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Progression by Regression:
How to increase your A/B Test Velocity
August 2018
Aaron Bradley
Stefan Krawczyk
What is Stitch Fix?
Why A/B Test?
Why is A/B Test velocity important?
Formulating an Opinion
Those t-tests
Regression @ Stitch Fix
In Conclusion
Who: we’re data platform engineers working on Stitch Fix’s Expt. Platform
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Multithreaded Blog:
Why A/B Test?
To attempt to infer causality for the purpose of
having confidence in making decisions
Goal of A/B Testing
Goal of A/B Testing: Example
Goal of A/B Testing: Example
Why is A/B test
velocity important?
The faster this cycle is:
“The more you can learn about your business model”
The faster this cycle is:
“The more you can learn about your business model”
The faster this cycle is:
Specifically this means
We want to complete experiments
at a faster cadence!
Formulating an
How do we formulate an opinion?
“Can we reject the null hypothesis?”
Formal Statistical Phrasing
“Given the observed data,
how likely could these differences
have occurred by chance?”
In Plain English
To name some:
● Chi-squared
● Binomial proportions
● Regression
● Wald test
● Welch’s t-test
● One sample t-test
● Two sample t-test
● Paired t-test
● Z-test
● Generalized estimating
There are a bunch of statistical tests
Choosing one depends on things
● Type of data, e.g. binomial or
● Amount of data
● Independence assumptions of
the data
● Outcome that you’re testing
● Whether you’re a statistician...
Choosing one depends on things
● Type of data, e.g. binomial or
● Amount of data
● Independence assumptions of
the data
● Outcome that you’re testing
● Whether you’re a statistician...
To name some:
● Chi-squared
● Binomial proportions
● Regression
● Wald test
● Welch’s t-test
● One sample t-test
● Two sample t-test
● Paired t-test
● Z-test
● Generalized estimating
There are a bunch of statistical tests
Those t-tests
The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing.
A t-test is a way to compare two means.
It relates to the T-distribution.
General form:
What is a t-test?
The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing.
A t-test is a way to compare two means.
It relates to the T-distribution.
General form:
What is a t-test?
Difference of means
Standard Error:
Contains standard
deviation and sample
Use this value to get a
measure of probability of
seeing this result by chance
using T-distribution
The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing.
A t-test is a way to compare two means.
It relates to the T-distribution.
General form:
What is a t-test?
Difference of means
Standard Error*:
Use this value to get a
measure of probability of
seeing this result by chance
using T-distribution
The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing.
A t-test is a way to compare two means.
It relates to the T-distribution.
General form:
What is a t-test?
Difference of means
Standard Error*:
Use this value to get a
measure of probability of
seeing this result by chance
using T-distribution
There are a few different variations of the t-test.
People most likely use/refer to the two-sample t-test.
A t-test is assumed to be only used for comparing continuous data:
● Height
● Weight
● Time spent on page
● Lifetime value (LTV)
● etc.
Two Sample t-test
There are a few different variations of the t-test.
People most likely use/refer to the two-sample t-test.
A t-test is assumed to be only used for comparing continuous data:
● Height
● Weight
● Time spent on page
● Lifetime value (LTV)
● etc.
Two Sample t-test
But using the Central Limit Theorem
you can also use it for:
● Proportions
● Count data
● ...
There are a few different T-tests.
People most likley use/refer to the two-sample t-test.
A t-test is assumed to be only used for comparing continuous data:
● Height
● Weight
● Time spent on page
● Lifetime value (LTV)
● etc.
Two Sample t-test
But using the Central Limit Theroem
you can also use it for:
● Proportions
● Count data
● ...
One reason for its widespread use is that it is easy to calculate:
● Just need to be able to sum, divide, square, and square root!
○ You can even do it in SQL … !
There are some assumptions on:
● Independence
● Normally distributed
● Homogeneity of variances*
Two Sample t-test
One reason for its widespread use is that it is easy to calculate:
● Just need to be able to sum, divide, square, and square root!
○ You can even do it in SQL … !
