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Pros And Cons Of Cyber Bullying
cyber bullying can be good and laws should not get stricter
To start cyber bullying isn't that bad it can be a good method to stop physical bullies and provide evidence for counselors and law enforcement
."Student speech is still protected by free speech laws, regardless of how cruel and unusual it is – especially when They're off–campus". In addition
,according to The sacurrent daily, making cyber laws stricter would violate a student of campus freedom of speech . One of the many problems with
making the law stricter is, no matter how cruel or mean the students' messages are it is still legal according to the first amendment ."There's no rule in
the First Amendment for speech that causes harm for a minor," subsequently when minors are cyber bullying it is not as easy to charge them .one reason
is If a minor makes a threat it is legal .This is where cyber bullying can be good because then every threat or argument is documented and cannot be
changed witch makes for good evidence of the bully .
Furthermore stricter laws would cause more felonies and create other issues "My concern is that We'll just be sticking more kids with felonies,"
said Francis, who says he's been advising Menendez on the bill's focus . another problem is If cyber bullying becomes a felony many kids would get
them cyber bullying is very common meaning if it Were a law more people would be felons . opportunities would be lost for people due to a mistake
that can be forgiven. However "Sadness and
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Cyber Bully With Emily Osment
The article mentioned above was meant to resonate with other parents and teens to give a warning as to what could happen if cyber bullying continues
to become a regular issue (Sidorowiez, 2015). This tells us that audience segmentation is used in everyday lives, whether it goes noticed, or not. The
media uses audience segmentation to categorize audiences (based on interest, age, race, class, etc.) and then to appeal to those audiences. Another way
to view audience segmentation would be the process of dividing people into homogeneous subgroups based upon defined criterion. The article displays
audience segmentation in clear terms, "It's a message Rebecca Abbott is hoping resonates with other parents and teens after her daughter committed
suicide in early July" (Sidorowiez, 2015). This whole story/headline is also considered a landmark narrative. A landmark narrative... Show more
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This aired on ABC Family, hoping to delete cyberbullying (digital drama). The main character receives a computer for her seventeenth birthday and
decides to create a social networking site on it. She becomes the victim of cyber bullying by some of her peers. The names she was called were
ordinary terms thrown around to hurt others, which made this movie very practical and relatable. It touches on the dangers the internet presents
including anonymity, loopholes enabling cyber bullying, and social pressure on teens to become involved in online relationships (she starts 'dating' a
guy she met online and he partakes by spreading rumors about them). She develops depression, looses all of her friends, and tries to commit suicide,
which are common effects cyber bullying can have. This is more of a realistic and drawn out version of what happens as a result of cyber bullying
compared to the short, exaggerated version shown in secondary claims (news
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Cyber Bullies On Social Networking
In today 's society, many people rely on their cellular devices for social networking and communication. This increasing rate has lead to a higher
percentage of cyberbullying around the world. Effects have lead teens into mental and emotional damage or having the need to end their lives of pain.
Due to the advances, growth, and the reliance of technology, it has lead to a higher cyberbullying rate; therefore, authorities should set higher
consequences against bullying on social networking websites. Cyberbullying is the specific use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target
another person ("At Issue: Cyberbullying"). Technology includes electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as
communication ... Show more content on ...
Bullying online has been around ever since technology started to become more popular in the 1990's. School administrators, educators, and parents
started to pay more attention to bullying and the harm it can do after the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. That same year, the
Department of Justice reported that approximately 5% of students between the ages of 12 and 18 claimed to be bullied (Bullying/Cyberbullying
Timeline). At the beginning of the year 2000, the word "cyberbullying" was first used to explain the harassment or bullying of teens in online social
networks. Because of effects the issue caused on teens, the American Medical Association's House of Delegates recommended that doctors be alert for
signs and symptoms of being bullied because of the long–term mental health consequences it had in June of 2002. Finally, in 2007, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention identified cyberbullying as an emerging public health problem (Bullying/Cyberbullying Timeline). Increases of
cyberbullying has caused many states to establish rules and laws against online harassment. By the year 2009, many states had taken into effect a
cyberbullying law. As of this year, every state has enacted some form of cyberbullying legislation (Hinduja and Patchin). Even though laws have
started to be passed, it has left enforcement in the hands of school officials. Such as, cyberbullying may be treated as a
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying
A couple days adrive she cathe opponent crying to school. She replicated over and over again on how ugly she was, and how he made her feel pretty.
She threw up her sleeve that those were the bruises he left her
"I met him online." The online world wasn't meant to be dangerous. It was intended to be a useful source and to receive skills. It will also increase
the ranking of competition in a variety of stuff . It wasn't made for people to drive online and sexually harassed, and violate privacy. Never did the
creators of the online world think they had made a dangerous place for people. Adults should concentrate on teenagers' tithe opponent online.
Cyberbullying is different from schoolyard bullying. Teachers can't intervene to the internet. Teens spend the preponderance of their day online just
scrolls down seeing stuff that may be harming other students, however, students refusal show their relevance to this important title of cyber bullying.
While the internet is an essential mechanism, numerous people compose it a dilemma. The internet is a like a reward, once you recognize it you are
excited, however having the internet for a while, you tend to comprehend and bring tired of doing the sathe opponent material so you start looking up
different stuff to do on the internet. In the article "Crossing the Line Online," teens did a survey on teenagers who have been called a nathe opponent
or even asked about their sexuality.12 percent of the boys answered that "they have
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Cyber-Bullying and Teen Suicide
Since Teen Suicide is the second leading cause of teenage death in the United States, there is a need for legislation that promotes awareness and
education about Cyber–Bullying.
R. Hassan
February 8, 2011
Fourth Period
Mr. Cicala
Robinson Secondary School
Since Teensuicide is the second leading cause of teenage death in the United States, there is a need for legislation that promotes awareness and
education about Cyber–Bullying. Due to the growth of technology in the American society, the younger generations of adolescents are adapting to the
excessive use of computers, cell phones, and social–networking sites. According to a study done by Amanda Lenhart, 87% of adolescents who are...
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The most common is "Mean Girls" cyber bullying which has been seen in the case of Tina Meir who committed suicide at age 13 (Billitteri 385).
"Mean Girls" refers to the type of cyber bullying in which is usually performed by a group of young girls looking to have fun in the act. The group
girls most often want others to know who they are and what they are doing in order to feel powerful. Research has shown that females are almost
twice as likely to be involved in cyber bullying either being a victim or perpetrator. The second category would be "Inadvertent" cyber bullying which
consists of role–playing. The perpetrator may not realize they are cyber bullying, yet they interpret their offensive and cruel remarks through a joking
manner. The next category is somewhat similar in the sense that the bully may not realize that they are virtually cyber bullying. "Vengeful Angel"
refers to an individual who is defending themselves or others from an attack, which ultimately leads them to becoming a cyber bullying as well. The
last category can be similar to the "school–yard" bully, which is the "Power–Hungry" bully. This category refers to those who may be victims of
bullying themselves. A "Power–Hungry" bully wants to feel powerful and control others through their cyber bullying. Overall experts say that it is
most common for the perpetrators to be classified as "popular" student with self–esteem who are trying to bring others down by placing
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The Threat Of Cyber Warfare
Terrorists have begun to exploit the availability of information with the malicious intent to sabotage. Conversely, there are those who are not quite
sure if cyber warfare is an actual threat. This will also provide an ample answer to questions such as: What is cyber warfare? And will answer the
question of, what is the history of cyber warfare? And will answer the question Is there any real way to protect ourselves from a cyber attack? Cyber
warfare has been around since the beginning of human creation, when the serpent told Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. Centuries past and the
invention of the telegraph and telephone revolutionized cyber warfare. This new technology allowed communication to become faster, enabling the
outlaws less time to sabotage, intimidate, and inflict violence on their victims. Today we label outlaws, terrorists. Some might even say the telephone,
along with the radio is the first invention used for cyber terrorism. The radio, with its subcomponent invention of the Morse code, kept ears to the
ground listening for terroristic transmissions. In the mid to late 1970's, cyber warfare was modernized with the engineering of the world's first personal
King 2 computer. Computers transformed the meaning of cyber warfare as it became more prevalent. There are many definitions of cyber terrorism, so
many the actual definition can be quite confusing and can be lost in interpretation. The Merriam–Webster online dictionary describes cyber terrorism
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Cyber Bullying Dbq
Did you know that females are more likely to be cyberbullied, compared to girls? Most people, nowadays, have access to the internet, which makes it
easier people to cyberbully others. Only 15.1% of British teachers have been a victim of cyberbullying, with the other 84.9% not being a victim. An
assistant Secretary of Civil Rights has noticed that there are many forms of harassment. Schools should take more action when it comes to any type of
bullying off school grounds. This is making people wonder if schools should be more restrictive to the student's online speech freedom. Schools should
take action if there is harm being done to others. In Document A of" Should Schools Be Allowed to Limit Students' Online Speech?", they surveyed a
random sample of 10–18 year–olds from a large school district in the southern US. It shows that girls are more likely to be cyberbullied. It also
shows that girls are more likely to cyberbully somebody else. According to the graph, 25.1% of girls have been cyberbullied in their lifetime, ... Show
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Document B in the DBQ "Should Schools Be Allowed to Limit Students' Online Speech, ?" they surveyed British School Teachers about their
experience and effects of bullying. Only 15.1% of teachers admitted to being cyber bullied over mobile, phone, and email. They then expressed who
the person responsible for the misdeed was. The highest percentage was 44.2%, which was under the category of their pupils. Like most people
bullying of all sorts would affect them in some way. About 38.6% of teachers said that the bullying had no effect on them. Another 38.6% of them said
that the bullying reduced their confidence and self–esteem. This shows that not only students are the ones being bullied but so are teachers. This
should help make sure that everybody and everything is kept under
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How to End Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying can be more terrifying than standard bullying, because the target typically does not know who is after them. Cyber bullies believe that
because they are posting anonymously or not using their names, they can get away with anything. The case is that Internet activity is traceable. It is
important to know that cyber bullying can be charged as crimes. In some cases, cyber bullies will be charged as sexual predators and have to be on the
registry. Furthermore, items posted on the Internet can affect the person's ability to get into university or employment.
Cyber Bully Statistics
Around half of all teens have been the victims of cyber bullying (, 2013)
More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced ... Show more content on ...
The statements escalate in viciousness from name–calling to very vicious and inflammatory statements, including death threats.
Should the police be contacted? Are both girls wrong? What should the girls do in this instance? What would you do as a parent if you found your
daughter was doing this? What would you do as a school administrator?
(Hinduja, 2009).
Scenario #3
On Monday, Heather received an e–mal from someone named "" The subject and body of the e–mail states: I am watching you.
Be afraid!" Heather deletes the email and thinks nothing of it. On Tuesday, she receives another email from "" and this time, the
subject and body of the e–mail state: "I am getting closer, and I see you on the computer right now as you read this." Heather is worried but doesn't
want to tell her parents because she is concerned they will take away her tablet. On Wednesday, she awakens to a new email from
"" that states: "Be very afraid. Today may be your last." Definitely frightened and concerned now she makes up her mind to tell
her parents when she gets home from school. She is unable to concentrate in school, because of intense fear as to what the email meant when it said,
"Today may be your last." She rushes home after school, bent on bringing it up with her parents as soon as she sees them. To her dismay, her parents
are not home. There is a note that reads
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Cyber Bullying Essay example
Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today,
they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and
spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it's a
matter that has spiraled out of control. "Cyber bullying is defined as using the computer or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten or humiliate
another individual," Admin October 13th, 2008. As the
Hartman 2 internet continues growing more popular with the youth, so do potential ... Show more content on ...
This makes the bully feel more powerful.
Hartman 3
There's not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It's common for them to bully another just to boost
their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge. Some may think it's humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it's not harmful in any way.
The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers.
Many negative effects are outcomes of cyber bullies. The impact cyber bullying has on kids is detrimental. Victims can develop psychological
problems. For example, victims begin having anxiety, lower self–esteem, and frustration. They may also be diagnosed with depression. It's tough to
ignore cyber bullying. Compared to school bullies, internet bullies cause their victim more emotional pain. Children and teenagers are able to escape
school bullies when they return home. However targets of cyber bullying don't have that advantage.
There is no argument as to if cyber bullying is good or bad. However is social networking to blame? Or is lack of parent monitoring the problem? It's
true that adolescents are often given too much technology independence. I believe parents should fully acknowledge what websites their children are
visiting and what they are posting. On the contrary, I feel there is no excuse for child or teenager to feel the urge to emotionally attack
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Cyber Bully And What Do Cyber Bullies Look For A Target?
What factors are associated with an increased tendency to cyber bully and what do cyber bullies look for in a target?
Aschah Williams
David Johnston
Emily Crawford
Jaime Skipper
Kiera Smith
BHCLR What factors are associated with an increased tendency to cyber bully and what do cyber bullies look for in a target? Cyber Bullying is a
relatively new method of harassing and intimidating peers. It's difficult to target because as few as 1/10 parents realize that their children are
participating in the behavior. Children lack sufficient supervision online, on phones, and on other electronic devices to deter them from such actions.
