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Now At Just
re you interested to exercise your muscles and burn the extra
Acalories and keep your body strong? It is a good decision to
start a tness routine during pregnancy because it helps to
strengthen your muscles and prepare you for a healthy labour.
Understand your body type in order to choose the right workout
routine. Most pregnant women opt for prenatal yoga, walking, simple
The rst step is to check with your gynecologist if it is good to begin
prenatal tness regime and based on her suggestion, start your
workout schedule. Here are some simple rules and tips to help you
Prenatal Fitness Tips For
Pregnant Women
You need to take extra calories – During pregnancy, it is
important to have an additional 300 calories everyday for the
baby and if you are going to exercise then have more calories to
compensate the loss. This will provide stamina and essential
Wear comfortable clothes – Most pregnant women tend to feel
too hot so wear loose comfortable clothes that are easy to
breathe. You can also wear cotton clothes which will be
Do not forget to warm up – Warm up is the initial step which
prepares your muscles and joints for the exercise. If you ignore
warm-ups and continue with your workout, it will increase post-
Keep your body moving – If you are performing cardio, it is good
to move your body often. Standing in one place for a prolonged
time period may decrease the blood ow to the uterus, so keep
Drink plenty of water – Drink water before, during and after
workout as it keeps you hydrated and avoid your body from
getting overheated. For a 30-40 minutes workout, you should
Do not lie at on your back – If any of the exercise posture
requires you to lie at on your back, avoid it. In prenatal yoga,
there aren't any such pose but it is recommended to let your
Stretches are important too – After you nish your workout
session, you can perform a couple of stretches for your hands,
body and legs. These stretches can also be performed whenever
Do not exhaust by overdoing – Overdoing may exhaust all your
energy and leave you weak so listen to your body and quit your
workout when you feel tired. Remember that 'less is more' when
orning sickness is a common pregnancy symptom which
Mmay keep you tired and restless the whole day with nausea,
fatigue and decreased appetite. Most expectant mothers
suffer from vomiting and avoid food in the rst trimester, but it is
Food Remedies for
Morning Sickness
Stack Crackers and eat when you feel hungry in the early
morning or between meals. Empty stomach also causes nausea
so have plain or salty crackers which will keep you away from
Chilled foods like sorbet, juices or smoothies are a good
choice of food to avoid morning sickness. During pregnancy, if
you have a heightened sense of smell, it may cause repelling
effect from many hot food items like brewing coffee. Try cool
Lemon helps to combat morning sickness due to its refreshing
scent. To keep your stomach calm during morning sickness,
smell a slice of lemon. When you step outside, you can carry
Sugar can worsen symptoms of morning sickness so avoid
chocolates with high sugar; instead have Dark Chocolates
with 70% cocoa or higher as it is lled with antioxidants and good
To combat constipation, try greens. They are rich in bre and
also lled with iron, minerals and vitamins required for the
growth and development of the baby. All green leafy
vegetables are good to handle constipation during morning
Right Time to Announce
Your Pregnancy
Step 1: Take a home pregnancy test if you have missed your
monthly period. If it is positive, share it with your spouse but you
Step 2: Book an appointment with your doctor for a scan or a
blood test to conrm pregnancy. If the results are positive, then
it is time to celebrate with your spouse. Although men have
mixed reactions, this will surely bring happiness to your
iscovering pregnancy is one of the happiest moments of
Dmotherhood, however sharing that happiness with
family and friends require a certain time period to be
sure. As soon as you see a positive result in the home pregnancy
test, you may want to let the entire world know the good news
and share your happiness but it is wise to wait till you conrm it.
Most people aren't sure, when is the right time to let the near and
dear ones know about the new addition to the family. This article
will help you gure out the right time to make the ofcial
Step 3: Ask your physician about your health and the
development of the fetus. If there were previous miscarriages, it
may place you in risk pregnancy category. It is advisable to
listen to your gynecologist and then let your family know about
Step 4: The pregnancy that passed 12 weeks is generally
considered healthy and the chances of miscarriage risk reduces
after this period so most pregnant women wait till the rst
trimester to announce their pregnancy to friends. This will also
give you the time to mentally prepare for motherhood
Step 5: During pregnancy, women need all the help and support
they can get, so telling your colleagues at work is a good move.
You will receive support and aid in ofce as they will understand
Step 6: You can go creative and make announcement of your
baby's arrival through personalized cards or emails. This way,
you can announce the happy news to all your friends and family
before your tummy shows. It will also give them enough time to
There is no right or wrong time to
announce your pregnancy to your
close circle. It is a personal decision
based on your comfort and choices.
Whether you choose to share it to the
entire world or keeping it as a fun
secret is completely your pick as far
as it brings you happiness. So, go
ahead and let the world know your
junior's ofcial date of arrival in your
Top 10 Tips for
Healthy Pregnancy
Here are some simple tips that will help you have a healthy pregnancy,
if followed regularly:
f you are pregnant, it is crucial to take special care of yourself and
Ithe growing baby for a healthy pregnancy. Eating nutritious foods,
having a healthy lifestyle and following the routine throughout the
Having a balanced diet is the key
Have nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits along with
legumes, whole wheat, cereals etc., at regular intervals. Avoid
oily and spicy food to ease your pregnancy symptoms. Plan your
Fluids will help you manage
Drink sufcient water and uids to maintain the retention of
water in your body. This will help you control constipation,
indigestion, dryness, fatigue, bloating and gas. Avoid alcohol
and caffeine drinks which may have serious effects during
Do not miss prenatal supplements
Doctors prescribe prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements
for the normal growth and development. Do not skip these
supplements as they can prevent preterm labour and many
Folic acid is essential
During pregnancy, have folic acid (supplement) or folate
(natural source of folic acid) to avoid various health problems.
