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Jacek Gwizdka & Michael J. Cole

      Dept. of Library and Information Science, Rutgers University
                        New Brunswick, NJ, USA

Workshop on Inferring Cognitive and Emotional States from Multimodal Measures – MMCogEmS’2011
                                       November 17, 2011
!!   Overall research goal: infer and predict mental
     states and context of a person engaged in
     interactive information search (e.g., Web search)

!!   Completed projects: measures derived from eye-
     gaze patterns
     !! eye-movement patterns and interaction logs to infer
        "! task characteristics
        "! dynamic user states (such as cognitive load/effort)
        "! persistent user characteristics (such as domain knowledge)
!!   On-going projects: multi-modal measures
     !! eye-tracking + EEG + GSR
     !! cognitive load + timing of relevance decisions
!!   Methodology: Using eye-gaze patterns
     !! Higher-order patterns: Reading Models
     !! Measures of cognitive effort in reading
!!   Results:
     !! User study I: journalistic search tasks
       "! task characteristics
       "! cognitive effort
     !! User study II: genomics search tasks
       "! cognitive effort (& learning)
       "! domain knowledge
!!   On-going work

!!   Eye-tracking research have
     frequently analyzed eye-
     gaze position aggregates
     ('hot spots’)
     !! spatiotemporal-intensity –
        heat maps
     !! also sequential – scan paths

! Higher-order patterns:
     reading models & derived measures

!!   We have developed a new methodology to analyze
     eye-gaze patterns:
     !! Model the reading process to represent (textual) information
        acquisition in search
     !! Measure the cognitive effort due to (textual) information
     !! Use both to correlate / infer higher-level constructs (task
        characteristics, user knowledge, etc.)
Can be represented as units of reading experience:
       ((F F F) F (F F F) F F F F (F F F F F F) F)
                      F = fixation                   7
1.! Eye movements are cognitively controlled     (Findlay &
      Gilchrist, 2003)

2.! Eyes fixate until cognitive processing is completed
      (Rayner, 1998)

Eye gaze pattern analysis is powerful:
!!   Eye gaze is only way to acquire (textual)
!!   1. + 2. ! Direct causal connection between
     observable (text) information search behavior and
     user’s mental state
!!   We implemented the E-Z Reader reading model
     (Reichle et al., 2006)

     !! Fixation duration >113 ms – threshold for lexical processing
       (Reingold & Rayner, 2006)
     !! The algorithm distinguishes reading fixation sequences from
        isolated fixations, called 'scanning' fixations
     !! Each lexical fixation is classified to (S,R) that is (Scan,

!!   Inputs: eye gaze location, duration
!!   Add fixation to reading sequence if next saccade:
     !! on the same line of text
     !! and less than 120 pixels to the right
     !! or is a regression on the same line of text

!!   Two states: reading and scanning
     !! transition probabilities
     !! each state characterized by the number of lexical fixations
        and duration


                         Read            Scan

                               1-p            1-q

Can be represented as units (Fixations) of reading experience:
              (F F F) F (F F F) F F F F (F F F F F F) F
Using the reading model :
   Reading state – R (green); Scanning state – S:

!!   Eyes fixate until cognitive processing is completed
     (Rayner 1998)

!!   While reading, words already understood in the
     parafoveal region are skipped (Reichle, et al., 2006)

!!   Eye gaze patterns depend on cognitive processing
     of information that is being acquired
!!   Hypothesis: Analysis of reading fixation patterns
     reveal some aspects of cognitive effort

text acquired
!!   Reading Speed = -----------------
                      processing time

!!   Perceptual Span - Average spacing of fixations
!!   Lexical Fixation Duration Excess (LFDE):
     !! Time needed to acquire meaning above the minimum for
        lexical access
!!   Fixation Regressions - Number of regression
     fixations in the reading sequence

1o (70px) foveal region

!!   Reading speed will be slower for:
      !! hard to read text (Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989),
      !! unfamiliar words (Williams & Morris, 2004),
      !! words used in less frequent senses (Sereno, O’Donnell, &
         Rayner, 2006),
      !! more complex concepts (Morris, 1994)

Perceptual span is the spacing of fixations

Perceptual span reflects a human limitation on the number
and difficulty of concepts that can be processed (e.g. Pollatsek
et al. 1986).

