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                           SESSION NOTES FROM
                                                     GARRISON WYNN

    This document contains an overview of Garrison’s presentation and is designed for people
    who have attended the session.

                                             FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS

The research
   5,000 top-performing people of influence in multiple industries

Know-it-all experts
   Praise their ability
   Paraphrase and listen to what they say
   Focus on the solution

Being right!
   The ideas of others – If you criticize others’ ideas, they will almost never listen to yours, no matter how good your
    ideas are!
   How you make people feel – If you make people feel important, what you offer is more important to them.
   People don’t choose what’s best; they choose what they are the most comfortable with. It doesn’t matter if it’s the
    best. The more comfortable people are with your presentation skills, the more likely they are to implement
   How well you present and communicate your knowledge and ideas creates the respect, trust, and authority you need
    to be effective.

We are judgment machines.

Everybody knows something you don’t.
   The minute you think you know everything, your wisdom leaves you. I think we understand everyone knows
    something you don’t.
   The beginning of trust: You’ve known people for five years who still don’t trust you, and you’ve known people for five
    minutes who do. Most information on trust stresses that it takes time. But actually looking at research from 1916 to the
    present reveals the truth about trust.

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                 1

The Plumber Exercise: Doing a Good Job
    5. Good job
    4. Not that good
    3. Less than not that good
    2. Bad
    1. Really bad

   Your behavior always betrays your skill.
   If people don’t like your behavior, they will look for reasons to mistrust or disagree with you. If they view you as
    arrogant, entitled, unfocused, or unprepared, they will look for a reason to dislike your presentation.
   People who dislike your presentation style do not want to use your ideas. Your extensive knowledge loses its value, in
    their eyes.
   What comes out of your mouth (not necessarily your knowledge or skill) creates the influence around you.
   Plumber No. 1 didn’t look at the role he played in his own behavior: Are you willing to get real about how others see
    you? Make sure it does not interfere with your ability to be influential in your presentations.
   What the top 1% of leaders would only discuss anonymously: The opinion that others have of you is more powerful
    than your skill.
   The key is this: Make sure that your conduct in front of an audience does not detract from the value of your

                                           THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUS T

People you can’t stand: What most people won’t do, and what the most effective always do
   Your behavior – Are you willing to own 5% of their problems to gain more influence? Are you willing look at the role
    you play in their behavior or reaction?
   Their behavior: We let others’ “odd” behavior take up a lot of our thoughts. We believe everyone has a different
    agenda. But people basically want sincerity, value, and prestige.

   Does your sincerity match the situation? Are you seen as real?
   If you aren’t sincere enough, people see you as cold. But if you’re overly sincere, they see you as fake.

   Multiple solutions for a single problem – If you tell people there is only one way to do something, you have no

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                       2
   Will doing business with you make them look good to others? Can you make them look good in front of the people
    they want to impress? Can you make them look smart? Does your message have repeatability?
   If people know you are being real, you have more than one way to solve their problems, and you can make them look
    good to others, they will listen to everything you say every time you speak. That’s the foundation of influence.

   Some things may be true but not believable. The issue: Some people believe a thing so strongly that they just look for
    reasons to prove what they already believe is true.
   People don’t want to change if they feel a new way reduces their value or expertise. No one wants to be a senior
   Similarities first: Show how what you offer is similar to what they’re used to, and then show the benefits of what you
    offer – how it’s better than what they’re used to.

What people value most
   People value feeling valuable! Reassure people that the knowledge they already have will help them be successful.
   People who feel valuable will look out for you and make fewer mistakes; they are more likely to do what you want
    them to do.
   You create loyalty and get buy-in on your ideas by letting people know the role they played in your success.


They know the impact of value and clarity.
   Can you clearly explain the value of what you offer in 20 seconds? You have to know what people value before you
    can influence them. Knowledge is not enough.
   It doesn’t matter how smart you are if nobody knows what you are talking about. Don’t let your brilliance prevent you
    from making sense. If you can’t explain something in simple terms, a great percentage of people believe that you
    don’t really understand it yourself. Clarity is proof that you know your stuff!
   If you are intelligent, you may lack tolerance for those who don’t understand things as well as you. If that is the case,
    you may be labeled a poor communicator, which robs you of influence.
   If your job is to get everybody on the same page, you should at least make that page a lot easier to read. Does
    everyone agree on what success looks like?
   Clarity is the foundation of value. People buy into what they can understand quickly. If your value is easy to
    understand, you have more influence than others whose value is not.
   In our poll of 500 executives, 479 of them emphasized, “If you can’t present a point clearly in two minutes, you
    shouldn’t be in my office!”

