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Section A - Proposal
Aims and Objectives – School
 The aim of our campaign is to promote the school to parents and students, influencing
them to join the school. The campaign must advertise and show off the school as being
extremely successful and it will create fantastic ambassadors.
 The radio advert needs to drive potential students and parents/carers to register to attend
the Open Evening via the school website.
 The campaign must create a very positive image of the school and make parents want to
consider sending their children to the school.
 The campaign needs to appeal to year 6 or younger students as well as the parents,
therefore it needs to make the school look fun and exciting as well as a safe and friendly
Aims and Objectives – Sixth Form
 It is also to promote the sixth form to year 11 students and trying to offer them the best
future possible for their career path.
 In order to recruit these year 11 students and show the parents that the sixth form is very
successful and to do this the campaign must use statistics and figures. This will show the
students and parents that the sixth form is a stand out choice and it helps to recruit the
students. For example, the school is in the top 5% of post 16 providers in the UK and one of the
highest performing providers in the region.
 The campaign needs to drive students in year 11 into wanting to turn up to the open evenings and
register via the website.
Target Audience – School adverts
 The target audience for the school adverts will be year 6
parents/carers (maybe even 4 and 5) who will want their children to
start in year 7, but also students who are already in secondary school
and may be moving to another school.
 For the school advert, I believe the main target audience is year
4,5,6 parents as they will decide where there child goes to school.
Therefore, I think the parents ages may be from 35-45. I believe that
the target audience for the school advert is for male and female
 The parents lifestyles may vary for a male and female.
Stereotypically, the male parent would be working and could be
working class to middle class. They may have long working days and
when they get home, they may like to relax and watch television.
Their interests may be watching sport or playing sport. The spending
power may vary as the school has a variety of different classes within
 The female parents lifestyle may differ as they may work however
stereotypically, a lot of mums will stay at home. Their interests may
be going to the gym and keep fit classes. Whilst at home, they may
like to watch films and soap television etc.
This is a stereotype of what the target
audience may look like for the school
Target Audience – Sixth Form adverts
 The target audience for the Sixth form advert may differ to the school
advert. This is because as students get older they are given more choice as
it is going to affect their future where they choose to go. Therefore the
target audience for Sixth Form is mainly year 11 students who have just
finished their GCSEs and want to further their education and do A levels.
 To the right, we have two example year 11 student avatars; this may be
what the target audience looks like…
 Both of them are 15-16 year olds, one male and one female. The females
lifestyle may be very social and likes going out with her friends a lot. She
also might like to have a healthy lifestyle and often go to the gym. When at
home she likes to watch Netflix. The male on the right, also likes to go out
with friends but mainly likes to play sport such as football or rugby and is in
a sports team. When he’s at home he might play on his PlayStation or Xbox
with his friends.
 Their spending powers may be quite similar depending on whether they have
part time jobs or get given money by their parents as they both come from a
middle class family. Both teenagers may be aspirers and like to have luxury
items and look up to celebrities. This is because they both use social media
a lot and are exposed to a lot of celebrity endorsements which may
influence them into wanting expensive clothing and items.
Campaign Message
 The overall message behind the campaign is to
inform parents about the success of the school
and show of the schools achievements in order
to try and recruit students and turn them into
young ambassadors.
 The school offers so many courses for students
to choose from and lots of different
 The school is not only good for education but
it is a very friendly and safe environment.
 The campaign is trying to get parents to go
onto the school website and register for the
school open evenings and from there it will try
its best to convince parents that they should
send their children to Ringwood School. In
order to get parents to go onto the website
and register we will make sure to include all
contact info and opening dates on all campaign
 The Sixth Form is trying to convince year 11 students
to attend the open evening and the ways we are going
to be able to do this is by making the sixth form sound
one of the best in the UK. In order to do this we must
follow the clients brief and include information on the
radio advert such as ‘top 5% of post 16 providers in the
UK and one of the highest performing providers in the
 The Sixth Form offers 34 diverse and personalised
programmes of study including A Level and vocational
courses. This will therefore seem appealing to year 11
students as they have lots of choice which can be
beneficial to their future.
