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Scaling With Docker Swarm using
Packer, Terraform & OpenStack
Bobby DeVeaux - March 28th 2017 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Created my first website at 9 Years old in 1995 😮
• Started coding PHP in 2001 - 16 years ago
• Developer, Team Leader, CTO, Director & Consultant
• Been using AWS for over 5 years
• Web Development, Message Queues, Automation, CI&CD
• Previously worked at SkyBet & DVSA
• Now a DevOps Consultant with UKCloud, Evangelising OpenStack
• Contributor to Terraform
• I ♥️ Docker, Terraform & Golang (or anything Hashicorp)
• #twitter: @bobbyjason
About Me ☁️
2 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• I’m here to spread the awareness of UKCloud & OpenStack
• I want you to use Docker Swarm
• I want you to love Terraform
• I want to show you how to scale an app using all the above
Why Am I Here?
3 @bobbyjason #doxlon
UKCloud at-a-glance
4 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Docker for AWS
• Docker for Azure
• UKCloud offer Cloud Native Infrastructure using Openstack
Why Openstack?
5 @bobbyjason #doxlon
‘Final’ Demo
6 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Who’s using Docker yet?
• Who’s using Docker Swarm?
• Who’s using Terraform?
• Who’s using Packer?
• Who’s not played with any of them, and would love to?
Hands Up
7 @bobbyjason #doxlon 16 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Docker 1.12 & now 1.13 has Docker Swarm natively, “Swarm Mode”
• Cluster management integrated with Docker Engine
• Decentralized design
• Declarative service model
• Scaling
• Desired state reconciliation
• Multi-host networking
• Service discovery
• Load balancing
• Secure by default
• Rolling updates
Swarm Mode?
17 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• docker swarm init —advertise-addr
• Initialises the node for Swarm mode
Docker Swarm Init
18 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• docker service create --env APPLICATION_ENV=dev --update-
delay 10s --replicas 1 --network mynet --name php-fpm
• docker service create --update-delay 10s --replicas 1 -p 80:80 --
network mynet --name web bobbydvo/ukc_nginx:latest
• docker service update --image bobbydvo/ukc_nginx:1.81 web
Docker Service Create
19 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• docker service scale web=5
Docker Service Scale
20 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• docker stack deploy —compose-file docker-compose.yml mystack
Docker Stack Deploy (1.13 only)
version: "3"
tty: true
- php-fpm
image: bobbydvo/ukc_nginx:latest
- "80:80"
mode: replicated
replicas: 2
parallelism: 1
delay: 10s
failure_action: continue
monitor: 60s
max_failure_ratio: 0.3
tty: true
build: ./
image: bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:latest
- "9000:9000"
mode: replicated
replicas: 1
parallelism: 1
delay: 10s
failure_action: continue
monitor: 60s
max_failure_ratio: 0.3 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• We’re about to embark onto the interesting stuff
• Any questions?
…and Pause.
22 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Packer
• Terraform
• Docker Swarm
• Jenkins For Release
How Do We Scale on Real Infrastructure
23 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning
infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing
and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.
• Infrastructure as Code: Infrastructure is described using a high-level
configuration syntax. This allows a blueprint of your datacenter to be
versioned and treated as you would any other code. Additionally,
infrastructure can be shared and re-used.
• Execution Plans: Terraform has a "planning" step where it generates
an execution plan. The execution plan shows what Terraform will do
when you call apply. This lets you avoid any surprises when
Terraform manipulates infrastructure
What Is Terraform?
24 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• How long do your builds & deployments in travis / Jenkins take?
• What’s acceptable?
• ‘Quick’ is relative, and depends on your requirements.
• When I say quick deployments, I’m referring to efficient
deployments using Foundation Images.
Who Likes Quick Deployments?
29 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Ansible / Puppet / Chef means that lots of projects now build from
the base box image, i.e. CentOS6 or Ubuntu 14.04 etc.
