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                            ABOUT COMMON SALT
Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulatingblood upon the walls of blood
vessels, and is one of the principal vital signs. During each heartbeat, BP varies
between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure. The mean BP, due
to pumping by the heart and resistance to flow in blood vessels, decreases as the
circulating blood moves away from the heart through arteries. Blood pressure drops
most rapidly along the small arteries and arterioles, and continues to decrease as the
blood moves through the capillaries and back to the heart through veins. Gravity, valves
in veins, and pumping from contraction of skeletal muscles, are some other influences
on BP at various places in the body.

The term blood pressure usually refers to the pressure measured at a person's upper
arm. It is measured on the inside of an elbow at the brachial artery, which is the upper
arm's major blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. A person's BP is
usually expressed in terms of the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure (mmHg), for
example 120/80.

Hypertension has emerged as a major public health problem in India and many
developing countries. There is sufficient clinical and epidemiological evidence that
hypertension is increasing in India. It has been reported that hypertension prevalence in
India quadrupled in urban as well as rural populations over a 50-year period from early
1950s to late 1990s. The prevalence of hypertension (blood pressure 160/ 95 mmHg)
in urban populations increased from 2–4% in mid-1950s to 10–15% at the end of 20th
century. In rural populations, the prevalence increased from 1–2% to 4–8%. The Global
Burden of Diseases study has reported that by the year 2025, cardiovascular diseases
would be the major cause of death all over the world including the developing countries.
In India, cardiovascular diseases would result in a loss of 18.4 million disability adjusted
life years (DALY's), which is comparable to established market economies (19.4), former
socialist economies (26.1), China (16.3), other Asian countries (15.6), Latin America
(13.2), and the middle eastern crescent (17.7). High blood pressure (BP) is directly
related to about 40% of this cardiovascular disease burden.

Increasing hypertension in India and other developing countries has been related to
sedentary lifestyle, excess dietary salt, calorie and alcohol intake, increasing generalized
and central obesity, and stress of migration and urbanization.

Ahlawat et al reported trends in hypertension in an urban north Indian population over a
30-year period. Prevalence of hypertension in 1968 was 19.9% in men and 24.8% in
women and increased to 43.7% in men and 45.8% in women in 1997. Changes in mean
BP levels were not reported. In Delhi, mean systolic BP increased in men aged 40–49
years from 123.4 11 mmHg in 1959 to 128.8 17 mmHg in 1995. This was associated
with increase in the prevalence of hypertension from 6.3 to 26.4%. Ezzati et al have
reported results of global disease burden in the year 2000 (GBD-2000). In the GBD-
2000 study, hypertension has been projected as the most important risk factor
accounting for 7.14 million deaths of a total of 55.8 million (12.8%) worldwide. This is
more than deaths caused by underweight (3.75 million), high cholesterol (4.42 million),
tobacco (4.91 million), unsafe sex (2.89 million) and other risk factors.
Salt is a mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride. It is essential for animal
life in small quantities, but is harmful to animals and plants in excess. Salt flavor is one
of the basic tastes, making salt one of the oldest, most ubiquitous food seasonings.
Salting is an important method of food preservation.
Salt for human consumption is produced in different forms: unrefined salt (such as sea
salt), refined salt (table salt), and iodized salt. It is a crystalline solid, white, pale pink or
light gray in color, normally obtained from sea water or rock deposits. Edible rock salts
may be slightly grayish in color because of mineral content.

Common salt, halite, table salt, rock salt, saline, hyposaline, sodium monochloride, sodium chloric, saltex
CAS number       7647-14-5 YesY
PubChem      5234
ChemSpider       5044
RTECS number VZ4725000

Molecular formula     NaCl
Molar mass            58.443 g/mol
Appearance            Colorless/white crystalline solid
Odor                  Odorless
Density               2.165 g/cm3
Melting point         801 °C, 1074 K, 1474 °F
Boiling point         1413 °C, 1686 K, 2575 °F
Solubility in water   356 g/L (0 °C) 359 g/L (25 °C) 391 g/L (100 °C)
Solubility            soluble in glycerol, ethylene glycol, formic acid
                      insoluble in HCl
Solubility in methanol 14.9 g/L
Solubility in ammonia 21.5 g/L
Acidity (pKa)             6.7–7.3
Refractive index (nD) 1.5442 (589 nm)

Crystal structure         Face-centered cubic
Space group               Fm3m, No. 225
Lattice constant      `   a = 564.02 pm
Coordination              Octahedral (Na+)
Geometry                  Octahedral (Cl–)
Flash point               Non-flammable
LD50                      3000–8000 mg/kg (oral in rats, mice, rabbits)

Sodium is one of the primary electrolytes in the body.
Sodium is present as a constituent of various inorganic salts found in intestinal juices.
It is also present as sodium chloride in the body's red blood cells.
Sodium content of the body is about 1.4 g/Kg.
There are estimated to be approximately 120 grams of sodium in the adult human body.
About 33% of total body sodium is found in the skeletal structure
It is an essential nutrient, and we need a certain amount for normal body function.
It plays an important role in the absorption of other nutrients, such as glucose, amino
acids, and water.


Chloride helps keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of cells in balance.
It also helps maintain proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of body fluids.
Chloride is a component of hydrochloric acid, an important part of gastric juice (an acidic
liquid secreted by glands in the stomach lining) and aids in food digestion. It is also
needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes
Blood serum contains 100 to 110 mmol/L of chloride ions.
Chloride is the major extracellular anion and contributes to many body functions
including the maintenance of osmotic pressure, acid-base balance, muscular activity,
and the movement of water between fluid compartments.
It is associated with sodium in the blood and was the first electrolyte to be routinely
measured in the blood. The amount of chloride decreases when the amount of sodium in
the blood decreases, and vice versa. The level of chloride in the blood is also related to
the level of bicarbonate. When the amount of bicarbonate decreases, the amount of
chloride normally increases, and vice versa.
Chloride ions are secreted in the gastric juice as hydrochloric acid, which is essential for
the digestion of food.

Chloride and sodium ions, the two major components of salt, are needed by all known
living creatures in small quantities.

Salt is involved in regulating the water content (fluid balance) of the body. Potassium
and sodium act as cofactors for certain enzymes.

Sodium rich foods:
Cheese, bacon, ham, sausages, tinned meat egg.corned beef, meat + fish paste
salted butter & margarine, tinned vegetables, tinned & packet soups salted nuts & crisps,
salty biscuits etc.

Other sources of sodium:
Effervescent pain-killers - may contain up to 20mmol sodium per tablet.
Antacids and some other medicines

More recently, it was demonstrated to attenuate nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide (NO)
contributes to vessel homeostasis by inhibiting vascular smooth muscle contraction and
growth, platelet aggregation, and leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium.

The use of sodium salt, has long been suspected as a cause of health problems,
particularly hypertension. Although a cause-effect relationship between excessive
sodium ingestion and hypertension has apparently not been established, it is known that
a reduction of sodium intake alone will accomplish a reduction in the hypertensive state.

Too much or too little salt in the diet can lead to muscle cramps,dizziness, or electrolyte
disturbance, which can cause neurological problems, or death. Drinking too much water,
with insufficient salt intake, puts a person at risk of water intoxication (hyponatremia).
Salt is sometimes used as a health aid, such as in treatment of dysautonomia.

Excess salt consumption is linked with a number of conditions including:
   • Duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers
   • Edema (oedema)
   • Gastric cancer (stomach cancer)
   • Heartburn.
   • Hyper natremia.
   • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
   • Left ventricular hypertrophy (cardiac enlargement):
   • Osteoporosis
   • Renal disease.
   • Stroke and cardiovascular disease.
With growing consumer awareness and a more active presence by the FDA in the
labelling requirements for the use of sodium salts, private industry is now concerned with
the amount of sodium chloride they are adding to their food products. Presently many
food product manufacturers are adding sodium chloride directly to their food system. In
addition, a large percentage of the purchased ingredients used in formulating food
products also contains sodium chloride. In some instances, the sodium chloride content
can be as high as 50% by weight on a dry solids basis of the food ingredient.
(Hereinafter all references to weight, percent by weight or parts by weight will be on a
dry solids basis unless otherwise indicated.)

To some degree the problem of high sodium levels in foods can be reduced by simply
lowering the level of sodium chloride added to the food product formulations. But
unfortunately the level of sodium chloride in most cases cannot be lowered due to
preservation requirements and the necessity of from 0.5% to 2.5% by weight of sodium
chloride in the food product for flavor requirements.

The steady-state concentrations of sodium and chloride in mammalian skeletal muscle
are 12 mmol perlitre and 3.8 mmol per litre in the intracellular fluid respectively and 145
mmol per litre and 120 mmol per litre in the extra cellular fluid respectively. In nerves,
depolarisation is a manifestation of Na+ influx. Serum sodium levels are well maintained
at approximately 140 mmol per litre even in studies involvinghigh or low salt diets and
elderly subjects

Under normal conditions, gastrointestinal and respiratory excretion of sodium is
negligible and sodium is excreted primarily by the kidneys. Chloride excretion is by
passive diffusion, but it also leaves the tubular lumen by active transport.

High sodium chloride intakes increase calcium excretion and may increase the risk of
kidney stoneformation. However, there is no substantial evidence to suggest a
relationship between excess sodiumchloride intake and reduced bone mineral density.