 The campaign needs to be able to persuade year 11s to
attend the open evening by registering on the school
website. In order to do this the radio advert needs a
very clear voice so that many students will be able to
hear the website and other important information.
B- Campaign schedule.
Launch dates.
The Ringwood School open evening is arranged to take place on the
Tuesday the 4th of October 2019 from 4.30pm until 7pm, therefore we will
launch advertising at the start of September on the 2th which is the first
Monday of the month.
Ringwood Schools Sixth form open evening is arranged for the Sunday the
10th of November 2019, starting at 4.30pm until 7pm, advertising for this
event will start in the beginning of October on the 1st which is a Tuesday.
On these dates the TV, print and radio advertisements will be launched so
they can reach as many people as possible on TV at home, radio in the car
and print in the local newspapers and shops.
We have chosen these dates so students and parents have plenty of time
to be aware of the open days, they can make sure they keep that evening
free in advance. It also gives them time to search of other places in case
they are not sure on which school or sixth form to attend.
Other seasonal or calendar events.
 We need to consider other schools will also have similar events around this
time and will also be advertising for their school or sixth form, Bournemouth
collage has an open day on Thursday the 13th of June 2019, luckily this is well
before so may not need to worry about it.
 The yearly Ringwood carnival always takes place in September, this year it is
on Saturday the 21st of September, there is a afternoon session at 2pm and
evening session at 7.15pm. This is a fun family event and would be a great
opportunity to promote Ringwood sixth form and school as people attending
this event are our target market.
 On Sunday the 15th of September 2019 from 11am until 6pm is the Family
Festival at Ringwood school to celebrate 60 years of the school. This would be
the ideal place to advertise the open days as this event is about how great
this school/collage is. We could have print posters all around the event so our
target market attending can be clear of the open days coming up.
 The annual Ellingham and Ringwood agricultural show is on Saturday the 10th
of August 2019, this is a famous event in Hampshire and would be the ideal
place to promote Ringwood school and sixth form with our print advert as
many of the people who attend are local and may be interested or may know
someone who might be.
Scheduling of advertisements
 We researched which local radio shows play advertisements in the
morning when most people are on there way to school and work, we
also thought our adverts should play when parents are on there way
home from work and when children are coming home from school, so
ideally we would like our advert to be played at 8.00 – 8.30 am, 3.30 –
4.00pm and 5.00 – 5.30pm.
 Local radio shows who play adverts at this time are Hope FM, Forest
FM, Capital south coast FM and Wave 105. The cost of hiring Capital
FM and Heart is £898 for our advert played for three times a day.
Forest FM only does one package for £300 monthly which gives you
nine adverts per day every day between 7 AM and 7 PM, the ads can
be 30 or 40 seconds in duration.
 We have chosen these timings as it is most likely our target market
will be listening at these times, parents for their child's education or
teenagers who have to make a decision on their education after GCSEs
Important information
 The advertisements need to have vital information so the school or
collage can be easily contacted. It must include website:
 Address: Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1SE.
 Telephone: 01425 475000
 Statistics we may include: 99% a level pass rate, top 5% sixth form in
the UK
 Brockenhurst collage In 2018, a overall pass rate of 98% was
achieved, with 50% of students gaining A*-B grades and 74% of all
students achieving A*-C grades across all subjects. Students at
Bournemouth & Poole College achieved an overall pass rate of 98.2
per cent.
C- Codes of Conduct
Legal Issues
There are many laws in place to restrain companies and institutions from producing any adverts
(radio, print or audio-visual) that include stolen material or any harmful, offensive or misleading
The Copyright Act was passed in 1911 in the UK, allowing creators of various materials, such as
broadcasts and music, the right to control how, when and where their material can be used. When
considering our radio advert promoting the school, it is vital we avoid using any material owned by
others without getting legal permission first. This does, however, have it’s drawbacks since it is likely
that many creators and producers of such material will ask for a payment in return for the use of
their original material.
