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The Pearl Harbor Essay
The Pearl Harbor Spies On 7 December 1941, the Japan Naval fleet launched a precise and
devastating bombing of Pearl Harbor, which stunned the United States. The Japanese attacked Pearl
Harbor to neutralize the U.S. Pacific Naval Fleet, so they could advance into Malaya and the Dutch
East Indies to access natural resources to further their war effort. However, the Pearl Harbor
bombing became an everlasting memory to Americans. Two little known contributors to this event
had a profound effect on the planning and execution of the attack. This paper will explore the actions
of Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn and Takeo Yoshikawa, two spies who initially went undetected to
collect intelligence on the U.S. Naval fleet, and how their actions affected the U.S.
Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn served as a midshipman in the German Navy during World War I and
was a member of the German Navy's secret police from 1928 through 1930. Kuehn also studied to
become a physician after World War I. When the Nazi party took control in Germany, Dr. Kuehn
became a minor official in the Nazi secret police, or Gestapo, and formed close ties with the head of
the organization, Heinrich Himmler. Kuehn was married to Friedel Kuehn and had two children,
Hans Joachim, six years old, and Suzie Ruth, seventeen years old (Jamison, 2014). At the age of 17,
Ruth was a very beautiful, which caught the attention of the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph
Goebbels. Soon after, Ruth became a mistress to the
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Pearl Harbor, By Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
On December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan and in response, the United States
entered World War II. Suddenly Japanese
–Americans were a threat and internment camps, such as
Manzanar, were created to detain them. They would now face indignities and prejudice because of
their heritage. Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston grew up behind barbed wire fences and shares her
experience at Manzanar in her novel Farewell to Manzanar, revealing what it meant to be someone
affected by the exclusion acts. In this coming–of–age tale, Houston struggles with the difficulty of
self–discovery and the harsh reality of being a Japanese American during World War II.
Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston was only seven years old when her father was arrested and
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After a year, her father arrived at the camp and Houston began to see the camp for what it really
was, her birthplace (Houston, 47). The camp had been the end for her father, but for her, it had
been the place where life truly began. She had entered the camp as a child, eyes closed but as the
years passed, her eyes could no longer stay shut. Manzanar forced Houston into a lifestyle where
she was no longer carefree but instead aware of the world around her (Houston, 40). Her
'awakening' was sparked by her father's return from Fort Jackson. Her papa had always presented
himself as a great man, buying expensive clothing and always chasing a dream. When he returned
from the Fort, Houston saw him for who he truly was, not who he presented himself to be. "He
wasn't a great man. He wasn't even a very successful man. He was a poser, a braggart, and a tyrant
(Houston, 58)." Manzanar kept adults busy and the children had no choice but to become
independent individuals. The camp enlightened Houston and the other kids to the real world and
what had become of it. Houston's next change came after her family had moved to Cabrillo Homes
in West Long Beach, California. "It looked like a half–finished and under maintained Army base
(Houston, 153)." It wasn't like Houston's house had been in Ocean View, but it was outside the
barbed wire walls of Manzanar and allowed freedom and privacy. Here she began to build a new
routine and introduce some normalcy back into her
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Argumentative Essay On Pearl Harbor
December 7th, 1941, was the day 2,403 Americans lost their lives and 1,200 wounded during the
Japanese air raid, on Pearl Harbor. On this day, the US Navy lost almost the entire Pacific Fleet in
the harbor. After the attack, all the ships were either sunk or severally damaged minus the aircraft
carriers. The aircraft carriers luckily were still at sea. The total number of military personnel killed
was 2,335, including 2,008 navy personnel, 109 marines, and 218 army. Added to this were 68
civilians, making the total 2403 people dead. 1,177 men alone were from the USS Arizona.
The attack on Pearl Harbor is something that is taught in grade school history. However, if it is
being taught correctly that's a different story. As a child, we believe everything that the teacher
taught us even if it was a lie. The story of Pearl Harbor is a horrific event that has been revealing
more information throughout the years. What was taught in school was Pearl Harbor was a
surprise attack by the Japanese. That the Japanese managed to fly into US Airspace and destroy our
ships and planes for no reason. As we research more about this particular topic, we discover that the
United States was doing a really good job keeping secrets. For example, the Japanese has a reason to
attack the US.
The United States along with our allies Britain and Dutch, provoked the Japanese to attack. In
1937 Japan declared war on China which aggravated the US. The US and its Allies formed a plan
and cut off the oil supply for the Japanese military. No oil, meant no fuel for the war. By the US
making the strategic plan to cut of the oil supply, left the Japanese finding oil elsewhere. So, they
planned to invade into the Philippines and the Malaya territories. By moving into these locations
with the hopes of finding a steady source of natural resources such as oil and rubber. In order to
do so, the Japanese empire had to cripple the US military base that was 5,276 miles way. After
months of planning, the Japanese Empire put their attack in motion. After many different red flag
scenarios, the Japanese Bombers still managed to get the upper hand on us. With all of the red flags
that's presented hours, days, weeks before the attack why was the Pacific not
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Pearl Harbor is a naval harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, but on April 7, 1941 it was attacked
by Japanese aircraft. First off, you can go to this harbor and see a memorial. Two ships that sunk
in the harbor are still there; the USS Arizona, and the USS Utah; both ships were memorialized
and are open to the public. Likewise, there are historical fiction books that also give memory to
the events of Pearl Harbor. In fact, I've read one book called "I Survived the Bombing of Pearl
Harbor"; that was written by "Lauren Tarshis"; while some parts focused on events, other parts
focused on characters rather than the events. First off, the summary of the book is about a boy
named Danny who lived with his Ma in New York City, but that all more content...
Some of these aircraft were indeed B–17's, B–18's, A–20's, and many other kinds, but many of these
aircraft that were there at the time of the attack were either damaged or destroyed. As I have said,
this book was accurate in many ways, another way this book was accurate was because it said Mr.
Sudo was arrested after the attack. The book and research said that after the attack; America
decided to force any Japanese people living in America to move back to Japan or move to heavily
guarded camps; whilst some people moved; others were arrested. Also, the book said that during
the attack a Japanese plane fired bullets at Danny. It also said the pilot was young, back then they
wanted young adults to serve in the war at hand. The book "I Survived the Bombing of Pearl
Harbor" particularly expressed some of the events of what happened that dreadful day. This book
may give you a partial understanding of what happened, and it can open you up into wanting to
learn more about the topic. If you do want to learn about "The Bombing of Pearl Harbor"; than I
suggest you read more books and find other reliable sources rather than just this
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Pearl Harbor Speech Analysis
The Pearl Harbor speech was a speech that occur in the early 20th century America. The speech
was about the attack on the naval station at Pearl Harbor in which the air forces of japan
deliberately destroyed American military buildings and naval ships. President Franklin D.
