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South Marston Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th April 2014
Present: Mr S Young Mr A Leathart
Mrs S Brown Ms S Blair
Mr C McEwen
Mr K Millard Mrs A Burchell (Clerk)
Barry Thunder; John Haines
Members of the public present: Mrs Anne Featherstone, Mr Adye Goodenough
AF thanked SY for the email in response to her questions and stated she would take some time to review it.
AG informed the Parish Council that the Vale of the White Horse Council was considering a request for a roundabout
to be built at the Bourton turning on the A420. AG confirmed that this was supported by the Canal Trust.
- Members are requested at the start of the meeting to declare any known interests in any matter to be
considered, and are reminded that any such interest should be declared at the start of the item or during any
discussion of the matter concerned
SB declared interested in Community First and an interest in one aspect of the response to SBC regarding the new
development: specifically the existence of the new road and the proximity of SB’s property. However, it was agreed
that, because the route of the road affects everybody in terms of traffic flow, it is a common interest.
March 2014 AND
Proposed: SB
Seconded: CM
Agreed: All
Ongoing complaint – Royal Bank of Scotland
Having agreed the settlement figure of £250 and having chased the cheque since January, I finally managed to speak
to the Manager of the Corporate Service Centre in Edinburgh, Graeme Shaw. He acknowledged that, yet again, RBS
internal procedures had failed. He agreed to raise the level of compensation to £350 in recognition of the time and
effort expended by the Parish Council in following up this complaint. He stated he would send out a confirmation
letter and cheque in tonight’s post, first class.
Remarkably, both letter and cheque have arrived.
The real-time PAYE system has now been set up. As Gemma was still employed by the Parish Council on the 6th
2013, her employment details had to be entered, and Gemma processed as a ‘leaver’ before any current Clerk details
could be entered.
I have now processed all payments for Gemma and myself, and completed the End of Year submission which has
resulted in a payment of £4.93 to HMRC, which is made up as follows:
A Burchell NI contributions £1.97 (deducted from April’s salary payment)
PC Employer NI contributions £2.96
A cheque has been raised to cover this amount.
HMRC has sent a paying-in book for 2014/15. They have acknowledged that, whilst the payroll needs to be processed
and uploaded to the Government Gateway every month, as the amounts involved are likely to be relatively small they
will accept payments on a quarterly basis.
SB proposed that, where possible, the quarterly payments to HMRC should be approved at the Parish Council meeting,
but should a payment fall outside a meeting, this can be transacted via an exceptional payment by cheque or BACS.
Seconded: CM
Agreed: All
60/14 Correspondence received to 10th
April 2014
Summary (not in date order)
No. From: Reference
1 WEC Limited Renewable energy suppliers
2 Ian Willcox, SBC Localities Update
3. Alistair Cunningham, Wiltshire Council Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan
4. David Cameron, Downing Street Employment Allowance
5. Police & Crime Commissioner Neighbourhood Policing Awards 2014
6. Ian Willcox, SBC Parish Charter and Planning Protocol review
7. Georgina Morgan-Giles, Thrings S106 Agreement – Yew Tree Development (archive request)
8. Ian Willcox, SBC Solar PVs Local Development Order
9. S McKellar, SBC Superfast Broadband Update + notes from SB
10. Graeme Shaw, RBS Complaint response and cheque
Item 1:
Action: SY to check out WEC’s website to see what technologies they are promoting and report back to the Council.
Item 2:
CM suggested that a default application be put in for a StreetSmart Grant to resurface Highworth Road.
SBlair also suggested that, if covered by a StreetSmart Grant, the Parish Council obtain ‘Inconsiderate Parking’ flyers
for the school, as there is a contining problem with parking in front of the gate to the recreation ground.
Action: Clerk to investigate the application process for the StreetSmart Grants, and what they cover. Information to be
emailed to Councillors as soon as possible.
Item 5:
TL proposed PCSO Juliet Evans to be nominated for a Neighbourhood Policing Award.
Seconded: SB
Agreed: All
Action: TL to formulate the nomination of PCSO Juliet Evans and circulate to all Councillors.
Action: Once completed, Clerk to submit the nomination on behalf of the Parish Council.
Item 8:
Action: SB to contact the renewable energy consultant at b:ssec to ask if he is able to advise on maximising the
community benefit from commercial solar farms, or if he knows of anybody who can.
Action: SB to suggest David Dewart attends the SAC to discuss Solar Farm LDO.
Action: Clerk to email David Dewart to request timescales for the production of a draft LDO.
61/14 FINANCE Statement and Cheques for Approval and Signature – 15th
April 2014
Bank Account Statements Received
Julian Hodge Bank at 31st
March 2014 52282.65
Unity Trust Bank at 7th
April 2014 11702.44
Total: 63985.09
Expenditure: Cheques for Approval and Signature
Payment VAT Amount
300049 A Burchell – Salary Payment 485.28
300050 A Burchell - Expenses 17.69 141.21
300051 HMRC 2013/14 PAYE/Class 1 National Insurance Contributions 4.93
300052 Dennis’s Removals: Archive Shredding 8.40 50.40
300053 Stratton St Margaret Parish Council: Dog Waste Collection 16.00 96.00
300054 WALC Annual Subscription 2014/15 51.11 306.68
300055 St Margaret’s PCC – Tower & Tap Copying 45.00
300056 Stratton Garden Contractors 348.54
TOTAL 93.20 1478.04
Income: Invoices Raised to
Invoice To Amount
14-001 to
Allotment Annual Rental Invoices
Total amount invoiced: 1410.00
TOTAL 1410.00
Income: Other
Remittance From Amount
25.03.14 SBC: Government Grant Payment 523.64
09.04.14 RBS: Cheque in settlement of Complaint (Ref: 17059500) 350.00
End of Year Review 2013/14
For Financial Year 2014/15:
Action: SB to add a section for a separate designated fund for s106 payments to the Fund Status spreadsheet, with a
separate document laying out what the fund is to be used for.
Action: SB to include the forthcoming Community Benefit funds as a Planned Forward Commitment.
TL proposed that the Parish Council adopt the End of Year Accounts, with one final check on the Allotments
commitment with BT when he returns from holiday.
Seconded: CM
Agreed: All
62/14 South Marston Parish Council Planning Sub Committee
Plans received to 8th
April 2014
1. Planning Application Number: S/14/0329/HC – Notification of revised plans
Proposal: Erection of 2no. storage containers
Location: Sevor Farm, Nightingale Lane, South Marston, Swindon SN3 4SL
Comments by: 16th
April 2014 (extended from 11th
April 2014)
Comments: No adverse comments.
Grant of Planning Permission received to 8th
April 2014
1. Planning Application Number: S/13/1860/RM
Proposal: Erection of an Energy Centre to generate electricity and hot water through gasification of pre-
chipped recovered wood.
Location: Honda, Highworth Road, Swindon SN3 4TZ
Parish Council comments: No adverse comments – the Parish Council support the use of sustainable energy
63/14 Item 9: 20mph Speed Limit Initiative – Update from Colin McEwen
CM stated he was still waiting for the revised plans from Mike Simmons which were due to be delivered at end of last
week. CM has chased and will continue to do so.
64/14 Item 10: Village Expansion – Update from Sylvia Brown
Reference: Report 10th
April 2014 – SB
SB confirmed that the report is a summary of the progress to date. SB has compiled the evidence for the Local Plan
Examination in Public, and has submitted evidence for 5 out of the 6 programmes (or 4 out of 5 as the integrated
village expansion is now linked together). SB has received an email from the Programme Officer stating all submissions
are now up on the SBC website. SB stated that HHL have increased their housing number requests for South Marston
and Rowborough to 580 and 1800 respectively. They would also like the land that is currently designated as ‘open
countryside’ to be re-designated as ‘green infrastructure’.