!!   10-15% of fixations are regressions

!! Reading goal affects reading regressions
!! More regressions when:
     !! greater reader domain expertise,
     !! conceptually complex & difficult text passages,
     !! resolution of ambiguous (sense) words
!!   Greater LFDE indicates less familiar words &
     greater conceptual complexity
!!   LFDE is also correlated with establishing word
     meaning in context


!!   32 journalism students
!!   4 journalistic tasks         (realistic, created by journalism faculty
                                    and journalists)
!!   Journalism tasks can be about any topic, but few
     task types.
!!   Tasks designed to vary in ways that affect search
     behavior (Li, 2009)
!!   Task difficulty was post-self-rated by participants                      (7-
     point Likert scale: ’very easy’ to ’extremely difficult’)

!!   Complexity - number of steps needed (ex: identify an expert, get
     contact information)
!!   Task Product (factual vs. intellectual, e.g., fact checking vs.
     production of a document)
!!   Named - is actual search target specified?
!!   Level - the information object to process (a complete document vs.
     a document segment)
!!   Task Goal - the nature of the task goal (specific vs. amorphous)

 Task                        Product     Level     Named     Goal      Complexity

 Background BIC               mixed     Document    No      Specific      High

 Copy Editing CPE             factual   Segment     Yes     Specific      Low

 Interview Preparation INT    mixed     Document    No     Mixed A,S      Low

 Advance Obituary OBI         factual   Document    No     Amorphous      High

!!   Note: Copy Editing CPE & Advance Obituary OBI are most dissimilar
!!   Copy Editing is expected to be easiest, Advance Obituary most difficult
!!   User task characteristics
     !! Can we detect task characteristics from eye-gaze patterns ?

!!   Cognitive effort
     !! Do the cognitive effort measures correlate with:
       "! task properties expected to contribute to task difficulty?
       "! the effort needed to complete the task?
       "! user judgment of task difficulty?

!!   Task effects on transition probabilities S!R & R!S
       (all subjects & pages)             OBI: advanced obituary
                                                     INT: interview preparation
                                                     CPE: copy editing
                                                     BIC: background information

                                                    •! For OBI, INT searchers
                                                       biased to continue
                                                    •! For CPE to continue

                                                    Searchers are adopting
                                                    different reading
                                                    strategies for different
                                                    task types

(Cole, Gwizdka, Liu, Bierig, Belkin & Zhang, ECCE 2010; IwC 2011)                  25
OBI: advanced obituary
                                        INT: interview preparation
!!   For highly attended pages          CPE: copy editing
                                        BIC: background information

      Total Text Acquired on     Total Text Acquired on
      SERPs and Content          SERPs and Content
                                 per page                        26
OBI: advanced obituary
                                            INT: interview preparation
!!   For highly attended pages              CPE: copy editing
                                            BIC: background information

                                   Read !          Scan! Read
        Read !    Scan! Read       Scan

        State Transitions        State Transitions on
        on SERPs per page        Content pages per page
Task                               Product        Level       Named         Goal       Complexity
   Background BIC                      mixed       Document        No         Specific        High
   Copy Editing CPE                    factual      Segment        Yes        Specific         Low
   Interview Preparation INT           mixed       Document        No       Mixed A,S          Low

   Advance Obituary OBI                factual     Document        No       Amorphous         High

                  Measure                             Related Task Characteristics
                                                                  level: document; goal other
                          bias to read            Task level      than specific (OBI & INT)
   Number of                                                                                         For all
                                                  and task
   state transitions                                              level: segment and task            pages
                          bias to scan            goal
                                                                  goal: specific (CPE)
                                                  Task complexity: More text acquired in
   Total text acquired on SERPs
                                                  BIC and OBI
   Text acquired and number of
                                                  Task level: segment and task product:
   state transitions per page on
                                                  factual (CPE)                        For
   content pages
Cole, Gwizdka, Liu, Bierig, Belkin & Zhang. (2011). Task and User Effects on Reading Patterns in Information28
Search Interacting with Computers 23(4), 346 – 362.
(self-rated after the task)