Stay active through simple workouts
Consult your gynecologist about
your health before undergoing any
workouts such as running, cardio
exercise, yoga, swimming or
aerobics. However, walking is a
mild and good workout which will
Overheating of the body is not good
Your body might tend to get over heated during pregnancy which
is common. Try to avoid direct sun by walking in shade or stay
inside when the temperature is at its peak. Drink plenty of
water, use moisturizers and eat natural cooling foods to beat the
Prenatal appointments are crucial
It is necessary to attend the prenatal checkups and regular tests
to ensure the health of
the baby. You can utilize
this time to ask the
gynecologist about your
p r e g n a n c y r e l a t e d
queries and get it clear. A
medical opinion is
always better than
Keep it cool
Your mental health is as important as your physical health so
keep your stress and anxiety at bay through relaxation
techniques. Meditation, listening to music or reading books can
relieve your stress. Get along with your friends and do your
Maternity clothes offer comfort and fashion
If you do not like the boring look of loose, baggy clothes to cover
the growing tummy, choose comfortable maternity wear. There
are maternity jeans, dresses, skirts and kurtas that will help
It's time to treat yourself
Pregnancy might stress you and cause mood swings and
physical discomforts. The best way to overcome these
discomforts is to divert your mind to the positive things that
pregnancy brings. Enjoy your baby shower, give it a little to your
food cravings, hit the spa and relax your mind, enjoy your
Pregnancy Ultrasound:
Why you need it?
hen pregnant, all expectant mothers would like to know
Wabout the well-being of their babies. It is necessary to go for
routine health check-ups during pregnancy to learn about
the baby's movements and health. Ultrasound scan is one such
routine medical check-up performed on pregnant women to ensure
the baby's health. Here is all about ultrasound scan and its
The practice of examining pregnant women using ultrasound is
known as obstetric sonography. The ultrasound scan is a standard
painless procedure used to visualize the fetus inside the uterus
using sound waves to create images of the organs, bones and
structures. The sound waves usually bounce off the baby as echoes
Internal Physical Examination
As bones and other hard tissues reect more echoes, they appear
white in the image while soft tissues appear grey. The sound waves
pass through uids like amniotic uid and appear dark due to
Why is it required?
The pregnancy ultrasound scan is required for various purposes
Find out the date of pregnancy by measuring the size of
To check if the embryo is implanted in a normal position
Diagnose any developmental abnormality in the baby
Assess the baby's growth rate by comparing over several
Check the amount of amniotic uid and the position of the
To assess the risk of Down syndrome and other
When is it performed?
The rstpregnancy ultrasound scan is performed around 8-13 weeks
The second ultrasound scan is performed between week 18 and
week 21 to see if the baby is normal and without any structural
The doctor might recommend for a growth scan in the third trimester
eing pregnant for the rst time is exciting and hectic at the
Bsame time, like going on a roller coaster ride. Pregnant women
may have million questions on their mind about the growth
and well being of the baby along with the symptoms of pregnancy.
This article will help you understand the importance of ultrasound
Ultrasound scan is one of the routine tests in pregnancy which
determines the normal development of the baby and helps to identify
any abnormalities, if present. This is a painless procedure which
doesn't have any known side effects to the mother and the baby. This
procedure normally takes around 25-30 minutes and the image can
What To Expect On
First Trimester Ultrasound Scan?
How is it performed?
During ultrasound scan, a small amount of gel will be applied on
your abdomen and the physician will run the transducer over it.
This will send high frequency sound waves into the uterus and
reects back the internal structures of the baby in the form of
images on the monitor. This procedure normally takes around
Why is it performed?
To arrive at the pregnancy due date and conrm it by measuring
the size of the fetus. This will help pregnant women who have
irregular menstrual cycle or who can't recollect the date of their
To check the heart beat of the baby and conrm the normal
To check the number of babies in the uterus and if there are
twins, the scan will help to identify whether they are identical or
Usually, the scan is performed within 13 weeks and 6 days of
pregnancy. However, consult your gynecologist who can provide
you the right time to perform this scan as per your health
ll the expectant mothers should celebrate and cherish every
Amoment of their pregnancy. At this period, you are more likely
to receive suggestions, facts and opinions about pregnancy
and parenting.This, in turnwillurge you to check the facts rightaway
through books or internet. Having smart phone apps is one of the
smart and convenient ways to get your doubts claried and facts
Must Have Mobile Apps
for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Guide
Let your smart phone be Android, Windows or IOS, there are
'pregnancy guide' apps available for all the operating systems. You
might already have baby-center app that covers all the pregnancy
topics, but you can also have other apps that will let you know week-
by-week updates, dos and don'ts of pregnancy, due date calculator
Pregnancy Diet
Generally, pregnancy diet apps will provide you information with the
calorie level of each food ingredient and also helps you track your
weight. These diet apps will have recipes for healthy and fat free
meals or snacks. With this type of app, you can track your calorie
intake and stay in track with your diet plan and achieve the desired
pregnancy weight gain. Choose the app that suits your cuisine and
Workout Trackers
For those pregnant women who workout, it is necessary to have a
pregnancy workout app. These kinds of apps are meticulously
designed for pregnant women based on their health and safety. It will
suggest safe pregnancy exercises, workout trackers, healthy weight
loss exercises, tness tips etc. Choose the app based on your
preferred exercise routine such as running, walking, cardio,
Contraction Timer
There are many contraction trackers available in the market that
will let you and your partner track the contractions and suggest
when to go to the hospital. However, it is necessary to understand
the labour signs and process from your gynecologist. These apps
were built to count the baby kicks and movement, contractions etc.,
Baby Names
This is a very simple app that will have the list of baby names based
on ethnicity and preference. You can also save the shortlisted names
and look for more suggestions posted by other mothers-to-be. This
Music & Ebooks
As blissful as it is, pregnancy can also be stressful at times. If you
feel emotional or depressed, clear your head with music and books
that celebrate pregnancy. There are various music apps and e-book
apps available for pregnant women. You can nd soothing music
Pregnancy Photos
These are fun apps to cherish your pregnancy and the progression of
your baby bumps. Make albums of your growing baby bump, edit and
share with your social circle easily through these kinds of apps. If
you can't have a maternity photo shoot, then here is your chance of
orking while pregnant is little challenging and people often
Wadvise the soon-to-be mothers to be careful at work.