CM submitted a report, at the Council’s request, which suggested that it would be the in community’s best interest for
the non-strategic expansion planning applications to be granted before SBC adopts the new CIL legislation.
65/14 Item 11: To discuss expenditure on the Microsoft Office software for the Parish Council laptop.
Proposed: SB
Seconded: SBlair
Agreed: All
66/14 Item 12: To discuss the request from the South Marston Youth Club for funding of running costs, insurance and
affiliation fees following receipt of financial information
Action: SBlair to meet with JH and clarify details on the Youth Club accounts.
Action: Clerk to include South Marston Youth Club funding as an agenda item for May 2014.
67/14 Item 13: To discuss progress of the Village Emergency Plan
Action: SY to review the Village Emergency Plan template documents.
A Parish Council Village Emergency Planning sub-committee to be established at the June AGM.
68/14 Item 14: To review and discuss the Tower and Tap publication
SB proposed to accept Option 2 of the Clerk’s review, to advertise the role of the editor and producer of the Tower and
Tap as a paid role, keeping the advertising invoicing with the Parish Clerk
Seconded: CM
Agreed: All
Action: Clerk to put together a job description and advertise the role in the Tower and Tap; on the village website and
noticeboards. Candidates to formulate a front page, half page article and advert.
Parish Clerk and one Councillor (to be agreed by availability) to interview shortlisted candidates.
69/14 Item 15: To discuss the appointment of an internal auditor
SB proposed that the Parish Council accept Rosie Darkin-Miller as the successor to Henry Lovegrove for the 2013/14
internal audit, with a tender process to take place next year.
Seconded: TL
Agreed: All
70/14 Item 16: To review the Asset Register
Action: Clerk to contact internal auditor and ascertain purpose of Asset List for the audit.
Action: Clerk to send Asset List to Angie Newton, Chair of the SMRA for confirmation of current assets.
71/14 Item 17: Reports from Working Parties and Representatives from Outside Bodies
Appendix I – Swindon North and North East Neighbourhood Tasking Group Meeting – TL
TL confirmed there was now some movement on sending the letter out to the South Marston Industrial Estate
businesses to try to stop HGVs coming through village.
Action: TL to investigate the application process for the Neighbourhood Justice Panel at the next NTG meeting and
report back to the Council.
Appendix II – Outside Working Report April 2014 – BT
Action: Clerk to check what Planning Conditions were applied to the Grant of Planning Permission for the Bodleian
solar farm.
Action: Clerk to contact Bodleian to chase up progress with planting schedule, with a view to escalating the complaint
to SBC Planning Enforcement at the next Parish Council meeting.
Appendix III – SMRA Report – SB
Action: Clerk to send the Parish Council Grass Cutting Specification for 2014/15 to SB for comparison with the SMRA
The Parish Council has agreed to apply for Planning Permission on behalf of the SMRA to place a container on the
recreation ground, costs to come out of SMRA funds held by the Parish Council. SMRA to bring details of the container
and placement to the next Parish Council meeting.
Action: Clerk to acquire Planning Permission application forms.
Action: SB to discuss SMRA proposal to provide wildflowers by the footpaths at the Solar Farm with BT
Two individuals have offered to be official litter pickers for the village. They are happy to volunteer their services if
the Parish Council is willing to buy the equipment and provide a donation to the SMRA.
Action: Clerk to find out what equipment SBC litter pickers have, together with Health & Safety measures.
Appendix IV – Swindon Area Committee of Local Councils – SB
72/14 Item 18: Matters brought forward by or with consent of the Chairman
Action: Clerk: If sufficient people put themselves forward and there is an election, all candidates to be given an
opportunity to put 150 words on the village website.
Meeting closed at 22.19
AGENDA ITEM 10: Village Expansion
Sylvia Brown
HHL ApplicationHHL ApplicationHHL ApplicationHHL Application
It is known that HHL have had meetings with SBC and with the Education Authority re the plans for expansion and
school respectively. The Working Group has not yet received any indication of revised plans for the housing and road
network. A Working Group meeting will be convened when we have some indication of when those plans will be
Crown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial EstateCrown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial EstateCrown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial EstateCrown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial Estate
At the Hartwells exhibition on the 25 March, there appeared to be little adverse comment to the proposed design,
although there were concerns about additional traffic.
Gleesons A420 Employment developmentGleesons A420 Employment developmentGleesons A420 Employment developmentGleesons A420 Employment development (outline)(outline)(outline)(outline)
Barry Thunder liaised with each of the local residents adjacent to the site to hear their concerns. The SMPC formal
response was then developed with PC and Working Group input. Apart from the capacity of the A420 and impact on
the near neighbours, it was noted that there was no continuous footpath or cycleway planned from Gablecross
roundabout to reach the entrance, encouraging more car traffic to the site. The application had insufficient
infrastructure to be acceptable as a stand-alone proposal, and did not contribute as required to enable connections to
be made to the eventual Eastern Villages development. Sylvia Brown gave radio interviews to BBC Wiltshire and
JCKFM Swindon Radio.
Local Plan EnquiryLocal Plan EnquiryLocal Plan EnquiryLocal Plan Enquiry
Formal evidence has been compiled with input from councillors and working group members to 5 of the 6 sessions at
which Sylvia Brown will be the SMPC representative. For the final session, on Flood Risk, we will be relying on our
original input which adequately stated the issues. The evidence was submitted on time and the Programme Officer
has confirmed receipt.... Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?
SBC accepted our suggested amendments to thethethethe Statement of Common GroundStatement of Common GroundStatement of Common GroundStatement of Common Ground which has now been signed and
submitted by them.
An integrated village developmentAn integrated village developmentAn integrated village developmentAn integrated village development
Following the proposal at the last PC meeting, the three developers with village interests (Hartwells, HHL and the
Mercure Hotel) were duly invited to a joint meeting with representatives of the Working Group to explore better
coordination between their individual plans. Eventually, a date was agreed (28 April) when all three could attend.
SBC are unable to join this meeting.
ApplApplApplApplication of CIL to nonication of CIL to nonication of CIL to nonication of CIL to non----strategic development sites in South Marstonstrategic development sites in South Marstonstrategic development sites in South Marstonstrategic development sites in South Marston - this applies to Hartwells and to the hotel sites.
Please see separate report below from Colin McEwen on this point.
Sylvia Brown
Hartwells Application and Infrastructure Provision April 2014
I was asked to contact Sarah Sceen at SBC to clarify how the infrastructure contribution anticipated from
the Hartwells developments was best dealt with in view of the iminent adoption by SBC of the Community
Infrastructure Liability (CIL) system. Her reply is appended to this report.
To summarise:
• If outline permission is granted by SBC after the CIL regime is adopted, money generated by the
development for infrastructure will fall into the CIL pot, to be spent wherever the Borough Council
• If the outline permission is granted before the CIL regime is adopted, then the infrastructure to be
provided and the money to fund it will be negotiated and set out in a ‘Section 106’ Agreement.
• Any permission will automatically lapse unless Reserved Matters are addressed within the timescale
specified in the permission – normally 3 years.
• Setting other factors aside, it is in the interests of the community to have the scheme proceed under the
s.106 regime so that it can be ensured that the infrastructure money is spent locally.
• It may be that the PC will not have significant objections to the plans now that Hartwells are providing a
footpath to the centre of the village.
• If so, it would appear to be in the best interests of the community that this application proceeds to a
speedy positive determination, with the timescale, (particularly for the Thornhill site) being extended as
much as possible.
Colin McEwen
Tony Leathart
In between detachments to Scotland I attended this meeting. It has taken about a year to get to the drafts at Annex A for letters
to the businesses at SM Industrial Estate and Maps for the drivers of LGVs (the EU harmonised acronym for HGV!). I have
suggested amendments to these. I also have attached at Annex B an explanation of the new SBC initiative called the
Neighbourhood Justice Panel (which sounds like the TV Series with Jerry Springer). The panel will defuse low level issues
between perpetrators and victims by getting them together.
