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C.Wright Mills, ‘The Sociological Imagination” From Edwin
Lemert, Editor, Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classical
Readings, page 378-382.
The Sociological Imagination [Wright Mills (1959)]
The sociological imagination enables its possessor to
understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning
for the inner life and the external career of a variety of
individuals. It enables him to take into account how individuals,
in the welter of their daily experience, often become falsely
conscious of their social positions. Within that welter, the
framework of modern society is sought, and within that
framework the psychologies of a variety of men and women are
formulated. By such means the personal uneasiness of
individuals is focused upon explicit troubles and the
indifference of publics is transformed into involvement with
public issues.
The first fruit of this imagination-and the first lesson of the
social science that embodies it-is the idea that the individual
can understand his own experience and gauge his own fate only
by locating himself within his period, that he can know his own
chances in life only by becoming aware of those of all
individuals in his circumstances. In many ways it is a terrible
lesson; in many ways a magnificent one. We do not know the
limits of man's capacities for supreme effort or willing
degradation, for agony or glee, for pleasurable brutality or the
sweetness of reason. But in our time we have come to know that
the limits of 'human nature' are frighteningly broad. We have
come to know that every individual lives, from one generation
to the next, in some society; that he lives out a biography, and
that he lives it out within some historical sequence. By the fact
of his living he contributes, however minutely, to the shaping of
this society and to the course of its history, even as he is made
by society and by its historical push and shove.
The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and
biography and the relations between the two within society.
That is its task and its promise. To recognize this task and this
promise is the mark of the classic social analyst. It is
characteristic of Herbert Spencer-turgid, polysyllabic,
comprehensive; of E. A. Ross-graceful, muckraking, upright; of
Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim; of the intricate and subtle
Karl Mannheim. It is the quality of all that is intellectually
excellent in Karl Marx; it is the clue to Thorstein Veblen's
brilliant and ironic insight, to Joseph Schumpeter's many-sided
constructions of reality; it is the basis of the psychological
sweep of W.E.H. Lecky no less than of the profundity and
clarity of Max Weber. And it is the signal of what is best in
contemporary studies of man and society.
No social study that does not come back to the problems of
biography, of history and of their intersections within a society
has completed its intellectual journey. Whatever the specific
problems of the classic social analysts, however limited or
however broad the features of social reality they have
examined, those who have been imaginatively aware of the
promise of their work have consistently asked three sorts of
(1) What is the structure of this particular society as a whole?
What are its essential components, and how are they related to
one another? How does it differ from other varieties of social
order? Within it, what is the meaning of any particular feature
for its continuance and for its change?
(2) Where does this society stand in huma n history? What are
the mechanics by which it is changing? What is its place within
and it’s meaning for the development of humanity as a whole?
How does any particular feature we are examining affect, and
how is it affected by, the historical period in which it moves?
And this period-what are its essential features? How does it
differ from other periods? What are its characteristic ways of
(3) What varieties of men and women now prevail in this
society and in this period? And what varieties are coming to
prevail? In what ways are they selected and formed, liberated
and repressed, made sensitive and blunted? What kinds of
'human nature' are revealed in the conduct and character we
observe in this society in this period? And what is the meani ng
for 'human nature' of each and every feature of the society we
are examining?
Whether the point of interest is a great power state or a minor
literary mood, a family, a prison, a creed-these are the kinds of
questions the best social analysts have asked. They are the
intellectual pivots of classic studies of man in society- and they
are the questions inevitably raised by any mind possessing the
sociological, imagination. For that imagination is the capacity
to shift from one perspective to another-from the political to the
psychological; from examination of a single family to
comparative assessment of the national budgets of the world;
from the theological school to the military establishment; from
considerations of an oil industry to studies of contemporary
poetry. It is the capacity to range from the most impersonal and
remote transformations to the most intimate features of the
human self and to see the relations between the two. Back of its
use there is always the urge to know the social and historical
meaning of the individual in the society and in the period in
which he has his quality and his being.
That, in brief, is why it is by means of the sociological
imagination that men now hope to grasp what is going on in the
world, and to understand what is happening in themselves as
minute points of the intersections of biography and history
within society. In large part, contemporary man's self-conscious
view of himself as at least an Outsider, if not a permanent
stranger, rests upon an absorbed realization of social relativity
and of the transformative power of history. The sociological
imagination is the most fruitful form of this self-consciousness.
By its use men whose mentalities have swept only a series of
limited orbits often come to feel as if suddenly awakened in a
house with which they had only supposed themselves to be
familiar. Correctly or incorrectly, they often come to feel that
they can now provide themselves with adequate summations,
cohesive assessments, and comprehensive orientations. Ol der
decisions that once
appeared sound now seem to them products of a mind
unaccountably dense. Their capacity for astonishment is made
lively again. They acquire a new way of thinking; they
experience a trans-valuation of values: in a word, by their
reflection and by their sensibility, they realize the cultural
meaning of the social sciences.
Perhaps the most fruitful distinction with which the sociological
imagination works is between 'the personal troubles of milieu'
and 'the public issues of social structure.' This distinction is an
essential tool of the sociological imagination and a feature of
all classic work in social science.
Troubles occur within the character of the individual and within
the range of his immediate relations with others; they have to do
with his self and with those limited areas of social life of which
he is directly and personally aware. Accordingly, the statement
and the resolution of troubles properly lie within the individual
as a biographical entity and within the scope of his immediate
milieu- the social setting that is directly open to his personal
experience and to some extent his willful activity. A trouble is a
private matter: values cherished by an individual are felt by him
to be threatened.
Issues have to do with matters that transcend these local
environments of the individual and the range of his inner life.
They have to do with the organization of many such milieu into
the institutions of an historical society as a whole, with the
ways in which various milieu overlap and interpenetrate to form
the larger structure of social and historical life. An issue is a
public matter: some value cherished by publics is felt to be
threatened. Often there is a debate about what that value really
is and about what it is that really threatens it. This debate is
often without focus if only because it is the very nature of an
issue, unlike even widespread trouble, that it cannot very well
be defined in terms of the immediate and everyday
environments of ordinary men. An issue, in fact, often involves
a crisis in institutional arrangements, and often too it involves
what Marxists call 'contradictions' or 'antagonisms.'
In every intellectual age someone style of reflection tends to
become a common denominator of cultural life. Nowadays, it is
true, many intellectual fads are widely taken up before they are
dropped for new ones in the course of a year or two. Such
enthusiasms may add spite to cultural play, but leave little or no
intellectual trace. That is not true of such ways of thi nking as
'Newtonian physics' or 'Darwinian biology- ' Each of these
intellectual universes became an influence that reached far
beyond any special sphere of idea and imagery. In terms of
them, or in terms derived from them, unknown scholars as well
as fashionable commentators came to re-focus their
observations and re-formulate their concerns.
During the modern era, physical and biological science has been
the major common denominator of serious reflection and
popular metaphysics in Western societies. 'The technique of the
laboratory' has been the accepted mode of
procedure and the source of intellectual security. That is one
meaning of the idea of an intellectual common denominator:
men can state their strongest convictions in its terms; other
terms and other styles of reflection seem mere vehicles of
escape and obscurity.
That a common denominator prevails does not of course mean
that no other styles of thought or modes of sensibility exist. But
it does mean that more general intellectual interests tend to
slide into this area, to be formulated there most sharply, and
when so formulated, to be thought somehow to have reached, if
not a solution, at least a profitable way of being carried along.
The sociological imagination is becoming, I believe, the major
common denominator of our cultural life and its signal feature.
This quality of mind is found in the social and psychological
sciences, but it goes far beyond these studies as we now know
them. Its acquisition by individuals and by the cultural
community at large is slow and often fumbling; many social
scientists are themselves quite unaware of it. They do not seem
to know that the use of this imagination is central to the best
work that they might do, that by failing to develop and to use it
they are failing to meet the cultural expectations that are
coming to be demanded of them and that the classic traditions
of their several disciplines make available to them.
Yet in factual and moral concerns, in literary work and in
political analysis, the qualities of this imagination are regularly
demanded. In a great variety of expressions, they have become
central features of intellectual endeavor and cultural sensibility.
Leading critics exemplify these qualities as do serious
journalists-in fact the work of both is often judged in these
terms. Popular categories of criticism-high, and low-brow, for
example-are now at least as much sociological as aesthetic.
Novelists -- whose serious work embodies the most widespread
definitions of human reality--frequently possess this
imagination, and do much to meet the demand for it. By means
of it, orientation to the present as history is sought. As images
of 'human nature' become more problematic, an increasing need
is felt to pay closer yet more imaginative attention to the social
routines and catastrophes which reveal (and which shape) man's
nature in this time of civil unrest and ideological conflict.
Although fashion is often revealed by attempts to use it, the
sociological imagination is not merely a fashion. It is a quality
of mind that seems most dramatically to promise an
understanding of the intimate realities of ourselves in
connection with larger social realities. It is not merely one
quality of mind among the contemporary range of cultural
sensibilities-it is the quality whose wider and more adroit use
offers the promise that all such sensibilities-and in fact, human
reason itself-will come to play a greater role in human affairs.+
Cloud Operations Plan Template
1. Executive Summary (< 1 page)
2. Assess Risks to Operating in the Cloud
a. Management Risks
b. Operational Risks
3. AWS Service Catalog (1-2 pages)
a. Overview
b. Configuration and Deployment
4. Cloud Operations End-User Guide (1-2 pages)
a. Overview
b. Usability of AWS Service Catalog
5. Cloud Operations Admin Guide (3-4 pages)
a. Overview
b. Cloud management tools & software
c.Orchestration and Automation software
7. Summary (<1 page)
The training presentation with slides is a separate submission.