Working women do not have the comfort of home but with
The rst step is to check with your gynecologist if it is good to begin
prenatal tness regime and based on her suggestion, start your
workout schedule. Here are some simple rules and tips to help you
tips for pregnant women
to stay comfortable
at work
Most pregnant women experience nausea which cannot be
avoided. Try taking ginger tea and as well as enough water to
avoid dehydration. Stay away from the brewing coffee in the
cafeterias which tend to cause nauseated feeling. Do not forget
Try to stand up, stretch and walk every couple of hours to avoid
stiffness and body pain due to sitting in the same posture. Try to
walk even if it is around the ofce which will also refresh you
Utilize a part of your lunch break for taking naps which will
relieve you from fatigue. Try to schedule your challenging tasks
as rst thing in the morning which will give you adequate time to
Be cautious about your sitting posture as it is very crucial. If you
have back pain, try using a cushion pillow in the chair to support
your back. If the legs are swollen, rest your feet on an elevated
Most experts advise not to take coffee as the caffeine is not good
for the baby. You can try ginger tea or green tea along with plenty
Break your heavy meal pattern to 5 small meals a day which can
include fruits and vegetables. Try taking breaks in between
work to keep your stress under control. You can also try
Always keep your emergency contact numbers in your
workstation as a precautionary measure. Most importantly,
re you in your rst trimester, sick and throwing up all day and
Anight? Is morning sickness taking a toll on your body and
you're counting every day to second trimester, just to get rid of
Here's good news for you! Researchers at The Hospital for Sick
Children, Toronto have discovered that morning sickness in mothers
enhances the children's long term neurodevelopment through a
study conducted for over 20 years. Morning sickness is a common
pregnancy symptom affecting 85% of expectant mothers across the
world. Although, there is no denite base, morning sickness is
believed to be caused by pregnancy hormone, gonadotrophin
released by the placenta. Nausea and vomiting during rst trimester
Morning Sickness
May Lead to Smarter Kids
The study conducted by the researchers at The Hospital for Sick
Children includes mother-child pair. They categorized the mothers
with severe morning sickness and mothers without morning
sickness in different groups. The study ndings show that the
mothers who experienced severe morning sickness had healthier
babies and their risk of premature birth was signicantly reduced
After few years, the children were assessed with standardized age
appropriate psychological tests to measure intelligence and
behavior. Other factors such as mother's IQ, alcohol consumption,
socio economic status were also taken in to consideration. The
children of mothers who suffered from severe morning sickness
Finally, all the nausea, vomiting and fatigue that mothers experience
onstipation is one of the early signs of pregnancy and may
Coccur in the second and third trimester too. This is one of the
most annoying pregnancy symptoms causing discomforts in
almost all expectant mothers at some point during their pregnancy.
Simple food habit and lifestyle changes can help you tackle
constipation in an effective way. The key to 'constipation free
pregnancy' is following a nutritious and healthy diet along with active
Why pregnant woman have constipation?
The elevated levels of progesterone hormone cause the smooth
intestine muscles to relax which will slow down the passage of food.
This increases the water absorption from the bowel resulting in
constipation. Also, the growing uterus presses the intestine and
pushes the stomach upwards which makes it worse. Apart from
these changes, lack of exercise, low bre diet, stress, insufcient
amount of water intake etc., contributes to constipation during
Relief from Constipation
during First Trimester
Tips to relieve from constipation
Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. You can also
try having a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the
Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee. Although they help
initially, they cause dehydration problem due to their
Include bre rich food in your diet. Try fresh fruits like
apple, oranges and pears with skin. They help in relieving
Fibre rich vegetables can be consumed in the form of soup,
salad etc. You can have carrots, nuts, legumes, greens,
lentils etc., with a combination of easily digesting protein
Go for a long walk and keep yourself engaged throughout
the day with simple tness exercises. It can be prenatal
Break your meals and eat 5-6 mini meals to help your
You can also have tender coconut, butter milk and soups
If it is severe, consult your gynecologist for a laxative. Avoid
over the counter prescriptions during pregnancy as
stimulant laxatives you buy in pharmacy may cause
re you eagerly waiting to become a mother and experience the
Ajoys of pregnancy? Here is a list of 10 pregnancy symptoms
which is experienced by most expectant mothers. If you
experience these symptoms, it is essential to take your prenatal
Symptoms of Pregnancy:
10 Signs You
Must Know
Tender and swollen breasts: You may experience soreness and
tingling in your breasts if you are pregnant. The breasts become
tender and change shape as they prepare to produce milk after
Spotting: Some women may experience mild spotting within 5-
10 days of conception as the embryo implants to the uterus.
Most women confuse it with periods but spotting is irregular
Darkening of areola: During pregnancy, the hormones cause
darkening of the areolas, the circle around the nipple. The
Sensitivity to smell: Many pregnant women experience
heightened sense of smell which is one of the common
symptoms of pregnancy. If you get nauseated by the brewing
Unusual food craving: Although food craving occurs after the
rst month, it is one of the symptoms of pregnancy that should
not ignore. You might crave for unusual food items like red
Missed period: Missing your monthly period is a strong sign of
pregnancy if your menstrual cycle is regular. In most women,
the periods might be delayed resulting in false pregnancy
Frequency of Urine: During pregnancy, your uterus presses
directly on the urinary bladder causing pressure. This results
Fatigue and dizziness: As pregnancy demands more energy,
nutrition and strength, it is quite natural for expectant mothers
to feel exhausted and dizzy. If you feel tired more than usual,
listen to your body's need and relax. It could be one of the
Nausea: Morning sickness causes nausea in pregnant women
due to the action of pregnancy hormones. This is another
symptom that conrms pregnancy and if you often feel
nauseated, it is best to eat healthy, stay hydrated and avoid
Headache and Mood swings: Pregnancy hormones cause mood
swings, emotional stress and forgetfulness in mothers-to-be.
The physical stress and fatigue also increases the headache.
This is the body's way of getting adjusted to the pregnancy
Tips to Handle Nausea
ausea is one of the common pregnancy discomforts faced by
Nmothers-to-be in their rst trimester as a part of morning
sickness. Nausea is characterized by uneasy sensation in
the upper stomach with an urge to vomit. Mostly, nausea is
accompanied by vomiting but sometimes the uneasiness is
experienced with dizziness and head ache too. This symptom makes
nutrition deciency. As there are no medications available, it is
1. Track your nausea
Although nausea is caused by the reaction of various pregnancy
hormones and acid reux, it might also be triggered by external
stimuli. Keep a track on the nausea by timing and frequency to
identify the cause, it may be due to the smell of caffeine, neighbours
cooking or the iron supplement you're taking. If you nd the cause,
2. Break your meal and eat regularly
By now, you would've heard this quite a lot but this is an effective
technique. Break your heavy meals in to 4-5 smaller meals for easy
digestion and to control acid reux, thereby controlling nausea. It is
also important to eat regularly to maintain the acid base level in the
3.Try foods that soothe your stomach
Pregnancy is a unique experience for every woman and hence there
is no hard and fast rule in foods that works during pregnancy.