In addition, slander and libel is the action of damaging the good reputation of someone with slander
applying to the spoken world and libel to the written. Even the smallest claims could harm a person
or companies reputation and land someone in a legal battle. If we were to claim, in our radio advert,
that another local school wasn’t as good as our school because they served the students horsemeat
and never cleaned the toilets, this could seriously damage not only the reputation of the other
school, but also our school for making such obviously false statements. Adding to this, if a company
claims something damaging about another company in a magazine, the magazine is also risking their
reputation by printing the statement. If we wish to make any statements in our radio advert, we
need to be prepared to be challenged on this and have substantial evidence to prove the truth of our
Avoiding discrimination and any material
that may cause harm, upset or offense.
Discriminating against someone due to age, gender, disability, race and others is against the law. It is a very
serious offense and could provoke legal battles and ruin the reputation and status of a company. For our
radio advert, it would be wise to communicate that our school would never discriminate against anyone, no
matter what background they have. A way this could be done is by stating something along the lines of, ‘we
welcome everyone’ or ‘all are welcome at our school’. Not only would this avoid any discrimination but it
would also represent the school as friendly and inclusive.
Generally, radio stations avoid including any expletives. If a song has taboo language in it, it will be muted
or bleeped. In addition, if a radio presenter uses an offensive word they tend to apologise afterwards.
There aren’t many explicit rules that prevent radio stations from including swear words at any point,
however, radio stations tend not to in order to avoid any complaints. In addition, it is harder to know when
children might be listening to the radio whereas TV has a watershed time, after which they can include
offensive material since young children aren’t likely to be watching TV. For our advert it would be highly
inappropriate to use any explicit language to promote the school or as part of any background music as it
would represent the school in a negative light.
There are very strict rules on material that promotes or glorifies violence in anyway with methods of suicide
or self-harm not being allowed in any TV or radio programmes unless justified by the context (e.g. a police
drama could contain suicide as long as it does not glorify it). Children can be very impressionable especially
when very young and therefore radio and TV channels have to be very cautious when including any
irresponsible behaviour that is likely to encourage people to imitate. We will ensure that our radio advert
does not imply that violence is acceptable. Not only would this be damaging to the schools reputation but
also could harm the audience particularly if they are young and impressionable.
Permission to film or record others
Filming or recording another person without their permission and proceeding to
broadcast it on TV or radio can be considered a crime and could end up with legal
action having to be taken. OFCOM have many rules and guidelines to using and
broadcasting material that includes others that if we would ensure we followed if
we were to do this such as using vox pops in our advert. If we were to use a vox
pop in our advert it may bring some minor issues such as getting permission from
everyone. Even if we know that we won’t use all of it we would get permission
from anyone we have recorded so that they feel they aren’t being violated in
anyway and so they understand how the material may be used. To gain their
permission we would have many permission slips ready for anyone we record to fill
out so that we have their written consent to using the material in our advert. We
wouldn’t disclose any private information about anyone within our advert or share
it with others in any other way as this would be a major violation of privacy. In
addition, following OFCOM’s rules, we would not record anyone that felt
uncomfortable and we would be sure to stop recording immediately if someone
were to ask us to.
ASA Broadcasting Codes
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK’s independent advertising regulator. It
ensures that adverts across UK media stick to the Advertising Codes (rules).
They have many of these ‘codes’ that
We would ensure that any information included in our advert about the
school/sixth form and their open days can all be backed up by
evidence to ensure audiences aren’t misleaded.
Since many people would be listening to the radio whilst driving, it
is very important that our advert does not include any alarming,
sudden sounds that could harm the audiences.
OFCOM regulate TV, radio and many other similar services. They give the
audience an opportunity to complain about an ad if they find it offensive or
inappropriate. They investigate the complaints and will sometimes take
action if companies are not following the rules. This could affect our
campaign if someone were to find it offensive in anyway as they have a right
to complain to OFCOM who then can take legal action. However, we would
ensure that we have not breached any rules within our campaign before
broadcasting it.
