5. ➢ Check the body temperature, symptoms of cold & cough at the entry /Security gate or entering the building / work unit .  Train the staff with all safety measure viz, distance to be maintained , mask, hand wash / sanitization.  The precaution for droplets include Surgical mask addition to water resistant gown ( PPE) and gloves and goggles too.  surgical mask is replaced by an N 95 or higher protective mask and also take other equipment same way.  Compulsory Clinic staff to wear mask all time , While in office premises .  Clinic staff to wear apron, PPE (as per MHA guidelines) and maintain distance from the volunteers .  Avoid crowded lift as possible  Minimize group meeting by using phone, email and avoid close contact when meeting are necessary.  If possible increase the distance between you and your colleagues.  The volunteers / research participant will be trained to keep and maintain distance, use of mask and hand wash/ sanitizer all the time while they are in the facility.  Arrange flexible meal hours avoid meal gathering
  • 6. ➢ Keep the work clothes as well as seat covers clean and disinfect them regularly.  Wash hands frequently good environmental hygiene at the workplace.  Practice good hand hygiene.  Don’t touch your mouth nose and eyes when you are not sure if your hands are clean.  Wash hand frequently and correctly.  Minimize hand contact with public facilities  And regularly sterilized the work table, operating button and official documents cover and cupboards  disinfect the surfaces and accessories of equipments operated by different. people and also wear gloves when operating the equipment.  Operate with 33% or 50% (Depending on the zone )staff or divide staff in two shifts.  Use of mask ,Transparent glasses, gloves & PPE (as per MHA guidelines) by lab staff.  clinical researcher shall wear PPE s likes N95 mask (or any three layered masks) cap, specs, gloves, shoe cover and disposable apron.  The use of Aarogya setu application is mandatory for all the employees as per the guidelines from MHA & developed by Govt. of India.  Limit unnecessary visitors and visit to the workplace.  Isolate symptomatic patients are soon as possible.
  • 7. ❖ Office Hygienic to prevent the outspread of COVID-19  keep the office hygienic  wash the office floor and desk and all frequently touchable equipments with disinfectant  the use of disinfectant sprays soap, and alcohol based hand sanitizers is the key to maintain office hygiene.  employee should be focused on maintaining their personnel hygiene.  Disposable tissues should always be available in office along with close bins.  any of the employees are sick with cold or other corona virus symptoms direct them to work from home. Also make them seek immediate medical attention to rule out COVID -19
  • 8. ❖ Traveling  If traveling is unavoidable for any of employees make a prior inquiry about COVID - 19 situations at the destination places.  If the situation is worse better to call off the traveling program. ❖ Contrarily –  Traveling is mandatory it’s better to send younger & healthier employees  While traveling makes sure that the employees have alcohol –based sanitizers, high-quality face masks, and gloves.  They must carry their lunch rather than eating anything from outsider.  Avoid the area as much as possible which is identified as Hot Spot Area or Containment area..
  • 9. 1. Initial talk should be on the telephone with the subject before visiting to the site . 2. Also ask about the family history of any exposure in the neighborhood. 3. Ask subject to report with the mask on if not has masked the face to be covered properly with a cloth. 4. Follow up the subject before coming and after returning from site with 14 days period . 5. Provide training to the screening staff on wearing a mask, transparent glasses and additional PPEs as recommended. 6. Check the subject keeping a safe distance. 7. Inform EC about it. 8. The monitoring of the study by Sponsor monitor, QA/QC personnel, etc. should be from the glass partition or in separate chamber. 10. Areas that are frequently touched by employees should be cleaned regularly, such as phones, lockers, printers, staircase railing, door handles, knobs, taps, bins, etc 11.The unit should be disinfected every day at least 2 times. 12. Work bench in wet lab should be allocate considering the one-meter distance between the two employees. 13.having adequate PPE when staff is closely interacting with volunteers for any clinical study procedure 14. Staffs exposed to the volunteers should be secluded in the unit and not expose themselves to other staff. 15.Divide the workforce in shifts. 16.Visitor entry, such as vendors, technicians; should be avoided to the extent possible, if not then should be followed All procedures defined for employees 17 .Avoid gathering in conference and training rooms, try to use the digital platform to conduct virtual meeting. 18. Documents should not be handled with bare hands. 19. QC/QA personnel, document authorizing persons should also wear gloves while reviewing/singing the documents 20.Handling of materials/couriers coming from outside. Once the materials are received at the security post/receipt bay, surface sanitization (preferably with 70% IPA) should be performed.
