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Privacy-Preserving Authentication: Another
Reason to Care about
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Clare Nelson, CISSP, CIPP/E
OWASP Austin
August 29, 2017
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Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Any sufficiently advanced
technology is indistinguishable
from magic
—Arthur C. Clarke
If you have a PC,
you have probably touched
Zero-Knowledge Proof
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
In Scope
• Digital User Authentication
Not in Scope
• Other Authentication Use Cases
IoT, Services, Devices
• E-Voting
• Digital Watermarks
• Sealed Auctions
• Cryptocurrency
Blockchain, Digital Ledger Technology
Problem #1, Passwords are Broken
936 Breaches
19,001,935 Records Exposed
Data breaches support, enable other crimes
• Human and drug trafficking
• Terrorist activities
• Child exploitation
• Ransom, prove to company breach occurred
• Other illicit activities
Connecting the Dots
Weak or stolen
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Problem #2, Lack of Privacy for Some
Microsoft Privacy Strategy
• Provide customers more
control over collection and use
of their personal information
• Enable people to prove things
about themselves without
revealing their identity
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
007 Wants to Read the News
Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor
I can tell you.
But then I’ll have to kill you.
Today’s news?
Today’snews?Who are you?
Do you have a subscription?
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
007 Reads the News, Uses Subscription and Reveals PII
My subscription is #4309115
Today’s news?
Today’snews?Who are you?
Do you have a subscription? knows this is 007, it learns 007’s PII including:
- Zip code when he looks up the weather
- Date of birth when he reads his horoscope
- Gender when he browses the personal ads
Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
007 Reads the News, Remains Anonymous
Here is a Zero-Knowledge Proof
Today’s news?
Today’snews?Who are you?
Do you have a subscription?
Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
Source: J. Chou, SC700 A2 Internet Information Protocols (2001)
I can’t tell you my secret,
but I can prove to you
that I know the secret
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
Source: J. Chou, SC700 A2 Internet Information Protocols (2001)
Zero-Knowledge Proofs are convincing,
yet they yield nothing beyond the validity
of the assertion being proven
—Alon Rosen, Author of Concurrent Zero-Knowledge,
Associate Professor IDC Herzliya
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
• Authentication
• Privacy
• Zero-Knowledge Proof
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Definitions: Authentication, Privacy
Authentication (User)
• Process of verifying the identity, attributes of a user
• Two or more of something you know, something you have, or
something you are
Privacy (Individual)
• A state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other
people or entities
• European Union: privacy is a fundamental human right (GDPR)
• Ability of individuals to seclude themselves, or information
about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively
Know Have Are
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Definition of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), 1 of 2
Proof System
• Proof does not mean math proof, it refers to proof system
Zero-Knowledge Proof
Enables a prover to convince a verifier of the truth of a
statement without leaking any other information
• Zero-knowledge proofs yield nothing beyond the
validity of the assertion
• ZKP supports anonymous, verifiable transaction
• Interactive, requires back and forth, exchange of
messages, between prover and verifier
• Randomness is used
• ZKP is probabilistic, does not provide absolute
Prover Verifier
Proof of a
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Definition of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), 2 of 2
ZKP requirements:
• Zero-Knowledge: Reveal no additional
information beyond the statement’s
• Completeness: If statement is true,
honest verifier (follows the protocol)
will be able to prove statement is true
every time
• Soundness: If the statement is false, a
cheating prover cannot convince the
honest verifier that it is true, except
with very small probability
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor
It’s Bond. James Bond.
Today’s news?
Today’snews?Who are you?
Do you have a subscription?
(M fails because she can’t prove to Telegraph)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Advantages
• Privacy-preserving
• Zero knowledge is transferred
between prover and verifier
• Verifier accepts or rejects proof after
multiple challenges and responses
• No degradation of protocol
• Based on problems like discrete
logarithms and integer factorization
• Probabilistic proof protocol
• Computational efficiency, no
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Evolution from Interactive to Non-Interactive ZKP (NIZKP)
• Interactive, multiple
challenge/response messages
• Requires stable, continuous
communication channel
• Non-Interactive, one message
• Takes less time
• More efficient
• Optimized for IoT
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Disadvantages: Deployment and Correct Usage
• Limited – Secret must be numerical, translation may be needed
• Lengthy – Many computations, each requires run time
• Stable, continuous connection – Support multiple challenges and
responses between prover and verifier
• Imperfect – An attacker can still intercept the transmission
• More efficient, but in some cases still not succinct
• May not preserve deniability
• Still need one-time setup phase
• Tradeoff for having shorter proofs and faster
verification times is stronger assumptions
• zk-SNARK proofs are publicly verifiable, uses Diffie-
Hellman shared secret key variation (too early to
tell disadvantages)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Attack Resilience: Academia, not Real World
Attack Description Mitigation
Impersonation A malicious impersonator, for either party Need secret, completeness
and soundness
Replay Attack Malicious peer or attacker collects
previous proofs, and resends these
Challenge message required
Man in the
Middle (MITM)
Intruder is able to access and modify
messages between prover and verifier
(without them knowing)
It depends, implementation
Subverted nodes collaborate to enact
identity fraud, or co-conspirator
It depends, requires
reputation auditing design
Denial of
Service (Dos)
Renders networks, hosts, and other
systems unusable by consuming
bandwidth or deluging with huge number
of requests to overload systems
Could happen during
authentication setup
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof for Authentication, Timeline
- Goldwasser,
Micali, Rackoff
paper (MIT
- Microsoft
basis for
Microsoft U-
- Two Factor
- Sedicci
founded, no
of private user
- IBM Identity
- Sovrin
Includes variations, some combine classical systems with ZKP systems
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
Zero-Knowledge Proofs are one of
the most powerful tools
cryptographers have ever devised.
But unfortunately they’re also
relatively poorly understood.
—Matthew Green, cryptographer and
professor at Johns Hopkins University,
creator of Zcash
∀ x ∈ L, z ∈ {0, 1} ∗, ViewV∗ [P(x) ↔ V∗ (x, z)] = S(x, z)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration
Horizon Telecom Company
• Cell towers
• 11 vertices
• Connected by lines, or edges
• Avoid overlap
• Use 1 of 3 signals
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration
Instance of 3-Color Graph
• Use colors to represent
frequency bands
• Avoid overlap
• Use 1 of 3 signals
• Easy to solve for 11 vertices
• Hard to solve for larger
numbers, e.g. 900
• Outsource problem, need big
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration
Proof of Solution
• Indoor basketball court
• Spread pieces of paper on floor,
each piece is a vertex
• Pick 3 different-colored crayons
at random
• Color the paper to represent
the solution
• Put hats over the paper to hide
the solution
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration
Proof of Solution
• Remove two hats
• See vertices are different colors
Repeat this process
Lay out new pieces of paper on
Pick 3 crayons at random
Color the paper
Place hats over paper
Invite Verifier
Remove two hats
Prove have solution without
revealing it
Each time the process is repeated,
confidence goes up that a valid solution
was found
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
Source: Inspired by
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), Discrete Logarithm Example
b = gx (mod n)
Step Description Prover (P) Verifier (V)
0 Setup g, b, n, x g, b, n
1 Prover generates random r r
2 P sends h = gr mod n to V h h
3 V flips a coin, c = H or T c c
4 If c = H, P sends r to V r, check gr = h
5 If c = T, P sends m = x + r m m, check gm = bh
6 Repeat steps 1-5 until Verifier is convinced that Prover knows x (with
probability 1-2-k, for k iterations)
Real World Demo
Permission granted, Source:
Real World Demo
Permission granted, Source:
Real World Demo
Permission granted, Source:
Permission granted, Source:
Real World Demo
The Future
With that notation, hP(x, w), V ∗ (Z)i is the same as
com ← P1(x, w), ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z), resp ← P2(x, w, ch), V
∗ 2 (resp, Z).
Σ is SHVZK 〚HVZK〛. Hence there is a quantum-
polynomial-time simulator SΣ such that for any 〚quantum-
polynomial-time〛 DΣ: Pr[b = 1 : com ← P1(x, w), ch R ←
Cηx, resp ← P2(x, w, ch), b ← DΣ(|Ψi, com, ch, resp)] − Pr[b
= 1 : (com, ch, resp) ← SΣ(x), b ← DΣ(|Ψi, com, ch, resp)] ≤
where εD = εD(η) is a negligible function depending on DΣ.