The British Board of Film Classification is an independent regulator. They help
audiences choose content that is suitable for them with age ratings on many
films, videos and websites. In terms of our TV Advert, if there was any content in
it that was deemed inappropriate for younger audiences it may have to be aired
after the watershed which would affect our campaign as it may not reach our
entire target audience. We would avoid any content unsuitable for younger
audiences as this would represent the school negatively and it wouldn’t reach the
intended audience.
D- Print & Audio Visual
Radio Advertisement Plans
 Our radio advert will include a catchy tagline which communicates the campaign
message and portrays the school in a good way. Both adverts for the mainstream
school and sixth form will include some kind of rhetorical question, the open day for
year 5/6s will begin with ‘do you want the best education for your child?’ However,
the sixth form advert will state ‘Are you sixteen and looking to further your
education?’ These are memorable and catchy for the listeners to intake, it will also
immediately indicate what the advert will be about.
 Both advertisements will involve information about each opening day, timings,
location and where to seek further information. Furthermore, it will incorporate
facts and statistics about Ringwood school and sixth form. For instance, ‘with a 99%
A-level pass rate’ and ‘with over 47 extra after school clubs offered every week’.
This will help make the reputation of Ringwood shine and will engage with our main
target audience.
 The open day advert for year 7s would air everyday for the whole of September. It
would be heard three times a day on Heart, Capital and Wave 105. Afterwards, the
advertisement for the sixth form open day would air everyday throughout October.
This would also be heard on Heart, Capital and Wave 105. They’d both be ideally
played at 8am, 3:30pm and 5:30pm. This would help to attract our target audience
and catch the prime time for radio listeners.
Television Advertisement Plans
 In order to advertise the campaign to it’s full potential, we’d create a television
advert. We would create two separate adverts for each opening day. These would
each consist of advertising the school in a friendly place, yet will also portray the
great education provided. Here are our storyboards for both adverts. The voiceovers
will be very similar to our radio advert transcripts. These would both be shown on
ITV News South Meridian. This is a perfect target market, as it’s aimed at people
who live in the south of England and who are typically from an upper
working/middle-class background and the parents are well-educated if they are
watching the news daily.
MAIN SCHOOL TV ADVERTThe main school TV advert would start with
an overview of the school and its facilities.
Alongside a non-diegetic voiceover ‘do you
want the best education for your child?’
with quiet background music.
The advert will continue with a clip of
students running around the track on sports
day, with the voiceover ‘with over 47 after
school activities’. After this, it will cut to
students experimenting in the science
lesson. The voiceover continues with ‘and
staff always willing to help’. ‘your child
will be safe and happy here’ followed with
a variety of clips featuring a group of
Finally, the advertisement will show a clip of the presentation at a
previous open evening, with the head teacher doing a speech. The
voiceover saying ‘come see for yourself on our open day, on the 4th of
October 2019’. In the finally scene, the school logo will appear with ‘or
visit us on our website’. The website and contact number will appear
until it cuts to black.
SIXTH FORM TV ADVERTThe sixth form advert will focus more on targeting the
students rather than parents. It would begin with the
same voiceover as the main school one, stating ‘are
you sixteen and looking to further your education?’
With a clip showing a table full of friends eating in the
sixth form café. Quiet background music will play
throughout. The next voiceover will say ‘do you want
somewhere where you can still have fun?’ showing the
annual sixth form dress up day, on the final day of
school. It would then jump to a clip of students
receiving their A-level results and being happy with
their grades. The voiceover will state ‘with a 99% A-
level pass rate’. ‘Ringwood sixth form is an excellent
place to be’ followed by the diegetic interview of an
ex student stating ‘Ringwood sixth form was the best
decision I have
ever made, the teachers really care about your education’. Finally, the school’s
logo will appear with the open day information, contact number and website.
The final voiceover will say ‘Still not convinced? Come to our open day on the
10th of November and see for yourself or visit our website.’ Finally, it will fade
to black.
Print Adverts
 Our print adverts will consist of the colour green (the Ringwood school colour)
the school logo and dates for each opening day. The mainstream school will
have several images of sports day, fundraising events, class rooms, the facilities
and school site, productions and various other school activities. Furthermore,
the sixth form poster will be very similar but will include images of the café,
dressing up days and images of the sixth form building itself. They will both
include key statistics such as the top 5% in the UK and how we offer over 58
courses available. Here are the mock-ups we planned for both posters.

