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Idan Felix
GPU Performance
Idan Felix
I’m 33 years old
Android Academy TLV
Yonatan Levin
Google Developer Expert &
Android @ Gett
Idan Felix
Senior Android & Redhead
Jonathan Yarkoni
Android Developer &
Android Academy Staff
Britt Barak
Android Lead
Muiriel Felix
Android Design
What’s next?
13/6 - Britt
- View, Animations
4/7 - Yonatan
- Networking, JSON, Batching, Location
10/8 - Felix
- Battery & CPU
14/9 - Britt
- Threading
30 / 10 / 2016
New course coming
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Learn Android
Be Awesome
What a hell did you do @ San Francisco?
Google IO 2016
Firebase 2.0
Cloud Messaging
Seamless Update
No need to do anything.
Prompt only when download & Install is ready.
Just reboot device.
Multi Window Mode and Picture in Picture
Multi Window Mode and Picture in Picture
Quick Settings
Doze On the Go
Project Svelte: Background Optimizations
Direct boot
Till user open the device
Only apps that was configured allow to run
Different storage
Java 8
android {
defaultConfig {
jackOptions {
enabled true
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
Android Studio 2.2
Constrain Layout
APK Analyzer
Android Wear 2.0
Android Wear 2.0
Instant Apps
“With Instant Apps, tapping a link can take you with Deep
Links into an Android app in just a few seconds without
having to install the app,”
Michael Siliski
Layers of our talk(s)
- Understanding The Theory
- What Can Go Wrong?
- Weapons for the hunt
(Almost) No code today
But a lot of links!
“Understanding is the first step to acceptance,
And only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Assess the problem and
establish acceptable behavior.
- Measure perf b4 modification.
- Identify bottleneck.
- Remove bottleneck.
- Measure perf after modification.
- If better, adopt.
If worse, put it back.
Methods of Systematic performance improvement
- Figure Out Where You Need to Be
- Determine Where You Are Now
- Decide Whether You Can Achieve
Your Objectives
- Develop a Plan for Achieving Your
Objectives, and Execute
- Conduct an Economic Analysis
A Word on Premature Optimizations
Meet Prof. Donald Kunth
Professor at Stanford, Wrote “The art of computer programming”
Few quotes:
“Beware of bugs in the above code;
I have only proved it correct, not
tried it.”
Meet Prof. Donald Kunth
Professor at Stanford, Wrote “The art of computer programming”
Few quotes:
The psychological profiling [of a
programmer] is mostly the ability to
shift levels of abstraction,
from low level to high level.
Meet Prof. Donald Kunth
Professor at Stanford, Wrote “The art of computer programming”
Few quotes:
Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or
worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and
these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact
when debugging and maintenance are considered.
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should
not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.
Knowing these kind of things
- Helps you avoid mistakes and bugs
- Makes you a better developer
- Teaches you the internal workings of the system
- Cost-Effectiveness-wise it’s just being smart:
“...Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%”Colt McAnlis:
Target Audience
This lecture is for you if…:
- You have a custom view in your app
- You have a lot of images in your app
- You have an app, or developing an app,
and want to do a better job
- You want to become a better developer
The Magic
<!-- Layout for weather forecast list item for today -->
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:textColor="@color/white" />
The Magic
Measure Layout
Step 0: Inflate the View Tree
- During onCreate() we call setContentView()
- The XML is parsed
and a tree of objects is created
- The tree is traversed during next
Now we have
a Data Structure to use
Things get interesting!
Step 1: Measure
- Starts with the root
- Recursively ask the views (+Children) to measure themselves.
- This is done by calling onMeasure(int, int)
- It’s a negotiation, so onMeasure may be called multiple times.
- When it’s done, All the views in the tree know their size.REF:, int)
Step 2: Layout
- Starts with the root
- Recursively position each child
- Done by onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int)
- Stores the position, and set position for all children
- When it’s done, All the views in the tree knows their positionREF:, int, int, int, int)
- Now that a view knows its position,
The onDraw(Canvas) method is called
- That’s where a view draws itself
before asking its children to draw.
- The Canvas object generates (or Updates) a list of OpenGL-ES
commands (draw-list) to send to the GPU.
