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Alt J- Intro
album: An Awesome Wave
Band Research- music videos
Alt J music genre is indie rock, indie pop, art rock and folktronica. Alt J are a band that like to play different kind of
music which is interesting and different. The band are also known as the delta sign, ∆, which is used in scientific terms
as to indicate “change” and “difference”. On an apple mac if you press Alt+J you get the delta sign ∆.
Other music videos that the band have done are: Hunger of the pine, Fitzpleasure, Pusher, Left hand free, Matilda,
Every other freckle, Tessellate and something good.
Alt J’s music videos have quite a few things in common. One thing that they have in common is they are all narrative
music videos that do not feature the and members in it.
Alt J like to have their main characters in their music videos die. In an interview with Joe Newman, band member of
Alt J he talks about this and how he feels like he response quite well to depressing things. In this interview he also talks about how depressing things have
influenced his music and examples in particular like the song Matilda.
They also have a similar editing technique where the shots are all edited together at a slow pace so which is similar to
the songs. This is one of Goodwin's conventions in his theory. However Alt J have made their video pace tie in with the
dark theme of death which the band like.
Another similarity that the music videos from alt J have are the story that is being told are naturally fast paced as they
are action packed. Alt j use different editing techniques to change this to make it slow paced. For example in hunger of
the pine the footage is in slow motion which also capture the danger in the scene well. They have done this same
technique in something good. Another song which they have slowed down and been played in reverse (like if you where
to rewind a video tape) is called breezeblock which is in the same album as intro song that I am using for a music
Music videos that have the tragedy theme written into the story are Hunger of the pine where the main character is
running away from arrows that are being fired at him until his inevitable death. Another video is breezeblock where the
one of the main characters has murdered the other main character. Another video is something good where the main
character is a bull fighter and has been speared by the bull and is riding on the bull as its horn is through him therefore
he has no choice in the matter. The main character in pusher dies too after he breaks his own neck.
Indie rock
Codes and conventions of indie rock music videos
Live performance music videos. It is common for an indie rock band to do a live performance for
their video as it puts all the focus on the band members doing what they love to do best. It also puts
the focus on the music that they are playing which is to emphasis the talent that they have.
However alt j’s music videos are all narrative videos that are telling a story. Doing a narrative music
video will allow the video to be more memorable, they are more fun to watch. Also having a
narrative music video helps alt j’s lyrics to the song become more powerful and meaningful.
Another indie rock music video convention are the camera shots that are used in the music videos.
They often use a variety of close up shots of the artist as well as the odd wide shot to show the
whole band. This is a form of using star power to advertise there music. Alt j however don’t have
themselves presented in their music videos. They do though close up shot very efficiently to show
peoples faces and their emotions as the bands music isn't always the most cheerful. They also use a
variety of shots from all angles and positions.
Another convention for the indie rock music video is that they are usually low budget so the
locations are generally easy to access and create a mysterious vibe to it. This being said the
locations are generally kept simple. For example woods or towns/ cities are easy to access and can
create a mysterious vibe to it. Alt J have very simple locations in some of their existing music
videos. For example hunger of the pine is shot in a wood. Breezeblocks is shot inside a house/
apartment and fitzpleasure is all shot in a town/city.
As a narrative music video are common within the indie rock genre, sound can often have diegetic
parts in it. This makes the scene have more of an impact to the story. This is a common convention
of an indie rock music video. In Alt J music video hunger of the pine you can hear the sound of
arrows zooming past. This makes the scene have more of an impact on the audience.
Mood board
 Scene 1
A young boy is walking his dog in the forest, all seems well until the dog is pulling on the
lead. The boy loses grip on the lead and it the dog runs off, with the lead trailing behind.
The boy runs for the dog briefly before coming to a clearing in the forest. Suddenly, leaves
start blowing around, and a door starts to raise ominously in the center of the autumnal
The boy, puzzled, inspects the door. He walks around it before cautiously opening the
He walks through the open door into an idyllic peaceful beach area.
