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Clinica delle Malattie Infettive e Tropicali
           Università degli Studi dell’Insubria –
    Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, Varese
             “Second Opinion” Infettivologica
        Centro Nazionale Trapianti, ISS, Roma

      Tubercolosi e trapianti

                 Paolo Grossi

       Monza 14-15 Ottobre, 2011
Post-transplant tuberculosis
  20-70 times higher incidence
  Prevalence mimics endemic prevalence (0.35-15%)
  High morbidity and mortality (13-40%)
  TB contributes to graft dysfunction
  High incidence of extrapulmonary involvement and
  atypical presentation
  Complex management/drug-interactions

 Importance of preventive measures

       Singh&Paterson Clin Infect Dis (1998) 27: 1266; Munoz et al Clin Infect Dis (2005) 40: 581
M. tuberculosis Infection in Recipients of Solid Organ Transplants


                                511 transplant patients with tuberculosis
                                Singh N, Paterson DL. Clin Infect Dis 1998; 27:1266–77.

               33       lung involvement


                    OVERALL MORTALITY RATE 29%

                    Major predictors of mortality
                    - disseminated infection (P = .0003),
                    - prior rejection (P = .006),
                    - receipt of OKT3 or anti-T cell antibodies (P = .0013)
                                              Università degli Studi di Udine – Clinica di Malattie Infettive
M. tuberculosis Infection in Recipients of Solid Organ Transplants

    EPIDEMIOLOGY       Munoz P, Rodriguez C, Bouza E, Clin Infect Dis 2005; 40:581–7

%                                        15


           2,3          2,5                                              2
                                                  1 1,5
     0,7                           0,5                                                      0,23 0,79

     adult liver pediatric liver   kidney         heart                   lung            bone
                                          min   max

                                                      Università degli Studi di Udine – Clinica di Malattie Infettive
Frequency of Tuberculosis
                in solid-organ transplant recipients
                           Transplanted Organ
Prevalence, %   Overall   Lung      Kidney      Liver   Heart        Kidney-
Literature      1.2-15    2-6.5     0.5-15    0.7-2.3   1-1.5          …
GESITRA          0.45     1.15       0.35       0.47     0.26         0.85
(Spain, from

Incidence         512     2012     358     541    255                1204
 Higher risk of TB among SOT recipients when
(Cases per 105 (317-783)  (565- (144-728) (269-  (6.5-          compared
popul/year;               5306)           1065)  1421)
GESITRA)             with the general population

                                  Aguado JM et al, CID 2009; 48:1276-84
Risk factors for tuberculosis after transplantation

 Aguado JM, et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48:1276–84
Screening pre-trapianto

Esame                              Se positivo                  Se negativo
Intradermoreazione alla            Escludere malattia
tubercolina (PPD)                  tubercolare in atto
                          Valutazione malattia tubercolare
  Anamnesi e esame              Esami di laboratorio          Esami strumentali
 (in tutti i candidati)
Storia di TBC               Ricerca micobatteri             Rx torace (protocollo
Fattori di rischio e        (diretto, PCR e colturale) su   standard)
contatti                    espettorato, urine e sangue     Ecografia addome
                            (almeno 3 campioni)             completo
Eventuali terapie           Eventuale ricerca su altri      Eventuale TC Torace
pregresse                   campioni
Adeguatezza delle
Valutazione clinica                                         Altro
Immunodiagnosis of
             latent M. tuberculosis infection
             peptides           APC
                                                                IFN- release assay
ESAT-6/CFP-10/TB7.7                                 T cell

  cytokine                    cytokine         cytokine                                 cytokine
 induction                   induction         induction                                   induction
     Skin test                  ELISA          ELISPOT assay                       Flow-cytometry

                                                               activation marker
                         QuantiFERON TB gold    T-SPOT.TB                             cytokine
Test characteristics

