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Personality types
and styles of management

      Dr. Tatiana A. Indina
    Fulbright visiting scholar
Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson
     Center, Washington DC.
• Why personality is
• How personality helps to succeed in business?
K.Jung personality types in
    MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

•   Introversion (E) – Extraversion (I)
•   Sensation (S) – Intuition (N)
•   Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
•   Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)
Extraversion- Introversion
Q1. Which is your most natural energy orientation?

Every person has two faces. One is directed towards the OUTER world of activities,
excitements, people, and things. The other is directed inward to the INNER world of
thoughts, interests, ideas, and imagination.

While these are two different but complementary sides of our nature, most people
have an innate preference towards energy from either the OUTER or the INNER
world. Thus one of their faces, either the Extraverted (E) or Introverted (I), takes
the lead in their personality development and plays a more dominant role in their

Extraverted Characteristics                Introverted Characteristics

   Act first, think/reflect later            Think/reflect first, then Act

   Feel deprived when cutoff from            Regularly require an amount of
    interaction with the outside world         "private time" to recharge batteries

   Usually open to and motivated by          Motivated internally, mind is
    outside world of people and things         sometimes so active it is "closed" to
                                               outside world
   Enjoy wide variety and change in
    people relationships                      Prefer one-to-one communication and
Extraversion - Introversion
                                                       We are extraverting
                                                       when we:
Those who prefer Introversion draw their                 Talk to other people
primary energy from the inner world of                   Listen to what
information, thoughts, ideas, and other reflections.      someone is saying
When circumstances require an excessive amount           Cook dinner, or
of attention spent in the "outside" world, those          make a cup of
preferring Introversion find the need to retreat to
                                                         Work on a car
a more private setting as if to recharge their         We are introverting
drained batteries.                                     when we:
                                                         Read a book
In contrast, those who prefer Extraversion are           Think about what
drawn to the outside world as their elemental             we want to say or
source of energy. Rarely, if ever, do extraverted         do
preference people feel their energy batteries are        Are aware of how
"drained" by excessive amounts of interaction with        we feel
                                                         Think through a
the outside world. They must engage the things,
                                                          problem so that we
people, places and activities going on in the             understand it
outside world for their life force.
Sensing – Intuitive
Q2. Which way of Perceiving or understanding is most "automatic" or natural?

The Sensing (S) side of our brain notices the sights, sounds, smells and all the sensory details of the
PRESENT. It categorizes, organizes, records and stores the specifics from the here and now. It is
REALITY based, dealing with "what is." It also provides the specific details of memory &
recollections from PAST events.

The Intuitive (N) side of our brain seeks to understand, interpret and form OVERALL patterns of all
the information that is collected and records these patterns and relationships. It speculates on
POSSIBILITIES, including looking into and forecasting the FUTURE. It is imaginative and

While both kinds of perceiving are necessary and used by all people, each of us instinctively tends to
favor one over the other.

Sensing Characteristics                             Intuitive Characteristics

   Mentally live in the Now, attending to present     Mentally live in the Future, attending to
    opportunities                                       future possibilities

   Using common sense and creating practical          Using imagination and creating/inventing
    solutions is automatic-instinctual                  new possibilities is automatic-instinctual

   Memory recall is rich in detail of facts and       Memory recall emphasizes patterns,
    past events                                         contexts, and connections

   Best improvise from past experience                Best improvise from theoretical
   Like clear and concrete information; dislike
    guessing when facts are "fuzzy"                    Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and
                                                        with guessing its meaning.
Sensing – Intuition
                                                 We are Sensing when we:
Those who prefer Sensing Perception favor           Taste food
                                                    Notice a stoplight has
clear, tangible data and information that fits
in well with their direct here-and-now              Memorize a speech
experience.                                         Follow steps in a plan
                                                 We are Intuitive when
In contrast, those who prefer Intuition          we:
Perception are drawn to information that is         Come up with a new
more abstract, conceptual, big-picture, and          way of doing things
represents imaginative possibilities for the        Think about future
future.                                              implications for a
                                                     current action
                                                    Perceive underlying
                                                     meaning in what
                                                     people say or do
                                                    See the big picture
Thinking - Feeling
Q3. Which way of forming Judgments and making choices is most natural?

The Thinking (T) side of our brain analyzes information in a DETACHED, objective
fashion. It operates from factual principles, deduces and forms conclusions
systematically. It is our logical nature.

The Feeling (F) side of our brain forms conclusions in an ATTACHED and somewhat
global manner, based on likes/dislikes, impact on others, and human and aesthetic
values. It is our subjective nature.