They are safe from consequences and punishment in their own "world". Examining individual factors and ... Show more content on ...
Symptoms include headaches, nausea, sleeping problems and isolation. Nurses must gain the adolescent's trust in order to help the patients reveal all
the issues that are occurring, and to do a full psychological assessment of the child in order to be able to make an effective plan of care for the
Pediatric Population at Risk
In their study, Carter and Wilson (2015) state that out of 367 adolescent students, 337 of them have computers, that 79.1% of the student body in
question have their own personal cell phone and that 81% have a Facebook. Cyber–bullying is an easily utilized method of harassment, and used
throughout all age groups. Adolescents however, are the most likely to both participate and be a victim of cyber bullying.
Studies show that adolescents are the most prevalent group of people affected by cyber–bullying, they have also shown mixed findings about the
correlation between age and cyberbullying. (Carter, Wilson, 2015.) Wang, Lannotti, and Nansel (2009) "found no differences in the cyberbullying
among 9th and 8th graders, and fewer self–reports of cyberbullying among 9th and 10th graders." Williams and Guerra (2007) found that "engagement
in internet bullying increased from 5th to 8th grade, and then declined slightly among high school
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Cyber Bullying And Its Effects
Studies indicate that cyber–bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber–bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time
you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. "Love is louder" has been a common phrase
among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying thatbullying is not right and should not
be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully's can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology
is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber–bullies. Cyber–bullying is becoming a major problem and we all ... Show
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Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, being cyber–bullied can sometimes be much more
severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in the article, "Cyber–bullying: A Growing Problem" states, "This type of bullying can be more serious
than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends" (ScienceDaily).
What exactly is 'cyber–bulling'? The author of the article, "What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home" explains it as, "any harassment that occurs
via the Internet" (Hardcastle). Cyber–bulling messages can be communicated through text, e–mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or
any other information communication technologies. For example, Michigan's assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the
University of Michigan's openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010
targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigan's student body president. On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments
towards Chris Armstrong, along with distorted pictures. According to the article, "Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student" the author
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The Issues Of Cyber Bullying
Coastal Carolina University
The Issues of Cyber–bullying
Alyssa Staub
CSCI 101 – D1
Professor Matthews
October 23, 2017 Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet.
Pre–internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children at school.
Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some type of discipline between the children involved. Today however, for
bullies has dramatically changed and the risk–reward balance has been significantly tilted in favor of the bullies.
The Emergence of Technology
Today, bullies can... Show more content on ...
A case can be made that for engaged participants within massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in their
realization of happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging
to participants than traditional bullying.
Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue
The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its
complexities in order to make meaningful, relevant, and thought–provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs on the foundations of traditional
bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies' process of bullying. Bullies naturally
have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling
considering there is very little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no "internet police" actively monitoring conversations or information.
The cold truth is that nothing will ever happen to a cyber bully unless the victim(s) report it and pursue it legally. The situation
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying
Cyber Bullying Bullying most certainly continues into high school, and in some cases even college. While the prevalence may not be as intense as
it is in middle or high school, it seems clear that college students are dealing with cyber bullies as well. Up until a few years ago, it seemed that a blind
eye, of sorts, was being turned to cyber bullying. The thought was that kids would be kids, and that they would ultimately get over it. It wasn't really
acknowledged as a real problem; bullying was just one of those things that everyone experienced at some point or another, and then moved on from. It
wasn't until it began to come to light that suicides were beginning to occur as a direct result of bullying, cyber bullying in most cases, that it was
recognized as a real problem (Hinduja, & Patchin, 2010).
Nowadays, when one turns on the news it's almost inevitable to see a story relating back to cyber bullying. In a lot of cases cyber bullying is a lot
more dangerous and harmful than typical schoolyard bullying. For one, the victim can't just go home and get away from it; cyber bullying can happen
without any face to face contact, which makes it all the more hurtful.The fact that cyber bullying occurs through technology makes it easier for
someone to be more callous towards another than they usually would in person (Cyberbullying vs.TraditionalВґ). People are much more comfortable
sending a scathing text message to someone than they are saying it to their face. It allows them to be doubly as cruel, without having to face the
consequences of such words in a face–to–face conversation.There have been so many tragic stories that resulted from cyber bullying in the news lately,
but there's two that stood out as particularly striking and noteworthy.The first is the heartrending story of Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers
University who took his own life after his peers filmed him having sexual encounter with another male and posted it on the internet. After Clementi
caught wind of the images on the Internet, he committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge (Friedman,2010). Unfortunately,
homosexuals seem to be amongst those getting the worst of the bullying.
This story goes to show the serious
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Cyber Bullying Essay
Sarah is an average teenage girl. She gets decent grades, likes to hang out with friends and is on the track team. One day when Sarah arrives at
school she notices other kids staring at her and whispering, but she doesn't think too much of it. Later in the day at lunch a few kids mutter nasty
words at her as they pass by, kids she doesn't even know. After school she turns on her cell phone and see 15 text messages from numbers she doesn't
know, all of them calling her horrible names like "skank" and "bitch." Once she is home Sarah checks her e–mail to find messages like the ones on her
phone, but one of them has a link. After clicking on the link Sarah is directed to a web site, and it appears to be all about her. Photo collages with...
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Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no
place to seek refuge. "It's a non–stop type of harassment and it creates a sense of helplessness" (Meech.) Victims begin to feel that no place is safe as
attacks reach them through cell phones, instant messages and blogs. Information placed on the internet is transmitted "instantaneous[ly] to a
potentially limitless audience – including recipients in the next state or even overseas" (Billetti.) While victims of traditional bullying might have run
away to escape torment, victims of cyber bullying don't feel that is an option, with the internet being everywhere, their tormentors have access to
them no matter where they may be. While the vastness of the internet may be useful for accessing old books and magazines from databases, or
storing family photos for ease of access, it also has no limitations as to how long negative information might be stored. "Words and images in the
virtual world can exist in perpetuity in cyberspace. That means victims may review tormenting words and images again and again" (Billitteri.) Imagine
your most embarrassing moment available for everyone in the world to see, time after time. Just when a cyber bullying victim might
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Cyber Bullying Persuasive Essay
Inspirational speaker, writer, and community leader Anna Maria ChГЎvez once said "Cyber Bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and
do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm." Cyberbullying is negatively taking over technology and adults aren't
aware of the potential dangers it has on their children. To start, children and teens do not talk to their parents about the acts of cyberbullying that occur
on their technology. Over half of young teens do not tell their parents when cyberbullying occurs. (Webstar, 2017) This is a big problem. This means
that children are hurting, the result of cyberbullying, and they are afraid to talk to their parents, or any adult for that matter. They are keeping their
emotions bottled up inside them, and parents have no idea this is happening. In fact, only 1 in 10 teens tell an adult if they have been a cyberbully victim
. (Webstar, 2017) These numbers should not be the effect of cyberbullying. Children have to seek help from adults and stop the cyber bullies hiding
behind their screen. Might I add, it should not be all on the children's shoulders. They are the victim, and they should stand up for themselves, but why
should it be all on them? Parents have to be on the lookout for cyber bullying these days. Only 32% of parents actually monitor their children's social
networking activities, while 28% admitted they only occasionally, rarely or never monitor activity. (Anderson, 2016) This 28% of
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Cyber Bullying And Social Media
Bullying and Social Media Virtual harassment is a common and growing occurrence, and offline intimidation has continually been and remains to be
a problem. Bullying of all kinds peaks in Middle School and in greatest cases spills off by College age, when scholars are more self–regulating and
more developed. Shortage of organization amongst school staff, parents and scholars make cyber– and offline bullying a constant risk to young people
's assurance and well–being. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services delivers a much briefer yet wider meaning of the term: "Cyber
bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology." It goes on to clarify precisely what is intended by "electronic technology" as well as
gives a very decent impression of the matter, as well as ideas for action. Much of the government's distress is that bullying, in overall, frequently
includes illegal or criminal behavior. Bullying is unwanted, violent behavior amongst school–aged children that includes a real or apparent power
imbalance. According to Graham (2014), "The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by
others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict." (p. 159). According to Bishop (2014), "Cyberbullying
can be seen as being distinct from other forms of online behaviour. Some see cyber–bullying as a form of Cyberstalking, which involves taking a more
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying
Bullying has continued to plague educational environments across the United States. At its core, bullying encompasses physical and emotional
harassment of individuals by others. In light of technological advancements, bullying has established an online presence, presenting a new set of
methods to harass victims. According to a study conducted in 2013, online harassment in the United States raised to 11 percent (Khurana et al. p.1039).
With no permanent solution in sight, cyber bullying shows no signs of stopping. However, with help from guardians and leaders who hold positions of
authority, online bullying can be prevented and therefore eliminated. As a unified society, the United States should push more effective awareness onto
parents, school systems, and legislative branches in order to combat against the growing issue of cyber bullying.
As technology use increases worldwide, parents of adolescents have lost a handle on containing the issue of cyber bullying. Compared to face–to–face
bullying, cyber bullies conceal themselves from their parents and victims alike, making the parent's task of identifying both initiators and victims
difficult. As stated in a 2012 report on the rising issue of cyber bullying, "This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to strike blows against a
victim without having to see the victim's physical response... lead[ing] them to say and do crueler things compared to what is typical in a traditional
face–to–face bullying situation" (Donegan
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The Issue Of Counter Cyber Terrorism
I. Introduction
International jurisprudence regarding the "use of force " in matters pertaining to cyber–terrorism and the exercise of permissible of counter–cyber
terrorism measures remains predominately unsettled "as... current international law does not specifically address cyber warfare. " With respect, this
legal brief draws upon the arguments put forth by Schmitt for the purpose of arguing that states shall only engage in counter cyber terrorism measures
such as surveillance in accordance with the principles of "jus ad bellum [which defines] when states may lawfully resort to force [and] jus in bello
which governs how force may be used once an armed conflict has commenced. " In order to successfully argue that Australia has the right ... Show more
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B. Current Stance of Customary International Law
To begin with, the first issue which arises is "regarding the precise legal parametres of cyberwarfare. " In advising the department, counsel advises the
department to utilize the following definition cited by Schaap as the bedrock upon its understanding of cyber warfare rests; "The department of defence
defines the phrase computer network attack as actions taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt, deny, degrade or destroy information
resident in computers... or the computer networks themselves. " The aforementioned definitions must be read in conjunction with the definition of
sovereignty in "Island of Palmas Arbitral Award of 1928 [the case held] that" "Sovereignty... is the right to exercise therein, to the exclusion of any other
state, the function of a state." In determining whether cyber–warfare has in fact take place between two states there must be evidence of malicious
malpractice which Raboin poignantly terms as "problematic and destructive real world effects." . In effect, the victim's state's "territorial integrity or
political independence" must be threatened. Whilst this essay stands in agreement
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The Causes And Dangers Of Cyber Bullying And Cyber...
The younger generation is always on their phones and it has decreased their skill of communication which is a must need for the business world. In
fact the Pew Research Center had found that 88% of people ages 18–29 use Facebook in 2016. That is a lot of people which can lead to some problems
as mentioned before.
One growing issue is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is when someone threatens, makes fun of, or posts offencive pictures/words with the intention to
hurt others over electronic communication. "About half of young people have experienced some form of cyberbullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience
it regularly" said Bullying Statistics, "Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider suicide". Also more than 50%
of cyberbully victims don't say anything to their parents or any other adults witch makes the situation even worse. This is a serious issue that goes
along with social networking. The next issue is bots. Bots are a computer program that are created to do a task automatically. What that task may be
depends on the type of bot, and unfortunately for us there are more bad bots than there are good. An prime example of a bad bot is the bot designed
to infect your computer through downloads and ads. When the bot has been downloaded it can steal personal information, make you pay a ransom for
your information back, and can even make your computer send out spam mail. There are million of bots in use right now and they are incredibly
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Cyber-bullying Powered by Technology
Cyber–bullying has become a huge issue recently not only in high school but in the middle schools as well. For awhile there it seemed that just about
every time you turned on the news there was another story of bullying or a suicide related to bullying incident being reported. "Love is louder" has
become a popular phrase among celebrities and other influential figures lately. They're trying to send out a message to anyone listening saying that
bullying is wrong and it shouldn't be tolerated. With the expansion of communication technologies, bullies are gaining more and more ways to torture
their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so we need to come up with a way to end cyber–bullies
permanently. Cyber–bullying is becoming more of a problem and all of us need to work together in figuring out how we can stop cyber–bullies once
and for all. Until we take precautionary measures, cyber–bullies will continue to be a threat to today's youth. Before putting an end to cyber–bullying
we must comprehend why and how a cyber–bully works. By understanding how a cyber–bully works we'll be able to better defend our youth
population as technology expands.
