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......Gen Y 

Born 1981 - 2001   Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
What is this?
         This presentation is one of five presentations outlining our understanding of
         Generational perspectives

    1.   The Theory of Generations

    2.   Boomers

    3.   Generation X

    4.   Generation Y, or Millenials

    5.   Applying generational perspectives to Marketing

Born 1981 - 2001            Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
The introduction
       A mini baby boom

       Heroes archetype – why so special?

       Diversity and communication

       Saving the world

       Millenials current circumstances and future potential

Born 1981 - 2001           Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
A mini-boom, from the Boomers!
 •   Generation Y born from 1981 to 2001
 •   Oldest is 30 years old – youngest is 11 years
 •   Currently in
       Compulsory education
       Further or higher education
       Entering the workplace                              Silent
 •   AB - 21% (22%)
 •   C1 - 30% (30%)                              1965
                                                           Gen X
 •   C2 - 18% (15%)
 •   D - 24% (17%)
 •   E - 7% (16%)                                2001

Born 1981 - 2001            Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Famous Millennials

Born 1981 - 2001   Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
A reminder…. the Millenial Archetype

    •   conventional
    •   powerful
    •   institutionally driven                       This generation is still young
    •   trust authority                              and it’s characteristics just
    Childhood was experienced
                                                     Youngest of this generation
    •   as centre of parents world                   come of age in 2020...
    •   protected and sheltered
    •   with great expectations – feel special
    •   technology taken for granted

Born 1981 - 2001           Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Generation Y... Or The Millennials?
    •   Generation Y is a term disliked by the generation it     “Generation Y says nothing
        refers to                                                      unique about our
                                                                 generation. It says who we
                                                                  follow but states nothing
    •   They don’t want to be labelled simply by their next
                                                                      abut who we are”
        place in the queue – not very heroic!
                                                                    Source: Strauss and Howe

    •   Prefer Millennials – fits with their expectation and
        feeling of specialness, difference

    •   They distance themselves from Generation X – seeing
        it as a morally bankrupt generation full of negativity
        and destruction

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
So why do they feel so special?
    •   Millennials grew up heavily influenced by Idealistic Boomers in a society that was
        starting to reject the Wall Street archetype – there must be something more to


Born 1981 - 2001         Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Childhood – kids rule
      Boomer parents have placed a new focus around children

  •   Gen X life model of work and affluence driving everything
      created burn out and fractured families

  •   Boomers used their numbers and power status to improve
      rights and facilities for their kids

  •   Child-friendly was the name of the game, and parenting
      became a hot topic

  •   Fathers became more engaged and started to spend
      more time with their children – Remeber Fathers for

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Childhood – protected and spoilt...?
    •   Boomers, having seen the negativity of the Xer generation, make efforts to
        instil in their children a clear sense of worth

    •   Boomers instinct to protect creates 24/7 TV and news channels exploding
        with child safety and abuse issues - message “protect at all costs”

    •   Drive to realise the potential of Millennials – they are the most listened to

    •   Millennials experience the widest yet range of opportunities in all areas – from
        toys to technology, homes to holidays

    •   General affluence means “I want = I get”

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
...pressured and pushed?                                       My 14 and 16 year old have hours
                                                                   of homework to do each evening
                                                                   and they worry constantly about

        High expectations by all – as so much effort has been put into them

    •   “Helicopter parents” – always there, and struggling to let go

    •   School pressure from an early age (SATS introduced in early 1990’s)

    •   Higher education an expected path resulting in high expectations for
        and from the workplace

    •   Extra curricular activities increase as more women work to maintain
        family lifestyle

    •   Family life stressed by impact of divorce and pressure of achieving
        functioning blended families (65% of remarriages involve children)

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Educational attainment - rising but devalued
  •   National Curriculum introduced in

  •   A level pass rate rose for 25 years
      running. 25% achieved A grades for
      first time.