Let [ch = ch∗ ] := 1 iff ch = ch∗ .
Then: Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : ZE ← |Ψi,hP(x, w), V ∗ (Z)i, b ←
D(Z, E), ch∗ R ← Cηx, succ := [ch = ch∗ ]] (3) = Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b
= 1 : ZE ← |Ψi, com ← P1(x, w), ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z), resp ←
P2(x, w, ch), V ∗ 2 (resp, Z), b ← D(Z, E), ch∗ R ← Cηx, succ :=
[ch = ch∗ ]] (∗) = Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : com ← P1(x, w), ch∗ R
← Cηx, resp ← P2(x, w, ch∗ ), ZE ← |Ψi, ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z),
succ := [ch = ch∗ ], V ∗ 2 (resp, Z), b ← D(Z, E)] ε ≈ Pr[succ = 1
∧ b = 1 : (com, ch∗ , resp) ← SΣ(x), ZE ← |Ψi, ch ← V ∗ 1
(com, Z), succ := [ch = ch∗ ], V ∗ 2 (resp, Z), b ← D(Z, E)] =
Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : ZE ← |Ψi, Y, C ← |0i, S1(x, CZY ), succ ←
M(C), b ← D(Z, E)]
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaSGraphic:
Alternative for Privacy-Invasive, Continuous, Risk-Based Authentication
Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
• TPM 1.2 uses ZKP
• TPM 2.0 takes another path
• 2017 Paper from IBM, Intel, Infineon
 Solution, minimal changes to
current TPM 2.0
Breaking News in the ZKP World
May 2017 conference
YouTube meeting presentation:
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof in a Quantum World?
Station Q
• Worldwide consortium for the advancement of
topological quantum computation
• Zero-knowledge proof systems for QMA
 QMA = Quantum Merlin Arthur (Merlin
Arthur from computational complexity)
Dominique Unruh
• New challenges in quantum case
• Quantum proofs of knowledge
• There are zero-knowledge quantum proofs of
knowledge for all languages in NP (2015)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
We Stand on the Shoulders of Giants
Shafi Goldwasser
Jan Camenisch
Stefan Brands
Matthew Green
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Slides posted on SlideShare:
Recommended Reading
1. Data and Goliath, Bruce Schneier (2015)
2. Matthew Green, cryptography blog, Professor Johns Hopkins
3. One TPM to Bind Them All, TPM 2.0 paper by Jan Camenisch,
et al. (2017)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
You can have security
without privacy,
but you can’t have privacy
without security.
— Carolyn Herzog, EVP and General Counsel, ARM
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Evolution of User Authentication
Genesis (1960s)
- Passwords
- Knowledge-Based
Verification (KBV),
Security questions
- Hardware tokens
- Software tokens
Convenience, Techno Fad
- Biometrics
- Blockchain Digital
Ledger Technology
- Zero-Knowledge
- Anonymous or
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
References, 1 of 3
• Attribute-based Credentials for Trust (ABC4Trust) Project, (2017).
• AU2EU Project, Authentication and Authorization for Entrusted Unions, (2017).
• Baldimsti, Foteini; Lysanskaya, Anna. Anonymous Credentials Light. (2013).
• Ben Sasson, Eli; Chiesa, Alessandro; Garman, Christina, et al. Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin, http://zerocash- (May 2014).
• Bitansky, Nir; Weizman, Zvika Brakerski; Kalai, Yael. 3-Message Zero Knowledge Against Human Ignorance, (September 2016).
• Brands, Stefan. Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures and Digital Certificates. The MIT Press, (2000).
• Camenisch, Jan and E. Van Herreweghen, Design and implementation of the IBM Idemix anonymous credential system, in Proceedings of the
9th ACM conference on Computer and communications security. ACM, 2002, pp. 21–30.
• Camenisch, Jan; Dubovitskaya, Maria; Enderlein, Robert; et al. Concepts and languages for privacy-preserving attribute-based
authentication, (2013).
• Cutler, Becky. The Feasibility and Application of Using Zero-Knowledge Protocol for Authentication Systems, (2015).
• Geraud, Rémi. Zero-Knowledge: More Secure than Passwords?
secure-than-passwords.html (July 25, 2017).
• Geers, Marjo; Comparing Privacy in eID Schemes, (2017).
• Goldreich, Oded. Zero-Knowledge: a tutorial by Oded Goldreich, has extensive
reference list (2010).
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
References, 2 of 3
• Goldreich, Oded; Yair, Oren. Definitions and Properties of Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems, (19940.
• Goldwasser, Micali, Rackoff, The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems, ACM 0-89791-151-2/85/005/02911 (1985).
• Green, Matthew. Zero Knowledge Proofs: An Illustrated Primer,
proofs-illustrated-primer/ (November 2014).
• Groth, Jens; Lu, Steve. “A Non-Interactive Shuffle with Pairing Based Verifiability,” (2006).
• Groth, Jens. Short Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments, (2010).
• Guillou, Quisqater, “How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children,” (1998).
• Gupta, Anuj Das; Delight, Ankur. Zero-Knowledge Proof of Balance: A Friendly ZKP Demo,
of-balance-demo/ (June 2017).
• Hardjono, Thomas; Pentland, Alex “Sandy”; MIT Connection Science & Engineering; Core Identities for Future Transaction Systems,
Whitepaper-v08.pdf (October 7, 2016). [TBD: check back, right now it is a DRAFT, do not cite]
• ISO/IEC Information technology — Security techniques — Entity authentication — Part 5: Mechanisms using zero-knowledge techniques, (2015).
• Johnstone, Mike; Why we need privacy-preserving authentication in the Facebook age, (November 2013).
• Kogta, Ronak. ZK-Snarks in English,
6db2085a28ff&v=&b=&from_search=3 (July 2017).
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
References, 3 of 3
• Lysyanskaya, Anna. How to Balance Privacy and Key Management in User Authentication, (2012).
• Martin-Fernandez, Francisco; Caballero-Gil, Pino; Caballero-Gil, Candido. Authentication Based on Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
for the Internet of Things. (January 2016).
• Mohr, Austin. A Survey of Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Applications to Cryptography,
• Montenegro, Jose.; Fischer, Michael; Lopez, Javier; et al. Secure Sealed-Bid Online Auctions Using Discreet Cryptographic Proof, (June 2013).
• Nguyen, Quan; Rudoy, Mikhail; Srinivasan, Arjun. Two Factor Zero Knowledge Proof Authentication System, (2014).
• Unruh, Dominique. Quantum Proofs of Knowledge, (February 2015).
• Wilcox, Zooko. Podcast, Zero Knowledge, The Future of Privacy.
of-privacy-ea18479295f4 (February 21, 2017).
• Wu, Huixin; Wang, Feng. A Survey of Noninteractive Zero Knowledge Proof System and its Applications. (May 2014).
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Backup Slides
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Clare Nelson, CISSP, CIPP/E
Director, Office of the CTO at AllClear ID
Security, Privacy, and Identity
• Background
o Encrypted TCP/IP variants for NSA
o Product Management at DEC (HP), EMC2
o Director Global Alliances at Dell, Novell
o VP Business Development, TeaLeaf Technology (IBM), Mi3 Security
o CEO ClearMark Consulting, MFA Technology and Architecture
• 2001-2014 CEO ClearMark Consulting
• 2014 Co-founder C1ph3r_Qu33ns
• Publications include:
o 2010 August, ISSA Journal, Security Metrics: An Overview
o 2015 April, ISSA Journal, Multi-Factor Authentication: What to Look For
• Talks/Keynotes: Cloud Identity Summit 2017, InfraGard,
HackFormers; BSides Austin; LASCON; OWASP AppSec USA, ISSA
Austin; clients including Fortune 500 financial services, 2015 FTC
• B.S. Mathematics
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Privacy-Preserving Authentication and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
1. Introduction
2. Problems
3. Definitions
4. Examples
5. Standards
6. The Future
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Many Types of Zero-Knowledge Proof
Acronym Description Notes
ZKP Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof First invention, multiple
messages between
prover and verifier
NIZKP Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof
Common Reference String model
• In 2003, Rafael Pass showed that in the common
reference string model non-interactive zero-
knowledge protocols do not preserve all of the
properties of interactive zero-knowledge
protocols; e.g., they do not preserve deniability
Less interaction
required between
prover and verifier
n/a Fiat-Shamir
zk-SNARK zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
The views presented herein,
expressed in any form, represent
my personal views, and do not
necessarily reflect the views of
my employer.
