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Polska (Poland)
The PowerPoint and Prezi must include a cover slide with your
name, course number and title (HIST112 – World Civilization
Since 1650) instructor’s name, and date.
600-900 words (Anything less will not justify your research)
Visuals tallying 1/3 (no background images)
Remember you need three reliable sources.
For the country you choose, you will research what is going on
and decide on reasons for a new government. Basically, you
want independence from the government that is already in
Read as many articles as you can, these articles will give you
insight on what is going on in the country you chose. Make sure
you get articles from reliable sources. This is the reason why
you need more than just one source. Most of these articles will
be newspapers articles but you will need to do a bit more
research on the country itself.
All information has to be factual. The assignment will be done
in a PowerPoint presentation. You will have to have visuals.
In this assignment you are a modern day revolutionary. the
United States of America’s Declaration of Independence should
be a guide to this assignment.
the Declaration of Independence is a list of grievances against
the King. You will be creating a list of grievances against the
government/leader Poland. You must research what is going on
in POLAND and decide on reasons for a new government/ why
you want independence from the government that is already in
power. (These will be the 9 grievances)
Read as many articles to give you insight on what is going on in
Poland. Make sure you get articles from reliable sources. MUST
have more than just one source. Most of these articles will be
newspapers articles but you will need to do a bit more research
on the country itself. All information MUST to be factual.
The assignment will be done in a PowerPoint presentation.
You MUST have visuals, not allowed to use background visuals,
it’s hard to read the text and will not count as visuals
MODERN DAY REVOLUTIONARIES: In this assignment you
will be recreating, rewriting the Declaration of Independence in
Modern Terms picking a Modern Country.
Slide Layouts
Slide 1 is the title of your Declaration, the class name, your
name, my name and the date. (completed)
Slide 2 is an introduction of your Declaration explaining to me
which country you choose and why. (completed)
Slide 3 you are to create your opening passages. This is
equivalent to the first paragraph in the Declaration. The only
passage you are allowed to use from the Declaration of
Independence word for word is “When in course of human
events”, the rest is in your own words.
Slides 4, 5 and 6 (or more) - You are then to come up with
minimum of 9 grievances. There needs to be three (3)
grievances on each slide making. These grievances need to be in
bullet form. Right underneath the slide is the "Speaker Notes".
You will explain your grievances here. You need to make sure
you give me the “why’ you went with that particular grievance.
Keep in mind, when you are talking about modern day
governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present
Day not yesteryear.
Slide 7 - Closing remarks
Slide 8 - Bibliography
Intro of Declaration (complete page)
I chose Poland for a few reasons. After watching the movie
Remembrance, which is based on a true story, I realized I share
my last name with the main character. This of course peaked my
interest. So, I began tracing my family’s origins. I know my
father’s family left Poland and traveled to Austria, then came to
the United States, all of which I has been confirmed via
supporting documents. I have even had an ancestry DNA test
conducted to trace and confirm my family’s history. I have
always had an affinity for learning about the history of WWI. It
is because if this and my family history that I decided to write
about Poland. I wanted to know more about present day Poland
and hope to visit this county one day.
What country chosen
Preview of Opening Passage
Requirements: you MUST compose an equivalent to 1st
paragraph of U.S. Declaration & the ONLY quotable
Declaration phrase to be used is: “When in course of human
events”…rest in my own words
“When in course of human events”…
The United States Declaration of Independence.
Grievance 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 page lay out and requirements:
create a list of grievances against the government/leader of
Must be in bullet format.
This will make up slides 4, 5, and 6.
There MUST be an explanation of each grievances included in
the notes section below. NOT ON THE SLIDES.
(when you are talking about modern day governments, you
NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and
Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not
Slide information: Obamacare - fines
In your notes section you will have:
Congress has passed a national health care legislation call the
Affordable Health Care Act. The insurance is to cover anyone
who does not have insurance. It has unintended effects where
the uninsured has to pay a fine if they did not sign up for
coverage. You will pay the “higher of the two amounts: either
2% of your yearly household income or 325 per person, 162.5
for each child.” (
Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern
day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present
Day not yesteryear.)
Grievance 1-3
Media revamp
Judicial reform threatens democracy
declinging international integration
Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern
day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present
Day not yesteryear.)
Media revamp: “Poland's broadcasting market is the largest in
Eastern and Central Europe and has attracted foreign
investment. There is freedom and diversity of information,
although laws against deriding the nation and its political
system are still in force (BBC, 2017).”
This is an example of how Poland is declining deeper European
integration and instead
Regulating the media consequently threatens free speech in
Poland. The proposed plan would make the broadcasting chiefs
subservient to the Treasury Minister of Poland. The Treasury
Minister will then regulate foreign company’s present
dominance of media by limiting the broadcasting powers of
foreign companies with cross-platform holdings and market
shares which are seen to produce fake news, bash the Polish
government, and cover unimportant topics (Strzelecki &
Waldoch, 2017).