Both the slide presentation and the Cloud Operations Plan
should be submitted to the drop box.
Cloud Backup and Archiving Deployment Plan
Executive Summary
The demand for cloud infrastructure has grown and continues to
expand as businesses are reshaping operations. Storage of data
in a remote facility has been beneficial to firms as it is
convenient in manipulating and retrieving documents. Amazon
has pioneered the development of reliable cloud infrastructure
and offers the flexibility required for all business needs. This
varies from overly complex and large business solutions to
small and medium enterprises. The Amazon Web Services
(AWS) comprises a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that enables
computing power similar to traditional data centers on a defined
Virtual Machine (VM). The use of VMs eliminates the need for
the storage facility and enables BallotOnline to enjoy the
benefits of scaling and redundancy contributed by the use of
cloud computation. The AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) is
a service that facilitates the deployment of data on a server,
specifies routing channels used, defines security protocols
applicable, and includes a user-friendly System Development
Kit (SDK). The SDK provides an Application Programming
Interface (API) where a user configures the requirements for a
Networking in Cloud Environments
The communication between the VPC and the user over the
internet (facilitated by an internet gateway) is required to
access shared file resources. A gateway aims to provide a
concrete path for traffic flowing from the VPC and
interpretation of the traffic to the specific intended IPv4 and
IPv6 addresses. There exist two types of subnets.
· Public subnet: contains a routing table (a set of instructions
that links data traffic to a specific IP address destination) that is
connected to a route to the internet gateway.
· Private subnet: It has a routing table not associated with a
route to an internet gateway.
Egress-only internet gateways are highly secure VPC
components that provide scalability and redundancy
horizontally across IPv6. This facilitates communication from
the internet to the VPC and presents the creation of instances by
the internet to the users over IPv6. In our case, we are not
adopting IPv6 since the Network Address Translation (NAT)
converts private addresses to public addresses posing a security
threat. In case of failure, public and static IPv4 addresses help
mitigate failure at an instance by remapping to an alternative
VPC; an elastic IP address facilitates this. For an elastic IP
address to function, it must be associated with an instance on
the network. A peering connection is instantiable when there is
a requirement for traffic routing between two VPC securely.
The communication between the instances in the network can be
conducted as if they are in the same network. A transit gateway
can be created on the AWS interface that offers the peering
connection function facilitating communication between the
available VPC as required.
Configuration and Deployment of VPC
The VPC is used in creating a private and a segmented section
of the AWS cloud.
1.Open the VPC console. This can be done using the link.
2.Creation of new VPC
3.Open the link then:
· On the left menu click your VPCS
· Then click on "Create VPC". (another window opens that
require to enter the VPC name)
Cloud Storage Evaluation Provider Metrics
AWS provides a cost-efficient, flexible, and user-friendly data
storage facility for a user's instance. The options provided have
different uniqueness, combinations, and sustainability. The
storage options available can be combined or used
independently to suit the user's needs. The data storage options
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
It is characterized by providing block-level, durable storage that
is attachable to an instance. EBS is used in data storage where
the data requires fast and periodic updates. After attachment to
an instance, an EBS can be used as any other hard drive such
that it can be attached and detached from an instance. The
volume can also be altered accordingly. Also, encryption of
EBS can be done to increase security.
Instance storage is a mechanism where instances access storage
of the user's computer. This is temporary block-level storage for
instances. The data is only available during the life cycle of the
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
It provides expansive file storage. A user creates an EFS and
mounts it on the configured instance. This storage mechanism is
familiar with the central data source for applications utilizing
multiple instances.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
It provides access to cost-effective and reliable data storage. Its
purpose is to make web-based computing efficient by
facilitating access to an array of data and sizes at a given period
from the VPC or anywhere on the internet.
Configuration and Deployment of S3 Bucket in AWS Steps:
1. On the Amazon S3 console that can be accessed by clicking
on the link http://console/ click on the
create bucket
2. Enter the bucket name, then select the target region, e.g., US
east. Let all the rest remain as default, then click on create a
The bucket is successfully created. After successful creation,
the bucket appears on the list.
Data Broker and Cloud Sync
Data Broker software is used when syncing data from one
source to another target. In this case, NetApp is used.
Configuration and Deployment of Data Broker and Cloud Sync
1. Install a data broker e.g., NetApp using link
2. Use the 14-day trial of the cloud sync. After completing, the
data broker for AWS will be deployed.
3. Click on the select source and target screen.
4. Drag the server SMB to source, and Amazon S3 to target,
then click continue.
5. SMB server IP is then entered, then click continue.
The Relationship
6. Click on AWS data broker. Enter the name for the NETAPP
data broker, then click continue.
7. Then a stack template opens the click next.
8. Review the acknowledgment before clicking, then click
create. Click on the cloud sync page, then click on continue.
9. Select backup and achieving, then continue.
10. Select the AWS S3 bucket, then select the bucket of choice
and continue. Click on continue until the process is 100%
Deployment of Cloud Monitoring
Amazon cloud watch is used to monitor resources in the AWS to
minimize the time required for problem detections. It collects
and keeps track of metrics, monitors application performance. It
sends alarms on changes based on the rules defined by the user.
1. Click on services, under management and governance, click
on the cloud watch.
2. Click on billings, then click on next. Enter the metrics, time
range, and the currency used.
3. Click on the Create alarm.
4. Click on the dashboard. Select configure.
5. As on populated the figures a line graph is formed.
The monitor helps in the calculation of metric charges for users
on the network.
Cloud Implementation/ Migration Steps
The best method in cloud implementation involves an agile
methodology that entails beginning with small chunks of stories
or workload (a set of rules and configurations that deliver value
to a business), iterating, measuring, managing, and scaling. This
approach involves:
· Structuring epics (a body of work usable by the end-user)
responsive to change.
· Develop a significant and prioritized backlog,
· Report the progress to the implementation officer for
appropriate record keeping.
· Build a roadmap that shows the migration of data, making sure
it is effective and efficient per stakeholders' objectives.
After that, grouping teams of 8 to 9 colleagues with similar
technical abilities.
The teams are tasked with pioneering integration, facilitating
primary migration, and preparing BallotOnline to run a firm-
wide migration.
· Conduct a meeting with the scrum team (structured software
developers grouped) to evaluate the finding of readiness in
· Identify 20 applications that can be migrated to the AWS.
· Set up a backlog emphasizing pre-prepared workloads for all
structured and unstructured data from existent migration
· Select a leader for the scrum for backlog management.
Data is then migrated periodically after 14 days.
All the above steps should be carefully thought out and
documented. Communication should be kept open to report
progress and faults that may arise to ensure data integrity is
User Training Plan
a. Key Training Issues
Humans are resistant to change even though it is inevitable.
Employers are sometimes worried that cloud computing
endeavors may not be seamless or incur some losses due to the
migration. The existing workforce is familiar with the
business's roles and objectives. Operations are different in the
cloud than in offline data centers. Therefore, critical technical
training is vital for business practices. For a seamless
transition, the employer can opt to train the existing workforce
that has technical understanding. It is cheaper to train the
incumbent workers than to recruit and train new staff.
b. Training Methods
There is no one size fits all training that addresses all the needs
of BallotOnline. There are different skill sets required by
various employees that suit their job functions and
responsibilities. A classroom setting where an instructor
delivers information to learners is an effective method of
imparting knowledge for all employees to gain an equal amount
of expertise. Interactive learning where there are quizzes and
application scenario helps in the retention of skills acquired in
the training session. Another training mechanism is where the
instructor simulates a realistic working environment, and
employees develop hands-on skills from the program. According
to an employee's job description, top management is mandated
to choose the most relevant and effective training method that
will ensure the attainment of BallotOnline goals.
Plans, Policies, and Procedures to Support Cloud Operation
Setting up a VPC is an intricate procedure that can lead to legal
and ethical considerations that require policy compliance. The
user usually signs an agreement that the Cloud Service
Provider, in this case, AWS, is responsible for ensuring data
integrity. BallotOnline needs to maintain confidentiality in its
internal matters that would otherwise expose its information to
competitors decreasing a firm's competitive advantage. The
procurement of cloud computing is subject to contract law and
legislation that dictates the acquisition of the VPC resources
and the interaction with the remote datacenters. The contract
contains policies and procedures that are to be adhered to
maintain data confidentiality. A violation of the dictated tenets
can have legal implications binding to the party that breaches
the agreement. The policies and procedures may include a non-
disclosure agreement on the amount of data or type stored on
the cloud. This ensures there are no malpractices, such as
selling a customer's information utilizing cloud computing
resources. Data protection is done on personal data that can be
identified and inferred to a specific customer. Data encryption
is one of the methods that ensure data confidentiality.
Virtual Network Infrastructure Design
The Amazon VPC comprises public and private subnets. The
default network Access Control List (ACL) shares a private
subnet, and another contains a private subnet that entails
dedicated network ACLs on a single subnet. Amazon VPC
includes a division of the address space into multiple
availability zones, deploying NAT instances or gateways for
sending resources on a network right after that. The network can
be adjusted accordingly by increasing or decreasing the subnets
and availability zones (AZ), combining other AWS features to
achieve the desired network infrastructure.
The quickstep is an AWS predefined network infrastructure
template that contains several already created AZ and subnets
managed by NAT gateways for every subnet of each AZ.