• Do you want to be building this each build? Some of you are clever,
and don’t. Some of you are clever, but didn’t consider an
alternative, or didn’t know how. Maybe some of you don’t even use
automated builds…
• Using Packer and your provisioner of choice, you can export the
artefact and store it as a Docker Container or Image in your cloud
provider (Amazon AMI, OpenStack Glance, etc).
Foundation Images
30 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Tool for creating identical machine images
• Supports multiple platforms
• Supports many provisioners (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Bash.. etc.)
• Can export image in multiple formats AMIs for EC2, VMDK/VMX
files for VMware, OVF exports for VirtualBox, etc.
What Is Packer?
31 @bobbyjason #doxlon
Packer template.json
"variables": {
"aws_access_key": "",
"aws_secret_key": ""
"builders": [{
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
"secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
"region": "us-east-1",
"source_ami": "ami-fce3c696",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"ami_name": "packer-example {{timestamp}}"
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Ansible Provisioning
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"rpm -iUvh",
"yum -y update",
"yum -y install ansible",
"ansible --version"
"type": "ansible-local",
"playbook_file": "./ansible/playbook.yml",
"role_paths": [
"group_vars": "./ansible/common/group_vars"
The cool bit;
Putting it all together! @bobbyjason #doxlon
Build Docker Images Regularly
if [[ $CONTAINER == 'all' ]];
for CONTAINER in php-fpm nginx dynamodb consul;
docker build ./$CONTAINER -t bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest
docker tag bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:$VERSION.$BUIL
docker build ./$CONTAINER -t bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest
docker tag bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:$VERSION.$BUILD_NUMBER
docker push bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest
docker push bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:$VERSION.$BUILD_NUMBER @bobbyjason #doxlon
How NOT to Build Your Jenkins Job
docker -v
sudo docker login -u bobbydvo -p Lr6n9hrGBLNxBm
sudo ./ $CONTAINER $BUILD_NUMBER @bobbyjason #doxlon
How to Build Your Jenkins Job
docker login -u bobbdvo -p Lr6n9hrGBLNxBm
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": “************************************”
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
How to Build Your Jenkins Job
docker -v
#sudo docker login -u bobbydvo -p Lr6n9hrGBLNxBm
sudo ./ $CONTAINER $BUILD_NUMBER @bobbyjason #doxlon
How to Build Your Jenkins Job
47 @bobbyjason #doxlon
Building DummyPHP Docker Image
FROM bobbydvo/ukc_php-fpm:latest
COPY . /srv/
RUN composer install
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord","-n","-c","/etc/supervisord.conf"] @bobbyjason #doxlon
On Merge Jenkins Hook
set -e
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker run -i bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm /srv/vendor/bin/phpunit -c /srv/app/phpunit.xml
# tag & push only if all the above succeeded (set -e)
sudo docker tag bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:latest bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:$DUMMY_VERSION
sudo docker push bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:$DUMMY_VERSION
sudo docker push bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:latest
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null core@51.179
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null core@51.179 @bobbyjason #doxlon
Infrastructure Next
50 @bobbyjason #doxlon
Terraform Build Infrastructure - Manager1
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "swarm_manager" {
name = "swarm_manager_0"
count = 1
image_id = "0fe61d2f-0f9b-4dc8-8706-b45771f86d10"
flavor_id = "7d73f524-f9a1-4e80-bedf-57216aae8038"
key_pair = "${}"
security_groups = ["${}"]
user_data = "${data.template_file.cloudinit.rendered}"
network {
name = "${}"
floating_ip = "${openstack_networking_floatingip_v2.example_floatip_manager.address}"
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Terraform -
data "template_file" "cloudinit" {
template = "${file("")}"
vars {
application_env = "dev"
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Terraform -
