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Pinocchio, A Classic Film Directed By Norman Ferguson
Human Nature, a state of dangerous and unpredictable practicality that intertwines within difficulties of our lives. Humans make mistakes not because
we are programmed to do so, but because we have an analytical mindset to choose what best suits our self–interest . If you would ask me, Human
nature is probably one of the most terrifying things of this Earth. Nevertheless, you can't stand but to love humanism and the persona of one 's being.
Pinocchio, a classic film directed by Norman Ferguson, reminds us how it is to be vulnerable, fragile, and human. Through the linear progression of
choice and opposition, Pinocchio's wooden heart has to learn the acrimonious trial of human temptation and deviance in order to become a real boy.
Thus creating the theme, "you must go through trial, turbulation and experiences in order to truly appreciate humanity and others."
In the beginning, just as many films begin, we open the story. This simple action helps the audience literally envision the beginning, the opening, the
first page of a story. This makes the film more personable, as if we were reading the book with a family member before going to bed. In the timeline,
we would call this the exposition in which happiness and no opposing forces have occurred yet. Pinocchio is still a wooden puppet and we are
introduced to the characters of the film. What I find is interesting is that Even from the beginning, Pinocchio was the closest to human out of all the
toys and wooden clocks in the
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Personal Narrative-The Racoon And The Skunk
The Racoon and The Skunk I was being chased. It wasn't the fun games you played when you were just a toddler. It was the run–for–your–life chase. I
couldn't run any more, my heart was beating so hard; as if it would explode out of my furry grey chest at any given moment. My tiny charcoal
paws had enough with all the beating from the sticks and stones. They really could break your bones. I stopped in the middle of my tracks, then
darted to the nearest bush. I could tell that the black and white creature was slowly crawling towards me. It wasn't very secretive with it's steps,
like a tiger hunting its prey. It was more like a toddler, dashing to the tree on Christmas morning. I thought this would be the end of me. It came
closer and closer, and I could see the black fur on its back glisten from the rays of the noon sun. I was alone and scared. I couldn't cry out for help, as
no one would hear me. I dashed to the nearest log. It was a young log with white with streaks of faded brown. You could tell it had collapsed the year
or two... Show more content on ...
It was so distinct, almost like a firecracker. I froze, petrified as to what would come. My small black eyes grew large as I saw the black and white
creature leap out from behind the tree. It scampered in my direction, and I had no way out. I started to make my way to the top of the log, trying to
leap through it. I didn't know what to do. Oh why had I eaten so much the day before. I was stuck, with no way to get out of here. The thoughts of
what the urchin will do to me swirls in my thoughts. It tip–toed into the log. All I could see was the large black and white tail sticking out of the log.
My eyes grew even bigger than before, and I knew.. this was the end. What was it going to do to me? Is there any way someone could help? If only
the trees would talk. If only I hadn't done those things in my tragic past. If only I would've given my new parents a
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Descriptive Essay About My Village
Get a Taste of the Irish Countryside in Doolin Village
While metropolitan cities like Dublin are fun and exciting, nothing quite beats the tranquility and beauty of the Irish countryside. Rolling emerald
hills, mossy trees, and adorable grazing sheep all over the place! Not to mention the countryside is your best bet for finding the best traditional Irish
food and truly local goods. Doolin Village is small but has everything to offer from good food, drinks, handmade candies, clothing and accessories... all
in one tiny place!
The entire village is a single street
This is a tiny village in County Clare, Ireland. And when I say tiny, I mean literally one block long. You'd think you'd be underwhelmed, but the
buildings have such a unique and classic flare, and they have a way of making you feel like you're in a fairytale. The folks of this little village are
very welcoming, and the best part is you don't have to worry about large crowds! This village may be small, but trust me, you'll want to take
pictures of every building and sign. This place has a way of making you feel right at home, even as a total tourist! On top of that, they're so used to
tour buses stopping in, all of the shops are absolute pros at helping tourists and keeping up with whatever crowds come their way!
A scenic village in the middle of scenic greenery
The village is not only on a single street, but it's also only on one side of a single street. If you turn from the
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Tubing Essay
Wiping the sleepies out of my eyes, I quickly glanced at my alarm clock – 5 am. "Good, I've got plenty of time," I thought to myself. As quietly as
possible, which never works when I am trying to, I quickly grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Checking my list and grabbing my gear I headed
out to wait for a taxi in the cool fading morning. I could taste the excitement, or was that the humidity?
That day began like all the other missionary kid tubing trips down the Davao River in the Philippines, full of anxious anticipation and adventure. I was
so excited you can barely sleep the night before. My mom made sure I had everything I needed, worrying like only mothers know how. My friends and
I were off from school for Christmas ... Show more content on ...
Some of us struggled into our wetsuit, trying to jump and jiggle in, while others tied themselves to their tub as a safety line. I decided not to tie
myself on, because the last time I had tubed in a flood, the nylon rope almost strangled me. As we continued to get ready, we had to periodically
move back because the river was still rising. Every once and a while, huge trees – whole trees – would pass by, barely making it under the rope bridge
ahead of us. This only added to our excitement. This was going to be AWESOME!
The plan was to stay as a group as much as possible. Like always, we each had a buddy. Plans changed. As soon as we entered the water we were
sweep away, literally sweep away. In normal conditions we could steer and avoid objects easily on the river. This was completely different. In about
five minutes we all realized that the river was in control, not us. Our group got scattered like a rain drop hitting a window. Buddies changed.
Four of us, Fraser, Isaac, Jon, and I slammed into a grove of coconut trees that is usually five feet up on the bank. The river was supposed go on both
sides of this island but this time it did not. The river, swollen to its max capacity, went clear over and through the grove. Gathering our senses, and
Jon's tub that he got thrown off of, we tempted to half walk, half swim our way to the end of the grove and
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Rudolf Lab The Theorist, The Theory And The Context
Part 1: The theorist, The Theory and The Context Rudolf Laban, a brilliant acting theorist, inspires many individuals, groups of actors and performers
all over the world to this day. His progressive acting theories mold an individual into a character effortlessly and effectively. Although his ideas were
not always appreciated, his critics only pushed him to better his techniques. Rudolf Laban was born on December 15th, 1879, in Bratislava, which used
to be part of the Austro–Hungarian Empire. His Father, a highly decorated Officer in the Army, hoped that Rudolf would follow in his footsteps;
however, Rudolf found himself intrigued with the complexity of the arts. He studied art and acting at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. While... Show
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Rudolf Laban died at the age of 78 on July 1st 1998, in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Rudolf Laban's theories focus primarily on movement. His
movements are specific to what the actor intends on portraying. Not only so, but the movement of the actor would in turn directly reflect the
character's personality. He believed every movement performed displayed a greater purpose to internally reflect on one's character. Thus, His
movement theories help an actor to bring out the individuality of each character portrayed in a performance or dance. Part 2: Practical Explorations
and Development of the Solo Theatre Piece For this solo piece, I chose to incorporate Laban's theories into an interpretive dance. I display, not two
different characters' movements, but one character's movements as he/she develops, learns, and grows throughout his/her lifetime. To do so, I will use
shadows in the background to interact with the character in order to allow the audience to better comprehend my actions and movements throughout
the song. As the actor, I conform to the story line and the character I am portraying by my movements and interactions with the shadows projected
onto the backdrop of the stage. As I prepared for this performance, I found it difficult to incorporate the movement patterns of two characters, due to
the fact that it is specifically a solo piece rather than a duet or
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The Maze in the Heart of the Castle Essay
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
Dorothy Gilman's fiction adventure "The Maze in the Heart of the Castle" is about a young boy named Colin who has nothing to lose and
everything to gain. This takes place along time ago, when Colin's parents die tragically when Colin is only 16 years old. Sad and seeking answers,
Colin seeks answers from his religious teacher Brother John. John tells Colin that he might want to go see the Grand Odlum, a mysterious man who
lived at an old castle. Colin takes Brother John's advice, and decides to find the Grand Odlum.
The Grand Odlum tells Colin that comes from a land far away, and that the only way to get to this land is to travel a long journey, which begins in a
huge maze in the heart of a castle. The ... Show more content on ...
His name was Talmar. This started the horrible dictatorship of the Talmars.
Colin becomes friend with a Talmar named Zan, and together they overthrow the dictatorship of King Talmar, and end the dictatorship. Colin, who is
sure he hasn't reached the land the Grand Odlum spoke of, decides to continue his journey.
Traveling with a horse that the Talmar's gave him, Colin soon reaches a forest type area, and he can see that the snow–capped mountains have neared.
In the forest he meets a girl named Charmian, who he falls in love with. They live months in the woods, slowly reaching the snowy mountains. Colin
decides that they should be married, but just as he thought this, Charmian begins to betray Colin. She leaves him to die one morning, taking almost
everything that belonged to him. Only Colin's will to reach the end keeps him alive.
Shortly after, he is found by another small group of peoples whom live atop the snowy mountain, in a small cave. They take care of him, and show
him many wood trades. They are very kind, yet they don't want him to ever–go outside. He believes that these people are another obstacle that is
keeping him from reaching the end of his journey. He decides to break out one night and leaves the warm caves. He is met by cold snow, but drags on
to the other side of the mountain.
Shortly after, Colin learns that only a valley lies between him and the land he
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Creative Story : A Short Story
She felt the change in her surroundings like a storm rolling in across the sky, and all at once, a choking sense of foreboding fell over her. Damaris
felt the inner source of her powers start to fight her for control, gaining in strength and aggression. She needed to take a moment to regain mastery
of the wild magic deep inside her core. The power had bubbled and churned within her for as long as Damaris could remember. As a child it had
been a warm comforting friend, a soft feeling of safety that helped her in small subtle ways before she even understood what it was. Damaris
remembered one time she had dropped her mother's favorite ceremonial knife down into their well while doing her chores. She had been scared to
death her mother would punish her for losing the important object. Letting the memory take her, she again felt the tears streaking down her cheeks
that day, scared of disappointing her mother. She could see herself as a child again, on her toes and leaning over the edge of stone, trying so hard to
see through the pitch black depths that her head had been pounding. She was wishing so desperately that she had the knife again that her whole body
had been shaking. When the water had started churning, her younger self hadn't realized what was happening. The scent of water and wet earth hit her
at the same time a spiral of water came shooting out, and the knife landed on the grass beside her with a heavy thud. She had fallen back in her
ass...stunned. Her small
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Essay on Unseen Compo
From the passage, "Hunting for Medicines in China", it talks about a writer who travels deep into the mountains of China to search for a rare and
special herb called, the golden hairpin. In the following paragraphs, I am going to describe how the writer involves the reader in the search for the
golden hairpin by conveying how the writer builds a sense of wonder about the golden hairpin and the it's setting, how are tension and suspense
developed and the use of language.
From the first paragraph, the line, "According to order to cure a man he needed a rare and precious herb known as the golden hairpin", the
word "legend" highlights something mystic and magical, it is like something unknown because we don't know whether it is ... Show more content on ...
While short sentence used in the line "then he disappeared" and personification used in the line "Swallowed by the clouds" further create tension and
suspense because it causes us to wonder what will happen next since being "swallowed by the clouds" creates a sense of mysterious and enigmatic
feel which involves the readers in the search. In addition, the use of tense involves the readers because the change of tense into present past tense
throughout the passage gives a sense of immediacy which creates tension.
Furthermore, the line, "In front of me rose a tall, slender, graceful, solitary peak. It looked like one in a painting...I could hear the sound of mountain
streams...the peak seemed so close, yet between us were white clouds and precipice below" adjectives "tall, slender, graceful, solitary" and simile is
used to describe the peak which creates an imagery of the scene on the mountain. While the use of senses of hearing and sight further involves the
readers as it gets the readers to imagine the setting.
In conclusion, the writer has described clearly about the experience of
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Parental Dominance And Gender Equality
"A gender–equal society would be the one where the word 'gender' does not exist; where everyone can be themselves" (Gloria Steinem).
Gender–equality is a substantial problem that is everlasting within the society of today, and parental dominance is one of the key contributors in this
never ending predicament. Parental dominance is a severe obstacle the protagonists have to overcome as their birth givers take countless amounts of
steps to sway their children into the predetermined route at society creates for them. These characters within "Saturday Climbing" and "Boys and
Girls" try their damndest to fight for justice and to secure what their hearts truly desire. Firstly peer pressure from their parental figures to partake in
activities and society imposes on them leads to rebellion and poor life choices. As a result of the immense pressure placed upon both Moira and the
Farmer's daughter the ladies lash out and voice their disagreements both physically and verbally. On top of this, the placement of unnecessary
aspirations upon adolescence within society can result in a whole world of problems. Forcing these children into having such aspirations can lead to
negativity and doubt. Both Moira and the daughter of the farmer face the same predicament through their experiences. Ultimately these protagonists of
"Saturday Climbing" and "Boys and Girls" Club to control of their own future in their path of destiny. They do not allow others to control what they
should say or do.
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Bronwyn: A Narrative Fiction
Bronwyn dropped the rock, and just as it was barreling downwards, the hollow leapt sideways across the cliff face, right where the tug in my stomach
had directed. The boulder collided––square onto the hollowgast's head––and they tumbled down the sheer rock face. The boulder landed flat on the
hollow, and the only things that exposed it's being there were two black, slimy tentacles, writhing for a second more, then falling limply back to the
ground. A pool of black, thick, gooey hollow blood slithered and seeped out from under the boulder. The children erupted in cheers, even Miss
Peregrine was screeching and flapping her one good wing up and down in the air, kicking up thin, orange–brown dust. Olive flung herself onto
Bronwyn, one shoe coming... Show more content on ...
I shall tell the others you are nice, safe peculiars, and that they came come out now." While Addison called the other... well, I didn't know the other
whats––peculiars, say––we glanced around a bit more at our surroundings. There were many underground hut–like things, some bigger, some smaller,
some shorter, some taller. There was a small gary shack hidden behind the cobblestone tower, most likely for small livestock or gardening supplies or
some such thing. A little ways away, I could see several figures poking out their heads, or what I thought might be heads, and then disappearing again
behind the mounds, the tower, or the shack. Addison let out a sharp, high–pitched whistle, and many animal–like things stepped tentatively out to meet
us. The animals, not a single human as far as I could see, formed a line in front of us. First up was something that looked like a half donkey, half
giraffe. I had no idea what was going on, I had never seen such creatures. I didn't know something like this could exist. I was doubly surprised when
this one started talking
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Personal Narrative-Atlantic Way
The days leading up to the fifth of August had been characteristically Irish, complete with clouds in Connemara, a daylong drizzle in Dingle, and
forty–mile–per–hour winds at the Cliffs of Moher (which, under said conditions, were more deserving of their Princess Bride alias, the Cliffs of
Insanity). In Ireland, the island nation that gifts its western seaboard with 225 days of rain each year, fickle weather is a fact of life. But now, for eight
hours, my family needed the Wild Atlantic Way to tame itself–perhaps, for just one day, the Mild Atlantic Way could suffice?