There are some assumptions on:
● Independence
● Normally distributed
● Homogeneity of variances
Two Sample t-test
Slow downs with the t-test
Slow downs with the t-test
Type I Errors
(False Positives)
Type II Errors
(False Negatives)
α β
We need to balance:
Type I Errors (false positives):
“Rejecting the null hypothesis while it is true”
Type II Errors (false negatives):
“Incorrectly retaining the null hypothesis.”
Reasons that slow us down
Controlling for Type I Errors == Significance == α
Typically set at 0.05 or 5%
→ so 1 / 20 False Positives
This where a p-value of 0.05 being significant comes from.
Typically you don’t change this threshold to go faster.
Reasons that slow us down
Controlling for Type I Errors == Significance == α
Typically set at 0.05 or 5%
→ so 1 / 20 False Positives
This where a p-value of 0.05 being significant comes from.
Typically you don’t change this threshold to go faster.
Reasons that slow us down
Controlling for Type II Errors == Power == (1 - 𝛃)
“Probability that you correctly rejected the null hypothesis.”
Standard is 0.8 or 80%
→ 4 / 5 times if there was an effect you’d be able to
detect it.
Power is affected by:
● Effect size.
● Sample size.
● Variation of the data
Reasons that slow us down
} Standard Error
Tangent: What is an underpowered expt.?
Tangent: What is an underpowered expt.?
So how can we move faster?
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
1. Increase sample size
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
1. Increase sample size
→ Run longer tests.
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
1. Increase sample size
→ Run longer tests.
1. Reduce variability
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
1. Increase sample size
→ Run longer tests.
1. Reduce variability
→ Detect smaller changes / run shorter tests!
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
1. Increase sample size
→ Run longer tests.
1. Reduce variability
→ Detect smaller changes / run shorter tests!
→ Reduce the standard deviation term!
So how can we move faster?
1. Only make bigger changes
→ Need bigger ideas / more resources.
1. Increase sample size
→ Run longer tests.
1. Reduce variability
→ Detect smaller changes / run shorter tests!
→ Reduce the standard deviation term!
But you can’t do this with a two sample t-test!
How regression does and doesn’t help
Regression enables:
● Increasing power with
● Increased test velocity
● Bias correction*
● Handling of more complex
correlation structure*
Regression does not:
● Allow you to skip your power
analysis (you are running power
analyses, right? I’m sure you are)
● Allow you to run
underpowered experiments
● Remove the need for good
experimental design
● Solve peeking or multiple
comparisons concerns*
● Automatically enable
sequential testing*
● Adjust for winner’s curse**Not covered in this talk
How regression does and doesn’t help
Regression enables:
● Increasing power with
● Increased test velocity
● Bias correction*
● Handling of more complex
correlation structure*
Regression does not:
● Allow you to skip your power
analysis (you are running power
analyses, right? I’m sure you are)
● Allow you to run
underpowered experiments
● Remove the need for good
experimental design
● Solve peeking or multiple
comparisons concerns*
● Automatically enable
sequential testing*
● Adjust for winner’s curse**Not covered in this talk
People often think of regression for prediction, t-tests for
But t-tests are a special case of linear regression.
You can use regression in place of t-tests, and it opens the door to
new levers - efficiency.
What to get out of this section
You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why?
Using regression for hypothesis testing
within condition variability
between condition variability
You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why?
Using regression for hypothesis testing
Cell A Cell B
within condition variability
between condition variability
You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why?
Using regression for hypothesis testing
Cell A Cell B
within condition variability
between condition variability
You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why?
Using regression for hypothesis testing
Cell A Cell B
within condition variability
between condition variability
Using regression for hypothesis testing
H0: β = 0
Ha: β ≠ 0
within condition variability
between condition variability
You can use linear regression instead of t-tests. But why?
Regression gives us a lever to
decrease variance without
increasing n by modeling out
some within-condition variability
Using regression for hypothesis testing
shrinking within-condition
same between-condition
Example - Client Email Campaign
Control Variant
Are users who receive the new variant of a marketing email more likely
have an increased Average Order Value (AOV) on their next shipment?
