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Terrorism Essay
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social
objectives". This definition includes three elements: (1) Terrorist activities are illegal and
involve the use of force. (2) The actions are intended to intimidate or coerce. (3) The actions are
committed in support of political or social objectives.
The main topic here is Terrorism and Foreign Policy. The two terms that are going to be discussed
is how the war against terrorism is expanding and how American President George W. Bush
misnamed his National Security Strategy.
In his State of the Union address, President Bush threatened to more content...
Furthermore, if the president attacks North Korea, Iran, or Iraq, he could exacerbate the proliferation
problem rather than reduce it. Other nations would believe that they could be next and think that
working on missiles and weapons of mass destruction was the only way to keep out a superpower
bent on intervening in civil wars everywhere in the name of fighting terrorism.
And would the United States really intervene unilaterally in friendly nations that it believed were too
timid in fighting terrorism–for example, the Philippines or Yemen? In the Philippines, would the
United States intervene against the wishes of a democracy that it helped institute?
A perpetual state of war–as the president seems to envision when he asserted that the war may run
beyond the duration of his term–could undermine economic recovery, does not comport with the
values of a republic, and will likely lead to the erosion of constitutional liberties and the
accumulation of too much power in the executive branch. And a war in perpetuity is not needed to
minimize the threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq. If the United States could contain the threat
from a rival superpower during the Cold War, it can certainly contain three small, poor countries. In
addition, a seemingly unprovoked war against another Moslem nation, Iran, Iraq or both could act as
a recruiting poster for
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Militaries Role In Combating Terrorism
Terrorism...This is a very common word in today's society. What does it mean? Or more
importantly how do "we" prevent it and if necessary combat it? The word most commonly used to
explain this is counter terrorism, but is also known as anti–terrorism. The military is a great force in
combating terrorism with specialist groups in nearly each branch of the armed forces. Prior to the
September 11 attacks the United States Armed Forces worked hand in hand with NATO and the
United Nations combating terror. However after these attacks, the United States Military has become
a widely utilized entity on fighting terrorism.
Before even discussing anything about terrorism you have to have a broad understand of what it is. more content...
What few people understand is that terrorist groups are very organized and one unit of the cell
can have no idea who the members of another unit are. In other words two people can be working
for the same cause, in the same organization pass each other on the street and have no idea who
each other are. This is to set up a lack of information chain. One cell will only know their part. If
they were to be captured they could not give information about the other cells in their organization.
This is one of the reasons it is so hard to combat terrorism and why using the military is so
What is the militaries role in combating terrorism? How do you fight something with guns that is
so broad and complex? It seems that the militaries current role is to capture known terrorists and
to kill anyone that poses a threat. However it is much more complex then it appears. Each branch
has a role in combating terrorism, some more advertised than others. Not only does each branch
work by itself but they also work together and with other countries. When working as their own
entities they still work together. For Example currently in Iraq, the United States Army is working
on their own set of missions and the same with the Marines. However the missions the Army and
Marine forces accomplish work to accomplish the goals for their country. So in a sense the not one
branch will ever work completely alone.
There are
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Terrorism In Terrorism
Terrorism is certainly nothing new, it is an unfortunate reality that often leads to violence, and is not
likely to stop in the future. With modern technology, carrying out these often–bloody attacks may not
have become any easier, but has certainly allowed the groups that carry out these attacks to become
more effective at reaching their goal. Using the media, terrorists and/or insurgencies can leverage
television and the internet to spread a message that they are both serious, and that their cause is
Terrorist organizations use the media to spread their message to others, to convince others that their
cause is justified, to show the world what they can do, and that they should be taken seriously. In
Gordon H. McCormick's article "Terrorist Decision Making" he mentions several quotes by Karl
Heinzen, whom he refers to as a "radical German publicist. Heinzen believed that with the State
having the ultimate advantage over the revolutionist, "murder [...] must be turned into a science" by
those operating against the state, to have a chance. Although Heinzen did not realize it during his
life, the "science" of murder he spoke about would later include using the media, to inflict the
maximum effect, with the smallest cost on the side of the terrorist organization. One example of
terrorists using the media to leverage their position is mentioned in Boaz Ganor's contribution to. In
Chapter 16 of "The Routledge History of Terrorism", Boaz Ganor describes a
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The Impact of Global Terrorism Essay
At the moment, terrorism is happening all over the globe ranging from the Middle East to Europe
and Latin America and every part of the world. It is now a day to day act happening to innocent
citizens of their countries. Terrorism can be caused by quite a number of factors that can affect the
activity of terrorism, for example politics is a very good example of factors the can possibly cause a
group of people to terrorize against another party or even rebel against their own country. There is no
doubt among economists that wars, terrorism and political instability have a significant negative
effects on the economies in which they take place. Recent economic literature investigates both the
consequences of political more content...
United States of America
Currently America undoubtedly has the highest rate of terrorism and in my opinion is the most
dangerous country. The reason behind my opinion is the power that the United States of America
possesses and the amount of damage it can do to affect a country is extremely high, and because of
this it has many enemies and is targeted by many countries. Locally, America has a very immoral
reputation of having many terrorist organizations in which they all fought for a reason, For example
the so–called Army Of God was fighting and using brutal ways to end abortion in the united states of
America for the reason that during the mid–1990's abortion violence increased drastically causing
some conflicts in the country and thus resulted in the creation of the group which contemplates that
they are doing the right thing but instead causing terror in the country and like these terrorist groups,
they have all resulted in the loss of America's good reputation.