Cyber–bullying is mainly powered by technology and as it expands, bullying becomes harder to notice and stop. Bullying over social media makes it
easier for the attacker to get away with their harmful behavior. Although the Internet has kicked opened multiple doors to new possibilities in the
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The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Terrorism
Cyber operations entail getting behind the most serious aspects of cyber terrorism and leading to the capture of those perpetrating cyber crimes.
Our society's dependence on the Internet for public and private institutions in the critical sectors of government, defense, emergency services, public
health, even the basics of food and water, put us at great risk of cyber terrorism. Telecommunications, transportation, banking, and the like are all
conducted via the Internet and this dependence creates a frightening scenario.
Cyberspace is composed of hundreds of computers, servers, routers, switches and fiber–optic cables that allow the system to work. Any act of cyber
terrorism against any of these institutions is a violation to our national security. ... Show more content on ...
Hackers have proven that it is not all that difficult to get into a computer network and manipulate it at will. Although hackers are not in themselves
cyber terrorists, they have proven how simple this type of mayhem would be to create. Those who would like to inflict cyber terrorism can follow
this example and gain access to critical data from governments, as well as private computer networks. This type of cyber terrorism could disable
financial and military organizations. Our society's dependence on the Internet, and our focus on having everything accessible via the Web, has
created vulnerabilities in our defense systems. Where once it would have been difficult for a terrorist to tamper with a water treatment facility, it is
quite feasible that a cyber terrorist could manipulate such a facility with disastrous results. It would be safe to say that the real risk of cyber terrorism
is well founded. However, there is still some exaggeration in the media that is not rational when it comes to the threat of cyber
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Pros And Cons Of Cyber Warfare
3.1 Cyber Warfare
Richard A. Clark, an expert in security sector governance in his book Cyber War (May 2010), defines Cyber War as an act of penetration of a country
against other computer network with the intent of causing damage and disruption. The Economist magazine explained that cyber war is the fifth
domain of warfare, after land, sea, air and space. Cyber warfare, (also known as cyber war and Cyber warfare), is a war with the use of computer
networks and the Internet in cyberspace (cyber space) in the form of defense and attack information. Cyber warfare is also known as cyber warfare
refers to the use of the World Wide Web and computer to conduct warfare in cyberspace. Although sometimes relatively minimal and lightweight, so
far cyber warfare could potentially cause a serious loss of data and information systems, military activity and other service disruptions, cyber warfare
means can pose as disaster risk worldwide.
3.1.1 The development of Cyber Warfare
In 1991, someone in the air force reported a computer virus named AF / 91, the virus was created and has been installed on the printer chips and
make his way to Iraq via Amman and Jordan. His job is to create an anti–aircraft weapon damage Iraq.
In 1998, the US and NATO in order to successfully bombed Serbian targets in Kosovo, the United States needs to deceive and disrupt air... Show more
content on ...
Perhaps the US can serve as a reference for developing capability. Latest test results of five large super computer capable of extremely high with Rmax
and Rpeak are judged by the size of Tera Flops / 1012 Flops (Floating Point Operations Per Second), numbers 1 to 3 US computer occupied. Power of
data measured in KW for the entire
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Cyber Warfare And Its Effects On The World
Boom! The kinetic effect of a two–thousand pound "GBU–31" military designated "MK–84" bomb, possibly with a "BLU–109" penetrator on the nose
cone with an embedded global positioning system guidance kit provides obvious visible damage–somebody, or something, just fractured into smaller
pieces. The same is not necessarily the case with bellicose actions in the cyber dimension–at least not at first look. Senior leaders as a whole have
largely ignored cyber warfare's catastrophic potential due to the initial invisible physical effects and huge costs associated with protecting our systems
and information. As our reliance on technology grows as exponentially as the technology improves, more people are finally showing an awareness of
the "silent boom's" threat and its actual fracturing potential, in part due to protagonists like Richard A. Clarke and Robert K. Knake and their continued
warn of cyber war's devastating potential for first, second, and tertiary effects.
Clarke and Knake use a mixed method research approach in Cyber War to support their hypothesis that offensive prowess is meaningless without
solid defense in cyberspace, and that the United States need immediately fix our defensive cyber shortfalls, or face apocalyptic doom. Specifically, the
authors define 'cyber war' as "actions by a nation state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or
disruption." This infers that they are really talking about 'warfare' and
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Cyber Warfare And Security Threats
The innovations in information technology and increased amount of interconnected electronic devices today create new economic and social
prospects as well as improve the overall quality of our lives. While these leading edge technologies create opportunities, some have become prey to
attackers and has given birth to a new era of Cyber warfare. Consequently, the Internet, computers and networks have become targets and vehicles of
cyber attacks and generate challenges to our security privacy. Cyber Warfare presents an ever–increasing amount of security threats, which continue to
escalate with increasing harshness, and is now a critical issue in our technology realm and a growing threat to the world. Cyber wars are generally ...
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Singer, P., & Friedman, A. (2014)
Cyberspace is now a military dimension; the word "cyber is a very significant and probably one of the most common term used in today's international
security dialogues. The Internet and e–commerce are crucial to the economic competitiveness of many nations, businesses and organizations, however
cyber criminal have cost users millions of dollars and valuable assets. Achieving security on the Internet is a very daunting task; as criminals and
hackers have become plagues to critical IT infrastructures, online communication and e–commerce.
Cyber warfare is a very costly and complex reality; it compromises the privacy of web users and has shaped great battles between domains.
Governments and organizations are faced with significant threats and challenges daily as advanced software programs are developed and used to
exploit and disrupt their computer networks. These increasing series of cyber conflicts between nations, corrupt gangs and virtual terrorist groups; all
raises critical economic and national security issues in countries across the globe. In a recent article Clayton (2011) stated that "Tomorrow 's wars will
be fought not just with guns, but with the click of a mouse half a world away that will unleash weaponized software that could take out everything
from the power grid to a chemical plant." (Clayton 2011). It is very appalling to think that the insertion
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Creating A New Cyber Force
1. Today, there is a new battlefield domain where a keyboard and mouse are the new weapons of conflict. With land, sea, air and space in the
background, warfare has entered a fifth domain: cyber. In this position paper, using a pro and con format, the debate on whether or not the
Department of Defense (DoD) should create a new, independent branch for cyber will be discussed. To do this, the following will examine both sides
of debate by highlighting two main points: the elimination of duplication of effort and the intensive resources required to make the transition. Finally,
a look into a larger talent pool will be explored to highlight the largest benefit of creating a new Cyber Force. It is this paper's stance that the DoD
should create a separate structure in order to meet the new domain's unique demands.
2. To better understand this topic, a brief background on cyber warrants a closer look. President Obama concluded as early as 2009 that the nation's
digital infrastructure of networks and computers that we depend on should be treated as a strategic national asset.1 With the former head of security at
Microsoft acting as the cybersecurity tsar for the White House and General Keith Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), leading
Cyber Command (CYBERCOM), the protection of the nation's infrastructure is finally being treated like a national security priority.2 This shift brings
with it a debate on how to structure the US assets to realize its
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Pros And Cons Of Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying can be good and laws should not get stricter
To start cyber bullying isn't that bad it can be a good method to stop physical bullies and provide evidence for counselors and law enforcement
."Student speech is still protected by free speech laws, regardless of how cruel and unusual it is – especially when They're off–campus". In addition
,according to The sacurrent daily, making cyber laws stricter would violate a student of campus freedom of speech . One of the many problems with
making the law stricter is, no matter how cruel or mean the students' messages are it is still legal according to the first amendment ."There's no rule in
the First Amendment for speech that causes harm for a minor," subsequently when minors are cyber bullying it is not as easy to charge them .one reason
is If a minor makes a threat it is legal .This is where cyber bullying can be good because then every threat or argument is documented and cannot be
changed witch makes for good evidence of the bully .
Furthermore stricter laws would cause more felonies and create other issues "My concern is that We'll just be sticking more kids with felonies,"
said Francis, who says he's been advising Menendez on the bill's focus . another problem is If cyber bullying becomes a felony many kids would get
them cyber bullying is very common meaning if it Were a law more people would be felons . opportunities would be lost for people due to a mistake
that can be forgiven. However "Sadness and depression
Suicidal thoughts and suicide " is a notorious part of cyber bullying that has caused 4400 deaths according.
Although it is only words and we have a freedom of speech, according to the first amendment are words can do a lot more damage than we think
and in some cases cyber bullying is even worse than physical bullying . cyber bullying can be worse because suicide can seem like the only way out .
"When it comes to cyber–bullying, they are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration " in contrast cyber bullying can stop assaults and fights.
Rather than fighting minors can argue in an environment where they get told their feelings and be separated so nothing can get physical . to contradict
"Problems in school. Violence" can
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Essay Cyber Security Departments
As the use of technology has increased drastically over the last two decades, so has our need for technology. Technology has become a part about our
everyday life and we can find technology being used nearly everywhere. Most systems in today's countries and societies rely on technological
infrastructure; these systems include transport systems, factory systems, power plant systems and water sanitation systems. This brings on the
question of to what extent have governments developed their cyber security departments, what evidence is there of governmental involvement in
malware attacks and why should governments be concerned about cyber security. Since these systems rely heavily on technology, governments have to
consider them as high–risk ... Show more content on ...
The slammer virus managed to disable the emergency call system, the air traffic control system at some airports in the USA and the bank of America's
ATM network among other things.
Cyber treats of the 21st century
Computer Viruses are increasingly becoming more common, currently 148,000 computers are infected every day and the World Economic Forum
predicts that there is a 10% chance for critical infrastructure being damaged in the next 5 years . As mentioned earlier most of the critical
infrastructure like power plants and water treatment facilities rely on computer systems, but more specifically PLC's (Programmable Logic
Controllers) 2 and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions System) . These control systems have a major drawback, which is that they
are susceptible to attacks by hackers if they are not configured in the correct way. There have been several examples of systems being compromised.
The ICS–CERT (Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team) responded to 198 cyber incidents reported by power plants, water
treatment plants and other critical infrastructure during 2012 . An experiment was conducted at the Department of Energy's Lab in Ohio in 2007. The
aim of the experiment was to prove that it is possible to hack into the US power grid and shut down diesel generators. The experiment was called
Aurora, the group of computer experts managed to hack into the diesel generator and
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The Problem of Cyber Bullying
In the past few years, there has been a tremendous amount of improvements of technology use in teenagers causing a new problem to arise. "Half of
students admit to being bullied online, while an estimated seventy–nine percent of teenagers say it's a problem," ("An Old Problem with a New Face").
Since the rapid growth of technology, cyber bullying has become life–threatening for too many teenagers. Now that teenagers have phones and
technology almost twenty–four hours a day, they are putting themselves at a greater risk of being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is different from
regular, old–school bullying; cyber bullying is using the internet to ruin the life of other teenagers. "Cyber bulling is when a teenager is tormented,
threatened, ... Show more content on ...
As for the teenagers being cyber bullied, and the ones performing the cyberbullying, there are many different ways to handle the situation. For those
who are being cyber–bullied or harassed they can block the person performing the bullying. If the cyber bully has contact information with the teen,
they can ignore messages without reading them. In today's social media, the person being bullied can report to the social media workers rude
comments, inappropriate pictures, and just bullying itself. Then the comments will be taken down. Lastly, someone who is getting bullied needs to
speak with a parent, a teacher, or even a friend about the bullying. As for the teenagers who are witnessing the cyberbullying, that teenager needs to
tell them to stop what they're doing because jail is a penalty for cyberbullying. That child could also get caught by the school and get expelled
depending on how serious the case of cyberbullying has become. "The punishment for cyber bullies can include being suspended from school or
kicked off of sports teams. Certain types of cyber bullying also may violate school codes or even discrimination or sexual harassment laws" ("Kids
Health"). In addition to jail being an option, teenagers can result to taking their own lives. So additionally going to jail, the cyber–bully could be the
reason behind another
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Cyber Warfare And Global Affairs
The rapid merging of telecommunications and digital infrastructure is extremely beneficial to limit human error, collect data, and create a more
interdependent world. However, this merge also poses threats on computers, servers, and even machinery. The influx of hackers and keyloggers are
taking advantage of our increasingly interdependent world can steal information. Even countries are using the cyber domain as a separate battlefield to
fulfill their missions and acquire information. Cyberwar is relatively a new term to describe: an Internet–based conflict involving politically motivated
attacks on information and information systems. But the definition is constantly evolving with time and the more knowledge the public acquires about...
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Before they are able to create these laws and regulations between countries there is a huge issue with classification. The problem with the issues that
result from cyber warfare, and hacking within the cyber realm is that there is confusion within the public. In regards to what cyber warfare means, and
what that means for society. To understand cyber warfare it is important to understand the distinction between a cyber attack and cyber warfare. A
cyber attack is within the cyber domain with an objective of data theft, pranks, etc. While cyber warfare is still within the cyber domain, (they coexist
in the same realm) but a cyber war is a state of armed conflict politically motivated with violent means – with violence, just like with regular conflict,
with the regular war itself. However, this area of cyber warfare is not something we can measure or separate like borders of a state because it is not
very tangible and it is a fairly new topic, so we don 't know the jurisdictions of it. There are so many questions regarding how to make sense of cyber
warfare and an even more confusing legal conceptual of a cyber war to fit into the established law of war.
