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Hannah Palfreeman
Consists of White, Red, Lilac, Black and Pink.
Connotations- Purity, Feminine, Love.
Capitals- almost as if its shouting at the TA to buy the magazine
and read. The ‘Harpers’ is in lowercase which could mean that
most people know the magazine as ‘Bazar’ not ‘Harper’s Bazar’
Celebrity endorsement, well known face on the front cover entices
the audience. Image is very Aesthetic and will make the audience
‘New Season Fashion, stands out very clear. The Colour red
draws the attention of the reader to the text straight away. The
reader would see the cover line and immediately want to see
what the new season is.
The Blogs and Stars is the smaller text on the front page. Often
the blogs and stars will entice the reader to buy the magazine
just for the free merchandise or the free tips.
The font in the front page is very formal and stands out against the background colours. Its very feminine which backs up
the TA.
Cover lines
Blobs and Stars
Blobs and Stars
The colour theme on this double page spread gives a very
classy look. The black and white effect makes the audience
envious of Jenifer Anniston.
The image which is being shown on this double spread
is very aesthetic. It shows the model in a very vulnerable
pose but it is almost as if its very old school. Its almost
as if was set in the 60’s. As you can see, Aniston is not
using direct address which can connote that she's
vulnerable and just wants to be by herself.
Most fashion magazines normally have a wide page spread with an interview enclosed. However, this spread is more of a
statement piece. It is very clear that this double page spread is breaking many conventions of a normal double page spread.
Many magazine include direct address in a double page spread, in these 2 page spreads there is not a trace of direct address.
There is also no quote from Aniston which is a typical convention. However, Harpers Bazaar includes a stand first, this means
when the magazine introduces the celebrity to the reader. In some cases people might know who the celebrity is hence the
introduction at the start of the double page spread.
The masthead is the massive writing ‘Star is Reborn’. This
stands out as its in bold writing. The words in the masthead
can be linked creatively to the posed photo next to it. As the
model is a celebrity which also has connotations to being a
The font which is displayed in this double spread is very
elegant. Underneath the masthead there is swirly grey writing
which can be interpreted as being very stereotypically feminine.
ImageStand first
The website is very
similar to the double
spread with the same
colour themes. Despite
the adverts being
displayed on the website
the colour theme is white,
black, red and grey. This
is very traditional and
stylish. Its very crucial to
the website to be stylish
as it is showing others the
styles of the celebrities
and how to get that style.
There is a montage of
images being shown
on the website. More
than the magazine
front cover and the
double page spread.
Most of the images
are skinny models
wearing fashionable
clothes. The
background is white
which helps the text
and images stand out.
I would say that the cover line in this website is ‘FASHION
mainly because it is the most bold and stands out the most. As soon
as you go on the website this is the first thing which you see.
The masthead is the title of the magazine at the top of the website.
In bold black elegant font is ‘Harpers Bazaar’. This is the
masthead as it stands out and is the name which everyone knows.
This website includes lots of stars and blobs, this means if the
reader sees something they are interested in from one of the
blobs they will click on and it will automatically link them to
the article.
NME are known for being very simple with how they lay out there
magazines. The main colour themes are black, white, red and yellow.
The cover any genre of music but mainly focus on indie bands. The
colour theme represents this as the front page is very ‘chill’ and there
isn’t anything fancy about it .IMAGES:
There are three images on this front page, one of Jake Bugg and two
spoiler images of Kurt Cobain. The two smaller images are there to be
a spoiler for the reader. It is claimed on the banner that there are
unseen pictures of Cobain. This makes the reader want to buy the
magazine. Jake Bugg is the background image, this is a very large
image which means that there will be a lot about Bugg in this
The masthead is the name of the magazine, it has been found out that
the colour red makes people aware , hence why it is used for a traffic
light and various fast-food restaurants. This is why the masthead is red
because it draws peoples attention into what it is.
The cover line for this magazine is ‘0% alcohol, 100% for real JAKE
BUGG’ . I can tell this is the cover line as it links with the masthead as
it’s the same red colour and font.
Stars and Blogs
Cover line
Stars and Blogs
The font which is displayed in this double spread is a
typical size 11 Arial font. The text is set in 6 columns
which is very common for a double spread article. This
is because it looks tidy.
The masthead is very clear when you look at this double page
spread. Its in large writing with bold font. The journalist whom
wrote this article has been very clever with the masthead as its
introducing the artist as well as creating a catchy masthead.
There are various images which are being shown in this double
page spread resemble the artist and what his personality is like.
Bugg is a very moody and mysterious character, the image to the
left backs this up. In both of these images Bugg does not look
directly at the audience, this shows that he is concentrating on his
music and wont let anything get in his way. This would appeal to
the audience as they want to idolize someone who is very serious
on the goals.
The colour theme on this double page spread is very
contrasted. The white, black and green contrast each other
which makes the spread look very different to other spreads.
These light colours also make the images stand out which
appeals to the audience as they can see who the journalist is
A typical convention of a double page spread is the reporter using a quote which the artist has said. This is normally in bold
and in the middle of the double page spread. This magazine backs up this convention as on the second page it is shown in a
box with bold writing. This is to make it stand out. This magazine also uses a stand first. This is where the artist is being
introduced in a few sentences at the start of the article. At the beginning of the article there is a drops cap, this is another
convention which this magazine spread follows.
convention of
a double page
Bold- Stands
Stand first
An intro to the
Drops cap=
Band dates, Audience
appeal as they can see
which concerts are near
There is a montage of images being
shown on the website. On the
website, there are a larger amount of
photos being displayed to entice the
reader. Most of the audience would
recognise some of the artists by their
image, this would then make them
read the article. When you go on to
the website, the first thing you see
on the home page is a large photo of
a upcoming band and a mini cover
line. This is very enticing as most of
the time the image is very bright and
The website is very similar to the double spread
with the same colour themes. The double page
spread background was white, as is the website.
The double page spread doesn't have bright
colours which catch your attention unlike the
website. The colour themes of the website are
mainly white and black. But the images makes
the website look brighter.
The masthead is the title of the magazine at the top of
the website. The colour is different to the double page
spread and front cover as its white. However, you can
still tell that this website links to the magazine as it’s
the same font and boldness.
This website has many stars and blobs. As you can see above there are
two screenshots of the stories which have been published on the website.
These count as stars and blobs. If the reader sees a familiar name on one
of these stories their curiosity would get the better of them and they would
end up reading it. This is why stars and blogs are crucial to the audience
reading the articles which the magazine publish.
I would say that the cover line of the website is ‘Where are the
Blossoms?’. I think this mainly because the text has been added to
have a background, this means the magazine want it to stand out.
This works as a cover line as immediately you want to know
where they are and what documentary is.
PC GAMER is a highly valued gaming magazine which is read my many
people. It’s main audience is younger males who read this. However, some
girls play video games so they could also be a fan of this magazine.
Straight away when seeing this front cover, it shows a very manly
atmosphere. The colour scheme is stereotypically male with the darker
blues and the red. From someone’s point of view who might not of played
video games, the red could suggest that it was something to do with love.
However, when thinking about the genre of the magazine it could imply
that the red could signify the blood and anger which the video games
present. IMAGES:
The images which have been shown on this front cover have a
recurring theme of a sci-fi unrealistic tone. This attracts the audience
as they are transfixed with the game world. As the image looks modern
it could make the audience also think that this magazine has a scoop
on a new game which is released or a tip on a RPG. The background of
the image is set in the space backing up the sci-fi genre.
PC GAMER is the masthead, the masthead is big, bold, red and white
therefore it stands out against the busy background. The colour theme
all contrast each other which makes it stand out more against the
background. COVERLINES:
I would suggest that the cover line for this front cover is the ‘mass
effect Andromeda’. This is big, bold and white which also stands out
against the blue background. This cover line stands out so much that
when the audience would see it, they know exactly what the cover line
is on about.
Cover line
Stars and Blogs
Selling line
The colour theme on this double page spread is very themed.
It shows the usual orange, black and white combination of a
video game double page spread. The colours balance each
other out and make them all stand out.
The images which are being shown in this double page
spread are very masculine. The top image on the left page
shows a image which might have an important in the gaming
world. Being someone who doesn't’ play video games I cant
be certain but by the location of the image is shows some
importance to the magazine and genre. At the bottom of the
left page there is a small figure which matches the colour
theme. This small detail could attract the target audience and
make them read the article as it might be something they
The font which is displayed in this double spread is a typical
size 11 Arial font. The text is set in 2 columns with a bold
quotation in the middle of the two columns. This layout looks
very tidy and professional.
The masthead is very clear when you look at this double page
spread. Its in large writing with bold font. The masthead is a
quotation headline which entices the audience.
A popular convention of a double page spread is using a quote either as the headline or in the middle of a column. These
are normally in bold and in a larger font to the other text. This is the first double page spread which I have analysed which
doesn't have a stand first. This is mainly because the reader of the magazine would know what the article is about. The
drops cap at the start of the text is a convention which is used often in video game magazines.
- drop caps.
appeals to
the TA
There are a lot of things going on in this website. Its very
action packed like this genre of magazine. The images
which have been shown are very standard, they are not full
of models like other genres of magazines but instead this
magazine is advertising the previous magazine issues.
There are not a lot of images unlike the NME website and
Bazaar website.
The website is very similar to the double spread with the
same colour themes. The recurring red colour theme is very
evident in this website. It shows the same colour theme as the
double page spread and the front page. This shows that its all
integrated and when someone sees the colour themes they
automatically think of this magazine.
The masthead is the ‘PC GAMER’ headline. The same
masthead is featured in the front page and double page
spread which links to the website. This is crucial as people
know the masthead and if they see the magazine with it
they will identify with it straight away.
This website contains a blob. This is where it
advertises something free, for this instance its 2 free
gifts. This blob stands out a lot as its bright yellow
and red which catches the readers attention.
The cover line for this website is ‘PC Gamer UK March
issue’. This is mainly because it is the boldest title on the
website page and it grabs your attention as it stands out
against the background.
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The brief which I was given was to create a magazine. This
involving a front cover, double page spread and a website. I am
looking forward to create this project as unlike the other rotations
this idea is something which I am interested in. I immediately
thought of an idea which I wanted to create and started to plan.
I wanted to create ‘Fashion throughout the decades’.
This would consist of photographs of models wearing vintage
clothes. I really liked this idea and thought it would appeal to
women who have lived through these times or even younger
women who want to see what fashion was like in these times.
I would make my front cover very aesthetic and appealing to
younger women as the double page spread is trying to teach the
target audience what fashion was like years ago compared to the
fashion these days.
Overall, I am very excited to start creating this project and start to design the double page spread
and website. I think I would learn a lot when completing this rotation including a new set of skills
on the software InDesign as well as learning more on Photoshop.