                    Skin-test   ELISA             ELISPOT

  Sensitivity         77 %      78 %                90 %

                    59-97 %     96 %                93 %
Low risk controls

                                 Pai et al Ann Intern Med (2008) 149: 177
Treatment for Latent TB Infection
• Treating LTBI reduces the risk that M.
  tuberculosis infection will develop into TB
• Certain groups have higher risk for developing
  TB disease after infection; should be treated
• Before beginning treatment for LTBI
   – Exclude diagnosis of TB
   – Ensure patient has no history of adverse
     reactions resulting from prior LTBI treatment
Treatment Regiments for LTBI
               Months of                 Minimum
  Drugs                       Interval
               Duration                   Doses
                               Daily       270
   INH              9*
                              2x wkly      76
                               Daily       180
   INH               6
                              2x wkly      52
    RIF              4         Daily       120

INH=isoniazid; RIF=rifampin
Diagnosis of active tuberculosis
Patient history
Chest X-ray
Acid-fast bacilli staining
Nucleic acid amplification testing
Poor specificity for distinction
             of active and latent infection

                                  Skin-test     ELISA             ELISPOT

          Sensitivity           77 % / 65 %   78 % / 80 %       90 % / 81 %

          Specificity             59-97 %        96 %               93 %
        Low risk controls

          Specificity                75 %        79 %               59 %
           TB suspects

Sester et al Eur Respir J (2011) 37: 100       Pai et al Ann Intern Med (2008) 149: 177
IFN-γ and IL-2 cytokine profiles of antigen-specific T cells
 measured by flow-cytometry ex vivo might correlate with TB
 disease activity in vivo.
 Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analysis revealed that
 frequencies of PPD specific IFN- γ /IL-2 dual-positive T cells
 below 56% were an accurate marker for active TB (specificity
 100%, sensitivity 70%) enabling effective discrimination from
 non-active states.
 In conclusion, a frequency lower than 56% IFN- γ /IL-2 dual
 positive PPD-specific circulating CD4 T-cells is strongly
 indicative of active TB.

Sester M, et al. PLoS ONE 2011;6:
Case – donor-derived tuberculosis
                 Deceased donor                    •CNS disease
        not recognized as having active TB         •CSF was AFB negative

•48 years, male         •29 years, male                  •30 years, male
•TB 8 weeks post-Tx     •TB 3 months post-Tx             •ATG treatment
•BAL/Bone marrow AFB+   •Hepatic abscess AFB+            •TB 3 weeks post-Tx
•Patient survived       •Patient survived                •Bone marrow AFB+
                                                         •Patient died

                                    Edathodu et al Int J Tuberc Lung Dis (2010) 14: 1493
Donor‘s Risk factors for TB transmission
  Active TB
  History of untreated/improperly treated TB
  Positive TST/IGRA, in particular recent conversion
  Abnormal chest X-ray
  Recent close contact to TB case
  Birth/residence in a high prevalence country
    TB disease
                                    Highest risk donors
    Latency      Live bacilli?

     Latency     Bacterium extinguished?   Singh&Paterson Clin Infect Dis (1998) 27: 1266
                                                Munoz et al Clin Infect Dis (2005) 40: 581
Management – Donor screening
 Grouped by living or deceased donor
 • Active TB vs latent infection
 • Active TB
    - History of active disease or currently active
    - Treated adequately > 2 years ago or not
    - Same site of organ being transplanted or distant
      site (except lung)
 • Microbiologic or pathologic diagnosis

          Donor-Derived Consensus Conference TB – Morris et al in preparation
Problems with diagnostics
         in deceased donors

Results often only obtained after
Clinical history often not reliable
Skin testing not feasible
IGRAs not validated
      Donor risk assessment
Need for increased awareness
Identification of who may have greatest risk for
transmission or reactivation of M. tuberculosis
Application of recommendations likely to vary from
country to country and even region to region
Consult infectious disease specialist
Communication among transplant centers
Major areas for future studies
Use of IGRAs in deceased donors
Evaluation of nucleic acid based testing on
body fluids of high risk donors
Prospective evaluation and outcomes of
recipients receiving organs from donors with
high risk for latent infection