A safe intake is considered to be between 0.9 and 2.3 grams of sodium per day,
although in special circumstances, such as excessive sweating and diarrhoea, higher
levels may be needed.
"Normal" salt diet ... ... 1100 - 3300 mg/day
"High" salt diet ... ... 4000 - 6000 mg/day
"Low" salt diet ... ... 400 - 1000 mg/day

Sodium absorption is rapid. It starts in 3-4 minutes after intake and completed well within
3 hours.
Sodium is absorbed passively from the lumen of the entire length of the intestine. Ionic
sodium can also be absorbed actively from the lumen of the small intestine and colon.
Once in the intestinal epithelium it is actively transported to the interstitial fluid.
Chloride is also absorbed passively, but with decreasing efficiency along the length of
the intestine and is not absorbed at all in the colon

The sodium concentration outside of the body's cells is balanced by the concentration of
potassium within the cell.

The major regulator of blood pressure homeostasis is the renin-angiotensis system.
Angiotensinogen is digested by renin to produce angiotensin I (AGT I). AGT I is an
inactive 10 amino-acid peptide that is further degraded to produce angiotensin II by the
agiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensis II is the master regulator of blood
pressure increase acting on the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. Angiotensin II causes
direct constriction of the resistance vessels and stimulation of the adrenal cortex to
increase blood volume and sodium absorption. In 2000, Tipnis et al., discovered ACE 2
a second carboxypeptidase that digests angiotensin. ACE is a di-peptidase, cleaving off
2 peptides from the c-terminal end of angiotensin. ACE 2 only cleaves 1 amino acid to
produce angiotensin 1-9 (AGT 1-9) which has no identified function at this time. AGT 1-9
is not converted to angiotensin II but further degraded by ACE to AGT 1-7, a vasodilator.
It would appear that ACE 2 inhibits the formation of angiotensin and reduces blood
pressure increases. Crackower et al determined that ace2 -/- mice suffered significant
heart defects at 6 months. Further deletion of ACE resulted in restored cardiac functions.
(Kosi Gramatikoff, Ph.D;

Sodium is absorbed readily in the intestine. Excretion is primarily via urine and is
regulated by the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone is released in response to the liver-
produced enzymes angiotensin 1 and 2. These enzymes are in turn secreted upon
stimulation of the liver by the enzyme renin, which is produced by the renal cortex upon
a decrease in sodium levels within the body. Aldosterone promotes the action of the
"sodium pump" in actively pumping sodium from excretory fluids back into the


It is produced by cells of the duodenum. It stimulates the pancreas to produce sodium
bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acidic chime. It also stimulates the liver to secrete the

Sodium bicarbonate acts within the blood to buffer high acid concentrations. Sodium is
an important constituent of other buffering compounds, which act to maintain the
acid/base balance of the blood plasma and body fluids. In the kidney, sodium from the
urine is exchanged for acidic hydrogen ions formed by the epithelial cells. The sodium
binds with bicarbonate ions and hence restores the buffering bicarbonate ion to the

Bile salts depending on pH concentration and type, induce a luminally directed
movement of sodium and water. Failure to absorb sodium due to bile salts has been
attributed to secretion mediated by cyclic AMP. An alternate explanation for net flux
movement of sodium into the colon has been direct mucosal damage by detergent
action of bile. Flux movement of sodium into the colon due to cell damage has been
labeled a permeability effect and is associated with measurable losses of DNA from
mucosal cells.


                                   AMMONIUM CHLORIDE

CAS number          12125-02-9
ChemSpider          23807
EC number           235-186-4
RTECS number        BP4550000
Molecular formula   NH4Cl
Molar mass          53.491 g/mol
Appearance          White solid hygroscopic
Odor                odorless
Density             1.5274 g/cm3
Melting point         338 °C (decomposes)
Solubility in water 29.7 g/100 mL (0 °C) 37.2 g/100 mL (20 °C) 77.3 g/100 mL (100 °C)
Solubility in alcohol 0.6 g/100 mL (19 °C)
Acidity (pKa)         9.245
Refractive index (nD) 1.642
Std enthalpy of formation ΔfHo298 −314.55 kJ/mo
Standard molar entropy       So298 94.85 J K−1 mol−1
Flash point           Non-flammable
LD50                  1650 mg/kg, oral (rat)

In several countries ammonium chloride is known as sal ammoniac and used as food
additive. The E number for ammonium chloride used as a food additive is E510.
Sal ammoniac is used to spice up dark sweets called salty liquorice and in the flavouring
Salmiakki Koskenkorva for vodkas.
Sal ammoniac is also used in baking to give cookies a very crisp texture.

It has been demonstrated by a number of investigators that temporary pharmacological denervation
of the autonomic nervous system may be produced through the use of the tetraethyl ammonium
ion by means of its action at the autonomic ganglia (1 to 5). In the course of experiments
utilizing the tetraethyl ammonium ion in the study of neurogenic mechanisms in essential
hypertension, variation in blood pressure response to this drug both in a given individual and in
different individuals suggested the necessity of determining whether increasing tolerance may
develop during the test period and whether the basic tone (due to humoral and other intrinsic
factors) of the denervated arterial vascular tree is constant or varying. The results of numerous
serial intravenous injections of tetraethyl ammonium chloride in 6 hypertensive patients are presented
as a preliminary answer to these questions.

After entering the laboratory, these patients rested 30 minutes or more in the horizontal position
before 5 baseline blood pressure readings were made at minute intervals. Four cubic centimeters (400
mgm.) of tetraethyl ammonium -chloride 2 were then injected into an arm vein and blood pressure
readings made at 30-second intervals for 5 minutes and thereafter at minute intervals for an additional
5 minutes. The mean of the pressure readings made before the injection was taken as the baseline,
the lowest systolic-diastolic reading made after the injection was taken as the endpoint (tetraethyl
ammonium chloride floor). This procedure was repeated serially with each patient at intervals of
approximately 24 hours for 7 to 15 days.
Three hospital patients and 3 ambulatory patients were studied. Two of the patients were in-
No tendency to develop a resistance to the depressor action of the drug was noted in any of the
patients during the period of testing. There was, however, considerable day to day variation in both
the magnitude of the depressor response and of the blood pressure "floor" reached. The minimum
variation of the depressor response (80/44 to 45/
Light vertical lines connect control systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Heavy vertical lines connect
systolic and diastolic pressures at height of TEAC effect (TEAC floor). The 2 horizontal broken lines
represent the mean systolic and diastolic endpoints (TEAC floor) of all determinations. Note the day to day
variation in the TEAC floor and the lack of any evidence of increasing tolerance to the drug.

30 mm. Hg) occurred in patient E. H. (Figure 2), the maximum (82/71 to 18/1 mm. Hg) in patient
V. F. (Figure 2). The fluctuations in the blood pressure floor varied from 170/114 to 144/96 mm.
Hg in patient F. I. (Figure 3) to 176/135 to 114/ 84 mm. Hg in patient V. F. (Figure 2). No correlation
could be demonstrated between variations in the initial height of blood pressure and the floor
levels reached after tetraethyl ammonium chloride.

Serial intravenous injections of tetraethyl ammonium chloride in 6 hypertensive patients revealed
in all cases considerable daily fluctuation in both the magnitude of depressor response and the
blood pressure floor. There was no evidence of the development of increasing tolerance to the depressor
effect of the drug on repeated administration.
For this reason, the data suggest that fluctuating humoral and neurogenic mechanisms interact
as factors in clinical hypertension.

1. Acheson, G. H., and Pereira, S., The blocking effect of tetraethyl ammonium ion on the superior cervical
ganglion of the cat. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 1946, 87, 273.
2. Lyons, R. H., Moe, G. K., Campbell, K. N., Hoobler, S. W., Neligh, R. B., Berry, R. L., and Rennich, B.,
The effects of blockade of the autonomic ganglia in man. Preliminary observations on the use of
tetraethyl ammonium bromide. Univ. Hosp. Bull., Ann Arbor, 1946, 12, 33.
3. Lyons, R. H., Moe, G. K., Neligh, R. B., Hoobler, S. W., Campbell, K. N., Berry, R. L., and Rennich,
B. R., The effects of blockade of the autonomic ganglia in man with tetraethyl ammonium.
Preliminary observations on its clinical application. Amer. J. M. Sc., 1947, 213, 315.
4. Acheson, G. H., and Moe, G. K., Some effects of tetraethyl ammonium on the mammalian heart. J.
Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 1945, 84, 189.
5. Acheson, G. H., and Moe, G. K., The action of tetraethyl ammonium ion on the mammalian circulation.
J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 1946, 87, 220.