 Scene 2
The boy stands amazed by the lake.
Whilst he is amazed by the wondrous location, he notices the door that he just came
from is disappearing. He makes a run for door only to not make it in time.
The door handle lands in the sand. Where the door once stood, it was obscuring a
second door in the distance. He approaches this second door confidently.
(note: the camera angle is going to low to make him look like a hero and manly)
 Scene 3
The second door leads to an old seemingly out of use railway track. The boy then walks
down the railway. Our character is looking around still amazed by what he has
stumbled across.
Still walking, the boy sees another door further down the track.
His speed of which he is walking increases and he confidently walks through the door
into the next scene.
 Scene 4
The third door leads to an enormous hill scene.
Again he notices a door at the foot of the hill. Once going through this door he
emerges in a Christmas scene outdoors.
The boy shivers, looking cold, but the scene is still pleasant, he looks up and notices
a family home lit with Christmas lights, with a wreath upon the door inviting him
towards it.
He rushes towards the door, and pulls out the key from under the mat. He unlocks
the door and barges in excited to be seemingly home.
(note: The mini scene at the start, where the boy is on an enormous hill, is an
optional extra if we need to make the visuals longer or need to cut another scene
 Scene 5
Once emerging through the door he finds himself stood on a dark building rooftop, he
nearly falling off due to the momentum of being happy to be home.
He then walks through a door ahead of him and jumps down a dilapidated set of
He barges through a door at the bottom and emerges into a twisted, dark domestic
murder scene.
(Note: the camera angle looking up at the boy has increased in height ever so
slightly. Now portraying the boy to be weak contrasting with the previous angle
making the boy looking manly and brave.
This scene is set at night).
 Scene 6
In the middle of a clean kitchen, A streak of blood leads
through a doorway (as if an injured person has tried to crawl away). Our boy follows
the streak of blood and pears through the doorway.
A shadowy figure is hunched over a body on the floor, almost cradling it. The figure
then pulls an arrow out of the body.
The figure then notices the boy in the doorway, and immediately stands up. This
triggers the boy to flee the scene. He spots a doorway and launches himself for it,
bursting through and landing on dirt on the other side.
(Note: there will be blue flashing lights lighting up the murder scene to create an
ominous feel to the scene specially as the police are already outside.
This scene is set at night time)
 Scene 7
He picks himself up and runs through the field. Another door sits opposite the
previous door near the hedgerows of the field.
 Scene 8
Leaving the field through the last door, he finds himself in a forest fire.
He continues running through the forest fire into the smoke. We briefly loose all sight
of our character and the forest through the smoke.
We start to see two bright lights through the smoke as our character runs, and as the
smoke starts to disappear we find ourselves in a new scene.
 Scene 9
Heavy rain pours down on our character, and we see that the two lights are actually
car headlights.
Our character stands blinded and confused by the lights.
A figure gets out of the car. We hear the sound of an arrow being fired and hitting
our character. He drops to the floor.
The shadowy figure walks towards the boy and steps on his hand. He simply fires a
final arrow into the boy’s chest.
(Note: this will be at night time.
I will start with wide shots and end with tighter shots to get the feel of
Shot list
 Scene 1
 Scene 1
We are shooting scene 1 in a wood which is near the other locations
that I shall use. This will make it easier for use to carry the door from
location to location.
This is a birds eye view of the wood
of which I am going to film this scene
Location  Scene 2
The second scene is going to be filmed at Ravensthorpe reservoir.
For this scene I had to get permission from the reservoir fishing
lodge as I am going to need to take a door to this location. The
benefits of this though is that it is off the main walking path so I
wont get in the way of walkers and vice versa.
This location is good as it is only down the road from where I live
which is in East Haddon. It is also good as it is very idyllic place and
will work well for my idea.
 Scene 3
This scene is another idyllic scene that the
character will walk down the railway track.
This scene is near where I will be filming other
scenes as the door will be easy to get into this
I chose this scene as it is idyllic and will make
some nice shots for the music video. Which will
be needed for when the video takes a dark turn.