Roosevelt gave the speech a day after the attack and gave it to a joint session of Congress and
broadcast through the radios to the general public. The two important pieces in which it gave the
speech its great importance is when the President talk about how Japan betrayed them and second is
when he talked about the will of the American people. The President speech about the Japanese
actions was about how the Japanese hid their true motives and how they wanted America
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Pearl Harbor
At approximately 8 o'clock in the morning on the 7th of Dec 1941, the United States of America
faced for the first time in history, an attack on US soil. The Empire of Japan had strategically
planned and executed a swift blow to the state of Hawaii, located in the mid–Pacific Ocean. Hawaii
was our first line of defense from any westerly attack of an Asian country. By the end of the almost
2 hour ordeal, our Naval and Air Corps assets' were brutally crippled preventing the ability of the US
to conduct an immediate retaliation. In this study we will cover many of the events that led up to
that moment in time, the actual attack and show the result that were to follow.
Do to the great depression of 1930 the world more content...
The United States had not finished decoding the last and final message until the late morning of
the 7th Eastern Standard Time. The final message stated to cease relations with the US and
prepare to announce their declaration of war at 1PM EST. A bit late (1130 EST) and after
learning of its content, General Marshall ordered immediate defensive posture in Hawaii once
realizing the time difference between the main land and the islands. Unfortunately this fell on
deaf ears due to complications of the atmosphere blocking radio communications, Washington had
to send word via commercial telegram which did not arrive until well after the attack. By the
early morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese Naval force led by Admiral Nagumo had parked
his fleet of 6 aircraft carriers 230 nautical miles off the north coast of the Hawaiian Islands
completely undetected. The fleet had approximately 423 aircraft with a final destination of Pearl
Harbor. At 600 a.m. the first wave of 180 aircraft were launch to attach the sleeping Hawaiian bay.
At 702 a.m. an Army radar station sights the aircraft inbound and report to their direct officer who
is aware of a squadron of B–17's due in from the west coast and write off the sighting am friendly
forces. This was the first of many mistakes that would become evident within the hour.
At approximately 715 a.m. the Japanese fleet launches their second wave of aircraft bound for the
same objective. Unbeknown to the military stationed
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Pearl Harbor Dbq Analysis
"An old order . . . is now crumbling" (Doc A). This quote was taken from the Japanese novel The
Way of the Subjects. It proves how aggressive and serious Japan was about creating a new rule in
the world. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor was an American
naval base. 361 Japanese planes launched from six carriers to deliver the surprise attack. Japan
attacked the naval base for three main reasons: a plan for a new world order, the United States oil
embargo against them, and the United States naval fleet expansion. To begin with, the underlying
cause of Japan attacking Pearl Harbor has to deal with the United States stopping Japan's efforts to
create a new world order. In 1938, Japan announced their plan for a more content...
Hideki Tojo, the Prime Minister and War Minister of Japan, didn't like the U.S. expansion at all.
He said, "When I think about the strengthening of American defenses in the Southwest Pacific, the
expansion of the American fleet, . . . I see no end to difficulties. . ." (Doc E). Tojo was frightened
of what the United States might have planned since they had expanded their naval fleet. He feared
Japan ". . . would become a third–class nation after two or three years. . ." (Doc E). He feared those
things would become true if they just sat tight and didn't take any action against the United States.
Japan had already taken many acquisitions throughout Asia, so they wished to continue to expand
their territory. Japan feared the continuation of the status quo, so they wanted a major change.
That is also a part of why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Overall, Japan had many reasons that led to
the attack and bombing of Pearl Harbor. Although the attack on Pearl Harbor may have been an
overdue response to the decisions made after World War I, Japan also wanted to put their plan into
place for a new world order, the United States oil embargo against them caused issues, and the
expansion of the American naval fleet frightened them. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they
wanted to gain power and leadership in the
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Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay
The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred December 7, 1941. It was the Japanese who attack the U.S at
its Naval base. President Roosevelt described this day as a day of infamy. The main reason the
Japanese attacked the U.S was because they knew that the U.S would interfere when they were
going to defeat Southeast Asia , so they attack the U.S Naval base at Pearl Harbor.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a big part in WWII. I say that because the Attack on Pearl Harbor is
what got the U.S into WWII. When the Japanese attacked everyone was surprised even Japan's
allied powers. Hitler wasn't surprised of the attack, he was surprise what time Japan did the attack.
The weapons they used in the Attack on Pearl Harbor were bombs, machine guns, more
They thought they were going to take the United states out with a joke but that did not happen. So in
my opinion i think it was foolish for the Japanese to attack them and foolish for them to think it was
going to be easy to get by them to get to Southern Asia with no interference. The attack on Pearl
Harbor was a turning point in War II .
The main reason Japan attacked the United states at Pearl Harbor was because Pearl Harbor is the
United States Naval Base. A Naval base is where you keep your war ships and naval ships when
they are off duty. A Naval base for the United States is where they kept their battleships and their
aircraft carriers. This is the reason the Japanese attacked the United States Naval Base because that's
where they kept their aircraft carriers and battleships.
Luckily for the United States their Aircraft carriers weren't at base at this point. They were at sea.
But the Japanese had some success with the United States battleships , planes, and Naval
vessels.The Japanese caused a lot of damage in this battle. Ok so they manage to damage all eight
of the United States battleships , and four of them sunk, they manage to destroy nearly 20 naval
bases, and OVER 300 american planes. Yeah that's a lot of damage for one battle ,but thanks to the
United States ability to make resources quickly and easy they were able to rebuild very quickly. And
in fact the attack on Pearl Harbor did not really hurt the United States as the Japanese thought it
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Chaos and continual disorder encompassed the people across the globe in the years prior to the
declaration of war between the Axis and Allied powers in 1939. The Great Depression that had
struck soon after the First World War left much of the world unemployed and desperate for relief.
Nationalism swept through Germany in response to the terms of the Versailles Treaty that ended
World War I. China and Japan had been at war since Japanese troops invaded Manchuria in 1931.
Germany, Italy, and Japan began multiple invasions and occupations of nearby countries. When they
received no meaningful consequences for their aggressive actions, they felt emboldened and World
War II began. In the midst of war and the growing totalitarian aggression, more content...
Their military was downsized to the maximum of 100,000. All weapons that remained from World
War I were to be scrapped in efforts of disarming Germany. Submarines and aircraft were banned
completely in Germany and only 36 ships were allowed to serve as the German Navy (Goldstien,
Dillion, p.124,1988). Under the conditions of the treaty, Germany was also responsible for an
estimate of 6.6 million dollars–worth of war reparations (Goldstien, Dillion, p.130,1988). In result
of the high war reparations, Germany suffered great economic depression. Due to depression, the
high rates of unemployment and severe inflation caused the people of Germany to become
resentful toward the Treaty of Versailles deeming it's terms too harsh. During these times of
economic difficulty and doubt all throughout Europe, people were hopeful for leaders that were
capable of reversing the severity of the current conditions. The economic instability of Europe
developed totalitarian goverments that began rising during the depression in the late 1920's and
early 1930's. Germany, Italy, and Japan all became countries subjected to the rule of dictated
military rule leaving no room for opposition. Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922
(Calvocoressi, Wint, p 777, 1999). Mussolini had his own philosophy that his destiny was to rule
over Italy as Caesar in a more modern version while re–creating the Roman Empire. In his attempts
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Creative Writing: Pearl Harbor
It didn't take long. Once dressed we called for food and ate our fill. We gobbled it up in record
time, even though the food tasted overly salted. Apparently, the ship had slipped into the harbor just
after dawn, the light had chased just enough of the shadows away to safely navigate. From the tiny
window I saw half–a–dozen warships docked on the far side of walled harbor, their canvas sails all
tidy and furled against their spars. Since, we weren't in a hurry to get on deck, we both stayed in
the cabin until the ship sounds changed to the shouts of dockworkers unloading cargo. It allowed
me enough time to pen a letter to Derwen, so she'd know I was thinking of her. Julie took that time
to record a message to Kate about our trip and status, more content...