On Friday, I went through a process of creating a experiment of a front
cover. I wanted my front cover to be similar to my actual production. This
meant that I adapted my idea into this experiment. However, when I had
finished my front cover I had noticed somethings which I wanted to
improve. For example, when looking at my finished front cover I noticed
that my cover line should be aligned to the right not centered as it looks
very unprofessional. I have learnt that when I complete my final front
cover I would align my text to which ever side the text is located. Another
thing which I would want to be improve would make my Masthead go
across my cover and place the date underneath the Masthead. I would
even put the price and the issue. If I had more time
I would of added stars and blogs to complete my
front over. I did enjoy creating this front cover
especially when I added the background as it
completed the look and looked really good.
This task was to complete a double page
spread on InDesign. Considering this was my
first time using InDesign I felt it went well and
I achieved the kind of look I was going for
when doing my experiment. As this article was
based on ‘Fashion through the decades’ I
wanted to include a familiar face which was
around during these years when filling one of
the pages. I found this
task really fun, I enjoyed
making the spread my
own and not having to follow any guidelines. When writing the
columns, I added a quote box. As you can see from the screenshot, the
text isn't anything to do with the article as it was just an experiment.
Even finding text to add to the article was a lesson for me, I did not
know that you could google Loreal Ipsum and it come up with a text
generator. I do think an improvement which I could of made is change
the layout. Not all double page spread have a big photography on one
of the pages. Instead I would like to add a photo at the top of a page
and use both of the pages.
When creating my website, I
found it rather difficult. I used
the website wix to create my
experiment website. I have had
experience with this website
before as I created my dad’s
business website. I still found this
exceptionally difficult. For some reason, my PC kept
crashing every time I tried to add something new which
was equally difficult. However, I managed to create 2
pages. My first page which I created had an artsy photo
as the cover image with the masthead in the middle. I
had also added a horoscopes page with valid
horoscopes. This took a while but I enjoyed making the
last page as the background which I used went with the
article theme. However, when looking at the first and
the second page of the website, I found that they don’t
match in style . My first page is very Aesthetic with the
white background and the artsy photographs where as
the last page looks very childlike.
R E D - Love, Danger, Anger, Blood.
W H I T E - Purity, Clean, Aesthetic, Marriage.
B L A C K - Night, Death, Sombre, mysterious.
Advertise free stuff- Entices the
reader, will buy to get the free stuff.
Typography- Vintage
fashionable font.
‘Fashion Throughout the ages’- large bold font.
Neutral images, not too
posed or model nor caked
in make up. Preferably
wearing something red.
When planning my front page I want it to look really
aesthetic and vintage. My colour theme would be set
on Black, White and Red. I want my background to
be white, images to be red and text to be black. I have
chosen these because they compromise each other and
stand out next to each other. The colour red can
connote love, anger, danger and many other things. I
think this would be a beneficial colour to have on my
front cover as someone could interpret the meaning
however they want.
I would also include blobs and stars to attract the
audience more, I would offer a free giveaway or
something else which would entice the reader. My
cover line would be something to do with my main
feature which is ‘Fashion Throughout the ages’. This
would be in bold large writing so it would stand out
and catch the readers attention.
The masthead would be in a vintage fashionable font
this is to show the genre of the magazine.
R E D - Love, Danger, Anger, Blood.
W H I T E - Purity, Clean, Aesthetic, Marriage.
B L A C K - Night, Death, Sombre, mysterious.
T y p o g r a p h y
DROPS CAP (convention)
FONT- Arial (convention)
SIZE- 11 (convention)
‘Fashion Throughout the ages’- large bold font.
Stand First- A little intro to the
Quotes- if possible
Drops Caps at the start of the
Not too many images, as it
would look messy if it was just
covered in images and no text.
Maximum 3 images all should
link to colour theme.
When I created my own double page spread I took
inspiration from vintage fashion magazines like
the one below. I would want my double page
spread to look a lot like my experiment. The only
thing I would change would be to add my own
images in there. The colour theme would be the
same as the front cover, this meaning it would be
set up white, black and red. This showing that they
both link with each other and are integrated. The
layout would be similar to my experiment as well.
Many of the magazines which I've looked at have a quotation as the headline. However, my
feature doesn't involve interviewing anyone. But
another convention which I will include is a stand first.
This is where the article gets an introduction, it is
located underneath the headline. Another convention
which I would add in would be adding a Drops Cap.
This is very common in a double page spread and most
magazines include them in articles.
When getting inspiration for my
website, I looked at two websites
which are high end fashion
magazines, Vogue and Vanity Fair.
These magazines shows the layout which I want to complete for my website. When I conducted
my experiments I found that keeping the same theme was difficult when doing my magazine.
However, when looking at these two websites, I have learnt what I can do to keep the same
theme from my magazine to the website. The colour theme of my website would be similar to
these examples but I would keep the colour red in to match with my front cover and double
page spread. When creating my layout on the website I would have a few of my own
photographs which I have collected over the years and use some images which I have taken for
this purpose. I would make sure these images would match the colour theme. The masthead
would be the same font, size and boldness as the
other mastheads. The cover line would be the same
format as the other cover lines on the front page
magazine and double page spread. An important
factor of a website are the stars and blogs, these
entice the target audience and make them read the
articles which are being displayed.
This is just a basic layout
of what my front page
would look like. At the
moment it looks rather
bare but after I have
completed the photography
it would look less empty.
links to all of the
Potential Issue Solution
Loosing a Memory Stick Always keep a Back up I would send an
email to myself after each lesson so I
know I wont loose my work.
Not saving your work Always save my work half way through
my lesson and right at the end. If I do a
little test on my document and then decide
I don’t like it, I can refer back to my
previously saved document.
Computer Crashes Save my work half way through. If the
computer crashes I still have some work
saved from that lesson.
Press a button on Photoshop and it not
save any of your work and goes back to
your last saved work.
Don’t press the button and instead save
your work before doing something you
don’t know what it does.
Shortage of computers in the room. Go to the library or another room to carry
on with my work.
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Headaches Take breaks as necessary also drink water
if needed.
Arm and Elbow Aches Take Breaks if needed, no slouching and
have your fingers above the keyboard so it
doesn’t damage your body.
Eye Strain Take regular breaks and make sure the
brightness is not too high on your computer.
Electric Shock Do not touch any equipment which looks
faulty. Always report it to your tutor.
Drinks spilled (Fizzy) Don’t have any drinks anywhere the
computers. If a drink is spilled tell your tutor
right away.
It’s taken years for double denim to bounce back into society after that Britney Spears
and Justin Timberlake tragedy at the American Music Awards in 2001. But is this trend
from the decades back in fashion?
Many of you who are reading this, wouldn’t have even be a sparkle in your mother’s eye when
double denim was the trend of the century. But let me educate you, in the 20th century there were
many good, bad and tragic fashion trends. Some which the nation adored and some which needed
to be put in a box and buried forever. During World War II clothes were rationed and simple. The
UK government even encouraged ‘Utility Clothing’. In all countries, a special brochure was
disposed telling people how to recycle their old clothes. This lead to short skirts and coats. Hats
and shoes were often homemade with the ration material.
In 1953 a film called How to Marry a Millionaire was broadcasted around the world. A familiar
face, Marilyn Monroe acted in this film and was behind the Cat-Eye Glasses. These became
extremely popular because everyone did and still does admire Marilyn.
In the 1980’s women were becoming a large role in the workplace and it was said that women
needed to look the part. This started the revolution of the shoulder pads and suits for women.
When trousers became popular for women, it was almost as if fashion was reborn. Women were
wearing trousers instead of skirts and dresses. They were going out comfy and less cold, these
days we think choosing our own fashion is a necessity not a privilege.
In the 60’s women especially the especially Dior’s Cupola or Givenchy’s balloon look, whose broad
skirt was drawn in sharply at the hem, favoured cocktail dressers.
Women weren’t the only gender that added to fashion in the decades. If you look back at the fashion of
the male gender you will notice the major difference between the years. As we all know the fashion
throughout the war was not the most important. However, darker and looser clothes played an important
role in the 40’s as clothes were made to last longer in these troubling times.
The 50’s fashion was mixed up, all of a sudden well known faces were starting to wear jeans. People
like James Dean and Frank Sinatra paved the way for menswear. Dean would be seen to be styling the
jeans and a white top, whereas Sinatra would be keeping his formal look wearing a suit and tie. The
swinging 60’s was known for the famous fashion revolution not just for women but men too. Women
would wear miniskirts and men would no longer be restricted to their tighter suits and boring colours.
The 70’s were similar to the 60’s with the fashion phenomenon with men wearing more bright colours
and patterns. Questionable haircuts and flares dominated the 70’s but thankfully the platform shoe
stayed in the 70’s.
Over the recent years, fashion from these decades have slowly made its way back to the 21st century.
Fur coats have reappeared having the likes of Kim Kardashian and even the Queen bringing back this
trend. Flared trousers have bounced back with the help of Victoria Beckham and her famous fashion
line. From these idols wearing the fashion from decades ago brings a new trend to the streets. If you go
out in cities you would see women with flared trousers and fur coats as well with men wearing white
tops, chinos and braces. Some men also expand their comfort zone with brighter colours. In the next
few months, Mixed Prints, Transparencies and Fringe will be gracing you on the streets as the London
Fashion week consisted of these trends.
Link to my website:
This was the first week of Print Rotation. In this rotation, I have to complete a front
cover, double page spread and website on a genre of print which I am interested in.
On the first day of this rotation, I started to research different genres which I could
create. This was very useful as it meant that when I start to create my own magazine I
can use my research to create a professional aesthetic front cover, double page spread
and website. I also found out that the conventions of a double page spread are very
important. This includes a Drop Caps at the start of the article, a stand first, a quote
and all the text on the double page spread should consist of size 11 and is usually the
Arial font. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday completing my research. I ended up
researching Harper’s Bazaar fashion magazine, PC Gamer and NME music
magazine. For each magazine, I researched a front cover which they produced, a
double page spread and a screenshot of their website. I found this task rather easy and
enjoyed starting to think about my own magazine and what features I would include
from these magazines. I learnt a lot over the two days which I was creating my
research. I learnt what a good front cover should include these are things like Stars
and Blobs(the purpose for this technique is to entice the audience, most of the time
these are advertising free stuff which the audience would be interested with), another
technique is the cover line. This is often the main article, it is normally in bold
meaning it stands out more. If I had more time I would have added more detail into
my analysis of the various types of magazines, this is because in the future when I am
doing my FMP I would need to be very detailed when doing my research as it would
add more of an understanding for the project which I would create.
On the Thursday, I started to fill out my proposal, this consisted of identifying
my target audience which I decided would be targeted at females 16-24. I also
had to complete a Rationale and my Project Concept. I had decided that for my
double page spread I would create an article which would describe fashion
through the 50's,60's,70's and 80's. My masthead would be 'Fashion through the
Decades' which would include my own photos which one of my friends would
be modelling some decade clothes. When completing this proposal, it felt as
though I was starting to get my project organised. It helped get my mind set on
what I wanted to create, it also helped me imagine what I wanted my cover to
look like. I had already started planning what I wanted my photography to look
like. This was an important step in the planning process as if I had not
completed this, I wouldn’t be ready to progress onto my experiments and get
onto my production week.