As most of the locations including this one are
all on one farm which I have permission to film
on so it is very ideal.
The main character will be walking down this track in
this direction as you see in this photo. To start off with
he wont see the next door that he has to to travel
 Scene 4
This scene location is my friends house as its got more of an
open area at the front of the house than mine. This allows me to
get better shots and camera angles.
Christmas decorations will also be put on the outside too for
example a wreath on the front door and Christmas lights on the
I've asked for permission to film here and the people who own
the house don’t have an issue with me doing so.
 Scene 5
This scene is going to be shot on top of a
building in Northampton. I have permission to
shoot here as I've spoken to the person in
charge who works in the building and he is
fine with me filming on it. I will also be
filming the front door of the building and the
back of the building where the stairs are.
This location is good for my story as the other
locations have been idyllic and peaceful. This
location wont be as its in the middle of a
town at night. This will therefore indicate a
change in the story just before it takes a
dramatic plot twist.
This is the building where I
am going to shoot the roof
Due to health and safety
reasons I am going to have a
rope attached to the main
character with a harness so
when he bursting out onto
the scene he wont fall off
the rooftop.
These are the stairs which
the main character will use
to descend down
This is the door that the main
character will go through. This will
be shot in a way that you wouldn’t
realize it wont be in the same as
the other location.
 Scene 6
For this scene I am filming in my house kitchen as I have free roam in my house
and can shoot whenever. So it is ideal. It will also work well for my story as
there is room for shot positions and areas to act in.
 Scene 7
This scene location is near previous locations.
This will make it easier as I can film several
scenes in one day or a weekend. This allows me
to then concentrate on other scene locations that
will be harder to access with a door for example
the reservoir. That’s why I wont be shooting in
chronological order.
This scene is being shot in a field that has a bank
or hill so the scene looks like the character is
going from bad to worse as he is travelling down
it to another door.
This field has been plowed therefore it
just dirt which it hasn’t been on Google
 Scene 8
This location is at the same location as the other location in
scene 6. This is ideal for transport of the door as I wont have to
travel it very far. This wood is really suited to the scene as it is
all enclosed and will trap the smoke from the smoke machine.
 Scene 9
This scene will be shot in the farm location to. This is where most of the
other scenes have been shot so I don’t need to get another permission to
film here as I already have permission.
This scene though will be shot on the front drive of the farm. This means it
will be better than filming on a road which is what it is intended to look
I wont have any off the danger issues that id have if I where shooting on a
road. Also I wouldn’t have to stop filming and let people past who are
Storyboard scene 1 shot 2
Scene 1 shot 3
Scene 1 shot 4
Scene 1 shot 5
Scene 1 shot 7
Scene 1 shot 8
Scene 1 shot 9
Scene 1 shot 10
Scene 1 shot 11
Scene 1 shot 12
Scene 1 shot 13
Scene 1 shot 14
Scene 1 shot 15
Filming schedule
Props scenes 1-2
 scene 1
Dog: The dog in this scene will be one of the actors dogs as
they are well trained and will be able to do as instructed on
the day. For example they can pull on the lead when being
called by the owner
 scene 2
Door Knob: The door that I am using, is a door which I have
more of. So I can take a handle off of a spare door for this
scene. This means that I wont have to do any more work on
the existing door that is being used for the scenes. This prop
will be what's left on the scene fro m the door disappearing.
 Scenes 1 and 2
Door: The door in this scene will be how the main character
goes to scene to scene. I made the it with an old door that
Id found at my house and it built a frame to go round it so it
is free standing.
Props scenes 3-5
 Scene 3
Door: The door will be what the boy walks through and what he
walks into when he goes through to the3 next scene.
 Scene 4
Christmas decorations: I will use Christmas decoration that I
have in my attic. The lights and wreath are key to this scene
looking like Christmas.
Key: the key will just be the key for the front door of the
 Scene 5
Door: The door in this scene will be the door that I burst
through which leads me to a roof. I wont have the door in this
location though as I can film it so you wont see it. However I
cant say for certain until I start shooting this scene.