Some consumers want control of their
• See where their identity resides
• See what data is collected
• Manage and curate it
• Request deletion
• If the data is old, update or leave as is
Future of Identity and Privacy
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Additional Research
• Libsnark (on GitHub)
 Zero knowledge: the verifier learns nothing from the proof beside the
truth of the statement (i.e., the value qux, in the above examples,
remains secret).
 Succinctness: the proof is short and easy to verify.
 Non-interactivity: the proof is a string (i.e. it does not require back-
and-forth interaction between the prover and the verifier).
 Soundness: the proof is computationally sound (i.e., it is infeasible to
fake a proof of a false NP statement). Such a proof system is also called
an argument.
 Proof of knowledge: the proof attests not just that the NP statement is
true, but also that the prover knows why (e.g., knows a valid qux).
• Pinocchio (Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation
 Microsoft Research and IBM Research
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Schnorr NIZK (IETF Draft)
The Schnorr NIZK proof is obtained from
the interactive Schnorr identification
scheme through a Fiat-Shamir
• This transformation involves using a
secure cryptographic hash function to
issue the challenge instead.
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
ISO/IEC 9798-5 Zero-Knowledge Techniques (2009)
1. Providing unilateral authentication
Integer factorization
Discrete logarithms with respect to
numbers that are either prime or
Discrete logarithms on elliptic curves
2. Providing unilateral or mutual
Asymmetric encryption systems
Asymmetric cryptography
• Remove potential threat
• Verifier cannot use Claimant
as an Oracle
• Get information about
private key
Entity authentication using zero-knowledge techniques
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
ISO/IEC 9798-5:2009
Compliance with ISO/IEC 9798-5 may involve the use of the following
patents and their counterparts in other countries.
Patent Title Inventor Filing
US 4 995 082 Method for identifying subscribers and for
generating and verifying electronic signatures
in a data exchange system
C.P. Schnorr 1990
US 5 140 634 Method and apparatus for authenticating
accreditations and for authenticating and
signing messages
L.C. Guillou
and J-J.
EP 0 311 470 Methods and systems to authenticate
authorizations and messages with a zero
knowledge-proof system and to provide
messages with a signature
L.C. Guillou
and J-J.
EP 0 666 664 Method for performing a double-signature
secure electronic transaction
M. Girault 1995
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Data, data everywhere. Jeremiah
Grossman, chief of security strategy
for cybersecurity company Sentinel
One, tells the WSJ that Hollywood TV
and movie companies are vulnerable
because they work with so many
partners that “their data is all over
the place.”
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Evolution of Cryptography
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
More Authentication Examples
Company(s) Name Description
U-Prove Gemalto integrated smart card technology with Microsoft U-Prove.
• U-Prove has been instrumental guiding minimal disclosure security.
• With Gemalto smart card technology is continuing to push this form of
online authentication forward (February 2017).
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Is Identity Theft Getting Worse or Better?
Changing Nature of Identity Theft
• Past: Financial- or credit-related identity theft
• Today: Malicious actors use stolen PII to:
Seek employment
Travel across international borders
Obtain prescription drugs
Receive medical treatment
Claim benefits
File false tax returns
Aid in other criminal activities
Synthetic Identity Theft
Occurs when a malicious actor constructs a new
• Composite of multiple individuals' legitimate
• Plus fabricated information
2017 OMB Memo
• Preparing for and Responding to a
Breach of Personally Identifiable
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Computational Complexity and Cryptography
Complexity Theory
• Study the resources required
to solve computational tasks
 Time
 Space (memory)
• Understand relations
between complexity
• Provide new perspective on
various concepts
• Specify security
requirements of systems
• Use the computational
infeasibility of problems to
obtain security
• Almost any cryptographic
task requires using these
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Concepts and languages for privacy-preserving attribute-based
authentication (2014)
Online Identity Providers
• Use SAML, OpenID, or WS-Federation
• The Identity Provider can impersonate its users, track and monitor
user online behavior
Privacy-preserving authentication solutions aim to prevent that
Price is $31.50
Published in this journal
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
The Privacy Conundrum
If authentication concerns what a Relying Party needs to know about
you, then privacy is all about what they don’t need to know.
Privacy amounts to information minimization; security professionals
know this all too well as the “Need to Know” principle.
Real World Solution
Key Setup
• Distributed Trust
Authorities (D-TAs)
• Receive key shares to
create the whole client key
• The whole key only exists
during setup and
• It is never stored in whole
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
ISO/IEC 9798-5
Compliance may involve the use of the following patents
Patent Title Inventor Filing
US 4 995 082 Method for identifying subscribers and for
generating and verifying electronic signatures in a
data exchange system
C.P. Schnorr 1990
US 5 140 634 Method and apparatus for authenticating
accreditations and for authenticating and signing
L.C. Guillou and
J-J. Quisquater
EP 0 311 470 Methods and systems to authenticate
authorizations and messages with a zero
knowledge-proof system and to provide
messages with a signature
L.C. Guillou and
J-J. Quisquater
EP 0 666 664 Method for performing a double-signature secure
electronic transaction
M. Girault 1995
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
ZKP Authentication Examples in Real World
Company Product Description GitHub
IBM Identity
Cryptographic algorithm which enables transactions to occur
without unwillingly sharing any personal data,
Microsoft U-Prove Cryptographic technology that enables the issuance and
presentation of cryptographically protected statements in a
manner that provides what is known as “multi-party security:”
issuing organizations, users, and relying parties can protect
themselves not just against outsider attacks but also against
attacks originating from each other.
Sedicii Sediccii Patented zero-knowledge proof authentication service, use
- Call center authentication
- Website login
- Credit card authorization
- Identity hub
- Respond to negative social media feedback
Trust ZFA
Multi-Factor Zero-Knowledge Authentication (ZFA) Protocol,
Sovrin Self-
Non-profit, open source, Sovrin Identity Network establishes
trust through transparency, diffusion, and neutrality,
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Evolution from Interactive to Non-Interactive ZKP (NIZKP)
ZKP defines a method to prove the knowledge of a
certain piece of information without revealing
anything about it
• Typical ZKPs are based on several challenges and
responses, involving a successive exchange of
messages, which implies the need to have a
stable and continuous connection between
• However, this assumption is impossible in a
volatile environment like IoT, where sometimes,
devices move at a high speed, such as, for
example, smart vehicles
• In these cases, a massive exchange of messages
to run a typical ZKP can be infeasible due to
possible connection failures during the protocol
• In order to deal with this problem, the idea of
non-interactive ZKP (NIZKP) has emerged
In NIZKP, all of the challenges of a typical ZKP are
condensed into a single package sent in a single
• Optimizes time necessary for the exchange of
• Single message instead of many messages
• The single message can be sent as a beacon in
broadcast mode
• Research: transform an interactive protocol into a
non-interactive protocol, which can be applied to
turn interactive ZKPs into NIZKPs thanks to the
use of hash function.
• NIZKP for NP whose construction is based on one-
way permutations and certified trapdoor
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Microsoft U-Prove
Cryptographic technology that enables the issuance
and presentation of cryptographically protected
statements in a manner that provides what is known as
“multi-party security”
• Issuing organizations, users, and relying parties can
protect themselves not just against outsider attacks
but also against attacks originating from each other
• Enables any desired degree of privacy (including
authenticated anonymity and pseudonymity)
without contravening multi-party security
• User-centric aspects make the U-Prove technology
suited to create the digital equivalent of paper-
based credentials and the plastic cards in one's
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
This little-known
mathematical concept
could eventually make
passwords and PIN
codes obsolete.
—Remi Geraud, cryptography and
security expert in the Advanced Research
team of Ingenico’s innovation lab
Promise of Zero-Knowledge Proof
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
—Jan Camenisch, Cryptographer and Co-Inventor of IBM Identity Mixer
The Internet is like the lunar surface—it never
forgets a footprint.
With Identity Mixer, we can turn it into a sandy
beach that regularly washes everything away.
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
If your personal data is
never collected, it cannot
be stolen.