                 BIC          CPE   INT   OBI
!! Search
        effort: task time, pages visited, queries
  !! Copy Editing (CPE) required the least effort of all tasks
  !! Advance Obituary (OBI) required overall most effort                     (although not
    the greatest effort of the tasks for every effort measure)

!! Forall tasks, for both greater perceived difficulty (self-
 ratings) and search task effort:

  !! higher median LFDE           (Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared =125.02, p = 0.03)

  !! slower reading speed          (ANOVA F-value=5.5 p=0.02)

  !! Strongest correlations obtained when considering only the
     single longest reading sequence on a page
!!   …

!!   …

!!   …

!!   Cognitive effort measures seem valid
!!   Eye gaze pattern cognitive effort measures match
     with subjective task difficulty
!!   Cognitive effort measure results correlate with task
     characteristics related to task effort
     !! e.g. Complex tasks, amorphous goals

!!   Words are indicative of concepts and concept
!!   Reading involves:
     !! knowledge used to understand words,
     !! processing concepts expressed in the content, and
     !! acquisition of information (and concepts) from the content

!!   User knowledge controls interaction during search:
     !! selects the words to read, and
     !! imposes cognitive processing demands to understand the
        concepts associated with the words
!!   Does user’s knowledge influence information search

!!   Is cognitive effort related to domain knowledge?

!!   40 undergraduate and graduate students
!!   Rated 409 genetics and genomics MeSH terms
     !! 1: No knowledge, ... to 5: Can explain to others

!!   Five tasks from 2004 TREC Genomics track
!!   Tasks were hard!

!!   We use the same methodology to create reading
     models and calculate cognitive effort measures as in
     study I
!! Participants’
             domain knowledge (PDK) was
 represented by sum of term ratings
  !! participants rated MeSH terms
  !! normalized by a hypothetical expert

                     •!   ki is the term knowledge rating (1-5)
                     •!   i ranges over all terms
                     •!   ti is 1 if rated or 0 if not
                     •!   m number of terms rated by a participant
                     •!   The sum is normalized by a hypothetical expert
                          who rated all terms as 'can explain to others'
These cognitive effort measures were individually
correlated with level of domain knowledge.
For all reading sequences:
!!   higher domain knowledge ~ lower cognitive effort
!!   perceptual span (Kruskal-Wallis "2 = 4734.254, p < 2.2e-16)
!!   LFDE (Kruskal-Wallis "2 = 5570.103, p < 2.2e-16)
!!   reading speed (Kruskal-Wallis "2 = 5570.103, p < 2.2e-16)

Similar correlations found for long reading sequences
     Long reading sequences might better reflect concept use by participants
     during information acquisition because of the attention allocated to acquiring
     that text.
!!   For long reading sequences
!!   We used random forests to construct regression
     models from the cognitive effort measures
!!   Regression results were clustered
         (agglomerate hierarchical clustering)
!!   Random forest model gave us relative importance of
     cognitive effort measures as contributing variables
     in a predictive model
     !! high importance: reading length (px), LDFE, total duration
        of reading sequences (sum of lexical fix), perceptual span
     !! less important: number of regressions
Random forest model classification errors
            all participants   PDKgroups!      low!   inter!   high!
                               low!             8!       0!      0!
                               intermediate!    1!      23!      0!
                               high!            0!       0!      6!
only native English speakers   PDKgroups!      low!   inter!   high!
                               low!             3!      0!       0!
                               intermediate!    0!      "#!      0!
                               high!            0!      0!       $!