We had made our reservations to land onSkellig Michael five months in advance. Now, midway through our road trip down the western coast of
Ireland, we'd repeatedly encountered variants of the same enthusiastic yet ominous ... Show more content on ...
An awed silence overtook the stern of the boat as the looming island grew larger and larger upon approach. To the left of me, my mom widened her
eyes, a lifelong fear of heights flashing across her face. The captain didn't need to turn around to know what was happening. From the wheelhouse, he
simply laughed. "That's Little Skellig over there. We've still got a ways to go."
From a distance, Little Skellig could almost be mistaken for a snow–capped mountain. Up close, however, the source of the island's feathery white
dusting grows obvious. One of the largest bird colonies in the world, Little Skellig is an annual breeding ground for more than 20,000 northern
gannets. By no means, however, should you allow the island's name to trick you. Towering over our boat at a height of 440 feet, Little Skellig is far
from "little." In Gaelic, the word "Sceillic" means a particularly steep rock. Head craned back as we cruised past the first Skellig, etymology didn't
elude me for a
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Geology's Control of the Coastal Features in the Swanage Area
Geology's Control of the Coastal Features in the Swanage Area
Geology can have a great affect on many coastal features. This is because the lithology or structure of the rocks may affect the coastal landforms, and
the different processes occurring may also affect the way the landforms turn out.
Starting with the Swanage area it can be seen that the area of Swanage is an Atlantic coast. This means that there are bands of hard and soft rock in
the coast and therefore due to rocks of different hardness, the rocks erode at different rates and so you get distinct landforms. At Swanage the main
types of rocks are Wealden clay, Purbeck (limestone) and Portland stone. Below is a basic map of the area... Show more content on ...
In Studland Bay there's a beach and the reason for this is that it has retreated about 2km (maximum) from the original cliff line and so this means that
incoming waves have longer to travel till they reach the cliff and since the shoreline gets shallower it means tat the waves start to loose a lot more
energy and so they deposit whatever load they are carrying, which causes the formation of the first type of landform–the beach.
The Foreland is made up of chalk. Chalk is fairly resistant and is defiantly a lot more resistant than the clay and sands, with which it's surrounded by.
This make the Foreland very resistant and so the sea can't erode it that much and so its left as a headland. However, some erosion has occurred,
evidence for this is Old Harry and the Pinnacles, which can only be formed due to erosion. This erosion could be due to the fact that on either side of
the headland are two bays or so this means that due to wave refraction wave energy is focused onto the headland causing it to erode. Another distinct
thing about the landform of the Foreland is that it has a slanted shape, instead of just sticking out. This is shown below:
From the simplified diagram above it can be seen that the main wind comes from the
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Ocean Trip Persuasive Essay
"Go!Go!Go!" Dangling on the edge of a cliff I heard the echo of Sir Rolyat's voice. The crew had left a clear path from the edge of the mountain all
the way to the safe area. I reached up and swung my legs round the branch then Eille reached up and grabbed my arms. It was a really hot day in
Hawaii and the sun was setting slightly to the west– the view was perfect. After a few seconds of composing ourselves I said: "C'mon, daylight ends in
a few hours" "Should we split?" "No.We started as a team and we end as a team" "We need to reach the top of the mountain so we can scan the
terrain before time runs out" "But what happens if time does run out?" We all knew what would happen and let that show in our facial expressions.
Our team consisted of over thirty people on the cliffs but most of them were almost at the top... Show more content on ...
We grasped our thighs, wishing for minimum impact. Nothing surrounded us, just air. We each fell at different rates, the heaviest reaching the ground
first. Sir Rolyat and some of the crew stayed in the helicopter, organizing our next move. We had been given earpiece, so we could talk to each other.
"You all need to pull your parachutes...NOW!" We aimed for the unused motorway, did a flip mid
–air and landed perfectly within the road. As our Nike
shoes touched the smooth tarmac, our parachutes folded back up into our backpacks and we ran to our BMW's ( We had been offered a promotion by
BMW and had a car each). We threw ourselves in the driver's seat, put the keys in and pulled off. Without hesitation, we started trying to get our cars
into formation – a task that wasn't as easy as it sounds. Getting the cars to line up perfectly while driving over the speed limit was tough although in
the end we managed to create a straight line. "CUT!" Sir Rolyat said at the end of filming the scene. "We'll film the next scene of the movie
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The Importance Of Carol As A Character in Willy Russell's...
The Importance Of Carol As A Character in Willy Russell's Our Day Out
The play, "Our Day Out" was written by Willy Russell in 1976, set in Liverpool. Willy Russell was born in 1947 near Liverpool, he has also written
other plays such as, Educating Rita, Shirley Valentine and Blood Brothers. The play "Our Day Out" was originally written for television and was
televised on BBC 2, 1977. It is a celebration of the joys and agonies of growing up and being footloose, fourteen and free from school. But this is more
than a romp – it points up the depressing present and empty future for these comprehensive no–hopers from the backstreets of Liverpool, for whom a
day out is as much as they can expect. Willy ... Show more content on ...
"Carol rushes along the street wearing a school uniform which doubles as a street outfit and her Sunday best" and "She is eating half a sandwich
and clutching a supermarket carrier bag". The quotes shows that she comes from a poor background were her family doesn't really have much
money to spend, or that her family doesn't really care about Carol much. You can tell that she is not very clever by the way she talks to her friends
and teachers "Miss is that in England, Eh?" This shows that she isn't very intelligent and does not have a good education. This proves that the
education system is failing children. When they are at the zoo, Carol takes an animal and decides to give it a name "I'm gonna call mine Freddy.
Hiya, Freddy. Hello, Freddy. Freddy." It shows that Carol doesn't understand what she is doing is wrong, but she desires to have something all of her
own to love, care and treasure. Carol realises what her life is like at home and doesn't want to go back to that, which highlights the message of social
deprivation. Willy Russell includes Carol because she is not like every other child in the progress class. Carol is kind and considerate and thinks
about other people before herself. We think of it as only being the kids fault and not thinking about other reasons like money, poor background and the
type of family they come from. Therefore we feel guilty because we
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High School Persuasive Speech
They pass you in the hallway like a cold wind you feel the presence but you don't see a face to the body. A body in the shadows unwilling to be
recognized. Any slight acknowledgement of existence is unimaginable to the shadow. This shadow is not the darkness in a white wall this shadow is a
person with warmth to a hand and a beating heart like any other. The only difference is that this young soul has never been in a world so massive with
all different types of people with different styles and personalities. A new universe was opened. The faceless stay unrecognized because of the
fears they carry. The new world is scary for the shadow so it remains behind closed doors or moving from darkness to darkness undetected,nameless to
others. Scared of revealing who it really is to those in the new world. I was the cold wind the shadow and the faceless. I was afraid to open up to
experience the world and try new things the fear was ... Show more content on ...
I was dreading to attend due to the the overwhelming pressure that is expected to go above and beyond to complete an assignment but of course
nobody wants to niglet free college classes so i took a leap of faith. My first assignment was to make a speech on a topic to informing the class. I could
not be more terrified in being front and center of the classroom. I could feel all forty–six out of the twenty–three students eyes deadbolted on me. My
hands shaking and sweating my legs wobbling like elvis presley, but i had to get through this speech i refused to be the little mouse. I took a deep
breath and started with my topic next thing i knew i heard clapping, it was over and apparently i didn't do to bad. After that experience i felt like a
natural just talking to a group of people on one topic i was passionate about. This was the first step on showing people my thoughts and
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How Did Copernicus Heliocentric Model Explain Why The...
1) Suppose this evening here in Montana, you look up at the sky, and you see a bright star low on the horizon, exactly due East. Where will that
star appear to be six hours later? (Hint: It will NOT be directly overhead.) If I were to look up at the sky and see a bright star low on the horizon,
exactly due East six hours later it would appear at its highest point due North. 2) Suppose this evening here in Montana, you look up at the sky, and
you see a bright star low on the horizon, exactly due East. Where will that star appear to be 12 hours later? If I were to look up at the sky and see a
low star on the horizon, exactly due East twelve hours later it would appear to be low on the horizon due West. 3) Suppose this evening here in Montana,
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Ptolemy's geocentric model explained that the planets moved backwards because the planets moved around in small orbit called the epicycle that
revolved in much larger circles around Earth. 17) How did Copernicus' heliocentric model explain why the planets sometimes move backwards?
Copernicus heliocentric model explained that the planets sometimes move backwards by coming up with the idea that Earth and all the other
planets circled the sun. He also concluded that if a planet was closer to the sun the great the orbital speed it would have. Kepler's 3rd law, p^2 = a^3,
applies to all objects orbiting our Sun. In this law p is the period of time it takes an object to orbit the Sun, as measured in years, and a is the
semi–major axis of this planet's orbit (its average distance to the Sun), as measured in AU.Using algebra we can solve for either p = a^(3/2) or a = p^(2
/3). 18) Suppose we discover an asteroid that is 4.0 AU from the Sun. How much time would it takes this asteroid to complete an orbit? P^2=a^3
8^2=4^3 64=64 It would take 8 years. 19) Suppose we discover a comet that orbits the Sun every 100 years. What would be this planet's average
distance (semi–major axis) from the
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Growing Up Research Paper
Imagine assembling and disassembling AK–47 in high school! Stacy, is an international student from the University of Oregon. Stacy's life growing
up was different and a little bit similar to to how other people in the US grow up. Stacy was born in Saratov and moved to Siberia when she was 2
years old. Her mom Taught her english as a child (when did your mom start teaching you english), and Stacy watches cartoons from Cartoon
network and disney. She would go to her family's country house called "dacha" where there is a garden, a river, and no cell service. Stacy's generation
was the lost generation; in the 90s Russia fell apart, and so because of that families could only afford to have one child so that is way stacy and her
friends are only childs. Stacy parent are divorced, and the people in her family that are close are her mom, dad, and grandma. Her father was a police
officer, but now he is a retired cop and just works for the government know, and her mom is an english teacher and is still working as an english teach
at a high school (which high school). What is a sweet 18? According to Stacy, A sweet 18 is when a person is able to drive cars, buy property, go to
jail, and get married; it's basically when a person becomes 18 they gets privileges as an... Show more content on ...
Stacy could not get a lot of references, so that was a problem. Food was also a big adjustment to her because everyone just when out to eat all. In
Russia people would just eat home made food and when people go out to eat it's for like a special occasion. Stacy said that her mom tells her that "your
spoiled you've been going out to eat every
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Frankenstein Monologue
Can't Get Away On your way back in the house feel something following you so you turned around to identify what it is nothing is there. You keep
on walking all the sudden you felt the presence of this body getting closer you turn around one last time, there it is out of nowhere you realize
gigantic girth as a telephone pole chasing after you weighing up to 200 pounds and it is nearly 20 feet long. As a child were always curious about
happening we don't know, however this constrictors creature is after you there is no need to stop asking why am I being chased your just running
for life as quick as you can. There you are on a swing just admiring a fiery red orb of light slowly sinking beneath the horizon, and threads of light
lingered in the ... Show more content on ...
All I knew as a child mainly that colorful wild snakes are venomous. I can't avoid nevertheless wait for this deadly creature to bite me since there is
no way I'm escaping this after all I am still a little boy. I realize this thing hasn't bitten me yet, at that moment I grew frustrated and panic since ever
breathe I inhale the pythons sneezes harder and harder eventually I blacked out. This dream feels actually real I would wake up sweating,
frightened, I generally be founding myself checking under my bed if there is a snake under there. Since majority of these animals remain well
camouflaged with the surroundings and attack their prey at an ambush. I'm still horrified every time I think or hear about snakes regardless of
how harmless it is, it gave me goose bumps and makes my body shiver. I noticed a pattern to this horrible nightmare of mine it usually happens
after a long difficult day. When I'm exhausted, I always stretch to relax my muscles and set room the temperature where it remains not too hot or
too cold just somewhere at a low 60 degrees. Once I become all comfortable I will fall asleep quickly and my subconscious starts to wander into my
innermost fears. The sense of me being chased by a snake is a metaphor for something I still haven't discover yet, in my life. I do believe where I ran
faster and managed to remain still in the same place symbolize me running on the treadmill. No matter how fast or far ran by crank up the speed button
on the treadmill that person will remain in the current position. I totally dislike running on the treadmill not because of the python, hence it's boring
putting in 3 miles and more seems forever. The other opinion is when competing in track &field in a split
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Film: The Influence Of Light In The Mummy
Introduction: This episode of "Mythbusters, Let there be light" was influenced by a scene from a Hollywood movie "The Mummy." Where they used
sunlight as a source of light with a mirror system to enlighten an underground area. The myth was if mirror can be used to reflect sunlight to create
illumination and enlightened an underground area for a safe passageway as shown in the movie. Adam and Jamie come up with some idea to test if
this ancient illumination is really possible. They set up two benchmarks, first was to see how much amount of light the movie used to enlighten their
underground space, and if the mirror does reflect that amount of light, and the second benchmark was to estimate the minimum amount of light a
human eyes need in order ... Show more content on ...
After the mirror adjustment with the utilization of the spotlight they observed a value of light level 2.3 lux. After the sky was cleared, they used the
sunlight to create the reflection and observed a light level of 2.51 lux. Their result was quite prominent even though it wasn't completely as higher as
the movie (200 lux), however with the utilization of the sun the light level was six times higher than the minimum light level of naked eyes. However
they faces a problem with the sunlight, as the sun moves from the primary mirror it loses the focus on all the other secondary mirror, therefore making
it difficult to create a consistence light level in the tomb. When the earth is rotating around the sun, from someone on the earth the prospective is that
the sun is rotating or moving. So in order for the illumination they have to adjust the primary mirror in about every three minutes, or else there is no
reflection in the primary glass. Therefore they illustrated that even though it works, but the time is too short in between illumination and next
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Creative Writing: Ralph's Run
Run. That was the only thought on Ralph's mind as he ran from Jack and his tribe, wildly searching for someplace safe to hide. The adrenaline
pumped in Ralph's chest as he ran, coursing through his veins, keeping him going. Ralph had no clue where he was headed. He just knew that he
needed to run, and run fast.