—Maria Dubovitskaya, Cryptographer,
Research Staff Member, IBM Zurich
Research Laboratory
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Examples of Additional Applications, Beyond Authentication
Category Name Description
Cryptocurrency Zcash Open, permissionless cryptocurrency that can fully protect the privacy of
transactions using zero-knowledge cryptography
• The scientists, advisors and engineers of ZECC developed and launched
the Zcash protocol; this includes all of the authors of the Zerocash
protocol, most of the creators of the Zerocoin protocol, and leading
researchers of zk-SNARKs themselves
zk-SNARKs stands for zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of
Knowledge, and it is the protocol for Zcash
Watermark Watermark
• Show the presence of watermark without revealing information about it
• Prevents removal of the watermark and reselling duplicate copies
E-Voting Emerging Stay tuned for updates, watching Estonia i-voting system, may be used for
homomorphic tallying.
Auctions Sealed-Bid
Winning bid is determined without information about the losing bids
leaking to either the auctioneer or other bidders, Secure Multiparty
Computation (SMC).
Cryptocurrency projects are fueling ZKP research and evolution
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Is Identity Theft Getting Worse or Better? (Continued)
As the ways in which criminals can exploit PII have evolved, so too have
the ensuing types of harm to potentially affected individuals.
Identity theft can result in:
• Embarrassment
• Inconvenience
• Reputational harm
• Emotional harm
• Financial loss
• Unfairness
• In rare cases, risk to personal safety
Individuals can be:
• Arrested and charged for crimes they did not commit
• Professionals such as pharmacists and doctors can suffer irreparable
reputational harm
• Individuals can have benefits suspended or terminated
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Open Source
Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Credential Engine
• On GitHub:
• Interoperates with IBM Identity Mixer and Microsoft U-
• Developers can use Privacy-ABCs without having to
consider the specifics of the underlying cryptographic
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Open Source: Architecture
Parties of the privacy-preserving
Attribute-Based Credentials
(pABC) system:
• User
• Issuer
• Verifier
• Inspector
• Revocation Authority
Crypto Engines
Crypto Engine Crypto Engine
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
ABC4Trust EU Project
EU-funded R&D project
Advancing the federation and interchangeability of
technologies supporting trustworthy, privacy-preserving
Attribute-Based Credentials (Privacy-ABCs)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof, Formal Definition
An interactive proof system (P, V) for a language L is zero-knowledge if
for any PPT verifier V∗ there exists an expected PPT simulator S such
∀ x ∈ L, z ∈ {0, 1} ∗, ViewV∗ [P(x) ↔ V∗ (x, z)] = S(x, z)
As usual, P has unlimited computation power (in practice, P must be a
randomized TM).
Intuitively, the definition states that an interactive proof system (P, V)
is zero-knowledge if for any verifier V∗ there exists an efficient
simulator S that can essentially produce a transcript of the
conversation that would have taken place between P and V∗ on any
given input.
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
compute resources
compute resources
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Definition of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Authentication Protocol
Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Authentication Protocol
• Two parties involved
1. Prover
2. Verifier
• Enables the prover to show that they have the
credential (e.g., password), without having to give
the verifier the credential details
No transmission or storage of
password/credential details
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
Identity, More Caution
How your phone number
became the only username
that matters
—David Pierce Gear, Wired
(August 2017)
Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS
FIDO ECDAA Algorithm
FIDO Basic Attestation scheme alternative
• Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) scheme
based on elliptic curves and bilinear pairings
called ECDAA
• Direct Anonymous Attestation is a cryptographic
scheme combining privacy with security
• Basic building blocks for its implementation are
part of TPM 2.0

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Privacy-Preserving Authentication, Another Reason to Care about Zero-Knowledge Proofs

  • 1. Privacy-Preserving Authentication: Another Reason to Care about Zero-Knowledge Proofs Clare Nelson, CISSP, CIPP/E @Safe_SaaS OWASP Austin August 29, 2017 Posted on SlideShare: authentication-another-reason-to-care-about-zeroknowledge-proofs
  • 2. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic —Arthur C. Clarke Graphic:
  • 4. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Scope In Scope • Digital User Authentication Not in Scope • Other Authentication Use Cases IoT, Services, Devices • E-Voting • Digital Watermarks • Sealed Auctions • Cryptocurrency Zcash Biometrics Blockchain, Digital Ledger Technology Graphic:
  • 5. Problem #1, Passwords are Broken 2017 936 Breaches 19,001,935 Records Exposed Source: Graphic:
  • 6. Data breaches support, enable other crimes • Human and drug trafficking • Terrorist activities • Child exploitation • Ransom, prove to company breach occurred • Other illicit activities Connecting the Dots Source: Weak or stolen passwords Data breaches Crime
  • 7. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Problem #2, Lack of Privacy for Some Microsoft Privacy Strategy • Provide customers more control over collection and use of their personal information • Enable people to prove things about themselves without revealing their identity Source: Source: Graphic:
  • 8. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS 007 Wants to Read the News Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor Graphic: I can tell you. But then I’ll have to kill you. Today’s news? Today’snews?Who are you? Do you have a subscription?
  • 9. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS 007 Reads the News, Uses Subscription and Reveals PII My subscription is #4309115 Today’s news? Today’snews?Who are you? Do you have a subscription? knows this is 007, it learns 007’s PII including: - Zip code when he looks up the weather - Date of birth when he reads his horoscope - Gender when he browses the personal ads Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor Graphic:
  • 10. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS 007 Reads the News, Remains Anonymous Here is a Zero-Knowledge Proof Today’s news? Today’snews?Who are you? Do you have a subscription? Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor Graphic:
  • 11. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Source: J. Chou, SC700 A2 Internet Information Protocols (2001) I can’t tell you my secret, but I can prove to you that I know the secret
  • 12. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Source: J. Chou, SC700 A2 Internet Information Protocols (2001) Zero-Knowledge Proofs are convincing, yet they yield nothing beyond the validity of the assertion being proven —Alon Rosen, Author of Concurrent Zero-Knowledge, Associate Professor IDC Herzliya
  • 13. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS • Authentication • Privacy • Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • 14. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Definitions: Authentication, Privacy Authentication (User) • Process of verifying the identity, attributes of a user • Two or more of something you know, something you have, or something you are Privacy (Individual) • A state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people or entities • European Union: privacy is a fundamental human right (GDPR) • Ability of individuals to seclude themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Know Have Are
  • 15. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Definition of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), 1 of 2 Proof System • Proof does not mean math proof, it refers to proof system Zero-Knowledge Proof Enables a prover to convince a verifier of the truth of a statement without leaking any other information • Zero-knowledge proofs yield nothing beyond the validity of the assertion • ZKP supports anonymous, verifiable transaction identities • Interactive, requires back and forth, exchange of messages, between prover and verifier • Randomness is used • ZKP is probabilistic, does not provide absolute certainty Source: Source: Source: Source: Prover Verifier Proof of a statement
  • 16. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Definition of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), 2 of 2 Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: ZKP requirements: • Zero-Knowledge: Reveal no additional information beyond the statement’s validity • Completeness: If statement is true, honest verifier (follows the protocol) will be able to prove statement is true every time • Soundness: If the statement is false, a cheating prover cannot convince the honest verifier that it is true, except with very small probability
  • 17. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Soundness Source: Credit to Anna Lysyanskaya for the 007 metaphor Graphic: It’s Bond. James Bond. Today’s news? Today’snews?Who are you? Do you have a subscription? (M fails because she can’t prove to Telegraph)
  • 18. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Advantages Source: • Privacy-preserving • Zero knowledge is transferred between prover and verifier • Verifier accepts or rejects proof after multiple challenges and responses • No degradation of protocol • Based on problems like discrete logarithms and integer factorization • Probabilistic proof protocol • Computational efficiency, no encryption