Random forest model cog effort !
domain knowledge correlation
with MeSH based domain knowledge
!!   Ability to detect knowledge levels indicates a
     possibility of real-time detection of learning of a
     new material (new domain)
!!   Task “phase” analysis: beginning, middle, end
     !! same random forest model across the three phases
     !! significant difference : LFDE drops from beg to mid to end
        phase, while
     !! numFix -- not significantly different between phases
     !! and readingLength increased from middle to end (sig: Kruskal-
      Wallis chi^2 = 885.2262, df = 817, p < 0.05)

!!   Possible evidence for learning ?
!!   Eye tracking enables high resolution analysis of
     searcher’s activity during interactions with
     information systems
!!   There is more beyond eye-gaze locations with
!!   Eye-tracking data:
     !! can be used to identification of task characteristics
     !! … cognitive effort
     !! … domain knowledge
!!   High potential for implicit detection of a searcher’s

!!   The reading model methodology and cognitive effort
     measures are based on many years of empirical
     !! Eye movements have a direct causal connection to the
        information acquisition process.

     !! This connection is not mediated!

!!   Domain independent
     !! Document content is not involved

!!   Culturally and individually independent
     !! Method represents the user's experience of the information
        acquisition process

!!   Real-time modeling of user domain knowledge is possible
!!   Processing requirements are low - just need fixation
     location and duration.
     !! Only recent eye movements are needed to calculate
        cognitive effort.
     !! Real-time assessment of cognitive effort
     !! Early task session detection of user properties, e.g. domain
        knowledge and perception of task difficulty

!!   Soon enough for a system to make a difference in
     providing user support
•! Implicit characterization of Information Search Process using
   physiological devices
•! Can we detect when searchers make information relevance

!!   Start with eye-                               Eye
                                                               Emotiv EPOC
                                                               wireless EEG
     tracking:                                     tracking    headset

     pupillometry                                                             EEG
     !! info relevance       (Oliveria,
        Russell, Aula, 2009)
     !! low-level decision timing
        (Einhäuser, et al. 2010)
                                          Tobii T-60
!! Adds EEG, GSR                          eye-tracker

!! Funded by Google
   Research Award
!!   Jacek Gwizdka

!!   Acknowledgements
     !! Funding: IMLS                        Google
     !! Collaborators:
       "! Dr. Nicholas J. Belkin, Dr. Xiangmin Zhang
       "! Post-Doc: Dr. Ralf Bierig
       "! Collaborator & PhD student: Michael Cole
       "! PhD students: Chang Liu, Jingjing Liu
       "! Master students

!!   Eye tracking technology is declining in price and in
     2-3 years could be part of standard displays.
     !! Already in luxury cars and semi-trucks (sleep detection)
     !! Computers with built in eye-tracking

     Tobii / Lenovo
     proof of concept eye-tracking
     laptop - March 2011


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Inferring Cognitive States from Multimodal Measures in Information Science