                                               BILE ACIDS

LD 50 Values:
  Rabbit      i.v.        50 mg/Kg Body weight (Na salt)      Gillert, 1926

  Rabbit     i.v. 15 mg/Kg body weight (Na salt)              Gillert, 1926

Effects of the synthetic bile acids on blood pressure were examined in spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Continuous intravenous administration of the bile acids at the rate of 1
mg/min for 20 min significantly lowered the blood pressure by 12 mmHg. In order to
examine its blood pressure lowering mechanism, the isolated mesenteric arterial
perfusion system was employed. Bile acids in the perfusate inhibited vascular reactivity
to norepinephrine and KCl in a dose-dependent manner. This inhibitory action
diminished as the concentration of potassium in the perfusate decreased. When the
perfusate was free from potassium, its inhibitory action completely disappeared. These
results in vivo and in vitro studies strongly suggest that bile acids act directly on the
vascular beds and attenuate vascular response to norepinephrine.
(Takehiko Tominaga, Hiromichi Suzuki, Yasuhide Ogata, Toshio Imafuku and Takao
Saruta; Bile acids are able to reduce blood pressure by attenuating the vascular
reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats; Life Sciences; Volume 42, Issue 19, 1988,
Pages 1861-1868)

                                CALCIUM CHLORIDE

Calcium(II) chloride,
Calcium dichloride,
CAS number              10043-52-4, 22691-02-7 (monohydrate),
                        10035-04-8 (dihydrate) 25094-02-4 (tetrahydrate)
                        7774-34-7 (hexahydrate)
PubChem                 24854
EC number               233-140-8
RTECS number            EV9800000
Molecular formula       CaCl2
Molar mass              110.98 g/mol (anhydrous), 128.999 g/mol (monohydrate)
                        147.014 g/mol (dihydrate), 183.045 g/mol (tetrahydrate)
                        219.08 g/mol (hexahydrate)
Appearance              white solid
Density                 2.15 g/cm3 (anhydrous), 1.835 g/cm3 (dihydrate)
                        1.83 g/cm3 (tetrahydrate, 1.71 g/cm3 (hexahydrate)
Melting point             772 °C (anhydrous), 260 °C (monohydrate)
                          176 °C (dihydrate) 45.5 °C (tetrahydrate)
                          30 °C (hexahydrate)
Boiling point             1935 °C (anhydrous)
Solubility in water       74.5 g/100mL (20 °C) 59.5 g/100 mL (0 °C)
Solubility in alcohol     soluble
Acidity (pKa)             8-9 (anhydrous) 6.5-8.0 (hexahydrate)
Structure                 Crystal structure Orthorhombic (deformed rutile) octahedral, 6-
EU Index                  017-013-00-2
LD50                      1000mg/Kg

Calcium chloride in water dissociates to provide calcium (Ca++) and chloride (Cl-) ions.
Both are normal constituents of the body fluids and are dependent on various
physiological mechanisms for maintenance of balance between intake and output.
It is generally prescribed in the cases of low blood plasma calcium levels, for the
treatment of magnesium intoxification, due to overdosage of magnesium sulfate, and to
combat the deleterious effects of too much potassium in the body.

It is used in cardiac resuscitation when weak or inadequate contractions return following
defibrillation or when epinephrine injection has failed to strengthen myocardial (heart)

Calcium is present in small quantities in the extracellular fluid and to a minor extent in
the structure of cytoplasm of cells of soft tissue. To fulfill its vital function, ionized calcium
must be available to the appropriate tissues in the proper concentrations. An endocrine
control system ordinarily keeps the plasma concentrations of ionized calcium within
narrow limits. Intracellular concentrations of ionized calcium are also strictly regulated by
control of the exchange of ions between the cell and its environment and between
intracellular compartments. The principal endocrine factors that control calcium
metabolism are parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and vitamin D. Derangements in
calcium metabolism may occasionally require the rapid restoration of calcium
concentrations in body fluids by the infusion of i.v. calcium salts.

High calcium levels, on the other hand, constrict the heart arteries and increase the risk
of heart attacks. Calcium deposits in the walls of the arteries contribute to the
development of arteriosclerosis. The arteries become hard and rigid, thereby restricting
the blood flow and causing high blood pressure. In addition, such inelastic blood vessels
may easily rupture and cause strokes. Countries with the highest calcium to magnesium
ratios (high calcium and low magnesium levels) in soil and water have the highest
incidence of cardiovascular disease. At the top of the list is Australia.

Cardiac resuscitation in the presence of ventricular fibrillation; digitalized patients;
hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria (e.g., in hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D overdosage,
decalcifying tumors such as plasmocytoma, bone metastases); severe renal disease;
calcium loss due to immobilization. tag_WarningWarnings

LD 50 Values:
IPR-RAT LD50 6.1 mg kg-1. IVN-MUS LD50 1.6 mg kg-1. SCU-MUS LD50 1.2 mg kg-1.
Colchicine tends to impair sodium absorption.

                          Hempedu Bumi or Bile of Earth

This seasonal herbaceous plant can grow until 70-90 cm heights..
Hempedu Bumi leaf can used as the remedy to lower the high blood pressure
pressure, besides to cure diabetes, antiinflammation, antibacterial, antivirus, relieve
fever and as the phlegm liquefier. It is also used to improve defecation, destroy the
worms in digestive system and fasten the blood clotting.

Hempedu Bumi is more popular in treating high blood pressure and fever. It possesses
liver protective and bile promoting properties. The active constituents, the
andrographolides act as strong antioxidants, protecting the liver and digestive system.
Laboratory and clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in cases of toxic liver
damage, poor liver function and hepatitis.

                               MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE
Magnesium dichloride
CAS number            7786-30-3, 7791-18-6 (hexahydrate)
PubChem               24584
RTECS number          OM2975000
Molecular formula MgCl2
Molar mass            95.211 g/mol (anhydrous), 203.31 g/mol (hexahydrate) Appearance
                      white or colourless crystalline solid
Density               2.32 g/cm3 (anhydrous), 1.569 g/cm3 (hexahydrate)
Melting point         714 °C (987 K) (on rapid heating: slow heating leads to
                        decomposition from 300 °C)
Boiling point         1412 °C (1685 K)
Solubility in water anhydrous
                       54.3 g/100 ml (20 °C) 72.6 g/100 mL (100 °C)
                      157 g/100 mL (20 °C)
Solubility in ethanol 7.4 g/100 mL (30 °C)
Refractive index (nD) 1.675 (anhydrous) 1.569 (hexahydrate)
Structure             Crystal structure CdCl2
Coordination geometry (octahedral, 6-coordinate)
Flash point           Non-flammable

Magnesium chloride is easily assimilated and metabolized in the human body.
Research suggests a preventive role for magnesium in hypertension and cardiovascular
disease, as well as a beneficial effect in the treatment of diabetes, osteoporosis, and
migraine headaches.

For purposes of cellular detoxification and tissue purification, the most effective form of
magnesium is magnesium chloride, which has a strong excretory effect on toxins and
stagnant energies stuck in the tissues of the body, drawing them out through the pores
of the skin.

Concentration of Magnesium in the body is 250 mg/Kg. Daily requirement is 300-400
mg. Normal daily diet contains about 300-500 mg.

The first prominent researcher to investigate and promote the antibiotic effects of
magnesium was a French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet. In 1915 he was looking for a
safe solution to cleanse wounds of soldiers, because he had found that traditionally used
antiseptics actually damaged tissues and encouraged infections instead of preventing
them. In all of his tests, magnesium chloride solution proved by far the best answer. Not
only was it harmless for tissues, but it also greatly increased leucocyte activity and
phagocytosis (the destruction of microbes).

After World War I, Prof. Delbet performed experiments with internal applications of
magnesium chloride, and found it to be a powerful immune stimulant. In his experiments,
phagocytosis increased by up to 333%. This means that, after magnesium chloride
intake, the same number of white blood cells destroyed up to three times more microbes
than beforehand.

Over the years, Prof. Delbet found magnesium chloride to be beneficial in a wide range
of diseases. These included diseases of the digestive tract such as colitis and gall
bladder problems, Parkinson's disease, tremors and muscle cramps; acne, eczema,
psoriasis, warts and itching skin; impotence, prostatic hypertrophy, cerebral and
circulatory problems; asthma, hay fever, urticaria and anaphylactic reactions. Hair and
nails became stronger and healthier, and patients also had more energy.

Prof. Delbet also found an excellent preventative effect on cancer, and he cured
precancerous conditions such as leukoplasia, hyperkeratosis and chronic mastitis.
(Epidemiological studies have since confirmed that regions with magnesium-rich soil
have a lower cancer rate than those deficient in magnesium.)

Another French doctor, A. Neveu, cured several diphtheria patients with magnesium
chloride in just two days. He also published 15 cases of poliomyelitis that were cured
within days if treatment was started immediately, or within months if paralysis had
already progressed. Neveu also found magnesium chloride effective with asthma,
bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema; pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, common
cold, influenza, whooping cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever; poisoning,
gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, infected wounds and osteomyelitis.

In more recent years Dr Raul Vergini and others have confirmed these earlier results
and have added more diseases to the list of successful uses: acute asthma attacks,
shock, tetanus, herpes zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, rheumatic
diseases, many allergic diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer. In all of these
cases magnesium chloride gave much better results than other magnesium compounds.
Adequate levels of magnesium are essential for the heart muscle. Those who die from
heart attacks have very low magnesium, but high calcium levels in their heart muscles.
Patients with coronary heart disease who have been treated with large amounts of
magnesium survived better than those with drug treatment. Magnesium dilates the
arteries of the heart and lowers cholesterol and fat levels.

Worldwide the intake of magnesium has been lowered and that of calcium increased
because of the heavy use of fertilisers high in calcium and low in magnesium. With this,
the intake of magnesium from our food has steadily decreased in the last fifty years,
while the use of calcium-rich fertilisers and cardiovascular disease have greatly
increased at the same time.

Diabetics are prone to atherosclerosis, fatty degeneration of the liver and heart disease.
Diabetics have low magnesium tissue levels. They often develop eye problems such as
retinopathy. Diabetics with the lowest magnesium levels had the most severe
retinopathy. The lower the magnesium content of their water, the higher is the death rate
of diabetics from cardiovascular disease. In an American study the death rate due to
diabetes was four times higher in areas with low magnesium water levels.

Magnesium chloride contains about 120 mg of magnesium per gram or 600 mg per
rounded teaspoon. It has a mild laxative effect. As a good maintenance intake to remain
healthy you may take a teaspoon daily in divided doses with meals. With raised blood
pressure and symptoms of magnesium deficiency you may temporarily increase this to 2
teaspoons daily in divided doses. This may already cause `loose stools' in some but that
is generally beneficial.