General snacks such as crackers, dry fruits and nuts, smoothies,
cereals, ice tea, popsicles etc., have better effects against vomiting
4. Sniff refreshing scents
As you stay away from the smell of coffee, nail polish and strong
perfumes, try to indulge in the scent of fresh citrus fruits or any
5.Carry a survival pouch
The products in the survival pouch will help you tackle nausea and
vomiting. Some of the products that you can include are: lemon
spray, mouth freshener, water bottle, mint or soar candies, paper
6.Distract your thoughts
Not just the symptoms, even the thought of nausea and morning
sickness stays with you throughout the day which will affect your
eating habits. Try to distract yourself with work, take a walk, play a
game or chat with friends. These activities will also clear your mind
7.Ditch your work for a day
If you feel tired to get up from the bed or even open your eyes due to
dizziness and body ache, take a day off from work. The best way to
cope with pregnancy discomforts is to listen to your body and take
sufcient rest. As your body works extra hard during the pregnancy
dding vitamin and nutrient rich food in your diet can protect
Ayour child from various health issues. A nutritious diet
needn't be always bland and boring, it can be delicious and
smooth for your tummy so try including foods abundant in necessary
vitamins like folic acid (Vitamin B9). Here are 7 food items that will
boost your daily requirement of folate (folic acid when consumed in
7Folate Rich Foods for
Expectant Mothers
Legumes: This includes lentils, dried beans, split peas etc. One
cup of legume serves a great source of folate which also
quenches the requirements of iron, ber and protein. You can
make soups, sprinkle them in salads or even take as simple side
Beetroot: Include beetroot in your regular diet to get the
goodness of folate, iron and ber with just half a cup. You can try
Oranges: Have one fresh orange with the pulp rather than as
fresh or packed juice. The pulp contains the ber which can
control the blood sugar level and also helps in avoiding
constipation. This way you will get your daily dose of folate and
Spinach: Cooked spinach contains rich source of folate which
will also control constipation. Use it as steamed spinach side
dish or dress up as salad with nuts, cheese and vinegar to add
Broccoli: One cup of chopped and cooked broccoli along with
its stem can serve your folate needs pretty well. If you don't like
the bland taste, try to add little olive oil and roast in the oven (at
Asparagus: Although we don't use Asparagus much in our
cooking, it serves a whooping 89 mcg (micrograms) of folate in
just 4 thin spears. You can experiment new tasty dishes with
Asparagus which will also serve your nutrition needs.
Sunower Seeds: Half a cup of sunower seeds provides 150
mcg of folate. These seeds are also rich in protein, ber and
heart-healthy oils. It can be sprinkled in salads, used in mufns,
powdered and mixed with bread crumbs or even used as
ost pregnant mothers are less likely to experience good
Msleep every day. During pregnancy, insomnia or disturbed
sleep pattern is quite normal along with stress and anxiety.
Effective Tips for Good
Sleep during Pregnancy
Minimize daytime sleeping hours: It is good to take 30 or
60 minutes nap during daytime but do not exceed the sleep hours
Reduce emotional stress: Physical and emotional stress
tends to affect the sleep pattern of pregnant women. Indulge
yourself in stress free activities such as reading, simple
Exercise regularly: Simple yoga or light cardiac exercises in
the mornings are good. Have a workout regime to regularize your
Do not work out late: Working out in the evening will affect
your good night sleep so, keep your brisk workout schedule for
Use more Pillows: Doctors may prescribe avoiding pillows for
your head but it is good for your back and tummy to provide extra
comfort and support. A pillow between the legs will ease your
back and encourage sleeping on the side. You can also try wedge
Relaxation techniques before bedtime: The relaxation
techniques such as massage, stretching, yoga, deep breathing,
warm shower etc., are proven to relieve stress, anxiety and
Make a bedtime schedule: Chart your every day sleep
routine and create a comfortable bedtime routine, giving
importance to night time sleep. Stick to the schedule no matter
Create a pleasant environment: Make sure the bed is
always clean and properly ventilated. Keep the windows open
during day time for enough natural light and air to enter the
room. You can have candles and dim light in the night to create a
Snooze on your left side: The position relieves pressure
exerted by the growing uterus and help in better blood ow for
the baby. Practicing to sleep on the left side during early
Leave the bed: If you do not feel sleepy, get out of the bed and
move to another room; try music or read magazines till you feel
drowsy. Use your bed only for sleeping as this will improve your
LifeCell International Pvt. Ltd
#26,Vandalur Kelambakkam Main Road,
Keelakottaiyur Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600127 India

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Pregnancy Health Guide

  • 1.
  • 2. *Terms&ConditionsApply A Blessing For A Lifetime Of Good Health Is Born With Your Baby The umbilical cord of your baby is a rich source of stem cells that have the potential to treat many medical conditions. You can now preserve these stem cells with LifeCell - India's Largest & Most Preferred Stem Cell Bank and bless your baby with a long and healthy life. TOLL-FREE 1800-419-5555 SMS ‘LIFECELL’ TO 53456 Preserve your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells at birth Now At Just
  • 3. re you interested to exercise your muscles and burn the extra Acalories and keep your body strong? It is a good decision to start a tness routine during pregnancy because it helps to strengthen your muscles and prepare you for a healthy labour. Understand your body type in order to choose the right workout routine. Most pregnant women opt for prenatal yoga, walking, simple cardio,aerobics,Pilatesorswimming. The rst step is to check with your gynecologist if it is good to begin prenatal tness regime and based on her suggestion, start your workout schedule. Here are some simple rules and tips to help you enjoyyourtnesssessions: Prenatal Fitness Tips For Pregnant Women 88 You need to take extra calories – During pregnancy, it is important to have an additional 300 calories everyday for the baby and if you are going to exercise then have more calories to compensate the loss. This will provide stamina and essential nutrientsthatarelostduringtheworkoutsessions.1
  • 4. Wear comfortable clothes – Most pregnant women tend to feel too hot so wear loose comfortable clothes that are easy to breathe. You can also wear cotton clothes which will be comfortableduringsummer. Do not forget to warm up – Warm up is the initial step which prepares your muscles and joints for the exercise. If you ignore warm-ups and continue with your workout, it will increase post- workoutbodyache. Keep your body moving – If you are performing cardio, it is good to move your body often. Standing in one place for a prolonged time period may decrease the blood ow to the uterus, so keep moving. Drink plenty of water – Drink water before, during and after workout as it keeps you hydrated and avoid your body from getting overheated. For a 30-40 minutes workout, you should haveatleasthalfalitreofwater. Do not lie at on your back – If any of the exercise posture requires you to lie at on your back, avoid it. In prenatal yoga, there aren't any such pose but it is recommended to let your instructorknowthatyouarepregnant. Stretches are important too – After you nish your workout session, you can perform a couple of stretches for your hands, body and legs. These stretches can also be performed whenever youhavebackpainorbodypain. Do not exhaust by overdoing – Overdoing may exhaust all your energy and leave you weak so listen to your body and quit your workout when you feel tired. Remember that 'less is more' when youarepregnant. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • 5. orning sickness is a common pregnancy symptom which Mmay keep you tired and restless the whole day with nausea, fatigue and decreased appetite. Most expectant mothers suffer from vomiting and avoid food in the rst trimester, but it is crucialtohaveyourmealsduringpregnancy. Food Remedies for Morning Sickness Stack Crackers and eat when you feel hungry in the early morning or between meals. Empty stomach also causes nausea so have plain or salty crackers which will keep you away from thesymptomsofmorningsickness. Chilled foods like sorbet, juices or smoothies are a good choice of food to avoid morning sickness. During pregnancy, if you have a heightened sense of smell, it may cause repelling effect from many hot food items like brewing coffee. Try cool beveragesorfooditemstoavoidnausea. 2 3