Fake sweat: The character will have an adrenaline rush from
nearly falling off a building. This is made from glycerin and
rose water.
Props scenes 6-7
 Scene 6
Fake blood: fake blood will be used to make a blood trail to
the murder scene also the body will have fake blood on it too.
I will do this with water, food colouring, powdered sugar and
cocoa powder.
Crossbow: I will use a crossbow to show that this is the weapon
of choice for the murderer. I will buy a crossbow of the
internet for this.
Arrow: The arrow will be in the dead body then pulled out by
the murderer. Arrows will come with the crossbow that I am
Fake sweat: Character is nervous.
 Scene 7
Door: the door in this scene will be at the start of the run
across the field and at the end of the field. I will only need
one door for this scene.
Fake sweat: Character is running
Props scenes 8-9
 Scene 8
Smoke: The smoke will be from several smoke machines that'll be hooked up to a
generator. The smoke will be key to make the effect of a fire along with special
Door: The door will be used in this scene when the character first enters the scene
but we wont see him going through the second door due to the thickness of the
Fake sweat: character has been running and is exhausted
 Scene 9
Car: The car that we will be using is my friends car who is also acting as the main
antagonist. The cars lights will be what were using to light up the scene.
Crossbow: The crossbow is what the main antagonist uses to kill the main character.
Arrow: The arrow is a prop that will be used to show the man characters method of
Fake Blood: fake blood will be used as the main character has just been shot by a
Rain: We will make rain by getting a hose pipe and putting holes in it and
positioning it in front of he camera to make the whole scene look like rain, also
over the main character for close up or medium shots.
Actors and Costumes
 I am acting in this video as the main protagonist. I am
also going to direct the shoot and will instruct my
camera man and tell him exactly what I want.
 The main antagonist with the crossbow will be a friend
of mine who I asked to act for me.
 The dead body in the video will be anyone who is
available and would be ok do act for me at the time.
Possible a friend or family member.
 The main protagonist will wear a white shirt so the
blood will stand out, A bright blue coat so the
character will stand out against the surroundings and
black jeans.
 The antagonist will wear ……
 The dead body will wear just casual clothes that they
would normally wear.

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  • 2. Alt J- Intro album: An Awesome Wave
  • 3. Band Research- music videos Alt J music genre is indie rock, indie pop, art rock and folktronica. Alt J are a band that like to play different kind of music which is interesting and different. The band are also known as the delta sign, ∆, which is used in scientific terms as to indicate “change” and “difference”. On an apple mac if you press Alt+J you get the delta sign ∆. Other music videos that the band have done are: Hunger of the pine, Fitzpleasure, Pusher, Left hand free, Matilda, Every other freckle, Tessellate and something good. Alt J’s music videos have quite a few things in common. One thing that they have in common is they are all narrative music videos that do not feature the and members in it. Alt J like to have their main characters in their music videos die. In an interview with Joe Newman, band member of Alt J he talks about this and how he feels like he response quite well to depressing things. In this interview he also talks about how depressing things have influenced his music and examples in particular like the song Matilda. They also have a similar editing technique where the shots are all edited together at a slow pace so which is similar to the songs. This is one of Goodwin's conventions in his theory. However Alt J have made their video pace tie in with the dark theme of death which the band like. Another similarity that the music videos from alt J have are the story that is being told are naturally fast paced as they are action packed. Alt j use different editing techniques to change this to make it slow paced. For example in hunger of the pine the footage is in slow motion which also capture the danger in the scene well. They have done this same technique in something good. Another song which they have slowed down and been played in reverse (like if you where to rewind a video tape) is called breezeblock which is in the same album as intro song that I am using for a music video. Music videos that have the tragedy theme written into the story are Hunger of the pine where the main character is running away from arrows that are being fired at him until his inevitable death. Another video is breezeblock where the one of the main characters has murdered the other main character. Another video is something good where the main character is a bull fighter and has been speared by the bull and is riding on the bull as its horn is through him therefore he has no choice in the matter. The main character in pusher dies too after he breaks his own neck.