docker swarm init
docker swarm join-token --quiet worker > /home/core/worker-token
docker swarm join-token --quiet manager > /home/core/manager-token
docker stack deploy --compose-file /home/core/docker-compose.yml mystack > /dev/nu @bobbyjason #doxlon
Terraform - Master X
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "swarm_managerx" {
name = "swarm_manager_${count.index+1}"
count = 2
image_id = "0fe61d2f-0f9b-4dc8-8706-b45771f86d10"
flavor_id = "7d73f524-f9a1-4e80-bedf-57216aae8038"
key_pair = "${}"
security_groups = ["${}"]
user_data = "${data.template_file.managerinit.rendered}"
network {
name = "${}"
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Terraform -
data "template_file" "managerinit" {
template = "${file("")}"
vars {
swarm_manager = "${openstack_compute_instance_v2.swarm_manager.access_ip_v4}
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Terraform -
# Copy Tokens from master1 => masterX
sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o U
# Copy docker-compose.yml file
sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o U
sudo docker swarm join --token $(cat /home/core/manager-token) ${swarm_manager} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Adding Workers
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "swarm_slave" {
name = "swarm_slave_${count.index}"
count = "${var.swarm_node_count}"
image_id = "0fe61d2f-0f9b-4dc8-8706-b45771f86d10"
flavor_id = "c46be6d1-979d-4489-8ffe-e421a3c83fdd"
key_pair = "${}"
security_groups = ["${}"]
user_data = "${data.template_file.slaveinit.rendered}"
network {
name = "${}"
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Adding Workers -
data "template_file" "slaveinit" {
template = "${file("")}"
vars {
swarm_manager = "${openstack_compute_instance_v2.swarm_manager.access_ip_v4}"
node_count = "${var.swarm_node_count + 3}"
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
Adding Workers -
sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
sudo docker swarm join --token $(cat /home/core/worker-token) ${swarm_manager}
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho
## Forces redistribution across all nodes
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho @bobbyjason #doxlon
Adding Workers - How Many?
variable "swarm_node_count" {
default = 1
variable "swarm_node_count" {
default = 5
} @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Docker will bring up another container. Lets try.
What If A Container Dies?
62 @bobbyjason #doxlon
• Provisioned Docker Containers
• Infrastructure as Code
• Automated Deployments for CI / CD
• Scalable Architecture
• Openstack + UKCloud
There you have it!
63 @bobbyjason #doxlon
‘Final’ Demo - A Release
Thank you :-)
Bobby DeVeaux

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Pp docker-swarm-doxlon-28th-march-2017

  • 1. Scaling With Docker Swarm using Packer, Terraform & OpenStack Bobby DeVeaux - March 28th 2017
  • 2. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Created my first website at 9 Years old in 1995 😮 • Started coding PHP in 2001 - 16 years ago • Developer, Team Leader, CTO, Director & Consultant • Been using AWS for over 5 years • Web Development, Message Queues, Automation, CI&CD • Previously worked at SkyBet & DVSA • Now a DevOps Consultant with UKCloud, Evangelising OpenStack • Contributor to Terraform • I ♥️ Docker, Terraform & Golang (or anything Hashicorp) • #twitter: @bobbyjason About Me ☁️ 2
  • 3. @bobbyjason #doxlon • I’m here to spread the awareness of UKCloud & OpenStack • I want you to use Docker Swarm • I want you to love Terraform • I want to show you how to scale an app using all the above Why Am I Here? 3
  • 5. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Docker for AWS • Docker for Azure • UKCloud offer Cloud Native Infrastructure using Openstack Why Openstack? 5
  • 7. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Who’s using Docker yet? • Who’s using Docker Swarm? • Who’s using Terraform? • Who’s using Packer? • Who’s not played with any of them, and would love to? Hands Up 7
  • 9. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Docker 1.12 & now 1.13 has Docker Swarm natively, “Swarm Mode” • Cluster management integrated with Docker Engine • Decentralized design • Declarative service model • Scaling • Desired state reconciliation • Multi-host networking • Service discovery • Load balancing • Secure by default • Rolling updates Swarm Mode? 17