While everyone uses both means of forming conclusions, each person has a natural
bias towards one over the other so that when they give us conflicting directions - one
side is the natural trump card or tiebreaker.

Thinking Characteristics                       Feeling Characteristics

   Instinctively search for facts and logic      Instinctively employ personal feelings
    in a decision situation.                       and impact on people in decision
   Naturally notices tasks and work to be
    accomplished.                                 Naturally sensitive to people needs
                                                   and reactions.
   Easily able to provide an objective and
    critical analysis.                            Naturally seek consensus and popular
   Accept conflict as a natural, normal
    part of relationships with people.            Unsettled by conflict; have almost a
                                                   toxic reaction to disharmony.
Thinking- Feeling
                                                      We are making decisions in the Thinking
                                                      mode when we:
                                                         Research a product via consumer
Those who prefer Thinking Judgment have a                 reports, and buy the best one to
natural preference for making decisions in an             meet our needs
objective, logical, and analytical manner with an        Do "The Right Thing", whether or not
emphasis on tasks and results to be accomplished.         we like it
                                                         Choose not to buy a blue shirt which
Those whose preference is for Feeling Judgment            we like, because we have two blue
make their decisions in a somewhat global,
                                                         Establish guidelines to follow for
visceral, harmony and value-oriented way, paying          performing tasks
particular attention to the impact of decisions and   We are making decisions in the Feeling
actions on other people.                              mode when we:
                                                         Decide to buy something because we
                                                          like it
                                                         Refrain from telling someone
                                                          something which we feel may upset
                                                         Decide not to take a job because we
                                                          don't like the work environment
                                                         Decide to move somewhere to be
                                                          close to someone we care about
Judging - Perceiving
Q4. What is your "action orientation" towards the outside world?

All people use both judging (thinking and feeling) and perceiving (sensing and intuition) processes
to store information, organize our thoughts, make decisions, take actions and manage our lives. Yet
one of these processes (Judging or Perceiving) tends to take the lead in our relationship with the
outside world . . . while the other governs our inner world.

A Judging (J) style approaches the outside world WITH A PLAN and is oriented towards organizing
one's surroundings, being prepared, making decisions and reaching closure and completion.

A Perceiving (P) style takes the outside world AS IT COMES and is adopting and adapting, flexible,
open-ended and receptive to new opportunities and changing game plans.

Judging Characteristics                           Perceiving Characteristics

   Plan many of the details in advance before        Comfortable moving into action without a
    moving into action.                                plan; plan on-the-go.

   Focus on task-related action; complete            Like to multitask, have variety, mix work and
    meaningful segments before moving on.              play.

   Work best and avoid stress when able to           Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work
    keep ahead of deadlines.                           best close to the deadlines.

   Naturally use targets, dates and standard         Instinctively avoid commitments which
    routines to manage life.                           interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety
Judging - Perceiving
                                                          We are using Judging when
Those who prefer Judging rely upon either their T         we:
or F preference to manage their outer life. This             Make a list of things to do
typically leads to a style oriented towards closure,         Schedule things in advance
organization, planning, or in some fashion managing          Form and express
the things and or people found in the external                judgments
environment. The drive is to order the outside world.        Bring closure to an issue so
While some people employ an assertive manner,                 that we can move on
others "ordering touch" - with respect to people -
may be light.                                             We are using Perceiving when
Those who prefer Perceiving rely upon either their           Postpone decisions to see
S or N preference to run their outer life. This               what other options are
typically results in an open, adaptable, flexible style       available
of relating to the things and people found in the            Act spontaneously
outside world. The drive is to experience the outside        Decide what to do as we do
world rather than order it; in general lack of closure        it, rather than forming a
is easily tolerated.                                          plan ahead of time
                                                             Do things at the last minute
16 MBTI Personality types
MBTI & Keirsey temperament sorter
     Isabel Myers 1950s           Galen c.190AD          David Keirsey 1998
     SP sensing-perceiving        sangine                artisan
     SJ sensing-judging           melancholic            guardian
     NF intuitive-feeling         choleric               idealist
     NT intuitive-thinking        phlegmatic             rationalist

the MBTI® 'type table' related to Four Temperaments Keirsey groupings

  SP - sensing       SJ - sensing       NF - intuitive     NT - intuitive
  perceiving           judging             feeling           thinking
      ESTP                ESTJ               ENFJ               ENTJ
      ISTP                ISTJ               INFJ               INTJ
      ESFP                ESFJ               ENFP               ENTP
      ISFP                ISFJ               INFP               INTP
  sanguine or      melancholic or        choleric or      phlegmatic or
    artisan          guardian              idealist        rationalist
Practical Application for Personality Types

