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Patterns of Inheritance

                     Concept Outline
       Mendel solved the mystery of heredity.
Early Ideas about Heredity: The Road to Mendel. Before
   Mendel, biologists believed in the direct transmission of traits.
Mendel and the Garden Pea. Mendel, a monk, experimented
   with heredity in edible peas, as had many others, but he
   counted his results.
What Mendel Found. Mendel found that contrasting traits
   segregated among second-generation progeny in the ratio 3:1.
Mendel's Model of Heredity. Mendel proposed that
   information rather than the trait itself is inherited, with each
   parent contributing one copy.
How Mendel Interpreted His Results. Mendel found that
   one alternative of a trait could mask the other in
   heterozygotes, but both could subsequently be expressed in
   homozygotes of future generations.
Mendelian Inheritance Is Not Always Easy to Analyze.
   A variety of factors can disguise the Mendelian segregation
   of alleles.
       Genes are on chromosomes.
Chromosomes: The Vehicles of Mendelian Inheritance.                    FIGURE 13.1
   Mendelian segregation reflects the random assortment of             Human beings are extremely diverse in appearance. The
   chromosomes in meiosis.                                             differences between us are partly inherited and partly the result
                                                                       of environmental factors we encounter in our lives.
Genetic Recombination. Crossover frequency indicates the
   physical distance between genes and is used to construct
   genetic maps.

 13.3 Human genetics follows Mendelian principles.                     E    very living creature is a product of the long evolution-
                                                                            ary history of life on earth. While all organisms share
                                                                       this history, only humans wonder about the processes that
Multiple Alleles: The ABO Blood Groups. The human ABO
    blood groups are determined by three / gene alleles.
                                                                       led to their origin. We are still far from understanding
Human Chromosomes. Humans possess 2 3 pairs of
                                                                       everything about our origins, but we have learned a great
    chromosomes, one of them determining the sex.                      deal. Like a partially completed jigsaw puzzle, the bound-
Human Abnormalities Due to Alterations in Chromosome                   aries have fallen into place, and much of the internal struc-
   Number. Loss or addition of chromosomes has serious                 ture is becoming apparent. In this chapter, we will discuss
   consequences.                                                       one piece of the puzzle—the enigma of heredity. Why do
Human Genetic Disorders. Many heritable human disorders                groups of people from different parts of the world often
   are the result of recessive mutations in genes.                     differ in appearance (figure 13.1)? Why do the members of
Genetic Counseling. Some gene defects can be detected early            a family tend to resemble one another more than they re-
   in pregnancy.                                                       semble members of other families?

Early Ideas about Heredity:
The Road to Mendel
As far back as written records go, patterns of resemblance
among the members of particular families have been noted
and commented on (figure 13.2). Some familial features are
unusual, such as the protruding lower lip of the European
royal family Hapsburg, evident in pictures and descriptions
of family members from the thirteenth century onward.
Other characteristics, like the occurrence of redheaded
children within families of redheaded parents, are more
common (figure 13.3). Inherited features, the building
blocks of evolution, will be our concern in this chapter.
   Like many great puzzles, the riddle of heredity seems
simple now that it has been solved. The solution was not an
easy one to find, however. Our present understanding is
the culmination of a long history of thought, surmise, and
investigation. At every stage we have learned more, and as
we have done so, the models we use to describe the mecha-
nisms of heredity have changed to encompass new facts.
                                                                 FIGURE 13.2
                                                                 Heredity is responsible for family resemblance. Family
Classical Assumption 1: Constancy of Species                     resemblances are often strong—a .visual manifestation of the
Two concepts provided the basis for most of the thinking         mechanism of heredity. This is the Johnson family, the wife and
                                                                 daughters of one of the authors. While each daughter is different,
about heredity before the twentieth century. The first is
                                                                 all clearly resemble their mother.
that heredity occurs within species. For a very long time peo-
ple believed that it was possible to obtain bizarre compos-
ite animals by breeding (crossing) widely different species.
The minotaur of Cretan mythology, a creature with the
body of a bull and the torso and head of a man, is one ex-
ample. The giraffe was thought to be another; its scientific
name, Giraffa camelopardalis, suggests the belief that it was
the result of a cross between a camel and a leopard. From
the Middle Ages onward, however, people discovered that
such extreme crosses were not possible and that variation
and heredity occur mainly within the boundaries of a par-
ticular species. Species were thought to have been main-
tained without significant change from the time of their

Classical Assumption 2: Direct Transmission
of Traits
The second early concept related to heredity is that traits
are transmitted directly. When variation is inherited by off-
spring from their parents, what is transmitted? The ancient
Greeks suggested that the parents' body parts were trans-        FIGURE 13.3
mitted directly to their offspring. Hippocrates called this      Red hair is inherited. Many different traits are inherited in
type of reproductive material gonos, meaning "seed."             human families. This redhead is exhibiting one of these traits.
Hence, a characteristic such as a misshapen limb was the
result of material that came from the misshapen limb of a        from the other parts, and the child was formed after the
parent. Information from each part of the body was sup-          hereditary material from all parts of the parents' bodies had
posedly passed along independently of the information            come together.