Terrorism in Russia has a very long history starting from the Russian empire. Significant terrorist
activity has been occurring in Russia throughout the years, most notably Moscow where a terrorist
group started by bombing apartments and which was followed by the Moscow theater hostage
crisis which also lead to the beslan school crisis where 1100 people including 777 children where
held hostage for three
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Essay on Terrorism
Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap
people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of
terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals. Most criminals want money or some other form of
personal gain. Most terrorists commit crimes to support political causes.
The word terrorism first appeared during the French Revolution (1789–1799). Some of the
revolutionaries who seized power in France adopted a policy of violence against their enemies. The
period of their rule became known as the Reign of Terror.
Features of terrorism. Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some individuals and groups
that use more content...
They often threaten to kill the hostages if their demands are not met. Some terrorism involves the
intentional release of toxic chemicals, poisons, germs, or other harmful substances. Bombings make
up about half of all terrorist acts.
Terrorism may cross national boundaries. A quarrel in one nation may produceterrorist attacks in
several other countries. Some governments secretly support certain terrorist groups by providing
weapons, training, and money for attacks in other countries.
Most terrorist groups fail to achieve their long–range political goals. Governments fight terrorism by
refusing to accept terrorist demands and by increasing security at airports and other likely targets.
Some countries train special military units to rescue hostages. All terrorist acts are crimes under
international law.
History of terrorism. Terrorist tactics have been used for centuries. An American group, the Ku Klux
Klan, used violence to terrorize blacks and their sympathizers in the late 1800's and the 1900's. In the
1930's, the dictators Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Joseph Stalin of the
Soviet Union used terrorism to discourage opposition to their governments. In Northern Ireland,
Roman Catholic and Protestant extremists have used violence to push for, respectively, the end of,
or the continuation of, British rule.
Some terrorist groups in the 1960's sought the destruction of the political and
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Terrorism : A Global Issue Essay
Angela Brown
Professor Miller
English 112
13 Sept 2015
Many of us will embrace our loved ones before leaving our homes to start a hectic workday. As we
hug our children and kiss our spouses goodbye, the thought of losing them, or our lives to acts of
terrorism, is typically not one to cross our minds. On September 11, 2001, this mere thought became
the reality for many families. The eleventh of September will forever be remembered as the date a
terrorist organization, known as al–Qaeda, attacked the United States killing thousands of innocent
people. The al–Qaeda organization have exposed vulnerabilities in the United States' homeland
security. Many have questioned how could this happen to a country known to be the most powerful
nation in the world and what steps are being taken to prevent these acts from occurring in the future?
Today,terrorism is a forefront global issue bringing nations together to develop ways to improve
national security for all. The term terrorism, in English use, originated during the French
Revolution 's Reign of Terror when violent acts were carried out by a political group called the
Jacobin Club. The Jacobin Club conducted numerous of guillotine killings to enforce obedience
from the state and to bully regime enemies (History of Terrorism). History also shows when
individuals disagree with beliefs or views of another group of people, sometimes acts of violence
and destruction are used to intimidate or conform. Examples of acts of
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Essay On Terrorism
The authors are researchers at Rand Corporation, tasked with providing a detailed report on state and
local intelligence regarding the war on terrorism. Their purpose is to provide succinct analysis on the
current standards of local and state authorities in countering terrorism. The report argues that there
are few detailed documents on state and local law enforcement agency (LEA) counterterrorism
activities. This report fills such a gap in the field of research. The authors argue that federal level
intelligence systems remain disorganized and contend that state and local law enforcement
intelligence gathering is crucial in combating terrorism. The report details a survey on LEA
preparedness activities on terrorism, authorizations more content...
These allow states to tailor a fusion center to their local concerns and effectively integrate centers to
existing local agencies and priorities. Also, the authors asserted that many local and state LEA
intelligence capabilities were subpar of nonexistent, describing in one example that intelligence
support centers were usually staffed by clerical people with barely any formal intelligence analysis
training. The article is useful to my paper through its evaluation of intelligence fusion centers.
Understanding the limits and weaknesses of having a multi–level agency coordination center versus
local and state LEAs enables me to decide on a persistent need for more resources and training for
local authorities when dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism.
2.Bakker, Edwin, and Beatrice De Graaf. "Preventing lone wolf terrorism: Some CT approaches
addressed." Perspectives on Terrorism 5, no. 5–6 (2011).
Prof. Edwin Bakker and Prof. Beatrice de Graaf are professors at Leiden University. In addition,
they are also fellows at the International Center for Counter–Terrorism, based in The Hague. The
scholars describe in their article, the concept of Lone Wolf Terrorism. They argue that Lone wolf
operators are difficult to categorize, inferring a need to focus more on the modus operandi of lone
wolves, rather than the profiles of the terrorist. This source is relevant to my paper as it describes
the challenges of dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism, a recent and growing threat in the
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Essay on Terrorism
Terrorism is becoming more and more of a threat to Americans both at home and abroad.
International terrorism happens when terrorism occurs out of our country. An example of an
International terrorist is Osama bin Laden. Laden is the worlds most dangerous terrorist. Laden
shows genocidal tendency by killing Americans through–out the world from the bombings of the
World Trade Center to the embassy bombings in Africa. The African blasts killed more than 250
people. The FBI has been tracking him for more that four years and they still couldn't stop him from
striking Americans overseas and can't stop him now with the current foreign policy that has been
adopted. He feels that all Christians and Jews worldwide need to be exterminated
more content...