They use the clarity-of-value formula in their presentations.
   Issue – The problem: Give them a well-defined description of the problem, using simple terminology.

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                           3
   Action – The solution: Explain simply and clearly how you can solve the problem. Give the big picture first, and
    provide details second. Keep it simple and easy to repeat so that it has legs and becomes a body of knowledge.
   Impact – Why the solution has specific value for them: Explain the benefits of the change. “Based on what you’ve told
    me or what we have learned…” They need to see their input in the solution.
   To be valuable, your ideas must be clear and easy to understand. Many people have less value to offer than you do;
    they’re just better at explaining it. Having value, it seems, is not as valuable as explaining it well.
   Old saying: “It’s not what you say; it’s what you do that counts.” The truth: People don’t really know all that you do, but
    they do take note of whatever flies out of your mouth at the big meeting!

They know how others perceive them.
   First impressions count! Our research shows the experience that people have on their first encounter with you creates
    the filter through which they view all other situations. To stay competitive, you need the advantage of making a good
    first impression in all areas.
   People who are older than you will always see you as young , but that doesn’t mean they’re waiting for you to mess
    up so that they can correct you. They actually want you to do well. That’s why they hired you.
   Are you realistic about how you are viewed? And about how well your presentation is going?
   Five signs of an average presenter: (1) Uncomfortable before an audience. (2) Takes too long to think before
    speaking. (3) Too much info on slides. (4) Lots of details but very few points. (5) Audience asks many questions
    afterwards about material you covered.
   You have to have influence if you hope your presentation will influence.

They know how to get people to THINK.
   Teaching or transferring your knowledge onto others is not enough; you need to get people to think by asking
    questions that provoke thought. Good question: “Is there a question I didn’t ask today that you think I should have?”
    This proves you care and gets them to think more deeply about what you’ve told them, which might spur them to ask
    the questions they were afraid to ask.
   Avoiding bad questions is easy; asking good questions takes effort.

   The agreement formula: Ask, listen, agree, recommend. This works because people rarely disagree with their own
    ideas. What comes out of a person’s mouth means more to that person than what you have to say. If you want your
    presentation to have impact, make sure people see their input in your solutions.

They know (and avoid!) what causes stress.
   The leading cause of stress: Knowing exactly what you should be doing and consistently doing something else.
   It takes more emotional effort to worry than it does to solve problems! You might need to invest more effort to get
    results, but doing so will lower your stress level.

                                       THE PRESENTATION FOR MULA

The opening and closing are the most important parts of your presentation.
   In the opening you must grab attention and state the problem, along with relevant concepts and beliefs.
   The closing needs to include motivational solutions.

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                         4
Middle elements and tips to move things forward, not bog things down:
   Agenda – dramatic and easy to understand.
   Segments – your point; the story; listing problems and solutions; closing your point.
   Bumper sticker statements – simple statements that make your point after you’ve explained some details. Example:
    “High tech – low tech = a lack of common sense.”
   Summaries – your agenda plus the bottom line.
   Check your flow. You’ll need some light pieces and easy concepts, so you might not end up with a strictly
    chronological presentation.
   Make it easy on the eyes. Your handouts and text should include plenty of bullets and white space. Avoid too much
    detail. Use a 30-point font size, and make sure charts and graphs are simple and BIG.

Your outline allows you to be prepared.
   With an outline, you’ll always know where you’re going and which road will take you there.


Never end with a question-and-answer session.

Fielding questions is much easier if you have a deep grasp of the core issue.

How you react to questions can determine your fate.
   For questions you can’t answer, ask: “Can you be more specific?”
   Never reply to a question with “I don’t know.” Instead, respond with “I don’t have enough information to give an
    answer I’m comfortable with.”
   Separate questions from statements. Some people just want to talk.

                                               STAGE PRESENCE

Impact fuels learning.
   Impact Tool No. 1: Put passion into your presentation. What do you love outside of work? Can you talk about it briefly
    and make it fit into one of your main points?
   Impact Tool No. 2: Increase your animation.
   Impact Tool No. 3: Find your humor. Do you have a good story you’ve told before? Can you match the story to a point
    you’re making?
   When there is no way out, you might as well get as creative as you possibly can and see what happens!