Friday was the day when I finished off my proposal, all I had to do was
complete my evaluation and publish it on my blog. Once I had done this I
started to work on my first experiment. I had decided that I would make my
experiments completely different to my actual product, this was because if I
made my final project and decided that I liked my experiment more I could just
go with that one. I learned a new tool on Photoshop which I had never used
before, it was the magic wand. I was struggling to get a background off an
image until one of my friends showed me how to use this tool. This was very
useful as I can imagine when creating my front cover and double page spread I
will need this tool to erase the background.
Next week, I will export my experiment front cover into a JPEG as well as
finish my experiments for the double page spread and website.
The second week of rotation was more organised as the following week was the
production period. This week was to finish off any planning and experiments which
needed to be completed by the following week. On Tuesday, I exported my front cover and
started work on my double page spread. This task was rather difficult, I was using a
software which I had never used before, this software was InDesign. My first impression
of this editing software was concerned on how difficult it looked. However, when I started
to practise I ended up getting the hang of it. I think my double page spread experiment was
my favourite out of the three. It was a very classy double spread which the colour theme of
Red, White and Black. This suddenly became the ideal colour theme for my actual product
which I was hoping to recreate. I learnt a lot on Tuesday especially in InDesign and this
was very important as for my FMP I would like to create a print product, this would
suggest that I would have to use InDesign a lot and be rather skilled at creating double
page spreads. I finished my double page spread in good timing on Tuesday so decided to
start on my last experiment. This meant using the website I had previously had
experience with this website, as for my dad’s business I am in charge of the website and I
use this website regularly. However, this does not mean that I found it tricky, I learnt a lot
when creating my own website like how to link a button to a page. This was very
important as for my actual website I wanted to link my pages together by using a ‘Read
Article’ button. However, the only thing which I wasn’t happy about with my experiments
was they weren’t all the same theme. My front cover felt rather immature and crammed,
my double page spread was completely different, it looked very aesthetic and professional
and my Website felt all over the place, it didn’t feel like a fashion magazine, instead it
looked like a lifestyle magazine. This did not really faze me as they were just practises and
for when I create my actual product I have learnt that I have to focus on keeping the same
theme throughout the project.
On Wednesday, I started to complete various mind maps for my idea generation. From
the past rotations, this was always vital like the proposal. I showed the type of fonts
which I wanted to include and the content. I also brain stormed cover lines and the
mastheads. This was very similar to the style sheet which I completed on Thursday.
However, the style sheet was mainly focused on the colour themes of my product and
how I was going to attract it to the audience. This was also very important in my
planning production as I wouldn’t want to get to next week and not be prepared for
what I am going to make. Also on Thursday, I started to create my flat plans. This was
very difficult as I had never done this task before. I used Photoshop to create the rough
flat plan for my front cover as well as Photoshop I used InDesign to create the plans for
my website pages and my double page spread. I wanted to create as many flat plans as
I could to be prepared and organised for the production week. I planned out every
website page I wanted to create and labelled what information /technique/ convention
was going there. This would be very useful in the next week or two as I could look
back and see what I had originally planned if I was stuck for a layout. When I was
creating my flat plans for my website I used InDesign as I’ve previously said, but my
website will be published o, this might mean that there is a completely
different layout to what I have planned. If this is true, I would adapt some of my old
plans to fit in with the layout. Finally, on Friday, I gathered any additional information
that I needed. This wasn’t necessary but I felt as if anything went wrong I would have a
plan in place to fix the problem. My additional planning consisted of a Contingency
Plan and a health and safety plan. I think this is very important as it gave me more
practice for my FMP as well as having a solution for most of the problems which may
occur. Next week, is the start of Production so I will complete a copy for my double
page spread article along with starting my website.
This week was the start of my production process, this meant that I had 2 weeks to
finish and publish/export a website, double page spread and a front cover. On
Tuesday, I finished off any planning which I had left. I needed to complete a website
plan and any additional planning which I wanted to include. I started off with my
website plan, this was basically a pan which showed which pages linked to which.
This was the first website plan which I had ever done so initially I was very
conscious if I was doing it correctly. A website plan is very important when creating
a website. It gives a clear objective to what you need to create and how the website
will link making it look more professional. Once I had finished my website plan I
filled out a contingency plan and a health and safety plan to make sure I was
organised in case anything went wrong during the two production weeks. This was
very simple and easy as I had completed a few of these planning documents in my
past rotations. This was very useful as on the Thursday of this week my computer
decided to crash, if I did not have this contingency plan I would have never backed
my work but luckily, I did which meant that I didn’t lose anything. I had completed
my planning by the end of the day and I was ready to start my production for the
Wednesday. On the Wednesday and Thursday, I started to create my copy for my
double page spread. I really enjoyed this, I chose a subject which I was really
interested in, this was very important as my article wouldn’t be very good if I chose
a subject which was very boring. I researched many facts about the fashion through
the decades when doing my copy, in the future this will help me as it helps me
practise for my FMP. The copy is really important as it shows the writing which I
can create which might differ me from a Merit grade to a distinction grade.
At the end of Thursday, I managed to finish
my copy, I got a tutor to check it all
through. All I needed to do on the following
day was book the studio to do my
photography for my product and start laying
out my double page spread with the text.
On the Friday, the first thing which I did
was to book the studio for Tuesday to take
my photographs for my product. The next
task which I set to do was laying out my
double page spread. I added grids in to my
layout to make the set up to look equal and
neat. Adding the text into the columns was
rather tricky as I had so much text but I did
not want to make it really small, I figured
out a way how to make it look good and the
text not too small. I also left 2 spaces on my
double page spread, one for my left-hand
page and a small image for the right hand
Next week, I will be in the studio to take my
photographs, I will also start and finish my
front cover and website.
This was the last week of production. This meant that all my production work had to be
finished by the end of this week. I had no doubt that I would not be finished my
production by then. By the Tuesday morning, I double checked by double page spread and
started to layout my website as well. I had the studio booked for half 10 so Maya and I
could take all the images we needed before Tuesday afternoon. When I first started to plan
my magazine, I wanted to make sure all of the images were my own photos. This meant
that the front-page cover image would be mine, the double page spread images and all the
articles which I had written for my website would have a header which showed my
photography. I felt this was very important as I didn’t want to use a fake image, I wanted
to include my images as it made me feel like I had more of a connection with the piece of
writing then if I just used one I found off the internet. The studio session went really well
and I managed to get a lot of cool 80’s photographs. I had looked at all the images and
selected the images which I needed to Photoshop before the beginning of lunch. I set the
target of editing the images on Photoshop and add them to my double page spread by the
end of the day. The selected images which I took had a grey background which would
look out of place on my website and my double page spread. I used the ‘Magic Wand’ tool
and ended up with a transparent background which is exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want
to Photoshop my image loads as in the 80’s they didn’t air brush a woman which was on
the front-page magazine, it wouldn’t have looked very vintage if it was edited too much.
After I exported the images which I had edited I added them onto my double page spread.
At first this was very fiddly as I found it tricky to minimise the image to the size I wanted.
I had forgotten and had to relearn that on InDesign you have to double click the image to
bring up an orange box around and that is what you minimise it with. Overall, I felt
Tuesday was a very productive day all I needed to do was export my double page spread
and then I was finished with that side of the project.
The first thing which I did on Wednesday, was to export my double page spread. I learnt
that you have to change one of the settings to spread as I found out that if you just leave it
on pages then the double page spread would come out with separate images instead of one.
I had planned to finish my front cover on Wednesday as then I would have Thursday and
Friday to concentrate on my Website. I added the image onto my document first, I was
stuck for what colour to have the stars and blobs until I realised that I could use the eye
dropping tool to use the colours on the model’s jumper for the text. Once I tried this it
worked really well. I used the darker red text for the cover line and my blob was filled
with the mustard colour and the darker red to stand out and to attract the audience. At first,
I had the background image higher up than my final product, I wanted to have the title
behind my image so the photo really stood out. I didn’t know how to do this at all, but
once I asked the tutor it seemed very simple. I had to make a new layer and then use the
Polygonal tool to cut the bit which I wanted to be in front of my text. After that, I moved
the layer up so it was in front of the text layer. This led the image to be in front of the text.
My Wednesday was spent doing this as well as adding the text onto the front cover. The
only thing which was left to do was add a barcode on my front- cover then I could export
it as a JPEG.
On Thursday, I added the barcode onto the front cover. I asked one of the tutors to give me
a bit of feedback, to see what I could do which would make it better and I also asked one
of my class mates. Both said that the text was too close together and I should space it out,
as well as this they suggested that the blob which was at the bottom be moved to under the
armpit area as it looked too plain and simple in the corner. I did this immediately, once I
was happy with it I then exported it and started work on my website. I finished my home
page which includes a slider which consisted of three slides which linked to the articles
which I was going to write by a ‘Read Article’ button.
I managed to finish the home page leaving the Fashion page, Fashion through the decades article, the beauty page,
the beauty in Amsterdam article, the News page, the Jenkins newest film release article and then finally the contact
us page left to do. This could all be finished and published by Friday.
On Friday, I cracked on with my Fashion page, I researched some fashion magazines articles which were published
and got an idea for 5 articles. This was completed by the first lesson with images attached to the article. After my
break, I decided to leave my actual articles till the end this meant that I set on doing a beauty page, this was also
inspired by a beauty website with my Beauty in Amsterdam article at the top of the page with a link to the subpage.
In the meantime, of finding images, I also managed to do the Contact us page as well. I wrote a little paragraph
explaining what my magazine was about and two fake contact numbers. It also had a request form which actually
worked. By the end of the day all I had left to do was News page, the fashion through the decades article, Beauty in
Amsterdam article and the Jenkins newest film release article left. This meant that over the weekend, I would
complete these pages before Tuesday so on Tuesday I could show Ben and see if there was anything else which
would make my website better.
Next week is my Evaluation week, so for most of next week I will be reflecting and evaluating my final work before
the end of the rotation.
This week was my Evaluation week, this consisted of creating my own evaluation and
doing a Reflection. I mainly focused on the reflection this week as the following week
was the Easter holidays and I could complete the Evaluation then. On Tuesday, I finished
the small details on my Website. At first, I had a text box covering my menu and the menu
wasn’t working. I was so confused on why it wasn’t going to work, this was until I asked
Ben and he showed me that the text box was covering, this meaning that I had to move
everything down so my menu would work. After this I went through all articles and pages
to double check if it was all okay. After this I published it online and started on my
Evaluation. On the Tuesday afternoon, I laid out my evaluation slides and started to fill
out the first evaluation page of my research. When looking back over my research for my
evaluation I noticed that my Research and planning needs to be more detailed when I start
my FMP. On the Wednesday, I completed another slide of my research evaluation and
started my planning evaluation. I added screenshots of my experiments on my planning
evaluation as it shows one of the elements of my planning section. Thursday was the last
day of this rotation as the Friday was a teach training day. I had to try finish my reflection
or my evaluation on Thursday as I didn’t want to have loads of work to do over the Easter
holidays I decided to finish my planning and time management slides and start my
reflection for this rotation. I did this because I knew that I had another week before this
rotation had to be completed, If I started my reflection this would mean that I would
remember more and it would be very useful when I was evaluating. Even though we
weren’t at college on the Friday I spent three hours finishing my reflection, this meant that
I had completed 5 weeks of reflection which would benefit when writing my evaluation.