Judiciary reform: “After a tense debate in parliament,
lawmakers on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to send the
draft bill on the Supreme Court for more work by a special
parliamentary commission. Opposition legislators have
proposed 1,300 amendments to the draft, which they say
violates the constitution, kills judicial independence and
destroys the democratic principle of the separation of the
judiciary from the executive branch”. (VOA News, 2017).”
judiciary is now under the political control of the ruling
majority.” (Gorka, 2017).
“One of the reforms was the government's move to grant the
president greater powers to appoint judges to the Supreme
Court, whose duties include confirming election results. German
Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel
Macron had publicly agreed to back Article 7 proceedings
against Poland before the Commission’s meeting.
The executive branch of the EU triggered Article 7 of the
Lisbon Treaty, popularly known as ‘the nuclear option’. The
procedure could eventually lead to Poland losing its voting
rights in the EU. The European Commission has taken an
unprecedented step in the history of the bloc. This is the first
time an EU member will face legal procedures for non-
compliance with the rules established by Brussels. (Gorka,
2017). Triggering Article 7 can lead to the suspension of a
country's voting rights at the European Council if all 27 other
EU countries agree, but Hungary has said it would veto such as
move.” (
declinging international integration:
“The European Commission has decided to suspend Poland's
voting rights in the EU after two years of dispute over judicial
reforms that Brussels says undermine Polish courts'
independence” (Gorka, 2017).
BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved
17753718(completed reference)
EU Takes Action Against Poland Over Judiciary Reforms.
(2017, Dec 20). Retrieved form
Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’:
Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from
nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed
Strzelecki, M., & Waldoch, M. (2017, August 14). Poland's
Planned Media Revamp May Force Some Foreign Owners Out.
Retrieved from
owners-out (completed reference)
VOA News. (2017, July 19). EU Closer to Sanctions on Poland
Over Changes in Judiciary. Retrieved from
Grievance 4-6
The annual march has become something of a magnet for
extremist groups protesting on Polish Independence Day. Credit
Adam Stepien/Agencja Gazeta, via Reuters
White Europe’: 60,000 nationalists march on Poland’s
independence day, “refugees get out” march not stopped after ?
Urged Polish government to stop it. a shared mistrust of Muslim
immigrants and refugees
disdain for the European Union (EU)
Promotion of a conservative Catholic social agenda (not sure
about this topic)
Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern
day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present
Day not yesteryear.)
Disdain for EU:
Poland's leadership and their roles in regulating the media and
consequently threatening free speech, attempting to change the
judiciary branch, and upsetting the European Union (EU).
Many of these things have led the EU to threaten sanctions
against the Polish government as they see judiciary changes as a
threat to democracy and citizen's rights.
Modifications to the judicial system and allow the Law and
Justice party (PiS) to give ministers he power appoint judges
and supreme court members, hence stacking political power and
influence of the PiS.
The EU seeing this as deliberately undermining due process to
protect human rights and the principles of the EU (The
Guardian, 2017).
The Economy of the European Union as a Whole
Promoting Catholic Social Agenda:
“Finance Minister Morawiecki took over as head of the
conservative Law and Justice party government in December
2017, replacing Beata Szydlo, who moved to the post of deputy
prime minister.
Law and Justice leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski dropped Mrs Szydlo
in what Polish political analysts see as a move to repair the
country's poor relations with the European Union, and prepare
the party for a series of elections.
The Western-educated economist Mr Morawiecki has a more
polished manner than his predecessor, but shares her strong
support for Mr Kaczynski's moves to limit the power of the
judiciary, promote a conservative Catholic social agenda, and
oppose European Union demands to accept Muslim refugees.”
(BBC, 2017).
BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved
Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’:
Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from
nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed
The Guardian. (2017, July 22). The Observer View on Poland's
Assault on Law and the Judiciary. Observer editorial. Retrieved
Katie (K) -
Grievance 7-9
Fiscal Policy
energy deal-making (keep & explain)
NEED ONE MORE REASON (Poland Challenges the European
Identity, maybe)
Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern
day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present
Day not yesteryear.)
Fiscal Policy:
A challenge facing Poland's economy in 2016 is the reeling in
of its federal debt, which hovers around 50% of GDP as of
December 2015. Considering the PiS also ran on a platform of
increasing family benefits, lowering taxes on small- and
medium-sized businesses, and lowering the pension age, it is
difficult to see how the budget will be balanced in the short
term. Economic participants are skeptical the PiS can devise
policies that satisfy democratic demands, foster a healthy
environment for business activity and investment, and reel in
the public debt.
NATO ally Poland also hosts a contingent of about 900 U.S.
troops, and has for many years contributed to U.S. and NATO
missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it spends more of its
GDP on military expenditures than most of its North Atlantic
Treaty Organization neighbors, a subject Trump publicly
lectured the alliance about during an awkward visit in May.
Proposed Energy Deal:
Last unknown reason:
BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved
Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’:
Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from
nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed
Provide a closing paragraph here (not in notes).
MUST use these words from the Declaration of Independence
for your closing, “We, therefore, the Representatives of these”
(put in the country you are representing here, Poland) and the
closing reason for the your Declaration, closely resembling the
Declaration of Independence, but not copying. Restate some of
the grievances as supporting facts as needed.
BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved
17753718(completed reference)
EU Takes Action Against Poland Over Judiciary Reforms.
(2017, Dec 20). Retrieved form
Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’:
Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from
nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed
Strzelecki, M., & Waldoch, M. (2017, August 14). Poland's
Planned Media Revamp May Force Some Foreign Owners Out.
Retrieved from
owners-out (completed reference)
The Guardian. (2017, July 22). The Observer View on Poland's
Assault on Law and the Judiciary. Observer editorial. Retrieved
VOA News. (2017, July 19). EU Closer to Sanctions on Poland
Over Changes in Judiciary. Retrieved from
MUST List all reference in APA FORMAT &
Assignment Instructions
This week, you will write your third essay. Use the three-part
thesis and five-paragraph essay format you learned during week
Under Week 5 Lessons, we learned about different types of
essays. For your final essay, you may choose from any of these
types of essays (except informative, since we have already
written one of those). Also, to make things easier on you, you
may also write about one of the topics you researched in the
MLA/Library Practice forums (weeks four and six).
Here is a thesis example for a "descriptive" essay, in which I
will describe a decade: The 1960s was a greatly controversial
decade due to its fashion, political unrest, and social norms.
You must incorporate research from the APUS library into your
essay. Use two or three sources—no more, no less. Remember
that your essay should be mostly your own writing (~80%) and
approximately 20% source material. This is short essay, so use
short quotes only. I suggest only a line or two of quoted
material in each of your body paragraphs. Don’t forget your
Works Cited page. Extensive MLA help is provided under week
four (Lessons and Resources).
Please do not let anyone else write or revise your writing. My
job is to help you improve YOUR writing. I can only do that if
you let me see your mistakes. I am not interested in how well
someone else writes. I want to help YOU!
(Hint: if you are struggling, there are tutoring opportunities
listed on our Syllabus. This is an appropriate route for acquiring
help with your writing. You may contact me for help anytime
Download the template and save it as your last name and Essay
3. (Example: Smith_Essay3). The MLA formatting is done for
you (e.g., Times New Roman size 12, double-spaced, header,
etc.). Update your name, your professor’s name, and date. Don’t
forget to put your last name in the header. (Let me know if you
don’t know how to get into the header section or type a question
into your Word help section.)
Your essay should be between 500 and 750 words. Please do not
go under the word count at all. Do not go over the word count
by more than 50 words. Following instructions is an important
part of any writing assignment, and often you will be asked to
adhere to word count guidelines, so this is good practice!
Be sure that all paragraphs are well developed. I suggest 5-8
sentences per paragraph and no less than 100 words per
paragraph, including your introduction and conclusion.
(Points saver: as you proof your essay in Word, hit the control
[ctrl] key and the "F" key at the same time. This will bring up
the search feature. Type in what you wish to find, such as the
word you, to be sure you have avoided second person. This
works in finding contractions too. Type in an apostrophe and hit
When you “submit” your paper, it will be uploaded
into Turnitin (a plagiarism-detection website) automatically.
You do not have to create a Turnitin account yourself. Both you
and your instructor will receive the results. (The Turnitin report
will be under Assignments and will have a percentage on it, like
22%. Click on the percentage to view your report. Certain parts
of your essay will be highlighted. This shows where you have
used information from an outside source or material that
appears in another student’s essay.)
Why editing photos of women on media platforms should be
banned. (not a ?, need statement)
sociocultural influence impacting young women’s mood and
perceptions of their bodies, particularly through the processes
of physical-appearance comparison.”
Scirrotto Drames, Tara, "The Impact of Internet Social
Networking on Young Women’s Mood and Body Image
Satisfaction: An Experimental Design" (2016). PCOM
Psychology Dissertations. 395.
As humans, we learn from what we see and hear. Hence it is
fair to say that our perception of the world helps define us. The
media’s depiction of women has a strong sociocultural influence
which impacts the perceptions women have of their bodies and
drives them to extraordinary lengths to obtain the ideal body.
Only five percent of American women naturally possess the
“ideal” body type depicted in American media ("11 Facts About
Body Image"). This precedence sets unrealistic standards and
unattainable body figures for women. Improving one’s outward
appearance to satisfy the objectification of society has led
women to decrease their image of self, make faddish dietary
changes, and resort to drastic measures to change their body
(second paragraph)
Certainly, the mental strain of not meeting expectations is
exhaustive. It is hard for young American women to escape the
media’s portrayal of women. Magazine covers, television
commercials, store catalogs, and social media pages all depict
altered images of women. By age 17, girls will have seen
approximately 250,000 television commercials signifying to
them that they “should be a decorative object, sex object,” or a
have a waist size which they can never achieve (AVE5159
2015). The influence of seeing such images and not meeting the
media’s standards takes a toll on a female’s confidence. The
need to improve one’s self to an unattainable standard creates a
vicious cycle. Body dysmorphic disorder can develop, which
can be described as “a distressing and impairing preoccupation
with an imagined or slight defect in appearance” (Phillips &
Crino 2001).