Tall towers loomed over the town and harbor, stout fortified walls secured it. Due to its
geographical location, the harbor played an important role in the continent's trade routes. The
natural harbor was deep and secure from the most violent of storms. While ferocious storms were
rare in this hemisphere, they did happen and sailors required such a sanctuary. Our sailors told
me the tides and trade winds were very favorable here too. Wool and metals, and strangely enough
cooking vessels, were a major export for this port, along with slaves. From my sources, I knew
they imported a lot of grain and wine from the Amarian coast, fish and expensive handcrafted
goods from Convey. Indeed, Juniper Hills had recently been added as a supplier of fish too. Like
Port City in Convey, Derwen was sensing Conquest Point was becoming too regulated, and she
feared it might suffer an economic decline in the future. With the ascending trade hubs of more free
towns like Juniper Hills and West Branch, she expected some trade to shift. Nevertheless, the city
state's greatest asset was its large, secure harbor and prime
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Pearl Harbor Descriptive Essay
It was December 7, 1941, at around 8:00 am and the smell of fresh muffins drifting through the air
from the downstairs kitchen was strong. Dad and I were laughing together at Li'l Abner or
Nancy and Sluggo Sunday funnies on a beautiful Sunday morning in Hawaii. Suddenly,
peacefulness was gone. There was a horrendous explosion outside and our old house trembled. I
jumped up and looked out the window and there was a huge cloud of black smoke that was
billowing up over Pearl Harbor. The whole sky was a deep, dark, black. Something terrible had
happened. I had just seen the bombing of Pearl Harbor. A day that would make history as the day
that the United States of America joined World War II. A day that about 2,403 Americans died and
devastated the lives of thousands. The beginning of the end for my family.
I raced downstairs. My Mom was fixing breakfast for the nineteen residents. In 1938, my mom
started the first private nursing home in Hawaii. I ran to the radio and swiftly turned it on. A
harried announcer was saying, "Japs have attacked. This is the real McCoy. We are at war. Take
cover." Since there were many blackout drills and safety plans many people thought it was another
drill. Since the announcer told us to prepare, I took out two big empty boxes and packed one with
food and water, and another with blankets. As I was packing, I heard the screaming of diving planes.
I ran outside in the front yard with my younger sister, Anita, who had just woken
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Pearl Harbor Dbq Essay
The main focus on this essay is "Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?". On a normal Sunday
morning when the American navy units were busy doing their normal routine work, the Japanese
navy planned a surprise attack that stunned the world. This attack was so unpredictable that the
entire American navy went in deep shock. Very few of them realized the need to manage and
control their position to save the naval power. All the staff and ships that were present at the
Pearl Harbor suffered massive loss. Just a couple of hours of bombing gave the Pearl Harbor, a
battlefield view with fire and smoke emerging from every corner. The attack left American navy at
a loss of 2400 of her best men as well as 21 ships that were either sunk or completely demolished. more content...
Japan believed they were the fountain of the Yamato race and believed they were superior to any
other asian race (Document A). Japan also thought that America would crumble and become "Old
Orders" (Document A). Japan's expansion into Asia caused them to go after the bigger countries.
The second and one of the more underrated reasons Japan attacked Pearl Harbor was because of
America putting an embargo on their oil. In August of 1941, America stopped shipping goods to
Japan. The many goods America shipped to Japan were vital because it was more of an
underdeveloped country and couldn't get the good themselves. As provided in Document D, more
than 70% of Japan's oil came from the United States. When that drastically changed it provided a
valuable explanation to why Japan declared war.
The last and final reason is that Japan thought America would crumple their power and also attack
them first. Japan thought that America had the means and potential to attack them first so they
wanted to get out their first and prevent an attack on their end. In closing there are many reasons as
to why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was a surprise attack that has left many americans still in
shock and confusion to this
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Pearl Harbor Case Study Summary
There many steps that could have been taken to reduce the Japanese effectiveness in carrying out
the attack on Pearl Harbor, but a good first that should have been taken by intelligence
practitioners and policymakers during this period was to think critically. There are various
methods to apply critical thinking but this case study will only explore a few. First, we will
discuss the use of the analytical method, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational
Environment (JIPOE). The next analytic research technique explored will be the use of Analysis of
Competing Hypotheses (ACH). Then the case study will wrap up thinking critically by discussing
the affects of mirror imaging in the Pearl Harbor scenario. As mentioned there are various methods
that could have been used but the best method would have been the use of JIPOE. JIPOE is broken
down into a four step process: define the operational environment, describe the impact of the
operational environment, evaluate the adversary, and determine adversary courses of actions
(COAs). Assuming the U.S. was using JIPOE the first two steps would not have helped very much
because the focus would have been on Japan as the operational environment. However, the third step
in JIPOE process is intended to find out everything there is to know about the enemy. For instance, more content...
Open source intelligence (OSINT) is an intelligence discipline that was not formally recognized
during that period of history but would have been extremely helpful. Electronic intelligence
(ELINT) could have also been used to provide indications and warning (I &W) of a forthcoming
attack. Finally, imagery intelligence (IMINT) would have tipped the scale in the U.S. favor while
the Japanese were in transit to Pearl
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Analysis of Pearl Harbor the Movie Essay
Pearl Harbor
The movie Pearl Harbor directed and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer was released in 2001. This
highly praised movie allows the audience to carefully watch a movie that is based on a day that
started the United States' involvement in World War II. The movie begins with a two boys, Danny
Walker and Rafe McCawley, who have grown up hoping to become involved in theUnited States
military and slowly changes to the life, excitement, and hardships of being involved in the war. Rafe
is one of the best fighter pilots in the regiment and falls in love with a beautiful nurse, Lt. Evelyn
Johnson. As the United States tries to help the British, Rafe volunteers to go to London. After
several months he supposedly dies when shot more content...