  •   Extra tuition and after school classes

  •   Decried by older generations who say
      exams just getting easier

                                                     Percentage of pupils aged 15 achieving 5 or more grades
                                                                              A* to C at GCSE and equivalent

Born 1981 - 2001           Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Millenials value their education
          Higher education is essential in order to achieve success in life

                       1 - Strongly agree   2    3        4       5 - Strongly disagree

     Boomers                35                  22            9         19             13

   Generation X              36                  25               13           16           9

   Generation Y                41                    21           8       16            13

                                                                               Source: Logistix IQ800 August data

Born 1981 - 2001       Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
An emerging sense of power...
    Millennials feeling powerful because
    • Focus and self belief from parents - you can do anything
    • Sense of society and responsibility – taught by idealistic parents
    • High educational attainment
    • Techno savvy, in contrast to older generations

    • Ability to take the pressure of high expectations – they are coping
    • Comfortable with multi-tasking high speed life
    • Old heads on young shoulders

    Leading many to feel Millennials will be the next   great generation

Born 1981 - 2001         Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Technology &
   Influenced by...

                                                                    High standard of

                                               Celebrity culture
                      Family leisure


                                      issues                Child safety

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
1 - Strongly agree     2        3          4        5 - Strongly disagree

                                               1 - Strongly agree    2        3          4        5 - Strongly disagree

     Millenials have a strong sense of society     31                    28                        19              11            9

                                                             50                                   33                      13          31
     and duty
      On a scale of 1-5 how much do you agree with this statement?
                                              1 - Strongly agree     2        3      27
                                                                                     4            5 - Strongly disagree 7
                                                                                                             20                           4
                                                   Strongly agree

 I enjoy living in a                                          56
                                                              55                                    31
                                                                                                   28                    11 9        430
 multicultural society                                      50                               24                   18             6    2
                                              1 - Strongly agree     2        3          4        5 - Strongly disagree

 Everyone should actively
 contribute to the wider                                4249                        29
                                                                                   24             36      19 18              10 1
                                                                                                                          7 13 7 2


 It is more important to have
                                                      41                          3227                       23
                                                                                                            19              7 7 63
 discipline and rules than
 freedom to do as you like

 Religion has rules I respect,
 regardless of whether I am a                            43                          28                       17             7        6
 follower of religion or not

                                                                                                  Source: Logistix IQ800 August 2007 data

Born 1981 - 2001                   Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Crime and drug use – declining last 10 years
              Source: The British Crime Survey (BCS)

    •   Since 2001, the proportion of pupils who have
        never drunk alcohol has risen
                                                         I can’t excuse what Boomers did with
                                                           sex and drugs when they were kids
    •   17% of pupils had taken drugs in 2006, down               Michael – aged 17
        from 19% in 2005.

Born 1981 - 2001               Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Until recently, benefitting from economy
    and family life
    •   Affluent families during recent times

    •   Low inflation and cost of technology falling

    •   Fewer children per family – spend per child

        Until 2009!

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Digital natives
        Millennium kids grew up with the computer

 Born       1981 – IBM first PC
            1984 – Apple Macs
10yrs       1990 – www created
            1993 – www grows by 341,000%
            1998 – Google
            1999 – dot com bubble & burst
            2000 – 20 million websites, PS2
20yrs       2001 – iPod
            2003 – iTunes
            2005 – YouTube
            2006 - Facebook

Born 1981 - 2001             Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Communication is everything                                         Source: Carphone Warehouse
                                                                               Youth Report 2006

    •   All things connected loom large in Millennials
        lives. They have come of age during the digital
        and internet revolution

    •   Being connected is incredibly important –
        this generation is naturally collaborative

    •   Media diversity and multi-taking is common
        place – not phased by pace or complexity of

                                                Source: OfCom 2006

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Web 2.0 is where the Millennials feel at
      home                                                                                “Adults tend to see all things computer
                                                                                        related as work, even when they’re play;
                                                                                        kids tend to see them as play, even when
                                                                                         they’re work. It’s a profoundly different
  •   User Generated Content means Millennials voices are heard
                                                                                        Elizabeth Weil, Fast Company USA