The combination of meeting visual cultural expectations and
reaching consciousness
The prominence of computer modified versions of photos in the
media are responsible for much of the American societies’
perceptions of beauty and the ideal body shape. The media
established a specific look and model standard. Presently, that
look is along the lines of a thin waist, thigh gap, full lips, no
wrinkles, and pearl white teeth, and long hair. Even the all-
natural or no make-up claims of some celebrities have been
found false, using products of more natural color scales to
produce the “clean” look.
The grave majority of beauty ad campaigns are aimed at a
specific demographic, women. Ads ranging from spot
correctors, wrinkle reducers, lip and lash enhancers, countless
serums and creams, are all targeted towards women. While diet
pills are for both genders, numerous pills and adds. A simple
web image search of diet pill ads will yield results depicting
women rather than men on averaging of ten to one (Google
drastic measures to change their body shape:
“There is a commonly held view that eating disorders are a
lifestyle choice. Eating disorders are actually serious and often
fatal illnesses that cause severe disturbances to a person’s
eating behaviors. Obsessions with food, body weight, and shape
may also signal an eating disorder. Common eating disorders
include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating
disorder.” (“Eating Disorders“)
Cultural expectation
The media’s depiction of women has a strong sociocultural
influence which impacts the perceptions of women and their
(Persuasive essay outline)
Introductory Paragraph
· Grab the reader’s attention by using a “hook.”
· Give an overview of the argument.
· Close with a thesis statement that reveals the position to be
Body Paragraphs
· Each body paragraph should focus on one piece of evidence.
· Within each paragraph, provide sufficient supporting detail.
Opposing View Paragraph
· Describe and then refute the key points of the opposing view.
Concluding Paragraph
· Restate and reinforce the thesis and supporting evidence.
(Works Cited: not correctly formatted or in alphabetical order
“Eating Disorders” NIH.
“11 Facts About Body Image.” | Volunteer for
Social Change,
AVE5159. “Gender, Race, and the Media.” Powered by Sites at
Penn State - WordPress, 4 Nov. 2015,
Dittmar, Helga, and Sarah Howard. “Thin-Ideal Internalization
and Social Comparison Tendency as Moderators of Media
Models Impact on Womens Body-Focused Anxiety.” Journal of
Social and Clinical Psychology, vol. 23, no. 6, 2004, pp. 768–
791. Gilford Press, doi:10.1521/jscp.23.6.768.54799.
Phillips, Katharine A., and Rocco Crino. “Body Dysmorphic
Disorder.” Current Opinion in Psychiatry, vol. 14, no. 2, Feb.
2001, pp. 113–118.,
Phillips, Katharine A., and Raymond G. Dufresne. “Body
Dysmorphic Disorder.” SpringerLink, Springer International
Publishing, 22 Aug. 2012,
Yourlastname 1
Your Name
Professor Name
English 101
21 August 2017
Your Title Here
Works Cited
Xenophobia intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from
other countries.
Euroskepticism, European political doctrine that advocates
disengagement from the European Union (EU). Political parties
that espouse a Euroskeptic viewpoint tend to be broadly
populist and generally support tighter immigration controls in
addition to the dismantling or streamlining of the EU
bureaucratic structure.
Populist a member or adherent of a political party seeking to
represent the interests of ordinary people.
Nationalistic having strong patriotic feelings, especially a belief
in the superiority of one's own country over others.
Poland has reinforced its position as Europe's problem child.
(2017, March 16). Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Zamoyski, A. (2016, June 28). The Problem With Poland's New
Nationalism. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Lachaise, F., & Hubert, M. (2017, January 13). The Political
Situation in Poland. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Hachoud, M., & Hubert, M. (2017, January 13). Search for a
Lost Culprit. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
King, L. (2017, July 05). In Poland, a Right-Wing, Populist,
Anti-Immigrant Government Sees an Ally in Trump. Retrieved
December 28, 2017, from
The Observer view on Poland's assault on law and the judiciary
| Observer editorial. (2017, July 22). Retrieved December 28,
2017, from
Sobczak, P., Florkiewicz, P., Goettig, M., Baczynska, G., Than,
K., & Kelly, L. (2017, July 20). Thousands protest after Polish
lawmakers approve judiciary overhaul, d. Retrieved December
28, 2017, from
Herszenhorn, D. M. (2017, August 02). For Donald Tusk,
Poland is personal. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Stewart, P. (2017, October 24). Interview: The Polish
Government's Dangerous Power Grab. Retrieved December 28,
2017, from
Adekoya, R. (2017, December 13). Poland's Prime Minister Is a
Technocrat Banker and a Far-Right Populist at the Same Time.
Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Bartkowiak, P., & Koszel, M. (2017). Forms of Relationships
among Local Government Units in Polish Metropolitan
Areas. Procedia Engineering,182, 76-82.