Example - Client Email Campaign
Control Variant
What explains a higher order value for a client?
Between condition variability
● The treatment (hopefully!)
Within condition variability
● How long they’ve been a client
● A client’s order value on their last shipment
● Delay between when they received the
email and when they opened it
Example - Client Email Campaign
Control Variant
Between condition variability
● The treatment (hopefully!)
Within condition variability
● How long they’ve been a client
● A client’s order value on their last shipment
● Delay between when they received the
email and when they opened it
What explains a higher order value for a client?
Example - Client Email Campaign
Control Variant
Between condition variability
● The treatment (hopefully!)
Within condition variability
● How long they’ve been a client
● A client’s order value on their last shipment
● Delay between when they received the
email and when they opened it
aov ~ 1 + cell_id + client_tenure + ov_previous_shipment
Getting increased power by controlling for covariates requires you to find covariates
which decrease between-condition variability
● Make sure they aren’t correlated with the treatment
○ Rule of thumb: only use pre-experiment data
● Best covariates are highly correlated with your outcome variable
○ Often the pre-experiment value of your outcome is best one
● Visitor / conversion experiments: let us know what you find!
Covariates: what to use
Regression @ Stitch Fix
Regression: How we do it
● Model computed on-the-fly in
● Simple python app fetching data
from presto
● statsmodels / patsy for regression
● BYOD for more complex models
(bootstrapping, hierarchical
mixed models, gee, etc)
Metrics Service Data
Presto Nightly ETLs
Regression: Things we’ve tried
● R vs Spark vs Python
● Data size: big vs small.
● Nightly ETL vs Online
● Slice & Dice vs Preset Filters
Regression: How we do it
● Metrics defined in yaml file
● Model is specified via type,
family, link, label column
(response), and covariates
● SQL query to provide necessary
columns from underlying
experiments tables
order_value ~ 1 + cell_id + tenure
python: statsmodels + patsy
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
# fetch data somehow. returned data frame has columns cell_id, order_value
df = get_data()
# make cell_id categorical
df.cell_id = df.cell_id.astype('category', categories=[1,2])
# intercept term is implicit in following formula
model = smf.ols(formula='order_value ~ cell_id', data=df)
model_fit =
control_cell_estimate = model_fit.params['Intercept']
treatment_cell_estimate = model_fit.params['Intercept'] + model_fit.params['cell_id[T.2]']
p = model_fit.pvalues['cell_id[T.2]']
Linear Regression: Example Code
● cell_id must be categorical - needs to be
dummy encoded
● continuous covariates: mean-center
● discrete covariates: think about proper
contrast coding
● be careful about 1 vs 2 sided hypotheses
● think about correlations between your
randomization units
Statsmodels summary() output:
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] ---------------------------------------------------------
x1 0.4639 0.162 2.864 0.008 0.132 0.796
x2 0.0105 0.019 0.539 0.594 -0.029 0.050
x3 0.3786 0.139 2.720 0.011 0.093 0.664
const -1.4980 0.524 -2.859 0.008 -2.571 -0.425
Linear Regression: Example Output
In Conclusion
● You can use regression in place of a t-test today!
● You can use regression in place of a t-test today!
● Regression gives you the tools to better control
● You can use regression in place of a t-test today!
● Regression gives you the tools to better control
● Moar Power!
● With increased power you can conclude more
tests faster.
● You can use regression in place of a t-test today!
● Regression gives you the tools to better control
● Moar Power!
● With increased power you can conclude more
tests faster.
● Or, you can measure smaller changes better.
We’re also hiring!

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Progression by Regression: How to increase your A/B Test Velocity

  • 1. Progression by Regression: How to increase your A/B Test Velocity August 2018 Aaron Bradley Stefan Krawczyk @stefkrawczyk
  • 2. Contents What is Stitch Fix? Why A/B Test? Why is A/B Test velocity important? Formulating an Opinion Those t-tests Regression Regression @ Stitch Fix In Conclusion
  • 3. Who: we’re data platform engineers working on Stitch Fix’s Expt. Platform
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  • 8. Lots of opportunity for experimentation!
