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1.1 Background of Study
Interference is the term which disturb the process of translating of foreign
language that conducted by everyone who are learned in translating from a
language to another language. Usually, research on the second language
acquisition and language contact, refers to the language influenced by a non
native speakers to native speaker language by doing some mistakes, for
example when it was translated from a language (source Language) to another
language (Target Language) (Ellis, Rod: 1998, p51, 1998). In this case of
interference, it would be easier resulted an “the negative intereference”,
which as synonym of the term who wouldn’t appropriate with target language.
Recently, many researcher did the experiment about the interference and
surprisingly, they have found the similar case as Weinreich did, again and
again it resulted the same thing as Ellis did, they found the negative carries
from the source language which do not sufficient where connotation have
bring negative translation by the source language (BSa) and have therefore
increasingly tended to avoid it, prefering the term transfer instead to target
language (Ellis, Rod. 1997. p. 302).
To see what was brought by the negative language translation, there’s a
verb which prove the processing of translation disturbed the language target
result. i.e. to) interfere (e.g. "The phonology of the speaker's native language
interferes with the use of the second language"). It is the interference where
disturb the process of translation from the source to be the target. Yet, it
comes produced by a human part of body which is mouth and doing the
phonic translation in it. Let take a look on the example as follows:
a) Dutch: Vinger (/ v ŋə /ˈ ̥ɪ ʀ )
Incorrect learner English: Finger (*/ f ŋə/ˈ ɪ )
Correct R.P.: Finger (/ f ŋgə/ˈ ɪ )
b) Indonesian; C (read “C”)
but in English is: (read “se)
The next form of interference disturbed the translation process is the
morphological translation which occurs because of the word’s transformation,
lexical and phrase. We can take a look from the word of legalisasi,
premanisme, pascasunami, dan ekspress. It means that in this translation
process the translator use the adaption technique in translation but it doesn’t
appropriate with the source of language because it insufficient with the
understanding of the reader such as in programming language which usually
applied by Indonesian namely” streaming means
mengalirkan/mengkompresikan/ menyusutkan, buffering to be macet,
browsing to be menjelajahi/berselancar/mencari informasi or in English
means searching or surfing which similar, mouse to be tetikus, broadcasting
means menyiarkan. So, there’s should be the correct sense in making the
target translation to be accepted.
Then, it would be confusing the translator namely when the non native
speaker of Indonesia doing their learning process, they would be used their
commonly first language to do the direct translation for instance in the
sentence of “apa saja contoh dari permasalahan yang anda alami?’, and the
correct translation is “what kind of problem do you have?. On the contrary, the
students actually translate the sentence in form of result as their own
translation such as ”like what problem you have?“. Another example
explained the direct interference such as the example previous is in Ni Wayan
Sadiyani thesis stated that “Direct interference can be found in transformation
of passive and active voice to transfer into target language”. It describe by the
proof as follows:
Mereka sudah menjemput Tomo (Source Language)
They have meet Tomo (Target Language)
Logically, both of those sentence are correct but when it touched to
grammar field in the second language is false because it broken the rule play
of grammar and it should be means “ They had met Tomo” but commonly
Indonesian will use their first language competence without pay any
competence to translate into target language.
Moreover in this case the second sentence translation is contained with the
first language grammar rule which influenced the foreign language (source
language) called” Negative Transfer/Translation”, is stated by Wheinrich
namely; "Those instances of deviation from the norms of either language
which occur in the speech of bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with
more than one language, i.e. as a result of language contact, will be referred
to as INTERFERENCE phenomena." (Weinreich 1953:1)
The previous study of the problem above have ever conducted by some
researchers such as Schwartz et al (2008: 95) who study about “the linguistic
interference that influenced the original text of the source language”. He did
the research in order to find out the effects of context and lexical relationship
between Spanish and English. These both of language actually is cognates and
influenced each other. According to him the linguistic interference would be
occurred when it processed and made the translator haziness to take the
decision in choosing the equal words in translating the text. It caused of the
brain of human being is reduced with the existence of bilingual as part of our
competence. Thus, He conclude that the main problem was being conducted
by him is about the similar meaning and the highly similar form across the
The next is coming from Costa (Costa et al, 2008), he did the different part
of interference in language. Costa was researched about how deep the lexical
interference did influence the source language. According to him that this
interference namely the main problem faced by translator in this day because
it effected to transfer the source language to the target language .
Concerning with the problems was stated by two researchers above, on the
contrary Marina et al (2005:1) was faced with the different study who
examined about the error makings in the English language by non-native
speakers in academic articles. They published a study about how interference
disturb the language misuse in the “Laws of Interference”, i.e. the lack clarity
that produced by nonnative speakers and native speakers in the both of the
text. They claim that in this study there are many deviations in making the
result of the text.
The present study seeks to examine the interference of Indonesian In
Translating of English which emphasizing of translation skill. This research
will be conducted in Muhammadiyah University especially in English
Department Students at 6th
semester. The selection of English department
students, starting from the reality that the English Learning process deviations
that are disturbing, especially on the rules that apply in English. Irregularities
that occur when the students used English in the process of teaching and
learning activities both verbally and in writing within and outside the
classroom. However, in this study only focused on interference in translating
of English which happened in written text of the students.
1.2 Research Questions
According to the background of the study above, the research questions
can be identified as follows;
1. Is the English student at the sixth semester of FKIP UM-MATARAM
doing interference in translating text into English?
2. What factors influenced the students in doing interference at sixth
semester Students English Department of Muhammadiyah University of
1.3 Research Objectives
Based on the issues that were outlined then, this study aims to:
1. To know the interferences made by the students at the sixth semester
Indonesian form of interference in the use of English written text.
2. To identify the factors influenced in the interference by students.
1.4 Significance of Study
1. Theoretical Benefits
This research is expected to increase the repertoire of science
studies Sociolinguistics and Linguistics especially concerning interference.
This study therefore expected to contribute the theory to expand students'
knowledge of interference and also inform the reader and researcher about
the theories of translation.
2. Practical Benefits
This study is expected to provide input and contribution to the
knowledge of students especially for English Education Program in
Muhammadiyah University of Mataram who are undergoing the process of
learning a foreign language. The results of this study are also expected to
be useful for people who are involved in the world of education. They are
expected to better understand in depth knowledge of the language,
especially interference and eventually be able to apply the language
properly and correctly, in accordance with the situation, where and with
who are communicated speakers.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study will be analyzed about the interference of Bahasa Indonesia
toward English written text. So, based on the case the researcher would like to
make the scope and limitation about the interference of Bahasa Indonesia
toward English written text.
a. The scope of the study
To make a good point about this research the writer will make the
benefit part of education namely how translate however, the emphasizing
in this case will be conducted by finding problems in translating of English
which probably happened in every part of education official especially to
the students itself. Besides, this study is focused on to looking for what
kinds of forms in interference which would happen when the students do
their translation activity.
b. The limitation of the study
Based on the scope of study which explained about the part of point
in this research, the researcher would like to conduct the research about
Indonesia’s interference in translating of English in FKIP Muhammadiyah
University of Mataram. To get the more specific object, the researcher
specifies in English Education Program namely at eight semester in the
class of A and B.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and ambiguity, a
number of key words in this study need to be defined. They are defined as
a. Interference
Interference, as defined previously, consists of deviations or
different world perceptions that result from the contact between L1, L2 or
L1 and n languages. Furthermore, linguistic interference may result in
positive or negative transfer, as explained above. Some researchers
dedicate themselves to analyzing the separation of processing stages in
lexical interference (e.g. Abel et al, 2008). Yet, when the research
expands to more languages, the number of variables and constants to be
taken into consideration when analyzing the phenomena might make it
more complicated to obtain a precise result. Schwartz et al (2008:95ff)
carried out research on how linguistic context influences the nature of
bilingual lexical activation, in order to obtain a result about the effects of
context and lexical relationship between Spanish and English. According
to this study, both languages are active in bilinguals and influence
language processing. Thus, they concluded that processing time in the
brain is reduced when bilinguals are presented with cognates, i.e. words
that have the same meaning and highly similar form across languages.
b. Translation
The English term translation, first attested in around 1340, derives
either from Old French translation or more directly from the Latin
translatio (‘transporting’), itself coming from the participle of the verb
transferre (‘to carry over’). In the field of languages, translation today
has several meanings:
1) the general subject field or phenomenon (‘I studied translation at
2) the product – that is, the text that has been translated (‘they published
the Arabic translation of the report’)
3) the process of producing the translation, otherwise known as
translating (‘translation service’).
So based on the three definitions above, translation can be defined
as a process of translation between two different written languages
involves the changing of an original written text (the source text or ST )
in the original verbal language (the source language or SL ) into a
written text (the target text or TT ) in a different verbal language (the
target language or TL ): Source text (ST) Target text (TT) in source
language (SL) in target language (TL) Thus, when translating a product
manual from Chinese into English, the ST is Chinese and the TT is
2.1. Interference
Interference term first used in sociolinguistics by Weinreich (1970: 1)
which says that the language is a form of interference irregularities in the use
of the language of the norms that exist as a result of contact language or the
introduction of more than one language and used in alternatively by the
speakers. Furthermore, Weinreich continued that interferences phenomena in
this day had removal the rule of the source language and misuse rules and
norms of language. As explained in the background of the study, namely
interference will disturb someone bilingual skill. For instance, in the sentence
of “apa saja contoh dari permasalahan yang anda alami?”, and the correct
translation is “what kind of problem do you have? but the translation
commonly used by Indonesian people “like what the problem you have?”,.