"Cut and paste history", according to Collingwood, a historian who feels that you should look at
the facts, times and dates. He feels that "cut and paste history" a person is able to accomplish the
most amount of objectivity because they are doing their best to prevent analysis and/or
assumptions. "Cut and paste history" is more accurate because emotions and feelings should not
be involved. However, when studying history through a movie this type of history would be
difficult to sell to the audience, so producers and directors go back to scientific history. Scientific
history is used because emotions, feelings and interpretations make the movie sell. He draws our
attention by involving our emotions; we follow the love triangle that is made between Lt. Evelyn,
Danny, and Rafe. We watch a desperate young girl, Betty, who hopes to meet someone she can
spend the rest of her life with. She lies to the government to become a nurse. She puts her life at a
possible risk in hope to find love. These are a few examples of the emotions that are attached to the
movie making the viewer look at the movie in a different perspective, which often distracts the
audience from what actually happened. For example the movie Yamamoto is viewed as a brilliant
commander who outwitted the United States with a surprise attack, when in actuality the Japanese
knew the
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Pearl Harbor Thesis
Pearl Harbor is an American military base located in Oahu, named after the pearls that were found
there. This base was originally a normal bay until the late 1800s when an agreement between
America and Hawaii was made. At this time, Hawaii wanted to make their sugar industry stronger
by taking away the money needed to send sugar into America. America accepted this, but in return
gained access to Pearl Harbor and changed it into a refueling station for its army. 10 years after this
agreement, America won a war against the Spanish, and gained land within the pacific such as the
Philippines. America needed an army to support these new lands so, they started to change Pearl
Harbor into an enormous army base. Although it suffered an attack from
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Essay On Pearl Harbor
The events of Pearl harbor marked a turning point in the United States history, the US, prior to this
event was a powerful nation yet, by many countries was not seen as the superpower it is known as
today. The attack on Pearl Harbor marks the shift from a strong nation to the global force and power
it possess today due to economic, social and military shifts made from this attack and leading the
United States into World War II. A reported statement by Japanese General, Isoroku Yamamoto best
summarizes this "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible
resolve."1. Shows this shift and the importance of the attack on shaping American history.
United States Prior to Pearl Harbor Attack
Prior to more content...
Despite this however tensions were rising in the world as expressed by the following "increasing
the capacity of the U.S. Navy by 11%. Four days earlier, Roosevelt had condemned the actions of
Italy 's declaration of war against France and the United Kingdom."3. This showed how global
tension had been steadily increasing due to the expansion of the Japanese empire as well as
aggression in europe in form of Germany and Italy. It also showed how the United States was
attempting to prepare to defend itself from the aggression on both borders. The Atlantic from Italy
& Germany aspirations for military power and control, however the more pressing matter was the
Pacific front due to Japan at this time had invaded China as well as other island across the pacific
building an empire close to American territories and allies such as Guam and the Philippines.
Troops involved on the Pearl Harbor Attack
The attack was a complete surprise and as a result was a devastating attack on the American pacific
fleet. This attack was carried out by "Japanese battleships and destroyers which had escorted 43
fighters, 51 dive–bombers, 49 high–level bombers, and 40 torpedo planes from six carriers that
floated 200 miles north of Pearl Harbor. The aircraft had traveled in complete radio silence in order
to catch the Americans by surprise."4. One reason this was so successful was due to the careful
timing and planning of this attack as it was done in with
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Pearl Harbor Day Essay
December 7, 1941, "a day that will live in infamy" (Pearl Harbor in Hawaii). This quote is
important because the United States were at peace with Japan, when they suddenly decided to do
a wicked and evil act that immediately united us against them. Pearl Harbor is located in Oahu,
Hawaii. The memorial is the final resting place for the heroic soldiers and sailors who lost their
lives on that very tragic day. Many people visit the memorial every year to salute those who lost
their lives on that tragic day. The USS Arizona received the most damaged out of all the ships.
Pearl Harbor is a significant historical place, because the Japanese bombed the harbor, causing
many ships to be damaged and over 2,000 people to lose their lives. The more content...
Franklin D. Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japan, and on December, 8, 1941, the US
was entered into World War II.Preparing for War from the mighty disaster took a lot of effort.
Twenty–one ships were sunk or damaged, and sixty–four planes were destroyed. They managed
within a few months to raise the sunken ships are prepare the Navy's fleet. Now, they were ready
for war. Japan refused to surrender. The US had to use one of the most dangerous weapons
available. The US dropped an atomic bomb on the day of August 6th, 1945. Tons of people died,
more than 80,000. It was absolutely devastating yet the Japanese still did not surrender. On
August 9, 1945 the US once again dropped another atomic bomb. This time they dropped it on
Nagasaki, Japan. This atomic bomb drop killed over 40,000 people. Finally on August 14, 1945,
Japan surrendered, and World War II was over. Today the USS Arizona Memorial is one of the
most frequently visited sites in the USA. "The Memorial is a 184–foot–long memorial structure
with three main sections. The sections are: the entry and assembly room, the central area designed
for ceremonies and general observation, and the shrine room, where the names of the people who
lost their lives are engraved on a marble wall." <http://www.pearl–> At the 66th
celebration of Pearl Harbor attack Tucker McHugh, retired Navy Comander,
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Informative Essay On Pearl Harbor
"A date which will live in infamy (Roosevelt)." There were three part to this attack, what lead to the
attack, the actual attack and the aftermath. The world was at war and the United States didn't want
to get too involved until the attack happened. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the United States
made the decision to join the War. The United States joining the war brought the most crucial years
to follow along with the dropping of the atomic bomb. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the beginning
of the a very long war that cost the lives of many people but brought a nation together. The empire
of Japan was trying to take over natural resources and expand their empire by taking over parts of
China and Korea. The infamous Nanking Massacre cost the lives of nearly 300,0000 people
making it only a small portion of the 14 million lives lost by the end of World War II. The abrupt
expansion of Japan caused for the League of Nations, which is now known as the United Nations,
to reprimand Japan for violating the "Open Door Policy" but their actions violated China's equal
trading opportunities. Japan relied on the United States for nearly 55.4% of their natural resources
which the United Stated decided to stop supporting in 1937. Japan had joined the Axis Alliance
with Germany and Italy which caused the United States to cut all ties with Japan and no longer do
any trade with Japan. President Roosevelt made a decision that he would later regret and leave the
United States in a very
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Pearl Harbor Outline
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a attack on a naval harbor base in Hawaii. The Japanese flew planes over and
tried to destroy the base. The attack was also known as the Battle of Pearl Harbor. This later led
World War ll . The Japanese called this attack operation AI, and they later turned it into Operation Z.
The Japanese were making plans for the surprise attack as early as January of 1941(Brett, the attack started it was a total surprise. It was such a surprise that
many of the U.S. servicemen were either still in their pajamas or eating breakfast in the mess halls
when it began(Brett, The Japanese commenced the attacked in December
of 1941 on a sunday morning at 7:55 a.m.(Brett, more content...