242    Part IV   Reproduction and Heredity
This idea was predominant until fairly                                               It is worth repeating that the offspring
 recently. For example, in 1868, Charles                                              of Koelreuter's crosses were not identical
 Darwin proposed that all cells and tissues                                           to one another. Some resembled the hy-
 excrete microscopic granules, or "gem-                                               brid generation, while others did not. The
 mules," that are passed to offspring, guid-                                          alternative forms of the traits Koelreuter
 ing the growth of the corresponding part in                                          was studying were distributed among the
 the developing embryo. Most similar theo-                                            offspring. A modern geneticist would say
 ries of the direct transmission of hereditary                                        the alternative forms of each trait were
 material assumed that the male and female                                            segregating among the progeny of a mat-
 contributions blend in the offspring. Thus,                                          ing, meaning that some offspring exhibited
 parents with red and brown hair would                                                one alternative form of a trait (for example,
 produce children with reddish brown hair,                                            hairy leaves), while other offspring from
 and tall and short parents would produce                                             the same mating exhibited a different alter-
 children of intermediate height.                                                     native (smooth leaves). This segregation of
                                                                                      alternative forms of a trait provided the
                                                                                      clue that led Gregor Mendel to his under-
Koelreuter Demonstrates                                                               standing of the nature of heredity.
Hybridization between Species
  Taken together, however, these two con-
                                                                                        Knight Studies Heredity in Peas
  cepts lead to a paradox. If no variation en-
 ters a species from outside, and if the varia-                                         Over the next hundred years, other investi-
 tion within each species blends in every                                               gators elaborated on Koelreuter's work.
 generation, then all members of a species FIGURE 13.4                                  Prominent among them were English gen-
 should soon resemble one another exactly. The garden pea, Pimm                         tleman farmers trying to improve varieties
 Obviously, this does not happen. Individu- sativum. Easy to cultivate and              of agricultural plants. In one such series of
 als within most species differ widely from able to produce many distinctive            experiments, carried out in the 1790s,
 each other, and they differ in characteristics varieties, the garden pea was a         T. A. Knight crossed two true-breeding
 that are transmitted from generation to popular experimental subject in                varieties (varieties that remain uniform
 generation.                                    investigations of heredity as long      from one generation to the next) of the
    How could this paradox be resolved? Ac- as a century before Gregor                  garden pea, Pisum sativum (figure 13.4).
                                                Mendel's experiments.
 tually, the resolution had been provided                                               One of these varieties had purple flowers,
 long before Darwin, in the work of the                                                 and the other had white flowers. All of the
 German botanist Josef Koelreuter. In 1760,                                             progeny of the cross had purple flowers.
Koelreuter carried out the first successful hybridizations            Among the offspring of these hybrids, however, were some
 of plant species, crossing different strains of tobacco and          plants with purple flowers and others, less common, with
obtaining fertile offspring. The hybrids differed in appear-          white flowers. Just as in Koelreuter's earlier studies, a trait
ance from both parent strains. When individuals within the            from one of the parents disappeared in one generation
hybrid generation were crossed, the offspring were highly             only to reappear in the next.
variable. Some of these offspring resembled plants of the                In these deceptively simple results were the makings of a
hybrid generation (their parents), but a few resembled the            scientific revolution. Nevertheless, another century passed
original strains (their grandparents).                                before the process of gene segregation was fully appreci-
                                                                      ated. Why did it take so long? One reason was that early
The Classical Assumptions Fail                                        workers did not quantify their results. A numerical record
                                                                      of results proved to be crucial to understanding the process.
Koelreuter's work represents the beginning of modern                  Knight and later experimenters who carried out other
genetics, the first clues pointing to the modern theory of            crosses with pea plants noted that some traits had a
heredity. Koelreuter's experiments provided an impor-                 "stronger tendency1'" to appear than others, but they did not
tant clue about how heredity works: the traits he was                 record the numbers of the different classes of progeny. Sci-
studying could be masked in one generation, only to                   ence was young then, and it was not obvious that the num-
reappear in the next. This pattern contradicts the theory             bers were important.
of direct transmission. How could a trait that is transmit-
ted directly be latent and then reappear? Nor were the                   Early geneticists demonstrated that some forms of
traits of Koelreuter's plants blended. A contemporary ac-                 an inherited trait (1) can disappear in one generation
count stated that the traits reappeared in the third gener-               only to reappear unchanged in future generations;
ation "fully restored to all their original powers and                    (2) segregate among the offspring of a cross; and (3) are
                                                                         more likely to be represented than their alternatives.

                                                                                         Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance      243
Mendel and the Garden Pea
The first quantitative studies of inheritance were carried
out by Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk (figure 13.5).
Born in 1822 to peasant parents, Mendel was educated in a
monastery and went on to study science and mathematics
at the University of Vienna, where he failed his examina-
tions for a teaching certificate. He returned to the
monastery and spent the rest of his life there, eventually
becoming abbot. In the garden of the monastery, Mendel
initiated a series of experiments on plant hybridization (fig-
ure 13.6). The results of these experiments would ulti-
mately change our views of heredity irrevocably.

Why Mendel Chose the Garden Pea
For his experiments, Mendel chose the garden pea, the
same plant Knight and many others had studied earlier.
The choice was a good one for several reasons. First, many
earlier investigators had produced hybrid peas by crossing
different varieties. Mendel knew that he could expect to
observe segregation of traits among the offspring. Second,
a large number of true-breeding varieties of peas were
available. Mendel initially examined 32. Then, for further
study, he selected lines that differed with respect to seven
easily distinguishable traits, such as round versus wrinkled
seeds and purple versus white flowers, a characteristic
Knight had studied. Third, pea plants are small and easy to
grow, and they have a short generation time. Thus, one can
conduct experiments involving numerous plants, grow sev-
eral generations in a single year, and obtain results rela-
tively quickly.                                                  FIGURE 13.5
   A fourth advantage of studying peas is that the sexual or-    Gregor Johann Mendel. Cultivating his plants in the garden of a
gans of the pea are enclosed within the flower (figure 13.7).    monastery in Brunn, Austria (now Brno, Czech Republic),
The flowers of peas, like those of most flowering plants, con-   Mendel studied how differences among varieties of peas were
tain both male and female sex organs. Furthermore, the ga-       inherited when the varieties were crossed. Similar experiments
metes produced by the male and female parts of the same          had been done before, but Mendel was the first to appreciate the
                                                                 significance of the results.
flower, unlike those of many flowering plants, can fuse to
form viable offspring. Fertilization takes
place automatically within an individual
flower if it is not disturbed, resulting in
offspring that are the progeny from a
single individual. Therefore, one can ei-
ther let individual flowers engage in
self-fertilization, or remove the flow-
er's male parts before fertilization and
introduce pollen from a strain with al-
ternative characteristics, thus perform-
ing cross-pollination which results in

The garden where Mendel carried out
his plant-breeding experiments. Gregor
Mendel did his most important scientific
experiments in this small garden in a

244    Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
Mendel's Experimental Design
Mendel was careful to focus on only a few specific differ-                                                               Petals
ences between the plants he was using and to ignore the
countless other differences he must have seen. He also had
the insight to realize that the differences he selected to ana-
lyze must be comparable. For example, he appreciated that                                                                Anther S
trying to study the inheritance of round seeds versus tall
height would be useless; the traits, like apples and oranges,
are not comparable.
   Mendel usually conducted his experiments in three stages:                                                             Carpel 9

  1. First, he allowed pea plants of a given variety to pro-
      duce progeny by self-fertilization for several genera-
     tions. Mendel was thus able to assure himself that the
     forms of traits he was studying were indeed constant,
     transmitted unchanged from generation to genera-                 FIGURE 13.7
                                                                      Structure of the pea flower (longitudinal section). In a pea
     tion. Pea plants with white flowers, for example,
                                                                      plant flower, the petals enclose the male anther (containing pollen
     when crossed with each other, produced only off-                 grains, which give rise to haploid sperm) and the female carpel
     spring with white flowers, regardless of the number              (containing ovules, which give rise to haploid eggs). This ensures
     of generations.                                                  that self-fertilization will take place unless the flower is disturbed.
  2. Mendel then performed crosses between varieties
     exhibiting alternative forms of traits. For example,
     he removed the male parts from
     the flower of a plant that pro-
     duced white flowers and fertilized
     it with pollen from a purple-
     flowered plant. He also carried
     out the reciprocal cross, using
     pollen from a white-flowered in-
     dividual to fertilize a flower on a
     pea plant that produced purple
                                                                                   Pollen transferred from white
     flowers (figure 13.8).                                                        flower to stigma of purple flower
  3. Finally, Mendel permitted the          removed
     hybrid offspring produced by
     these crosses to self-pollinate for
     several generations. By doing so,
     he allowed the alternative forms
     of a trait to segregate among the
     progeny. This was the same ex-
     perimental design that Knight
     and others had used much earlier.
     But Mendel went an important
     step farther: he counted the num-
     bers of offspring of each type in
     each succeeding generation. No
     one had ever done that before.
     The quantitative results Mendel
     obtained proved to be of supreme
     importance in revealing the
     process of heredity.                  FIGURE 13.8
                                            How Mendel conducted his experiments. Mendel pushed aside the petals of a white
 Mendel's experiments with the              flower and cut off the anthers, the source of the pollen. He then placed that pollen onto the
 garden pea involved crosses                stigma (part of the carpel) of a similarly castrated purple flower, causing cross-fertilization
 between true-breeding varieties,           to take place. All the seeds in the pod that resulted from this pollination were hybrids of the
 followed by a generation or more           white-flowered male parent and the purple-flowered female parent. After planting these
 of inbreeding.                             seeds, Mendel observed what kinds of plants they produced. All of the progeny of this cross
                                            had purple flowers.