  • 4. Indie rock Codes and conventions of indie rock music videos Live performance music videos. It is common for an indie rock band to do a live performance for their video as it puts all the focus on the band members doing what they love to do best. It also puts the focus on the music that they are playing which is to emphasis the talent that they have. However alt j’s music videos are all narrative videos that are telling a story. Doing a narrative music video will allow the video to be more memorable, they are more fun to watch. Also having a narrative music video helps alt j’s lyrics to the song become more powerful and meaningful. Another indie rock music video convention are the camera shots that are used in the music videos. They often use a variety of close up shots of the artist as well as the odd wide shot to show the whole band. This is a form of using star power to advertise there music. Alt j however don’t have themselves presented in their music videos. They do though close up shot very efficiently to show peoples faces and their emotions as the bands music isn't always the most cheerful. They also use a variety of shots from all angles and positions. Another convention for the indie rock music video is that they are usually low budget so the locations are generally easy to access and create a mysterious vibe to it. This being said the locations are generally kept simple. For example woods or towns/ cities are easy to access and can create a mysterious vibe to it. Alt J have very simple locations in some of their existing music videos. For example hunger of the pine is shot in a wood. Breezeblocks is shot inside a house/ apartment and fitzpleasure is all shot in a town/city. As a narrative music video are common within the indie rock genre, sound can often have diegetic parts in it. This makes the scene have more of an impact to the story. This is a common convention of an indie rock music video. In Alt J music video hunger of the pine you can hear the sound of arrows zooming past. This makes the scene have more of an impact on the audience.
  • 6. Story  Scene 1 A young boy is walking his dog in the forest, all seems well until the dog is pulling on the lead. The boy loses grip on the lead and it the dog runs off, with the lead trailing behind. The boy runs for the dog briefly before coming to a clearing in the forest. Suddenly, leaves start blowing around, and a door starts to raise ominously in the center of the autumnal clearing. The boy, puzzled, inspects the door. He walks around it before cautiously opening the door. He walks through the open door into an idyllic peaceful beach area.
  • 7. Story  Scene 2 The boy stands amazed by the lake. Whilst he is amazed by the wondrous location, he notices the door that he just came from is disappearing. He makes a run for door only to not make it in time. The door handle lands in the sand. Where the door once stood, it was obscuring a second door in the distance. He approaches this second door confidently. (note: the camera angle is going to low to make him look like a hero and manly)
  • 8. Story  Scene 3 The second door leads to an old seemingly out of use railway track. The boy then walks down the railway. Our character is looking around still amazed by what he has stumbled across. Still walking, the boy sees another door further down the track. His speed of which he is walking increases and he confidently walks through the door into the next scene.
  • 9. Story  Scene 4 The third door leads to an enormous hill scene. Again he notices a door at the foot of the hill. Once going through this door he emerges in a Christmas scene outdoors. The boy shivers, looking cold, but the scene is still pleasant, he looks up and notices a family home lit with Christmas lights, with a wreath upon the door inviting him towards it. He rushes towards the door, and pulls out the key from under the mat. He unlocks the door and barges in excited to be seemingly home. (note: The mini scene at the start, where the boy is on an enormous hill, is an optional extra if we need to make the visuals longer or need to cut another scene down.)
  • 10. Story  Scene 5 Once emerging through the door he finds himself stood on a dark building rooftop, he nearly falling off due to the momentum of being happy to be home. He then walks through a door ahead of him and jumps down a dilapidated set of stairs. He barges through a door at the bottom and emerges into a twisted, dark domestic murder scene. (Note: the camera angle looking up at the boy has increased in height ever so slightly. Now portraying the boy to be weak contrasting with the previous angle making the boy looking manly and brave. This scene is set at night).
