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Keystone Incorporated
AIMS of our campaign
As an audio advertising agency we aim to drive students and parents to
attend the open days for Ringwood School and Sixth Form on Thursday 4th
October 2018 (4:30-7pm) and Wednesday 7th November (6-8pm)We will
achieve these aims by advertising on 3 media platforms (TV, print and
If pupils and adults are interested in recruiting to Ringwood School we
would like to know who are attending and how many people will be
attentive, roughly. In order for this, we would advise people to attend the
open days via the Ringwood School website, so marketing finances know
averagely how many people will be attending these open days.
Aims achieved
 We will achieve these aims by advertising on 3 media platforms (TV, print and
 The use of advertising on 3 platforms ensures it targets that diverse audience
in 3 different ways. For example, if certain people listen to the radio then
they will more likely hear the radio advertisement than the TV or print
advertisement. Whereas people who are out and about and notice print
advertisements then they will be targeted by those print advertisements.
Radio advert
 The radio advert will target two primary and secondary audiences depending on
the main school or sixth form advertisement.
 The radio advert for the main school will be made catchy and easy to remember
for the audience. This advertisement will include Vox pops from different year 7
students saying what grades they are predicted in their first years. For example,
small samples of children saying ‘I got a 8, I got a 6, I got a 7’ to show the high
predictions and education for the students.
 The radio advert for the sixth form will be more mature and will persuade people
to attend the open days by perhaps a voiceover from a student saying how much
they enjoy sixth form and telling the audience how enjoyable lessons and friends
 Both advertisements will be guided by a repetitive and chirpy background theme
that is suitable for the advert and any voices that need to be heard over the top.
 For the main school advertisement the primary audience will be the parents
of the year 6 students and the secondary audience will be the students. The
main primary audience would be the adults because they drive their students
to what school is easier to get to.
 Whereas for the Sixth Form the primary audience would be the students in
year 11 looking at sixth forms best for their courses, and their parents would
be the secondary audience because they are old enough to pick where would
benefit their extended education more.
Main school profile
Parent profile would be the primary figure for the main school.
 The gender could be either male or female, depending on dad or mum, and
the age would stereotypically be in between 30 and 40 years old, but
generally could be any age.
 The interests of the parent profile would be taking and protecting their
children, delivering them to parties, going out. Lifestyle would base around a
job, like working in an office or a well paid job.
 Spending power would be spent on their house, car, home needs, such as
insurance, food shopping.
Sixth form profile
Student profile would be the primary figure for the Sixth Form.
 The gender could be either male or female, depending on boy or girl, and the
age would stereotypically be in between 15 and 16 years old, as they are still
in year 11 when picking where they want to go.
 The interests of the student profile would be taking part in sport activities or
dance for example, depending on gender. Lifestyle would belong to a full-
time job at school, with a small part time job at weekends or evenings.
 Spending power would be spent on fashion and beauty, again depending on
their gender.
 For the main school, parent profile, the possible classes would be A, B, C1, C2,
including upper middle classes to skilled working class.
 For the sixth form, student profile, the possible classes would be D and E,
including working class and to the lowest level of subsistence, being their
part time jobs, paid or voluntary. Perhaps C1, skilled working class.
 4C’S
 Main school would be mainstream, living in the world of the domestic.
 Sixth form would belong to explorer or succeeder, having a challenge to their
 The main campaign will drive parents and students to attend the main school
and sixth form open days to recruit new pupils.
 We want people to attend the open day via the Ringwood School website.
 We want the audience to apply through the Ringwood School website.
 This is so the school and finance marketing know roughly how many people
are interested.
 Also a rough idea of how many people will be recruited in the new year.
Launch Dates
 We would ideally launch the adverts mid-September for the main school
advert and early October for the sixth form advert. This is to give the
prospective students around a year top consider their next options and is just
before the respective open days, to increase foot fall of the event and get as
many people to attend as possible.