•  Career Guidance What types of tasks are we most suited to perform?
Where are we naturally most happy?
•  Managing Employees How can we best understand an employee's
natural capabilities, and where they will find the most satisfaction?
•  Inter-personal Relationships How can we improve our awareness of
another individual's Personality Type, and therefore increase our understanding
of their reactions to situations, and know how to best communicate with them
on a level which they will understand?
•  Education How can we develop different teaching methods to
effectively educate different types of people?
•  Counseling How we can help individuals understand themselves better,
and become better able to deal with their strengths and weaknesses?
Styles of Management
Autocratic management style
      Autocratic style of management

      This type of management style allows businesses to keep a blueprint if you will, in how the company
      operates. This is because the foundation of a autocratic style of management comes from the idea
      of a country that is run by a king or dictator. If you haven't guessed you can run this type of
      management style the best if your employees are followers and don't normally form their own
      thoughts or ideas. They pretty much run the business like they are supposed to because it is the
      blueprint that they were given for success. The leader of a business that prefers an autocratic style
      of managing, most likely enjoys the feeling of authority this style brings. Of course just like a King, or
      Dictator, this management style allows the person to make final decisions about the business
      without the employees having any input but normally bases the decision with the employees in mind
      and what he or she feels is best for them. With some businesses this works, for example Papa
      John's wants their employees to make their pizza exactly as specify. For one, this provides
      continuity, so you know no matter where you go in the world, Papa John's pizza will have that same
      quality taste.

           Order, power, dictate, one person decision making
Paternalistic management style

Paternalistic Management Style

                                      Taking care, what is better for employees, pedagogic,
                                      Attention to feedback

Paternalistic leaders look for the input of their employees but take the final credit for ideas.
Democratic management style
                                           Democratic management

                                                  The Democratic management style is the style grafted from the government system of the
                                           United States. This management style works well because normally there will be several leaders of
                                           the same business that are lending their ears to the employees in order to provide good two way
                                           communication. The Democratic management style is successful because they allow employees
                                           below them to make decisions' on their own much like the different States that make up the U.S. as
                                           well as their cities, are able to make their own laws. This type of management style is mostly found
                                           in businesses where efficiency is a joint operation. Much like you would see in a hospital setting,
                                           where all the different jobs such as a Nurse, M.D., Radiologist, and Social service representative
Democratic Management style                would work to together with the same goal, heal the patient, but from different perspectives.

                                               Giving voice to people, delegating power and
                                               responsibility, Letting employees to participate in DM,

Democratic leaders listen to the people.
Laissez-faire style
                                             Laissez-faire (tolerant, lenient, liberal) management

                                                     This management style by itself would be an extremely bad choice, because by definition it
                                             says refusal to interfere. This type of business management only works if the people involved are
                                             self motivated and task oriented. Much like when a business first starts, each person knows what
                                             they need to get done each day. Nobody has rule over the other and the job still gets done. Like
                                             Doctors working together this is because they are highly trained, self-motivated, and professional
                                             that they don't require direction or oversight.

                                                     The main thing to keep in mind is to know yourself and the type of manager that you are,
                                             some of the best mangers are able to incorporate all of the different management styles. These are
                                             normally the 'Type B' personalities. The basics of these four management styles describe how you
Laissez-faire management style               allow your employees to function, whether that be on a short leash or a long one. how much you
                                             control your employees and how much you allow them to control the working environment.

                                             For self-motivated and task oriented employees,
                                             freedom, independence)
                                             (project management, expertise, art, high qualified
The Laissez-faire type of management is not good in some situations.
MBTI types and management styles

Autocratic style   Paternalistic style   Democratic style   Liberal style

     ESTP                 ESFJ                ENTJ             ENFJ
     ISTJ                ESFP                 INTP              INFP
     ESTJ                 ISFP                ENTP             ENFP
     ISTP                 ISFJ                INTJ              INFJ
Defining the management style
      PEOPLE 1,9                9,9


               1,1              9,1
           0                   TASK
Personality types and management
     PEOPLE 1,9                                        9,9

                     Social managers   Task managers
                        SP -               SJ -
                        ESTP,              ESTJ,
                        ISTP,              ISTJ,
                        ESFP,              ESFJ,
                         ISFP               ISFJ

                                          NT -
                       NF -

           0                              TASK ORIENTED
Types of managers
1. Social manager – communication management, negotiation skills,
   presentation skills, charismatic, networking skills - ESFP, ESFJ,
2. Task manager - organizer, resource coordinator, good at planning,
   controlling, organization skills, flexibility - ESTP, ISTJ, ESTJ,
3. Humanistic manager – teacher, supervisor, human resource
   manager, good at motivation, inspiration, stimulation, ENFJ, INFP,
4. Analytic manager — strategic thinking, prognoses, modeling,
   change management skills - ENTP, INTP, INTJ, ENTJ.
Management skills
Skills with Data       Skills with People   Skills with Things
Leadership styles and personality traits
Different situations require the use of different leadership styles. A good leader will be able to:

      develop flexibility to be able to use any of the styles
      recognise the different demands of each situation
      adapt appropriately, by using the style(s) that will give optimum success
      ensure one's own personality needs are met
Leadership styles and personality traits

  Balancing your own needs with the changing demands of the situation is
  one of the main challenges of modern leadership. This involves asking
  two questions.
  The first question is what is your natural leadership style? What are you
  good at? What strengths and weaknesses do you have?
  The second question is what leadership style does your job demand?
  What are the needs of the situation? What do you have to do to be a
  successful leader?
  Modern leadership demands finding the right balance between both.
Gender differences in management

Kathleen Cavallo, PsyD Corporate Consulting Group

     Description                             When to use                                      When not to use

ESFJ/ENFJ, Extraverted Feeling

People-oriented, motivator, builds personal                  Commitment from                  Decisions need to be
relationships, likeable, interpersonal skills, cares for     others is critical, or           forced through, conflict
others                                                       sensitive situations             is being avoided

 ISFP/INFP, Introverted Feeling

                                Value-driven, has passion       The group has lost its            There is a problem that
                                for key issues, focuses on      sense of identity, or it is       needs to be solved with
                                important themes,               doing too many                    dispassionate objectivity
                                champions the cause             unimportant things                (eg: technical issues)

 ENTP/ENFP, Extraverted Intuition

                                Tries things that are new,      The group is 'stuck in a          There are already too
                                prototypes, introduces          rut', or the status quo           many initiatives under
                                change, looks for               needs to be challenged            way and some stability is
                                unexpected outcomes,                                              needed
                                creates new opportunities,

                    Description                               When to use                               When not to use

INTJ/INFJ, Introverted Intuition
Develops long term vision, produces radical ideas, foresees     Radical change is needed, change is a      There are immediate dangers,
the future, anticipates what is outside current knowledge       long term activity                         the group may not survive in
                                                                                                           the short term

ESTP/ESFP, Extraverted Sensing

Takes action, produces results, leads from the front, sets      There is some inertia, or lack of          The group is being too
an example, does what is asked of others                        achievement has destroyed                  expedient, current success
                                                                motivation                                 may ebb in the future

ISTJ/ISFJ, Introverted Sensing

Observes, listens, clarifies goals, establishes realistic       The direction is vague or expectations There are already too many
expectations, makes aims crystal clear                          have not been articulated              goals or too much

          Description                                   When to use                            When not to use

ESTJ/ENTJ, Extraverted Thinking

                              Organises, makes plans, sets     There is chaos/lack of            There are so many processes
                              measurable goals, coordinates    organization, or there are no     that creativity has been stifled
                              work of different people,        measures of achievement
                              manages resources

ISTP/INTP, Introverted Thinking

                              Analyses, uses models,           The situation is complex or       People's feelings are
                              produces explanations,           driven by technical solutions     paramount, or the group go
                              compares other situations,                                         round in circular arguments
                              engages in intellectual debate
Other personality scales
                            Big-Five personality
Hogan personality
profile inventory           inventory
                            • Openness to
• Adjustment
• Ambition
                            • Conscientiousness
• Sociability
                            • Extraversion
• Likeability
                            • Agreeableness
• Prudence
                            • Neuroticism
• Intellect
• School Success
Personality types of managers with high and low rationality of
                      DM (Indina, 2009)
                         Personality types in high emotionality group
                               other types                            13%
             Crafter                                                                  11%

               5%                                                                  Teacher
                       Composer         Performer                Councelor
                          8%               10%                      8%
                   NF Idealist (Intuitively -feeling) 29%   SP -Artists (Sensory-percepting) 47%

                       Keirsy personality types in high rationality group

                       other types                   Inventor
                          26%                           9%
             Inspector                                                        Provider
                11%                                                              5%
                                    Supervisor                  Protector
                                       16%                        12%
            NT- Rationals (Intuitively thinking) 31%         SJ -Guardian (Sensory-judging) 44%
Personality profiles for effective and not effective managers
            in extreme (emergency) professions
                     (Indina, 2010-2011)

    8                                             6,45
    7                     6,2                                                 7,2
              5,67                                            7,81                    6,78
    6                                6,45
    5                                                                                        Effective DM
    4                                                                                        Not effective DM
    3         4,55                               4,73                       4,45
    2                     2,91            3,11                 3,09                 2,89







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Regulation profiles in effective and not effective decision making in
               emergency situations (Indina, 2010)

              6,52                              7,26
 6                                                                            5,26
 5                                                           5,81
                         5,27                                                        Effective DM
 4          4,9                                                                4,3   Not effective DM
 3                                 3,85                            3,6
 2                        2,65                     2,67
 0                                                           ty







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Thank you!

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Personality types and styles of leadership Tatiana Indina Fulbright lecture Hawaii 2012

  • 1. Personality types and styles of management Dr. Tatiana A. Indina Fulbright visiting scholar Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC.
  • 2. • Why personality is important? • How personality helps to succeed in business?
  • 3. K.Jung personality types in MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator • Introversion (E) – Extraversion (I) • Sensation (S) – Intuition (N) • Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) • Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)
  • 4. Extraversion- Introversion Q1. Which is your most natural energy orientation? Every person has two faces. One is directed towards the OUTER world of activities, excitements, people, and things. The other is directed inward to the INNER world of thoughts, interests, ideas, and imagination. While these are two different but complementary sides of our nature, most people have an innate preference towards energy from either the OUTER or the INNER world. Thus one of their faces, either the Extraverted (E) or Introverted (I), takes the lead in their personality development and plays a more dominant role in their behavior. Extraverted Characteristics Introverted Characteristics  Act first, think/reflect later  Think/reflect first, then Act  Feel deprived when cutoff from  Regularly require an amount of interaction with the outside world "private time" to recharge batteries  Usually open to and motivated by  Motivated internally, mind is outside world of people and things sometimes so active it is "closed" to outside world  Enjoy wide variety and change in people relationships  Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships
  • 5. Extraversion - Introversion We are extraverting when we: Those who prefer Introversion draw their  Talk to other people primary energy from the inner world of  Listen to what information, thoughts, ideas, and other reflections. someone is saying When circumstances require an excessive amount  Cook dinner, or of attention spent in the "outside" world, those make a cup of coffee preferring Introversion find the need to retreat to  Work on a car a more private setting as if to recharge their We are introverting drained batteries. when we:  Read a book In contrast, those who prefer Extraversion are  Think about what drawn to the outside world as their elemental we want to say or source of energy. Rarely, if ever, do extraverted do preference people feel their energy batteries are  Are aware of how "drained" by excessive amounts of interaction with we feel  Think through a the outside world. They must engage the things, problem so that we people, places and activities going on in the understand it outside world for their life force.
  • 6. Sensing – Intuitive Q2. Which way of Perceiving or understanding is most "automatic" or natural? The Sensing (S) side of our brain notices the sights, sounds, smells and all the sensory details of the PRESENT. It categorizes, organizes, records and stores the specifics from the here and now. It is REALITY based, dealing with "what is." It also provides the specific details of memory & recollections from PAST events. The Intuitive (N) side of our brain seeks to understand, interpret and form OVERALL patterns of all the information that is collected and records these patterns and relationships. It speculates on POSSIBILITIES, including looking into and forecasting the FUTURE. It is imaginative and conceptual. While both kinds of perceiving are necessary and used by all people, each of us instinctively tends to favor one over the other. Sensing Characteristics Intuitive Characteristics  Mentally live in the Now, attending to present  Mentally live in the Future, attending to opportunities future possibilities  Using common sense and creating practical  Using imagination and creating/inventing solutions is automatic-instinctual new possibilities is automatic-instinctual  Memory recall is rich in detail of facts and  Memory recall emphasizes patterns, past events contexts, and connections  Best improvise from past experience  Best improvise from theoretical understanding  Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are "fuzzy"  Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and with guessing its meaning.
  • 7. Sensing – Intuition We are Sensing when we: Those who prefer Sensing Perception favor  Taste food  Notice a stoplight has clear, tangible data and information that fits changed in well with their direct here-and-now  Memorize a speech experience.  Follow steps in a plan We are Intuitive when In contrast, those who prefer Intuition we: Perception are drawn to information that is  Come up with a new more abstract, conceptual, big-picture, and way of doing things represents imaginative possibilities for the  Think about future future. implications for a current action  Perceive underlying meaning in what people say or do  See the big picture
  • 8. Thinking - Feeling Q3. Which way of forming Judgments and making choices is most natural? The Thinking (T) side of our brain analyzes information in a DETACHED, objective fashion. It operates from factual principles, deduces and forms conclusions systematically. It is our logical nature. The Feeling (F) side of our brain forms conclusions in an ATTACHED and somewhat global manner, based on likes/dislikes, impact on others, and human and aesthetic values. It is our subjective nature. While everyone uses both means of forming conclusions, each person has a natural bias towards one over the other so that when they give us conflicting directions - one side is the natural trump card or tiebreaker. Thinking Characteristics Feeling Characteristics  Instinctively search for facts and logic  Instinctively employ personal feelings in a decision situation. and impact on people in decision situations  Naturally notices tasks and work to be accomplished.  Naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions.  Easily able to provide an objective and critical analysis.  Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions.  Accept conflict as a natural, normal part of relationships with people.  Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony.
  • 9. Thinking- Feeling We are making decisions in the Thinking mode when we:  Research a product via consumer Those who prefer Thinking Judgment have a reports, and buy the best one to natural preference for making decisions in an meet our needs objective, logical, and analytical manner with an  Do "The Right Thing", whether or not emphasis on tasks and results to be accomplished. we like it  Choose not to buy a blue shirt which Those whose preference is for Feeling Judgment we like, because we have two blue shirts make their decisions in a somewhat global,  Establish guidelines to follow for visceral, harmony and value-oriented way, paying performing tasks particular attention to the impact of decisions and We are making decisions in the Feeling actions on other people. mode when we:  Decide to buy something because we like it  Refrain from telling someone something which we feel may upset them  Decide not to take a job because we don't like the work environment  Decide to move somewhere to be close to someone we care about
  • 10. Judging - Perceiving Q4. What is your "action orientation" towards the outside world? All people use both judging (thinking and feeling) and perceiving (sensing and intuition) processes to store information, organize our thoughts, make decisions, take actions and manage our lives. Yet one of these processes (Judging or Perceiving) tends to take the lead in our relationship with the outside world . . . while the other governs our inner world. A Judging (J) style approaches the outside world WITH A PLAN and is oriented towards organizing one's surroundings, being prepared, making decisions and reaching closure and completion. A Perceiving (P) style takes the outside world AS IT COMES and is adopting and adapting, flexible, open-ended and receptive to new opportunities and changing game plans. Judging Characteristics Perceiving Characteristics  Plan many of the details in advance before  Comfortable moving into action without a moving into action. plan; plan on-the-go.  Focus on task-related action; complete  Like to multitask, have variety, mix work and meaningful segments before moving on. play.  Work best and avoid stress when able to  Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work keep ahead of deadlines. best close to the deadlines.  Naturally use targets, dates and standard  Instinctively avoid commitments which routines to manage life. interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety
  • 11. Judging - Perceiving We are using Judging when Those who prefer Judging rely upon either their T we: or F preference to manage their outer life. This  Make a list of things to do typically leads to a style oriented towards closure,  Schedule things in advance organization, planning, or in some fashion managing  Form and express the things and or people found in the external judgments environment. The drive is to order the outside world.  Bring closure to an issue so While some people employ an assertive manner, that we can move on others "ordering touch" - with respect to people - may be light. We are using Perceiving when we: Those who prefer Perceiving rely upon either their  Postpone decisions to see S or N preference to run their outer life. This what other options are typically results in an open, adaptable, flexible style available of relating to the things and people found in the  Act spontaneously outside world. The drive is to experience the outside  Decide what to do as we do world rather than order it; in general lack of closure it, rather than forming a is easily tolerated. plan ahead of time  Do things at the last minute
  • 13. MBTI & Keirsey temperament sorter Isabel Myers 1950s Galen c.190AD David Keirsey 1998 SP sensing-perceiving sangine artisan SJ sensing-judging melancholic guardian NF intuitive-feeling choleric idealist NT intuitive-thinking phlegmatic rationalist the MBTI® 'type table' related to Four Temperaments Keirsey groupings SP - sensing SJ - sensing NF - intuitive NT - intuitive perceiving judging feeling thinking ESTP ESTJ ENFJ ENTJ ISTP ISTJ INFJ INTJ ESFP ESFJ ENFP ENTP ISFP ISFJ INFP INTP sanguine or melancholic or choleric or phlegmatic or artisan guardian idealist rationalist
  • 14. Practical Application for Personality Types •  Career Guidance What types of tasks are we most suited to perform? Where are we naturally most happy? •  Managing Employees How can we best understand an employee's natural capabilities, and where they will find the most satisfaction? •  Inter-personal Relationships How can we improve our awareness of another individual's Personality Type, and therefore increase our understanding of their reactions to situations, and know how to best communicate with them on a level which they will understand? •  Education How can we develop different teaching methods to effectively educate different types of people? •  Counseling How we can help individuals understand themselves better, and become better able to deal with their strengths and weaknesses?
  • 16. Autocratic management style Autocratic style of management This type of management style allows businesses to keep a blueprint if you will, in how the company operates. This is because the foundation of a autocratic style of management comes from the idea of a country that is run by a king or dictator. If you haven't guessed you can run this type of management style the best if your employees are followers and don't normally form their own thoughts or ideas. They pretty much run the business like they are supposed to because it is the blueprint that they were given for success. The leader of a business that prefers an autocratic style of managing, most likely enjoys the feeling of authority this style brings. Of course just like a King, or Dictator, this management style allows the person to make final decisions about the business without the employees having any input but normally bases the decision with the employees in mind and what he or she feels is best for them. With some businesses this works, for example Papa John's wants their employees to make their pizza exactly as specify. For one, this provides continuity, so you know no matter where you go in the world, Papa John's pizza will have that same quality taste. “KING” Order, power, dictate, one person decision making
  • 17. Paternalistic management style Paternalistic Management Style Taking care, what is better for employees, pedagogic, Attention to feedback “FATHER” Paternalistic leaders look for the input of their employees but take the final credit for ideas.
  • 18. Democratic management style Democratic management The Democratic management style is the style grafted from the government system of the United States. This management style works well because normally there will be several leaders of the same business that are lending their ears to the employees in order to provide good two way communication. The Democratic management style is successful because they allow employees below them to make decisions' on their own much like the different States that make up the U.S. as well as their cities, are able to make their own laws. This type of management style is mostly found in businesses where efficiency is a joint operation. Much like you would see in a hospital setting, where all the different jobs such as a Nurse, M.D., Radiologist, and Social service representative Democratic Management style would work to together with the same goal, heal the patient, but from different perspectives. “PARTNER” Giving voice to people, delegating power and responsibility, Letting employees to participate in DM, Democratic leaders listen to the people.
  • 19. Laissez-faire style Laissez-faire (tolerant, lenient, liberal) management This management style by itself would be an extremely bad choice, because by definition it says refusal to interfere. This type of business management only works if the people involved are self motivated and task oriented. Much like when a business first starts, each person knows what they need to get done each day. Nobody has rule over the other and the job still gets done. Like Doctors working together this is because they are highly trained, self-motivated, and professional that they don't require direction or oversight. The main thing to keep in mind is to know yourself and the type of manager that you are, some of the best mangers are able to incorporate all of the different management styles. These are normally the 'Type B' personalities. The basics of these four management styles describe how you Laissez-faire management style allow your employees to function, whether that be on a short leash or a long one. how much you control your employees and how much you allow them to control the working environment. For self-motivated and task oriented employees, freedom, independence) (project management, expertise, art, high qualified specialists) The Laissez-faire type of management is not good in some situations.
  • 20. MBTI types and management styles Autocratic style Paternalistic style Democratic style Liberal style ESTP ESFJ ENTJ ENFJ ISTJ ESFP INTP INFP ESTJ ISFP ENTP ENFP ISTP ISFJ INTJ INFJ
  • 21. Defining the management style PEOPLE 1,9 9,9 ORIENTED 5,5 1,1 9,1 0 TASK ORIENTED
  • 22. Personality types and management styles PEOPLE 1,9 9,9 ORIENTED Social managers Task managers SP - SJ - ESTP, ESTJ, ISTP, ISTJ, ESFP, ESFJ, ISFP ISFJ Analytic Humanistic Managers Managers NT - NF - ENTJ, ENFJ, INTJ, INFJ, ENTP, ENFP, INTP INFP 1,1 9,1 0 TASK ORIENTED
  • 23. Types of managers 1. Social manager – communication management, negotiation skills, presentation skills, charismatic, networking skills - ESFP, ESFJ, ISFP, ISFJ. 2. Task manager - organizer, resource coordinator, good at planning, controlling, organization skills, flexibility - ESTP, ISTJ, ESTJ, ISTP. 3. Humanistic manager – teacher, supervisor, human resource manager, good at motivation, inspiration, stimulation, ENFJ, INFP, ENFP, INFJ. 4. Analytic manager — strategic thinking, prognoses, modeling, change management skills - ENTP, INTP, INTJ, ENTJ.
  • 24. Management skills Skills with Data Skills with People Skills with Things
  • 25. Leadership styles and personality traits Different situations require the use of different leadership styles. A good leader will be able to:  develop flexibility to be able to use any of the styles  recognise the different demands of each situation  adapt appropriately, by using the style(s) that will give optimum success  ensure one's own personality needs are met
  • 26. Leadership styles and personality traits Balancing your own needs with the changing demands of the situation is one of the main challenges of modern leadership. This involves asking two questions. The first question is what is your natural leadership style? What are you good at? What strengths and weaknesses do you have? The second question is what leadership style does your job demand? What are the needs of the situation? What do you have to do to be a successful leader? Modern leadership demands finding the right balance between both.
  • 27. Gender differences in management styles Kathleen Cavallo, PsyD Corporate Consulting Group
  • 28.
  • 29. PERSONALITY & LEADERSHIP STYLE Description When to use When not to use PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP ESFJ/ENFJ, Extraverted Feeling People-oriented, motivator, builds personal Commitment from Decisions need to be relationships, likeable, interpersonal skills, cares for others is critical, or forced through, conflict others sensitive situations is being avoided IDEOLOGICAL LEADERSHIP ISFP/INFP, Introverted Feeling Value-driven, has passion The group has lost its There is a problem that for key issues, focuses on sense of identity, or it is needs to be solved with important themes, doing too many dispassionate objectivity champions the cause unimportant things (eg: technical issues) CHANGE-ORIENTED LEADERSHIP ENTP/ENFP, Extraverted Intuition Tries things that are new, The group is 'stuck in a There are already too prototypes, introduces rut', or the status quo many initiatives under change, looks for needs to be challenged way and some stability is unexpected outcomes, needed creates new opportunities, experiments
  • 30. PERSONALITY & LEADERSHIP STYLE Description When to use When not to use VISIONARY LEADERSHIP INTJ/INFJ, Introverted Intuition Develops long term vision, produces radical ideas, foresees Radical change is needed, change is a There are immediate dangers, the future, anticipates what is outside current knowledge long term activity the group may not survive in the short term ACTION-ORIENTED LEADERSHIP ESTP/ESFP, Extraverted Sensing Takes action, produces results, leads from the front, sets There is some inertia, or lack of The group is being too an example, does what is asked of others achievement has destroyed expedient, current success motivation may ebb in the future GOAL-ORIENTED LEADERSHIP ISTJ/ISFJ, Introverted Sensing Observes, listens, clarifies goals, establishes realistic The direction is vague or expectations There are already too many expectations, makes aims crystal clear have not been articulated goals or too much information
  • 31. PERSONALITY & LEADERSHIP STYLE Description When to use When not to use EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP ESTJ/ENTJ, Extraverted Thinking Organises, makes plans, sets There is chaos/lack of There are so many processes measurable goals, coordinates organization, or there are no that creativity has been stifled work of different people, measures of achievement manages resources LEADERSHIP THEORIST ISTP/INTP, Introverted Thinking Analyses, uses models, The situation is complex or People's feelings are produces explanations, driven by technical solutions paramount, or the group go compares other situations, round in circular arguments engages in intellectual debate
  • 32. Other personality scales Big-Five personality Hogan personality profile inventory inventory • Openness to • Adjustment experience • Ambition • Conscientiousness • Sociability • Extraversion • Likeability • Agreeableness • Prudence • Neuroticism • Intellect • School Success
  • 33. Personality types of managers with high and low rationality of DM (Indina, 2009) Personality types in high emotionality group Champion other types 13% 24% Healer Crafter 11% 6% Promoter 5% Teacher 15% Composer Performer Councelor 8% 10% 8% NF Idealist (Intuitively -feeling) 29% SP -Artists (Sensory-percepting) 47% Keirsy personality types in high rationality group other types Inventor Architector 26% 9% 11% FieldMarshall 4% Mastermind 7% Inspector Provider 11% 5% Supervisor Protector 16% 12% NT- Rationals (Intuitively thinking) 31% SJ -Guardian (Sensory-judging) 44%
  • 34. Personality profiles for effective and not effective managers in extreme (emergency) professions (Indina, 2010-2011) 9 8 6,45 7 6,2 7,2 5,67 7,81 6,78 6 6,45 5 Effective DM 4 Not effective DM 3 4,55 4,73 4,45 2 2,91 3,11 3,09 2,89 1 0 ion lity ss ss ss ism ss e ne na rs ine ne nn i sc ve ble t io us ad e ot tra Op Ra ea io re ur Ex nt re Ne sk cie Ag Ri ns Co
  • 35. Regulation profiles in effective and not effective decision making in emergency situations (Indina, 2010) 8 7 6,52 7,26 6 5,26 6,29 5 5,81 5,27 Effective DM 4 4,9 4,3 Not effective DM 3 3,85 3,6 2 2,65 2,67 1 0 ty y g g ng n om in in tio i li ni m el ib a on an od ex am lu t Pl va Fl M Au gr te o Pr ul es R