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        February 14th 2012

Kevin M. Kyer
Director - EMEA Search Marketplaces

Yahoo! Presentation, Confidential   3
The Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance | The
Best converting search engines together
                                         Audience Buying Power Index
  Our audience is significant in size,
  and in online purchase activity. The
  unique searchers on Yahoo! and         250.0
  Microsoft sites (including Yahoo!
  Search, Bing, and partners) are:       200.0

                                         150.0                  129.1
      Likely to spend 112.8% more
      than the average searcher          100.0
      And likely to spend 64.8%
      more than Google searchers           0.0
                                                  Microsoft    Google         Average
      worldwide.                                 and Yahoo!                   Internet
                                                       Source: comScore qSearch (custom), November 2011.
Efficient Frontier Research - US
“Yahoo!/Bing continues to maintain
roughly a 10% gap from Google
for three consecutive quarters
positioning Yahoo!/Bing as a very
attractive platform for advertisers
seeking better ROI”

“Revenue Per Click (RPC)
disparity between Yahoo!/Bing and
Google has widened this quarter
now showing a 5% gap.
Yahoo!/Bing has pulled ahead
indicating a stronger delivery of
higher quality traffic.”

                                      Source: Efficient Frontier Q3 2011 study
What you need to know through transition
Traffic                                    Start of transition

                                                          If the account is not optimised
                                                          then only adCenter keywords
                       +                                  will be active after transition.
          500 active       1,500 active
          keywords         keywords

                                                   More than 500 active keywords
                                                    Loss of traffic due to the loss
                                                     of 1,000 Yahoo! keywords
             PRE-TRANSITION                             POST-TRANSITION
                                                            Source: Efficient Frontier Q3 2011 study

Budgets: Ensure your Insertion Orders
are in place for the Joint Marketplace

                       • Panama and adCenter Insertion
                         Orders will be required for April 1
                         (Yahoo! and Microsoft teams)
                       • An additional Insertion Order will be
                         required for the Joint Marketplace
                         (Yahoo! Team)

what is   ?

Yahoo! is about content

a search strategy built on our strengths

things we’ve done
rich ads in search
an engaging brand product, breaking the boundaries of traditional sponsored search

favicon and official site badge
support users in their brand queries, by giving instant brand recognition and raising trust levels

persistent masthead
     provide users with a search experience opportunity wherever they are on the page

enriched organic results
     help users to find what they need through rich content, without having to interact with blue links

things coming up
search direct
the fastest Search product in the market: gives search a whole new interface and paradigm

                                    lebron james
                                    new york c

contextual shortcuts
     provide our users with the tools they need to explore further what they want, wherever they want

new images search
     a revamped experience that introduces for the first time a social element to image searching

connected device
“Mobile is where the world is going to be in the next 3-5 years”

         “Within the next 5 years,
         mobile search will be                                     in 6 MONTHS:

         bigger than web search.                                   5.9m UK             31% of all mobile
         and what is more, it                                      searches            web users (19m)
         won’t look anything like

         web search. We believe                                    8.2m UK             35% of all mobile
                                                                   searches            web users (24m)
         it will most likely take
         the form of apps that will
         solve niche user needs.
         It won’t look like search,
                                                                   25%   INCREASE IN
         but it will sure use the                                  MOBILE WEB USERS
         same data and backend
         as search does today”
         Shashi Seth
                                                                   40% INCREASE IN
         SVP, Yahoo! Search Products                               SEARCHES

                                                                              Figures from Comscore H2 2011
search apps
     dedicated search engine for apps, to shop from the PC with easy downloading to smart phones

other things we are doing
more sponsors
     helping our users to get the job done

more results: SRP clean up and algo transition
     increase engagement on page and improve relevance for the organic results

more solutions: the search and display synergy
     keywords within display ads that, when clicked on, take user to a Sponsored Search results page

in conclusion                                    our innovation pillars:

 create an innovative   and   creative search user   experience
                          based on a   push content model
 provide search opportunities to users that wouldn’t
            be exposed to search otherwise

       develop an integrated advertising offer to
                    increase ROI for our advertisers
Sean McCarthy
Senior Creative Strategist
 Creative Strategy Introduction
 Industry Standard Match Types
 Canonical Terms
 The Duplicate Effect
 Yahoo! Match Types
 Advanced Match Best Practices
 Bids/Ad Quality
 Copy Writing Tips
 Quality and Relevance
 Takeaway Points to Remember
Creating Turnkey Search Marketing Campaigns
 Yahoo!’s ad-ranking model is a combination of bid and quality
 Creative management’s goal is to drives quality
  ›   Proactive account analysis
  ›   Account structure (which KWs in which ad groups)
  ›   KW selection
  ›   Writing new ads (display urls, titles & descriptions)
  ›   Developing ad testing strategies
  ›   Creating search-focused response to display-focused RFPs
 Better quality = better performance
 More clicks at the same CPC (better rank)
 Same clicks at lower CPC (better quality score at same rank)
Match Types - Industry Standards

   Exact Match: Match type that only serves ads for search queries that exactly match the
    bidded term
   Phrase Match: Match type that serves ad for exact matches and search queries that
    included the bidded term
   Broad Match: Match type that will serve ads for exact matches, phrase matches, and
    other search queries deemed relevant to the bidded term as determined by the search
   Negative Match (Excluded terms): Provides advertiser control to prevent ad serving for
    queries with the negative term (e.g. Airlines typically negative match the term “crash”)
Canonical Terms Explained
Yahoo! search technology takes multiple forms of keywords and maps them to a single primary form
through a process called canonicalization. This could include spelling corrections, plurals and similar

Any identical canonical keyword form is a duplicate. As a result, you do not need to bid on every
keyword variation individually. You only need to bid on the term “London Hotel” once to be displayed
for every canonical keyword variation.
The Duplicate Effect
The term “Holiday in Spain” appears in different ad groups, the example below shows how
duplicates can cause internal competition and inflate CPCs.