 We also don’t want to launch the adverts too early or during summer as the
market is saturated at this time with summer and holiday related adverts.
Seasonal and calendar events
 Around September and October there is the Ringwood Fair and carnival, an
extremely popular local event we could use to boost our campaign. The
attendees of the day fair and carnival will also include our target audience of
families and younger children while the evening fair and carnival will attract
our older target audience.
 However other schools advertising their open days may also clash with our
advertising. These schools include the schools from the local area like - for
the sixth form – Brockenhurst, BSG/B, Bournemouth and Pool College,
Twynham, Highcliffe and QE. Schools that could clash with the lower school
advertising include: Moyles Court, BSB/G, Waldorf, Ballard, LeAF studio,
Twynham and Burgate.
 We see our radio advert being played on stations like Capital FM and Heart FM as these are local
stations to attract local attention and may have advertising to increase audience exposure. We would
look at having our advert broadcast on Heart FM (and its local branch Heart Dorset) and Capital FM as
these are popular national radio stations with adverts frequently broadcast throughout the day. This
maximises listeners and the impact of the advert. Additionally we could broadcast on some more local
radio stations like Forest FM and Fire FM (broadcasts to Bournemouth and Poole) as these hold an
extremely local more niche audience. TV channels can be ITV and Channel 4 to ensure the most
 For TV the best time of day is between 4pm and 9pm, as 9 is the watershed point for children and
other types of adverts play at this point onwards. 5pm is also generally a time most families are
beginning to return home from work and school throughout the evening.
 For the radio advert the best times are 6am to 9am as a morning slot and 3pm to 5:30pm as an
afternoon slot. This due to the fact that at these points the majority of school children and adults are in
cars listening to the radio, increasing air traffic. It is less effective to have these play during the day or
later evening as most people don’t listen to the radio at these times.
Relevant legal/ethical issues/
 Legal and ethical issues
 Discrimination
 Age
 Through our adverts promoting Ringwood School, we will not discriminate against parents of
different ages by showing eleven/twelve year old (year 7) children with a variety of aged parents.
This informs the audience that all families are welcomed to Ringwood School and allows them to
relate to one of the parents in the advert.
 Gender
 The TV ad will include both male and female students informing the audience that Ringwood school
is a mix sexed school. It will also include single parents/carers for example a single mother to show
to the audience that the school is for everyone and they don’t discriminate against students whether
they are male/female, have a single mother/carer or single father/carer.
 - We will also show that Ringwood School doesn’t discriminate against gender through showing
both male and female teachers in the television advert. This may help to encourage children to go to
Ringwood school because they are likely to have a mix of both genders of teacher.
Relevant legal/ethical issues/
 Legal and ethical issues
 Discrimination
 Social class
 In the radio advert it will be harder to show that Ringwood School isn’t
discriminatory against students and families of different social classes. However
we will ensure to show through the television advert that
 Race/ethnicity
 In order to show that Ringwood School and Ringwood Sixth form
 Obviously in the radio advert the viewers will not visualise a typical student so this
will not be an ethical issue to think about. However, in both the television and
poster advertisement it is important that we show that Ringwood School and
Relevant legal/ethical issues/
 Legal and ethical issues
 Copyright
 This is a form of legal protection which involves an exclusive right to make
copies, license and exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether
printed, audio, or visual.
 In our radio and television advert we will ensure to use copyright free music
in the background to confirm we are not going against legalities. If we were
to use a copyrighted track we would have to gain permission from all
copyright holders.
 We will also have to be innovative with our design and layout of the print
advert and avoid creating an advert that is the same as any other.
Relevant legal/ethical issues/
 Legal and ethical issues
 Violence/sex/language
 Obviously in an advert promoting a school and sixth form there will be no use of inappropriate language,
violence or sexual content in the television ad, poster, or radio advert.
 The language used in the adverts will be fairly formal in order to give a good reputation for the school.
 In addition any music included in the advert will be clean or will be simply instrumental and fit to advertise
a school.