          Donor-Derived Consensus Conference TB – Morris et al in preparation
Dati anamnestici
  CS, maschio, 44 in 60^ giornata post-tx co-infezione
            Dimesso aa, ex-tossicodipendente,
   Esami alla                Terapia immunosoppressiva:
  DM tipo 1, IRC da nefropatia diabeticamg/sett
   - creatinina= 1,1mg/dL    - Tacrolimus 0,5 in emodialisi dal
   - glicemia= 80mg/dL       - Micofenolato mofetile
  Valutazione pre-tx: Anamnesi per TB e PPD negative
                             - Metilprednisolone (sospeso a 3
  Nell’aprile 2007 trapianto mesi dal tx)
                              di combinato di rene-pancreas
                               Terapia antiretrovirale:
          Ottima ripresa della Lamivudina/Abacavir
                             - funzionalità dei graft
                             - chirurgiche:

   1°gg sanguinamento dal corpo del pancreas e dall’anastomosi
    arteria renale.
   26°gg deiscenza della ferita con eviscerazione, colecistite
    gangrenosa e ascesso pelvico; colecistectomia e toilette
.... 36 mesi post-tx
Comparsa sintomi aspecifici: astenia, febbricola, sudorazioni notturne

 Lieve incremento degli indici di flogosi (VES=45, PCR=27)
 Funzionalità renale e pancreatica nella norma
 HIV-RNA undetectable; Linfociti T CD4= 307/mmc

                               Tra i vari esami effettuati:
                               Intradermoreazione alla tubercolina: positiva
                               QuantiFERON-TB Gold: positivo

      •Esame microscopico pos per micobatteri
      • Esame molecolare (PCR) pos per Mycobacterium tuberculosis
      • Esame colturale + antibiogramma: Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensibile
      a streptomicina, isoniazide, rifampicina, etambutolo, pirazinamide
                                             NO Rifampicina
   Isoniazide 300 mg/die
                                               Livelli FK, CyA,
   Etambutolo 1600 mg/die
                                               Rapamicina, Inibitori
   Moxifloxacina 400 mg/die                    Protesi
   Pirazinamide 1500 mg/die (sospesa dopo 2 mesi)
   Vit B 6
                         Lieve aumento delle transaminasi (2vv)
                         Aumento dell’uricemia
Acido micofenolico
Acido acetilsalicilico
TB treatment options in solid organ transplant
 recipients (GESITRA)

Aguado JM. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48:1276–84
Quali sono le problematiche correlate alla
  terapia della tubercolosi nel paziente
   immunocompromesso per trapianto?

  Interazione tra i farmaci
  Maggior Tossicità
  Compliance
  Durata della terapia
Drug Interactions
• Relatively few drug interactions substantially
  change concentrations of antituberculosis
• Antituberculosis drugs sometimes change
  concentrations of other drugs
   – Rifamycins can decrease serum concentrations
     of many drugs, (e.g., most of
     immunosuppressive drugs, the HIV-1 protease
     inhibitors and many others), to subtherapeutic
   – Isoniazid increases concentrations of some
     drugs (e.g., phenytoin) to toxic levels
• La Tubercolosi rappresenta una grave complicanza nel post-
  tx dovuta nella maggior parte dei casi a riattivazione di TB
  latente, raramente da trasmissione dal donatore, ma anche
  come infezione primaria comunitaria
• E’ fondamentale un’approfondita valutazione pre-tx
  (anamnesi, clinica, PPD o Test IGRA) non solo per
  diagnosticare un’eventuale TB latente, ma anche per
  acquisire un dato di negatività che può rivelarsi utile nel
• Le indagini colturali vanno sempre eseguite anche alla luce
  dell’emergenza di MDR
• Il trattamento deve possibilmente escludere l’utilizzo di
  rifamicine, potenti induttori del CYP450; se utilizzate,
  stretto monitoraggio dei livelli degli immunosoppressori
• La durata della terapia deve proseguire per almeno 12-18