South Marston – Restricted Access Weight Restriction
PC Alan Kyne from Police Traffic Management Unit is attending a meeting today (25/03/14) with Bob Sanders from SBC to
discuss a number of issues. South Marston will be discussed if the meeting time allows.
Inspector Charlie Ducker (CD) will update the group at the next meeting.
Inspector Charlie Ducker circulated a draft letter and map (attached at ANNEX A) and asked people to consider whether this
could work as a method of reminding businesses of the weight restrictions in place. Based on feedback during the meeting, CD
will amend and circulate for further comments before sending to the designers and to print.
Oliver Donachie (OD) (Chair of NTG, Priory Vale Residents Association & SBC Ward Councillor) suggested that there could be a
way of removing the access road from GPS systems, via the Royal Mail and Tom Tom.
PC Marc Jackson to liaise with the Roads Policing Unit to see if this is possible.
Police update
North East Villages
• Fly tipping has been a problem in South Marston. SBC are aware of the problem. The original mess has been removed
and patrols are being done.
• Extra patrols have been done at Nightingale Wood.
• Issues of speeding continue to be reported in Blunsdon. The Community Speedwatch group have been contacted and
will be meeting with Marc Jackson.
• There have been incidences of non-dwelling burglaries (sheds, garages, commercial buildings).
• Arrests have been made for cases of poaching/hare coursing in the South Marston/Hannington area.
Any Other Business
OD asked the group about their awareness of Neighbourhood Justice Panels (NJP) and explained briefly what they involve.
Ward Councillors and Parish Councillors can refer people to the NJP Team.
Helena Robinson (SBC) to forward the email from the NJP Team to CD to attach with the meeting notes (Attached at ANNEX B).
= Recommended route to reach / depart from South Marston Industrial Estate
= Large Goods Vehicle use is PROHIBITTED on these roads (Except Access)*
*DOES NOT ALLOW access through the restricted zone in order to reach a destination outside of the restricted zone
Dear Business Owner,
Wiltshire Police are seeking your support and co-operation in reducing the disruption caused
to the rural community within South Marston Village.
In an effort to prevent Large Good Vehicles from entering South Marston Village in contravention of a
Traffic Regulation Order, your local Neighbourhood Policing Team is asking your company to supply
the attached information to all companies with which you conduct your business.
It is hoped that any goods consignment orders that are either placed by you for delivery to your
premises, or placed with you for goods collected from your premises, that the attached map and
guidance note is electronically communicated to your business partners at the same time as the
consignment order information/confirmation is sent.
If it is not feasible to communicate this message electronically as is hoped, then we would ask you to
hand a map to each delivery / collection driver when they make their outward-bound journey from
your business premises. Please also communicate this message to your all drivers of Large Goods
Vehicles employed by you in connection with your business.
Over time, it is hoped this message will reach all drivers linked with the broad range of businesses at
South Marston Industrial Estate such that the community in South Marston Village may enjoy
improved safety and a less stressful and more peaceful lifestyle.
Thank you for your support
North Swindon Neighbourhood Policing Team
Neighbourhood Justice Panel (NJP) Briefing for Swindon Councillors and Localities
Councillors & Localities can Refer to the NJP Directly
Neighbourhood Justice Panels (NJPs) are a new and innovative community led approach to tackling low level crime,
anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood disputes at a local level. The NJPs are a combination of restorative justice
and problem solving justice, whilst supported by agencies such as police, local authority and others; they are
delivered by community volunteers whom are trained in the NJP process.
NJPs have been tested by the MOJ in 15 test area’s and the evaluation shows promising results of stopping problem
escalating in to bigger issues that have to be dealt with at a later stage in the criminal justice system. Swindon has
been the most active and successful of these pilots.
We have developed a unique partnership to enable deliver and development of NJPs in your area; we have been
responsible for the delivery and development of NJPs in Swindon and Wiltshire, which is now commissioned by the
PCC for Wiltshire & Swindon.
Within a NJP, victims have a genuine opportunity to confront those who have offended against them in a safe
environment, this approach enable offenders to directly take responsibility for their actions and to feel a genuine
sense of shame for what they have done and within a meaningful dialogue which enables the offender to sign up to
reparation for the victim and the community, whilst understanding first-hand the harm they have caused.
The NJP Sitting is led by trained members of the community, the panel in general only takes approximately 45
minutes and will result in a 6 month contract, which will hold those who have caused harm to account for their
actions and put in place actions to stop things from escalating.
The NJP in Swindon has been a trailblazing and successful Ministry of Justice Pilot, and has been very successful in
resolving community conflict between Neighbour’s and communities, as a Counselor or Locality officer you can now
refer direct to the NJP via Tel 07586803753.
Many cases that have been to panel have been issues such as: fly tipping, noisy neighbour’s, arguing between
neighbour’s, Anti-Social Behaviour, low level crime, dog fouling etc. We are sure that as a Councillor or locality
officer you will be familiar with these type of cases and we would encourage you to refer these to the NJP. If the
panel cannot reach a contract with those involved, the case will be referred on for more traditional enforcement
action, and the fact it has been tried at the NJP will be sighted in the future as evidence, but currently 85% of cases
are successfully resolved.
For more information please do contact us, and or join our Facebook page Wiltshire Neighborhood Justice Panel
Referral for Restorative Intervention (Neighbourhood Justice Panel: NJP)
Please return this form to if you have any queries please call 07586803753
Referring Officer: Date of Referral:
Contact Details: ASB/Police/Housing/Social
Services/ Councillor/locality etc:
Perpetrator details
Name of Perpetrator D.O.B: Ethnicity
Address: Phone no/e-mail address:
Are they in employment/school:
Are they affected by substance misuse:
Are they affected by homelessness:
Name of Victim:
(Victim can be a
Address: Phone no:
How they have been affected/ What is the issue that needs addressing :
Risk: Are there any issues of risk or concerns in relation to any of the above that we should be aware of?
Barry Thunder
Conservation Group
Oak Tree Corner
No new updates
St Julian’s Community Woodland
We are looking to set up a new volunteer group with two residents in St Julian’s Close.
New contracts and annual invoices have been sent this month. We may have some tenants declining to take up
plots, despite writing to all tenants in January.
There is one small starter plot vacant.
Bodleian Book Store;
Landscaping work has commenced. We await a copy of the plans and timetable of works. No updates since last
Sevor Solar Farm at Nightingale Lane
The site is now generating at up to 10MW. The results of the school competition to design a new sign to be
announced April 25th. First prize is an i-pad, plus runner up prizes. Presentations will be at the Mercure Hotel. The
official site opening will be in July. We are due to receive donations on 20 tons gravel and Teram ground cover
material for the Allotment car park and 4 large timber wood sections to use as bridges on our proposed new
permissive footpaths. These are in return for allowing weekend working on the site during the heavy rain that
slowed the construction schedule.
The Hub
Four residents, living close to the proposed site (South side of A420), were visited as part of our fact finding prior to
submitting our planning comments to SBC.
10 APRIL 2014
Sylvia Brown
SMRA Annual General Meeting
The AGM took place on the 25th March. Two members of the public were in attendance. The committee
was elected as follows:
• Angie Newton (Chair)
• Jenny McEwen (Treasurer)
The representatives from local groups are:
• Mary Case (Friendly Club)
• Ray Harley (South Marston Trust)
• Sylvia Brown (Parish Council)
• Luke Maddison (School)
• Chris Maull (Football)
Rachel Case (Caretaker/Bookings) and Julie Hatherall (Secretary) also attend committee meetings.
The audited accounts were presented and approved.