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  • 13. To attempt to infer causality for the purpose of having confidence in making decisions Goal of A/B Testing
  • 14. Goal of A/B Testing: Example
  • 15. Goal of A/B Testing: Example ?
  • 16. Why is A/B test velocity important?
  • 17. The faster this cycle is:
  • 18. “The more you can learn about your business model” The faster this cycle is:
  • 19. “The more you can learn about your business model” The faster this cycle is:
  • 20. Specifically this means We want to complete experiments at a faster cadence! vs ?
  • 22. How do we formulate an opinion? ? ?
  • 23. “Can we reject the null hypothesis?” Formal Statistical Phrasing
  • 24. “Given the observed data, how likely could these differences have occurred by chance?” In Plain English
  • 25. To name some: ● Chi-squared ● Binomial proportions ● ANOVA ● Regression ● Wald test ● Welch’s t-test ● One sample t-test ● Two sample t-test ● Paired t-test ● Z-test ● Generalized estimating equations There are a bunch of statistical tests Choosing one depends on things like: ● Type of data, e.g. binomial or continuous ● Amount of data ● Independence assumptions of the data ● Outcome that you’re testing ● Whether you’re a statistician...
  • 26. Choosing one depends on things like: ● Type of data, e.g. binomial or continuous ● Amount of data ● Independence assumptions of the data ● Outcome that you’re testing ● Whether you’re a statistician... To name some: ● Chi-squared ● Binomial proportions ● ANOVA ● Regression ● Wald test ● Welch’s t-test ● One sample t-test ● Two sample t-test ● Paired t-test ● Z-test ● Generalized estimating equations There are a bunch of statistical tests
  • 28. The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing. A t-test is a way to compare two means. It relates to the T-distribution. General form: What is a t-test?
  • 29. The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing. A t-test is a way to compare two means. It relates to the T-distribution. General form: What is a t-test? Difference of means Standard Error: Contains standard deviation and sample size. Use this value to get a measure of probability of seeing this result by chance using T-distribution
  • 30. The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing. A t-test is a way to compare two means. It relates to the T-distribution. General form: What is a t-test? Difference of means Standard Error*: Use this value to get a measure of probability of seeing this result by chance using T-distribution
  • 31. The t-test is the most common method used in A/B testing. A t-test is a way to compare two means. It relates to the T-distribution. General form: What is a t-test? Difference of means Standard Error*: Use this value to get a measure of probability of seeing this result by chance using T-distribution
  • 32. There are a few different variations of the t-test. People most likely use/refer to the two-sample t-test. A t-test is assumed to be only used for comparing continuous data: E.g.: ● Height ● Weight ● Time spent on page ● Lifetime value (LTV) ● etc. Two Sample t-test
  • 33. There are a few different variations of the t-test. People most likely use/refer to the two-sample t-test. A t-test is assumed to be only used for comparing continuous data: E.g.: ● Height ● Weight ● Time spent on page ● Lifetime value (LTV) ● etc. Two Sample t-test But using the Central Limit Theorem you can also use it for: ● Proportions ● Count data ● ...
  • 34. There are a few different T-tests. People most likley use/refer to the two-sample t-test. A t-test is assumed to be only used for comparing continuous data: E.g.: ● Height ● Weight ● Time spent on page ● Lifetime value (LTV) ● etc. Two Sample t-test But using the Central Limit Theroem you can also use it for: ● Proportions ● Count data ● ...