                                                                                            Chapter 13      Patterns of Inheritance      245
What Mendel Found                                                          intermediate color, as the theory of blending inheritance
                                                                           would predict. Instead, in every case the flower color of
The seven traits Mendel studied in his experiments pos-                    the offspring resembled one of their parents. It is custom-
sessed several variants that differed from one another in                  ary to refer to these offspring as the first filial (filius is
ways that were easy to recognize and score (figure 13.9).                  Latin for "son"), or FI, generation. Thus, in a cross of
We will examine in detail Mendel's crosses with flower                     white-flowered with purple-flowered plants, the FI off-
color. His experiments with other traits were similar, and                 spring all had purple flowers, just as Knight and others
they produced similar results.                                             had reported earlier.
                                                                              Mendel referred to the trait expressed in the FI plants
                                                                           as dominant and to the alternative form that was not ex-
The FI Generation
                                                                           pressed in the FI plants as recessive. For each of the
When Mendel crossed two contrasting varieties of peas,                     seven pairs of contrasting forms of traits that Mendel ex-
such as white-flowered and purple-flowered plants, the                     amined, one of the pair proved to be dominant and the
hybrid offspring he obtained did not have flowers of                       other recessive.

   Trait                          Dominant vs. recessive                            F2 generation                               Ratio
                                                                    Dominant form                   Recessive form

  color                                                                  705                               224                 3.15:1
                                   Purple           White
                                  O                                     6022                             2001                  3.01:1
                                  Yellow           Green

                                              x     -<•'                5474                              1850                 2.96:1
                                  Round           Wrinkled

  Pod                                         X                                                            152                 2.82:1
  color                                              ,„=**•'
                                  Green                Yellow

   shape                     </
                                                                         882                               299                 2.95:1
                                     Round         ' "Constricted

                                                                         651                               207                 3.14:1


   height                                                                787                               277                 2.84:1

                                  Tall               Dwarf

Mendel's experimental results. This table illustrates the seven pairs of contrasting traits Mendel studied in his crosses of the garden pea
and presents the data he obtained for these crosses. Each pair of traits appeared in the p2 generation in very close to a 3:1 ratio.

246        Part IV   Reproduction and Heredity
The ¥2 Generation
  After allowing individual FI plants to mature and self-
  pollinate, Mendel collected and planted the seeds from
  each plant to see what the offspring in the second filial, or
  p2, generation would look like. He found, just as Knight
  had earlier, that some p2 plants exhibited white flowers, the
  recessive form of the trait. Latent in the FI generation, the
 recessive form reappeared among some ¥2 individuals.
    Believing the proportions of the F2 types would provide
 some clue about the mechanism of heredity, Mendel
 counted the numbers of each type among the F2 progeny.
 In the cross between the purple-flowered FI plants, he
 counted a total of 929 F2 individuals (see figure 13.9). Of
 these, 705 (75.9%) had purple flowers and 224 (24.1%) had
white flowers. Approximately /4 of the p2 individuals exhib-
ited the recessive form of the trait. Mendel obtained the
same numerical result with the other six traits he examined:
 / of the p2 individuals exhibited the dominant form of the
trait, and 14 displayed the recessive form. In other words,
the dominant: recessive ratio among the p2 plants was al-
ways close to 3:1. Mendel carried out similar experiments
with other traits, such as wrinkled versus round seeds (fig-          у 97 y
ure 13.10), and obtained the same result.

                                                                    A page from Mendel's notebook. In these notes, Mendel is
                                                                    trying various ratios in an unsuccessful attempt to explain a
                                                                    segregation ratio disguised by phenotypes that are so similar he
                                                                    cannot distinguish them from one another.

                                                                    A Disguised 1:2:1 Ratio
                                                                    Mendel went on to examine how the F2 plants passed traits
                                                                    on to subsequent generations. He found that the recessive
                                                                    К were always true-breeding. In the cross of white-flowered
                                                                    with purple-flowered plants, for example, the white-
                                                                    flowered p2 individuals reliably produced white-flowered
                                                                    offspring when they were allowed to self-fertilize. By con-
                                                                    trast, only И of the dominant purple-flowered F2 individuals
                                                                    (i4 of all p2 offspring) proved true-breeding, while 2A were
                                                                    not. This last class of plants produced dominant and reces-
                                                                    sive individuals in the third filial (Рз) generation in a 3:1
                                                                    ratio. This result suggested that, for the entire sample, the
                                                                    3:1 ratio that Mendel observed in the p2 generation was
                                                                    really a disguised 1:2:1 ratio: !4 pure-breeding dominant
                                                                    individuals, 1A not-pure-breeding dominant individuals, and
                                                                    14 pure-breeding recessive individuals (figure 13.11).

                                                                       When Mendel crossed two contrasting varieties and
                                                                       counted the offspring in the subsequent generations, he
                                                                       found all of the offspring in the first generation
FIGURE 13.10
                                                                       exhibited one (dominant) trait, and none exhibited the
Seed shape: a Mendelian trait. One of the differences Mendel
                                                                       other (recessive) trait. In the following generation, 25%
studied affected the shape of pea plant seeds. In some varieties,
                                                                       were pure-breeding for the dominant trait, 50% were
the seeds were round, while in others, they were wrinkled. As you
                                                                       hybrid for the two traits and appeared dominant, and
can see, the wrinkled seeds look like dried-out versions of the
                                                                       25% were pure-breeding for the recessive trait.
round ones.

