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Persuasive Essay On Domestic Terrorism
I. Introduction The United States has been in a national state of emergency fighting a war on
terrorism since September 11, 2001. The intelligence communities have pursued and tracked down
terrorist suspects who pose a direct threat to this country, yet one of the greatest threat to this
country is the astronomical number of mass shootings and hate crimes that have occurred in this
country post 9/11. The United States has taken aggressive measures to counteract the war on Terror,
yet has not taken the same aggressive measures to counteract the war on domestic terrorism, mass
shootings and hate crimes knowing the psychological effects plant the same fear in the hearts and
minds as the War on Terror. Thousands of innocent people have ... Show more content on ...
The U.S. continues to implement effective initiatives and provide adequate resources for the War on
international terrorism; whereas the threat magnitude of international terrorism is miniscule in
comparison to the number of mass shootings and hate crimes which take place in this country on a
daily basis. Acts of terrorism plants fear and terror into the hearts and minds of individuals but when
mass shootings occur in the United States, they get classified as murder or hate crimes. This
research will show that mass shootings and hate crimes inflict the same type of terror in the hearts
and minds of individuals throughout communities within the United States as terrorist attacks have
inflicted on communities.
II. What is Domestic Terrorism? There is no single, universally accepted definition to define
terrorism but the U. S. Code of federal regulations defines it as any violent act or acts dangerous to
human life that violates the criminal laws of the U.S. or any State or that would be a criminal
violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the U.S. or any State. (18 U.S.C § 2331). The
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) divides terrorist attacks that face the U.S. into two broad
categories – international and domestic. (18.U.S.C. § 2331). International terrorism aspires to
intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government, or affect the
conduct of a government and transcend national
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Domestic Terrorism And The Security Of The Us
Today, domestic terrorism is one of the major threats to the national security of the US. Since 9/11,
the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies viewed international terrorism as the
major threat to the public security of the US but the threat of domestic terrorism has been
underestimated. At any rate, American law enforcement agencies conduct active campaigns to
prevent international terrorism but domestic terrorism become a serious threat to the national
security of the US. In such a way, the US needs to develop effective strategies to prevent the rise of
domestic terrorism. Otherwise, the US may face a threat of the consistent growth of domestic
terrorism as do some European countries, such as the UK, for instance. Therefore, law enforcement
agencies should focus their attention on the prevention of domestic terrorism because, even though
domestic terrorism is unseen, it may be even more dangerous than international terrorism. Domestic
terrorists undermine the country from within, while international terrorists attack the US from the
outside and the US can raise barriers to protect Americans from the foreign threat, while domestic
terrorism needs effective work of law enforcement agencies nationwide. Therefore, domestic
terrorism is a serious threat to the national security of the US and American law enforcement
agencies along legislators and the public have to unite their efforts in the struggle against domestic
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Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism
Terrorism is nothing new to the U.S. as terrorists have taken lives inside of the country from the
Oklahoma City bombing and the first attack on World Trade Center in 1993. Even back in the 1970s
the U.S. saw attacks from a group call the Weather Underground. However, the motivation and
reasoning for terror attacks from groups such as the Weather Underground and Al–Qaeda are often
quite different and often so is the type of terrorism. Two of the most commonly known types of
terrorism are international terrorism and domestic terrorism. At times, it may be easier to figure out
the group or act that falls as either domestic terrorism or international terrorism. However, not all
terrorist or terrorist acts are as easy to classify, such as the case ... Show more content on ...
In the days that followed, a police officer would be killed, and a shootout with law enforcement
would leave one terrorist dead and another in police custody. The Boston Marathon Bombers as they
are now known emigrated from Chechnya to the United States. One of the bombers girlfriends had
reported an increased interest in radical Islam and that he had issues fitting into his new
country(DHS,CIA,DOJ, 2014).Tamerlan Tsarnaev left the United States in January of 2012 to take a
trip to Russia, a trip that alerted the Russian FSB(DHS,CIA,DOJ, 2014). The FSB believed
Tamerlan Tsarnaev to be a concern for terrorism and informed the American CIA and FBI. However,
the Boston bomber was allowed to return to the U.S. and passed an interview with the FBI as a
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Domestic Terrorism Research Paper
Although world hunger and threat of nuclear war are among the highest issues in our world today,
none rings more true with many people then the issue of domestic terrorism. As defined by the
Oxford dictionary, domestic terrorism is "The committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own
country against their fellow citizens." (Oxford dictionary, 2018) Right after the nine–eleven attacks
of September 2001 President Bush initiated the war on terror (The Washington Post, 2001) which
has attempted to put an end to domestic terrorism. Unfortunately it has really not made much of an
impact when we look at events like the Boston Marathon bombing and the Las Vegas shooting.
What good is it to worry about attacks coming from outside ... Show more content on ...
Although the FBI hasn't fully released the information about the motive of the shooter, many studies
have still been done based on what has been released. Although the islamic terrorist organization
ISIS did initially claim responsibility for the deadly attack, there has been no proof that the shooter
(Stephan Paddock) had any religious motivation. The most widespread theory, that has been backed
up by interviews with family and friends, is governmental unrest (with a mental disorder to
compound this anger). This means that this attack would share very similar motivations to the
French Revolution. So although looking at the French revolution won't give us all of the reasons
behind domestic terrorist attacks, it should give a window into why politically motivated attacks will
take place. And when the government knows why, they will have a much better chance to stop the
attacks before they actually take
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Domestic Terrorism Definition
Domestic terrorist groups have a unique use of lone wolf attacks as a method of delivery which
limits the amount of intelligence law enforcement can intercept making it one of the hardest
methods of terror to combat. Within the Threat/Opportunity Spiral, if state actions are defined as
new opportunities (or threats) by challenging groups, responsive episodes of insurgent collective
action are likely to follow (Wright 35). The election of an African American president for two terms,
the high focus on immigration law, the militarization of police forces, and the call for tighter gun
laws, are threats towards to right winged extremist rhetoric. These political movements mimic the
events that occurred prior the McVeigh bombing in 1993, such as the civil rights movement and the
military styled assault on Waco. ... Show more content on ...
From 2009 to 2015, both successful and foiled domestic terrorist attacks occurred on average every
34 days, 74% were carried out or planned by lone wolves and 90 % were the work of one to two
persons (Southern Poverty Law). Terrorism is almost always linked to a wider social movement, if
that movement has lost momentum, which is guaranteed since the ideology is extreme, terrorism is
the default response. Timothy McVeigh considered himself a warrior, he starved himself while in
prison to fit the war rhetoric of his extremist ideology. He was not a sole conspirator, however, he
was a part of a small cell for the actual act of the Oklahoma City Bombing, which is the second
largest terrorist attack within the United States. The parallel of the political climates plus the
massive increase of insurgent action makes domestic terrorism the top threat to the United
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Domestic Terrorism Effects
Effects of domestic terrorism, post 9/11
The american public was affected heavily after the events of 9/11. They reacted differently but
overall they had all a negative effect not only on the muslim community but any who look the par
A few changes on america post 9/11 were american citizens have been heavily influenced by the
ideals from well known terrorist groups, ongoing wars, and even hostile feelings towards the muslim
community and even those who look muslim despite the fact that they themselves aren't muslim
The views of well known terrorist groups have captivated and influenced many americans.
In the case of the lackawanna six, (bucci,3) was a case of five of the six individuals born in
lackawanna N.Y. they were convicted of receiving training from al–qaeda camps. The same goes for
another american, jose padilla (bucci,4) was convicted for receiving training and orders from al–
qaeda to detonate a dirty bomb. These two incidents prove that many americans that despised
american govt. Felt safe to express their hatred towards the U.S. due to them finding comfort in
groups that share their beliefs.
The immediate and most obvious effects of 9/11 ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the years there have been several hate crimes or laws put in place to put down the
muslim community, two of the most recent and most controversial examples of discrimination
towards the muslim community would be president donald j. Trumps attempt to pass both a muslim
registry and a ban on all muslims coming in the U.S. thankfully the bills weren't passed, this
however does show the level in which some americans are willing to go to in order to remove a
"threat to society" this also show the change in americans psychi making racism and discrimination
socially acceptable more and more when even the government is making it seem acceptable to
discriminate thus increasing the amount of hate crimes towards
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Domestic Terrorism Research Paper
Domestic Terrorism What is domestic terrorism?Terrorism is the act of using guns to force their own
government or high power to meet their plans to further themselves" (Domestic Terrorism 1). Some
examples are the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Oklahoma City Bombing" (Domestic
Terrorism 1).Most acts of domestic terrorism is done by an extremist.An extremist is someone who
is evry religious and takes action" (Domestic terrorism 1).
August 29th David Cameron the prime minister of Great Britain talked about terrorism in the UK
along with the entire world" (Jones 1).David Cameron said the issue cannot be concluded by
grievance.Cameron targeted ISIS as their main target, and said "A battle between Islam on the one
hand, and extremists who want
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Terrorism : Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism
Truly Terrorism?
Homegrown terrorism or domestic terrorism is commonly associated with violent acts committed by
citizens or permanent residents of a state against their own people or property within that state
without foreign influence in an effort to instill fear on a population or government as a tactic
designed to advance political, religious, or ideological objectives.
The definition of homegrown terrorism includes what is normally considered domestic terrorism.
Since the 9/11 attacks in the United States, and U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, the
term has often been applied to violence that is perpetrated against people or property by their own
citizens or permanent residents of a state under jurisdiction of that state in order to promote political,
religious, or ideological objectives. Domestic terrorists have identical, or nearly so, means of
militarily and ideologically carrying on their fight without necessarily having a centralized
command structure regardless of whether the source of inspiration is domestic, foreign, or
The Congressional Research Service report, American Jihadist Terrorism: Combatting a Complex
Threat, describes homegrown terrorism as a "terrorist activity or plots perpetuated within the United
States or abroad by American citizens, permanent legal residents, or visitors radicalized largely
within the United States."
Under the 2001 USA Patriot Act, domestic terrorism is defined as "activities that
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Terrorism Vs Domestic Terrorism Essay
What seperates domestic terrorism from mass killings? The United States have a long history of
terrorism, mass terrorism and mass killings. Most of these happened in the open public and targeted
a number of population to execute. Among these incidents are the bombing of twin towers in 9/11.
The Oklahoma City Bombing, The Wisconsin Sikh Killings, the shooting of Congresswoman
Giffors and others in Arizona, the Virginia Tech shootings, the cinema shooting during the filimng of
Batman and recently the mass shooting at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. What drives the
motivation to do such crime? Is It a mass spree killings or an act of domestic terrorism? In this essay
we are going to analyze the whether it is a mass spree killing or domestic terrorism. These mass
killings can be linked to one of the theory that can explain why these crimes occurred. According to
Borgeson, Kevin and ... Show more content on ...
Is this a form of terrorism of just another separate issue? According to German (2012), "By
conjuring the notion of a "Black Separatist" movement from the unconnected activities of different
groups with disparate views and goals, the FBI creates a false justification for aggressive
enforcement operations against any group to which it gives this label, essentially using race and
ideology as proxies for evidence of violence". We can agree easily that this is just another crime and
this time it has a racial motive. Race and ideology is not the motive that drives the terrorist to do
such harm to a mass population. This is just another misconception the Federal Beurue of
Investigation has not proven linking the so called "Black Separatist" to domestic
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Domestic Terrorism Research Paper
Domestic Terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population
in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal. Domestic terrorism is a broad term, and
several individuals who perform these attacks do not think their acts fall under that umbrella.
Whether they believe it is an act of terroristic crime or not, several attacks that have occurred in the
recent years whether it had a huge impact or not, still falls under domestic terrorism. Although the
Global Terrorism Database has gone to great lengths to avoid the spread of terrorist attacks, attacks
are still unavoidable; there is still a homegrown rise in domestic terrorism. As a society, we must
ponder and try to find the reason why domestic ... Show more content on ...