  • 1. Jacek Gwizdka & Michael J. Cole Dept. of Library and Information Science, Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ, USA Workshop on Inferring Cognitive and Emotional States from Multimodal Measures – MMCogEmS’2011 November 17, 2011
  • 2. !! Overall research goal: infer and predict mental states and context of a person engaged in interactive information search (e.g., Web search) !! Completed projects: measures derived from eye- gaze patterns !! eye-movement patterns and interaction logs to infer "! task characteristics "! dynamic user states (such as cognitive load/effort) "! persistent user characteristics (such as domain knowledge) !! On-going projects: multi-modal measures !! eye-tracking + EEG + GSR !! cognitive load + timing of relevance decisions
  • 3. !! Methodology: Using eye-gaze patterns !! Higher-order patterns: Reading Models !! Measures of cognitive effort in reading !! Results: !! User study I: journalistic search tasks "! task characteristics "! cognitive effort !! User study II: genomics search tasks "! cognitive effort (& learning) "! domain knowledge !! On-going work 3
  • 4.
  • 5. !! Eye-tracking research have frequently analyzed eye- gaze position aggregates ('hot spots’) !! spatiotemporal-intensity – heat maps !! also sequential – scan paths ! Higher-order patterns: reading models & derived measures 5
  • 6. !! We have developed a new methodology to analyze eye-gaze patterns: !! Model the reading process to represent (textual) information acquisition in search !! Measure the cognitive effort due to (textual) information acquisition !! Use both to correlate / infer higher-level constructs (task characteristics, user knowledge, etc.)
  • 7. Can be represented as units of reading experience: ((F F F) F (F F F) F F F F (F F F F F F) F) F = fixation 7
  • 8. 1.! Eye movements are cognitively controlled (Findlay & Gilchrist, 2003) 2.! Eyes fixate until cognitive processing is completed (Rayner, 1998) Eye gaze pattern analysis is powerful: !! Eye gaze is only way to acquire (textual) information !! 1. + 2. ! Direct causal connection between observable (text) information search behavior and user’s mental state
  • 9. !! We implemented the E-Z Reader reading model (Reichle et al., 2006) !! Fixation duration >113 ms – threshold for lexical processing (Reingold & Rayner, 2006) !! The algorithm distinguishes reading fixation sequences from isolated fixations, called 'scanning' fixations !! Each lexical fixation is classified to (S,R) that is (Scan, Reading) !! Inputs: eye gaze location, duration !! Add fixation to reading sequence if next saccade: !! on the same line of text !! and less than 120 pixels to the right !! or is a regression on the same line of text 9
  • 10.
  • 11. !! Two states: reading and scanning !! transition probabilities !! each state characterized by the number of lexical fixations and duration q p Read Scan 1-p 1-q 11
  • 12. Can be represented as units (Fixations) of reading experience: (F F F) F (F F F) F F F F (F F F F F F) F Using the reading model : Reading state – R (green); Scanning state – S: RSRSSSSRS 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. !! Eyes fixate until cognitive processing is completed (Rayner 1998) !! While reading, words already understood in the parafoveal region are skipped (Reichle, et al., 2006) !! Eye gaze patterns depend on cognitive processing of information that is being acquired !! Hypothesis: Analysis of reading fixation patterns reveal some aspects of cognitive effort 14
  • 15. text acquired !! Reading Speed = ----------------- processing time !! Perceptual Span - Average spacing of fixations !! Lexical Fixation Duration Excess (LFDE): !! Time needed to acquire meaning above the minimum for lexical access !! Fixation Regressions - Number of regression fixations in the reading sequence 15
  • 16. 1o (70px) foveal region !! Reading speed will be slower for: !! hard to read text (Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989), !! unfamiliar words (Williams & Morris, 2004), !! words used in less frequent senses (Sereno, O’Donnell, & Rayner, 2006), !! more complex concepts (Morris, 1994) 16
  • 17. Perceptual span is the spacing of fixations Perceptual span reflects a human limitation on the number and difficulty of concepts that can be processed (e.g. Pollatsek et al. 1986). 17
  • 18. !! 10-15% of fixations are regressions !! Reading goal affects reading regressions !! More regressions when: !! greater reader domain expertise, !! conceptually complex & difficult text passages, !! resolution of ambiguous (sense) words 18