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  • 1. Clinica delle Malattie Infettive e Tropicali Università degli Studi dell’Insubria – Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, Varese “Second Opinion” Infettivologica Centro Nazionale Trapianti, ISS, Roma Tubercolosi e trapianti Paolo Grossi TUBERCOLOSI: UNA MALATTIA COMPLESSA Monza 14-15 Ottobre, 2011
  • 2.
  • 3. Post-transplant tuberculosis 20-70 times higher incidence Prevalence mimics endemic prevalence (0.35-15%) High morbidity and mortality (13-40%) TB contributes to graft dysfunction High incidence of extrapulmonary involvement and atypical presentation Complex management/drug-interactions  Importance of preventive measures Singh&Paterson Clin Infect Dis (1998) 27: 1266; Munoz et al Clin Infect Dis (2005) 40: 581
  • 4. M. tuberculosis Infection in Recipients of Solid Organ Transplants CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS 511 transplant patients with tuberculosis Singh N, Paterson DL. Clin Infect Dis 1998; 27:1266–77. 33 lung involvement disseminated 51% 16 extrapulmonary OVERALL MORTALITY RATE 29% Major predictors of mortality - disseminated infection (P = .0003), - prior rejection (P = .006), - receipt of OKT3 or anti-T cell antibodies (P = .0013) Università degli Studi di Udine – Clinica di Malattie Infettive
  • 5. M. tuberculosis Infection in Recipients of Solid Organ Transplants EPIDEMIOLOGY Munoz P, Rodriguez C, Bouza E, Clin Infect Dis 2005; 40:581–7 % 15 6,5 2,3 2,5 2 1 1,5 0,7 0,5 0,23 0,79 adult liver pediatric liver kidney heart lung bone marrow min max Università degli Studi di Udine – Clinica di Malattie Infettive
  • 6. Frequency of Tuberculosis in solid-organ transplant recipients Transplanted Organ Prevalence, % Overall Lung Kidney Liver Heart Kidney- pancreas Literature 1.2-15 2-6.5 0.5-15 0.7-2.3 1-1.5 … GESITRA 0.45 1.15 0.35 0.47 0.26 0.85 (Spain, from 2008) Incidence 512 2012 358 541 255 1204 Higher risk of TB among SOT recipients when (Cases per 105 (317-783) (565- (144-728) (269- (6.5- compared (30.5-6710) popul/year; 5306) 1065) 1421) GESITRA) with the general population Aguado JM et al, CID 2009; 48:1276-84
  • 7. Risk factors for tuberculosis after transplantation Aguado JM, et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48:1276–84
  • 8. Screening pre-trapianto Esame Se positivo Se negativo Intradermoreazione alla Escludere malattia tubercolina (PPD) tubercolare in atto Test IGRA Valutazione malattia tubercolare Anamnesi e esame Esami di laboratorio Esami strumentali clinico (in tutti i candidati) Storia di TBC Ricerca micobatteri Rx torace (protocollo Fattori di rischio e (diretto, PCR e colturale) su standard) contatti espettorato, urine e sangue Ecografia addome (almeno 3 campioni) completo Eventuali terapie Eventuale ricerca su altri Eventuale TC Torace pregresse campioni Adeguatezza delle terapie Valutazione clinica Altro
  • 9. Immunodiagnosis of latent M. tuberculosis infection antigens/ peptides APC IGRA IFN- release assay PPD ESAT-6/CFP-10/TB7.7 T cell activation/ cytokine cytokine cytokine cytokine induction induction induction induction Skin test ELISA ELISPOT assay Flow-cytometry activation marker QuantiFERON TB gold T-SPOT.TB cytokine
  • 10. Test characteristics Skin-test ELISA ELISPOT Sensitivity 77 % 78 % 90 % Specificity 59-97 % 96 % 93 % Low risk controls Pai et al Ann Intern Med (2008) 149: 177