  • 6. Lemon helps to combat morning sickness due to its refreshing scent. To keep your stomach calm during morning sickness, smell a slice of lemon. When you step outside, you can carry somelemondrops. Sugar can worsen symptoms of morning sickness so avoid chocolates with high sugar; instead have Dark Chocolates with 70% cocoa or higher as it is lled with antioxidants and good foryourhealth. To combat constipation, try greens. They are rich in bre and also lled with iron, minerals and vitamins required for the growth and development of the baby. All green leafy vegetables are good to handle constipation during morning sickness. 5 4 6
  • 7. Right Time to Announce Your Pregnancy Step 1: Take a home pregnancy test if you have missed your monthly period. If it is positive, share it with your spouse but you needfurtherteststoconrmthegoodnews. Step 2: Book an appointment with your doctor for a scan or a blood test to conrm pregnancy. If the results are positive, then it is time to celebrate with your spouse. Although men have mixed reactions, this will surely bring happiness to your partner. iscovering pregnancy is one of the happiest moments of Dmotherhood, however sharing that happiness with family and friends require a certain time period to be sure. As soon as you see a positive result in the home pregnancy test, you may want to let the entire world know the good news and share your happiness but it is wise to wait till you conrm it. Most people aren't sure, when is the right time to let the near and dear ones know about the new addition to the family. This article will help you gure out the right time to make the ofcial announcementaboutyourlittlesweetpea.
  • 8. Step 3: Ask your physician about your health and the development of the fetus. If there were previous miscarriages, it may place you in risk pregnancy category. It is advisable to listen to your gynecologist and then let your family know about thepregnancy. Step 4: The pregnancy that passed 12 weeks is generally considered healthy and the chances of miscarriage risk reduces after this period so most pregnant women wait till the rst trimester to announce their pregnancy to friends. This will also give you the time to mentally prepare for motherhood responsibilities. Step 5: During pregnancy, women need all the help and support they can get, so telling your colleagues at work is a good move. You will receive support and aid in ofce as they will understand yourconcerns. Step 6: You can go creative and make announcement of your baby's arrival through personalized cards or emails. This way, you can announce the happy news to all your friends and family before your tummy shows. It will also give them enough time to organizethebabyshower. There is no right or wrong time to announce your pregnancy to your close circle. It is a personal decision based on your comfort and choices. Whether you choose to share it to the entire world or keeping it as a fun secret is completely your pick as far as it brings you happiness. So, go ahead and let the world know your junior's ofcial date of arrival in your ownsweettime.
  • 9. Top 10 Tips for Healthy Pregnancy Here are some simple tips that will help you have a healthy pregnancy, if followed regularly: f you are pregnant, it is crucial to take special care of yourself and Ithe growing baby for a healthy pregnancy. Eating nutritious foods, having a healthy lifestyle and following the routine throughout the gestationperiodmakesitefcient. 1 2 Having a balanced diet is the key Have nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits along with legumes, whole wheat, cereals etc., at regular intervals. Avoid oily and spicy food to ease your pregnancy symptoms. Plan your foodintakeandhaveitas4-5lightmealseveryday. Fluids will help you manage Drink sufcient water and uids to maintain the retention of water in your body. This will help you control constipation, indigestion, dryness, fatigue, bloating and gas. Avoid alcohol
  • 10. and caffeine drinks which may have serious effects during pregnancy. Do not miss prenatal supplements Doctors prescribe prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements for the normal growth and development. Do not skip these supplements as they can prevent preterm labour and many serioushealthconcernsinthenewborn. Folic acid is essential During pregnancy, have folic acid (supplement) or folate (natural source of folic acid) to avoid various health problems. Theyarerichingreenleafyvegetables,oranges,avocadoetc. Stay active through simple workouts Consult your gynecologist about your health before undergoing any workouts such as running, cardio exercise, yoga, swimming or aerobics. However, walking is a mild and good workout which will keepyourbodyactiveandstrong. Overheating of the body is not good Your body might tend to get over heated during pregnancy which is common. Try to avoid direct sun by walking in shade or stay inside when the temperature is at its peak. Drink plenty of 3 5 4 6
  • 11. 7 9 water, use moisturizers and eat natural cooling foods to beat the heat. Prenatal appointments are crucial It is necessary to attend the prenatal checkups and regular tests to ensure the health of the baby. You can utilize this time to ask the gynecologist about your p r e g n a n c y r e l a t e d queries and get it clear. A medical opinion is always better than unreliablesources. Keep it cool Your mental health is as important as your physical health so keep your stress and anxiety at bay through relaxation techniques. Meditation, listening to music or reading books can relieve your stress. Get along with your friends and do your favouritethingstokeepyourheadcool. Maternity clothes offer comfort and fashion If you do not like the boring look of loose, baggy clothes to cover the growing tummy, choose comfortable maternity wear. There are maternity jeans, dresses, skirts and kurtas that will help youstaycomfortablewithoutsacricingfashion. It's time to treat yourself Pregnancy might stress you and cause mood swings and physical discomforts. The best way to overcome these discomforts is to divert your mind to the positive things that pregnancy brings. Enjoy your baby shower, give it a little to your food cravings, hit the spa and relax your mind, enjoy your favouritebookormovieandtrytohavefun. 10 8
  • 12. Pregnancy Ultrasound: Why you need it? hen pregnant, all expectant mothers would like to know Wabout the well-being of their babies. It is necessary to go for routine health check-ups during pregnancy to learn about the baby's movements and health. Ultrasound scan is one such routine medical check-up performed on pregnant women to ensure the baby's health. Here is all about ultrasound scan and its importanceduringpregnancy: The practice of examining pregnant women using ultrasound is known as obstetric sonography. The ultrasound scan is a standard painless procedure used to visualize the fetus inside the uterus using sound waves to create images of the organs, bones and structures. The sound waves usually bounce off the baby as echoes whichareturnedintoimagesonthemonitor. Internal Physical Examination
  • 13. As bones and other hard tissues reect more echoes, they appear white in the image while soft tissues appear grey. The sound waves pass through uids like amniotic uid and appear dark due to absenceofechoes. Why is it required? The pregnancy ultrasound scan is required for various purposes suchas: Todetectanyabnormalityinthegrowthofthefetus Tochecktheheartbeatofthebaby Detectifyouarepregnantwithonebaby,twinsormore Checkoutthecauseofanybleedingduringpregnancy Find out the date of pregnancy by measuring the size of thebaby
  • 14. To check if the embryo is implanted in a normal position oroutsidetheuterus(fallopiantube) Toensurethatallthebabyorgansarenormal Diagnose any developmental abnormality in the baby suchasSpinabida Assess the baby's growth rate by comparing over several scanresults Check the amount of amniotic uid and the position of the placenta Todetectthegenderofthebaby To assess the risk of Down syndrome and other abnormalitiesduringpregnancy. When is it performed? · The rstpregnancy ultrasound scan is performed around 8-13 weeks toconrmthepregnancyandtoarriveattheduedate. The second ultrasound scan is performed between week 18 and week 21 to see if the baby is normal and without any structural abnormality. The doctor might recommend for a growth scan in the third trimester betweenweek28andweek40.