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                    5

They create concise presentations from overabundant information.
   When in doubt, leave it out.
   Reduce the amount of text and use a simple, effective image, if possible.

They follow these simple PowerPoint pointers.
   See how many slides you can live without.
   Saying what’s on the slide is OK. Reading all 10 bullet points, which were already written in full sentences, is not. You
    will come off looking like you don’t know your topic.
   Big text. Minimal information.

They use proximity and positioning to their advantage.
   “I don’t do windows” – Never present in front of a window.
   Remain close to your audience. Check out seating arrangements in advance, if needed, so you can ensure
    engagement, interaction, or approachability.

They’re comfortable with their subject matter and their notes.
   You may read from your notes as long as you are confident and charismatic and are giving a long presentation (over
    1½ hours).
   Exceptions: Reading from notes during shorter presentations is acceptable when you’re presenting new research,
    quoting someone, or making off-the-cuff references to statistical data.

They rehearse. Practice makes polish.

                                      GENERATIONAL DIFFERE NCES

We are most influential when we understand our audience.

Older generations have preconceptions about younger coworkers.
   They think you don’t have the same work ethic. They also think you often lack a sense of urgency, or that you struggle
    to understand that “now” means drop what you’re doing and tend to this NOW!
   The elementary school system and modern parenting are the factors that made you different from your parents’
    generation. We taught you to respect only those people who respect you first, but now we want unconditional respect
    because we are “The Boss”!

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                       6
   The worst leadership strategy you can have is wishing people were more like you. Older generations may have
    difficulty embracing an idea they don’t value or understand because it comes from a younger generation that they
    don’t really understand. So, to succeed, you will need to use all the communication skills and influence skills
    you have.

A key influence tactic: Learn the old way so older people will listen to your new way.

What’s good and different about your generation:
   You trust each other and believe that every problem comes with its own set of solutions. Younger people are often
    better at finding solutions that others might overlook.
   You are more tolerant of each other and reach agreements faster. (Older people take objections more personally and
    are slower to come to agreement.)

Stay positive, and make compromises where necessary.
   Younger generations need to deal with how Generation X and baby boomers think and what they believe. Your
    presentation has to work for them. You’ll need to follow what they think is important (dress code, punctuality, etc.)
    without reducing the quality of your best effort.
   Don’t infect your presentation with negativity. Be honest, but realize also that bad news spreads fast.

                                                    EASY SUMMARY

   If YOU are influential, then your presentation is influential.
   Your behavior will betray your skill. Don’t let your conduct or style reduce the value of your contribution.
   Clarity is pivotal to effectively communicating your point. Knowledge without clarity has zero value.
   You are your presentation. PowerPoint is just the tool you use. (Don’t put too much on your slides.)
   Regarding presentation skills: Preparation, passion, and presence create success.
   Know your audience and be realistic about who they are and how they see you.

                                    THINKING LIKE A TOP PERFORMER

Innovative thinking
   Don’t let the media tell you what your life looks like. Good news does not sell newspapers. People succeed in all
    market conditions; why would that person not be you?

   You can’t lead by example if you’re a bad example. You have to believe in the change.
   Leadership defined: People following someone because they want to, not because they have to.

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                       7
   We have to be innovative to make change work. The big question – Can you do things differently?
   Action and adaptability – Change is not the problem; resistance to change is the problem. The tool of the day is
   We have a choice – Success lives in you. The best way to stay motivated is to motivate each other.
   Succeeding requires action – Success is a gift wrapped in fear. Don’t wait for the courage to open it. The most
    successful people take action while afraid. Do it a few times and you’ll develop the courage you need.
   Change is an action, not an epiphany – You can’t think your way into action; you have to act your way into thinking.
   Your value – If you make others feel valuable, you’ll be seen as more valuable. If you understand and believe in your
    own value, it’s much easier to show and deliver more value to others.

                                          CONNECT W ITH GARRISO N

        Twitter:         @garrisonwynn

Get a copy of Garrison’s book: The REAL Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won’t Tell You and
How You Can Do It Anyway! at Available in hardcover, Kindle, or Nook format.