All which was left to complete was my Aesthetic Qualities, Technical Qualities slides.
I set myself of a goal that I would complete my evaluation by Thursday 29th March. I
would also put all my work from my pro forma on my blog by the 30th March.
When I started to research for this project, I started to look a magazines
front covers, double page spreads and websites. For this I looked at
Harpers Bazaar magazine and website, NME magazine and website
and finally PC Gamer magazine and website. When analysing these
magazines, I researched the typical conventions for a double page
spread and learnt that most double page spreads include a quote, a
stand first and a drops cap to start off the article. This research really
helped my product as it looked more professional and real. Another
convention which I used in my double page spread was the layout, in
most cases there are a large photo of the left hand side page and then
the article on the right hand side of the double page spread. I think that
when I was analysing the double page spread and website of each of the
magazines this was my main strength where as analysing the front
covers was a bit tricky as I didn’t really know what to say about the
front cover. I think if I ever did the research again I would have to
research more into the conventions of a front cover and then add what
I had learnt into my product. This would initially make my product
more similar to other front pages and more professional. However, what
I did realise is that I don’t want my background to be too attention
grabbing when I create my actual project, as when I compared the
Harpers Bazaar front cover to my image of mine I found the
background too much and instead would choose a grey/white
background as it would look more aesthetic.
Another research technique which I completed was to create my own
experiments for a design which I would like to produce. I purposely set
my experiment to be similar but different to my actual product. I had
decided that I wanted to create a fashion magazine for my product for
this rotation, I kept along the lines of fashion and my double page spread idea.
However, my front cover, website and double page spread did not link at all. My front
cover was very rushed and rather messy, my website was very aesthetic and my
double page spread was very vintage. Each product was giving off a different
atmosphere. I think my strengths of this experiment section was the double page
spread, this is because it was the vibe which I was going for in my actual double
page spread. This was the first time I used InDesign and I think it worked quite
well. I also thought I did quite a good job of my website, even if it didn’t link to
my front cover or my double page spread for a first try it went quite good.
However, My weaknesses of my research were very obvious. The front cover was
very messy and had too much going on. If I could of done my front cover
experiment again I would move the title into the middle of the page and put the date
and price in the top right hand corner. I would also add more stars and blobs on my
front cover then just a bit of text. If I could redo my front cover experiment I would
have added more detail into the cover to link with my other experiments. Originally
when planning my product I would of used a colour theme of red, black and white
like the double page spread. However, I felt this was quite boring after creating my
double page spread. I added more colour to the front cover and that was also too
much. I decided that I would have a colour theme of white, black, yellow and pink.
When planning for my product, I had to complete a proposal, mind map, flat plan, style
sheet, website plan and any additional planning I wanted to include. I felt as if one of
my strengths were writing the proposal, this was because I knew what I wanted to create
unlike other rotations where I was stuck as I didn’t know what to create. This proposal
consisted of specific word counts for identifying the target audience, rationale and
other boxes like the evaluation. Another task which I had to complete was my initial
plans, this included 3 mind maps of my chosen idea and how I would explore it in the
three products I would make. My Front cover would include stars and blobs which
would advertise free things as it would entice the audience, the mind map also included my typography fonts
which I might have used. I also included 3 additional pages of my ideas and where I got the inspiration from. I
enjoyed this task as I found it rather easy. In my past rotations, it felt as though I didn’t know what to do in my
initial plan whereas on this rotation I knew what I wanted to create and how I could do that. The flat plans
took a while to complete as I didn’t know what they should consist of. For the front cover, I went onto
Photoshop and labelled where I would place the masthead, stars and blobs, barcode etc. I also, created a flat
plan for my website. This included 4 rough plans of my website pages. Looking back at it now, I didn’t follow
the layout of this but I kept to the same design. For the website plan I used the software InDesign. However,
for my actual finished website I used this means that the layout was different anyway. I then made a
flat plan for my double page spread. This layout I stuck to when creating my actual double spread. My
weakness for these planning documents were the fact that I took too long to create these and I was running out
of time to the fact that I had to use a day in my production time to complete.
I had the style sheet, website plan and any additional planning which I had left to
complete, when I completed the style sheet I felt as though it looked really bare.
This was mainly because in my other slides which I had completed had more or
less covered what I would cover on the style sheet. I would say that this was a
big weakness for me when I was doing my planning as I didn't want to carry
on repeating myself This is something which I could improve on when I do
my final major project, maybe next time I could do my style sheet before
doing my actual mind map, this would mean that I would have more ideas when completing my mind map.
Another task which I ad completed was doing a website plan. I had never done this before. At first, I didn't
know what content to put onto my website. I started off with just a rough idea of what I was going to write
about, I drafted how each article would link to the next article. I knew for definite that I wanted to feature a
beauty column, a fashion column and then a news column as well as a home page and contact us page. I think
this turned out to go quite well, when I got to my production week I did end up changing my articles which I
was going to write as I wanted something more relevant to the news from that week. From this website plan it
helped me keep a focused mind set when making my website as I knew what I wanted to create and how they
were all going to link together. For my additional planning task I
decided to fill out a contingency and health and safety plan. This
was rather easy as if I lost my work I had a back up plan so I always
had something a back up plan if I did loose my work. This was
really helpful as when I was in my first week of production my
computer crashed, thankfully I had backed my documents up.
Health and safety plan was just a back up just in case something
went wrong as well. Overall, I think my planning stage went good.
Overall, during my project I think I managed my time well. The first week when I
was researching existing products I managed to finish it all by the week was over.
I even managed to do an experiment for the next week. For the first week, I think
if I did have the time that I would of added more detail but I was happy with the
amount which I had completed in the first week. The second week I was still
ahead of what I was meant to be doing, however at the end of that week I didn't get
my additional planning which I had to complete on the following week. My
planning would have improved with additional time as I could of filled out a risk
assessment as well as a contingency form and half and safety plan. I could have
improved my style sheet as it was rather bare and not very detailed. On my third
week it was the start of my production, I was already a day behind due to the
Tuesday being used to finish off my additional planning. However, I carried on and
by the end of the third week my articles were written for my website and my
double page spread. If I had more time during this week, I would of preferred to take my photos on the 1st
week of production and then have the second week to make sure everything is in order before handing it all
in. The 4th week was the most productive week I've had during this
rotation. By the Friday, I had completed the photos, double page
spread front page cover and all 8 pages of my website. I think in this
week I had great time management as if I had additional time I would
improve my front cover, but the way it is now I am rather happy with.
The last week of this rotation I had good time management my
reflection took too long to complete. If I did have more time I would
spent more time on my evaluation then my reflection.
When I started to create my front cover, double page spread and website I aimed to make all the products
good and aesthetic. I learnt from my experiments that I need to make it look all the same.
I like how the title typography on the front cover is the same font as the website headline. If I had
to improve this I would made my headline on the website more visible and the same colour as the
title on the front cover.
All look the same- same colour themes and same font.
All the images stand out and attract the audiences attention.
Double page spread looks rather simple with the white background- but the images do stand out.
Different background- don’t look similar.
One similarity is the layout is basically the same. There is only one image displayed and in the
same layout. Another similarity is how the images stand out against the background which is
On the Vintage magazine front cover there is more text compared to my minimalist front
cover. Another difference between these to front covers are the colour themes. My colour
scheme is very bright whereas the vintage magazine is black and white and red.
My spread is rather dull and boring as there aren't any other colours than black on my text
whereas on the other double page spread the red brightens up the page and makes it stand
A similarity between the Emma Watson double spread and my double page spread is the layout.
The left side of the spread has a large image in both as it’s a typical convention.
The websites are both rather similar especially with the title layout. They also have similar menu
There are quite a lot of differences, the Elle website is brighter than mine and has an image
on the title section. My articles are shown on a slider where as on the Elle website it is
shown with the top 5 articles at the top.
At the beginning I set my target audience to be for women aged 16-30. At the end of this project
I would say that I kept to this audience, The articles which I published would attract this target
audience as it was very modern yet one article was talking through the fashion in the decades.
However even this would have attracted the younger audience as most 16 year olds are at that
mature age where they want something to connect with which isn't in this century. With the over
20’s it would be the time in their life to go on adventures and relax, hence the ‘beauty in
Amsterdam’ article on my website. This could start an adventure which they have been longing
for. The front cover would relate to this audience as the model is
not very old but she looks very mature which would influence
the audience to buy the magazine. The website also looks very
mature and aesthetic, this would also influence the reader to read
it as it could be on their wave length and could give them some
valuable advice which they might be needing. The double page
spread also looks very mature and has a modern theme about it.
Overall I think I kept my audience in mind throughout the whole
production period which shows as it all relates to the target

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Print Pro Forma

  • 3. FRONT PAGE OF BAZAAR COLOUR THEMES: Consists of White, Red, Lilac, Black and Pink. Connotations- Purity, Feminine, Love. MASTHEAD: Capitals- almost as if its shouting at the TA to buy the magazine and read. The ‘Harpers’ is in lowercase which could mean that most people know the magazine as ‘Bazar’ not ‘Harper’s Bazar’ IMAGE: Celebrity endorsement, well known face on the front cover entices the audience. Image is very Aesthetic and will make the audience envious. COVERLINES: ‘New Season Fashion, stands out very clear. The Colour red draws the attention of the reader to the text straight away. The reader would see the cover line and immediately want to see what the new season is. BLOGS AND STARS: The Blogs and Stars is the smaller text on the front page. Often the blogs and stars will entice the reader to buy the magazine just for the free merchandise or the free tips. TYPOGRAPHY: The font in the front page is very formal and stands out against the background colours. Its very feminine which backs up the TA.