  • 15. eing pregnant for the rst time is exciting and hectic at the Bsame time, like going on a roller coaster ride. Pregnant women may have million questions on their mind about the growth and well being of the baby along with the symptoms of pregnancy. This article will help you understand the importance of ultrasound scanperformedinthersttrimester. Ultrasound scan is one of the routine tests in pregnancy which determines the normal development of the baby and helps to identify any abnormalities, if present. This is a painless procedure which doesn't have any known side effects to the mother and the baby. This procedure normally takes around 25-30 minutes and the image can beprintedorcopiedasavideo. What To Expect On First Trimester Ultrasound Scan?
  • 16. How is it performed? During ultrasound scan, a small amount of gel will be applied on your abdomen and the physician will run the transducer over it. This will send high frequency sound waves into the uterus and reects back the internal structures of the baby in the form of images on the monitor. This procedure normally takes around 25-30minutesandtheimagecanbeprintedorcopiedasavideo. Why is it performed? To arrive at the pregnancy due date and conrm it by measuring the size of the fetus. This will help pregnant women who have irregular menstrual cycle or who can't recollect the date of their lastperiod. To check the heart beat of the baby and conrm the normal development. To check the number of babies in the uterus and if there are twins, the scan will help to identify whether they are identical or not. Todetectifthereareanyfetalabnormalities. Usually, the scan is performed within 13 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. However, consult your gynecologist who can provide you the right time to perform this scan as per your health conditions. 1 2 3 4
  • 17. ll the expectant mothers should celebrate and cherish every Amoment of their pregnancy. At this period, you are more likely to receive suggestions, facts and opinions about pregnancy and parenting.This, in turnwillurge you to check the facts rightaway through books or internet. Having smart phone apps is one of the smart and convenient ways to get your doubts claried and facts checked.Hereisalistofmusthaveappsforpregnantmothers: Must Have Mobile Apps for Pregnant Women 77 Pregnancy Guide Let your smart phone be Android, Windows or IOS, there are 'pregnancy guide' apps available for all the operating systems. You might already have baby-center app that covers all the pregnancy topics, but you can also have other apps that will let you know week- by-week updates, dos and don'ts of pregnancy, due date calculator etc.Checkyourappstore&choosetheonethattsyourneed.
  • 18. Pregnancy Diet Generally, pregnancy diet apps will provide you information with the calorie level of each food ingredient and also helps you track your weight. These diet apps will have recipes for healthy and fat free meals or snacks. With this type of app, you can track your calorie intake and stay in track with your diet plan and achieve the desired pregnancy weight gain. Choose the app that suits your cuisine and foodhabits. Workout Trackers For those pregnant women who workout, it is necessary to have a pregnancy workout app. These kinds of apps are meticulously designed for pregnant women based on their health and safety. It will suggest safe pregnancy exercises, workout trackers, healthy weight loss exercises, tness tips etc. Choose the app based on your preferred exercise routine such as running, walking, cardio, swimmingetc. Contraction Timer There are many contraction trackers available in the market that will let you and your partner track the contractions and suggest when to go to the hospital. However, it is necessary to understand the labour signs and process from your gynecologist. These apps were built to count the baby kicks and movement, contractions etc., andalsomakenotesaboutthesame.
  • 19. Baby Names This is a very simple app that will have the list of baby names based on ethnicity and preference. You can also save the shortlisted names and look for more suggestions posted by other mothers-to-be. This isafunapptokeepyouenjoyyourpregnancyperiod. Music & Ebooks As blissful as it is, pregnancy can also be stressful at times. If you feel emotional or depressed, clear your head with music and books that celebrate pregnancy. There are various music apps and e-book apps available for pregnant women. You can nd soothing music collections,babyrhymes,spiritualmusicetc. Pregnancy Photos These are fun apps to cherish your pregnancy and the progression of your baby bumps. Make albums of your growing baby bump, edit and share with your social circle easily through these kinds of apps. If you can't have a maternity photo shoot, then here is your chance of makingoneandcherishforalifetime.