Step 3: Draw (AKA Update)
Canvas Methods (and responsibility)
The Magic
Measure Layout
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
When things change (text, color, size, padding, margin, etc.),
A view notifies the system, by calling
Invalidate - which will call the onDraw again, or
requestLayout - which will call the entire process again.
Image Credit:
It doesn’t end there
Step 4: Execute
The GPU executes the command list,
That was generated in onDraw()
And was cached
But what if this takes too long?
Solution: Use a double buffer
Solution: Use a double buffer
Step 5: VSync
Old CRT screens had to be “synced”,
so that the monitor starts a frame
at the correct time.
Similarly, Android holds the copy from a back buffer
if it is currently drawing to the screen.
Britt’s Lecture (13/6)
The Magic
Animate Measure Layout
Execute Sync
Let’s talk about timing
But How Does It Work?
Flip Book
Frames Per Second
Fluid Motion
We Have A Winner!
Flip Book
Frames Per Second
Fluid Motion
Colt McAnlis:
Things to remember
- Britt will give a similar explanation on her lecture on 13/6
- Know thee process,
Appreciate, and
Know that the entire process should take less than 16ms
- Things on the GPU:
- Should get there as soon as possible (early)
Any Questions?
Part 2:
What can possibly go wrong
Few things in this process can go wrong
- Allocations in onDraw()
- A reminder from last week
- Avoiding Redundant Work
- Overdraw
- ClipRect
- QuickReject
- Invalidations
Allocating objects (new XXX()) might cause a GC (blocking)
So you might drop a frame.
Allocations in onDraw()
But it goes much deeper. See Ian Ni-Lewis:
Solution and Avoidance
Avoidance: USE LINT (built into the Studio) || Colt McAnlis:
But wait -
How can I know if frames gets dropped?
The all-mighty LogCat
I/Choreographer(1378): Skipped 55 frames! The application may be doing too much work
on its main thread.
But there’s a much cooler tool
GPU Profiling
GPU Profiling
Displays a graph for each visible app, showing
how much time each frame took:
The taller the bar, the longer it took
to render
The green line marks the 16 millisecond target.
Every time a frame crosses it,
your app is missing a frame.
16ms line
Frames :(
14 || Colt McAnlis
OnDraw work
Copy the list
Any Questions?
16ms line
Frames :(
if >16ms
This is where you tell them the biggest lie of the GPU profiler,
Before moving to the next part
BTW - Now for reals,
Any questions?
The number of files that a given pixel is
drawn in a frame.
Colt McAnlis:
What is Overdraw
When a pixel is drawn multiple times -
That’s overdraw.
it might waste time and energy.
When the GPU executes the display list,
It can count how many times each pixel is drawn.
Not like this
Detecting Overdraw
Detecting Overdraw
There’s even a Code-Lab online:
Roman Nurik:
Fixing Overdraw
There are 2 common reasons for overdraw:
- Redundant backgrounds / Redundant transparency
- Wasteful onDraw
- Things that aren’t visible at all gets drawn (not using quickReject)
- Things that will be overdrawn gets drawn (not using clipRect)
Colt McAnlis:
A method to tell if something can be not drawn at all.
Call quickReject to see if you can skip drawing of things that will be
off screen.
ClipRect is a way to avoid OverDraw,
By keeping your GPU from drawing pixels that you know that will be
obscured by other stuff,
you refrain from overdraw.
Step 1:
Step 2:
ClipRect vs. QuickReject
Method return type: Detects... Helps to...
QuickReject boolean Fully invisible stuff Avoid redundant
calls to drawXXX(),
Keeping the
drawlist short.
ClipRect void Fully and Partially
invisible stuff
Avoid drawing
but still executing
the draw-list!
But is usually used
as void
Any Questions?
Image Credit:
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
When things change (text, color, size, padding, margin, etc.),
A view notifies the system, by calling
Invalidate - which will call the onDraw again, or
requestLayout - which will call the entire process again.
Avoid calling
unless you have to,
And watch this:
The horrible things that we do with
bitmaps are incredible,
but there are ways to fix it!
Bitmap Abuse
Bitmaps flow
Nothing here is accurate, but as an overview, it’s OK.
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
Bitmaps flow
Nothing here is accurate, but as an overview, it’s OK.