Committee meeting 9 April
Ditches & hedges – Currently, Phil Benson does an annual cut of the hedges in the village for the
Recreation Ground, the hedge adjacent to the Church and the allotments. Jenny McEwen receives the
itemised bills and distributes to the appropriate bodies. At the last cut in November, the ditch adjacent to
Old Vicarage Lane was cut and SMRA was concerned at the loss of the bulrushes. SMRA prefers the ditch
to be left uncut, provided it causes no flooding upstream outside the school. In common with all regular
maintenance bills, SMRA is reviewing its agreement with Bensons, but is happy to continue the current
arrangement which it considers value for money.
Can the PC confirm it wishes to continue with Bensons cutting the allotment hedge, and, if so, provide a
specification for this to be given alongside any specification for SMRA’s work?
Playground Inspection - SMRA has been exploring ways to achieve both inspection and repair of the play
equipment. Quotes have been received from SMRA insurance company for the annual inspection and
contacts made for quoting for existing repairs against the full inspection report completed last year. A
notice is to be put in Tower & Tap with a phone number contact for anyone who wishes to report damage in
the play area.
Village Clean Up - Concern was expressed about the amount of litter accumulating in the village on
highways and on SMRA-managed property. It was acknowledged that SBC are now better at coming out
and disposing of fly-tipping, but that does not cover ad hoc litter. An offer has been made by a litter squad
(Mary Case/Angie Newton) to mount regular litter-picks in return for a donation to SMRA. The PC will be
requested to provide equipment (litter pickers, bags and fluorescent vests). Disposal of the waste needs to
be arranged.
Recreation Ground Storage -SMRA wishes to proceed with the additional container adjacent to the
existing one. It has previously been agreed that the PC would formally apply for planning permission, if
needed. SMRA will supply details of size, colour and location of the container prior to the May PC meeting,
and will be requesting the PC to apply for permission.
Can the PC indicate at this stage whether they are likely to agree to this and any guidance they wish to give
or conditions they might like to impose.
Village Welcome Planters – SBC Highways/Planning are happy provided there is sufficient distance
between the planters and the kerb line.
Local footpaths – the state of the footpath through the solar farm was discussed. A suggestion was made
that, in completing its works on hedges, ditches and pathways, the PC might consider bordering the
footpaths with a wild flower grass strip.
Other matters
• The grass cutting rota has been issued
• The circular seat around the central tree in the Recreation Ground is being progressed – it is likely to be
wrought iron, and will need to be secured and allow grass cutting beneath and around it.
• A quote has been accepted for an external light outside the Village Hall kitchen door to aid access to
the new shed and an external power point at the front of the hall to accommodate Christmas lights etc.
• A sign is to be erected outside the Village Hall to help visitors unfamiliar with its location
Sylvia Brown
APPENDIX IV: Swindon Area Committee
Sylvia Brown
Swindon Area Committee of Local Councils
SAC meeting 20 March 2014
Parish Charter
The charter has been in existence for almost 20 years and represents the principles of partnership working
between the Borough and the parishes, both individually and collectively. It is the subject of reviews about
every 3 years, to ensure its currency. It states the matters on which we will be consulted and how we will
be informed as to any matters relevant to an individual parish. The charter has an accompanying
document – the planning charter – which covers specific planning matters and which, given the recent
changes in the planning system, is in need of significant update. All Borough Officers and members should
be aware of the charter, but that has not always been the case in the past.
The charter has recently been the subject of an initial review by the Borough and the Swindon Area
Committee, with the aim of distributing the draft revisions to all parish councils. SBC have some further
work to complete on the planning charter, but proposed revisions should become available in the next two
In parallel with this, SBC is producing a more general Consultation Policy, which covers its relationships
with local bodies and individuals. SAC are concerned that the Parish Charter is widely quoted within the
Consutlation policy as governing the relationships with parish councils. Comments were also made about
the need for the charter to be included in any training/induction for SBC members and staff.
Other matters noted or arising:
• SBC only has 1 remaining enforcement officer – Dave Bristow
• Several parishes are undertaking a neighbourhood plan, including Wroughton, Wanborough, Highworth.
Borough Parish meeting 27 March
• Increase in fly-tipping – PCs urged to contact Streetsmart with any problems. Prevention measures are
limited, but SBC keen to know the scale of the problem
• Proposed LDO on solar PV schemes – SBC is developing a planning policy that will give permitted
consent for small solar arrays and small solar farms. They will also launch a call for sites (similar to the
way they ask PCs to identify small areas of potential housing land for their evidence base).
• Follow up discussion on superfast broadband in rural areas – please see briefing overleaf from SBC,
with my notes appended
Sylvia Brown
Superfast Broadband Update from SBC
Following the announcement by BDUK in late February of further grant allocations, Swindon has submitted
an expression of interest to participate in the next phase of the national Superfast Broadband roll-out being
managed by BDUK.
SBC has already earmarked £250k to fund the project and would need to find a further £1.25m to fully
match the allocation from BDUK. This would also be expected to lever in some funding from BT. No
funding source has been identified at this stage to bridge the gap.
With this level of funding, superfast broadband coverage of at least 95% would be expected across the
Should the Council formally agree to submit a request for funding by 30th June, we would work to join the
Great Western Broadband project (with Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire Councils), rather than going it
alone, for reasons of pace and economies of scale. There will be a fair amount of legal work needed to get
the agreement in place.
We do not currently know, nor will we until the formal request for funding is submitted, what areas will / will
not be covered by the funding we put in.
BT will model the most optimum use of the funding available (once confirmed) to reach the maximum
number of households. We can choose locally to prioritise specific areas, but this would inevitably reduce
the overall household coverage.
Based on advice from Wiltshire, there will be a need for at least 1 FTE worth of resource to cover project
and contract management, financial support, comms and engagement throughout the contract preparation
and roll-out period.
The Council’s Board Director Resources is endeavouring to get BT and BDUK to come back to Swindon to
follow up previous conversations with Members, stressing to them that a key concern is a lack of
understanding of what areas would be covered by a future roll-out.
Liaison with Parishes will continue, although it is impossible at this stage to understand the local impact
from any funding that SBC may decide to contribute and to assess what further funding at Parish level
could secure.
Stuart McKellar
Board Director Resources
March 2014
Additional notes from Sylvia Brown
The above briefing is as a result of raising the issue of rural broadband rollout at a Borough Parish Meeting
in 2013. At that stage, SBC had pulled out of the Wiltshire and Gloucestershire bid for government
investment in rural broadband, because the coverage of 85% (approx.) would not justify the matchfunding
required. A further meeting on 27.3.2014 generated this briefing which SBC were encouraged to distribute
to parish councils.
The situation has now changed, with direct conversations now in hand with BroadBandUK (the
government’s agency body) and BT (which won the Wilts and Glos contract). Coverage to be gained from
the matchfunding investment is now estimated at 95%, as stated in the SBC briefing. Unfortunately, SBC
cannot say which 5% will be excluded from this project because full mapping of cabinets and potential and
existing speeds will need further research. The option for the 5% ‘notspots’ is for communities to look at
their own schemes, and there is government matchfunding through a separate programme which can be
used to help such projects.
SBC do want the involvement of parish councils, but do not yet have any plan for how to engage them. As
I have stated before, there are three ways PCs could help:
• Stimulating local demand (the more demand, the greater viability for BT)
• Practical support (encouraging landowners to allow cabling and ducting, or even arranging the
trenching themselves)
• Contributing cash from the community – if the alternative for the 5% ‘not spots’ is to raise finance for
a community-owned scheme for, say satellite broadband, it might be more economical to offer to
raise the cash (capital or loan) to make it viable for BT to invest in mainstream infrastructure.