  • 10. @bobbyjason #doxlon • docker swarm init —advertise-addr • Initialises the node for Swarm mode Docker Swarm Init 18
  • 11. @bobbyjason #doxlon • docker service create --env APPLICATION_ENV=dev --update- delay 10s --replicas 1 --network mynet --name php-fpm bobbydvo/ukc_php-fpm:latest • docker service create --update-delay 10s --replicas 1 -p 80:80 -- network mynet --name web bobbydvo/ukc_nginx:latest • docker service update --image bobbydvo/ukc_nginx:1.81 web Docker Service Create 19
  • 12. @bobbyjason #doxlon • docker service scale web=5 Docker Service Scale 20
  • 13. @bobbyjason #doxlon • docker stack deploy —compose-file docker-compose.yml mystack Docker Stack Deploy (1.13 only) 21 version: "3" services: web: tty: true depends_on: - php-fpm image: bobbydvo/ukc_nginx:latest ports: - "80:80" deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 2 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s failure_action: continue monitor: 60s max_failure_ratio: 0.3 php-fpm: tty: true build: ./ image: bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:latest ports: - "9000:9000" environment: - APPLICATION_ENV=prod deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s failure_action: continue monitor: 60s max_failure_ratio: 0.3
  • 14. @bobbyjason #doxlon • We’re about to embark onto the interesting stuff • Any questions? …and Pause. 22
  • 15. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Packer • Terraform • Docker Swarm • Jenkins For Release How Do We Scale on Real Infrastructure 23
  • 16. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. • Infrastructure as Code: Infrastructure is described using a high-level configuration syntax. This allows a blueprint of your datacenter to be versioned and treated as you would any other code. Additionally, infrastructure can be shared and re-used. • Execution Plans: Terraform has a "planning" step where it generates an execution plan. The execution plan shows what Terraform will do when you call apply. This lets you avoid any surprises when Terraform manipulates infrastructure What Is Terraform? 24
  • 17. @bobbyjason #doxlon • How long do your builds & deployments in travis / Jenkins take? • What’s acceptable? • ‘Quick’ is relative, and depends on your requirements. • When I say quick deployments, I’m referring to efficient deployments using Foundation Images. Who Likes Quick Deployments? 29
  • 18. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Ansible / Puppet / Chef means that lots of projects now build from the base box image, i.e. CentOS6 or Ubuntu 14.04 etc. • Do you want to be building this each build? Some of you are clever, and don’t. Some of you are clever, but didn’t consider an alternative, or didn’t know how. Maybe some of you don’t even use automated builds… • Using Packer and your provisioner of choice, you can export the artefact and store it as a Docker Container or Image in your cloud provider (Amazon AMI, OpenStack Glance, etc). Foundation Images 30
  • 19. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Tool for creating identical machine images • Supports multiple platforms • Supports many provisioners (Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Bash.. etc.) • Can export image in multiple formats AMIs for EC2, VMDK/VMX files for VMware, OVF exports for VirtualBox, etc. What Is Packer? 31
  • 20. @bobbyjason #doxlon Packer template.json 32 { "variables": { "aws_access_key": "", "aws_secret_key": "" }, "builders": [{ "type": "amazon-ebs", "access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}", "secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}", "region": "us-east-1", "source_ami": "ami-fce3c696", "instance_type": "t2.micro", "ssh_username": "ubuntu", "ami_name": "packer-example {{timestamp}}" }] }
  • 21. @bobbyjason #doxlon Ansible Provisioning 33 "provisioners": [ { "type": "shell", "inline": [ "rpm -iUvh", "yum -y update", "yum -y install ansible", "ansible --version" ] },{ "type": "ansible-local", "playbook_file": "./ansible/playbook.yml", "role_paths": [ "./ansible/roles/init", "./ansible/roles/server", "./ansible/roles/mongodb", "./ansible/roles/php7", "./ansible/roles/nginx", "./ansible/roles/supervisord", "./ansible/roles/redis" ], "group_vars": "./ansible/common/group_vars" }
  • 22. The cool bit; Putting it all together!