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Audio advert proposal (all sections)

  • 1. Section A - Proposal
  • 2. Aims and Objectives – School  The aim of our campaign is to promote the school to parents and students, influencing them to join the school. The campaign must advertise and show off the school as being extremely successful and it will create fantastic ambassadors.  The radio advert needs to drive potential students and parents/carers to register to attend the Open Evening via the school website.  The campaign must create a very positive image of the school and make parents want to consider sending their children to the school.  The campaign needs to appeal to year 6 or younger students as well as the parents, therefore it needs to make the school look fun and exciting as well as a safe and friendly environment.
  • 3. Aims and Objectives – Sixth Form  It is also to promote the sixth form to year 11 students and trying to offer them the best future possible for their career path.  In order to recruit these year 11 students and show the parents that the sixth form is very successful and to do this the campaign must use statistics and figures. This will show the students and parents that the sixth form is a stand out choice and it helps to recruit the students. For example, the school is in the top 5% of post 16 providers in the UK and one of the highest performing providers in the region.  The campaign needs to drive students in year 11 into wanting to turn up to the open evenings and register via the website.
  • 4. Target Audience – School adverts  The target audience for the school adverts will be year 6 parents/carers (maybe even 4 and 5) who will want their children to start in year 7, but also students who are already in secondary school and may be moving to another school.  For the school advert, I believe the main target audience is year 4,5,6 parents as they will decide where there child goes to school. Therefore, I think the parents ages may be from 35-45. I believe that the target audience for the school advert is for male and female parents/carers.  The parents lifestyles may vary for a male and female. Stereotypically, the male parent would be working and could be working class to middle class. They may have long working days and when they get home, they may like to relax and watch television. Their interests may be watching sport or playing sport. The spending power may vary as the school has a variety of different classes within it.  The female parents lifestyle may differ as they may work however stereotypically, a lot of mums will stay at home. Their interests may be going to the gym and keep fit classes. Whilst at home, they may like to watch films and soap television etc. This is a stereotype of what the target audience may look like for the school adverts…
  • 5. Target Audience – Sixth Form adverts  The target audience for the Sixth form advert may differ to the school advert. This is because as students get older they are given more choice as it is going to affect their future where they choose to go. Therefore the target audience for Sixth Form is mainly year 11 students who have just finished their GCSEs and want to further their education and do A levels.  To the right, we have two example year 11 student avatars; this may be what the target audience looks like…  Both of them are 15-16 year olds, one male and one female. The females lifestyle may be very social and likes going out with her friends a lot. She also might like to have a healthy lifestyle and often go to the gym. When at home she likes to watch Netflix. The male on the right, also likes to go out with friends but mainly likes to play sport such as football or rugby and is in a sports team. When he’s at home he might play on his PlayStation or Xbox with his friends.  Their spending powers may be quite similar depending on whether they have part time jobs or get given money by their parents as they both come from a middle class family. Both teenagers may be aspirers and like to have luxury items and look up to celebrities. This is because they both use social media a lot and are exposed to a lot of celebrity endorsements which may influence them into wanting expensive clothing and items.
  • 6. Campaign Message  SCHOOL  The overall message behind the campaign is to inform parents about the success of the school and show of the schools achievements in order to try and recruit students and turn them into young ambassadors.  The school offers so many courses for students to choose from and lots of different opportunities.  The school is not only good for education but it is a very friendly and safe environment.  The campaign is trying to get parents to go onto the school website and register for the school open evenings and from there it will try its best to convince parents that they should send their children to Ringwood School. In order to get parents to go onto the website and register we will make sure to include all contact info and opening dates on all campaign adverts.  SIXTH FORM  The Sixth Form is trying to convince year 11 students to attend the open evening and the ways we are going to be able to do this is by making the sixth form sound one of the best in the UK. In order to do this we must follow the clients brief and include information on the radio advert such as ‘top 5% of post 16 providers in the UK and one of the highest performing providers in the region’.  The Sixth Form offers 34 diverse and personalised programmes of study including A Level and vocational courses. This will therefore seem appealing to year 11 students as they have lots of choice which can be beneficial to their future.  The campaign needs to be able to persuade year 11s to attend the open evening by registering on the school website. In order to do this the radio advert needs a very clear voice so that many students will be able to hear the website and other important information.