  • 4. FRONT PAGE OF BAZAAR Masthead Cover lines Blobs and Stars Blobs and Stars Image
  • 5. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD COLOUR THEME: The colour theme on this double page spread gives a very classy look. The black and white effect makes the audience envious of Jenifer Anniston. IMAGE: The image which is being shown on this double spread is very aesthetic. It shows the model in a very vulnerable pose but it is almost as if its very old school. Its almost as if was set in the 60’s. As you can see, Aniston is not using direct address which can connote that she's vulnerable and just wants to be by herself. CONVENTIONS OF A DOUBLE SPREAD: Most fashion magazines normally have a wide page spread with an interview enclosed. However, this spread is more of a statement piece. It is very clear that this double page spread is breaking many conventions of a normal double page spread. Many magazine include direct address in a double page spread, in these 2 page spreads there is not a trace of direct address. There is also no quote from Aniston which is a typical convention. However, Harpers Bazaar includes a stand first, this means when the magazine introduces the celebrity to the reader. In some cases people might know who the celebrity is hence the introduction at the start of the double page spread. MASTHEAD: The masthead is the massive writing ‘Star is Reborn’. This stands out as its in bold writing. The words in the masthead can be linked creatively to the posed photo next to it. As the model is a celebrity which also has connotations to being a star. TYPOGRAPHY: The font which is displayed in this double spread is very elegant. Underneath the masthead there is swirly grey writing which can be interpreted as being very stereotypically feminine.
  • 7. WEBSITE COLOUR THEMES: The website is very similar to the double spread with the same colour themes. Despite the adverts being displayed on the website the colour theme is white, black, red and grey. This is very traditional and stylish. Its very crucial to the website to be stylish as it is showing others the styles of the celebrities and how to get that style. IMAGES: There is a montage of images being shown on the website. More than the magazine front cover and the double page spread. Most of the images are skinny models wearing fashionable clothes. The background is white which helps the text and images stand out. COVERLINES: I would say that the cover line in this website is ‘FASHION LESSONS TO LEARN FROM LFW STREETSTYLERS’. This is mainly because it is the most bold and stands out the most. As soon as you go on the website this is the first thing which you see. MASTHEAD: The masthead is the title of the magazine at the top of the website. In bold black elegant font is ‘Harpers Bazaar’. This is the masthead as it stands out and is the name which everyone knows. STARS AND BLOBS: This website includes lots of stars and blobs, this means if the reader sees something they are interested in from one of the blobs they will click on and it will automatically link them to the article.
  • 8. FRONT PAGE OF NME COLOUR THEMES: NME are known for being very simple with how they lay out there magazines. The main colour themes are black, white, red and yellow. The cover any genre of music but mainly focus on indie bands. The colour theme represents this as the front page is very ‘chill’ and there isn’t anything fancy about it .IMAGES: There are three images on this front page, one of Jake Bugg and two spoiler images of Kurt Cobain. The two smaller images are there to be a spoiler for the reader. It is claimed on the banner that there are unseen pictures of Cobain. This makes the reader want to buy the magazine. Jake Bugg is the background image, this is a very large image which means that there will be a lot about Bugg in this magazine. MASTHEAD: The masthead is the name of the magazine, it has been found out that the colour red makes people aware , hence why it is used for a traffic light and various fast-food restaurants. This is why the masthead is red because it draws peoples attention into what it is. COVERLINES: The cover line for this magazine is ‘0% alcohol, 100% for real JAKE BUGG’ . I can tell this is the cover line as it links with the masthead as it’s the same red colour and font.
  • 9. FRONT PAGE OF NME Banner Masthead Stars and Blogs Cover line Barcode Stars and Blogs Image
  • 10. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD TYPOGRAPHY: The font which is displayed in this double spread is a typical size 11 Arial font. The text is set in 6 columns which is very common for a double spread article. This is because it looks tidy. MASTHEAD: The masthead is very clear when you look at this double page spread. Its in large writing with bold font. The journalist whom wrote this article has been very clever with the masthead as its introducing the artist as well as creating a catchy masthead. IMAGE: There are various images which are being shown in this double page spread resemble the artist and what his personality is like. Bugg is a very moody and mysterious character, the image to the left backs this up. In both of these images Bugg does not look directly at the audience, this shows that he is concentrating on his music and wont let anything get in his way. This would appeal to the audience as they want to idolize someone who is very serious on the goals. COLOUR THEME: The colour theme on this double page spread is very contrasted. The white, black and green contrast each other which makes the spread look very different to other spreads. These light colours also make the images stand out which appeals to the audience as they can see who the journalist is interviewing. CONVENTIONS OF A DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD: A typical convention of a double page spread is the reporter using a quote which the artist has said. This is normally in bold and in the middle of the double page spread. This magazine backs up this convention as on the second page it is shown in a box with bold writing. This is to make it stand out. This magazine also uses a stand first. This is where the artist is being introduced in a few sentences at the start of the article. At the beginning of the article there is a drops cap, this is another convention which this magazine spread follows.
  • 11. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Quote Typical convention of a double page spread. Headline Bold- Stands out. Stand first An intro to the celebrity Typography Drops cap= typical convention Band dates, Audience appeal as they can see which concerts are near him.
  • 12. WEBSITE IMAGES: There is a montage of images being shown on the website. On the website, there are a larger amount of photos being displayed to entice the reader. Most of the audience would recognise some of the artists by their image, this would then make them read the article. When you go on to the website, the first thing you see on the home page is a large photo of a upcoming band and a mini cover line. This is very enticing as most of the time the image is very bright and obvious.COLOUR THEMES: The website is very similar to the double spread with the same colour themes. The double page spread background was white, as is the website. The double page spread doesn't have bright colours which catch your attention unlike the website. The colour themes of the website are mainly white and black. But the images makes the website look brighter. MASTHEAD: The masthead is the title of the magazine at the top of the website. The colour is different to the double page spread and front cover as its white. However, you can still tell that this website links to the magazine as it’s the same font and boldness. STARS AND BLOBS: This website has many stars and blobs. As you can see above there are two screenshots of the stories which have been published on the website. These count as stars and blobs. If the reader sees a familiar name on one of these stories their curiosity would get the better of them and they would end up reading it. This is why stars and blogs are crucial to the audience reading the articles which the magazine publish. COVERLINES: I would say that the cover line of the website is ‘Where are the Blossoms?’. I think this mainly because the text has been added to have a background, this means the magazine want it to stand out. This works as a cover line as immediately you want to know where they are and what documentary is.
  • 13. FRONT PAGE OF PC GAMER COLOUR THEMES: PC GAMER is a highly valued gaming magazine which is read my many people. It’s main audience is younger males who read this. However, some girls play video games so they could also be a fan of this magazine. Straight away when seeing this front cover, it shows a very manly atmosphere. The colour scheme is stereotypically male with the darker blues and the red. From someone’s point of view who might not of played video games, the red could suggest that it was something to do with love. However, when thinking about the genre of the magazine it could imply that the red could signify the blood and anger which the video games present. IMAGES: The images which have been shown on this front cover have a recurring theme of a sci-fi unrealistic tone. This attracts the audience as they are transfixed with the game world. As the image looks modern it could make the audience also think that this magazine has a scoop on a new game which is released or a tip on a RPG. The background of the image is set in the space backing up the sci-fi genre. MASTHEAD: PC GAMER is the masthead, the masthead is big, bold, red and white therefore it stands out against the busy background. The colour theme all contrast each other which makes it stand out more against the background. COVERLINES: I would suggest that the cover line for this front cover is the ‘mass effect Andromeda’. This is big, bold and white which also stands out against the blue background. This cover line stands out so much that when the audience would see it, they know exactly what the cover line is on about.
  • 14. FRONT PAGE OF PC GAMER Masthead Cover line Stars and Blogs Image Selling line
  • 15. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD COLOUR THEME: The colour theme on this double page spread is very themed. It shows the usual orange, black and white combination of a video game double page spread. The colours balance each other out and make them all stand out. IMAGE: The images which are being shown in this double page spread are very masculine. The top image on the left page shows a image which might have an important in the gaming world. Being someone who doesn't’ play video games I cant be certain but by the location of the image is shows some importance to the magazine and genre. At the bottom of the left page there is a small figure which matches the colour theme. This small detail could attract the target audience and make them read the article as it might be something they recognise. TYPOGRAPHY: The font which is displayed in this double spread is a typical size 11 Arial font. The text is set in 2 columns with a bold quotation in the middle of the two columns. This layout looks very tidy and professional. MASTHEAD: The masthead is very clear when you look at this double page spread. Its in large writing with bold font. The masthead is a quotation headline which entices the audience. CONVENTIONS OF A DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD: A popular convention of a double page spread is using a quote either as the headline or in the middle of a column. These are normally in bold and in a larger font to the other text. This is the first double page spread which I have analysed which doesn't have a stand first. This is mainly because the reader of the magazine would know what the article is about. The drops cap at the start of the text is a convention which is used often in video game magazines.
  • 16. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Headline- Quotation Typography - drop caps. Quotes Advert- appeals to the TA Image
  • 17. WEBSITE IMAGES: There are a lot of things going on in this website. Its very action packed like this genre of magazine. The images which have been shown are very standard, they are not full of models like other genres of magazines but instead this magazine is advertising the previous magazine issues. There are not a lot of images unlike the NME website and Bazaar website. COLOUR THEMES: The website is very similar to the double spread with the same colour themes. The recurring red colour theme is very evident in this website. It shows the same colour theme as the double page spread and the front page. This shows that its all integrated and when someone sees the colour themes they automatically think of this magazine. MASTHEAD: The masthead is the ‘PC GAMER’ headline. The same masthead is featured in the front page and double page spread which links to the website. This is crucial as people know the masthead and if they see the magazine with it they will identify with it straight away. STARS AND BLOBS: This website contains a blob. This is where it advertises something free, for this instance its 2 free gifts. This blob stands out a lot as its bright yellow and red which catches the readers attention. COVERLINES: The cover line for this website is ‘PC Gamer UK March issue’. This is mainly because it is the boldest title on the website page and it grabs your attention as it stands out against the background.
  • 18. BIBLIOGRAPHY FRONT PAGE OF BAZAAR IMAGE- Anon. (.). .. Available: Last accessed 24th Feb 2018 . DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD OF BAZAAR IMAGE- An. (.). .. Available: Last accessed 24th Feb 2018. BAZAAR WEBSITE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: Last accessed 24th Feb 2018. FRONT PAGE OF NME IMAGE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: NWqHkM9CogAaqjr7wDA&q=nme+magazine+jake+bugg&oq=nme+magazine+jake+bugg&gs_l=psy- ab.3...12920.18266.0.18470. Last accessed 24th Feb 2018 DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD OF NME IMAGE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: NWqHkM9CogAaqjr7wDA&q=nme+magazine+jake+bugg&oq=nme+magazine+jake+bugg&gs_l=psy- ab.3...12920.18266.0.18470. Last accessed 24th Feb 2018.
  • 19. BIBLIOGRAPHY NME WEBSITE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: Last accessed 24th Feb 2018. FRONT PAGE OF PC GAMER IMAGE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: Qapg7KABw&q=pc+gamer+magazine+&oq=pc+gamer+magazine+&gs_l=psy- ab.3..0l5j0i30k1l2j0i24k1l3.92020.92020.0.92212. Last accessed 24th Feb 2018 . DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD OF PC GAMER IMAGE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: +gamer+magazine+double+page,online_chips:page+spread&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjikv- FoLzZAhUMMt8KHQsODCwQ4lYIJygA&. Last accessed 24th Feb 2018 . PC GAMER WEBSITE- Anon.. (.). .. Available: Last accessed 24th Feb 2018.