Individuals with very sensitive taste buds may start using it in tiny amounts mixed with
strongly flavoured food and increase doses very gradually. Alternatively, drink it in one
gulp dissolved in water while pinching your nose and quickly drink something pleasant
afterwards.With acute infections dissolve 40g or 8 slightly rounded teaspoons in 1 litre of

With children commonly a small glassful or 125 mL has been used every 6 hours. Adults
may double this dose by drinking this amount every 3 hours or even more until diarrhoea
develops and then cut back to a maintenance intake just below the level of diarrhoea
until the infection has cleared.

For daily use it may be more convenient as well to dissolve the magnesium chloride in
water. (What some call "Magnesium Oil" is simply magnesium chloride dissolved in
water.) You may dissolve half of a lightly rounded teaspoon of the crystals in a medium
size glass of water or, more accurately, 2.5g in 150 mL of water. Mix one teaspoon of
this solution three times daily with food or drink for a daily intake of about 600mg of
magnesium. This or a more concentrated solution may also be used as a pack over
tumours and infected, inflamed, painful, stiff or calcified joints, muscles, adhesions or
scar tissue. It is also excellent as a back rub and to relax tense muscles anywhere and
even to rejuvenate aging skin. For sensitive skin use it in a very diluted form. On wounds
it was commonly used in a 4% solution that is 4g or a level teaspoon in 100 mL or a
small glass of water.

                              MAGNESIUM SULPHATE

Epsom salt, Bitter salts
CAS number             7487-88-9, 14168-73-1 (monohydrate)
                       24378-31-2 (tetrahydrate), 15553-21-6 (pentahydrate)
                       13778-97-7 (hexahydrate), 10034-99-8 (heptahydrate)
PubChem                24083
ChemSpider             22515
RTECS number           OM4500000
Molecular formula      MgSO4
Molar mass             120.366 g/mol (anhydrous), 246.47 g/mol (heptahydrate)
Appearance             white crystalline solid
Density                2.66 g/cm3 (anhydrous), 2.445 g/cm3 (monohydrate)
                       1.68 g/cm3 (heptahydrate)
Melting point          1124 °C (anhydrous, decomp), 200 °C (monohydrate, decomp)
                       150 °C (heptahydrate, decomp)
Solubility in water   anhydrous 269 g/L (0 °C) 255 g/L (20 °C)
                      Heptahydrate 710 g/L (20 °C)
Solubility            0.116 g/L (18 °C, ether)
slightly soluble in   alcohol, glycerol
insoluble in          acetone
Refractive index (nD) 1.523 (monohydrate), 1.433 (heptahydrate)
Structure             Crystal structure monoclinic (hydrate)
LD50                   1200 mg/Kg

Epsom salts is rapidly excreted through the kidneys and therefore difficult to assimilate.
Magnesium sulphate may cause a reduction in blood pressure when taken together with
calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine. There may be an increase in the effects of
neuromuscular blocking agents when given together with magnesium sulphate. When
magnesium sulphate is given together with the following medicines there may be a risk
of respiratory depression: high dose barbiturates, opioids, sleeping medicines,
aminoglycoside antibiotics.

Magnesium sulphate should be administered with caution to patients receiving digoxin.
Some muscle relaxants may have their effect increased when used at the same time as

                                POTASSIUM CHLORIDE

Muriate of potash
CAS number            7447-40-7
PubChem               4873
ChemSpider            4707
RTECS number          TS8050000
Molecular formula     KCl
Molar mass            74.551 g/mol
Appearance            white crystalline solid
Odor                  odorless
Density               1.984 g/cm3
Melting point         770 °C
Boiling point        1420 °C (sublimes)
Solubility in water 281 g/L (0 °C), 344 g/L (20 °C), 567 g/L (100 °C)
Solubility           soluble in ether, glycerol, alkalies
slightly soluble in  alcohol
Acidity (pKa)        ~7
Refractive index (nD) 1.33743
Structure            Crystal structure face centered cubic
ICSC                 1450
NFPA                 704
Flash point          Non-flammable
LD50                 2600 mg/kg (oral/rat), 142 mg/kg (intravenous/rat)

Potassium is always found in association with protein and therefore all the protein-rich
foods, especially milk, contribute significantly to the daily intake of potassium

Other rich sources of potassium are: Potatoes - especially baked, chips & crisps (boiling
leaches out a lot of potassium); bananas, grapes, rhubarb, fresh grapefruit, fresh
pineapple, Kiwi fruit,dried fruit eg currants, sultanas, dates, pure fruit juice including
apple juice (even though fresh apples are low in potassium) tomatoes, butter beans,
sweetcorn, mushrooms, beetroot, sprouts, leeks chocolate (plain contains less than milk)
liquorice, fruit gums, coffee.

Potassium contains a percentage of the radioactive isotope K-40. Thus potassium and
its compounds are radioactive. The human body contains a significant amount of K-40
and with the proper instruments, is easily detected from the radiation it emits.
Interestingly enough, vegetarians are significantly hotter than meat-eaters because
veggie oriented diets contain more potassium than a meat oriented diet.

Concentration of Potassium in the body is 2 g/Kg. At a concentration of 140 mmol/l, it is
the most common cation in the intracellular fluid.. Potassium is localized mostly within
the cells. Daily intake of Potassium is estimated to be 2-5.9 g/ day in normal diet.

To effect a reduction in sodium chloride or the sodium ion, many food processors have
employed potassium chloride as a sodium chloride substitute. However, potassium
chloride is easily discernable from sodium chloride, or table salt, by most humans. In
some societies the flavor of potassium chloride is readily accepted, but in the United
States, Europe, and Asia the flavor is unacceptable. Although potassium chloride is
perceived as being salty, the potassium ion imparts an "off" flavor most often described
as bitter. The reason for bitterness perception with potassium salt and not with sodium
salt is not generally understood, but the perceptor sites located on the tongue where
saltiness is perceived can readily distinguish potassium from sodium and this difference
is physiologically perceived as a difference in bitterness intensity. Because of the
difference in flavor between potassium chloride and sodium chloride, it is necessary to
employ additives in sodium chloride substitutes to minimize this flavor difference.

Excess potassium intake can cause hyperkalemia.
Various diseases and medications may decrease the body's excretion of potassium,
thereby increasing the risk of hyperkalemia.

                                SEA WEED EXTRACT

One promising compound comes from seaweed, though in some recipes it produces a
fishy taste.
LD50        92.6 mg/Kg

                                   TARTARIC ACID

IUPAC name:      2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid
Synonyms:        2,3-dihydroxysuccinic acid, threaric acid, racemic acid, uvic acid
                 paratartaric acid
CAS number       526-83-0
PubChem          875
ChemSpider       852
MeSH             tartaric+acid
Molecular formula C4H6O6 (Basic formula),
                 HO2CCH(OH)CH(OH)CO2H (Structural formula)
Molar mass             150.087 g/mol
Appearance             white powder
Density                1.79 g/mL (H2O)
pK1                    2.98
pK2                    4.34
Melting point          171–174 °C (L-tartaric), 206 °C (DL, racemic)
                       146–148 °C (meso) [2]
Solubility in water 133 g/100ml (20°C)
EU classification Irritant(Xi)
R-phrases          R36
LD50               Rat LDLo Oral; dose: 7500 mg/kg; Rabbit LDLo Oral; dose:
5000mg/kg. Dog LDLo Oral; dose: 5000 mg/kg.

Forms of Tartaric Acid
Common name       tartaric acid   levotartaric acid          dextrotartaric acid        mesotartaric acid       racemic acid
Synonyms                          D-(S,S)-(−)-tartaric acid L-(R,R)-(+)-tartaric acid   (2R,3S)-tartaric acid   DL-(S,S/R,R)-(±)-tartaric acid
                                  unnatural isomer           natural isomer
PubChem          CID 875          CID 439655                 CID 444305                 CID 78956               CID 5851
EINECS number    205-695-6        201-766-0                  205-696-1                  205-105-7
CAS number       526-83-0         147-71-7                  87-69-4                     147-73-9                133-37-9


CAS number                   62-56-6
PubChem                      2723790
UN number                    2811
RTECS number                 YU2800000
Molecular formula            CH4N2S
Molar mass                   76.12 g/mol
Appearance                   white solid
Density                      1.405 g/ml
Melting point                182 °C, 455 K, 360 °F
Solubility in water          moderately soluble
EU Index                     612-082-00-0
EU classification            Carc. Cat. 3 Repr. Cat. 3 Harmful (Xn)
                             Dangerous for the environment
LD50                         1g/kg for rats (oral).

A goitrogenic effect (enlargement of the thyroid gland) has been reported for chronic
exposure, reflecting the ability of thiourea to interfere with iodide uptake.
Enzyme sodium-potassium-ATPase and it’s Inhibitors

                          WHAT IS SALTEX?








                          SALTEX CONTAINS:
  1. Ammonium Chloride
  2. Bile Acids
  3. Colchicine
  4. Magnesium Sulphate
  5. Potassium Chloride
  6. Salabmisri
  7. Sea Weed Extract
  8. Sodium chloride
  9. Tartaric Acid
  10. Thiourea
All in well balanced safe proportions keeping in view of the toxicities .

                       MODE OF ACTION OF SALTEX
Ammonium Chloride present in saltex is to effect a reduction in sodium chloride
or the sodium ion and kept at the lowest possible level.

Bile Acids inhibit vascular reactivity to norepinephrine and KCl in a dose-
dependent manner

Colchicine tends to impair sodium absorption.

Potassium Chloride present in Saltex reduces the intake of Sodium and kept at the
lowest possible levels.

Salabmisri is a herb known to be used by Tribals in coastal areas to make salt
water potable and used to coagulate the sodium chloride obstructing it’s

Sea Weed Extract is also employed to minimize the absorption of Common Salt.