 Children
 Regulatory bodies such as ASA and OFCOM have rules regarding children’s roles in advertisements that we
must follow.
 Since we plan to use students under the age of 16 in our adverts as well as in vox pops, we will have to
obtain parental consent for their participation. Within these forms we will have to inform parents/carers
what exactly the child's role will be as well as where the advertisements will be shared.
 Our adverts must not be likely to mislead children by exaggerating Ringwood School or Sixth form in a way
that could lead to a child having unrealistic expectations and therefore be taking experience of children's
Regulatory bodies’ codes of conduct
and regulations
 The 'Advertising Standards Authority' is the self-regulatory organisation of the advertising industry in the UK.
Its role is to 'regulate the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing’ in the UK and the
organisation investigates complaints made about adverts, sales promotions or direct marketing. They also
decide whether adverts comply with its advertising standards codes.
 Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK, and the organisation has power across the television, radio,
telecoms and postal sectors. It's duty is to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by promoting
competition and protecting the public from harmful or offensive material. They also protect people in the UK
from scams and sharp practices.
 If our adverts went against any of the ASA OR OFCOM’s regulations, they may be removed entirely or
changed so that they could not be broadcasted at a time whereby children would see the advert which would
not be an ideal way to promote the school or sixth form since especially potential sixth formers are likely to
have a huge impact on where they attend college/sixth form and will be the primary audience for the ads. If
the ads aren’t accessible for the younger audience they may not be interested in attending Ringwood School
or Sixth Form. We want our advert to be accessible to all, especially the students so that we reach as many
listeners and potential students as possible.
 False claims are important within advertising and the regulatory bodies’ codes of
conduct and regulations. In our advertisements the voice overs and statistics or
claims need to be factual without being leading statements or false claims which
could encourage people to apply to Ringwood School or Sixth form with
unrealistic expectations. For example in the radio advert the statistics will have to
be calculated rather than assuming for example ‘99% of students achieved A
 Within the vox pops, obviously we will need to consider the reliability of students
responses to the questions but because we will be asking the students directly in
the advert we wont necessarily be using statistics.
 Within our radio advert sound is very important since it is the only element for the
audience to be attracted to the advert. The music we use will set the tone for the
ad and needs to hook the audience as well as create a good perception of the
school and sixth form. We will use royalty free music using an online website such
 If our advertisement were to be shown as a television advert, our initial idea would be to show 4 main characters to suit the target audience; a child, for the school advert
would be in Year 6 and aged 11-12, and for sixth form a late teen in Year 11 aged 15-16 who are the direct target audience as they would be thinking about coming to the
sixth form or school for their next year of education, or possibly even showing a Year 5 or Year 10 student, who are looking beforehand at the open evening as they’ve
started/ parents have started thinking about their future earlier. In the advertisement, there would be the parents of the child, understandably this may not be the case for
every student as this is just a typical mother, father and child as the main example, however later on in the advert is shows the diverse range of families and the different
relatives that any student may live with. There will also be a teacher, perhaps somebody such as the head teacher or deputy head teacher, that the students will recognise
in years to come if they decide to come to the school or that parents will be able to recognise from researching the school, acting as a ‘tour guide’ for the parents and the
child, who will produce personal identity within the advertisement as they will act as the relatable ‘strangers’ to the school as they walk around.
 As the advertisement begins, there are location shots, introducing the characters and the school itself. The characters walk through several classrooms with the camera
speeding up following their movements and showing a happy, friendly, teaching environment and what the students are to expect if they come to the school. It is important
that the students and teachers within the television advert are smiling and looking happy, as it shows that this is the best school to make the student as successful, safe
and happy as possible.
 Throughout the advert, the teacher guides them to the closed hall doors, where the next shot shows the opening of the main open evening, with teachers and students
looking at all of the different subjects available, (according to both the school and sixth form options for each version) and the surprised look on the students and parents’
faces at all of the opportunity in the school/sixth form.