  • 11. Treatment for Latent TB Infection • Treating LTBI reduces the risk that M. tuberculosis infection will develop into TB disease • Certain groups have higher risk for developing TB disease after infection; should be treated • Before beginning treatment for LTBI – Exclude diagnosis of TB – Ensure patient has no history of adverse reactions resulting from prior LTBI treatment
  • 12. Treatment Regiments for LTBI Months of Minimum Drugs Interval Duration Doses Daily 270 INH 9* 2x wkly 76 Daily 180 INH 6 2x wkly 52 RIF 4 Daily 120 *Preferred INH=isoniazid; RIF=rifampin
  • 13. Diagnosis of active tuberculosis Patient history Chest X-ray Culture Acid-fast bacilli staining Nucleic acid amplification testing
  • 14. Poor specificity for distinction of active and latent infection Skin-test ELISA ELISPOT Sensitivity 77 % / 65 % 78 % / 80 % 90 % / 81 % Specificity 59-97 % 96 % 93 % Low risk controls Specificity 75 % 79 % 59 % TB suspects Sester et al Eur Respir J (2011) 37: 100 Pai et al Ann Intern Med (2008) 149: 177
  • 15. IFN-γ and IL-2 cytokine profiles of antigen-specific T cells measured by flow-cytometry ex vivo might correlate with TB disease activity in vivo. Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analysis revealed that frequencies of PPD specific IFN- γ /IL-2 dual-positive T cells below 56% were an accurate marker for active TB (specificity 100%, sensitivity 70%) enabling effective discrimination from non-active states. In conclusion, a frequency lower than 56% IFN- γ /IL-2 dual positive PPD-specific circulating CD4 T-cells is strongly indicative of active TB. Sester M, et al. PLoS ONE 2011;6:
  • 16. Case – donor-derived tuberculosis Deceased donor •CNS disease not recognized as having active TB •CSF was AFB negative •48 years, male •29 years, male •30 years, male •TB 8 weeks post-Tx •TB 3 months post-Tx •ATG treatment •BAL/Bone marrow AFB+ •Hepatic abscess AFB+ •TB 3 weeks post-Tx •Patient survived •Patient survived •Bone marrow AFB+ •Patient died Edathodu et al Int J Tuberc Lung Dis (2010) 14: 1493
  • 17. Donor‘s Risk factors for TB transmission Active TB History of untreated/improperly treated TB Positive TST/IGRA, in particular recent conversion Abnormal chest X-ray Recent close contact to TB case Birth/residence in a high prevalence country TB disease Highest risk donors Latency Live bacilli? Latency Bacterium extinguished? Singh&Paterson Clin Infect Dis (1998) 27: 1266 Munoz et al Clin Infect Dis (2005) 40: 581
  • 18. Management – Donor screening Grouped by living or deceased donor Categorized • Active TB vs latent infection • Active TB - History of active disease or currently active - Treated adequately > 2 years ago or not - Same site of organ being transplanted or distant site (except lung) • Microbiologic or pathologic diagnosis Donor-Derived Consensus Conference TB – Morris et al in preparation
  • 19. Problems with diagnostics in deceased donors Results often only obtained after transplantation Clinical history often not reliable Skin testing not feasible IGRAs not validated
  • 20. Summary Donor risk assessment Need for increased awareness Identification of who may have greatest risk for transmission or reactivation of M. tuberculosis Application of recommendations likely to vary from country to country and even region to region Consult infectious disease specialist Communication among transplant centers
  • 21. Major areas for future studies Use of IGRAs in deceased donors Evaluation of nucleic acid based testing on body fluids of high risk donors Prospective evaluation and outcomes of recipients receiving organs from donors with high risk for latent infection Donor-Derived Consensus Conference TB – Morris et al in preparation