  • 35. One reason for its widespread use is that it is easy to calculate: ● Just need to be able to sum, divide, square, and square root! ○ You can even do it in SQL … ! There are some assumptions on: ● Independence ● Normally distributed ● Homogeneity of variances* Two Sample t-test
  • 36. One reason for its widespread use is that it is easy to calculate: ● Just need to be able to sum, divide, square, and square root! ○ You can even do it in SQL … ! There are some assumptions on: ● Independence ● Normally distributed ● Homogeneity of variances Two Sample t-test
  • 37. Slow downs with the t-test
  • 38. Slow downs with the t-test Type I Errors (False Positives) vs Type II Errors (False Negatives) α β
  • 39. We need to balance: Type I Errors (false positives): “Rejecting the null hypothesis while it is true” Type II Errors (false negatives): “Incorrectly retaining the null hypothesis.” Reasons that slow us down
  • 40. Controlling for Type I Errors == Significance == α Typically set at 0.05 or 5% → so 1 / 20 False Positives This where a p-value of 0.05 being significant comes from. Typically you don’t change this threshold to go faster. Reasons that slow us down
  • 41. Controlling for Type I Errors == Significance == α Typically set at 0.05 or 5% → so 1 / 20 False Positives This where a p-value of 0.05 being significant comes from. Typically you don’t change this threshold to go faster. Reasons that slow us down
  • 42. Controlling for Type II Errors == Power == (1 - 𝛃) “Probability that you correctly rejected the null hypothesis.” Standard is 0.8 or 80% → 4 / 5 times if there was an effect you’d be able to detect it. Power is affected by: ● Effect size. ● Sample size. ● Variation of the data Reasons that slow us down } Standard Error
  • 43. Tangent: What is an underpowered expt.?
  • 44. Tangent: What is an underpowered expt.?
  • 45. So how can we move faster?
  • 46. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes
  • 47. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. …
  • 48. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. 1. Increase sample size
  • 49. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. 1. Increase sample size → Run longer tests.
  • 50. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. 1. Increase sample size → Run longer tests. 1. Reduce variability
  • 51. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. 1. Increase sample size → Run longer tests. 1. Reduce variability → Detect smaller changes / run shorter tests!
  • 52. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. 1. Increase sample size → Run longer tests. 1. Reduce variability → Detect smaller changes / run shorter tests! → Reduce the standard deviation term!
  • 53. So how can we move faster? 1. Only make bigger changes → Need bigger ideas / more resources. 1. Increase sample size → Run longer tests. 1. Reduce variability → Detect smaller changes / run shorter tests! → Reduce the standard deviation term! But you can’t do this with a two sample t-test!
  • 55. How regression does and doesn’t help Regression enables: ● Increasing power with covariates ● Increased test velocity ● Bias correction* ● Handling of more complex correlation structure* Regression does not: ● Allow you to skip your power analysis (you are running power analyses, right? I’m sure you are) ● Allow you to run underpowered experiments ● Remove the need for good experimental design ● Solve peeking or multiple comparisons concerns* ● Automatically enable sequential testing* ● Adjust for winner’s curse**Not covered in this talk
  • 56. How regression does and doesn’t help Regression enables: ● Increasing power with covariates ● Increased test velocity ● Bias correction* ● Handling of more complex correlation structure* Regression does not: ● Allow you to skip your power analysis (you are running power analyses, right? I’m sure you are) ● Allow you to run underpowered experiments ● Remove the need for good experimental design ● Solve peeking or multiple comparisons concerns* ● Automatically enable sequential testing* ● Adjust for winner’s curse**Not covered in this talk
  • 57. People often think of regression for prediction, t-tests for inference. But t-tests are a special case of linear regression. You can use regression in place of t-tests, and it opens the door to new levers - efficiency. What to get out of this section
  • 58. You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why? Using regression for hypothesis testing within condition variability between condition variability
  • 59. You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why? Using regression for hypothesis testing Cell A Cell B within condition variability between condition variability
  • 60. You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why? Using regression for hypothesis testing Cell A Cell B within condition variability between condition variability
  • 61. You can use regression instead of t-tests. But why? Using regression for hypothesis testing Cell A Cell B within condition variability between condition variability
  • 62. Using regression for hypothesis testing β ^ H0: β = 0 Ha: β ≠ 0 within condition variability between condition variability You can use linear regression instead of t-tests. But why? Regression gives us a lever to decrease variance without increasing n by modeling out some within-condition variability
  • 63. Using regression for hypothesis testing shrinking within-condition variability same between-condition variability
  • 64. Example - Client Email Campaign Control Variant Are users who receive the new variant of a marketing email more likely have an increased Average Order Value (AOV) on their next shipment?