Specia, M. (2017, November 11). Nationalist March Dominates
Poland’s Independence Day. Retrieved December 28, 2017,
Friedman, G. (2017, September 27). Poland Challenges the
European Identity. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Casillas, A. (2016, January 14). 3 Economic Challenges Poland
Faces in 2016. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
English, C. (2007, November 02). Poland's New Government
Faces Challenges. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Heer, J. (2017, July 06). An International Brotherhood of White
Grievance. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Barton, J. (2017, December 21). How judicial reform is
chipping away at Polands democracy. Retrieved December 28,
2017, from
Blenkinsop, P., & Goettig, M. (2017, July 29). EU starts action
against Poland over judiciary reforms. Retrieved December 28,
2017, from
Bershidsky, L. (2017, September 27). Polish Nationalists Are
Beating the EU at Its Own Game. Retrieved December 28, 2017,
Systemic Threats to the Rule of Law in Poland: Between Action
and Procrastination. (2017, November 13). Retrieved December
28, 2017, from
Taylor, M. (2017, November 12). 'White Europe': 60,000
Nationalists March on Poland's Independence Day. Retrieved
December 28, 2017, from
Ash, T. G. (2017, January 05). As well as protesting, Poles need
to strengthen their state | Timothy Garton Ash. Retrieved
December 28, 2017, from
Cook, L. (2017, November 15). Poland Slams EU Parliament
Actions as 'Scandalous'. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Schenkkan, N. (2017, July 19). PiS Uses Media Control to Bring
Poland to Heel. Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Polish media laws: Government takes control of state media.
(2016, January 07). Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Lowe, J. (2017, August 10). Poland is plotting restrictions on
foreign media, and U.S. companies could be in the firing line.
Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Strzelecki, M., & Waldoch, M. (2017, August 14). Poland's
Planned Media Revamp May Force Some Foreign Owners Out.
Retrieved December 28, 2017, from
Some Media in Poland have 'too Much Control', Reform
Needed: Culture Minister. (2017, August 9). Retrieved
December 28, 2017, from,Some-media-in-

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  • 1. Polska (Poland) The PowerPoint and Prezi must include a cover slide with your name, course number and title (HIST112 – World Civilization Since 1650) instructor’s name, and date. Requirements 600-900 words (Anything less will not justify your research) Visuals tallying 1/3 (no background images) Remember you need three reliable sources. For the country you choose, you will research what is going on and decide on reasons for a new government. Basically, you want independence from the government that is already in power. Read as many articles as you can, these articles will give you insight on what is going on in the country you chose. Make sure you get articles from reliable sources. This is the reason why you need more than just one source. Most of these articles will be newspapers articles but you will need to do a bit more research on the country itself. All information has to be factual. The assignment will be done in a PowerPoint presentation. You will have to have visuals. DIRECTIONS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT In this assignment you are a modern day revolutionary. the United States of America’s Declaration of Independence should be a guide to this assignment.
  • 2. the Declaration of Independence is a list of grievances against the King. You will be creating a list of grievances against the government/leader Poland. You must research what is going on in POLAND and decide on reasons for a new government/ why you want independence from the government that is already in power. (These will be the 9 grievances) Read as many articles to give you insight on what is going on in Poland. Make sure you get articles from reliable sources. MUST have more than just one source. Most of these articles will be newspapers articles but you will need to do a bit more research on the country itself. All information MUST to be factual. The assignment will be done in a PowerPoint presentation. You MUST have visuals, not allowed to use background visuals, it’s hard to read the text and will not count as visuals (ALREADY ADDED) MODERN DAY REVOLUTIONARIES: In this assignment you will be recreating, rewriting the Declaration of Independence in Modern Terms picking a Modern Country. Slide Layouts Slide 1 is the title of your Declaration, the class name, your name, my name and the date. (completed) Slide 2 is an introduction of your Declaration explaining to me which country you choose and why. (completed) Slide 3 you are to create your opening passages. This is equivalent to the first paragraph in the Declaration. The only passage you are allowed to use from the Declaration of Independence word for word is “When in course of human events”, the rest is in your own words. Slides 4, 5 and 6 (or more) - You are then to come up with minimum of 9 grievances. There needs to be three (3) grievances on each slide making. These grievances need to be in bullet form. Right underneath the slide is the "Speaker Notes". You will explain your grievances here. You need to make sure
  • 3. you give me the “why’ you went with that particular grievance. Keep in mind, when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear. Slide 7 - Closing remarks Slide 8 - Bibliography Intro of Declaration (complete page) I chose Poland for a few reasons. After watching the movie Remembrance, which is based on a true story, I realized I share my last name with the main character. This of course peaked my interest. So, I began tracing my family’s origins. I know my father’s family left Poland and traveled to Austria, then came to the United States, all of which I has been confirmed via supporting documents. I have even had an ancestry DNA test conducted to trace and confirm my family’s history. I have always had an affinity for learning about the history of WWI. It is because if this and my family history that I decided to write about Poland. I wanted to know more about present day Poland and hope to visit this county one day. What country chosen why 5 Preview of Opening Passage Requirements: you MUST compose an equivalent to 1st paragraph of U.S. Declaration & the ONLY quotable Declaration phrase to be used is: “When in course of human