  • 22. Dati anamnestici  CS, maschio, 44 in 60^ giornata post-tx co-infezione Dimesso aa, ex-tossicodipendente, HIV-HCVdimissione: Esami alla Terapia immunosoppressiva:  DM tipo 1, IRC da nefropatia diabeticamg/sett - creatinina= 1,1mg/dL - Tacrolimus 0,5 in emodialisi dal 2000 - glicemia= 80mg/dL - Micofenolato mofetile  Valutazione pre-tx: Anamnesi per TB e PPD negative - Metilprednisolone (sospeso a 3 Nell’aprile 2007 trapianto mesi dal tx) di combinato di rene-pancreas Terapia antiretrovirale: Ottima ripresa della Lamivudina/Abacavir - funzionalità dei graft ComplicanzeFosamprenavir/ritonavir - chirurgiche:  1°gg sanguinamento dal corpo del pancreas e dall’anastomosi arteria renale.  26°gg deiscenza della ferita con eviscerazione, colecistite gangrenosa e ascesso pelvico; colecistectomia e toilette chirurgica
  • 23. .... 36 mesi post-tx Comparsa sintomi aspecifici: astenia, febbricola, sudorazioni notturne Lieve incremento degli indici di flogosi (VES=45, PCR=27) Funzionalità renale e pancreatica nella norma HIV-RNA undetectable; Linfociti T CD4= 307/mmc Tra i vari esami effettuati: Intradermoreazione alla tubercolina: positiva QuantiFERON-TB Gold: positivo BAL: •Esame microscopico pos per micobatteri • Esame molecolare (PCR) pos per Mycobacterium tuberculosis • Esame colturale + antibiogramma: Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensibile a streptomicina, isoniazide, rifampicina, etambutolo, pirazinamide
  • 24. Terapia NO Rifampicina Isoniazide 300 mg/die Livelli FK, CyA, Etambutolo 1600 mg/die Rapamicina, Inibitori Moxifloxacina 400 mg/die Protesi Pirazinamide 1500 mg/die (sospesa dopo 2 mesi) Vit B 6 Lieve aumento delle transaminasi (2vv) Aumento dell’uricemia Dispepsia Tacrolimus Acido micofenolico Abacavir/lamivudina Fosamprenavir Ritonavir Allopurinolo Acido acetilsalicilico
  • 25. TB treatment options in solid organ transplant recipients (GESITRA) Aguado JM. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48:1276–84
  • 26. Quali sono le problematiche correlate alla terapia della tubercolosi nel paziente immunocompromesso per trapianto?  Interazione tra i farmaci  Maggior Tossicità  Compliance  Durata della terapia
  • 27. Drug Interactions • Relatively few drug interactions substantially change concentrations of antituberculosis drugs • Antituberculosis drugs sometimes change concentrations of other drugs – Rifamycins can decrease serum concentrations of many drugs, (e.g., most of immunosuppressive drugs, the HIV-1 protease inhibitors and many others), to subtherapeutic levels – Isoniazid increases concentrations of some drugs (e.g., phenytoin) to toxic levels
  • 28. Conclusioni • La Tubercolosi rappresenta una grave complicanza nel post- tx dovuta nella maggior parte dei casi a riattivazione di TB latente, raramente da trasmissione dal donatore, ma anche come infezione primaria comunitaria • E’ fondamentale un’approfondita valutazione pre-tx (anamnesi, clinica, PPD o Test IGRA) non solo per diagnosticare un’eventuale TB latente, ma anche per acquisire un dato di negatività che può rivelarsi utile nel post-tx • Le indagini colturali vanno sempre eseguite anche alla luce dell’emergenza di MDR • Il trattamento deve possibilmente escludere l’utilizzo di rifamicine, potenti induttori del CYP450; se utilizzate, stretto monitoraggio dei livelli degli immunosoppressori • La durata della terapia deve proseguire per almeno 12-18 mesi