  • 19. !! Greater LFDE indicates less familiar words & greater conceptual complexity !! LFDE is also correlated with establishing word meaning in context example 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. !! 32 journalism students !! 4 journalistic tasks (realistic, created by journalism faculty and journalists) !! Journalism tasks can be about any topic, but few task types. !! Tasks designed to vary in ways that affect search behavior (Li, 2009) !! Task difficulty was post-self-rated by participants (7- point Likert scale: ’very easy’ to ’extremely difficult’) 21
  • 22. !! Complexity - number of steps needed (ex: identify an expert, get contact information) !! Task Product (factual vs. intellectual, e.g., fact checking vs. production of a document) !! Named - is actual search target specified? !! Level - the information object to process (a complete document vs. a document segment) !! Task Goal - the nature of the task goal (specific vs. amorphous) Task Product Level Named Goal Complexity Background BIC mixed Document No Specific High Copy Editing CPE factual Segment Yes Specific Low Interview Preparation INT mixed Document No Mixed A,S Low Advance Obituary OBI factual Document No Amorphous High !! Note: Copy Editing CPE & Advance Obituary OBI are most dissimilar !! Copy Editing is expected to be easiest, Advance Obituary most difficult
  • 23. !! User task characteristics !! Can we detect task characteristics from eye-gaze patterns ? !! Cognitive effort !! Do the cognitive effort measures correlate with: "! task properties expected to contribute to task difficulty? "! the effort needed to complete the task? "! user judgment of task difficulty? 23
  • 24. 24
  • 25. !! Task effects on transition probabilities S!R & R!S (all subjects & pages) OBI: advanced obituary INT: interview preparation CPE: copy editing BIC: background information •! For OBI, INT searchers biased to continue reading •! For CPE to continue scanning Searchers are adopting different reading strategies for different task types (Cole, Gwizdka, Liu, Bierig, Belkin & Zhang, ECCE 2010; IwC 2011) 25
  • 26. OBI: advanced obituary INT: interview preparation !! For highly attended pages CPE: copy editing BIC: background information Total Text Acquired on Total Text Acquired on SERPs and Content SERPs and Content per page 26
  • 27. OBI: advanced obituary INT: interview preparation !! For highly attended pages CPE: copy editing BIC: background information Read ! Scan! Read Read ! Scan! Read Scan Scan State Transitions State Transitions on on SERPs per page Content pages per page 27
  • 28. Task Product Level Named Goal Complexity Background BIC mixed Document No Specific High Copy Editing CPE factual Segment Yes Specific Low Interview Preparation INT mixed Document No Mixed A,S Low Advance Obituary OBI factual Document No Amorphous High Measure Related Task Characteristics level: document; goal other bias to read Task level than specific (OBI & INT) Number of For all and task state transitions level: segment and task pages bias to scan goal goal: specific (CPE) Task complexity: More text acquired in Total text acquired on SERPs BIC and OBI Text acquired and number of Task level: segment and task product: state transitions per page on factual (CPE) For content pages highly attended pages Cole, Gwizdka, Liu, Bierig, Belkin & Zhang. (2011). Task and User Effects on Reading Patterns in Information28 Search Interacting with Computers 23(4), 346 – 362.
  • 29.
  • 30. (self-rated after the task) BIC CPE INT OBI
  • 31. !! Search effort: task time, pages visited, queries entered !! Copy Editing (CPE) required the least effort of all tasks !! Advance Obituary (OBI) required overall most effort (although not the greatest effort of the tasks for every effort measure) !! Forall tasks, for both greater perceived difficulty (self- ratings) and search task effort: !! higher median LFDE (Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared =125.02, p = 0.03) !! slower reading speed (ANOVA F-value=5.5 p=0.02) !! Strongest correlations obtained when considering only the single longest reading sequence on a page
  • 32. 32
  • 33. !! … 33
  • 34. !! … 34
  • 35. !! … 35
  • 36. !! Cognitive effort measures seem valid !! Eye gaze pattern cognitive effort measures match with subjective task difficulty !! Cognitive effort measure results correlate with task characteristics related to task effort !! e.g. Complex tasks, amorphous goals 36
  • 37. 37 37
  • 38. !! Words are indicative of concepts and concept features !! Reading involves: !! knowledge used to understand words, !! processing concepts expressed in the content, and !! acquisition of information (and concepts) from the content !! User knowledge controls interaction during search: !! selects the words to read, and !! imposes cognitive processing demands to understand the concepts associated with the words
  • 39. !! Does user’s knowledge influence information search behavior? !! Is cognitive effort related to domain knowledge? 39