Sodium chloride present in Saltex helps in maintaining the taste and flavour so as
the finished food is acceptable and palatable to the consumer but kept at the
lowest possible level.

Tartaric Acid is used to improve the taste and flavour.

Thiourea is also aimed to reduce the absorbed sodium levels.

                             CONTRA INDICATIONS
Patients having kidney problems are to avoid this.
Heart patients are to avoid this.
Diabetes patients may avoid this.


                               WEB REFERENCES:
Fregly, M.J. In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Fifth Edition. Nutrition Foundation:
Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 439-458.

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  • 1. SALTEX COMMONSALT REPLACEMENT ABOUT COMMON SALT Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulatingblood upon the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the principal vital signs. During each heartbeat, BP varies between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure. The mean BP, due to pumping by the heart and resistance to flow in blood vessels, decreases as the circulating blood moves away from the heart through arteries. Blood pressure drops most rapidly along the small arteries and arterioles, and continues to decrease as the blood moves through the capillaries and back to the heart through veins. Gravity, valves in veins, and pumping from contraction of skeletal muscles, are some other influences on BP at various places in the body. The term blood pressure usually refers to the pressure measured at a person's upper arm. It is measured on the inside of an elbow at the brachial artery, which is the upper arm's major blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. A person's BP is usually expressed in terms of the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure (mmHg), for example 120/80. Hypertension has emerged as a major public health problem in India and many developing countries. There is sufficient clinical and epidemiological evidence that
  • 2. hypertension is increasing in India. It has been reported that hypertension prevalence in India quadrupled in urban as well as rural populations over a 50-year period from early 1950s to late 1990s. The prevalence of hypertension (blood pressure 160/ 95 mmHg) in urban populations increased from 2–4% in mid-1950s to 10–15% at the end of 20th century. In rural populations, the prevalence increased from 1–2% to 4–8%. The Global Burden of Diseases study has reported that by the year 2025, cardiovascular diseases would be the major cause of death all over the world including the developing countries. In India, cardiovascular diseases would result in a loss of 18.4 million disability adjusted life years (DALY's), which is comparable to established market economies (19.4), former socialist economies (26.1), China (16.3), other Asian countries (15.6), Latin America (13.2), and the middle eastern crescent (17.7). High blood pressure (BP) is directly related to about 40% of this cardiovascular disease burden. Increasing hypertension in India and other developing countries has been related to sedentary lifestyle, excess dietary salt, calorie and alcohol intake, increasing generalized and central obesity, and stress of migration and urbanization. Ahlawat et al reported trends in hypertension in an urban north Indian population over a 30-year period. Prevalence of hypertension in 1968 was 19.9% in men and 24.8% in women and increased to 43.7% in men and 45.8% in women in 1997. Changes in mean BP levels were not reported. In Delhi, mean systolic BP increased in men aged 40–49 years from 123.4 11 mmHg in 1959 to 128.8 17 mmHg in 1995. This was associated with increase in the prevalence of hypertension from 6.3 to 26.4%. Ezzati et al have reported results of global disease burden in the year 2000 (GBD-2000). In the GBD- 2000 study, hypertension has been projected as the most important risk factor accounting for 7.14 million deaths of a total of 55.8 million (12.8%) worldwide. This is more than deaths caused by underweight (3.75 million), high cholesterol (4.42 million), tobacco (4.91 million), unsafe sex (2.89 million) and other risk factors.
  • 3. Salt is a mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride. It is essential for animal life in small quantities, but is harmful to animals and plants in excess. Salt flavor is one of the basic tastes, making salt one of the oldest, most ubiquitous food seasonings. Salting is an important method of food preservation. Salt for human consumption is produced in different forms: unrefined salt (such as sea salt), refined salt (table salt), and iodized salt. It is a crystalline solid, white, pale pink or light gray in color, normally obtained from sea water or rock deposits. Edible rock salts may be slightly grayish in color because of mineral content. Synonyms Common salt, halite, table salt, rock salt, saline, hyposaline, sodium monochloride, sodium chloric, saltex CAS number 7647-14-5 YesY PubChem 5234 ChemSpider 5044 RTECS number VZ4725000 Properties Molecular formula NaCl Molar mass 58.443 g/mol Appearance Colorless/white crystalline solid Odor Odorless Density 2.165 g/cm3 Melting point 801 °C, 1074 K, 1474 °F Boiling point 1413 °C, 1686 K, 2575 °F Solubility in water 356 g/L (0 °C) 359 g/L (25 °C) 391 g/L (100 °C) Solubility soluble in glycerol, ethylene glycol, formic acid insoluble in HCl Solubility in methanol 14.9 g/L Solubility in ammonia 21.5 g/L Acidity (pKa) 6.7–7.3 Refractive index (nD) 1.5442 (589 nm) Structure Crystal structure Face-centered cubic Space group Fm3m, No. 225 Lattice constant ` a = 564.02 pm Coordination Octahedral (Na+) Geometry Octahedral (Cl–) Flash point Non-flammable LD50 3000–8000 mg/kg (oral in rats, mice, rabbits)
  • 4. ROLE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE SODIUM Sodium is one of the primary electrolytes in the body. Sodium is present as a constituent of various inorganic salts found in intestinal juices. It is also present as sodium chloride in the body's red blood cells. Sodium content of the body is about 1.4 g/Kg. There are estimated to be approximately 120 grams of sodium in the adult human body. About 33% of total body sodium is found in the skeletal structure It is an essential nutrient, and we need a certain amount for normal body function. It plays an important role in the absorption of other nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, and water. CHLORIDE Chloride helps keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of cells in balance. It also helps maintain proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of body fluids. Chloride is a component of hydrochloric acid, an important part of gastric juice (an acidic liquid secreted by glands in the stomach lining) and aids in food digestion. It is also needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes Blood serum contains 100 to 110 mmol/L of chloride ions. Chloride is the major extracellular anion and contributes to many body functions including the maintenance of osmotic pressure, acid-base balance, muscular activity, and the movement of water between fluid compartments. It is associated with sodium in the blood and was the first electrolyte to be routinely measured in the blood. The amount of chloride decreases when the amount of sodium in the blood decreases, and vice versa. The level of chloride in the blood is also related to the level of bicarbonate. When the amount of bicarbonate decreases, the amount of chloride normally increases, and vice versa. Chloride ions are secreted in the gastric juice as hydrochloric acid, which is essential for the digestion of food. SODIUM CHLORIDE
  • 5. Chloride and sodium ions, the two major components of salt, are needed by all known living creatures in small quantities. Salt is involved in regulating the water content (fluid balance) of the body. Potassium and sodium act as cofactors for certain enzymes. Sodium rich foods: Cheese, bacon, ham, sausages, tinned meat egg.corned beef, meat + fish paste salted butter & margarine, tinned vegetables, tinned & packet soups salted nuts & crisps, salty biscuits etc. Other sources of sodium: Effervescent pain-killers - may contain up to 20mmol sodium per tablet. Antacids and some other medicines More recently, it was demonstrated to attenuate nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide (NO) contributes to vessel homeostasis by inhibiting vascular smooth muscle contraction and growth, platelet aggregation, and leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium. The use of sodium salt, has long been suspected as a cause of health problems, particularly hypertension. Although a cause-effect relationship between excessive sodium ingestion and hypertension has apparently not been established, it is known that a reduction of sodium intake alone will accomplish a reduction in the hypertensive state. Too much or too little salt in the diet can lead to muscle cramps,dizziness, or electrolyte disturbance, which can cause neurological problems, or death. Drinking too much water, with insufficient salt intake, puts a person at risk of water intoxication (hyponatremia). Salt is sometimes used as a health aid, such as in treatment of dysautonomia. Excess salt consumption is linked with a number of conditions including: • Duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers • Edema (oedema) • Gastric cancer (stomach cancer) • Heartburn. • Hyper natremia. • Hypertension (high blood pressure) • Left ventricular hypertrophy (cardiac enlargement): • Osteoporosis • Renal disease. • Stroke and cardiovascular disease.