  • 10.  Facility to be disinfected twice a day. Use diluted solution of sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide to disinfect.  Sanitize hands before and after the any biological sample collection and Disinfect the area where it is performed.  Articles like tissues, no-touch dust bins (foot operated) and alcohol-based hand rubs, cotton should be abundantly provided and encouraged at all identified places.  Staff carrying their bags should wipe it with 70% IPA  Regular gowning procedure to be followed, staff should use their own gowns / aprons/masks.  Used garments should be removed on the same day for washing and not stored in locker overnight.  Self-monitor temperature and respiratory symptoms daily for 14 days after the last day of exposure to a COVID-19 patient. HCWs should be advised to call health care facility if he/she develop any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19;
  • 11. 1. all due precautions for preventing the spread of infection to be taken like Social distancing, wearing of face masks, face shield, Goggles etc. and frequent Hand Wash/Hand rub 2. Ensure minimum touch of OPD Cards, Trial Frames, Trail lenses and other paraphernalia, BP Machine being used in the Eye OPD/ other departmental OPD and their frequent disinfection. 3. Ensure patient wears a face covering and uses a hand rub before entering the OPD and does not have symptoms resembling COVID infection. 4. A special consent form should be got filled by the patient before any invasive procedure is undertaken, disclaiming responsibility from the development of future Corona infection in the patient. This fact should be well explained to the patient. 5. Pre-surgical COVID test on patients is not mandatory 6. During surgical procedures, the surgeons and the OT team should follow the guidance and precautions as for other surgeons (as per MOHFW additional guidelines).
  • 12. During Work [Upon reaching the hospital: ]  wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer,  get yourself screened at the screening desk for fever,  change into the set of clothes brought along,  sanitize phone, ID cards, spectacles, vehicle keys, etc,  keep the doors of your rooms open to avoid touching the doorknobs and handles,  wash your hands again before starting work, and wear triple layered mask/N95 Mask, Gloves, eye/face sealed. Head cover  Wear PPE as may be applicable.  Practice physical distancing.  Greet your colleagues and patients with Namaste. Avoid handshake.  Avoid touching your face and politely remind others too.  Observe hand hygiene protocols.
  • 13.  Carry minimum numbers of personal belongings like laptops, bags, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc. Carry only the bare essentials.  Since frequent hand washing would be required, it is advisable to remove watch and jewellery worn on hands  Wear personal clothing to work. Bring uniform in a washable bag. Those who do not have the uniform, bring a set of personal clothing or extra shirt.  Wear shoes that can be easily cleaned  Wear mask upon leaving your house.
  • 14. 1. Remove PPE. Disinfect (protective glasses and face shields) or dispose as may be applicable according to the BMW Management Rules. Masks and caps in YELLOW and gloves in RED. 2. Change back into the home clothes and place the work clothes in the washable bag brought along. 3. Sanitize phone, ID cards, spectacles, etc. 4. Leave what you can at the workplace. Whatever items are needed daily at the workplace and not needed at home should be left at the workplace & Wash your hands. 5. Ring-up phone when you are about to reach home. Someone at home should keep the front door open so that you do not have to touch any objects like call bell, doorknobs. 6. Again sanitize phone, ID cards, spectacles, shoes, etc on reaching home. 7. Take bath (including head bath) immediately after arriving home. 8. Wash your work clothes along with the bag and change into clean clothes. 9. Keep things (vehicle keys, pen, sanitizer bottle, phone) in box outside the door . 10. Wash your hands in the bucket and stand in the water for a few minutes. Meanwhile use tissue and sanitizer and wipe the items you have placed in the box . 11. Wash your hands with soap water again. 12. Now enter the house without touching anything . 13. The bathroom door is kept open by someone and a bucket of detergent soap water is ready. 14. Take off all the clothes and soak inside the bucket 15.Take head bath with a shampoo and body with soap 16. Wash your clothes and dry clothes in direct sunlight 17. Practice wellness activity every day.