The U.S. law enforcement and counterterrorism professionals have been cautioning for years that
the right–wing extremist threat in the United States is on the rise, from September 12, 2001 to
December 31, 2016, the right–wing terrorists were responsible for 47% of all deaths from violent
extremism in the United States. Nonetheless, Far–right menace violence that includes racist
sentiments of hate crimes can and will manifest to great domestic terrorism. Their acts of terrorism
as well as the other attacks are a form of psychological warfare; they use their violence as
propaganda to shape perceptions of political and social issues in their favor, which in turn sends a
message to a broader target audience. Far–right individuals have become bolder on their acts, some
individuals who preformed these violent attacks, would plan their attacks ahead of time, but now
there is not a blueprint, attacks are now merely based on chance encounters that enrage the
perpetrators which triggers these random attacks. Furthermore, with individuals who have this
mindset that they have nothing to gain or lose in society, are the
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Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism
The idea of terrorism is to incite terror of a government by intimidation or coercion. For example,
the Weathermen, they used bombs to blow up symbols of the United States to instill terror into the
government, to get Americans out of Vietnam War. However, the jihadist of al Qaeda crashed two
planes into the World Trade Center to provoke fear into the US by showing weakness in our private
transportation system and changing the lives of Americans. Nevertheless, the terror act of 9/11 has
people preparing for more international terrorist attacks, but in the last 16 years the only terrorist
attacks in the US have been domestic terrorism. This fear of international terrorism was a hot topic
during the 2016 Presidential Election, where one party wanted to ban a religious group of people
from entering the US. "Yet, domestic terror attacks are by far more many than international ones: in
our data set, only about 14% of the almost 82,000 terror incidents were international terror events"
(Liebert, Kokakos, & Schulze, 2011, p. 1). This shows that citizens do not know the different
between international terrorism and domestic terrorism, because if they did, there would more focus
on domestic terrorism even though terrorism is so rare compared to other crimes (Newman & Clark,
2008). I am going to discuss the difference between international terrorism and domestic terrorism.
International terrorism has a specific definition as described in 18 as code 2331. For instance, in the
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Comparison Between Domestic Terrorism And Homegrown Terrorism
Terrorism, a word most people fear, but so often misinterpret. The textbook definition of terrorism is
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political
aims". But how does that compare to domestic terrorism? Domestic terrorism or "homegrown
terrorism" can be defined as "the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own country
against their fellow citizens". Throughout the years, America as a nation has experienced quite a few
occurrences of both types. An early example of homegrown terrorism would be the Haymarket
Affair which occurred May 4, 1886 where in Chicago's Haymarket Square, labor protesters
detonated a bomb during a rally. Chicago police then responded by firing ... Show more content on ...
When you hear the words terrorism, what does you mind go to? Most people would say some sort of
extremist group because that is what the media puts into our heads but in reality most domestic
terrorist attacks are committed by what is known as a 'Lone Wolf" attacker. These are people who
prepare and commit violent acts alone. These cases are much harder to detect because of a multitude
of things. For instance laws have been established to protect civil liberties but in the process have
prevented investigators from tracking people engaged with hateful speech, unless there is a
suspected crime that person may be involved in. It is easier to track and detect international
terrorism because often there are many people involved in the attack and often those attacks are
committed by different terrorist groups, and the U.S government is constantly tracking and getting
new information on those different terrorist groups. Many counterterrorism efforts have been shaped
in response to foreign terrorism
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The Role Of Religion In Domestic Terrorism
Religion also play a big part in domestic terrorism. The media portrays that terrorism always have
something to do with religion, and what comes in our mind when we think about a terrorist is their
link to Islam. The bias reports by the media on this issue made us believe that domestic terrorist
follows the beliefs of the Muslim religion. The white supremacist group known as Aryan Nations
has always parade their beliefs on Christianity religion. According to Borgeson (2012), " Aho
(1990), in The Politics of Righteousness, focused on cultural elements of Christian Identity
members and discussed the demographic characteristics that were influential in bringing people to
Christian Identity, the religious beliefs of the Aryan Nations", (p. 4). ... Show more content on ...
In contrary the Abu Sayyaf group has been founded on Islamic religion, having close relations with
widely known terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, Abu Sayyaf has always expressed their
opposition of the Christian religion. According to Stanford University, "The ASG also aims to expel
the Christian settlers who migrated to Mindanao from Luzon and the Visayas, other regions in the
Philippines". FARC does not express their ties in any religion but it seems that they are against any
form of beliefs more likely Christianity. According to U.S. Department of State, "The United
Pentecostal Church reports that more than 70 pastors have been killed over the past 3 years and
more than 300 churches have been closed due to guerrilla
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Security and Domestic Terrorism Essay
EDM 501 – Domestic Terrorism –Module 3 – Case:
Security and Domestic Anti–Terrorism (Part 1)
May 2012
What are the limits of power of the FBI in pursuing surveillance of potential terrorists within and
without the U.S.?
In your view, is the FBI adequately organized, staffed, and trained to perform the myriad of missions
Based on the readings and your research, what is the status of the USA Patriot Improvement and
Reauthorization Act of 2011 and resultant action on the key divisive issues?
Explain the Department of Homeland Security's role in combating domestic terrorism. What sub
agencies are involved? What are their missions?
In your opinion, what vulnerabilities would a terrorist see based on your answers to the ... Show
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Groups of SWAT are in constant combat and physical readiness, study forms and methods of
carrying out terrorist acts, particularly the behavior of terrorists in their environment, as well as
special skills to negotiate with the terrorists to release hostages, detainees on the U.S. territory
(Dyson 2011, p. 132).
There exists a special unit Commando in the FBI for military operations to free hostages on board
the aircraft. Training and arming of the unit are similar to SWAT. In case of emergency, caused by
large–scale terrorist attacks, the FBI headquarters and each of its administration in the U.S. have
plans of action. These plans regulate the order of potential operations, channels of communication
within departments and the FBI with other agencies, use of personnel, use of special equipment or
weapons, precise plans, diagrams and descriptions of objects that may be the targets of terrorist
attacks. However, these plans are unlikely to be implemented in real life as special classes were not
Based on the readings and your research, what is the status of the USA Patriot Improvement and
Reauthorization Act of 2011 and resultant action on the key divisive issues?
The USA Patriot Act includes the definition of terrorism contained in the current federal legislation.
It has expanded the concept of federal crime of terrorism to include a number of serious violent
crimes in
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The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Terrorism
In today's society domestic terrorism is one of the biggest threats to the United States. Some of these
recent terrorist attacks include. Domestic Terrorism is when U.S. citizens carry out terrorist acts
against other U.S. residents or groups.Many people think that the biggest threat of terrorism to the
U.S. is from a foreign country, when in fact, the bigger threat is closer to home. Domestic terrorism
is becoming a bigger threat to the U.S. than international terrorism and we need to find a way to
prevent these attacks.
Domestic terrorists are turning into such a bigger threat as there becomes more and more dangerous
domestic terrorist groups. For instance, right–wing extremists are becoming more of a danger that
we can't ignore. As said by Kurt Eichenwald, "[Timothy] McVeigh, the infamous anti–government
extremist, murdered 168 people in 1995 when he detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."Like Timothy McVeigh, many U.S. citizens have had
violent disagreements about rights and freedoms with government officials, which has caused many
of these antigovernment extremist groups to form. According to Ron Nixon, "Mr. Ellison said,
'Right–wing extremists have launched an average of 330 attacks a year and killed about 250 people
between 2002 and 2011. These are dangerous people.'" Right–wing extremists are becoming a
bigger threat to our country. They are attacking and killing more people every year and we need to
find a
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Domestic Terrorism In The United States
I do believe that domestic terrorism is still a treat within the United States because of the current
violence against civilian population like black lives matter, the KKK or those that randomly attack
our police officers. There attentions are to intimidate the everyday law bidding citizens in an attempt
to their way of thinking our beliefs. "Homegrown terrorists are produced a number of ways. The
first involves individuals who become radicalized by personal experiences. The second might
involve a similar pat to radicalization, but it also involves some type of foreign connections." (White
2014 p. 323) These are the ones that may have parents or other family members from another
country and attempt to attack U.S. citizens. I believe that
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Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism Essay
What two terrorist attacks were examined in this research study? Briefly outline a synopsis of each
attack. The two terrorist attacks that was examined and researched are Domestic and International.
Domestic terrorism is involved in violence against the civilian population or setup of a nation–often,
but not always by citizens of that nation and often with the intent to be like coerce or influence
national policy. Rand addresses national security and critical organization needs through objective
research that helps government agencies prevent and lessen terrorist activities and improves disaster
preparedness, response and recovery. The international terrorist attack is the government order to
decrease the risk from worldwide terrorism to the ... Show more content on ...
The conflict, media frame their audience of events and rights particular sets of response. The
language of the war on terrorism rights reifies the practice of the war on terrorism. The western
media conflict as a largely useful response gives the observed threat from a globalized enemy, and
the belonging need to protect the homeland.
What are the key differences between the geographical regional and religious frames? The key
differences are used by countries such as the United States and United Kingdom, with their similar
experiences with and policies for terrorism and India, a country that has been dealing with random
attacks since it's independence. Revealed that frames used by the media for acting terrorists
activities are subject to influence from the manner in which terrorism is perceived and the terrorism
policies employed by the lost country.
What techniques were used to report the issues by the media? The techniques that was used to report
the issues by the media are they pay the journalists to promote certain issues without the journalists
acknowledging this or without the media mentioning the sources. The government and individuals
contracting PR firms to sell a war or other important issues. Disinformation or partial information
reported as news or fact without attributing sources that might be questionable. PR firms feeding
stories to the press without revealing the nature of the information with the intention of creating a
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The Effects Of Domestic Terrorism
Per the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), domestic terrorism is an offense that is intended to
influence or affect the conduct of government through intimidation or coercion. It can also be
considered as a retaliation against government conduct. Terrorism violates many statutes, including
18 U.S.C. § 2332b, § 930(c), which relates to killing or attempting to kill during the attack of a
federal facility with a dangerous weapon; and § 1114 which relates to the killing or attempted killing
of officers and employees of the U.S (FBI, 2016). To be classified as an act of domestic terrorism,
the event must contain specific criteria, such as the involvement of acts that are dangerous to human
life that are in violation of federal or state law. ... Show more content on ...
While domestic terrorism usually has a strong political agenda, religion most likely drives today's
international terrorism. Terrorists involved in domestic events, clearly announce what their goals
are, while international terrorists expect us to know what their issues are. Another difference
between domestic and international terrorists is that domestic terrorists are usually acclimated to the
region they are attacking (answers).
While most terrorist groups generally operate under either domestic or international terrorism, PIRA
is a group that falls under both classifications. They primarily commit acts of terrorism in Ireland
and the UK, they have been known to carry out several attacks across Europe (Ward, 2015). One
must question whether international or domestic terrorist committed the Boston Marathon bombing.
According to David Cyd (executive director of the Oklahoma City memorial), "One thing is clear.
You can't have absolute liberty and privacy and security. There has to be a balance
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Domestic Terrorism And Its Effect On Terrorism Essay
Domestic terrorism consists of violations against federal and state law that put humans into danger.
The purpose of domestic terrorism is to influence or to instill fear into the population and
government. Terrorism comes in forms of gun violence, assassinations, and destruction (1). Since
1970, there have been 2,608 attacks and 226 fatal attacks up until 2011 (3). In 1867, the
development of dynamite contributed to increasing terrorism, and radicals have used explosives to
bring attention to political issues within the country. This invention led to the Haymarket Affair, Los
Angeles Times, and the Preparedness Day bombings (2). What has further caused domestic
terrorism has been the argument over who is an American. This explains the emergence of the
Boston Tea Party and the "white supremacy" of the Ku Klux Klan which both occurred to claim
what being an authentic American means (3). After the Cold war, domestic intelligence and law
enforcement suppressed terrorist plots, but since the leader of al–Qaeda increased website usage in
2003, more internet terrorist sites have grown. In 2009, the FBI stated that there were approximately
15,000 websites that advocated terrorism with 10,000 sites still active on 80% of U.S based servers.
(4) An example of an attack was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 which resulted in 168 people
dead and 600 people injured; the motivation for this was to show the opposition against the U.S
government by bombing the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
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What Is Domestic Terrorism?
Domestic Terrorism
Terrorism has been an issue around the world for as far back as history can trace. There has always
been people who take their ideals to the extremes and find gratification in inflicting harm on
innocent victims all over the world. Domestic terrorism is an evolving issue, that keeps American
citizens on edge and homeland security and local law enforcement on their toes. Although terrorism
can be a very broad topic, a narrow focus on the homegrown threat will be presented in this paper.
Domestic terrorism has unfortunately caused more deaths in the United States after September 11,
2001, than any other forms of terror (Nakashima, 2015).
Domestic terrorists can come from right–wing, left–wing, nationalist, and a variety of
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Domestic Terrorism Research Paper
Terrorism exists for centuries. Domestic terrorist groups and domestic terrorism are great problems.
They have existed in the past and they will continue to exist in the future to spread fear and terror.
Terrorism is the calculated use of violence, or the threat of violence, to intimidate, frighten, or
coerce. Terrorism is a global problem affecting all social and economic classes. The fight against
domestic terrorism is difficult as there have been many acts of domestic terrorism and many
domestic terrorist groups operating in the United States. Terrorism can be executed or presented in a
variety of forms. For example, bioterrorism, cyberterrorism, nuclear terrorism, domestic terrorism,
etc. Domestic Terrorism has been the focus of attention since the events of September 11. The main
and more significant mission of the Department of Homeland Security is to defend the United States
from terrorism. Unfortunately, domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among ...
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The overwhelming majority of the world's nations, including United States are signatories to at least
one international agreement that condemns terrorism. The question comes to mind as why terrorism
is growing and not coming to an end, and what are the intentions of the terrorist groups. There are
many factors in the development of domestic terrorisms, however, there are several causes on the
growing terrorism and there is a need to find the principal factors responsible for causing this
growing threat. In addition, it is important to save the world and to save our next generation from
being victims in the hands of terrorism. Many are the risk factors involved in the development of
domestic terrorism. Additionally, it is important to remember that terrorism is a tactic practiced by
people from a wide array of ethnic and religious backgrounds who follow various ideologies
extending from anarchism to
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Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism
Excelsior College
Domestic Terrorism
Mr. Prybutok
Jerek Columna
How do you define domestic terrorism? In what ways is it functionally different from international
terrorism? Distinguish between domestic terrorism from above and domestic terrorism from below.
Give examples.
As Enders, Sandler, and Gaibulloev (2011) argue, to be classified as a domestic terrorist, one must
be from the same country as the attacks occur and if the terrorist resides in the country. This type of
terrorism has grave consequences for the host country, it effects its institutions, policies, people, and
property and in most cases, there is no overseas sponsorship or involvement. (Enders et al, 2011).
For instance, the bombing of the Building in Oklahoma ... Show more content on ...
In particular, the December 2012 killing of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown and the killing of 9
people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina fueled a national discussion during the Obama
administration to limit the availability of certain styles of military weapons. The enactment of the
anti–gun law poses dire threats to the existence and operationalization of the right–wing extremist
groups because the law forbids them from owning several military–type arms that can cause harm to
the public. Existing research pointed out that since the passing of the legislation, the number of
suicide and homicide cases in U.S. dropped by 10% (Borgeson & Valeri, 2009). Nonetheless,
majority of the rightwing extremist groups perceive the legislation on gun control as a solemn threat
to their right to bear weapons and in response, they have increased stockpiling of firearms and
ammunition, as well as renewed their participation in paramilitary training exercises. As Johnson
(2012) points out, such trainings, combined with a high level of extremist paranoia have the capacity
to facilitate criminal activity and
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Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism
I. Protecting the United States from terrorists has become a major issue since the attacks on 9/11.
Terrorism is defined as the "premeditated, deliberate, systematic murder, mayhem, and threatening
of the innocent to create fear and intimidation in order to gain a political or tactical advantage,
usually to influence an audience" (Poland, 2011). Fear and intimidation seem to be some of the most
prevalent Terrorism occurs on both the international and domestic fronts.
In terms of domestic terrorism, emergency responders are faced with a long list of accompanying
risks. First and foremost, responders are at risk of physical injury for simply responding to a terrorist
incident. Injury can occur as a result of a fire, diminishing structural integrity of a building that was
affected by the attack, or secondary attacks.
Secondary attacks are especially high risk because there is no way for a responder to predict that one
will occur. First responders are like sitting ducks during the response phase of a terrorist event–they
are all congregated in a particular area, and terrorists may use that to their advantage. Secondary
attacks include additional suicide bombers driving cars loaded with explosives into the location
where personnel are responding to the initial attack, or explosives that are on timers strategically
placed near the initial attack sight that will explode during response efforts.
II. Government agencies, city and state officials, and first responders must look
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Domestic Terrorism And International Terrorism
Term paper for CJ 3340:
Domestic Terrorism vs. International Terrorism
Paul A. Vega
Tarleton State University
Domestic Terrorism vs. International Terrorism
The acts of terrorism can affect the lives of many people and is not limited to those who receive
physical scaring, but also people who have an emotional connection to those who are injured, and
quite possibly an entire nation. To distinguish between domestic and international terrorism one
must first define terrorism. It seems from region to region there are slight variations of what
qualifies as terrorism. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use
of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of or social objectives" (FBI Terrorism 2002–
2005). The Federal Bureau of Investigation further distinguishes terrorism by dividing them into two
distinct categories: Domestic and International terrorism. Domestic Terrorism is categorized by the
FBI as occurring primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. These acts are
violent in nature and aim toward the intimidation of a government and its people. Domestic and
International terrorism can also be further distinguished by considering the origin of the individuals
or groups who commit the acts. Domestic Terrorism involves people who are natural born citizens
or those who primarily operate in the
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Domestic Terrorism In America
Terrorism has had a profound affect on the world, as it has inspired fear and despair in the hearts of
millions of people. Specifically in the United States, where in certain circumstances U.S. citizens
will carry out acts of terror to further their own cause. Domestic terrorism has taken roots in many
aspects of society through certain ideological groups, radicalization through media, and by acts of
terror that cause immense civil unrest. The perpetrators of terrorism have changed over time.
Domestic terrorism has its roots in the United States going back to the Colonial Era, where some
argue that patriots such as in the Boston Tea Party used terror tactics to spread their message
(Zalman, 2015). Many argue that the acts patriots took were ... Show more content on ...
Since 2001, domestic extremist have killed more people in the U.S. than foreign sources of
Terrorism. In 2015 alone, 52 people were killed by domestic terrorism; the most killed by such
terrorism in a decade (Berman, 2016). This leaves the United States of America no true face to fight,
making it extremely difficult to find the perpetrators of terror. Fighting this form of terrorism is so
challenging that the "U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as
a rising threat from domestic anti–government extremists," (Harte, 2016). Over the past two years,
42 people have been charged with plotting attacks on America in the name of the Islamic state or
anti–government fervor. All of these individuals will not face a life sentence, and will be let free in a
couple of decades (Harte, 2016). With the little reform that happens in prison, these people will one
day be out of prison, most likely with the same radical passion. Efforts are being made to make
deradicalization facilities rather than let the convicted 42 go back into society with plenty of rage
(Harte, 2016). The fight against radicalization has largely turned towards targeting the communities
where they begin. Many
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Terrorism, International And Domestic Terrorism
Terrorism is not a new issue in today's world. It has been an issue for centuries, and even in the
ancient world. The military strategy "total war" can be seen as terrorism because it struck fear in the
hearts in the next town before the army arrived. According to the United States Code and the FBI
website, terrorism is split in our law into three types. 18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines two types of
terrorism, international and domestic terrorism.
According to the FBI website, "International" terrorism is defined in the with the following three:
"involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law", "Appear to be
intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government
by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction,
assassination, or kidnapping", and "Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or
transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons
they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek
asylum" ("Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code").
"Domestic" terrorism, according to the FBI, is defined with the following three: "Involve acts
dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law",
"Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a
government by intimidation or
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The Difference between Terrorism and Domestic Terrorism Essay
The terms terrorism and domestic terrorism are very similar concepts. There are, however, slight
differences in each. Entities that are apart of the Government have slightly different ways of
explaining what they believe to be the correct definition of terrorism and domestic terrorism. In this
paper the author will offer definitions of the two terms and state which one they agree with the most.
The author will also state how the two terms are best differentiated.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism on the basis of three characteristics. In
order for an act to be considered terrorism, it needs to be (1) a violent act, or acts dangerous to
human life that violates laws; (2) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or ... Show more content on ...
They elucidate that terrorism is a "premeditated, politically motivated, violence perpetrated against
noncombatant targets by subnational groups of clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an
audience," (National Institute of Justice).
All of the definitions that the author has presented tend to share a common theme. In each of the
previous definitions, the use of force that is intended to coerce or sway a course of action that
furthers a social, or political goal. In most cases, the FBI definition is the one most widely used and
accepted by law enforcement entities (National Institute of Justice). The author seconds that the FBI
definition is the one that she agrees with the most. The FBI definition seems like the only one that
doesn't leave anything out. It is the most descriptive, and unlike the American Heritage definition, it
broadens the scope of terrorists from being a certain type of group to the possibility of it being just
one man or woman.
The FBI also gives a definition of domestic terrorism that is very similar to its definition of
terrorism, but has a minor difference. Like terrorism, there are three characteristics that need to be
met in order to define an act as domestic terrorism. The first characteristic is that it needs to involve
acts that are dangerous to human life that violate federal or state laws. The second characteristic is it
needs to appear intended to (i) intimidate or coerce civilian population; (ii) influence policies of a
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Domestic Terrorism Vs Transnational Terrorism
The difference between domestic terrorism and transnational terrorism is that domestic terrorism is
homegrown which means the target, venue, and perpetrators are from the same country. Which
makes domestic terrorism a direct consequence for only the venue country, its institutions, citizens,
property, and policies. Many terrorist acts are staged for a struggle for independence. The majority
of suicide bombings in Israel were domestic terrorist incidents. If the nationality of the perpetrators
differs from that of one or more of the victims, then the terrorist attack is transnational. In addition, a
terrorist attack is transnational when the nationality of a victim differs from the venue country
Transnational ... Show more content on ...
The yakuza or the Japanese mafia are quasi–legal organized crime groups based in Japan. With
80,00 members it is one of the the larger organized crime groups that is recognized and regulated
under the organized crime control laws. The group operate out in the open with office buildings,
business cards, and are celebrated in movies, comics, games and fanzines (
Their primary sources of revenue is extortion, racketeering, financial fraud, blackmail, stock market
manipulation, drugs, and the entertainment industry. They are called violent groups by the police
because of the way they do things. There are about 3,200 organized crime groups in Japan. About
1,400 are affiliated with one of the three main yakuza groups: the Inagawa–kai, Sumiyoshi–kai, and
the Yamaguchi–gumi.
Yamaguchi–gumi is Japan's largest organized crime group based in Kobe, the group grew rapidly
and currently have a significant presence in the Tokyo area. . The Yamaguchi–gumi has several
hundred front companies and is extensively involved in real estate, FX trading, investments,
restaurant management, construction, waste disposal, and controlling interests in most of Japan's
talent agencies and "the entertainment
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Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Terrorism in the United States
Thomas A. Salisbury
HSM 305
Survey of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Professor Erick Stone
January 22, 2012
Domestic Terrorism in the United States
Domestic terrorism is a real threat to this country. This type of attack is nothing new to this country
but until the threat of international terrorism became prominent, there was not a large focus on
domestic terrorism. With a look at history, domestic terrorists are a greater threat to security than
international terrorists. Some of these threats are easily preventable and others are more difficult to
see coming. The Department of Homeland Security needs to focus on domestic terrorist threats with
the same effort as they do for ... Show more content on ...
Many times the first signs of an impending attack would be noticed by a civilian. This could be a
friend, family member, coworker or a store clerk. A bystander may also notice an unattended
package or suspicious person in an area. This may be just enough to ward off the attack if the police
are notified promptly. A major difficulty facing law enforcement in the prevention of these incidents
is working within the justice system of the United States. The police have to follow procedures and
rule laid out in the Bill of Rights and subsequent laws. These laws restrict the rights of law
enforcement and protect the rights of the citizens. The First Amendment gives the freedom of
religion and speech and of the press. A person can go to a mosque or church that may be radical in
their teachings. They may voice their radical opinions as long as it is not an outright threat. Even
printed materials about their views are legal. According to the Second Amendment, a person can buy
arms and ammunition legally. In order for police to obtain a search warrant, probable cause must be
present. (Les Benedict, 2006). Just because a person goes to a radical mosque, a search for bomb–
making materials cannot be obtained without probable cause that the materials are there. A person
cannot be persecuted based on loose suspicions. Therefore, a tip has to be followed up by an
investigation to see if the person is doing something illegally. Only if reliable
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Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism
Violent acts of terror have become the norm on today's day, we often hear news reports about a
bombing happing somewhere in the world and several people being killed and it doesn't faze us any
more, is like another day another act of terror. At times, it seems like the public is just content that it
did not happened in their respective country, but rather somewhere else far away from home. And
these daily barbaric acts beg for the question: What drives citizens to turn against their own
countries and help terrorist kill their fellow countrymen? What is the process individuals are
undergoing to turn against one's nation? What methods are the enemies using to brainwash these
"martyrs" and get them to commit suicide and kill other people at the same time?
Radicalization in the United States as well as in other countries has become a real problem, but very
little is known about it and the solutions offered regarding this dangerous and increasing trend are
very few. Domestic Terrorism is one of the most efficient and damaging operations carry out in
many nations considered to be enemies of Islam. Therefore, these groups preferred to motivate
people who are already in their respective countries to engross in violence, probably because it is
easier to do that than to plan complicated attacks which requires bringing operatives from outside
who have a much higher probability of getting captured. We need to explore possible solutions and
ways to deter people from deserting their
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Domestic Terrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism
Ever since 9/11 when both World Trade Center buildings were attacked by an Islamic Group, attacks
by Islamic Terrorist on U.S. soil have been less of a threat than Domestic Terrorists. Domestic
Terrorism has been shown these passed for years but yet again most of these cases have not been
classified as acts of Domestic Terrorism they most likely fall into the category. Now the definition of
Domestic Terrorism is basically "the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator 's own country
against their fellow citizens". Now personally I don 't know how our government is working with
these popular cases like Charlottesville, Las Vegas, and a new that just happened recently actually
two but I 'll just say one, the New York attack that ... Show more content on ...
[Blank 1] From Anti–Racism groups, people of color, and even our own Government has been
targeted by Domestic terrorist. Domestic terrorist like to act alone in secrecy or in a group planning
their next move and people don't react until it's too late. [Blank 1] But some Domestic Terrorists use
Social media to explain their motives or beliefs all over the social media. Using social media would
intimidate people about what they believe but they also use it to set–up rallies and marches and
Social Media Companies let it just happen. People being targeted in real life and social media has
been getting worse and worse but what do our counter–terrorism groups research them. Counter
Terrorism expert says it's hard to track down domestic terrorist while most Departments are focused
on threats outside the U.S. According to [Galhotra 1]. A survey that was took in September 2011 by
New America Foundation and Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Public Policy it showed that
in a 10 year period 114 non–jihadist cases were found and at the same time they found 188 cases of
Islamic terrorism in the U.S. and examined that most plots were either foiled or just unsuccessful.
This research can show that over a 10 year period Americans have been Attacking other Americans
because of their ideologies. [Johnson 2] Also while Left–wing groups commit crimes like vandalism
and arson it still doesn't compare to Right–wing groups most of their
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Domestic Terrorism And International Terrorism
The world has gone from bad to worse. Murders, hunger, destruction of properties, stealing, drugs
and and other wrongs are no longer news but our everyday reality. Terrorism has been another
problem, terrorism is nothing new and has always been present but after the 09/11 attack it has been
increasing throughout the years. Most terror attacks haven't been as impactful as the 9/11 attack but
most recently domestic terrorists have carried out most of the attacks. The government should take
the measures necessary and focus more on domestic terrorism than international terrorism for now,
because domestic terrorists are already here and they can attack at anytime.
International Terrorism has most of the attention when on the topic of terrorism but we should be
paying more attention to Domestic Terrorism since they are here locally based and they already have
access to the country. What most people don't realise is that inside our own country is that domestic
terrorism may pose a more dangerous and imminent threat compared to international terrorism.
Even if we don't pay attention to the serious danger domestic terrorism presents or identify it as an
act of terrorism, we must be aware that not only the country but our lives are at stake. Both in the
past and present terrorism has been a major issue but it seems that since it is such a common
occurrence in today's news we have become indifferent to the attacks.."Scott Stewart was a former
agent for the US State Department and is
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Essay on Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Terrorism
National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism
is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be
defined as visible crime, or "street crime." These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against
people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by
individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well–being of society
and challenger accepted moral principles) It can also however be described as political crime,
(criminal acts by or against the government for ideological purposes) which would include the 9/11
and the Oklahoma City bombing. ... Show more content on ...
More specifically, we read and study for classes because we are students. In turn, people in these
deviant groups plan and/or commit violent acts against people, other groups, the government, etc.
because they are in those groups. A specific example from the article would be in "October 2004 in
Tennessee the FBI arrested Demetrius "Van" Crocker who hated the government and tried to acquire
explosives and chemical weapons so that he could blow up a government building."[1] His role was
to hate the government, and try to destroy it or hurt it in anyway. Perhaps the concept that would
relate to this article the best is deviance. Deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct
or expectations of a group or society. To our society these domestic terrorist acts and domestic
terrorist groups would be considered deviant. They violate the standards of conduct or expectations
that we set for our society, by committing acts of terrorism on people, other groups and our nation as
a whole. Deviance can tie into the labeling theory which is when the label of being deviant is
applied to a person. Furthermore, these people and groups would be seen as pure deviant(s), which
means they are perceived as deviant and actually are deviant. This brings us to our last concept,
social control, which are the strategies and techniques for preventing deviant behavior in any
society. The article describes attempts
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Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism
Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107–52) expanded the definition of terrorism to
cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if
they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the
United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii)
influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a
government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur
primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded
as international terrorism.
The US government does not maintain a list of domestic terror groups. However, the FBI does
investigate a number of domestic organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and the Sovereign
Citizen Movement but these are not formally declared terrorist organizations. In a National Public
Radio (2015) interview, Peter Bergen stated that within the United States, right wing white
supremacists and antigovernment groups have killed more people than Jihadists have. Today, the
terror threat from far–right white supremacists is the terror threat that no one wants to speak on.
Leading conservatives, and even some liberals, are keen to downplay the danger that they pose, and
to divert and deflect attention away from homegrown white extremists and toward what
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Essay On Domestic Terrorism
Jason Marin
Mrs. Corbett
English 1530
The Domestic Terrorism Threat
The emphasis of counterterrorism policy in the United States since Al Qaeda's attacks of September
11, 2001 has been on jihadist terrorism. However, in the last decade, domestic terrorists have killed
American citizens and damaged property across the country. Not all of these criminals have been
prosecuted under terrorism charges. This is not meant to imply that domestic terrorists should be
taken any less seriously than other terrorists.
Domestic terrorists may not be the top federal counterterrorism priority, but they feature
prominently among the concerns of some law enforcement officers. According to The Diane Rehm
Show "investigators look into the ... Show more content on ...
According to Sabrina Tavernise from New York Times, Terrorism is an ideology, it's not a religion,
but the religion that tends to give birth to it most often these days is Islam. The threat from that is
very real, and we can't just ignore it. This false preaching is exactly what is promoting these
unreasonable courses of action that terrorist do.
The key to solving this problem is implementing harsher gun laws upon people with criminal
records and running mental health examinations on all purchasers. Russell Jacoby from the New
York Times clarifies that Automatic weapons and potent bombs allow the deranged and begrudged
to slaughter scores of innocents in mere seconds. It is not only the firepower available in our country
that is scary. The fact that we are not taking action towards the problem is as well. Most threats and
violence tend to emerge from within a person's mind, not outside of it. Terrorism is a constant threat
to everyone on the planet, these people tend to be mentally unsound and many precautions can be
made to help the problem. The key solution would be to make gun accessibility harder with a series
of tests and background
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Assess The Impact Of Domestic Terrorism
In a United States–centered world, when one considers domestic terrorism, often one assumes that
the United States is being spoken about, with all other acts of terrorism being deemed as
"international." While it is true that it would be international from a US standpoint, if all acts of
terrorism are seen within a bubble it makes it much more difficult to combat terrorists before they
become a larger problem. Often, many domestic terrorists can go on to have an impact on the
international community and Greece is no different. They, like many other countries, have their own
internal terrorism issues and ironically, most of these groups like November 17, Revolutionary
People's Struggle or Revolutionary Nuclei, are anti–capitalist and anti–imperialist ... Show more
content on ...
The country adopted the Euro in 2001, three years after many other EU countries had already done
so, due to budget deficits the country was going through whilst under the drachma (Buchanan,
2015). As a result of their adoption of the Euro, they experienced a period of economic growth from
2001–2007, but many economists deemed it "unsustainable" due to the country taking out cheap
loans through the EU (Buchanan, 2015). In 2008, when the global market crashed, Greece was
unable to climb out of debt, as unlike in the past, where it could simply print more money, due to
them being under the Euro, which is controlled by the European Central Bank, they were unable to
do so. As a result, unemployment skyrocketed in the country, reaching heights of 25% (Buchanan,
2015). Following the beginning of the debt crisis, the number of terror incidents spiked from 18 in
2007 to 118 in 2009 (START, 2016a). As many domestic terror organizations in Greece are anti–
capitalist, they likely blamed the foreign corporations and banks for the financial crisis and attacked
their property as a result. When Greece was bailed out twice, once in 2010 and again in 2012, it
unfortunately did not fix the problem as the money the country was given was simply turned around
and used to pay off international debts rather than stimulate the economy (Buchanan, 2015). This
failure to protect the investments of the Greek people may have led to another spike in incidents in
2013 (START,
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Argument Against Domestic Terrorism
Domestic terrorism is an extraordinarily real and frightening thing Americans today have to manage.
While many protest at the idea of allowing refugees from the Middle East into the country, others
realize that domestic terrorism may be the real problem we should be focusing on. Domestic
terrorism, is terrorist activity against one's own country to initiate fear and push an ideology about a
particular religion or group. In the US since Sept. 11, 2001, "nearly twice as many people have been
killed by white supremacists, anti government fanatics and other non–Muslim extremists than by
radical Muslims" (Scott). The statistic is certainly alarming because the media and today's society
views the typical terrorist as an Allah praising, bearded, suicide bomber when in fact, in over half
the cases it was an American citizen causing the terror. There are plenty of ways to ... Show more
content on ...
The effects of these attacks has had a direct impact on how security checks are done at the airport,
post 9/11, or how a background check is required to purchase certain firearms. Gun control is a
serious issue in our country, many believe the government should have absolutely no say in what
firearms we posses because of the constitution's second amendment, the right to bare arms,
according to some, should mean any arms like assault rifles, handguns, or explosives. Others believe
that there should be a limit to what kind of weapon someone should own and where they can posses
such weapons. FGCU professor Sandra Pavelka states "Research has shown that concealed carry
does not curb crime, sexual assault or shootings on college campuses," Pavelka said. "For instance,
data found that concealed carry in or near college campuses in Utah and Colorado increased crime.
Rape increased by 11 percent in Colorado and 50 percent in Utah. Accidental shootings increased as
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Domestic Terrorism Research Paper
Domestic Terrorism in the United States As a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001,
most Americans have a general knowledge about terrorism. The U.S. military has been at war for
around a decade, continuing the concentration of the media and politicians on Middle Eastern
countries and terrorist groups. Consequently, the focus of the nation tends to remain on international
terrorist groups rather than domestic terrorist groups. There is a vast amount of terrorism groups in
America, including the Army of God, the Aryan Nations, and the Animal Liberation Front, who
possess extreme ideals and exist for different reasons. The fact that there are numerous terrorist
groups that are composed of American citizens performing tremendous acts of violence within the
U.S. seems to go somewhat unnoticed by the general public. The Army of God is a terrorist group ...
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This group composed of skinheads, Klu Klux Klan members, and the like, was formed to preserve
the Aryan race; they are strongly against interracial marriages. They also believe that in order to
maintain a race or culture, said culture must be allowed their own geographical region and the
ability to exclude and prevent the influence of differing cultures ("Aryan Nations"). Richard Butler
was a leader of the white supremacist group. Comparable to his idol, Adolf Hitler, Butler has led
many movements and given many speeches promoting the procreation for purposes of preserving
the sanctity of the pure Aryan race. In 1998 members of the Aryan Nations shot and assaulted a
Native American, who later took Butler to court for millions of dollars. The Aryan Nations have
been charged with various other crimes such as counterfeiting money. Fortunately the FBI began
investigating the members and actions of the Aryan Nations which triggered a loss of many active
members ("Richard G.
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Women In Domestic Terrorism
Domestic terrorism according to the dictionary is defined as "the methodical use of violence or
threatening by means of violence against citizens or individuals so as to obtain certain political,
religious or an idea in nature by means of coercion, instilling fear in people or by intimidation"
The purpose of the author's article is to test widely held beliefs regarding women's role in terrorism
through an examination of female criminal participation within domestic terrorism. These beliefs,
often rooted in gendered stereotypes, have greatly influenced U.S. terrorism policy and need to be
empirically examined in order to increase our understanding of women in terrorism and aid in the
development of better counterterrorism strategies. The focus on criminal participation, and actual
participation in the criminal acts, is particularly important because it allows for testing these beliefs
regarding women's involvement in terrorism through an examination of individual acts. While it can
be argued that simply belonging to a terrorist group is in itself ... Show more content on ...
Margaret Gonzalez–Perez (2004), in her Nationalism and women terrorist meeting, identifies two
different categories of terrorist organizations and the roles of women within each. Terrorist groups
with international agendas typically oppose U.S. imperialism, capitalism, or Western culture in
general. Nationalist terrorist organizations usually take action against perceived forces of oppression
within their own nation. These different agendas have a direct impact on the role of women within
them. Internationally–oriented terrorist groups assign traditional, limited gender roles to their female
members, while nationalist terrorist organizations challenge domestic prohibitions, including those
imposed on women, and encourage full and active participation of female members at all levels of
terrorist activity. This heightened level of participation could very well alter the longevity and
chances of success for such a
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Persuasive Essay On Domestic Terrorism

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Domestic Terrorism I. Introduction The United States has been in a national state of emergency fighting a war on terrorism since September 11, 2001. The intelligence communities have pursued and tracked down terrorist suspects who pose a direct threat to this country, yet one of the greatest threat to this country is the astronomical number of mass shootings and hate crimes that have occurred in this country post 9/11. The United States has taken aggressive measures to counteract the war on Terror, yet has not taken the same aggressive measures to counteract the war on domestic terrorism, mass shootings and hate crimes knowing the psychological effects plant the same fear in the hearts and minds as the War on Terror. Thousands of innocent people have ... Show more content on ... The U.S. continues to implement effective initiatives and provide adequate resources for the War on international terrorism; whereas the threat magnitude of international terrorism is miniscule in comparison to the number of mass shootings and hate crimes which take place in this country on a daily basis. Acts of terrorism plants fear and terror into the hearts and minds of individuals but when mass shootings occur in the United States, they get classified as murder or hate crimes. This research will show that mass shootings and hate crimes inflict the same type of terror in the hearts and minds of individuals throughout communities within the United States as terrorist attacks have inflicted on communities. II. What is Domestic Terrorism? There is no single, universally accepted definition to define terrorism but the U. S. Code of federal regulations defines it as any violent act or acts dangerous to human life that violates the criminal laws of the U.S. or any State or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the U.S. or any State. (18 U.S.C § 2331). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) divides terrorist attacks that face the U.S. into two broad categories – international and domestic. (18.U.S.C. § 2331). International terrorism aspires to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government, or affect the conduct of a government and transcend national ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Domestic Terrorism And The Security Of The Us Today, domestic terrorism is one of the major threats to the national security of the US. Since 9/11, the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies viewed international terrorism as the major threat to the public security of the US but the threat of domestic terrorism has been underestimated. At any rate, American law enforcement agencies conduct active campaigns to prevent international terrorism but domestic terrorism become a serious threat to the national security of the US. In such a way, the US needs to develop effective strategies to prevent the rise of domestic terrorism. Otherwise, the US may face a threat of the consistent growth of domestic terrorism as do some European countries, such as the UK, for instance. Therefore, law enforcement agencies should focus their attention on the prevention of domestic terrorism because, even though domestic terrorism is unseen, it may be even more dangerous than international terrorism. Domestic terrorists undermine the country from within, while international terrorists attack the US from the outside and the US can raise barriers to protect Americans from the foreign threat, while domestic terrorism needs effective work of law enforcement agencies nationwide. Therefore, domestic terrorism is a serious threat to the national security of the US and American law enforcement agencies along legislators and the public have to unite their efforts in the struggle against domestic terrorism. DEFINITION OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism Terrorism is nothing new to the U.S. as terrorists have taken lives inside of the country from the Oklahoma City bombing and the first attack on World Trade Center in 1993. Even back in the 1970s the U.S. saw attacks from a group call the Weather Underground. However, the motivation and reasoning for terror attacks from groups such as the Weather Underground and Al–Qaeda are often quite different and often so is the type of terrorism. Two of the most commonly known types of terrorism are international terrorism and domestic terrorism. At times, it may be easier to figure out the group or act that falls as either domestic terrorism or international terrorism. However, not all terrorist or terrorist acts are as easy to classify, such as the case ... Show more content on ... In the days that followed, a police officer would be killed, and a shootout with law enforcement would leave one terrorist dead and another in police custody. The Boston Marathon Bombers as they are now known emigrated from Chechnya to the United States. One of the bombers girlfriends had reported an increased interest in radical Islam and that he had issues fitting into his new country(DHS,CIA,DOJ, 2014).Tamerlan Tsarnaev left the United States in January of 2012 to take a trip to Russia, a trip that alerted the Russian FSB(DHS,CIA,DOJ, 2014). The FSB believed Tamerlan Tsarnaev to be a concern for terrorism and informed the American CIA and FBI. However, the Boston bomber was allowed to return to the U.S. and passed an interview with the FBI as a possible ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Domestic Terrorism Research Paper INTRODUCTION Although world hunger and threat of nuclear war are among the highest issues in our world today, none rings more true with many people then the issue of domestic terrorism. As defined by the Oxford dictionary, domestic terrorism is "The committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own country against their fellow citizens." (Oxford dictionary, 2018) Right after the nine–eleven attacks of September 2001 President Bush initiated the war on terror (The Washington Post, 2001) which has attempted to put an end to domestic terrorism. Unfortunately it has really not made much of an impact when we look at events like the Boston Marathon bombing and the Las Vegas shooting. What good is it to worry about attacks coming from outside ... Show more content on ... Although the FBI hasn't fully released the information about the motive of the shooter, many studies have still been done based on what has been released. Although the islamic terrorist organization ISIS did initially claim responsibility for the deadly attack, there has been no proof that the shooter (Stephan Paddock) had any religious motivation. The most widespread theory, that has been backed up by interviews with family and friends, is governmental unrest (with a mental disorder to compound this anger). This means that this attack would share very similar motivations to the French Revolution. So although looking at the French revolution won't give us all of the reasons behind domestic terrorist attacks, it should give a window into why politically motivated attacks will take place. And when the government knows why, they will have a much better chance to stop the attacks before they actually take ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Domestic Terrorism Definition Domestic terrorist groups have a unique use of lone wolf attacks as a method of delivery which limits the amount of intelligence law enforcement can intercept making it one of the hardest methods of terror to combat. Within the Threat/Opportunity Spiral, if state actions are defined as new opportunities (or threats) by challenging groups, responsive episodes of insurgent collective action are likely to follow (Wright 35). The election of an African American president for two terms, the high focus on immigration law, the militarization of police forces, and the call for tighter gun laws, are threats towards to right winged extremist rhetoric. These political movements mimic the events that occurred prior the McVeigh bombing in 1993, such as the civil rights movement and the military styled assault on Waco. ... Show more content on ... From 2009 to 2015, both successful and foiled domestic terrorist attacks occurred on average every 34 days, 74% were carried out or planned by lone wolves and 90 % were the work of one to two persons (Southern Poverty Law). Terrorism is almost always linked to a wider social movement, if that movement has lost momentum, which is guaranteed since the ideology is extreme, terrorism is the default response. Timothy McVeigh considered himself a warrior, he starved himself while in prison to fit the war rhetoric of his extremist ideology. He was not a sole conspirator, however, he was a part of a small cell for the actual act of the Oklahoma City Bombing, which is the second largest terrorist attack within the United States. The parallel of the political climates plus the massive increase of insurgent action makes domestic terrorism the top threat to the United ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Domestic Terrorism Effects Effects of domestic terrorism, post 9/11 The american public was affected heavily after the events of 9/11. They reacted differently but overall they had all a negative effect not only on the muslim community but any who look the par A few changes on america post 9/11 were american citizens have been heavily influenced by the ideals from well known terrorist groups, ongoing wars, and even hostile feelings towards the muslim community and even those who look muslim despite the fact that they themselves aren't muslim The views of well known terrorist groups have captivated and influenced many americans. In the case of the lackawanna six, (bucci,3) was a case of five of the six individuals born in lackawanna N.Y. they were convicted of receiving training from al–qaeda camps. The same goes for another american, jose padilla (bucci,4) was convicted for receiving training and orders from al– qaeda to detonate a dirty bomb. These two incidents prove that many americans that despised american govt. Felt safe to express their hatred towards the U.S. due to them finding comfort in groups that share their beliefs. The immediate and most obvious effects of 9/11 ... Show more content on ... Throughout the years there have been several hate crimes or laws put in place to put down the muslim community, two of the most recent and most controversial examples of discrimination towards the muslim community would be president donald j. Trumps attempt to pass both a muslim registry and a ban on all muslims coming in the U.S. thankfully the bills weren't passed, this however does show the level in which some americans are willing to go to in order to remove a "threat to society" this also show the change in americans psychi making racism and discrimination socially acceptable more and more when even the government is making it seem acceptable to discriminate thus increasing the amount of hate crimes towards ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Domestic Terrorism Research Paper Domestic Terrorism What is domestic terrorism?Terrorism is the act of using guns to force their own government or high power to meet their plans to further themselves" (Domestic Terrorism 1). Some examples are the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Oklahoma City Bombing" (Domestic Terrorism 1).Most acts of domestic terrorism is done by an extremist.An extremist is someone who is evry religious and takes action" (Domestic terrorism 1). August 29th David Cameron the prime minister of Great Britain talked about terrorism in the UK along with the entire world" (Jones 1).David Cameron said the issue cannot be concluded by grievance.Cameron targeted ISIS as their main target, and said "A battle between Islam on the one hand, and extremists who want ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Terrorism : Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism Truly Terrorism? Homegrown terrorism or domestic terrorism is commonly associated with violent acts committed by citizens or permanent residents of a state against their own people or property within that state without foreign influence in an effort to instill fear on a population or government as a tactic designed to advance political, religious, or ideological objectives. Definition The definition of homegrown terrorism includes what is normally considered domestic terrorism. Since the 9/11 attacks in the United States, and U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, the term has often been applied to violence that is perpetrated against people or property by their own citizens or permanent residents of a state under jurisdiction of that state in order to promote political, religious, or ideological objectives. Domestic terrorists have identical, or nearly so, means of militarily and ideologically carrying on their fight without necessarily having a centralized command structure regardless of whether the source of inspiration is domestic, foreign, or transnational. The Congressional Research Service report, American Jihadist Terrorism: Combatting a Complex Threat, describes homegrown terrorism as a "terrorist activity or plots perpetuated within the United States or abroad by American citizens, permanent legal residents, or visitors radicalized largely within the United States." Under the 2001 USA Patriot Act, domestic terrorism is defined as "activities that ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Terrorism Vs Domestic Terrorism Essay What seperates domestic terrorism from mass killings? The United States have a long history of terrorism, mass terrorism and mass killings. Most of these happened in the open public and targeted a number of population to execute. Among these incidents are the bombing of twin towers in 9/11. The Oklahoma City Bombing, The Wisconsin Sikh Killings, the shooting of Congresswoman Giffors and others in Arizona, the Virginia Tech shootings, the cinema shooting during the filimng of Batman and recently the mass shooting at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. What drives the motivation to do such crime? Is It a mass spree killings or an act of domestic terrorism? In this essay we are going to analyze the whether it is a mass spree killing or domestic terrorism. These mass killings can be linked to one of the theory that can explain why these crimes occurred. According to Borgeson, Kevin and ... Show more content on ... Is this a form of terrorism of just another separate issue? According to German (2012), "By conjuring the notion of a "Black Separatist" movement from the unconnected activities of different groups with disparate views and goals, the FBI creates a false justification for aggressive enforcement operations against any group to which it gives this label, essentially using race and ideology as proxies for evidence of violence". We can agree easily that this is just another crime and this time it has a racial motive. Race and ideology is not the motive that drives the terrorist to do such harm to a mass population. This is just another misconception the Federal Beurue of Investigation has not proven linking the so called "Black Separatist" to domestic ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Domestic Terrorism Research Paper Domestic Terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal. Domestic terrorism is a broad term, and several individuals who perform these attacks do not think their acts fall under that umbrella. Whether they believe it is an act of terroristic crime or not, several attacks that have occurred in the recent years whether it had a huge impact or not, still falls under domestic terrorism. Although the Global Terrorism Database has gone to great lengths to avoid the spread of terrorist attacks, attacks are still unavoidable; there is still a homegrown rise in domestic terrorism. As a society, we must ponder and try to find the reason why domestic ... Show more content on ... The U.S. law enforcement and counterterrorism professionals have been cautioning for years that the right–wing extremist threat in the United States is on the rise, from September 12, 2001 to December 31, 2016, the right–wing terrorists were responsible for 47% of all deaths from violent extremism in the United States. Nonetheless, Far–right menace violence that includes racist sentiments of hate crimes can and will manifest to great domestic terrorism. Their acts of terrorism as well as the other attacks are a form of psychological warfare; they use their violence as propaganda to shape perceptions of political and social issues in their favor, which in turn sends a message to a broader target audience. Far–right individuals have become bolder on their acts, some individuals who preformed these violent attacks, would plan their attacks ahead of time, but now there is not a blueprint, attacks are now merely based on chance encounters that enrage the perpetrators which triggers these random attacks. Furthermore, with individuals who have this mindset that they have nothing to gain or lose in society, are the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism The idea of terrorism is to incite terror of a government by intimidation or coercion. For example, the Weathermen, they used bombs to blow up symbols of the United States to instill terror into the government, to get Americans out of Vietnam War. However, the jihadist of al Qaeda crashed two planes into the World Trade Center to provoke fear into the US by showing weakness in our private transportation system and changing the lives of Americans. Nevertheless, the terror act of 9/11 has people preparing for more international terrorist attacks, but in the last 16 years the only terrorist attacks in the US have been domestic terrorism. This fear of international terrorism was a hot topic during the 2016 Presidential Election, where one party wanted to ban a religious group of people from entering the US. "Yet, domestic terror attacks are by far more many than international ones: in our data set, only about 14% of the almost 82,000 terror incidents were international terror events" (Liebert, Kokakos, & Schulze, 2011, p. 1). This shows that citizens do not know the different between international terrorism and domestic terrorism, because if they did, there would more focus on domestic terrorism even though terrorism is so rare compared to other crimes (Newman & Clark, 2008). I am going to discuss the difference between international terrorism and domestic terrorism. International terrorism has a specific definition as described in 18 as code 2331. For instance, in the case ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Comparison Between Domestic Terrorism And Homegrown Terrorism Terrorism, a word most people fear, but so often misinterpret. The textbook definition of terrorism is "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims". But how does that compare to domestic terrorism? Domestic terrorism or "homegrown terrorism" can be defined as "the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own country against their fellow citizens". Throughout the years, America as a nation has experienced quite a few occurrences of both types. An early example of homegrown terrorism would be the Haymarket Affair which occurred May 4, 1886 where in Chicago's Haymarket Square, labor protesters detonated a bomb during a rally. Chicago police then responded by firing ... Show more content on ... When you hear the words terrorism, what does you mind go to? Most people would say some sort of extremist group because that is what the media puts into our heads but in reality most domestic terrorist attacks are committed by what is known as a 'Lone Wolf" attacker. These are people who prepare and commit violent acts alone. These cases are much harder to detect because of a multitude of things. For instance laws have been established to protect civil liberties but in the process have prevented investigators from tracking people engaged with hateful speech, unless there is a suspected crime that person may be involved in. It is easier to track and detect international terrorism because often there are many people involved in the attack and often those attacks are committed by different terrorist groups, and the U.S government is constantly tracking and getting new information on those different terrorist groups. Many counterterrorism efforts have been shaped in response to foreign terrorism ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Role Of Religion In Domestic Terrorism Religion also play a big part in domestic terrorism. The media portrays that terrorism always have something to do with religion, and what comes in our mind when we think about a terrorist is their link to Islam. The bias reports by the media on this issue made us believe that domestic terrorist follows the beliefs of the Muslim religion. The white supremacist group known as Aryan Nations has always parade their beliefs on Christianity religion. According to Borgeson (2012), " Aho (1990), in The Politics of Righteousness, focused on cultural elements of Christian Identity members and discussed the demographic characteristics that were influential in bringing people to Christian Identity, the religious beliefs of the Aryan Nations", (p. 4). ... Show more content on ... In contrary the Abu Sayyaf group has been founded on Islamic religion, having close relations with widely known terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, Abu Sayyaf has always expressed their opposition of the Christian religion. According to Stanford University, "The ASG also aims to expel the Christian settlers who migrated to Mindanao from Luzon and the Visayas, other regions in the Philippines". FARC does not express their ties in any religion but it seems that they are against any form of beliefs more likely Christianity. According to U.S. Department of State, "The United Pentecostal Church reports that more than 70 pastors have been killed over the past 3 years and more than 300 churches have been closed due to guerrilla ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Security and Domestic Terrorism Essay EDM 501 – Domestic Terrorism –Module 3 – Case: Security and Domestic Anti–Terrorism (Part 1) May 2012 What are the limits of power of the FBI in pursuing surveillance of potential terrorists within and without the U.S.? In your view, is the FBI adequately organized, staffed, and trained to perform the myriad of missions tasked? Based on the readings and your research, what is the status of the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2011 and resultant action on the key divisive issues? Explain the Department of Homeland Security's role in combating domestic terrorism. What sub agencies are involved? What are their missions? In your opinion, what vulnerabilities would a terrorist see based on your answers to the ... Show more content on ... Groups of SWAT are in constant combat and physical readiness, study forms and methods of carrying out terrorist acts, particularly the behavior of terrorists in their environment, as well as special skills to negotiate with the terrorists to release hostages, detainees on the U.S. territory (Dyson 2011, p. 132). There exists a special unit Commando in the FBI for military operations to free hostages on board the aircraft. Training and arming of the unit are similar to SWAT. In case of emergency, caused by large–scale terrorist attacks, the FBI headquarters and each of its administration in the U.S. have plans of action. These plans regulate the order of potential operations, channels of communication within departments and the FBI with other agencies, use of personnel, use of special equipment or weapons, precise plans, diagrams and descriptions of objects that may be the targets of terrorist attacks. However, these plans are unlikely to be implemented in real life as special classes were not conducted. Based on the readings and your research, what is the status of the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2011 and resultant action on the key divisive issues? The USA Patriot Act includes the definition of terrorism contained in the current federal legislation. It has expanded the concept of federal crime of terrorism to include a number of serious violent crimes in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Terrorism In today's society domestic terrorism is one of the biggest threats to the United States. Some of these recent terrorist attacks include. Domestic Terrorism is when U.S. citizens carry out terrorist acts against other U.S. residents or groups.Many people think that the biggest threat of terrorism to the U.S. is from a foreign country, when in fact, the bigger threat is closer to home. Domestic terrorism is becoming a bigger threat to the U.S. than international terrorism and we need to find a way to prevent these attacks. Domestic terrorists are turning into such a bigger threat as there becomes more and more dangerous domestic terrorist groups. For instance, right–wing extremists are becoming more of a danger that we can't ignore. As said by Kurt Eichenwald, "[Timothy] McVeigh, the infamous anti–government extremist, murdered 168 people in 1995 when he detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."Like Timothy McVeigh, many U.S. citizens have had violent disagreements about rights and freedoms with government officials, which has caused many of these antigovernment extremist groups to form. According to Ron Nixon, "Mr. Ellison said, 'Right–wing extremists have launched an average of 330 attacks a year and killed about 250 people between 2002 and 2011. These are dangerous people.'" Right–wing extremists are becoming a bigger threat to our country. They are attacking and killing more people every year and we need to find a ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Domestic Terrorism In The United States I do believe that domestic terrorism is still a treat within the United States because of the current violence against civilian population like black lives matter, the KKK or those that randomly attack our police officers. There attentions are to intimidate the everyday law bidding citizens in an attempt to their way of thinking our beliefs. "Homegrown terrorists are produced a number of ways. The first involves individuals who become radicalized by personal experiences. The second might involve a similar pat to radicalization, but it also involves some type of foreign connections." (White 2014 p. 323) These are the ones that may have parents or other family members from another country and attempt to attack U.S. citizens. I believe that ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism Essay What two terrorist attacks were examined in this research study? Briefly outline a synopsis of each attack. The two terrorist attacks that was examined and researched are Domestic and International. Domestic terrorism is involved in violence against the civilian population or setup of a nation–often, but not always by citizens of that nation and often with the intent to be like coerce or influence national policy. Rand addresses national security and critical organization needs through objective research that helps government agencies prevent and lessen terrorist activities and improves disaster preparedness, response and recovery. The international terrorist attack is the government order to decrease the risk from worldwide terrorism to the ... Show more content on ... The conflict, media frame their audience of events and rights particular sets of response. The language of the war on terrorism rights reifies the practice of the war on terrorism. The western media conflict as a largely useful response gives the observed threat from a globalized enemy, and the belonging need to protect the homeland. What are the key differences between the geographical regional and religious frames? The key differences are used by countries such as the United States and United Kingdom, with their similar experiences with and policies for terrorism and India, a country that has been dealing with random attacks since it's independence. Revealed that frames used by the media for acting terrorists activities are subject to influence from the manner in which terrorism is perceived and the terrorism policies employed by the lost country. What techniques were used to report the issues by the media? The techniques that was used to report the issues by the media are they pay the journalists to promote certain issues without the journalists acknowledging this or without the media mentioning the sources. The government and individuals contracting PR firms to sell a war or other important issues. Disinformation or partial information reported as news or fact without attributing sources that might be questionable. PR firms feeding stories to the press without revealing the nature of the information with the intention of creating a public ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Effects Of Domestic Terrorism Per the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), domestic terrorism is an offense that is intended to influence or affect the conduct of government through intimidation or coercion. It can also be considered as a retaliation against government conduct. Terrorism violates many statutes, including 18 U.S.C. § 2332b, § 930(c), which relates to killing or attempting to kill during the attack of a federal facility with a dangerous weapon; and § 1114 which relates to the killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the U.S (FBI, 2016). To be classified as an act of domestic terrorism, the event must contain specific criteria, such as the involvement of acts that are dangerous to human life that are in violation of federal or state law. ... Show more content on ... While domestic terrorism usually has a strong political agenda, religion most likely drives today's international terrorism. Terrorists involved in domestic events, clearly announce what their goals are, while international terrorists expect us to know what their issues are. Another difference between domestic and international terrorists is that domestic terrorists are usually acclimated to the region they are attacking (answers). Conclusion While most terrorist groups generally operate under either domestic or international terrorism, PIRA is a group that falls under both classifications. They primarily commit acts of terrorism in Ireland and the UK, they have been known to carry out several attacks across Europe (Ward, 2015). One must question whether international or domestic terrorist committed the Boston Marathon bombing. According to David Cyd (executive director of the Oklahoma City memorial), "One thing is clear. You can't have absolute liberty and privacy and security. There has to be a balance ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Domestic Terrorism And Its Effect On Terrorism Essay Domestic terrorism consists of violations against federal and state law that put humans into danger. The purpose of domestic terrorism is to influence or to instill fear into the population and government. Terrorism comes in forms of gun violence, assassinations, and destruction (1). Since 1970, there have been 2,608 attacks and 226 fatal attacks up until 2011 (3). In 1867, the development of dynamite contributed to increasing terrorism, and radicals have used explosives to bring attention to political issues within the country. This invention led to the Haymarket Affair, Los Angeles Times, and the Preparedness Day bombings (2). What has further caused domestic terrorism has been the argument over who is an American. This explains the emergence of the Boston Tea Party and the "white supremacy" of the Ku Klux Klan which both occurred to claim what being an authentic American means (3). After the Cold war, domestic intelligence and law enforcement suppressed terrorist plots, but since the leader of al–Qaeda increased website usage in 2003, more internet terrorist sites have grown. In 2009, the FBI stated that there were approximately 15,000 websites that advocated terrorism with 10,000 sites still active on 80% of U.S based servers. (4) An example of an attack was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 which resulted in 168 people dead and 600 people injured; the motivation for this was to show the opposition against the U.S government by bombing the Alfred P. Murrah Federal ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. What Is Domestic Terrorism? Domestic Terrorism Terrorism has been an issue around the world for as far back as history can trace. There has always been people who take their ideals to the extremes and find gratification in inflicting harm on innocent victims all over the world. Domestic terrorism is an evolving issue, that keeps American citizens on edge and homeland security and local law enforcement on their toes. Although terrorism can be a very broad topic, a narrow focus on the homegrown threat will be presented in this paper. Domestic terrorism has unfortunately caused more deaths in the United States after September 11, 2001, than any other forms of terror (Nakashima, 2015). Domestic terrorists can come from right–wing, left–wing, nationalist, and a variety of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Domestic Terrorism Research Paper Terrorism exists for centuries. Domestic terrorist groups and domestic terrorism are great problems. They have existed in the past and they will continue to exist in the future to spread fear and terror. Terrorism is the calculated use of violence, or the threat of violence, to intimidate, frighten, or coerce. Terrorism is a global problem affecting all social and economic classes. The fight against domestic terrorism is difficult as there have been many acts of domestic terrorism and many domestic terrorist groups operating in the United States. Terrorism can be executed or presented in a variety of forms. For example, bioterrorism, cyberterrorism, nuclear terrorism, domestic terrorism, etc. Domestic Terrorism has been the focus of attention since the events of September 11. The main and more significant mission of the Department of Homeland Security is to defend the United States from terrorism. Unfortunately, domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among ... Show more content on ... The overwhelming majority of the world's nations, including United States are signatories to at least one international agreement that condemns terrorism. The question comes to mind as why terrorism is growing and not coming to an end, and what are the intentions of the terrorist groups. There are many factors in the development of domestic terrorisms, however, there are several causes on the growing terrorism and there is a need to find the principal factors responsible for causing this growing threat. In addition, it is important to save the world and to save our next generation from being victims in the hands of terrorism. Many are the risk factors involved in the development of domestic terrorism. Additionally, it is important to remember that terrorism is a tactic practiced by people from a wide array of ethnic and religious backgrounds who follow various ideologies extending from anarchism to ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Domestic Terrorism Vs International Terrorism Excelsior College Domestic Terrorism Mr. Prybutok Jerek Columna How do you define domestic terrorism? In what ways is it functionally different from international terrorism? Distinguish between domestic terrorism from above and domestic terrorism from below. Give examples. As Enders, Sandler, and Gaibulloev (2011) argue, to be classified as a domestic terrorist, one must be from the same country as the attacks occur and if the terrorist resides in the country. This type of terrorism has grave consequences for the host country, it effects its institutions, policies, people, and property and in most cases, there is no overseas sponsorship or involvement. (Enders et al, 2011). For instance, the bombing of the Building in Oklahoma ... Show more content on ... In particular, the December 2012 killing of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown and the killing of 9 people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina fueled a national discussion during the Obama administration to limit the availability of certain styles of military weapons. The enactment of the anti–gun law poses dire threats to the existence and operationalization of the right–wing extremist groups because the law forbids them from owning several military–type arms that can cause harm to the public. Existing research pointed out that since the passing of the legislation, the number of suicide and homicide cases in U.S. dropped by 10% (Borgeson & Valeri, 2009). Nonetheless, majority of the rightwing extremist groups perceive the legislation on gun control as a solemn threat to their right to bear weapons and in response, they have increased stockpiling of firearms and ammunition, as well as renewed their participation in paramilitary training exercises. As Johnson (2012) points out, such trainings, combined with a high level of extremist paranoia have the capacity to facilitate criminal activity and ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism I. Protecting the United States from terrorists has become a major issue since the attacks on 9/11. Terrorism is defined as the "premeditated, deliberate, systematic murder, mayhem, and threatening of the innocent to create fear and intimidation in order to gain a political or tactical advantage, usually to influence an audience" (Poland, 2011). Fear and intimidation seem to be some of the most prevalent Terrorism occurs on both the international and domestic fronts. In terms of domestic terrorism, emergency responders are faced with a long list of accompanying risks. First and foremost, responders are at risk of physical injury for simply responding to a terrorist incident. Injury can occur as a result of a fire, diminishing structural integrity of a building that was affected by the attack, or secondary attacks. Secondary attacks are especially high risk because there is no way for a responder to predict that one will occur. First responders are like sitting ducks during the response phase of a terrorist event–they are all congregated in a particular area, and terrorists may use that to their advantage. Secondary attacks include additional suicide bombers driving cars loaded with explosives into the location where personnel are responding to the initial attack, or explosives that are on timers strategically placed near the initial attack sight that will explode during response efforts. II. Government agencies, city and state officials, and first responders must look ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Domestic Terrorism And International Terrorism Term paper for CJ 3340: Domestic Terrorism vs. International Terrorism Paul A. Vega Tarleton State University Domestic Terrorism vs. International Terrorism The acts of terrorism can affect the lives of many people and is not limited to those who receive physical scaring, but also people who have an emotional connection to those who are injured, and quite possibly an entire nation. To distinguish between domestic and international terrorism one must first define terrorism. It seems from region to region there are slight variations of what qualifies as terrorism. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of or social objectives" (FBI Terrorism 2002– 2005). The Federal Bureau of Investigation further distinguishes terrorism by dividing them into two distinct categories: Domestic and International terrorism. Domestic Terrorism is categorized by the FBI as occurring primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. These acts are violent in nature and aim toward the intimidation of a government and its people. Domestic and International terrorism can also be further distinguished by considering the origin of the individuals or groups who commit the acts. Domestic Terrorism involves people who are natural born citizens or those who primarily operate in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Domestic Terrorism In America Terrorism has had a profound affect on the world, as it has inspired fear and despair in the hearts of millions of people. Specifically in the United States, where in certain circumstances U.S. citizens will carry out acts of terror to further their own cause. Domestic terrorism has taken roots in many aspects of society through certain ideological groups, radicalization through media, and by acts of terror that cause immense civil unrest. The perpetrators of terrorism have changed over time. Domestic terrorism has its roots in the United States going back to the Colonial Era, where some argue that patriots such as in the Boston Tea Party used terror tactics to spread their message (Zalman, 2015). Many argue that the acts patriots took were ... Show more content on ... Since 2001, domestic extremist have killed more people in the U.S. than foreign sources of Terrorism. In 2015 alone, 52 people were killed by domestic terrorism; the most killed by such terrorism in a decade (Berman, 2016). This leaves the United States of America no true face to fight, making it extremely difficult to find the perpetrators of terror. Fighting this form of terrorism is so challenging that the "U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti–government extremists," (Harte, 2016). Over the past two years, 42 people have been charged with plotting attacks on America in the name of the Islamic state or anti–government fervor. All of these individuals will not face a life sentence, and will be let free in a couple of decades (Harte, 2016). With the little reform that happens in prison, these people will one day be out of prison, most likely with the same radical passion. Efforts are being made to make deradicalization facilities rather than let the convicted 42 go back into society with plenty of rage (Harte, 2016). The fight against radicalization has largely turned towards targeting the communities where they begin. Many ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Terrorism, International And Domestic Terrorism Terrorism is not a new issue in today's world. It has been an issue for centuries, and even in the ancient world. The military strategy "total war" can be seen as terrorism because it struck fear in the hearts in the next town before the army arrived. According to the United States Code and the FBI website, terrorism is split in our law into three types. 18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines two types of terrorism, international and domestic terrorism. According to the FBI website, "International" terrorism is defined in the with the following three: "involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law", "Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping", and "Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum" ("Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code"). "Domestic" terrorism, according to the FBI, is defined with the following three: "Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law", "Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Difference between Terrorism and Domestic Terrorism Essay The terms terrorism and domestic terrorism are very similar concepts. There are, however, slight differences in each. Entities that are apart of the Government have slightly different ways of explaining what they believe to be the correct definition of terrorism and domestic terrorism. In this paper the author will offer definitions of the two terms and state which one they agree with the most. The author will also state how the two terms are best differentiated. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism on the basis of three characteristics. In order for an act to be considered terrorism, it needs to be (1) a violent act, or acts dangerous to human life that violates laws; (2) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or ... Show more content on ... They elucidate that terrorism is a "premeditated, politically motivated, violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups of clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience," (National Institute of Justice). All of the definitions that the author has presented tend to share a common theme. In each of the previous definitions, the use of force that is intended to coerce or sway a course of action that furthers a social, or political goal. In most cases, the FBI definition is the one most widely used and accepted by law enforcement entities (National Institute of Justice). The author seconds that the FBI definition is the one that she agrees with the most. The FBI definition seems like the only one that doesn't leave anything out. It is the most descriptive, and unlike the American Heritage definition, it broadens the scope of terrorists from being a certain type of group to the possibility of it being just one man or woman. The FBI also gives a definition of domestic terrorism that is very similar to its definition of terrorism, but has a minor difference. Like terrorism, there are three characteristics that need to be met in order to define an act as domestic terrorism. The first characteristic is that it needs to involve acts that are dangerous to human life that violate federal or state laws. The second characteristic is it needs to appear intended to (i) intimidate or coerce civilian population; (ii) influence policies of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Domestic Terrorism Vs Transnational Terrorism The difference between domestic terrorism and transnational terrorism is that domestic terrorism is homegrown which means the target, venue, and perpetrators are from the same country. Which makes domestic terrorism a direct consequence for only the venue country, its institutions, citizens, property, and policies. Many terrorist acts are staged for a struggle for independence. The majority of suicide bombings in Israel were domestic terrorist incidents. If the nationality of the perpetrators differs from that of one or more of the victims, then the terrorist attack is transnational. In addition, a terrorist attack is transnational when the nationality of a victim differs from the venue country (ENDERS, SANDLER, GAIBULLOEV, 2010). Transnational ... Show more content on ... The yakuza or the Japanese mafia are quasi–legal organized crime groups based in Japan. With 80,00 members it is one of the the larger organized crime groups that is recognized and regulated under the organized crime control laws. The group operate out in the open with office buildings, business cards, and are celebrated in movies, comics, games and fanzines ( Their primary sources of revenue is extortion, racketeering, financial fraud, blackmail, stock market manipulation, drugs, and the entertainment industry. They are called violent groups by the police because of the way they do things. There are about 3,200 organized crime groups in Japan. About 1,400 are affiliated with one of the three main yakuza groups: the Inagawa–kai, Sumiyoshi–kai, and the Yamaguchi–gumi. Yamaguchi–gumi is Japan's largest organized crime group based in Kobe, the group grew rapidly and currently have a significant presence in the Tokyo area. . The Yamaguchi–gumi has several hundred front companies and is extensively involved in real estate, FX trading, investments, restaurant management, construction, waste disposal, and controlling interests in most of Japan's talent agencies and "the entertainment ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Domestic Terrorism Domestic Terrorism in the United States Thomas A. Salisbury HSM 305 Survey of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Professor Erick Stone January 22, 2012 Domestic Terrorism in the United States Domestic terrorism is a real threat to this country. This type of attack is nothing new to this country but until the threat of international terrorism became prominent, there was not a large focus on domestic terrorism. With a look at history, domestic terrorists are a greater threat to security than international terrorists. Some of these threats are easily preventable and others are more difficult to see coming. The Department of Homeland Security needs to focus on domestic terrorist threats with the same effort as they do for ... Show more content on ... Many times the first signs of an impending attack would be noticed by a civilian. This could be a friend, family member, coworker or a store clerk. A bystander may also notice an unattended package or suspicious person in an area. This may be just enough to ward off the attack if the police are notified promptly. A major difficulty facing law enforcement in the prevention of these incidents is working within the justice system of the United States. The police have to follow procedures and rule laid out in the Bill of Rights and subsequent laws. These laws restrict the rights of law enforcement and protect the rights of the citizens. The First Amendment gives the freedom of religion and speech and of the press. A person can go to a mosque or church that may be radical in their teachings. They may voice their radical opinions as long as it is not an outright threat. Even printed materials about their views are legal. According to the Second Amendment, a person can buy arms and ammunition legally. In order for police to obtain a search warrant, probable cause must be present. (Les Benedict, 2006). Just because a person goes to a radical mosque, a search for bomb– making materials cannot be obtained without probable cause that the materials are there. A person cannot be persecuted based on loose suspicions. Therefore, a tip has to be followed up by an investigation to see if the person is doing something illegally. Only if reliable ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism Violent acts of terror have become the norm on today's day, we often hear news reports about a bombing happing somewhere in the world and several people being killed and it doesn't faze us any more, is like another day another act of terror. At times, it seems like the public is just content that it did not happened in their respective country, but rather somewhere else far away from home. And these daily barbaric acts beg for the question: What drives citizens to turn against their own countries and help terrorist kill their fellow countrymen? What is the process individuals are undergoing to turn against one's nation? What methods are the enemies using to brainwash these "martyrs" and get them to commit suicide and kill other people at the same time? Radicalization in the United States as well as in other countries has become a real problem, but very little is known about it and the solutions offered regarding this dangerous and increasing trend are very few. Domestic Terrorism is one of the most efficient and damaging operations carry out in many nations considered to be enemies of Islam. Therefore, these groups preferred to motivate people who are already in their respective countries to engross in violence, probably because it is easier to do that than to plan complicated attacks which requires bringing operatives from outside who have a much higher probability of getting captured. We need to explore possible solutions and ways to deter people from deserting their ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Domestic Terrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism Ever since 9/11 when both World Trade Center buildings were attacked by an Islamic Group, attacks by Islamic Terrorist on U.S. soil have been less of a threat than Domestic Terrorists. Domestic Terrorism has been shown these passed for years but yet again most of these cases have not been classified as acts of Domestic Terrorism they most likely fall into the category. Now the definition of Domestic Terrorism is basically "the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator 's own country against their fellow citizens". Now personally I don 't know how our government is working with these popular cases like Charlottesville, Las Vegas, and a new that just happened recently actually two but I 'll just say one, the New York attack that ... Show more content on ... [Blank 1] From Anti–Racism groups, people of color, and even our own Government has been targeted by Domestic terrorist. Domestic terrorist like to act alone in secrecy or in a group planning their next move and people don't react until it's too late. [Blank 1] But some Domestic Terrorists use Social media to explain their motives or beliefs all over the social media. Using social media would intimidate people about what they believe but they also use it to set–up rallies and marches and Social Media Companies let it just happen. People being targeted in real life and social media has been getting worse and worse but what do our counter–terrorism groups research them. Counter Terrorism expert says it's hard to track down domestic terrorist while most Departments are focused on threats outside the U.S. According to [Galhotra 1]. A survey that was took in September 2011 by New America Foundation and Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Public Policy it showed that in a 10 year period 114 non–jihadist cases were found and at the same time they found 188 cases of Islamic terrorism in the U.S. and examined that most plots were either foiled or just unsuccessful. This research can show that over a 10 year period Americans have been Attacking other Americans because of their ideologies. [Johnson 2] Also while Left–wing groups commit crimes like vandalism and arson it still doesn't compare to Right–wing groups most of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Domestic Terrorism And International Terrorism The world has gone from bad to worse. Murders, hunger, destruction of properties, stealing, drugs and and other wrongs are no longer news but our everyday reality. Terrorism has been another problem, terrorism is nothing new and has always been present but after the 09/11 attack it has been increasing throughout the years. Most terror attacks haven't been as impactful as the 9/11 attack but most recently domestic terrorists have carried out most of the attacks. The government should take the measures necessary and focus more on domestic terrorism than international terrorism for now, because domestic terrorists are already here and they can attack at anytime. International Terrorism has most of the attention when on the topic of terrorism but we should be paying more attention to Domestic Terrorism since they are here locally based and they already have access to the country. What most people don't realise is that inside our own country is that domestic terrorism may pose a more dangerous and imminent threat compared to international terrorism. Even if we don't pay attention to the serious danger domestic terrorism presents or identify it as an act of terrorism, we must be aware that not only the country but our lives are at stake. Both in the past and present terrorism has been a major issue but it seems that since it is such a common occurrence in today's news we have become indifferent to the attacks.."Scott Stewart was a former agent for the US State Department and is ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on Domestic Terrorism Domestic Terrorism National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or "street crime." These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well–being of society and challenger accepted moral principles) It can also however be described as political crime, (criminal acts by or against the government for ideological purposes) which would include the 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing. ... Show more content on ... More specifically, we read and study for classes because we are students. In turn, people in these deviant groups plan and/or commit violent acts against people, other groups, the government, etc. because they are in those groups. A specific example from the article would be in "October 2004 in Tennessee the FBI arrested Demetrius "Van" Crocker who hated the government and tried to acquire explosives and chemical weapons so that he could blow up a government building."[1] His role was to hate the government, and try to destroy it or hurt it in anyway. Perhaps the concept that would relate to this article the best is deviance. Deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society. To our society these domestic terrorist acts and domestic terrorist groups would be considered deviant. They violate the standards of conduct or expectations that we set for our society, by committing acts of terrorism on people, other groups and our nation as a whole. Deviance can tie into the labeling theory which is when the label of being deviant is applied to a person. Furthermore, these people and groups would be seen as pure deviant(s), which means they are perceived as deviant and actually are deviant. This brings us to our last concept, social control, which are the strategies and techniques for preventing deviant behavior in any society. The article describes attempts ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107–52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism. The US government does not maintain a list of domestic terror groups. However, the FBI does investigate a number of domestic organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and the Sovereign Citizen Movement but these are not formally declared terrorist organizations. In a National Public Radio (2015) interview, Peter Bergen stated that within the United States, right wing white supremacists and antigovernment groups have killed more people than Jihadists have. Today, the terror threat from far–right white supremacists is the terror threat that no one wants to speak on. Leading conservatives, and even some liberals, are keen to downplay the danger that they pose, and to divert and deflect attention away from homegrown white extremists and toward what ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Essay On Domestic Terrorism Jason Marin 1/3/2017 Mrs. Corbett English 1530 The Domestic Terrorism Threat The emphasis of counterterrorism policy in the United States since Al Qaeda's attacks of September 11, 2001 has been on jihadist terrorism. However, in the last decade, domestic terrorists have killed American citizens and damaged property across the country. Not all of these criminals have been prosecuted under terrorism charges. This is not meant to imply that domestic terrorists should be taken any less seriously than other terrorists. Domestic terrorists may not be the top federal counterterrorism priority, but they feature prominently among the concerns of some law enforcement officers. According to The Diane Rehm Show "investigators look into the ... Show more content on ... According to Sabrina Tavernise from New York Times, Terrorism is an ideology, it's not a religion, but the religion that tends to give birth to it most often these days is Islam. The threat from that is very real, and we can't just ignore it. This false preaching is exactly what is promoting these unreasonable courses of action that terrorist do. The key to solving this problem is implementing harsher gun laws upon people with criminal records and running mental health examinations on all purchasers. Russell Jacoby from the New York Times clarifies that Automatic weapons and potent bombs allow the deranged and begrudged to slaughter scores of innocents in mere seconds. It is not only the firepower available in our country that is scary. The fact that we are not taking action towards the problem is as well. Most threats and violence tend to emerge from within a person's mind, not outside of it. Terrorism is a constant threat to everyone on the planet, these people tend to be mentally unsound and many precautions can be made to help the problem. The key solution would be to make gun accessibility harder with a series of tests and background ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Assess The Impact Of Domestic Terrorism In a United States–centered world, when one considers domestic terrorism, often one assumes that the United States is being spoken about, with all other acts of terrorism being deemed as "international." While it is true that it would be international from a US standpoint, if all acts of terrorism are seen within a bubble it makes it much more difficult to combat terrorists before they become a larger problem. Often, many domestic terrorists can go on to have an impact on the international community and Greece is no different. They, like many other countries, have their own internal terrorism issues and ironically, most of these groups like November 17, Revolutionary People's Struggle or Revolutionary Nuclei, are anti–capitalist and anti–imperialist ... Show more content on ... The country adopted the Euro in 2001, three years after many other EU countries had already done so, due to budget deficits the country was going through whilst under the drachma (Buchanan, 2015). As a result of their adoption of the Euro, they experienced a period of economic growth from 2001–2007, but many economists deemed it "unsustainable" due to the country taking out cheap loans through the EU (Buchanan, 2015). In 2008, when the global market crashed, Greece was unable to climb out of debt, as unlike in the past, where it could simply print more money, due to them being under the Euro, which is controlled by the European Central Bank, they were unable to do so. As a result, unemployment skyrocketed in the country, reaching heights of 25% (Buchanan, 2015). Following the beginning of the debt crisis, the number of terror incidents spiked from 18 in 2007 to 118 in 2009 (START, 2016a). As many domestic terror organizations in Greece are anti– capitalist, they likely blamed the foreign corporations and banks for the financial crisis and attacked their property as a result. When Greece was bailed out twice, once in 2010 and again in 2012, it unfortunately did not fix the problem as the money the country was given was simply turned around and used to pay off international debts rather than stimulate the economy (Buchanan, 2015). This failure to protect the investments of the Greek people may have led to another spike in incidents in 2013 (START, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Argument Against Domestic Terrorism Domestic terrorism is an extraordinarily real and frightening thing Americans today have to manage. While many protest at the idea of allowing refugees from the Middle East into the country, others realize that domestic terrorism may be the real problem we should be focusing on. Domestic terrorism, is terrorist activity against one's own country to initiate fear and push an ideology about a particular religion or group. In the US since Sept. 11, 2001, "nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, anti government fanatics and other non–Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims" (Scott). The statistic is certainly alarming because the media and today's society views the typical terrorist as an Allah praising, bearded, suicide bomber when in fact, in over half the cases it was an American citizen causing the terror. There are plenty of ways to ... Show more content on ... The effects of these attacks has had a direct impact on how security checks are done at the airport, post 9/11, or how a background check is required to purchase certain firearms. Gun control is a serious issue in our country, many believe the government should have absolutely no say in what firearms we posses because of the constitution's second amendment, the right to bare arms, according to some, should mean any arms like assault rifles, handguns, or explosives. Others believe that there should be a limit to what kind of weapon someone should own and where they can posses such weapons. FGCU professor Sandra Pavelka states "Research has shown that concealed carry does not curb crime, sexual assault or shootings on college campuses," Pavelka said. "For instance, data found that concealed carry in or near college campuses in Utah and Colorado increased crime. Rape increased by 11 percent in Colorado and 50 percent in Utah. Accidental shootings increased as ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Domestic Terrorism Research Paper Domestic Terrorism in the United States As a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans have a general knowledge about terrorism. The U.S. military has been at war for around a decade, continuing the concentration of the media and politicians on Middle Eastern countries and terrorist groups. Consequently, the focus of the nation tends to remain on international terrorist groups rather than domestic terrorist groups. There is a vast amount of terrorism groups in America, including the Army of God, the Aryan Nations, and the Animal Liberation Front, who possess extreme ideals and exist for different reasons. The fact that there are numerous terrorist groups that are composed of American citizens performing tremendous acts of violence within the U.S. seems to go somewhat unnoticed by the general public. The Army of God is a terrorist group ... Show more content on ... This group composed of skinheads, Klu Klux Klan members, and the like, was formed to preserve the Aryan race; they are strongly against interracial marriages. They also believe that in order to maintain a race or culture, said culture must be allowed their own geographical region and the ability to exclude and prevent the influence of differing cultures ("Aryan Nations"). Richard Butler was a leader of the white supremacist group. Comparable to his idol, Adolf Hitler, Butler has led many movements and given many speeches promoting the procreation for purposes of preserving the sanctity of the pure Aryan race. In 1998 members of the Aryan Nations shot and assaulted a Native American, who later took Butler to court for millions of dollars. The Aryan Nations have been charged with various other crimes such as counterfeiting money. Fortunately the FBI began investigating the members and actions of the Aryan Nations which triggered a loss of many active members ("Richard G. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Women In Domestic Terrorism Domestic terrorism according to the dictionary is defined as "the methodical use of violence or threatening by means of violence against citizens or individuals so as to obtain certain political, religious or an idea in nature by means of coercion, instilling fear in people or by intimidation" The purpose of the author's article is to test widely held beliefs regarding women's role in terrorism through an examination of female criminal participation within domestic terrorism. These beliefs, often rooted in gendered stereotypes, have greatly influenced U.S. terrorism policy and need to be empirically examined in order to increase our understanding of women in terrorism and aid in the development of better counterterrorism strategies. The focus on criminal participation, and actual participation in the criminal acts, is particularly important because it allows for testing these beliefs regarding women's involvement in terrorism through an examination of individual acts. While it can be argued that simply belonging to a terrorist group is in itself ... Show more content on ... Margaret Gonzalez–Perez (2004), in her Nationalism and women terrorist meeting, identifies two different categories of terrorist organizations and the roles of women within each. Terrorist groups with international agendas typically oppose U.S. imperialism, capitalism, or Western culture in general. Nationalist terrorist organizations usually take action against perceived forces of oppression within their own nation. These different agendas have a direct impact on the role of women within them. Internationally–oriented terrorist groups assign traditional, limited gender roles to their female members, while nationalist terrorist organizations challenge domestic prohibitions, including those imposed on women, and encourage full and active participation of female members at all levels of terrorist activity. This heightened level of participation could very well alter the longevity and chances of success for such a ... Get more on ...