                                                                                         Chapter 13    Patterns of Inheritance     247
Mendel's Model of Heredity
From his experiments, Mendel was able to understand four
things about the nature of heredity. First, the plants he
crossed did not produce progeny of intermediate appear-
ance, as a theory of blending inheritance would have pre-
dicted. Instead, different plants inherited each alternative
intact, as a discrete characteristic that either was or was not
visible in a particular generation. Second, Mendel learned
that for each pair of alternative forms of a trait, one alter-
native was not expressed in the FI hybrids, although it
reappeared in some ¥2 individuals. The "invisible" trait
must therefore be latent (present but not expressed) in the
FI individuals. Third, the pairs of alternative forms of the
traits examined segregated among the progeny of a particu-
lar cross, some individuals exhibiting one form of a trait,
some the other. Fourth, pairs of alternatives were expressed
in the ¥2 generation in the ratio of % dominant to К reces-
sive. This characteristic 3:1 segregation is often referred to
as the Mendelian ratio.                                             FIGURE 13.12
   To explain these results, Mendel proposed a simple               A recessive trait. Blue eyes are considered a recessive trait in
model. It has become one of the most famous models in the           humans, although many genes influence eye color.
history of science, containing simple assumptions and mak-
ing clear predictions. The model has five elements:
                                                                       4. The two alleles, one contributed by the male gamete
   1. Parents do not transmit physiological traits directly to            and one by the female, do not influence each other in
      their offspring. Rather, they transmit discrete infor-              any way. In the cells that develop within the new in-
      mation about the traits, what Mendel called "factors."              dividual, these alleles remain discrete. They neither
      These factors later act in the offspring to produce the             blend with nor alter each other. (Mendel referred to
      trait. In modern terms, we would say that information               them as "uncontaminated.") Thus, when the individ-
      about the alternative forms of traits that an individual            ual matures and produces its own gametes, the alleles
      expresses is encoded by the factors that it receives from           for each gene segregate randomly into these gametes,
      its parents.                                                        as described in point 2.
   2. Each individual receives two factors that may code for           5. The presence of a particular allele does not ensure mat
      the same form or for two alternative forms of the trait.            the form of the trait encoded by it will be expressed in
      We now know that there are two factors for each trait               an individual carrying that allele. In heterozygous indi-
      present in each individual because these factors are car-           viduals, only one allele (the dominant one) is ex-
      ried on chromosomes, and each adult individual is                   pressed, while the other (recessive) allele is present but
      diploid. When the individual forms gametes (eggs or                 unexpressed. To distinguish between the presence of
      sperm), they contain only one of each kind of chromo-               an allele and its expression, modern geneticists refer to
      some; the gametes are haploid. Therefore, only one fac-             the totality of alleles that an individual contains as the
      tor for each trait of the adult organism is contained in            individual's genotype and to the physical appearance
      the gamete. Which of the two factors for each trait                 of that individual as its phenotype. The phenotype of
      ends up in a particular gamete is randomly determined.              an individual is the observable outward manifestation
   3. Not all copies of a factor are identical. In modern                 of its genotype, the result of the functioning of the en-
      terms, the alternative forms of a factor, leading to alter-         zymes and proteins encoded by the genes it carries. In
      native forms of a trait, are called alleles. When two               other words, the genotype is the blueprint, and the
      haploid gametes containing exactly the same allele of a             phenotype is the visible outcome.
      factor fuse during fertilization to form a zygote, the off-
      spring that develops from that zygote is said to be ho-          These five elements, taken together, constitute Mendel's
      mozygous; when the two haploid gametes contain dif-           model of the hereditary process. Many traits in humans
      ferent alleles, the individual offspring is heterozygous.     also exhibit dominant or recessive inheritance, similar to
          In modern terminology, Mendel's factors are called        the traits Mendel studied in peas (figure 13.12, table 13.1).
      genes. We now know that each gene is composed of a
      particular DNA nucleotide sequence (chapter 3). The              The genes that an individual has are referred to as its
                                                                       genotype; the outward appearance of the individual is
      particular location of a gene on a chromosome is re-
                                                                       referred to as its phenotype.
      ferred to as the gene's locus (plural, loci).

248    Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
How Mendel Interpreted His Results                                    flower color. The dominant allele is written in upper case,
                                                                       as P; the recessive allele (white flower color) is assigned the
  Does Mendel's model predict the results he actually ob-              same symbol in lower case, p.
  tained? To test his model, Mendel first expressed it in                 In this system, the genotype of an individual that is
  terms of a simple set of symbols, and then used the symbols          true-breeding for the recessive white-flowered trait
 to interpret his results. It is very instructive to do the same.      would be designated pp. In such an individual, both
 Consider again Mendel's cross of purple-flowered with                 copies of the allele specify the white-flowered phenotype.
 white-flowered plants. We will assign the symbol P to the             Similarly, the genotype of a true-breeding purple-flowered
 dominant allele, associated with the production of purple             individual would be designated PP, and a heterozygote
 flowers, and the symbol p to the recessive allele, associated         would be designated Pp (dominant allele first). Using
 with the production of white flowers. By convention, ge-              these conventions, and denoting a cross between two
 netic traits are usually assigned a letter symbol referring to        strains with x, we can symbolize Mendel's original cross
 their more common forms, in this case "P" for purple                  as pp x PP (figure 13.13).

                                     White                                                     Purple
                                                  ,                                             (Pp)

                                             Pp       Pp                                               PP        Pp

                   Purple                                                        Purple                Pp        PP
                      (PP)                    generation                           (PP)                 F2 generation

FIGURE 13.13
Mendel's cross of pea plants differing in flower color. All of the offspring of the first cross (the FI generation) are Pp heterozygotes
with purple flowers. When two heterozygous FI individuals are crossed, three kinds of ¥2 offspring are possible: PP homozygotes (purple
flowers); Pp heterozygotes (also purple flowers); andpp homozygotes (white flowers). Therefore, in the p2 generation, the ratio of
dominant to recessive type is 3:1.

                                        Table Ш
 Recessive Traits            Phenotypes                          Dominant Traits                            Phenotypes

 Common baldness             M-shaped hairline receding with     Middigital hair                            Presence of hair on middle
                             age                                                                            segment of fingers
 Albinism                    Lack of melanin pigmentation        Brachydactyly                              Short fingers
 Alkaptonuria                Inability to metabolize             Huntington's disease                       Degeneration of nervous
                             homogenistic acid                                                              system, starting in middle age
 Red-green color             Inability to distinguish red or     Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)                  Ability to taste PTC as bitter
 blindness                   green wavelengths of light          sensitivity
 Cystic fibrosis             Abnormal gland secretion,           Camptodactyly                              Inability to straighten the
                             leading to liver degeneration and                                              little finger
                             lung failure                        Hypercholesterolemia (the most             Elevated levels of blood
 Duchenne muscular           Wasting away of muscles during      common human Mendelian                     cholesterol and risk of heart
 dystrophy                   childhood                           disorder—1:500)                            attack
 Hemophilia                  Inability to form blood clots       Polydactyly                                Extra fingers and toes
 Sickle cell anemia          Defective hemoglobin that
                             causes red blood cells to curve
                             and stick together

                                                                                            Chapter 13      Patterns of Inheritance         249
The FI Generation
Using these simple symbols, we can now go back and reex-
amine the crosses Mendel carried out. Since a white-flowered
parent (fp) can produce only p gametes, and a pure purple-
flowered (homozygous dominant) parent (PP) can produce
only P gametes, the union of an egg and a sperm from
these parents can produce only heterozygous Pp offspring
in the FI generation (see figure 13.13). Because the P allele
is dominant, all of these FI individuals are expected to
have purple flowers. The p allele is present in these het-
erozygous individuals, but it is not phenotypically ex-
pressed. This is the basis for the latency Mendel saw in re-
cessive traits.