  • 11. Story  Scene 6 In the middle of a clean kitchen, A streak of blood leads through a doorway (as if an injured person has tried to crawl away). Our boy follows the streak of blood and pears through the doorway. A shadowy figure is hunched over a body on the floor, almost cradling it. The figure then pulls an arrow out of the body. The figure then notices the boy in the doorway, and immediately stands up. This triggers the boy to flee the scene. He spots a doorway and launches himself for it, bursting through and landing on dirt on the other side. (Note: there will be blue flashing lights lighting up the murder scene to create an ominous feel to the scene specially as the police are already outside. This scene is set at night time)
  • 12. Story  Scene 7 He picks himself up and runs through the field. Another door sits opposite the previous door near the hedgerows of the field.
  • 13. Story  Scene 8 Leaving the field through the last door, he finds himself in a forest fire. He continues running through the forest fire into the smoke. We briefly loose all sight of our character and the forest through the smoke. We start to see two bright lights through the smoke as our character runs, and as the smoke starts to disappear we find ourselves in a new scene.
  • 14. Story  Scene 9 Heavy rain pours down on our character, and we see that the two lights are actually car headlights. Our character stands blinded and confused by the lights. A figure gets out of the car. We hear the sound of an arrow being fired and hitting our character. He drops to the floor. The shadowy figure walks towards the boy and steps on his hand. He simply fires a final arrow into the boy’s chest. (Note: this will be at night time. I will start with wide shots and end with tighter shots to get the feel of entrapment).
  • 17. Location  Scene 1 We are shooting scene 1 in a wood which is near the other locations that I shall use. This will make it easier for use to carry the door from location to location. This is a birds eye view of the wood of which I am going to film this scene in.
  • 18. Location  Scene 2 The second scene is going to be filmed at Ravensthorpe reservoir. For this scene I had to get permission from the reservoir fishing lodge as I am going to need to take a door to this location. The benefits of this though is that it is off the main walking path so I wont get in the way of walkers and vice versa. This location is good as it is only down the road from where I live which is in East Haddon. It is also good as it is very idyllic place and will work well for my idea. location
  • 19. Location  Scene 3 This scene is another idyllic scene that the character will walk down the railway track. This scene is near where I will be filming other scenes as the door will be easy to get into this location. I chose this scene as it is idyllic and will make some nice shots for the music video. Which will be needed for when the video takes a dark turn. As most of the locations including this one are all on one farm which I have permission to film on so it is very ideal. The main character will be walking down this track in this direction as you see in this photo. To start off with he wont see the next door that he has to to travel through.
  • 20. Location  Scene 4 This scene location is my friends house as its got more of an open area at the front of the house than mine. This allows me to get better shots and camera angles. Christmas decorations will also be put on the outside too for example a wreath on the front door and Christmas lights on the banisters. I've asked for permission to film here and the people who own the house don’t have an issue with me doing so.
  • 21. Location  Scene 5 This scene is going to be shot on top of a building in Northampton. I have permission to shoot here as I've spoken to the person in charge who works in the building and he is fine with me filming on it. I will also be filming the front door of the building and the back of the building where the stairs are. This location is good for my story as the other locations have been idyllic and peaceful. This location wont be as its in the middle of a town at night. This will therefore indicate a change in the story just before it takes a dramatic plot twist. This is the building where I am going to shoot the roof scene Due to health and safety reasons I am going to have a rope attached to the main character with a harness so when he bursting out onto the scene he wont fall off the rooftop. These are the stairs which the main character will use to descend down This is the door that the main character will go through. This will be shot in a way that you wouldn’t realize it wont be in the same as the other location.
  • 22. Location  Scene 6 For this scene I am filming in my house kitchen as I have free roam in my house and can shoot whenever. So it is ideal. It will also work well for my story as there is room for shot positions and areas to act in.
  • 23. Location  Scene 7 This scene location is near previous locations. This will make it easier as I can film several scenes in one day or a weekend. This allows me to then concentrate on other scene locations that will be harder to access with a door for example the reservoir. That’s why I wont be shooting in chronological order. This scene is being shot in a field that has a bank or hill so the scene looks like the character is going from bad to worse as he is travelling down it to another door. This field has been plowed therefore it just dirt which it hasn’t been on Google maps.