  • 15.  All persons to wash hands and/or use hand sanitizers at the entry point to the hospital.  Strict enforcement of screening protocols, self-declaration form, and one attendant only policy at the entry point.  The Self Declaration/ Consent Form is to be filled and every visit and body temperature to be noted all OPD patients.  All IPD admissions- this form to be included in the MRD file of the patient.  AROGYA SETU APP to be downloaded by all staff and patients as mandated by Govt. guidelines with locate on enabled in his/her mobile.  A checklist for patients to be pasted near the screening counter for information and education about the measures.  Floor of all the high-risk areas MUST be cleaned with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite every 2 to 3 hourly and Moderate risk areas 3 times a day.  AC temp. from 28-30 degree Celsius with 40-70% Humidity along with running of fan in room are to be encourage.  Slightly keep open the door or window while running on the AC .  Before and after running the AC the room door window will be open for proper transmission of air running and cross ventilation or the air present in the room to be drive out.  If possible do air sanitization ,Change the room air every day 12 time in 24 hrs.  Changing the room air every day before or after using the Ac and once at list running the AC.
  • 16. Physical Health-  Maintain your physical and emotional health with rest, diet, exercise and relaxation-  1. Symptoms such as fever, fatigue and cough should seek medical treatment in a designated hospital or your nearest hospital (or Site) while avoiding contact with others.  2. Clean hands with Alcohol based sanitizer or soap and running water and take your temperature at least twice a daily.  3. Body temperature is higher than 37.3 degree Celsius should stop working immediately and go see your doctor.  4. use AAROGYA SETU APPLICATION ,use measures to promote immunity . Mental Health and Stress-  As the number of cases of COVID-19 increase, so does the associated anxiety and stress. consider the following steps :  1. Use your smart: phone to stay connected to family and friends  2. Keep comfortable: Do more of the things you enjoy doing at home.  3. Practice stress relief:- whenever you feel anxiety building- do some deep breath , exercise, read, stress relief work .  4. A dedicated toll free helpline- 08046110007, for providing psycho- social support for health care workers has been created by using suitable professionals including psychiatry department residents.  5. Training modules have been designed in this regard and available at the website of the Ministry.  6. Keep looking forward: Think about plans you’d like to make down the road.
  • 17. ➢ Any employee developing respiratory symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath) should be considered a suspected case of COVID-19.  He/she should immediately inform his supervisor/designated authority /HICC. He/she should be isolated and arrangement must be made to immediately to refer such employee to COVID-19 designated hospital for isolation and further management.  He/she should be immediately taken off from the duty roster.  Rapidly identify other employees and other patients that might have been exposed to the suspect/employee and put them under quarantine and follow up for 14 days (or earlier if the test result of a /suspect case turns out negative). Their details to be shared with the local health authorities.  Organization should follow a contingency plan to maintain continuity of operations. Staff rosters may done by dividing into two teams which alternate between reporting to hospital and work from home.  Ensure that the disinfection procedures are strictly followed.  All healthcare and supportive staff is encouraged to monitor their own health at all the time for the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms and report them at the earliest.
  • 18. COVID19 Symptoms: COVID19 Symptoms Severe Common Less Common Difficulty in breathing Chest Pain Confusion Bluish lips or face Unresponsiveness Fever Dry Cough Shortness of breath Myalgia, Fatigue Headache, Hemoptysis Diarrhea, Sore Throat Rhinorrhea Wet Cough Loss of smell and test Some Do’s and Don’ts for Hospital Centre Staff and Patients Dos DON’Ts 1.Only one attendant allowed for patients for :- a. age > 60 years, b. blind / disabled patients c. children less than 16 years 2. Wear mask. 3. Sanities/Wash hands at entrance. 4. Maintain social distancing. 5. Stand and Sit only in designated areas. 6. Maintain fresh air circulation by keeping doors and windows open. 7. Keep open as many doors as possible to avoid touching of doorknobs. 8. Try to follow an open-door and no-AC policy if possible 1. Don’t overcrowd the room 2. Don’t Cough or Sneeze with open face. 3.Cover face with elbow 4.Avoid touching table tops, door handles, lift buttons etc 5.Don’t visit the centre if you are suffering from cold, cough, fever or feeling unwell 6..Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth 7.Do not spit in public.
