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Planning FMP
By Liberty Whitehorn
Mind Map Of Final Major ProjectMy final Idea for my project is to
create a book of poems full of
Rupi Kaurs work. I have
included a mix of different
themes that I feel like I connect
to on a personal level. I feel like
these poems would be the best
to complete illustrations on. I
have selected poems on
themes from:
Body Image
Depression/Self Doubt.
All these themes connect to
people on a personal level
which makes me believe my
target audience will relate to the
illustrations and poem. The
work I am making will fit onto
instagram which will allow my
audience to be reached
The colours I am wanting to use for
this project are a mixture of bright,
dark and pastel colours. This is
because I am wanting to express
different tones for the different
themes that are shown in the
poetry I have chosen. For example:
if the poem is depressing then I will
use dark colours to set the tone.
The font I am wanting to use for this
project is a simple font. However, I
am wanting to explore simple but
hand drawn fonts because it will help
go with the style of my project. This
is because Rupi Kaur uses simple
fonts and lower case so every word
is equal. I want to sustain this.
The book I am creating will be A5
size. The poetry will vary and
spread over an A4 piece so will
take up two spaces in the book.
This will allow me to spent extra
time on illustrations by making the
designs larger.
I will select a totally of 10 poems in
total. I will order them in terms of
the mood it sets, so the more you
read on the more depressing it will
get. This will be a nice change
from white pages to black pages.
This will help empathises the tone
and the different styles that will be
Rupi Kaur Poetry (Illustration Planning)
‘there is
nothing left
to worry about
the sun and flowers are here’
‘It is a blessing
To be color of earth
Do you know how often
Flowers confuse me for home’
‘I am water
Soft enough
To offer life
Tough enough
To drown it away’
The illustrations I could create for this poem is:
- Graphics of snowflakes falling to the ground and creating flowers (Symbol
of life). I will include puddles that the snow has caused to then drown the
flowers. This means half the illustrations will be positive and the second half
will be more negative. This will be a contrasting poem. Another idea I could
consider is surrounding the poem with waves. From this I can add a stickman
at the bottom as if he was drowning.
The Illustrations I could create for this poem is:
- Graphics of a close up picture of a body. This will be half of a body,
from head to thighs. I will use a block colour for this. Form this I will use
the Graphics tablet and draw flowers and funky patterns inside the
body. This will concentrate on feminity and woman empowerment due to
that’s how I portray the poetry.
The Illustrations I could create for this poem is:
- The graphics I could use for this poem is doing half a illustration of a fun and
flower. This will allow me to combined the two graphics together. Another idea
would be to create a field with a single flower in the center, with the sun clearly
focusing on it. This shows that there is a clear relationship between the flower
and sun.
Rupi Kaur Poetry (Illustration Planning)
‘I didn’t leave because I stopped
Loving you I left cause the
Longer I stayed the less
I loved myself’
‘Loneliness is a sign
You are in desperate
Need of yourself’
It wont be
Love at
first sight when
We meet it’ll be love
At first remembrance cause
I’ve seen you in my mothers eyes
When she tells me to marry the type
of man I’d want to raise my son to be like’
The illustrations I could do for this poem is:
- A Graphic of a singular eye surrounded by flowers. This will
link into other poems I have illustrated which will allow my
style to be consistent with some of the poems.
The Illustrations I could do for this poem is:
- A Graphic design of a tree with the self love symbol carved into it. I will then
include a woman praying to the tree because she is wanting to grow that self love.
Another idea would be to do a tree half blossomed and half not. This is a symbolic
illustration which will allow the audience to interpreate it how they want to. However,
I have used nature as a way of portraying this.
The illustrations I could do for this poem is:
- A graphic of a woman holding a mirror which has a trippy spiral inside it to
represent isolation and lose. The woman will be covered in words to do with mental
health, as this will help raise awareness as it is such a common issue. Another idea is
creating a graphics of a womans face and let them face each other. This shows a
reflection. One face will be happy the other sad.
Rupi Kaur Poetry (Illustration Planning)
‘You split the world
Into pieces and
Called them countries
Declared ownership on
What never belonged to you
And left the rest with nothing’
The illustrations I could do for this poem is:
- Graphics of a heart being stabbed by a flag. Below the heart I will
draw people looking sad because the blood from the heart is being
captured leaving the people with nothing. This shows the
consequences of being selfish. Another idea is drawing the earth with
flags stabbed into it.
‘Other Womens bodies
Are not our battleground’
The illustrations I could do for this is:
-The graphics I could do for this is a gun shooting. However
words/insults are shot out. I will include laughter from behind the gun
so that it adds a more manipulative feel.
‘if you were born with
The weakness to fall
You were born with
The strength to rise’
The illustrations I will include for this are:
-Graphics of a sunset rising. This is symbolic because the sun rises
and sets each day.