One further way to support rollout in rural areas is for SBC to ensure that all new roads in growth areas or
road excavations in non-growth areas allow for future connection by installing the appropriate ducting
S Brown 27.3.2014

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Pc minutes 15th april 2014 final with reports pdf

  • 1. 1 South Marston Parish Council Minutes of the meeting held on 15th April 2014 Present: Mr S Young Mr A Leathart Mrs S Brown Ms S Blair Mr C McEwen Mr K Millard Mrs A Burchell (Clerk) 55/14 APOLOGIES Barry Thunder; John Haines 56/14 OPEN 10 MINUTES Members of the public present: Mrs Anne Featherstone, Mr Adye Goodenough AF thanked SY for the email in response to her questions and stated she would take some time to review it. AG informed the Parish Council that the Vale of the White Horse Council was considering a request for a roundabout to be built at the Bourton turning on the A420. AG confirmed that this was supported by the Canal Trust. 57/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - Members are requested at the start of the meeting to declare any known interests in any matter to be considered, and are reminded that any such interest should be declared at the start of the item or during any discussion of the matter concerned SB declared interested in Community First and an interest in one aspect of the response to SBC regarding the new development: specifically the existence of the new road and the proximity of SB’s property. However, it was agreed that, because the route of the road affects everybody in terms of traffic flow, it is a common interest. 58/14 TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 18th March 2014 AND FORMALLY CLOSE ACTION POINTS Proposed: SB Seconded: CM Agreed: All 59/14 CLERK’S REPORT – APRIL 2014 Ongoing complaint – Royal Bank of Scotland Having agreed the settlement figure of £250 and having chased the cheque since January, I finally managed to speak to the Manager of the Corporate Service Centre in Edinburgh, Graeme Shaw. He acknowledged that, yet again, RBS internal procedures had failed. He agreed to raise the level of compensation to £350 in recognition of the time and effort expended by the Parish Council in following up this complaint. He stated he would send out a confirmation letter and cheque in tonight’s post, first class. Remarkably, both letter and cheque have arrived. HMRC & PAYE The real-time PAYE system has now been set up. As Gemma was still employed by the Parish Council on the 6th April 2013, her employment details had to be entered, and Gemma processed as a ‘leaver’ before any current Clerk details could be entered.
  • 2. 2 I have now processed all payments for Gemma and myself, and completed the End of Year submission which has resulted in a payment of £4.93 to HMRC, which is made up as follows: A Burchell NI contributions £1.97 (deducted from April’s salary payment) PC Employer NI contributions £2.96 £4.93 A cheque has been raised to cover this amount. HMRC has sent a paying-in book for 2014/15. They have acknowledged that, whilst the payroll needs to be processed and uploaded to the Government Gateway every month, as the amounts involved are likely to be relatively small they will accept payments on a quarterly basis. SB proposed that, where possible, the quarterly payments to HMRC should be approved at the Parish Council meeting, but should a payment fall outside a meeting, this can be transacted via an exceptional payment by cheque or BACS. Seconded: CM Agreed: All 60/14 Correspondence received to 10th April 2014 Summary (not in date order) No. From: Reference 1 WEC Limited Renewable energy suppliers 2 Ian Willcox, SBC Localities Update 3. Alistair Cunningham, Wiltshire Council Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan 4. David Cameron, Downing Street Employment Allowance 5. Police & Crime Commissioner Neighbourhood Policing Awards 2014 6. Ian Willcox, SBC Parish Charter and Planning Protocol review 7. Georgina Morgan-Giles, Thrings S106 Agreement – Yew Tree Development (archive request) 8. Ian Willcox, SBC Solar PVs Local Development Order 9. S McKellar, SBC Superfast Broadband Update + notes from SB 10. Graeme Shaw, RBS Complaint response and cheque Item 1: Action: SY to check out WEC’s website to see what technologies they are promoting and report back to the Council. Item 2: CM suggested that a default application be put in for a StreetSmart Grant to resurface Highworth Road. SBlair also suggested that, if covered by a StreetSmart Grant, the Parish Council obtain ‘Inconsiderate Parking’ flyers for the school, as there is a contining problem with parking in front of the gate to the recreation ground. Action: Clerk to investigate the application process for the StreetSmart Grants, and what they cover. Information to be emailed to Councillors as soon as possible. Item 5: TL proposed PCSO Juliet Evans to be nominated for a Neighbourhood Policing Award. Seconded: SB Agreed: All Action: TL to formulate the nomination of PCSO Juliet Evans and circulate to all Councillors. Action: Once completed, Clerk to submit the nomination on behalf of the Parish Council.
  • 3. 3 Item 8: Action: SB to contact the renewable energy consultant at b:ssec to ask if he is able to advise on maximising the community benefit from commercial solar farms, or if he knows of anybody who can. Action: SB to suggest David Dewart attends the SAC to discuss Solar Farm LDO. Action: Clerk to email David Dewart to request timescales for the production of a draft LDO. 61/14 FINANCE Statement and Cheques for Approval and Signature – 15th April 2014 Bank Account Statements Received Julian Hodge Bank at 31st March 2014 52282.65 Unity Trust Bank at 7th April 2014 11702.44 Total: 63985.09 Expenditure: Cheques for Approval and Signature Cheque Number Payment VAT Amount 300049 A Burchell – Salary Payment 485.28 300050 A Burchell - Expenses 17.69 141.21 300051 HMRC 2013/14 PAYE/Class 1 National Insurance Contributions 4.93 300052 Dennis’s Removals: Archive Shredding 8.40 50.40 300053 Stratton St Margaret Parish Council: Dog Waste Collection 16.00 96.00 300054 WALC Annual Subscription 2014/15 51.11 306.68 300055 St Margaret’s PCC – Tower & Tap Copying 45.00 300056 Stratton Garden Contractors 348.54 TOTAL 93.20 1478.04 Income: Invoices Raised to Invoice To Amount 14-001 to 14-048 Allotment Annual Rental Invoices Total amount invoiced: 1410.00 TOTAL 1410.00 Income: Other Remittance From Amount 25.03.14 SBC: Government Grant Payment 523.64 09.04.14 RBS: Cheque in settlement of Complaint (Ref: 17059500) 350.00 873.64 End of Year Review 2013/14 For Financial Year 2014/15: Action: SB to add a section for a separate designated fund for s106 payments to the Fund Status spreadsheet, with a separate document laying out what the fund is to be used for. Action: SB to include the forthcoming Community Benefit funds as a Planned Forward Commitment.