  • 4. events”…rest in my own words “When in course of human events”… Reference: The United States Declaration of Independence. 6 Grievance 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 page lay out and requirements: create a list of grievances against the government/leader of Poland Must be in bullet format. THREE PER PAGE. This will make up slides 4, 5, and 6. There MUST be an explanation of each grievances included in the notes section below. NOT ON THE SLIDES. (when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear.) EXAMPLE OF A GRIEVANCE: Slide information: Obamacare - fines In your notes section you will have: Congress has passed a national health care legislation call the Affordable Health Care Act. The insurance is to cover anyone who does not have insurance. It has unintended effects where the uninsured has to pay a fine if they did not sign up for coverage. You will pay the “higher of the two amounts: either 2% of your yearly household income or 325 per person, 162.5 for each child.” (
  • 5. Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear.) 7 Grievance 1-3 Media revamp Judicial reform threatens democracy declinging international integration Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear.) Media revamp: “Poland's broadcasting market is the largest in Eastern and Central Europe and has attracted foreign investment. There is freedom and diversity of information, although laws against deriding the nation and its political
  • 6. system are still in force (BBC, 2017).” “FREEDOM OF SPEECH: POLAND PLOTS RESTRICTIONS ON FOREIGN MEDIA AND U.S. COMPANIES COULD BE HIT).” This is an example of how Poland is declining deeper European integration and instead Regulating the media consequently threatens free speech in Poland. The proposed plan would make the broadcasting chiefs subservient to the Treasury Minister of Poland. The Treasury Minister will then regulate foreign company’s present dominance of media by limiting the broadcasting powers of foreign companies with cross-platform holdings and market shares which are seen to produce fake news, bash the Polish government, and cover unimportant topics (Strzelecki & Waldoch, 2017). Judiciary reform: “After a tense debate in parliament, lawmakers on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to send the draft bill on the Supreme Court for more work by a special parliamentary commission. Opposition legislators have proposed 1,300 amendments to the draft, which they say violates the constitution, kills judicial independence and destroys the democratic principle of the separation of the judiciary from the executive branch”. (VOA News, 2017).” judiciary is now under the political control of the ruling majority.” (Gorka, 2017). “One of the reforms was the government's move to grant the president greater powers to appoint judges to the Supreme Court, whose duties include confirming election results. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron had publicly agreed to back Article 7 proceedings against Poland before the Commission’s meeting. The executive branch of the EU triggered Article 7 of the
  • 7. Lisbon Treaty, popularly known as ‘the nuclear option’. The procedure could eventually lead to Poland losing its voting rights in the EU. The European Commission has taken an unprecedented step in the history of the bloc. This is the first time an EU member will face legal procedures for non- compliance with the rules established by Brussels. (Gorka, 2017). Triggering Article 7 can lead to the suspension of a country's voting rights at the European Council if all 27 other EU countries agree, but Hungary has said it would veto such as move.” ( declinging international integration: “The European Commission has decided to suspend Poland's voting rights in the EU after two years of dispute over judicial reforms that Brussels says undermine Polish courts' independence” (Gorka, 2017). References: BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved from 17753718(completed reference) EU Takes Action Against Poland Over Judiciary Reforms. (2017, Dec 20). Retrieved form poland-judiciary-reforms-article-7/28929165.html Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’: Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed reference) Strzelecki, M., & Waldoch, M. (2017, August 14). Poland's
  • 8. Planned Media Revamp May Force Some Foreign Owners Out. Retrieved from 08-14/poland-s-planned-media-revamp-may-force-some-foreign- owners-out (completed reference) VOA News. (2017, July 19). EU Closer to Sanctions on Poland Over Changes in Judiciary. Retrieved from over-changes-in-judiciary-/3951022.html 8 Grievance 4-6 The annual march has become something of a magnet for extremist groups protesting on Polish Independence Day. Credit Adam Stepien/Agencja Gazeta, via Reuters White Europe’: 60,000 nationalists march on Poland’s independence day, “refugees get out” march not stopped after ? Urged Polish government to stop it. a shared mistrust of Muslim immigrants and refugees disdain for the European Union (EU) Promotion of a conservative Catholic social agenda (not sure about this topic)
  • 9. WERE --- Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear.) Disdain for EU: Poland's leadership and their roles in regulating the media and consequently threatening free speech, attempting to change the judiciary branch, and upsetting the European Union (EU). Many of these things have led the EU to threaten sanctions against the Polish government as they see judiciary changes as a threat to democracy and citizen's rights. Modifications to the judicial system and allow the Law and Justice party (PiS) to give ministers he power appoint judges and supreme court members, hence stacking political power and influence of the PiS. The EU seeing this as deliberately undermining due process to protect human rights and the principles of the EU (The Guardian, 2017). The Economy of the European Union as a Whole Promoting Catholic Social Agenda: “Finance Minister Morawiecki took over as head of the conservative Law and Justice party government in December 2017, replacing Beata Szydlo, who moved to the post of deputy prime minister. Law and Justice leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski dropped Mrs Szydlo in what Polish political analysts see as a move to repair the country's poor relations with the European Union, and prepare