The РЗ Generation
When FI individuals are allowed to self-fertilize, the P and
p alleles segregate randomly during gamete formation.
Their subsequent union at fertilization to form ¥2 individu-         (a)
als is also random, not being influenced by which alterna-
tive alleles the individual gametes carry. What will the p2
individuals look like? The possibilities may be visualized in
a simple diagram called a Punnett square, named after its
originator, the English geneticist Reginald Crundall Pun-
nett (figure 13.14). Mendel's model, analyzed in terms of a
Punnett square, clearly predicts that the F2 generation
should consist of % purple-flowered plants and 14 white-
flowered plants, a phenotypic ratio of 3:1.

The Laws of Probability Can
Predict Mendel's Results                                             (b)

A different way to express Mendel's result is to say that           FIGURE 13.14
there are three chances in four (%) that any particular ¥2 in-      A Punnett square, (a) To make a Punnett square, place the
dividual will exhibit the dominant trait, and one chance in         different possible types of female gametes along one side of a
four (14) that an F2 individual will express the recessive trait.   square and the different possible types of male gametes along the
Stating the results in terms of probabilities allows simple         other, (b) Each potential zygote can then be represented as the
predictions to be made about the outcomes of crosses. If            intersection of a vertical line and a horizontal line.
both FI parents are Pp (heterozygotes), the probability that
a particular F2 individual will be pp (homozygous recessive)
is the probability of receiving a p gamete from the male (A)
                                                                    Mendel's First Law of Heredity: Segregation
times the probability of receiving a p gamete from the fe-
male (A), or 1A. This is the same operation we perform in           Mendel's model thus accounts in a neat and satisfying way for
the Punnett square illustrated in figure 13.14. The ways            the segregation ratios he observed. Its central assumption—
probability theory can be used to analyze Mendel's results          that alternative alleles of a trait segregate from each other in
is discussed in detail on page 272.                                 heterozygous individuals and remain distinct—has since
                                                                    been verified in many other organisms. It is commonly re-
                                                                    ferred to as Mendel's First Law of Heredity, or the Law
Further Generations                                                 of Segregation. As you saw in chapter 12, the segregational
As you can see in figure 13.13, there are really three kinds        behavior of alternative alleles has a simple physical basis, the
of F2 individuals: 14 are pure-breeding, white-flowered indi-       alignment of chromosomes at random on the metaphase
viduals (pp); Уг are heterozygous, purple-flowered individu-        plate. It is a tribute to the intellect of Mendel's analysis that
als (Pp); and 14 are pure-breeding, purple-flowered individ-        he arrived at the correct scheme with no knowledge of the
uals (PP). The 3:1 phenotypic ratio is really a disguised           cellular mechanisms of inheritance; neither chromosomes
1:2:1 genotypic ratio.                                              nor meiosis had yet been described.

250    Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
The Testcross                                                           To perform his testcross, Mendel crossed heterozygous
                                                                       FI individuals back to the parent homozygous for the reces-
  To test his model further, Mendel devised a simple and
                                                                       sive trait. He predicted that the dominant and recessive
  powerful procedure called the testcross. Consider a purple-
                                                                       traits would appear in a 1:1 ratio, and that is what he ob-
  flowered plant. It is impossible to tell whether such a plant
  is homozygous or heterozygous simply by looking at its
                                                                          For each pair of alleles he investigated, Mendel observed
  phenotype. To learn its genotype, you must cross it with
                                                                       phenotypic ¥2 ratios of 3:1 (see figure 13.13) and testcross
  some other plant. What kind of cross would provide the
                                                                       ratios very close to 1:1, just as his model predicted.
  answer? If you cross it with a homozygous dominant indi-
                                                                          Testcrosses can also be used to determine the genotype of
 vidual, all of the progeny will show the dominant pheno-
                                                                       an individual when two genes are involved. Mendel carried out
 type whether the test plant is homozygous or heterozygous.
                                                                       many two-gene crosses, some of which we will soon discuss.
 It is also difficult (but not impossible) to distinguish be-
                                                                       He often used testcrosses to verify the genotypes of particular
 tween the two possible test plant genotypes by crossing
                                                                       dominant-appearing p2 individuals. Thus an ¥2 individual
 with a heterozygous individual. However, if you cross the
                                                                       showing both dominant traits (A_ BJ) might have any of the
 test plant with a homozygous recessive individual, the two
                                                                       following genotypes: AABB, AaBB, AABb or AaBb. By crossing
 possible test plant genotypes will give totally different re-
                                                                       dominant-appearing ¥2 individuals with homozygous recessive
 sults (figure 13.15):
                                                                       individuals (that is, A_ B_ x aabb), Mendel was able to deter-
                                                                       mine if either or both of the traits bred true among the prog-
     Alternative 1:   unknown individual homozygous (PP).              eny, and so to determine the genotype of the ¥2 parent:
                      PP x pp: all offspring have purple
                                                                          AABB          trait A breeds true       trait В breeds true
                      flowers (Pp)
                                                                          AaBB                                    trait В breeds true
     Alternative 2:    unknown individual heterozygous (Pp).
                      Pp x pp: Уг of offspring have white flow-           AAbb          trait A breeds true
                      ers (pp) and И have purple flowers (Pp)             AaBb

                                                                              т                     Dominant phenotype
                                                                                                    (unknown genotype)

                                                                                                  if Pp

                                                                                                                     Pp       PP

PP                                                                       PP
                                                                                                                     Pp       PP

      Homozygous                                                              Homozygous
      recessive                                                               recessive
      (white)                          All offspring are purple;              (white)                         Half of offspring are white;
                                       therefore, unknown                                                     therefore, unknown flower
                                       flower is homozygous                                                   is heterozygous

                                           Alternative 1                                                          Alternative 2
FIGURE 13.15
A testcross. To determine whether an individual exhibiting a dominant phenotype, such as purple flowers, is homozygous or
heterozygous for the dominant allele, Mendel crossed the individual in question with a plant that he knew to be homozygous recessive, in
this case a plant with white flowers.