  • 20. SUMMARY/INITIAL REACTION The brief which I was given was to create a magazine. This involving a front cover, double page spread and a website. I am looking forward to create this project as unlike the other rotations this idea is something which I am interested in. I immediately thought of an idea which I wanted to create and started to plan. I wanted to create ‘Fashion throughout the decades’. This would consist of photographs of models wearing vintage clothes. I really liked this idea and thought it would appeal to women who have lived through these times or even younger women who want to see what fashion was like in these times. I would make my front cover very aesthetic and appealing to younger women as the double page spread is trying to teach the target audience what fashion was like years ago compared to the fashion these days. Overall, I am very excited to start creating this project and start to design the double page spread and website. I think I would learn a lot when completing this rotation including a new set of skills on the software InDesign as well as learning more on Photoshop.
  • 22. On Friday, I went through a process of creating a experiment of a front cover. I wanted my front cover to be similar to my actual production. This meant that I adapted my idea into this experiment. However, when I had finished my front cover I had noticed somethings which I wanted to improve. For example, when looking at my finished front cover I noticed that my cover line should be aligned to the right not centered as it looks very unprofessional. I have learnt that when I complete my final front cover I would align my text to which ever side the text is located. Another thing which I would want to be improve would make my Masthead go across my cover and place the date underneath the Masthead. I would even put the price and the issue. If I had more time I would of added stars and blogs to complete my front over. I did enjoy creating this front cover especially when I added the background as it completed the look and looked really good. FRONT COVER
  • 23. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD This task was to complete a double page spread on InDesign. Considering this was my first time using InDesign I felt it went well and I achieved the kind of look I was going for when doing my experiment. As this article was based on ‘Fashion through the decades’ I wanted to include a familiar face which was around during these years when filling one of the pages. I found this task really fun, I enjoyed making the spread my own and not having to follow any guidelines. When writing the columns, I added a quote box. As you can see from the screenshot, the text isn't anything to do with the article as it was just an experiment. Even finding text to add to the article was a lesson for me, I did not know that you could google Loreal Ipsum and it come up with a text generator. I do think an improvement which I could of made is change the layout. Not all double page spread have a big photography on one of the pages. Instead I would like to add a photo at the top of a page and use both of the pages.
  • 24. WEBSITE When creating my website, I found it rather difficult. I used the website wix to create my experiment website. I have had experience with this website before as I created my dad’s business website. I still found this exceptionally difficult. For some reason, my PC kept crashing every time I tried to add something new which was equally difficult. However, I managed to create 2 pages. My first page which I created had an artsy photo as the cover image with the masthead in the middle. I had also added a horoscopes page with valid horoscopes. This took a while but I enjoyed making the last page as the background which I used went with the article theme. However, when looking at the first and the second page of the website, I found that they don’t match in style . My first page is very Aesthetic with the white background and the artsy photographs where as the last page looks very childlike.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 29. FRONT PAGE C O L O U R T H E M E R E D - Love, Danger, Anger, Blood. W H I T E - Purity, Clean, Aesthetic, Marriage. B L A C K - Night, Death, Sombre, mysterious. M A S T H E A D C O V E R L I N E S T A R S A N D B L O B S I M A G E S Advertise free stuff- Entices the reader, will buy to get the free stuff. Typography- Vintage fashionable font. ‘Fashion Throughout the ages’- large bold font. Neutral images, not too posed or model nor caked in make up. Preferably wearing something red.
  • 30. FRONT PAGE IDEAS When planning my front page I want it to look really aesthetic and vintage. My colour theme would be set on Black, White and Red. I want my background to be white, images to be red and text to be black. I have chosen these because they compromise each other and stand out next to each other. The colour red can connote love, anger, danger and many other things. I think this would be a beneficial colour to have on my front cover as someone could interpret the meaning however they want. I would also include blobs and stars to attract the audience more, I would offer a free giveaway or something else which would entice the reader. My cover line would be something to do with my main feature which is ‘Fashion Throughout the ages’. This would be in bold large writing so it would stand out and catch the readers attention. The masthead would be in a vintage fashionable font this is to show the genre of the magazine.
  • 31. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD I M A G E SC O N V E N T I O N S C O L O U R T H E M E R E D - Love, Danger, Anger, Blood. W H I T E - Purity, Clean, Aesthetic, Marriage. B L A C K - Night, Death, Sombre, mysterious. C O V E R L I N E T y p o g r a p h y DROPS CAP (convention) FONT- Arial (convention) SIZE- 11 (convention) ‘Fashion Throughout the ages’- large bold font. Stand First- A little intro to the article. Quotes- if possible Drops Caps at the start of the article. Not too many images, as it would look messy if it was just covered in images and no text. Maximum 3 images all should link to colour theme.
  • 32. DOUBLE PAGE SPREADS IDEAS When I created my own double page spread I took inspiration from vintage fashion magazines like the one below. I would want my double page spread to look a lot like my experiment. The only thing I would change would be to add my own images in there. The colour theme would be the same as the front cover, this meaning it would be set up white, black and red. This showing that they both link with each other and are integrated. The layout would be similar to my experiment as well. Many of the magazines which I've looked at have a quotation as the headline. However, my feature doesn't involve interviewing anyone. But another convention which I will include is a stand first. This is where the article gets an introduction, it is located underneath the headline. Another convention which I would add in would be adding a Drops Cap. This is very common in a double page spread and most magazines include them in articles.
  • 33. WEBSITE IDEAS When getting inspiration for my website, I looked at two websites which are high end fashion magazines, Vogue and Vanity Fair. These magazines shows the layout which I want to complete for my website. When I conducted my experiments I found that keeping the same theme was difficult when doing my magazine. However, when looking at these two websites, I have learnt what I can do to keep the same theme from my magazine to the website. The colour theme of my website would be similar to these examples but I would keep the colour red in to match with my front cover and double page spread. When creating my layout on the website I would have a few of my own photographs which I have collected over the years and use some images which I have taken for this purpose. I would make sure these images would match the colour theme. The masthead would be the same font, size and boldness as the other mastheads. The cover line would be the same format as the other cover lines on the front page magazine and double page spread. An important factor of a website are the stars and blogs, these entice the target audience and make them read the articles which are being displayed.
  • 35. FRONT PAGE FLAT PLANS This is just a basic layout of what my front page would look like. At the moment it looks rather bare but after I have completed the photography it would look less empty.
  • 46. Potential Issue Solution Loosing a Memory Stick Always keep a Back up I would send an email to myself after each lesson so I know I wont loose my work. Not saving your work Always save my work half way through my lesson and right at the end. If I do a little test on my document and then decide I don’t like it, I can refer back to my previously saved document. Computer Crashes Save my work half way through. If the computer crashes I still have some work saved from that lesson. Press a button on Photoshop and it not save any of your work and goes back to your last saved work. Don’t press the button and instead save your work before doing something you don’t know what it does. Shortage of computers in the room. Go to the library or another room to carry on with my work. CONTINGENCY PLAN
  • 47. Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Headaches Take breaks as necessary also drink water if needed. Arm and Elbow Aches Take Breaks if needed, no slouching and have your fingers above the keyboard so it doesn’t damage your body. Eye Strain Take regular breaks and make sure the brightness is not too high on your computer. Electric Shock Do not touch any equipment which looks faulty. Always report it to your tutor. Drinks spilled (Fizzy) Don’t have any drinks anywhere the computers. If a drink is spilled tell your tutor right away. HEALTH AND SAFETY
  • 49. It’s taken years for double denim to bounce back into society after that Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake tragedy at the American Music Awards in 2001. But is this trend from the decades back in fashion? Many of you who are reading this, wouldn’t have even be a sparkle in your mother’s eye when double denim was the trend of the century. But let me educate you, in the 20th century there were many good, bad and tragic fashion trends. Some which the nation adored and some which needed to be put in a box and buried forever. During World War II clothes were rationed and simple. The UK government even encouraged ‘Utility Clothing’. In all countries, a special brochure was disposed telling people how to recycle their old clothes. This lead to short skirts and coats. Hats and shoes were often homemade with the ration material. In 1953 a film called How to Marry a Millionaire was broadcasted around the world. A familiar face, Marilyn Monroe acted in this film and was behind the Cat-Eye Glasses. These became extremely popular because everyone did and still does admire Marilyn. In the 1980’s women were becoming a large role in the workplace and it was said that women needed to look the part. This started the revolution of the shoulder pads and suits for women. When trousers became popular for women, it was almost as if fashion was reborn. Women were wearing trousers instead of skirts and dresses. They were going out comfy and less cold, these days we think choosing our own fashion is a necessity not a privilege.
  • 50. In the 60’s women especially the especially Dior’s Cupola or Givenchy’s balloon look, whose broad skirt was drawn in sharply at the hem, favoured cocktail dressers. Women weren’t the only gender that added to fashion in the decades. If you look back at the fashion of the male gender you will notice the major difference between the years. As we all know the fashion throughout the war was not the most important. However, darker and looser clothes played an important role in the 40’s as clothes were made to last longer in these troubling times. The 50’s fashion was mixed up, all of a sudden well known faces were starting to wear jeans. People like James Dean and Frank Sinatra paved the way for menswear. Dean would be seen to be styling the jeans and a white top, whereas Sinatra would be keeping his formal look wearing a suit and tie. The swinging 60’s was known for the famous fashion revolution not just for women but men too. Women would wear miniskirts and men would no longer be restricted to their tighter suits and boring colours. The 70’s were similar to the 60’s with the fashion phenomenon with men wearing more bright colours and patterns. Questionable haircuts and flares dominated the 70’s but thankfully the platform shoe stayed in the 70’s. Over the recent years, fashion from these decades have slowly made its way back to the 21st century. Fur coats have reappeared having the likes of Kim Kardashian and even the Queen bringing back this trend. Flared trousers have bounced back with the help of Victoria Beckham and her famous fashion line. From these idols wearing the fashion from decades ago brings a new trend to the streets. If you go out in cities you would see women with flared trousers and fur coats as well with men wearing white tops, chinos and braces. Some men also expand their comfort zone with brighter colours. In the next few months, Mixed Prints, Transparencies and Fringe will be gracing you on the streets as the London Fashion week consisted of these trends.
  • 52.
  • 54.