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
Uses PNG or JPEG
formats, files are
stored compressed
Optimized by AAPT
Uses one of 4 formats:
ALPHA_8 1 byte per pixel, only
ARGB_4444 deprecated
ARGB_8888 4 bytes per pixel,
RGB_565 2 bytes per pixel, no
Bitmaps flow - Downloading
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Which image format is downloaded?
Which Quality?
Which Size?
Which network? WIFI? Metered?
For how long are these images kept?
Any size limits?
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Bitmaps flow - In Package
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
Which image format is stored?
Which Quality?
Which Size(s)?
Which network? WIFI? Metered? → APK SIZE
For how long are these images kept? → Forever
Any size limits? → 100mb, but users will hate you!
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Bitmaps flow - In Memory
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
What Pixel-Format is used?
Does the image need to re-scale?
How to scale the image efficiently?
Does the image has enough room?
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Bitmaps flow - In GPU
Content is drawn on
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
How much time does it take to copy the image?
Do you causing rendering to another buffer?
Image loaded into GPU
Why is it important?
java.lang.OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget.
Nexus 5x takes pictures at 3840x2160 resolution, at 24-bit.
That’s 33,177,600 bytes of data.
Well, good-luck!
Lucky us,
We can optimize almost everything,
And there’s A LOT of information out there
Bitmaps flow - Optimize download
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
- Work with your server folks to provide you with
smaller files and better formats
- Use Cache (LRU Cache is great!)
- Use an image handling library, like Glide or Picasso
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Bitmaps flow - Optimize APK size
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
- Choose the right format
- Choose a good-enough quality
- Add PNG/JPEG compression tools to your build
- Remove unused resources
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image stored in the
APK, or in media
Image downloaded
from internet, kept in
device storage
Bitmaps flow - Optimize loading & memory
Image loaded into GPU
Content is drawn on
- Choose the right pixel format
- Resize
- Load on non-UI thread
- Reuse memory
- Use object pools if needed
Image loaded into
memory (to the Heap)
Most Important Tip:
Use a good image handling library
and let’s check out *some* of the other things that we can do
Trick #1: Load images efficiently
Step 1:
Don’t load the image at all,
Only decode its size.
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),, options);
int imageHeight = options.outHeight;
int imageWidth = options.outWidth;
String imageType = options.outMimeType;
Trick #1: Load images efficiently
Step 2:
Don’t load the entire image,
Trick #2: Cache and off-load
Use LRU-Cache to load bitmaps into memory and re-use them.
This will help with list-views and similar, and help to limit the amount
of memory used.
Move things off the UI thread. Use AsyncTask, but with caution, and
handle concurrency, recycling, and lifecycle.
Trick #3: Re-use bitmaps, in pools
- Supported from 3.0 (API 11)
- if possible, use the same memory.
- Works only on mutable bitmaps (BitmapFactory.Options)
- Works only if image size is smaller than the buffer (since KitKat,
Works only if image sizes are exactly the same (before)
- Not easy work
Colt McAnlis: , and
Trick #4: Be smarter than AAPT with PNGs
AAPT optimizes PNG files - but uses only these 3 optimizations:
- Is the image Grayscale
- Is the image Transparent
- Is the image cheap to index
All loss-less optimizations.
Apply a lossy optimization tool.
Trick #4: Be smarter than AAPT with PNGs
You will probably want some more info.
How it works:
Reducing size:
How it works:
Reducing size:
From everything we learned,
What you should remember
1.Systematic Performance Improvement
2.Across-the-board impact
3.Preventative / Premature optimizations
4.The Getting-XML-to-Screen scheme
Animate Measure Layout
Execute Sync
Profiling tools
Bitmap Abuse
Use a good image handling library
Know the theory
Pick the right formats
Try to reduce image size
Try to reuse bitmaps if possible
Any Questions?
Thank you,
Drive home safely
Thank you,
Drive home safely

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Performence #2 gpu

  • 3. Idan Felix 3 I’m 33 years old Varonis Android Academy TLV
  • 4. Yonatan Levin Google Developer Expert & Android @ Gett Idan Felix Senior Android & Redhead Varonis Jonathan Yarkoni Android Developer & Advocate Ironsource Android Academy Staff Britt Barak Android Lead Real Muiriel Felix Android Design
  • 7. What’s next? 13/6 - Britt - View, Animations 4/7 - Yonatan - Networking, JSON, Batching, Location 10/8 - Felix - Battery & CPU 14/9 - Britt - Threading
  • 8. 30 / 10 / 2016 New course coming
  • 9. Register to Meetup, Join our facebook Learn Android Be Awesome #‫רקורסיה‬
  • 10.