The thing that bin Laden still has is his vast wealth regardless of what damage was inflicted on his
operation by the cruise–missile strikes. Bin Laden's resources are hidden in several countries in
what many call front companies, and this is going to make it difficult to track down bin Laden's
assets some government officials worry ("Costly" 6)(kelley 2). Cannistraro said,
"while we've aggressively targeted his financial flows of money, which is the lifeblood of the
organization a lot of it is still out of reach. We're not going to be able to put him out of
business" (Kelley 2). After such strikes against bin Laden, it is important to understand what
consequences have occurred and could occur because of the American strikes. The first factor of a
terrorist attack is the terrorist's motivation to carry out their attacks, and the second being their
capability to carry out their attacks. The director of The International Policy Institute for Counter–
Terrorism, Boaz Ganor, asserts that often such retaliation against a terrorist group will "by its
very nature," increase the terrorist's motivation "to take revenge for the damage to their
capabilities and to their 'image.'" However, "such strikes won't increase their ability to
carry out more attacks; and at best, will greatly damage their capabilities to do so." But bin
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Essay on Terrorism
Terrorism and hostage taking may be as old as civilization itself. There are numerous references to
abduction throughout Greek mythology. In midievil times hostages were taken for money or a
guaranteed safe passage through a country. In the U.S., Indians on the western frontier terrorized
settlers to frighten them away. Throughout the twentieth century, up until the 1970's various terrorist
acts were committed, yet it was not as big a problem as it is today. The new age of terrorism
dawned at 4:30 in the morning of September 5, 1972. It was then that members of the Palestinian
organization Black September attacked the Isreali Olympic team. Three men were killed on the spot
and nine were taken captive. The terrorists demanded that 200 more content...
The death toll from acts of terrorism has risen dramatically in recent years. In 1984, 803 bombing
incidents resulted in six deaths and 112 injuries. The death toll from international terrorism rose
from 163 in 1995 to 311 in 1996, as the trend continued toward more ruthless attacks on mass
civilian targets and the use of more powerful bombs. In 1994 alone, there were 163 terrorist
incidents in which 31 people were killed and 308 injured . In places like Beirut, Lebanon, terrorist
casualties have mounted so fast that many are not even reported in most of the world's press. As
Bruce Hoffman put it "terrorist groups today are more nihilistic than previous groups who
were motivated by nationalist and economic grievances" (Deutch 2). Casualties from small
terrorist attacks have increased significantly since 1972. These small attacks trigger many countries
to change or start new policies. The large attacks are what really cause governments and civilizations
to reconsider their policies though. These attacks are also "increasingly directed against the
Western democracies" (Taylor 30). *The first big terrorist attack was at theMunich Olympics
on September 5, 1972. Twelve innocent people were killed along with five of the terrorists. *On
October 3, 1985 Achille Lauro, a cruise ship carrying mostly retired senior citizens was hijacked by .
The terrorists were finally taken captive. One disabled man was killed
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Essay on terrorism
Imagine a clear blue, sunlit morning; the most beautiful day you can recall. Imagine waking up
from an amazing dream of a clear horizon. Imagine putting on your new fresh suit, to start your new
job. Imagine having that extra hop in your step as you leave your front door, your mind anxiously
awaiting the adventure of a new beginning to an amazing day. Then, imagine not getting to where
you needed to be. Not because you fell victim to a traffic jam or missed the bus, but because you
were a victim of a terrorist act – an innocent victim, whose life was cut short by terrorism. Shattered
dreams and lives are just some of the many effects that terrorism can bring about. Just how different
is each human than another? more content...
For this purpose, the terrorist organizations exploit diverse media venues in order to advance their
interests (Sowell). Terrorism's function is to instill fear in as many people as possible promoting
change. Terrorists use the media to further extend the fear in everyone. "Scaring as many people
as possible is the true just in terror" (Sowell). The media spreads confusion that disrupts a whole
society. Terrorism is used as a tool of violence to create a climate of fear in a population and
thereby bring out a particular political object ("Terrorism"). "The purpose of terrorism is to get the
most bang for your buck with such limited resources" (Sowell). The media does the work for
There have been many attacks on the United States to this day including the first attack on the
World Trade Center, The Oklahoma bombing, and other attacks on U.S. embassies around the
world. The deadliest attack ever was the attack on September 11, 2001. This attack consisted of four
planes that were hijacked by suicidal terrorists. The terrorists crashed two planes into the World
Trade Center, one into each tower. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon and the forth
crashed into a field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During this attack, 266 people died on the planes
and thousands more died in and around the buildings ("Info War"). This, however, was
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Essay on terrorism
Effects of Terrorism
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce
a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social
––FBI Definition
On Tuesday September 11th, 2001our Nation was forever changed. Following the single largest
terrorist attack ever experienced by this country, thousands are dead or missing, tens of thousands of
people in this country know someone who was killed or injured, and many more have witnessed or
heard about the attack through the media. The impact of this magnitude of terrorist attack will affect
people at all levels of involvement: victims, bereaved family members, friends, rescue workers, more content...