  • 19. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Evolution from Interactive to Non-Interactive ZKP (NIZKP) Source: • Interactive, multiple challenge/response messages • Requires stable, continuous communication channel ZKP • Non-Interactive, one message • Takes less time • More efficient • Optimized for IoT NIZKP
  • 20. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Disadvantages: Deployment and Correct Usage Source: Source: Source: ZKP • Limited – Secret must be numerical, translation may be needed • Lengthy – Many computations, each requires run time • Stable, continuous connection – Support multiple challenges and responses between prover and verifier • Imperfect – An attacker can still intercept the transmission NIZKP • More efficient, but in some cases still not succinct enough • May not preserve deniability zk-SNARK • Still need one-time setup phase • Tradeoff for having shorter proofs and faster verification times is stronger assumptions • zk-SNARK proofs are publicly verifiable, uses Diffie- Hellman shared secret key variation (too early to tell disadvantages)
  • 21. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Attack Resilience: Academia, not Real World Source: Attack Description Mitigation Impersonation A malicious impersonator, for either party Need secret, completeness and soundness Replay Attack Malicious peer or attacker collects previous proofs, and resends these Challenge message required Man in the Middle (MITM) Intruder is able to access and modify messages between prover and verifier (without them knowing) It depends, implementation specific Collaborated Attack Subverted nodes collaborate to enact identity fraud, or co-conspirator It depends, requires reputation auditing design Denial of Service (Dos) Renders networks, hosts, and other systems unusable by consuming bandwidth or deluging with huge number of requests to overload systems Could happen during authentication setup
  • 22. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof for Authentication, Timeline 1985 - Goldwasser, Micali, Rackoff paper (MIT Research) 2008 - Microsoft acquired Credentica, basis for Microsoft U- Prove 2014 - Two Factor Zero- Knowledge Proof Authentication System 2013 - Sedicci founded, no transmission of private user data 2015 - IBM Identity Mixer announced 2016 - MIRACL announced Zero-Factor Authentication - Sovrin founded Source: Includes variations, some combine classical systems with ZKP systems
  • 23. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Zero-Knowledge Proofs are one of the most powerful tools cryptographers have ever devised. But unfortunately they’re also relatively poorly understood. Source: —Matthew Green, cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins University, creator of Zcash ∀ x ∈ L, z ∈ {0, 1} ∗, ViewV∗ [P(x) ↔ V∗ (x, z)] = S(x, z)
  • 24. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration Horizon Telecom Company • Cell towers • 11 vertices • Connected by lines, or edges • Avoid overlap • Use 1 of 3 signals Source:
  • 25. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration Source: Instance of 3-Color Graph Problem • Use colors to represent frequency bands • Avoid overlap • Use 1 of 3 signals • Easy to solve for 11 vertices • Hard to solve for larger numbers, e.g. 900 • Outsource problem, need big compute
  • 26. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration Source: Proof of Solution • Indoor basketball court • Spread pieces of paper on floor, each piece is a vertex • Pick 3 different-colored crayons at random • Color the paper to represent the solution • Put hats over the paper to hide the solution
  • 27. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof Illustration Source: Source: Proof of Solution • Remove two hats • See vertices are different colors ___________________________ Repeat this process Lay out new pieces of paper on floor Pick 3 crayons at random Color the paper Place hats over paper Invite Verifier Remove two hats Prove have solution without revealing it Each time the process is repeated, confidence goes up that a valid solution was found
  • 28. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Source: Inspired by VerifierProver Construct ZKP Verify ZKP Proof
  • 29. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP), Discrete Logarithm Example Source: b = gx (mod n) Step Description Prover (P) Verifier (V) 0 Setup g, b, n, x g, b, n 1 Prover generates random r r 2 P sends h = gr mod n to V h h 3 V flips a coin, c = H or T c c 4 If c = H, P sends r to V r, check gr = h 5 If c = T, P sends m = x + r m m, check gm = bh 6 Repeat steps 1-5 until Verifier is convinced that Prover knows x (with probability 1-2-k, for k iterations)
  • 30. Real World Demo Permission granted, Source:
  • 31. Real World Demo Permission granted, Source:
  • 32. Real World Demo Permission granted, Source:
  • 33. Permission granted, Source: Real World Demo
  • 34. The Future Source: Graphic:: With that notation, hP(x, w), V ∗ (Z)i is the same as com ← P1(x, w), ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z), resp ← P2(x, w, ch), V ∗ 2 (resp, Z). Σ is SHVZK 〚HVZK〛. Hence there is a quantum- polynomial-time simulator SΣ such that for any 〚quantum- polynomial-time〛 DΣ: Pr[b = 1 : com ← P1(x, w), ch R ← Cηx, resp ← P2(x, w, ch), b ← DΣ(|Ψi, com, ch, resp)] − Pr[b = 1 : (com, ch, resp) ← SΣ(x), b ← DΣ(|Ψi, com, ch, resp)] ≤ εD where εD = εD(η) is a negligible function depending on DΣ. Let [ch = ch∗ ] := 1 iff ch = ch∗ . Then: Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : ZE ← |Ψi,hP(x, w), V ∗ (Z)i, b ← D(Z, E), ch∗ R ← Cηx, succ := [ch = ch∗ ]] (3) = Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : ZE ← |Ψi, com ← P1(x, w), ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z), resp ← P2(x, w, ch), V ∗ 2 (resp, Z), b ← D(Z, E), ch∗ R ← Cηx, succ := [ch = ch∗ ]] (∗) = Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : com ← P1(x, w), ch∗ R ← Cηx, resp ← P2(x, w, ch∗ ), ZE ← |Ψi, ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z), succ := [ch = ch∗ ], V ∗ 2 (resp, Z), b ← D(Z, E)] ε ≈ Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : (com, ch∗ , resp) ← SΣ(x), ZE ← |Ψi, ch ← V ∗ 1 (com, Z), succ := [ch = ch∗ ], V ∗ 2 (resp, Z), b ← D(Z, E)] = Pr[succ = 1 ∧ b = 1 : ZE ← |Ψi, Y, C ← |0i, S1(x, CZY ), succ ← M(C), b ← D(Z, E)]
  • 35. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaSGraphic: Alternative for Privacy-Invasive, Continuous, Risk-Based Authentication
  • 36. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) • TPM 1.2 uses ZKP • TPM 2.0 takes another path • 2017 Paper from IBM, Intel, Infineon  Solution, minimal changes to current TPM 2.0 Source: Source: Source: Breaking News in the ZKP World May 2017 conference YouTube meeting presentation:
  • 37. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Source: Source: Source: Source: Graphic: Zero-Knowledge Proof in a Quantum World? Station Q • Worldwide consortium for the advancement of topological quantum computation • Zero-knowledge proof systems for QMA  QMA = Quantum Merlin Arthur (Merlin Arthur from computational complexity) Dominique Unruh • New challenges in quantum case • Quantum proofs of knowledge • There are zero-knowledge quantum proofs of knowledge for all languages in NP (2015)
  • 38. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS We Stand on the Shoulders of Giants Source: Source: Source: Source: Shafi Goldwasser Jan Camenisch Stefan Brands Matthew Green
  • 39. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS @Safe_SaaS Slides posted on SlideShare: vacypreserving-authentication-another- reason-to-care-about-zeroknowledge-proofs Questions? Recommended Reading 1. Data and Goliath, Bruce Schneier (2015) 2. Matthew Green, cryptography blog, Professor Johns Hopkins 3. One TPM to Bind Them All, TPM 2.0 paper by Jan Camenisch, et al. (2017)
  • 40. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Source: Source: You can have security without privacy, but you can’t have privacy without security. — Carolyn Herzog, EVP and General Counsel, ARM
  • 41. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Evolution of User Authentication Genesis (1960s) - Passwords - Knowledge-Based Verification (KBV), Security questions - Hardware tokens - Software tokens Convenience, Techno Fad - Biometrics - Blockchain Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) Privacy-Preserving - Zero-Knowledge Proof - Anonymous or pseudonymous techniques
  • 42. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS References, 1 of 3 • Attribute-based Credentials for Trust (ABC4Trust) Project, (2017). • AU2EU Project, Authentication and Authorization for Entrusted Unions, (2017). • Baldimsti, Foteini; Lysanskaya, Anna. Anonymous Credentials Light. (2013). • Ben Sasson, Eli; Chiesa, Alessandro; Garman, Christina, et al. Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin, http://zerocash- (May 2014). • Bitansky, Nir; Weizman, Zvika Brakerski; Kalai, Yael. 3-Message Zero Knowledge Against Human Ignorance, (September 2016). • Brands, Stefan. Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures and Digital Certificates. The MIT Press, (2000). • Camenisch, Jan and E. Van Herreweghen, Design and implementation of the IBM Idemix anonymous credential system, in Proceedings of the 9th ACM conference on Computer and communications security. ACM, 2002, pp. 21–30. • Camenisch, Jan; Dubovitskaya, Maria; Enderlein, Robert; et al. Concepts and languages for privacy-preserving attribute-based authentication, (2013). • Cutler, Becky. The Feasibility and Application of Using Zero-Knowledge Protocol for Authentication Systems, (2015). • Geraud, Rémi. Zero-Knowledge: More Secure than Passwords? secure-than-passwords.html (July 25, 2017). • Geers, Marjo; Comparing Privacy in eID Schemes, (2017). • Goldreich, Oded. Zero-Knowledge: a tutorial by Oded Goldreich, has extensive reference list (2010).