                                                                                            Chapter 13    Patterns of Inheritance        251
Mendel's Second Law of Heredity:
Independent Assortment
After Mendel had demonstrated that different alleles of a
given gene segregate independently of each other in              Round yellow                                     Wrinkled green
                                                                 seeds (RRYY)                                     seeds (rryy)
crosses, he asked whether different genes also segregate in-
dependently. Mendel set out to answer this question in a
straightforward way. He first established a series of pure-
breeding lines of peas that differed in just two of the seven                                         All round yellow
pairs of characteristics he had studied. He then crossed                                              seeds (RrYy)
contrasting pairs of the pure-breeding lines to create het-
erozygotes. In a cross involving different seed shape alleles
(round, R, and wrinkled, r) and different seed color alleles
(yellow, Y, and green, y), all the Fj individuals were identi-
cal, each one heterozygous for both seed shape (Rr) and                     (RY         к        rY         ry
seed color (Yy). The FI individuals of such a cross are dihy-
                                                                                                                           F2 generation
brids, individuals heterozygous for each of two genes.
                                                                           RRYY J RRYy       RrYY          RrYy
   The third step in Mendel's analysis was to allow the di-                                                           9/16 are round yellow
hybrids to self-fertilize. If the alleles affecting seed shape                                                        3/16 are round green
and seed color were segregating independently, then the                    RRYy       RRyy   RrYy          ^вг
                                                                                                           Rryy       3/16 are wrinkled yellow
probability that a particular pair of seed shape alleles         Eggs             
                                                                                                                      1/16 are wrinkled green
would occur together with a particular pair of seed color
alleles would be simply the product of the individual prob-                RrYY       RrYy   rrYY          rrYy

abilities that each pair would occur separately. Thus, the
probability that an individual with wrinkled green seeds                   RrYy       Rryy   rrYy         rryy
(rryy) would appear in the ¥2 generation would be equal to
the probability of observing an individual with wrinkled         FIGURE 13.16
seeds (/4) times the probability of observing one with green     Analyzing a dihybrid cross. This Punnett square analyzes the
seeds (K), or УК,.                                               results of Mendel's dihybrid cross between plants with round
    Since the genes concerned with seed shape and those          yellow seeds and plants with wrinkled green seeds. The ratio of
concerned with seed color are each represented by a pair         the four possible combinations of phenotypes is predicted to be
of alternative alleles in the dihybrid individuals, four types   9:3:3:1, the ratio that Mendel found.
of gametes are expected: RY, Ry, rY, and ry. Therefore, in
the F2 generation there are 16 possible combinations of
alleles, each of them equally probable (figure 13.16). Of           These results are very close to a 9:3:3:1 ratio (which
these, 9 possess at least one dominant allele for each gene      would be 313:104:104:35). Consequently, the two genes ap-
(signified R Y , where the dash indicates the presence           peared to assort completely independently of each other.
of either allele) and, thus, should have round, yellow           Note that this independent assortment of different genes in
seeds. Of the rest, 3 possess at least one dominant R allele     no way alters the independent segregation of individual pairs
but are homozygous recessive for color (R_yy); 3 others          of alleles. Round versus wrinkled seeds occur in a ratio of ap-
possess at least one dominant Y allele but are homozygous        proximately 3:1 (423:133); so do yellow versus green seeds
recessive for shape (rrY ); and 1 combination among the          (416:140). Mendel obtained similar results for other pairs.
 16 is homozygous recessive for both genes (rryy). The hy-          Mendel's discovery is often referred to as Mendel's
pothesis that color and shape genes assort independently         Second Law of Heredity, or the Law of Independent
thus predicts that the p2 generation of this dihybrid cross      Assortment. Genes that assort independently of one an-
will display a 9:3:3:1 ratio: nine individuals with round,       other, like the seven genes Mendel studied, usually do so
yellow seeds, three with round, green seeds, three with          because they are located on different chromosomes, which
wrinkled, yellow seeds, and one with wrinkled, green             segregate independently during the meiotic process of ga-
seeds (see figure 13.16).                                        mete formation. A modern restatement of Mendel's Second
    What did Mendel actually observe? From a total of 556        Law would be that genes that are located on different chromo-
seeds from dihybrid plants he had allowed to self-fertilize,     somes assort independently during meiosis.
he observed:
                                                                    Mendel summed up his discoveries about heredity in
   315 round yellow (R_Y_)                                          two laws. Mendel's First Law of Heredity states that
   108 round green (R yy)                                           alternative alleles of a trait segregate independently; his
   101 wrinkled yellow (rrY, )                                      Second Law of Heredity states that genes located on
                                                                    different chromosomes assort independently.
    32 wrinkled green (rryy)

252    Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
Mendelian Inheritance Is Not                                             White
 Always Easy to Analyze
Mendel's original paper describing his experiments, pub-
lished in 1866, is charming and interesting to read. His ex-
planations are clear, and the logic of his arguments is pre-
sented lucidly. Although Mendel's results did not receive
much notice during his lifetime, three different investiga-
tors independently rediscovered his pioneering paper in
1900, 16 years after his death. They came across it while
searching the literature in preparation for publishing their              AAbb                               ааВВ
own findings, which closely resembled those Mendel had
presented more than three decades earlier.

Modified Mendelian Ratios
 In the decades following the rediscovery of Mendel in
 1900, many investigators set out to test Mendel's ideas. Ini-                                                         Purple
tial work was carried out primarily in agricultural animals
and plants, since techniques for breeding these organisms
were well established. However, scientists attempting to
confirm Mendel's theory often had trouble obtaining the
same simple ratios he had reported. This was particularly                                     AII/AaBb
true for dihybrid crosses. Recall that when individuals het-
erozygous for two different genes mate (a dihybrid cross),       FIGURE 13.17
                                                                 How epistasis affects grain color. The purple pigment found
four different phenotypes are possible among the progeny:
                                                                 in some varieties of corn is the product of a two-step
offspring may display the dominant phenotype for both            biochemical pathway. Unless both enzymes are active (the plant
genes, either one of the genes, or for neither gene. Some-       has a dominant allele for each of the two genes, A and B), no
times, however, it is not possible for an investigator to        pigment is expressed.
identify successfully each of the four phenotypic classes, be-
cause two or more of the classes look alike. Such situations
proved confusing to investigators following Mendel.
                                                                 Why Was Emerson's Ratio Modified? When genes act
                                                                 sequentially, as in a biochemical pathway, an allele ex-
Epistasis                                                        pressed as a defective enzyme early in the pathway blocks
                                                                 the flow of material through the rest of the pathway. This
One example of such difficulty in identification is seen in      makes it impossible to judge whether the later steps of the
the analysis of particular varieties of corn, Zevz mays. Some    pathway are functioning properly. Such gene interaction,
commercial varieties exhibit a purple pigment called antho-      where one gene can interfere with the expression of an-
cyanin in their seed coats, while others do not. In 1918,        other gene, is the basis of the phenomenon called epistasis.
geneticist R. A. Emerson crossed two pure-breeding corn             The pigment anthocyanin is the product of a two-step
varieties, neither exhibiting anthocyanin pigment. Surpris-      biochemical pathway:
ingly, all of the FI plants produced purple seeds.
   When two of these pigment-producing FI plants were                                 Enzyme 1         Enzyme 2
crossed to produce an ¥2 generation, 56% were pigment                 Starting molecule —> Intermediate —> Anthocyanin
                                                                          (Colorless)        (Colorless)       (Purple)
producers and 44% were not. What was happening? Emer-
son correctly deduced that two genes were involved in pro-          To produce pigment, a plant must possess at least one
ducing pigment, and that the second cross had thus been a        good copy of each enzyme gene (figure 13.17). The domi-
dihybrid cross like those performed by Mendel. Mendel            nant alleles encode functional enzymes, but the recessive al-
had predicted 16 equally possible ways gametes could com-        leles encode nonfunctional enzymes. Of the 16 genotypes
bine with each other, resulting in genotypes with a pheno-       predicted by random assortment, 9 contain at least one
typic ratio of 9:3:3:1 (9 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 16). How many of         dominant allele of both genes; they produce purple prog-
these were in each of the two types Emerson obtained? He         eny. The remaining 7 genotypes lack dominant alleles at ei-
multiplied the fraction that were pigment producers (0.56)       ther or both loci (3 + 3 + 1 = 7) and so are phenotypically
by 16 to obtain 9, and multiplied the fraction that were not     the same (nonpigmented), giving the phenotypic ratio of 9:7
(0.44) by 16 to obtain 7. Thus, Emerson had a modified           that Emerson observed. The inability to score enzyme
ratio of 9:7 instead of the usual 9:3:3:1 ratio.                 2 when enzyme 1 is nonfunctional is an example of epistasis.