  • 65. Example - Client Email Campaign Control Variant What explains a higher order value for a client? Between condition variability ● The treatment (hopefully!) Within condition variability ● How long they’ve been a client ● A client’s order value on their last shipment ● Delay between when they received the email and when they opened it
  • 66. Example - Client Email Campaign Control Variant Between condition variability ● The treatment (hopefully!) Within condition variability ● How long they’ve been a client ● A client’s order value on their last shipment ● Delay between when they received the email and when they opened it What explains a higher order value for a client?
  • 67. Example - Client Email Campaign Control Variant Between condition variability ● The treatment (hopefully!) Within condition variability ● How long they’ve been a client ● A client’s order value on their last shipment ● Delay between when they received the email and when they opened it aov ~ 1 + cell_id + client_tenure + ov_previous_shipment
  • 68. Getting increased power by controlling for covariates requires you to find covariates which decrease between-condition variability ● Make sure they aren’t correlated with the treatment ○ Rule of thumb: only use pre-experiment data ● Best covariates are highly correlated with your outcome variable ○ Often the pre-experiment value of your outcome is best one ● Visitor / conversion experiments: let us know what you find! Covariates: what to use
  • 70. Regression: How we do it ● Model computed on-the-fly in metrics-service ● Simple python app fetching data from presto ● statsmodels / patsy for regression ● BYOD for more complex models (bootstrapping, hierarchical mixed models, gee, etc) Metrics Service Data Warehouse Presto Nightly ETLs
  • 71. Regression: Things we’ve tried ● R vs Spark vs Python ● Data size: big vs small. ● Nightly ETL vs Online ● Slice & Dice vs Preset Filters
  • 72. Regression: How we do it ● Metrics defined in yaml file ● Model is specified via type, family, link, label column (response), and covariates ● SQL query to provide necessary columns from underlying experiments tables order_value ~ 1 + cell_id + tenure
  • 73. python: statsmodels + patsy import pandas as pd import statsmodels.api as sm import statsmodels.formula.api as smf # fetch data somehow. returned data frame has columns cell_id, order_value df = get_data() # make cell_id categorical df.cell_id = df.cell_id.astype('category', categories=[1,2]) # intercept term is implicit in following formula model = smf.ols(formula='order_value ~ cell_id', data=df) model_fit = print(model_fit.summary()) control_cell_estimate = model_fit.params['Intercept'] treatment_cell_estimate = model_fit.params['Intercept'] + model_fit.params['cell_id[T.2]'] p = model_fit.pvalues['cell_id[T.2]'] Linear Regression: Example Code Gotchas ● cell_id must be categorical - needs to be dummy encoded ● continuous covariates: mean-center ● discrete covariates: think about proper contrast coding ● be careful about 1 vs 2 sided hypotheses ● think about correlations between your randomization units
  • 74. Statsmodels summary() output: ============================================================================== coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- x1 0.4639 0.162 2.864 0.008 0.132 0.796 x2 0.0105 0.019 0.539 0.594 -0.029 0.050 x3 0.3786 0.139 2.720 0.011 0.093 0.664 const -1.4980 0.524 -2.859 0.008 -2.571 -0.425 ============================================================================== Linear Regression: Example Output
  • 76. ● You can use regression in place of a t-test today! 76 Conclusion
  • 77. ● You can use regression in place of a t-test today! ● Regression gives you the tools to better control variance. 77 Conclusion
  • 79. ● You can use regression in place of a t-test today! ● Regression gives you the tools to better control variance. ● Moar Power! ● With increased power you can conclude more tests faster. 79 Conclusion
  • 80. ● You can use regression in place of a t-test today! ● Regression gives you the tools to better control variance. ● Moar Power! ● With increased power you can conclude more tests faster. ● Or, you can measure smaller changes better. 80 Conclusion