  • 11. What a hell did you do @ San Francisco? Google IO 2016 +
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 17.
  • 23.
  • 24. Seamless Update No need to do anything. Prompt only when download & Install is ready. Just reboot device.
  • 25. Multi Window Mode and Picture in Picture
  • 26. Multi Window Mode and Picture in Picture
  • 31. Direct boot Till user open the device Only apps that was configured allow to run Different storage
  • 32. Java 8 android { ... defaultConfig { ... jackOptions { enabled true } } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } }
  • 40. “With Instant Apps, tapping a link can take you with Deep Links into an Android app in just a few seconds without having to install the app,” Michael Siliski
  • 42. Layers of our talk(s) - Understanding The Theory - What Can Go Wrong? - Weapons for the hunt
  • 45. But a lot of links!
  • 46. Theory A “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, And only with acceptance can there be recovery.” J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • 47. - Assess the problem and establish acceptable behavior. - Measure perf b4 modification. - Identify bottleneck. - Remove bottleneck. - Measure perf after modification. - If better, adopt. If worse, put it back. Methods of Systematic performance improvement - Figure Out Where You Need to Be - Determine Where You Are Now - Decide Whether You Can Achieve Your Objectives - Develop a Plan for Achieving Your Objectives, and Execute - Conduct an Economic Analysis
  • 48. A Word on Premature Optimizations
  • 49. Meet Prof. Donald Kunth Professor at Stanford, Wrote “The art of computer programming” Few quotes: “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.”
  • 50. Meet Prof. Donald Kunth Professor at Stanford, Wrote “The art of computer programming” Few quotes: The psychological profiling [of a programmer] is mostly the ability to shift levels of abstraction, from low level to high level.
  • 51. Meet Prof. Donald Kunth Professor at Stanford, Wrote “The art of computer programming” Few quotes: Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.
  • 52. However... Knowing these kind of things - Helps you avoid mistakes and bugs - Makes you a better developer - Teaches you the internal workings of the system - Cost-Effectiveness-wise it’s just being smart: “...Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%”Colt McAnlis:
  • 53. Target Audience This lecture is for you if…: - You have a custom view in your app - You have a lot of images in your app - You have an app, or developing an app, and want to do a better job - You want to become a better developer
  • 55. The Magic <!-- Layout for weather forecast list item for today --> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center_vertical" android:minHeight="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight" android:orientation="horizontal" android:background="@drawable/today_touch_selector"> <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_weight="7" android:layout_marginTop="16dp" android:layout_marginBottom="16dp" android:layout_marginLeft="60dp" android:orientation="vertical"> <TextView android:id="@+id/list_item_date_textview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:textAppearance="?android:textAppearanceLarge" android:fontFamily="sans-serif-condensed" android:textColor="@color/white" /> SRC: Magic
  • 57. Step 0: Inflate the View Tree - During onCreate() we call setContentView() - The XML is parsed and a tree of objects is created - The tree is traversed during next steps
  • 58. Now we have a Data Structure to use Things get interesting!
  • 59. Step 1: Measure - Starts with the root - Recursively ask the views (+Children) to measure themselves. - This is done by calling onMeasure(int, int) - It’s a negotiation, so onMeasure may be called multiple times. - When it’s done, All the views in the tree know their size.REF:, int)
  • 60. Step 2: Layout - Starts with the root - Recursively position each child - Done by onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Stores the position, and set position for all children - When it’s done, All the views in the tree knows their positionREF:, int, int, int, int)
  • 61. - Now that a view knows its position, The onDraw(Canvas) method is called - That’s where a view draws itself before asking its children to draw. - The Canvas object generates (or Updates) a list of OpenGL-ES commands (draw-list) to send to the GPU. Step 3: Draw (AKA Update) REF: Guide:
  • 62. Canvas Methods (and responsibility) drawARGB drawArc drawBitmap drawColor drawLine drawPicture drawText clipPath clipRect quickReject rotate scale skew translate Ref:
  • 64. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose When things change (text, color, size, padding, margin, etc.), A view notifies the system, by calling Invalidate - which will call the onDraw again, or requestLayout - which will call the entire process again.