This is not valid as the source language but in this day moreover in
speaking skill with less have grammar competence the translator doing this
mistaken. Then, what had happened in the sample was the little part of
linguistic interference in transferring target language, which is linguistic
interference, consists of deviations or different world perceptions that
result from the contact between L1, L2 or L1 and native language.
Furthermore, linguistic interference may result in positive or negative
transfer, as explained above. Some researchers dedicate themselves to
analyzing the separation of processing stages in lexical interference (e.g.
Abel et al, 2008). In the others word, it could be happened when the translator
doing the processing of translating the text which concern with auditory
processing (Pallier et al, 2010, speech production (Hermans et al, 1998) and
sentence comprehension (Schwartz et al, 2006) that caused the linguistic
interference occurred. This statement is also has revealed by Benson (2002:
69) that “Transfer or cross-linguistic influence may occur consciously, where
there is a gap in the knowledge of L2 learners, and unconsciously, where the
correct form has not been learned or automatized”. Benson deal with
Herman (2002: 1) that this linguistic phenomena would be occurred if the
transferring process is experienced disturbance when the translator has less
the competence in translating the text moreover in the statement of Benson
explained that there are many different knowledge of L2 language learners
that caused interference conscious or not to the students especially.
It can be explained why in this phenomena the interference of the native
language takes place. Therefore, interference would be occurred in the
transferring process by nationally-specific (cultural and sociological factors)
and international patterns of nomination (concepts that are common
internationally or at least between L1 and L2) exist, with the former
presenting the main difficulties to speakers of other languages, causing
mistakes and misunderstanding which are the main factors that may result in
mistakes and misunderstanding when the translator let it the knowledge a
thought in L2 (Marina et al, 2005: 2).
2.1.1 Interference With Level of Language
Based on Yusuf (1994:71) in Win Listyaningrum Arifin’s thesis
(2011: 305) explained that” interference can be divided into four
types, i.e.: first, phonic interference. This occurs when a language
user uses certain Interference: Its Role in the Target Language
Mastery to Indonesian Learners vocals or sounds (as dialects or
accents) of his native in producing words of TL. An English learner
from Sumbawa will be very difficult is sounding ‘V’ as being
indicated in involvement, he will pronounce the word “inpolpement”
unintentionally. Second, grammatical interference.
This feature takes place when an Indonesian English learner
identifies morpheme or structure of his native into TL. Most of Indonesian
will put Indonesian style of language when they make sentences. The
sense is clearly appeared. Third, lexical interference. This kind of
interference takes place in varied forms, e.g. words and phrases and
fourth, semantic interference. It means that the term of interference can be
happened whether it when someone is speaking or writing it will be
disturb by those elements which caused of unawareness in speaking or
writing. Such as explain by Weinrich (1970: 64) in Win Listyaningrum
Arifin’s journal (2011: 305).
There are many factors that contribute interference first, speaker
bilingualism background. Bilingualism is the major factor of interference
as the speaker is influenced by both of the source and the target language.
Second, disloyalty to target language. Disloyalty to target language will
cause negative attitude. This will lead to disobedience to target language
structure and further force the bilingualist to put uncontrolled structure of
his first language elements to output in practicing words utterances both
oral and written. Students whose language background of TL is limited
tend to put words in sentences or oral in structure and sense of first
Third, the limited vocabularies of TL mastered by a learner.
Vocabularies of certain language mostly are about words of surroundings
connected to life. Thus, a learner who is willing to master another
language will meet new words differ from his native words and etc.
Henceforth, interference may be called as a negative transfer. It may come
from students’ first language or mother tongue. Two aspects that can be
potential problems are pronunciation and grammar. Bahasa Indonesia and
English have different rule in those two aspects. Interference may happen
in transferring the Indonesian language system to English.
2.1.2 Interference in Translation
Interference in translation will be happened if the translation text
from its source language (hence forth SL) into the target language
(henceforth TL) is processing. Concerning with the case, interferences are
consist of different types of interferences in translation. These transfer
may occur on all levels: phonology (foreign accent), syntax (“word-
for-word”or “literal translation” (e.g. Munday (2008:19)), lexis (such as
false cognates), pragmatics (e.g. over-formality or under-formality) and
morphology, which appears to be less affected than the others (Benson,
2002: 69). According to translation theory, (Oz-Salzberger, 2003) state
that interference in translation will be changed the personal values and
beliefs may influence the way translations are performed, Such as the
cultural values that contain in translation process when translating to the
target texts (henceforth TTs) or translating every single word into the
approximate concept in the L2. For example; According to Munday
(2008:10ff), which related with translation theory as follow:
• “product-oriented descriptive translation studies”, where there is
an analysis of a single ST-TT pair or a comparative analysis of
several tts of the same ST (into one or more tls);
• “function-oriented descriptive translation studies”, where a study
of contexts is carried out “rather than texts”; and
• “process-oriented descriptive translation studies”, when trying to
“find out what happens in the mind of the translator.”
The theory who stated above is the phenomena that mentioned in the
theory such as lexical fidelity to the source text may not be shared
especially in sacred and literary texts (Munday, 2008:5). It is when you are
translating the various translations of the Bible and the great number of
religions that were created due to different interpretations and translations
of Bible books and passages (Religioustolerance [www].).Where when
you translate the word “lagom” in Swedish, it will not translated fully
such as mentioned as previous. That’s so the phenomena will exist
moreover in translating of bible or qur’an. It seems has lack of vocabulary
or parable that we can use to simplify the meaning of the text from the
source language.
Another interference in translation that could be occurred is to
adopt the same ST word into the TT, as ombudsman (a kind of
representative in English (Lexin), borrowed from Swedish to Portuguese,
maybe for lack of a word that conveys all its meanings. According to Van
de Vijver (2007:1), adapting is the technique where will give the translator
the easier way to do the translation because it’s closer with the
“linguistically, culturally or psychometrically inappropriate measurement”
(ibid, 2003: 1). For example in many languages. such as Portuguese,
Russian, Italian, Greek and Finnish (Oz-Salzberger, 2003), in the word of
“valorization of the foreign language” (SL), and the closer meaning is
couched with the very close cultural meaning of the source word.
It is very culture-bounded and to which the TL can never fully
correspond” (Schleiermacher in Munday, 2008:28) or even “devaluation
of the translation” (as the TT may not reach the heights of the ST), making
the TTs more accessible to cultures with less foreign terminology
(Munday, 2008:29). That is lexis interference in translation where it is
made the translation coherence with the source of language or when it is
translated to English as SL (source language).
2.1.3 Types of Interference
a. Interference in Phonology
Interference of phonology is the interference which happened
when you pronounced the alphabet which similar soundly.
The example is a Javanese who is mentioning some places which
words are initiated with letters /b/, /d/, /g/, and /j/, as Bandung, Deli,
Gombong, and Jambi. He unintentionally will pronounce
/mBandung/, /nDeli/,/nJambi/, and /nGgombong/ (Chaer and Agustina,
2004). Surprisingly, I myself feel funny when someone who is also a
Javanese asks me my origin and my answer is ‘I am from nJaweng’
(while the correct is ‘I am from Jaweng’).
b. Interference in Morphology
Morphological interference is regarded by many linguists as the
most frequent one. It happened in the word formation by absorbing
other derivational affixes. We often hear Indonesian words kepukul,
ketabrak, kebesaran, kekecilan, kemahalan, sungguhan, bubaran,
duaan, etc.,(Win Listyaningrum Arifin, 2011: 10) but the correct form
of word formation should be terpukul, tertabrak, terlalu besar, terlalu
kecil, terlalu mahal, kesungguhan, berpisah (bubar), and berdua
(Chaer and Agustina, 2004). The previous data is clearly word
formation process of morphological interference from root words that
are added with certain affixes from indigenous language or other
language (FL).
c. Interference in Sentence
This interference is a rare phenomenon. In fact, interference in
sentence should be ignored as sentence pattern is a main character of
certain language. Pay attention to these two sentences, “Rumahnya
ayahnya Ali yang besar sendiri di kampung itu”, and “Makanan itu
telah dimakan oleh saya”. The sentence form is indirectly influenced
by native language understanding of someone that causes grammatical
interference. Therefore the correct formation, i.e.: “Rumah ayah Ali
yang paling besar di kampung ini”, and “Makanan itu telah saya
makan” (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). The language learner is trying to
simplify the context by mixing sentence pattern between native
language and target language.
d. Semantic Interference
According to recipient language, semantic interference is occurs
when the acceptor language absorbs cultural insight of words as the
origins from another language. This process is known as expansive.
E.g. Indonesian takes words from Greece-Latin as demokrasi, politik,
revolusi, and many more (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). Surprisingly,
this borrowing process is natural and normal. English also takes many
stems from other languages such as Latin for morpheme geo-, bio-,
ology, -ghraphy, etc. The first process is through interference and then
goes to integration by passing borrowing process.
2.1.4 Translation Definition of Translation
Translation has been known and done by many people so it
attracted all linguists to expand more about the activity of translation.
The reason which would raise the background of translation and it
showed the theory of translation such Bell (1991:6) who defined that
translation” The replacement of representation of a text in one
language by representation of an equivalent text in a second
language”. The definition contain of translation as a changing or
substitute from the source language (BSu) into another texts (BSa) by
watching some grammar rules that produced in the translation’s text.