‘But what is stronger
The human heart
Which shatters over and over
And lives’
The Illustration I could do for this poem is:
-Graphics of a person running and slowly evaporating.
This will give a nice gradient effect of a person withering
Why I decided to choose these poems?
I decided to choose these 10 poems because I feel like I found them the most relatable to me. I am wanting to
make my project as personal to me as possible which is why I choose these three poems.
I have selected poems by their themes.
The themes included in the poems I chose are:
-Women Empowerment
These three themes I feel like reflect not just my own life, but others too. By making the poetry relatable to the
audience, it has allowed me to make my illustrations more effective and makes the poetry selected the most
interesting to engage my target audience. These poems also inspired me, which made me thinking of ideas of
illustrations easier then other poems. This has allowed me to develop my work further which has led for a more
effective final project. It has allowed my creative and individual design develop causing my work to have unique
aspects to it.
Also from my research I discovered that the majority of the best selling poetry books linked into the themes of
love, nature and empowerment. This shows that these themes are the most relatable to everyone not just my
target audience. This will allow my work to reach people outside my target audience increasing its popularity.
As you can see to your left, here are a few colours which
I will be including in my final project. I have included a
mix of pastel and dark colours together. This is because
some of Rupi Kaurs poetry to me is depressing and I feel
like that is the write tone for the overall illustrations.
However, some are empowering and link to certain
themes such as feminism. This is why I have included
pastel colours because it adds a calm and feminine feel
to the overall book. This again will help link back to my
target audience. I’ve also included a lot of nature related
colours. This is because a lot of Rupi Kaurs work links to
life and energy which to me symbolises mother nature.
This is why I have included different shades of green
because the darker greens are there to make a heavier
statement then the pastel colours. I’ve also included a lot
of pinks and red because a lot of Rupi’s work symbolises
love and affection. These two colours will appear a lot
due to the poems I have selected including the theme of
love in them. Overall, these colours will make my styles
different and will set different tones for different poems
which is what I am wanting to achieve.
The fonts I will be using for my fanzine will be simple but
effective. This is because I am mainly concentrating on
illustrations but making the font look large and small in certain
places. I am also concentrating on the placement of the font to
make it looks more unique. However, the font is simple. This is
because it links into Rupi Kaurs work better. This Is because she
did her poems with simple fonts to show equality in her words.
However, some fonts I will consider including are shown to your
left. The fonts I have chosen are delicate and gentle because the
poetry is suppose to be personal to the audience as well as the
author. This is why I have also included a signature styled font
because it links with my style of being hand drawn but keeps the
I have included one harsh font. This is because
this would be a good font to use to highlight main
key words. This will help with the body image
poetry because it looks harsh and violent. This will
help make a statement and add a more dramatic
effect when needed. However, It is still simple just
Page LayOut (Front Cover)
My Name
For the front cover I am wanting to create two different styles and
combine them. This is because it will give an insight on what the
style will be like inside the fanzine. I have put the title in the
center of the page because I want the designs to overlap half
way. This again will empathisis how these two different styles will
work together to create illustrations for my work.
The graphics I will include on the front will be:
-Suns/Moons due to a lot of work linking to nature.
- Symbols of woman hood (Tampons, Womans bodys)
- It will include sugar and honey to symbolise back to Rupi
Kaurs actual books of poetry.
- Graphics of eyes and lips to highlight body features which are
- Graphics of animals and animal prints to link into nature
aspect of the poetry.
- I will create a main graphics with the style of both sides, with
hands joining in the middle of the page. This will help bring
the two styles together.
From my research I realised that the best selling poetry books had a basic
title but also made the authors name clear. The lay out seemed to be
rather central with the font and then the imagery around it. This seems to
be the most effective way to make my illustrations more visible because
people are initially attracted by the design first.
Back Page LayOut
”I am a museum full of art
but you had your eyes shut”
-Rupi Kaur
The back of this fanzine/book will be simple due to
following how Rupi Kaur has approached her work. I
have included a quote she has said which I feel reflects
the meaning on the book I am creating.
I will also create a graphic design of her so that people
can gain a better visual of what the poet look like. This
will be a more serious page.
All of the page sizes will be A5 size as it’s the same
size a book would be printed in. This will help add to the
effect of my project being a hand held copy.
The lay outs for the other pages will depend on how the
font fits around the illustrations. This is because I am
wanting to use my inspiration from David Carson to
create a unique and effective piece of production work.
From researching into other poetry books, the back
page seems to be a basic lay out with not much
imagery. This is because the back cover is a page
where it allows the audience to reflect on the work that
they have just seen and read. This is why I am wanting
to create a visual of the poet on the back so that it is
clear who has inspired them.