  • 43. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS References, 2 of 3 • Goldreich, Oded; Yair, Oren. Definitions and Properties of Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems, (19940. • Goldwasser, Micali, Rackoff, The Knowledge Complexity of Interactive Proof-Systems, ACM 0-89791-151-2/85/005/02911 (1985). • Green, Matthew. Zero Knowledge Proofs: An Illustrated Primer, proofs-illustrated-primer/ (November 2014). • Groth, Jens; Lu, Steve. “A Non-Interactive Shuffle with Pairing Based Verifiability,” (2006). • Groth, Jens. Short Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments, (2010). • Guillou, Quisqater, “How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children,” (1998). • Gupta, Anuj Das; Delight, Ankur. Zero-Knowledge Proof of Balance: A Friendly ZKP Demo, of-balance-demo/ (June 2017). • Hardjono, Thomas; Pentland, Alex “Sandy”; MIT Connection Science & Engineering; Core Identities for Future Transaction Systems, Whitepaper-v08.pdf (October 7, 2016). [TBD: check back, right now it is a DRAFT, do not cite] • ISO/IEC Information technology — Security techniques — Entity authentication — Part 5: Mechanisms using zero-knowledge techniques, (2015). • Johnstone, Mike; Why we need privacy-preserving authentication in the Facebook age, (November 2013). • Kogta, Ronak. ZK-Snarks in English, 6db2085a28ff&v=&b=&from_search=3 (July 2017).
  • 44. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS References, 3 of 3 • Lysyanskaya, Anna. How to Balance Privacy and Key Management in User Authentication, (2012). • Martin-Fernandez, Francisco; Caballero-Gil, Pino; Caballero-Gil, Candido. Authentication Based on Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs for the Internet of Things. (January 2016). • Mohr, Austin. A Survey of Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Applications to Cryptography, • Montenegro, Jose.; Fischer, Michael; Lopez, Javier; et al. Secure Sealed-Bid Online Auctions Using Discreet Cryptographic Proof, (June 2013). • Nguyen, Quan; Rudoy, Mikhail; Srinivasan, Arjun. Two Factor Zero Knowledge Proof Authentication System, (2014). • Unruh, Dominique. Quantum Proofs of Knowledge, (February 2015). • Wilcox, Zooko. Podcast, Zero Knowledge, The Future of Privacy. of-privacy-ea18479295f4 (February 21, 2017). • Wu, Huixin; Wang, Feng. A Survey of Noninteractive Zero Knowledge Proof System and its Applications. (May 2014).
  • 46. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Clare Nelson, CISSP, CIPP/E Director, Office of the CTO at AllClear ID Security, Privacy, and Identity • Background o Encrypted TCP/IP variants for NSA o Product Management at DEC (HP), EMC2 o Director Global Alliances at Dell, Novell o VP Business Development, TeaLeaf Technology (IBM), Mi3 Security o CEO ClearMark Consulting, MFA Technology and Architecture • 2001-2014 CEO ClearMark Consulting • 2014 Co-founder C1ph3r_Qu33ns • Publications include: o 2010 August, ISSA Journal, Security Metrics: An Overview o 2015 April, ISSA Journal, Multi-Factor Authentication: What to Look For • Talks/Keynotes: Cloud Identity Summit 2017, InfraGard, HackFormers; BSides Austin; LASCON; OWASP AppSec USA, ISSA Austin; clients including Fortune 500 financial services, 2015 FTC Panel • B.S. Mathematics Graphic:
  • 47. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Contents Privacy-Preserving Authentication and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) 1. Introduction 2. Problems 3. Definitions 4. Examples 5. Standards 6. The Future Graphic:
  • 48. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Many Types of Zero-Knowledge Proof Source: Source: Acronym Description Notes ZKP Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof First invention, multiple messages between prover and verifier NIZKP Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof Common Reference String model • In 2003, Rafael Pass showed that in the common reference string model non-interactive zero- knowledge protocols do not preserve all of the properties of interactive zero-knowledge protocols; e.g., they do not preserve deniability Less interaction required between prover and verifier n/a Fiat-Shamir zk-SNARK zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge Zcash
  • 49. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS The views presented herein, expressed in any form, represent my personal views, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. Graphic:
  • 50. Some consumers want control of their identity • See where their identity resides • See what data is collected • Manage and curate it • Request deletion • If the data is old, update or leave as is Source: Future of Identity and Privacy
  • 51. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Additional Research • Libsnark (on GitHub)  Zero knowledge: the verifier learns nothing from the proof beside the truth of the statement (i.e., the value qux, in the above examples, remains secret).  Succinctness: the proof is short and easy to verify.  Non-interactivity: the proof is a string (i.e. it does not require back- and-forth interaction between the prover and the verifier).  Soundness: the proof is computationally sound (i.e., it is infeasible to fake a proof of a false NP statement). Such a proof system is also called an argument.  Proof of knowledge: the proof attests not just that the NP statement is true, but also that the prover knows why (e.g., knows a valid qux). • Pinocchio (Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation  Microsoft Research and IBM Research  Source: Source:
  • 52. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Schnorr NIZK (IETF Draft) The Schnorr NIZK proof is obtained from the interactive Schnorr identification scheme through a Fiat-Shamir transformation • This transformation involves using a secure cryptographic hash function to issue the challenge instead. Source: Source:
  • 53. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS ISO/IEC 9798-5 Zero-Knowledge Techniques (2009) 1. Providing unilateral authentication Identities Integer factorization Discrete logarithms with respect to numbers that are either prime or composite Discrete logarithms on elliptic curves 2. Providing unilateral or mutual authentication Asymmetric encryption systems Source: Asymmetric cryptography • Remove potential threat • Verifier cannot use Claimant as an Oracle • Get information about private key Entity authentication using zero-knowledge techniques
  • 54. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS ISO/IEC 9798-5:2009 Compliance with ISO/IEC 9798-5 may involve the use of the following patents and their counterparts in other countries. Source: Patent Title Inventor Filing Date US 4 995 082 Method for identifying subscribers and for generating and verifying electronic signatures in a data exchange system C.P. Schnorr 1990 US 5 140 634 Method and apparatus for authenticating accreditations and for authenticating and signing messages L.C. Guillou and J-J. Quisquater 1991 EP 0 311 470 Methods and systems to authenticate authorizations and messages with a zero knowledge-proof system and to provide messages with a signature L.C. Guillou and J-J. Quisquater 1998 EP 0 666 664 Method for performing a double-signature secure electronic transaction M. Girault 1995
  • 55. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Source: Data, data everywhere. Jeremiah Grossman, chief of security strategy for cybersecurity company Sentinel One, tells the WSJ that Hollywood TV and movie companies are vulnerable because they work with so many partners that “their data is all over the place.”