  • 23. @bobbyjason #doxlon Build Docker Images Regularly 43 #!/bin/bash VERSION=1 CONTAINER=$1 BUILD_NUMBER=$2 if [[ $CONTAINER == 'all' ]]; then for CONTAINER in php-fpm nginx dynamodb consul; do docker build ./$CONTAINER -t bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest docker tag bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:$VERSION.$BUIL done exit fi docker build ./$CONTAINER -t bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest docker tag bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:$VERSION.$BUILD_NUMBER docker push bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:latest docker push bobbydvo/ukc_$CONTAINER:$VERSION.$BUILD_NUMBER
  • 24. @bobbyjason #doxlon How NOT to Build Your Jenkins Job 44 echo $BUILD_NUMBER docker -v whoami sudo docker login -u bobbydvo -p Lr6n9hrGBLNxBm sudo ./ $CONTAINER $BUILD_NUMBER
  • 25. @bobbyjason #doxlon How to Build Your Jenkins Job 45 docker login -u bobbdvo -p Lr6n9hrGBLNxBm .docker/config.json: { "auths": { "": { "auth": “************************************” } }
  • 26. @bobbyjason #doxlon How to Build Your Jenkins Job 46 echo $BUILD_NUMBER docker -v whoami #sudo docker login -u bobbydvo -p Lr6n9hrGBLNxBm sudo ./ $CONTAINER $BUILD_NUMBER
  • 28. @bobbyjason #doxlon Building DummyPHP Docker Image 48 FROM bobbydvo/ukc_php-fpm:latest WORKDIR /srv COPY . /srv/ WORKDIR /srv RUN composer install CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord","-n","-c","/etc/supervisord.conf"]
  • 29. @bobbyjason #doxlon On Merge Jenkins Hook 49 set -e DUMMY_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION NGINX_VERSION='latest' sudo docker-compose build sudo docker run -i bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm /srv/vendor/bin/phpunit -c /srv/app/phpunit.xml # tag & push only if all the above succeeded (set -e) sudo docker tag bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:latest bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:$DUMMY_VERSION sudo docker push bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:$DUMMY_VERSION sudo docker push bobbydvo/dummyapp_php-fpm:latest ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null core@51.179 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null core@51.179
  • 31. @bobbyjason #doxlon Terraform Build Infrastructure - Manager1 51 resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "swarm_manager" { name = "swarm_manager_0" count = 1 #coreos-docker-alpha image_id = "0fe61d2f-0f9b-4dc8-8706-b45771f86d10" flavor_id = "7d73f524-f9a1-4e80-bedf-57216aae8038" key_pair = "${}" security_groups = ["${}"] user_data = "${data.template_file.cloudinit.rendered}" network { name = "${}" floating_ip = "${openstack_networking_floatingip_v2.example_floatip_manager.address}" }
  • 32. @bobbyjason #doxlon Terraform - 52 data "template_file" "cloudinit" { template = "${file("")}" vars { application_env = "dev" } }
  • 33. @bobbyjason #doxlon Terraform - 53 docker swarm init docker swarm join-token --quiet worker > /home/core/worker-token docker swarm join-token --quiet manager > /home/core/manager-token docker stack deploy --compose-file /home/core/docker-compose.yml mystack > /dev/nu
  • 34. @bobbyjason #doxlon Terraform - Master X 54 resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "swarm_managerx" { name = "swarm_manager_${count.index+1}" count = 2 #coreos-docker-beta image_id = "0fe61d2f-0f9b-4dc8-8706-b45771f86d10" flavor_id = "7d73f524-f9a1-4e80-bedf-57216aae8038" key_pair = "${}" security_groups = ["${}"] user_data = "${data.template_file.managerinit.rendered}" network { name = "${}" } }
  • 35. @bobbyjason #doxlon Terraform - 55 data "template_file" "managerinit" { template = "${file("")}" vars { swarm_manager = "${openstack_compute_instance_v2.swarm_manager.access_ip_v4} } }
  • 36. @bobbyjason #doxlon Terraform - 56 # Copy Tokens from master1 => masterX sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o U # Copy docker-compose.yml file sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o U sudo docker swarm join --token $(cat /home/core/manager-token) ${swarm_manager}
  • 37. @bobbyjason #doxlon Adding Workers 58 resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "swarm_slave" { name = "swarm_slave_${count.index}" count = "${var.swarm_node_count}" #coreos-docker-beta image_id = "0fe61d2f-0f9b-4dc8-8706-b45771f86d10" flavor_id = "c46be6d1-979d-4489-8ffe-e421a3c83fdd" key_pair = "${}" security_groups = ["${}"] user_data = "${data.template_file.slaveinit.rendered}" network { name = "${}" } }