Ralph could hear the steady pounding of feet not too far behind him, so he picked up the pace. Ralph stopped running suddenly. He had come upon a
fork in the path he was following.
Which way now? He thought. There were three different paths he could take. The path to Ralph's left led up to the mountain, and was quite steep. The
paths in the middle and on the right both led farther into the jungle. Ralph immediately decided the mountain ... Show more content on
When he was completely certain that they were gone, Ralph came out from his hiding spot in the shadows, and began to pace back and forth in a line.
Ralph wracked his brain for any sort of memory from Jack's conversation with the others, but came up with nothing worth remembering.
Before he could say, "Sucks to your ass–mar", Ralph was face first on the jungle floor, with a mouthful of dirt. He stood up quickly, spitting the filthy
stuff out of his mouth, trying to get the bitter taste off his tongue.
Somehow, falling flat on his face had helped to jog Ralph's memory a bit, and suddenly he had remembered what he heard of Jack's conversation with
the other boys. Samneric! They are guarding the mountain! Ralph remembered. I need to convince them to come back if I stand any chance against
Jack and the rest!
With his energy newly restored at this newfound information, Ralph bounded up the steep mountain path, as fast as his legs could carry him. In all of
his excitement, Ralph wasn't watching where he was going, and ran into someone's chest.
"Ralph?", Sam asked. "Is that you?"
"What are you doing here?", Eric asked.
"You need to leave, Ralph. Before they catch you!", Sam told
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Vista House Case Study
At 11:25 hours the group took a break for exploration. The group entered the Vista House. In the Vista House I saw the unique stonework of the
building, saw views of bridges and tunnels that are important to the area, and read information about commercial ventures such as road houses and
a)Generally, waterfalls are unique structures in terms of environmental factors since they create their own ecosystems. Waterfalls also create local
winds due to falling water and house species of special plants that can only grow behind the waterfall in a specific microclimate and with certain
levels of moisture. Waterfalls have a unique ecology and many organisms and animals choose to reproduce behind waterfalls because they provide a
barrier of protection from predators. The group observed Latourell Falls and Later Multnomah Falls from a distance and were able to see the rising
wind and mist coming from the base of the ... Show more content on ...
The hatchery receives thousands of tourists daily and is a large part of the tourism infrastructure of Washington and the economy. According to its
website, the hatchery raises 6.6 million fall chinook, 900,000 spring chinook, 750,000 Coho, 250,000 summer steelhead and 60,000 winter steelhead.
The hatchery also raises pacific salmon when adult salmon arrive at the hatchery in "September and are then sorted through before spawning begins."
There are at least "40 different species of bird to view at Bonneville Fish Hatchery," in addition to the fish species.
/visitors/bonneville_hatchery_more.asp The fish hatchery raises fish for the purpose of providing them for sport, commercial, and tribal fisheries. This
hatchery is one of the oldest in Oregon and one of the largest in producing fish to sustain naturally produce native fish species.
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My Views On Art As A Child
Admittedly, I never retained much of an interest in art as a child. Yes, I knew the basic mechanics behind mixing primary colors to make
secondary ones, and had even experimented with tertiary colors on occasion. I even developed an innocent curiosity in the works of Leonardo da
Vinci as I grew older, but still maintained a blasГ© approach towards art in general. Since participating in Art Appreciation at DCCC, my views on
that matter have changed. I have gained a new fondness for the seemingly trivial things in life and have since looked at them differently than I did
before I signed up for the class. Upon visiting the Reynolda House this weekend with a fellow classmate to work on our first outside–of–class writing
assignment, this adapted outlook was especially apparent. The two of us wandered about the museum at a leisurely pace, and while I was already
vaguely familiar with the layout from a previous visit as a little girl, three oil paintings from the Victorian era caught my eye. While they share an
initial similarity with each other in their naturistic settings, they also differ in a myriad of ways. The first piece of art that I will be analyzing is The
Old Hunting Grounds, an oil painting created by Worthington Whittredge in 1864. Whittredge largely limits his color pallete with mottled shades of
green and brown typical of vegetation and forest life, though the canvas' focal point is dominated by a grove of illuminated birch trees. In comparison to
the overall dark
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Museum Visit Paper – Ante Meridian by Frederick Waug
Museum Visit Paper – Ante Meridian by Frederick Waugh
ART 101 My family and I recently visited the Orlando Museum of Art in Orlando, Florida. The museum enjoys a seemingly eclectic collection of
artifacts, sculptures, photographs, and paintings. While perusing the gallery I was fascinated by one painting in particular. The piece was called "Ante
Meridian", oil on board, c.a. 1935 by Frederick Judd Waugh(American 1861–1940). This representational painting was of a presumably north eastern
coast line where waves were battering the cliffs and rocks during a stormy day. The sky was ominous yet you don't see the rain falling. The sun appears
to illuminate a jetty in the distance giving you the impression that the storm was ... Show more content on ...
By his vertical placement of the cliff in the right forefront of the picture plane, he further emphasizes the illusion of space. Second, the diminishing
size of the sea, cliffs in the background, and the jetty all express depth in the overall scene. The violent cove appears to move away from us in to
the open sea. Ante Meridian is an example of atmospheric perspective. The foreground colors are bold and rich, whether it is the white wave caps
or the cliff façade, but as the scene retreats in to the distance, the sea, background rocks, and sky become bluer, paler, and less distinct. The objects
in the distance are blurrier to demonstrate this open space even more. The implied changes in the position of the thrashing waves give you the feeling
of motion. The overlapping relationship of the storm clouds to the apparent clear sky, as well as the curve of the rain clouds all imply these dark
storm clouds are moving out to the left. Waugh also gave a slight glimmer of sunlight beating down on the rocks in the background to further illustrate
the idea that the storm is moving on and the sun is breaking through. This bit of sunlight is the only vibrant color in this paining. The whole aspect of
the sea is implied motion. I believe with every short, wide brush stroke used to paint the surf, Waugh intended to imply motion. The very nature of
water is movement but he went beyond what we know and tried to convey not just motion but
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The, Sharing The Secrets Of The Universe
Have you ever walked alongside the Gods, sharing the secrets of the universe? A whirlwind of truth permeates and resonates with every fiber of
your being, the ultimate osmosis of what is, was, and will be. Gusts of wind throw themselves at you with the force of a giant 's kick, tearing away
all that isn 't held down. Hats. Scarves. Fear. Pain. Nothing is safe from its icy grip. It 's like an out of body experience that you never want to end––a
dissociative spell that makes you feel at one with the heavens. There is something poetic about standing at the edge of a cliff, peering over the rocks and
reeds at the choppy water below, a void so blue that you risk losing your very soul inside of it. These are the Cliffs of Moher, a natural ... Show more
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Why would one choose to leave this place? The wind pauses for a moment and I hear a melody in the brief silence. Can the others hear this, I
wonder? Faces morph into shadowed blurs as they fight on. Soon the wind picks up once more; the question left unanswered. It appears to be a
novelty for some, standing where the Gods touch the earth, pausing not to feel the air but instead to take a selfie. In a way, I understand wanting to
record the moment, however, why would one let that be their driving purpose? At this most sublime of locations, I would hope that reverence would
consume the travelers.
After all, it has consumed me.
Soon afterwards a speck of water hit my glasses and I return my gaze to the sea. Waves rush upon the face of the cliffs hundreds of feet below,
caught in the same gusts that have captured my spirit. Flowing as I flow, froth and foam rising from the depths, spilling over like the tears on my
cheeks. I finally understand Icarus, who loved the sun so much that he let it end his life. Looking at the light breaking through the clouds, I feel that
same longing. Is this how the world was before Man took its first breath? Do those ethereal beings remain here because it reminds them of home? If
so, it is something we have in common. I do not wish to leave; though I must.
. There is a limit to what a heart can hold; if I stay any longer I may never go, and yet I remain uneasy at
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What Is My Most Important Summer Essay
My Most Important Summer Some people like to stay in control of their life and avoid any amount of extraordinary risk to protect their
self–disclosure. Other people don't shy away from challenges as they are confident that certain obstacles are nothing more than just another thing
standing in their way from living life to the fullest extent. Through personal experience, I've realized that personal comfort is nothing more than a
variety of fears that limit me from challenging myself. One balmy summer morning my friends convinced me to come swim in Grapevine Lake,
which would be very enticing if I was a strong swimmer or had any swimming experience whatsoever. I was a fairly reserved person, and most of the
time the idea of risk or failure decided whether or not I would partake in certain activities. In contrast, my two friends, Austin and Nick, always were
willing to take risks and defy their natural comfort, if they even had any. I accepted their request, although there was doubt in the back of my mind. I...
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Immediately, I angled my position and went for a dead sprint toward the water. I jumped off thecliff. I never felt anything like it; the trajectory had me
flying through the air for longer than I expected. A surge of adrenaline pulsed through my body, bringing a new sense of life to me. The scorching
heat went away as gravity pulled my body toward the water, bringing me a pleasant breeze through my fall. Then, I finally hit the water. I didn't stick
a solid landing, as I went head first into the water. I panicked and opened my eyes under the murky water, only to see nothing but dirt and sediments
float around me. I kept sinking and saw a monstrous fish swim right in front of my face. At that very moment, my body went into overdrive, and I
managed to project myself back up to the
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Differences In A Long Distance Relationship And The Military
Relationships are all about love, happiness, and support. It is also a way of taking the time to know your significant other in ways that are
personal and different than any other type of relationship that you can have. Being in a military relationship is different than other relationships,
the struggles and not to mention the distance that is faced while being in one. Waiting for calls, having a time difference and wanting to be held
during any bad times can get frustrating and difficult at times, but just knowing that one day you'll stay and grow old together can be the strength
that can pull you through your weaknesses. Those who are within a long distance relationship are familiar with about the hardships that are faced.
Though the only difference between being in a long distance relationship and a military long distance relationship are the struggles of being in one
where you don 't know when the next time you'll be able to see your other or even their be time to contact, even just if you'll be able to speak to
them. "There are struggles here and there. Some things are taken the wrong way if you 're texting them,like there are instances where I am just
asking him a simple question because I 'm curious and he thinks I 'm mad. I 'd say that the biggest struggle is finding a time when he isn 't busy and I
'm not busy to just sit down and focus on each other. There is a two hour time difference, so it makes it tough at times, but I just keep in mind that some
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El Nino Effects On Coastal Environments
El NiГ±o refers to the large–scale climatic relationship between the ocean and atmosphere, linked to a sporadic warming in sea temperatures across the
central and east–central Equatorial Pacific, (What are El Nino and La Nina, 2016). Effects of the El Nino typically develop over North America
before the winter months, and include warmer than average temperatures over western and central Canada and The United States. The force of El
NiГ±o can significantly influence weather patters, marine conditions, and a large proportion of coastal environments, (What are El Nino and La Nina,
2016). Relatively new information considering impacts of El NiГ±o due to warming temperatures has introduced new ideas that El NiГ±o has a direct
effect on coastal landforms in the state of California, (пїјearth a dynamic structure, 2003). Scholars argue that the presence and strengthening of the El
NiГ±o have detrimental impacts on coastal environments in California, (earth a dynamic structure, 2003; Sanders, 2016). These impacts include cliff
erosion and the collapsing of cliffs, bigger waves eroding away beaches and the coast, landslides, and sea level rise, (Richmond & Gibbs, 1998).
Coastal Erosion is a result of many physical processes occurring on earth, El NiГ±o is just one of the processes that significantly destroy coastal
landforms, but climate change plays a major role in increasing the likelihood of coastal erosion due to El NiГ±o. Research done in previous studies
identify many different
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The Holderness Coastline Essay examples
The Holderness Coastline
The infamous Holderness Coastline is located on the East coast of Yorkshire, stretching from Flamborough Head to Spurn Point. In the last 2000
years the coastline has retreated by almost 400m and since Roman times over 28 villages have disappeared into the sea between Bridlington and
Spurn Head. About a million years ago the Yorkshire coastline was a line of chalk cliffs almost 32km west of where it now is. During the Ice Age
deposits of soft boulder clay were built up against these cliffs to form the new coastline. It is this soft sand and clay which is easily eroded by the
action of waves, as the ocean slowly claims back the region it used to occupy.
There are ... Show more content on ...
This is evident at both Great Cowden and Easington.
The Holderness Coastline is also extremely exposed with little protection. The original coastline before the ice age consisted mainly of chalk, and is
still present today at Flamborough Head where a headland has formed as chalk is much more resistant to coastal erosion than the boulder clay. This
outcrop of land provides some shelter, although it is minimal, as the stretch of coastline down to Spurn Head is over 50km long, most experiencing
almost head on dominant waves. The coastline is also exposed to strong North/North–East winds, which co–enside with a rather generous fetch.
Destructive waves are a result, which erode the beaches and attack the foot of the cliffs, removing masses of clay in suspension, resulting in strong
marine erosion.
The material eroded and transported elsewhere results in little material left to form beaches, which act as a barrier to protect the cliff line from tides,
currents and storms, therefore the sea's processed are able to keep cutting back the cliff line.
The weather also has a large influence. Often there are winter storm surges producing higher waves, and higher sea levels, meaning higher energy
erosion. In addition is increased sub–aerial denudation brought about by the heavy rain and strong winds. This often leads to increased slumping and
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Koopa Troopa's Cabin
As I jump off the pontoon, I feel the freezing water surround my body. I'll slip on the boots of the skis and grab the handlebar. Releasing my grip,
I put one thumb up into the wind to signal I'm ready to go. Suddenly there is a tug on the rope, and I'm being dragged through the water. Pressing
the skis against the cold water, I can finally stand up above the waves. The boat pulls me around the bend of the lake, and the view of all the
enormous cabins is thrilling. The seniors on the campground beach will clap and stand up from their Adirondack chairs to wave or whistle. As my
legs begin to feel tired, I wave one last time and let go of the handlebar. I can feel my body quickly sink down into the water; the life jacket on my chest
will be... Show more content on ...
Even though we sadly cannot visit Prairie Lake anymore, it will always be my favorite paradise. Sharing my love for one of God's gorgeous creations
doesn't even compare to the beauty from a naked
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The Lore Of La Llorona
1.Lore; noun; a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject, or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of
mouth; traditions and knowledge passed on; Many cultures have some type of lore that the people of that culture tell. For example, in Mexico,
there is the lore of La Llorona. There are plenty of stories of how she could not stop crying for her kids at the river. Moreover, there is also lore about
witches in Salem. People tell stories and write books about lore that is passed on.