  • 8. Launch dates. The Ringwood School open evening is arranged to take place on the Tuesday the 4th of October 2019 from 4.30pm until 7pm, therefore we will launch advertising at the start of September on the 2th which is the first Monday of the month. Ringwood Schools Sixth form open evening is arranged for the Sunday the 10th of November 2019, starting at 4.30pm until 7pm, advertising for this event will start in the beginning of October on the 1st which is a Tuesday. On these dates the TV, print and radio advertisements will be launched so they can reach as many people as possible on TV at home, radio in the car and print in the local newspapers and shops. We have chosen these dates so students and parents have plenty of time to be aware of the open days, they can make sure they keep that evening free in advance. It also gives them time to search of other places in case they are not sure on which school or sixth form to attend.
  • 9. Other seasonal or calendar events.  We need to consider other schools will also have similar events around this time and will also be advertising for their school or sixth form, Bournemouth collage has an open day on Thursday the 13th of June 2019, luckily this is well before so may not need to worry about it.  The yearly Ringwood carnival always takes place in September, this year it is on Saturday the 21st of September, there is a afternoon session at 2pm and evening session at 7.15pm. This is a fun family event and would be a great opportunity to promote Ringwood sixth form and school as people attending this event are our target market.  On Sunday the 15th of September 2019 from 11am until 6pm is the Family Festival at Ringwood school to celebrate 60 years of the school. This would be the ideal place to advertise the open days as this event is about how great this school/collage is. We could have print posters all around the event so our target market attending can be clear of the open days coming up.  The annual Ellingham and Ringwood agricultural show is on Saturday the 10th of August 2019, this is a famous event in Hampshire and would be the ideal place to promote Ringwood school and sixth form with our print advert as many of the people who attend are local and may be interested or may know someone who might be.
  • 10. Scheduling of advertisements  We researched which local radio shows play advertisements in the morning when most people are on there way to school and work, we also thought our adverts should play when parents are on there way home from work and when children are coming home from school, so ideally we would like our advert to be played at 8.00 – 8.30 am, 3.30 – 4.00pm and 5.00 – 5.30pm.  Local radio shows who play adverts at this time are Hope FM, Forest FM, Capital south coast FM and Wave 105. The cost of hiring Capital FM and Heart is £898 for our advert played for three times a day. Forest FM only does one package for £300 monthly which gives you nine adverts per day every day between 7 AM and 7 PM, the ads can be 30 or 40 seconds in duration.  We have chosen these timings as it is most likely our target market will be listening at these times, parents for their child's education or teenagers who have to make a decision on their education after GCSEs
  • 11. Important information  The advertisements need to have vital information so the school or collage can be easily contacted. It must include website:  Address: Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1SE.  Telephone: 01425 475000  Statistics we may include: 99% a level pass rate, top 5% sixth form in the UK  Brockenhurst collage In 2018, a overall pass rate of 98% was achieved, with 50% of students gaining A*-B grades and 74% of all students achieving A*-C grades across all subjects. Students at Bournemouth & Poole College achieved an overall pass rate of 98.2 per cent.
  • 12. C- Codes of Conduct
  • 13. Legal Issues There are many laws in place to restrain companies and institutions from producing any adverts (radio, print or audio-visual) that include stolen material or any harmful, offensive or misleading statements. The Copyright Act was passed in 1911 in the UK, allowing creators of various materials, such as broadcasts and music, the right to control how, when and where their material can be used. When considering our radio advert promoting the school, it is vital we avoid using any material owned by others without getting legal permission first. This does, however, have it’s drawbacks since it is likely that many creators and producers of such material will ask for a payment in return for the use of their original material. In addition, slander and libel is the action of damaging the good reputation of someone with slander applying to the spoken world and libel to the written. Even the smallest claims could harm a person or companies reputation and land someone in a legal battle. If we were to claim, in our radio advert, that another local school wasn’t as good as our school because they served the students horsemeat and never cleaned the toilets, this could seriously damage not only the reputation of the other school, but also our school for making such obviously false statements. Adding to this, if a company claims something damaging about another company in a magazine, the magazine is also risking their reputation by printing the statement. If we wish to make any statements in our radio advert, we need to be prepared to be challenged on this and have substantial evidence to prove the truth of our claim.