  • 19. ✓ Hand hygiene ✓ About Personal Protection equipments & their use
  • 20.  1. Wet your hands with water apply enough soap to cover your hand  2. Rub hand palm to palm together  3. Use one hand to rub the back of the other hand and clean in between the fingers  4. Rub palm to palm and clean in between the fingers  5. Rub the back of your fingers against your palm.  6. Rub your thumb using your other hand.  7. Rub the tips of your fingers on the palm of your other hand vices versa .  8. Don’t forget about your wrists.  9. Wash your hands up to elbow if you don’t cover it.  10. Rinse your hands with running water  11. Dry your hands completely with a disposable tissue.  12. The whole process should be no less than 20 seconds
  • 21.  1. Use alcohol –Based Hand rub (ABHR) when hands are not visibly soiled or tap and running water is not available  2. Apply a palmful of the product in a cupped hand covering all surfaces  3. Doing all hand wash steps with hand sanitizer/ Hand rub  4. Don’t rinse hand with water  5. No need to dry your hands completely with a disposable tissue.  6. Allow your hand to dry normally  7. Once dry your hands are safe  Hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60 % alcohol content are the best
  • 22. Tipple layered Surgical Mask N-95 Masks Tipple layered Surgical Mask  • Three layered medical mask of non-woven material with nose piece, having filter efficiency of 99% for 3 micron particle size.  a. ISI specifications or equivalent  Fit tightly against the skin to form a seal  Filter tiny particles such as viruses or bacteria that are in the air.  Special procedures that generate aerosols air born precaution should be following the surgical mask is replaced by an N 95 or higher protective mask  The job with high potential exposure at least use N95 (if Respirator not available N-95 Masks  • Shape that will not collapse easily  • High filtration efficiency  • Good breathability, with expiratory valve  • Quality compliant with standards for medical N95 respirator: a. NIOSH N95, EN 149 FFP2, or equivalent  • Fluid resistance: minimum 80 mmHg pressure based on ASTM F1862, ISO 22609, or equivalent  • Quality compliant with standards for particulate respirator that can be worn with full- face shield
  • 23. It is important to differentiate between extended use, re-use, and mask re processing.  1. The CDC reports that prolonged N95 mask use (including between patients) can be safe for up to 8 hours, (encourages each user to review each manufacturer’s recommendations prior to following this strategy)  Re-use:- Because corona viruses lose their viability significantly after 72 hours , many organizations have promoted a rotation and re-use strategy. Assuming there is no soiling and minimal to no viral contamination to the mask, the CDC suggests that masks can be re-used up to 5 times with the following strategy:  Mask Rotation  Acquire a set number of N95 masks (at least 5 per the CDC), and rotate their use each day, allowing them to dry for long enough that the virus is no longer viable (>72 hours).  Proper storage for this technique requires either hanging the respirators to dry, or keeping them in a clean, breathable container like a paper bag between uses.  Make sure the masks do not touch each other, and that you do not share your respirator with other people.  A user seal check should be performed before each use.  Importantly, when planning to reuse an N-95 mask, practice fastidious donning/doffing to avoid contamination of the inside or outside of the mask at all times (see below methods for donning and doffing).  If the mask is damaged or significantly contaminated from aerosol generating procedures or bodily fluids, the CDC recommends discarding it .
  • 24. Mask decontamination Strategies are actively being investigated by the CDC mask companies and large academic/industry collaborative General principles of Re-Processing include :-  1. The method must sufficiently inactivate the viral load on the mask.  2. The mask cannot be soiled (bodily fluids, makeup[a]).  3. The filtration capacity and electrostatic charge must be preserved as much as possible.  4. The fit of the mask cannot be compromised.  5. Most studies on N95 decontamination were performed with flu virus or bacterial spores and cautious extrapolation to the current pandemic is being exercised. Recent publications have started to test SARS-CoV-2 specifically, and have found promising results. - Below summary of the decontamination methods supported by current data. Due to the rapid nature of this research, some publications are not yet peer-reviewed. Additionally, note that there are many versions of N95 masks, with different strap materials and shapes. Thus, one method may work well for one mask type, and not for another-
  • 25.  Hydrogen Peroxide Vaporization Hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV) decontamination has been shown in pilot studies to allow multiple cycles of N95 processing with acceptable preservation of function approved by the FDA as an emergency.  UV treatment Proper UV treatment of N95 masks requires specific dosing protocols and full surface area illumination to ensure proper inactivation of viral particles with minimal mask degradation.  Moist Heat Moist heat (heating at 60-70°C and 80-85% relative humidity) has been shown to be effective for flu viruses, but there is limited data on the temperature, humidity, and time required to completely inactivating SARS- COV-2 viral particles.  Dry Heat Dry heating of the mask at 70°C for 30 minutes has been suggested as a method of decontamination which can adequately kill virus and preserve the filter integrity for reuse.