Running Order Of Poetry
‘Our work should equip
the next generation of
to outdo us in every field
This is the legacy we’ll leave
1 ‘It is a blessing
To be color of earth
Do you know how often
Flowers confuse me for home’
‘I am water
Soft enough
To offer life
Tough enough
To drown it away’
‘how is it so easy for you
To be kind to people he
Milk and honey dripped
from my lips as I answered
Cause people have not
been kind to me’
‘Other Womens bodies
Are not our battleground’
5 ‘I didn’t leave because I stopped
Loving you I left cause the
Longer I stayed the less
I loved myself’
6 7
‘Loneliness is a sign
You are in desperate
Need of yourself’
‘the idea that we are
So capable of love
But still choose
To be toxic’
8 ‘You split the world
Into pieces and
Called them countries
Declared ownership on
What never belonged to you
And left the rest with nothing
‘Don’t mistake
Salt for sugar
If he wants to
Be with you
He will
Its that simple’
I've chosen to use this running order because it goes in order of mood and tone. It starts off neutral and get deeper
and sadder. This gives the audience a smooth transition from one mood to another and this is reflected in the
colour scheme.
Production Schedule
Week 1 Of Production This week of production I will begin to create the basic graphics which I will be
creating for the poetry. I have started by creating the front and back cover this week.
This is because these are two important block pieces. The front cover also contains
a lot of designs and illustrations which means I will spend longer on this page then
the others.
Week 2 Of Production This week of production I will carry on creating basic graphics for my poetry and
making sure the designs are refined and detailed. I am hoping to begin using the
graphics tablet this week to begin my hand drawn style illustrations. I have began to
create pages 2, 3 and 4 this week. This includes the basic graphics and font design.
Week 3 Of Production This week of production I will begin to construct specific poetry pages together. This
will allow me to begin exploring my typography in more depth for certain poems. I
also began creating pages 5 and 6.
Week 4 Of Production This week I will carry on constructing my poems together with illustrations. I will also
reflect over my work and begin improvements on illustrations where I feel could be
Week 5 Of Production This week I will carry on constructing my poems together with illustrations and
making any improvements on the previous poems. I have began to change some of
the poetry around which has lead for me to develop and change my ideas further.
Production Schedule
Week 6 Of Production This week of production I will try and refine my work so that it flows nicely and is the
accurate illustration for the poem. I will also continue with improvements to all my
poetry and make sure they show my own individual style. There has been a few
delays due to changing my poetry over to more relevant poems.
Week 7 Of Production This week of production I will refine my work to make sure it is as effective as
possible. I will also print a copy out so that I can really look in my work in depth. This
again will allow me to make any improvements I need to. This week will be for
refining my work and making sure it is structured together properly.
Changes and Problems I came across
through out production
Problems/Changes to plan
Problems/Changes Second Week into Production:
Through out production I have decided to swap two poems for two new ones. This is because I began to
create a illustration with them and it became clear that the ideas behind the poems weren't ambitious
enough. I have also tried to change the tone of a few poems, which is why half my poetry book will be
white and half black. This will allow my style to change and will show different levels of passion and
personal opinions through out. By changing the two poems I can achieve this and develop my own
personal style more. I’ve included a screenshot of one of the poems I have swapped out as the
illustrations for it was basic and didn’t go with the theme and my own style which I am discovering and
developing through out. As you can see the design is simple and not ambitious. In the end I decided to
change this poem as it wasn’t ambitious enough.
Problems/changes Third week into production:
Through out production this week I have changed my background colours. Originally I was wanting to
do half black and white background but it didn’t work. This is because I realised my illustrations for the
white backgrounds were more my individual style and more effective. It also allowed me to change my
illustrations by making them more ambitious and creative. This has lead for me to produce a unique
style which portrays my own individual style. I did however change a few more poems a long the way to
suit my style better. This was because I want my work to be ambitious where as some poems restricted
my creativity.
I have also changed the running order of my poetry too so that the styles that are placed next to each
other are similar styles. This is so it makes it obvious I have explored different styles through out.