Since the growing number of cyberattacks, the United States created a separate command called the Cyber Command on June 23, 2009. The secretary
of defense directed the commander of the US Strategic Command to establish a sub–unified command, US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). Full
Operational Capability
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Bullying And The Cyber Bullying Essay
Cyber bullying refers to something when one uses their cell phone, computers or an electronic device to access internet and technology for the purpose
of harassment and providing harms to others. Sending inappropriate messages, uploading disturbing images, threatening and posting something without
someone's' approval are the forms of cyber bullying. The main aim of this research study is to look after the cyber bullying and the possible reasons of
occurrence in teenagers. With the reasons we will be also identifying the solutions to the problems. This study will be limited to teenagers with the age
group of 13–19. The importance of this research is that it will help to find out the risk–related findings, so that one can know how and why teenagers
are involved and participated in the cyber bullying (Elisabeth Staksrud, 2007). With the reasons and occurrence behind the cyber bullying, this will be
also focusing on the preventive measures as well as influencing factors which might be their parents, friends or the educators in the education academy.
Some of the results of the cyber bullying leads the victim to the anxiety, depression and even suicide.
The main context that is focused in the research study is the involvement of the teenagers in the cyber bullying. These involvements occur while
teenagers are living their normal life. We can say that they are involve in these activities when they are in school with their
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Cyber-Bullying In Australia
No one saw it coming as trend until a 17–year–old Allem Halkic jumped off the West Gate bridge in Melbourne, Victoria, to his death about 5am on
February 5 2009. Threatening text messages from a former mate weighed heavily on Allem's mind. ''I'll put you in hospital,'' said one. ''Don't be
surprised if you get hit some time soon,'' read another. According to this resource, 463,000 Australian children were victims of cyber–bullying in 2013,
and almost three quarters in the age group between 10 and 16 years.
The survey (Telstra, Project ROCKIT, 2017) of 1000 young people aged 14–25 across few Australian schools found that 23 per cent of respondents had
been cyberbullied in the past 12 months, but only half had sought help. As per Australian... Show more content on ...
This may be because victims are overwhelmed with the fact that the entire world knows their embarrassment. They feel they are alone on one side
and the rest of the world is on the other side, hence they feel powerless and they feel there is no place where they can escape hence, some
Cyberbullied victims choose a path of ending their own lives and some come out and give it a fight. Those who choose none, become victimised
forever with prolong depression, trauma and low self–esteem. In general, they develop a sense of NO TRUST within the
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Cyber-Bullying Epidemic
Cyber–bullying has become the 21st century epidemic, a former school yard incident has been brought into the children's home through the internet
and social media sites. It has become impossible for people to avoid the verbal and emotional harassment. Cyber bullying primarily happens to school
age children and cause serious psychological damage to the victims. Cyber bullying has a lot of the same motivators as the former school yard
bullying, it is meant to ridicule and humiliate its victims. However, with the internet a person can hide their identity, assume someone else's and
provide confidence to our own self since face to face contact is not necessary.
There are many ways that a person can cyber bully, from threatening texts or emails, to malicious and scandalous rumors posted on media pages or a
person pretending to be the victim in order to damage their reputation. As the current generation is exposed to the increase in technology and adult
content through the media sexual pictures they have sent can also be used as a cyber bullying tactics, persuading the victim with kindness and interest,
then sending it to the public. The victims of these crimes experiences detrimental ... Show more content on ...
Megan's case was the first to address the issue and while it shocked everyone the fact a parent would participate in such a juvenile crime, it was also
shocking to see the dangers posed by social media websites not only from strangers but from friends. Since Megan's case attempts of suicide as a result
from cyber bully have increased becoming more public. The educational system has employed techniques and classes in order to prevent students from
engaging in in the crime and to allow victims to seek help. In Virginia it is a law that all schools have punishment such as detention, suspension and
expulsion for any instance of
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Cyber Crime In Canada
2008). Unfortunately, majority of youths who are targeted by the online predators and accept invitations to meet in person tend to acknowledge that
they will likely be engage in sexual relationship(Wolak et al, 2008). Thus, these factors illustrates that children in Canada require great cares and
protections from the online predators.
As mentioned, the children internet users are in great risk of victimization from being victimized by the online predators. The problem of online
predators consistently increased as people gained more easy access to the internet through diverse forms. As a response to this social concern, the
government in Canada introduced an act named Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act on 2012 in the House of Commons. The main
fundamental purpose behind the Bill–C30 is to solve the major difficulties the police agencies face when they conduct the cyber crime investigations by
granting them certain authors to obtain personal information of internet users through the process of surveillance. ... Show more content on ...
The main difficulties that the police agencies face during the online crime investigation include the multi jurisdictions, obtaining the warrant for search
and seize, anonymity, significant amount of data, and consistently evolving technologies and techniques(Wall, 2012). Specifically in the online
predators crime, the idea of obtaining a warrant is the most critical difficulty the police agencies have. Similarly to other actual physical criminal cases
such as murder or assault, the key component in conducting the successful investigation is to identify and obtain the actual evidences that can prove
the offense(Power, 2013). However in terms of the cyber crimes, most evidences are contained in the actual computer itself, which, it explains that the
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Cyber Bullying Is Bad
"Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you." Yeah, right. With the increasing rate of technology in our everyday lives,
cyber bullies have more and more ways to find and attack their next victims, and it's hurting more than ever. There are many ways people can eliminate
cyberbullying though, starting with getting help for individuals. Teach your kids how to properly behave online and let them know it is okay to report
any bullying they see, whether they are the victim or a bystander. You also need to understand that online bullying can be much worse than real
"playground" bullying (Strom and Strom). The fear–factor of anonymity is increased (Beale), it is much harder to track down the real oppressor, and
cyber bullies often do not see how much emotional pain they can cause (Strom and Strom). Consequences are always a big debate with bullies too, and
no one should punish another without seeing their side of the story (Adams).
Everyone needs to know what to do incase they, or anyone they see online, are being bullied. Ensure that everyone knows to report or delete any
bullying they see, show it to a trusted adult, and to put their account on private, if they are a victim. You can also teach good citizenship and... Show
more content on ...
The first thing that usually pops to mind is anonymity. When someone does not know for sure who could be out there, it could cause them to become
more scared, and it could be their best friend for all they know. If a cyberbully is caught, they could always just say their account was hacked, or their
friend took their phone and it wasn't them. As if that wasn't enough, when people bully online they often can not see the effects of their actions, and
how much pain they might have caused . This might tempt bullies to continue bullying, because they don't understand how severe the consequences
are (Strom and
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Cyber Trolling In America
A cyber trolling – is a range of online behaviors of those who post a deliberately provocative message with the intention of causing maximum disruption
and argument. Trolls target specific individuals – authors of debatable content. They do everything to provoke and arouse trouble, tearing apart anyone
whose opinion or position they don't like. Internet era brings harassment and death treat closer to the target. It has never been easier to send it
anonymously than now, in the 21st century. Further, I want to present a real case of internet harassment toward female journalist and blogger from my
home country, Kyrgyzstan. Aliya Suranova blogs on politics and sensitive or even painful issues, including taboos and dogmas in Kyrgyz societies....
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The messages were abusive, violent and sexual: "Rape her nice a$$, these all due to $ex deficit, let's find her a real muzhik". She received hundreds
of comments, using the dirtiest language, and threatening to rape. She did not leave home in the evening, did not show up photos of her son and
completely deleted all private information from social platforms in fear of real attack on her family. These online attacks tended to address as well the
content of the articles as a blogger–woman. I think that all internet harassments is a product of a long–term tolerance of anonymity and maybe we
should make a practice of using the internet via logging in with
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Security
Increased Acts of Cyber Terrorism Call into Question its Prevention
With the widespread use of technology becoming more prominent, acts of cyber terrorism pose an increased threat to safety. Cyber terrorists exploit the
internet and its users to commit acts that can be increasingly detrimental to their targets. Some of the terrorist activities include large scale corruption
of computer networks by using tools like computer viruses. Certain individuals even have the ability of creating severe damage to government systems,
national security systems and even hospital servers. Most of the technology made today only has intentions of making life easier for people. However,
skilled users can manipulate the cyber world for negative intentions. Staying informed when it comes to cyber terrorism and cybercrime is important to
do because of the increased reliance on technology in society. Steps to improve cyber security before an attack ensures the safety of sensitive
information. The topic of cyber security and cyber warfare are interesting topics to keep up to date with. Understanding these topics can be beneficial
to my dream of being in the FBI, ensuring the safety of others by working to prevent acts of cyberterrorism.
1. Cybercrime
2. Cyberwarfare
3. Cyberterrorism
4. Cyber Security
While doing some of my research, I chose to use Computer Source as my database. The main subject of the database was trends in technology. It
allowed me to search trends from any time which was particularly helpful for my topic. The type of search that can be completed using this database
is Boolean searching. This type of searching style came in handy because the information I was searching for involved the cyber world, so it made it
easier to differentiate which aspect of the cyber world I was researching. For example, differentiating between Cyber Terrorism and Terrorism or Cyber
Warfare. Computer Source lets its users search by publication date rather than by scholarship level. Computer Source also showed similarities with
Academic Search Complete in that they shared similar fields. But after conducting similar searches, Computer Source provided me with more relevant
information. Overall, my search results were more refined and
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Cyber Bullying Essay
Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that uses electronic technology as a 'weapon' to inflict emotional distress to its victims. Electronic technology refers
to equipment such as computers, tablets and phones. Interactive communication networks such as Facebook and Twitter, texting, websites and chat
rooms are all included in this technological pool of cyber bullying tools. Examples of cyber bullying can range from insulting texts from smart phones
to derogatory postings on social networking sites. According to the website (1) the methods used are 'limited only by the child's
imagination and access to technology.' It is important to note that cyber bullying by definition can only be instigated by a minor against another minor.
Once adults become involved, it is defined as cyber–harassment or cyber stalking ( (2). There are two types of cyber bullying:
direct attacks (messages sent to victims directly) or cyber bullying by proxy (without the victim's knowledge).
Cyber bullying is considered different to traditional bullying. It can occur 24 hours a day and the bully is often an anonymous person whose identity is
hidden behind the security of a screen. The other concern is that the bully can share their information with a potential audience of millions in a matter
of seconds and the victim can find it almost impossible to stop the information or delete it from reaching such a vast audience. According to the
anti–bullying site
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Cyber Terrorism
In 1999, Chinese hackers targeted United States government sites, after an accidental bombing of a Chinese embassy in Belgrade. During this attack,
government sites were hijacked and some sites suffered a denial of service attack. Most recently, it was suspected that Bank of America was the victim
of a cyber terrorism attack; although no definitive evidence is available to substantiate that claim. Cyber terror attacks pose a threat against the national
security of the United States. In order to fully comprehend the threat that cyber terrorism poses, it is essential to understand the background, the effects,
the reality of the threat and the future of cyber terrorism. This assessment examines the reality of the cyber terrorism threat, and ... Show more content
on ...
Likewise, terrorists will strive to improve their cyber terror attack capabilities by keeping pace with the emerging technologies and overcoming
Many computer security experts question the possibility that the Internet could be used to inflict death on a large scale. Some precautions have been
made. Systems have been established in the last five years, which aim at preventing a possible cyber terrorism attack. "Air gapping" has been
established on all nuclear weapons, meaning the weapons are not connected to the Internet or any open computer network and cannot be accessed by
intruders or terrorists. Still, other areas of concern include subways, gas lines, power grids and communication systems; which are owned primarily by
the private sector and are managed by Internet enabled computer systems.
Reality of a Cyber Terror Attack
Malicious cyber activity is occurring more frequently and with unexpected complexity. In mid–December of 2009, Google experienced a highly
sophisticated and targeted attack which originated in China on its search engine infrastructure and e–mail, as well as on at least 20 other companies.
Attacks are occurring within the United States, as well. Attacks on government networks are omnipresent. In 2008, NASA and other departments of
Defense, Homeland Security and Commerce suffered major intrusions by "unknown foreign entities" which
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Cyber Bullying : Experienced Cyber Threats Online And On...