  • 6. With growing consumer awareness and a more active presence by the FDA in the labelling requirements for the use of sodium salts, private industry is now concerned with the amount of sodium chloride they are adding to their food products. Presently many food product manufacturers are adding sodium chloride directly to their food system. In addition, a large percentage of the purchased ingredients used in formulating food products also contains sodium chloride. In some instances, the sodium chloride content can be as high as 50% by weight on a dry solids basis of the food ingredient. (Hereinafter all references to weight, percent by weight or parts by weight will be on a dry solids basis unless otherwise indicated.) To some degree the problem of high sodium levels in foods can be reduced by simply lowering the level of sodium chloride added to the food product formulations. But unfortunately the level of sodium chloride in most cases cannot be lowered due to preservation requirements and the necessity of from 0.5% to 2.5% by weight of sodium chloride in the food product for flavor requirements. The steady-state concentrations of sodium and chloride in mammalian skeletal muscle are 12 mmol perlitre and 3.8 mmol per litre in the intracellular fluid respectively and 145 mmol per litre and 120 mmol per litre in the extra cellular fluid respectively. In nerves, depolarisation is a manifestation of Na+ influx. Serum sodium levels are well maintained at approximately 140 mmol per litre even in studies involvinghigh or low salt diets and elderly subjects Under normal conditions, gastrointestinal and respiratory excretion of sodium is negligible and sodium is excreted primarily by the kidneys. Chloride excretion is by passive diffusion, but it also leaves the tubular lumen by active transport. High sodium chloride intakes increase calcium excretion and may increase the risk of kidney stoneformation. However, there is no substantial evidence to suggest a relationship between excess sodiumchloride intake and reduced bone mineral density. A safe intake is considered to be between 0.9 and 2.3 grams of sodium per day, although in special circumstances, such as excessive sweating and diarrhoea, higher levels may be needed. "Normal" salt diet ... ... 1100 - 3300 mg/day "High" salt diet ... ... 4000 - 6000 mg/day "Low" salt diet ... ... 400 - 1000 mg/day
  • 7. ABSORPTION OF SODIUM Sodium absorption is rapid. It starts in 3-4 minutes after intake and completed well within 3 hours. Sodium is absorbed passively from the lumen of the entire length of the intestine. Ionic sodium can also be absorbed actively from the lumen of the small intestine and colon. Once in the intestinal epithelium it is actively transported to the interstitial fluid. Chloride is also absorbed passively, but with decreasing efficiency along the length of the intestine and is not absorbed at all in the colon The sodium concentration outside of the body's cells is balanced by the concentration of potassium within the cell. CITATION: The major regulator of blood pressure homeostasis is the renin-angiotensis system. Angiotensinogen is digested by renin to produce angiotensin I (AGT I). AGT I is an inactive 10 amino-acid peptide that is further degraded to produce angiotensin II by the agiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensis II is the master regulator of blood pressure increase acting on the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. Angiotensin II causes direct constriction of the resistance vessels and stimulation of the adrenal cortex to increase blood volume and sodium absorption. In 2000, Tipnis et al., discovered ACE 2 a second carboxypeptidase that digests angiotensin. ACE is a di-peptidase, cleaving off 2 peptides from the c-terminal end of angiotensin. ACE 2 only cleaves 1 amino acid to
  • 8. produce angiotensin 1-9 (AGT 1-9) which has no identified function at this time. AGT 1-9 is not converted to angiotensin II but further degraded by ACE to AGT 1-7, a vasodilator. It would appear that ACE 2 inhibits the formation of angiotensin and reduces blood pressure increases. Crackower et al determined that ace2 -/- mice suffered significant heart defects at 6 months. Further deletion of ACE resulted in restored cardiac functions. (Kosi Gramatikoff, Ph.D; Sodium is absorbed readily in the intestine. Excretion is primarily via urine and is regulated by the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone is released in response to the liver- produced enzymes angiotensin 1 and 2. These enzymes are in turn secreted upon stimulation of the liver by the enzyme renin, which is produced by the renal cortex upon a decrease in sodium levels within the body. Aldosterone promotes the action of the "sodium pump" in actively pumping sodium from excretory fluids back into the bloodstream. SECRETIN It is produced by cells of the duodenum. It stimulates the pancreas to produce sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acidic chime. It also stimulates the liver to secrete the bile. Sodium bicarbonate acts within the blood to buffer high acid concentrations. Sodium is an important constituent of other buffering compounds, which act to maintain the acid/base balance of the blood plasma and body fluids. In the kidney, sodium from the urine is exchanged for acidic hydrogen ions formed by the epithelial cells. The sodium binds with bicarbonate ions and hence restores the buffering bicarbonate ion to the blood.
  • 9. BILE SALTS: Bile salts depending on pH concentration and type, induce a luminally directed movement of sodium and water. Failure to absorb sodium due to bile salts has been attributed to secretion mediated by cyclic AMP. An alternate explanation for net flux movement of sodium into the colon has been direct mucosal damage by detergent action of bile. Flux movement of sodium into the colon due to cell damage has been labeled a permeability effect and is associated with measurable losses of DNA from mucosal cells. PROBABLE SAFE ALTERNATE CANDIDATES AMMONIUM CHLORIDE CAS number 12125-02-9 ChemSpider 23807 EC number 235-186-4 RTECS number BP4550000 Properties Molecular formula NH4Cl Molar mass 53.491 g/mol Appearance White solid hygroscopic Odor odorless Density 1.5274 g/cm3
  • 10. Melting point 338 °C (decomposes) Solubility in water 29.7 g/100 mL (0 °C) 37.2 g/100 mL (20 °C) 77.3 g/100 mL (100 °C) Solubility in alcohol 0.6 g/100 mL (19 °C) Acidity (pKa) 9.245 Refractive index (nD) 1.642 Thermochemistry Std enthalpy of formation ΔfHo298 −314.55 kJ/mo Standard molar entropy So298 94.85 J K−1 mol−1 Flash point Non-flammable LD50 1650 mg/kg, oral (rat) In several countries ammonium chloride is known as sal ammoniac and used as food additive. The E number for ammonium chloride used as a food additive is E510. Sal ammoniac is used to spice up dark sweets called salty liquorice and in the flavouring Salmiakki Koskenkorva for vodkas. Sal ammoniac is also used in baking to give cookies a very crisp texture. CITATION: It has been demonstrated by a number of investigators that temporary pharmacological denervation of the autonomic nervous system may be produced through the use of the tetraethyl ammonium ion by means of its action at the autonomic ganglia (1 to 5). In the course of experiments utilizing the tetraethyl ammonium ion in the study of neurogenic mechanisms in essential hypertension, variation in blood pressure response to this drug both in a given individual and in different individuals suggested the necessity of determining whether increasing tolerance may develop during the test period and whether the basic tone (due to humoral and other intrinsic factors) of the denervated arterial vascular tree is constant or varying. The results of numerous serial intravenous injections of tetraethyl ammonium chloride in 6 hypertensive patients are presented as a preliminary answer to these questions. After entering the laboratory, these patients rested 30 minutes or more in the horizontal position before 5 baseline blood pressure readings were made at minute intervals. Four cubic centimeters (400 mgm.) of tetraethyl ammonium -chloride 2 were then injected into an arm vein and blood pressure readings made at 30-second intervals for 5 minutes and thereafter at minute intervals for an additional 5 minutes. The mean of the pressure readings made before the injection was taken as the baseline, the lowest systolic-diastolic reading made after the injection was taken as the endpoint (tetraethyl ammonium chloride floor). This procedure was repeated serially with each patient at intervals of approximately 24 hours for 7 to 15 days. Three hospital patients and 3 ambulatory patients were studied. Two of the patients were in- No tendency to develop a resistance to the depressor action of the drug was noted in any of the patients during the period of testing. There was, however, considerable day to day variation in both the magnitude of the depressor response and of the blood pressure "floor" reached. The minimum variation of the depressor response (80/44 to 45/
  • 11. Light vertical lines connect control systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Heavy vertical lines connect systolic and diastolic pressures at height of TEAC effect (TEAC floor). The 2 horizontal broken lines represent the mean systolic and diastolic endpoints (TEAC floor) of all determinations. Note the day to day variation in the TEAC floor and the lack of any evidence of increasing tolerance to the drug. 30 mm. Hg) occurred in patient E. H. (Figure 2), the maximum (82/71 to 18/1 mm. Hg) in patient
  • 12. V. F. (Figure 2). The fluctuations in the blood pressure floor varied from 170/114 to 144/96 mm. Hg in patient F. I. (Figure 3) to 176/135 to 114/ 84 mm. Hg in patient V. F. (Figure 2). No correlation could be demonstrated between variations in the initial height of blood pressure and the floor levels reached after tetraethyl ammonium chloride. SUMMARY Serial intravenous injections of tetraethyl ammonium chloride in 6 hypertensive patients revealed in all cases considerable daily fluctuation in both the magnitude of depressor response and the blood pressure floor. There was no evidence of the development of increasing tolerance to the depressor effect of the drug on repeated administration. For this reason, the data suggest that fluctuating humoral and neurogenic mechanisms interact as factors in clinical hypertension. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Acheson, G. H., and Pereira, S., The blocking effect of tetraethyl ammonium ion on the superior cervical ganglion of the cat. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 1946, 87, 273. 2. Lyons, R. H., Moe, G. K., Campbell, K. N., Hoobler, S. W., Neligh, R. B., Berry, R. L., and Rennich, B., The effects of blockade of the autonomic ganglia in man. Preliminary observations on the use of tetraethyl ammonium bromide. Univ. Hosp. Bull., Ann Arbor, 1946, 12, 33. 3. Lyons, R. H., Moe, G. K., Neligh, R. B., Hoobler, S. W., Campbell, K. N., Berry, R. L., and Rennich, B. R., The effects of blockade of the autonomic ganglia in man with tetraethyl ammonium. Preliminary observations on its clinical application. Amer. J. M. Sc., 1947, 213, 315. 4. Acheson, G. H., and Moe, G. K., Some effects of tetraethyl ammonium on the mammalian heart. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 1945, 84, 189. 5. Acheson, G. H., and Moe, G. K., The action of tetraethyl ammonium ion on the mammalian circulation. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 1946, 87, 220. BILE ACIDS LD 50 Values: CHOLIC ACID Rabbit i.v. 50 mg/Kg Body weight (Na salt) Gillert, 1926 DESOXYCHOLIC ACID Rabbit i.v. 15 mg/Kg body weight (Na salt) Gillert, 1926 CITATION: Effects of the synthetic bile acids on blood pressure were examined in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Continuous intravenous administration of the bile acids at the rate of 1 mg/min for 20 min significantly lowered the blood pressure by 12 mmHg. In order to examine its blood pressure lowering mechanism, the isolated mesenteric arterial perfusion system was employed. Bile acids in the perfusate inhibited vascular reactivity to norepinephrine and KCl in a dose-dependent manner. This inhibitory action