                                                                                     Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance         253
Continuous Variation
Few phenotypes are the result of the action
of only one gene. Instead, most traits reflect
the action of polygenes, many genes that
act sequentially or jointly. When multiple
genes act jointly to influence a trait such as
height or weight, the trait often shows a
range of small differences. Because all of the
genes that play a role in determining pheno-
types such as height or weight segregate in-
dependently of one another, one sees a gra-
dation in the degree of difference when
many individuals are examined (figure
13.18). We call this graduation continuous                        30-
variation. The greater the number of genes
that influence a trait, the more continuous
the expected distribution of the versions of            ш
that trait.                                             .1
                                                                       ~                             1
   How can one describe the variation in a              Т!
                                                        С                                        /
trait such as the height of the individuals in
                                                       Number о

figure 13.18я? Individuals range from quite                                                  j

short to very tall, with average heights

more common than either extreme. What
one often does is to group the variation into
categories—in this case, by measuring the                                  1   1- '

heights of the individuals in inches, round-
                                                                                      5 0"                5 У           6 О1
ing fractions of an inch to the nearest whole
number. Each height, in inches, is a sepa-                                        •

rate phenotypic category. Plotting the           (Ь)
numbers in each height category produces a
                                                 FIGURE 13.18
histogram, such as that in figure 13.18£.        Height is a continuously varying trait, (a) This photograph shows the variation in
The histogram approximates an idealized          height among students of the 1914 class of the Connecticut Agricultural College.
bell-shaped curve, and the variation can be      Because many genes contribute to height and tend to segregate independently of one
characterized by the mean and spread of          another, there are many possible combinations of those genes, (b) The cumulative
that curve.                                      contribution of different combinations of alleles to height forms a continuous spectrum
                                                 of possible heights—a random distribution, in which the extremes are much rarer
                                                 than the intermediate values.
Pleiotropic Effects
Often, an individual allele will have more
than one effect on the phenotype. Such an
allele is said to be pleiotropic. When the pioneering                              Pleiotropic effects are characteristic of many inherited
French geneticist Lucien Cuenot studied yellow fur in                          disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia,
mice, a dominant trait, he was unable to obtain a true-                        both discussed later in this chapter. In these disorders,
breeding yellow strain by crossing individual yellow mice                      multiple symptoms can be traced back to a single gene
with each other. Individuals homozygous for the yellow al-                     defect. In cystic fibrosis, patients exhibit clogged blood
lele died, because the yellow allele was pleiotropic: one ef-                  vessels, overly sticky mucus, salty sweat, liver and pancreas
fect was yellow color, but another was a lethal develop-                       failure, and a battery of other symptoms. All are pleio-
mental defect. A pleiotropic gene alteration may be                            tropic effects of a single defect, a mutation in a gene that
dominant with respect to one phenotypic consequence                            encodes a chloride ion transmembrane channel. In sickle
(yellow fur) and recessive with respect to another (lethal                     cell anemia, a defect in the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin
developmental defect). In pleiotropy, one gene affects                         molecule causes anemia, heart failure, increased suscepti-
many traits, in marked contrast to polygeny, where many                        bility to pneumonia, kidney failure, enlargement of the
genes affect one trait. Pleiotropic effects are difficult to                   spleen, and many other symptoms. It is usually difficult to
predict, because the genes that affect a trait often perform                   deduce the nature of the primary defect from the range of
other functions we may know nothing about.                                     its pleiotropic effects.

254   Part IV   Reproduction and Heredity
Lack of Complete Dominance                                                                                        Sperm

 Not all alternative alleles are fully
 dominant or fully recessive in het-
 erozygotes. Some pairs of alleles in-
 stead produce a heterozygous pheno-
 type that is either intermediate
 between those of the parents (incom-                        CRCR
 plete dominance), or representative of
 both parental phenotypes (codomi-
 nance). For example, in the cross of                                                    •Eggs
 red and white flowering Japanese four
 o'clocks described in figure 13.19, all
the FI offspring had pink flowers—
                                                                    T generation
indicating that neither red nor white
flower color was dominant. Does this                                 All CRCW                            CRCV
example of incomplete dominance                             CWCW
argue that Mendel was wrong? Not at                                                                             F2 generation
all. When two of the FI pink flowers                                                                              1:2:1
were crossed, they produced red-,
pink-, and white-flowered plants in a
1:2:1 ratio. Heterozygotes are simply      FIGURE 13.19
intermediate in color.                     Incomplete dominance. In a cross between a red-flowered Japanese four o'clock,
                                           genotype CRCR, and a white-flowered one (CWCW), neither allele is dominant. The
                                           heterozygous progeny have pink flowers and the genotype CRCW. If two of these
Environmental Effects                      heterozygotes are crossed, the phenotypes of their progeny occur in a ratio of 1:2:1
 The degree to which an allele is
 expressed may depend on the envi-
 ronment. Some alleles are heat-
 sensitive, for example. Traits influ-
 enced by such alleles are more sensi-
 tive to temperature or light than are
 the products of other alleles. The
 arctic foxes in figure 13.20, for ex-
 ample, make fur pigment only when
 the weather is warm. Similarly, the
ch allele in Himalayan rabbits and
 Siamese cats encodes a heat-sensitive
version of tyrosinase, one of the en- FIGURE 13.20
zymes mediating the production of Environmental effects on an allele. An arctic fox in winter has a coat that is almost white,
melanin, a dark pigment. The ch so it is difficult to see the fox against a snowy background. In summer, the same fox's fur
version of the enzyme is inactivated darkens to a reddish brown, so that it resembles the color of the surrounding tundra. Heat-
at temperatures above about 33°C. sensitive alleles control this color change.
At the surface of the main body and
head, the temperature is above 33°C
and the tyrosinase enzyme is inactive, while it is more           A variety of factors can disguise the Mendelian
active at body extremities such as the tips of the ears and       segregation of alleles. Among them are gene
tail, where the temperature is below 33°C. The dark               interactions that produce epistasis, the continuous
melanin pigment this enzyme produces causes the ears,             variation that results when many genes contribute to a
snout, feet, and tail of Himalayan rabbits and Siamese            trait, incomplete dominance that produces
cats to be black.                                                 heterozygotes unlike either parent, and environmental
                                                                        influences on the expression of phenotypes.