  • 55. WEBSITE Link to my website:
  • 64. WEEK ONE This was the first week of Print Rotation. In this rotation, I have to complete a front cover, double page spread and website on a genre of print which I am interested in. On the first day of this rotation, I started to research different genres which I could create. This was very useful as it meant that when I start to create my own magazine I can use my research to create a professional aesthetic front cover, double page spread and website. I also found out that the conventions of a double page spread are very important. This includes a Drop Caps at the start of the article, a stand first, a quote and all the text on the double page spread should consist of size 11 and is usually the Arial font. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday completing my research. I ended up researching Harper’s Bazaar fashion magazine, PC Gamer and NME music magazine. For each magazine, I researched a front cover which they produced, a double page spread and a screenshot of their website. I found this task rather easy and enjoyed starting to think about my own magazine and what features I would include from these magazines. I learnt a lot over the two days which I was creating my research. I learnt what a good front cover should include these are things like Stars and Blobs(the purpose for this technique is to entice the audience, most of the time these are advertising free stuff which the audience would be interested with), another technique is the cover line. This is often the main article, it is normally in bold meaning it stands out more. If I had more time I would have added more detail into my analysis of the various types of magazines, this is because in the future when I am doing my FMP I would need to be very detailed when doing my research as it would add more of an understanding for the project which I would create.
  • 65. WEEK ONE On the Thursday, I started to fill out my proposal, this consisted of identifying my target audience which I decided would be targeted at females 16-24. I also had to complete a Rationale and my Project Concept. I had decided that for my double page spread I would create an article which would describe fashion through the 50's,60's,70's and 80's. My masthead would be 'Fashion through the Decades' which would include my own photos which one of my friends would be modelling some decade clothes. When completing this proposal, it felt as though I was starting to get my project organised. It helped get my mind set on what I wanted to create, it also helped me imagine what I wanted my cover to look like. I had already started planning what I wanted my photography to look like. This was an important step in the planning process as if I had not completed this, I wouldn’t be ready to progress onto my experiments and get onto my production week. Friday was the day when I finished off my proposal, all I had to do was complete my evaluation and publish it on my blog. Once I had done this I started to work on my first experiment. I had decided that I would make my experiments completely different to my actual product, this was because if I made my final project and decided that I liked my experiment more I could just go with that one. I learned a new tool on Photoshop which I had never used before, it was the magic wand. I was struggling to get a background off an image until one of my friends showed me how to use this tool. This was very useful as I can imagine when creating my front cover and double page spread I will need this tool to erase the background. Next week, I will export my experiment front cover into a JPEG as well as finish my experiments for the double page spread and website.
  • 66. WEEK TWO The second week of rotation was more organised as the following week was the production period. This week was to finish off any planning and experiments which needed to be completed by the following week. On Tuesday, I exported my front cover and started work on my double page spread. This task was rather difficult, I was using a software which I had never used before, this software was InDesign. My first impression of this editing software was concerned on how difficult it looked. However, when I started to practise I ended up getting the hang of it. I think my double page spread experiment was my favourite out of the three. It was a very classy double spread which the colour theme of Red, White and Black. This suddenly became the ideal colour theme for my actual product which I was hoping to recreate. I learnt a lot on Tuesday especially in InDesign and this was very important as for my FMP I would like to create a print product, this would suggest that I would have to use InDesign a lot and be rather skilled at creating double page spreads. I finished my double page spread in good timing on Tuesday so decided to start on my last experiment. This meant using the website I had previously had experience with this website, as for my dad’s business I am in charge of the website and I use this website regularly. However, this does not mean that I found it tricky, I learnt a lot when creating my own website like how to link a button to a page. This was very important as for my actual website I wanted to link my pages together by using a ‘Read Article’ button. However, the only thing which I wasn’t happy about with my experiments was they weren’t all the same theme. My front cover felt rather immature and crammed, my double page spread was completely different, it looked very aesthetic and professional and my Website felt all over the place, it didn’t feel like a fashion magazine, instead it looked like a lifestyle magazine. This did not really faze me as they were just practises and for when I create my actual product I have learnt that I have to focus on keeping the same theme throughout the project.
  • 67. WEEK TWO On Wednesday, I started to complete various mind maps for my idea generation. From the past rotations, this was always vital like the proposal. I showed the type of fonts which I wanted to include and the content. I also brain stormed cover lines and the mastheads. This was very similar to the style sheet which I completed on Thursday. However, the style sheet was mainly focused on the colour themes of my product and how I was going to attract it to the audience. This was also very important in my planning production as I wouldn’t want to get to next week and not be prepared for what I am going to make. Also on Thursday, I started to create my flat plans. This was very difficult as I had never done this task before. I used Photoshop to create the rough flat plan for my front cover as well as Photoshop I used InDesign to create the plans for my website pages and my double page spread. I wanted to create as many flat plans as I could to be prepared and organised for the production week. I planned out every website page I wanted to create and labelled what information /technique/ convention was going there. This would be very useful in the next week or two as I could look back and see what I had originally planned if I was stuck for a layout. When I was creating my flat plans for my website I used InDesign as I’ve previously said, but my website will be published o, this might mean that there is a completely different layout to what I have planned. If this is true, I would adapt some of my old plans to fit in with the layout. Finally, on Friday, I gathered any additional information that I needed. This wasn’t necessary but I felt as if anything went wrong I would have a plan in place to fix the problem. My additional planning consisted of a Contingency Plan and a health and safety plan. I think this is very important as it gave me more practice for my FMP as well as having a solution for most of the problems which may occur. Next week, is the start of Production so I will complete a copy for my double page spread article along with starting my website.
  • 68. WEEK THREE This week was the start of my production process, this meant that I had 2 weeks to finish and publish/export a website, double page spread and a front cover. On Tuesday, I finished off any planning which I had left. I needed to complete a website plan and any additional planning which I wanted to include. I started off with my website plan, this was basically a pan which showed which pages linked to which. This was the first website plan which I had ever done so initially I was very conscious if I was doing it correctly. A website plan is very important when creating a website. It gives a clear objective to what you need to create and how the website will link making it look more professional. Once I had finished my website plan I filled out a contingency plan and a health and safety plan to make sure I was organised in case anything went wrong during the two production weeks. This was very simple and easy as I had completed a few of these planning documents in my past rotations. This was very useful as on the Thursday of this week my computer decided to crash, if I did not have this contingency plan I would have never backed my work but luckily, I did which meant that I didn’t lose anything. I had completed my planning by the end of the day and I was ready to start my production for the Wednesday. On the Wednesday and Thursday, I started to create my copy for my double page spread. I really enjoyed this, I chose a subject which I was really interested in, this was very important as my article wouldn’t be very good if I chose a subject which was very boring. I researched many facts about the fashion through the decades when doing my copy, in the future this will help me as it helps me practise for my FMP. The copy is really important as it shows the writing which I can create which might differ me from a Merit grade to a distinction grade.
  • 69. WEEK THREE At the end of Thursday, I managed to finish my copy, I got a tutor to check it all through. All I needed to do on the following day was book the studio to do my photography for my product and start laying out my double page spread with the text. On the Friday, the first thing which I did was to book the studio for Tuesday to take my photographs for my product. The next task which I set to do was laying out my double page spread. I added grids in to my layout to make the set up to look equal and neat. Adding the text into the columns was rather tricky as I had so much text but I did not want to make it really small, I figured out a way how to make it look good and the text not too small. I also left 2 spaces on my double page spread, one for my left-hand page and a small image for the right hand page. Next week, I will be in the studio to take my photographs, I will also start and finish my front cover and website.
  • 70. WEEK FOUR This was the last week of production. This meant that all my production work had to be finished by the end of this week. I had no doubt that I would not be finished my production by then. By the Tuesday morning, I double checked by double page spread and started to layout my website as well. I had the studio booked for half 10 so Maya and I could take all the images we needed before Tuesday afternoon. When I first started to plan my magazine, I wanted to make sure all of the images were my own photos. This meant that the front-page cover image would be mine, the double page spread images and all the articles which I had written for my website would have a header which showed my photography. I felt this was very important as I didn’t want to use a fake image, I wanted to include my images as it made me feel like I had more of a connection with the piece of writing then if I just used one I found off the internet. The studio session went really well and I managed to get a lot of cool 80’s photographs. I had looked at all the images and selected the images which I needed to Photoshop before the beginning of lunch. I set the target of editing the images on Photoshop and add them to my double page spread by the end of the day. The selected images which I took had a grey background which would look out of place on my website and my double page spread. I used the ‘Magic Wand’ tool and ended up with a transparent background which is exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want to Photoshop my image loads as in the 80’s they didn’t air brush a woman which was on the front-page magazine, it wouldn’t have looked very vintage if it was edited too much. After I exported the images which I had edited I added them onto my double page spread. At first this was very fiddly as I found it tricky to minimise the image to the size I wanted. I had forgotten and had to relearn that on InDesign you have to double click the image to bring up an orange box around and that is what you minimise it with. Overall, I felt Tuesday was a very productive day all I needed to do was export my double page spread and then I was finished with that side of the project.
  • 71. WEEK FOUR The first thing which I did on Wednesday, was to export my double page spread. I learnt that you have to change one of the settings to spread as I found out that if you just leave it on pages then the double page spread would come out with separate images instead of one. I had planned to finish my front cover on Wednesday as then I would have Thursday and Friday to concentrate on my Website. I added the image onto my document first, I was stuck for what colour to have the stars and blobs until I realised that I could use the eye dropping tool to use the colours on the model’s jumper for the text. Once I tried this it worked really well. I used the darker red text for the cover line and my blob was filled with the mustard colour and the darker red to stand out and to attract the audience. At first, I had the background image higher up than my final product, I wanted to have the title behind my image so the photo really stood out. I didn’t know how to do this at all, but once I asked the tutor it seemed very simple. I had to make a new layer and then use the Polygonal tool to cut the bit which I wanted to be in front of my text. After that, I moved the layer up so it was in front of the text layer. This led the image to be in front of the text. My Wednesday was spent doing this as well as adding the text onto the front cover. The only thing which was left to do was add a barcode on my front- cover then I could export it as a JPEG. On Thursday, I added the barcode onto the front cover. I asked one of the tutors to give me a bit of feedback, to see what I could do which would make it better and I also asked one of my class mates. Both said that the text was too close together and I should space it out, as well as this they suggested that the blob which was at the bottom be moved to under the armpit area as it looked too plain and simple in the corner. I did this immediately, once I was happy with it I then exported it and started work on my website. I finished my home page which includes a slider which consisted of three slides which linked to the articles which I was going to write by a ‘Read Article’ button.
  • 72. WEEK FOUR I managed to finish the home page leaving the Fashion page, Fashion through the decades article, the beauty page, the beauty in Amsterdam article, the News page, the Jenkins newest film release article and then finally the contact us page left to do. This could all be finished and published by Friday. On Friday, I cracked on with my Fashion page, I researched some fashion magazines articles which were published and got an idea for 5 articles. This was completed by the first lesson with images attached to the article. After my break, I decided to leave my actual articles till the end this meant that I set on doing a beauty page, this was also inspired by a beauty website with my Beauty in Amsterdam article at the top of the page with a link to the subpage. In the meantime, of finding images, I also managed to do the Contact us page as well. I wrote a little paragraph explaining what my magazine was about and two fake contact numbers. It also had a request form which actually worked. By the end of the day all I had left to do was News page, the fashion through the decades article, Beauty in Amsterdam article and the Jenkins newest film release article left. This meant that over the weekend, I would complete these pages before Tuesday so on Tuesday I could show Ben and see if there was anything else which would make my website better. Next week is my Evaluation week, so for most of next week I will be reflecting and evaluating my final work before the end of the rotation.