  • 24. Location  Scene 8 This location is at the same location as the other location in scene 6. This is ideal for transport of the door as I wont have to travel it very far. This wood is really suited to the scene as it is all enclosed and will trap the smoke from the smoke machine.
  • 25. Location  Scene 9 This scene will be shot in the farm location to. This is where most of the other scenes have been shot so I don’t need to get another permission to film here as I already have permission. This scene though will be shot on the front drive of the farm. This means it will be better than filming on a road which is what it is intended to look like. I wont have any off the danger issues that id have if I where shooting on a road. Also I wouldn’t have to stop filming and let people past who are driving.
  • 40. Props scenes 1-2  scene 1 Dog: The dog in this scene will be one of the actors dogs as they are well trained and will be able to do as instructed on the day. For example they can pull on the lead when being called by the owner  scene 2 Door Knob: The door that I am using, is a door which I have more of. So I can take a handle off of a spare door for this scene. This means that I wont have to do any more work on the existing door that is being used for the scenes. This prop will be what's left on the scene fro m the door disappearing.  Scenes 1 and 2 Door: The door in this scene will be how the main character goes to scene to scene. I made the it with an old door that Id found at my house and it built a frame to go round it so it is free standing.
  • 41. Props scenes 3-5  Scene 3 Door: The door will be what the boy walks through and what he walks into when he goes through to the3 next scene.  Scene 4 Christmas decorations: I will use Christmas decoration that I have in my attic. The lights and wreath are key to this scene looking like Christmas. Key: the key will just be the key for the front door of the house.  Scene 5 Door: The door in this scene will be the door that I burst through which leads me to a roof. I wont have the door in this location though as I can film it so you wont see it. However I cant say for certain until I start shooting this scene. Fake sweat: The character will have an adrenaline rush from nearly falling off a building. This is made from glycerin and rose water.
  • 42. Props scenes 6-7  Scene 6 Fake blood: fake blood will be used to make a blood trail to the murder scene also the body will have fake blood on it too. I will do this with water, food colouring, powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Crossbow: I will use a crossbow to show that this is the weapon of choice for the murderer. I will buy a crossbow of the internet for this. Arrow: The arrow will be in the dead body then pulled out by the murderer. Arrows will come with the crossbow that I am buying. Fake sweat: Character is nervous.  Scene 7 Door: the door in this scene will be at the start of the run across the field and at the end of the field. I will only need one door for this scene. Fake sweat: Character is running
  • 43. Props scenes 8-9  Scene 8 Smoke: The smoke will be from several smoke machines that'll be hooked up to a generator. The smoke will be key to make the effect of a fire along with special effects. Door: The door will be used in this scene when the character first enters the scene but we wont see him going through the second door due to the thickness of the smoke. Fake sweat: character has been running and is exhausted  Scene 9 Car: The car that we will be using is my friends car who is also acting as the main antagonist. The cars lights will be what were using to light up the scene. Crossbow: The crossbow is what the main antagonist uses to kill the main character. Arrow: The arrow is a prop that will be used to show the man characters method of death. Fake Blood: fake blood will be used as the main character has just been shot by a crossbow. Rain: We will make rain by getting a hose pipe and putting holes in it and positioning it in front of he camera to make the whole scene look like rain, also over the main character for close up or medium shots.
  • 44. Actors and Costumes Actors  I am acting in this video as the main protagonist. I am also going to direct the shoot and will instruct my camera man and tell him exactly what I want.  The main antagonist with the crossbow will be a friend of mine who I asked to act for me.  The dead body in the video will be anyone who is available and would be ok do act for me at the time. Possible a friend or family member. Costumes  The main protagonist will wear a white shirt so the blood will stand out, A bright blue coat so the character will stand out against the surroundings and black jeans.  The antagonist will wear ……  The dead body will wear just casual clothes that they would normally wear.