  •   All part of the communication package

  •   Niche interests – no need to “join up” with large tribes

  •   Encourages diversity and open-mindedness

                                                      Source: Novatris/Harris Interactive 2006

Born 1981 - 2001           Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Mobile phone addicts?
    •   Teaching mum and dad - 70% of 11-17 year olds “have to show my parents how
        to use certain functions on their mobile phone”

    •   Texting rather than talking is the rule, and
        most kids have pay as you go

                                                                      Source: Carphone Warehouse
    •   Learning the value of money by earning their top ups                    Youth Report 2006

                 “78% of young people
                 say that having a mobile
                 phone gives them a better
                 social life”

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
What is the national mood and
       how are Millenials reacting?

Born 1981 - 2001   Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
The current national mood
    1980’s and 90’s                              2001 – 2020 (Emerging mood)

    Families were weak                           Families are now strengthening
    Child rearing was tightening                 Child rearing is overprotective
    Gender roles were tight                      Gender roles are widening
    Ideals were debated                          Ideals are being championed
    Institutions were eroded                     Institutions are being founded
    Culture was cynical                          Culture is now practical
    Social structure was diversified             Social structure is settling
    Worldview was complex                        Worldview is simplifying
    Social priority was individual               Social priority is community
    Sense of need to do what's right             Sense of need is to fix the world
    Vision of future was darkening               Vision of future is brightening

Born 1981 - 2001              Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Turnings: The characteristic mood of the
    nation                              Fourth turning: Crisis
                                    Solid public consensus, support
                                    of authority, clampdown on bad
                                     conduct, overprotective child

      Third Turning: Unravelling                                          First turning: High
      Pragmatism, self-reliance,                                       Follows a crisis…Friendly,
        poor family structure,                                          indulgent child rearing,
      weakening civic habits, low                                       contentment, order and
       public trust, pessimism                                                consensus

                                    Second Turning: Awakening
                                          A challenge to highs
                                      assumptions, new spiritual
                                     agendas, soul over science,
                                    public order deteriorates, crime
                                       rises, families weakening              Source: The Fourth Turning, Strauss & Howe

Born 1981 - 2001            Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Realism rules over Idealism for
    A belief that the important issues have   Therefore more interested in micro-
    been fought                               issues than macro ones

           feminism                               Focused within society
           racial equality                        Political convergence – there is
           sexual tolerance                        only centre ground – no big
                                                    issues to consider
           education for all
                                                   Government focused on
           nuclear disarmament
                                                    commercial more than
           etc.                                    ideological concerns
                                                   Pragmatic generation

Born 1981 - 2001        Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Conservative heroes emerging
   Values & Attitudes                        Behaviour

   Respectful of parents                     Regard for authority and sacrifice
   High standards                            Prepared to work hard
   High expectations                         Driven to achieve
   Rejection of radicalism                   Saving and building - not destroying
   Confident in own values                   Unfazed by struggle, focused
   Diversity and collaboration               Tolerance, laissez faire
   Networked, multiple groups                Not compelled to join single rebel tribes
   Democratic, listening                     Consensus through collaboration
   Pursuit of happiness rather than wealth   Work/life balance
   Individual responsibility                 Changing my world changes
                                             everyone’s world

Born 1981 - 2001        Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
In a word…


Born 1981 - 2001   Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
What are Millennial’s circumstances?
     • In school, university or starting out in the workplace

     • Boomer parents own the wealth – high equity in property

     • Millennials staying in education, but average student debt over £12,000 will
       not be repaid for 15 years. 2011 Update – this is now £50k!

     • Property prices prohibitive (average cost is £184,000 vs. £96,000 in 1999)

     • Older Millennials are debt-ridden and hard working. However, not just
       motivated by money – looking for experiences and personal balance as
       much if not more than money

Born 1981 - 2001         Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
What about the in the workplace?
      Generation X                    Millennials

      • Distrust leadership           • High integrity, strong values

      • Impatient and cynical         • Optimistic and energetic
                                                                                         “At recruitment fairs candidates
      • Egalitarian vs hierarchical   • technically proficient                        used to try to stress what they could
                                                                                          offer to a company. Now it’s the
                                                                                                          other way round.”