Inquire about Garrison’s availability to speak at your next event or 713-864-2902 or toll free 888-833-2902

© Wynn Solutions 2012                                                                                                      8

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  • 1. I NFLUENCE AND P RESENTATION S KILLS SESSION NOTES FROM GARRISON WYNN This document contains an overview of Garrison’s presentation and is designed for people who have attended the session. FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS The research  5,000 top-performing people of influence in multiple industries Know-it-all experts  Praise their ability  Paraphrase and listen to what they say  Focus on the solution Being right!  The ideas of others – If you criticize others’ ideas, they will almost never listen to yours, no matter how good your ideas are!  How you make people feel – If you make people feel important, what you offer is more important to them.  People don’t choose what’s best; they choose what they are the most comfortable with. It doesn’t matter if it’s the best. The more comfortable people are with your presentation skills, the more likely they are to implement solutions.  How well you present and communicate your knowledge and ideas creates the respect, trust, and authority you need to be effective. We are judgment machines. Everybody knows something you don’t.  The minute you think you know everything, your wisdom leaves you. I think we understand everyone knows something you don’t.  The beginning of trust: You’ve known people for five years who still don’t trust you, and you’ve known people for five minutes who do. Most information on trust stresses that it takes time. But actually looking at research from 1916 to the present reveals the truth about trust. © Wynn Solutions 2012 1
  • 2. AN EXERCISE IN INFLU ENCE The Plumber Exercise: Doing a Good Job 5. Good job 4. Not that good 3. Less than not that good 2. Bad 1. Really bad  Your behavior always betrays your skill.  If people don’t like your behavior, they will look for reasons to mistrust or disagree with you. If they view you as arrogant, entitled, unfocused, or unprepared, they will look for a reason to dislike your presentation.  People who dislike your presentation style do not want to use your ideas. Your extensive knowledge loses its value, in their eyes.  What comes out of your mouth (not necessarily your knowledge or skill) creates the influence around you.  Plumber No. 1 didn’t look at the role he played in his own behavior: Are you willing to get real about how others see you? Make sure it does not interfere with your ability to be influential in your presentations.  What the top 1% of leaders would only discuss anonymously: The opinion that others have of you is more powerful than your skill.  The key is this: Make sure that your conduct in front of an audience does not detract from the value of your presentation. THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUS T People you can’t stand: What most people won’t do, and what the most effective always do  Your behavior – Are you willing to own 5% of their problems to gain more influence? Are you willing look at the role you play in their behavior or reaction?  Their behavior: We let others’ “odd” behavior take up a lot of our thoughts. We believe everyone has a different agenda. But people basically want sincerity, value, and prestige. Sincerity  Does your sincerity match the situation? Are you seen as real?  If you aren’t sincere enough, people see you as cold. But if you’re overly sincere, they see you as fake. Money/Value  Multiple solutions for a single problem – If you tell people there is only one way to do something, you have no influence. © Wynn Solutions 2012 2
  • 3. Prestige  Will doing business with you make them look good to others? Can you make them look good in front of the people they want to impress? Can you make them look smart? Does your message have repeatability?  If people know you are being real, you have more than one way to solve their problems, and you can make them look good to others, they will listen to everything you say every time you speak. That’s the foundation of influence. Believability  Some things may be true but not believable. The issue: Some people believe a thing so strongly that they just look for reasons to prove what they already believe is true.  People don’t want to change if they feel a new way reduces their value or expertise. No one wants to be a senior beginner.  Similarities first: Show how what you offer is similar to what they’re used to, and then show the benefits of what you offer – how it’s better than what they’re used to. What people value most  People value feeling valuable! Reassure people that the knowledge they already have will help them be successful.  People who feel valuable will look out for you and make fewer mistakes; they are more likely to do what you want them to do.  You create loyalty and get buy-in on your ideas by letting people know the role they played in your success. W HAT THE MOST INFLUENTIAL HAVE IN COMMON They know the impact of value and clarity.  Can you clearly explain the value of what you offer in 20 seconds? You have to know what people value before you can influence them. Knowledge is not enough.  It doesn’t matter how smart you are if nobody knows what you are talking about. Don’t let your brilliance prevent you from making sense. If you can’t explain something in simple terms, a great percentage of people believe that you don’t really understand it yourself. Clarity is proof that you know your stuff!  