  • 20. 7 orking while pregnant is little challenging and people often Wadvise the soon-to-be mothers to be careful at work. Working women do not have the comfort of home but with thesesimpletips,onecanstaycalmandcomfyevenintheofce. The rst step is to check with your gynecologist if it is good to begin prenatal tness regime and based on her suggestion, start your workout schedule. Here are some simple rules and tips to help you enjoyyourtnesssessions: tips for pregnant women to stay comfortable at work 7 Most pregnant women experience nausea which cannot be avoided. Try taking ginger tea and as well as enough water to avoid dehydration. Stay away from the brewing coffee in the cafeterias which tend to cause nauseated feeling. Do not forget tocarrypapertowelsandmouthwash.1
  • 21. Try to stand up, stretch and walk every couple of hours to avoid stiffness and body pain due to sitting in the same posture. Try to walk even if it is around the ofce which will also refresh you fromtheroutineofcehours. Utilize a part of your lunch break for taking naps which will relieve you from fatigue. Try to schedule your challenging tasks as rst thing in the morning which will give you adequate time to relaxwhenyouaretired. Be cautious about your sitting posture as it is very crucial. If you have back pain, try using a cushion pillow in the chair to support your back. If the legs are swollen, rest your feet on an elevated support. Most experts advise not to take coffee as the caffeine is not good for the baby. You can try ginger tea or green tea along with plenty ofwater. Break your heavy meal pattern to 5 small meals a day which can include fruits and vegetables. Try taking breaks in between work to keep your stress under control. You can also try meditationtocalmthenervesandrejuvenateyourmind. Always keep your emergency contact numbers in your workstation as a precautionary measure. Most importantly, keepyourmindfreshandavoidnegativethoughts. 3 4 5 6 7 2
  • 22. re you in your rst trimester, sick and throwing up all day and Anight? Is morning sickness taking a toll on your body and you're counting every day to second trimester, just to get rid of morningsickness? Here's good news for you! Researchers at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto have discovered that morning sickness in mothers enhances the children's long term neurodevelopment through a study conducted for over 20 years. Morning sickness is a common pregnancy symptom affecting 85% of expectant mothers across the world. Although, there is no denite base, morning sickness is believed to be caused by pregnancy hormone, gonadotrophin released by the placenta. Nausea and vomiting during rst trimester reducestheriskofmiscarriageandbirthdefects. Morning Sickness May Lead to Smarter Kids
  • 23. The study conducted by the researchers at The Hospital for Sick Children includes mother-child pair. They categorized the mothers with severe morning sickness and mothers without morning sickness in different groups. The study ndings show that the mothers who experienced severe morning sickness had healthier babies and their risk of premature birth was signicantly reduced whencomparedtomotherswhohadasmoothsailingpregnancy. After few years, the children were assessed with standardized age appropriate psychological tests to measure intelligence and behavior. Other factors such as mother's IQ, alcohol consumption, socio economic status were also taken in to consideration. The children of mothers who suffered from severe morning sickness symptomshadhigherIQ,greatergraspoflanguageetc. Finally, all the nausea, vomiting and fatigue that mothers experience inthersttrimesterpaysoffintheformofsmarterkids.
  • 24. onstipation is one of the early signs of pregnancy and may Coccur in the second and third trimester too. This is one of the most annoying pregnancy symptoms causing discomforts in almost all expectant mothers at some point during their pregnancy. Simple food habit and lifestyle changes can help you tackle constipation in an effective way. The key to 'constipation free pregnancy' is following a nutritious and healthy diet along with active exercisesthroughoutpregnancy. Why pregnant woman have constipation? The elevated levels of progesterone hormone cause the smooth intestine muscles to relax which will slow down the passage of food. This increases the water absorption from the bowel resulting in constipation. Also, the growing uterus presses the intestine and pushes the stomach upwards which makes it worse. Apart from these changes, lack of exercise, low bre diet, stress, insufcient amount of water intake etc., contributes to constipation during pregnancy. Relief from Constipation during First Trimester
  • 25. Tips to relieve from constipation Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. You can also try having a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning. Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee. Although they help initially, they cause dehydration problem due to their diureticeffect. Include bre rich food in your diet. Try fresh fruits like apple, oranges and pears with skin. They help in relieving youfromconstipation. Fibre rich vegetables can be consumed in the form of soup, salad etc. You can have carrots, nuts, legumes, greens, lentils etc., with a combination of easily digesting protein likeeggs. Go for a long walk and keep yourself engaged throughout the day with simple tness exercises. It can be prenatal yoga,cardio,swimmingorwalking. Break your meals and eat 5-6 mini meals to help your digestivesystemworkwithease. You can also have tender coconut, butter milk and soups everydaytokeepyourbodyhydrated. If it is severe, consult your gynecologist for a laxative. Avoid over the counter prescriptions during pregnancy as stimulant laxatives you buy in pharmacy may cause abdominalcramps.
  • 26. re you eagerly waiting to become a mother and experience the Ajoys of pregnancy? Here is a list of 10 pregnancy symptoms which is experienced by most expectant mothers. If you experience these symptoms, it is essential to take your prenatal vitaminsandavoidexcesswork. Symptoms of Pregnancy: 10 Signs You Must Know Tender and swollen breasts: You may experience soreness and tingling in your breasts if you are pregnant. The breasts become tender and change shape as they prepare to produce milk after childbirth. Spotting: Some women may experience mild spotting within 5- 10 days of conception as the embryo implants to the uterus. Most women confuse it with periods but spotting is irregular andmildcomparedtomenstrualperiods. Darkening of areola: During pregnancy, the hormones cause darkening of the areolas, the circle around the nipple. The areolasbecomedarkandwideaspregnancyprogresses.
  • 27. Sensitivity to smell: Many pregnant women experience heightened sense of smell which is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy. If you get nauseated by the brewing smellinthecafeteria,itmightbeasign. Unusual food craving: Although food craving occurs after the rst month, it is one of the symptoms of pregnancy that should not ignore. You might crave for unusual food items like red meat,sourfoodsetc. Missed period: Missing your monthly period is a strong sign of pregnancy if your menstrual cycle is regular. In most women, the periods might be delayed resulting in false pregnancy hopes.So,itisadvisabletocheckwithhomepregnancytest. Frequency of Urine: During pregnancy, your uterus presses directly on the urinary bladder causing pressure. This results inmorefrequenturinationasthepregnancyprogresses. Fatigue and dizziness: As pregnancy demands more energy, nutrition and strength, it is quite natural for expectant mothers to feel exhausted and dizzy. If you feel tired more than usual, listen to your body's need and relax. It could be one of the symptomsofpregnancy. Nausea: Morning sickness causes nausea in pregnant women due to the action of pregnancy hormones. This is another symptom that conrms pregnancy and if you often feel nauseated, it is best to eat healthy, stay hydrated and avoid spicyfoods. Headache and Mood swings: Pregnancy hormones cause mood swings, emotional stress and forgetfulness in mothers-to-be. The physical stress and fatigue also increases the headache. This is the body's way of getting adjusted to the pregnancy changes.
  • 28. Tips to Handle Nausea 77 ausea is one of the common pregnancy discomforts faced by Nmothers-to-be in their rst trimester as a part of morning sickness. Nausea is characterized by uneasy sensation in the upper stomach with an urge to vomit. Mostly, nausea is accompanied by vomiting but sometimes the uneasiness is experienced with dizziness and head ache too. This symptom makes itdifcultforpregnantwomentoholdfoodintheirtummyandcauses nutrition deciency. As there are no medications available, it is necessarytocontrolnauseathroughsomelifestylechanges. 1. Track your nausea Although nausea is caused by the reaction of various pregnancy hormones and acid reux, it might also be triggered by external stimuli. Keep a track on the nausea by timing and frequency to identify the cause, it may be due to the smell of caffeine, neighbours cooking or the iron supplement you're taking. If you nd the cause, thenitbecomessimpletocontrolit. 2. Break your meal and eat regularly By now, you would've heard this quite a lot but this is an effective technique. Break your heavy meals in to 4-5 smaller meals for easy
  • 29. digestion and to control acid reux, thereby controlling nausea. It is also important to eat regularly to maintain the acid base level in the stomachwhichcontrolsnausea. 3.Try foods that soothe your stomach Pregnancy is a unique experience for every woman and hence there is no hard and fast rule in foods that works during pregnancy. General snacks such as crackers, dry fruits and nuts, smoothies, cereals, ice tea, popsicles etc., have better effects against vomiting andnausea. 4. Sniff refreshing scents As you stay away from the smell of coffee, nail polish and strong perfumes, try to indulge in the scent of fresh citrus fruits or any otherrefreshingscents.Thiswillhelpyouovercomenausea. 5.Carry a survival pouch The products in the survival pouch will help you tackle nausea and vomiting. Some of the products that you can include are: lemon spray, mouth freshener, water bottle, mint or soar candies, paper tissues,paperbagetc.,incaseofunavoidablecircumstances. 6.Distract your thoughts Not just the symptoms, even the thought of nausea and morning sickness stays with you throughout the day which will affect your eating habits. Try to distract yourself with work, take a walk, play a game or chat with friends. These activities will also clear your mind andrelievefromstress. 7.Ditch your work for a day If you feel tired to get up from the bed or even open your eyes due to dizziness and body ache, take a day off from work. The best way to cope with pregnancy discomforts is to listen to your body and take sufcient rest. As your body works extra hard during the pregnancy days,itisnecessarytogivesomerestforrejuvenation.
  • 30. dding vitamin and nutrient rich food in your diet can protect Ayour child from various health issues. A nutritious diet needn't be always bland and boring, it can be delicious and smooth for your tummy so try including foods abundant in necessary vitamins like folic acid (Vitamin B9). Here are 7 food items that will boost your daily requirement of folate (folic acid when consumed in food): 7Folate Rich Foods for Expectant Mothers 7 Legumes: This includes lentils, dried beans, split peas etc. One cup of legume serves a great source of folate which also quenches the requirements of iron, ber and protein. You can make soups, sprinkle them in salads or even take as simple side dish. Beetroot: Include beetroot in your regular diet to get the goodness of folate, iron and ber with just half a cup. You can try yummysmoothies,halwaorevenroastedsidedishwithbeets.2 1
  • 31. Oranges: Have one fresh orange with the pulp rather than as fresh or packed juice. The pulp contains the ber which can control the blood sugar level and also helps in avoiding constipation. This way you will get your daily dose of folate and avoidmanypregnancydiscomforts. Spinach: Cooked spinach contains rich source of folate which will also control constipation. Use it as steamed spinach side dish or dress up as salad with nuts, cheese and vinegar to add avours. Broccoli: One cup of chopped and cooked broccoli along with its stem can serve your folate needs pretty well. If you don't like the bland taste, try to add little olive oil and roast in the oven (at 400deg)untilitturnslightbrown. Asparagus: Although we don't use Asparagus much in our cooking, it serves a whooping 89 mcg (micrograms) of folate in just 4 thin spears. You can experiment new tasty dishes with Asparagus which will also serve your nutrition needs. Sunower Seeds: Half a cup of sunower seeds provides 150 mcg of folate. These seeds are also rich in protein, ber and heart-healthy oils. It can be sprinkled in salads, used in mufns, powdered and mixed with bread crumbs or even used as sunowerbutterspreadfortoasts. 4 3 5 6 7
  • 32. ost pregnant mothers are less likely to experience good Msleep every day. During pregnancy, insomnia or disturbed sleep pattern is quite normal along with stress and anxiety. Herearesometipstohelpyougetsomequalitysleep: Effective Tips for Good Sleep during Pregnancy 0101 Minimize daytime sleeping hours: It is good to take 30 or 60 minutes nap during daytime but do not exceed the sleep hours asitmayinterferewiththenighttimesleeppattern. Reduce emotional stress: Physical and emotional stress tends to affect the sleep pattern of pregnant women. Indulge yourself in stress free activities such as reading, simple gardening,meditationoreven20minuteswalk.
  • 33. Exercise regularly: Simple yoga or light cardiac exercises in the mornings are good. Have a workout regime to regularize your daytimeactivities. Do not work out late: Working out in the evening will affect your good night sleep so, keep your brisk workout schedule for theearlypartofthedayandavoidevenings. Use more Pillows: Doctors may prescribe avoiding pillows for your head but it is good for your back and tummy to provide extra comfort and support. A pillow between the legs will ease your back and encourage sleeping on the side. You can also try wedge shapedorfulllengthbodypillowforabettersleepexperience. Relaxation techniques before bedtime: The relaxation techniques such as massage, stretching, yoga, deep breathing, warm shower etc., are proven to relieve stress, anxiety and improvesleep. Make a bedtime schedule: Chart your every day sleep routine and create a comfortable bedtime routine, giving importance to night time sleep. Stick to the schedule no matter howtemptingitistotakeanapintheevenings.
  • 34. Create a pleasant environment: Make sure the bed is always clean and properly ventilated. Keep the windows open during day time for enough natural light and air to enter the room. You can have candles and dim light in the night to create a pleasantenvironmentforuninterruptedsleep. Snooze on your left side: The position relieves pressure exerted by the growing uterus and help in better blood ow for the baby. Practicing to sleep on the left side during early pregnancywillhelpyousleepbetterwhenyourbellyisbigger. Leave the bed: If you do not feel sleepy, get out of the bed and move to another room; try music or read magazines till you feel drowsy. Use your bed only for sleeping as this will improve your sleepingpattern.
  • 35.
  • 36. LifeCell International Pvt. Ltd #26,Vandalur Kelambakkam Main Road, Keelakottaiyur Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600127 India