The bids and the QI scores work together to affect CPC as well as ranking. By removing the
second keyword, there may be a positive impact on floor CPCs (i.e. lower minimum bid).
Yahoo! Match Types
Advanced Match Best Practices
 Before converting a Google bulksheet to Yahoo!, remove Excluded Words which are all or part of your
  bidded term
  › Having these excluded words will not remove Standard Match traffic (as on Google)
  › This will actually block your most relevant Advanced Match queries (via Subphrase Match & Units). Revisit
     your accounts to ensure you’re not limiting traffic.
 When adding Excluded Words, avoid adding similar phrases as you may be duplicating efforts
  › EXAMPLE: “tie”, “dye” and “tie dye”
  › Do not add multiple Excluded Words that roll up into the same canonical
  › EXAMPLE: “shoe” and “shoes” – only need to add one
 Avoid long phrases, as we will only exclude you from serving if we find the full phrase in the query

 Remember that you CAN block part of your bidded term, but you will always serve via Standard Match
How Bids/Ad Quality Affect Position
The minimum bid is the bid         Position   Min Bid   Max Bid
    required for the advertiser       1       £ 3.00     £ 5.00
    with the best ad quality to
    obtain that position              2       £ 2.80     £ 4.75

The maximum bid is what it will       3       £ 2.70     £ 4.50
    take the advertiser with the      4       £ 2.50     £ 4.30
    worst ad quality to obtain
    that position                     5       £ 2.00     £ 3.75

                                      6       £ 1.75     £ 3.45

                                      7       £ 1.60     £ 3.15

                                      8       £ 1.50     £ 2.80

                                      9       £ 1.25     £ 2.60

                                     10       £ 1.10     £ 2.40
SERP and Copy Best Practices
   With more granular ad control, copy can be very targeted to the search query; advertisers can maximize bolding to increase CTR, and
    therefore, average position without raising bids.

Overall, focus copy on responding to the search query with specificity, clarity, relevance and competitive advantages.

   The search term is your key click incentive – by using the search term in both the T&D can increase CTR by as much as 50%.

   Always test.
Quality and Relevance
   Increase ad quality across the board. Better ads protect against new entrants and displacement by competition.
    Higher quality scores can reduce CPCs and increase the total amount clicks that can be captured through increased

   By lining up the ads and landing pages, conversion rates should increase. Revise destination URLs to avoid generic
    landing page and use deep links to improve relevancy.

   A display URL is an easy way to let user feel confident that the site content is relevant. Writing more specific display
    URLs is also an good opportunity to add another line of text -

   Turn ad optimization on and test multiple ads. Keep poor-performing ads from being shown in equal rotation with
    high-performing ads, which could negatively affect your CTRs, QIs and potential sales. Testing different ad variations
    can help you identify the most effective messaging. Remember, but doing nothing, your QI can still fall.

   Use keyword insertion to increase relevancy. Using the search term in both the T&D can increase CTR by as much as
The Structure of the Account is the Foundation
Group keywords by term type and theme. By granularly structuring ad groups, more
  targeted copy can be assigned to a more relevant set of keywords. By increasing ad
  quality you can likely lift CTR - making higher ad positions cheaper or decreasing your
  CPC to maintain a certain position
Isolate top-performing, high-volume keywords and eliminate variables. Higher impression
   keywords have a greater influence on not only which ad will serves, but also what the QI
   for an ad group will be. Therefore, by grouping high- and low-volume keywords together,
   you could be masking the true performance of an ad group. By isolating your top-volume,
   higher-value keywords, you have more transparency on what decisions to make next
   (better ad testing, bid changes, more specific display URL, budgeting).
Separate brand vs. unbranded. To allow for effective budgeting, you should always
  separate brand from unbranded terms..
Mark Brooks
Media Sales, UK Display Team
 Driving performance through Display
 Creative Examples
 Synergy of Search & Display in driving consumers through the
  purchase funnel
 Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and
  Success stories

The Importance of both: Search and Display

                    Advertisers spent
                    £18,986 million
                    worldwide across all
                    display formats in 2011   key strength:
                    Expected growth 2012:     mass reach

                    Advertisers spent
                    £26,478 million
                    worldwide on sponsored    key strength:
                    search in 2011
                    Expected growth 2012:     highly targeted
Display ads drive searches

                                                                                                                                             9%    I investigated the product, brand or
                                                                                                                                                   company through social media or
                                                                                                                                                   message boards
                                                                                                                                                   I typed the company Web address
                                                                       2/3 of Online                                                               into browser and navigated to the
                  37%                                                  Users Have                                                                  site
                                                                       Taken Action                                                          27%
                                               63%                                                                                                 I searched for the product, brand
                                                                       Based on an                                                                 or company using a search engine
                                                                       Online Ad
                                                                                                                                             31%   I clicked on the ad itself
           Responded to Online Display Ads
           Did not respond to Online Display Ads

           When display ads drive an immediate response, it is as likely to take the form of a
           search as it is an ad click

Source: Commissioned Custom Research Study by Forrester Consulting on behalf of iProspect, January 2009, Base: US Online Consumers, N=1575                                  4
The power of Display advertising
• There are more than 90 ad formats available on Yahoo!
• A front page ad on Yahoo! can receive more than 19 million impressions

   All available formats can be
      found on our ad specs site
 Driving performance through Display
 Creative Examples
 Synergy of Search & Display in driving consumers through the
  purchase funnel
 Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and
  Success stories

Creative Examples - 3D Brochure, Yahoo HP
                   Advertiser   Renault / Y!   Category   Autos

 Demo Link
Creative Examples – Automotive Advertisers

                                   Yahoo Lifestyle
    Yahoo Cars UK   360,000 UU’s        UK
                                                     2.6M UU’s
Creative Examples – Retail Advertisers

    Yahoo Lifestyle
                      2.6M UU’s      Yahoo
                                  Eurosport UK
                                                 3.4M UU’s
What is your END goal?