If you are intelligent, you may lack tolerance for those who don’t understand things as well as you. If that is the case, you may be labeled a poor communicator, which robs you of influence.  If your job is to get everybody on the same page, you should at least make that page a lot easier to read. Does everyone agree on what success looks like?  Clarity is the foundation of value. People buy into what they can understand quickly. If your value is easy to understand, you have more influence than others whose value is not.  In our poll of 500 executives, 479 of them emphasized, “If you can’t present a point clearly in two minutes, you shouldn’t be in my office!” They use the clarity-of-value formula in their presentations.  Issue – The problem: Give them a well-defined description of the problem, using simple terminology. © Wynn Solutions 2012 3
  • 4. Action – The solution: Explain simply and clearly how you can solve the problem. Give the big picture first, and provide details second. Keep it simple and easy to repeat so that it has legs and becomes a body of knowledge.  Impact – Why the solution has specific value for them: Explain the benefits of the change. “Based on what you’ve told me or what we have learned…” They need to see their input in the solution.  To be valuable, your ideas must be clear and easy to understand. Many people have less value to offer than you do; they’re just better at explaining it. Having value, it seems, is not as valuable as explaining it well.  Old saying: “It’s not what you say; it’s what you do that counts.” The truth: People don’t really know all that you do, but they do take note of whatever flies out of your mouth at the big meeting! They know how others perceive them.  First impressions count! Our research shows the experience that people have on their first encounter with you creates the filter through which they view all other situations. To stay competitive, you need the advantage of making a good first impression in all areas.  People who are older than you will always see you as young , but that doesn’t mean they’re waiting for you to mess up so that they can correct you. They actually want you to do well. That’s why they hired you.  Are you realistic about how you are viewed? And about how well your presentation is going?  Five signs of an average presenter: (1) Uncomfortable before an audience. (2) Takes too long to think before speaking. (3) Too much info on slides. (4) Lots of details but very few points. (5) Audience asks many questions afterwards about material you covered.  You have to have influence if you hope your presentation will influence. They know how to get people to THINK.  Teaching or transferring your knowledge onto others is not enough; you need to get people to think by asking questions that provoke thought. Good question: “Is there a question I didn’t ask today that you think I should have?” This proves you care and gets them to think more deeply about what you’ve told them, which might spur them to ask the questions they were afraid to ask.  Avoiding bad questions is easy; asking good questions takes effort.  The agreement formula: Ask, listen, agree, recommend. This works because people rarely disagree with their own ideas. What comes out of a person’s mouth means more to that person than what you have to say. If you want your presentation to have impact, make sure people see their input in your solutions. They know (and avoid!) what causes stress.  The leading cause of stress: Knowing exactly what you should be doing and consistently doing something else.  It takes more emotional effort to worry than it does to solve problems! You might need to invest more effort to get results, but doing so will lower your stress level. THE PRESENTATION FOR MULA The opening and closing are the most important parts of your presentation.  In the opening you must grab attention and state the problem, along with relevant concepts and beliefs.  The closing needs to include motivational solutions. © Wynn Solutions 2012 4
  • 5. Middle elements and tips to move things forward, not bog things down:  Agenda – dramatic and easy to understand.  Segments – your point; the story; listing problems and solutions; closing your point.  Bumper sticker statements – simple statements that make your point after you’ve explained some details. Example: “High tech – low tech = a lack of common sense.”  Summaries – your agenda plus the bottom line.  Check your flow. You’ll need some light pieces and easy concepts, so you might not end up with a strictly chronological presentation.  Make it easy on the eyes. Your handouts and text should include plenty of bullets and white space. Avoid too much detail. Use a 30-point font size, and make sure charts and graphs are simple and BIG. Your outline allows you to be prepared.  With an outline, you’ll always know where you’re going and which road will take you there. QUESTION-AND-ANSW ER SESSIONS: A F RIENDLY ENVIRONMENT Never end with a question-and-answer session. Fielding questions is much easier if you have a deep grasp of the core issue. How you react to questions can determine your fate.  For questions you can’t answer, ask: “Can you be more specific?”  Never reply to a question with “I don’t know.” Instead, respond with “I don’t have enough information to give an answer I’m comfortable with.”  Separate questions from statements. Some people just want to talk. STAGE PRESENCE Impact fuels learning.  Impact Tool No. 1: Put passion into your presentation. What do you love outside of work? Can you talk about it briefly and make it fit into one of your main points?  Impact Tool No. 2: Increase your animation.  Impact Tool No. 3: Find your humor. Do you have a good story you’ve told before? Can you match the story to a point you’re making?  When there is no way out, you might as well get as creative as you possibly can and see what happens! © Wynn Solutions 2012 5