  • 10. the party for a series of elections. The Western-educated economist Mr Morawiecki has a more polished manner than his predecessor, but shares her strong support for Mr Kaczynski's moves to limit the power of the judiciary, promote a conservative Catholic social agenda, and oppose European Union demands to accept Muslim refugees.” (BBC, 2017). References: BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved from Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’: Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed reference) The Guardian. (2017, July 22). The Observer View on Poland's Assault on Law and the Judiciary. Observer editorial. Retrieved from -anti-democracy-european-union 9 Katie (K) - Grievance 7-9 Fiscal Policy energy deal-making (keep & explain)
  • 11. NEED ONE MORE REASON (Poland Challenges the European Identity, maybe) Explanation of grievances (when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear.) Fiscal Policy: A challenge facing Poland's economy in 2016 is the reeling in of its federal debt, which hovers around 50% of GDP as of December 2015. Considering the PiS also ran on a platform of increasing family benefits, lowering taxes on small- and medium-sized businesses, and lowering the pension age, it is difficult to see how the budget will be balanced in the short term. Economic participants are skeptical the PiS can devise policies that satisfy democratic demands, foster a healthy environment for business activity and investment, and reel in the public debt. NATO ally Poland also hosts a contingent of about 900 U.S. troops, and has for many years contributed to U.S. and NATO missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it spends more of its GDP on military expenditures than most of its North Atlantic Treaty Organization neighbors, a subject Trump publicly lectured the alliance about during an awkward visit in May. Proposed Energy Deal: Last unknown reason:
  • 12. References: BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved from Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’: Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed reference) 10 Closing Provide a closing paragraph here (not in notes). MUST use these words from the Declaration of Independence for your closing, “We, therefore, the Representatives of these” (put in the country you are representing here, Poland) and the closing reason for the your Declaration, closely resembling the Declaration of Independence, but not copying. Restate some of the grievances as supporting facts as needed. Bibliography BBC News. (2017, Dec 13). Poland Country Profile. Retrieved from 17753718(completed reference) EU Takes Action Against Poland Over Judiciary Reforms. (2017, Dec 20). Retrieved form poland-judiciary-reforms-article-7/28929165.html Gorka, A. (2017, Dec 23). Poland Hit by ‘Nuclear Option’: Brussels Makes Polexit Feasible. Retrieved from
  • 13. nuclear-option-brussels-makes-polexit-feasible.html (completed reference) Strzelecki, M., & Waldoch, M. (2017, August 14). Poland's Planned Media Revamp May Force Some Foreign Owners Out. Retrieved from 08-14/poland-s-planned-media-revamp-may-force-some-foreign- owners-out (completed reference) The Guardian. (2017, July 22). The Observer View on Poland's Assault on Law and the Judiciary. Observer editorial. Retrieved from -anti-democracy-european-union VOA News. (2017, July 19). EU Closer to Sanctions on Poland Over Changes in Judiciary. Retrieved from over-changes-in-judiciary-/3951022.html MUST List all reference in APA FORMAT & ALPHABETICAL ORDER MUST BE IN APA FORMAT & ALPHABETICAL ORDER 12 Assignment Instructions This week, you will write your third essay. Use the three-part thesis and five-paragraph essay format you learned during week two. Under Week 5 Lessons, we learned about different types of essays. For your final essay, you may choose from any of these
  • 14. types of essays (except informative, since we have already written one of those). Also, to make things easier on you, you may also write about one of the topics you researched in the MLA/Library Practice forums (weeks four and six). Here is a thesis example for a "descriptive" essay, in which I will describe a decade: The 1960s was a greatly controversial decade due to its fashion, political unrest, and social norms. You must incorporate research from the APUS library into your essay. Use two or three sources—no more, no less. Remember that your essay should be mostly your own writing (~80%) and approximately 20% source material. This is short essay, so use short quotes only. I suggest only a line or two of quoted material in each of your body paragraphs. Don’t forget your Works Cited page. Extensive MLA help is provided under week four (Lessons and Resources). Please do not let anyone else write or revise your writing. My job is to help you improve YOUR writing. I can only do that if you let me see your mistakes. I am not interested in how well someone else writes. I want to help YOU! (Hint: if you are struggling, there are tutoring opportunities listed on our Syllabus. This is an appropriate route for acquiring help with your writing. You may contact me for help anytime too!) Download the template and save it as your last name and Essay 3. (Example: Smith_Essay3). The MLA formatting is done for you (e.g., Times New Roman size 12, double-spaced, header, etc.). Update your name, your professor’s name, and date. Don’t forget to put your last name in the header. (Let me know if you don’t know how to get into the header section or type a question into your Word help section.) Your essay should be between 500 and 750 words. Please do not go under the word count at all. Do not go over the word count by more than 50 words. Following instructions is an important part of any writing assignment, and often you will be asked to adhere to word count guidelines, so this is good practice! Be sure that all paragraphs are well developed. I suggest 5-8