 In the background of all shots, there is a positive, light, calming but slightly upbeat music which gives off positive connotations to everybody who watches and listens, as it
automatically makes people think of happiness and that this is a positive place to be. There will also be a voiceover, male or female, speaking clearly and explaining that
this is the best place to be.
 At the end of the advert, it shows the logo of our company, the school logo and the website, dates of the open evening and other important contact information. This is so
the audience can pause the advert at the end and write down any information they made need. It also means that this is the last information they have and remember,
therefore they’ll know exactly where and when this is happening and where to go next for more information to follow up their interest.
 On the next slide, it shows a storyboard example of the ideas.
 For the print advertisement for the school, it will show a picture of a classroom with students, teachers smiling widely as
the teacher helps them out with their work. It shows that the teacher and students at Ringwood School have special
learning connections and that they are easily available to help the students out to make them as successful as they can
be. It also shows that this is a friendly, safe and happy environment that parents would want to send their children to,
and children will want to go to. The colours in the print advert will be bright and clear, however still making sure it ties in
with the school uniform and logo and location of the school which is the New Forest, therefore green will be a prominent
 For the print advertisement for sixth form, it will show a photograph of some of the outstanding, highly successful
students from previous years with their results. It will encourage students to strive for the best, as well as interest both
the students and parents as they’ll know they’ll be receiving the best teaching possible to receive the best results. The
results are shown on the sixth form advert and not the main school advert, because as sixth form is for a shorter time
and concentrated more on important a level subjects, rather than Year 6 students and parents thinking about a working
environment for the next 5 years, and not so focused on results.
 This print advertisement would be shown on nearby bus stops, billboards/posters and shown on both the main website
of the school and in local newspapers, to gain the most views from the local community that may be interested. It could
also be put on posters of the junior schools and other schools of the same age for the students interested in sixth form
as this will be a direct target for the main audience.
 There will be no need for any music or voiceovers in this advertisement.

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Planning our campaign

  • 4. AIMS of our campaign As an audio advertising agency we aim to drive students and parents to attend the open days for Ringwood School and Sixth Form on Thursday 4th October 2018 (4:30-7pm) and Wednesday 7th November (6-8pm)We will achieve these aims by advertising on 3 media platforms (TV, print and radio) If pupils and adults are interested in recruiting to Ringwood School we would like to know who are attending and how many people will be attentive, roughly. In order for this, we would advise people to attend the open days via the Ringwood School website, so marketing finances know averagely how many people will be attending these open days.
  • 5. Aims achieved  We will achieve these aims by advertising on 3 media platforms (TV, print and radio)  The use of advertising on 3 platforms ensures it targets that diverse audience in 3 different ways. For example, if certain people listen to the radio then they will more likely hear the radio advertisement than the TV or print advertisement. Whereas people who are out and about and notice print advertisements then they will be targeted by those print advertisements.
  • 6. Radio advert  The radio advert will target two primary and secondary audiences depending on the main school or sixth form advertisement.  The radio advert for the main school will be made catchy and easy to remember for the audience. This advertisement will include Vox pops from different year 7 students saying what grades they are predicted in their first years. For example, small samples of children saying ‘I got a 8, I got a 6, I got a 7’ to show the high predictions and education for the students.  The radio advert for the sixth form will be more mature and will persuade people to attend the open days by perhaps a voiceover from a student saying how much they enjoy sixth form and telling the audience how enjoyable lessons and friends are.  Both advertisements will be guided by a repetitive and chirpy background theme that is suitable for the advert and any voices that need to be heard over the top.
  • 8. TARGET AUDIENCE  For the main school advertisement the primary audience will be the parents of the year 6 students and the secondary audience will be the students. The main primary audience would be the adults because they drive their students to what school is easier to get to.  Whereas for the Sixth Form the primary audience would be the students in year 11 looking at sixth forms best for their courses, and their parents would be the secondary audience because they are old enough to pick where would benefit their extended education more.