  • 38. @bobbyjason #doxlon Adding Workers - 59 data "template_file" "slaveinit" { template = "${file("")}" vars { swarm_manager = "${openstack_compute_instance_v2.swarm_manager.access_ip_v4}" node_count = "${var.swarm_node_count + 3}" } }
  • 39. @bobbyjason #doxlon Adding Workers - 60 sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null sudo docker swarm join --token $(cat /home/core/worker-token) ${swarm_manager} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho ## Forces redistribution across all nodes ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /ho
  • 40. @bobbyjason #doxlon Adding Workers - How Many? 61 variable "swarm_node_count" { default = 1 } variable "swarm_node_count" { default = 5 }
  • 41. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Docker will bring up another container. Lets try. What If A Container Dies? 62
  • 42. @bobbyjason #doxlon • Provisioned Docker Containers • Infrastructure as Code • Automated Deployments for CI / CD • Scalable Architecture • Openstack + UKCloud There you have it! 63
  • 44. Thank you :-) Bobby DeVeaux @bobbyjason

Editor's Notes

  1. Key takeaway: UKPS are serious about transforming government IT. UKCloud uniquely focussed on providing enabling technologies and services which enabled us to become one of the fastest growing tech companies in Europe. Today, we remain 100% focussed on UKPS and are the market leading cloud provider. We support almost 200 workloads across over 30 direct customers and over 200 partners This slide provides an at-a-glance view of UKCloud. Along the bottom are key government policies and initiatives that have enabled a fundamental transformation of how IT is delivered across UK public sector. Digital by default is a core component of Civil Service Reform and seeks to enable a digital government, where interactions with businesses and citizens happen online rather than via call centres, drop-in centres or postal services. These new digital transactions require new applications and new architectures, and hence the government’s Technology Code of Practice advocates a Cloud First policy, favouring open-source and open standards over proprietary solutions, procured via the G-Cloud framework and appropriately assured through evaluation against the Cloud Security Principles. Importantly, Social Justice features prominently under the Theresa May government and UKCloud, as a British company, employing British people, creating British innovation and paying tax in Britain, is ideally aligned with the Social Value Act. In addition, the Greening ICT initiative incentivises the use of shared and efficient services such as cloud. And the dis-aggregation policy ensures that the large, legacy IT contracts are broken down and awarded to multiple suppliers rather than a single supplier. It’s this context that drives demand for what we do and gives us a clear purpose. Along the top are key characteristics of UKCloud. We were founded in 2011, as Skyscape Cloud Services, and born to deliver genuine cloud services exclusively to UK public sector and to therefore disrupt the inefficient way government IT was being delivered. In the past 5 years, we’ve grown rapidly including a 96% year-on-year growth in our last financial year. Indeed, we’re recognised as one of the fastest growing technology companies in the whole of Europe. This growth has enabled us to rapidly expand our company and we now have over 180 employees – all focused on delivering the best cloud for UK public sector. And our focus is paying dividends as we’re the market leading IaaS provider in G-Cloud with a 34% market share, bigger then the next three providers combined. Indeed, we’ve extended our market share every month despite increasing competition. And unlike other providers in G-Cloud who have but a few UK public sector customers, we have scores of customers and almost 200 UK public sector workloads, applications or projects. The centre of the slide shows that those 200 workloads consist of over 30 direct customer contracts with the likes of DVLA, HMRC, MOJ and others, as well as solutions delivered via a growing ecosystem of over 200 partners which includes the likes of SopraSteria and Capgemini delivering Systems Integration to the likes of Kainos, Equal Experts and CACI which deliver more specialised managed services and professional services. Over time, we believe the majority of our workloads will be delivered via our partner ecosystem.