  • 15. sentences per paragraph and no less than 100 words per paragraph, including your introduction and conclusion. (Points saver: as you proof your essay in Word, hit the control [ctrl] key and the "F" key at the same time. This will bring up the search feature. Type in what you wish to find, such as the word you, to be sure you have avoided second person. This works in finding contractions too. Type in an apostrophe and hit enter!) When you “submit” your paper, it will be uploaded into Turnitin (a plagiarism-detection website) automatically. You do not have to create a Turnitin account yourself. Both you and your instructor will receive the results. (The Turnitin report will be under Assignments and will have a percentage on it, like 22%. Click on the percentage to view your report. Certain parts of your essay will be highlighted. This shows where you have used information from an outside source or material that appears in another student’s essay.) Why editing photos of women on media platforms should be banned. (not a ?, need statement) sociocultural influence impacting young women’s mood and perceptions of their bodies, particularly through the processes of physical-appearance comparison.” Scirrotto Drames, Tara, "The Impact of Internet Social Networking on Young Women’s Mood and Body Image Satisfaction: An Experimental Design" (2016). PCOM Psychology Dissertations. 395. (Introduction) As humans, we learn from what we see and hear. Hence it is fair to say that our perception of the world helps define us. The media’s depiction of women has a strong sociocultural influence which impacts the perceptions women have of their bodies and drives them to extraordinary lengths to obtain the ideal body. Only five percent of American women naturally possess the “ideal” body type depicted in American media ("11 Facts About
  • 16. Body Image"). This precedence sets unrealistic standards and unattainable body figures for women. Improving one’s outward appearance to satisfy the objectification of society has led women to decrease their image of self, make faddish dietary changes, and resort to drastic measures to change their body shape. (second paragraph) Certainly, the mental strain of not meeting expectations is exhaustive. It is hard for young American women to escape the media’s portrayal of women. Magazine covers, television commercials, store catalogs, and social media pages all depict altered images of women. By age 17, girls will have seen approximately 250,000 television commercials signifying to them that they “should be a decorative object, sex object,” or a have a waist size which they can never achieve (AVE5159 2015). The influence of seeing such images and not meeting the media’s standards takes a toll on a female’s confidence. The need to improve one’s self to an unattainable standard creates a vicious cycle. Body dysmorphic disorder can develop, which can be described as “a distressing and impairing preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in appearance” (Phillips & Crino 2001). The combination of meeting visual cultural expectations and reaching consciousness The prominence of computer modified versions of photos in the media are responsible for much of the American societies’ perceptions of beauty and the ideal body shape. The media established a specific look and model standard. Presently, that look is along the lines of a thin waist, thigh gap, full lips, no wrinkles, and pearl white teeth, and long hair. Even the all- natural or no make-up claims of some celebrities have been found false, using products of more natural color scales to produce the “clean” look. The grave majority of beauty ad campaigns are aimed at a
  • 17. specific demographic, women. Ads ranging from spot correctors, wrinkle reducers, lip and lash enhancers, countless serums and creams, are all targeted towards women. While diet pills are for both genders, numerous pills and adds. A simple web image search of diet pill ads will yield results depicting women rather than men on averaging of ten to one (Google search). drastic measures to change their body shape: “There is a commonly held view that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that cause severe disturbances to a person’s eating behaviors. Obsessions with food, body weight, and shape may also signal an eating disorder. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.” (“Eating Disorders“) (ideas:) Cultural expectation Objectification The media’s depiction of women has a strong sociocultural influence which impacts the perceptions of women and their bodies. (Persuasive essay outline) Introductory Paragraph · Grab the reader’s attention by using a “hook.” · Give an overview of the argument. · Close with a thesis statement that reveals the position to be argued. Body Paragraphs · Each body paragraph should focus on one piece of evidence. · Within each paragraph, provide sufficient supporting detail. Opposing View Paragraph · Describe and then refute the key points of the opposing view. Concluding Paragraph · Restate and reinforce the thesis and supporting evidence.
  • 18. (Works Cited: not correctly formatted or in alphabetical order yet) “Eating Disorders” NIH. disorders/index.shtml advertising/ “11 Facts About Body Image.” | Volunteer for Social Change, body-image. AVE5159. “Gender, Race, and the Media.” Powered by Sites at Penn State - WordPress, 4 Nov. 2015, Dittmar, Helga, and Sarah Howard. “Thin-Ideal Internalization and Social Comparison Tendency as Moderators of Media Models Impact on Womens Body-Focused Anxiety.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, vol. 23, no. 6, 2004, pp. 768– 791. Gilford Press, doi:10.1521/jscp.23.6.768.54799. Phillips, Katharine A., and Rocco Crino. “Body Dysmorphic Disorder.” Current Opinion in Psychiatry, vol. 14, no. 2, Feb. 2001, pp. 113–118., psychiatry/Abstract/2001/03000/Body_dysmorphic_disorder.3.a spx. Phillips, Katharine A., and Raymond G. Dufresne. “Body Dysmorphic Disorder.” SpringerLink, Springer International Publishing, 22 Aug. 2012, 200001040-00005. Yourlastname 1 Your Name Professor Name English 101 21 August 2017 Your Title Here
  • 19. Works Cited Xenophobia intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. Euroskepticism, European political doctrine that advocates disengagement from the European Union (EU). Political parties that espouse a Euroskeptic viewpoint tend to be broadly populist and generally support tighter immigration controls in addition to the dismantling or streamlining of the EU bureaucratic structure. Populist a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people. Nationalistic having strong patriotic feelings, especially a belief in the superiority of one's own country over others. References: Poland has reinforced its position as Europe's problem child.
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