  • 56. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Evolution of Cryptography Source:
  • 57. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS More Authentication Examples Company(s) Name Description Gemalto, Microsoft U-Prove Gemalto integrated smart card technology with Microsoft U-Prove. • U-Prove has been instrumental guiding minimal disclosure security. • With Gemalto smart card technology is continuing to push this form of online authentication forward (February 2017). Source: Source:
  • 58. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Is Identity Theft Getting Worse or Better? Changing Nature of Identity Theft • Past: Financial- or credit-related identity theft • Today: Malicious actors use stolen PII to: Seek employment Travel across international borders Obtain prescription drugs Receive medical treatment Claim benefits File false tax returns Aid in other criminal activities Synthetic Identity Theft Occurs when a malicious actor constructs a new identity • Composite of multiple individuals' legitimate information • Plus fabricated information Source: 2017 OMB Memo • Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information
  • 59. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Computational Complexity and Cryptography Source: Complexity Theory • Study the resources required to solve computational tasks  Time  Space (memory) • Understand relations between complexity phenomena • Provide new perspective on various concepts Cryptography • Specify security requirements of systems • Use the computational infeasibility of problems to obtain security • Almost any cryptographic task requires using these ideas Connected
  • 60. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Concepts and languages for privacy-preserving attribute-based authentication (2014) Online Identity Providers • Use SAML, OpenID, or WS-Federation • The Identity Provider can impersonate its users, track and monitor user online behavior Privacy-preserving authentication solutions aim to prevent that Source: Price is $31.50 Published in this journal
  • 61. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS The Privacy Conundrum If authentication concerns what a Relying Party needs to know about you, then privacy is all about what they don’t need to know. Privacy amounts to information minimization; security professionals know this all too well as the “Need to Know” principle. Source:
  • 62. Source: Source: Real World Solution Key Setup • Distributed Trust Authorities (D-TAs) • Receive key shares to create the whole client key • The whole key only exists during setup and authentication • It is never stored in whole form
  • 63. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS ISO/IEC 9798-5 Compliance may involve the use of the following patents Source: Patent Title Inventor Filing Date US 4 995 082 Method for identifying subscribers and for generating and verifying electronic signatures in a data exchange system C.P. Schnorr 1990 US 5 140 634 Method and apparatus for authenticating accreditations and for authenticating and signing messages L.C. Guillou and J-J. Quisquater 1991 EP 0 311 470 Methods and systems to authenticate authorizations and messages with a zero knowledge-proof system and to provide messages with a signature L.C. Guillou and J-J. Quisquater 1998 EP 0 666 664 Method for performing a double-signature secure electronic transaction M. Girault 1995
  • 64. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS ZKP Authentication Examples in Real World Company Product Description GitHub IBM Identity Mixer Cryptographic algorithm which enables transactions to occur without unwillingly sharing any personal data, issuer-verifier Microsoft U-Prove Cryptographic technology that enables the issuance and presentation of cryptographically protected statements in a manner that provides what is known as “multi-party security:” issuing organizations, users, and relying parties can protect themselves not just against outsider attacks but also against attacks originating from each other. Sedicii Sediccii Patented zero-knowledge proof authentication service, use cases: - Call center authentication - Website login - Credit card authorization - Identity hub - Respond to negative social media feedback None MIRACL MIRACL Trust ZFA Multi-Factor Zero-Knowledge Authentication (ZFA) Protocol, server/wiki/What-is-M-Pin-Core Sovrin Self- Sovereign Identity Non-profit, open source, Sovrin Identity Network establishes trust through transparency, diffusion, and neutrality, Source:
  • 65. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Evolution from Interactive to Non-Interactive ZKP (NIZKP) Source: ZKP defines a method to prove the knowledge of a certain piece of information without revealing anything about it • Typical ZKPs are based on several challenges and responses, involving a successive exchange of messages, which implies the need to have a stable and continuous connection between nodes • However, this assumption is impossible in a volatile environment like IoT, where sometimes, devices move at a high speed, such as, for example, smart vehicles • In these cases, a massive exchange of messages to run a typical ZKP can be infeasible due to possible connection failures during the protocol • In order to deal with this problem, the idea of non-interactive ZKP (NIZKP) has emerged In NIZKP, all of the challenges of a typical ZKP are condensed into a single package sent in a single message • Optimizes time necessary for the exchange of messages • Single message instead of many messages • The single message can be sent as a beacon in broadcast mode • Research: transform an interactive protocol into a non-interactive protocol, which can be applied to turn interactive ZKPs into NIZKPs thanks to the use of hash function. • NIZKP for NP whose construction is based on one- way permutations and certified trapdoor permutations
  • 66. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Microsoft U-Prove Cryptographic technology that enables the issuance and presentation of cryptographically protected statements in a manner that provides what is known as “multi-party security” • Issuing organizations, users, and relying parties can protect themselves not just against outsider attacks but also against attacks originating from each other • Enables any desired degree of privacy (including authenticated anonymity and pseudonymity) without contravening multi-party security • User-centric aspects make the U-Prove technology suited to create the digital equivalent of paper- based credentials and the plastic cards in one's wallet Source:
  • 67. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS This little-known mathematical concept could eventually make passwords and PIN codes obsolete. Source: Source: —Remi Geraud, cryptography and security expert in the Advanced Research team of Ingenico’s innovation lab Promise of Zero-Knowledge Proof
  • 68. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Source: Graphic: —Jan Camenisch, Cryptographer and Co-Inventor of IBM Identity Mixer The Internet is like the lunar surface—it never forgets a footprint. With Identity Mixer, we can turn it into a sandy beach that regularly washes everything away.
  • 69. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS If your personal data is never collected, it cannot be stolen. Source: Graphic: Graphic: —Maria Dubovitskaya, Cryptographer, Research Staff Member, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
  • 70. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Examples of Additional Applications, Beyond Authentication Category Name Description Cryptocurrency Zcash Open, permissionless cryptocurrency that can fully protect the privacy of transactions using zero-knowledge cryptography • The scientists, advisors and engineers of ZECC developed and launched the Zcash protocol; this includes all of the authors of the Zerocash protocol, most of the creators of the Zerocoin protocol, and leading researchers of zk-SNARKs themselves zk-SNARKs stands for zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge, and it is the protocol for Zcash Watermark Watermark verification • Show the presence of watermark without revealing information about it • Prevents removal of the watermark and reselling duplicate copies E-Voting Emerging Stay tuned for updates, watching Estonia i-voting system, may be used for homomorphic tallying. Auctions Sealed-Bid Auction Winning bid is determined without information about the losing bids leaking to either the auctioneer or other bidders, Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). Cryptocurrency projects are fueling ZKP research and evolution Source: Source: Source:
  • 71. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Is Identity Theft Getting Worse or Better? (Continued) As the ways in which criminals can exploit PII have evolved, so too have the ensuing types of harm to potentially affected individuals. Identity theft can result in: • Embarrassment • Inconvenience • Reputational harm • Emotional harm • Financial loss • Unfairness • In rare cases, risk to personal safety Individuals can be: • Arrested and charged for crimes they did not commit • Professionals such as pharmacists and doctors can suffer irreparable reputational harm • Individuals can have benefits suspended or terminated Source:
  • 72. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Open Source Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Credential Engine (p2abcengine) • On GitHub: id=33935528777214954828808&cm_mc_sid_50200000= 1502323851 • Interoperates with IBM Identity Mixer and Microsoft U- Prove • Developers can use Privacy-ABCs without having to consider the specifics of the underlying cryptographic algorithms
  • 73. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Open Source: Architecture Parties of the privacy-preserving Attribute-Based Credentials (pABC) system: • User • Issuer • Verifier • Inspector • Revocation Authority Crypto Engines Source: Crypto Engine Crypto Engine
  • 74. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS ABC4Trust EU Project Source: EU-funded R&D project Advancing the federation and interchangeability of technologies supporting trustworthy, privacy-preserving Attribute-Based Credentials (Privacy-ABCs)
  • 75. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof, Formal Definition Source: An interactive proof system (P, V) for a language L is zero-knowledge if for any PPT verifier V∗ there exists an expected PPT simulator S such that ∀ x ∈ L, z ∈ {0, 1} ∗, ViewV∗ [P(x) ↔ V∗ (x, z)] = S(x, z) As usual, P has unlimited computation power (in practice, P must be a randomized TM). Intuitively, the definition states that an interactive proof system (P, V) is zero-knowledge if for any verifier V∗ there exists an efficient simulator S that can essentially produce a transcript of the conversation that would have taken place between P and V∗ on any given input.
  • 76. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Source: Horizon Telecom Grif Computer Limited compute resources Powerful compute resources
  • 77. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Definition of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Authentication Protocol Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Authentication Protocol • Two parties involved 1. Prover 2. Verifier • Enables the prover to show that they have the credential (e.g., password), without having to give the verifier the credential details Source: Source: Source: Source: No transmission or storage of password/credential details
  • 78. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Source: Source: Identity, More Caution How your phone number became the only username that matters —David Pierce Gear, Wired (August 2017)
  • 79. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Source: Graphic: FIDO ECDAA Algorithm FIDO Basic Attestation scheme alternative • Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) scheme based on elliptic curves and bilinear pairings called ECDAA • Direct Anonymous Attestation is a cryptographic scheme combining privacy with security • Basic building blocks for its implementation are part of TPM 2.0
  • 80. Clare Nelson, @Safe_SaaS Market Forces have Stunted Privacy by Design, Privacy by Default • Given the maturity and growing acceptance of Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default, it is surprising that there are so few Privacy- Preserving MFA solutions on the market today. • The business of monetizing your behavior and associated identity attributes could be the reason for the slow growth. Source:

Editor's Notes

  1. This presentation is posted on slideshare 80 slides, we’ll go through first two dozen today
  2. How many of you are familiar with Zero-Knowledge Proofs, or the concept? It seems like magic at first
  3. Why? Get copy of TPM paper, I’ll give it to you at end of talk. TPM, chip, surface mounted to motherboard, before BIOS Root of Trust Hardware base security solution for data protection and reliable authentication via TPM that stores key, passwords and digital certificates. Great controversy in the world of TPM, and it centers around ZKP.