  2. We already have Docker for AWS We already have Docker for Azure UKCloud have an Openstack offering
  3. Committing code to our PHP App and seeing it deployed Load Balancing Killing a container Points about being Cloud Native - Database as a Service,
  4. not that scary
  5. Decentralized design: Instead of handling differentiation between node roles at deployment time, the Docker Engine handles any specialization at runtime. You can deploy both kinds of nodes, managers and workers, using the Docker Engine. This means you can build an entire swarm from a single disk image. Declarative service model: Docker Engine uses a declarative approach to let you define the desired state of the various services in your application stack. For example, you might describe an application comprised of a web front end service with message queueing services and a database backend. Desired state reconciliation: The swarm manager node constantly monitors the cluster state and reconciles any differences between the actual state and your expressed desired state. For example, if you set up a service to run 10 replicas of a container, and a worker machine hosting two of those replicas crashes, the manager will create two new replicas to replace the replicas that crashed. The swarm manager assigns the new replicas to workers that are running and available. Multi-host networking: You can specify an overlay network for your services. The swarm manager automatically assigns addresses to the containers on the overlay network when it initializes or updates the application. Service discovery: Swarm manager nodes assign each service in the swarm a unique DNS name and load balances running containers. You can query every container running in the swarm through a DNS server embedded in the swarm. Load balancing: You can expose the ports for services to an external load balancer. Internally, the swarm lets you specify how to distribute service containers between nodes. Secure by default: Each node in the swarm enforces TLS mutual authentication and encryption to secure communications between itself and all other nodes. You have the option to use self-signed root certificates or certificates from a custom root CA. Rolling updates: At rollout time you can apply service updates to nodes incrementally. The swarm manager lets you control the delay between service deployment to different sets of nodes. If anything goes wrong, you can roll-back a task to a previous version of the service.
  6. - Create services docker service ls
  7. - Create services - Scale services docker service ls docker kill container docker service ls
  8. Docker stack deploy —compose-file docker-compose.yml mystic docker stack ls docker service ls docker ps
  9. We’ve covered docker compose & swarm basics, creating services and deploying stacks.. We have a great development enivronment Any questions so far?
  10. Hopefully most of you know the already… :)
  11. terraform apply
  12. 3 things: > Updating the image to use the alpha build, so we can have Docker 1.13 > Installing Docker-Compose > Copying ssh key
  13. Basic Nginx Docker Container
  14. Nginx config to process PHP via PHP-FPM
  15. Grabbing the PHP 7 docker container Installing supervisor + debug + opcache Copy 2 php.ini files. 1 for dev, 1 for prod
  16. Supervisor accepting ENV var to determine which php file to load,
  17. This will build our docker containers locally, but there’s a better way..
  18. Bash Script to wrap it up and build the containers on Jenkins Show Jenkins Show docker hub
  19. Had an email asking if I knew I’d posted my password in my blog post…
  20. Pop this file on your Jenkins server and all will be good
  21. commented it out for nostalgic purposes
  22. Parameterised build report Docker-hub
  23. Doesn’t do much other than copy that latest version of the code onto our latest foundation image No need to rebuild the PHP box, no reinstalling go OPcache or Xdebug
  24. When we commit/merge into our master branch, we want to build our new PHP dummy app container show Docker Hub Red - fail to deploy as we have not created the infrastructure yet - lets do that next
  25. Here we are building the first manager and passing in a user_data cloudinit file
  26. the cloud init sets up the swarm and saves the join tokens it also uses our docker-compose.yml file to deploy the stack
  27. For each of the other ‘secondary masters’ we use a different init file
  28. Copies the join tokens from the Primary master, and also copies the docker compose file Then joins the swarm using the token we now have 3 masters, all capable of being the Leader.
  29. terraform apply ssh docker node ls visit IP and show load balancing
  30. Copying the worker tokens scaling the nodes to the numbers of workers forcing redistribution if scaling more than 1 at a time
  31. terraform apply
  32. Committing code to our PHP App and seeing it deployed Load Balancing Killing a container Points about being Cloud Native - Database as a Service,