  • 67. Step 4: Execute The GPU executes the command list, That was generated in onDraw() And was cached But what if this takes too long?
  • 68.
  • 69. Solution: Use a double buffer
  • 70. Solution: Use a double buffer
  • 71. Step 5: VSync Old CRT screens had to be “synced”, so that the monitor starts a frame at the correct time. Similarly, Android holds the copy from a back buffer if it is currently drawing to the screen.
  • 72. Britt’s Lecture (13/6) The Magic Animate Measure Layout TodayInflate Draw Execute Sync
  • 74. But How Does It Work? Smooth Motion 60 No Difference 60+ Flip Book 12 Movies Frames Per Second Fluid Motion 24 +effects
  • 75. We Have A Winner! Smooth Motion 60 No Difference 60+ Flip Book 12 Movies Frames Per Second Fluid Motion 24 +effects Smooth Motion 60 Colt McAnlis:
  • 76. Things to remember - Britt will give a similar explanation on her lecture on 13/6 - Know thee process, Appreciate, and Know that the entire process should take less than 16ms - Things on the GPU: - Should get there as soon as possible (early)
  • 78. Part 2: What can possibly go wrong
  • 79. Few things in this process can go wrong - Allocations in onDraw() - A reminder from last week - Avoiding Redundant Work - Overdraw - ClipRect - QuickReject - Invalidations
  • 80. Allocating objects (new XXX()) might cause a GC (blocking) So you might drop a frame. Allocations in onDraw() But it goes much deeper. See Ian Ni-Lewis:
  • 81. Solution and Avoidance Solution: DON’T ALLOCATE OBJECTS IN onDraw() METHOD. Avoidance: USE LINT (built into the Studio) || Colt McAnlis: STUDIO
  • 82. But wait - How can I know if frames gets dropped?
  • 83. The all-mighty LogCat I/Choreographer(1378): Skipped 55 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  • 84. But there’s a much cooler tool
  • 85.
  • 87. GPU Profiling Displays a graph for each visible app, showing how much time each frame took: The taller the bar, the longer it took to render The green line marks the 16 millisecond target. Every time a frame crosses it, your app is missing a frame.
  • 89. || Colt McAnlis OnDraw work Copy the list Execute glSwapBuffers
  • 93. This is where you tell them the biggest lie of the GPU profiler, Before moving to the next part BTW - Now for reals, Any questions?
  • 94. B The number of files that a given pixel is drawn in a frame. Overdraw Colt McAnlis:
  • 95. What is Overdraw When a pixel is drawn multiple times - That’s overdraw. it might waste time and energy. When the GPU executes the display list, It can count how many times each pixel is drawn. Not like this
  • 98. There’s even a Code-Lab online:
  • 100. Fixing Overdraw There are 2 common reasons for overdraw: - Redundant backgrounds / Redundant transparency - Wasteful onDraw - Things that aren’t visible at all gets drawn (not using quickReject) - Things that will be overdrawn gets drawn (not using clipRect) Colt McAnlis:
  • 101. QuickReject A method to tell if something can be not drawn at all. Call quickReject to see if you can skip drawing of things that will be off screen. REF:
  • 102. ClipRect ClipRect is a way to avoid OverDraw, By keeping your GPU from drawing pixels that you know that will be obscured by other stuff, you refrain from overdraw.
  • 104. ClipRect vs. QuickReject Method return type: Detects... Helps to... QuickReject boolean Fully invisible stuff Avoid redundant calls to drawXXX(), Keeping the drawlist short. ClipRect void Fully and Partially invisible stuff Avoid drawing pixels, but still executing the draw-list! boolean But is usually used as void
  • 108. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose When things change (text, color, size, padding, margin, etc.), A view notifies the system, by calling Invalidate - which will call the onDraw again, or requestLayout - which will call the entire process again.