  • 40. !! 40 undergraduate and graduate students !! Rated 409 genetics and genomics MeSH terms !! 1: No knowledge, ... to 5: Can explain to others !! Five tasks from 2004 TREC Genomics track !! Tasks were hard! !! We use the same methodology to create reading models and calculate cognitive effort measures as in study I
  • 41. !! Participants’ domain knowledge (PDK) was represented by sum of term ratings !! participants rated MeSH terms !! normalized by a hypothetical expert •! ki is the term knowledge rating (1-5) •! i ranges over all terms •! ti is 1 if rated or 0 if not •! m number of terms rated by a participant •! The sum is normalized by a hypothetical expert who rated all terms as 'can explain to others'
  • 42.
  • 43. These cognitive effort measures were individually correlated with level of domain knowledge. For all reading sequences: !! higher domain knowledge ~ lower cognitive effort !! perceptual span (Kruskal-Wallis "2 = 4734.254, p < 2.2e-16) !! LFDE (Kruskal-Wallis "2 = 5570.103, p < 2.2e-16) !! reading speed (Kruskal-Wallis "2 = 5570.103, p < 2.2e-16) Similar correlations found for long reading sequences Long reading sequences might better reflect concept use by participants during information acquisition because of the attention allocated to acquiring that text.
  • 44. !! For long reading sequences !! We used random forests to construct regression models from the cognitive effort measures !! Regression results were clustered (agglomerate hierarchical clustering) !! Random forest model gave us relative importance of cognitive effort measures as contributing variables in a predictive model !! high importance: reading length (px), LDFE, total duration of reading sequences (sum of lexical fix), perceptual span !! less important: number of regressions
  • 45. Random forest model classification errors all participants PDKgroups! low! inter! high! low! 8! 0! 0! intermediate! 1! 23! 0! high! 0! 0! 6! only native English speakers PDKgroups! low! inter! high! low! 3! 0! 0! intermediate! 0! "#! 0! high! 0! 0! $! Random forest model cog effort ! domain knowledge correlation with MeSH based domain knowledge
  • 46. !! Ability to detect knowledge levels indicates a possibility of real-time detection of learning of a new material (new domain) !! Task “phase” analysis: beginning, middle, end !! same random forest model across the three phases !! significant difference : LFDE drops from beg to mid to end phase, while !! numFix -- not significantly different between phases !! and readingLength increased from middle to end (sig: Kruskal- Wallis chi^2 = 885.2262, df = 817, p < 0.05) !! Possible evidence for learning ?
  • 47. !! Eye tracking enables high resolution analysis of searcher’s activity during interactions with information systems !! There is more beyond eye-gaze locations with timestamps !! Eye-tracking data: !! can be used to identification of task characteristics !! … cognitive effort !! … domain knowledge !! High potential for implicit detection of a searcher’s states 47
  • 48. !! The reading model methodology and cognitive effort measures are based on many years of empirical research. !! Eye movements have a direct causal connection to the information acquisition process. !! This connection is not mediated! !! Domain independent !! Document content is not involved !! Culturally and individually independent !! Method represents the user's experience of the information acquisition process !! Real-time modeling of user domain knowledge is possible
  • 49. !! Processing requirements are low - just need fixation location and duration. !! Only recent eye movements are needed to calculate cognitive effort. !! Real-time assessment of cognitive effort !! Early task session detection of user properties, e.g. domain knowledge and perception of task difficulty !! Soon enough for a system to make a difference in providing user support
  • 50. 50
  • 51. •! Implicit characterization of Information Search Process using physiological devices •! Can we detect when searchers make information relevance decisions? !! Start with eye- Eye Emotiv EPOC wireless EEG tracking: tracking headset pupillometry EEG !! info relevance (Oliveria, Russell, Aula, 2009) !! low-level decision timing (Einhäuser, et al. 2010) Tobii T-60 !! Adds EEG, GSR eye-tracker !! Funded by Google Research Award GSR 51
  • 52. !! Jacek Gwizdka !! Acknowledgements !! Funding: IMLS Google !! Collaborators: "! Dr. Nicholas J. Belkin, Dr. Xiangmin Zhang "! Post-Doc: Dr. Ralf Bierig "! Collaborator & PhD student: Michael Cole "! PhD students: Chang Liu, Jingjing Liu "! Master students 52
  • 53. !! Eye tracking technology is declining in price and in 2-3 years could be part of standard displays. !! Already in luxury cars and semi-trucks (sleep detection) !! Computers with built in eye-tracking Tobii / Lenovo proof of concept eye-tracking laptop - March 2011 53