2 Ibid., p. 414
3 Pfefferbaum, B., Gurwitch, R., McDonald, N., Leftwih, M.,Sconzo, G., Messenbaugh, A., Schultz,
R. (2000). Posttraumatic stress among children after the death of a friend or acquaintance in a
terrorist bombing. Psychiatric Services, 51, 386–388.
There have been very few terrorist attacks in the United States, as opposed to some nations and
there is documented information known about how people are affected. In my opinion it appears
that mental healing occurs over time, although people most directly exposed to terrorist attacks are
at a higher risk to develop PTSD.
Problems with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are also commonly reported.4 Predictors
include being closer to the attacks, being injured, or knowing someone who was killed or injured.
Those who watch more media coverage on attacks are also at higher risk for PTSD and associated
problems. Research from both domestic and international terrorist events sheds some light on the
heightened risk for traumatic stress reactions in individuals exposed to those events. Following are
some specific examples:
Oklahoma City Bombing
В· Almost half of survivors directly exposed to the blast reported developing problems with anxiety,
depression, and alcohol and over a
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Terrorism in the World
On February 26, 1993, Islamic extremists bombed the World Trade Center killing six people and
injuring over 1,000 people. The terrorists set off the bomb in the tower's underground public parking.
The suspected mastermind of the bombing was Ramzi Yousef. The suspected intent of the
"1,500–pound urea–nitrate bomb" was to generate hydrogen cyanide gas that would kill everyone
within the tower. "The terrorists apparently selected the World Trade Centeras a target not because it
was a symbol of Western values or the financial power of the United States, but simply because
toppling the twin towers would enable them to inflict a large number of casualties (Tucker,
pg200)." The motive bombing the World Trade Center was to ignite terror among the population
and kill as many people as possible. Ramzi Yousef was motivated by hatred for the United States
and to weaken US aid and support for Israel. This attack had operational, theological and
psychological motives behind it.
On June 27, 1994 a terrorist attack happened on the quiet Japanese neighborhood of Matsumoto
when the chemical nerve agent sarin was released. The suspected method of distribution
disbursement of the sarin was from a van equipped with a heating pot and fan. This sarin terrorist
attack killed seven people and injured over 200 people. The motive for the Matsumoto sarin attack
was for a trial run for the future deadly sarin attack on Tokyo subways which aimed to kill as many
people as possible. In
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Essay on Terrorism in the Media
Terrorism in the Media Terrorism can be defined as the use of criminal violence to try to force a
government to change. It can also be defined as the use of criminal violence that groups or
individuals use to seek revenge and cause heartache amongst those that they want to hurt/threaten.
Most terrorist groups prefer to target people for a more dramatic response and celebrate when the
media broadcasts their violent acts on television and throughout the news. Lately, more and more
deadly terrorist acts have been captured on film and broadcasted in all parts of the world. Sixty
years ago recordings of terroristic acts didn't spread through the world as quickly as they do now
because technology wasn't as advance. That is just one of more content...
The mass media affects the spread of propaganda and just encourages group and individual terrorist
acts. In a way the media is an ally to terrorists. The media use terrorists to get stories and terrorists
use the media to spread fear and panic. The media legitimizes terrorism and their causes because by
publicizing their acts, even if not completely true, it will be believed. People say don't believe
everything you hear and read, but once its put out there, the propaganda is already set in our heads.
Attacks receive more coverage when they harm or kill victims, involve hijackings or aircraft, have
known perpetrators, and select targets associated with Western countries. A study of transnational
terrorism shows that attacks that inflict injuries are twice as likely to attract media attention as
those that do not. The attacks in which the perpetrator can be identified are four times as likely to
be reported in a newspaper and ten times as likely to be reported on television (The Media's Role in
International Terrorsim). Attacks in the Middle East or Europe are twice as likely to receive media
attention as attacks perpetrated in Latin America (The Media's Role in International Terrorism).
There are very similar factors that influence media coverage of attacks that take place within the
United States.
There are cases in which in some countries, the authorities may prevent media outlets from reporting
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Terrorism In Canada Essay
The state of today's national security is not the same as it was as recent as forty years ago.
Increased deadly and violent acts of terrorism have caused a great amount of fear, lack of
confidence in national security, and loss of hope within a nation. A notable act of terrorism towards
a nation was the September 11 attacks that happened in the United States. Though the attacks directly
affected the United States, it indirectly had an impact on Canada, as the neighbouring country, and a
majority of the world. It led many countries to take a step forward and to introduce laws that
prevented any acts of terrorism towards their country. On October 15, 2001, the Liberal party
introduced the "Canadian Anti–Terrorism Act", or Bill C–36, to more content...
Though the bill was controversial because people felt it violated the Charter of Rights and
Freedom, the bill did not receive much attention from the public after a while, because there were
no terrorist acts directed to Canada. However, in 2014, an act of terrorism took place within the
country by a Canadian citizen. Michael Zehaf–Bibeau, a Canadian citizen of Libyan decent, armed
himself with a rifle and murdered a soldier who was peacefully standing guard at the National War
Memorial in Ottawa. Bibeau proceeded to drive up to the House of Commons, making his way into
the Centre Block of Parliament where a shooting war occurred with the security of the House before
he was eventually gunned down (Whitaker 2015). This act of violence left the nation in a state of
shock and fear. It prompted the government to take action and present a strong notion that can
reassure Canadians' safety. In June of 2015, the Canadian Senate passed the "Anti–Terrorism Act,
2015", legally referred to as Bill C–51 into law. Bill C–51 potentially violates the rights of
Canadians and most commonly targets a certain group of minorities in the nation. Reg Whitaker
argues that this Bill is likely the most horrible and unsafe piece of national security law this country
has ever seen as this policy is something that no one would ever predict as a law (Whitaker,
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Essay On Terrorism In World

  • 1. Terrorism Essay Terrorism is the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives". This definition includes three elements: (1) Terrorist activities are illegal and involve the use of force. (2) The actions are intended to intimidate or coerce. (3) The actions are committed in support of political or social objectives. The main topic here is Terrorism and Foreign Policy. The two terms that are going to be discussed is how the war against terrorism is expanding and how American President George W. Bush misnamed his National Security Strategy. In his State of the Union address, President Bush threatened to more content... Furthermore, if the president attacks North Korea, Iran, or Iraq, he could exacerbate the proliferation problem rather than reduce it. Other nations would believe that they could be next and think that working on missiles and weapons of mass destruction was the only way to keep out a superpower bent on intervening in civil wars everywhere in the name of fighting terrorism. And would the United States really intervene unilaterally in friendly nations that it believed were too timid in fighting terrorism–for example, the Philippines or Yemen? In the Philippines, would the United States intervene against the wishes of a democracy that it helped institute? A perpetual state of war–as the president seems to envision when he asserted that the war may run beyond the duration of his term–could undermine economic recovery, does not comport with the values of a republic, and will likely lead to the erosion of constitutional liberties and the accumulation of too much power in the executive branch. And a war in perpetuity is not needed to minimize the threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq. If the United States could contain the threat from a rival superpower during the Cold War, it can certainly contain three small, poor countries. In addition, a seemingly unprovoked war against another Moslem nation, Iran, Iraq or both could act as a recruiting poster for Get more content on
  • 2. Militaries Role In Combating Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism...This is a very common word in today's society. What does it mean? Or more importantly how do "we" prevent it and if necessary combat it? The word most commonly used to explain this is counter terrorism, but is also known as anti–terrorism. The military is a great force in combating terrorism with specialist groups in nearly each branch of the armed forces. Prior to the September 11 attacks the United States Armed Forces worked hand in hand with NATO and the United Nations combating terror. However after these attacks, the United States Military has become a widely utilized entity on fighting terrorism. Before even discussing anything about terrorism you have to have a broad understand of what it is. more content... What few people understand is that terrorist groups are very organized and one unit of the cell can have no idea who the members of another unit are. In other words two people can be working for the same cause, in the same organization pass each other on the street and have no idea who each other are. This is to set up a lack of information chain. One cell will only know their part. If they were to be captured they could not give information about the other cells in their organization. This is one of the reasons it is so hard to combat terrorism and why using the military is so controversial. What is the militaries role in combating terrorism? How do you fight something with guns that is so broad and complex? It seems that the militaries current role is to capture known terrorists and to kill anyone that poses a threat. However it is much more complex then it appears. Each branch has a role in combating terrorism, some more advertised than others. Not only does each branch work by itself but they also work together and with other countries. When working as their own entities they still work together. For Example currently in Iraq, the United States Army is working on their own set of missions and the same with the Marines. However the missions the Army and Marine forces accomplish work to accomplish the goals for their country. So in a sense the not one branch will ever work completely alone. There are Get more content on
  • 3. Terrorism In Terrorism Terrorism is certainly nothing new, it is an unfortunate reality that often leads to violence, and is not likely to stop in the future. With modern technology, carrying out these often–bloody attacks may not have become any easier, but has certainly allowed the groups that carry out these attacks to become more effective at reaching their goal. Using the media, terrorists and/or insurgencies can leverage television and the internet to spread a message that they are both serious, and that their cause is justified. Terrorist organizations use the media to spread their message to others, to convince others that their cause is justified, to show the world what they can do, and that they should be taken seriously. In Gordon H. McCormick's article "Terrorist Decision Making" he mentions several quotes by Karl Heinzen, whom he refers to as a "radical German publicist. Heinzen believed that with the State having the ultimate advantage over the revolutionist, "murder [...] must be turned into a science" by those operating against the state, to have a chance. Although Heinzen did not realize it during his life, the "science" of murder he spoke about would later include using the media, to inflict the maximum effect, with the smallest cost on the side of the terrorist organization. One example of terrorists using the media to leverage their position is mentioned in Boaz Ganor's contribution to. In Chapter 16 of "The Routledge History of Terrorism", Boaz Ganor describes a Get more content on
  • 4. The Impact of Global Terrorism Essay Introduction At the moment, terrorism is happening all over the globe ranging from the Middle East to Europe and Latin America and every part of the world. It is now a day to day act happening to innocent citizens of their countries. Terrorism can be caused by quite a number of factors that can affect the activity of terrorism, for example politics is a very good example of factors the can possibly cause a group of people to terrorize against another party or even rebel against their own country. There is no doubt among economists that wars, terrorism and political instability have a significant negative effects on the economies in which they take place. Recent economic literature investigates both the consequences of political more content... United States of America Currently America undoubtedly has the highest rate of terrorism and in my opinion is the most dangerous country. The reason behind my opinion is the power that the United States of America possesses and the amount of damage it can do to affect a country is extremely high, and because of this it has many enemies and is targeted by many countries. Locally, America has a very immoral reputation of having many terrorist organizations in which they all fought for a reason, For example the so–called Army Of God was fighting and using brutal ways to end abortion in the united states of America for the reason that during the mid–1990's abortion violence increased drastically causing some conflicts in the country and thus resulted in the creation of the group which contemplates that they are doing the right thing but instead causing terror in the country and like these terrorist groups, they have all resulted in the loss of America's good reputation. Continued... Russia Terrorism in Russia has a very long history starting from the Russian empire. Significant terrorist activity has been occurring in Russia throughout the years, most notably Moscow where a terrorist group started by bombing apartments and which was followed by the Moscow theater hostage crisis which also lead to the beslan school crisis where 1100 people including 777 children where held hostage for three Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Terrorism Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals. Most criminals want money or some other form of personal gain. Most terrorists commit crimes to support political causes. The word terrorism first appeared during the French Revolution (1789–1799). Some of the revolutionaries who seized power in France adopted a policy of violence against their enemies. The period of their rule became known as the Reign of Terror. Features of terrorism. Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some individuals and groups that use more content... They often threaten to kill the hostages if their demands are not met. Some terrorism involves the intentional release of toxic chemicals, poisons, germs, or other harmful substances. Bombings make up about half of all terrorist acts. Terrorism may cross national boundaries. A quarrel in one nation may produceterrorist attacks in several other countries. Some governments secretly support certain terrorist groups by providing weapons, training, and money for attacks in other countries. Most terrorist groups fail to achieve their long–range political goals. Governments fight terrorism by refusing to accept terrorist demands and by increasing security at airports and other likely targets. Some countries train special military units to rescue hostages. All terrorist acts are crimes under international law. History of terrorism. Terrorist tactics have been used for centuries. An American group, the Ku Klux Klan, used violence to terrorize blacks and their sympathizers in the late 1800's and the 1900's. In the 1930's, the dictators Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union used terrorism to discourage opposition to their governments. In Northern Ireland, Roman Catholic and Protestant extremists have used violence to push for, respectively, the end of, or the continuation of, British rule. Some terrorist groups in the 1960's sought the destruction of the political and Get more content on
  • 6. Terrorism : A Global Issue Essay Angela Brown Professor Miller English 112 13 Sept 2015 Terrorism Many of us will embrace our loved ones before leaving our homes to start a hectic workday. As we hug our children and kiss our spouses goodbye, the thought of losing them, or our lives to acts of terrorism, is typically not one to cross our minds. On September 11, 2001, this mere thought became the reality for many families. The eleventh of September will forever be remembered as the date a terrorist organization, known as al–Qaeda, attacked the United States killing thousands of innocent people. The al–Qaeda organization have exposed vulnerabilities in the United States' homeland security. Many have questioned how could this happen to a country known to be the most powerful nation in the world and what steps are being taken to prevent these acts from occurring in the future? Today,terrorism is a forefront global issue bringing nations together to develop ways to improve national security for all. The term terrorism, in English use, originated during the French Revolution 's Reign of Terror when violent acts were carried out by a political group called the Jacobin Club. The Jacobin Club conducted numerous of guillotine killings to enforce obedience from the state and to bully regime enemies (History of Terrorism). History also shows when individuals disagree with beliefs or views of another group of people, sometimes acts of violence and destruction are used to intimidate or conform. Examples of acts of Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Terrorism The authors are researchers at Rand Corporation, tasked with providing a detailed report on state and local intelligence regarding the war on terrorism. Their purpose is to provide succinct analysis on the current standards of local and state authorities in countering terrorism. The report argues that there are few detailed documents on state and local law enforcement agency (LEA) counterterrorism activities. This report fills such a gap in the field of research. The authors argue that federal level intelligence systems remain disorganized and contend that state and local law enforcement intelligence gathering is crucial in combating terrorism. The report details a survey on LEA preparedness activities on terrorism, authorizations more content... These allow states to tailor a fusion center to their local concerns and effectively integrate centers to existing local agencies and priorities. Also, the authors asserted that many local and state LEA intelligence capabilities were subpar of nonexistent, describing in one example that intelligence support centers were usually staffed by clerical people with barely any formal intelligence analysis training. The article is useful to my paper through its evaluation of intelligence fusion centers. Understanding the limits and weaknesses of having a multi–level agency coordination center versus local and state LEAs enables me to decide on a persistent need for more resources and training for local authorities when dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism. 2.Bakker, Edwin, and Beatrice De Graaf. "Preventing lone wolf terrorism: Some CT approaches addressed." Perspectives on Terrorism 5, no. 5–6 (2011). Prof. Edwin Bakker and Prof. Beatrice de Graaf are professors at Leiden University. In addition, they are also fellows at the International Center for Counter–Terrorism, based in The Hague. The scholars describe in their article, the concept of Lone Wolf Terrorism. They argue that Lone wolf operators are difficult to categorize, inferring a need to focus more on the modus operandi of lone wolves, rather than the profiles of the terrorist. This source is relevant to my paper as it describes the challenges of dealing with Lone Wolf Terrorism, a recent and growing threat in the Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Terrorism Terrorism is becoming more and more of a threat to Americans both at home and abroad. International terrorism happens when terrorism occurs out of our country. An example of an International terrorist is Osama bin Laden. Laden is the worlds most dangerous terrorist. Laden shows genocidal tendency by killing Americans through–out the world from the bombings of the World Trade Center to the embassy bombings in Africa. The African blasts killed more than 250 people. The FBI has been tracking him for more that four years and they still couldn't stop him from striking Americans overseas and can't stop him now with the current foreign policy that has been adopted. He feels that all Christians and Jews worldwide need to be exterminated more content... The thing that bin Laden still has is his vast wealth regardless of what damage was inflicted on his operation by the cruise–missile strikes. Bin Laden's resources are hidden in several countries in what many call front companies, and this is going to make it difficult to track down bin Laden's assets some government officials worry ("Costly" 6)(kelley 2). Cannistraro said, "while we've aggressively targeted his financial flows of money, which is the lifeblood of the organization a lot of it is still out of reach. We're not going to be able to put him out of business" (Kelley 2). After such strikes against bin Laden, it is important to understand what consequences have occurred and could occur because of the American strikes. The first factor of a terrorist attack is the terrorist's motivation to carry out their attacks, and the second being their capability to carry out their attacks. The director of The International Policy Institute for Counter– Terrorism, Boaz Ganor, asserts that often such retaliation against a terrorist group will "by its very nature," increase the terrorist's motivation "to take revenge for the damage to their capabilities and to their 'image.'" However, "such strikes won't increase their ability to carry out more attacks; and at best, will greatly damage their capabilities to do so." But bin Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Terrorism Terrorism and hostage taking may be as old as civilization itself. There are numerous references to abduction throughout Greek mythology. In midievil times hostages were taken for money or a guaranteed safe passage through a country. In the U.S., Indians on the western frontier terrorized settlers to frighten them away. Throughout the twentieth century, up until the 1970's various terrorist acts were committed, yet it was not as big a problem as it is today. The new age of terrorism dawned at 4:30 in the morning of September 5, 1972. It was then that members of the Palestinian organization Black September attacked the Isreali Olympic team. Three men were killed on the spot and nine were taken captive. The terrorists demanded that 200 more content... The death toll from acts of terrorism has risen dramatically in recent years. In 1984, 803 bombing incidents resulted in six deaths and 112 injuries. The death toll from international terrorism rose from 163 in 1995 to 311 in 1996, as the trend continued toward more ruthless attacks on mass civilian targets and the use of more powerful bombs. In 1994 alone, there were 163 terrorist incidents in which 31 people were killed and 308 injured . In places like Beirut, Lebanon, terrorist casualties have mounted so fast that many are not even reported in most of the world's press. As Bruce Hoffman put it "terrorist groups today are more nihilistic than previous groups who were motivated by nationalist and economic grievances" (Deutch 2). Casualties from small terrorist attacks have increased significantly since 1972. These small attacks trigger many countries to change or start new policies. The large attacks are what really cause governments and civilizations to reconsider their policies though. These attacks are also "increasingly directed against the Western democracies" (Taylor 30). *The first big terrorist attack was at theMunich Olympics on September 5, 1972. Twelve innocent people were killed along with five of the terrorists. *On October 3, 1985 Achille Lauro, a cruise ship carrying mostly retired senior citizens was hijacked by . The terrorists were finally taken captive. One disabled man was killed Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on terrorism Terrorism Imagine a clear blue, sunlit morning; the most beautiful day you can recall. Imagine waking up from an amazing dream of a clear horizon. Imagine putting on your new fresh suit, to start your new job. Imagine having that extra hop in your step as you leave your front door, your mind anxiously awaiting the adventure of a new beginning to an amazing day. Then, imagine not getting to where you needed to be. Not because you fell victim to a traffic jam or missed the bus, but because you were a victim of a terrorist act – an innocent victim, whose life was cut short by terrorism. Shattered dreams and lives are just some of the many effects that terrorism can bring about. Just how different is each human than another? more content... For this purpose, the terrorist organizations exploit diverse media venues in order to advance their interests (Sowell). Terrorism's function is to instill fear in as many people as possible promoting change. Terrorists use the media to further extend the fear in everyone. "Scaring as many people as possible is the true just in terror" (Sowell). The media spreads confusion that disrupts a whole society. Terrorism is used as a tool of violence to create a climate of fear in a population and thereby bring out a particular political object ("Terrorism"). "The purpose of terrorism is to get the most bang for your buck with such limited resources" (Sowell). The media does the work for terrorists. There have been many attacks on the United States to this day including the first attack on the World Trade Center, The Oklahoma bombing, and other attacks on U.S. embassies around the world. The deadliest attack ever was the attack on September 11, 2001. This attack consisted of four planes that were hijacked by suicidal terrorists. The terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center, one into each tower. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon and the forth crashed into a field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During this attack, 266 people died on the planes and thousands more died in and around the buildings ("Info War"). This, however, was Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on terrorism Effects of Terrorism Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. ––FBI Definition On Tuesday September 11th, 2001our Nation was forever changed. Following the single largest terrorist attack ever experienced by this country, thousands are dead or missing, tens of thousands of people in this country know someone who was killed or injured, and many more have witnessed or heard about the attack through the media. The impact of this magnitude of terrorist attack will affect people at all levels of involvement: victims, bereaved family members, friends, rescue workers, more content... 2 Ibid., p. 414 3 Pfefferbaum, B., Gurwitch, R., McDonald, N., Leftwih, M.,Sconzo, G., Messenbaugh, A., Schultz, R. (2000). Posttraumatic stress among children after the death of a friend or acquaintance in a terrorist bombing. Psychiatric Services, 51, 386–388. There have been very few terrorist attacks in the United States, as opposed to some nations and there is documented information known about how people are affected. In my opinion it appears that mental healing occurs over time, although people most directly exposed to terrorist attacks are at a higher risk to develop PTSD. Problems with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are also commonly reported.4 Predictors include being closer to the attacks, being injured, or knowing someone who was killed or injured. Those who watch more media coverage on attacks are also at higher risk for PTSD and associated problems. Research from both domestic and international terrorist events sheds some light on the heightened risk for traumatic stress reactions in individuals exposed to those events. Following are some specific examples: Oklahoma City Bombing В· Almost half of survivors directly exposed to the blast reported developing problems with anxiety, depression, and alcohol and over a Get more content on
  • 12. Terrorism in the World On February 26, 1993, Islamic extremists bombed the World Trade Center killing six people and injuring over 1,000 people. The terrorists set off the bomb in the tower's underground public parking. The suspected mastermind of the bombing was Ramzi Yousef. The suspected intent of the "1,500–pound urea–nitrate bomb" was to generate hydrogen cyanide gas that would kill everyone within the tower. "The terrorists apparently selected the World Trade Centeras a target not because it was a symbol of Western values or the financial power of the United States, but simply because toppling the twin towers would enable them to inflict a large number of casualties (Tucker, pg200)." The motive bombing the World Trade Center was to ignite terror among the population and kill as many people as possible. Ramzi Yousef was motivated by hatred for the United States and to weaken US aid and support for Israel. This attack had operational, theological and psychological motives behind it. On June 27, 1994 a terrorist attack happened on the quiet Japanese neighborhood of Matsumoto when the chemical nerve agent sarin was released. The suspected method of distribution disbursement of the sarin was from a van equipped with a heating pot and fan. This sarin terrorist attack killed seven people and injured over 200 people. The motive for the Matsumoto sarin attack was for a trial run for the future deadly sarin attack on Tokyo subways which aimed to kill as many people as possible. In Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Terrorism in the Media Terrorism in the Media Terrorism can be defined as the use of criminal violence to try to force a government to change. It can also be defined as the use of criminal violence that groups or individuals use to seek revenge and cause heartache amongst those that they want to hurt/threaten. Most terrorist groups prefer to target people for a more dramatic response and celebrate when the media broadcasts their violent acts on television and throughout the news. Lately, more and more deadly terrorist acts have been captured on film and broadcasted in all parts of the world. Sixty years ago recordings of terroristic acts didn't spread through the world as quickly as they do now because technology wasn't as advance. That is just one of more content... The mass media affects the spread of propaganda and just encourages group and individual terrorist acts. In a way the media is an ally to terrorists. The media use terrorists to get stories and terrorists use the media to spread fear and panic. The media legitimizes terrorism and their causes because by publicizing their acts, even if not completely true, it will be believed. People say don't believe everything you hear and read, but once its put out there, the propaganda is already set in our heads. Attacks receive more coverage when they harm or kill victims, involve hijackings or aircraft, have known perpetrators, and select targets associated with Western countries. A study of transnational terrorism shows that attacks that inflict injuries are twice as likely to attract media attention as those that do not. The attacks in which the perpetrator can be identified are four times as likely to be reported in a newspaper and ten times as likely to be reported on television (The Media's Role in International Terrorsim). Attacks in the Middle East or Europe are twice as likely to receive media attention as attacks perpetrated in Latin America (The Media's Role in International Terrorism). There are very similar factors that influence media coverage of attacks that take place within the United States. There are cases in which in some countries, the authorities may prevent media outlets from reporting Get more content on
  • 14. Terrorism In Canada Essay The state of today's national security is not the same as it was as recent as forty years ago. Increased deadly and violent acts of terrorism have caused a great amount of fear, lack of confidence in national security, and loss of hope within a nation. A notable act of terrorism towards a nation was the September 11 attacks that happened in the United States. Though the attacks directly affected the United States, it indirectly had an impact on Canada, as the neighbouring country, and a majority of the world. It led many countries to take a step forward and to introduce laws that prevented any acts of terrorism towards their country. On October 15, 2001, the Liberal party introduced the "Canadian Anti–Terrorism Act", or Bill C–36, to more content... Though the bill was controversial because people felt it violated the Charter of Rights and Freedom, the bill did not receive much attention from the public after a while, because there were no terrorist acts directed to Canada. However, in 2014, an act of terrorism took place within the country by a Canadian citizen. Michael Zehaf–Bibeau, a Canadian citizen of Libyan decent, armed himself with a rifle and murdered a soldier who was peacefully standing guard at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. Bibeau proceeded to drive up to the House of Commons, making his way into the Centre Block of Parliament where a shooting war occurred with the security of the House before he was eventually gunned down (Whitaker 2015). This act of violence left the nation in a state of shock and fear. It prompted the government to take action and present a strong notion that can reassure Canadians' safety. In June of 2015, the Canadian Senate passed the "Anti–Terrorism Act, 2015", legally referred to as Bill C–51 into law. Bill C–51 potentially violates the rights of Canadians and most commonly targets a certain group of minorities in the nation. Reg Whitaker argues that this Bill is likely the most horrible and unsafe piece of national security law this country has ever seen as this policy is something that no one would ever predict as a law (Whitaker, Get more content on