2.Lucrative; adjective; producing a great deal of profit; something can make a lot of money; Karen had a lucrative idea. She did not want to share it with
others because she knew she would produce so much profit that everyone else would go out of business. Her business would even be more lucrative
than Andrea's cupcake shop. It would make more money than Facebook. She did not want to have such power and responsibility, and decided to keep
the money–making idea to herself.
3.Lurch; verb; to walk or move unsteadily and without stability; not being able to balance while walking or moving all over the place; Sarah was
completely intoxicated at the party last night. She was lurching all over the place. Every five seconds she would bump into someone. While walking
she even spilled her drink on someone. Sarah proved to everyone that they should not drink too much or else they would start lurching too.
4.Malleable; adjective; capable of being changed; influenced
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Short Story : Clarbury's 'Children'
'It was a girl, around the same age as this young nipper.' He patted Clemmie on the shoulder and smiled. 'Are you from the children's home? You've got
very good manners.'
Clemmie blushed and nodded.
'Would you be able to show me on this map where Frenchman's Cottage is?' asked Harmonie.
Mr Sparrow let her pay for some items. He then drew an X on her map.
'That'll be two shinies, please. Err...this may be cheeky to ask since we've only met, but have you got any jobs? The people who own this shop are
closing it down. I've got plenty of qualifications. I can get work in the city but I prefer it down here. The countryside is my home. Teaching is my
preference but I'll put my hand to anything.'
'I'll have a word with Doctor Pax. I'm sure we can ... Show more content on ...
It flew straight towards her.
Doctor Pax stood at the base of the cliff. In front of him was Peggotty Whim cave. The entrance was like a large black hole, ready to swallow him up.
'There's a small cave inside the entrance, just to the right,' Mosaic said. 'It's where me and my sister played when it rained.'
'Right–o! Let's go and look. Use this torch and I'll follow you in.'
They walked along the tunnel hewn into the rock. It was cold. It was narrow. It smelt damp and full of fear.
Mosaic pointed the torch at the ceiling. 'The beams which hold the roof have been up for over 300 years. They used wood from shipwrecks. There
was gossip about a tunnel which led to the top of the cliff. It's what the smugglers used.'
They bent low until the tunnel opened into a small cave. Doctor Pax shivered when a draft of cold sea air blew through a gap in his collar and tingled
down his spine.
He heard a shuffle and looked up to see a shadow move. Mosaic shone the torch higher and Doctor Pax gasped at what he saw. Hundreds of tiny bats
clung for dear life onto the ceiling.
'Ssshh! Best not wake them up.'
Mosaic shone the torch on the wall. Doctor Pax saw two sets of initials carved into the stone. M. E. and T. E.'
'That's me and my sister, Tassie Elliot,' Mosaic said. 'We carved those just before we died.'
'You drowned, didn't you? Here at Chauntsinger?'
'Yes, that's right. We went swam after lunch and got caught in the
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Katink A Narrative Fiction
"Nyna, I don't know about this. The garden has been off limits since the incident with the Prince. What happens if that happens to us?" Nyna held
my hand, leading me into the back garden of the castle. Leaving me with a view of the back of her blonde head. "Kat, aren't you supposed to
follow my every wish?" She turned around, letting go of my hand to walk backwards to talk to me. "I may be your servant inside the castle, but in
private I'm so much more." I gave her a sly smile. "But that doesn't mean I think this okay" Nyna rolled her lovely blue eyes. "My brother is a drunk.
Do you really think there are Shadows in the garden? That was probably just him covering his ass for getting beat or something." "Whether it's true or
not, it's still off... Show more content on ...
I heard her scream, but I was only focused on the looming sense of lost hope. It made my shoulders heavy and my head tired. I wanted to lay down
on the dying grass and sleep for the rest of eternity. The darkness heavy around me. I heard Nyna scream in the distance again. It wasn't important,
nothing was. "Katinka." A dark figure could be seen. When it came into focus I saw a mutilated, burned body reaching out from me. Mother. I
shrank back, shaking the tiredness from my body, replacing it with cold fear. "No," I whispered, my hands coming to my mouth. My mother's body.
My poor, beautiful, mother, who was unjustly raped then burned, haunted my dreams most nights. I would wake up in cold sweat, tears streaming
down my cheeks, but this wasn't a dream. I couldn't wake up. A voice in the back of my head was screaming, "Shadows! It's not real! It's not
mother! Call light, call something." My body ignored it, my conscious ignored it. My mother's body was moving closer to me, and with each step I
took one away. "You let this happen, Katinka. You let that man in the house. You let him do this to me." "I'm sorry," I cried out. "Im sorry momma, Im
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What Is The Story Of A Short Story
It was like any other day for me,birds were chirping, grass was growing and shadows were vandalizing property and wreaking havoc on the
world.(22.) How all of this monstrosity happened is a long story so pull up a chair and listen.I'm Jack Jone and I was at a friend's birthday party
for a friend whose name I can't say because he will be hunted down by the shadows. We had just finished the cake and had just started playing hide
and seek.The birthday boy was the seeker and I was the hider(1.)."You should count to 10 and count very slowly," I told him and he soon starts
counting aloud"1,2,3....." He counted. He was counting fast not slowly but that didn't matter to the others, they were as fast as ninjas in the dead
of night. I try to hide with one of them but she kicks me out of her hiding spot."4,5,6....." he still was counting down and I had to find a hiding spot
quick"the forest is a really good spot" I thought to myself.I ran into the forest so fast all I heard as I was running was the fading sound of him
counting"7,8,9,10 ready or not here I come" and hearing the screams of children being found and me as the kid always wanting to win ran farther
and faster into the forest until I tripped on a root of a tree and phased through the ground into a hallowed cave."SPLASH!!!" that was the sound I
made when I landed on the water and the feeling of my body being slammed on water made my back feel like I broke my spine but with little energy
and drowning because not being able to or
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Omaha Beach: A Short Story
The shoreline loomed ominously in the distance. I could faintly make out the gray concrete fortifications that sat on top of the colossal jagged cliff,
barely visible through the haze of the early morning fog that enveloped the coast of German–controlled France. I could see the Nazi flag waving slowly
with the ever gentle breeze. I looked down at my watch, its hands seeming to move in slow motion. It was 06:30. My company commander ordered
our assault craft forward. The boat cut through the waves, not like the blade of a chef's newly sharpened knife, but more like a small child slapping
his hand playfully against the cool water of a local swimming pool.
The boat rocked precariously back and forth with the motion of the ever changing sea. Suddenly, ... Show more content on ...
The torrent was endless, the barbs holding me hostage, never allowing me to escape or gain any ground. My savior came when a soldier who had
just climbed over the cliff found me. He cut me free, pulling me from my jagged prison. I collapsed onto the ground, my energy completely
drained. The soldier kneeled next to me, pulling a canteen from his backpack. He touched the metal lid to my parched lips and told me to drink. I
tried asking him who he was, but before I could manage a single word, a shot rang out, reverberating off of the emplacements, and the soldier fell to
the ground with a soft thud. I drug myself over to him in agony and stared directly into his face. Laying right between his eyes was a bullet hole, a
clean shot straight through his skull. I crumpled to the ground next to him, finally realizing who the unknown soldier was. He was my own brother,
who had somehow made it to shore even after their assault craft took a direct hit to the ramp. He had given his life, just like the company commander,
to save
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Descriptive Essay
"Mother" shouted the wispy young girl, swinging her long blonde braids in the bright sunlight as she shot out of the little stone house with its big
windows, "as the sky is so blue today and the water so tempting, please may I go down to the beach whilst you are at work?" "Oh, I don't know,
Proserpina, you have never been there alone before." I replied, gazing around at my sprawling, tranquil, countryside village with its narrow streets
and crumbling walls. Behind me hung the hauntingly, dark, dense, hilly forest, but I contemplated the sparkling, crystal clear blue ocean on the
horizon in front of me, beyond the village's patchwork of lush fields full of vegetation. "I know the way and I will be safe, I promise not to go too far
into the water." My daughter pleaded. Dressed for work, I stared down at my mud covered boots, stuffing my well–worn hands in my jean pockets,
making it impossible for my daughter to work out what I was thinking below the wide brimmed garden hat perched on my head. I was in a
quandary. Was it safe to let my daughter venture down to the ocean alone? I recognize that I trust my daughter to do as I request, nevertheless what
dangers lay looming out there. Sure the beach was safe enough plus the sea maidens would look out for her, except what about the dangers that
lurked in the dark forest and would they stay there? After what I realized must have seemed an age for Proserpina, I picked up my head and looked
lovingly at her. "Yes," you may visit
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The Most Important People In My Life
One of the most severe trials that has ever affected my life was when I lost one of the most important people in my life, my grandmother. She was
someone who had a major influence in my life, and for most of it she was very sick, in pain, couldn't move very well she was pretty brittle in that
sense. Before this severe tragedy, It never really came to my mind that someone I love could just disappear like that. During her final week of expected
time to live, she was the worst, non responsive, incoherent, and suffering, all we got from her was heavy breaths. Within 1 weeks time we get the call
that she had passed and we rushed over, seeing them drag away her corpse ensconced blue duffel bag was probably the hardest thing to witness.
October 12th 2015, 5 days from her 90th birthday, she took her last breath. Someone who loved me, took care of me, and watched as I grew up,
suddenly was gone.
I wish I could of seen her more often than I did before she died, I'm not even sure if I can visit her home the same. She died in her room and walking in
there I feel a bit of pressure, maybe a feeling of her/ her presence still in that room. When I visit I sometimes stand in the spot her bed use to be in
where she had passed and I like to think or her and pray to god, ask him about how she is doing and hope he's taking care of her. I was maybe visiting
my aunt's house (where she lived) 1 time every 2 months. After about 12 years of age I wasn't visiting her as much as I used to I used to
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William Shakespeare 's ' The Shadows '
As the day went on strange thing continued to occur. In math the shadows seemed to be constantly moving as if they were watching her. Sylvia tried
moving to different seats and walking around ,but it seemed that everywhere she went to shadows made an effort to follow. When she was alone in the
restroom the shadows started inching their way towards her in what seemed like an effort to consumer her. Then some random girl walk in and they
went back to shadows. You must really be losing it Sylvia thought to herself.
When the end of the day finally came Sylvia was more unnerved than ever. Pushing open the heavy door and heading outside Sylvia was relaxed by
the warmth of the sun. Tho the weather was still cold the sun seemed to wrap her in a ... Show more content on ...
Upon seeing the shock on Sylvia 's face her friends preceded to ask her what was wrong.
"I ... I just saw you" Sylvia muddled looking at Rosalie, unable to form the word.
"Saw me what ?"asked Rosalie as she restarted walking towards Sylvia.
"Dead" Sylvia responded on the verge of crying. Her mouth quivering and eyes tearing up Sylvia was unable to look Rosalie in the eye.
"What do you mean?" asked Nate hopping down from the hood of his car and walking over to her.
"I saw her dead behind the school" Sylvia said as Loretta came up next to her.
"That can't be. She 's been here with us." Loretta said no pulling Sylvia into a side hug.
" You must have soon some kid that overdosed who looks like her. Why don't we go check." Nate said. They all walked to the back of the school
trying to make sense of what Sylvia had told them. When they go to the place Sylvia say the dead Rosalie nothing was there.
"See no one her and Rosalie is still alive. Some stoner must have up their dose and it knotted them out" Loretta offered as an explanation.
" It 's the stress of school and everything getting to you. Let 's go out, forget about school and have a fun Friday night." Nate said as he wrapped his
arm around Sylvia directing her towards the parking lot ,and away from the school. As they were heading to the cars no one noticed that the shadows
had started to follow them.
They all went over to Loretta 's house to get ready for a night out. Before they left school they
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My Trip To Goa Essay
My Goa Retreat: Finally the dreamy Goa holiday I badly needed!
You haven't really travelled if you haven't been to Goa. The state is the ultimate destination for Indian and international tourists and even though I grew
up in Orissa, another Indian paradise with fulfilling beaches, Goa has its own charm. Its reputation precedes it and with its perfect windy, tropical
weather, how could I resist my trip to Goa?
I had heard so much about the Goa water sports so the day I got there for my three day Goa trip, the first thing I did was hire a boat and just enjoy
the morning aboard. I sailed and my husband was more interested in water scooting so we got our host from the resort to get us a scuba diving
instructor and water scooting services the ... Show more content on ...
I was really surprised that a lot of people manage to do all these things in just a week or three days and even though, I was motivated to accomplish at
least few of the things I read on the blog, I stuck with my own laidback intentions!
My husband often takes Goa 2 nights package and Goa 4 nights 5 days with his corporate friends so I might plan my own list the next time. But this
time, we spend our second night in Goa eating a nice, sumptuous and luxurious lunch at a Goa 4 star resorts beach restaurant. There is absolutely
nothing more romantic than a candle lit delicious meal together in a dimly lit restaurant. I had been dieting for so long but I ended up eating so much
on my trip that I have my cravings satisfied for almost a year!
I had few monuments like the old churches and some markets decided from the quintessential Goa 10 places to visit but we the spend our third
morning in Goa watching classic films. My husband is such a movie buff so we watched Pulp Fiction and then had some breakfast in bed. Our
window has the classy beach view as we were staying at a resort near the Calangute so our room had this perfect view of the beach. It was really the
most amazing room in a hotel I have ever stayed in and now that I am back here, I really want to go
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Review Of ' The Guns Of Navarone, River Of Death, Break...
The Development of Major Characters in Alistair Maclean Novels British author Alistair Maclean once declared, "We are all brave men and we are
all afraid, and what the world calls a brave man, he is too brave and afraid like the all rest of us. Only he is brave for five minutes longer."
Throughout his novels, The Guns of Navarone, River of Death, Break Heart Pass, Maclean puts his characters through a grueling set of challenges,
which they must face with bravery and intellect. Bravery is a recurring concept in MacLean's novels. Yet, Maclean places more emphasis on how the
character develops through these conflicts. The conflicts that Maclean displays are physically, as well as mentally straining. Due to the arduous
struggles that... Show more content on ...
Maclean uses the recurring climatic challenges "as his own special trademarks the threat of impersonal climatic forces" (Lee 362). The added
"trademark" combines with the dangers of the plot to force the protagonist through a gauntlet of dangers in order to complete the mission. The
recurring "trademark" is evident in almost all Maclean novels, as the climactic forces are directly responsible for almost all the challenges the
protagonist must face during the rising action. The forces are not limited to freezing temperatures and roaring oceans but they are also in the form
of dense, lush, and dangerous rain forests as seen in River of Death. In River of Death, the protagonist as well as other major characters must also
face an array of environmental conflicts, primarily, the lush and dangerous Amazonian river system and forest surrounding. Hamilton, the protagonist,
is a brave and respected man, However, after many years of entering the dense rainforest and returning with ancient Greek gold coins, he is rumored
to have found "The Lost City." Due to his supposed findings, he has attracted a greedy wealthy man who is willing to pay a large amount of money
for Hamilton to take him and his group to the fabled gold city. Hamilton agrees and shortly after entering the jungle, the characters are exposed to the
ever–present dangers that the Amazon presents. Maclean describes this harsh terrain as "tens of thousands of square miles in that virtually unknown
part of the world: all
... Get more on ...

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Pinocchio, A Classic Film Directed By Norman Ferguson

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  • 2. Personal Narrative-The Racoon And The Skunk The Racoon and The Skunk I was being chased. It wasn't the fun games you played when you were just a toddler. It was the run–for–your–life chase. I couldn't run any more, my heart was beating so hard; as if it would explode out of my furry grey chest at any given moment. My tiny charcoal paws had enough with all the beating from the sticks and stones. They really could break your bones. I stopped in the middle of my tracks, then darted to the nearest bush. I could tell that the black and white creature was slowly crawling towards me. It wasn't very secretive with it's steps, like a tiger hunting its prey. It was more like a toddler, dashing to the tree on Christmas morning. I thought this would be the end of me. It came closer and closer, and I could see the black fur on its back glisten from the rays of the noon sun. I was alone and scared. I couldn't cry out for help, as no one would hear me. I dashed to the nearest log. It was a young log with white with streaks of faded brown. You could tell it had collapsed the year or two... Show more content on ... It was so distinct, almost like a firecracker. I froze, petrified as to what would come. My small black eyes grew large as I saw the black and white creature leap out from behind the tree. It scampered in my direction, and I had no way out. I started to make my way to the top of the log, trying to leap through it. I didn't know what to do. Oh why had I eaten so much the day before. I was stuck, with no way to get out of here. The thoughts of what the urchin will do to me swirls in my thoughts. It tip–toed into the log. All I could see was the large black and white tail sticking out of the log. My eyes grew even bigger than before, and I knew.. this was the end. What was it going to do to me? Is there any way someone could help? If only the trees would talk. If only I hadn't done those things in my tragic past. If only I would've given my new parents a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Descriptive Essay About My Village TITLE Get a Taste of the Irish Countryside in Doolin Village LEAD PARAGRAPH While metropolitan cities like Dublin are fun and exciting, nothing quite beats the tranquility and beauty of the Irish countryside. Rolling emerald hills, mossy trees, and adorable grazing sheep all over the place! Not to mention the countryside is your best bet for finding the best traditional Irish food and truly local goods. Doolin Village is small but has everything to offer from good food, drinks, handmade candies, clothing and accessories... all in one tiny place! PARAGRAPHS The entire village is a single street This is a tiny village in County Clare, Ireland. And when I say tiny, I mean literally one block long. You'd think you'd be underwhelmed, but the buildings have such a unique and classic flare, and they have a way of making you feel like you're in a fairytale. The folks of this little village are very welcoming, and the best part is you don't have to worry about large crowds! This village may be small, but trust me, you'll want to take pictures of every building and sign. This place has a way of making you feel right at home, even as a total tourist! On top of that, they're so used to tour buses stopping in, all of the shops are absolute pros at helping tourists and keeping up with whatever crowds come their way! A scenic village in the middle of scenic greenery The village is not only on a single street, but it's also only on one side of a single street. If you turn from the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Tubing Essay Wiping the sleepies out of my eyes, I quickly glanced at my alarm clock – 5 am. "Good, I've got plenty of time," I thought to myself. As quietly as possible, which never works when I am trying to, I quickly grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Checking my list and grabbing my gear I headed out to wait for a taxi in the cool fading morning. I could taste the excitement, or was that the humidity? That day began like all the other missionary kid tubing trips down the Davao River in the Philippines, full of anxious anticipation and adventure. I was so excited you can barely sleep the night before. My mom made sure I had everything I needed, worrying like only mothers know how. My friends and I were off from school for Christmas ... Show more content on ... Some of us struggled into our wetsuit, trying to jump and jiggle in, while others tied themselves to their tub as a safety line. I decided not to tie myself on, because the last time I had tubed in a flood, the nylon rope almost strangled me. As we continued to get ready, we had to periodically move back because the river was still rising. Every once and a while, huge trees – whole trees – would pass by, barely making it under the rope bridge ahead of us. This only added to our excitement. This was going to be AWESOME! The plan was to stay as a group as much as possible. Like always, we each had a buddy. Plans changed. As soon as we entered the water we were sweep away, literally sweep away. In normal conditions we could steer and avoid objects easily on the river. This was completely different. In about five minutes we all realized that the river was in control, not us. Our group got scattered like a rain drop hitting a window. Buddies changed. Four of us, Fraser, Isaac, Jon, and I slammed into a grove of coconut trees that is usually five feet up on the bank. The river was supposed go on both sides of this island but this time it did not. The river, swollen to its max capacity, went clear over and through the grove. Gathering our senses, and Jon's tub that he got thrown off of, we tempted to half walk, half swim our way to the end of the grove and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Rudolf Lab The Theorist, The Theory And The Context Part 1: The theorist, The Theory and The Context Rudolf Laban, a brilliant acting theorist, inspires many individuals, groups of actors and performers all over the world to this day. His progressive acting theories mold an individual into a character effortlessly and effectively. Although his ideas were not always appreciated, his critics only pushed him to better his techniques. Rudolf Laban was born on December 15th, 1879, in Bratislava, which used to be part of the Austro–Hungarian Empire. His Father, a highly decorated Officer in the Army, hoped that Rudolf would follow in his footsteps; however, Rudolf found himself intrigued with the complexity of the arts. He studied art and acting at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. While... Show more content on ... Rudolf Laban died at the age of 78 on July 1st 1998, in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Rudolf Laban's theories focus primarily on movement. His movements are specific to what the actor intends on portraying. Not only so, but the movement of the actor would in turn directly reflect the character's personality. He believed every movement performed displayed a greater purpose to internally reflect on one's character. Thus, His movement theories help an actor to bring out the individuality of each character portrayed in a performance or dance. Part 2: Practical Explorations and Development of the Solo Theatre Piece For this solo piece, I chose to incorporate Laban's theories into an interpretive dance. I display, not two different characters' movements, but one character's movements as he/she develops, learns, and grows throughout his/her lifetime. To do so, I will use shadows in the background to interact with the character in order to allow the audience to better comprehend my actions and movements throughout the song. As the actor, I conform to the story line and the character I am portraying by my movements and interactions with the shadows projected onto the backdrop of the stage. As I prepared for this performance, I found it difficult to incorporate the movement patterns of two characters, due to the fact that it is specifically a solo piece rather than a duet or ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Maze in the Heart of the Castle Essay The Maze in the Heart of the Castle Dorothy Gilman's fiction adventure "The Maze in the Heart of the Castle" is about a young boy named Colin who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. This takes place along time ago, when Colin's parents die tragically when Colin is only 16 years old. Sad and seeking answers, Colin seeks answers from his religious teacher Brother John. John tells Colin that he might want to go see the Grand Odlum, a mysterious man who lived at an old castle. Colin takes Brother John's advice, and decides to find the Grand Odlum. The Grand Odlum tells Colin that comes from a land far away, and that the only way to get to this land is to travel a long journey, which begins in a huge maze in the heart of a castle. The ... Show more content on ... His name was Talmar. This started the horrible dictatorship of the Talmars. Colin becomes friend with a Talmar named Zan, and together they overthrow the dictatorship of King Talmar, and end the dictatorship. Colin, who is sure he hasn't reached the land the Grand Odlum spoke of, decides to continue his journey. Traveling with a horse that the Talmar's gave him, Colin soon reaches a forest type area, and he can see that the snow–capped mountains have neared. In the forest he meets a girl named Charmian, who he falls in love with. They live months in the woods, slowly reaching the snowy mountains. Colin decides that they should be married, but just as he thought this, Charmian begins to betray Colin. She leaves him to die one morning, taking almost everything that belonged to him. Only Colin's will to reach the end keeps him alive. Shortly after, he is found by another small group of peoples whom live atop the snowy mountain, in a small cave. They take care of him, and show him many wood trades. They are very kind, yet they don't want him to ever–go outside. He believes that these people are another obstacle that is keeping him from reaching the end of his journey. He decides to break out one night and leaves the warm caves. He is met by cold snow, but drags on to the other side of the mountain. Shortly after, Colin learns that only a valley lies between him and the land he ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Creative Story : A Short Story She felt the change in her surroundings like a storm rolling in across the sky, and all at once, a choking sense of foreboding fell over her. Damaris felt the inner source of her powers start to fight her for control, gaining in strength and aggression. She needed to take a moment to regain mastery of the wild magic deep inside her core. The power had bubbled and churned within her for as long as Damaris could remember. As a child it had been a warm comforting friend, a soft feeling of safety that helped her in small subtle ways before she even understood what it was. Damaris remembered one time she had dropped her mother's favorite ceremonial knife down into their well while doing her chores. She had been scared to death her mother would punish her for losing the important object. Letting the memory take her, she again felt the tears streaking down her cheeks that day, scared of disappointing her mother. She could see herself as a child again, on her toes and leaning over the edge of stone, trying so hard to see through the pitch black depths that her head had been pounding. She was wishing so desperately that she had the knife again that her whole body had been shaking. When the water had started churning, her younger self hadn't realized what was happening. The scent of water and wet earth hit her at the same time a spiral of water came shooting out, and the knife landed on the grass beside her with a heavy thud. She had fallen back in her ass...stunned. Her small ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay on Unseen Compo From the passage, "Hunting for Medicines in China", it talks about a writer who travels deep into the mountains of China to search for a rare and special herb called, the golden hairpin. In the following paragraphs, I am going to describe how the writer involves the reader in the search for the golden hairpin by conveying how the writer builds a sense of wonder about the golden hairpin and the it's setting, how are tension and suspense developed and the use of language. From the first paragraph, the line, "According to order to cure a man he needed a rare and precious herb known as the golden hairpin", the word "legend" highlights something mystic and magical, it is like something unknown because we don't know whether it is ... Show more content on ... While short sentence used in the line "then he disappeared" and personification used in the line "Swallowed by the clouds" further create tension and suspense because it causes us to wonder what will happen next since being "swallowed by the clouds" creates a sense of mysterious and enigmatic feel which involves the readers in the search. In addition, the use of tense involves the readers because the change of tense into present past tense throughout the passage gives a sense of immediacy which creates tension. Furthermore, the line, "In front of me rose a tall, slender, graceful, solitary peak. It looked like one in a painting...I could hear the sound of mountain streams...the peak seemed so close, yet between us were white clouds and precipice below" adjectives "tall, slender, graceful, solitary" and simile is used to describe the peak which creates an imagery of the scene on the mountain. While the use of senses of hearing and sight further involves the readers as it gets the readers to imagine the setting. In conclusion, the writer has described clearly about the experience of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Parental Dominance And Gender Equality "A gender–equal society would be the one where the word 'gender' does not exist; where everyone can be themselves" (Gloria Steinem). Gender–equality is a substantial problem that is everlasting within the society of today, and parental dominance is one of the key contributors in this never ending predicament. Parental dominance is a severe obstacle the protagonists have to overcome as their birth givers take countless amounts of steps to sway their children into the predetermined route at society creates for them. These characters within "Saturday Climbing" and "Boys and Girls" try their damndest to fight for justice and to secure what their hearts truly desire. Firstly peer pressure from their parental figures to partake in activities and society imposes on them leads to rebellion and poor life choices. As a result of the immense pressure placed upon both Moira and the Farmer's daughter the ladies lash out and voice their disagreements both physically and verbally. On top of this, the placement of unnecessary aspirations upon adolescence within society can result in a whole world of problems. Forcing these children into having such aspirations can lead to negativity and doubt. Both Moira and the daughter of the farmer face the same predicament through their experiences. Ultimately these protagonists of "Saturday Climbing" and "Boys and Girls" Club to control of their own future in their path of destiny. They do not allow others to control what they should say or do. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Bronwyn: A Narrative Fiction Bronwyn dropped the rock, and just as it was barreling downwards, the hollow leapt sideways across the cliff face, right where the tug in my stomach had directed. The boulder collided––square onto the hollowgast's head––and they tumbled down the sheer rock face. The boulder landed flat on the hollow, and the only things that exposed it's being there were two black, slimy tentacles, writhing for a second more, then falling limply back to the ground. A pool of black, thick, gooey hollow blood slithered and seeped out from under the boulder. The children erupted in cheers, even Miss Peregrine was screeching and flapping her one good wing up and down in the air, kicking up thin, orange–brown dust. Olive flung herself onto Bronwyn, one shoe coming... Show more content on ... I shall tell the others you are nice, safe peculiars, and that they came come out now." While Addison called the other... well, I didn't know the other whats––peculiars, say––we glanced around a bit more at our surroundings. There were many underground hut–like things, some bigger, some smaller, some shorter, some taller. There was a small gary shack hidden behind the cobblestone tower, most likely for small livestock or gardening supplies or some such thing. A little ways away, I could see several figures poking out their heads, or what I thought might be heads, and then disappearing again behind the mounds, the tower, or the shack. Addison let out a sharp, high–pitched whistle, and many animal–like things stepped tentatively out to meet us. The animals, not a single human as far as I could see, formed a line in front of us. First up was something that looked like a half donkey, half giraffe. I had no idea what was going on, I had never seen such creatures. I didn't know something like this could exist. I was doubly surprised when this one started talking ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Personal Narrative-Atlantic Way The days leading up to the fifth of August had been characteristically Irish, complete with clouds in Connemara, a daylong drizzle in Dingle, and forty–mile–per–hour winds at the Cliffs of Moher (which, under said conditions, were more deserving of their Princess Bride alias, the Cliffs of Insanity). In Ireland, the island nation that gifts its western seaboard with 225 days of rain each year, fickle weather is a fact of life. But now, for eight hours, my family needed the Wild Atlantic Way to tame itself–perhaps, for just one day, the Mild Atlantic Way could suffice? We had made our reservations to land onSkellig Michael five months in advance. Now, midway through our road trip down the western coast of Ireland, we'd repeatedly encountered variants of the same enthusiastic yet ominous ... Show more content on ... An awed silence overtook the stern of the boat as the looming island grew larger and larger upon approach. To the left of me, my mom widened her eyes, a lifelong fear of heights flashing across her face. The captain didn't need to turn around to know what was happening. From the wheelhouse, he simply laughed. "That's Little Skellig over there. We've still got a ways to go." From a distance, Little Skellig could almost be mistaken for a snow–capped mountain. Up close, however, the source of the island's feathery white dusting grows obvious. One of the largest bird colonies in the world, Little Skellig is an annual breeding ground for more than 20,000 northern gannets. By no means, however, should you allow the island's name to trick you. Towering over our boat at a height of 440 feet, Little Skellig is far from "little." In Gaelic, the word "Sceillic" means a particularly steep rock. Head craned back as we cruised past the first Skellig, etymology didn't elude me for a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Geology's Control of the Coastal Features in the Swanage Area Geology's Control of the Coastal Features in the Swanage Area Geology can have a great affect on many coastal features. This is because the lithology or structure of the rocks may affect the coastal landforms, and the different processes occurring may also affect the way the landforms turn out. Starting with the Swanage area it can be seen that the area of Swanage is an Atlantic coast. This means that there are bands of hard and soft rock in the coast and therefore due to rocks of different hardness, the rocks erode at different rates and so you get distinct landforms. At Swanage the main types of rocks are Wealden clay, Purbeck (limestone) and Portland stone. Below is a basic map of the area... Show more content on ... In Studland Bay there's a beach and the reason for this is that it has retreated about 2km (maximum) from the original cliff line and so this means that incoming waves have longer to travel till they reach the cliff and since the shoreline gets shallower it means tat the waves start to loose a lot more energy and so they deposit whatever load they are carrying, which causes the formation of the first type of landform–the beach. The Foreland is made up of chalk. Chalk is fairly resistant and is defiantly a lot more resistant than the clay and sands, with which it's surrounded by. This make the Foreland very resistant and so the sea can't erode it that much and so its left as a headland. However, some erosion has occurred, evidence for this is Old Harry and the Pinnacles, which can only be formed due to erosion. This erosion could be due to the fact that on either side of the headland are two bays or so this means that due to wave refraction wave energy is focused onto the headland causing it to erode. Another distinct thing about the landform of the Foreland is that it has a slanted shape, instead of just sticking out. This is shown below: [IMAGE] From the simplified diagram above it can be seen that the main wind comes from the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Ocean Trip Persuasive Essay "Go!Go!Go!" Dangling on the edge of a cliff I heard the echo of Sir Rolyat's voice. The crew had left a clear path from the edge of the mountain all the way to the safe area. I reached up and swung my legs round the branch then Eille reached up and grabbed my arms. It was a really hot day in Hawaii and the sun was setting slightly to the west– the view was perfect. After a few seconds of composing ourselves I said: "C'mon, daylight ends in a few hours" "Should we split?" "No.We started as a team and we end as a team" "We need to reach the top of the mountain so we can scan the terrain before time runs out" "But what happens if time does run out?" We all knew what would happen and let that show in our facial expressions. Our team consisted of over thirty people on the cliffs but most of them were almost at the top... Show more content on ... We grasped our thighs, wishing for minimum impact. Nothing surrounded us, just air. We each fell at different rates, the heaviest reaching the ground first. Sir Rolyat and some of the crew stayed in the helicopter, organizing our next move. We had been given earpiece, so we could talk to each other. "You all need to pull your parachutes...NOW!" We aimed for the unused motorway, did a flip mid –air and landed perfectly within the road. As our Nike shoes touched the smooth tarmac, our parachutes folded back up into our backpacks and we ran to our BMW's ( We had been offered a promotion by BMW and had a car each). We threw ourselves in the driver's seat, put the keys in and pulled off. Without hesitation, we started trying to get our cars into formation – a task that wasn't as easy as it sounds. Getting the cars to line up perfectly while driving over the speed limit was tough although in the end we managed to create a straight line. "CUT!" Sir Rolyat said at the end of filming the scene. "We'll film the next scene of the movie ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Importance Of Carol As A Character in Willy Russell's... The Importance Of Carol As A Character in Willy Russell's Our Day Out The play, "Our Day Out" was written by Willy Russell in 1976, set in Liverpool. Willy Russell was born in 1947 near Liverpool, he has also written other plays such as, Educating Rita, Shirley Valentine and Blood Brothers. The play "Our Day Out" was originally written for television and was televised on BBC 2, 1977. It is a celebration of the joys and agonies of growing up and being footloose, fourteen and free from school. But this is more than a romp – it points up the depressing present and empty future for these comprehensive no–hopers from the backstreets of Liverpool, for whom a day out is as much as they can expect. Willy ... Show more content on ... "Carol rushes along the street wearing a school uniform which doubles as a street outfit and her Sunday best" and "She is eating half a sandwich and clutching a supermarket carrier bag". The quotes shows that she comes from a poor background were her family doesn't really have much money to spend, or that her family doesn't really care about Carol much. You can tell that she is not very clever by the way she talks to her friends and teachers "Miss is that in England, Eh?" This shows that she isn't very intelligent and does not have a good education. This proves that the education system is failing children. When they are at the zoo, Carol takes an animal and decides to give it a name "I'm gonna call mine Freddy. Hiya, Freddy. Hello, Freddy. Freddy." It shows that Carol doesn't understand what she is doing is wrong, but she desires to have something all of her own to love, care and treasure. Carol realises what her life is like at home and doesn't want to go back to that, which highlights the message of social deprivation. Willy Russell includes Carol because she is not like every other child in the progress class. Carol is kind and considerate and thinks about other people before herself. We think of it as only being the kids fault and not thinking about other reasons like money, poor background and the type of family they come from. Therefore we feel guilty because we ... Get more on ...
  • 15. High School Persuasive Speech They pass you in the hallway like a cold wind you feel the presence but you don't see a face to the body. A body in the shadows unwilling to be recognized. Any slight acknowledgement of existence is unimaginable to the shadow. This shadow is not the darkness in a white wall this shadow is a person with warmth to a hand and a beating heart like any other. The only difference is that this young soul has never been in a world so massive with all different types of people with different styles and personalities. A new universe was opened. The faceless stay unrecognized because of the fears they carry. The new world is scary for the shadow so it remains behind closed doors or moving from darkness to darkness undetected,nameless to others. Scared of revealing who it really is to those in the new world. I was the cold wind the shadow and the faceless. I was afraid to open up to experience the world and try new things the fear was ... Show more content on ... I was dreading to attend due to the the overwhelming pressure that is expected to go above and beyond to complete an assignment but of course nobody wants to niglet free college classes so i took a leap of faith. My first assignment was to make a speech on a topic to informing the class. I could not be more terrified in being front and center of the classroom. I could feel all forty–six out of the twenty–three students eyes deadbolted on me. My hands shaking and sweating my legs wobbling like elvis presley, but i had to get through this speech i refused to be the little mouse. I took a deep breath and started with my topic next thing i knew i heard clapping, it was over and apparently i didn't do to bad. After that experience i felt like a natural just talking to a group of people on one topic i was passionate about. This was the first step on showing people my thoughts and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. How Did Copernicus Heliocentric Model Explain Why The... 1) Suppose this evening here in Montana, you look up at the sky, and you see a bright star low on the horizon, exactly due East. Where will that star appear to be six hours later? (Hint: It will NOT be directly overhead.) If I were to look up at the sky and see a bright star low on the horizon, exactly due East six hours later it would appear at its highest point due North. 2) Suppose this evening here in Montana, you look up at the sky, and you see a bright star low on the horizon, exactly due East. Where will that star appear to be 12 hours later? If I were to look up at the sky and see a low star on the horizon, exactly due East twelve hours later it would appear to be low on the horizon due West. 3) Suppose this evening here in Montana, ... Show more content on ... Ptolemy's geocentric model explained that the planets moved backwards because the planets moved around in small orbit called the epicycle that revolved in much larger circles around Earth. 17) How did Copernicus' heliocentric model explain why the planets sometimes move backwards? Copernicus heliocentric model explained that the planets sometimes move backwards by coming up with the idea that Earth and all the other planets circled the sun. He also concluded that if a planet was closer to the sun the great the orbital speed it would have. Kepler's 3rd law, p^2 = a^3, applies to all objects orbiting our Sun. In this law p is the period of time it takes an object to orbit the Sun, as measured in years, and a is the semi–major axis of this planet's orbit (its average distance to the Sun), as measured in AU.Using algebra we can solve for either p = a^(3/2) or a = p^(2 /3). 18) Suppose we discover an asteroid that is 4.0 AU from the Sun. How much time would it takes this asteroid to complete an orbit? P^2=a^3 8^2=4^3 64=64 It would take 8 years. 19) Suppose we discover a comet that orbits the Sun every 100 years. What would be this planet's average distance (semi–major axis) from the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Growing Up Research Paper Imagine assembling and disassembling AK–47 in high school! Stacy, is an international student from the University of Oregon. Stacy's life growing up was different and a little bit similar to to how other people in the US grow up. Stacy was born in Saratov and moved to Siberia when she was 2 years old. Her mom Taught her english as a child (when did your mom start teaching you english), and Stacy watches cartoons from Cartoon network and disney. She would go to her family's country house called "dacha" where there is a garden, a river, and no cell service. Stacy's generation was the lost generation; in the 90s Russia fell apart, and so because of that families could only afford to have one child so that is way stacy and her friends are only childs. Stacy parent are divorced, and the people in her family that are close are her mom, dad, and grandma. Her father was a police officer, but now he is a retired cop and just works for the government know, and her mom is an english teacher and is still working as an english teach at a high school (which high school). What is a sweet 18? According to Stacy, A sweet 18 is when a person is able to drive cars, buy property, go to jail, and get married; it's basically when a person becomes 18 they gets privileges as an... Show more content on ... Stacy could not get a lot of references, so that was a problem. Food was also a big adjustment to her because everyone just when out to eat all. In Russia people would just eat home made food and when people go out to eat it's for like a special occasion. Stacy said that her mom tells her that "your spoiled you've been going out to eat every ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Frankenstein Monologue Can't Get Away On your way back in the house feel something following you so you turned around to identify what it is nothing is there. You keep on walking all the sudden you felt the presence of this body getting closer you turn around one last time, there it is out of nowhere you realize gigantic girth as a telephone pole chasing after you weighing up to 200 pounds and it is nearly 20 feet long. As a child were always curious about happening we don't know, however this constrictors creature is after you there is no need to stop asking why am I being chased your just running for life as quick as you can. There you are on a swing just admiring a fiery red orb of light slowly sinking beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the ... Show more content on ... All I knew as a child mainly that colorful wild snakes are venomous. I can't avoid nevertheless wait for this deadly creature to bite me since there is no way I'm escaping this after all I am still a little boy. I realize this thing hasn't bitten me yet, at that moment I grew frustrated and panic since ever breathe I inhale the pythons sneezes harder and harder eventually I blacked out. This dream feels actually real I would wake up sweating, frightened, I generally be founding myself checking under my bed if there is a snake under there. Since majority of these animals remain well camouflaged with the surroundings and attack their prey at an ambush. I'm still horrified every time I think or hear about snakes regardless of how harmless it is, it gave me goose bumps and makes my body shiver. I noticed a pattern to this horrible nightmare of mine it usually happens after a long difficult day. When I'm exhausted, I always stretch to relax my muscles and set room the temperature where it remains not too hot or too cold just somewhere at a low 60 degrees. Once I become all comfortable I will fall asleep quickly and my subconscious starts to wander into my innermost fears. The sense of me being chased by a snake is a metaphor for something I still haven't discover yet, in my life. I do believe where I ran faster and managed to remain still in the same place symbolize me running on the treadmill. No matter how fast or far ran by crank up the speed button on the treadmill that person will remain in the current position. I totally dislike running on the treadmill not because of the python, hence it's boring putting in 3 miles and more seems forever. The other opinion is when competing in track &field in a split ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Film: The Influence Of Light In The Mummy Introduction: This episode of "Mythbusters, Let there be light" was influenced by a scene from a Hollywood movie "The Mummy." Where they used sunlight as a source of light with a mirror system to enlighten an underground area. The myth was if mirror can be used to reflect sunlight to create illumination and enlightened an underground area for a safe passageway as shown in the movie. Adam and Jamie come up with some idea to test if this ancient illumination is really possible. They set up two benchmarks, first was to see how much amount of light the movie used to enlighten their underground space, and if the mirror does reflect that amount of light, and the second benchmark was to estimate the minimum amount of light a human eyes need in order ... Show more content on ... After the mirror adjustment with the utilization of the spotlight they observed a value of light level 2.3 lux. After the sky was cleared, they used the sunlight to create the reflection and observed a light level of 2.51 lux. Their result was quite prominent even though it wasn't completely as higher as the movie (200 lux), however with the utilization of the sun the light level was six times higher than the minimum light level of naked eyes. However they faces a problem with the sunlight, as the sun moves from the primary mirror it loses the focus on all the other secondary mirror, therefore making it difficult to create a consistence light level in the tomb. When the earth is rotating around the sun, from someone on the earth the prospective is that the sun is rotating or moving. So in order for the illumination they have to adjust the primary mirror in about every three minutes, or else there is no reflection in the primary glass. Therefore they illustrated that even though it works, but the time is too short in between illumination and next ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Creative Writing: Ralph's Run Run. That was the only thought on Ralph's mind as he ran from Jack and his tribe, wildly searching for someplace safe to hide. The adrenaline pumped in Ralph's chest as he ran, coursing through his veins, keeping him going. Ralph had no clue where he was headed. He just knew that he needed to run, and run fast. Ralph could hear the steady pounding of feet not too far behind him, so he picked up the pace. Ralph stopped running suddenly. He had come upon a fork in the path he was following. Which way now? He thought. There were three different paths he could take. The path to Ralph's left led up to the mountain, and was quite steep. The paths in the middle and on the right both led farther into the jungle. Ralph immediately decided the mountain ... Show more content on ... When he was completely certain that they were gone, Ralph came out from his hiding spot in the shadows, and began to pace back and forth in a line. Ralph wracked his brain for any sort of memory from Jack's conversation with the others, but came up with nothing worth remembering. Before he could say, "Sucks to your ass–mar", Ralph was face first on the jungle floor, with a mouthful of dirt. He stood up quickly, spitting the filthy stuff out of his mouth, trying to get the bitter taste off his tongue. Somehow, falling flat on his face had helped to jog Ralph's memory a bit, and suddenly he had remembered what he heard of Jack's conversation with the other boys. Samneric! They are guarding the mountain! Ralph remembered. I need to convince them to come back if I stand any chance against Jack and the rest! With his energy newly restored at this newfound information, Ralph bounded up the steep mountain path, as fast as his legs could carry him. In all of his excitement, Ralph wasn't watching where he was going, and ran into someone's chest. "Ralph?", Sam asked. "Is that you?" "What are you doing here?", Eric asked. "You need to leave, Ralph. Before they catch you!", Sam told ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Vista House Case Study At 11:25 hours the group took a break for exploration. The group entered the Vista House. In the Vista House I saw the unique stonework of the building, saw views of bridges and tunnels that are important to the area, and read information about commercial ventures such as road houses and hotels. 1)Waterfall a)Generally, waterfalls are unique structures in terms of environmental factors since they create their own ecosystems. Waterfalls also create local winds due to falling water and house species of special plants that can only grow behind the waterfall in a specific microclimate and with certain levels of moisture. Waterfalls have a unique ecology and many organisms and animals choose to reproduce behind waterfalls because they provide a barrier of protection from predators. The group observed Latourell Falls and Later Multnomah Falls from a distance and were able to see the rising wind and mist coming from the base of the ... Show more content on ... The hatchery receives thousands of tourists daily and is a large part of the tourism infrastructure of Washington and the economy. According to its website, the hatchery raises 6.6 million fall chinook, 900,000 spring chinook, 750,000 Coho, 250,000 summer steelhead and 60,000 winter steelhead. The hatchery also raises pacific salmon when adult salmon arrive at the hatchery in "September and are then sorted through before spawning begins." There are at least "40 different species of bird to view at Bonneville Fish Hatchery," in addition to the fish species. /visitors/bonneville_hatchery_more.asp The fish hatchery raises fish for the purpose of providing them for sport, commercial, and tribal fisheries. This hatchery is one of the oldest in Oregon and one of the largest in producing fish to sustain naturally produce native fish species. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. My Views On Art As A Child Admittedly, I never retained much of an interest in art as a child. Yes, I knew the basic mechanics behind mixing primary colors to make secondary ones, and had even experimented with tertiary colors on occasion. I even developed an innocent curiosity in the works of Leonardo da Vinci as I grew older, but still maintained a blasГ© approach towards art in general. Since participating in Art Appreciation at DCCC, my views on that matter have changed. I have gained a new fondness for the seemingly trivial things in life and have since looked at them differently than I did before I signed up for the class. Upon visiting the Reynolda House this weekend with a fellow classmate to work on our first outside–of–class writing assignment, this adapted outlook was especially apparent. The two of us wandered about the museum at a leisurely pace, and while I was already vaguely familiar with the layout from a previous visit as a little girl, three oil paintings from the Victorian era caught my eye. While they share an initial similarity with each other in their naturistic settings, they also differ in a myriad of ways. The first piece of art that I will be analyzing is The Old Hunting Grounds, an oil painting created by Worthington Whittredge in 1864. Whittredge largely limits his color pallete with mottled shades of green and brown typical of vegetation and forest life, though the canvas' focal point is dominated by a grove of illuminated birch trees. In comparison to the overall dark ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Museum Visit Paper – Ante Meridian by Frederick Waug Museum Visit Paper – Ante Meridian by Frederick Waugh ART 101 My family and I recently visited the Orlando Museum of Art in Orlando, Florida. The museum enjoys a seemingly eclectic collection of artifacts, sculptures, photographs, and paintings. While perusing the gallery I was fascinated by one painting in particular. The piece was called "Ante Meridian", oil on board, c.a. 1935 by Frederick Judd Waugh(American 1861–1940). This representational painting was of a presumably north eastern coast line where waves were battering the cliffs and rocks during a stormy day. The sky was ominous yet you don't see the rain falling. The sun appears to illuminate a jetty in the distance giving you the impression that the storm was ... Show more content on ... By his vertical placement of the cliff in the right forefront of the picture plane, he further emphasizes the illusion of space. Second, the diminishing size of the sea, cliffs in the background, and the jetty all express depth in the overall scene. The violent cove appears to move away from us in to the open sea. Ante Meridian is an example of atmospheric perspective. The foreground colors are bold and rich, whether it is the white wave caps or the cliff faГ§ade, but as the scene retreats in to the distance, the sea, background rocks, and sky become bluer, paler, and less distinct. The objects in the distance are blurrier to demonstrate this open space even more. The implied changes in the position of the thrashing waves give you the feeling of motion. The overlapping relationship of the storm clouds to the apparent clear sky, as well as the curve of the rain clouds all imply these dark storm clouds are moving out to the left. Waugh also gave a slight glimmer of sunlight beating down on the rocks in the background to further illustrate the idea that the storm is moving on and the sun is breaking through. This bit of sunlight is the only vibrant color in this paining. The whole aspect of the sea is implied motion. I believe with every short, wide brush stroke used to paint the surf, Waugh intended to imply motion. The very nature of water is movement but he went beyond what we know and tried to convey not just motion but ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The, Sharing The Secrets Of The Universe Have you ever walked alongside the Gods, sharing the secrets of the universe? A whirlwind of truth permeates and resonates with every fiber of your being, the ultimate osmosis of what is, was, and will be. Gusts of wind throw themselves at you with the force of a giant 's kick, tearing away all that isn 't held down. Hats. Scarves. Fear. Pain. Nothing is safe from its icy grip. It 's like an out of body experience that you never want to end––a dissociative spell that makes you feel at one with the heavens. There is something poetic about standing at the edge of a cliff, peering over the rocks and reeds at the choppy water below, a void so blue that you risk losing your very soul inside of it. These are the Cliffs of Moher, a natural ... Show more content on ... Why would one choose to leave this place? The wind pauses for a moment and I hear a melody in the brief silence. Can the others hear this, I wonder? Faces morph into shadowed blurs as they fight on. Soon the wind picks up once more; the question left unanswered. It appears to be a novelty for some, standing where the Gods touch the earth, pausing not to feel the air but instead to take a selfie. In a way, I understand wanting to record the moment, however, why would one let that be their driving purpose? At this most sublime of locations, I would hope that reverence would consume the travelers. After all, it has consumed me. Soon afterwards a speck of water hit my glasses and I return my gaze to the sea. Waves rush upon the face of the cliffs hundreds of feet below, caught in the same gusts that have captured my spirit. Flowing as I flow, froth and foam rising from the depths, spilling over like the tears on my cheeks. I finally understand Icarus, who loved the sun so much that he let it end his life. Looking at the light breaking through the clouds, I feel that same longing. Is this how the world was before Man took its first breath? Do those ethereal beings remain here because it reminds them of home? If so, it is something we have in common. I do not wish to leave; though I must. . There is a limit to what a heart can hold; if I stay any longer I may never go, and yet I remain uneasy at ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What Is My Most Important Summer Essay My Most Important Summer Some people like to stay in control of their life and avoid any amount of extraordinary risk to protect their self–disclosure. Other people don't shy away from challenges as they are confident that certain obstacles are nothing more than just another thing standing in their way from living life to the fullest extent. Through personal experience, I've realized that personal comfort is nothing more than a variety of fears that limit me from challenging myself. One balmy summer morning my friends convinced me to come swim in Grapevine Lake, which would be very enticing if I was a strong swimmer or had any swimming experience whatsoever. I was a fairly reserved person, and most of the time the idea of risk or failure decided whether or not I would partake in certain activities. In contrast, my two friends, Austin and Nick, always were willing to take risks and defy their natural comfort, if they even had any. I accepted their request, although there was doubt in the back of my mind. I... Show more content on ... Immediately, I angled my position and went for a dead sprint toward the water. I jumped off thecliff. I never felt anything like it; the trajectory had me flying through the air for longer than I expected. A surge of adrenaline pulsed through my body, bringing a new sense of life to me. The scorching heat went away as gravity pulled my body toward the water, bringing me a pleasant breeze through my fall. Then, I finally hit the water. I didn't stick a solid landing, as I went head first into the water. I panicked and opened my eyes under the murky water, only to see nothing but dirt and sediments float around me. I kept sinking and saw a monstrous fish swim right in front of my face. At that very moment, my body went into overdrive, and I managed to project myself back up to the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Differences In A Long Distance Relationship And The Military Relationships are all about love, happiness, and support. It is also a way of taking the time to know your significant other in ways that are personal and different than any other type of relationship that you can have. Being in a military relationship is different than other relationships, the struggles and not to mention the distance that is faced while being in one. Waiting for calls, having a time difference and wanting to be held during any bad times can get frustrating and difficult at times, but just knowing that one day you'll stay and grow old together can be the strength that can pull you through your weaknesses. Those who are within a long distance relationship are familiar with about the hardships that are faced. Though the only difference between being in a long distance relationship and a military long distance relationship are the struggles of being in one where you don 't know when the next time you'll be able to see your other or even their be time to contact, even just if you'll be able to speak to them. "There are struggles here and there. Some things are taken the wrong way if you 're texting them,like there are instances where I am just asking him a simple question because I 'm curious and he thinks I 'm mad. I 'd say that the biggest struggle is finding a time when he isn 't busy and I 'm not busy to just sit down and focus on each other. There is a two hour time difference, so it makes it tough at times, but I just keep in mind that some ... Get more on ...
  • 27. El Nino Effects On Coastal Environments El NiГ±o refers to the large–scale climatic relationship between the ocean and atmosphere, linked to a sporadic warming in sea temperatures across the central and east–central Equatorial Pacific, (What are El Nino and La Nina, 2016). Effects of the El Nino typically develop over North America before the winter months, and include warmer than average temperatures over western and central Canada and The United States. The force of El NiГ±o can significantly influence weather patters, marine conditions, and a large proportion of coastal environments, (What are El Nino and La Nina, 2016). Relatively new information considering impacts of El NiГ±o due to warming temperatures has introduced new ideas that El NiГ±o has a direct effect on coastal landforms in the state of California, (пїјearth a dynamic structure, 2003). Scholars argue that the presence and strengthening of the El NiГ±o have detrimental impacts on coastal environments in California, (earth a dynamic structure, 2003; Sanders, 2016). These impacts include cliff erosion and the collapsing of cliffs, bigger waves eroding away beaches and the coast, landslides, and sea level rise, (Richmond & Gibbs, 1998). Coastal Erosion is a result of many physical processes occurring on earth, El NiГ±o is just one of the processes that significantly destroy coastal landforms, but climate change plays a major role in increasing the likelihood of coastal erosion due to El NiГ±o. Research done in previous studies identify many different ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Holderness Coastline Essay examples The Holderness Coastline The infamous Holderness Coastline is located on the East coast of Yorkshire, stretching from Flamborough Head to Spurn Point. In the last 2000 years the coastline has retreated by almost 400m and since Roman times over 28 villages have disappeared into the sea between Bridlington and Spurn Head. About a million years ago the Yorkshire coastline was a line of chalk cliffs almost 32km west of where it now is. During the Ice Age deposits of soft boulder clay were built up against these cliffs to form the new coastline. It is this soft sand and clay which is easily eroded by the action of waves, as the ocean slowly claims back the region it used to occupy. There are ... Show more content on ... This is evident at both Great Cowden and Easington. The Holderness Coastline is also extremely exposed with little protection. The original coastline before the ice age consisted mainly of chalk, and is still present today at Flamborough Head where a headland has formed as chalk is much more resistant to coastal erosion than the boulder clay. This outcrop of land provides some shelter, although it is minimal, as the stretch of coastline down to Spurn Head is over 50km long, most experiencing almost head on dominant waves. The coastline is also exposed to strong North/North–East winds, which co–enside with a rather generous fetch. Destructive waves are a result, which erode the beaches and attack the foot of the cliffs, removing masses of clay in suspension, resulting in strong marine erosion. The material eroded and transported elsewhere results in little material left to form beaches, which act as a barrier to protect the cliff line from tides, currents and storms, therefore the sea's processed are able to keep cutting back the cliff line. The weather also has a large influence. Often there are winter storm surges producing higher waves, and higher sea levels, meaning higher energy erosion. In addition is increased sub–aerial denudation brought about by the heavy rain and strong winds. This often leads to increased slumping and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Koopa Troopa's Cabin As I jump off the pontoon, I feel the freezing water surround my body. I'll slip on the boots of the skis and grab the handlebar. Releasing my grip, I put one thumb up into the wind to signal I'm ready to go. Suddenly there is a tug on the rope, and I'm being dragged through the water. Pressing the skis against the cold water, I can finally stand up above the waves. The boat pulls me around the bend of the lake, and the view of all the enormous cabins is thrilling. The seniors on the campground beach will clap and stand up from their Adirondack chairs to wave or whistle. As my legs begin to feel tired, I wave one last time and let go of the handlebar. I can feel my body quickly sink down into the water; the life jacket on my chest will be... Show more content on ... Even though we sadly cannot visit Prairie Lake anymore, it will always be my favorite paradise. Sharing my love for one of God's gorgeous creations doesn't even compare to the beauty from a naked ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Lore Of La Llorona 1.Lore; noun; a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject, or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth; traditions and knowledge passed on; Many cultures have some type of lore that the people of that culture tell. For example, in Mexico, there is the lore of La Llorona. There are plenty of stories of how she could not stop crying for her kids at the river. Moreover, there is also lore about witches in Salem. People tell stories and write books about lore that is passed on. 2.Lucrative; adjective; producing a great deal of profit; something can make a lot of money; Karen had a lucrative idea. She did not want to share it with others because she knew she would produce so much profit that everyone else would go out of business. Her business would even be more lucrative than Andrea's cupcake shop. It would make more money than Facebook. She did not want to have such power and responsibility, and decided to keep the money–making idea to herself. 3.Lurch; verb; to walk or move unsteadily and without stability; not being able to balance while walking or moving all over the place; Sarah was completely intoxicated at the party last night. She was lurching all over the place. Every five seconds she would bump into someone. While walking she even spilled her drink on someone. Sarah proved to everyone that they should not drink too much or else they would start lurching too. 4.Malleable; adjective; capable of being changed; influenced ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Short Story : Clarbury's 'Children' 'It was a girl, around the same age as this young nipper.' He patted Clemmie on the shoulder and smiled. 'Are you from the children's home? You've got very good manners.' Clemmie blushed and nodded. 'Would you be able to show me on this map where Frenchman's Cottage is?' asked Harmonie. Mr Sparrow let her pay for some items. He then drew an X on her map. 'That'll be two shinies, please. Err...this may be cheeky to ask since we've only met, but have you got any jobs? The people who own this shop are closing it down. I've got plenty of qualifications. I can get work in the city but I prefer it down here. The countryside is my home. Teaching is my preference but I'll put my hand to anything.' 'I'll have a word with Doctor Pax. I'm sure we can ... Show more content on ... It flew straight towards her. ––––––––––––––––– Doctor Pax stood at the base of the cliff. In front of him was Peggotty Whim cave. The entrance was like a large black hole, ready to swallow him up. 'There's a small cave inside the entrance, just to the right,' Mosaic said. 'It's where me and my sister played when it rained.' 'Right–o! Let's go and look. Use this torch and I'll follow you in.' They walked along the tunnel hewn into the rock. It was cold. It was narrow. It smelt damp and full of fear. Mosaic pointed the torch at the ceiling. 'The beams which hold the roof have been up for over 300 years. They used wood from shipwrecks. There was gossip about a tunnel which led to the top of the cliff. It's what the smugglers used.' They bent low until the tunnel opened into a small cave. Doctor Pax shivered when a draft of cold sea air blew through a gap in his collar and tingled down his spine. He heard a shuffle and looked up to see a shadow move. Mosaic shone the torch higher and Doctor Pax gasped at what he saw. Hundreds of tiny bats clung for dear life onto the ceiling. 'Ssshh! Best not wake them up.' Mosaic shone the torch on the wall. Doctor Pax saw two sets of initials carved into the stone. M. E. and T. E.' 'That's me and my sister, Tassie Elliot,' Mosaic said. 'We carved those just before we died.' 'You drowned, didn't you? Here at Chauntsinger?' 'Yes, that's right. We went swam after lunch and got caught in the
  • 32. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Katink A Narrative Fiction "Nyna, I don't know about this. The garden has been off limits since the incident with the Prince. What happens if that happens to us?" Nyna held my hand, leading me into the back garden of the castle. Leaving me with a view of the back of her blonde head. "Kat, aren't you supposed to follow my every wish?" She turned around, letting go of my hand to walk backwards to talk to me. "I may be your servant inside the castle, but in private I'm so much more." I gave her a sly smile. "But that doesn't mean I think this okay" Nyna rolled her lovely blue eyes. "My brother is a drunk. Do you really think there are Shadows in the garden? That was probably just him covering his ass for getting beat or something." "Whether it's true or not, it's still off... Show more content on ... I heard her scream, but I was only focused on the looming sense of lost hope. It made my shoulders heavy and my head tired. I wanted to lay down on the dying grass and sleep for the rest of eternity. The darkness heavy around me. I heard Nyna scream in the distance again. It wasn't important, nothing was. "Katinka." A dark figure could be seen. When it came into focus I saw a mutilated, burned body reaching out from me. Mother. I shrank back, shaking the tiredness from my body, replacing it with cold fear. "No," I whispered, my hands coming to my mouth. My mother's body. My poor, beautiful, mother, who was unjustly raped then burned, haunted my dreams most nights. I would wake up in cold sweat, tears streaming down my cheeks, but this wasn't a dream. I couldn't wake up. A voice in the back of my head was screaming, "Shadows! It's not real! It's not mother! Call light, call something." My body ignored it, my conscious ignored it. My mother's body was moving closer to me, and with each step I took one away. "You let this happen, Katinka. You let that man in the house. You let him do this to me." "I'm sorry," I cried out. "Im sorry momma, Im ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Is The Story Of A Short Story It was like any other day for me,birds were chirping, grass was growing and shadows were vandalizing property and wreaking havoc on the world.(22.) How all of this monstrosity happened is a long story so pull up a chair and listen.I'm Jack Jone and I was at a friend's birthday party for a friend whose name I can't say because he will be hunted down by the shadows. We had just finished the cake and had just started playing hide and seek.The birthday boy was the seeker and I was the hider(1.)."You should count to 10 and count very slowly," I told him and he soon starts counting aloud"1,2,3....." He counted. He was counting fast not slowly but that didn't matter to the others, they were as fast as ninjas in the dead of night. I try to hide with one of them but she kicks me out of her hiding spot."4,5,6....." he still was counting down and I had to find a hiding spot quick"the forest is a really good spot" I thought to myself.I ran into the forest so fast all I heard as I was running was the fading sound of him counting"7,8,9,10 ready or not here I come" and hearing the screams of children being found and me as the kid always wanting to win ran farther and faster into the forest until I tripped on a root of a tree and phased through the ground into a hallowed cave."SPLASH!!!" that was the sound I made when I landed on the water and the feeling of my body being slammed on water made my back feel like I broke my spine but with little energy and drowning because not being able to or ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Omaha Beach: A Short Story The shoreline loomed ominously in the distance. I could faintly make out the gray concrete fortifications that sat on top of the colossal jagged cliff, barely visible through the haze of the early morning fog that enveloped the coast of German–controlled France. I could see the Nazi flag waving slowly with the ever gentle breeze. I looked down at my watch, its hands seeming to move in slow motion. It was 06:30. My company commander ordered our assault craft forward. The boat cut through the waves, not like the blade of a chef's newly sharpened knife, but more like a small child slapping his hand playfully against the cool water of a local swimming pool. The boat rocked precariously back and forth with the motion of the ever changing sea. Suddenly, ... Show more content on ... The torrent was endless, the barbs holding me hostage, never allowing me to escape or gain any ground. My savior came when a soldier who had just climbed over the cliff found me. He cut me free, pulling me from my jagged prison. I collapsed onto the ground, my energy completely drained. The soldier kneeled next to me, pulling a canteen from his backpack. He touched the metal lid to my parched lips and told me to drink. I tried asking him who he was, but before I could manage a single word, a shot rang out, reverberating off of the emplacements, and the soldier fell to the ground with a soft thud. I drug myself over to him in agony and stared directly into his face. Laying right between his eyes was a bullet hole, a clean shot straight through his skull. I crumpled to the ground next to him, finally realizing who the unknown soldier was. He was my own brother, who had somehow made it to shore even after their assault craft took a direct hit to the ramp. He had given his life, just like the company commander, to save ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Descriptive Essay "Mother" shouted the wispy young girl, swinging her long blonde braids in the bright sunlight as she shot out of the little stone house with its big windows, "as the sky is so blue today and the water so tempting, please may I go down to the beach whilst you are at work?" "Oh, I don't know, Proserpina, you have never been there alone before." I replied, gazing around at my sprawling, tranquil, countryside village with its narrow streets and crumbling walls. Behind me hung the hauntingly, dark, dense, hilly forest, but I contemplated the sparkling, crystal clear blue ocean on the horizon in front of me, beyond the village's patchwork of lush fields full of vegetation. "I know the way and I will be safe, I promise not to go too far into the water." My daughter pleaded. Dressed for work, I stared down at my mud covered boots, stuffing my well–worn hands in my jean pockets, making it impossible for my daughter to work out what I was thinking below the wide brimmed garden hat perched on my head. I was in a quandary. Was it safe to let my daughter venture down to the ocean alone? I recognize that I trust my daughter to do as I request, nevertheless what dangers lay looming out there. Sure the beach was safe enough plus the sea maidens would look out for her, except what about the dangers that lurked in the dark forest and would they stay there? After what I realized must have seemed an age for Proserpina, I picked up my head and looked lovingly at her. "Yes," you may visit ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Most Important People In My Life One of the most severe trials that has ever affected my life was when I lost one of the most important people in my life, my grandmother. She was someone who had a major influence in my life, and for most of it she was very sick, in pain, couldn't move very well she was pretty brittle in that sense. Before this severe tragedy, It never really came to my mind that someone I love could just disappear like that. During her final week of expected time to live, she was the worst, non responsive, incoherent, and suffering, all we got from her was heavy breaths. Within 1 weeks time we get the call that she had passed and we rushed over, seeing them drag away her corpse ensconced blue duffel bag was probably the hardest thing to witness. October 12th 2015, 5 days from her 90th birthday, she took her last breath. Someone who loved me, took care of me, and watched as I grew up, suddenly was gone. I wish I could of seen her more often than I did before she died, I'm not even sure if I can visit her home the same. She died in her room and walking in there I feel a bit of pressure, maybe a feeling of her/ her presence still in that room. When I visit I sometimes stand in the spot her bed use to be in where she had passed and I like to think or her and pray to god, ask him about how she is doing and hope he's taking care of her. I was maybe visiting my aunt's house (where she lived) 1 time every 2 months. After about 12 years of age I wasn't visiting her as much as I used to I used to ... Get more on ...
  • 38. William Shakespeare 's ' The Shadows ' As the day went on strange thing continued to occur. In math the shadows seemed to be constantly moving as if they were watching her. Sylvia tried moving to different seats and walking around ,but it seemed that everywhere she went to shadows made an effort to follow. When she was alone in the restroom the shadows started inching their way towards her in what seemed like an effort to consumer her. Then some random girl walk in and they went back to shadows. You must really be losing it Sylvia thought to herself. When the end of the day finally came Sylvia was more unnerved than ever. Pushing open the heavy door and heading outside Sylvia was relaxed by the warmth of the sun. Tho the weather was still cold the sun seemed to wrap her in a ... Show more content on ... Upon seeing the shock on Sylvia 's face her friends preceded to ask her what was wrong. "I ... I just saw you" Sylvia muddled looking at Rosalie, unable to form the word. "Saw me what ?"asked Rosalie as she restarted walking towards Sylvia. "Dead" Sylvia responded on the verge of crying. Her mouth quivering and eyes tearing up Sylvia was unable to look Rosalie in the eye. "What do you mean?" asked Nate hopping down from the hood of his car and walking over to her. "I saw her dead behind the school" Sylvia said as Loretta came up next to her. "That can't be. She 's been here with us." Loretta said no pulling Sylvia into a side hug. " You must have soon some kid that overdosed who looks like her. Why don't we go check." Nate said. They all walked to the back of the school trying to make sense of what Sylvia had told them. When they go to the place Sylvia say the dead Rosalie nothing was there. "See no one her and Rosalie is still alive. Some stoner must have up their dose and it knotted them out" Loretta offered as an explanation. " It 's the stress of school and everything getting to you. Let 's go out, forget about school and have a fun Friday night." Nate said as he wrapped his arm around Sylvia directing her towards the parking lot ,and away from the school. As they were heading to the cars no one noticed that the shadows had started to follow them. They all went over to Loretta 's house to get ready for a night out. Before they left school they ... Get more on ...
  • 39. My Trip To Goa Essay My Goa Retreat: Finally the dreamy Goa holiday I badly needed! You haven't really travelled if you haven't been to Goa. The state is the ultimate destination for Indian and international tourists and even though I grew up in Orissa, another Indian paradise with fulfilling beaches, Goa has its own charm. Its reputation precedes it and with its perfect windy, tropical weather, how could I resist my trip to Goa? I had heard so much about the Goa water sports so the day I got there for my three day Goa trip, the first thing I did was hire a boat and just enjoy the morning aboard. I sailed and my husband was more interested in water scooting so we got our host from the resort to get us a scuba diving instructor and water scooting services the ... Show more content on ... I was really surprised that a lot of people manage to do all these things in just a week or three days and even though, I was motivated to accomplish at least few of the things I read on the blog, I stuck with my own laidback intentions! My husband often takes Goa 2 nights package and Goa 4 nights 5 days with his corporate friends so I might plan my own list the next time. But this time, we spend our second night in Goa eating a nice, sumptuous and luxurious lunch at a Goa 4 star resorts beach restaurant. There is absolutely nothing more romantic than a candle lit delicious meal together in a dimly lit restaurant. I had been dieting for so long but I ended up eating so much on my trip that I have my cravings satisfied for almost a year! I had few monuments like the old churches and some markets decided from the quintessential Goa 10 places to visit but we the spend our third morning in Goa watching classic films. My husband is such a movie buff so we watched Pulp Fiction and then had some breakfast in bed. Our window has the classy beach view as we were staying at a resort near the Calangute so our room had this perfect view of the beach. It was really the most amazing room in a hotel I have ever stayed in and now that I am back here, I really want to go ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Review Of ' The Guns Of Navarone, River Of Death, Break... The Development of Major Characters in Alistair Maclean Novels British author Alistair Maclean once declared, "We are all brave men and we are all afraid, and what the world calls a brave man, he is too brave and afraid like the all rest of us. Only he is brave for five minutes longer." Throughout his novels, The Guns of Navarone, River of Death, Break Heart Pass, Maclean puts his characters through a grueling set of challenges, which they must face with bravery and intellect. Bravery is a recurring concept in MacLean's novels. Yet, Maclean places more emphasis on how the character develops through these conflicts. The conflicts that Maclean displays are physically, as well as mentally straining. Due to the arduous struggles that... Show more content on ... Maclean uses the recurring climatic challenges "as his own special trademarks the threat of impersonal climatic forces" (Lee 362). The added "trademark" combines with the dangers of the plot to force the protagonist through a gauntlet of dangers in order to complete the mission. The recurring "trademark" is evident in almost all Maclean novels, as the climactic forces are directly responsible for almost all the challenges the protagonist must face during the rising action. The forces are not limited to freezing temperatures and roaring oceans but they are also in the form of dense, lush, and dangerous rain forests as seen in River of Death. In River of Death, the protagonist as well as other major characters must also face an array of environmental conflicts, primarily, the lush and dangerous Amazonian river system and forest surrounding. Hamilton, the protagonist, is a brave and respected man, However, after many years of entering the dense rainforest and returning with ancient Greek gold coins, he is rumored to have found "The Lost City." Due to his supposed findings, he has attracted a greedy wealthy man who is willing to pay a large amount of money for Hamilton to take him and his group to the fabled gold city. Hamilton agrees and shortly after entering the jungle, the characters are exposed to the ever–present dangers that the Amazon presents. Maclean describes this harsh terrain as "tens of thousands of square miles in that virtually unknown part of the world: all ... Get more on ...