"The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed 20 ships and over 300 airplanes."( staff, "Most important, almost 2,500 men were killed and another 1,000 were
wounded."( staff, The Japs didn't take out the Pacific fleet so they were
able to help. When they dropped one of the bombs it hit a ammo room on one of the ships and
destroyed the dock and parts of the ships around it.But the Japanese had failed to hurt the Pacific
Fleet. "In 1940s, battleships were no longer the most important naval vessel."( staff, "Aircraft carriers were, and as it happened, all of the Pacific Fleet's carriers were away
from the base on December 7"( staff, "The Pearl Harbor assault had left the
base's most important facilities, oil storage depots, repair shops, shipyards and submarine docks
unharmed."( staff,"On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt's
declaration of war."( staff, Three days after Italy and Germany declared war
on the United States( staff, The Japs lost 65 men, another one of their men
were captured. "The Americans shot down 28 planes and sunk 5 midget submarines."(Brett, The U.S. lost 2,343 men and 1,272 men were injured, 960 men went
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Pearl Harbor Summary
Early morning on December 7, 1941 over 200 Japanese fighter planes covered the sky over Pearl
Harbor. The strike lasted for two long hours, the damage done was devastating. The Japanese were
able to destroy about 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, they
destroyed more than 300 airplanes. About 2,000 American's died in the attack that day, and another
1,000 men were
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Pearl Harbor Essay

  • 1. The Pearl Harbor Essay The Pearl Harbor Spies On 7 December 1941, the Japan Naval fleet launched a precise and devastating bombing of Pearl Harbor, which stunned the United States. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to neutralize the U.S. Pacific Naval Fleet, so they could advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies to access natural resources to further their war effort. However, the Pearl Harbor bombing became an everlasting memory to Americans. Two little known contributors to this event had a profound effect on the planning and execution of the attack. This paper will explore the actions of Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn and Takeo Yoshikawa, two spies who initially went undetected to collect intelligence on the U.S. Naval fleet, and how their actions affected the U.S. Background Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn served as a midshipman in the German Navy during World War I and was a member of the German Navy's secret police from 1928 through 1930. Kuehn also studied to become a physician after World War I. When the Nazi party took control in Germany, Dr. Kuehn became a minor official in the Nazi secret police, or Gestapo, and formed close ties with the head of the organization, Heinrich Himmler. Kuehn was married to Friedel Kuehn and had two children, Hans Joachim, six years old, and Suzie Ruth, seventeen years old (Jamison, 2014). At the age of 17, Ruth was a very beautiful, which caught the attention of the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Soon after, Ruth became a mistress to the Get more content on
  • 2. Pearl Harbor, By Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston On December 7th, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan and in response, the United States entered World War II. Suddenly Japanese –Americans were a threat and internment camps, such as Manzanar, were created to detain them. They would now face indignities and prejudice because of their heritage. Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston grew up behind barbed wire fences and shares her experience at Manzanar in her novel Farewell to Manzanar, revealing what it meant to be someone affected by the exclusion acts. In this coming–of–age tale, Houston struggles with the difficulty of self–discovery and the harsh reality of being a Japanese American during World War II. Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston was only seven years old when her father was arrested and more content... After a year, her father arrived at the camp and Houston began to see the camp for what it really was, her birthplace (Houston, 47). The camp had been the end for her father, but for her, it had been the place where life truly began. She had entered the camp as a child, eyes closed but as the years passed, her eyes could no longer stay shut. Manzanar forced Houston into a lifestyle where she was no longer carefree but instead aware of the world around her (Houston, 40). Her 'awakening' was sparked by her father's return from Fort Jackson. Her papa had always presented himself as a great man, buying expensive clothing and always chasing a dream. When he returned from the Fort, Houston saw him for who he truly was, not who he presented himself to be. "He wasn't a great man. He wasn't even a very successful man. He was a poser, a braggart, and a tyrant (Houston, 58)." Manzanar kept adults busy and the children had no choice but to become independent individuals. The camp enlightened Houston and the other kids to the real world and what had become of it. Houston's next change came after her family had moved to Cabrillo Homes in West Long Beach, California. "It looked like a half–finished and under maintained Army base (Houston, 153)." It wasn't like Houston's house had been in Ocean View, but it was outside the barbed wire walls of Manzanar and allowed freedom and privacy. Here she began to build a new routine and introduce some normalcy back into her Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941, was the day 2,403 Americans lost their lives and 1,200 wounded during the Japanese air raid, on Pearl Harbor. On this day, the US Navy lost almost the entire Pacific Fleet in the harbor. After the attack, all the ships were either sunk or severally damaged minus the aircraft carriers. The aircraft carriers luckily were still at sea. The total number of military personnel killed was 2,335, including 2,008 navy personnel, 109 marines, and 218 army. Added to this were 68 civilians, making the total 2403 people dead. 1,177 men alone were from the USS Arizona. The attack on Pearl Harbor is something that is taught in grade school history. However, if it is being taught correctly that's a different story. As a child, we believe everything that the teacher taught us even if it was a lie. The story of Pearl Harbor is a horrific event that has been revealing more information throughout the years. What was taught in school was Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by the Japanese. That the Japanese managed to fly into US Airspace and destroy our ships and planes for no reason. As we research more about this particular topic, we discover that the United States was doing a really good job keeping secrets. For example, the Japanese has a reason to attack the US. The United States along with our allies Britain and Dutch, provoked the Japanese to attack. In 1937 Japan declared war on China which aggravated the US. The US and its Allies formed a plan and cut off the oil supply for the Japanese military. No oil, meant no fuel for the war. By the US making the strategic plan to cut of the oil supply, left the Japanese finding oil elsewhere. So, they planned to invade into the Philippines and the Malaya territories. By moving into these locations with the hopes of finding a steady source of natural resources such as oil and rubber. In order to do so, the Japanese empire had to cripple the US military base that was 5,276 miles way. After months of planning, the Japanese Empire put their attack in motion. After many different red flag scenarios, the Japanese Bombers still managed to get the upper hand on us. With all of the red flags that's presented hours, days, weeks before the attack why was the Pacific not Get more content on
  • 4. Pearl Harbor is a naval harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, but on April 7, 1941 it was attacked by Japanese aircraft. First off, you can go to this harbor and see a memorial. Two ships that sunk in the harbor are still there; the USS Arizona, and the USS Utah; both ships were memorialized and are open to the public. Likewise, there are historical fiction books that also give memory to the events of Pearl Harbor. In fact, I've read one book called "I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor"; that was written by "Lauren Tarshis"; while some parts focused on events, other parts focused on characters rather than the events. First off, the summary of the book is about a boy named Danny who lived with his Ma in New York City, but that all more content... Some of these aircraft were indeed B–17's, B–18's, A–20's, and many other kinds, but many of these aircraft that were there at the time of the attack were either damaged or destroyed. As I have said, this book was accurate in many ways, another way this book was accurate was because it said Mr. Sudo was arrested after the attack. The book and research said that after the attack; America decided to force any Japanese people living in America to move back to Japan or move to heavily guarded camps; whilst some people moved; others were arrested. Also, the book said that during the attack a Japanese plane fired bullets at Danny. It also said the pilot was young, back then they wanted young adults to serve in the war at hand. The book "I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor" particularly expressed some of the events of what happened that dreadful day. This book may give you a partial understanding of what happened, and it can open you up into wanting to learn more about the topic. If you do want to learn about "The Bombing of Pearl Harbor"; than I suggest you read more books and find other reliable sources rather than just this Get more content on