The Correct Poetry Order/Poems that have changed:
1st Poem:
‘It is a blessing
To be the color of
Do you know how
Flowers confuse me
for home’
2nd Poem:
‘if you were born
with the
weakness to fall
You were born
with the strength
to rise’
3rd Poem:
‘I didn’t leave because
I stopped loving you
I left cause the longer I
stayed the less
I loved myself’
4th Poem:
‘there is nothing left
to worry about
The sun and
flowers are here’
5th Poem:
‘you split the
world into
pieces and
called them
ownership on
what never
belonged to you
and left the rest
with nothing’
6th Poem:
‘ but what is stronger
the human heart
which shatters over
and over and lives’
7th Poem:
‘loneliness is a sign
you are in
desperate need of
8th Poem:
‘I am water
Soft enough to offer life
Tough enough to drown
It away’
9th Poem:
bodies are
not our
10th Poem:
It wont be love at first sight when we meet it’ll be love at first remembrance cause I’ve seen you in my
mothers eyes when she tells me to marry the type of man I’d want to raise my son to be like’
Front cover Colour Scheme
I’ve used these colours because
they clearly help symbolise what
I am wanting to present on the
front. Firstly I will use feminist
symbols which will be highlighted
in pink. Ive included blues
because it will allow me to
present equality. It also links into
the earth symbols I am wanting
to do due to Rupi Kaurs work
being nature based. I’ve
included greens because it is a
peaceful colour and easily links
into the nature and peace
aspect. I feel like all the symbols
and colours used on the front
cover reflect what themes will be
shown through out the book.
Page 1 colour scheme Page 2 Colour Scheme
I’ve used these colours because I
feel like these will symbolise and
reflect my interpretation of Rupi
Kaurs poem. I have included
pastel colours as the theme is
sensitive and delicate. I’ve also
included a few harsh colours to
make certain items pop. For
example: my idea is to make a
orchid flower as it means
confidence and femininity. This
dominant colour will reflect the
poem well. The blues are there to
help get the nature theme I am
wanting to present across which is
shown in a pastel form. This adds
the delicacy to the poems which I
am wanting.
I’ve used these colours
because I feel like it
represents what I am
wanting to symbolise. I have
included the sun which has
been create in a geometric
style. This has been
repeated and spread
constantly over the A5 page.
This helps show off another
individual style I a wanting
to explore more. These
colours also help easily
identify the main symbol
being used as a sun. This is
because I have included
different depth of colours to
make a more detailed
Page 3 Colour Scheme Page 4 Colour Scheme Page 5 Colour Scheme
I’ve used these colours
because they help
symbolise the tone I am
wanting to portray. The
colours help the illustrations
more dominant which
makes it clear that the
poetry is sensitive and
delicate. These colours
work well with the nature
graphics I included because
nature should be displayed
as delicate. This is because
it is beautiful, so these
colours help magnify that.
I’ve used these
colours because I feel
like it presents the sun
flower, sun and nature
perfectly. I have tried
to include different
shades of the same
colour to create some
depth in the
illustration. These
colours helped me
achieve a hand drawn
design which has
worked effectively.
I’ve used these colours
because I feel like these
pastel colours represent my
work most effectively. This is
because I wanted a delicate
approach to the poem. These
colours allowed me to explore
my own individual style which
has lead for my work to be
effective. These colours help
highlight the key aspects I
have included in the poem,
which is a illustration of earth.
I have used the classic
colours to highlight this clearly
so that it is easy to identify.
Page Six Colour Scheme Page 7 Colour Scheme Page 8 Colour Scheme
I’ve used all these colours
because I feel like they
reflect the illustrations for the
poems effectively. This is
because I’ve used a variety
of colours which compliment
each other really well. I’ve
included illustrations of a
heart and flowers in this
illustration. I’ve tried to use a
mix of pastel colours to
surround the dominate use
of the red. These mix of
colours help calm down the
dominance but also
highlights the key parts of
the illustrations.
I’ve used these colours for this poem
because I feel like it displays my
illustration and idea well. This is because
I've used dull colours to highlight
loneliness. I have then gone on and
gradually made the illustration contain
more colour which has allowed to portray
my interpretation effectively. The use of
the pastel colours add a delicate feel to
the poem as it is a sensitive theme. I have
then added dominate colours to make
certain aspects stand out. For example:
the butterfly is mainly orange which
stands out compared to the rest of the
illustration because I was wanting to try
and concentrate on nature aspects.
I’ve used these colours
because I feel like this
reflects my illustrations
effectively. It highlights my
main aspect which is the lips.
It then is surrounded with
flowers and petals which I
have displayed in different
pastel colours. These
compliment each other well
because it adds a delicate but
aggressive theme to the
poem. These colours
compliment each other nicely
which allows the poem to be
more tame.
Page 10 Colour Scheme
I’ve used these colours
because it will make the
poem bold. This will help
present a strong message to
my audience due to the pop
of red used amongst basic,
plain colours. This makes
this style a bit different to the
others but it portrays a more
powerful message with the
colours being aggressive
and bold.
Page 11 Colour Scheme Back Cover Colour Scheme
I’ve used these colours with
this poems because the
poem has a delicate theme
to it. These colours add
depth to the symbols I have
wanted to display which has
allowed me to make my
designs more in depth and
detailed. The symbol I have
used in this design is a eye.
I have tried to make the
blues of the eyes seem like
waves which has added a
trippy but delicate effect to
the illustration.