Moreover, a user can create private subnets with custom ACLs
declaring the inbound and outbound rules on the network. The
utilization of the networking template infrastructure in a
geographical location with no support for NAT gateways
instances is initiated instead. The network infrastructure
template also contains endpoints of the VPC. This offers a
reliable and secure connection to the S3 without the need for an
internet gateway, virtual gateway, or NAT components to the
end-user. Resources on S3 can be accessed in the VPC location
in which it was formed.
Cloud Metering Implementation Steps
Four broad elements are used in determining the price payable
for utilization of cloud resources. They include the number of
users connected to the network, the amount of data transferred
through the network, the range of frequency of operation
(bandwidth), and the number of hosts. The metering service is
used with Amazon Machine Imaging (AMI), Software as a
Service (SaaS), and containers.
All Software that implements the use of AMI must meet the
criteria as follows. A user's Software must be initiated from
AWS Marketplace through AMI. If a product exists in the AWS
Marketplace, then the user should create a new AMI and create
a new product to make the feature functional. All programs
launched on the VPC should be provided with AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM). An end-user must integrate an IAM
function to the EC2 instance that the customer provides with the
Software. When an application program is deployed through the
AWS Marketplace, the use of IAM is voluntary. Therefore, the
application and its capabilities can then detect the level of
consumption. The metering service charges are done along with
a single defined category that can be split into several
dimensions. The pricing is done on resources provided and
priced on an hourly basis. The consumption is calculated and
billed monthly like the AWS Marketplace.
Public Cloud Infrastructure Design
The cloud infrastructure design is distributed to various client
teams with different expertise and capabilities to develop
efficient systems deployable on the cloud. There are risks that
the top management bears in the deployment of a cloud, such as:
· The correctness of the teams in achieving the laid-out
· A set of standards that define each team member's role ensures
the realization of BallotOnline's goals and objectives outlined.
· Automation of services checks on the quality of services
offered to customers.
The building of a public cloud is designed from the end-user
coming to the technical teams. This is a mechanism that ensures
maximum customer satisfaction from the use of AWS resources.
Five pillars ensure efficient deployment of cloud infrastructure.
These are operational excellence that aids the development of
appropriate components and run workloads providing an
understanding of best operations and carry-on improvement of
subordinate procedures and processes for optimum business
value. Security pillar entails protecting data, digital assets, and
systems to exploit the power of AWS cloud technology for
maximum security. The performance of a workload as it is
intended at the required time is a reliability feature required in
cloud designing. A public cloud should efficiently utilize
resources to meet the VPC system requirements and provide
timely changes with technological evolution. Lastly, cloud
infrastructure should be developed to reduce the overhead
running cost in the delivery of business values.
Plan for Monitoring Vendor Service Charges
The charges are incurred according to how the users use the
resources and the time they use them. The cost is calculated per
hour. Using the AWS free tier is a good way of assessing the
usage of AWS resources. However, it is good practice to check
the billing and cost management section occasionally. From the
dashboard, there is data represented in tables and graphs that
give a breakdown of AWS usage. AWS budgets enable tracking
and provide actions on AWS usage and cost. The measures
include sending emails to up to 10 users, providing a forecast
on usage according to the current trends, stopping AWS user
usage when a specific limit is reached.
Some policies ensure a business budgetary regulation to work
within a specified cost. This encompasses user communication
with the budget services, and the budget service performs the
given instructions by a user. The budget service works with the
configuration of IAM that does not require regular alteration.
The deployment of data in the cloud is a methodology that
contains interactive procedures that must be adhered to for a
successful transition from traditional IT to a cloud-based
operation in a business setting. AWS includes storage facilities
and a friendly interface that enables a firm to configure the
technological tools for cloud deployment. Also, AWS provides
tools for usage monitoring that ensures clients track their
consumption of AWS. Isolation of VPC is essential for ensuring
the data integrity of a network. According to relevance in the
departmental goals, several teams need to be identified and
categorized according to BallotOnline's goals and objectives.
Employees may require training for an efficient and seamless
transition to cloud-based operations. Therefore, policies and
guidelines must be observed to avoid legal and ethical concerns
against AWS from its clients.
Anthony, A. (2018). AWS: Security Best Practices on AWS:
Learn to Secure Your Data, Servers, and Applications with
AWS. Packt Publishing. Retrieved from
Gu, C., Huang, H., & Jia, X. (2014). Power Metering for Virtual
Machine in Cloud Computing-Challenges and Opportunities.
IEEE Access, 2, 1106–1116. https://doi-
Kevin L. Jackson, & Scott Goessling. (2018). Architecting
Cloud Computing
s: Build Cloud Strategies That Align Technology and
Economics While Effectively Managing Risk. Packt Publishing.
Retrieved from
Sarkar, A., & Shah, A. (2018). Learning AWS: Design, Build,
and Deploy Responsive Applications Using AWS Cloud
Components, 2nd Edition: Vol. Second edition. Packt
Publishing. Retrieved from
Yoo, C. (2011). Cloud Computing: Architectural and Policy
Implications. Review of Industrial Organization, 38(4), 405–
Deploy the Service Catalog
Take screenshots for each step and add to your deployment
report template. Add
your own step-by-step instructions geared toward BallotOnline
end users and
administrators. How would end users and admins use these
instructions to deploy a
service catalog?
Create Users and Groups
First, create a few BallotOnline employee groups and accounts.
1. On the AWS Console, search for IAM (Identity and Access
Management) and click on IAM.
2. Click Groups on the left menu and then click Create new
3. For Group name, enter BackupOperators. Click Next Step.
4. In the search box, type S3, then select the
AmazonS3FullAccess. Do not click Next Step.
5. In the search box, enter servicecatalog, and then select the
Click Next Step.
6. Click Create Group.
7. Click Users on the left menu. Click Add user.
8. Enter a username. For example, you can use jsmith (your first
initial and last name) for your
9. Under Access type, select AWS Management Console access.
10. Select Custom password and enter: UMGCCloud123
11. Uncheck the Require password reset. (You may want to
leave this unchecked if you are creating
a user for a production environment.)
12. Click Next: Permissions.
Course Resource
Take Action
13. Select the group BallotOperators. Then scroll down and
click Next: Review
14. Click Create User.
15. Create a few other users. Make sure you remember their
usernames and passwords.
Create a Portfolio
Take the following steps to deploy the AWS Service Catalog:
1. Go to the Service Catalog via
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
2. Click Get started.
3. Then enter the following:
Portfolio Name CCA630
Description: CCA630 Lab
Owner: Your Name
4. Click Create.
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
5. Click the portfolio name.
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
Add a New Product
We will add a new product, the AWS Service Catalog, so that
the employees (users) of BallotOnline
can leverage the service catalog to deploy the
product/application and start using it.
1. Click the down arrow under Service Catalog and select
Products list.
2. Click Upload new product.
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
3. Add information in the product information section. For
Product name Backup and Archiving
Description: Backups and Archiving for BallotOnline
Provided by BallotOnline
Vendor Amazon AWS
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter your contact information as follows:
Prompt Entry
E-mail contact: Enter your e-mail address
Support link
Support description: Support
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Specify a URL location for an Amazon
CloudFormation template.
To deploy the S3 Bucket template, enter:
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
8. Enter the information as follows:
Prompt Entry
Version title AWS
Description S3 Bucket
9. Click Next.
10. Review to confirm the selections and then click Create.
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
11. You have now successfully deployed a portfolio with a
new product offering by BallotOnline
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
Add Users and Grant Access
We grant access to users (employees of BallotOnline) in this
step so they can gain access to this
application and deploy it using the AWS Service Catalog.
1. Click on the Users, groups and roles at the bottom of the
2. Click Add user, group or role.
3. Select BackupOperators and click Add Access
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
4. Finally, review your newly created product details by
clicking on CCA 630 and taking a
Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
© 2021 University of Maryland Global Campus
All links to external sites were verified at the time of
publication. UMGC is not responsible for the validity or
integrity of information
located at external sites.
Employee Training on the Cloud Operations Plan
An awareness and training program must support the business
needs of the organization and be
relevant to the organization's culture and information
technology architecture. The most successful
programs are those that users feel are relevant to the subject
matter and issues.
Once the awareness and training program has been designed,
supporting material can be developed.
Material should be developed with the following in mind:
"What behavior do we want to reinforce?"
"What skill or skills do we want the audience to learn and
In both cases, the focus should be on specific material that the
participants should integrate into
their jobs. Attendees will pay attention and incorporate what
they see or hear in a session if they
feel that the material was developed specifically for them. If a
presentation feels so impersonal and
general that it could be given to any audience, attendees will
not take it seriously. An awareness and
training program can be effective, however, if the material is
interesting, current, and relevant.
The awareness audience must include all users in an
organization. Users may include employees,
contractors, foreign or domestic guest researchers, other
personnel, visitors, guests, and other
collaborators or associates requiring access. The awareness
message program or campaign should
make all individuals aware of their commonly shared
information security responsibilities.
On the other hand, the message in a training class is directed at
a specific audience. The message in
training material should include everything related to security
that attendees need to know in order
to perform their jobs. Training material is usually far more in-
depth than material used in an
awareness session or campaign.
The program's implementation must be fully explained to the
organization to achieve support for the
implementation and commitment of resources. This explanation
includes expectations of
management and staff support, as well as expected results of the
program and benefits to the
organization. Funding issues must also be addressed. For
example, in the federal government, agency
managers must know if the cost to implement the awareness and
training program will be totally
funded by the chief information officer (CIO) or information
security program budget, or if the
agency managers' budgets will be impacted to cover their share
of the expense of implementing the
Learning Topic
program. It is essential that everyone involved in the
implementation of the program understand
their roles and responsibilities. In addition, schedules and
completion requirements must be
Once the plan for implementing the awareness and training
program has been explained to (and
accepted by) management, the implementation can begin. Since
there are several ways to present
and disseminate awareness and training material, organizations
should tailor their implementation to
the size, organization, and complexity of their enterprise.
Chapter 4: Awareness and Training in NIST Special Publication
800-100, Information Security
Handbook: A Guide for Managers by Pauline Bowen, Joan
Hash, and Mark Wilson comprises
public domain material from the National Institute of Standards
and Technology, US
Department of Commerce.
© 2021 University of Maryland Global Campus
All links to external sites were verified at the time of
publication. UMGC is not responsible for the validity or
integrity of information
located at external sites.
CCA 630 Project 4 learning Objectives
1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that
promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the
1.1.1: Present material in clear and/or logical order appropriate
to task.
1.1.2: Articulate thesis and purpose clearly.
1.1.3: Support thesis and purpose fully.
1.1.4: Transition smoothly and develop connections from point
to point.
1.1.5: Create coherent progress from introduction through
1.1.6: Complete assignment in accordance with instructions.
1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
1.4.1: Identify target audience.
1.4.2: Explain unfamiliar terms and material.
1.4.3: Employ precise, appropriate language.
1.4.4: Use audience-appropriate, consistent tone.
1.4.5: Avoid language which indicates bias against
individuals/groups their affiliations, orientations and beliefs.
1.7: Create neat and professional looking documents appropriate
for the project or presentation.
1.7.1: Create a professional-looking and relevant presentation
that delivers the desired content.
1.7.2: Employ visual aids and multi-media tools as appropriate
to enhance the presentation message.
1.7.3: Cite sources for visual aids and multimedia supports as
8.3: Assess management and operational risks associated with
8.3.1: Assess and select a framework to be used for risk
8.3.2: Document risks associated with sensitive data.
8.3.3: Document risks associated with regulatory compliance.
8.3.4: Document a disaster recovery plan, including a disaster
recovery testing plan.
8.3.5: Determine risks associated with a vendor, including
potential acquisition.
8.3.6: Perform a risk/benefit analysis of a cloud solution.
9.2: Develop a user training plan.
9.2.1: Identify areas where user training is needed.
9.2.2: Identify subject matter experts.
9.2.3: Develop applicable training materials.
9.2.4: Perform quality review and test the training materials
with a test group.
9.2.5: Develop a training schedule that meets business
10.3: Configure cloud management tools and software.
10.3.1: Identify the needs and purpose of the cloud management
tools and software.
10.3.2: Evaluate and compare the various cloud management
tools and software available.
10.3.3: Configure the selected software.
10.3.4: Implement security measures, controls, and mitigation
10.3.5: Assess, monitor, and validate the performance and
outcomes of the software.
10.4: Configure cloud orchestration and automation software.
10.4.1: Identify cloud settings available through orchestration
10.4.2: Identify cloud resources appropriate for automatic
10.4.3: Install and configure cloud orchestration software.
10.4.4: Set up automated tasks within the orchestration
10.4.5: Implement security measures, controls, and mitigation
10.4.6: Test and verify the operation of the automated tasks.
10.5: Configure service catalog software to support various
users’ needs.
10.5.1: Analyze the need for a service catalog feature for the
10.5.2: Identify the various templates or preconfigured VMs
that are needed.
10.5.3: Configure the templates and VMs.
10.5.4: Configure the service catalog software.
10.5.5: Implement security measures, controls, and mitigation
10.5.6: Test and verify the service catalog software.
Project 1Project 2Project 3Project 4
Project 4: Develop the Training and Operations Plan
Start Here
Once again, the leadership at BallotOnline is pleased with the
steps you have taken to move the organization's services to the
cloud. Your latest effort, a runbook that describes the backups
and archiving process within the cloud, has been approved by
the executives. Sophia and the other leaders have given you the
go-ahead to create an operations manual as well as a training
presentation for the employees. As the cloud computing
architect, you will use your expertise to create internal
operation guides and training.
In addition to the training presentation, the final Training and
Operations Plan will include two guides:
· an End-User Guide that will leverage the
AWS Service Catalog and
· an Admin Guide, which will include the runbook you
previously created.
As before, the BallotOnline leadership team will evaluate the
latest documents and training. Since this is the final project for
cloud deployment, you will also include a presentation on the
training to be used by the employees, done in Microsoft
PowerPoint or a similar presentation program.
There are seven steps in the project, so click on Step 1 to get
started. The project will take about three weeks to complete.
Take Note
This project has a hands-on lab. Instructions for the lab are
included in the steps of this project.
Before starting with this project steps remember to answer the
following discussion questions in a separate page
Discussion: Cloud User and Admin Training
Now that you have evaluated the AWS Service Catalog and have
deployed it, you will discuss the critical elements that are
needed to develop a training presentation that will be targeted
toward the users of BallotOnline's AWS Service Catalog. You
will also discuss the critical elements needed to educate or train
the administrators that will be managing the cloud services for
BallotOnline. You should ensure that you cover the following
· What should be included in the training for end users?
· What should be included in the training for administrators?
· What are some best practices for IT training?
Step 1: Evaluate the AWS Service Catalog Offering
[email protected]
BallotOnline will be using
AWS Service Catalog rather than creating its own
catalog. Now, explore the AWS Service Catalog offerings and
consider whether the service offerings align with BallotOnline's
business and user needs.
You will deploy the catalog in the next step.
Step 2: Deploy AWS Service Catalog
In this step, you will deploy the AWS Service Catalog using one
cloud service offering of your choice from AWS (you can also
choose the backups and archiving service that you deployed in
Project 3).
Service Catalog Deployment Guide will help you in
deploying the AWS Service Catalog, which can be documented
in the
Service Catalog Deployment Report.
When you have completed your deployment of AWS cloud
service, move to the next step, in which you will plan a
presentation on cloud training.
Step 3: Plan the Cloud Training Presentation
In this step, begin to create a cloud training presentation on how
to use the AWS Service Catalog. This will be a high-level
overview of what will be in the Admin Guide and User Guide,
and it will be used for
employee training on the Cloud Operations Plan.
To ensure that you have the types of main points needed for
employee training in your presentation, take some time to
discuss cloud user and administrator training, including the use
and administration of the AWS service catalog, with your
BallotOnline colleagues in Discussion: Cloud User and Admin
In the next step, you will prepare the cloud training.
Step 4: Prepare the Cloud Training
In the previous step, you discussed with your colleagues the
AWS Service Catalog and the different elements of cloud user
and cloud administrator training. In this step, you will prepare
your training presentation for the different elements of cloud
user and cloud admin use of the AWS Service Catalog. This
presentation will be stored in BallotOnline's knowledge base of
information on cloud computing.
Your presentation should include any key information related to
cloud use for BallotOnline users as well as administration for
the admins.
It should be five to eight slides long. Instead of recording an
audio component, include any narration text as notes on each
slide so that others will be able to present the slides in the
Submit the presentation to the dropbox below for feedback
before you submit it again as part of the overall Cloud
Operations Plan.
In the next step, you will begin work on the end-user guide.
Step 5: Create BallotOnline's Cloud Operations End-User Guide
Now that the training materials have been created, it is time to
work on BallotOnline's Cloud Operations End-User Guide,
using the
End-User Guide Template, and the information gleaned
from the AWS Service Catalog deployment you performed in
the earlier steps.
The Cloud Operations End-User Guide will help employees with
their day-to-day cloud services use. The Cloud Operations End-
User Guide will also include the description of BallotOnline's
cloud service offerings.
For this step, you may use the cloud backups and archiving as
the cloud service offering.
When you have finished with the end-user guide, begin working
on the admin guide, which you will complete in the next step.
Employee Training on the Cloud Operations Plan
Step 6: Create BallotOnline's Cloud Operations Admin Guide
In this step, you will create BallotOnline's Cloud Operations
Admin Guide, using the
Admin Guide Template and the runbook from Project 3.
The Cloud Operations Admin Guide will help the IT
administrators with their day-to-day cloud services operations
and administration. The Cloud Operations Admin Guide will
also include the detailed accounts of BallotOnline's cloud
service offerings. For this step, you may use the cloud backups
and archiving as the cloud service offering along with the
runbook from Project 3.
Once you have created BallotOnline's Cloud Operations Admin
Guide, proceed to the final step, in which you submit the final
operations plan.
Step 7: Submit the Training Materials and Cloud Operations
In this step, you will create and submit your consolidated Cloud
Operations Plan for BallotOnline, which will include the
operation plan and training presentation for the employees. It
will be a comprehensive set of deliverables that you will give to
Sophia, who will then present it to BallotOnline's leadership.
The Cloud Operations Plan will enable you to consolidate all
the work completed in previous steps along with some
additional elements (scope, executive summary) to create a
comprehensive plan for cloud operations for the selected "cloud
ready" workloads.
In the dropbox below, submit your final training presentation
from Step 4 and use the
Cloud Operations Plan Template to write your eight- to
10-page Cloud Operations Plan.
End-User Guide
This End-User Guide provides instructions to BallotOnline’s
users for the AWS Service Catalog. Write a set of instructions
and include screenshots for the End-User Guide, including the
steps that a user will take to access and use the service catalog.
It should be roughly one to two pages in length, plus
Service Catalog Deployment Report
Use this outline for your deployment report.