  • 9. Main school profile Parent profile would be the primary figure for the main school.  The gender could be either male or female, depending on dad or mum, and the age would stereotypically be in between 30 and 40 years old, but generally could be any age.  The interests of the parent profile would be taking and protecting their children, delivering them to parties, going out. Lifestyle would base around a job, like working in an office or a well paid job.  Spending power would be spent on their house, car, home needs, such as insurance, food shopping.
  • 10. Sixth form profile Student profile would be the primary figure for the Sixth Form.  The gender could be either male or female, depending on boy or girl, and the age would stereotypically be in between 15 and 16 years old, as they are still in year 11 when picking where they want to go.  The interests of the student profile would be taking part in sport activities or dance for example, depending on gender. Lifestyle would belong to a full- time job at school, with a small part time job at weekends or evenings.  Spending power would be spent on fashion and beauty, again depending on their gender.
  • 11. NRS SCALE AND 4C’S NRS SCALE  For the main school, parent profile, the possible classes would be A, B, C1, C2, including upper middle classes to skilled working class.  For the sixth form, student profile, the possible classes would be D and E, including working class and to the lowest level of subsistence, being their part time jobs, paid or voluntary. Perhaps C1, skilled working class.  4C’S  Main school would be mainstream, living in the world of the domestic.  Sixth form would belong to explorer or succeeder, having a challenge to their courses.
  • 13. MESSAGE  The main campaign will drive parents and students to attend the main school and sixth form open days to recruit new pupils.  We want people to attend the open day via the Ringwood School website.
  • 14. audience  We want the audience to apply through the Ringwood School website.  This is so the school and finance marketing know roughly how many people are interested.  Also a rough idea of how many people will be recruited in the new year.
  • 16. Launch Dates  We would ideally launch the adverts mid-September for the main school advert and early October for the sixth form advert. This is to give the prospective students around a year top consider their next options and is just before the respective open days, to increase foot fall of the event and get as many people to attend as possible.  We also don’t want to launch the adverts too early or during summer as the market is saturated at this time with summer and holiday related adverts.
  • 17. Seasonal and calendar events  Around September and October there is the Ringwood Fair and carnival, an extremely popular local event we could use to boost our campaign. The attendees of the day fair and carnival will also include our target audience of families and younger children while the evening fair and carnival will attract our older target audience.  However other schools advertising their open days may also clash with our advertising. These schools include the schools from the local area like - for the sixth form – Brockenhurst, BSG/B, Bournemouth and Pool College, Twynham, Highcliffe and QE. Schools that could clash with the lower school advertising include: Moyles Court, BSB/G, Waldorf, Ballard, LeAF studio, Twynham and Burgate.
  • 18. Scheduling  We see our radio advert being played on stations like Capital FM and Heart FM as these are local stations to attract local attention and may have advertising to increase audience exposure. We would look at having our advert broadcast on Heart FM (and its local branch Heart Dorset) and Capital FM as these are popular national radio stations with adverts frequently broadcast throughout the day. This maximises listeners and the impact of the advert. Additionally we could broadcast on some more local radio stations like Forest FM and Fire FM (broadcasts to Bournemouth and Poole) as these hold an extremely local more niche audience. TV channels can be ITV and Channel 4 to ensure the most viewers  For TV the best time of day is between 4pm and 9pm, as 9 is the watershed point for children and other types of adverts play at this point onwards. 5pm is also generally a time most families are beginning to return home from work and school throughout the evening.  For the radio advert the best times are 6am to 9am as a morning slot and 3pm to 5:30pm as an afternoon slot. This due to the fact that at these points the majority of school children and adults are in cars listening to the radio, increasing air traffic. It is less effective to have these play during the day or later evening as most people don’t listen to the radio at these times.