Furthermore, as explained on Wikipedia that translation is “an
activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of the text in one
language~the source text~and the production, in another language, of
a new, equivalent text~the target text, or translation”. The similar
definition was also stated by Cartford (on Hornby; 1998:15) as
defined; “Translation may be defined as follows; the replacement of
textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in
another language (TL).
Definition of translation above is emphasized that translation is
not only merely on the activity to transfer text of one’s language to
another but it has be seen of equal as the source language of bilingual
in order the meaning has the appropriate with the source language.
However, the definition above is unspecific because it only
emphasized on transferring the text merely whereas the cultural
optional is not involve, while translation is communication tool
between the writer and the reader who have the gaps of bilingual
According to the perception above that the function of translation
as the connection, thus to achieve the position the translator should be
able to transfer the message and also conditioned the message of the
source language as contained as in the source language in order the
reader can be get the point of the reader.
The statement above are supported by Munday and Ian Mason
who defined the translation as “an act of communication which
attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another
act of communication which may have been intended for different
purposes and different readers” (1997:1).
Therefore, it is clear that translation not only the activity to
transfer the text of the source language toward the target language but
also noticed for the cultural aspect and linguistic, it because of the
existence of the different language and cultural between the writer and
the reader. Types of Translation
Every text has form and meaning. Therefore, the translation is
divided into 2 parts: The first is according to the form and the second
one is based on to the meaning. The translation that according to form
is tried to follow the source language (Milred. L. Larson, 2001) and
known as the literal translation. Then, the second one is used the
meaning tried to deliver the meaning of the source text with the target
language. This type of translation is called” idiomatic translation”.
The interliner (Baris-berbaris) is the absolute literal translation.
For the particular aims, it’s necessary indeed the characteristic of
source linguist text, for example, for the study of linguistic itself. The
literal translation is benefit for the study nor the source language which
is it can’t be help so much the translator in translating the text who
wants to know about the meaning of the source language. It seems the
literal translation doesn’t have meaning at all and almost doesn’t have
the communication value, for example:
• Chuave, Papua Nugini: kan daro
Literal Translation : namamu panggil!
• English: What kind of problem do you have?
• Indonesia: Apa jenis dari masalah kamu lakukan punya?
Both of translation above didn’t deliver the meaning of the
message, on the contrary the translation is not appropriate and the
result should be appropriate as “Siapakah namamu? an the other one is
Apa saja jenis masalahmu? ”.
Commonly if the bilingual in one language family, it will be
appropriate with the source language and understandable, it may be the
form of grammatical is similar. Notwithstanding, the choosing of
lexical made the translation sounds strange.
Besides, to translate the inter liner translation, the absolute literal
is functioned as equal language and changing the series of sources’
grammatical toward the target language explicitly, but the lexical
elements is translated literary, i.e:
ro ahombo ngusifu pamariboyandi
saya dia (perempuan)-oby. hati saya-mengikatnya (Lexical)
Saya mengikatnya di hati saya. (The literary translation was
Furthermore, the idiomatic translation is the combination between
literal translation and lexical translation which emphasized on how
natural the translation as equal as the language with observe on the
grammar rules and the optional of lexical elements. It related with free
translation who doesn’t pay attention on the grammar rules because it
not easy to make appropriate source translation but this translation is
only used if there’s additional information who doesn’t exist in the
target language. For instance as follows the translation from the
ancient text into English modern text target;
The text said” was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and
Achaicus arrived, because they have supplied what was lacking from
you. For they refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve
recognition. This text is translated as
”It sure is good to see Steve, Lucky and 'Big Bam'. They sort a
make up for your not being here. They're big boost to both me and
you all.
Let's give them a big hand”.
The target translation is to make the text in the target translation
which delivering the same message as equal as the source language
and used the tight election for idiomatic translation.
21 Types of Good Translation
As cleared previously that the good translation should be consist
of text which refers to the source language (F1) or as equal as the first
language or nonnative speakers language. It is explicitly that stated
with the socio-linguistic competence of someone moreover as the
translator he/she should be able to master the main competence in
making the perfect result of translation, they are :
1. Linguistic Competence
2. Textual Competence
3. Domain/Subject Specific Competence
4. Cultural Competence
5. Research Competence
6. Transfer Competence
Those six competence are the requirements to complete result in
translating. In the other words, by mastering these competences the
translator will be made the good translation for the reader and it
acceptable by the experts in translation. Therefore, behind of the
competence the writer gives the small example of good translation as
This case is set up from Papua’s people language which has not
connected with the source language but by attempts of the
translator who lived around the destination object it can be
transferred (from Deibler and Taylor, 1977:1060):
It sounds: “Decentralization of economic activity, planning and
government spending, with emphasis on agricultural development,
village industry, better internal trade, and more spending channeled
through local and area bodies”.
This kind of translation is rigid for local people because it aims to
give some information that takes from the government to them,
moreover it would be hard for the local villager to understand such this
type of formal language as it reads that” decentralization, activity,
planning, government spending, emphasis, development, and trade, has
to be translated by using verbs. If it used the verbs automatically the
subject and verb object may have to be explicit.
The form of English is different with the Papua’s language but
this kind of translation is made to deliver the message exactly. So, the
writer showed how correct the good translation for anyone and
translation in translating the sentences above:
“The government wants to decrease the work it does for
businesses and what it plans and the money it spends in the
capital, and wants to increase what people and groups in local
areas do to help farmers and small businesses whose owners live
in villages, and help people in this country buy and sell things
made in this country, and to help local groups spend the
government's money”.
After was simplified, it is more acceptable than previously
because the second translation is more acceptable because it used the
cultural competence rather than the first one. In any addition, this
translation is simplified by using linguistic competence with the
clarified of the system of the grammar, as you can see from two
distinction text were changed as follows:
“The government wants to decrease the work it does
for businesses and what it plans and the money it spends in the
capital, and wants to increase what people and groups in local areas
do to help farmers and small businesses whose owners live in
villages, and help people in this country buy and sell things made in
this country, and to help local groups spend the government's
This can be proved that were changing by additional some
adaptation information the sentences are be able to read. It can be seen
in first beginning of two sample. There are many changing in the
sentences but the second one moved from the object to be subject
“Decentralization of economic activity, planning and government
spending, with emphasis on agricultural development, village
industry, better internal trade, and more spending channeled
through local and area bodies”.
“Decentralization of economic activity, planning and government
spending to be “The government wants to decrease the work it does
for businesses and what it plans and the money it spends in the
capital, and wants to increase”. It gives us the clue that to make good
translation we have to apply those six competences in making the
idiomatic translation for the reader.
2.1.6 Previous of Studies
Research on the interference was first performed by Weinreich on
1950 and later followed by other scholars, such as Lado (1957), Meckey
(1972), Haugen (1972). Research interference in Indonesia was first
performed by Rusyana (1975) who studied the morphology interference in
use Indonesian by children who speak the first language. Then, it followed
by some researchers such as Sugiyono (1995), Budiarsa (2006), Pujiono
(2006), Sinambela (2008), and Syarfina, et al. (2009). Rusyana, Yus
(1975) Research Rusyana in a dissertation titled Interference Morphology
on Indonesian Usage by Children who Speak First Sundanese use
elementary school children in West Java as respondents.
The theory who used by Weinreich is Language in Contact by took
some data from the respondent who was given the written text to them
who listened the story firstly. The result of this research indicated that the
respondents doing some interference on their written text in the form of BI
nominal and verbs used affixes.
Soewito (1987) on his dissertation” Speak in a situation Diglosik”
is talking about the use of language and interference on multilingual
Surakarta’s citizen language and determine by some factors by using the
basic theory of Hymes (1972). It is discussed about the conversation
components used on social interaction between the interlocutors on
society. His finding is about the using of language that determined by
some factors who concerned with the language itself. They are speech
participants, means of speech, intent says, and the series of speech
accordance with the value of social culture around the place. Thus, the use
of language and language style of Surakarta’s society is determined by
another speech components, such as speech situation, speech events, basic
speech, and norm speech accordance with the function of language as
communication media on society.
The last is coming from Diana Citra Hasan (2000: 14) in her thesis
which found some interference when she wants to translate the three kinds
of novel. She took the theme of metaphor translation from English into
Indonesian which looking for the equivalence of the English into
Indonesian also she wants to look for the factors caused of the interference
itself. The method used is to check the equivalence between informants of
the source language and the target language in 130 data respondents. The
result is the most of respondents doing the mistaken in translation the
collocation and it doesn’t sufficient with the target language when the
novel text is translated.
It indicated from the three researchers that the translation procedure
is important to achieve the dynamic translation equivalence in translation
of every kinds of text, whatever it is. In addition, interference can be
occurred on every subject, object especially in our social environment. Is it
better for the translator to learn first if they want to translate their text into
every kinds of Language.
In order to clear those experiments above, the writer provides the
differences and similarities that the researcher has in their thesis and
dissertation. Here they are:
Table of the similarities and differences of the researcher interferences study
Similarities Differences
1. The study is similar exactly namely
interference by taking data from the
respondents and the instruments in
collecting the data by taking some
documentation and writing test.
1. The study is different from the three
researcher although two of them is
similar by taking written text such as
Rusyana, yus (1975) and Soewitoe
(1987) studied about the speak
competence but Diana Citra Hasan
undertook Morphological competence
as experiment in her thesis.
2. The method used by the researcher is
qualitative descriptive which aims in
analyze the respondents.