  • 13. diminished as the concentration of potassium in the perfusate decreased. When the perfusate was free from potassium, its inhibitory action completely disappeared. These results in vivo and in vitro studies strongly suggest that bile acids act directly on the vascular beds and attenuate vascular response to norepinephrine. (Takehiko Tominaga, Hiromichi Suzuki, Yasuhide Ogata, Toshio Imafuku and Takao Saruta; Bile acids are able to reduce blood pressure by attenuating the vascular reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats; Life Sciences; Volume 42, Issue 19, 1988, Pages 1861-1868) CALCIUM CHLORIDE Synonyms: Calcium(II) chloride, Calcium dichloride, CAS number 10043-52-4, 22691-02-7 (monohydrate), 10035-04-8 (dihydrate) 25094-02-4 (tetrahydrate) 7774-34-7 (hexahydrate) PubChem 24854 EC number 233-140-8 RTECS number EV9800000 Molecular formula CaCl2 Molar mass 110.98 g/mol (anhydrous), 128.999 g/mol (monohydrate) 147.014 g/mol (dihydrate), 183.045 g/mol (tetrahydrate) 219.08 g/mol (hexahydrate) Appearance white solid Density 2.15 g/cm3 (anhydrous), 1.835 g/cm3 (dihydrate) 1.83 g/cm3 (tetrahydrate, 1.71 g/cm3 (hexahydrate)
  • 14. Melting point 772 °C (anhydrous), 260 °C (monohydrate) 176 °C (dihydrate) 45.5 °C (tetrahydrate) 30 °C (hexahydrate) Boiling point 1935 °C (anhydrous) Solubility in water 74.5 g/100mL (20 °C) 59.5 g/100 mL (0 °C) Solubility in alcohol soluble Acidity (pKa) 8-9 (anhydrous) 6.5-8.0 (hexahydrate) Structure Crystal structure Orthorhombic (deformed rutile) octahedral, 6- coordinate EU Index 017-013-00-2 LD50 1000mg/Kg Calcium chloride in water dissociates to provide calcium (Ca++) and chloride (Cl-) ions. Both are normal constituents of the body fluids and are dependent on various physiological mechanisms for maintenance of balance between intake and output. It is generally prescribed in the cases of low blood plasma calcium levels, for the treatment of magnesium intoxification, due to overdosage of magnesium sulfate, and to combat the deleterious effects of too much potassium in the body. It is used in cardiac resuscitation when weak or inadequate contractions return following defibrillation or when epinephrine injection has failed to strengthen myocardial (heart) contractions. Calcium is present in small quantities in the extracellular fluid and to a minor extent in the structure of cytoplasm of cells of soft tissue. To fulfill its vital function, ionized calcium must be available to the appropriate tissues in the proper concentrations. An endocrine control system ordinarily keeps the plasma concentrations of ionized calcium within narrow limits. Intracellular concentrations of ionized calcium are also strictly regulated by control of the exchange of ions between the cell and its environment and between intracellular compartments. The principal endocrine factors that control calcium metabolism are parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and vitamin D. Derangements in calcium metabolism may occasionally require the rapid restoration of calcium concentrations in body fluids by the infusion of i.v. calcium salts. High calcium levels, on the other hand, constrict the heart arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks. Calcium deposits in the walls of the arteries contribute to the development of arteriosclerosis. The arteries become hard and rigid, thereby restricting the blood flow and causing high blood pressure. In addition, such inelastic blood vessels may easily rupture and cause strokes. Countries with the highest calcium to magnesium ratios (high calcium and low magnesium levels) in soil and water have the highest incidence of cardiovascular disease. At the top of the list is Australia. Contra-Indications: Cardiac resuscitation in the presence of ventricular fibrillation; digitalized patients; hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria (e.g., in hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D overdosage, decalcifying tumors such as plasmocytoma, bone metastases); severe renal disease; calcium loss due to immobilization. tag_WarningWarnings COLCHICINE
  • 15. LD 50 Values: IPR-RAT LD50 6.1 mg kg-1. IVN-MUS LD50 1.6 mg kg-1. SCU-MUS LD50 1.2 mg kg-1. Colchicine tends to impair sodium absorption. Hempedu Bumi or Bile of Earth This seasonal herbaceous plant can grow until 70-90 cm heights.. Hempedu Bumi leaf can used as the remedy to lower the high blood pressure pressure, besides to cure diabetes, antiinflammation, antibacterial, antivirus, relieve fever and as the phlegm liquefier. It is also used to improve defecation, destroy the worms in digestive system and fasten the blood clotting. Hempedu Bumi is more popular in treating high blood pressure and fever. It possesses liver protective and bile promoting properties. The active constituents, the andrographolides act as strong antioxidants, protecting the liver and digestive system. Laboratory and clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in cases of toxic liver damage, poor liver function and hepatitis. MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE
  • 16. Synonyms: Magnesium dichloride CAS number 7786-30-3, 7791-18-6 (hexahydrate) PubChem 24584 RTECS number OM2975000 Molecular formula MgCl2 Molar mass 95.211 g/mol (anhydrous), 203.31 g/mol (hexahydrate) Appearance white or colourless crystalline solid Density 2.32 g/cm3 (anhydrous), 1.569 g/cm3 (hexahydrate) Melting point 714 °C (987 K) (on rapid heating: slow heating leads to decomposition from 300 °C) Boiling point 1412 °C (1685 K) Solubility in water anhydrous 54.3 g/100 ml (20 °C) 72.6 g/100 mL (100 °C) Hexahydrate 157 g/100 mL (20 °C) Solubility in ethanol 7.4 g/100 mL (30 °C) Refractive index (nD) 1.675 (anhydrous) 1.569 (hexahydrate) Structure Crystal structure CdCl2 Coordination geometry (octahedral, 6-coordinate) Flash point Non-flammable Magnesium chloride is easily assimilated and metabolized in the human body. Research suggests a preventive role for magnesium in hypertension and cardiovascular disease, as well as a beneficial effect in the treatment of diabetes, osteoporosis, and migraine headaches. For purposes of cellular detoxification and tissue purification, the most effective form of magnesium is magnesium chloride, which has a strong excretory effect on toxins and stagnant energies stuck in the tissues of the body, drawing them out through the pores of the skin. Concentration of Magnesium in the body is 250 mg/Kg. Daily requirement is 300-400 mg. Normal daily diet contains about 300-500 mg. The first prominent researcher to investigate and promote the antibiotic effects of magnesium was a French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet. In 1915 he was looking for a safe solution to cleanse wounds of soldiers, because he had found that traditionally used antiseptics actually damaged tissues and encouraged infections instead of preventing them. In all of his tests, magnesium chloride solution proved by far the best answer. Not
  • 17. only was it harmless for tissues, but it also greatly increased leucocyte activity and phagocytosis (the destruction of microbes). After World War I, Prof. Delbet performed experiments with internal applications of magnesium chloride, and found it to be a powerful immune stimulant. In his experiments, phagocytosis increased by up to 333%. This means that, after magnesium chloride intake, the same number of white blood cells destroyed up to three times more microbes than beforehand. Over the years, Prof. Delbet found magnesium chloride to be beneficial in a wide range of diseases. These included diseases of the digestive tract such as colitis and gall bladder problems, Parkinson's disease, tremors and muscle cramps; acne, eczema, psoriasis, warts and itching skin; impotence, prostatic hypertrophy, cerebral and circulatory problems; asthma, hay fever, urticaria and anaphylactic reactions. Hair and nails became stronger and healthier, and patients also had more energy. Prof. Delbet also found an excellent preventative effect on cancer, and he cured precancerous conditions such as leukoplasia, hyperkeratosis and chronic mastitis. (Epidemiological studies have since confirmed that regions with magnesium-rich soil have a lower cancer rate than those deficient in magnesium.) Another French doctor, A. Neveu, cured several diphtheria patients with magnesium chloride in just two days. He also published 15 cases of poliomyelitis that were cured within days if treatment was started immediately, or within months if paralysis had already progressed. Neveu also found magnesium chloride effective with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema; pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, whooping cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever; poisoning, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, infected wounds and osteomyelitis. In more recent years Dr Raul Vergini and others have confirmed these earlier results and have added more diseases to the list of successful uses: acute asthma attacks, shock, tetanus, herpes zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, rheumatic diseases, many allergic diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer. In all of these cases magnesium chloride gave much better results than other magnesium compounds. Adequate levels of magnesium are essential for the heart muscle. Those who die from heart attacks have very low magnesium, but high calcium levels in their heart muscles. Patients with coronary heart disease who have been treated with large amounts of magnesium survived better than those with drug treatment. Magnesium dilates the arteries of the heart and lowers cholesterol and fat levels. Worldwide the intake of magnesium has been lowered and that of calcium increased because of the heavy use of fertilisers high in calcium and low in magnesium. With this, the intake of magnesium from our food has steadily decreased in the last fifty years, while the use of calcium-rich fertilisers and cardiovascular disease have greatly increased at the same time. Diabetics are prone to atherosclerosis, fatty degeneration of the liver and heart disease. Diabetics have low magnesium tissue levels. They often develop eye problems such as retinopathy. Diabetics with the lowest magnesium levels had the most severe retinopathy. The lower the magnesium content of their water, the higher is the death rate