  • 73. This week was my Evaluation week, this consisted of creating my own evaluation and doing a Reflection. I mainly focused on the reflection this week as the following week was the Easter holidays and I could complete the Evaluation then. On Tuesday, I finished the small details on my Website. At first, I had a text box covering my menu and the menu wasn’t working. I was so confused on why it wasn’t going to work, this was until I asked Ben and he showed me that the text box was covering, this meaning that I had to move everything down so my menu would work. After this I went through all articles and pages to double check if it was all okay. After this I published it online and started on my Evaluation. On the Tuesday afternoon, I laid out my evaluation slides and started to fill out the first evaluation page of my research. When looking back over my research for my evaluation I noticed that my Research and planning needs to be more detailed when I start my FMP. On the Wednesday, I completed another slide of my research evaluation and started my planning evaluation. I added screenshots of my experiments on my planning evaluation as it shows one of the elements of my planning section. Thursday was the last day of this rotation as the Friday was a teach training day. I had to try finish my reflection or my evaluation on Thursday as I didn’t want to have loads of work to do over the Easter holidays I decided to finish my planning and time management slides and start my reflection for this rotation. I did this because I knew that I had another week before this rotation had to be completed, If I started my reflection this would mean that I would remember more and it would be very useful when I was evaluating. Even though we weren’t at college on the Friday I spent three hours finishing my reflection, this meant that I had completed 5 weeks of reflection which would benefit when writing my evaluation. All which was left to complete was my Aesthetic Qualities, Technical Qualities slides. I set myself of a goal that I would complete my evaluation by Thursday 29th March. I would also put all my work from my pro forma on my blog by the 30th March. WEEK FIVE
  • 75. RESEARCH When I started to research for this project, I started to look a magazines front covers, double page spreads and websites. For this I looked at Harpers Bazaar magazine and website, NME magazine and website and finally PC Gamer magazine and website. When analysing these magazines, I researched the typical conventions for a double page spread and learnt that most double page spreads include a quote, a stand first and a drops cap to start off the article. This research really helped my product as it looked more professional and real. Another convention which I used in my double page spread was the layout, in most cases there are a large photo of the left hand side page and then the article on the right hand side of the double page spread. I think that when I was analysing the double page spread and website of each of the magazines this was my main strength where as analysing the front covers was a bit tricky as I didn’t really know what to say about the front cover. I think if I ever did the research again I would have to research more into the conventions of a front cover and then add what I had learnt into my product. This would initially make my product more similar to other front pages and more professional. However, what I did realise is that I don’t want my background to be too attention grabbing when I create my actual project, as when I compared the Harpers Bazaar front cover to my image of mine I found the background too much and instead would choose a grey/white background as it would look more aesthetic.
  • 76. RESEARCH Another research technique which I completed was to create my own experiments for a design which I would like to produce. I purposely set my experiment to be similar but different to my actual product. I had decided that I wanted to create a fashion magazine for my product for this rotation, I kept along the lines of fashion and my double page spread idea. However, my front cover, website and double page spread did not link at all. My front cover was very rushed and rather messy, my website was very aesthetic and my double page spread was very vintage. Each product was giving off a different atmosphere. I think my strengths of this experiment section was the double page spread, this is because it was the vibe which I was going for in my actual double page spread. This was the first time I used InDesign and I think it worked quite well. I also thought I did quite a good job of my website, even if it didn’t link to my front cover or my double page spread for a first try it went quite good. However, My weaknesses of my research were very obvious. The front cover was very messy and had too much going on. If I could of done my front cover experiment again I would move the title into the middle of the page and put the date and price in the top right hand corner. I would also add more stars and blobs on my front cover then just a bit of text. If I could redo my front cover experiment I would have added more detail into the cover to link with my other experiments. Originally when planning my product I would of used a colour theme of red, black and white like the double page spread. However, I felt this was quite boring after creating my double page spread. I added more colour to the front cover and that was also too much. I decided that I would have a colour theme of white, black, yellow and pink.
  • 77. PLANNING When planning for my product, I had to complete a proposal, mind map, flat plan, style sheet, website plan and any additional planning I wanted to include. I felt as if one of my strengths were writing the proposal, this was because I knew what I wanted to create unlike other rotations where I was stuck as I didn’t know what to create. This proposal consisted of specific word counts for identifying the target audience, rationale and other boxes like the evaluation. Another task which I had to complete was my initial plans, this included 3 mind maps of my chosen idea and how I would explore it in the three products I would make. My Front cover would include stars and blobs which would advertise free things as it would entice the audience, the mind map also included my typography fonts which I might have used. I also included 3 additional pages of my ideas and where I got the inspiration from. I enjoyed this task as I found it rather easy. In my past rotations, it felt as though I didn’t know what to do in my initial plan whereas on this rotation I knew what I wanted to create and how I could do that. The flat plans took a while to complete as I didn’t know what they should consist of. For the front cover, I went onto Photoshop and labelled where I would place the masthead, stars and blobs, barcode etc. I also, created a flat plan for my website. This included 4 rough plans of my website pages. Looking back at it now, I didn’t follow the layout of this but I kept to the same design. For the website plan I used the software InDesign. However, for my actual finished website I used this means that the layout was different anyway. I then made a flat plan for my double page spread. This layout I stuck to when creating my actual double spread. My weakness for these planning documents were the fact that I took too long to create these and I was running out of time to the fact that I had to use a day in my production time to complete.
  • 78. PLANNING I had the style sheet, website plan and any additional planning which I had left to complete, when I completed the style sheet I felt as though it looked really bare. This was mainly because in my other slides which I had completed had more or less covered what I would cover on the style sheet. I would say that this was a big weakness for me when I was doing my planning as I didn't want to carry on repeating myself This is something which I could improve on when I do my final major project, maybe next time I could do my style sheet before doing my actual mind map, this would mean that I would have more ideas when completing my mind map. Another task which I ad completed was doing a website plan. I had never done this before. At first, I didn't know what content to put onto my website. I started off with just a rough idea of what I was going to write about, I drafted how each article would link to the next article. I knew for definite that I wanted to feature a beauty column, a fashion column and then a news column as well as a home page and contact us page. I think this turned out to go quite well, when I got to my production week I did end up changing my articles which I was going to write as I wanted something more relevant to the news from that week. From this website plan it helped me keep a focused mind set when making my website as I knew what I wanted to create and how they were all going to link together. For my additional planning task I decided to fill out a contingency and health and safety plan. This was rather easy as if I lost my work I had a back up plan so I always had something a back up plan if I did loose my work. This was really helpful as when I was in my first week of production my computer crashed, thankfully I had backed my documents up. Health and safety plan was just a back up just in case something went wrong as well. Overall, I think my planning stage went good.
  • 79. TIME MANAGEMENT Overall, during my project I think I managed my time well. The first week when I was researching existing products I managed to finish it all by the week was over. I even managed to do an experiment for the next week. For the first week, I think if I did have the time that I would of added more detail but I was happy with the amount which I had completed in the first week. The second week I was still ahead of what I was meant to be doing, however at the end of that week I didn't get my additional planning which I had to complete on the following week. My planning would have improved with additional time as I could of filled out a risk assessment as well as a contingency form and half and safety plan. I could have improved my style sheet as it was rather bare and not very detailed. On my third week it was the start of my production, I was already a day behind due to the Tuesday being used to finish off my additional planning. However, I carried on and by the end of the third week my articles were written for my website and my double page spread. If I had more time during this week, I would of preferred to take my photos on the 1st week of production and then have the second week to make sure everything is in order before handing it all in. The 4th week was the most productive week I've had during this rotation. By the Friday, I had completed the photos, double page spread front page cover and all 8 pages of my website. I think in this week I had great time management as if I had additional time I would improve my front cover, but the way it is now I am rather happy with. The last week of this rotation I had good time management my reflection took too long to complete. If I did have more time I would spent more time on my evaluation then my reflection.
  • 80. AESTHETIC QUALITIES When I started to create my front cover, double page spread and website I aimed to make all the products good and aesthetic. I learnt from my experiments that I need to make it look all the same. I like how the title typography on the front cover is the same font as the website headline. If I had to improve this I would made my headline on the website more visible and the same colour as the title on the front cover. Strengths All look the same- same colour themes and same font. All the images stand out and attract the audiences attention. Weaknesses Double page spread looks rather simple with the white background- but the images do stand out. Different background- don’t look similar.
  • 81. TECHNICAL QUALITIES (FRONT COVER) Similarities: One similarity is the layout is basically the same. There is only one image displayed and in the same layout. Another similarity is how the images stand out against the background which is similar. Differences: On the Vintage magazine front cover there is more text compared to my minimalist front cover. Another difference between these to front covers are the colour themes. My colour scheme is very bright whereas the vintage magazine is black and white and red.
  • 82. TECHNICAL QUALITIES (DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD) Differences: My spread is rather dull and boring as there aren't any other colours than black on my text whereas on the other double page spread the red brightens up the page and makes it stand out. Similarities: A similarity between the Emma Watson double spread and my double page spread is the layout. The left side of the spread has a large image in both as it’s a typical convention.
  • 83. TECHNICAL QUALITIES (WEBSITE) Similarities: The websites are both rather similar especially with the title layout. They also have similar menu layouts. Differences: There are quite a lot of differences, the Elle website is brighter than mine and has an image on the title section. My articles are shown on a slider where as on the Elle website it is shown with the top 5 articles at the top.
  • 84. AUDIENCE APPEAL At the beginning I set my target audience to be for women aged 16-30. At the end of this project I would say that I kept to this audience, The articles which I published would attract this target audience as it was very modern yet one article was talking through the fashion in the decades. However even this would have attracted the younger audience as most 16 year olds are at that mature age where they want something to connect with which isn't in this century. With the over 20’s it would be the time in their life to go on adventures and relax, hence the ‘beauty in Amsterdam’ article on my website. This could start an adventure which they have been longing for. The front cover would relate to this audience as the model is not very old but she looks very mature which would influence the audience to buy the magazine. The website also looks very mature and aesthetic, this would also influence the reader to read it as it could be on their wave length and could give them some valuable advice which they might be needing. The double page spread also looks very mature and has a modern theme about it. Overall I think I kept my audience in mind throughout the whole production period which shows as it all relates to the target audience.

Editor's Notes

  3. Conventions -
  8. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  9. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  10. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  11. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  12. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  13. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  14. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. COMPARE TO PACMAN AND SPACE INVADERS Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  15. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. COMPARE TO PACMAN AND SPACE INVADERS Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  16. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. COMPARE TO PACMAN AND SPACE INVADERS Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  17. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows