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Presenter- Dr. Shivesh
PG Guide- Dr. Shyamal
Recent advances
A pathophysiologic state in which an abnormality
of cardiac function is responsible for failure of the
heart to pump blood at a rate commensurate with
metabolic requirements of the tissues
The current American College of Cardiology
Foundation (ACCF)/American Heart Association
(AHA) guidelines define HF:-
Complex clinical syndrome that results from
structural or functional impairment of ventricular
filling or ejection of blood, which in turn leads to
the cardinal clinical symptoms of dyspnea and
fatigue and signs of HF, namely edema and rales
Prevalance- 2% in developed countries and in India- 1.87 %
Its prevalence is increasing worldwide, likely due to improved
survival because of early diagnosis and better treatement
More than 20 million people affected worldwide
HF prevalence follows an exponential pattern, rising with age,
and affects 6–10% of people over age 65
Approx 10% of patients with HF die each year
 Reduced ejection fraction(<40-50%)- systolic heart failure
 Preserved ejection fraction(>40-50%)- diastolic heart failure
 Chronic heart failure(CHF)
 Acute heart failure
 High output failure-Thyrotoxicosis, Paget's dis, Anemia,
Pregnancy, A-V fistula
 Low output failure- 95% of HF is this type
NYHA classification
Image Source:- Yancy CW, et al. 2016 ACCF/AHA/HFSA focused update on new pharmcological therapy for heart failure: an update of the 2013
guideline for the management of heart failure. Circulation, 2016, 135:e282–e293.
The pathophysiology of heart failure is complex and involves
four major interrelated systems:-
 the heart itself
 the vasculature
 the kidney
 neurohumoral regulatory circuits
1. Relief of signs and symptoms
2. Stabilization of haemodynamics
3. Prevention of disease progress
4. Treatment of risk factors
5. Improvement in Quality of Life and reduction
in Mortality
 Routine modest exercise for class I-III, Graded over a period of time
depending on the improvement
 For euvolemic patients- regular isotonic exercise such as walking or riding
a stationary-bicycle ergometer
 Restriction of sodium (2-3 g daily) is recommended in all patients, Extra <
2g reduction in moderate to severe cases.
 Fluid restriction (<2 L/day) if hyponatremia (<130 meq/L)
 Cessation of Smoking and alcohol consumption
 Caloric supplementation- with advanced HF and unintentional weight loss
or muscle wasting (cardiac cachexia)
 Stop any drug contributing to HF
Drugs with positive inotropic effects:-
 Cardiac Glycosides:- Digoxin, Digitoxin
 Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors:- Milrinone, Enoximone,
 Beta- Agonists:- Dopamine, Dobutamine, Nor-adrenaline
Drugs without positive inotropic effects:-
 ACEIs:- Enalapril, Lisinopril, Captopril, Ramipril
 ARBs:- Losartan, Candesartan, Irbesartan
 Beta-Blockers:- Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Metoprolol
 Vasodilators:- Hydralazine, Isosorbide Dinitrate,
I. Neurohumoral modulation
II. Preload reduction
III. Afterload reduction
IV. Increasing Cardiac contractility
V. Heart rate reduction
Therapy consists of:-
1. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
2. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
3. β blockers
4. Mineralocorticoids Receptor Antagonists
In the 1960s, Ferreira and colleagues:- Certain factors in venom
extract from the Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca) intensify
vasodilator responses to bradykinin
Erdos and coworkers established that these factors inhibit ACE
and kininase II
This led to the synthesis of a series of carboxy alkanoyl and
mercapto alkanoyl derivatives that are potent competitive
inhibitors of ACE
Inhibits enzyme responsible for formation of Angiotensin II
from Angiotensin I
These are the drugs which reduce circulating levels of
Angiotensin II
Antagonises AT1 receptor effects of Angiotensin II:-
1. vasoconstriction
2. stimulation of aldosterone release from the adrenal glands
3. direct hypertrophic and proliferative effects on
cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts, respectively
4. stimulation of NE release from sympathetic nerve endings
and the adrenal medulla
Currently used as First line agents in symptomatic and
Used as Combination with diuretics to make first line therapy in
Slow : progress of ventricular dilatation
Prolong survival : prevent pathological remodelling : heart &
blood vessels
Attempts to develop therapeutically useful AngII receptor
antagonists date to the early 1970s
In 1995, the orally active, potent, and selective nonpeptide AT1
receptor antagonist Losartan was developed and approved for
clinical use in the U.S.
Since then, seven additional AT1 receptor antagonists have
been approved
The AngII receptor blockers competitively bind and block the
AT1 receptor with high affinity
More than 10,000-fold selective for the AT1 receptor over the
AT2 receptor
ARBs inhibit most of the biological effects of AngII, which
include AngII-induced
 Contraction of vascular smooth muscle
 Vasopressin release & Aldosterone secretion
 Release of adrenal catecholamines
 Increases in sympathetic tone
 Cellular hypertrophy and hyperplasia
They are therapeutic alternatives to ACEIs and second choice in
all stages of heart failure in patients who do not tolerate ACEIs
ARBs show the same pharmacological profile as ACEIs with the
exception of not inducing cough
However, the unopposed activity of AT2 receptor pathways in
the presence of AT1 blockade by an ARB seems to confer no
therapeutic advantage to ARBs over ACEIs
Heart Failure Raised epinephrine and non-epinephrine
level Cardiac Hypertrophy, Remodelling, Apoptosis,
Peripheral vasoconstriction
The β blockers competitively reduce β receptor–mediated
actions of Catecholamines:-
 Reduce heart rate and force
 Slow relaxation
 Slow AV conduction
 Suppress arrhythmias
 Lower renin levels
 And permit more or less bronchoconstriction, vasoconstriction, and
lowering of hepatic glucose production
All patients with symptomatic heart failure (stage C, NYHA II–IV) and all
patients with left ventricular dysfunction (stage B, NYHA I) with LVEF less
than 35 % should be treated with a β blocker
Used in mild-moderate (NYHA II/III) systolic dysfunction with
Clinical improvements are slight rise in ejection fraction, reduction in HR,
reduction in symptoms
Initiate at low doses and up titrate to max dose
2-4 months therapy is required for clinical benefits
Long term effect: maintain hemodynamic benefits and reduction in
Not Indicated in:- HF after acute MI or with normal LVEF, AV block,
Asthma, COPD
•Drugs with a documented life-prolonging effect in patients with
heart failure
•Given in low doses to all patients in stage C (NYHA class II–IV),
that is, with symptomatic HFrEF
•The safety of a low-dose MRA (25 mg vs. a standard of 100 mg
spironolactone) was demonstrated in a large randomized trial in
a patient cohort with severe heart failure (NYHA III–IV), with the
MRA added to ACEIs, diuretics, and digoxin
Antagonists of nuclear receptors of aldosterone
They are K+-sparing diuretics but gained more importance for
their additional efficacy in suppressing the consequences of
neurohumoral activation.
Aldosterone promotes Na+ and fluid retention, loss of K+ and Mg2+,
sympathetic activation, myocardial and vascular fibrosis and vascular
MRAs inhibit all these effects of aldosterone, of which the
reduction in fibrosis is most pronounced in animal models.
E.g. - Spironolactone and Eplerenone
 Dose: 12.5-25 mg/day
 Add on with ACEI & others in moderate-severe CHF
 In severe CHF: ACEI+ spironolactone+ digitalis: improves
 Retard disease progression
 Slow response
 The most important ADR of both MRAs is hyperkalemia.
 Spironolactone causes gynecomastia, not with Eplerenone
Fluid overload with increased filling pressures (increased preload)
and dilation of the ventricles in heart failure is the consequence of
decreased kidney perfusion and activation of the RAAS
The drugs used here are Diuretics
They increase Na+ and water excretion by inhibiting transporters in
the kidney and thereby improve symptoms of CHF
Diuretics are an integral part of the combination therapy of
symptomatic forms of heart failure
Loop Diuretics:- E.g. Furosemide, Torasemide, Bumetanide
 Inhibit the Na+-K+-2Cl symporter mediated reabsorption in the Ascending limb of
the loop of Henle
Thiazide Diuretics:- E.g.- Hydrochlorothiazide, Chlorthalidone
 Mostly used as a combination therapy with loop
 Inhibits Na+-Cl cotransporter in the distal convoluted tubule
 Associated with a greater degree of K+ wasting per fluid volume reduction
K+-Sparing Diuretics:- Amiloride, Triamterene, Spironolactone and
 Inhibit apical Na+ channels in distal segments of the tubules directly (ENaC; e.g.,
amiloride, triamterene) or reduce its gene expression (spironolactone and eplerenone)
 Used in the treatment of hypertension in combination with thiazides or loop diuretics
to reduce K+ and Mg2+ wasting
 Edema associated with congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis,
chronic kidney disease, and nephrotic syndrome
 In severe CHF: ACEI+ spironolactone+ digitalis: improves survival
 Hypertension with renal insufficiency
 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
 Acute pulmonary edema (intravenous)
 Hyponatremia
 Hypercalcemia
The failing heart is exquisitely sensitive to increased arterial
resistance i.e., Afterload
They have beneficial effects on patients with heart failure by
reducing afterload and allowing the heart to expel blood
against lower resistance
 Venous Dilators:- Isosorbide Dinitrate, Nitroglycerin, etc
 Arteriolar dilators:- Hydralazine
 Mixed:- ACEI, ARBs, Nitroprusside
One of the first orally active Vasodiltator drugs to be marketed in the
Combined with sympatholytic agents and diuretics with greater
therapeutic success
Hydralazine directly relaxes arteriolar smooth muscle with little effect
on venous smooth muscle by reduction in intracellular Ca2+
concentrations thus reducing afterload
The usual oral dosage of hydralazine is 25–100 mg twice daily
Adverse effects:- headache, nausea, flushing, hypotension,
palpitations, tachycardia, dizziness, lupus syndrome, hemolytic
anemia, vasculitis, and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Nitrates:- Sources of NO that increases cGMP and decreases cytosolic
Isosorbide dinitrate:-
Orally available organic nitrate, preferentially dilates large blood
vessels (venous capacitance and arterial conductance vessels)
The main effect is “venous pooling” and reduction of diastolic filling
pressure (preload)
The fixed-combination formulation
37.5 mg hydralazine + 20 mg ISDN and is uptitrated to a target
dose of 2 tablets, thrice daily
Particularly useful when ACEI are not tolerated
Frequent adverse effects include dizziness and headache
The failing heart is unable to generate force sufficient to meet
the needs of the body for perfusion of oxygenated blood
Historically, physicians attempted to stimulate force
generation with positive inotropic drugs
The drugs included here are:-
1. Na+/K+ ATPase Inhibitors:- Cardiac Glycosides
2. cAMP-Dependent Inotropes:- Milrinone, Enoximone
3. Myofilament Ca2+ Sensitizers:- Levosimendan
British botanist William Withering (1741–1799)
•Described the actions of Digitalis purpurea in patients with
heart failure (“dropsy”) and gave exact dosing
recommendations (Skou 1986)
Oswald Schmiedeberg (1833–1921)
•Isolated the first chemical entities from foxglove leaves; one of
these entities was digitoxin
Cardiac glycosides:-
Inhibit the plasma membrane Na+/K+ ATPase that actively pumps
Na+ out and K+ into the cell
Inhibition of this enzyme slightly reduces the Na+ gradient across
the myocyte membrane and thus reducing the driving force for Ca2+
extrusion by the NCX
Thus provides more Ca2+ for storage in the SR and subsequent
release to activate contraction
Increase in Ca2+ permeability through voltage sensitive L type Ca2+
channels during plateau phase
Release of more Ca2+ from SR & mitochondria by activating Ryr
(ryanodine) receptors
Inhibits SR- Ca2+ ATPase (reuptake channel)
Actions of Digoxin:-
Positive Inotropic Effect by raising intracellular [Ca2+] and enhanced
This Increased cardiac output provides symptomatic relief in patients
with heart failure
Decreases in preload and afterload reduce chamber dilation and
thereby ↓ in oxygen requirement
Increased renal perfusion lowers renin production
and increases diuresis, further decreasing preload
Bradycardia, improved myocardial circulation and sense of well being
but Does not substantially increase the survival
Subside pulmonary
congestion and edema
Currently given when ACEI & Diuretics fail to control symptoms
Used in Low output heart failure due to HT, IHD & arrhythmias
oOral route is preferred: 0.125-0.5mg/day.
1) Slow loading with 0.125-0.25 mg/day
2) Rapid method with 0.5-0.75 mg every 8hrs for 1 day followed
by 0.125-0.25 mg/day( rare)
oIV 0.5 to 1 mg but is seldom required
No role in acute HF with acute MI, MR and papillary muscle
I. Therapeutic efficacy - between 0.5 and 0.8 ng/mL
II. Adverse effects:- Seen above 2 ng/mL
 Cardiac effects like Bradycardia, AV Block, Atrial Fibrillation,
Ventricular extrasystoles, bigeminy, etc
 GI side effects like anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea
 Neurotoxicity like mental confusion, delirium, loss of color
perception, hyperkalemia, gynaecomastia
Treatment of toxicity:-
 Cessation of CG medication normally suffices, estimate K levels
 Extreme sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial block, or AV block grade II or
III:- Atropine (0.5–1 mg) IV
 Supraventricular tachyarrhytmias:- Oral Propranolol 10-40 mg every 6
hrs or IV 0.5 to 1 mg
 Tachycardic ventricular arrhythmias and hypokalemia:- Lignocaine 1-2
mg/kg or K+ infusion (40–60 mmol/d)
 Antidigoxin immunotherapy with Digibind as the antidote:- 40 mg
neutralizes 0.6 mg digoxin
ENHNACED digitalis toxicity:- Loop diuretics, steroids, Amiodarone,
The cAMP-PDE inhibitors decrease cellular cAMP degradation
leading to elevated levels of cAMP
This results in positive inotropic and chronotropic effects in
the heart
Also causes dilation of resistance and capacitance vessels,
effectively decreasing preload and afterload
The drugs included here are Milrinone and Enoximone
Milrinone inhibits human heart PDE3 and PDE4 with similar potency
The loading dose of milrinone is ordinarily 25–75 μg/kg, and the
continuous infusion rate ranges from 0.375 to 0.75 μg/kg/min
S/E:- less thrombocytopenia and liver effect, arrhytmogenic
potential, headache, tremors
Congener of inamrinone, is a relative selective Inhibitor of PDE3
IV in acute heart failure
Better tolerated and improves physical quality of life
Bolus doses of enoximone at 0.5–1.0 mg/kg over 5–10 min are
followed by an infusion of 5–20 μg/kg/min
In some countries, calcium sensitizers are approved for the short-term
treatment of acutely decompensated heart failure
Increase the sensitivity of contractile myofilaments to Ca2+ by binding
to and inducing a conformational change in troponin C
This causes an increased force for a given cytosolic Ca2+
concentration, theoretically without raising the [Ca2+]cytosol
The drugs included are Levosimendan and Pimobendan
Clinical data provide evidence for symptomatic benefit and reductions
in the length of stay in the hospital
Increased rates of arrhythmia and death are likely related to the PDE3
inhibitor activity of these compounds
These agents stimulate the heart’s force of contraction in a situation
of critically diminished cardiac output
 Dobutamine is the β adrenergic agonist of choice for the management of
patients with acute CHF with systolic dysfunction
 Dobutamine is a racemic mixture of (–) and (+) enantiomers
 The (–) enantiomer - agonist at α1 adrenergic receptors, weak agonist at
β1 and β2 receptors
 The (+) enantiomer - potent β1 and β2 agonist, less activity at α1
adrenergic receptors (β1 - Normally Dominates)
 Continuous infusions initiated at 2–3 μg/kg/ min and uptitrated
 S/E:- tachycardia and supraventricular/ventricular arrhythmias
 The pharmacologic and hemodynamic effects of DA vary with concentration
 Low doses (≤2 μg/kg/min):- stimulation of D2 receptors and inhibits NE
release and reduces α adrenergic stimulation of vascular smooth muscle,
particularly in splanchnic and renal arterial beds
 At intermediate infusion rates (2–5 μg/kg/min):-stimulation of cardiac β
receptors to enhance myocardial contractility
 At higher infusion rates (5–15 μg/kg/min):- Stimulation of α adrenergic
receptor leading to peripheral arterial and venous constriction occurs
 Other drugs are Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine
Vasopressin receptors V1a : vasoconstriction and V2: antidiuretic
Conivaptan (Vaprisol)
V1a & V2 antagonist
APPROVED for hyponatremia (SIADH)
T1/2: 5-12 hrs
Dose: 20 mg loading IV over 30 min followed by 20 mg IV over 24
Potential use in heart failure: as ↓ afterload and
S/E: infusion site reaction, headache, hypotension, pyrexia
Tolvaptan:- V2 antagonist, Oral: 15-45 mg/day
Released from the cardiac ventricles in response to increased wall
ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) and BNP (Brain Natriuretic Peptide)
diagnostic and prognostic marker in heart failure
Rapid Measurement BNP →emergency diagnosis of heart failure
Recombinant form of human BNP
Binds to surface4 receptors on vascular smooth muscle cells and
endothelial cells and activates cGMP
o↓ arteriolar and venous tone (↑ cGMP in smooth muscle cells-
smooth muscle relaxation)
oAlso causes Natriuresis (Inhibits Na+ absorption in collecting duct)
APPROVED for acute decompensated HF
Inhibition of neutral endopeptidases like ACE and NEP
↑ANP & ↑BNP
Vasodilatation and Na+ & water excretion
↓Afterload and Preload
E.g.: Omapatrilat, Sampatrilat, Fasidopatrilat
 Omapatrilat:- Clinical status: in phase 3 trials
pacing lead via the coronary sinus to the lateral wall of the ventricle,
it enables a more synchronous ventricular contraction by aligning the
timing of activation of the opposing walls.
of HF which can use the hibernating myocardium and improve the
heart function
STEM CELL THERAPY where either bone marrow–derived precursor
cells or autologous cardiac-derived stem cells and programming
them to develop and remodel into cardiac cells and improve the
function of heart
Stage A Stage B Stage C
Stage D
Aims of therapy:- Reduction of afterload, CO & BP
1. Semiupright position and Tourniquet appliaction:-
Raising head end of the bed or by backrest
2. Oxygen:- 6-8 L/min
3. Furosemide:- IV 40-60 mg, every 30 min till
4. Morphine:- IV 2-4 mg every 15 mins to a total of
15 mg
5. Aminophylline, in case there is bronchospasm
6. Sublingual NTG:- 0.4 mg, repeated every 5 mins
for 3 doses, Monitor BP
7. ACEI:- Low dose is given to start with
Medicines in development for heart disease & stroke, 2018. Available from:- http://phrma-
Recent data indicate that additional benefit may accrue via a drug
combination called Angitensin Receptor- Neprilysin Inhibitor (ARNIs)
In July 2015, the FDA approved a fixed-dose combination:-
ARB (Valsartan) + Neprilysin Inhibitor (Sacubitril) {ENTRESTO}
Sacubitril inhibits the degradation of the natriuretic peptides ANP and
Recommended dose of 100–400 mg daily, divided into two doses
Approved for
Chronic and stable but symptomatic HF
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of less than 40%
Reduces the rates of hospitalization and death
In April 2015, FDA approved Ivabradine (CORLANOR) from Amgen
Ivabradine acts by reducing the heart rate via specific inhibition of
the pacemaker current
Used in combination with beta blockers in people with:-
 Heart failure with LVEF lower than 35 %
 Inadequately controlled by beta blockers alone
 Heart rate exceeds 70 beats per minute
Combination decreases the risk of hospitalization for heart failure
A β-arrestin-based AT1 receptor blocker, TRV027 is being developed
It binds AT1 receptor and blocks G protein– coupled signaling while
engaging β-arrestin
In animal models, it Increases myocyte contractility and protects
against apoptosis
In phase II clinical studies, TRV027 decreased mean arterial pressure
and was well tolerated
The safety and efficacy of TRV027 is being tested in the BLAST-HF
study in patients with acute heart failure
Serelaxin is a recombinant form of the human hormone relaxin
Recent studies have shown that relaxin is also produced by the
vasculature and failing myocardium
Relaxin interacts with a G protein-coupled receptor, leading to
increased cAMP that leads to nitric oxide production and thus
Increases cardiac output, arterial compliance, and renal blood flow,
supporting important physiological changes during pregnancy
Given its potent vasodilator properties as well as its ability to
increase renal perfusion, Relaxin became of interest as a potential
therapy for acute decompensated HF
Oxidative inactivation of sGC is believed to be a common pathology
in cardiovascular disease and a reason for endothelial dysfunction
sGC activators have maintained (or even enhanced) effects at sGC
enzymes inactivated by oxidation
Riociugat is a direct, heme-dependent stimulator of sGC and is
approved for the treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension and
chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Cinaciugat is a heme-independent activator of sGC and lowered
pulmonary wedge pressure and increased cardiac output, but also
markedly increased the rate of symptomatic hypotension, hence
New Sarcomere directed drug
Selective cardiac myosin activator
Increases myocardial contractility and stroke volume without O2
Currently under evaluation for the treatment of CHF caused by LV
Potent vasodilator peptide
Experimental therapeutic intervention in rats showed inhibition of
progression of cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling
Promotes maintenance or improvement in renal function
Counter the activation or actions of vasoconstricting and sodium-
retaining hormone systems
Potential therapeutic agents for Heart failure
Investigational steroid derivative
Inhibition of (Na+/K+ ATPase)
Stimulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA)
isoform 2 (SERCA2)
Enhances the heart’s relaxation phase, protects from
arrhythmogenesis caused by calcium overload
Improves ejection fraction, stroke volume and systolic blood
pressure, while also enhancing ventricular filling
Reduces heart rate and ventricular diastolic stiffness
Wider margin of safety
Drug is under phase 2 trial
Recombinant peptide mimics activity of urodilatin
Urodilatin was first isolated from human urine in 1988 as a modified
version of pro-ANP produced mainly by distal renal tubule cells
Route of administration- IV
Under evaluation for acute heart failure
Improve Cardiovascular parameter & promote diuresis without ↓
creatinine clearance
In phase 3 clinical trail
SB207266, a 5HT4 receptor antagonist has been noted to improve
cardiac function in heart failure rats, suggesting a possible beneficial
effect of 5-HT4 receptor antagonist in heart failure
PG-53072, a selective inhibitor of MMP has attenuated left ventricular
dysfunction and cardiac remodeling in experimental heart failure
CelacadeTM is an immune modulator which has prevented chronic
inflammation and apoptotic cell death by activating IL-10 mediated
anti-inflammatory process
oHeart failure is a significant clinical challenge associated with high
morbidity, mortality and economic burden
oThe prevalence of chronic heart failure is continuously increasing
oDespite the fact that major advances in lifesaving treatment have
been made; our ability to recognize and optimally treat heart failure
is limited
oThe short- and long-term morbidity and mortality in acute heart
failure is still unacceptably high
oFurther advances in understanding of pathophysiology of heart
failure will probably help to identify novel therapeutic agents for
patients with poor prognosis of heart failure
1. Kasper, Fauci, Hauser, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 19th Edition. New
Delhi: McGraw Hill; 2015
2. Bruton LL, Dandan RH, Goodman & Gilamn’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics.
13th Edition. New Delhi: McGraw Hill; 2018
3. Satoskar RS, Rege NN, Tripathi RK, Bhandarkar SD. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics.
25th Edition. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2017
4. Sharma HL, Sharma KK. Principles of Pharmacology. 3rd Edition. New Delhi: Paras Medical
Publisher; 2017
5. Yancy CW, et al. 2016 ACCF/AHA/HFSA focused update on new pharmcological therapy for
heart failure: an update of the 2013 guideline for the management of heart failure.
Circulation, 2016, 135:e282–e293
6. Pitchai Balakumar and Manjeet Singh , 2007. Recent Advances in Pharmacotherapy for Heart
Failure: Future Directions. Trends in Medical Research, 2: 61-71
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Pharmacotherapy of heart failure

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Pharmacotherapy of heart failure

  • 1. PHARMACOTHERAPY OF HEART FAILURE Presenter- Dr. Shivesh Gupta PG Guide- Dr. Shyamal Sinha
  • 2. OUTLINE OF TODAY’S SEMINAR Introduction Epidemiology Classification Pathophysiology Management Recent advances Summary
  • 3.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION A pathophysiologic state in which an abnormality of cardiac function is responsible for failure of the heart to pump blood at a rate commensurate with metabolic requirements of the tissues The current American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF)/American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines define HF:- Complex clinical syndrome that results from structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood, which in turn leads to the cardinal clinical symptoms of dyspnea and fatigue and signs of HF, namely edema and rales
  • 5. EPIDEMIOLOGY Prevalance- 2% in developed countries and in India- 1.87 % Its prevalence is increasing worldwide, likely due to improved survival because of early diagnosis and better treatement More than 20 million people affected worldwide HF prevalence follows an exponential pattern, rising with age, and affects 6–10% of people over age 65 Approx 10% of patients with HF die each year
  • 6. CLASSIFICATION BY EJECTION FRACTION:-  Reduced ejection fraction(<40-50%)- systolic heart failure  Preserved ejection fraction(>40-50%)- diastolic heart failure BY TIME COURSE:-  Chronic heart failure(CHF)  Acute heart failure BY OUTPUT:-  High output failure-Thyrotoxicosis, Paget's dis, Anemia, Pregnancy, A-V fistula  Low output failure- 95% of HF is this type
  • 8. Image Source:- Yancy CW, et al. 2016 ACCF/AHA/HFSA focused update on new pharmcological therapy for heart failure: an update of the 2013 guideline for the management of heart failure. Circulation, 2016, 135:e282–e293.
  • 10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The pathophysiology of heart failure is complex and involves four major interrelated systems:-  the heart itself  the vasculature  the kidney  neurohumoral regulatory circuits
  • 13. MANAGEMENT Aims:- 1. Relief of signs and symptoms 2. Stabilization of haemodynamics 3. Prevention of disease progress 4. Treatment of risk factors 5. Improvement in Quality of Life and reduction in Mortality
  • 15. NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL Activity  Routine modest exercise for class I-III, Graded over a period of time depending on the improvement  For euvolemic patients- regular isotonic exercise such as walking or riding a stationary-bicycle ergometer Diet  Restriction of sodium (2-3 g daily) is recommended in all patients, Extra < 2g reduction in moderate to severe cases.  Fluid restriction (<2 L/day) if hyponatremia (<130 meq/L)  Cessation of Smoking and alcohol consumption  Caloric supplementation- with advanced HF and unintentional weight loss or muscle wasting (cardiac cachexia)  Stop any drug contributing to HF
  • 16. PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY Drugs with positive inotropic effects:-  Cardiac Glycosides:- Digoxin, Digitoxin  Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors:- Milrinone, Enoximone, Levosimendan  Beta- Agonists:- Dopamine, Dobutamine, Nor-adrenaline Drugs without positive inotropic effects:-  ACEIs:- Enalapril, Lisinopril, Captopril, Ramipril  ARBs:- Losartan, Candesartan, Irbesartan  Beta-Blockers:- Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Metoprolol  Vasodilators:- Hydralazine, Isosorbide Dinitrate, Nitroprusside
  • 17. TREATMENT PRINCIPLES I. Neurohumoral modulation II. Preload reduction III. Afterload reduction IV. Increasing Cardiac contractility V. Heart rate reduction
  • 18. NEUROHUMORAL MODULATION Therapy consists of:- 1. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors 2. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers 3. β blockers 4. Mineralocorticoids Receptor Antagonists
  • 19. ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS In the 1960s, Ferreira and colleagues:- Certain factors in venom extract from the Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca) intensify vasodilator responses to bradykinin Erdos and coworkers established that these factors inhibit ACE and kininase II This led to the synthesis of a series of carboxy alkanoyl and mercapto alkanoyl derivatives that are potent competitive inhibitors of ACE
  • 20. Inhibits enzyme responsible for formation of Angiotensin II from Angiotensin I These are the drugs which reduce circulating levels of Angiotensin II Antagonises AT1 receptor effects of Angiotensin II:- 1. vasoconstriction 2. stimulation of aldosterone release from the adrenal glands 3. direct hypertrophic and proliferative effects on cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts, respectively 4. stimulation of NE release from sympathetic nerve endings and the adrenal medulla
  • 21.
  • 22. Currently used as First line agents in symptomatic and asymptomatic Used as Combination with diuretics to make first line therapy in HF Slow : progress of ventricular dilatation Prolong survival : prevent pathological remodelling : heart & blood vessels
  • 23.
  • 24. ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKERS Attempts to develop therapeutically useful AngII receptor antagonists date to the early 1970s In 1995, the orally active, potent, and selective nonpeptide AT1 receptor antagonist Losartan was developed and approved for clinical use in the U.S. Since then, seven additional AT1 receptor antagonists have been approved
  • 25. The AngII receptor blockers competitively bind and block the AT1 receptor with high affinity More than 10,000-fold selective for the AT1 receptor over the AT2 receptor ARBs inhibit most of the biological effects of AngII, which include AngII-induced  Contraction of vascular smooth muscle  Vasopressin release & Aldosterone secretion  Release of adrenal catecholamines  Increases in sympathetic tone  Cellular hypertrophy and hyperplasia
  • 26. They are therapeutic alternatives to ACEIs and second choice in all stages of heart failure in patients who do not tolerate ACEIs ARBs show the same pharmacological profile as ACEIs with the exception of not inducing cough However, the unopposed activity of AT2 receptor pathways in the presence of AT1 blockade by an ARB seems to confer no therapeutic advantage to ARBs over ACEIs
  • 27. BETA BLOCKERS Heart Failure Raised epinephrine and non-epinephrine level Cardiac Hypertrophy, Remodelling, Apoptosis, Peripheral vasoconstriction The β blockers competitively reduce β receptor–mediated actions of Catecholamines:-  Reduce heart rate and force  Slow relaxation  Slow AV conduction  Suppress arrhythmias  Lower renin levels  And permit more or less bronchoconstriction, vasoconstriction, and lowering of hepatic glucose production
  • 28. All patients with symptomatic heart failure (stage C, NYHA II–IV) and all patients with left ventricular dysfunction (stage B, NYHA I) with LVEF less than 35 % should be treated with a β blocker Used in mild-moderate (NYHA II/III) systolic dysfunction with cardiomyopathy Clinical improvements are slight rise in ejection fraction, reduction in HR, reduction in symptoms Initiate at low doses and up titrate to max dose 2-4 months therapy is required for clinical benefits Long term effect: maintain hemodynamic benefits and reduction in morbidity/mortality Not Indicated in:- HF after acute MI or with normal LVEF, AV block, Asthma, COPD
  • 29. MINERALOCORTICOID RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS •Drugs with a documented life-prolonging effect in patients with heart failure •Given in low doses to all patients in stage C (NYHA class II–IV), that is, with symptomatic HFrEF •The safety of a low-dose MRA (25 mg vs. a standard of 100 mg spironolactone) was demonstrated in a large randomized trial in a patient cohort with severe heart failure (NYHA III–IV), with the MRA added to ACEIs, diuretics, and digoxin
  • 30. Antagonists of nuclear receptors of aldosterone They are K+-sparing diuretics but gained more importance for their additional efficacy in suppressing the consequences of neurohumoral activation. Aldosterone promotes Na+ and fluid retention, loss of K+ and Mg2+, sympathetic activation, myocardial and vascular fibrosis and vascular damage MRAs inhibit all these effects of aldosterone, of which the reduction in fibrosis is most pronounced in animal models. E.g. - Spironolactone and Eplerenone
  • 31. Spironolactone:-  Dose: 12.5-25 mg/day  Add on with ACEI & others in moderate-severe CHF  In severe CHF: ACEI+ spironolactone+ digitalis: improves survival  Retard disease progression  Slow response  The most important ADR of both MRAs is hyperkalemia.  Spironolactone causes gynecomastia, not with Eplerenone
  • 32. PRELOAD REDUCTION Fluid overload with increased filling pressures (increased preload) and dilation of the ventricles in heart failure is the consequence of decreased kidney perfusion and activation of the RAAS The drugs used here are Diuretics They increase Na+ and water excretion by inhibiting transporters in the kidney and thereby improve symptoms of CHF Diuretics are an integral part of the combination therapy of symptomatic forms of heart failure
  • 33.
  • 34. Loop Diuretics:- E.g. Furosemide, Torasemide, Bumetanide  Inhibit the Na+-K+-2Cl symporter mediated reabsorption in the Ascending limb of the loop of Henle Thiazide Diuretics:- E.g.- Hydrochlorothiazide, Chlorthalidone  Mostly used as a combination therapy with loop  Inhibits Na+-Cl cotransporter in the distal convoluted tubule  Associated with a greater degree of K+ wasting per fluid volume reduction K+-Sparing Diuretics:- Amiloride, Triamterene, Spironolactone and Eplerenone  Inhibit apical Na+ channels in distal segments of the tubules directly (ENaC; e.g., amiloride, triamterene) or reduce its gene expression (spironolactone and eplerenone)  Used in the treatment of hypertension in combination with thiazides or loop diuretics to reduce K+ and Mg2+ wasting
  • 35. Uses:-  Edema associated with congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease, and nephrotic syndrome  In severe CHF: ACEI+ spironolactone+ digitalis: improves survival  Hypertension with renal insufficiency  Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus  Acute pulmonary edema (intravenous)  Hyponatremia  Hypercalcemia
  • 36. AFTERLOAD REDUCTION The failing heart is exquisitely sensitive to increased arterial resistance i.e., Afterload They have beneficial effects on patients with heart failure by reducing afterload and allowing the heart to expel blood against lower resistance Vasodilators:-  Venous Dilators:- Isosorbide Dinitrate, Nitroglycerin, etc  Arteriolar dilators:- Hydralazine  Mixed:- ACEI, ARBs, Nitroprusside
  • 37. Hydralazine:- One of the first orally active Vasodiltator drugs to be marketed in the U.S. Combined with sympatholytic agents and diuretics with greater therapeutic success Hydralazine directly relaxes arteriolar smooth muscle with little effect on venous smooth muscle by reduction in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations thus reducing afterload The usual oral dosage of hydralazine is 25–100 mg twice daily Adverse effects:- headache, nausea, flushing, hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, dizziness, lupus syndrome, hemolytic anemia, vasculitis, and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
  • 38. Nitrates:- Sources of NO that increases cGMP and decreases cytosolic Ca2+ Isosorbide dinitrate:- Orally available organic nitrate, preferentially dilates large blood vessels (venous capacitance and arterial conductance vessels) The main effect is “venous pooling” and reduction of diastolic filling pressure (preload) The fixed-combination formulation 37.5 mg hydralazine + 20 mg ISDN and is uptitrated to a target dose of 2 tablets, thrice daily Particularly useful when ACEI are not tolerated Frequent adverse effects include dizziness and headache
  • 39. INCREASING CARDIAC CONTRACTILITY The failing heart is unable to generate force sufficient to meet the needs of the body for perfusion of oxygenated blood Historically, physicians attempted to stimulate force generation with positive inotropic drugs The drugs included here are:- 1. Na+/K+ ATPase Inhibitors:- Cardiac Glycosides 2. cAMP-Dependent Inotropes:- Milrinone, Enoximone 3. Myofilament Ca2+ Sensitizers:- Levosimendan
  • 40. CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES (CG) British botanist William Withering (1741–1799) •Described the actions of Digitalis purpurea in patients with heart failure (“dropsy”) and gave exact dosing recommendations (Skou 1986) Oswald Schmiedeberg (1833–1921) •Isolated the first chemical entities from foxglove leaves; one of these entities was digitoxin
  • 41. Cardiac glycosides:- Inhibit the plasma membrane Na+/K+ ATPase that actively pumps Na+ out and K+ into the cell Inhibition of this enzyme slightly reduces the Na+ gradient across the myocyte membrane and thus reducing the driving force for Ca2+ extrusion by the NCX Thus provides more Ca2+ for storage in the SR and subsequent release to activate contraction Increase in Ca2+ permeability through voltage sensitive L type Ca2+ channels during plateau phase Release of more Ca2+ from SR & mitochondria by activating Ryr (ryanodine) receptors Inhibits SR- Ca2+ ATPase (reuptake channel)
  • 42. Actions of Digoxin:- Positive Inotropic Effect by raising intracellular [Ca2+] and enhanced contractility This Increased cardiac output provides symptomatic relief in patients with heart failure Decreases in preload and afterload reduce chamber dilation and thereby ↓ in oxygen requirement Increased renal perfusion lowers renin production and increases diuresis, further decreasing preload Bradycardia, improved myocardial circulation and sense of well being but Does not substantially increase the survival Subside pulmonary congestion and edema
  • 43.
  • 44. Currently given when ACEI & Diuretics fail to control symptoms Used in Low output heart failure due to HT, IHD & arrhythmias Dose: oOral route is preferred: 0.125-0.5mg/day. 1) Slow loading with 0.125-0.25 mg/day 2) Rapid method with 0.5-0.75 mg every 8hrs for 1 day followed by 0.125-0.25 mg/day( rare) oIV 0.5 to 1 mg but is seldom required No role in acute HF with acute MI, MR and papillary muscle dysfunction
  • 45. I. Therapeutic efficacy - between 0.5 and 0.8 ng/mL II. Adverse effects:- Seen above 2 ng/mL  Cardiac effects like Bradycardia, AV Block, Atrial Fibrillation, Ventricular extrasystoles, bigeminy, etc  GI side effects like anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea  Neurotoxicity like mental confusion, delirium, loss of color perception, hyperkalemia, gynaecomastia
  • 46. Treatment of toxicity:-  Cessation of CG medication normally suffices, estimate K levels  Extreme sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial block, or AV block grade II or III:- Atropine (0.5–1 mg) IV  Supraventricular tachyarrhytmias:- Oral Propranolol 10-40 mg every 6 hrs or IV 0.5 to 1 mg  Tachycardic ventricular arrhythmias and hypokalemia:- Lignocaine 1-2 mg/kg or K+ infusion (40–60 mmol/d)  Antidigoxin immunotherapy with Digibind as the antidote:- 40 mg neutralizes 0.6 mg digoxin ENHNACED digitalis toxicity:- Loop diuretics, steroids, Amiodarone, quinidine
  • 47. CAMP-DEPENDENT INOTROPES The cAMP-PDE inhibitors decrease cellular cAMP degradation leading to elevated levels of cAMP This results in positive inotropic and chronotropic effects in the heart Also causes dilation of resistance and capacitance vessels, effectively decreasing preload and afterload The drugs included here are Milrinone and Enoximone
  • 48. Milrinone Milrinone inhibits human heart PDE3 and PDE4 with similar potency The loading dose of milrinone is ordinarily 25–75 μg/kg, and the continuous infusion rate ranges from 0.375 to 0.75 μg/kg/min S/E:- less thrombocytopenia and liver effect, arrhytmogenic potential, headache, tremors Enoximone Congener of inamrinone, is a relative selective Inhibitor of PDE3 IV in acute heart failure Better tolerated and improves physical quality of life Bolus doses of enoximone at 0.5–1.0 mg/kg over 5–10 min are followed by an infusion of 5–20 μg/kg/min
  • 49. MYOFILAMENT CA2+ SENSITIZERS In some countries, calcium sensitizers are approved for the short-term treatment of acutely decompensated heart failure Increase the sensitivity of contractile myofilaments to Ca2+ by binding to and inducing a conformational change in troponin C This causes an increased force for a given cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, theoretically without raising the [Ca2+]cytosol The drugs included are Levosimendan and Pimobendan Clinical data provide evidence for symptomatic benefit and reductions in the length of stay in the hospital Increased rates of arrhythmia and death are likely related to the PDE3 inhibitor activity of these compounds
  • 50. POSITIVE INOTROPIC DRUGS These agents stimulate the heart’s force of contraction in a situation of critically diminished cardiac output Dobutamine:-  Dobutamine is the β adrenergic agonist of choice for the management of patients with acute CHF with systolic dysfunction  Dobutamine is a racemic mixture of (–) and (+) enantiomers  The (–) enantiomer - agonist at α1 adrenergic receptors, weak agonist at β1 and β2 receptors  The (+) enantiomer - potent β1 and β2 agonist, less activity at α1 adrenergic receptors (β1 - Normally Dominates)  Continuous infusions initiated at 2–3 μg/kg/ min and uptitrated  S/E:- tachycardia and supraventricular/ventricular arrhythmias
  • 51. Dopamine:-  The pharmacologic and hemodynamic effects of DA vary with concentration  Low doses (≤2 μg/kg/min):- stimulation of D2 receptors and inhibits NE release and reduces α adrenergic stimulation of vascular smooth muscle, particularly in splanchnic and renal arterial beds  At intermediate infusion rates (2–5 μg/kg/min):-stimulation of cardiac β receptors to enhance myocardial contractility  At higher infusion rates (5–15 μg/kg/min):- Stimulation of α adrenergic receptor leading to peripheral arterial and venous constriction occurs  Other drugs are Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine
  • 52. VASOPRESSIN ANTAGONISTS Vasopressin receptors V1a : vasoconstriction and V2: antidiuretic Conivaptan (Vaprisol) V1a & V2 antagonist APPROVED for hyponatremia (SIADH) T1/2: 5-12 hrs Dose: 20 mg loading IV over 30 min followed by 20 mg IV over 24 hrs Potential use in heart failure: as ↓ afterload and S/E: infusion site reaction, headache, hypotension, pyrexia Tolvaptan:- V2 antagonist, Oral: 15-45 mg/day
  • 53. VASOACTIVE PEPTIDES Released from the cardiac ventricles in response to increased wall tension ANP (Atrial Natriuretic Peptide) and BNP (Brain Natriuretic Peptide) diagnostic and prognostic marker in heart failure Rapid Measurement BNP →emergency diagnosis of heart failure
  • 54. Nesiritide Recombinant form of human BNP Binds to surface4 receptors on vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells and activates cGMP MOA:- o↓ arteriolar and venous tone (↑ cGMP in smooth muscle cells- smooth muscle relaxation) oAlso causes Natriuresis (Inhibits Na+ absorption in collecting duct) APPROVED for acute decompensated HF
  • 55. VASOPEPTIDASE INHIBITORS Inhibition of neutral endopeptidases like ACE and NEP ↑ANP & ↑BNP Vasodilatation and Na+ & water excretion ↓Afterload and Preload E.g.: Omapatrilat, Sampatrilat, Fasidopatrilat  Omapatrilat:- Clinical status: in phase 3 trials
  • 56. OTHER MEASURES CARDIAC RESYNCHRONIZATION THERAPY:- With placement of a pacing lead via the coronary sinus to the lateral wall of the ventricle, it enables a more synchronous ventricular contraction by aligning the timing of activation of the opposing walls. SURGICAL THERAPY IN HEART FAILURE like CABG in ischaemic cause of HF which can use the hibernating myocardium and improve the heart function STEM CELL THERAPY where either bone marrow–derived precursor cells or autologous cardiac-derived stem cells and programming them to develop and remodel into cardiac cells and improve the function of heart GENE THERAPY
  • 57. Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D
  • 58. MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE HF Aims of therapy:- Reduction of afterload, CO & BP maintainance 1. Semiupright position and Tourniquet appliaction:- Raising head end of the bed or by backrest 2. Oxygen:- 6-8 L/min 3. Furosemide:- IV 40-60 mg, every 30 min till diuresis 4. Morphine:- IV 2-4 mg every 15 mins to a total of 15 mg 5. Aminophylline, in case there is bronchospasm 6. Sublingual NTG:- 0.4 mg, repeated every 5 mins for 3 doses, Monitor BP 7. ACEI:- Low dose is given to start with
  • 60. RECENT ADVANCES Medicines in development for heart disease & stroke, 2018. Available from:- http://phrma-
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  • 65. Recent data indicate that additional benefit may accrue via a drug combination called Angitensin Receptor- Neprilysin Inhibitor (ARNIs) In July 2015, the FDA approved a fixed-dose combination:- ARB (Valsartan) + Neprilysin Inhibitor (Sacubitril) {ENTRESTO} Sacubitril inhibits the degradation of the natriuretic peptides ANP and BNP Recommended dose of 100–400 mg daily, divided into two doses Approved for Chronic and stable but symptomatic HF Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of less than 40% Reduces the rates of hospitalization and death
  • 66. IVABRADINE In April 2015, FDA approved Ivabradine (CORLANOR) from Amgen Ivabradine acts by reducing the heart rate via specific inhibition of the pacemaker current Used in combination with beta blockers in people with:-  Heart failure with LVEF lower than 35 %  Inadequately controlled by beta blockers alone  Heart rate exceeds 70 beats per minute Combination decreases the risk of hospitalization for heart failure
  • 67. TRV027 A β-arrestin-based AT1 receptor blocker, TRV027 is being developed It binds AT1 receptor and blocks G protein– coupled signaling while engaging β-arrestin In animal models, it Increases myocyte contractility and protects against apoptosis In phase II clinical studies, TRV027 decreased mean arterial pressure and was well tolerated The safety and efficacy of TRV027 is being tested in the BLAST-HF study in patients with acute heart failure
  • 68. SERELAXIN Serelaxin is a recombinant form of the human hormone relaxin Recent studies have shown that relaxin is also produced by the vasculature and failing myocardium Relaxin interacts with a G protein-coupled receptor, leading to increased cAMP that leads to nitric oxide production and thus relaxaton Increases cardiac output, arterial compliance, and renal blood flow, supporting important physiological changes during pregnancy Given its potent vasodilator properties as well as its ability to increase renal perfusion, Relaxin became of interest as a potential therapy for acute decompensated HF
  • 69. SOLUBLE GUANYL CYCLASE ACTIVATORS Oxidative inactivation of sGC is believed to be a common pathology in cardiovascular disease and a reason for endothelial dysfunction sGC activators have maintained (or even enhanced) effects at sGC enzymes inactivated by oxidation Riociugat is a direct, heme-dependent stimulator of sGC and is approved for the treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension Cinaciugat is a heme-independent activator of sGC and lowered pulmonary wedge pressure and increased cardiac output, but also markedly increased the rate of symptomatic hypotension, hence stopped
  • 70. OMECAMTIV MECARBIL New Sarcomere directed drug Selective cardiac myosin activator Increases myocardial contractility and stroke volume without O2 consumption Currently under evaluation for the treatment of CHF caused by LV dysfunction
  • 71. ADRENOMEDULLIN Potent vasodilator peptide Experimental therapeutic intervention in rats showed inhibition of progression of cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling Promotes maintenance or improvement in renal function Counter the activation or actions of vasoconstricting and sodium- retaining hormone systems Potential therapeutic agents for Heart failure
  • 72. ISTAROXIME Investigational steroid derivative Inhibition of (Na+/K+ ATPase) Stimulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) isoform 2 (SERCA2) Enhances the heart’s relaxation phase, protects from arrhythmogenesis caused by calcium overload Improves ejection fraction, stroke volume and systolic blood pressure, while also enhancing ventricular filling Reduces heart rate and ventricular diastolic stiffness Wider margin of safety Drug is under phase 2 trial
  • 73. ULARITIDE Recombinant peptide mimics activity of urodilatin Urodilatin was first isolated from human urine in 1988 as a modified version of pro-ANP produced mainly by distal renal tubule cells Route of administration- IV Under evaluation for acute heart failure Improve Cardiovascular parameter & promote diuresis without ↓ creatinine clearance In phase 3 clinical trail
  • 74. OTHER MOLECULES SB207266, a 5HT4 receptor antagonist has been noted to improve cardiac function in heart failure rats, suggesting a possible beneficial effect of 5-HT4 receptor antagonist in heart failure PG-53072, a selective inhibitor of MMP has attenuated left ventricular dysfunction and cardiac remodeling in experimental heart failure CelacadeTM is an immune modulator which has prevented chronic inflammation and apoptotic cell death by activating IL-10 mediated anti-inflammatory process
  • 75. SUMMARY oHeart failure is a significant clinical challenge associated with high morbidity, mortality and economic burden oThe prevalence of chronic heart failure is continuously increasing globally oDespite the fact that major advances in lifesaving treatment have been made; our ability to recognize and optimally treat heart failure is limited oThe short- and long-term morbidity and mortality in acute heart failure is still unacceptably high oFurther advances in understanding of pathophysiology of heart failure will probably help to identify novel therapeutic agents for patients with poor prognosis of heart failure
  • 76. REFERENCES 1. Kasper, Fauci, Hauser, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 19th Edition. New Delhi: McGraw Hill; 2015 2. Bruton LL, Dandan RH, Goodman & Gilamn’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 13th Edition. New Delhi: McGraw Hill; 2018 3. Satoskar RS, Rege NN, Tripathi RK, Bhandarkar SD. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. 25th Edition. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2017 4. Sharma HL, Sharma KK. Principles of Pharmacology. 3rd Edition. New Delhi: Paras Medical Publisher; 2017 5. Yancy CW, et al. 2016 ACCF/AHA/HFSA focused update on new pharmcological therapy for heart failure: an update of the 2013 guideline for the management of heart failure. Circulation, 2016, 135:e282–e293 6. Pitchai Balakumar and Manjeet Singh , 2007. Recent Advances in Pharmacotherapy for Heart Failure: Future Directions. Trends in Medical Research, 2: 61-71 7. Balakumar, P. and M. Singh, 2006. Possible role of caspase-3 in pathological and physiological cardiac hypertrophy in rats. Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 99: 418-424 8. Balakumar, P. and M. Singh, 2006. Possible role of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase in pathological and physiological cardiac hypertrophy. Meth. Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol., 28: 683-689 9. Birkeland, J.A., I. Sjaastad, T. Brattelid, E. Qvigstad and E.R. Moberg et al., 2007. Effects of

Editor's Notes

  1. Explain about preload and afterload Talk about mechanism of cardiac contraction and role of calcium in that, actin and myosin filaments, etc
  2. The terms “systolic” and “diastolic” HF have been abandoned, and HF patients are now broadly categorized into HF with a reduced EF (HFrEF; formerly systolic failure) or HF with a preserved EF (HRpEF; formerly diastolic failure).
  3. Heart failure is not a single disease entity but a clinical syndrome that represents the final pathway of multiple cardiac diseases. The various risk factors as mentioned earlier were Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, Dyslipidemias, and Obstructive sleep apnoea
  4. RAAS activation leads to vasoconstriction- Afterload Symp Activation- Increased Heart Rate and contractility, Increased O2 demand Compensatory mechanisms become exhausted and ineffective after a long timeIn long term, increase work load and worsens cardiac performance
  5. Orthopnea, Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND), Cheyne-Stokes respiration Gastrointestinal symptoms- Anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, Right upper-quadrant pain. Cerebral symptoms such as confusion, disorientation, and sleep and mood disturbances Nocturia is common in HF and may contribute to insomnia.
  6. Three things for preventing heart diseases are – Eat less fried food, less butter and ghee. Second, exercise daily for around 45 minutes. And third, reduce stress in life
  7. Dampening neurohumoral activation and its deleterious consequence on the heart, blood vessels, and kidney is the cornerstone of heart failure therapy.
  8. Thus they act as vasodilators as well as anti aldosterone drug and indirect diuretic, anti-remodelling effect and thereby prolongs the disease progression
  9. They increase heart rate (positive chronotropic effect) and force of contraction (positive inotropic effect) and thereby augment cardiac output.
  10. Spironolactone is a nonspecific steroid hormone receptor antagonist with similar affinity for progesterone and androgen receptors so causes gynaecomastia Eplerenone is selective for the mineralocorticoid receptor and therefore does not cause gynecomastia
  11. They give only symptomatic relief, do not prolong survival on their own, Used only in combination to ACEI or Digoxin or B-blockers, etc and not as monotherapy
  12. With a better understanding of the compensatory cardiovascular responses that accompany use of arteriolar vasodilators, hydralazine was
  13. NO that activates the soluble isoform of guanylyl cyclase, thereby increasing intracellular levels of cGMP and causes dephosphorylation of the myosin light chain and the reduction of cytosolic Ca2+ and leads to the relaxation of smooth muscle cells
  14. Thus, the principal hemodynamic effect of dobutamine is an increase in stroke volume from positive inotropy, augmented by a small decrease in systemic vascular resistance and, therefore, afterload. Adverse effects • Precipitation of angina/MI (as it increases myocardial O2 demand), Tolerance , Caution in atrial fibrillation (↑AV conduction) and hypertensives(↑ BP)
  15. “low-dose DA infusion” historically used to increase renal blood flow and maintain an adequate GFR and diuresis in hospitalized patients with CHF with impaired renal function refractory to diuretics The complex profile and negative clinical data on low-dose infusion make DA a second or third choice in the treatment of heart failure.
  16. So Inhibition leads to vasodilataion and diuresis that decreses preload and afterload No effect on mortality & hospitalization
  17. Targeting molecular aberrations using gene transfer therapy, mostly with an adenoviral vector, is emerging in HFrEF. Several methods of gene delivery have been developed, including direct intramyocardial injection, coronary artery or venous infusion, and injection into the pericardial space. Cellular targets under consideration include β2-adrenergic receptors and calcium cycling proteins such as inhibitorsof phospholamban.
  18. Sublingual NTG is the first line therapy Digoxin in case of any AF of SVT is present This is the temporary measure of the symptoms, actual cause of the HF should be identified and treated accordingly
  19. Inhibit proximal tubular glucose reabsorption, cause diuresis and natriuresis, lower BP and reduce weight. Also renoprotective (in diabetes)?
  20. The combination appears superior to the ACEI enalapril the ARNI is expected to promote the beneficial effects of natriuresis, diuresis, and vasodilation of arterial and venous blood vessels and to inhibit thrombosis, fibrosis, cardiac myocyte hypertrophy, and renin release Sacubitril/valsartan causes smaller increases in bradykinin and substance P than omapatrilat, an earlier drug combining a neprilysin inhibitor and an ACEI. This difference may explain why sacubitril/valsartan is not associated with an increased rate of angioedema
  21. β-Arrestin functions as an adaptor protein that participates in receptor desensitization and internalization.
  22. is a naturally occurring peptide with 53 amino acids discovered in 1926 which is produced by the corpus luteum and placenta in pregnancy and inducing relaxation of the uterus during pregnancy.
  23. Guanylyl cyclases are established targets for natriuretic peptides (the membrane form, mGC) and NO and organic nitrates (the soluble form, sGC).
  24. SERCA2- Rapid sequestration of cytosolic calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum during diastole)
  25. enhanced expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) trigger cardiac remodeling Two novel potassium absorbents, patiromer calcium and zirconium silicate (ZS-9), that are designed to increase potassium loss via the gastrointestinal tract. Although they have not yet been approved by the FDA, both have demonstrated efficacy and safety in recent trials. Patiromer is a non-absorbable polymer that binds potassium in exchange for calcium throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This increases fecal excretion of potassium and consequently decreases plasma potassium levels  ZS-9 is a high-specificity inorganic crystal that entraps potassium in the intestinal tract. ZS-9 exchanges sodium and hydrogen ions for potassium.