  • 26.  The CDC recently allowed use of particular non-NIOSH masks from other countries. The approved list is here.  Certain hospital systems have created masks from available hospital materials. These are listed here for informational purposes only, but are not endorsed by the FDA:  Reusable Elastomeric Respirator  Halyard Masks
  • 27. ● The number of masks to be issued will depend on the duty roster. ● N95 mask can be reused with 72 hours of air drying between uses. ● The reuse can be up to a maximum of 4 times.  All the N95 Masks to be labeled with user Name & Numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. On the first working day, the use Mask No 1.  After the day end, the mask should be carefully removed, packed in a breathable bag (paper bag can be used) for Re-use purpose.  The mask should be left in the breathable bag. (72 hours of air dry is required between uses. It is Mandatory).  The location for air drying will depend on the convenience of the user and it can be done at your home.  Please ensure that it is kept at a location where no one else will be touching it.  On the Second working day you should wear Mask No 2 and repeat the steps given above and so on.  After wearing and removing the masks, sterilize your gloved hands with sterilium.  After using each mask for 5 working days (one fresh use + 4 re use), bring all masks in a bag and throw them in the YELLOW BIN.  New set of N-95 masks to be issued and the above-mentioned steps to be followed.
  • 28.  With transparent glasses, zero power, well fitting, covered from all sides with elastic band/or adjustable holder.  Good seal with the skin of the face  Flexible frame to easily fit all face contours without too much pressure  Covers the eyes and the surrounding areas and accommodates for prescription glasses  Fog and scratch resistant  Adjustable band to secure firmly so as not to become loose during clinical activity  Indirect venting to reduce fogging  May be re-usable (provided appropriate arrangements for decontamination are in place) or disposable • Quality compliant with the below standards, or equivalent: a. EU standard directive 86/686/EEC, EN 166/2002 b. ANSI/SEA Z87.1-2010
  • 29.
  • 30.  Nitrile  • Non-sterile  • Powder free  There is a high rate of allergies to latex and contact allergic dermatitis among health workers. However, if nitrile gloves are not available, latex gloves can be used.  Non powdered gloves are preferred to powdered gloves.  • Outer gloves preferably reach mid-forearm (minimum 280 mm total length)  • Different sizes (6.5 & 7)  • Quality compliant with the below standards, or equivalent: a. EU standard directive 93/42/EEC Class I, EN 455 b. EU standard directive 89/686/EEC Category Ill, EN 374 c. ANSI/SEA 105-2011 d. ASTM D6319-10
  • 31.  Gowns are considerably easier to put on and for removal. An apron can also be worn over the gown for the entire time the health worker is in the treatment area(medium and large)*  • Impermeable to blood and body fluids  • Single use  • Avoid culturally unacceptable colors e.g. black  • Light colors are preferable to better detect possible contamination  • Thumb/finger loops to anchor sleeves in place  • Quality compliant with following standard a. Meets or exceeds ISO 16603 class 3 exposure pressure, or equivalent
  • 32. 1) Impermeable 8) U shape with Zip 2) Leak proof 9) 4/6 grips 3) Air sealed 10) Size: 2.2 x 1.2 Mts 4) Double sealed 11) Standards: 5) Disposable a) ISO 16602:2007 6) Opaque b) ISO 16603:2004 7) White c) IS016604:2004 d) ISO/DIS 22611:2003
  • 33.  Shoe covers  • Made up of the same fabric as of coverall  • Should cover the entire shoe and reach above ankles  Head covers  covers the head and neck while providing clinical care for patients.  Hair and hair extensions should fit inside the head cover.
  • 34. USES OF PPE PPE to be Used: (Ref: Additional guidelines on rational use of Personal Protective Equipment setting approach for Health functionaries working in non-COVID areas by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare dated 1st May 2020) Policy for Disinfecting and Reusing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) S. No PPE – Type Reuse Disinfection 1. N 95Mask ONLY 4 times **** Refer to the Disinfection Protocol . 2. 3 ply Mask NO - 3. Gloves NO - 4. Head Cap NO - 5. Shoe Cover NO _ 6. Face Shields & Goggles YES **** Refer to the Disinfection Protocol.