  • 5. Pearl Harbor Speech Analysis The Pearl Harbor speech was a speech that occur in the early 20th century America. The speech was about the attack on the naval station at Pearl Harbor in which the air forces of japan deliberately destroyed American military buildings and naval ships. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the speech a day after the attack and gave it to a joint session of Congress and broadcast through the radios to the general public. The two important pieces in which it gave the speech its great importance is when the President talk about how Japan betrayed them and second is when he talked about the will of the American people. The President speech about the Japanese actions was about how the Japanese hid their true motives and how they wanted America Get more content on
  • 6. Pearl Harbor Introduction At approximately 8 o'clock in the morning on the 7th of Dec 1941, the United States of America faced for the first time in history, an attack on US soil. The Empire of Japan had strategically planned and executed a swift blow to the state of Hawaii, located in the mid–Pacific Ocean. Hawaii was our first line of defense from any westerly attack of an Asian country. By the end of the almost 2 hour ordeal, our Naval and Air Corps assets' were brutally crippled preventing the ability of the US to conduct an immediate retaliation. In this study we will cover many of the events that led up to that moment in time, the actual attack and show the result that were to follow. History Do to the great depression of 1930 the world more content... The United States had not finished decoding the last and final message until the late morning of the 7th Eastern Standard Time. The final message stated to cease relations with the US and prepare to announce their declaration of war at 1PM EST. A bit late (1130 EST) and after learning of its content, General Marshall ordered immediate defensive posture in Hawaii once realizing the time difference between the main land and the islands. Unfortunately this fell on deaf ears due to complications of the atmosphere blocking radio communications, Washington had to send word via commercial telegram which did not arrive until well after the attack. By the early morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese Naval force led by Admiral Nagumo had parked his fleet of 6 aircraft carriers 230 nautical miles off the north coast of the Hawaiian Islands completely undetected. The fleet had approximately 423 aircraft with a final destination of Pearl Harbor. At 600 a.m. the first wave of 180 aircraft were launch to attach the sleeping Hawaiian bay. At 702 a.m. an Army radar station sights the aircraft inbound and report to their direct officer who is aware of a squadron of B–17's due in from the west coast and write off the sighting am friendly forces. This was the first of many mistakes that would become evident within the hour. At approximately 715 a.m. the Japanese fleet launches their second wave of aircraft bound for the same objective. Unbeknown to the military stationed Get more content on
  • 7. Pearl Harbor Dbq Analysis "An old order . . . is now crumbling" (Doc A). This quote was taken from the Japanese novel The Way of the Subjects. It proves how aggressive and serious Japan was about creating a new rule in the world. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor was an American naval base. 361 Japanese planes launched from six carriers to deliver the surprise attack. Japan attacked the naval base for three main reasons: a plan for a new world order, the United States oil embargo against them, and the United States naval fleet expansion. To begin with, the underlying cause of Japan attacking Pearl Harbor has to deal with the United States stopping Japan's efforts to create a new world order. In 1938, Japan announced their plan for a more content... Hideki Tojo, the Prime Minister and War Minister of Japan, didn't like the U.S. expansion at all. He said, "When I think about the strengthening of American defenses in the Southwest Pacific, the expansion of the American fleet, . . . I see no end to difficulties. . ." (Doc E). Tojo was frightened of what the United States might have planned since they had expanded their naval fleet. He feared Japan ". . . would become a third–class nation after two or three years. . ." (Doc E). He feared those things would become true if they just sat tight and didn't take any action against the United States. Japan had already taken many acquisitions throughout Asia, so they wished to continue to expand their territory. Japan feared the continuation of the status quo, so they wanted a major change. That is also a part of why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Overall, Japan had many reasons that led to the attack and bombing of Pearl Harbor. Although the attack on Pearl Harbor may have been an overdue response to the decisions made after World War I, Japan also wanted to put their plan into place for a new world order, the United States oil embargo against them caused issues, and the expansion of the American naval fleet frightened them. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they wanted to gain power and leadership in the Get more content on
  • 8. Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred December 7, 1941. It was the Japanese who attack the U.S at its Naval base. President Roosevelt described this day as a day of infamy. The main reason the Japanese attacked the U.S was because they knew that the U.S would interfere when they were going to defeat Southeast Asia , so they attack the U.S Naval base at Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a big part in WWII. I say that because the Attack on Pearl Harbor is what got the U.S into WWII. When the Japanese attacked everyone was surprised even Japan's allied powers. Hitler wasn't surprised of the attack, he was surprise what time Japan did the attack. The weapons they used in the Attack on Pearl Harbor were bombs, machine guns, more content... They thought they were going to take the United states out with a joke but that did not happen. So in my opinion i think it was foolish for the Japanese to attack them and foolish for them to think it was going to be easy to get by them to get to Southern Asia with no interference. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a turning point in War II . The main reason Japan attacked the United states at Pearl Harbor was because Pearl Harbor is the United States Naval Base. A Naval base is where you keep your war ships and naval ships when they are off duty. A Naval base for the United States is where they kept their battleships and their aircraft carriers. This is the reason the Japanese attacked the United States Naval Base because that's where they kept their aircraft carriers and battleships. Luckily for the United States their Aircraft carriers weren't at base at this point. They were at sea. But the Japanese had some success with the United States battleships , planes, and Naval vessels.The Japanese caused a lot of damage in this battle. Ok so they manage to damage all eight of the United States battleships , and four of them sunk, they manage to destroy nearly 20 naval bases, and OVER 300 american planes. Yeah that's a lot of damage for one battle ,but thanks to the United States ability to make resources quickly and easy they were able to rebuild very quickly. And in fact the attack on Pearl Harbor did not really hurt the United States as the Japanese thought it Get more content on
  • 9. Chaos and continual disorder encompassed the people across the globe in the years prior to the declaration of war between the Axis and Allied powers in 1939. The Great Depression that had struck soon after the First World War left much of the world unemployed and desperate for relief. Nationalism swept through Germany in response to the terms of the Versailles Treaty that ended World War I. China and Japan had been at war since Japanese troops invaded Manchuria in 1931. Germany, Italy, and Japan began multiple invasions and occupations of nearby countries. When they received no meaningful consequences for their aggressive actions, they felt emboldened and World War II began. In the midst of war and the growing totalitarian aggression, more content... Their military was downsized to the maximum of 100,000. All weapons that remained from World War I were to be scrapped in efforts of disarming Germany. Submarines and aircraft were banned completely in Germany and only 36 ships were allowed to serve as the German Navy (Goldstien, Dillion, p.124,1988). Under the conditions of the treaty, Germany was also responsible for an estimate of 6.6 million dollars–worth of war reparations (Goldstien, Dillion, p.130,1988). In result of the high war reparations, Germany suffered great economic depression. Due to depression, the high rates of unemployment and severe inflation caused the people of Germany to become resentful toward the Treaty of Versailles deeming it's terms too harsh. During these times of economic difficulty and doubt all throughout Europe, people were hopeful for leaders that were capable of reversing the severity of the current conditions. The economic instability of Europe developed totalitarian goverments that began rising during the depression in the late 1920's and early 1930's. Germany, Italy, and Japan all became countries subjected to the rule of dictated military rule leaving no room for opposition. Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922 (Calvocoressi, Wint, p 777, 1999). Mussolini had his own philosophy that his destiny was to rule over Italy as Caesar in a more modern version while re–creating the Roman Empire. In his attempts in Get more content on