  • 20. Relevant legal/ethical issues/ constraints  Legal and ethical issues  Discrimination  Age  Through our adverts promoting Ringwood School, we will not discriminate against parents of different ages by showing eleven/twelve year old (year 7) children with a variety of aged parents. This informs the audience that all families are welcomed to Ringwood School and allows them to relate to one of the parents in the advert.  Gender  The TV ad will include both male and female students informing the audience that Ringwood school is a mix sexed school. It will also include single parents/carers for example a single mother to show to the audience that the school is for everyone and they don’t discriminate against students whether they are male/female, have a single mother/carer or single father/carer.  - We will also show that Ringwood School doesn’t discriminate against gender through showing both male and female teachers in the television advert. This may help to encourage children to go to Ringwood school because they are likely to have a mix of both genders of teacher.
  • 21. Relevant legal/ethical issues/ constraints  Legal and ethical issues  Discrimination  Social class  In the radio advert it will be harder to show that Ringwood School isn’t discriminatory against students and families of different social classes. However we will ensure to show through the television advert that  Race/ethnicity  In order to show that Ringwood School and Ringwood Sixth form  Obviously in the radio advert the viewers will not visualise a typical student so this will not be an ethical issue to think about. However, in both the television and poster advertisement it is important that we show that Ringwood School and Ringwood 
  • 22. Relevant legal/ethical issues/ constraints  Legal and ethical issues  Copyright  This is a form of legal protection which involves an exclusive right to make copies, license and exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, or visual.  In our radio and television advert we will ensure to use copyright free music in the background to confirm we are not going against legalities. If we were to use a copyrighted track we would have to gain permission from all copyright holders.  We will also have to be innovative with our design and layout of the print advert and avoid creating an advert that is the same as any other.
  • 23. Relevant legal/ethical issues/ constraints  Legal and ethical issues  Violence/sex/language  Obviously in an advert promoting a school and sixth form there will be no use of inappropriate language, violence or sexual content in the television ad, poster, or radio advert.  The language used in the adverts will be fairly formal in order to give a good reputation for the school.  In addition any music included in the advert will be clean or will be simply instrumental and fit to advertise a school.  Children  Regulatory bodies such as ASA and OFCOM have rules regarding children’s roles in advertisements that we must follow.  Since we plan to use students under the age of 16 in our adverts as well as in vox pops, we will have to obtain parental consent for their participation. Within these forms we will have to inform parents/carers what exactly the child's role will be as well as where the advertisements will be shared.  Our adverts must not be likely to mislead children by exaggerating Ringwood School or Sixth form in a way that could lead to a child having unrealistic expectations and therefore be taking experience of children's inexperience.
  • 24. Regulatory bodies’ codes of conduct and regulations  ASA  The 'Advertising Standards Authority' is the self-regulatory organisation of the advertising industry in the UK. Its role is to 'regulate the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing’ in the UK and the organisation investigates complaints made about adverts, sales promotions or direct marketing. They also decide whether adverts comply with its advertising standards codes.  OFCOM  Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK, and the organisation has power across the television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. It's duty is to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by promoting competition and protecting the public from harmful or offensive material. They also protect people in the UK from scams and sharp practices.  If our adverts went against any of the ASA OR OFCOM’s regulations, they may be removed entirely or changed so that they could not be broadcasted at a time whereby children would see the advert which would not be an ideal way to promote the school or sixth form since especially potential sixth formers are likely to have a huge impact on where they attend college/sixth form and will be the primary audience for the ads. If the ads aren’t accessible for the younger audience they may not be interested in attending Ringwood School or Sixth Form. We want our advert to be accessible to all, especially the students so that we reach as many listeners and potential students as possible.