  • 18. of diabetics from cardiovascular disease. In an American study the death rate due to diabetes was four times higher in areas with low magnesium water levels. Magnesium chloride contains about 120 mg of magnesium per gram or 600 mg per rounded teaspoon. It has a mild laxative effect. As a good maintenance intake to remain healthy you may take a teaspoon daily in divided doses with meals. With raised blood pressure and symptoms of magnesium deficiency you may temporarily increase this to 2 teaspoons daily in divided doses. This may already cause `loose stools' in some but that is generally beneficial. Individuals with very sensitive taste buds may start using it in tiny amounts mixed with strongly flavoured food and increase doses very gradually. Alternatively, drink it in one gulp dissolved in water while pinching your nose and quickly drink something pleasant afterwards.With acute infections dissolve 40g or 8 slightly rounded teaspoons in 1 litre of water. With children commonly a small glassful or 125 mL has been used every 6 hours. Adults may double this dose by drinking this amount every 3 hours or even more until diarrhoea develops and then cut back to a maintenance intake just below the level of diarrhoea until the infection has cleared. For daily use it may be more convenient as well to dissolve the magnesium chloride in water. (What some call "Magnesium Oil" is simply magnesium chloride dissolved in water.) You may dissolve half of a lightly rounded teaspoon of the crystals in a medium size glass of water or, more accurately, 2.5g in 150 mL of water. Mix one teaspoon of this solution three times daily with food or drink for a daily intake of about 600mg of magnesium. This or a more concentrated solution may also be used as a pack over tumours and infected, inflamed, painful, stiff or calcified joints, muscles, adhesions or scar tissue. It is also excellent as a back rub and to relax tense muscles anywhere and even to rejuvenate aging skin. For sensitive skin use it in a very diluted form. On wounds it was commonly used in a 4% solution that is 4g or a level teaspoon in 100 mL or a small glass of water. MAGNESIUM SULPHATE Synonyms: Epsom salt, Bitter salts CAS number 7487-88-9, 14168-73-1 (monohydrate) 24378-31-2 (tetrahydrate), 15553-21-6 (pentahydrate) 13778-97-7 (hexahydrate), 10034-99-8 (heptahydrate) PubChem 24083 ChemSpider 22515 RTECS number OM4500000 Molecular formula MgSO4 Molar mass 120.366 g/mol (anhydrous), 246.47 g/mol (heptahydrate) Appearance white crystalline solid
  • 19. Density 2.66 g/cm3 (anhydrous), 2.445 g/cm3 (monohydrate) 1.68 g/cm3 (heptahydrate) Melting point 1124 °C (anhydrous, decomp), 200 °C (monohydrate, decomp) 150 °C (heptahydrate, decomp) Solubility in water anhydrous 269 g/L (0 °C) 255 g/L (20 °C) Heptahydrate 710 g/L (20 °C) Solubility 0.116 g/L (18 °C, ether) slightly soluble in alcohol, glycerol insoluble in acetone Refractive index (nD) 1.523 (monohydrate), 1.433 (heptahydrate) Structure Crystal structure monoclinic (hydrate) LD50 1200 mg/Kg Epsom salts is rapidly excreted through the kidneys and therefore difficult to assimilate. Magnesium sulphate may cause a reduction in blood pressure when taken together with calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine. There may be an increase in the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents when given together with magnesium sulphate. When magnesium sulphate is given together with the following medicines there may be a risk of respiratory depression: high dose barbiturates, opioids, sleeping medicines, aminoglycoside antibiotics. Magnesium sulphate should be administered with caution to patients receiving digoxin. Some muscle relaxants may have their effect increased when used at the same time as magnesium. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE Synonyms: Muriate of potash CAS number 7447-40-7 PubChem 4873 ChemSpider 4707 RTECS number TS8050000 Molecular formula KCl Molar mass 74.551 g/mol Appearance white crystalline solid Odor odorless Density 1.984 g/cm3 Melting point 770 °C
  • 20. Boiling point 1420 °C (sublimes) Solubility in water 281 g/L (0 °C), 344 g/L (20 °C), 567 g/L (100 °C) Solubility soluble in ether, glycerol, alkalies slightly soluble in alcohol Acidity (pKa) ~7 Refractive index (nD) 1.33743 Structure Crystal structure face centered cubic ICSC 1450 NFPA 704 Flash point Non-flammable LD50 2600 mg/kg (oral/rat), 142 mg/kg (intravenous/rat) Potassium is always found in association with protein and therefore all the protein-rich foods, especially milk, contribute significantly to the daily intake of potassium Other rich sources of potassium are: Potatoes - especially baked, chips & crisps (boiling leaches out a lot of potassium); bananas, grapes, rhubarb, fresh grapefruit, fresh pineapple, Kiwi fruit,dried fruit eg currants, sultanas, dates, pure fruit juice including apple juice (even though fresh apples are low in potassium) tomatoes, butter beans, sweetcorn, mushrooms, beetroot, sprouts, leeks chocolate (plain contains less than milk) liquorice, fruit gums, coffee. Potassium contains a percentage of the radioactive isotope K-40. Thus potassium and its compounds are radioactive. The human body contains a significant amount of K-40 and with the proper instruments, is easily detected from the radiation it emits. Interestingly enough, vegetarians are significantly hotter than meat-eaters because veggie oriented diets contain more potassium than a meat oriented diet. Concentration of Potassium in the body is 2 g/Kg. At a concentration of 140 mmol/l, it is the most common cation in the intracellular fluid.. Potassium is localized mostly within the cells. Daily intake of Potassium is estimated to be 2-5.9 g/ day in normal diet. To effect a reduction in sodium chloride or the sodium ion, many food processors have employed potassium chloride as a sodium chloride substitute. However, potassium chloride is easily discernable from sodium chloride, or table salt, by most humans. In some societies the flavor of potassium chloride is readily accepted, but in the United States, Europe, and Asia the flavor is unacceptable. Although potassium chloride is perceived as being salty, the potassium ion imparts an "off" flavor most often described as bitter. The reason for bitterness perception with potassium salt and not with sodium salt is not generally understood, but the perceptor sites located on the tongue where saltiness is perceived can readily distinguish potassium from sodium and this difference is physiologically perceived as a difference in bitterness intensity. Because of the difference in flavor between potassium chloride and sodium chloride, it is necessary to employ additives in sodium chloride substitutes to minimize this flavor difference. Excess potassium intake can cause hyperkalemia. Various diseases and medications may decrease the body's excretion of potassium, thereby increasing the risk of hyperkalemia.
  • 21. SALABMISRI SEA WEED EXTRACT One promising compound comes from seaweed, though in some recipes it produces a fishy taste. LD50 92.6 mg/Kg TARTARIC ACID IUPAC name: 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid Synonyms: 2,3-dihydroxysuccinic acid, threaric acid, racemic acid, uvic acid paratartaric acid CAS number 526-83-0 PubChem 875 ChemSpider 852 MeSH tartaric+acid Molecular formula C4H6O6 (Basic formula), HO2CCH(OH)CH(OH)CO2H (Structural formula)
  • 22. Molar mass 150.087 g/mol Appearance white powder Density 1.79 g/mL (H2O) pK1 2.98 pK2 4.34 Melting point 171–174 °C (L-tartaric), 206 °C (DL, racemic) 146–148 °C (meso) [2] Solubility in water 133 g/100ml (20°C) EU classification Irritant(Xi) R-phrases R36 LD50 Rat LDLo Oral; dose: 7500 mg/kg; Rabbit LDLo Oral; dose: 5000mg/kg. Dog LDLo Oral; dose: 5000 mg/kg. Forms of Tartaric Acid Common name tartaric acid levotartaric acid dextrotartaric acid mesotartaric acid racemic acid Synonyms D-(S,S)-(−)-tartaric acid L-(R,R)-(+)-tartaric acid (2R,3S)-tartaric acid DL-(S,S/R,R)-(±)-tartaric acid unnatural isomer natural isomer PubChem CID 875 CID 439655 CID 444305 CID 78956 CID 5851 EINECS number 205-695-6 201-766-0 205-696-1 205-105-7 CAS number 526-83-0 147-71-7 87-69-4 147-73-9 133-37-9 THIOUREA Synonyms: Thiocarbamide CAS number 62-56-6 PubChem 2723790 UN number 2811 RTECS number YU2800000 Molecular formula CH4N2S Molar mass 76.12 g/mol Appearance white solid Density 1.405 g/ml Melting point 182 °C, 455 K, 360 °F Solubility in water moderately soluble EU Index 612-082-00-0 EU classification Carc. Cat. 3 Repr. Cat. 3 Harmful (Xn) Dangerous for the environment LD50 1g/kg for rats (oral). A goitrogenic effect (enlargement of the thyroid gland) has been reported for chronic exposure, reflecting the ability of thiourea to interfere with iodide uptake.
  • 24. All in well balanced safe proportions keeping in view of the toxicities . MODE OF ACTION OF SALTEX Ammonium Chloride present in saltex is to effect a reduction in sodium chloride or the sodium ion and kept at the lowest possible level. Bile Acids inhibit vascular reactivity to norepinephrine and KCl in a dose- dependent manner Colchicine tends to impair sodium absorption. Potassium Chloride present in Saltex reduces the intake of Sodium and kept at the lowest possible levels. Salabmisri is a herb known to be used by Tribals in coastal areas to make salt water potable and used to coagulate the sodium chloride obstructing it’s absorption. Sea Weed Extract is also employed to minimize the absorption of Common Salt. Sodium chloride present in Saltex helps in maintaining the taste and flavour so as the finished food is acceptable and palatable to the consumer but kept at the lowest possible level. Tartaric Acid is used to improve the taste and flavour. Thiourea is also aimed to reduce the absorbed sodium levels. CONTRA INDICATIONS Patients having kidney problems are to avoid this. Heart patients are to avoid this. Diabetes patients may avoid this. SUGGESTED DOSAGE: WEB REFERENCES: substitute.html#ixzz2jPy4mBbk lood+Pressure+Calcium+Chloride+Vs+Sodium+Chloride&hl=en&gl=in
  • 25. REFERENCES: Fregly, M.J. In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Fifth Edition. Nutrition Foundation: Washington, D.C., 1984, pp. 439-458.