      • Prefer tribes to teams        • Work well in teams                                The Association of Graduate

      • Rule breakers                 • Worldly, educated

                                                 Source: “Generations at Work – The Power of Customer Demographics” - M Lapierre

Born 1981 - 2001         Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Heroes of the future?
     •   They will look to rebuild and improve it from within – no ripping down

     •   Based on a collaborative self-interest, rather than pure idealism of Boomer
         parents or individualism of Generation X

     •   Still question marks over ability to lead – brought up on household democracy,
         everyone’s a winner belief and collaboration with peers rather than outright

     •   Who will be the Millennial leaders of the future?           This is my generation
                                                                      and my life, and I’m
                                                                     going to do something
                                                                             with it
                                                                           Tyler- aged 17

Born 1981 - 2001          Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
Finally, marketing is aspirational again

    Marketing courses are some of the most popular in the country

       previously                             cynicism

       now                                    embracing

       Now they really know our game!

Born 1981 - 2001    Currently 11yrs – 30yrs

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Presentation 4 Generation Y

  • 1. ......Gen Y  Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 2. What is this? This presentation is one of five presentations outlining our understanding of Generational perspectives 1. The Theory of Generations 2. Boomers 3. Generation X 4. Generation Y, or Millenials 5. Applying generational perspectives to Marketing Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 3. The introduction  A mini baby boom  Heroes archetype – why so special?  Diversity and communication  Saving the world  Millenials current circumstances and future potential Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 4. A mini-boom, from the Boomers! • Generation Y born from 1981 to 2001 • Oldest is 30 years old – youngest is 11 years • Currently in  Compulsory education  Further or higher education  Entering the workplace Silent 1945 Boomer • AB - 21% (22%) • C1 - 30% (30%) 1965 Gen X • C2 - 18% (15%) 1981 • D - 24% (17%) Millennial • E - 7% (16%) 2001 Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 5. Famous Millennials Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 6. A reminder…. the Millenial Archetype Heroes • conventional • powerful • institutionally driven This generation is still young • trust authority and it’s characteristics just emerging Childhood was experienced Youngest of this generation • as centre of parents world come of age in 2020... • protected and sheltered • with great expectations – feel special • technology taken for granted Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 7. Generation Y... Or The Millennials? • Generation Y is a term disliked by the generation it “Generation Y says nothing refers to unique about our generation. It says who we follow but states nothing • They don’t want to be labelled simply by their next abut who we are” place in the queue – not very heroic! Source: Strauss and Howe • Prefer Millennials – fits with their expectation and feeling of specialness, difference • They distance themselves from Generation X – seeing it as a morally bankrupt generation full of negativity and destruction Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 8. So why do they feel so special? • Millennials grew up heavily influenced by Idealistic Boomers in a society that was starting to reject the Wall Street archetype – there must be something more to life? Kids! Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 9. Childhood – kids rule Boomer parents have placed a new focus around children • Gen X life model of work and affluence driving everything created burn out and fractured families • Boomers used their numbers and power status to improve rights and facilities for their kids • Child-friendly was the name of the game, and parenting became a hot topic • Fathers became more engaged and started to spend more time with their children – Remeber Fathers for Justice? Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 10. Childhood – protected and spoilt...? • Boomers, having seen the negativity of the Xer generation, make efforts to instil in their children a clear sense of worth • Boomers instinct to protect creates 24/7 TV and news channels exploding with child safety and abuse issues - message “protect at all costs” • Drive to realise the potential of Millennials – they are the most listened to generation • Millennials experience the widest yet range of opportunities in all areas – from toys to technology, homes to holidays • General affluence means “I want = I get” Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 11. ...pressured and pushed? My 14 and 16 year old have hours of homework to do each evening and they worry constantly about exams... High expectations by all – as so much effort has been put into them • “Helicopter parents” – always there, and struggling to let go • School pressure from an early age (SATS introduced in early 1990’s) • Higher education an expected path resulting in high expectations for and from the workplace • Extra curricular activities increase as more women work to maintain family lifestyle • Family life stressed by impact of divorce and pressure of achieving functioning blended families (65% of remarriages involve children) Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 12. Educational attainment - rising but devalued • National Curriculum introduced in 1980’s • A level pass rate rose for 25 years running. 25% achieved A grades for first time. • Extra tuition and after school classes commonplace • Decried by older generations who say exams just getting easier Percentage of pupils aged 15 achieving 5 or more grades A* to C at GCSE and equivalent Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 13. Millenials value their education Higher education is essential in order to achieve success in life 1 - Strongly agree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly disagree Boomers 35 22 9 19 13 Generation X 36 25 13 16 9 Generation Y 41 21 8 16 13 Source: Logistix IQ800 August data Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 14. An emerging sense of power... Millennials feeling powerful because • Focus and self belief from parents - you can do anything • Sense of society and responsibility – taught by idealistic parents • High educational attainment • Techno savvy, in contrast to older generations Plus • Ability to take the pressure of high expectations – they are coping • Comfortable with multi-tasking high speed life • Old heads on young shoulders Leading many to feel Millennials will be the next great generation Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 15. Technology & internet Influenced by... Political sleaze Emerging High standard of terrorism living Celebrity culture Family leisure boom Education reform Environmental issues Child safety issues Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 16. 1 - Strongly agree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly disagree 1 - Strongly agree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly disagree Millenials have a strong sense of society 31 28 19 11 9 50 33 13 31 and duty On a scale of 1-5 how much do you agree with this statement? 44 1 - Strongly agree 2 3 27 4 5 - Strongly disagree 7 20 4 Strongly agree I enjoy living in a 56 55 31 28 11 9 430 2 multicultural society 50 24 18 6 2 1 - Strongly agree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly disagree Everyone should actively contribute to the wider 4249 29 24 36 19 18 10 1 7 13 7 2 community It is more important to have 35 41 3227 23 19 7 7 63 discipline and rules than freedom to do as you like Religion has rules I respect, regardless of whether I am a 43 28 17 7 6 follower of religion or not Source: Logistix IQ800 August 2007 data Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 17. Crime and drug use – declining last 10 years Source: The British Crime Survey (BCS) • Since 2001, the proportion of pupils who have never drunk alcohol has risen I can’t excuse what Boomers did with sex and drugs when they were kids • 17% of pupils had taken drugs in 2006, down Michael – aged 17 from 19% in 2005. Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 18. Until recently, benefitting from economy and family life • Affluent families during recent times • Low inflation and cost of technology falling • Fewer children per family – spend per child increased Until 2009! Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 19. Digital natives Millennium kids grew up with the computer Born 1981 – IBM first PC 1984 – Apple Macs 10yrs 1990 – www created 1993 – www grows by 341,000% 15yrs 1998 – Google 1999 – dot com bubble & burst 2000 – 20 million websites, PS2 20yrs 2001 – iPod 2003 – iTunes 2005 – YouTube 25yrs 2006 - Facebook Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 20. Communication is everything Source: Carphone Warehouse Youth Report 2006 • All things connected loom large in Millennials lives. They have come of age during the digital and internet revolution • Being connected is incredibly important – this generation is naturally collaborative • Media diversity and multi-taking is common place – not phased by pace or complexity of communication Source: OfCom 2006 Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 21. Web 2.0 is where the Millennials feel at home “Adults tend to see all things computer related as work, even when they’re play; kids tend to see them as play, even when they’re work. It’s a profoundly different mindset” • User Generated Content means Millennials voices are heard Elizabeth Weil, Fast Company USA • All part of the communication package • Niche interests – no need to “join up” with large tribes • Encourages diversity and open-mindedness Source: Novatris/Harris Interactive 2006 Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 22. Mobile phone addicts? • Teaching mum and dad - 70% of 11-17 year olds “have to show my parents how to use certain functions on their mobile phone” • Texting rather than talking is the rule, and most kids have pay as you go Source: Carphone Warehouse • Learning the value of money by earning their top ups Youth Report 2006 “78% of young people say that having a mobile phone gives them a better social life” Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 23. What is the national mood and how are Millenials reacting? Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 24. The current national mood 1980’s and 90’s 2001 – 2020 (Emerging mood) Families were weak Families are now strengthening Child rearing was tightening Child rearing is overprotective Gender roles were tight Gender roles are widening Ideals were debated Ideals are being championed Institutions were eroded Institutions are being founded Culture was cynical Culture is now practical Social structure was diversified Social structure is settling Worldview was complex Worldview is simplifying Social priority was individual Social priority is community Sense of need to do what's right Sense of need is to fix the world Vision of future was darkening Vision of future is brightening Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 25. Turnings: The characteristic mood of the nation Fourth turning: Crisis Solid public consensus, support of authority, clampdown on bad conduct, overprotective child rearing Third Turning: Unravelling First turning: High Pragmatism, self-reliance, Follows a crisis…Friendly, poor family structure, indulgent child rearing, weakening civic habits, low contentment, order and public trust, pessimism consensus Second Turning: Awakening A challenge to highs assumptions, new spiritual agendas, soul over science, public order deteriorates, crime rises, families weakening Source: The Fourth Turning, Strauss & Howe Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 26. Realism rules over Idealism for Millenials A belief that the important issues have Therefore more interested in micro- been fought issues than macro ones  feminism  Focused within society  racial equality  Political convergence – there is  sexual tolerance only centre ground – no big issues to consider  education for all  Government focused on  nuclear disarmament commercial more than  etc. ideological concerns  Pragmatic generation Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 27. Conservative heroes emerging Values & Attitudes Behaviour Respectful of parents Regard for authority and sacrifice High standards Prepared to work hard High expectations Driven to achieve Rejection of radicalism Saving and building - not destroying Confident in own values Unfazed by struggle, focused Diversity and collaboration Tolerance, laissez faire Networked, multiple groups Not compelled to join single rebel tribes Democratic, listening Consensus through collaboration Pursuit of happiness rather than wealth Work/life balance Individual responsibility Changing my world changes everyone’s world Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 28. In a word… Whatever! Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 29. What are Millennial’s circumstances? • In school, university or starting out in the workplace • Boomer parents own the wealth – high equity in property • Millennials staying in education, but average student debt over £12,000 will not be repaid for 15 years. 2011 Update – this is now £50k! • Property prices prohibitive (average cost is £184,000 vs. £96,000 in 1999) • Older Millennials are debt-ridden and hard working. However, not just motivated by money – looking for experiences and personal balance as much if not more than money Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 30. What about the in the workplace? Generation X Millennials • Distrust leadership • High integrity, strong values • Impatient and cynical • Optimistic and energetic “At recruitment fairs candidates • Egalitarian vs hierarchical • technically proficient used to try to stress what they could offer to a company. Now it’s the other way round.” • Prefer tribes to teams • Work well in teams The Association of Graduate Recruiters • Rule breakers • Worldly, educated Source: “Generations at Work – The Power of Customer Demographics” - M Lapierre Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 31. Heroes of the future? • They will look to rebuild and improve it from within – no ripping down • Based on a collaborative self-interest, rather than pure idealism of Boomer parents or individualism of Generation X • Still question marks over ability to lead – brought up on household democracy, everyone’s a winner belief and collaboration with peers rather than outright leadership • Who will be the Millennial leaders of the future? This is my generation and my life, and I’m going to do something with it Tyler- aged 17 Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs
  • 32. Finally, marketing is aspirational again Marketing courses are some of the most popular in the country previously cynicism now embracing Now they really know our game! Born 1981 - 2001 Currently 11yrs – 30yrs