  • 109. Simply Avoid calling invalidate unless you have to, And watch this:
  • 110. The horrible things that we do with bitmaps are incredible, but there are ways to fix it! Bitmap Abuse D
  • 111. Bitmaps flow Nothing here is accurate, but as an overview, it’s OK. Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen
  • 112. Bitmaps flow Nothing here is accurate, but as an overview, it’s OK. Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen Uses PNG or JPEG formats, files are stored compressed Optimized by AAPT Uses one of 4 formats: ALPHA_8 1 byte per pixel, only alpha ARGB_4444 deprecated ARGB_8888 4 bytes per pixel, +alpha RGB_565 2 bytes per pixel, no alpha
  • 113. Bitmaps flow - Downloading Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Which image format is downloaded? Which Quality? Which Size? Which network? WIFI? Metered? For how long are these images kept? Any size limits?
  • 114. Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Bitmaps flow - In Package Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen Which image format is stored? Which Quality? Which Size(s)? Which network? WIFI? Metered? → APK SIZE For how long are these images kept? → Forever Any size limits? → 100mb, but users will hate you! Image stored in the APK, or in media pack
  • 115. Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Bitmaps flow - In Memory Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen What Pixel-Format is used? Does the image need to re-scale? How to scale the image efficiently? Does the image has enough room? Image loaded into memory (to the Heap)
  • 116. Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Bitmaps flow - In GPU Content is drawn on screen Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) How much time does it take to copy the image? Do you causing rendering to another buffer? Image loaded into GPU
  • 117. Why is it important? java.lang.OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget. Nexus 5x takes pictures at 3840x2160 resolution, at 24-bit. That’s 33,177,600 bytes of data. Well, good-luck!
  • 118. Lucky us, We can optimize almost everything, And there’s A LOT of information out there
  • 119. Bitmaps flow - Optimize download Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen - Work with your server folks to provide you with smaller files and better formats - Use Cache (LRU Cache is great!) - Use an image handling library, like Glide or Picasso Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage
  • 120. Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Bitmaps flow - Optimize APK size Image loaded into memory (to the Heap) Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen - Choose the right format - Choose a good-enough quality - Add PNG/JPEG compression tools to your build process - Remove unused resources Image stored in the APK, or in media pack
  • 121. Image stored in the APK, or in media pack Image downloaded from internet, kept in device storage Bitmaps flow - Optimize loading & memory Image loaded into GPU Content is drawn on screen - Choose the right pixel format - Resize - Load on non-UI thread - Reuse memory - Use object pools if needed Image loaded into memory (to the Heap)
  • 122. Most Important Tip: Use a good image handling library and let’s check out *some* of the other things that we can do
  • 123. Trick #1: Load images efficiently Step 1: Don’t load the image at all, Only decode its size. BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds = true; BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),, options); int imageHeight = options.outHeight; int imageWidth = options.outWidth; String imageType = options.outMimeType;
  • 124. Trick #1: Load images efficiently Step 2: Don’t load the entire image, Sub-sample
  • 125. Trick #2: Cache and off-load Use LRU-Cache to load bitmaps into memory and re-use them. This will help with list-views and similar, and help to limit the amount of memory used. Move things off the UI thread. Use AsyncTask, but with caution, and handle concurrency, recycling, and lifecycle.
  • 126. Trick #3: Re-use bitmaps, in pools - Supported from 3.0 (API 11) - if possible, use the same memory. - Works only on mutable bitmaps (BitmapFactory.Options) - Works only if image size is smaller than the buffer (since KitKat, 4.4) Works only if image sizes are exactly the same (before) - Not easy work Colt McAnlis: , and
  • 127. Trick #4: Be smarter than AAPT with PNGs AAPT optimizes PNG files - but uses only these 3 optimizations: - Is the image Grayscale - Is the image Transparent - Is the image cheap to index All loss-less optimizations. Apply a lossy optimization tool.
  • 128. Trick #4: Be smarter than AAPT with PNGs You will probably want some more info. PNG: How it works: f1174e3cc7b7 Reducing size: 8473480d0476 AAPT: 4ce38a24019d JPG: How it works: a4dbd2316f35 Reducing size:
  • 129. From everything we learned, What you should remember Summary Σ
  • 130. Theory 1.Systematic Performance Improvement 2.Across-the-board impact 3.Preventative / Premature optimizations 4.The Getting-XML-to-Screen scheme Animate Measure Layout Inflate Draw Execute Sync
  • 132. Bitmap Abuse Use a good image handling library Know the theory Pick the right formats Try to reduce image size Try to reuse bitmaps if possible