  Drive purchases? Source leads?

  Turning to display to drive traffic to search?

  Changing consumers perceptions about your brand?
Drive sales with Yahoo DR Network
 Y! DR              Yahoo!
– 83.1% reach
– IASH founder
  member             Yahoo!

– Engaged, quality
  users              Top 250 sites.
– Safe environment
                     Targeted media
  where brands are
 Driving performance through Display
 Creative Examples
 Search & Display are synergistic in driving consumers through the
  purchase funnel
 Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and
  Success stories
Target customers throughout the funnel process

                                                        Intent to
Awareness      Favorability        Consideration
                                                        purchase          Purchase

           Reaches potential                       Gets its best returns when
        customers at every point                   a prospect is already near
            along the funnel                        the purchasing moment
Integration for a greater effectiveness

                                     the total of the two combined is
SEARCH causes                       GREATER than the sum of its parts
greater sales lifts
than display (because
it is more targeted)

DISPLAY has much
wider reach, its effect
on total sales
volume is greater
Online purchases are boosted from higher search
       conversion rates after exposure to display ads
                                                                83% Lift in
                                             YES                Conversion
      Exposed                                      Conversion
    to Graphical

Source: Media Contacts Insight; March 2010
There’s a lot going on beyond the click

          LIFT IN SEARCH

                     AVERAGE LIFT:

Source: Specific Media Study, 2008
 Driving performance through Display
 Creative Examples
 Search & Display are synergistic in driving consumers through the
  purchase funnel
 Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices
  and Success stories

Drive Better Results with Search Retargeting
Search Retargeting enables you to:
•   Reach searchers interested in your brand or product offering and reduce
    CPA with targeting
•   Deliver display campaigns on Yahoo! sites with the highest composition
    and engagement of prospects by category
•   Customize your brand message

TYPE OF SEARCHER                              YAHOO! PROPERTY
Retail                                  Movies, Lifestyle, omg!, Video, TV
Tech                                        News, TV, Movies, Cars
Auto                                        Cars, Maps, Movies, TV
Finance                                       Finance, Maps, Autos
Telco                                      Lifestyle, TV, Movies, Cars
Pharma                                       Lifestyle, Movies, Maps
Success Story
         Search and Display working in tandem for Sykes Cottages

                                  # of property owner registrations on the site
                                  # of holiday-maker registrations/bookings on the site

                       Yahoo! helped Sykes Cottages reach its target audiences with the science of
                       Audiences targeted: property owners men 55+ & holiday makers women 35+
                       Behavioural Targeting: ‘Investment’ ,‘Golf’ and ‘Vacations’ ,‘Destinations’

                     Conversions              Average daily search
                    +5% to +12.5%                clicks +28%
                      CPA fell by                Conversions
                      around 5%                     +35%
                       Display and Search together are more powerful than either
Match made in heaven   advertising solution alone

                       An integrated campaign will deliver against multiple campaign
A win-win solution     goals and objectives

                       With so many ad formats available, the digital canvas is a stage on
Time to shine          which your brand can shine

                       Integrated campaigns boost online conversions by up to 83% and
Boost your sales       offline sales by up to 119%

                       Yahoo! continues to deliver first-class advertising solutions in both
The perfect partner    Search and Display
Yahoo! Academy
Audience Targeting
The Yahoo! Formula of Advertising Success

Precision targeting powered by      Custom programmes and real-time      Target relevant, engaged audiences
data, ground-breaking science and   creative optimisation capabilities   at scale. Locally, regionally and
trust.                              that build your business.            globally.
The Evolution of Audience Targeting

Early days                       Reality for years                 Today
We have so much data we can      Lots of data, lots of targeting   Getting very close to one-to-one
easily tailor every ad.          products.                         marketing.
One-to-one marketing nirvana!!   Often without good results.       Great! (and a bit scary)

                                                                       The User Behind the
                                                                       Available Impression

                                                                     Quantity         Multiple
Targeting and Data

Whatever kind of targeting – geographic,
demographic, behavioural - it’s all smart, it’s all
personal, and it’s all relevant. There’s no downside
to any type of targeting, unless it doesn’t work.
                            Tom Kelly | COO,Safecount, eMarketer interview

The main unit of currency for online
advertising is data.
        David Hallerman | Senior Analyst, eMarketer

                          Online Targeting is the worst form of targeting
                          with the exception of all others.
                               Repurposed and rephrased Winston Churchill quote on democracy
Precision and Relevance

                                                         Increase your chances of success by:

                                                          Reaching your audience in an environment
                                                           and at a time that is relevant and carefully

                                                          Aligning your advertising messages with
                                                           your audience’s passions and interests.
 Audience targeting is about getting
 your message in front of a precisely                    Consumers will look at
 pre-defined audience. It works                          personally relevant ads for 25
 because it has relevance at its                         percent longer than ads that are
 heart.                                                  not personally relevant to them.

                  Yahoo! Power of Relevancy April 2011
The Science Behind Audience Targeting

Anonymous Yahoo! User
                            Yahoo! data   Third-party data
Male, 25, SW England,
Searches for Dubai hotels
& mobile phones, likes
The Importance of Trust
Yahoo! and Ad Choices                                          The Benefits

    Yahoo! was the first large internet publisher to pilot a    The ability to offer
    scheme designed to give consumers in Europe easily           consumers the confidence
    accessible information on how online advertising works.
                                                                 that the ads they are
                                                                 receiving are from a trusted
      Ad Choices reinforces transparency by giving
      consumers control and meaningful choice in the data
      they share.

    The Ad Interest Manager tool allows consumers to
    influence and manage the types of ads they see and the
    option to opt out of interest-based advertising.
Targeting Tools and Solutions
The Basics

         Geographic                      Demographic                  Time-of-day

 Location data from activity on   Target specific audiences   Serve up just the right message
  Yahoo! sites                     based on age, gender and    at the time right for the right
                                   sometimes income.           user
 IP address

 Visitor registration data

Helpful Tip
Increase relevance and
performance by targeting
multiple geographic audiences
simultaneously with customised
messages for each region
Context-based Targeting
                                           Context-based targeting
                                            The placement of advertising within a related or
                                             relevant environment.

                                           Contextually relevant advertising
                                           provokes an emotional response
                                           almost double that without such

          Yahoo! Power of Relevance 2011
Behavioural Targeting

                                                       The Benefits

                                                        Actively interested prospects.

                                                        An opportunity for messaging to reflect
                                                         the prospects stage in the purchase

                                                        The power of advertising relevance.
 Targeting ads to consumers
 whose recent behaviours online
 indicate that your product or
 service category is relevant to

                Yahoo! Power of Relevancy April 2011
Yahoo! Behavioral Targeting – How it works

 Varying ProductRelevant Users
   Identify Users Purchase Cycles
    Rewarding Good Behaviour
    Match Most to the Models        We analyzed predictive patterns for purchase
                                    cycles in 100s of product categories

                                    In each category, we built models to describe
                                    behaviour most likely to lead to an ad response
                                    (i.e. click).

                                    We scored each Yahoo! user for his fit with every

                                    Target your ads to users who get highest
                                    ‘relevance’ scores in the targeting categories you
Site Retargeting

 The Pros                                       The Cons
  Serves ads based on known interaction with    Recency or frequency of user behaviour and
   a brand or particular campaign messaging.      the importance those factors as indicators of
                                                  relevance aren’t always a part of basic
  Can be used to encourage up and cross-         retargeting.
                                                 Previous behaviour is often not the best
                                                  predictor of future behaviour.
Direct Response

Yahoo! DR

Scalable performance advertising.
Attracting and influencing new and      Target     Reach
existing users to the point of         audience
purchase for our advertisers.
                                     People            Data

Yahoo! Dynamic DR

The opportunity to tailor ads to individual
consumers, with offers personally relevant
to them.
The ads know what they want,
and when they want it.

                   Yahoo! Power of Relevancy April 2011
Dynamic DR - Personalized Advertising !

                                         Right Audience

                                         Right Messages

                                         Right Products

                                         Right Drivers
              CTAs and Offers
Creative Optimization – Dynamic DR
     Dynamic Generation and Optimization of Rich Media Ads

     Combination of three technologies:

       Dynamic ad generation
       A flexible ad unit that can have millions of variations

       Automated optimization
       A smart server that will experiment to find the best
       performing variation for each user

       Highly targeted ad inventory
       More targeting data enables better decisions regarding
       which variation to show – and Yahoo has the most
       highly targeted inventory in the world

Consumer Connect

           40,000 mutual active users
         We combine our extensive online data with
         Nectar’s offline behavioural insight, enabling
         us to present ads to the most appropriate
         audience segments available.
Consumer Connect

                  #1   #2
   most relevant            MEASURE
 consumers based        sales impact on
on purchase history     advertised brand
  to achieve goals        using actual
                           sales data
UK Case Study
In a highly competitive seasonal
environment, Cadbury wanted to drive sales      +51%
of their Creme Egg product
                                                sales difference
Buyers of Creme Egg products in the
previous Easter season as well as buyers
of seasonal competitive chocolate egg
                                             3.23 ROI
15 million impressions
Audience Match

                 +                        =
    Yahoo!           Experian Insight &              Better Connections Between
 Audience Data        Marketing Tools                    Audiences and Ads

                  Increased relevance of ads
                  Reach the right audience
                  Timely and appropriate messages
Influencing the Purchase Funnel
     Audience   Behavioural   Direct     Yahoo!       Search
     Match      Targeting     Response   Dynamic DR   Retargeting   Impact at Scale

                                                                    Brand awareness

                                                                    Purchase intent

The Goals                              What We Did
   Increase the number of property       Targeting property owners across Real Estate and Finance
    owner registrations made via its       content on Yahoo! sites in the UK and IP targeting inventory on
   Boost the number of                   Demographic targeting captured the right segments
    holidaymaker registrations and        Behavioural Targeting connected brand and audience via
    bookings made through its              ‘Investment’ and ‘Golf’ segments
                                          Travel placements captured the holidaymaker audiences along
                                           with Behaviourally Targeted inventory specific to ‘Destinations’
                                           and ‘Vacations’ segments
The Target Audiences
   Property owners
   Holidaymakers
                                       “Our overall number of conversions increased by
   Men of 55 years of age or more
                                       between 5%-12.5% while the banners were
    and women 35-years and older       running. The CPA was lower than our historical
                                       average, falling by around 5%” Sykes Cottages
Solutions for Automotive Brands

                                    Audience   Behavioural   Direct     Retargeting
                                    Match      Targeting     Response   Search

Find people who fit your audience

Capture the hottest leads

Reach consumers who are in the
market for your product

Find people in new markets

Retarget users to stay front of
Solutions for Entertainment Brands

                                    Audience   Behavioural   Yahoo!   Yahoo!
                                    Match      Targeting     Search   Dynamic DR

Targeting gamers with specific
interests or consoles

Reaching everyone from adventure
film to sci-fi lovers

Targeting response advertising to
appeal to specific audiences
Solutions for Finance Brands

                                      Behavioural   Direct
                                      Targeting     Response

Reaching people seeking specific
brand names

Reaching people who are in the
market for a mortgage

Targeting shoppers looking for real
estate investment

Reaching people who are

Pinpointing highly interested
shoppers and retarget
Solutions for FMCG Brands

                                     Audience   Behavioural   Consumer   Yahoo!
                                     Match      Targeting     Connect    Search

Target segments based on off-line
purchasing habits

Pinpoint your target audience with
granular segments

Reach your audience via more than
25 FMCG audience categories
                                                                                  40,000 mutual active users
Capture your hottest leads
Solutions for Retail Brands

                                      Direct     Behavioural   Yahoo!
                                      Response   Targeting     Dynamic DR

Turning window shoppers into loyal

Marketing 50 different products but
need to test best conversions

Finding just the right shopper for
your products
Yahoo! Academy Session Review
             The nirvana of one-to-one marketing is now a reality
Targeting    Audience targeting exercises and harnesses ‘the power of relevance’

              Depth and Breadth of Data            Targeting Tools
Yahoo!        We combine our data with that        Our targeting solutions help you
              of third parties for insights that   influence every stage of the
Audience      are great in breadth and depth.      purchase funnel.
              Yahoo! user data                     Self-reporting                     Direct Response

              Third party data                     Context-based                      Yahoo! Dynamic DR
              Deep Science
              We convert data into actionable      Site retargeting                   Consumer Connect
              insights so that you can get
              closer to your audience.             Behavioural                        Audience Match

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Periscopix yahoo event february 2012

  • 1. Welcome to a joint event of & February 14th 2012 #PeriscopixatY
  • 2.
  • 3. Kevin M. Kyer Director - EMEA Search Marketplaces
  • 5. The Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance | The Deal
  • 6. Best converting search engines together Audience Buying Power Index Our audience is significant in size, and in online purchase activity. The unique searchers on Yahoo! and 250.0 212.8 Microsoft sites (including Yahoo! Search, Bing, and partners) are: 200.0 150.0 129.1 Likely to spend 112.8% more 100 than the average searcher 100.0 worldwide. 50.0 And likely to spend 64.8% more than Google searchers 0.0 Microsoft Google Average worldwide. and Yahoo! Internet sites Source: comScore qSearch (custom), November 2011.
  • 7. Efficient Frontier Research - US “Yahoo!/Bing continues to maintain roughly a 10% gap from Google for three consecutive quarters positioning Yahoo!/Bing as a very attractive platform for advertisers seeking better ROI” “Revenue Per Click (RPC) disparity between Yahoo!/Bing and Google has widened this quarter now showing a 5% gap. Yahoo!/Bing has pulled ahead indicating a stronger delivery of higher quality traffic.” Source: Efficient Frontier Q3 2011 study
  • 8. What you need to know through transition
  • 9. Transition Traffic Start of transition If the account is not optimised then only adCenter keywords + will be active after transition. 500 active 1,500 active keywords keywords More than 500 active keywords Loss of traffic due to the loss of 1,000 Yahoo! keywords PRE-TRANSITION POST-TRANSITION Source: Efficient Frontier Q3 2011 study Transition
  • 10. Budgets: Ensure your Insertion Orders are in place for the Joint Marketplace • Panama and adCenter Insertion Orders will be required for April 1 (Yahoo! and Microsoft teams) • An additional Insertion Order will be required for the Joint Marketplace (Yahoo! Team) 9
  • 11. what is ? 10
  • 12. Yahoo! is about content 11
  • 13. a search strategy built on our strengths 12
  • 15. rich ads in search an engaging brand product, breaking the boundaries of traditional sponsored search 14
  • 16. favicon and official site badge support users in their brand queries, by giving instant brand recognition and raising trust levels 15
  • 17. persistent masthead provide users with a search experience opportunity wherever they are on the page 16
  • 18. enriched organic results help users to find what they need through rich content, without having to interact with blue links 17
  • 20. search direct the fastest Search product in the market: gives search a whole new interface and paradigm lebron james new york c 19
  • 21. contextual shortcuts provide our users with the tools they need to explore further what they want, wherever they want 20
  • 22. new images search a revamped experience that introduces for the first time a social element to image searching 21
  • 23. connected device “Mobile is where the world is going to be in the next 3-5 years” “Within the next 5 years, mobile search will be in 6 MONTHS: 2011 JAN bigger than web search. 5.9m UK 31% of all mobile and what is more, it searches web users (19m) won’t look anything like 2011 JUL web search. We believe 8.2m UK 35% of all mobile searches web users (24m) it will most likely take the form of apps that will solve niche user needs. It won’t look like search, 25% INCREASE IN but it will sure use the MOBILE WEB USERS same data and backend as search does today” Shashi Seth 40% INCREASE IN SVP, Yahoo! Search Products SEARCHES 22 Figures from Comscore H2 2011
  • 24. search apps dedicated search engine for apps, to shop from the PC with easy downloading to smart phones 23
  • 25. more other things we are doing
  • 26. more sponsors helping our users to get the job done 25
  • 27. more results: SRP clean up and algo transition increase engagement on page and improve relevance for the organic results 26
  • 28. more solutions: the search and display synergy keywords within display ads that, when clicked on, take user to a Sponsored Search results page 27
  • 29. in conclusion our innovation pillars: create an innovative and creative search user experience based on a push content model provide search opportunities to users that wouldn’t be exposed to search otherwise develop an integrated advertising offer to increase ROI for our advertisers
  • 30.
  • 32. Agenda  Creative Strategy Introduction  Industry Standard Match Types  Canonical Terms  The Duplicate Effect  Yahoo! Match Types  Advanced Match Best Practices  Bids/Ad Quality  Copy Writing Tips  Quality and Relevance  Takeaway Points to Remember
  • 33. Creating Turnkey Search Marketing Campaigns  Yahoo!’s ad-ranking model is a combination of bid and quality  Creative management’s goal is to drives quality › Proactive account analysis › Account structure (which KWs in which ad groups) › KW selection › Writing new ads (display urls, titles & descriptions) › Developing ad testing strategies › Creating search-focused response to display-focused RFPs  Better quality = better performance  More clicks at the same CPC (better rank)  Same clicks at lower CPC (better quality score at same rank)
  • 34. Match Types - Industry Standards  Exact Match: Match type that only serves ads for search queries that exactly match the bidded term  Phrase Match: Match type that serves ad for exact matches and search queries that included the bidded term  Broad Match: Match type that will serve ads for exact matches, phrase matches, and other search queries deemed relevant to the bidded term as determined by the search engine  Negative Match (Excluded terms): Provides advertiser control to prevent ad serving for queries with the negative term (e.g. Airlines typically negative match the term “crash”)
  • 35. Canonical Terms Explained Yahoo! search technology takes multiple forms of keywords and maps them to a single primary form through a process called canonicalization. This could include spelling corrections, plurals and similar phrases. Any identical canonical keyword form is a duplicate. As a result, you do not need to bid on every keyword variation individually. You only need to bid on the term “London Hotel” once to be displayed for every canonical keyword variation.
  • 36. The Duplicate Effect The term “Holiday in Spain” appears in different ad groups, the example below shows how duplicates can cause internal competition and inflate CPCs. The bids and the QI scores work together to affect CPC as well as ranking. By removing the second keyword, there may be a positive impact on floor CPCs (i.e. lower minimum bid).
  • 38. Advanced Match Best Practices  Before converting a Google bulksheet to Yahoo!, remove Excluded Words which are all or part of your bidded term › Having these excluded words will not remove Standard Match traffic (as on Google) › This will actually block your most relevant Advanced Match queries (via Subphrase Match & Units). Revisit your accounts to ensure you’re not limiting traffic.  When adding Excluded Words, avoid adding similar phrases as you may be duplicating efforts › EXAMPLE: “tie”, “dye” and “tie dye” › Do not add multiple Excluded Words that roll up into the same canonical › EXAMPLE: “shoe” and “shoes” – only need to add one  Avoid long phrases, as we will only exclude you from serving if we find the full phrase in the query  Remember that you CAN block part of your bidded term, but you will always serve via Standard Match
  • 39. How Bids/Ad Quality Affect Position The minimum bid is the bid Position Min Bid Max Bid required for the advertiser 1 £ 3.00 £ 5.00 with the best ad quality to obtain that position 2 £ 2.80 £ 4.75 The maximum bid is what it will 3 £ 2.70 £ 4.50 take the advertiser with the 4 £ 2.50 £ 4.30 worst ad quality to obtain that position 5 £ 2.00 £ 3.75 6 £ 1.75 £ 3.45 7 £ 1.60 £ 3.15 8 £ 1.50 £ 2.80 9 £ 1.25 £ 2.60 10 £ 1.10 £ 2.40
  • 40. SERP and Copy Best Practices  With more granular ad control, copy can be very targeted to the search query; advertisers can maximize bolding to increase CTR, and therefore, average position without raising bids. Overall, focus copy on responding to the search query with specificity, clarity, relevance and competitive advantages.  The search term is your key click incentive – by using the search term in both the T&D can increase CTR by as much as 50%.  Always test.
  • 41. Quality and Relevance  Increase ad quality across the board. Better ads protect against new entrants and displacement by competition. Higher quality scores can reduce CPCs and increase the total amount clicks that can be captured through increased CTR.  By lining up the ads and landing pages, conversion rates should increase. Revise destination URLs to avoid generic landing page and use deep links to improve relevancy.  A display URL is an easy way to let user feel confident that the site content is relevant. Writing more specific display URLs is also an good opportunity to add another line of text -  Turn ad optimization on and test multiple ads. Keep poor-performing ads from being shown in equal rotation with high-performing ads, which could negatively affect your CTRs, QIs and potential sales. Testing different ad variations can help you identify the most effective messaging. Remember, but doing nothing, your QI can still fall.  Use keyword insertion to increase relevancy. Using the search term in both the T&D can increase CTR by as much as 50%.
  • 42. The Structure of the Account is the Foundation Group keywords by term type and theme. By granularly structuring ad groups, more targeted copy can be assigned to a more relevant set of keywords. By increasing ad quality you can likely lift CTR - making higher ad positions cheaper or decreasing your CPC to maintain a certain position Isolate top-performing, high-volume keywords and eliminate variables. Higher impression keywords have a greater influence on not only which ad will serves, but also what the QI for an ad group will be. Therefore, by grouping high- and low-volume keywords together, you could be masking the true performance of an ad group. By isolating your top-volume, higher-value keywords, you have more transparency on what decisions to make next (better ad testing, bid changes, more specific display URL, budgeting). Separate brand vs. unbranded. To allow for effective budgeting, you should always separate brand from unbranded terms..
  • 43.
  • 44. Mark Brooks Media Sales, UK Display Team
  • 45. Agenda  Driving performance through Display  Creative Examples  Synergy of Search & Display in driving consumers through the purchase funnel  Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and Success stories 2
  • 46. The Importance of both: Search and Display Advertisers spent £18,986 million worldwide across all display formats in 2011 key strength: Expected growth 2012: mass reach +16.8% Advertisers spent £26,478 million worldwide on sponsored key strength: search in 2011 Expected growth 2012: highly targeted +15.2%
  • 47. Display ads drive searches 9% I investigated the product, brand or company through social media or message boards 21% I typed the company Web address 2/3 of Online into browser and navigated to the 37% Users Have site Taken Action 27% 63% I searched for the product, brand Based on an or company using a search engine Online Ad 31% I clicked on the ad itself Responded to Online Display Ads Did not respond to Online Display Ads When display ads drive an immediate response, it is as likely to take the form of a search as it is an ad click Source: Commissioned Custom Research Study by Forrester Consulting on behalf of iProspect, January 2009, Base: US Online Consumers, N=1575 4
  • 48. The power of Display advertising • There are more than 90 ad formats available on Yahoo! • A front page ad on Yahoo! can receive more than 19 million impressions All available formats can be found on our ad specs site
  • 49. Agenda  Driving performance through Display  Creative Examples  Synergy of Search & Display in driving consumers through the purchase funnel  Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and Success stories 6
  • 50. Creative Examples - 3D Brochure, Yahoo HP Advertiser Renault / Y! Category Autos Demo Link
  • 51. Creative Examples – Automotive Advertisers Yahoo Lifestyle Yahoo Cars UK 360,000 UU’s UK 2.6M UU’s
  • 52. Creative Examples – Retail Advertisers Yahoo Lifestyle UK 2.6M UU’s Yahoo Eurosport UK 3.4M UU’s
  • 53. What is your END goal?  Drive purchases? Source leads?  Turning to display to drive traffic to search?  Changing consumers perceptions about your brand? .
  • 54. Drive sales with Yahoo DR Network Exclusive  Y! DR Yahoo! Inventory Network – 83.1% reach – IASH founder member Yahoo! Publisher Network – Engaged, quality users Top 250 sites. – Safe environment Targeted media buying. where brands are protected
  • 55. Agenda  Driving performance through Display  Creative Examples  Search & Display are synergistic in driving consumers through the purchase funnel  Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and Success stories
  • 56. Target customers throughout the funnel process Intent to Awareness Favorability Consideration purchase Purchase Reaches potential Gets its best returns when customers at every point a prospect is already near along the funnel the purchasing moment
  • 57. Integration for a greater effectiveness the total of the two combined is SEARCH causes GREATER than the sum of its parts greater sales lifts than display (because it is more targeted) DISPLAY has much wider reach, its effect on total sales volume is greater
  • 58. Online purchases are boosted from higher search conversion rates after exposure to display ads .57% 83% Lift in YES Conversion Rate Exposed Conversion Rate to Graphical Advertising? .31% NO Conversion Rate Source: Media Contacts Insight; March 2010
  • 59. There’s a lot going on beyond the click LIFT IN SEARCH DUE TO DISPLAY EXPOSURE AVERAGE LIFT: 155% Source: Specific Media Study, 2008
  • 60. Agenda  Driving performance through Display  Creative Examples  Search & Display are synergistic in driving consumers through the purchase funnel  Optimizing Search & Display in the marketing mix: Best practices and Success stories 17
  • 61. Drive Better Results with Search Retargeting Search Retargeting enables you to: • Reach searchers interested in your brand or product offering and reduce CPA with targeting • Deliver display campaigns on Yahoo! sites with the highest composition and engagement of prospects by category • Customize your brand message TYPE OF SEARCHER YAHOO! PROPERTY Retail Movies, Lifestyle, omg!, Video, TV Tech News, TV, Movies, Cars Auto Cars, Maps, Movies, TV Finance Finance, Maps, Autos Telco Lifestyle, TV, Movies, Cars Pharma Lifestyle, Movies, Maps
  • 62. Success Story Search and Display working in tandem for Sykes Cottages # of property owner registrations on the site Goals: # of holiday-maker registrations/bookings on the site  Yahoo! helped Sykes Cottages reach its target audiences with the science of targeting  Audiences targeted: property owners men 55+ & holiday makers women 35+  Behavioural Targeting: ‘Investment’ ,‘Golf’ and ‘Vacations’ ,‘Destinations’ Conversions Average daily search +5% to +12.5% clicks +28% CPA fell by Conversions around 5% +35%
  • 63. Summary Display and Search together are more powerful than either Match made in heaven advertising solution alone An integrated campaign will deliver against multiple campaign A win-win solution goals and objectives With so many ad formats available, the digital canvas is a stage on Time to shine which your brand can shine Integrated campaigns boost online conversions by up to 83% and Boost your sales offline sales by up to 119% Yahoo! continues to deliver first-class advertising solutions in both The perfect partner Search and Display
  • 64.
  • 66. The Yahoo! Formula of Advertising Success Precision targeting powered by Custom programmes and real-time Target relevant, engaged audiences data, ground-breaking science and creative optimisation capabilities at scale. Locally, regionally and trust. that build your business. globally.
  • 67. The Evolution of Audience Targeting Early days Reality for years Today We have so much data we can Lots of data, lots of targeting Getting very close to one-to-one easily tailor every ad. products. marketing. One-to-one marketing nirvana!! Often without good results. Great! (and a bit scary) The User Behind the Available Impression Quantity Multiple Sources
  • 68. Targeting and Data Whatever kind of targeting – geographic, demographic, behavioural - it’s all smart, it’s all personal, and it’s all relevant. There’s no downside to any type of targeting, unless it doesn’t work. Tom Kelly | COO,Safecount, eMarketer interview The main unit of currency for online advertising is data. David Hallerman | Senior Analyst, eMarketer Online Targeting is the worst form of targeting with the exception of all others. Repurposed and rephrased Winston Churchill quote on democracy
  • 69. Precision and Relevance Increase your chances of success by:  Reaching your audience in an environment and at a time that is relevant and carefully defined.  Aligning your advertising messages with your audience’s passions and interests. Audience targeting is about getting your message in front of a precisely Consumers will look at pre-defined audience. It works personally relevant ads for 25 because it has relevance at its percent longer than ads that are heart. not personally relevant to them. Yahoo! Power of Relevancy April 2011
  • 70. The Science Behind Audience Targeting Anonymous Yahoo! User Yahoo! data Third-party data Male, 25, SW England, Searches for Dubai hotels & mobile phones, likes rugby
  • 71. The Importance of Trust Yahoo! and Ad Choices The Benefits Yahoo! was the first large internet publisher to pilot a  The ability to offer scheme designed to give consumers in Europe easily consumers the confidence accessible information on how online advertising works. that the ads they are receiving are from a trusted Ad Choices reinforces transparency by giving source. consumers control and meaningful choice in the data they share. The Ad Interest Manager tool allows consumers to influence and manage the types of ads they see and the option to opt out of interest-based advertising.
  • 72. Targeting Tools and Solutions
  • 73. The Basics Geographic Demographic Time-of-day  Location data from activity on Target specific audiences Serve up just the right message Yahoo! sites based on age, gender and at the time right for the right sometimes income. user  IP address  Visitor registration data Helpful Tip Increase relevance and performance by targeting multiple geographic audiences simultaneously with customised messages for each region
  • 74. Context-based Targeting Context-based targeting  The placement of advertising within a related or relevant environment. Contextually relevant advertising provokes an emotional response almost double that without such relevance. Yahoo! Power of Relevance 2011
  • 75. Behavioural Targeting The Benefits  Actively interested prospects.  An opportunity for messaging to reflect the prospects stage in the purchase process.  The power of advertising relevance. Targeting ads to consumers whose recent behaviours online indicate that your product or service category is relevant to them. Yahoo! Power of Relevancy April 2011
  • 76. Yahoo! Behavioral Targeting – How it works Varying ProductRelevant Users Identify Users Purchase Cycles Rewarding Good Behaviour Match Most to the Models We analyzed predictive patterns for purchase cycles in 100s of product categories In each category, we built models to describe behaviour most likely to lead to an ad response (i.e. click). We scored each Yahoo! user for his fit with every category…daily. Target your ads to users who get highest ‘relevance’ scores in the targeting categories you choose
  • 77. Site Retargeting The Pros The Cons  Serves ads based on known interaction with  Recency or frequency of user behaviour and a brand or particular campaign messaging. the importance those factors as indicators of relevance aren’t always a part of basic  Can be used to encourage up and cross- retargeting. selling.  Previous behaviour is often not the best predictor of future behaviour.
  • 78. Direct Response Yahoo! DR Scalable performance advertising. Attracting and influencing new and Target Reach existing users to the point of audience purchase for our advertisers. DR People Data Technology
  • 79. Yahoo! Dynamic DR The opportunity to tailor ads to individual consumers, with offers personally relevant to them. The ads know what they want, and when they want it. Yahoo! Power of Relevancy April 2011
  • 80. Dynamic DR - Personalized Advertising ! Messages Right Audience Images Right Messages Products Right Products Right Drivers CTAs and Offers
  • 81. Creative Optimization – Dynamic DR Dynamic Generation and Optimization of Rich Media Ads Combination of three technologies: Dynamic ad generation A flexible ad unit that can have millions of variations Automated optimization A smart server that will experiment to find the best performing variation for each user Highly targeted ad inventory More targeting data enables better decisions regarding which variation to show – and Yahoo has the most highly targeted inventory in the world 17
  • 82. Consumer Connect 40,000 mutual active users We combine our extensive online data with Nectar’s offline behavioural insight, enabling us to present ads to the most appropriate audience segments available.
  • 83. Consumer Connect #1 #2 TARGET most relevant MEASURE consumers based sales impact on on purchase history advertised brand to achieve goals using actual sales data
  • 84. UK Case Study Objective In a highly competitive seasonal environment, Cadbury wanted to drive sales +51% of their Creme Egg product sales difference Target Buyers of Creme Egg products in the previous Easter season as well as buyers of seasonal competitive chocolate egg products 3.23 ROI Media 15 million impressions
  • 85. Audience Match + = Yahoo! Experian Insight & Better Connections Between Audience Data Marketing Tools Audiences and Ads  Increased relevance of ads The  Reach the right audience Benefits  Timely and appropriate messages
  • 86. Influencing the Purchase Funnel Audience Behavioural Direct Yahoo! Search Match Targeting Response Dynamic DR Retargeting Impact at Scale Brand awareness Purchase intent Conversion
  • 87. The Goals What We Did  Increase the number of property  Targeting property owners across Real Estate and Finance owner registrations made via its content on Yahoo! sites in the UK and IP targeting inventory on website  Boost the number of  Demographic targeting captured the right segments holidaymaker registrations and  Behavioural Targeting connected brand and audience via bookings made through its ‘Investment’ and ‘Golf’ segments website  Travel placements captured the holidaymaker audiences along with Behaviourally Targeted inventory specific to ‘Destinations’ and ‘Vacations’ segments The Target Audiences  Property owners  Holidaymakers “Our overall number of conversions increased by  Men of 55 years of age or more between 5%-12.5% while the banners were and women 35-years and older running. The CPA was lower than our historical average, falling by around 5%” Sykes Cottages
  • 88. Solutions for Automotive Brands Audience Behavioural Direct Retargeting Yahoo! Match Targeting Response Search Find people who fit your audience profile Capture the hottest leads Reach consumers who are in the market for your product Find people in new markets Retarget users to stay front of mind
  • 89. Solutions for Entertainment Brands Audience Behavioural Yahoo! Yahoo! Match Targeting Search Dynamic DR Targeting gamers with specific interests or consoles Reaching everyone from adventure film to sci-fi lovers Targeting response advertising to appeal to specific audiences
  • 90. Solutions for Finance Brands Behavioural Direct Targeting Response Reaching people seeking specific brand names Reaching people who are in the market for a mortgage Targeting shoppers looking for real estate investment Reaching people who are refinancing Pinpointing highly interested shoppers and retarget
  • 91. Solutions for FMCG Brands Audience Behavioural Consumer Yahoo! Match Targeting Connect Search Target segments based on off-line purchasing habits Pinpoint your target audience with granular segments Reach your audience via more than 25 FMCG audience categories 40,000 mutual active users Capture your hottest leads
  • 92. Solutions for Retail Brands Direct Behavioural Yahoo! Response Targeting Dynamic DR Turning window shoppers into loyal customers Marketing 50 different products but need to test best conversions Finding just the right shopper for your products
  • 93. Yahoo! Academy Session Review  The nirvana of one-to-one marketing is now a reality Audience Targeting  Audience targeting exercises and harnesses ‘the power of relevance’ Depth and Breadth of Data Targeting Tools Yahoo! We combine our data with that Our targeting solutions help you of third parties for insights that influence every stage of the Audience are great in breadth and depth. purchase funnel. Targeting Yahoo! user data Self-reporting Direct Response Third party data Context-based Yahoo! Dynamic DR Deep Science We convert data into actionable Site retargeting Consumer Connect insights so that you can get closer to your audience. Behavioural Audience Match