  • 14. Avoiding discrimination and any material that may cause harm, upset or offense. Discriminating against someone due to age, gender, disability, race and others is against the law. It is a very serious offense and could provoke legal battles and ruin the reputation and status of a company. For our radio advert, it would be wise to communicate that our school would never discriminate against anyone, no matter what background they have. A way this could be done is by stating something along the lines of, ‘we welcome everyone’ or ‘all are welcome at our school’. Not only would this avoid any discrimination but it would also represent the school as friendly and inclusive. Generally, radio stations avoid including any expletives. If a song has taboo language in it, it will be muted or bleeped. In addition, if a radio presenter uses an offensive word they tend to apologise afterwards. There aren’t many explicit rules that prevent radio stations from including swear words at any point, however, radio stations tend not to in order to avoid any complaints. In addition, it is harder to know when children might be listening to the radio whereas TV has a watershed time, after which they can include offensive material since young children aren’t likely to be watching TV. For our advert it would be highly inappropriate to use any explicit language to promote the school or as part of any background music as it would represent the school in a negative light. There are very strict rules on material that promotes or glorifies violence in anyway with methods of suicide or self-harm not being allowed in any TV or radio programmes unless justified by the context (e.g. a police drama could contain suicide as long as it does not glorify it). Children can be very impressionable especially when very young and therefore radio and TV channels have to be very cautious when including any irresponsible behaviour that is likely to encourage people to imitate. We will ensure that our radio advert does not imply that violence is acceptable. Not only would this be damaging to the schools reputation but also could harm the audience particularly if they are young and impressionable.
  • 15. Permission to film or record others Filming or recording another person without their permission and proceeding to broadcast it on TV or radio can be considered a crime and could end up with legal action having to be taken. OFCOM have many rules and guidelines to using and broadcasting material that includes others that if we would ensure we followed if we were to do this such as using vox pops in our advert. If we were to use a vox pop in our advert it may bring some minor issues such as getting permission from everyone. Even if we know that we won’t use all of it we would get permission from anyone we have recorded so that they feel they aren’t being violated in anyway and so they understand how the material may be used. To gain their permission we would have many permission slips ready for anyone we record to fill out so that we have their written consent to using the material in our advert. We wouldn’t disclose any private information about anyone within our advert or share it with others in any other way as this would be a major violation of privacy. In addition, following OFCOM’s rules, we would not record anyone that felt uncomfortable and we would be sure to stop recording immediately if someone were to ask us to.
  • 16. ASA Broadcasting Codes The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK’s independent advertising regulator. It ensures that adverts across UK media stick to the Advertising Codes (rules). They have many of these ‘codes’ that We would ensure that any information included in our advert about the school/sixth form and their open days can all be backed up by evidence to ensure audiences aren’t misleaded. Since many people would be listening to the radio whilst driving, it is very important that our advert does not include any alarming, sudden sounds that could harm the audiences.
  • 17. OFCOM and BBFC OFCOM regulate TV, radio and many other similar services. They give the audience an opportunity to complain about an ad if they find it offensive or inappropriate. They investigate the complaints and will sometimes take action if companies are not following the rules. This could affect our campaign if someone were to find it offensive in anyway as they have a right to complain to OFCOM who then can take legal action. However, we would ensure that we have not breached any rules within our campaign before broadcasting it. The British Board of Film Classification is an independent regulator. They help audiences choose content that is suitable for them with age ratings on many films, videos and websites. In terms of our TV Advert, if there was any content in it that was deemed inappropriate for younger audiences it may have to be aired after the watershed which would affect our campaign as it may not reach our entire target audience. We would avoid any content unsuitable for younger audiences as this would represent the school negatively and it wouldn’t reach the intended audience.