Amanda Kocks
English IV
Cyber Bullying
More than one in three young teens has experienced cyber threats online and on social media. Specifically 83% of teenagers use a cell phone regularly,
making it the most popular form of technology and an easier way to access the internet. Being tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed
and otherwise targeted by another teen is known as cyber bullying. With statistics this alarmingly high, bullying has become the largest issue facing
general youth society in the twenty first century. Cyber bullying has many effects on students including poor mental health, school, and physical
issues. The recovery for victims of cyber attacks is not an easy one, financially or emotional. Often, teens who are bullied online go into a deep
depression, and sometimes, rehab for depressed teens is the only way to solve it. For a loving and stable rehabilitation center, it can cost between
1,400–4,000 a year, and therapy can add up and contribute to this as well. This financial trouble can put stress on the victim's family, making it
difficult to make ends meet. The toll for being bullied into depression is extremely harmful. The process for healing and recovery is rocky. There is a
film that was released in 2012 on ABC Family starring Emily Osment, called 'cyberbully.' It is a story about a young girl who is tormented by her
classmates online, rumors spreading and people passing harsh judgement through their
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Pros And Cons Of Cyber Bullying

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Cyber Bullying cyber bullying can be good and laws should not get stricter To start cyber bullying isn't that bad it can be a good method to stop physical bullies and provide evidence for counselors and law enforcement ."Student speech is still protected by free speech laws, regardless of how cruel and unusual it is – especially when They're off–campus". In addition ,according to The sacurrent daily, making cyber laws stricter would violate a student of campus freedom of speech . One of the many problems with making the law stricter is, no matter how cruel or mean the students' messages are it is still legal according to the first amendment ."There's no rule in the First Amendment for speech that causes harm for a minor," subsequently when minors are cyber bullying it is not as easy to charge them .one reason is If a minor makes a threat it is legal .This is where cyber bullying can be good because then every threat or argument is documented and cannot be changed witch makes for good evidence of the bully . Furthermore stricter laws would cause more felonies and create other issues "My concern is that We'll just be sticking more kids with felonies," said Francis, who says he's been advising Menendez on the bill's focus . another problem is If cyber bullying becomes a felony many kids would get them cyber bullying is very common meaning if it Were a law more people would be felons . opportunities would be lost for people due to a mistake that can be forgiven. However "Sadness and ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Cyber Bully With Emily Osment The article mentioned above was meant to resonate with other parents and teens to give a warning as to what could happen if cyber bullying continues to become a regular issue (Sidorowiez, 2015). This tells us that audience segmentation is used in everyday lives, whether it goes noticed, or not. The media uses audience segmentation to categorize audiences (based on interest, age, race, class, etc.) and then to appeal to those audiences. Another way to view audience segmentation would be the process of dividing people into homogeneous subgroups based upon defined criterion. The article displays audience segmentation in clear terms, "It's a message Rebecca Abbott is hoping resonates with other parents and teens after her daughter committed suicide in early July" (Sidorowiez, 2015). This whole story/headline is also considered a landmark narrative. A landmark narrative... Show more content on ... This aired on ABC Family, hoping to delete cyberbullying (digital drama). The main character receives a computer for her seventeenth birthday and decides to create a social networking site on it. She becomes the victim of cyber bullying by some of her peers. The names she was called were ordinary terms thrown around to hurt others, which made this movie very practical and relatable. It touches on the dangers the internet presents including anonymity, loopholes enabling cyber bullying, and social pressure on teens to become involved in online relationships (she starts 'dating' a guy she met online and he partakes by spreading rumors about them). She develops depression, looses all of her friends, and tries to commit suicide, which are common effects cyber bullying can have. This is more of a realistic and drawn out version of what happens as a result of cyber bullying compared to the short, exaggerated version shown in secondary claims (news ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Cyber Bullies On Social Networking In today 's society, many people rely on their cellular devices for social networking and communication. This increasing rate has lead to a higher percentage of cyberbullying around the world. Effects have lead teens into mental and emotional damage or having the need to end their lives of pain. Due to the advances, growth, and the reliance of technology, it has lead to a higher cyberbullying rate; therefore, authorities should set higher consequences against bullying on social networking websites. Cyberbullying is the specific use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person ("At Issue: Cyberbullying"). Technology includes electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication ... Show more content on ... Bullying online has been around ever since technology started to become more popular in the 1990's. School administrators, educators, and parents started to pay more attention to bullying and the harm it can do after the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. That same year, the Department of Justice reported that approximately 5% of students between the ages of 12 and 18 claimed to be bullied (Bullying/Cyberbullying Timeline). At the beginning of the year 2000, the word "cyberbullying" was first used to explain the harassment or bullying of teens in online social networks. Because of effects the issue caused on teens, the American Medical Association's House of Delegates recommended that doctors be alert for signs and symptoms of being bullied because of the long–term mental health consequences it had in June of 2002. Finally, in 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified cyberbullying as an emerging public health problem (Bullying/Cyberbullying Timeline). Increases of cyberbullying has caused many states to establish rules and laws against online harassment. By the year 2009, many states had taken into effect a cyberbullying law. As of this year, every state has enacted some form of cyberbullying legislation (Hinduja and Patchin). Even though laws have started to be passed, it has left enforcement in the hands of school officials. Such as, cyberbullying may be treated as a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying A couple days adrive she cathe opponent crying to school. She replicated over and over again on how ugly she was, and how he made her feel pretty. She threw up her sleeve that those were the bruises he left her "I met him online." The online world wasn't meant to be dangerous. It was intended to be a useful source and to receive skills. It will also increase the ranking of competition in a variety of stuff . It wasn't made for people to drive online and sexually harassed, and violate privacy. Never did the creators of the online world think they had made a dangerous place for people. Adults should concentrate on teenagers' tithe opponent online. Cyberbullying is different from schoolyard bullying. Teachers can't intervene to the internet. Teens spend the preponderance of their day online just scrolls down seeing stuff that may be harming other students, however, students refusal show their relevance to this important title of cyber bullying. While the internet is an essential mechanism, numerous people compose it a dilemma. The internet is a like a reward, once you recognize it you are excited, however having the internet for a while, you tend to comprehend and bring tired of doing the sathe opponent material so you start looking up different stuff to do on the internet. In the article "Crossing the Line Online," teens did a survey on teenagers who have been called a nathe opponent or even asked about their sexuality.12 percent of the boys answered that "they have ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Cyber-Bullying and Teen Suicide Since Teen Suicide is the second leading cause of teenage death in the United States, there is a need for legislation that promotes awareness and education about Cyber–Bullying. by R. Hassan February 8, 2011 Fourth Period Mr. Cicala Robinson Secondary School Since Teensuicide is the second leading cause of teenage death in the United States, there is a need for legislation that promotes awareness and education about Cyber–Bullying. Due to the growth of technology in the American society, the younger generations of adolescents are adapting to the excessive use of computers, cell phones, and social–networking sites. According to a study done by Amanda Lenhart, 87% of adolescents who are... Show more content on ... The most common is "Mean Girls" cyber bullying which has been seen in the case of Tina Meir who committed suicide at age 13 (Billitteri 385). "Mean Girls" refers to the type of cyber bullying in which is usually performed by a group of young girls looking to have fun in the act. The group girls most often want others to know who they are and what they are doing in order to feel powerful. Research has shown that females are almost twice as likely to be involved in cyber bullying either being a victim or perpetrator. The second category would be "Inadvertent" cyber bullying which consists of role–playing. The perpetrator may not realize they are cyber bullying, yet they interpret their offensive and cruel remarks through a joking manner. The next category is somewhat similar in the sense that the bully may not realize that they are virtually cyber bullying. "Vengeful Angel" refers to an individual who is defending themselves or others from an attack, which ultimately leads them to becoming a cyber bullying as well. The last category can be similar to the "school–yard" bully, which is the "Power–Hungry" bully. This category refers to those who may be victims of bullying themselves. A "Power–Hungry" bully wants to feel powerful and control others through their cyber bullying. Overall experts say that it is most common for the perpetrators to be classified as "popular" student with self–esteem who are trying to bring others down by placing
  • 6. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Threat Of Cyber Warfare Terrorists have begun to exploit the availability of information with the malicious intent to sabotage. Conversely, there are those who are not quite sure if cyber warfare is an actual threat. This will also provide an ample answer to questions such as: What is cyber warfare? And will answer the question of, what is the history of cyber warfare? And will answer the question Is there any real way to protect ourselves from a cyber attack? Cyber warfare has been around since the beginning of human creation, when the serpent told Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. Centuries past and the invention of the telegraph and telephone revolutionized cyber warfare. This new technology allowed communication to become faster, enabling the outlaws less time to sabotage, intimidate, and inflict violence on their victims. Today we label outlaws, terrorists. Some might even say the telephone, along with the radio is the first invention used for cyber terrorism. The radio, with its subcomponent invention of the Morse code, kept ears to the ground listening for terroristic transmissions. In the mid to late 1970's, cyber warfare was modernized with the engineering of the world's first personal King 2 computer. Computers transformed the meaning of cyber warfare as it became more prevalent. There are many definitions of cyber terrorism, so many the actual definition can be quite confusing and can be lost in interpretation. The Merriam–Webster online dictionary describes cyber terrorism ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Cyber Bullying Dbq Did you know that females are more likely to be cyberbullied, compared to girls? Most people, nowadays, have access to the internet, which makes it easier people to cyberbully others. Only 15.1% of British teachers have been a victim of cyberbullying, with the other 84.9% not being a victim. An assistant Secretary of Civil Rights has noticed that there are many forms of harassment. Schools should take more action when it comes to any type of bullying off school grounds. This is making people wonder if schools should be more restrictive to the student's online speech freedom. Schools should take action if there is harm being done to others. In Document A of" Should Schools Be Allowed to Limit Students' Online Speech?", they surveyed a random sample of 10–18 year–olds from a large school district in the southern US. It shows that girls are more likely to be cyberbullied. It also shows that girls are more likely to cyberbully somebody else. According to the graph, 25.1% of girls have been cyberbullied in their lifetime, ... Show more content on ... Document B in the DBQ "Should Schools Be Allowed to Limit Students' Online Speech, ?" they surveyed British School Teachers about their experience and effects of bullying. Only 15.1% of teachers admitted to being cyber bullied over mobile, phone, and email. They then expressed who the person responsible for the misdeed was. The highest percentage was 44.2%, which was under the category of their pupils. Like most people bullying of all sorts would affect them in some way. About 38.6% of teachers said that the bullying had no effect on them. Another 38.6% of them said that the bullying reduced their confidence and self–esteem. This shows that not only students are the ones being bullied but so are teachers. This should help make sure that everybody and everything is kept under ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How to End Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying can be more terrifying than standard bullying, because the target typically does not know who is after them. Cyber bullies believe that because they are posting anonymously or not using their names, they can get away with anything. The case is that Internet activity is traceable. It is important to know that cyber bullying can be charged as crimes. In some cases, cyber bullies will be charged as sexual predators and have to be on the registry. Furthermore, items posted on the Internet can affect the person's ability to get into university or employment. Cyber Bully Statistics Around half of all teens have been the victims of cyber bullying (, 2013) More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced ... Show more content on ... The statements escalate in viciousness from name–calling to very vicious and inflammatory statements, including death threats. Questions Should the police be contacted? Are both girls wrong? What should the girls do in this instance? What would you do as a parent if you found your daughter was doing this? What would you do as a school administrator? (Hinduja, 2009). Scenario #3 On Monday, Heather received an e–mal from someone named "" The subject and body of the e–mail states: I am watching you. Be afraid!" Heather deletes the email and thinks nothing of it. On Tuesday, she receives another email from "" and this time, the subject and body of the e–mail state: "I am getting closer, and I see you on the computer right now as you read this." Heather is worried but doesn't want to tell her parents because she is concerned they will take away her tablet. On Wednesday, she awakens to a new email from "" that states: "Be very afraid. Today may be your last." Definitely frightened and concerned now she makes up her mind to tell her parents when she gets home from school. She is unable to concentrate in school, because of intense fear as to what the email meant when it said, "Today may be your last." She rushes home after school, bent on bringing it up with her parents as soon as she sees them. To her dismay, her parents are not home. There is a note that reads ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cyber Bullying Essay example Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it's a matter that has spiraled out of control. "Cyber bullying is defined as using the computer or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten or humiliate another individual," Admin October 13th, 2008. As the Hartman 2 internet continues growing more popular with the youth, so do potential ... Show more content on ... This makes the bully feel more powerful. Hartman 3 There's not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It's common for them to bully another just to boost their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge. Some may think it's humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it's not harmful in any way. The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers. Many negative effects are outcomes of cyber bullies. The impact cyber bullying has on kids is detrimental. Victims can develop psychological problems. For example, victims begin having anxiety, lower self–esteem, and frustration. They may also be diagnosed with depression. It's tough to ignore cyber bullying. Compared to school bullies, internet bullies cause their victim more emotional pain. Children and teenagers are able to escape school bullies when they return home. However targets of cyber bullying don't have that advantage. There is no argument as to if cyber bullying is good or bad. However is social networking to blame? Or is lack of parent monitoring the problem? It's true that adolescents are often given too much technology independence. I believe parents should fully acknowledge what websites their children are visiting and what they are posting. On the contrary, I feel there is no excuse for child or teenager to feel the urge to emotionally attack ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Cyber Bully And What Do Cyber Bullies Look For A Target? What factors are associated with an increased tendency to cyber bully and what do cyber bullies look for in a target? Aschah Williams David Johnston Emily Crawford Jaime Skipper Kiera Smith BHCLR What factors are associated with an increased tendency to cyber bully and what do cyber bullies look for in a target? Cyber Bullying is a relatively new method of harassing and intimidating peers. It's difficult to target because as few as 1/10 parents realize that their children are participating in the behavior. Children lack sufficient supervision online, on phones, and on other electronic devices to deter them from such actions. They are safe from consequences and punishment in their own "world". Examining individual factors and ... Show more content on ... Symptoms include headaches, nausea, sleeping problems and isolation. Nurses must gain the adolescent's trust in order to help the patients reveal all the issues that are occurring, and to do a full psychological assessment of the child in order to be able to make an effective plan of care for the individual. Pediatric Population at Risk In their study, Carter and Wilson (2015) state that out of 367 adolescent students, 337 of them have computers, that 79.1% of the student body in question have their own personal cell phone and that 81% have a Facebook. Cyber–bullying is an easily utilized method of harassment, and used throughout all age groups. Adolescents however, are the most likely to both participate and be a victim of cyber bullying. Studies show that adolescents are the most prevalent group of people affected by cyber–bullying, they have also shown mixed findings about the correlation between age and cyberbullying. (Carter, Wilson, 2015.) Wang, Lannotti, and Nansel (2009) "found no differences in the cyberbullying among 9th and 8th graders, and fewer self–reports of cyberbullying among 9th and 10th graders." Williams and Guerra (2007) found that "engagement in internet bullying increased from 5th to 8th grade, and then declined slightly among high school ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Cyber Bullying And Its Effects Studies indicate that cyber–bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber–bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. "Love is louder" has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying thatbullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully's can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber–bullies. Cyber–bullying is becoming a major problem and we all ... Show more content on ... Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, being cyber–bullied can sometimes be much more severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in the article, "Cyber–bullying: A Growing Problem" states, "This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends" (ScienceDaily). What exactly is 'cyber–bulling'? The author of the article, "What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home" explains it as, "any harassment that occurs via the Internet" (Hardcastle). Cyber–bulling messages can be communicated through text, e–mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or any other information communication technologies. For example, Michigan's assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the University of Michigan's openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010 targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigan's student body president. On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments towards Chris Armstrong, along with distorted pictures. According to the article, "Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student" the author ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Issues Of Cyber Bullying Coastal Carolina University The Issues of Cyber–bullying Alyssa Staub CSCI 101 – D1 Professor Matthews October 23, 2017 Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre–internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children at school. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some type of discipline between the children involved. Today however, for bullies has dramatically changed and the risk–reward balance has been significantly tilted in favor of the bullies. The Emergence of Technology Today, bullies can... Show more content on ... A case can be made that for engaged participants within massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in their realization of happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging to participants than traditional bullying. Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its complexities in order to make meaningful, relevant, and thought–provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs on the foundations of traditional bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies' process of bullying. Bullies naturally have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling considering there is very little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no "internet police" actively monitoring conversations or information. The cold truth is that nothing will ever happen to a cyber bully unless the victim(s) report it and pursue it legally. The situation
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying Cyber Bullying Bullying most certainly continues into high school, and in some cases even college. While the prevalence may not be as intense as it is in middle or high school, it seems clear that college students are dealing with cyber bullies as well. Up until a few years ago, it seemed that a blind eye, of sorts, was being turned to cyber bullying. The thought was that kids would be kids, and that they would ultimately get over it. It wasn't really acknowledged as a real problem; bullying was just one of those things that everyone experienced at some point or another, and then moved on from. It wasn't until it began to come to light that suicides were beginning to occur as a direct result of bullying, cyber bullying in most cases, that it was recognized as a real problem (Hinduja, & Patchin, 2010). Nowadays, when one turns on the news it's almost inevitable to see a story relating back to cyber bullying. In a lot of cases cyber bullying is a lot more dangerous and harmful than typical schoolyard bullying. For one, the victim can't just go home and get away from it; cyber bullying can happen without any face to face contact, which makes it all the more hurtful.The fact that cyber bullying occurs through technology makes it easier for someone to be more callous towards another than they usually would in person (Cyberbullying vs.TraditionalВґ). People are much more comfortable sending a scathing text message to someone than they are saying it to their face. It allows them to be doubly as cruel, without having to face the consequences of such words in a face–to–face conversation.There have been so many tragic stories that resulted from cyber bullying in the news lately, but there's two that stood out as particularly striking and noteworthy.The first is the heartrending story of Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University who took his own life after his peers filmed him having sexual encounter with another male and posted it on the internet. After Clementi caught wind of the images on the Internet, he committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge (Friedman,2010). Unfortunately, homosexuals seem to be amongst those getting the worst of the bullying. This story goes to show the serious ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cyber Bullying Essay Sarah is an average teenage girl. She gets decent grades, likes to hang out with friends and is on the track team. One day when Sarah arrives at school she notices other kids staring at her and whispering, but she doesn't think too much of it. Later in the day at lunch a few kids mutter nasty words at her as they pass by, kids she doesn't even know. After school she turns on her cell phone and see 15 text messages from numbers she doesn't know, all of them calling her horrible names like "skank" and "bitch." Once she is home Sarah checks her e–mail to find messages like the ones on her phone, but one of them has a link. After clicking on the link Sarah is directed to a web site, and it appears to be all about her. Photo collages with... Show more content on ... Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no place to seek refuge. "It's a non–stop type of harassment and it creates a sense of helplessness" (Meech.) Victims begin to feel that no place is safe as attacks reach them through cell phones, instant messages and blogs. Information placed on the internet is transmitted "instantaneous[ly] to a potentially limitless audience – including recipients in the next state or even overseas" (Billetti.) While victims of traditional bullying might have run away to escape torment, victims of cyber bullying don't feel that is an option, with the internet being everywhere, their tormentors have access to them no matter where they may be. While the vastness of the internet may be useful for accessing old books and magazines from databases, or storing family photos for ease of access, it also has no limitations as to how long negative information might be stored. "Words and images in the virtual world can exist in perpetuity in cyberspace. That means victims may review tormenting words and images again and again" (Billitteri.) Imagine your most embarrassing moment available for everyone in the world to see, time after time. Just when a cyber bullying victim might ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Cyber Bullying Persuasive Essay Inspirational speaker, writer, and community leader Anna Maria ChГЎvez once said "Cyber Bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm." Cyberbullying is negatively taking over technology and adults aren't aware of the potential dangers it has on their children. To start, children and teens do not talk to their parents about the acts of cyberbullying that occur on their technology. Over half of young teens do not tell their parents when cyberbullying occurs. (Webstar, 2017) This is a big problem. This means that children are hurting, the result of cyberbullying, and they are afraid to talk to their parents, or any adult for that matter. They are keeping their emotions bottled up inside them, and parents have no idea this is happening. In fact, only 1 in 10 teens tell an adult if they have been a cyberbully victim . (Webstar, 2017) These numbers should not be the effect of cyberbullying. Children have to seek help from adults and stop the cyber bullies hiding behind their screen. Might I add, it should not be all on the children's shoulders. They are the victim, and they should stand up for themselves, but why should it be all on them? Parents have to be on the lookout for cyber bullying these days. Only 32% of parents actually monitor their children's social networking activities, while 28% admitted they only occasionally, rarely or never monitor activity. (Anderson, 2016) This 28% of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Cyber Bullying And Social Media Bullying and Social Media Virtual harassment is a common and growing occurrence, and offline intimidation has continually been and remains to be a problem. Bullying of all kinds peaks in Middle School and in greatest cases spills off by College age, when scholars are more self–regulating and more developed. Shortage of organization amongst school staff, parents and scholars make cyber– and offline bullying a constant risk to young people 's assurance and well–being. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services delivers a much briefer yet wider meaning of the term: "Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology." It goes on to clarify precisely what is intended by "electronic technology" as well as gives a very decent impression of the matter, as well as ideas for action. Much of the government's distress is that bullying, in overall, frequently includes illegal or criminal behavior. Bullying is unwanted, violent behavior amongst school–aged children that includes a real or apparent power imbalance. According to Graham (2014), "The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict." (p. 159). According to Bishop (2014), "Cyberbullying can be seen as being distinct from other forms of online behaviour. Some see cyber–bullying as a form of Cyberstalking, which involves taking a more strategic ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying Bullying has continued to plague educational environments across the United States. At its core, bullying encompasses physical and emotional harassment of individuals by others. In light of technological advancements, bullying has established an online presence, presenting a new set of methods to harass victims. According to a study conducted in 2013, online harassment in the United States raised to 11 percent (Khurana et al. p.1039). With no permanent solution in sight, cyber bullying shows no signs of stopping. However, with help from guardians and leaders who hold positions of authority, online bullying can be prevented and therefore eliminated. As a unified society, the United States should push more effective awareness onto parents, school systems, and legislative branches in order to combat against the growing issue of cyber bullying. As technology use increases worldwide, parents of adolescents have lost a handle on containing the issue of cyber bullying. Compared to face–to–face bullying, cyber bullies conceal themselves from their parents and victims alike, making the parent's task of identifying both initiators and victims difficult. As stated in a 2012 report on the rising issue of cyber bullying, "This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to strike blows against a victim without having to see the victim's physical response... lead[ing] them to say and do crueler things compared to what is typical in a traditional face–to–face bullying situation" (Donegan ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Issue Of Counter Cyber Terrorism I. Introduction International jurisprudence regarding the "use of force " in matters pertaining to cyber–terrorism and the exercise of permissible of counter–cyber terrorism measures remains predominately unsettled "as... current international law does not specifically address cyber warfare. " With respect, this legal brief draws upon the arguments put forth by Schmitt for the purpose of arguing that states shall only engage in counter cyber terrorism measures such as surveillance in accordance with the principles of "jus ad bellum [which defines] when states may lawfully resort to force [and] jus in bello which governs how force may be used once an armed conflict has commenced. " In order to successfully argue that Australia has the right ... Show more content on ... B. Current Stance of Customary International Law Definitions To begin with, the first issue which arises is "regarding the precise legal parametres of cyberwarfare. " In advising the department, counsel advises the department to utilize the following definition cited by Schaap as the bedrock upon its understanding of cyber warfare rests; "The department of defence defines the phrase computer network attack as actions taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt, deny, degrade or destroy information resident in computers... or the computer networks themselves. " The aforementioned definitions must be read in conjunction with the definition of sovereignty in "Island of Palmas Arbitral Award of 1928 [the case held] that" "Sovereignty... is the right to exercise therein, to the exclusion of any other state, the function of a state." In determining whether cyber–warfare has in fact take place between two states there must be evidence of malicious malpractice which Raboin poignantly terms as "problematic and destructive real world effects." . In effect, the victim's state's "territorial integrity or political independence" must be threatened. Whilst this essay stands in agreement ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Causes And Dangers Of Cyber Bullying And Cyber... The younger generation is always on their phones and it has decreased their skill of communication which is a must need for the business world. In fact the Pew Research Center had found that 88% of people ages 18–29 use Facebook in 2016. That is a lot of people which can lead to some problems as mentioned before. One growing issue is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is when someone threatens, makes fun of, or posts offencive pictures/words with the intention to hurt others over electronic communication. "About half of young people have experienced some form of cyberbullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience it regularly" said Bullying Statistics, "Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider suicide". Also more than 50% of cyberbully victims don't say anything to their parents or any other adults witch makes the situation even worse. This is a serious issue that goes along with social networking. The next issue is bots. Bots are a computer program that are created to do a task automatically. What that task may be depends on the type of bot, and unfortunately for us there are more bad bots than there are good. An prime example of a bad bot is the bot designed to infect your computer through downloads and ads. When the bot has been downloaded it can steal personal information, make you pay a ransom for your information back, and can even make your computer send out spam mail. There are million of bots in use right now and they are incredibly ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Cyber-bullying Powered by Technology Cyber–bullying has become a huge issue recently not only in high school but in the middle schools as well. For awhile there it seemed that just about every time you turned on the news there was another story of bullying or a suicide related to bullying incident being reported. "Love is louder" has become a popular phrase among celebrities and other influential figures lately. They're trying to send out a message to anyone listening saying that bullying is wrong and it shouldn't be tolerated. With the expansion of communication technologies, bullies are gaining more and more ways to torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so we need to come up with a way to end cyber–bullies permanently. Cyber–bullying is becoming more of a problem and all of us need to work together in figuring out how we can stop cyber–bullies once and for all. Until we take precautionary measures, cyber–bullies will continue to be a threat to today's youth. Before putting an end to cyber–bullying we must comprehend why and how a cyber–bully works. By understanding how a cyber–bully works we'll be able to better defend our youth population as technology expands. Cyber–bullying is mainly powered by technology and as it expands, bullying becomes harder to notice and stop. Bullying over social media makes it easier for the attacker to get away with their harmful behavior. Although the Internet has kicked opened multiple doors to new possibilities in the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Terrorism Cyber operations entail getting behind the most serious aspects of cyber terrorism and leading to the capture of those perpetrating cyber crimes. Our society's dependence on the Internet for public and private institutions in the critical sectors of government, defense, emergency services, public health, even the basics of food and water, put us at great risk of cyber terrorism. Telecommunications, transportation, banking, and the like are all conducted via the Internet and this dependence creates a frightening scenario. Cyberspace is composed of hundreds of computers, servers, routers, switches and fiber–optic cables that allow the system to work. Any act of cyber terrorism against any of these institutions is a violation to our national security. ... Show more content on ... Hackers have proven that it is not all that difficult to get into a computer network and manipulate it at will. Although hackers are not in themselves cyber terrorists, they have proven how simple this type of mayhem would be to create. Those who would like to inflict cyber terrorism can follow this example and gain access to critical data from governments, as well as private computer networks. This type of cyber terrorism could disable financial and military organizations. Our society's dependence on the Internet, and our focus on having everything accessible via the Web, has created vulnerabilities in our defense systems. Where once it would have been difficult for a terrorist to tamper with a water treatment facility, it is quite feasible that a cyber terrorist could manipulate such a facility with disastrous results. It would be safe to say that the real risk of cyber terrorism is well founded. However, there is still some exaggeration in the media that is not rational when it comes to the threat of cyber ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Pros And Cons Of Cyber Warfare 3.1 Cyber Warfare Richard A. Clark, an expert in security sector governance in his book Cyber War (May 2010), defines Cyber War as an act of penetration of a country against other computer network with the intent of causing damage and disruption. The Economist magazine explained that cyber war is the fifth domain of warfare, after land, sea, air and space. Cyber warfare, (also known as cyber war and Cyber warfare), is a war with the use of computer networks and the Internet in cyberspace (cyber space) in the form of defense and attack information. Cyber warfare is also known as cyber warfare refers to the use of the World Wide Web and computer to conduct warfare in cyberspace. Although sometimes relatively minimal and lightweight, so far cyber warfare could potentially cause a serious loss of data and information systems, military activity and other service disruptions, cyber warfare means can pose as disaster risk worldwide. 3.1.1 The development of Cyber Warfare In 1991, someone in the air force reported a computer virus named AF / 91, the virus was created and has been installed on the printer chips and make his way to Iraq via Amman and Jordan. His job is to create an anti–aircraft weapon damage Iraq. In 1998, the US and NATO in order to successfully bombed Serbian targets in Kosovo, the United States needs to deceive and disrupt air... Show more content on ... Perhaps the US can serve as a reference for developing capability. Latest test results of five large super computer capable of extremely high with Rmax and Rpeak are judged by the size of Tera Flops / 1012 Flops (Floating Point Operations Per Second), numbers 1 to 3 US computer occupied. Power of data measured in KW for the entire ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Cyber Warfare And Its Effects On The World Boom! The kinetic effect of a two–thousand pound "GBU–31" military designated "MK–84" bomb, possibly with a "BLU–109" penetrator on the nose cone with an embedded global positioning system guidance kit provides obvious visible damage–somebody, or something, just fractured into smaller pieces. The same is not necessarily the case with bellicose actions in the cyber dimension–at least not at first look. Senior leaders as a whole have largely ignored cyber warfare's catastrophic potential due to the initial invisible physical effects and huge costs associated with protecting our systems and information. As our reliance on technology grows as exponentially as the technology improves, more people are finally showing an awareness of the "silent boom's" threat and its actual fracturing potential, in part due to protagonists like Richard A. Clarke and Robert K. Knake and their continued warn of cyber war's devastating potential for first, second, and tertiary effects. Clarke and Knake use a mixed method research approach in Cyber War to support their hypothesis that offensive prowess is meaningless without solid defense in cyberspace, and that the United States need immediately fix our defensive cyber shortfalls, or face apocalyptic doom. Specifically, the authors define 'cyber war' as "actions by a nation state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption." This infers that they are really talking about 'warfare' and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Cyber Warfare And Security Threats Abstract The innovations in information technology and increased amount of interconnected electronic devices today create new economic and social prospects as well as improve the overall quality of our lives. While these leading edge technologies create opportunities, some have become prey to attackers and has given birth to a new era of Cyber warfare. Consequently, the Internet, computers and networks have become targets and vehicles of cyber attacks and generate challenges to our security privacy. Cyber Warfare presents an ever–increasing amount of security threats, which continue to escalate with increasing harshness, and is now a critical issue in our technology realm and a growing threat to the world. Cyber wars are generally ... Show more content on ... Singer, P., & Friedman, A. (2014) Cyberspace is now a military dimension; the word "cyber is a very significant and probably one of the most common term used in today's international security dialogues. The Internet and e–commerce are crucial to the economic competitiveness of many nations, businesses and organizations, however cyber criminal have cost users millions of dollars and valuable assets. Achieving security on the Internet is a very daunting task; as criminals and hackers have become plagues to critical IT infrastructures, online communication and e–commerce. Cyber warfare is a very costly and complex reality; it compromises the privacy of web users and has shaped great battles between domains. Governments and organizations are faced with significant threats and challenges daily as advanced software programs are developed and used to exploit and disrupt their computer networks. These increasing series of cyber conflicts between nations, corrupt gangs and virtual terrorist groups; all raises critical economic and national security issues in countries across the globe. In a recent article Clayton (2011) stated that "Tomorrow 's wars will be fought not just with guns, but with the click of a mouse half a world away that will unleash weaponized software that could take out everything from the power grid to a chemical plant." (Clayton 2011). It is very appalling to think that the insertion ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Creating A New Cyber Force 1. Today, there is a new battlefield domain where a keyboard and mouse are the new weapons of conflict. With land, sea, air and space in the background, warfare has entered a fifth domain: cyber. In this position paper, using a pro and con format, the debate on whether or not the Department of Defense (DoD) should create a new, independent branch for cyber will be discussed. To do this, the following will examine both sides of debate by highlighting two main points: the elimination of duplication of effort and the intensive resources required to make the transition. Finally, a look into a larger talent pool will be explored to highlight the largest benefit of creating a new Cyber Force. It is this paper's stance that the DoD should create a separate structure in order to meet the new domain's unique demands. 2. To better understand this topic, a brief background on cyber warrants a closer look. President Obama concluded as early as 2009 that the nation's digital infrastructure of networks and computers that we depend on should be treated as a strategic national asset.1 With the former head of security at Microsoft acting as the cybersecurity tsar for the White House and General Keith Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), leading Cyber Command (CYBERCOM), the protection of the nation's infrastructure is finally being treated like a national security priority.2 This shift brings with it a debate on how to structure the US assets to realize its ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Pros And Cons Of Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying can be good and laws should not get stricter To start cyber bullying isn't that bad it can be a good method to stop physical bullies and provide evidence for counselors and law enforcement ."Student speech is still protected by free speech laws, regardless of how cruel and unusual it is – especially when They're off–campus". In addition ,according to The sacurrent daily, making cyber laws stricter would violate a student of campus freedom of speech . One of the many problems with making the law stricter is, no matter how cruel or mean the students' messages are it is still legal according to the first amendment ."There's no rule in the First Amendment for speech that causes harm for a minor," subsequently when minors are cyber bullying it is not as easy to charge them .one reason is If a minor makes a threat it is legal .This is where cyber bullying can be good because then every threat or argument is documented and cannot be changed witch makes for good evidence of the bully . Furthermore stricter laws would cause more felonies and create other issues "My concern is that We'll just be sticking more kids with felonies," said Francis, who says he's been advising Menendez on the bill's focus . another problem is If cyber bullying becomes a felony many kids would get them cyber bullying is very common meaning if it Were a law more people would be felons . opportunities would be lost for people due to a mistake that can be forgiven. However "Sadness and depression Suicidal thoughts and suicide " is a notorious part of cyber bullying that has caused 4400 deaths according. Although it is only words and we have a freedom of speech, according to the first amendment are words can do a lot more damage than we think and in some cases cyber bullying is even worse than physical bullying . cyber bullying can be worse because suicide can seem like the only way out . "When it comes to cyber–bullying, they are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration " in contrast cyber bullying can stop assaults and fights. Rather than fighting minors can argue in an environment where they get told their feelings and be separated so nothing can get physical . to contradict "Problems in school. Violence" can ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay Cyber Security Departments As the use of technology has increased drastically over the last two decades, so has our need for technology. Technology has become a part about our everyday life and we can find technology being used nearly everywhere. Most systems in today's countries and societies rely on technological infrastructure; these systems include transport systems, factory systems, power plant systems and water sanitation systems. This brings on the question of to what extent have governments developed their cyber security departments, what evidence is there of governmental involvement in malware attacks and why should governments be concerned about cyber security. Since these systems rely heavily on technology, governments have to consider them as high–risk ... Show more content on ... The slammer virus managed to disable the emergency call system, the air traffic control system at some airports in the USA and the bank of America's ATM network among other things. Cyber treats of the 21st century Computer Viruses are increasingly becoming more common, currently 148,000 computers are infected every day and the World Economic Forum predicts that there is a 10% chance for critical infrastructure being damaged in the next 5 years . As mentioned earlier most of the critical infrastructure like power plants and water treatment facilities rely on computer systems, but more specifically PLC's (Programmable Logic Controllers) 2 and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions System) . These control systems have a major drawback, which is that they are susceptible to attacks by hackers if they are not configured in the correct way. There have been several examples of systems being compromised. The ICS–CERT (Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team) responded to 198 cyber incidents reported by power plants, water treatment plants and other critical infrastructure during 2012 . An experiment was conducted at the Department of Energy's Lab in Ohio in 2007. The aim of the experiment was to prove that it is possible to hack into the US power grid and shut down diesel generators. The experiment was called Aurora, the group of computer experts managed to hack into the diesel generator and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Problem of Cyber Bullying In the past few years, there has been a tremendous amount of improvements of technology use in teenagers causing a new problem to arise. "Half of students admit to being bullied online, while an estimated seventy–nine percent of teenagers say it's a problem," ("An Old Problem with a New Face"). Since the rapid growth of technology, cyber bullying has become life–threatening for too many teenagers. Now that teenagers have phones and technology almost twenty–four hours a day, they are putting themselves at a greater risk of being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is different from regular, old–school bullying; cyber bullying is using the internet to ruin the life of other teenagers. "Cyber bulling is when a teenager is tormented, threatened, ... Show more content on ... As for the teenagers being cyber bullied, and the ones performing the cyberbullying, there are many different ways to handle the situation. For those who are being cyber–bullied or harassed they can block the person performing the bullying. If the cyber bully has contact information with the teen, they can ignore messages without reading them. In today's social media, the person being bullied can report to the social media workers rude comments, inappropriate pictures, and just bullying itself. Then the comments will be taken down. Lastly, someone who is getting bullied needs to speak with a parent, a teacher, or even a friend about the bullying. As for the teenagers who are witnessing the cyberbullying, that teenager needs to tell them to stop what they're doing because jail is a penalty for cyberbullying. That child could also get caught by the school and get expelled depending on how serious the case of cyberbullying has become. "The punishment for cyber bullies can include being suspended from school or kicked off of sports teams. Certain types of cyber bullying also may violate school codes or even discrimination or sexual harassment laws" ("Kids Health"). In addition to jail being an option, teenagers can result to taking their own lives. So additionally going to jail, the cyber–bully could be the reason behind another ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Cyber Warfare And Global Affairs The rapid merging of telecommunications and digital infrastructure is extremely beneficial to limit human error, collect data, and create a more interdependent world. However, this merge also poses threats on computers, servers, and even machinery. The influx of hackers and keyloggers are taking advantage of our increasingly interdependent world can steal information. Even countries are using the cyber domain as a separate battlefield to fulfill their missions and acquire information. Cyberwar is relatively a new term to describe: an Internet–based conflict involving politically motivated attacks on information and information systems. But the definition is constantly evolving with time and the more knowledge the public acquires about... Show more content on ... Before they are able to create these laws and regulations between countries there is a huge issue with classification. The problem with the issues that result from cyber warfare, and hacking within the cyber realm is that there is confusion within the public. In regards to what cyber warfare means, and what that means for society. To understand cyber warfare it is important to understand the distinction between a cyber attack and cyber warfare. A cyber attack is within the cyber domain with an objective of data theft, pranks, etc. While cyber warfare is still within the cyber domain, (they coexist in the same realm) but a cyber war is a state of armed conflict politically motivated with violent means – with violence, just like with regular conflict, with the regular war itself. However, this area of cyber warfare is not something we can measure or separate like borders of a state because it is not very tangible and it is a fairly new topic, so we don 't know the jurisdictions of it. There are so many questions regarding how to make sense of cyber warfare and an even more confusing legal conceptual of a cyber war to fit into the established law of war. Since the growing number of cyberattacks, the United States created a separate command called the Cyber Command on June 23, 2009. The secretary of defense directed the commander of the US Strategic Command to establish a sub–unified command, US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). Full Operational Capability ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Bullying And The Cyber Bullying Essay IDENTIFICATION PROBLEM STATEMENT BACKGROUND Cyber bullying refers to something when one uses their cell phone, computers or an electronic device to access internet and technology for the purpose of harassment and providing harms to others. Sending inappropriate messages, uploading disturbing images, threatening and posting something without someone's' approval are the forms of cyber bullying. The main aim of this research study is to look after the cyber bullying and the possible reasons of occurrence in teenagers. With the reasons we will be also identifying the solutions to the problems. This study will be limited to teenagers with the age group of 13–19. The importance of this research is that it will help to find out the risk–related findings, so that one can know how and why teenagers are involved and participated in the cyber bullying (Elisabeth Staksrud, 2007). With the reasons and occurrence behind the cyber bullying, this will be also focusing on the preventive measures as well as influencing factors which might be their parents, friends or the educators in the education academy. Some of the results of the cyber bullying leads the victim to the anxiety, depression and even suicide. CONTEXT The main context that is focused in the research study is the involvement of the teenagers in the cyber bullying. These involvements occur while teenagers are living their normal life. We can say that they are involve in these activities when they are in school with their ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Cyber-Bullying In Australia No one saw it coming as trend until a 17–year–old Allem Halkic jumped off the West Gate bridge in Melbourne, Victoria, to his death about 5am on February 5 2009. Threatening text messages from a former mate weighed heavily on Allem's mind. ''I'll put you in hospital,'' said one. ''Don't be surprised if you get hit some time soon,'' read another. According to this resource, 463,000 Australian children were victims of cyber–bullying in 2013, and almost three quarters in the age group between 10 and 16 years. The survey (Telstra, Project ROCKIT, 2017) of 1000 young people aged 14–25 across few Australian schools found that 23 per cent of respondents had been cyberbullied in the past 12 months, but only half had sought help. As per Australian... Show more content on ... This may be because victims are overwhelmed with the fact that the entire world knows their embarrassment. They feel they are alone on one side and the rest of the world is on the other side, hence they feel powerless and they feel there is no place where they can escape hence, some Cyberbullied victims choose a path of ending their own lives and some come out and give it a fight. Those who choose none, become victimised forever with prolong depression, trauma and low self–esteem. In general, they develop a sense of NO TRUST within the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Cyber-Bullying Epidemic Cyber–Bullying Cyber–bullying has become the 21st century epidemic, a former school yard incident has been brought into the children's home through the internet and social media sites. It has become impossible for people to avoid the verbal and emotional harassment. Cyber bullying primarily happens to school age children and cause serious psychological damage to the victims. Cyber bullying has a lot of the same motivators as the former school yard bullying, it is meant to ridicule and humiliate its victims. However, with the internet a person can hide their identity, assume someone else's and provide confidence to our own self since face to face contact is not necessary. There are many ways that a person can cyber bully, from threatening texts or emails, to malicious and scandalous rumors posted on media pages or a person pretending to be the victim in order to damage their reputation. As the current generation is exposed to the increase in technology and adult content through the media sexual pictures they have sent can also be used as a cyber bullying tactics, persuading the victim with kindness and interest, then sending it to the public. The victims of these crimes experiences detrimental ... Show more content on ... Megan's case was the first to address the issue and while it shocked everyone the fact a parent would participate in such a juvenile crime, it was also shocking to see the dangers posed by social media websites not only from strangers but from friends. Since Megan's case attempts of suicide as a result from cyber bully have increased becoming more public. The educational system has employed techniques and classes in order to prevent students from engaging in in the crime and to allow victims to seek help. In Virginia it is a law that all schools have punishment such as detention, suspension and expulsion for any instance of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Cyber Crime In Canada 2008). Unfortunately, majority of youths who are targeted by the online predators and accept invitations to meet in person tend to acknowledge that they will likely be engage in sexual relationship(Wolak et al, 2008). Thus, these factors illustrates that children in Canada require great cares and protections from the online predators. Bill–C30 As mentioned, the children internet users are in great risk of victimization from being victimized by the online predators. The problem of online predators consistently increased as people gained more easy access to the internet through diverse forms. As a response to this social concern, the government in Canada introduced an act named Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act on 2012 in the House of Commons. The main fundamental purpose behind the Bill–C30 is to solve the major difficulties the police agencies face when they conduct the cyber crime investigations by granting them certain authors to obtain personal information of internet users through the process of surveillance. ... Show more content on ... The main difficulties that the police agencies face during the online crime investigation include the multi jurisdictions, obtaining the warrant for search and seize, anonymity, significant amount of data, and consistently evolving technologies and techniques(Wall, 2012). Specifically in the online predators crime, the idea of obtaining a warrant is the most critical difficulty the police agencies have. Similarly to other actual physical criminal cases such as murder or assault, the key component in conducting the successful investigation is to identify and obtain the actual evidences that can prove the offense(Power, 2013). However in terms of the cyber crimes, most evidences are contained in the actual computer itself, which, it explains that the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Cyber Bullying Is Bad "Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you." Yeah, right. With the increasing rate of technology in our everyday lives, cyber bullies have more and more ways to find and attack their next victims, and it's hurting more than ever. There are many ways people can eliminate cyberbullying though, starting with getting help for individuals. Teach your kids how to properly behave online and let them know it is okay to report any bullying they see, whether they are the victim or a bystander. You also need to understand that online bullying can be much worse than real –life "playground" bullying (Strom and Strom). The fear–factor of anonymity is increased (Beale), it is much harder to track down the real oppressor, and cyber bullies often do not see how much emotional pain they can cause (Strom and Strom). Consequences are always a big debate with bullies too, and no one should punish another without seeing their side of the story (Adams). Everyone needs to know what to do incase they, or anyone they see online, are being bullied. Ensure that everyone knows to report or delete any bullying they see, show it to a trusted adult, and to put their account on private, if they are a victim. You can also teach good citizenship and... Show more content on ... The first thing that usually pops to mind is anonymity. When someone does not know for sure who could be out there, it could cause them to become more scared, and it could be their best friend for all they know. If a cyberbully is caught, they could always just say their account was hacked, or their friend took their phone and it wasn't them. As if that wasn't enough, when people bully online they often can not see the effects of their actions, and how much pain they might have caused . This might tempt bullies to continue bullying, because they don't understand how severe the consequences are (Strom and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Cyber Trolling In America A cyber trolling – is a range of online behaviors of those who post a deliberately provocative message with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. Trolls target specific individuals – authors of debatable content. They do everything to provoke and arouse trouble, tearing apart anyone whose opinion or position they don't like. Internet era brings harassment and death treat closer to the target. It has never been easier to send it anonymously than now, in the 21st century. Further, I want to present a real case of internet harassment toward female journalist and blogger from my home country, Kyrgyzstan. Aliya Suranova blogs on politics and sensitive or even painful issues, including taboos and dogmas in Kyrgyz societies.... Show more content on ... The messages were abusive, violent and sexual: "Rape her nice a$$, these all due to $ex deficit, let's find her a real muzhik". She received hundreds of comments, using the dirtiest language, and threatening to rape. She did not leave home in the evening, did not show up photos of her son and completely deleted all private information from social platforms in fear of real attack on her family. These online attacks tended to address as well the content of the articles as a blogger–woman. I think that all internet harassments is a product of a long–term tolerance of anonymity and maybe we should make a practice of using the internet via logging in with ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Security Increased Acts of Cyber Terrorism Call into Question its Prevention With the widespread use of technology becoming more prominent, acts of cyber terrorism pose an increased threat to safety. Cyber terrorists exploit the internet and its users to commit acts that can be increasingly detrimental to their targets. Some of the terrorist activities include large scale corruption of computer networks by using tools like computer viruses. Certain individuals even have the ability of creating severe damage to government systems, national security systems and even hospital servers. Most of the technology made today only has intentions of making life easier for people. However, skilled users can manipulate the cyber world for negative intentions. Staying informed when it comes to cyber terrorism and cybercrime is important to do because of the increased reliance on technology in society. Steps to improve cyber security before an attack ensures the safety of sensitive information. The topic of cyber security and cyber warfare are interesting topics to keep up to date with. Understanding these topics can be beneficial to my dream of being in the FBI, ensuring the safety of others by working to prevent acts of cyberterrorism. 1. Cybercrime 2. Cyberwarfare 3. Cyberterrorism 4. Cyber Security While doing some of my research, I chose to use Computer Source as my database. The main subject of the database was trends in technology. It allowed me to search trends from any time which was particularly helpful for my topic. The type of search that can be completed using this database is Boolean searching. This type of searching style came in handy because the information I was searching for involved the cyber world, so it made it easier to differentiate which aspect of the cyber world I was researching. For example, differentiating between Cyber Terrorism and Terrorism or Cyber Warfare. Computer Source lets its users search by publication date rather than by scholarship level. Computer Source also showed similarities with Academic Search Complete in that they shared similar fields. But after conducting similar searches, Computer Source provided me with more relevant information. Overall, my search results were more refined and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Cyber Bullying Essay Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that uses electronic technology as a 'weapon' to inflict emotional distress to its victims. Electronic technology refers to equipment such as computers, tablets and phones. Interactive communication networks such as Facebook and Twitter, texting, websites and chat rooms are all included in this technological pool of cyber bullying tools. Examples of cyber bullying can range from insulting texts from smart phones to derogatory postings on social networking sites. According to the website (1) the methods used are 'limited only by the child's imagination and access to technology.' It is important to note that cyber bullying by definition can only be instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is defined as cyber–harassment or cyber stalking ( (2). There are two types of cyber bullying: direct attacks (messages sent to victims directly) or cyber bullying by proxy (without the victim's knowledge). Cyber bullying is considered different to traditional bullying. It can occur 24 hours a day and the bully is often an anonymous person whose identity is hidden behind the security of a screen. The other concern is that the bully can share their information with a potential audience of millions in a matter of seconds and the victim can find it almost impossible to stop the information or delete it from reaching such a vast audience. According to the anti–bullying site ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Cyber Terrorism In 1999, Chinese hackers targeted United States government sites, after an accidental bombing of a Chinese embassy in Belgrade. During this attack, government sites were hijacked and some sites suffered a denial of service attack. Most recently, it was suspected that Bank of America was the victim of a cyber terrorism attack; although no definitive evidence is available to substantiate that claim. Cyber terror attacks pose a threat against the national security of the United States. In order to fully comprehend the threat that cyber terrorism poses, it is essential to understand the background, the effects, the reality of the threat and the future of cyber terrorism. This assessment examines the reality of the cyber terrorism threat, and ... Show more content on ... Likewise, terrorists will strive to improve their cyber terror attack capabilities by keeping pace with the emerging technologies and overcoming countermeasures. Many computer security experts question the possibility that the Internet could be used to inflict death on a large scale. Some precautions have been made. Systems have been established in the last five years, which aim at preventing a possible cyber terrorism attack. "Air gapping" has been established on all nuclear weapons, meaning the weapons are not connected to the Internet or any open computer network and cannot be accessed by intruders or terrorists. Still, other areas of concern include subways, gas lines, power grids and communication systems; which are owned primarily by the private sector and are managed by Internet enabled computer systems. Reality of a Cyber Terror Attack Malicious cyber activity is occurring more frequently and with unexpected complexity. In mid–December of 2009, Google experienced a highly sophisticated and targeted attack which originated in China on its search engine infrastructure and e–mail, as well as on at least 20 other companies. Attacks are occurring within the United States, as well. Attacks on government networks are omnipresent. In 2008, NASA and other departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Commerce suffered major intrusions by "unknown foreign entities" which ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Cyber Bullying : Experienced Cyber Threats Online And On... Amanda Kocks English IV Devereux 9/15/14 Cyber Bullying More than one in three young teens has experienced cyber threats online and on social media. Specifically 83% of teenagers use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and an easier way to access the internet. Being tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed and otherwise targeted by another teen is known as cyber bullying. With statistics this alarmingly high, bullying has become the largest issue facing general youth society in the twenty first century. Cyber bullying has many effects on students including poor mental health, school, and physical issues. The recovery for victims of cyber attacks is not an easy one, financially or emotional. Often, teens who are bullied online go into a deep depression, and sometimes, rehab for depressed teens is the only way to solve it. For a loving and stable rehabilitation center, it can cost between 1,400–4,000 a year, and therapy can add up and contribute to this as well. This financial trouble can put stress on the victim's family, making it difficult to make ends meet. The toll for being bullied into depression is extremely harmful. The process for healing and recovery is rocky. There is a film that was released in 2012 on ABC Family starring Emily Osment, called 'cyberbully.' It is a story about a young girl who is tormented by her classmates online, rumors spreading and people passing harsh judgement through their ... Get more on ...