  • 4. 4 TL proposed that the Parish Council adopt the End of Year Accounts, with one final check on the Allotments commitment with BT when he returns from holiday. Seconded: CM Agreed: All 62/14 South Marston Parish Council Planning Sub Committee Plans received to 8th April 2014 1. Planning Application Number: S/14/0329/HC – Notification of revised plans Proposal: Erection of 2no. storage containers Location: Sevor Farm, Nightingale Lane, South Marston, Swindon SN3 4SL Comments by: 16th April 2014 (extended from 11th April 2014) Comments: No adverse comments. Grant of Planning Permission received to 8th April 2014 1. Planning Application Number: S/13/1860/RM Proposal: Erection of an Energy Centre to generate electricity and hot water through gasification of pre- chipped recovered wood. Location: Honda, Highworth Road, Swindon SN3 4TZ Parish Council comments: No adverse comments – the Parish Council support the use of sustainable energy 63/14 Item 9: 20mph Speed Limit Initiative – Update from Colin McEwen CM stated he was still waiting for the revised plans from Mike Simmons which were due to be delivered at end of last week. CM has chased and will continue to do so. 64/14 Item 10: Village Expansion – Update from Sylvia Brown Reference: Report 10th April 2014 – SB SB confirmed that the report is a summary of the progress to date. SB has compiled the evidence for the Local Plan Examination in Public, and has submitted evidence for 5 out of the 6 programmes (or 4 out of 5 as the integrated village expansion is now linked together). SB has received an email from the Programme Officer stating all submissions are now up on the SBC website. SB stated that HHL have increased their housing number requests for South Marston and Rowborough to 580 and 1800 respectively. They would also like the land that is currently designated as ‘open countryside’ to be re-designated as ‘green infrastructure’. CM submitted a report, at the Council’s request, which suggested that it would be the in community’s best interest for the non-strategic expansion planning applications to be granted before SBC adopts the new CIL legislation. 65/14 Item 11: To discuss expenditure on the Microsoft Office software for the Parish Council laptop. Proposed: SB Seconded: SBlair Agreed: All 66/14 Item 12: To discuss the request from the South Marston Youth Club for funding of running costs, insurance and affiliation fees following receipt of financial information Action: SBlair to meet with JH and clarify details on the Youth Club accounts. Action: Clerk to include South Marston Youth Club funding as an agenda item for May 2014. 67/14 Item 13: To discuss progress of the Village Emergency Plan
  • 5. 5 Action: SY to review the Village Emergency Plan template documents. A Parish Council Village Emergency Planning sub-committee to be established at the June AGM. 68/14 Item 14: To review and discuss the Tower and Tap publication SB proposed to accept Option 2 of the Clerk’s review, to advertise the role of the editor and producer of the Tower and Tap as a paid role, keeping the advertising invoicing with the Parish Clerk Seconded: CM Agreed: All Action: Clerk to put together a job description and advertise the role in the Tower and Tap; on the village website and noticeboards. Candidates to formulate a front page, half page article and advert. Parish Clerk and one Councillor (to be agreed by availability) to interview shortlisted candidates. 69/14 Item 15: To discuss the appointment of an internal auditor SB proposed that the Parish Council accept Rosie Darkin-Miller as the successor to Henry Lovegrove for the 2013/14 internal audit, with a tender process to take place next year. Seconded: TL Agreed: All 70/14 Item 16: To review the Asset Register Action: Clerk to contact internal auditor and ascertain purpose of Asset List for the audit. Action: Clerk to send Asset List to Angie Newton, Chair of the SMRA for confirmation of current assets. 71/14 Item 17: Reports from Working Parties and Representatives from Outside Bodies Appendix I – Swindon North and North East Neighbourhood Tasking Group Meeting – TL TL confirmed there was now some movement on sending the letter out to the South Marston Industrial Estate businesses to try to stop HGVs coming through village. Action: TL to investigate the application process for the Neighbourhood Justice Panel at the next NTG meeting and report back to the Council. Appendix II – Outside Working Report April 2014 – BT Action: Clerk to check what Planning Conditions were applied to the Grant of Planning Permission for the Bodleian solar farm. Action: Clerk to contact Bodleian to chase up progress with planting schedule, with a view to escalating the complaint to SBC Planning Enforcement at the next Parish Council meeting. Appendix III – SMRA Report – SB Action: Clerk to send the Parish Council Grass Cutting Specification for 2014/15 to SB for comparison with the SMRA specification. The Parish Council has agreed to apply for Planning Permission on behalf of the SMRA to place a container on the recreation ground, costs to come out of SMRA funds held by the Parish Council. SMRA to bring details of the container and placement to the next Parish Council meeting. Action: Clerk to acquire Planning Permission application forms. Action: SB to discuss SMRA proposal to provide wildflowers by the footpaths at the Solar Farm with BT Two individuals have offered to be official litter pickers for the village. They are happy to volunteer their services if the Parish Council is willing to buy the equipment and provide a donation to the SMRA.
  • 6. 6 Action: Clerk to find out what equipment SBC litter pickers have, together with Health & Safety measures. Appendix IV – Swindon Area Committee of Local Councils – SB 72/14 Item 18: Matters brought forward by or with consent of the Chairman Action: Clerk: If sufficient people put themselves forward and there is an election, all candidates to be given an opportunity to put 150 words on the village website. Meeting closed at 22.19
  • 7. 7 AGENDA ITEM 10: Village Expansion SMPCEWG PROGRESS REPORT 10 APRIL 2014 Sylvia Brown HHL ApplicationHHL ApplicationHHL ApplicationHHL Application It is known that HHL have had meetings with SBC and with the Education Authority re the plans for expansion and school respectively. The Working Group has not yet received any indication of revised plans for the housing and road network. A Working Group meeting will be convened when we have some indication of when those plans will be available. Crown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial EstateCrown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial EstateCrown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial EstateCrown Timber/ Thornhill Industrial Estate At the Hartwells exhibition on the 25 March, there appeared to be little adverse comment to the proposed design, although there were concerns about additional traffic. Gleesons A420 Employment developmentGleesons A420 Employment developmentGleesons A420 Employment developmentGleesons A420 Employment development (outline)(outline)(outline)(outline) Barry Thunder liaised with each of the local residents adjacent to the site to hear their concerns. The SMPC formal response was then developed with PC and Working Group input. Apart from the capacity of the A420 and impact on the near neighbours, it was noted that there was no continuous footpath or cycleway planned from Gablecross roundabout to reach the entrance, encouraging more car traffic to the site. The application had insufficient infrastructure to be acceptable as a stand-alone proposal, and did not contribute as required to enable connections to be made to the eventual Eastern Villages development. Sylvia Brown gave radio interviews to BBC Wiltshire and JCKFM Swindon Radio. Local Plan EnquiryLocal Plan EnquiryLocal Plan EnquiryLocal Plan Enquiry Formal evidence has been compiled with input from councillors and working group members to 5 of the 6 sessions at which Sylvia Brown will be the SMPC representative. For the final session, on Flood Risk, we will be relying on our original input which adequately stated the issues. The evidence was submitted on time and the Programme Officer has confirmed receipt.... Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?Should we now put this up on the South Marston website?Should we now put this up on the South Marston website? SBC accepted our suggested amendments to thethethethe Statement of Common GroundStatement of Common GroundStatement of Common GroundStatement of Common Ground which has now been signed and submitted by them. An integrated village developmentAn integrated village developmentAn integrated village developmentAn integrated village development Following the proposal at the last PC meeting, the three developers with village interests (Hartwells, HHL and the Mercure Hotel) were duly invited to a joint meeting with representatives of the Working Group to explore better coordination between their individual plans. Eventually, a date was agreed (28 April) when all three could attend. SBC are unable to join this meeting. ApplApplApplApplication of CIL to nonication of CIL to nonication of CIL to nonication of CIL to non----strategic development sites in South Marstonstrategic development sites in South Marstonstrategic development sites in South Marstonstrategic development sites in South Marston - this applies to Hartwells and to the hotel sites. Please see separate report below from Colin McEwen on this point. Sylvia Brown 13.3.2014
  • 8. 8 Hartwells Application and Infrastructure Provision April 2014 I was asked to contact Sarah Sceen at SBC to clarify how the infrastructure contribution anticipated from the Hartwells developments was best dealt with in view of the iminent adoption by SBC of the Community Infrastructure Liability (CIL) system. Her reply is appended to this report. To summarise: • If outline permission is granted by SBC after the CIL regime is adopted, money generated by the development for infrastructure will fall into the CIL pot, to be spent wherever the Borough Council decide. • If the outline permission is granted before the CIL regime is adopted, then the infrastructure to be provided and the money to fund it will be negotiated and set out in a ‘Section 106’ Agreement. • Any permission will automatically lapse unless Reserved Matters are addressed within the timescale specified in the permission – normally 3 years. • Setting other factors aside, it is in the interests of the community to have the scheme proceed under the s.106 regime so that it can be ensured that the infrastructure money is spent locally. • It may be that the PC will not have significant objections to the plans now that Hartwells are providing a footpath to the centre of the village. • If so, it would appear to be in the best interests of the community that this application proceeds to a speedy positive determination, with the timescale, (particularly for the Thornhill site) being extended as much as possible. Colin McEwen
  • 9. 9 APPENDIX I SWINDON NORTH AND NORTH EAST NEIGHBOURHOOD TASKING GROUP MEETING MARCH 2014 Tony Leathart Introduction In between detachments to Scotland I attended this meeting. It has taken about a year to get to the drafts at Annex A for letters to the businesses at SM Industrial Estate and Maps for the drivers of LGVs (the EU harmonised acronym for HGV!). I have suggested amendments to these. I also have attached at Annex B an explanation of the new SBC initiative called the Neighbourhood Justice Panel (which sounds like the TV Series with Jerry Springer). The panel will defuse low level issues between perpetrators and victims by getting them together. South Marston – Restricted Access Weight Restriction PC Alan Kyne from Police Traffic Management Unit is attending a meeting today (25/03/14) with Bob Sanders from SBC to discuss a number of issues. South Marston will be discussed if the meeting time allows. Inspector Charlie Ducker (CD) will update the group at the next meeting. Inspector Charlie Ducker circulated a draft letter and map (attached at ANNEX A) and asked people to consider whether this could work as a method of reminding businesses of the weight restrictions in place. Based on feedback during the meeting, CD will amend and circulate for further comments before sending to the designers and to print. Oliver Donachie (OD) (Chair of NTG, Priory Vale Residents Association & SBC Ward Councillor) suggested that there could be a way of removing the access road from GPS systems, via the Royal Mail and Tom Tom. PC Marc Jackson to liaise with the Roads Policing Unit to see if this is possible. Police update North East Villages • Fly tipping has been a problem in South Marston. SBC are aware of the problem. The original mess has been removed and patrols are being done. • Extra patrols have been done at Nightingale Wood. • Issues of speeding continue to be reported in Blunsdon. The Community Speedwatch group have been contacted and will be meeting with Marc Jackson. • There have been incidences of non-dwelling burglaries (sheds, garages, commercial buildings). • Arrests have been made for cases of poaching/hare coursing in the South Marston/Hannington area. Any Other Business OD asked the group about their awareness of Neighbourhood Justice Panels (NJP) and explained briefly what they involve. Ward Councillors and Parish Councillors can refer people to the NJP Team. Helena Robinson (SBC) to forward the email from the NJP Team to CD to attach with the meeting notes (Attached at ANNEX B).