  • 18. D- Print & Audio Visual
  • 19. Radio Advertisement Plans  Our radio advert will include a catchy tagline which communicates the campaign message and portrays the school in a good way. Both adverts for the mainstream school and sixth form will include some kind of rhetorical question, the open day for year 5/6s will begin with ‘do you want the best education for your child?’ However, the sixth form advert will state ‘Are you sixteen and looking to further your education?’ These are memorable and catchy for the listeners to intake, it will also immediately indicate what the advert will be about.  Both advertisements will involve information about each opening day, timings, location and where to seek further information. Furthermore, it will incorporate facts and statistics about Ringwood school and sixth form. For instance, ‘with a 99% A-level pass rate’ and ‘with over 47 extra after school clubs offered every week’. This will help make the reputation of Ringwood shine and will engage with our main target audience.  The open day advert for year 7s would air everyday for the whole of September. It would be heard three times a day on Heart, Capital and Wave 105. Afterwards, the advertisement for the sixth form open day would air everyday throughout October. This would also be heard on Heart, Capital and Wave 105. They’d both be ideally played at 8am, 3:30pm and 5:30pm. This would help to attract our target audience and catch the prime time for radio listeners.
  • 20. Television Advertisement Plans  In order to advertise the campaign to it’s full potential, we’d create a television advert. We would create two separate adverts for each opening day. These would each consist of advertising the school in a friendly place, yet will also portray the great education provided. Here are our storyboards for both adverts. The voiceovers will be very similar to our radio advert transcripts. These would both be shown on ITV News South Meridian. This is a perfect target market, as it’s aimed at people who live in the south of England and who are typically from an upper working/middle-class background and the parents are well-educated if they are watching the news daily.
  • 21. MAIN SCHOOL TV ADVERTThe main school TV advert would start with an overview of the school and its facilities. Alongside a non-diegetic voiceover ‘do you want the best education for your child?’ with quiet background music. The advert will continue with a clip of students running around the track on sports day, with the voiceover ‘with over 47 after school activities’. After this, it will cut to students experimenting in the science lesson. The voiceover continues with ‘and staff always willing to help’. ‘your child will be safe and happy here’ followed with a variety of clips featuring a group of friends. Finally, the advertisement will show a clip of the presentation at a previous open evening, with the head teacher doing a speech. The voiceover saying ‘come see for yourself on our open day, on the 4th of October 2019’. In the finally scene, the school logo will appear with ‘or visit us on our website’. The website and contact number will appear until it cuts to black.
  • 22. SIXTH FORM TV ADVERTThe sixth form advert will focus more on targeting the students rather than parents. It would begin with the same voiceover as the main school one, stating ‘are you sixteen and looking to further your education?’ With a clip showing a table full of friends eating in the sixth form café. Quiet background music will play throughout. The next voiceover will say ‘do you want somewhere where you can still have fun?’ showing the annual sixth form dress up day, on the final day of school. It would then jump to a clip of students receiving their A-level results and being happy with their grades. The voiceover will state ‘with a 99% A- level pass rate’. ‘Ringwood sixth form is an excellent place to be’ followed by the diegetic interview of an ex student stating ‘Ringwood sixth form was the best decision I have ever made, the teachers really care about your education’. Finally, the school’s logo will appear with the open day information, contact number and website. The final voiceover will say ‘Still not convinced? Come to our open day on the 10th of November and see for yourself or visit our website.’ Finally, it will fade to black.
  • 23. Print Adverts  Our print adverts will consist of the colour green (the Ringwood school colour) the school logo and dates for each opening day. The mainstream school will have several images of sports day, fundraising events, class rooms, the facilities and school site, productions and various other school activities. Furthermore, the sixth form poster will be very similar but will include images of the café, dressing up days and images of the sixth form building itself. They will both include key statistics such as the top 5% in the UK and how we offer over 58 courses available. Here are the mock-ups we planned for both posters.