  • 6. W HAT THE PROS DO DIF FERENTLY They create concise presentations from overabundant information.  When in doubt, leave it out.  Reduce the amount of text and use a simple, effective image, if possible. They follow these simple PowerPoint pointers.  See how many slides you can live without.  Saying what’s on the slide is OK. Reading all 10 bullet points, which were already written in full sentences, is not. You will come off looking like you don’t know your topic.  Big text. Minimal information. They use proximity and positioning to their advantage.  “I don’t do windows” – Never present in front of a window.  Remain close to your audience. Check out seating arrangements in advance, if needed, so you can ensure engagement, interaction, or approachability. They’re comfortable with their subject matter and their notes.  You may read from your notes as long as you are confident and charismatic and are giving a long presentation (over 1½ hours).  Exceptions: Reading from notes during shorter presentations is acceptable when you’re presenting new research, quoting someone, or making off-the-cuff references to statistical data. They rehearse. Practice makes polish. GENERATIONAL DIFFERE NCES We are most influential when we understand our audience. Older generations have preconceptions about younger coworkers.  They think you don’t have the same work ethic. They also think you often lack a sense of urgency, or that you struggle to understand that “now” means drop what you’re doing and tend to this NOW!  The elementary school system and modern parenting are the factors that made you different from your parents’ generation. We taught you to respect only those people who respect you first, but now we want unconditional respect because we are “The Boss”! © Wynn Solutions 2012 6
  • 7. The worst leadership strategy you can have is wishing people were more like you. Older generations may have difficulty embracing an idea they don’t value or understand because it comes from a younger generation that they don’t really understand. So, to succeed, you will need to use all the communication skills and influence skills you have. A key influence tactic: Learn the old way so older people will listen to your new way. What’s good and different about your generation:  You trust each other and believe that every problem comes with its own set of solutions. Younger people are often better at finding solutions that others might overlook.  You are more tolerant of each other and reach agreements faster. (Older people take objections more personally and are slower to come to agreement.) Stay positive, and make compromises where necessary.  Younger generations need to deal with how Generation X and baby boomers think and what they believe. Your presentation has to work for them. You’ll need to follow what they think is important (dress code, punctuality, etc.) without reducing the quality of your best effort.  Don’t infect your presentation with negativity. Be honest, but realize also that bad news spreads fast. EASY SUMMARY  If YOU are influential, then your presentation is influential.  Your behavior will betray your skill. Don’t let your conduct or style reduce the value of your contribution.  Clarity is pivotal to effectively communicating your point. Knowledge without clarity has zero value.  You are your presentation. PowerPoint is just the tool you use. (Don’t put too much on your slides.)  Regarding presentation skills: Preparation, passion, and presence create success.  Know your audience and be realistic about who they are and how they see you. THINKING LIKE A TOP PERFORMER Innovative thinking  Don’t let the media tell you what your life looks like. Good news does not sell newspapers. People succeed in all market conditions; why would that person not be you? Leadership  You can’t lead by example if you’re a bad example. You have to believe in the change.  Leadership defined: People following someone because they want to, not because they have to. © Wynn Solutions 2012 7
  • 8. Change  We have to be innovative to make change work. The big question – Can you do things differently?  Action and adaptability – Change is not the problem; resistance to change is the problem. The tool of the day is influence.  We have a choice – Success lives in you. The best way to stay motivated is to motivate each other.  Succeeding requires action – Success is a gift wrapped in fear. Don’t wait for the courage to open it. The most successful people take action while afraid. Do it a few times and you’ll develop the courage you need.  Change is an action, not an epiphany – You can’t think your way into action; you have to act your way into thinking.  Your value – If you make others feel valuable, you’ll be seen as more valuable. If you understand and believe in your own value, it’s much easier to show and deliver more value to others. CONNECT W ITH GARRISO N E-mail: Twitter: @garrisonwynn Facebook: Website: Book: Blog: Get a copy of Garrison’s book: The REAL Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won’t Tell You and How You Can Do It Anyway! at Available in hardcover, Kindle, or Nook format. Inquire about Garrison’s availability to speak at your next event or 713-864-2902 or toll free 888-833-2902 © Wynn Solutions 2012 8