2. Their founding it totally different as
Rusyana, yus found that she indicated
the result of interference in her thesis is
the form of BI nominal and verbs used
affixes. Then, it was different with
Soewito (1987) in linguistic
competence he concludes that the result
of his dissertation about interferences
are means of speech which totally
different with the source language,
intent says, and it’s determine by norm
of speech, speech events and the basic
speech. Besides, Diana Citra Hasan
(2000) found that mistaken made the
respondents is in collocations
(phonological interference).
3. The point found by them is
interference can be happened in form
of morphological, grammatical,
phonological, semantic, and lexical.
3.1 Research Design
This type of research is qualitative descriptive, it is intended that the
results of research in the field of course be noted and recorded in accordance
with the title, and then the data is accurately described so that the reader can
understand the language or the fans and became more apparent. Strategy
implemented of research using case studies (Sutopo, 2001; 111-113).
The data will be extracted from a variety of sources and types of data
that includes (1) informant or informants. The informant in the question is
Muhammadiyah University Students at 6th
semester. (2) Events and Activities.
Data interference of indonesia’s written text is taken when the informant is in
the process of learning, especially when writing a discourse in English. The
events in question are all activities undertaken students both inside and outside
the teaching and learning activities. It deals with issues related to research
types of data sources that can be used (Sutopo , 2002: 143).
3.2 Population and Sample
The research object of this research is Muhammadiyah University
Student in English department and will be analyzed their ability in translation
of Indonesia into English also the interferences of their first language namely
Indonesian itself.
3.2.1 Population
The population of this study is a whole student at 6th
semester in
English Education Program which consist of 3 classes, but the study will
be conducted at the class of A, B and C in the sixth semester of Students
English Department. Each class consists of 20 students. It means that all of
populations were 60 students. As the population is lower than a hundred,
the writer used all of them as sample of the study (Arikunto, 1991: 103).
3.2.2 Sampling
Before deciding the quantity of sample, it is better to know the
definition of sample, as the writer defines the meaning of population
above, so sample is a small part of population to be investigated. Arikunto
(1993:129) defines the sample is the amount of people less than population
and small group that is observed. Arikunto (2006: 103) defines sample is a
part of subtitutes of population research. By considering the definition
above the researcher took 60 students as the sample. Both quality and the
techniques are expected to get the accuracy and simplify the research
3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data
In this research, the research applied translation the written text,
documentation/ recording as the technique in collecting data.
a. Translation test
The translation test is a method of collecting data by giving some
textual text in a form of short story test, so based on this test the student
will do their activities in translating of English from analytical exposition
b. Content analysis
Content analysis is consist of text that will be given to the 6th
semester students of English Department Program of FKIP UM-
MATARAM. They will get such short story test with the level of their
ability and the result of the test will be analyzed and to examine whether
their translation is appropriate with the used of rules in translation test as
explained previously. For example;
Table of Standard in Analyze the text equivalence:
Standard of
1. Accuracy 3
(Lack of Matching)
(Not Matching)
2. Readability 3 (Easy) 2 (Sufficient) 1(Difficult)
3. Acceptability 3
(Less Acceptable)
Based on to the standard of assessment the text will be analyzed,
by three aspect of equal in acceptable, accuracy and readability.
c. Documentation
Documentation is a method of collecting data that use to save all of
information among the research. Documentation also can be use to
monitoring all of the research process. In this research, documents that be
used are the result of assessment, students’ attendance, photo, video, and
the others relevant documents (Sutopo, 2002: 54).
3.4 Procedure of Collecting Data
In this study the researcher would like to conduct the research by
analyze the data, as following:
The student will be given the short story text to test their ability in
translating of English and then after they have did the test the author will be
analyzed their answers, find out the incorrect answers, and classified into the
table to see how well their ability in translating of English based on the
Furthermore, the writer will explain what steps in collecting the data:
1. The researcher will give the students a short story or written text
and the researcher will order the students to translate their the short
story each other.
2. The researcher will analyze the content from the short story who
will have done by students to get the qualified translation (Yin,
1987 on Sutopo, 2002: 69-70).
Then, from those result the writer can take the conclusion caused of
3.5 Method of Analyzing Data
The method will be used by the researcher are;
1. Accuracy Rating Instrument
2. Acceptability Rating Instrument
3. Readability Rating Instrument
These types of method are the equivalences to assess the result of
translation whether it is equivalence with the source language or not.
According to Nababan et. al (2004) to asset there are several technique or
method in analyzing the written text, they are cloze technique, Skimming
technique, knowledge assessment, performance assessment, translation,
approached based on the equivalence, accuracy instrument and readability
rating instrument.
On this research the writer would like to use one of the method in
analyze the content. It is accuracy rating instrument, which describe as
a) Accuracy Rating Instrument
This instrument used to measure the equivalence level of the
translation who offered by Nagao, Tsuji Nakamura (1998) on Nababan et. al
(2004; 24) it is from the 1 to 3 scale as describe as follows:
Table 1; Modification of Rating Accuracy Instrument
Scale Category Indicator
3 Matching • The message is suited exactly in the target language
• There’s no deviations/distortion meaning
• There’s no addition, omission, alteration of information
• Choosing and the terms usage of each unit of
2 Lack of
• The message is less suited exactly in the target
language (BSa)
• There a few deviations/distortion meaning
• There a few addition, omission, alteration of alteration
• There a few mistaken in choosing and the terms usage
of each unit of translation
1 Not
• The message is not convoyed exactly in the target
language (BSa)
• There deviations/distortion meaning
• There addition, omission, alteration of information
• There mistaken in choosing and the terms usage of each
unit of translation
b) Acceptability Rating Instrument
It is to assess the acceptable of the written text in order to assess the result
of translation accurately Machali (2000: 119-120) traffic assessment with the
distance of A-E as follows;
Table 2: The Traffic Assessment of Translation Based on Machali
Scale Category Indicator
3 Acceptable • The translation is natural, genuine, flexible and rigid
• It doesn’t like the translation result
• The translation is reflect to commonly communication
in the context of target language (BSa)
• Used grammar and style of common language of the
speaker of the target language
• It is not relate with the source language
2 Less
• The translation is seemed rigid thus it is kind of the
result of translation
• The translation is less usual because of there are
grammar and the style of language who didn’t find in
the target language
• It is relate to the structure of the source language
1 Unacceptable • The translation is not natural and sense rigid
• It sensed as translation result
• There are style of language and grammar who didn’t
find on the target language (BSa)
• It’s related to source language (BSu)
c) Readability Rating Instrument
This instrument used to assess the level of readability the
translation test that consist of two kinds question namely closed question
and opened question. This question related with the level of translation text
readability with the basic scale 1 to 4, they are extremely easy, easy,
difficult, extremely difficult. This question is order the target reader text to
state their reasons to choose the level of readability on the text. Besides, the
assessor is asked for giving some words that feel hard or not in the text took
off the assessing text.
The following table is the sample of readability rating instrument
who adapted from Nababan (2004: 62):
d) The evalution sheet of the level of readability of the target language
The following is worksheet evaluation with the level of your
understanding in each of the paragraphs (enclosure) will be you read.
Please give the sign (√) on the column answer available:
Text Number:….
Paragraph The Level of Readability
Extremely easy
If you choose the answer Extremely easy, Easy, Difficult,
Extremely Difficult, please explain your reason or mentioned the factors
caused of it and quoted each of words or sentences as your understanding.
Paragraph I
Based on to assessment model above , the writer established the
criteria and self indicator to assess the level of readability namely as
Table 3: Modification of Readability of Rating Instrument
Scale Criteria Indicator
3 Easy The translation is easy to understand and the meaning
is understandable. The translator have particular
knowledge of the terms in translating
2 Sufficient The translation is easy to understand and the meaning
is understandable however there 1-2 terms who don’t
know by the translator
1 Difficult The translation is a bit can be understood and known
by the translator because there usage of the terms who
didn’t understand and know by translator.
e. Standard of qualified translation
In the point above has been explained about the qualified translation by
requires of accuracy, readability, and acceptable by target reader. Each of
the three aspects has different qualification.
Table of standard in qualified translation
No Qualified Aspect
1 Accuracy 3
2 Acceptable 2
3 Readability 1
The accuracy qualification is the highest score namely by giving 3.
It is adequate with the basic concept of translation process as the process
in transferring the message (accuracy) from the source language to target
language. Acceptable standard is in second position namely by giving 2.
The determination is background on the perspective that acceptable aspect
is related directly with the adequate of translation’s norms, principles, and
the cultural values contained in the target language. In the particular case,
the acceptable aspect is influenced by the accuracy standard in assessment
of translation result automatically. In the other words, in this case the
translation result will not be accepted or similarly with less of accuracy.
The last, readability aspect who has the poor weight, it is 1. The lowness
of readability is background of perspective that translation of readability is
not concerned with the translation directly with the case, is it
understandable or not by the reader. However, because the reader does not
have the synchronization between the source language and the target
language to translate then he/she wishes to get the easy translation text to
read easily (Nababan, 2011: 48-52).
f. The assessment
In assessment of translation qualified below by using translation
instrument produced. The purpose is to describe how to assess how
qualified a translation result clearly. The qualified translation of a text
means that to do by someone is accuracy, acceptable, readability of
translation text.
No Source Language Target
Accuracy Acceptable Readability
1. Hampir 100%
manusia setengah
100% of
3 3 3
Baya memerlukan
kaca mata.
people need
2. Mata dikatakan
sebagai ”bagian
ukuran permukaan
tubuh yang
paling penting”
(Hanever, 1979,
The eye has
been referred
to as “the
inch of the
1979, 1979,
2 2 2
3. Dengan demikian,
harus dilakukan
pencahayaan di
perkantoran, restoran
dan pusat
changes must
made to
lighting in
1 3 3
geriatri (panti
and geriatric
Jumlah 6 8 8
Mean Score 2,0 2,67 2, 67

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Proposal chapter i.docx

  • 1. INDONESIA’S INTERFERENCE IN TRANSLATING TEXT INTO ENGLISH TEXT; A CASE STUDY AT THE SIXTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study Interference is the term which disturb the process of translating of foreign language that conducted by everyone who are learned in translating from a language to another language. Usually, research on the second language acquisition and language contact, refers to the language influenced by a non native speakers to native speaker language by doing some mistakes, for example when it was translated from a language (source Language) to another language (Target Language) (Ellis, Rod: 1998, p51, 1998). In this case of interference, it would be easier resulted an “the negative intereference”, which as synonym of the term who wouldn’t appropriate with target language. Recently, many researcher did the experiment about the interference and surprisingly, they have found the similar case as Weinreich did, again and again it resulted the same thing as Ellis did, they found the negative carries from the source language which do not sufficient where connotation have bring negative translation by the source language (BSa) and have therefore increasingly tended to avoid it, prefering the term transfer instead to target language (Ellis, Rod. 1997. p. 302). To see what was brought by the negative language translation, there’s a verb which prove the processing of translation disturbed the language target result. i.e. to) interfere (e.g. "The phonology of the speaker's native language 1
  • 2. interferes with the use of the second language"). It is the interference where disturb the process of translation from the source to be the target. Yet, it comes produced by a human part of body which is mouth and doing the phonic translation in it. Let take a look on the example as follows: a) Dutch: Vinger (/ v ŋə /ˈ ̥ɪ ʀ ) Incorrect learner English: Finger (*/ f ŋə/ˈ ɪ ) Correct R.P.: Finger (/ f ŋgə/ˈ ɪ ) b) Indonesian; C (read “C”) but in English is: (read “se) The next form of interference disturbed the translation process is the morphological translation which occurs because of the word’s transformation, lexical and phrase. We can take a look from the word of legalisasi, premanisme, pascasunami, dan ekspress. It means that in this translation process the translator use the adaption technique in translation but it doesn’t appropriate with the source of language because it insufficient with the understanding of the reader such as in programming language which usually applied by Indonesian namely” streaming means mengalirkan/mengkompresikan/ menyusutkan, buffering to be macet, browsing to be menjelajahi/berselancar/mencari informasi or in English means searching or surfing which similar, mouse to be tetikus, broadcasting means menyiarkan. So, there’s should be the correct sense in making the target translation to be accepted. 2
  • 3. Then, it would be confusing the translator namely when the non native speaker of Indonesia doing their learning process, they would be used their commonly first language to do the direct translation for instance in the sentence of “apa saja contoh dari permasalahan yang anda alami?’, and the correct translation is “what kind of problem do you have?. On the contrary, the students actually translate the sentence in form of result as their own translation such as ”like what problem you have?“. Another example explained the direct interference such as the example previous is in Ni Wayan Sadiyani thesis stated that “Direct interference can be found in transformation of passive and active voice to transfer into target language”. It describe by the proof as follows: Mereka sudah menjemput Tomo (Source Language) They have meet Tomo (Target Language) Logically, both of those sentence are correct but when it touched to grammar field in the second language is false because it broken the rule play of grammar and it should be means “ They had met Tomo” but commonly Indonesian will use their first language competence without pay any competence to translate into target language. Moreover in this case the second sentence translation is contained with the first language grammar rule which influenced the foreign language (source language) called” Negative Transfer/Translation”, is stated by Wheinrich namely; "Those instances of deviation from the norms of either language which occur in the speech of bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with 3
  • 4. more than one language, i.e. as a result of language contact, will be referred to as INTERFERENCE phenomena." (Weinreich 1953:1) The previous study of the problem above have ever conducted by some researchers such as Schwartz et al (2008: 95) who study about “the linguistic interference that influenced the original text of the source language”. He did the research in order to find out the effects of context and lexical relationship between Spanish and English. These both of language actually is cognates and influenced each other. According to him the linguistic interference would be occurred when it processed and made the translator haziness to take the decision in choosing the equal words in translating the text. It caused of the brain of human being is reduced with the existence of bilingual as part of our competence. Thus, He conclude that the main problem was being conducted by him is about the similar meaning and the highly similar form across the language. The next is coming from Costa (Costa et al, 2008), he did the different part of interference in language. Costa was researched about how deep the lexical interference did influence the source language. According to him that this interference namely the main problem faced by translator in this day because it effected to transfer the source language to the target language . Concerning with the problems was stated by two researchers above, on the contrary Marina et al (2005:1) was faced with the different study who examined about the error makings in the English language by non-native speakers in academic articles. They published a study about how interference 4
  • 5. disturb the language misuse in the “Laws of Interference”, i.e. the lack clarity that produced by nonnative speakers and native speakers in the both of the text. They claim that in this study there are many deviations in making the result of the text. The present study seeks to examine the interference of Indonesian In Translating of English which emphasizing of translation skill. This research will be conducted in Muhammadiyah University especially in English Department Students at 6th semester. The selection of English department students, starting from the reality that the English Learning process deviations that are disturbing, especially on the rules that apply in English. Irregularities that occur when the students used English in the process of teaching and learning activities both verbally and in writing within and outside the classroom. However, in this study only focused on interference in translating of English which happened in written text of the students. 1.2 Research Questions According to the background of the study above, the research questions can be identified as follows; 1. Is the English student at the sixth semester of FKIP UM-MATARAM doing interference in translating text into English? 2. What factors influenced the students in doing interference at sixth semester Students English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram? 5
  • 6. 1.3 Research Objectives Based on the issues that were outlined then, this study aims to: 1. To know the interferences made by the students at the sixth semester Indonesian form of interference in the use of English written text. 2. To identify the factors influenced in the interference by students. 1.4 Significance of Study 1. Theoretical Benefits This research is expected to increase the repertoire of science studies Sociolinguistics and Linguistics especially concerning interference. This study therefore expected to contribute the theory to expand students' knowledge of interference and also inform the reader and researcher about the theories of translation. 2. Practical Benefits This study is expected to provide input and contribution to the knowledge of students especially for English Education Program in Muhammadiyah University of Mataram who are undergoing the process of learning a foreign language. The results of this study are also expected to be useful for people who are involved in the world of education. They are expected to better understand in depth knowledge of the language, especially interference and eventually be able to apply the language properly and correctly, in accordance with the situation, where and with who are communicated speakers. 6
  • 7. 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study This study will be analyzed about the interference of Bahasa Indonesia toward English written text. So, based on the case the researcher would like to make the scope and limitation about the interference of Bahasa Indonesia toward English written text. a. The scope of the study To make a good point about this research the writer will make the benefit part of education namely how translate however, the emphasizing in this case will be conducted by finding problems in translating of English which probably happened in every part of education official especially to the students itself. Besides, this study is focused on to looking for what kinds of forms in interference which would happen when the students do their translation activity. b. The limitation of the study Based on the scope of study which explained about the part of point in this research, the researcher would like to conduct the research about Indonesia’s interference in translating of English in FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. To get the more specific object, the researcher specifies in English Education Program namely at eight semester in the class of A and B. 7
  • 8. 1.6 Definition of Key Terms To avoid misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and ambiguity, a number of key words in this study need to be defined. They are defined as follows: a. Interference Interference, as defined previously, consists of deviations or different world perceptions that result from the contact between L1, L2 or L1 and n languages. Furthermore, linguistic interference may result in positive or negative transfer, as explained above. Some researchers dedicate themselves to analyzing the separation of processing stages in lexical interference (e.g. Abel et al, 2008). Yet, when the research expands to more languages, the number of variables and constants to be taken into consideration when analyzing the phenomena might make it more complicated to obtain a precise result. Schwartz et al (2008:95ff) carried out research on how linguistic context influences the nature of bilingual lexical activation, in order to obtain a result about the effects of context and lexical relationship between Spanish and English. According to this study, both languages are active in bilinguals and influence language processing. Thus, they concluded that processing time in the brain is reduced when bilinguals are presented with cognates, i.e. words that have the same meaning and highly similar form across languages. 8
  • 9. b. Translation The English term translation, first attested in around 1340, derives either from Old French translation or more directly from the Latin translatio (‘transporting’), itself coming from the participle of the verb transferre (‘to carry over’). In the field of languages, translation today has several meanings: 1) the general subject field or phenomenon (‘I studied translation at university’) 2) the product – that is, the text that has been translated (‘they published the Arabic translation of the report’) 3) the process of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating (‘translation service’). So based on the three definitions above, translation can be defined as a process of translation between two different written languages involves the changing of an original written text (the source text or ST ) in the original verbal language (the source language or SL ) into a written text (the target text or TT ) in a different verbal language (the target language or TL ): Source text (ST) Target text (TT) in source language (SL) in target language (TL) Thus, when translating a product manual from Chinese into English, the ST is Chinese and the TT is English. 9
  • 10. 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1. Interference Interference term first used in sociolinguistics by Weinreich (1970: 1) which says that the language is a form of interference irregularities in the use of the language of the norms that exist as a result of contact language or the introduction of more than one language and used in alternatively by the speakers. Furthermore, Weinreich continued that interferences phenomena in this day had removal the rule of the source language and misuse rules and norms of language. As explained in the background of the study, namely interference will disturb someone bilingual skill. For instance, in the sentence of “apa saja contoh dari permasalahan yang anda alami?”, and the correct translation is “what kind of problem do you have? but the translation commonly used by Indonesian people “like what the problem you have?”,. This is not valid as the source language but in this day moreover in speaking skill with less have grammar competence the translator doing this mistaken. Then, what had happened in the sample was the little part of linguistic interference in transferring target language, which is linguistic interference, consists of deviations or different world perceptions that result from the contact between L1, L2 or L1 and native language. Furthermore, linguistic interference may result in positive or negative transfer, as explained above. Some researchers dedicate themselves to analyzing the separation of processing stages in lexical interference (e.g. Abel et al, 2008). In the others word, it could be happened when the translator doing the processing of translating the text which concern with auditory 10
  • 11. processing (Pallier et al, 2010, speech production (Hermans et al, 1998) and sentence comprehension (Schwartz et al, 2006) that caused the linguistic interference occurred. This statement is also has revealed by Benson (2002: 69) that “Transfer or cross-linguistic influence may occur consciously, where there is a gap in the knowledge of L2 learners, and unconsciously, where the correct form has not been learned or automatized”. Benson deal with Herman (2002: 1) that this linguistic phenomena would be occurred if the transferring process is experienced disturbance when the translator has less the competence in translating the text moreover in the statement of Benson explained that there are many different knowledge of L2 language learners that caused interference conscious or not to the students especially. It can be explained why in this phenomena the interference of the native language takes place. Therefore, interference would be occurred in the transferring process by nationally-specific (cultural and sociological factors) and international patterns of nomination (concepts that are common internationally or at least between L1 and L2) exist, with the former presenting the main difficulties to speakers of other languages, causing mistakes and misunderstanding which are the main factors that may result in mistakes and misunderstanding when the translator let it the knowledge a thought in L2 (Marina et al, 2005: 2). 11
  • 12. 2.1.1 Interference With Level of Language Based on Yusuf (1994:71) in Win Listyaningrum Arifin’s thesis (2011: 305) explained that” interference can be divided into four types, i.e.: first, phonic interference. This occurs when a language user uses certain Interference: Its Role in the Target Language Mastery to Indonesian Learners vocals or sounds (as dialects or accents) of his native in producing words of TL. An English learner from Sumbawa will be very difficult is sounding ‘V’ as being indicated in involvement, he will pronounce the word “inpolpement” unintentionally. Second, grammatical interference. This feature takes place when an Indonesian English learner identifies morpheme or structure of his native into TL. Most of Indonesian will put Indonesian style of language when they make sentences. The sense is clearly appeared. Third, lexical interference. This kind of interference takes place in varied forms, e.g. words and phrases and fourth, semantic interference. It means that the term of interference can be happened whether it when someone is speaking or writing it will be disturb by those elements which caused of unawareness in speaking or writing. Such as explain by Weinrich (1970: 64) in Win Listyaningrum Arifin’s journal (2011: 305). There are many factors that contribute interference first, speaker bilingualism background. Bilingualism is the major factor of interference as the speaker is influenced by both of the source and the target language. Second, disloyalty to target language. Disloyalty to target language will cause negative attitude. This will lead to disobedience to target language structure and further force the bilingualist to put uncontrolled structure of his first language elements to output in practicing words utterances both 12
  • 13. oral and written. Students whose language background of TL is limited tend to put words in sentences or oral in structure and sense of first language. Third, the limited vocabularies of TL mastered by a learner. Vocabularies of certain language mostly are about words of surroundings connected to life. Thus, a learner who is willing to master another language will meet new words differ from his native words and etc. Henceforth, interference may be called as a negative transfer. It may come from students’ first language or mother tongue. Two aspects that can be potential problems are pronunciation and grammar. Bahasa Indonesia and English have different rule in those two aspects. Interference may happen in transferring the Indonesian language system to English. 2.1.2 Interference in Translation Interference in translation will be happened if the translation text from its source language (hence forth SL) into the target language (henceforth TL) is processing. Concerning with the case, interferences are consist of different types of interferences in translation. These transfer may occur on all levels: phonology (foreign accent), syntax (“word- for-word”or “literal translation” (e.g. Munday (2008:19)), lexis (such as false cognates), pragmatics (e.g. over-formality or under-formality) and morphology, which appears to be less affected than the others (Benson, 2002: 69). According to translation theory, (Oz-Salzberger, 2003) state that interference in translation will be changed the personal values and 13
  • 14. beliefs may influence the way translations are performed, Such as the cultural values that contain in translation process when translating to the target texts (henceforth TTs) or translating every single word into the approximate concept in the L2. For example; According to Munday (2008:10ff), which related with translation theory as follow: • “product-oriented descriptive translation studies”, where there is an analysis of a single ST-TT pair or a comparative analysis of several tts of the same ST (into one or more tls); • “function-oriented descriptive translation studies”, where a study of contexts is carried out “rather than texts”; and • “process-oriented descriptive translation studies”, when trying to “find out what happens in the mind of the translator.” The theory who stated above is the phenomena that mentioned in the theory such as lexical fidelity to the source text may not be shared especially in sacred and literary texts (Munday, 2008:5). It is when you are translating the various translations of the Bible and the great number of religions that were created due to different interpretations and translations of Bible books and passages (Religioustolerance [www].).Where when you translate the word “lagom” in Swedish, it will not translated fully such as mentioned as previous. That’s so the phenomena will exist moreover in translating of bible or qur’an. It seems has lack of vocabulary or parable that we can use to simplify the meaning of the text from the source language. Another interference in translation that could be occurred is to adopt the same ST word into the TT, as ombudsman (a kind of representative in English (Lexin), borrowed from Swedish to Portuguese, 14
  • 15. maybe for lack of a word that conveys all its meanings. According to Van de Vijver (2007:1), adapting is the technique where will give the translator the easier way to do the translation because it’s closer with the “linguistically, culturally or psychometrically inappropriate measurement” (ibid, 2003: 1). For example in many languages. such as Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Greek and Finnish (Oz-Salzberger, 2003), in the word of “valorization of the foreign language” (SL), and the closer meaning is couched with the very close cultural meaning of the source word. It is very culture-bounded and to which the TL can never fully correspond” (Schleiermacher in Munday, 2008:28) or even “devaluation of the translation” (as the TT may not reach the heights of the ST), making the TTs more accessible to cultures with less foreign terminology (Munday, 2008:29). That is lexis interference in translation where it is made the translation coherence with the source of language or when it is translated to English as SL (source language). 2.1.3 Types of Interference a. Interference in Phonology Interference of phonology is the interference which happened when you pronounced the alphabet which similar soundly. The example is a Javanese who is mentioning some places which words are initiated with letters /b/, /d/, /g/, and /j/, as Bandung, Deli, Gombong, and Jambi. He unintentionally will pronounce /mBandung/, /nDeli/,/nJambi/, and /nGgombong/ (Chaer and Agustina, 15
  • 16. 2004). Surprisingly, I myself feel funny when someone who is also a Javanese asks me my origin and my answer is ‘I am from nJaweng’ (while the correct is ‘I am from Jaweng’). b. Interference in Morphology Morphological interference is regarded by many linguists as the most frequent one. It happened in the word formation by absorbing other derivational affixes. We often hear Indonesian words kepukul, ketabrak, kebesaran, kekecilan, kemahalan, sungguhan, bubaran, duaan, etc.,(Win Listyaningrum Arifin, 2011: 10) but the correct form of word formation should be terpukul, tertabrak, terlalu besar, terlalu kecil, terlalu mahal, kesungguhan, berpisah (bubar), and berdua (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). The previous data is clearly word formation process of morphological interference from root words that are added with certain affixes from indigenous language or other language (FL). c. Interference in Sentence This interference is a rare phenomenon. In fact, interference in sentence should be ignored as sentence pattern is a main character of certain language. Pay attention to these two sentences, “Rumahnya ayahnya Ali yang besar sendiri di kampung itu”, and “Makanan itu telah dimakan oleh saya”. The sentence form is indirectly influenced by native language understanding of someone that causes grammatical interference. Therefore the correct formation, i.e.: “Rumah ayah Ali 16
  • 17. yang paling besar di kampung ini”, and “Makanan itu telah saya makan” (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). The language learner is trying to simplify the context by mixing sentence pattern between native language and target language. d. Semantic Interference According to recipient language, semantic interference is occurs when the acceptor language absorbs cultural insight of words as the origins from another language. This process is known as expansive. E.g. Indonesian takes words from Greece-Latin as demokrasi, politik, revolusi, and many more (Chaer and Agustina, 2004). Surprisingly, this borrowing process is natural and normal. English also takes many stems from other languages such as Latin for morpheme geo-, bio-, ology, -ghraphy, etc. The first process is through interference and then goes to integration by passing borrowing process. 2.1.4 Translation Definition of Translation Translation has been known and done by many people so it attracted all linguists to expand more about the activity of translation. The reason which would raise the background of translation and it showed the theory of translation such Bell (1991:6) who defined that translation” The replacement of representation of a text in one language by representation of an equivalent text in a second language”. The definition contain of translation as a changing or 17
  • 18. substitute from the source language (BSu) into another texts (BSa) by watching some grammar rules that produced in the translation’s text. Furthermore, as explained on Wikipedia that translation is “an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of the text in one language~the source text~and the production, in another language, of a new, equivalent text~the target text, or translation”. The similar definition was also stated by Cartford (on Hornby; 1998:15) as defined; “Translation may be defined as follows; the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). Definition of translation above is emphasized that translation is not only merely on the activity to transfer text of one’s language to another but it has be seen of equal as the source language of bilingual in order the meaning has the appropriate with the source language. However, the definition above is unspecific because it only emphasized on transferring the text merely whereas the cultural optional is not involve, while translation is communication tool between the writer and the reader who have the gaps of bilingual language. According to the perception above that the function of translation as the connection, thus to achieve the position the translator should be able to transfer the message and also conditioned the message of the 18
  • 19. source language as contained as in the source language in order the reader can be get the point of the reader. The statement above are supported by Munday and Ian Mason who defined the translation as “an act of communication which attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of communication which may have been intended for different purposes and different readers” (1997:1). Therefore, it is clear that translation not only the activity to transfer the text of the source language toward the target language but also noticed for the cultural aspect and linguistic, it because of the existence of the different language and cultural between the writer and the reader. Types of Translation Every text has form and meaning. Therefore, the translation is divided into 2 parts: The first is according to the form and the second one is based on to the meaning. The translation that according to form is tried to follow the source language (Milred. L. Larson, 2001) and known as the literal translation. Then, the second one is used the meaning tried to deliver the meaning of the source text with the target language. This type of translation is called” idiomatic translation”. The interliner (Baris-berbaris) is the absolute literal translation. For the particular aims, it’s necessary indeed the characteristic of source linguist text, for example, for the study of linguistic itself. The 19
  • 20. literal translation is benefit for the study nor the source language which is it can’t be help so much the translator in translating the text who wants to know about the meaning of the source language. It seems the literal translation doesn’t have meaning at all and almost doesn’t have the communication value, for example: • Chuave, Papua Nugini: kan daro Literal Translation : namamu panggil! • English: What kind of problem do you have? • Indonesia: Apa jenis dari masalah kamu lakukan punya? Both of translation above didn’t deliver the meaning of the message, on the contrary the translation is not appropriate and the result should be appropriate as “Siapakah namamu? an the other one is Apa saja jenis masalahmu? ”. Commonly if the bilingual in one language family, it will be appropriate with the source language and understandable, it may be the form of grammatical is similar. Notwithstanding, the choosing of lexical made the translation sounds strange. Besides, to translate the inter liner translation, the absolute literal is functioned as equal language and changing the series of sources’ grammatical toward the target language explicitly, but the lexical elements is translated literary, i.e: ro ahombo ngusifu pamariboyandi saya dia (perempuan)-oby. hati saya-mengikatnya (Lexical) 20
  • 21. Saya mengikatnya di hati saya. (The literary translation was appropriate). Furthermore, the idiomatic translation is the combination between literal translation and lexical translation which emphasized on how natural the translation as equal as the language with observe on the grammar rules and the optional of lexical elements. It related with free translation who doesn’t pay attention on the grammar rules because it not easy to make appropriate source translation but this translation is only used if there’s additional information who doesn’t exist in the target language. For instance as follows the translation from the ancient text into English modern text target; The text said” was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus arrived, because they have supplied what was lacking from you. For they refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition. This text is translated as ”It sure is good to see Steve, Lucky and 'Big Bam'. They sort a make up for your not being here. They're big boost to both me and you all. Let's give them a big hand”. The target translation is to make the text in the target translation which delivering the same message as equal as the source language and used the tight election for idiomatic translation. 21
  • 22. Types of Good Translation As cleared previously that the good translation should be consist of text which refers to the source language (F1) or as equal as the first language or nonnative speakers language. It is explicitly that stated with the socio-linguistic competence of someone moreover as the translator he/she should be able to master the main competence in making the perfect result of translation, they are : 1. Linguistic Competence 2. Textual Competence 3. Domain/Subject Specific Competence 4. Cultural Competence 5. Research Competence 6. Transfer Competence Those six competence are the requirements to complete result in translating. In the other words, by mastering these competences the translator will be made the good translation for the reader and it acceptable by the experts in translation. Therefore, behind of the competence the writer gives the small example of good translation as follows: This case is set up from Papua’s people language which has not connected with the source language but by attempts of the translator who lived around the destination object it can be transferred (from Deibler and Taylor, 1977:1060): 22
  • 23. It sounds: “Decentralization of economic activity, planning and government spending, with emphasis on agricultural development, village industry, better internal trade, and more spending channeled through local and area bodies”. This kind of translation is rigid for local people because it aims to give some information that takes from the government to them, moreover it would be hard for the local villager to understand such this type of formal language as it reads that” decentralization, activity, planning, government spending, emphasis, development, and trade, has to be translated by using verbs. If it used the verbs automatically the subject and verb object may have to be explicit. The form of English is different with the Papua’s language but this kind of translation is made to deliver the message exactly. So, the writer showed how correct the good translation for anyone and translation in translating the sentences above: “The government wants to decrease the work it does for businesses and what it plans and the money it spends in the capital, and wants to increase what people and groups in local areas do to help farmers and small businesses whose owners live in villages, and help people in this country buy and sell things made in this country, and to help local groups spend the government's money”. 23
  • 24. After was simplified, it is more acceptable than previously because the second translation is more acceptable because it used the cultural competence rather than the first one. In any addition, this translation is simplified by using linguistic competence with the clarified of the system of the grammar, as you can see from two distinction text were changed as follows: VS “The government wants to decrease the work it does for businesses and what it plans and the money it spends in the capital, and wants to increase what people and groups in local areas do to help farmers and small businesses whose owners live in villages, and help people in this country buy and sell things made in this country, and to help local groups spend the government's money” This can be proved that were changing by additional some adaptation information the sentences are be able to read. It can be seen in first beginning of two sample. There are many changing in the sentences but the second one moved from the object to be subject 24 “Decentralization of economic activity, planning and government spending, with emphasis on agricultural development, village industry, better internal trade, and more spending channeled through local and area bodies”.
  • 25. “Decentralization of economic activity, planning and government spending to be “The government wants to decrease the work it does for businesses and what it plans and the money it spends in the capital, and wants to increase”. It gives us the clue that to make good translation we have to apply those six competences in making the idiomatic translation for the reader. 2.1.6 Previous of Studies Research on the interference was first performed by Weinreich on 1950 and later followed by other scholars, such as Lado (1957), Meckey (1972), Haugen (1972). Research interference in Indonesia was first performed by Rusyana (1975) who studied the morphology interference in use Indonesian by children who speak the first language. Then, it followed by some researchers such as Sugiyono (1995), Budiarsa (2006), Pujiono (2006), Sinambela (2008), and Syarfina, et al. (2009). Rusyana, Yus (1975) Research Rusyana in a dissertation titled Interference Morphology on Indonesian Usage by Children who Speak First Sundanese use elementary school children in West Java as respondents. The theory who used by Weinreich is Language in Contact by took some data from the respondent who was given the written text to them who listened the story firstly. The result of this research indicated that the respondents doing some interference on their written text in the form of BI nominal and verbs used affixes. 25
  • 26. Soewito (1987) on his dissertation” Speak in a situation Diglosik” is talking about the use of language and interference on multilingual Surakarta’s citizen language and determine by some factors by using the basic theory of Hymes (1972). It is discussed about the conversation components used on social interaction between the interlocutors on society. His finding is about the using of language that determined by some factors who concerned with the language itself. They are speech participants, means of speech, intent says, and the series of speech accordance with the value of social culture around the place. Thus, the use of language and language style of Surakarta’s society is determined by another speech components, such as speech situation, speech events, basic speech, and norm speech accordance with the function of language as communication media on society. The last is coming from Diana Citra Hasan (2000: 14) in her thesis which found some interference when she wants to translate the three kinds of novel. She took the theme of metaphor translation from English into Indonesian which looking for the equivalence of the English into Indonesian also she wants to look for the factors caused of the interference itself. The method used is to check the equivalence between informants of the source language and the target language in 130 data respondents. The result is the most of respondents doing the mistaken in translation the collocation and it doesn’t sufficient with the target language when the novel text is translated. 26
  • 27. It indicated from the three researchers that the translation procedure is important to achieve the dynamic translation equivalence in translation of every kinds of text, whatever it is. In addition, interference can be occurred on every subject, object especially in our social environment. Is it better for the translator to learn first if they want to translate their text into every kinds of Language. In order to clear those experiments above, the writer provides the differences and similarities that the researcher has in their thesis and dissertation. Here they are: Table of the similarities and differences of the researcher interferences study Similarities Differences 1. The study is similar exactly namely interference by taking data from the respondents and the instruments in collecting the data by taking some documentation and writing test. 1. The study is different from the three researcher although two of them is similar by taking written text such as Rusyana, yus (1975) and Soewitoe (1987) studied about the speak competence but Diana Citra Hasan undertook Morphological competence as experiment in her thesis. 2. The method used by the researcher is qualitative descriptive which aims in analyze the respondents. 2. Their founding it totally different as Rusyana, yus found that she indicated the result of interference in her thesis is the form of BI nominal and verbs used affixes. Then, it was different with 27
  • 28. Soewito (1987) in linguistic competence he concludes that the result of his dissertation about interferences are means of speech which totally different with the source language, intent says, and it’s determine by norm of speech, speech events and the basic speech. Besides, Diana Citra Hasan (2000) found that mistaken made the respondents is in collocations (phonological interference). 3. The point found by them is interference can be happened in form of morphological, grammatical, phonological, semantic, and lexical. 3. 3. RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design 28
  • 29. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, it is intended that the results of research in the field of course be noted and recorded in accordance with the title, and then the data is accurately described so that the reader can understand the language or the fans and became more apparent. Strategy implemented of research using case studies (Sutopo, 2001; 111-113). The data will be extracted from a variety of sources and types of data that includes (1) informant or informants. The informant in the question is Muhammadiyah University Students at 6th semester. (2) Events and Activities. Data interference of indonesia’s written text is taken when the informant is in the process of learning, especially when writing a discourse in English. The events in question are all activities undertaken students both inside and outside the teaching and learning activities. It deals with issues related to research types of data sources that can be used (Sutopo , 2002: 143). 3.2 Population and Sample The research object of this research is Muhammadiyah University Student in English department and will be analyzed their ability in translation of Indonesia into English also the interferences of their first language namely Indonesian itself. 3.2.1 Population The population of this study is a whole student at 6th semester in English Education Program which consist of 3 classes, but the study will be conducted at the class of A, B and C in the sixth semester of Students English Department. Each class consists of 20 students. It means that all of populations were 60 students. As the population is lower than a hundred, the writer used all of them as sample of the study (Arikunto, 1991: 103). 29
  • 30. 3.2.2 Sampling Before deciding the quantity of sample, it is better to know the definition of sample, as the writer defines the meaning of population above, so sample is a small part of population to be investigated. Arikunto (1993:129) defines the sample is the amount of people less than population and small group that is observed. Arikunto (2006: 103) defines sample is a part of subtitutes of population research. By considering the definition above the researcher took 60 students as the sample. Both quality and the techniques are expected to get the accuracy and simplify the research action. 3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data In this research, the research applied translation the written text, documentation/ recording as the technique in collecting data. a. Translation test The translation test is a method of collecting data by giving some textual text in a form of short story test, so based on this test the student will do their activities in translating of English from analytical exposition test. b. Content analysis Content analysis is consist of text that will be given to the 6th semester students of English Department Program of FKIP UM- 30
  • 31. MATARAM. They will get such short story test with the level of their ability and the result of the test will be analyzed and to examine whether their translation is appropriate with the used of rules in translation test as explained previously. For example; Table of Standard in Analyze the text equivalence: Standard of Assessment Description 1. Accuracy 3 (Matching) 2 (Lack of Matching) 1 (Not Matching) 2. Readability 3 (Easy) 2 (Sufficient) 1(Difficult) 3. Acceptability 3 (Acceptable) 2 (Less Acceptable) 1 (Unacceptable) Based on to the standard of assessment the text will be analyzed, by three aspect of equal in acceptable, accuracy and readability. c. Documentation Documentation is a method of collecting data that use to save all of information among the research. Documentation also can be use to monitoring all of the research process. In this research, documents that be used are the result of assessment, students’ attendance, photo, video, and the others relevant documents (Sutopo, 2002: 54). 3.4 Procedure of Collecting Data In this study the researcher would like to conduct the research by analyze the data, as following: The student will be given the short story text to test their ability in translating of English and then after they have did the test the author will be 31
  • 32. analyzed their answers, find out the incorrect answers, and classified into the table to see how well their ability in translating of English based on the problem. Furthermore, the writer will explain what steps in collecting the data: 1. The researcher will give the students a short story or written text and the researcher will order the students to translate their the short story each other. 2. The researcher will analyze the content from the short story who will have done by students to get the qualified translation (Yin, 1987 on Sutopo, 2002: 69-70). Then, from those result the writer can take the conclusion caused of Interference. 3.5 Method of Analyzing Data The method will be used by the researcher are; 1. Accuracy Rating Instrument 2. Acceptability Rating Instrument 3. Readability Rating Instrument These types of method are the equivalences to assess the result of translation whether it is equivalence with the source language or not. According to Nababan et. al (2004) to asset there are several technique or method in analyzing the written text, they are cloze technique, Skimming technique, knowledge assessment, performance assessment, translation, 32
  • 33. approached based on the equivalence, accuracy instrument and readability rating instrument. On this research the writer would like to use one of the method in analyze the content. It is accuracy rating instrument, which describe as follows: a) Accuracy Rating Instrument This instrument used to measure the equivalence level of the translation who offered by Nagao, Tsuji Nakamura (1998) on Nababan et. al (2004; 24) it is from the 1 to 3 scale as describe as follows: Table 1; Modification of Rating Accuracy Instrument Scale Category Indicator 3 Matching • The message is suited exactly in the target language (BSa) • There’s no deviations/distortion meaning • There’s no addition, omission, alteration of information • Choosing and the terms usage of each unit of translation 2 Lack of Matching • The message is less suited exactly in the target language (BSa) • There a few deviations/distortion meaning • There a few addition, omission, alteration of alteration information • There a few mistaken in choosing and the terms usage of each unit of translation 33
  • 34. 1 Not Matching • The message is not convoyed exactly in the target language (BSa) • There deviations/distortion meaning • There addition, omission, alteration of information • There mistaken in choosing and the terms usage of each unit of translation b) Acceptability Rating Instrument It is to assess the acceptable of the written text in order to assess the result of translation accurately Machali (2000: 119-120) traffic assessment with the distance of A-E as follows; Table 2: The Traffic Assessment of Translation Based on Machali Scale Category Indicator 3 Acceptable • The translation is natural, genuine, flexible and rigid • It doesn’t like the translation result • The translation is reflect to commonly communication in the context of target language (BSa) • Used grammar and style of common language of the speaker of the target language • It is not relate with the source language 2 Less Acceptable • The translation is seemed rigid thus it is kind of the result of translation • The translation is less usual because of there are grammar and the style of language who didn’t find in the target language 34
  • 35. • It is relate to the structure of the source language (BSu) 1 Unacceptable • The translation is not natural and sense rigid • It sensed as translation result • There are style of language and grammar who didn’t find on the target language (BSa) • It’s related to source language (BSu) c) Readability Rating Instrument This instrument used to assess the level of readability the translation test that consist of two kinds question namely closed question and opened question. This question related with the level of translation text readability with the basic scale 1 to 4, they are extremely easy, easy, difficult, extremely difficult. This question is order the target reader text to state their reasons to choose the level of readability on the text. Besides, the assessor is asked for giving some words that feel hard or not in the text took off the assessing text. The following table is the sample of readability rating instrument who adapted from Nababan (2004: 62): d) The evalution sheet of the level of readability of the target language 35
  • 36. The following is worksheet evaluation with the level of your understanding in each of the paragraphs (enclosure) will be you read. Please give the sign (√) on the column answer available: Text Number:…. Paragraph The Level of Readability 1 Extremely easy 2 easy 3 Difficult 4 Extremely Difficult 1 2 3 If you choose the answer Extremely easy, Easy, Difficult, Extremely Difficult, please explain your reason or mentioned the factors caused of it and quoted each of words or sentences as your understanding. 36
  • 37. Paragraph I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Based on to assessment model above , the writer established the criteria and self indicator to assess the level of readability namely as follows: Table 3: Modification of Readability of Rating Instrument Scale Criteria Indicator 3 Easy The translation is easy to understand and the meaning is understandable. The translator have particular knowledge of the terms in translating 2 Sufficient The translation is easy to understand and the meaning is understandable however there 1-2 terms who don’t know by the translator 1 Difficult The translation is a bit can be understood and known by the translator because there usage of the terms who didn’t understand and know by translator. e. Standard of qualified translation 37
  • 38. In the point above has been explained about the qualified translation by requires of accuracy, readability, and acceptable by target reader. Each of the three aspects has different qualification. Table of standard in qualified translation No Qualified Aspect Asses Quality 1 Accuracy 3 2 Acceptable 2 3 Readability 1 The accuracy qualification is the highest score namely by giving 3. It is adequate with the basic concept of translation process as the process in transferring the message (accuracy) from the source language to target language. Acceptable standard is in second position namely by giving 2. The determination is background on the perspective that acceptable aspect is related directly with the adequate of translation’s norms, principles, and the cultural values contained in the target language. In the particular case, the acceptable aspect is influenced by the accuracy standard in assessment of translation result automatically. In the other words, in this case the translation result will not be accepted or similarly with less of accuracy. The last, readability aspect who has the poor weight, it is 1. The lowness of readability is background of perspective that translation of readability is not concerned with the translation directly with the case, is it understandable or not by the reader. However, because the reader does not have the synchronization between the source language and the target 38
  • 39. language to translate then he/she wishes to get the easy translation text to read easily (Nababan, 2011: 48-52). f. The assessment In assessment of translation qualified below by using translation instrument produced. The purpose is to describe how to assess how qualified a translation result clearly. The qualified translation of a text means that to do by someone is accuracy, acceptable, readability of translation text. No Source Language Target Language Scoring Accuracy Acceptable Readability 1. Hampir 100% manusia setengah Almost 100% of 3 3 3 39
  • 40. Baya memerlukan kaca mata. middle-aged people need eyeglasses. 2. Mata dikatakan sebagai ”bagian ukuran permukaan tubuh yang paling penting” (Hanever, 1979, h.1). The eye has been referred to as “the most important square inch of the body surface” (Havener 1979, 1979, p.1) 2 2 2 3. Dengan demikian, perubahan harus dilakukan dengan menambah pencahayaan di rumah, perkantoran, restoran dan pusat Therefore, changes must be made to improve lighting in homes, offices, restaurants, 1 3 3 40
  • 41. geriatri (panti wreda). and geriatric centres. Jumlah 6 8 8 Mean Score 2,0 2,67 2, 67 41