I’ve used these colours on the
back cover because it displays
Rupi Kaur clearly. I’ve used
pastel colours to stick with the
theme I have tried to carry on
through out the whole poetry
book. I’ve created the back
cover as simple because I am
wanting to have it as a stand still
image of the writer. This is so
she is easily identified by the
audience as Rupi Kaur the poet.
This is why I haven’t made this
page busy. I have just
concentrated on making Rupi
Kaur detailed by herself.

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  • 2.
  • 3. Mind Map Of Final Major ProjectMy final Idea for my project is to create a book of poems full of Rupi Kaurs work. I have included a mix of different themes that I feel like I connect to on a personal level. I feel like these poems would be the best to complete illustrations on. I have selected poems on themes from: Body Image Love Depression/Self Doubt. All these themes connect to people on a personal level which makes me believe my target audience will relate to the illustrations and poem. The work I am making will fit onto instagram which will allow my audience to be reached The colours I am wanting to use for this project are a mixture of bright, dark and pastel colours. This is because I am wanting to express different tones for the different themes that are shown in the poetry I have chosen. For example: if the poem is depressing then I will use dark colours to set the tone. The font I am wanting to use for this project is a simple font. However, I am wanting to explore simple but hand drawn fonts because it will help go with the style of my project. This is because Rupi Kaur uses simple fonts and lower case so every word is equal. I want to sustain this. The book I am creating will be A5 size. The poetry will vary and spread over an A4 piece so will take up two spaces in the book. This will allow me to spent extra time on illustrations by making the designs larger. I will select a totally of 10 poems in total. I will order them in terms of the mood it sets, so the more you read on the more depressing it will get. This will be a nice change from white pages to black pages. This will help empathises the tone and the different styles that will be included.
  • 4. Rupi Kaur Poetry (Illustration Planning) ‘there is nothing left to worry about the sun and flowers are here’ ‘It is a blessing To be color of earth Do you know how often Flowers confuse me for home’ ‘I am water Soft enough To offer life Tough enough To drown it away’ The illustrations I could create for this poem is: - Graphics of snowflakes falling to the ground and creating flowers (Symbol of life). I will include puddles that the snow has caused to then drown the flowers. This means half the illustrations will be positive and the second half will be more negative. This will be a contrasting poem. Another idea I could consider is surrounding the poem with waves. From this I can add a stickman at the bottom as if he was drowning. The Illustrations I could create for this poem is: - Graphics of a close up picture of a body. This will be half of a body, from head to thighs. I will use a block colour for this. Form this I will use the Graphics tablet and draw flowers and funky patterns inside the body. This will concentrate on feminity and woman empowerment due to that’s how I portray the poetry. The Illustrations I could create for this poem is: - The graphics I could use for this poem is doing half a illustration of a fun and flower. This will allow me to combined the two graphics together. Another idea would be to create a field with a single flower in the center, with the sun clearly focusing on it. This shows that there is a clear relationship between the flower and sun.
  • 5. Rupi Kaur Poetry (Illustration Planning) ‘I didn’t leave because I stopped Loving you I left cause the Longer I stayed the less I loved myself’ ‘Loneliness is a sign You are in desperate Need of yourself’ ’no It wont be Love at first sight when We meet it’ll be love At first remembrance cause I’ve seen you in my mothers eyes When she tells me to marry the type of man I’d want to raise my son to be like’ The illustrations I could do for this poem is: - A Graphic of a singular eye surrounded by flowers. This will link into other poems I have illustrated which will allow my style to be consistent with some of the poems. The Illustrations I could do for this poem is: - A Graphic design of a tree with the self love symbol carved into it. I will then include a woman praying to the tree because she is wanting to grow that self love. Another idea would be to do a tree half blossomed and half not. This is a symbolic illustration which will allow the audience to interpreate it how they want to. However, I have used nature as a way of portraying this. The illustrations I could do for this poem is: - A graphic of a woman holding a mirror which has a trippy spiral inside it to represent isolation and lose. The woman will be covered in words to do with mental health, as this will help raise awareness as it is such a common issue. Another idea is creating a graphics of a womans face and let them face each other. This shows a reflection. One face will be happy the other sad.
  • 6. Rupi Kaur Poetry (Illustration Planning) ‘You split the world Into pieces and Called them countries Declared ownership on What never belonged to you And left the rest with nothing’ The illustrations I could do for this poem is: - Graphics of a heart being stabbed by a flag. Below the heart I will draw people looking sad because the blood from the heart is being captured leaving the people with nothing. This shows the consequences of being selfish. Another idea is drawing the earth with flags stabbed into it. ‘Other Womens bodies Are not our battleground’ The illustrations I could do for this is: -The graphics I could do for this is a gun shooting. However words/insults are shot out. I will include laughter from behind the gun so that it adds a more manipulative feel. ‘if you were born with The weakness to fall You were born with The strength to rise’ The illustrations I will include for this are: -Graphics of a sunset rising. This is symbolic because the sun rises and sets each day. ‘But what is stronger The human heart Which shatters over and over And lives’ The Illustration I could do for this poem is: -Graphics of a person running and slowly evaporating. This will give a nice gradient effect of a person withering away.