  • 10. Creative Writing: Pearl Harbor It didn't take long. Once dressed we called for food and ate our fill. We gobbled it up in record time, even though the food tasted overly salted. Apparently, the ship had slipped into the harbor just after dawn, the light had chased just enough of the shadows away to safely navigate. From the tiny window I saw half–a–dozen warships docked on the far side of walled harbor, their canvas sails all tidy and furled against their spars. Since, we weren't in a hurry to get on deck, we both stayed in the cabin until the ship sounds changed to the shouts of dockworkers unloading cargo. It allowed me enough time to pen a letter to Derwen, so she'd know I was thinking of her. Julie took that time to record a message to Kate about our trip and status, more content... Tall towers loomed over the town and harbor, stout fortified walls secured it. Due to its geographical location, the harbor played an important role in the continent's trade routes. The natural harbor was deep and secure from the most violent of storms. While ferocious storms were rare in this hemisphere, they did happen and sailors required such a sanctuary. Our sailors told me the tides and trade winds were very favorable here too. Wool and metals, and strangely enough cooking vessels, were a major export for this port, along with slaves. From my sources, I knew they imported a lot of grain and wine from the Amarian coast, fish and expensive handcrafted goods from Convey. Indeed, Juniper Hills had recently been added as a supplier of fish too. Like Port City in Convey, Derwen was sensing Conquest Point was becoming too regulated, and she feared it might suffer an economic decline in the future. With the ascending trade hubs of more free towns like Juniper Hills and West Branch, she expected some trade to shift. Nevertheless, the city state's greatest asset was its large, secure harbor and prime Get more content on
  • 11. Pearl Harbor Descriptive Essay It was December 7, 1941, at around 8:00 am and the smell of fresh muffins drifting through the air from the downstairs kitchen was strong. Dad and I were laughing together at Li'l Abner or Nancy and Sluggo Sunday funnies on a beautiful Sunday morning in Hawaii. Suddenly, peacefulness was gone. There was a horrendous explosion outside and our old house trembled. I jumped up and looked out the window and there was a huge cloud of black smoke that was billowing up over Pearl Harbor. The whole sky was a deep, dark, black. Something terrible had happened. I had just seen the bombing of Pearl Harbor. A day that would make history as the day that the United States of America joined World War II. A day that about 2,403 Americans died and devastated the lives of thousands. The beginning of the end for my family. I raced downstairs. My Mom was fixing breakfast for the nineteen residents. In 1938, my mom started the first private nursing home in Hawaii. I ran to the radio and swiftly turned it on. A harried announcer was saying, "Japs have attacked. This is the real McCoy. We are at war. Take cover." Since there were many blackout drills and safety plans many people thought it was another drill. Since the announcer told us to prepare, I took out two big empty boxes and packed one with food and water, and another with blankets. As I was packing, I heard the screaming of diving planes. I ran outside in the front yard with my younger sister, Anita, who had just woken Get more content on
  • 12. Pearl Harbor Dbq Essay The main focus on this essay is "Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor?". On a normal Sunday morning when the American navy units were busy doing their normal routine work, the Japanese navy planned a surprise attack that stunned the world. This attack was so unpredictable that the entire American navy went in deep shock. Very few of them realized the need to manage and control their position to save the naval power. All the staff and ships that were present at the Pearl Harbor suffered massive loss. Just a couple of hours of bombing gave the Pearl Harbor, a battlefield view with fire and smoke emerging from every corner. The attack left American navy at a loss of 2400 of her best men as well as 21 ships that were either sunk or completely demolished. more content... Japan believed they were the fountain of the Yamato race and believed they were superior to any other asian race (Document A). Japan also thought that America would crumble and become "Old Orders" (Document A). Japan's expansion into Asia caused them to go after the bigger countries. The second and one of the more underrated reasons Japan attacked Pearl Harbor was because of America putting an embargo on their oil. In August of 1941, America stopped shipping goods to Japan. The many goods America shipped to Japan were vital because it was more of an underdeveloped country and couldn't get the good themselves. As provided in Document D, more than 70% of Japan's oil came from the United States. When that drastically changed it provided a valuable explanation to why Japan declared war. The last and final reason is that Japan thought America would crumple their power and also attack them first. Japan thought that America had the means and potential to attack them first so they wanted to get out their first and prevent an attack on their end. In closing there are many reasons as to why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was a surprise attack that has left many americans still in shock and confusion to this Get more content on
  • 13. Pearl Harbor Case Study Summary There many steps that could have been taken to reduce the Japanese effectiveness in carrying out the attack on Pearl Harbor, but a good first that should have been taken by intelligence practitioners and policymakers during this period was to think critically. There are various methods to apply critical thinking but this case study will only explore a few. First, we will discuss the use of the analytical method, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE). The next analytic research technique explored will be the use of Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH). Then the case study will wrap up thinking critically by discussing the affects of mirror imaging in the Pearl Harbor scenario. As mentioned there are various methods that could have been used but the best method would have been the use of JIPOE. JIPOE is broken down into a four step process: define the operational environment, describe the impact of the operational environment, evaluate the adversary, and determine adversary courses of actions (COAs). Assuming the U.S. was using JIPOE the first two steps would not have helped very much because the focus would have been on Japan as the operational environment. However, the third step in JIPOE process is intended to find out everything there is to know about the enemy. For instance, more content... Open source intelligence (OSINT) is an intelligence discipline that was not formally recognized during that period of history but would have been extremely helpful. Electronic intelligence (ELINT) could have also been used to provide indications and warning (I &W) of a forthcoming attack. Finally, imagery intelligence (IMINT) would have tipped the scale in the U.S. favor while the Japanese were in transit to Pearl Get more content on
  • 14. Analysis of Pearl Harbor the Movie Essay Pearl Harbor The movie Pearl Harbor directed and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer was released in 2001. This highly praised movie allows the audience to carefully watch a movie that is based on a day that started the United States' involvement in World War II. The movie begins with a two boys, Danny Walker and Rafe McCawley, who have grown up hoping to become involved in theUnited States military and slowly changes to the life, excitement, and hardships of being involved in the war. Rafe is one of the best fighter pilots in the regiment and falls in love with a beautiful nurse, Lt. Evelyn Johnson. As the United States tries to help the British, Rafe volunteers to go to London. After several months he supposedly dies when shot more content... "Cut and paste history", according to Collingwood, a historian who feels that you should look at the facts, times and dates. He feels that "cut and paste history" a person is able to accomplish the most amount of objectivity because they are doing their best to prevent analysis and/or assumptions. "Cut and paste history" is more accurate because emotions and feelings should not be involved. However, when studying history through a movie this type of history would be difficult to sell to the audience, so producers and directors go back to scientific history. Scientific history is used because emotions, feelings and interpretations make the movie sell. He draws our attention by involving our emotions; we follow the love triangle that is made between Lt. Evelyn, Danny, and Rafe. We watch a desperate young girl, Betty, who hopes to meet someone she can spend the rest of her life with. She lies to the government to become a nurse. She puts her life at a possible risk in hope to find love. These are a few examples of the emotions that are attached to the movie making the viewer look at the movie in a different perspective, which often distracts the audience from what actually happened. For example the movie Yamamoto is viewed as a brilliant commander who outwitted the United States with a surprise attack, when in actuality the Japanese knew the Get more content on