  • 35. all PPE items are needed is hand hygiene. Gown Mask- Goggles/Face Shield Gloves  Collect all equipment needed  Perform hand hygiene with an alcohol- based hand rub (preferably when hands are not visibly soiled) or soap and water;  Put on PPE in the order that ensures adequate placement of PPE items and prevents self-inoculation while using and taking off PPE; an example of the order in which to don PPE
  • 36. 1.Remove PPE in a manner that prevents self-contamination or self –inoculation with contaminated PPE or hands. 2. Remove the most contaminated PPE item first: 3. Perform hand hygiene immediately after removing gloves 4. Perform hand hygiene with an alcohol-based hand rub whenever un-gloved hands touch every contaminated PPE items. 5. Remove the mask or particulate respirator last (by grasping the ties and discarding in a rubbish bin) 6. Discard disposable items in a closed rubbish bin 7. Put reusable items in dry (e.g. without any disinfectant Solution) closed container; an example of the order in which to take off PPE when all PPE items are needed is gloves (If the gown is disposable, gloves can be peeled off together with gown upon removal), hand hygiene, gown , eye protection, mask or respirator , hand hygiene Gloves Goggles/Face Shield GOWNS MASK/RESPIRATOR
  • 37. DISPOSAL AS PER Bio Medical Waste (BMW) RULES: DISPOSE EVERY DAY AFTER FINISHING THE WORK  ● 3 PLY Masks, Head Caps, PPE Suits, Disposable Gowns in Yellow bin  ● Gloves in the red bin FACE SHIELDS AND GOGGLES ● Eye shields and goggles can be cleaned with 70% alcohol solution/ Alcohol Swab. ● This should be done prior to beginning the work and should be repeated at the end of workday prior to leaving the hospital. ● Please keep these in your possession and avoid mixing it with other staff. Preferable to write your name in one corner for identification.
  • 38.  Place the mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to minimize any gaps between the face and the mask.  Should not wear mask in your neck rooming around with it , that make it more contaminated.  Not to holding mask from front ware or remove the mask holding from the ear side mask strips .  While in use, avoid touching the mask  Remove the mask by using the appropriate technique (i.e., do not touch the front but remove the lace from behind)  Remove PPE in the reverse order that it was worn and discard the material in appropriately colored disposal bags for infective plastic items (red)  Do not reuse or use three-ply surgical mask for more than 8 hours , If using the same mask while examining multiple patients, transmission to the patient must be avoided by not touching the front of the mask.  Additionally, do not allow the mask to hang down on shirt/clothing when not examining patients.  Must include an opportunity to drill the actual process of donning and doffing PPE and respirators/ mask.  cover the site specific decontamination procedures.
  • 39.  Coveralls and N95 masks can be decontaminated using doubling dilution off 11 % Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor in a sealed room.  Face shields and goggles can be decontaminated using 0.5 % Sodium hypochlorite solution and 70% Alcohol.  According to the AIIMS guidelines decontamination of PPE kits for the purpose of reuse is currently not recommended primarily because of concerns that would degrade the performance, especially of the respirator
  • 40. Environmental cleaning is part of standard precautions, which should be applied to all patients in all healthcare facilities. Ensure that cleaning and disinfection procedures are followed consistently and correctly
  • 41. The training tool was created upon the current Different guidelines and work safety and health science worker training programs with different institutional safety guidelines (SOPs/protocols) , to create this orientation briefing for those who may be exposed to COVID -19 (Corona virus disease 2019)
  • 42. Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC)  occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)  World Health Organization  National Institute for Occupational safety and Health (NIOSH)  NIESH worker Training Program  AIIMS,Delhi/INC webinars –Suggested by govt. of India Department of Health and Family welfare Ministry of Health & Family welfare (MoHFW website) [Measures for safety of heath workers during COVID -19]  govt. of India Department of Health and Family welfare Ministry of Health & Family welfare (MoHFW website) ➢ National Guidelines for infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities %20final%281%29.pdf OPHTHALMIC PRACTICE GUIDELINES IN THE CURRENT CONTEXT OF COVID 19 ➢ ➢
  • 43.
  • 44.  Basic rules remain same: Standard precaution most essential  Hand Hygiene : Crucial to break the chain of transmission  Standard, contract , and droplet precautions Triple layer surgical mask with other PPEs for critical care and The addition of airborne precautions–(i.e., respirator ) is warranted during aerosol-generating procedures.  Standard sanitization practices for various hospital areas  Healthcare personnel management depends upon type of exposure.
  • 45. THANK YOU SABARI DASGUPTA (Sr. QC & QA-Clinical Researcher) 4 & half year of experience.