  • 7. Why I decided to choose these poems? I decided to choose these 10 poems because I feel like I found them the most relatable to me. I am wanting to make my project as personal to me as possible which is why I choose these three poems. I have selected poems by their themes. The themes included in the poems I chose are: -Love -Women Empowerment -Nature These three themes I feel like reflect not just my own life, but others too. By making the poetry relatable to the audience, it has allowed me to make my illustrations more effective and makes the poetry selected the most interesting to engage my target audience. These poems also inspired me, which made me thinking of ideas of illustrations easier then other poems. This has allowed me to develop my work further which has led for a more effective final project. It has allowed my creative and individual design develop causing my work to have unique aspects to it. Also from my research I discovered that the majority of the best selling poetry books linked into the themes of love, nature and empowerment. This shows that these themes are the most relatable to everyone not just my target audience. This will allow my work to reach people outside my target audience increasing its popularity.
  • 8. Colours As you can see to your left, here are a few colours which I will be including in my final project. I have included a mix of pastel and dark colours together. This is because some of Rupi Kaurs poetry to me is depressing and I feel like that is the write tone for the overall illustrations. However, some are empowering and link to certain themes such as feminism. This is why I have included pastel colours because it adds a calm and feminine feel to the overall book. This again will help link back to my target audience. I’ve also included a lot of nature related colours. This is because a lot of Rupi Kaurs work links to life and energy which to me symbolises mother nature. This is why I have included different shades of green because the darker greens are there to make a heavier statement then the pastel colours. I’ve also included a lot of pinks and red because a lot of Rupi’s work symbolises love and affection. These two colours will appear a lot due to the poems I have selected including the theme of love in them. Overall, these colours will make my styles different and will set different tones for different poems which is what I am wanting to achieve.
  • 9. Font The fonts I will be using for my fanzine will be simple but effective. This is because I am mainly concentrating on illustrations but making the font look large and small in certain places. I am also concentrating on the placement of the font to make it looks more unique. However, the font is simple. This is because it links into Rupi Kaurs work better. This Is because she did her poems with simple fonts to show equality in her words. However, some fonts I will consider including are shown to your left. The fonts I have chosen are delicate and gentle because the poetry is suppose to be personal to the audience as well as the author. This is why I have also included a signature styled font because it links with my style of being hand drawn but keeps the delicacy. I have included one harsh font. This is because this would be a good font to use to highlight main key words. This will help with the body image poetry because it looks harsh and violent. This will help make a statement and add a more dramatic effect when needed. However, It is still simple just bold.
  • 10. Page LayOut (Front Cover) Title HandDrawnPictures(GraphicsTablet) Graphicswithblockcolour My Name For the front cover I am wanting to create two different styles and combine them. This is because it will give an insight on what the style will be like inside the fanzine. I have put the title in the center of the page because I want the designs to overlap half way. This again will empathisis how these two different styles will work together to create illustrations for my work. The graphics I will include on the front will be: -Suns/Moons due to a lot of work linking to nature. - Symbols of woman hood (Tampons, Womans bodys) - It will include sugar and honey to symbolise back to Rupi Kaurs actual books of poetry. - Graphics of eyes and lips to highlight body features which are powerful. - Graphics of animals and animal prints to link into nature aspect of the poetry. - I will create a main graphics with the style of both sides, with hands joining in the middle of the page. This will help bring the two styles together. A5 PAGE From my research I realised that the best selling poetry books had a basic title but also made the authors name clear. The lay out seemed to be rather central with the font and then the imagery around it. This seems to be the most effective way to make my illustrations more visible because people are initially attracted by the design first.
  • 11. Back Page LayOut ”I am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut” -Rupi Kaur Graphic The back of this fanzine/book will be simple due to following how Rupi Kaur has approached her work. I have included a quote she has said which I feel reflects the meaning on the book I am creating. I will also create a graphic design of her so that people can gain a better visual of what the poet look like. This will be a more serious page. All of the page sizes will be A5 size as it’s the same size a book would be printed in. This will help add to the effect of my project being a hand held copy. The lay outs for the other pages will depend on how the font fits around the illustrations. This is because I am wanting to use my inspiration from David Carson to create a unique and effective piece of production work. From researching into other poetry books, the back page seems to be a basic lay out with not much imagery. This is because the back cover is a page where it allows the audience to reflect on the work that they have just seen and read. This is why I am wanting to create a visual of the poet on the back so that it is clear who has inspired them.