  • 11. 11 = Recommended route to reach / depart from South Marston Industrial Estate = Large Goods Vehicle use is PROHIBITTED on these roads (Except Access)* *DOES NOT ALLOW access through the restricted zone in order to reach a destination outside of the restricted zone
  • 13. 13 Dear Business Owner, Wiltshire Police are seeking your support and co-operation in reducing the disruption caused to the rural community within South Marston Village. In an effort to prevent Large Good Vehicles from entering South Marston Village in contravention of a Traffic Regulation Order, your local Neighbourhood Policing Team is asking your company to supply the attached information to all companies with which you conduct your business. It is hoped that any goods consignment orders that are either placed by you for delivery to your premises, or placed with you for goods collected from your premises, that the attached map and guidance note is electronically communicated to your business partners at the same time as the consignment order information/confirmation is sent. If it is not feasible to communicate this message electronically as is hoped, then we would ask you to hand a map to each delivery / collection driver when they make their outward-bound journey from your business premises. Please also communicate this message to your all drivers of Large Goods Vehicles employed by you in connection with your business. Over time, it is hoped this message will reach all drivers linked with the broad range of businesses at South Marston Industrial Estate such that the community in South Marston Village may enjoy improved safety and a less stressful and more peaceful lifestyle. Thank you for your support North Swindon Neighbourhood Policing Team
  • 14. 14 ANNEX B Neighbourhood Justice Panel (NJP) Briefing for Swindon Councillors and Localities Councillors & Localities can Refer to the NJP Directly Neighbourhood Justice Panels (NJPs) are a new and innovative community led approach to tackling low level crime, anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood disputes at a local level. The NJPs are a combination of restorative justice and problem solving justice, whilst supported by agencies such as police, local authority and others; they are delivered by community volunteers whom are trained in the NJP process. NJPs have been tested by the MOJ in 15 test area’s and the evaluation shows promising results of stopping problem escalating in to bigger issues that have to be dealt with at a later stage in the criminal justice system. Swindon has been the most active and successful of these pilots. We have developed a unique partnership to enable deliver and development of NJPs in your area; we have been responsible for the delivery and development of NJPs in Swindon and Wiltshire, which is now commissioned by the PCC for Wiltshire & Swindon. Within a NJP, victims have a genuine opportunity to confront those who have offended against them in a safe environment, this approach enable offenders to directly take responsibility for their actions and to feel a genuine sense of shame for what they have done and within a meaningful dialogue which enables the offender to sign up to reparation for the victim and the community, whilst understanding first-hand the harm they have caused. The NJP Sitting is led by trained members of the community, the panel in general only takes approximately 45 minutes and will result in a 6 month contract, which will hold those who have caused harm to account for their actions and put in place actions to stop things from escalating. The NJP in Swindon has been a trailblazing and successful Ministry of Justice Pilot, and has been very successful in resolving community conflict between Neighbour’s and communities, as a Counselor or Locality officer you can now refer direct to the NJP via Tel 07586803753. Many cases that have been to panel have been issues such as: fly tipping, noisy neighbour’s, arguing between neighbour’s, Anti-Social Behaviour, low level crime, dog fouling etc. We are sure that as a Councillor or locality officer you will be familiar with these type of cases and we would encourage you to refer these to the NJP. If the panel cannot reach a contract with those involved, the case will be referred on for more traditional enforcement action, and the fact it has been tried at the NJP will be sighted in the future as evidence, but currently 85% of cases are successfully resolved. For more information please do contact us, and or join our Facebook page Wiltshire Neighborhood Justice Panel
  • 15. 15 Referral for Restorative Intervention (Neighbourhood Justice Panel: NJP) Please return this form to if you have any queries please call 07586803753 Referring Officer: Date of Referral: Contact Details: ASB/Police/Housing/Social Services/ Councillor/locality etc: Perpetrator details Name of Perpetrator D.O.B: Ethnicity Address: Phone no/e-mail address: Are they in employment/school: Are they affected by substance misuse: Are they affected by homelessness: Name of Victim: (Victim can be a community) D.O.B: Address: Phone no: How they have been affected/ What is the issue that needs addressing : Risk: Are there any issues of risk or concerns in relation to any of the above that we should be aware of?
  • 16. 16 APPENDIX II OUTSIDE WORKING REPORT APRIL 2014 Barry Thunder Conservation Group Oak Tree Corner No new updates St Julian’s Community Woodland We are looking to set up a new volunteer group with two residents in St Julian’s Close. Allotments New contracts and annual invoices have been sent this month. We may have some tenants declining to take up plots, despite writing to all tenants in January. There is one small starter plot vacant. Bodleian Book Store; Landscaping work has commenced. We await a copy of the plans and timetable of works. No updates since last month. Sevor Solar Farm at Nightingale Lane The site is now generating at up to 10MW. The results of the school competition to design a new sign to be announced April 25th. First prize is an i-pad, plus runner up prizes. Presentations will be at the Mercure Hotel. The official site opening will be in July. We are due to receive donations on 20 tons gravel and Teram ground cover material for the Allotment car park and 4 large timber wood sections to use as bridges on our proposed new permissive footpaths. These are in return for allowing weekend working on the site during the heavy rain that slowed the construction schedule. The Hub Four residents, living close to the proposed site (South side of A420), were visited as part of our fact finding prior to submitting our planning comments to SBC.