  4. Make bitcoin anonymous The budget for cryptocurrency research is far larger than the budget for user authentication. This means user authentication solutions will benefit from the privacy-preserving research for cryptocurrrency. Zero-Knowledge Proof has taken off because of its application in cryptocurrency. Zero-Knowledge Proof has been applied to cryptocurrency, e-voting, sealed auctions, and many more applications Today, you will learn about Zero-Knowledge Proof, and perhaps apply it to other applications, and support a privacy-preserving approach
  5. OWASP Top 10: Broken Authentication and Session Management We are numb to passwords broken We are numb to breaches Over 60-80% tied to weak or stolen passwords USA Year to date Identity Theft Resource Center Aug 22 June 1980, Comfortably Numb
  6. We’re not just mitigating identity theft, and preserving privacy, we are fighting the nastiest crimes on earth. National Cyber-Forensics Training & Alliance What do criminals do with your stolen credentials, credit card number, driver’s license number, mobile number, SSN, address, date of birth? Why haven’t we solved this? No single entity suffers sufficient economic damage to make it a significant business risk they need to address or mitigate. and others: your data, bring it together in one place you own instead of being scattered across the web Creating the CONSENT ECONOMY
  7. Collection and use of personal information Old enough to order a Margarita without showing your driver’s license, just a boolean yes or no that you are old enough GDPR, existing EU Data Protection Directive
  8. Recommendation 1 of 3: Data and Goliath, Bruce Schneier Privacy-invasive pattern Identity graph: consumer journey, one or many personal identifiers or emails, collect identifiers, browser cookies, purchase history, all actions
  9. What Jan Camenisch of IBM Zurich calls Authentication without Identification
  10. Secret, or difficult to solve problem
  11. Nothing? Other crypto methods yield nothing right? Nothing about a private key
  12. Definitions
  13. Two or more of something you know… Dan Crowley stood here a few months ago Definition of privacy is personal, depends on the context, depends on laws, cultural norms
  14. High level First curve ball Proof system, interaction between a prover and a verifier You can make the certainty as high as you want
  15. Honest prover? Honest verifier? Literature has much more about cheating provers. I have two brothers, they gave me the great gift of skepticism because they would cheat at Monopoly, cards, etc. They would not always follow the rules. Challenge: make sure correctly implemented, prover and verifier are following the protocol
  16. Imposters are foiled
  17. Leave out: Discrete logarithms = integer k exponent solving the equation bk = g, where b and g are elements of a group
  18. volatile environment like IoT, where sometimes, devices move at a high speed, such as, for example, smart vehicles Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof, could have many messages back and forth. Non-Interactive use a single message instead of many.
  19. Deployment and correct usage are problematic: need smart people, need smart developers, smart testers, etc. zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge Usain Bolt? (i.e. messages to the Verifier or the Prover might be modified or destroyed)
  20. Anonymous Peer-2-Peer Authentication System, Vulnerability Hard to just do threat modeling with ZKP alone, need to put it into a system, Chinese Academy of Sciences Example of ZKP combined with classical systems or constructs
  21. When was Zero-Knowledge Proof invented? 1982 In the 1980s. ZKP is only 35+ years old.
  22. Hyperbole? 2nd of 3 recommended reading suggestions, look up Matthew Green’s blog We have a choice, dive into math symbols like this, or use a metaphor
  23. Vertex The verifier is Horizon Telecom, probabilistic polynomial-time The prover is the
  24. 2,000 zcoins
  25. Keep in mind, this is a coarse metaphor for ZKP
  26. 3 cycles, Prover = griff computing Verifier is us, Horizon telecom prover is all-powerful and possesses unlimited computational resources, but cannot be trusted verifier has bounded computation power Messages are sent between the verifier and prover until the verifier has an answer to the problem and has "convinced" itself that it is correct. Digest, Signature, Public key, Timestamp
  27. Modulo n Prover knows x, the verifier does not S: you have seen this scary math, what does it look like in real life?
  28. ZFA = Multi-Factor Zero Knowledge Authentication Real World Example. In the world of user authentication, when you give a demo, there is nothing to see. Also have a browser version.
  29. Success after enter PIN
  30. Success after enter PIN Authentication demo not worth much What we really saw was the user experience
  31. What is one of the fastest growing areas for customer authentication? Combined with biometrics, behavavioral biometrics Opt out, don’t give consent, ask for alternatives Green is digital exhaust, digital presence GDPR: need consent to process personal data
  32. Outed: Chen and Li (2013) “severe shortcomings” weakens security Homework #2, read this paper, 20 pages Weakens the security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Microcontroller designed by Trusted Computing Group Interfaces with standard hardware/software platform in order to allow it to be secured Surface mounted chip
  33. Research Conference this year, Canada, China, and US presented paper on Zero-knowledge proof systems for QMA QMA = Quantum Merlin Arthur (Merlin Arthur from computational complexity)
  34. Shafi is the recipient of numerous awards including the Turing Award, and Grace Hopper Award
  35. Three more pages of references and recommended reading in the backup slides section
  36. More diagrams:
  37. OMB memo, we need better security If you want privacy-preserving authentication, then you need better security Open for debate
  38. When did passwords start? Where are we today? This grey area. June, Cloud Identity Summit, “Financial Services are in a race to the bottom to reduce user friction during authentication” Why do these arrows extend in time? Won’t we kill the password?
  39., Nir Bitansky
  40. My profile is on LinkedIn Earlier this year I got EU GDPR certification, highly recommend it I live at the intersection of Security, Privacy and Identity
  41. Usual suspects Did research, surprised to see it in standards
  42. Many others Drop deniability, non-repudiation, what happens when you want to make a track bicycle go fast? You take off the breaks to reduce weight, you have also produced a more dangerous bicycle - In cryptography, the common reference string (CRS) model captures the assumption that a trusted setup in which all involved parties get access to the same string crstaken from some distribution D exists. 
  43. Rob Leslie This is a B2C play, why won’t B2B work initially in the US? GDPR
  44. 178 Swiss francs = ~$185 1-4 = unilateral authentication 5 is either uni or mutual authentication Entity Authentication what is entity?
  45. This is a reference slide, just read the red font: single message instead of many: Goal to make it more efficient Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof, could have many messages back and forth. Non-Interactive use a single message instead of many.
  46. It’s going to get worse before it gets better
  47. It’s not just a matter of privacy, it’s a matter of security
  48. Question: how many are open source? All but Sedicii All but Sedicii are open source, or partially open source More information Just focus on the yellow column, GitHub links, some or all is open source
  49. Why aren’t there more privacy-preserving solutions on the market? Hard to implement, setup nontrivial. ZKP is only one part of the authentication solution Setup involves keys Instead of PKI with centralized root certificate authority Decentralized, distributed TAs, receive key shares to create the whole key
  50. Zcash, protect the privacy of transactions
  51. 3 cycles, prover is all-powerful and possesses unlimited computational resources, but cannot be trusted verifier has bounded computation power Messages are sent between the verifier and prover until the verifier has an answer to the problem and has "convinced" itself that it is correct. Digest, Signature, Public key, Timestamp
  52. Quote Dan Crowley something you forgot, lost, or were Secure Technology Alliance, was Smart Card Alliance Includes Location Mobile Identity Authentication, one could argue it mitigates using the same channel for know, have, are, all on mobile device, typically smartphone
  53. TPM Attestation = One component of trusted computing that has attracted particular attention is remote attestation. Attestation allows a program to authenticate itself and remote attestation is a means for one system to make reliable statements about the software it is running to another system. The remote party can then make authorization decisions based on that information. Source: