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                               Bogota DC Colombia Year 2012 Number 1 free publication

Urban Cultures: fashion or
   mode of expression?
                                                                     An urban tribe is a group of people that behaves according to
                                                                     the ideologies of a subculture that he/she originates and it is
                                                                     developed in the atmosphere of a city or urban helmet.
                                                                     According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology the
                                                                     concept of Tribe is defined in the Following way:
                                                                     «Ethnic unit that is characterized by the same language and
                                                                     cultural, the collective conscience and the feeling of common
                                                                     ownership, as well as for the residence place in common or the
                                                                     emigration. For the tribe they are essential the common symbols,
                                                                     the stable traditions and the sale collective hegemónico.»
                                                                     Some critics and analysts say that the phenomenon of the urban
                                                                     tribes is not nothing else that the search of the youths for that
                                                                     identity so missed. When a youth joins to a society that possesses
                                                                     the same tendencies and thoughts that him, this you/he/she will
                                                                     be identified as much with the group as with her symbols. It is
                                                                     necessary to highlight that some tribes are more intolerant to a
                                                                     group of opposed tendencies than other, that which could take to
                                                                     the violence.
                                                                     The identity of each one of these tribes will vary according to its
                                                                     ideology and according to the same person, for example, while
                                                                     the skinheads is of violent tendencies, the hippies don’t compete
                                                                     against any group, because they are pacifist and there is not
                                                                     group some that is they entirely opposed.
                                                                     In 1985, French sociologist Michel Maffesoli coined the term
                                                                     urban tribe. It gained widespread use after the publication of
                                                                     his Le temps des tribus: le déclin de l’individualisme dans les
                                                                     sociétés postmodernes (1988). Eight years later, this book was
                                                                     published in the United Kingdom as The Time of the Tribes: The
                                                                     Decline of Individualism in Mass Society.
                                                                     According to Maffesoli, urban tribes are microgroups of people
                                                                     who share common interests in urban areas. The members of
                                                                     these relatively small groups tend to have similar worldviews,
                                                                     dress styles and behavioral patterns. Their social interactions
                                                                     are largely informal and emotionally laden, different from late
capitalism’s corporate-bourgeoisie cultures, based on dispassionate logic. Maffesoli claims that punks are a typical example of an
“urban tribe”
Five years after the first English translation of Le temps des tribus, writer Ethan Watters claims to have coined the same neologism
in a New York Times Magazine article. This was later expanded upon the idea in his book Urban Tribes: A Generation Redefines
Friendship, Family, and Commitment. According to Watters, urban tribes are groups of never-marrieds between the ages of 25 and 45
who gather in common-interest groups and enjoy an urban lifestyle, which offers an alternative to traditional family structures..

     AND CHARACTERISTIC                         Enter To:

 The proposal consists on creating a newspaper directed the
 students of the school CEIC citadel, this it will consist on
 emphasizing in the English language, by means of the handling
 of topics of interest for the students. The school counts with
 approximately 3.450 children students, the objective is to treat
 topics of interest, facilitating the access to public’s variety, that
 is to say that the newspaper is not alone read by the youths of
 the superior grades, but for educational and personal of the
 community that he/she sits down attraction for the topics tried
 in the newspaper. The topic of the tribes or urban subcultures, at
 the moment it is evident in the society; of course that a school
 would be a good sample inside this society to approach this
 topic; to be something stranger for many of people that surround
 to these groups, the idea it is to explain that they are the tribes
 or urban subcultures which with their ideals, expression forms,
 antecedents and development in the society; also starting from
 these practices as the rejection is generated toward the members
 of these groups, like in the schools, in some occasions, these
 they can be victims of the school bullying. These topics are
 treated in the English language, that is to say the use of the
 second language is implemented, worked in the school, to count
 the topics mentioned previously, this way it is generated in the
 students an interest for the practice of the language. The school           Kamila Angelica Torres Roncancio
 is looking for to implement the English language, in all the
 subjects, that is to say that the students, use English in its day-
 to-dayness that in each subject the English language is used with
 the assiduity that Spanish is used; the educational of English
 demand their students to speak in all moment in English, and
 until carrying out their conversations using this language. they
 were carried out surveys to inclination and the blog, with the
 possibility that the students and readers of the newspaper can
 suggest that they would like to read in the same one.
 Handling will be made of one it paginates web in which the
 users rot to find the information of the project, the interviews
 that are carried out, the virtual newspaper and some activities
 of interest, they will also have groups of interest in the social
 nets as Twitter and Facebook. Through it paginates it web they
 were carried out surveys, to know that you fear that they interest
 the students, to treat them in the newspaper. This project had
 the support of an educational one of English of the school that
 knows the capacity of the students to learn the English language,
 besides the topics that could be of its interest.
 At the moment topics as the tribes or urban subcultures are very
 present in the society, and every time but young they are linked
 to these groups, without knowing the bottom topic that contains
 each one, exactly their characteristics, ideals, etc...
 in the schools we find the presence of these groups, which are
 discrimination main characters in some occasions; this as point
 of reference of the school bullying. On the other hand you
 practice them artistic that has each one of these groups to be
 expressed, what some would call vandalism, others would call
   in some editions they talked each other at the moment about
 topics of cultural interest, they will be sections “special”; also
 sections as “history”, in which you/they were topics through the
 history (according to the topic of the edition), “Belong” it will be
 the section in which a testimony will be included of who makes
 part of the treated topic, of a member of the community or who
 is bound to the topic; in the section “Leader” it was spoken of
 you lead them of the community and of their paper inside her.
 The intention of the newspaper is to be able to capture the
 attention of the readers that you/they will be the students and
 members of the community CEIC in this case.



An urban tribe is a group of people that
behaves according to the ideologies of a
                                            Identifying                                  As with other subcultures, sexual
                                                                                         subcultures adopted certain styles of
subculture that they originates and it is   subcultures                                  fashion and gestures to distinguish them
developed in the atmosphere of a city or    The study of subcultures often consists
                                                                                         from the mainstream.
urban helmet.                               of the study of symbolism attached
                                                                                         Homosexuals expressed themselves
According to the Encyclopedic               to clothing, music and other visible
                                                                                         through the gay culture, considered
Dictionary of Sociology the concept of      affectations by members of subcultures,
                                                                                         the largest sexual subculture of the
Tribe is defined in the Following way:      and also the ways in which these same
                                                                                         20th century. With the ever increasing
«Ethnic unit that is characterized by       symbols are interpreted by members
                                                                                         acceptance of homosexuality in the early
the same language and cultural, the         of the dominant culture. According to
                                                                                         21st century, including its expressions
collective conscience and the feeling       Dick Hebdige, members of a subculture
                                                                                         in fashion, music, and design, the gay
of common ownership, as well as             often signal their membership through
                                                                                         culture can no longer be considered a
for the residence place in common           a distinctive and symbolic use of style,
                                                                                         subculture in many parts of the world,
or the emigration. For the tribe they       which includes fashions, mannerisms,
                                                                                         although some aspects of gay culture
are essential the common symbols,           and argot.
                                                                                         like leathermen, bears, and feeders are
the stable traditions and the powerful      Subcultures can exist at all levels of
                                                                                         considered subcultures within the gay
collective sale.                            organizations, highlighting the fact
                                                                                         movement itself. The butch and femme
Some critics and analysts say that the      that there are multiple cultures or value
                                                                                         identities or roles among some lesbians
phenomenon of the urban tribes is           combinations usually evident in any
                                                                                         also engender their own subculture with
not nothing else that the search of the     one organization that can complement
                                                                                         stereotypical attire, for instance drag
youths for that identity so missed. When    but also compete with the overall
                                                                                         kings.A late 1980s development, the
a youth joins to a society that possesses   organisational culture. In some cases,
                                                                                         queer movement can be considered a
the same tendencies and thoughts that       subcultures have been legislated
                                                                                         subculture broadly encompassing those
him, this will be identified as much        against, and their activities regulated or
                                                                                         that reject normativity in sexual behavior,
with the group as with her symbols.         curtailed.
                                                                                         and who celebrate visibility and activism.
It is necessary to highlight that some                                                   The wider movement coincided with
tribes are more intolerant to a group
of opposed tendencies than other, that
                                            Sexual subcultures                           growing academic interests in queer
                                            Further information: Sexuality and           studies and queer theory. Aspects of
which could take to the violence.           gender identity-based cultures               sexual subcultures can vary along other
The identity of each one of these tribes    The sexual revolution of the 1960s           cultural lines. For instance, in the United
will vary according to its ideology         led to a countercultural rejection of        States, the term down-low is used to refer
and according to the same person, for       the established sexual and gender            to African-American men who do not
example, while the skinheads is of          norms, particularly in the urban areas       identify themselves with the gay or queer
violent tendencies, the hippies don’t       of Europe, North and South America,          cultures, but who practice gay cruising,
compete against any group, because          Australia, and white South Africa.           and adopt a specific hip-hop attire during
they are pacifist and there is not group    A more permissive social environment         this activity. urban lifestyle, which
some that is they entirely opposed.         in these areas led to a proliferation of     offers an alternative to traditional family
                                            sexual subcultures—cultural expressions      structures.
                                            of non-normative sexuality.


                                               Day on the last Sunday in February.           between peoples, and the struggle for
The first national Women’s Day was                                                           peace. But still, women’s day must be
observed on 28 February 1909 in the            Female members of the Australian              celebrated as are other holidays.”
United States following a declaration          Builders Labourers Federation march           From its official adoption in Russia
by the Socialist Party of America. In          on International Women’s Day 1975 in          following the Soviet Revolution in 1917
August 1910, an International Women’s          Sydney                                        the holiday was predominantly celebrated
Conference was organized to precede the        In 1913 Russian women observed their          in communist and socialist countries. It
general meeting of the Socialist Second        first International Women’s Day on            was celebrated by the communists in China
International in Copenhagen. Inspired in       the last Sunday in February (by Julian        from 1922, and by Spanish communists
part by the American socialists, German        calendar then used in Russia). In 1917        from 1936.[5] After the founding of the
Socialist Luise Zietz proposed the             demonstrations marking International          People’s Republic of China on October
establishment of an annual ‘International      Women’s Day in Saint Petersburg on the        1, 1949 the state council proclaimed on
Woman’s Day’ (singular) and was                last Sunday in February (which fell on 8      December 23 that March 8 would be made
seconded by Clara Zetkin, although no date     March on the Gregorian calendar) initiated    an official holiday with women in China
was specified at that conference.Delegates     the February Revolution.                      given a half-day off.
(100 women from 17 countries) agreed           Following the October Revolution, the         In the West, International Women’s Day
with the idea as a strategy to promote equal   Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai persuaded       was first observed as a popular event
rights, including suffrage, for women.[4]      Lenin to make it an official holiday in the   after 1977 when the United Nations
The following year, on 18 March, 1911,         Soviet Union, and it was established, but     General Assembly invited member states
IWD was marked for the first time, by          was a working day until 1965. On May 8,       to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for
over a million people in Austria, Denmark,     1965 by the decree of the USSR Presidium      women’s rights and world peace.
Germany and Switzerland. In the Austro-        of the Supreme Soviet International           (source wikipedia)
Hungarian Empire alone, there were             Women’s Day was declared a non-working
300 demonstrations.In Vienna, women            day in the USSR “in commemoration of
paraded on the Ringstrasse and carried         the outstanding merits of Soviet women
banners honouring the martyrs of the Paris     in communistic construction, in the
Commune.Women demanded that women              defense of their Fatherland during the
be given the right to vote and to hold         Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and
public office. They also protested against     selflessness at the front and in the rear,
employment sex discrimination. Americans       and also marking the great contribution
continued to celebrate National Women’s        of women to strengthening friendship

THE WOMAN.... According to GABO

If it has not still gone the scalpel by your
if you don’t have you implant of silicona in
some part of your body,
if the fats don’t generate you trauma, if you
have never suffered of
anorexy, if your stature doesn’t affect your
personal development,
if when you go to the beach you prefer to
have a good time in the sea and not
to be on a towel during hours, if you
believe that the
fidelity yes it is possible and you practice
it, if you know how you
he/she prepares a rice, if you can prepare a
complete lunch,
if your priority is not to be blond to as of
place, if not you
you get up a.m. at 4:00 o’clock to be able
to reach to make you the one
blower, if you can go out with sack of calm to a woman this way......                            _ What a man is?
sudadera to the
remain silent one Sunday without a drop of That it feels proud of having it as partner....       _ A man will be an imperfect creature,
make-up in the face...                                                                           with many tricks, he will make traps,
                                                That he knows how to play it as a virtuous
                                                                                                 it will be important…, we go that he
                                                musician he plays its
YOU ARE IN ROAD OF                                                                               will give you problems… But it will be
                                                lover instrument...
EXTINCTION.... WELCOME!                                                                          stronger and quicker than you and he will
                                                                                                 like to hunt and to kill things. He/she will
                                                That it fights to their side sharing all their
                                                                                                 have a simple aspect, but I eat you these
                                                lists, from
THE SWEET FLAVOR OF AN                                                                           complaining, I will create him in such a
                                                to wash plates and to assist tripones, until
EXQUISITE WOMAN                                                                                  way that satisfies your necessities. Neither
                                                returning him those
                                                                                                 it will be very clever and it will highlight
                                                massages and cares that she lavished him
An exquisite woman is not that that more                                                         in infantile things as to stick and to give
men have to                                                                                      kicks to a ball. He/she will always need
their feet, if not that that has one alone that The truth, partners men, it is that the          your advice to act sanely.
her ago                                         women in that
really happy.                                                                                    Does _ Sound well _ Eva he/she said while
                                                of being ‘Very male’ they take us great
                                                                                                 he/she lifted the brow irónicamente._
A beautiful woman is not the youngest,                                                           Which the trick is?
neither the thinest, neither                    How silly we have been - and we are -
the one that has the smoothest complexion when we value the one                                  _Tendrías a condition. As it will be
or the hair more                                                                                 arrogant and narcisista, you will make
                                                I only give for the vistosidad of their
attractive, it is that that with only a frank                                                    him believe that I made him first. He/she
and open                                                                                         remembers, it is our secreto…de woman to
smile and a good advice can be happy the                                                         woman.
                                                Silly and a thousand times fool the man
life.                                           that eats mierda in the
                                                remain silent, having an exquisitímo dish
A valuable woman is not that that has           at home.
holding, neither
more academic positions, it is that that        - Gabriel García Marquez -
sacrifices their dream
temporarily to make happy to the other          A HISTORY ABOUT EVA AND THE
ones.                                           PARADISE

An exquisite woman is not the most              In the paradise, one day Eva called to God:
burning (although if me
they ask to me, all the women are very          _ Has a problem.
burning... Those
that we are outside of focus we are the         _ Which the problem is Eva?_ I Know
men) but the one that                           that you have created me that you have
he/she vibrates when only making love           given me this beautiful garden, wonderful
with the man that loves.                        animals and the snake with which die from
                                                laugh, but I am not completely happy…
An interesting woman is not that that is
flattered                                       _ How that is Eva?
when being admired by their beauty and
elegance, he/she is that woman                  _ is alone and I am also fed up with eating
firm of character that can say NR.              apples.

And a MAN........ An EXQUISITE MAN is _ Eva, in such a case, I have a solution. I
that that values                      will create a man for you.



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  • 1. My Wall Bogota DC Colombia Year 2012 Number 1 free publication Urban Cultures: fashion or mode of expression? An urban tribe is a group of people that behaves according to the ideologies of a subculture that he/she originates and it is developed in the atmosphere of a city or urban helmet. According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology the concept of Tribe is defined in the Following way: «Ethnic unit that is characterized by the same language and cultural, the collective conscience and the feeling of common ownership, as well as for the residence place in common or the emigration. For the tribe they are essential the common symbols, the stable traditions and the sale collective hegemónico.» Some critics and analysts say that the phenomenon of the urban tribes is not nothing else that the search of the youths for that identity so missed. When a youth joins to a society that possesses the same tendencies and thoughts that him, this you/he/she will be identified as much with the group as with her symbols. It is necessary to highlight that some tribes are more intolerant to a group of opposed tendencies than other, that which could take to the violence. The identity of each one of these tribes will vary according to its ideology and according to the same person, for example, while the skinheads is of violent tendencies, the hippies don’t compete against any group, because they are pacifist and there is not group some that is they entirely opposed. In 1985, French sociologist Michel Maffesoli coined the term urban tribe. It gained widespread use after the publication of his Le temps des tribus: le déclin de l’individualisme dans les sociétés postmodernes (1988). Eight years later, this book was published in the United Kingdom as The Time of the Tribes: The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society. According to Maffesoli, urban tribes are microgroups of people who share common interests in urban areas. The members of these relatively small groups tend to have similar worldviews, dress styles and behavioral patterns. Their social interactions are largely informal and emotionally laden, different from late capitalism’s corporate-bourgeoisie cultures, based on dispassionate logic. Maffesoli claims that punks are a typical example of an “urban tribe” Five years after the first English translation of Le temps des tribus, writer Ethan Watters claims to have coined the same neologism in a New York Times Magazine article. This was later expanded upon the idea in his book Urban Tribes: A Generation Redefines Friendship, Family, and Commitment. According to Watters, urban tribes are groups of never-marrieds between the ages of 25 and 45 who gather in common-interest groups and enjoy an urban lifestyle, which offers an alternative to traditional family structures.. PAGE 2 URBAN TRIBES: TYPES AND CHARACTERISTIC Enter To:
  • 2. History EDITORIAL The proposal consists on creating a newspaper directed the students of the school CEIC citadel, this it will consist on emphasizing in the English language, by means of the handling of topics of interest for the students. The school counts with approximately 3.450 children students, the objective is to treat topics of interest, facilitating the access to public’s variety, that is to say that the newspaper is not alone read by the youths of the superior grades, but for educational and personal of the community that he/she sits down attraction for the topics tried in the newspaper. The topic of the tribes or urban subcultures, at the moment it is evident in the society; of course that a school would be a good sample inside this society to approach this topic; to be something stranger for many of people that surround to these groups, the idea it is to explain that they are the tribes or urban subcultures which with their ideals, expression forms, antecedents and development in the society; also starting from these practices as the rejection is generated toward the members of these groups, like in the schools, in some occasions, these they can be victims of the school bullying. These topics are treated in the English language, that is to say the use of the second language is implemented, worked in the school, to count the topics mentioned previously, this way it is generated in the students an interest for the practice of the language. The school Kamila Angelica Torres Roncancio is looking for to implement the English language, in all the subjects, that is to say that the students, use English in its day- to-dayness that in each subject the English language is used with the assiduity that Spanish is used; the educational of English demand their students to speak in all moment in English, and until carrying out their conversations using this language. they were carried out surveys to inclination and the blog, with the possibility that the students and readers of the newspaper can suggest that they would like to read in the same one. Handling will be made of one it paginates web in which the users rot to find the information of the project, the interviews that are carried out, the virtual newspaper and some activities of interest, they will also have groups of interest in the social nets as Twitter and Facebook. Through it paginates it web they were carried out surveys, to know that you fear that they interest the students, to treat them in the newspaper. This project had the support of an educational one of English of the school that knows the capacity of the students to learn the English language, besides the topics that could be of its interest. At the moment topics as the tribes or urban subcultures are very present in the society, and every time but young they are linked to these groups, without knowing the bottom topic that contains each one, exactly their characteristics, ideals, etc... in the schools we find the presence of these groups, which are discrimination main characters in some occasions; this as point of reference of the school bullying. On the other hand you practice them artistic that has each one of these groups to be expressed, what some would call vandalism, others would call art. in some editions they talked each other at the moment about topics of cultural interest, they will be sections “special”; also sections as “history”, in which you/they were topics through the history (according to the topic of the edition), “Belong” it will be the section in which a testimony will be included of who makes part of the treated topic, of a member of the community or who is bound to the topic; in the section “Leader” it was spoken of you lead them of the community and of their paper inside her. The intention of the newspaper is to be able to capture the attention of the readers that you/they will be the students and members of the community CEIC in this case. 2
  • 3. History URBANTRIBES:TYPES AND CHARACTERTIC An urban tribe is a group of people that behaves according to the ideologies of a Identifying As with other subcultures, sexual subcultures adopted certain styles of subculture that they originates and it is subcultures fashion and gestures to distinguish them developed in the atmosphere of a city or The study of subcultures often consists from the mainstream. urban helmet. of the study of symbolism attached Homosexuals expressed themselves According to the Encyclopedic to clothing, music and other visible through the gay culture, considered Dictionary of Sociology the concept of affectations by members of subcultures, the largest sexual subculture of the Tribe is defined in the Following way: and also the ways in which these same 20th century. With the ever increasing «Ethnic unit that is characterized by symbols are interpreted by members acceptance of homosexuality in the early the same language and cultural, the of the dominant culture. According to 21st century, including its expressions collective conscience and the feeling Dick Hebdige, members of a subculture in fashion, music, and design, the gay of common ownership, as well as often signal their membership through culture can no longer be considered a for the residence place in common a distinctive and symbolic use of style, subculture in many parts of the world, or the emigration. For the tribe they which includes fashions, mannerisms, although some aspects of gay culture are essential the common symbols, and argot. like leathermen, bears, and feeders are the stable traditions and the powerful Subcultures can exist at all levels of considered subcultures within the gay collective sale. organizations, highlighting the fact movement itself. The butch and femme Some critics and analysts say that the that there are multiple cultures or value identities or roles among some lesbians phenomenon of the urban tribes is combinations usually evident in any also engender their own subculture with not nothing else that the search of the one organization that can complement stereotypical attire, for instance drag youths for that identity so missed. When but also compete with the overall kings.A late 1980s development, the a youth joins to a society that possesses organisational culture. In some cases, queer movement can be considered a the same tendencies and thoughts that subcultures have been legislated subculture broadly encompassing those him, this will be identified as much against, and their activities regulated or that reject normativity in sexual behavior, with the group as with her symbols. curtailed. and who celebrate visibility and activism. It is necessary to highlight that some The wider movement coincided with tribes are more intolerant to a group of opposed tendencies than other, that Sexual subcultures growing academic interests in queer Further information: Sexuality and studies and queer theory. Aspects of which could take to the violence. gender identity-based cultures sexual subcultures can vary along other The identity of each one of these tribes The sexual revolution of the 1960s cultural lines. For instance, in the United will vary according to its ideology led to a countercultural rejection of States, the term down-low is used to refer and according to the same person, for the established sexual and gender to African-American men who do not example, while the skinheads is of norms, particularly in the urban areas identify themselves with the gay or queer violent tendencies, the hippies don’t of Europe, North and South America, cultures, but who practice gay cruising, compete against any group, because Australia, and white South Africa. and adopt a specific hip-hop attire during they are pacifist and there is not group A more permissive social environment this activity. urban lifestyle, which some that is they entirely opposed. in these areas led to a proliferation of offers an alternative to traditional family sexual subcultures—cultural expressions structures. of non-normative sexuality. 3
  • 4. SPECIAL Day on the last Sunday in February. between peoples, and the struggle for The first national Women’s Day was peace. But still, women’s day must be observed on 28 February 1909 in the Female members of the Australian celebrated as are other holidays.” United States following a declaration Builders Labourers Federation march From its official adoption in Russia by the Socialist Party of America. In on International Women’s Day 1975 in following the Soviet Revolution in 1917 August 1910, an International Women’s Sydney the holiday was predominantly celebrated Conference was organized to precede the In 1913 Russian women observed their in communist and socialist countries. It general meeting of the Socialist Second first International Women’s Day on was celebrated by the communists in China International in Copenhagen. Inspired in the last Sunday in February (by Julian from 1922, and by Spanish communists part by the American socialists, German calendar then used in Russia). In 1917 from 1936.[5] After the founding of the Socialist Luise Zietz proposed the demonstrations marking International People’s Republic of China on October establishment of an annual ‘International Women’s Day in Saint Petersburg on the 1, 1949 the state council proclaimed on Woman’s Day’ (singular) and was last Sunday in February (which fell on 8 December 23 that March 8 would be made seconded by Clara Zetkin, although no date March on the Gregorian calendar) initiated an official holiday with women in China was specified at that conference.Delegates the February Revolution. given a half-day off. (100 women from 17 countries) agreed Following the October Revolution, the In the West, International Women’s Day with the idea as a strategy to promote equal Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai persuaded was first observed as a popular event rights, including suffrage, for women.[4] Lenin to make it an official holiday in the after 1977 when the United Nations The following year, on 18 March, 1911, Soviet Union, and it was established, but General Assembly invited member states IWD was marked for the first time, by was a working day until 1965. On May 8, to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for over a million people in Austria, Denmark, 1965 by the decree of the USSR Presidium women’s rights and world peace. Germany and Switzerland. In the Austro- of the Supreme Soviet International (source wikipedia) Hungarian Empire alone, there were Women’s Day was declared a non-working 300 demonstrations.In Vienna, women day in the USSR “in commemoration of paraded on the Ringstrasse and carried the outstanding merits of Soviet women banners honouring the martyrs of the Paris in communistic construction, in the Commune.Women demanded that women defense of their Fatherland during the be given the right to vote and to hold Great Patriotic War, in their heroism and public office. They also protested against selflessness at the front and in the rear, employment sex discrimination. Americans and also marking the great contribution continued to celebrate National Women’s of women to strengthening friendship
  • 5. SPECIAL THE WOMAN.... According to GABO If it has not still gone the scalpel by your skin, if you don’t have you implant of silicona in some part of your body, if the fats don’t generate you trauma, if you have never suffered of anorexy, if your stature doesn’t affect your personal development, if when you go to the beach you prefer to have a good time in the sea and not to be on a towel during hours, if you believe that the fidelity yes it is possible and you practice it, if you know how you he/she prepares a rice, if you can prepare a complete lunch, if your priority is not to be blond to as of place, if not you you get up a.m. at 4:00 o’clock to be able to reach to make you the one blower, if you can go out with sack of calm to a woman this way...... _ What a man is? sudadera to the remain silent one Sunday without a drop of That it feels proud of having it as partner.... _ A man will be an imperfect creature, make-up in the face... with many tricks, he will make traps, That he knows how to play it as a virtuous it will be important…, we go that he musician he plays its YOU ARE IN ROAD OF will give you problems… But it will be lover instrument... EXTINCTION.... WELCOME! stronger and quicker than you and he will like to hunt and to kill things. He/she will That it fights to their side sharing all their have a simple aspect, but I eat you these lists, from THE SWEET FLAVOR OF AN complaining, I will create him in such a to wash plates and to assist tripones, until EXQUISITE WOMAN way that satisfies your necessities. Neither returning him those it will be very clever and it will highlight massages and cares that she lavished him An exquisite woman is not that that more in infantile things as to stick and to give before... men have to kicks to a ball. He/she will always need their feet, if not that that has one alone that The truth, partners men, it is that the your advice to act sanely. her ago women in that really happy. Does _ Sound well _ Eva he/she said while of being ‘Very male’ they take us great he/she lifted the brow irónicamente._ journey... A beautiful woman is not the youngest, Which the trick is? neither the thinest, neither How silly we have been - and we are - the one that has the smoothest complexion when we value the one _Tendrías a condition. As it will be or the hair more arrogant and narcisista, you will make I only give for the vistosidad of their attractive, it is that that with only a frank him believe that I made him first. He/she packing... and open remembers, it is our secreto…de woman to smile and a good advice can be happy the woman. Silly and a thousand times fool the man life. that eats mierda in the remain silent, having an exquisitímo dish A valuable woman is not that that has at home. holding, neither more academic positions, it is that that - Gabriel García Marquez - sacrifices their dream temporarily to make happy to the other A HISTORY ABOUT EVA AND THE ones. PARADISE An exquisite woman is not the most In the paradise, one day Eva called to God: burning (although if me they ask to me, all the women are very _ Has a problem. burning... Those that we are outside of focus we are the _ Which the problem is Eva?_ I Know men) but the one that that you have created me that you have he/she vibrates when only making love given me this beautiful garden, wonderful with the man that loves. animals and the snake with which die from laugh, but I am not completely happy… An interesting woman is not that that is flattered _ How that is Eva? when being admired by their beauty and elegance, he/she is that woman _ is alone and I am also fed up with eating firm of character that can say NR. apples. And a MAN........ An EXQUISITE MAN is _ Eva, in such a case, I have a solution. I that that values will create a man for you.