  • 17. 17 APPENDIX III: SMRA report 10 APRIL 2014 Sylvia Brown SMRA Annual General Meeting The AGM took place on the 25th March. Two members of the public were in attendance. The committee was elected as follows: • Angie Newton (Chair) • Jenny McEwen (Treasurer) The representatives from local groups are: • Mary Case (Friendly Club) • Ray Harley (South Marston Trust) • Sylvia Brown (Parish Council) • Luke Maddison (School) • Chris Maull (Football) Rachel Case (Caretaker/Bookings) and Julie Hatherall (Secretary) also attend committee meetings. The audited accounts were presented and approved. Committee meeting 9 April Ditches & hedges – Currently, Phil Benson does an annual cut of the hedges in the village for the Recreation Ground, the hedge adjacent to the Church and the allotments. Jenny McEwen receives the itemised bills and distributes to the appropriate bodies. At the last cut in November, the ditch adjacent to Old Vicarage Lane was cut and SMRA was concerned at the loss of the bulrushes. SMRA prefers the ditch to be left uncut, provided it causes no flooding upstream outside the school. In common with all regular maintenance bills, SMRA is reviewing its agreement with Bensons, but is happy to continue the current arrangement which it considers value for money. Can the PC confirm it wishes to continue with Bensons cutting the allotment hedge, and, if so, provide a specification for this to be given alongside any specification for SMRA’s work? Playground Inspection - SMRA has been exploring ways to achieve both inspection and repair of the play equipment. Quotes have been received from SMRA insurance company for the annual inspection and contacts made for quoting for existing repairs against the full inspection report completed last year. A notice is to be put in Tower & Tap with a phone number contact for anyone who wishes to report damage in the play area. Village Clean Up - Concern was expressed about the amount of litter accumulating in the village on highways and on SMRA-managed property. It was acknowledged that SBC are now better at coming out and disposing of fly-tipping, but that does not cover ad hoc litter. An offer has been made by a litter squad (Mary Case/Angie Newton) to mount regular litter-picks in return for a donation to SMRA. The PC will be requested to provide equipment (litter pickers, bags and fluorescent vests). Disposal of the waste needs to be arranged. Recreation Ground Storage -SMRA wishes to proceed with the additional container adjacent to the existing one. It has previously been agreed that the PC would formally apply for planning permission, if needed. SMRA will supply details of size, colour and location of the container prior to the May PC meeting, and will be requesting the PC to apply for permission.
  • 18. 18 Can the PC indicate at this stage whether they are likely to agree to this and any guidance they wish to give or conditions they might like to impose. Village Welcome Planters – SBC Highways/Planning are happy provided there is sufficient distance between the planters and the kerb line. Local footpaths – the state of the footpath through the solar farm was discussed. A suggestion was made that, in completing its works on hedges, ditches and pathways, the PC might consider bordering the footpaths with a wild flower grass strip. Other matters • The grass cutting rota has been issued • The circular seat around the central tree in the Recreation Ground is being progressed – it is likely to be wrought iron, and will need to be secured and allow grass cutting beneath and around it. • A quote has been accepted for an external light outside the Village Hall kitchen door to aid access to the new shed and an external power point at the front of the hall to accommodate Christmas lights etc. • A sign is to be erected outside the Village Hall to help visitors unfamiliar with its location Sylvia Brown 10.4.2014
  • 19. 19 APPENDIX IV: Swindon Area Committee OUTSIDE WORKING GROUP PARTY – APRIL 2014 Sylvia Brown Swindon Area Committee of Local Councils SAC meeting 20 March 2014 Parish Charter The charter has been in existence for almost 20 years and represents the principles of partnership working between the Borough and the parishes, both individually and collectively. It is the subject of reviews about every 3 years, to ensure its currency. It states the matters on which we will be consulted and how we will be informed as to any matters relevant to an individual parish. The charter has an accompanying document – the planning charter – which covers specific planning matters and which, given the recent changes in the planning system, is in need of significant update. All Borough Officers and members should be aware of the charter, but that has not always been the case in the past. The charter has recently been the subject of an initial review by the Borough and the Swindon Area Committee, with the aim of distributing the draft revisions to all parish councils. SBC have some further work to complete on the planning charter, but proposed revisions should become available in the next two months. In parallel with this, SBC is producing a more general Consultation Policy, which covers its relationships with local bodies and individuals. SAC are concerned that the Parish Charter is widely quoted within the Consutlation policy as governing the relationships with parish councils. Comments were also made about the need for the charter to be included in any training/induction for SBC members and staff. Other matters noted or arising: • SBC only has 1 remaining enforcement officer – Dave Bristow • Several parishes are undertaking a neighbourhood plan, including Wroughton, Wanborough, Highworth. Borough Parish meeting 27 March • Increase in fly-tipping – PCs urged to contact Streetsmart with any problems. Prevention measures are limited, but SBC keen to know the scale of the problem • Proposed LDO on solar PV schemes – SBC is developing a planning policy that will give permitted consent for small solar arrays and small solar farms. They will also launch a call for sites (similar to the way they ask PCs to identify small areas of potential housing land for their evidence base). • Follow up discussion on superfast broadband in rural areas – please see briefing overleaf from SBC, with my notes appended Sylvia Brown 10.4.2014 Superfast Broadband Update from SBC Following the announcement by BDUK in late February of further grant allocations, Swindon has submitted an expression of interest to participate in the next phase of the national Superfast Broadband roll-out being managed by BDUK.
  • 20. 20 SBC has already earmarked £250k to fund the project and would need to find a further £1.25m to fully match the allocation from BDUK. This would also be expected to lever in some funding from BT. No funding source has been identified at this stage to bridge the gap. With this level of funding, superfast broadband coverage of at least 95% would be expected across the Borough. Should the Council formally agree to submit a request for funding by 30th June, we would work to join the Great Western Broadband project (with Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire Councils), rather than going it alone, for reasons of pace and economies of scale. There will be a fair amount of legal work needed to get the agreement in place. We do not currently know, nor will we until the formal request for funding is submitted, what areas will / will not be covered by the funding we put in. BT will model the most optimum use of the funding available (once confirmed) to reach the maximum number of households. We can choose locally to prioritise specific areas, but this would inevitably reduce the overall household coverage. Based on advice from Wiltshire, there will be a need for at least 1 FTE worth of resource to cover project and contract management, financial support, comms and engagement throughout the contract preparation and roll-out period. The Council’s Board Director Resources is endeavouring to get BT and BDUK to come back to Swindon to follow up previous conversations with Members, stressing to them that a key concern is a lack of understanding of what areas would be covered by a future roll-out. Liaison with Parishes will continue, although it is impossible at this stage to understand the local impact from any funding that SBC may decide to contribute and to assess what further funding at Parish level could secure. Stuart McKellar Board Director Resources 27th March 2014 Additional notes from Sylvia Brown The above briefing is as a result of raising the issue of rural broadband rollout at a Borough Parish Meeting in 2013. At that stage, SBC had pulled out of the Wiltshire and Gloucestershire bid for government investment in rural broadband, because the coverage of 85% (approx.) would not justify the matchfunding required. A further meeting on 27.3.2014 generated this briefing which SBC were encouraged to distribute to parish councils. The situation has now changed, with direct conversations now in hand with BroadBandUK (the government’s agency body) and BT (which won the Wilts and Glos contract). Coverage to be gained from the matchfunding investment is now estimated at 95%, as stated in the SBC briefing. Unfortunately, SBC cannot say which 5% will be excluded from this project because full mapping of cabinets and potential and existing speeds will need further research. The option for the 5% ‘notspots’ is for communities to look at their own schemes, and there is government matchfunding through a separate programme which can be used to help such projects.
  • 21. 21 SBC do want the involvement of parish councils, but do not yet have any plan for how to engage them. As I have stated before, there are three ways PCs could help: • Stimulating local demand (the more demand, the greater viability for BT) • Practical support (encouraging landowners to allow cabling and ducting, or even arranging the trenching themselves) • Contributing cash from the community – if the alternative for the 5% ‘not spots’ is to raise finance for a community-owned scheme for, say satellite broadband, it might be more economical to offer to raise the cash (capital or loan) to make it viable for BT to invest in mainstream infrastructure. One further way to support rollout in rural areas is for SBC to ensure that all new roads in growth areas or road excavations in non-growth areas allow for future connection by installing the appropriate ducting upfront. S Brown 27.3.2014