1. Create Users and Groups
2. Create a Portfolio
3. Add a New Product
4. Add Users and Grant Access
Admin Guide
This Admin Guide provides instructions to BallotOnline’s
administrators to manage and create the services in the service
catalog. Write a set of instructions and include screenshots for
the Admin Guide, including the steps that an administrator will
take to manage and deploy cloud services to the AWS Service
Catalog. It should be roughly two to four pages in length, plus

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C.Wright Mills, ‘The Sociological Imagination” From Edwin Lemert,

  • 1. C.Wright Mills, ‘The Sociological Imagination” From Edwin Lemert, Editor, Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classical Readings, page 378-382. The Sociological Imagination [Wright Mills (1959)] The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals. It enables him to take into account how individuals, in the welter of their daily experience, often become falsely conscious of their social positions. Within that welter, the framework of modern society is sought, and within that framework the psychologies of a variety of men and women are formulated. By such means the personal uneasiness of individuals is focused upon explicit troubles and the indifference of publics is transformed into involvement with public issues. The first fruit of this imagination-and the first lesson of the social science that embodies it-is the idea that the individual can understand his own experience and gauge his own fate only by locating himself within his period, that he can know his own chances in life only by becoming aware of those of all individuals in his circumstances. In many ways it is a terrible lesson; in many ways a magnificent one. We do not know the limits of man's capacities for supreme effort or willing degradation, for agony or glee, for pleasurable brutality or the sweetness of reason. But in our time we have come to know that the limits of 'human nature' are frighteningly broad. We have come to know that every individual lives, from one generation to the next, in some society; that he lives out a biography, and that he lives it out within some historical sequence. By the fact of his living he contributes, however minutely, to the shaping of this society and to the course of its history, even as he is made by society and by its historical push and shove. The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and
  • 2. biography and the relations between the two within society. That is its task and its promise. To recognize this task and this promise is the mark of the classic social analyst. It is characteristic of Herbert Spencer-turgid, polysyllabic, comprehensive; of E. A. Ross-graceful, muckraking, upright; of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim; of the intricate and subtle Karl Mannheim. It is the quality of all that is intellectually excellent in Karl Marx; it is the clue to Thorstein Veblen's brilliant and ironic insight, to Joseph Schumpeter's many-sided constructions of reality; it is the basis of the psychological sweep of W.E.H. Lecky no less than of the profundity and clarity of Max Weber. And it is the signal of what is best in contemporary studies of man and society. No social study that does not come back to the problems of biography, of history and of their intersections within a society has completed its intellectual journey. Whatever the specific problems of the classic social analysts, however limited or however broad the features of social reality they have examined, those who have been imaginatively aware of the promise of their work have consistently asked three sorts of questions: 1 (1) What is the structure of this particular society as a whole? What are its essential components, and how are they related to one another? How does it differ from other varieties of social order? Within it, what is the meaning of any particular feature for its continuance and for its change? (2) Where does this society stand in huma n history? What are the mechanics by which it is changing? What is its place within and it’s meaning for the development of humanity as a whole? How does any particular feature we are examining affect, and how is it affected by, the historical period in which it moves? And this period-what are its essential features? How does it differ from other periods? What are its characteristic ways of history-making? (3) What varieties of men and women now prevail in this
  • 3. society and in this period? And what varieties are coming to prevail? In what ways are they selected and formed, liberated and repressed, made sensitive and blunted? What kinds of 'human nature' are revealed in the conduct and character we observe in this society in this period? And what is the meani ng for 'human nature' of each and every feature of the society we are examining? Whether the point of interest is a great power state or a minor literary mood, a family, a prison, a creed-these are the kinds of questions the best social analysts have asked. They are the intellectual pivots of classic studies of man in society- and they are the questions inevitably raised by any mind possessing the sociological, imagination. For that imagination is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another-from the political to the psychological; from examination of a single family to comparative assessment of the national budgets of the world; from the theological school to the military establishment; from considerations of an oil industry to studies of contemporary poetry. It is the capacity to range from the most impersonal and remote transformations to the most intimate features of the human self and to see the relations between the two. Back of its use there is always the urge to know the social and historical meaning of the individual in the society and in the period in which he has his quality and his being. That, in brief, is why it is by means of the sociological imagination that men now hope to grasp what is going on in the world, and to understand what is happening in themselves as minute points of the intersections of biography and history within society. In large part, contemporary man's self-conscious view of himself as at least an Outsider, if not a permanent stranger, rests upon an absorbed realization of social relativity and of the transformative power of history. The sociological imagination is the most fruitful form of this self-consciousness. By its use men whose mentalities have swept only a series of limited orbits often come to feel as if suddenly awakened in a house with which they had only supposed themselves to be
  • 4. familiar. Correctly or incorrectly, they often come to feel that they can now provide themselves with adequate summations, cohesive assessments, and comprehensive orientations. Ol der decisions that once 2 appeared sound now seem to them products of a mind unaccountably dense. Their capacity for astonishment is made lively again. They acquire a new way of thinking; they experience a trans-valuation of values: in a word, by their reflection and by their sensibility, they realize the cultural meaning of the social sciences. Perhaps the most fruitful distinction with which the sociological imagination works is between 'the personal troubles of milieu' and 'the public issues of social structure.' This distinction is an essential tool of the sociological imagination and a feature of all classic work in social science. Troubles occur within the character of the individual and within the range of his immediate relations with others; they have to do with his self and with those limited areas of social life of which he is directly and personally aware. Accordingly, the statement and the resolution of troubles properly lie within the individual as a biographical entity and within the scope of his immediate milieu- the social setting that is directly open to his personal experience and to some extent his willful activity. A trouble is a private matter: values cherished by an individual are felt by him to be threatened. Issues have to do with matters that transcend these local environments of the individual and the range of his inner life. They have to do with the organization of many such milieu into the institutions of an historical society as a whole, with the ways in which various milieu overlap and interpenetrate to form the larger structure of social and historical life. An issue is a public matter: some value cherished by publics is felt to be threatened. Often there is a debate about what that value really is and about what it is that really threatens it. This debate is often without focus if only because it is the very nature of an
  • 5. issue, unlike even widespread trouble, that it cannot very well be defined in terms of the immediate and everyday environments of ordinary men. An issue, in fact, often involves a crisis in institutional arrangements, and often too it involves what Marxists call 'contradictions' or 'antagonisms.' In every intellectual age someone style of reflection tends to become a common denominator of cultural life. Nowadays, it is true, many intellectual fads are widely taken up before they are dropped for new ones in the course of a year or two. Such enthusiasms may add spite to cultural play, but leave little or no intellectual trace. That is not true of such ways of thi nking as 'Newtonian physics' or 'Darwinian biology- ' Each of these intellectual universes became an influence that reached far beyond any special sphere of idea and imagery. In terms of them, or in terms derived from them, unknown scholars as well as fashionable commentators came to re-focus their observations and re-formulate their concerns. During the modern era, physical and biological science has been the major common denominator of serious reflection and popular metaphysics in Western societies. 'The technique of the laboratory' has been the accepted mode of 3 procedure and the source of intellectual security. That is one meaning of the idea of an intellectual common denominator: men can state their strongest convictions in its terms; other terms and other styles of reflection seem mere vehicles of escape and obscurity. That a common denominator prevails does not of course mean that no other styles of thought or modes of sensibility exist. But it does mean that more general intellectual interests tend to slide into this area, to be formulated there most sharply, and when so formulated, to be thought somehow to have reached, if not a solution, at least a profitable way of being carried along. The sociological imagination is becoming, I believe, the major common denominator of our cultural life and its signal feature. This quality of mind is found in the social and psychological
  • 6. sciences, but it goes far beyond these studies as we now know them. Its acquisition by individuals and by the cultural community at large is slow and often fumbling; many social scientists are themselves quite unaware of it. They do not seem to know that the use of this imagination is central to the best work that they might do, that by failing to develop and to use it they are failing to meet the cultural expectations that are coming to be demanded of them and that the classic traditions of their several disciplines make available to them. Yet in factual and moral concerns, in literary work and in political analysis, the qualities of this imagination are regularly demanded. In a great variety of expressions, they have become central features of intellectual endeavor and cultural sensibility. Leading critics exemplify these qualities as do serious journalists-in fact the work of both is often judged in these terms. Popular categories of criticism-high, and low-brow, for example-are now at least as much sociological as aesthetic. Novelists -- whose serious work embodies the most widespread definitions of human reality--frequently possess this imagination, and do much to meet the demand for it. By means of it, orientation to the present as history is sought. As images of 'human nature' become more problematic, an increasing need is felt to pay closer yet more imaginative attention to the social routines and catastrophes which reveal (and which shape) man's nature in this time of civil unrest and ideological conflict. Although fashion is often revealed by attempts to use it, the sociological imagination is not merely a fashion. It is a quality of mind that seems most dramatically to promise an understanding of the intimate realities of ourselves in connection with larger social realities. It is not merely one quality of mind among the contemporary range of cultural sensibilities-it is the quality whose wider and more adroit use offers the promise that all such sensibilities-and in fact, human reason itself-will come to play a greater role in human affairs.+ (Website: 4
  • 7. Cloud Operations Plan Template 1. Executive Summary (< 1 page) 2. Assess Risks to Operating in the Cloud a. Management Risks b. Operational Risks 3. AWS Service Catalog (1-2 pages) a. Overview b. Configuration and Deployment 4. Cloud Operations End-User Guide (1-2 pages) a. Overview b. Usability of AWS Service Catalog 5. Cloud Operations Admin Guide (3-4 pages) a. Overview b. Cloud management tools & software c.Orchestration and Automation software 7. Summary (<1 page) The training presentation with slides is a separate submission. Both the slide presentation and the Cloud Operations Plan should be submitted to the drop box. CLOUD BACKUP AND ARCHIVING DEPLOYMENT PLAN17
  • 8. Cloud Backup and Archiving Deployment Plan Executive Summary The demand for cloud infrastructure has grown and continues to expand as businesses are reshaping operations. Storage of data in a remote facility has been beneficial to firms as it is convenient in manipulating and retrieving documents. Amazon has pioneered the development of reliable cloud infrastructure and offers the flexibility required for all business needs. This varies from overly complex and large business solutions to small and medium enterprises. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) comprises a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that enables computing power similar to traditional data centers on a defined Virtual Machine (VM). The use of VMs eliminates the need for the storage facility and enables BallotOnline to enjoy the benefits of scaling and redundancy contributed by the use of cloud computation. The AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) is a service that facilitates the deployment of data on a server, specifies routing channels used, defines security protocols applicable, and includes a user-friendly System Development Kit (SDK). The SDK provides an Application Programming Interface (API) where a user configures the requirements for a VPC. Networking in Cloud Environments The communication between the VPC and the user over the
  • 9. internet (facilitated by an internet gateway) is required to access shared file resources. A gateway aims to provide a concrete path for traffic flowing from the VPC and interpretation of the traffic to the specific intended IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. There exist two types of subnets. · Public subnet: contains a routing table (a set of instructions that links data traffic to a specific IP address destination) that is connected to a route to the internet gateway. · Private subnet: It has a routing table not associated with a route to an internet gateway. Egress-only internet gateways are highly secure VPC components that provide scalability and redundancy horizontally across IPv6. This facilitates communication from the internet to the VPC and presents the creation of instances by the internet to the users over IPv6. In our case, we are not adopting IPv6 since the Network Address Translation (NAT) converts private addresses to public addresses posing a security threat. In case of failure, public and static IPv4 addresses help mitigate failure at an instance by remapping to an alternative VPC; an elastic IP address facilitates this. For an elastic IP address to function, it must be associated with an instance on the network. A peering connection is instantiable when there is a requirement for traffic routing between two VPC securely. The communication between the instances in the network can be conducted as if they are in the same network. A transit gateway can be created on the AWS interface that offers the peering connection function facilitating communication between the available VPC as required. Configuration and Deployment of VPC The VPC is used in creating a private and a segmented section of the AWS cloud. Steps 1.Open the VPC console. This can be done using the link. 2.Creation of new VPC 3.Open the link then:
  • 10. · On the left menu click your VPCS · Then click on "Create VPC". (another window opens that require to enter the VPC name) Cloud Storage Evaluation Provider Metrics AWS provides a cost-efficient, flexible, and user-friendly data storage facility for a user's instance. The options provided have different uniqueness, combinations, and sustainability. The storage options available can be combined or used independently to suit the user's needs. The data storage options are: Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) It is characterized by providing block-level, durable storage that is attachable to an instance. EBS is used in data storage where the data requires fast and periodic updates. After attachment to an instance, an EBS can be used as any other hard drive such that it can be attached and detached from an instance. The volume can also be altered accordingly. Also, encryption of EBS can be done to increase security. Instance storage is a mechanism where instances access storage of the user's computer. This is temporary block-level storage for instances. The data is only available during the life cycle of the instance. Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) It provides expansive file storage. A user creates an EFS and mounts it on the configured instance. This storage mechanism is familiar with the central data source for applications utilizing multiple instances. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) It provides access to cost-effective and reliable data storage. Its purpose is to make web-based computing efficient by
  • 11. facilitating access to an array of data and sizes at a given period from the VPC or anywhere on the internet. Configuration and Deployment of S3 Bucket in AWS Steps: 1. On the Amazon S3 console that can be accessed by clicking on the link http://console/ click on the create bucket 2. Enter the bucket name, then select the target region, e.g., US east. Let all the rest remain as default, then click on create a bucket. The bucket is successfully created. After successful creation, the bucket appears on the list. Data Broker and Cloud Sync Data Broker software is used when syncing data from one source to another target. In this case, NetApp is used. Configuration and Deployment of Data Broker and Cloud Sync Steps: 1. Install a data broker e.g., NetApp using link 2. Use the 14-day trial of the cloud sync. After completing, the data broker for AWS will be deployed. 3. Click on the select source and target screen. 4. Drag the server SMB to source, and Amazon S3 to target, then click continue. 5. SMB server IP is then entered, then click continue. The Relationship 6. Click on AWS data broker. Enter the name for the NETAPP data broker, then click continue. 7. Then a stack template opens the click next. 8. Review the acknowledgment before clicking, then click create. Click on the cloud sync page, then click on continue. 9. Select backup and achieving, then continue. 10. Select the AWS S3 bucket, then select the bucket of choice and continue. Click on continue until the process is 100%
  • 12. Deployment of Cloud Monitoring Amazon cloud watch is used to monitor resources in the AWS to minimize the time required for problem detections. It collects and keeps track of metrics, monitors application performance. It sends alarms on changes based on the rules defined by the user. Steps 1. Click on services, under management and governance, click on the cloud watch. 2. Click on billings, then click on next. Enter the metrics, time range, and the currency used. 3. Click on the Create alarm. 4. Click on the dashboard. Select configure. 5. As on populated the figures a line graph is formed. The monitor helps in the calculation of metric charges for users on the network. Cloud Implementation/ Migration Steps The best method in cloud implementation involves an agile methodology that entails beginning with small chunks of stories or workload (a set of rules and configurations that deliver value to a business), iterating, measuring, managing, and scaling. This approach involves: · Structuring epics (a body of work usable by the end-user) responsive to change. · Develop a significant and prioritized backlog, · Report the progress to the implementation officer for appropriate record keeping. · Build a roadmap that shows the migration of data, making sure it is effective and efficient per stakeholders' objectives. After that, grouping teams of 8 to 9 colleagues with similar technical abilities. The teams are tasked with pioneering integration, facilitating primary migration, and preparing BallotOnline to run a firm- wide migration. · Conduct a meeting with the scrum team (structured software developers grouped) to evaluate the finding of readiness in
  • 13. migration. · Identify 20 applications that can be migrated to the AWS. · Set up a backlog emphasizing pre-prepared workloads for all structured and unstructured data from existent migration patterns. · Select a leader for the scrum for backlog management. Data is then migrated periodically after 14 days. All the above steps should be carefully thought out and documented. Communication should be kept open to report progress and faults that may arise to ensure data integrity is maintained. User Training Plan a. Key Training Issues Humans are resistant to change even though it is inevitable. Employers are sometimes worried that cloud computing endeavors may not be seamless or incur some losses due to the migration. The existing workforce is familiar with the business's roles and objectives. Operations are different in the cloud than in offline data centers. Therefore, critical technical training is vital for business practices. For a seamless transition, the employer can opt to train the existing workforce that has technical understanding. It is cheaper to train the incumbent workers than to recruit and train new staff. b. Training Methods There is no one size fits all training that addresses all the needs of BallotOnline. There are different skill sets required by various employees that suit their job functions and responsibilities. A classroom setting where an instructor delivers information to learners is an effective method of imparting knowledge for all employees to gain an equal amount of expertise. Interactive learning where there are quizzes and application scenario helps in the retention of skills acquired in the training session. Another training mechanism is where the instructor simulates a realistic working environment, and employees develop hands-on skills from the program. According
  • 14. to an employee's job description, top management is mandated to choose the most relevant and effective training method that will ensure the attainment of BallotOnline goals. Plans, Policies, and Procedures to Support Cloud Operation Setting up a VPC is an intricate procedure that can lead to legal and ethical considerations that require policy compliance. The user usually signs an agreement that the Cloud Service Provider, in this case, AWS, is responsible for ensuring data integrity. BallotOnline needs to maintain confidentiality in its internal matters that would otherwise expose its information to competitors decreasing a firm's competitive advantage. The procurement of cloud computing is subject to contract law and legislation that dictates the acquisition of the VPC resources and the interaction with the remote datacenters. The contract contains policies and procedures that are to be adhered to maintain data confidentiality. A violation of the dictated tenets can have legal implications binding to the party that breaches the agreement. The policies and procedures may include a non- disclosure agreement on the amount of data or type stored on the cloud. This ensures there are no malpractices, such as selling a customer's information utilizing cloud computing resources. Data protection is done on personal data that can be identified and inferred to a specific customer. Data encryption is one of the methods that ensure data confidentiality. Virtual Network Infrastructure Design The Amazon VPC comprises public and private subnets. The default network Access Control List (ACL) shares a private subnet, and another contains a private subnet that entails dedicated network ACLs on a single subnet. Amazon VPC includes a division of the address space into multiple availability zones, deploying NAT instances or gateways for sending resources on a network right after that. The network can be adjusted accordingly by increasing or decreasing the subnets and availability zones (AZ), combining other AWS features to
  • 15. achieve the desired network infrastructure. The quickstep is an AWS predefined network infrastructure template that contains several already created AZ and subnets managed by NAT gateways for every subnet of each AZ. Moreover, a user can create private subnets with custom ACLs declaring the inbound and outbound rules on the network. The utilization of the networking template infrastructure in a geographical location with no support for NAT gateways instances is initiated instead. The network infrastructure template also contains endpoints of the VPC. This offers a reliable and secure connection to the S3 without the need for an internet gateway, virtual gateway, or NAT components to the end-user. Resources on S3 can be accessed in the VPC location in which it was formed. Cloud Metering Implementation Steps Four broad elements are used in determining the price payable for utilization of cloud resources. They include the number of users connected to the network, the amount of data transferred through the network, the range of frequency of operation (bandwidth), and the number of hosts. The metering service is used with Amazon Machine Imaging (AMI), Software as a Service (SaaS), and containers. All Software that implements the use of AMI must meet the criteria as follows. A user's Software must be initiated from AWS Marketplace through AMI. If a product exists in the AWS Marketplace, then the user should create a new AMI and create a new product to make the feature functional. All programs launched on the VPC should be provided with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). An end-user must integrate an IAM
  • 16. function to the EC2 instance that the customer provides with the Software. When an application program is deployed through the AWS Marketplace, the use of IAM is voluntary. Therefore, the application and its capabilities can then detect the level of consumption. The metering service charges are done along with a single defined category that can be split into several dimensions. The pricing is done on resources provided and priced on an hourly basis. The consumption is calculated and billed monthly like the AWS Marketplace. Public Cloud Infrastructure Design The cloud infrastructure design is distributed to various client teams with different expertise and capabilities to develop efficient systems deployable on the cloud. There are risks that the top management bears in the deployment of a cloud, such as: · The correctness of the teams in achieving the laid-out objectives. · A set of standards that define each team member's role ensures the realization of BallotOnline's goals and objectives outlined. · Automation of services checks on the quality of services offered to customers. The building of a public cloud is designed from the end-user coming to the technical teams. This is a mechanism that ensures maximum customer satisfaction from the use of AWS resources. Five pillars ensure efficient deployment of cloud infrastructure. These are operational excellence that aids the development of appropriate components and run workloads providing an understanding of best operations and carry-on improvement of subordinate procedures and processes for optimum business value. Security pillar entails protecting data, digital assets, and systems to exploit the power of AWS cloud technology for maximum security. The performance of a workload as it is intended at the required time is a reliability feature required in cloud designing. A public cloud should efficiently utilize resources to meet the VPC system requirements and provide timely changes with technological evolution. Lastly, cloud
  • 17. infrastructure should be developed to reduce the overhead running cost in the delivery of business values. Plan for Monitoring Vendor Service Charges The charges are incurred according to how the users use the resources and the time they use them. The cost is calculated per hour. Using the AWS free tier is a good way of assessing the usage of AWS resources. However, it is good practice to check the billing and cost management section occasionally. From the dashboard, there is data represented in tables and graphs that give a breakdown of AWS usage. AWS budgets enable tracking and provide actions on AWS usage and cost. The measures include sending emails to up to 10 users, providing a forecast on usage according to the current trends, stopping AWS user usage when a specific limit is reached. Some policies ensure a business budgetary regulation to work within a specified cost. This encompasses user communication with the budget services, and the budget service performs the given instructions by a user. The budget service works with the configuration of IAM that does not require regular alteration. Conclusion The deployment of data in the cloud is a methodology that contains interactive procedures that must be adhered to for a successful transition from traditional IT to a cloud-based operation in a business setting. AWS includes storage facilities and a friendly interface that enables a firm to configure the technological tools for cloud deployment. Also, AWS provides tools for usage monitoring that ensures clients track their consumption of AWS. Isolation of VPC is essential for ensuring the data integrity of a network. According to relevance in the departmental goals, several teams need to be identified and categorized according to BallotOnline's goals and objectives. Employees may require training for an efficient and seamless transition to cloud-based operations. Therefore, policies and
  • 18. guidelines must be observed to avoid legal and ethical concerns against AWS from its clients. References Anthony, A. (2018). AWS: Security Best Practices on AWS: Learn to Secure Your Data, Servers, and Applications with AWS. Packt Publishing. Retrieved from /login.aspx?direct=true&db=e025xna&AN=1733803&site=eds- live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_Cover. Gu, C., Huang, H., & Jia, X. (2014). Power Metering for Virtual Machine in Cloud Computing-Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Access, 2, 1106–1116. https://doi- Kevin L. Jackson, & Scott Goessling. (2018). Architecting Cloud Computing Solution s: Build Cloud Strategies That Align Technology and Economics While Effectively Managing Risk. Packt Publishing. Retrieved from /login.aspx?direct=true&db=e025xna&AN=1823660&site=eds- live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_C. Sarkar, A., & Shah, A. (2018). Learning AWS: Design, Build, and Deploy Responsive Applications Using AWS Cloud Components, 2nd Edition: Vol. Second edition. Packt Publishing. Retrieved from
  • 19. /login.aspx?direct=true&db=e025xna&AN=1708502&site=eds- live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_Cover. Yoo, C. (2011). Cloud Computing: Architectural and Policy Implications. Review of Industrial Organization, 38(4), 405– 421. 9295-7 Deploy the Service Catalog Take screenshots for each step and add to your deployment report template. Add your own step-by-step instructions geared toward BallotOnline end users and administrators. How would end users and admins use these instructions to deploy a service catalog? Create Users and Groups
  • 20. First, create a few BallotOnline employee groups and accounts. 1. On the AWS Console, search for IAM (Identity and Access Management) and click on IAM. 2. Click Groups on the left menu and then click Create new group. 3. For Group name, enter BackupOperators. Click Next Step. 4. In the search box, type S3, then select the AmazonS3FullAccess. Do not click Next Step. 5. In the search box, enter servicecatalog, and then select the ServiceCatalogEndUserFullAccess. Click Next Step. 6. Click Create Group. 7. Click Users on the left menu. Click Add user. 8. Enter a username. For example, you can use jsmith (your first initial and last name) for your
  • 21. username. 9. Under Access type, select AWS Management Console access. 10. Select Custom password and enter: UMGCCloud123 11. Uncheck the Require password reset. (You may want to leave this unchecked if you are creating a user for a production environment.) 12. Click Next: Permissions. Course Resource Take Action 13. Select the group BallotOperators. Then scroll down and click Next: Review 14. Click Create User. 15. Create a few other users. Make sure you remember their
  • 22. usernames and passwords. Create a Portfolio Take the following steps to deploy the AWS Service Catalog: 1. Go to the Service Catalog via -east-1#/home ( s-east-1#/home) Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 2. Click Get started. 3. Then enter the following: Portfolio Name CCA630 Description: CCA630 Lab Owner: Your Name
  • 23. 4. Click Create. -east-1#/home Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 5. Click the portfolio name. Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. Add a New Product We will add a new product, the AWS Service Catalog, so that the employees (users) of BallotOnline can leverage the service catalog to deploy the product/application and start using it. 1. Click the down arrow under Service Catalog and select Products list.
  • 24. 2. Click Upload new product. Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 3. Add information in the product information section. For example: Product name Backup and Archiving Description: Backups and Archiving for BallotOnline Provided by BallotOnline Vendor Amazon AWS Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 4. Click Next. 5. Enter your contact information as follows: Prompt Entry
  • 25. E-mail contact: Enter your e-mail address Support link Support description: Support Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 6. Click Next. 7. Select Specify a URL location for an Amazon CloudFormation template. To deploy the S3 Bucket template, enter: east- 1/S3_Website_Bucket_With_Retain_On_Delete.template
  • 26. Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 8. Enter the information as follows: Prompt Entry Version title AWS Description S3 Bucket 9. Click Next. 10. Review to confirm the selections and then click Create. Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 11. You have now successfully deployed a portfolio with a new product offering by BallotOnline Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. Add Users and Grant Access
  • 27. We grant access to users (employees of BallotOnline) in this step so they can gain access to this application and deploy it using the AWS Service Catalog. 1. Click on the Users, groups and roles at the bottom of the screen. 2. Click Add user, group or role. 3. Select BackupOperators and click Add Access Used with permission from Amazon Web Services. 4. Finally, review your newly created product details by clicking on CCA 630 and taking a screenshot. Used with permission from Amazon Web Services.
  • 28. © 2021 University of Maryland Global Campus All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the validity or integrity of information located at external sites. Employee Training on the Cloud Operations Plan An awareness and training program must support the business needs of the organization and be relevant to the organization's culture and information technology architecture. The most successful programs are those that users feel are relevant to the subject matter and issues. Once the awareness and training program has been designed, supporting material can be developed.
  • 29. Material should be developed with the following in mind: "What behavior do we want to reinforce?" "What skill or skills do we want the audience to learn and apply?" In both cases, the focus should be on specific material that the participants should integrate into their jobs. Attendees will pay attention and incorporate what they see or hear in a session if they feel that the material was developed specifically for them. If a presentation feels so impersonal and general that it could be given to any audience, attendees will not take it seriously. An awareness and training program can be effective, however, if the material is interesting, current, and relevant. The awareness audience must include all users in an organization. Users may include employees,
  • 30. contractors, foreign or domestic guest researchers, other personnel, visitors, guests, and other collaborators or associates requiring access. The awareness message program or campaign should make all individuals aware of their commonly shared information security responsibilities. On the other hand, the message in a training class is directed at a specific audience. The message in training material should include everything related to security that attendees need to know in order to perform their jobs. Training material is usually far more in- depth than material used in an awareness session or campaign. The program's implementation must be fully explained to the organization to achieve support for the implementation and commitment of resources. This explanation includes expectations of
  • 31. management and staff support, as well as expected results of the program and benefits to the organization. Funding issues must also be addressed. For example, in the federal government, agency managers must know if the cost to implement the awareness and training program will be totally funded by the chief information officer (CIO) or information security program budget, or if the agency managers' budgets will be impacted to cover their share of the expense of implementing the Learning Topic program. It is essential that everyone involved in the implementation of the program understand their roles and responsibilities. In addition, schedules and completion requirements must be
  • 32. communicated. Once the plan for implementing the awareness and training program has been explained to (and accepted by) management, the implementation can begin. Since there are several ways to present and disseminate awareness and training material, organizations should tailor their implementation to the size, organization, and complexity of their enterprise. References Chapter 4: Awareness and Training in NIST Special Publication 800-100, Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers by Pauline Bowen, Joan Hash, and Mark Wilson comprises public domain material from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
  • 33. Department of Commerce. © 2021 University of Maryland Global Campus All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the validity or integrity of information located at external sites. CCA 630 Project 4 learning Objectives 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment. 1.1.1: Present material in clear and/or logical order appropriate to task. 1.1.2: Articulate thesis and purpose clearly. 1.1.3: Support thesis and purpose fully. 1.1.4: Transition smoothly and develop connections from point to point. 1.1.5: Create coherent progress from introduction through
  • 34. conclusion. 1.1.6: Complete assignment in accordance with instructions. 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience. 1.4.1: Identify target audience. 1.4.2: Explain unfamiliar terms and material. 1.4.3: Employ precise, appropriate language. 1.4.4: Use audience-appropriate, consistent tone. 1.4.5: Avoid language which indicates bias against individuals/groups their affiliations, orientations and beliefs. 1.7: Create neat and professional looking documents appropriate for the project or presentation. 1.7.1: Create a professional-looking and relevant presentation that delivers the desired content. 1.7.2: Employ visual aids and multi-media tools as appropriate to enhance the presentation message. 1.7.3: Cite sources for visual aids and multimedia supports as necessary. 8.3: Assess management and operational risks associated with cloud. 8.3.1: Assess and select a framework to be used for risk management. 8.3.2: Document risks associated with sensitive data.
  • 35. 8.3.3: Document risks associated with regulatory compliance. 8.3.4: Document a disaster recovery plan, including a disaster recovery testing plan. 8.3.5: Determine risks associated with a vendor, including potential acquisition. 8.3.6: Perform a risk/benefit analysis of a cloud solution. 9.2: Develop a user training plan. 9.2.1: Identify areas where user training is needed. 9.2.2: Identify subject matter experts. 9.2.3: Develop applicable training materials. 9.2.4: Perform quality review and test the training materials with a test group. 9.2.5: Develop a training schedule that meets business constraints. 10.3: Configure cloud management tools and software. 10.3.1: Identify the needs and purpose of the cloud management tools and software. 10.3.2: Evaluate and compare the various cloud management tools and software available. 10.3.3: Configure the selected software. 10.3.4: Implement security measures, controls, and mitigation techniques. 10.3.5: Assess, monitor, and validate the performance and
  • 36. outcomes of the software. 10.4: Configure cloud orchestration and automation software. 10.4.1: Identify cloud settings available through orchestration software. 10.4.2: Identify cloud resources appropriate for automatic provisioning. 10.4.3: Install and configure cloud orchestration software. 10.4.4: Set up automated tasks within the orchestration software. 10.4.5: Implement security measures, controls, and mitigation techniques. 10.4.6: Test and verify the operation of the automated tasks. 10.5: Configure service catalog software to support various users’ needs. 10.5.1: Analyze the need for a service catalog feature for the business. 10.5.2: Identify the various templates or preconfigured VMs that are needed. 10.5.3: Configure the templates and VMs. 10.5.4: Configure the service catalog software. 10.5.5: Implement security measures, controls, and mitigation techniques. 10.5.6: Test and verify the service catalog software.
  • 37. Project 1Project 2Project 3Project 4 Project 4: Develop the Training and Operations Plan Start Here Once again, the leadership at BallotOnline is pleased with the steps you have taken to move the organization's services to the cloud. Your latest effort, a runbook that describes the backups and archiving process within the cloud, has been approved by the executives. Sophia and the other leaders have given you the go-ahead to create an operations manual as well as a training presentation for the employees. As the cloud computing architect, you will use your expertise to create internal operation guides and training. In addition to the training presentation, the final Training and Operations Plan will include two guides: · an End-User Guide that will leverage the AWS Service Catalog and · an Admin Guide, which will include the runbook you previously created. As before, the BallotOnline leadership team will evaluate the latest documents and training. Since this is the final project for cloud deployment, you will also include a presentation on the training to be used by the employees, done in Microsoft
  • 38. PowerPoint or a similar presentation program. There are seven steps in the project, so click on Step 1 to get started. The project will take about three weeks to complete. Take Note This project has a hands-on lab. Instructions for the lab are included in the steps of this project. Before starting with this project steps remember to answer the following discussion questions in a separate page Discussion: Cloud User and Admin Training Now that you have evaluated the AWS Service Catalog and have deployed it, you will discuss the critical elements that are needed to develop a training presentation that will be targeted toward the users of BallotOnline's AWS Service Catalog. You will also discuss the critical elements needed to educate or train the administrators that will be managing the cloud services for BallotOnline. You should ensure that you cover the following areas: · What should be included in the training for end users? · What should be included in the training for administrators? · What are some best practices for IT training? Step 1: Evaluate the AWS Service Catalog Offering Login:
  • 39. [email protected] AWSinka2021 BallotOnline will be using AWS Service Catalog rather than creating its own catalog. Now, explore the AWS Service Catalog offerings and consider whether the service offerings align with BallotOnline's business and user needs. You will deploy the catalog in the next step. Step 2: Deploy AWS Service Catalog In this step, you will deploy the AWS Service Catalog using one cloud service offering of your choice from AWS (you can also choose the backups and archiving service that you deployed in Project 3). The Service Catalog Deployment Guide will help you in deploying the AWS Service Catalog, which can be documented in the Service Catalog Deployment Report. When you have completed your deployment of AWS cloud service, move to the next step, in which you will plan a
  • 40. presentation on cloud training. Step 3: Plan the Cloud Training Presentation In this step, begin to create a cloud training presentation on how to use the AWS Service Catalog. This will be a high-level overview of what will be in the Admin Guide and User Guide, and it will be used for employee training on the Cloud Operations Plan. To ensure that you have the types of main points needed for employee training in your presentation, take some time to discuss cloud user and administrator training, including the use and administration of the AWS service catalog, with your BallotOnline colleagues in Discussion: Cloud User and Admin Training. In the next step, you will prepare the cloud training. Step 4: Prepare the Cloud Training In the previous step, you discussed with your colleagues the AWS Service Catalog and the different elements of cloud user and cloud administrator training. In this step, you will prepare your training presentation for the different elements of cloud user and cloud admin use of the AWS Service Catalog. This presentation will be stored in BallotOnline's knowledge base of information on cloud computing.
  • 41. Your presentation should include any key information related to cloud use for BallotOnline users as well as administration for the admins. It should be five to eight slides long. Instead of recording an audio component, include any narration text as notes on each slide so that others will be able to present the slides in the future. Submit the presentation to the dropbox below for feedback before you submit it again as part of the overall Cloud Operations Plan. In the next step, you will begin work on the end-user guide. Step 5: Create BallotOnline's Cloud Operations End-User Guide Now that the training materials have been created, it is time to work on BallotOnline's Cloud Operations End-User Guide, using the End-User Guide Template, and the information gleaned from the AWS Service Catalog deployment you performed in the earlier steps. The Cloud Operations End-User Guide will help employees with their day-to-day cloud services use. The Cloud Operations End- User Guide will also include the description of BallotOnline's cloud service offerings. For this step, you may use the cloud backups and archiving as the cloud service offering.
  • 42. When you have finished with the end-user guide, begin working on the admin guide, which you will complete in the next step. Review Employee Training on the Cloud Operations Plan Step 6: Create BallotOnline's Cloud Operations Admin Guide In this step, you will create BallotOnline's Cloud Operations Admin Guide, using the Admin Guide Template and the runbook from Project 3. The Cloud Operations Admin Guide will help the IT administrators with their day-to-day cloud services operations and administration. The Cloud Operations Admin Guide will also include the detailed accounts of BallotOnline's cloud service offerings. For this step, you may use the cloud backups and archiving as the cloud service offering along with the runbook from Project 3. Once you have created BallotOnline's Cloud Operations Admin Guide, proceed to the final step, in which you submit the final operations plan. Step 7: Submit the Training Materials and Cloud Operations Plan In this step, you will create and submit your consolidated Cloud Operations Plan for BallotOnline, which will include the
  • 43. operation plan and training presentation for the employees. It will be a comprehensive set of deliverables that you will give to Sophia, who will then present it to BallotOnline's leadership. The Cloud Operations Plan will enable you to consolidate all the work completed in previous steps along with some additional elements (scope, executive summary) to create a comprehensive plan for cloud operations for the selected "cloud ready" workloads. In the dropbox below, submit your final training presentation from Step 4 and use the Cloud Operations Plan Template to write your eight- to 10-page Cloud Operations Plan. End-User Guide This End-User Guide provides instructions to BallotOnline’s users for the AWS Service Catalog. Write a set of instructions and include screenshots for the End-User Guide, including the steps that a user will take to access and use the service catalog. It should be roughly one to two pages in length, plus screenshots.
  • 44. Service Catalog Deployment Report Use this outline for your deployment report. 1. Create Users and Groups 2. Create a Portfolio 3. Add a New Product 4. Add Users and Grant Access Admin Guide This Admin Guide provides instructions to BallotOnline’s administrators to manage and create the services in the service catalog. Write a set of instructions and include screenshots for the Admin Guide, including the steps that an administrator will take to manage and deploy cloud services to the AWS Service Catalog. It should be roughly two to four pages in length, plus screenshots.