  • 12. Running Order Of Poetry ‘Our work should equip the next generation of women to outdo us in every field This is the legacy we’ll leave behind’ 1 ‘It is a blessing To be color of earth Do you know how often Flowers confuse me for home’ 2 ‘I am water Soft enough To offer life Tough enough To drown it away’ 3 ‘how is it so easy for you To be kind to people he asked Milk and honey dripped from my lips as I answered Cause people have not been kind to me’ 4 ‘Other Womens bodies Are not our battleground’ 5 ‘I didn’t leave because I stopped Loving you I left cause the Longer I stayed the less I loved myself’ 6 7 ‘Loneliness is a sign You are in desperate Need of yourself’ ‘the idea that we are So capable of love But still choose To be toxic’ 8 ‘You split the world Into pieces and Called them countries Declared ownership on What never belonged to you And left the rest with nothing 9 ‘Don’t mistake Salt for sugar If he wants to Be with you He will Its that simple’ 10 I've chosen to use this running order because it goes in order of mood and tone. It starts off neutral and get deeper and sadder. This gives the audience a smooth transition from one mood to another and this is reflected in the colour scheme.
  • 13. Production Schedule Week 1 Of Production This week of production I will begin to create the basic graphics which I will be creating for the poetry. I have started by creating the front and back cover this week. This is because these are two important block pieces. The front cover also contains a lot of designs and illustrations which means I will spend longer on this page then the others. Week 2 Of Production This week of production I will carry on creating basic graphics for my poetry and making sure the designs are refined and detailed. I am hoping to begin using the graphics tablet this week to begin my hand drawn style illustrations. I have began to create pages 2, 3 and 4 this week. This includes the basic graphics and font design. Week 3 Of Production This week of production I will begin to construct specific poetry pages together. This will allow me to begin exploring my typography in more depth for certain poems. I also began creating pages 5 and 6. Week 4 Of Production This week I will carry on constructing my poems together with illustrations. I will also reflect over my work and begin improvements on illustrations where I feel could be changed. Week 5 Of Production This week I will carry on constructing my poems together with illustrations and making any improvements on the previous poems. I have began to change some of the poetry around which has lead for me to develop and change my ideas further.
  • 14. Production Schedule Week 6 Of Production This week of production I will try and refine my work so that it flows nicely and is the accurate illustration for the poem. I will also continue with improvements to all my poetry and make sure they show my own individual style. There has been a few delays due to changing my poetry over to more relevant poems. Week 7 Of Production This week of production I will refine my work to make sure it is as effective as possible. I will also print a copy out so that I can really look in my work in depth. This again will allow me to make any improvements I need to. This week will be for refining my work and making sure it is structured together properly.
  • 15. Changes and Problems I came across through out production
  • 16. Problems/Changes to plan Problems/Changes Second Week into Production: Through out production I have decided to swap two poems for two new ones. This is because I began to create a illustration with them and it became clear that the ideas behind the poems weren't ambitious enough. I have also tried to change the tone of a few poems, which is why half my poetry book will be white and half black. This will allow my style to change and will show different levels of passion and personal opinions through out. By changing the two poems I can achieve this and develop my own personal style more. I’ve included a screenshot of one of the poems I have swapped out as the illustrations for it was basic and didn’t go with the theme and my own style which I am discovering and developing through out. As you can see the design is simple and not ambitious. In the end I decided to change this poem as it wasn’t ambitious enough. Problems/changes Third week into production: Through out production this week I have changed my background colours. Originally I was wanting to do half black and white background but it didn’t work. This is because I realised my illustrations for the white backgrounds were more my individual style and more effective. It also allowed me to change my illustrations by making them more ambitious and creative. This has lead for me to produce a unique style which portrays my own individual style. I did however change a few more poems a long the way to suit my style better. This was because I want my work to be ambitious where as some poems restricted my creativity. I have also changed the running order of my poetry too so that the styles that are placed next to each other are similar styles. This is so it makes it obvious I have explored different styles through out.