  • 15. Pearl Harbor Thesis Pearl Harbor is an American military base located in Oahu, named after the pearls that were found there. This base was originally a normal bay until the late 1800s when an agreement between America and Hawaii was made. At this time, Hawaii wanted to make their sugar industry stronger by taking away the money needed to send sugar into America. America accepted this, but in return gained access to Pearl Harbor and changed it into a refueling station for its army. 10 years after this agreement, America won a war against the Spanish, and gained land within the pacific such as the Philippines. America needed an army to support these new lands so, they started to change Pearl Harbor into an enormous army base. Although it suffered an attack from Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Pearl Harbor The events of Pearl harbor marked a turning point in the United States history, the US, prior to this event was a powerful nation yet, by many countries was not seen as the superpower it is known as today. The attack on Pearl Harbor marks the shift from a strong nation to the global force and power it possess today due to economic, social and military shifts made from this attack and leading the United States into World War II. A reported statement by Japanese General, Isoroku Yamamoto best summarizes this "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."1. Shows this shift and the importance of the attack on shaping American history. United States Prior to Pearl Harbor Attack Prior to more content... Despite this however tensions were rising in the world as expressed by the following "increasing the capacity of the U.S. Navy by 11%. Four days earlier, Roosevelt had condemned the actions of Italy 's declaration of war against France and the United Kingdom."3. This showed how global tension had been steadily increasing due to the expansion of the Japanese empire as well as aggression in europe in form of Germany and Italy. It also showed how the United States was attempting to prepare to defend itself from the aggression on both borders. The Atlantic from Italy & Germany aspirations for military power and control, however the more pressing matter was the Pacific front due to Japan at this time had invaded China as well as other island across the pacific building an empire close to American territories and allies such as Guam and the Philippines. Troops involved on the Pearl Harbor Attack The attack was a complete surprise and as a result was a devastating attack on the American pacific fleet. This attack was carried out by "Japanese battleships and destroyers which had escorted 43 fighters, 51 dive–bombers, 49 high–level bombers, and 40 torpedo planes from six carriers that floated 200 miles north of Pearl Harbor. The aircraft had traveled in complete radio silence in order to catch the Americans by surprise."4. One reason this was so successful was due to the careful timing and planning of this attack as it was done in with Get more content on
  • 17. Pearl Harbor Day Essay December 7, 1941, "a day that will live in infamy" (Pearl Harbor in Hawaii). This quote is important because the United States were at peace with Japan, when they suddenly decided to do a wicked and evil act that immediately united us against them. Pearl Harbor is located in Oahu, Hawaii. The memorial is the final resting place for the heroic soldiers and sailors who lost their lives on that very tragic day. Many people visit the memorial every year to salute those who lost their lives on that tragic day. The USS Arizona received the most damaged out of all the ships. Pearl Harbor is a significant historical place, because the Japanese bombed the harbor, causing many ships to be damaged and over 2,000 people to lose their lives. The more content... Franklin D. Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japan, and on December, 8, 1941, the US was entered into World War II.Preparing for War from the mighty disaster took a lot of effort. Twenty–one ships were sunk or damaged, and sixty–four planes were destroyed. They managed within a few months to raise the sunken ships are prepare the Navy's fleet. Now, they were ready for war. Japan refused to surrender. The US had to use one of the most dangerous weapons available. The US dropped an atomic bomb on the day of August 6th, 1945. Tons of people died, more than 80,000. It was absolutely devastating yet the Japanese still did not surrender. On August 9, 1945 the US once again dropped another atomic bomb. This time they dropped it on Nagasaki, Japan. This atomic bomb drop killed over 40,000 people. Finally on August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered, and World War II was over. Today the USS Arizona Memorial is one of the most frequently visited sites in the USA. "The Memorial is a 184–foot–long memorial structure with three main sections. The sections are: the entry and assembly room, the central area designed for ceremonies and general observation, and the shrine room, where the names of the people who lost their lives are engraved on a marble wall." <http://www.pearl–> At the 66th celebration of Pearl Harbor attack Tucker McHugh, retired Navy Comander, Get more content on
  • 18. Informative Essay On Pearl Harbor "A date which will live in infamy (Roosevelt)." There were three part to this attack, what lead to the attack, the actual attack and the aftermath. The world was at war and the United States didn't want to get too involved until the attack happened. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the United States made the decision to join the War. The United States joining the war brought the most crucial years to follow along with the dropping of the atomic bomb. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the beginning of the a very long war that cost the lives of many people but brought a nation together. The empire of Japan was trying to take over natural resources and expand their empire by taking over parts of China and Korea. The infamous Nanking Massacre cost the lives of nearly 300,0000 people making it only a small portion of the 14 million lives lost by the end of World War II. The abrupt expansion of Japan caused for the League of Nations, which is now known as the United Nations, to reprimand Japan for violating the "Open Door Policy" but their actions violated China's equal trading opportunities. Japan relied on the United States for nearly 55.4% of their natural resources which the United Stated decided to stop supporting in 1937. Japan had joined the Axis Alliance with Germany and Italy which caused the United States to cut all ties with Japan and no longer do any trade with Japan. President Roosevelt made a decision that he would later regret and leave the United States in a very Get more content on
  • 19. Pearl Harbor Outline Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor was a attack on a naval harbor base in Hawaii. The Japanese flew planes over and tried to destroy the base. The attack was also known as the Battle of Pearl Harbor. This later led World War ll . The Japanese called this attack operation AI, and they later turned it into Operation Z. The Japanese were making plans for the surprise attack as early as January of 1941(Brett, the attack started it was a total surprise. It was such a surprise that many of the U.S. servicemen were either still in their pajamas or eating breakfast in the mess halls when it began(Brett, The Japanese commenced the attacked in December of 1941 on a sunday morning at 7:55 a.m.(Brett, more content... "The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed 20 ships and over 300 airplanes."( staff, "Most important, almost 2,500 men were killed and another 1,000 were wounded."( staff, The Japs didn't take out the Pacific fleet so they were able to help. When they dropped one of the bombs it hit a ammo room on one of the ships and destroyed the dock and parts of the ships around it.But the Japanese had failed to hurt the Pacific Fleet. "In 1940s, battleships were no longer the most important naval vessel."( staff, "Aircraft carriers were, and as it happened, all of the Pacific Fleet's carriers were away from the base on December 7"( staff, "The Pearl Harbor assault had left the base's most important facilities, oil storage depots, repair shops, shipyards and submarine docks unharmed."( staff,"On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt's declaration of war."( staff, Three days after Italy and Germany declared war on the United States( staff, The Japs lost 65 men, another one of their men were captured. "The Americans shot down 28 planes and sunk 5 midget submarines."(Brett, The U.S. lost 2,343 men and 1,272 men were injured, 960 men went missing.(Brett, Get more content on
  • 20. Pearl Harbor Summary Early morning on December 7, 1941 over 200 Japanese fighter planes covered the sky over Pearl Harbor. The strike lasted for two long hours, the damage done was devastating. The Japanese were able to destroy about 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, they destroyed more than 300 airplanes. About 2,000 American's died in the attack that day, and another 1,000 men were Get more content on