  • 25.   False claims are important within advertising and the regulatory bodies’ codes of conduct and regulations. In our advertisements the voice overs and statistics or claims need to be factual without being leading statements or false claims which could encourage people to apply to Ringwood School or Sixth form with unrealistic expectations. For example in the radio advert the statistics will have to be calculated rather than assuming for example ‘99% of students achieved A grades’.  Within the vox pops, obviously we will need to consider the reliability of students responses to the questions but because we will be asking the students directly in the advert we wont necessarily be using statistics.   Within our radio advert sound is very important since it is the only element for the audience to be attracted to the advert. The music we use will set the tone for the ad and needs to hook the audience as well as create a good perception of the school and sixth form. We will use royalty free music using an online website such as
  • 27. TV ADVERTISEMENT IDEA  If our advertisement were to be shown as a television advert, our initial idea would be to show 4 main characters to suit the target audience; a child, for the school advert would be in Year 6 and aged 11-12, and for sixth form a late teen in Year 11 aged 15-16 who are the direct target audience as they would be thinking about coming to the sixth form or school for their next year of education, or possibly even showing a Year 5 or Year 10 student, who are looking beforehand at the open evening as they’ve started/ parents have started thinking about their future earlier. In the advertisement, there would be the parents of the child, understandably this may not be the case for every student as this is just a typical mother, father and child as the main example, however later on in the advert is shows the diverse range of families and the different relatives that any student may live with. There will also be a teacher, perhaps somebody such as the head teacher or deputy head teacher, that the students will recognise in years to come if they decide to come to the school or that parents will be able to recognise from researching the school, acting as a ‘tour guide’ for the parents and the child, who will produce personal identity within the advertisement as they will act as the relatable ‘strangers’ to the school as they walk around.  As the advertisement begins, there are location shots, introducing the characters and the school itself. The characters walk through several classrooms with the camera speeding up following their movements and showing a happy, friendly, teaching environment and what the students are to expect if they come to the school. It is important that the students and teachers within the television advert are smiling and looking happy, as it shows that this is the best school to make the student as successful, safe and happy as possible.  Throughout the advert, the teacher guides them to the closed hall doors, where the next shot shows the opening of the main open evening, with teachers and students looking at all of the different subjects available, (according to both the school and sixth form options for each version) and the surprised look on the students and parents’ faces at all of the opportunity in the school/sixth form.  In the background of all shots, there is a positive, light, calming but slightly upbeat music which gives off positive connotations to everybody who watches and listens, as it automatically makes people think of happiness and that this is a positive place to be. There will also be a voiceover, male or female, speaking clearly and explaining that this is the best place to be.  At the end of the advert, it shows the logo of our company, the school logo and the website, dates of the open evening and other important contact information. This is so the audience can pause the advert at the end and write down any information they made need. It also means that this is the last information they have and remember, therefore they’ll know exactly where and when this is happening and where to go next for more information to follow up their interest.  On the next slide, it shows a storyboard example of the ideas.
  • 29. PRINT ADVERTISEMENT IDEA  For the print advertisement for the school, it will show a picture of a classroom with students, teachers smiling widely as the teacher helps them out with their work. It shows that the teacher and students at Ringwood School have special learning connections and that they are easily available to help the students out to make them as successful as they can be. It also shows that this is a friendly, safe and happy environment that parents would want to send their children to, and children will want to go to. The colours in the print advert will be bright and clear, however still making sure it ties in with the school uniform and logo and location of the school which is the New Forest, therefore green will be a prominent colour.  For the print advertisement for sixth form, it will show a photograph of some of the outstanding, highly successful students from previous years with their results. It will encourage students to strive for the best, as well as interest both the students and parents as they’ll know they’ll be receiving the best teaching possible to receive the best results. The results are shown on the sixth form advert and not the main school advert, because as sixth form is for a shorter time and concentrated more on important a level subjects, rather than Year 6 students and parents thinking about a working environment for the next 5 years, and not so focused on results.  This print advertisement would be shown on nearby bus stops, billboards/posters and shown on both the main website of the school and in local newspapers, to gain the most views from the local community that may be interested. It could also be put on posters of the junior schools and other schools of the same age for the students interested in sixth form as this will be a direct target for the main audience.  There will be no need for any music or voiceovers in this advertisement.