  • 17. The Correct Poetry Order/Poems that have changed: 1st Poem: ‘It is a blessing To be the color of earth Do you know how often Flowers confuse me for home’ 2nd Poem: ‘if you were born with the weakness to fall You were born with the strength to rise’ 3rd Poem: ‘I didn’t leave because I stopped loving you I left cause the longer I stayed the less I loved myself’ 4th Poem: ‘there is nothing left to worry about The sun and flowers are here’ 5th Poem: ‘you split the world into pieces and called them countries Declared ownership on what never belonged to you and left the rest with nothing’ 6th Poem: ‘ but what is stronger the human heart which shatters over and over and lives’ 7th Poem: ‘loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself’ 8th Poem: ‘I am water Soft enough to offer life Tough enough to drown It away’ 9th Poem: ‘other womans bodies are not our battleground’ 10th Poem: ‘no It wont be love at first sight when we meet it’ll be love at first remembrance cause I’ve seen you in my mothers eyes when she tells me to marry the type of man I’d want to raise my son to be like’
  • 18. Front cover Colour Scheme I’ve used these colours because they clearly help symbolise what I am wanting to present on the front. Firstly I will use feminist symbols which will be highlighted in pink. Ive included blues because it will allow me to present equality. It also links into the earth symbols I am wanting to do due to Rupi Kaurs work being nature based. I’ve included greens because it is a peaceful colour and easily links into the nature and peace aspect. I feel like all the symbols and colours used on the front cover reflect what themes will be shown through out the book. Page 1 colour scheme Page 2 Colour Scheme I’ve used these colours because I feel like these will symbolise and reflect my interpretation of Rupi Kaurs poem. I have included pastel colours as the theme is sensitive and delicate. I’ve also included a few harsh colours to make certain items pop. For example: my idea is to make a orchid flower as it means confidence and femininity. This dominant colour will reflect the poem well. The blues are there to help get the nature theme I am wanting to present across which is shown in a pastel form. This adds the delicacy to the poems which I am wanting. I’ve used these colours because I feel like it represents what I am wanting to symbolise. I have included the sun which has been create in a geometric style. This has been repeated and spread constantly over the A5 page. This helps show off another individual style I a wanting to explore more. These colours also help easily identify the main symbol being used as a sun. This is because I have included different depth of colours to make a more detailed illustration.
  • 19. Page 3 Colour Scheme Page 4 Colour Scheme Page 5 Colour Scheme I’ve used these colours because they help symbolise the tone I am wanting to portray. The colours help the illustrations more dominant which makes it clear that the poetry is sensitive and delicate. These colours work well with the nature graphics I included because nature should be displayed as delicate. This is because it is beautiful, so these colours help magnify that. I’ve used these colours because I feel like it presents the sun flower, sun and nature perfectly. I have tried to include different shades of the same colour to create some depth in the illustration. These colours helped me achieve a hand drawn design which has worked effectively. I’ve used these colours because I feel like these pastel colours represent my work most effectively. This is because I wanted a delicate approach to the poem. These colours allowed me to explore my own individual style which has lead for my work to be effective. These colours help highlight the key aspects I have included in the poem, which is a illustration of earth. I have used the classic colours to highlight this clearly so that it is easy to identify.
  • 20. Page Six Colour Scheme Page 7 Colour Scheme Page 8 Colour Scheme I’ve used all these colours because I feel like they reflect the illustrations for the poems effectively. This is because I’ve used a variety of colours which compliment each other really well. I’ve included illustrations of a heart and flowers in this illustration. I’ve tried to use a mix of pastel colours to surround the dominate use of the red. These mix of colours help calm down the dominance but also highlights the key parts of the illustrations. I’ve used these colours for this poem because I feel like it displays my illustration and idea well. This is because I've used dull colours to highlight loneliness. I have then gone on and gradually made the illustration contain more colour which has allowed to portray my interpretation effectively. The use of the pastel colours add a delicate feel to the poem as it is a sensitive theme. I have then added dominate colours to make certain aspects stand out. For example: the butterfly is mainly orange which stands out compared to the rest of the illustration because I was wanting to try and concentrate on nature aspects. I’ve used these colours because I feel like this reflects my illustrations effectively. It highlights my main aspect which is the lips. It then is surrounded with flowers and petals which I have displayed in different pastel colours. These compliment each other well because it adds a delicate but aggressive theme to the poem. These colours compliment each other nicely which allows the poem to be more tame.
  • 21. Page 10 Colour Scheme I’ve used these colours because it will make the poem bold. This will help present a strong message to my audience due to the pop of red used amongst basic, plain colours. This makes this style a bit different to the others but it portrays a more powerful message with the colours being aggressive and bold. Page 11 Colour Scheme Back Cover Colour Scheme I’ve used these colours with this poems because the poem has a delicate theme to it. These colours add depth to the symbols I have wanted to display which has allowed me to make my designs more in depth and detailed. The symbol I have used in this design is a eye. I have tried to make the blues of the eyes seem like waves which has added a trippy but delicate effect to the illustration. I’ve used these colours on the back cover because it displays Rupi Kaur clearly. I’ve used pastel colours to stick with the theme I have tried to carry on through out the whole poetry book. I’ve created the back cover as simple because I am wanting to have it as a stand still image of the writer. This is so she is easily identified by the audience as Rupi Kaur the poet. This is why I haven’t made this page busy. I have just concentrated on making Rupi Kaur detailed by herself.