                                                                                          Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 255
13.2        .
                               are on chromes
                 . • .-.-. -

Chromosomes: The Vehicles
of Mendelian Inheritance
Chromosomes are not the only kinds of structures that seg-
regate regularly when eukaryotic cells divide. Centrioles
also divide and segregate in a regular fashion, as do the mi-
tochondria and chloroplasts (when present) in the cyto-
plasm. Therefore, in the early twentieth century it was by
no means obvious that chromosomes were the vehicles of
hereditary information.

The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
A central role for chromosomes in heredity was first sug-
gested in 1900 by the German geneticist Karl Correns, in
one of the papers announcing the rediscovery of Mendel's
work. Soon after, observations that similar chromosomes         FIGURE 13.21
paired with one another during meiosis led directly to the      Red-eyed (wild type) and white-eyed (mutant) Drosophila.
chromosomal theory of inheritance, first formulated by          The white-eyed defect is hereditary, the result of a mutation in a
the American Walter Sutton in 1902.                             gene located on the X chromosome. By studying this mutation,
                                                                Morgan first demonstrated that genes are on chromosomes.
   Several pieces of evidence supported Sutton's theory. One
was that reproduction involves the initial union of only two
cells, egg and sperm. If Mendel's model were correct, then
these two gametes must make equal hereditary contribu-
tions. Sperm, however, contain little cytoplasm, suggesting     resolved. A single small fly provided the proof. In 1910
that the hereditary material must reside within the nuclei of   Thomas Hunt Morgan, studying the fruit fly Drosophila
the gametes. Furthermore, while diploid individuals have        melanogaster, detected a mutant male fly, one that differed
two copies of each pair of homologous chromosomes, ga-          strikingly from normal flies of the same species: its eyes
metes have only one. This observation was consistent with       were white instead of red (figure 13.21).
Mendel's model, in which diploid individuals have two              Morgan immediately set out to determine if this new
copies of each heritable gene and gametes have one. Finally,    trait would be inherited in a Mendelian fashion. He first
chromosomes segregate during meiosis, and each pair of ho-      crossed the mutant male to a normal female to see if red or
mologues orients on the metaphase plate independently of        white eyes were dominant. All of the FI progeny had red
every other pair. Segregation and independent assortment        eyes, so Morgan concluded that red eye color was domi-
were two characteristics of the genes in Mendel's model.        nant over white. Following the experimental procedure
                                                                that Mendel had established long ago, Morgan then
                                                                crossed the red-eyed flies from the FI generation with each
A Problem with the Chromosomal Theory                           other. Of the 4252 F2 progeny Morgan examined, 782
However, investigators soon pointed out one problem with        (18%) had white eyes. Although the ratio of red eyes to
this theory. If Mendelian traits are determined by genes lo-    white eyes in the ¥2 progeny was greater than 3:1, the re-
cated on the chromosomes, and if the independent assort-        sults of the cross nevertheless provided clear evidence that
ment of Mendelian traits reflects the independent assort-       eye color segregates. However, there was something about
ment of chromosomes in meiosis, why does the number of          the outcome that was strange and totally unpredicted by
traits that assort independently in a given kind of organism    Mendel's theory—all of the white-eyed p2 flies тоете males!
often greatly exceed the number of chromosome pairs the             How could this result be explained? Perhaps it was im-
organism possesses? This seemed a fatal objection, and it       possible for a white-eyed female fly to exist; such individu-
led many early researchers to have serious reservations         als might not be viable for some unknown reason. To test
about Sutton's theory.                                          this idea, Morgan testcrossed the female FI progeny with
                                                                the original white-eyed male. He obtained both white-eyed
                                                                and red-eyed males and females in a 1:1:1:1 ratio, just as
Morgan's White-Eyed Fly                                         Mendelian theory predicted. Hence, a female could have
The essential correctness of the chromosomal theory of          white eyes. Why, then, were there no white-eyed females
heredity was demonstrated long before this paradox was          among the progeny of the original cross?

256   PartlV Reproduction and Heredity
Y chromosome              X chromosome with               X chromosome with
                                                                                     white-eye gene                  red-eye gene


                                                                 Male                                       Female

                                                                                    F1 generation

                                                                 Male                                       Female

                                                                                    F2 generation

FIGURE 13.22
Morgan's experiment demonstrating
the chromosomal basis of sex linkage
in Drosophila. The white-eyed mutant
male fly was crossed with a normal female.
The FI generation flies all exhibited red
eyes, as expected for flies heterozygous for
a recessive white-eye allele. In the ¥2
generation, all of the white-eyed flies
were male.

Sex Linkage                                                             chromosome is said to be sex-linked. Knowing the white-
                                                                        eye trait is recessive to the red-eye trait, we can now see
The solution to this puzzle involved sex. In Drosophila, the
                                                                        that Morgan's result was a natural consequence of the
sex of an individual is determined by the number of copies
                                                                        Mendelian assortment of chromosomes (figure 13.22).
of a particular chromosome, the X chromosome, that an
                                                                           Morgan's experiment was one of the most important in
individual possesses. A fly with two X chromosomes is a fe-
                                                                        the history of genetics because it presented the first clear
male, and a fly with only one X chromosome is a male. In
                                                                        evidence that the genes determining Mendelian traits do
males, the single X chromosome pairs in meiosis with a
                                                                        indeed reside on the chromosomes, as Sutton had pro-
large, dissimilar partner called the Y chromosome. The
                                                                        posed. The segregation of the white-eye trait has a one-to-
female thus produces only X gametes, while the male pro-
                                                                        one correspondence with the segregation of the X chromo-
duces both X and Y gametes. When fertilization involves
                                                                        some. In other words, Mendelian traits such as eye color in
an X sperm, the result is an XX zygote, which develops into
                                                                        Drosophila assort independently because chromosomes do.
a female; when fertilization involves a Y sperm, the result is
                                                                        When Mendel observed the segregation of alternative traits
an XY zygote, which develops into a male.
                                                                        in pea plants, he was observing a reflection of the meiotic
   The solution to Morgan's puzzle is that the gene causing
                                                                        segregation of chromosomes.
the white-eye trait in Drosophila resides only on the X
chromosome—it is absent from the Y chromosome. (We                        Mendelian traits assort independently because they are
now know that the Y chromosome in flies carries almost no                 determined by genes located on chromosomes that
functional genes.) A trait determined by a gene on the sex                assort independently in meiosis.

                                                                                          Chapter 13     Patterns of Inheritance   257
Genetic Recombination                                                                   The chromosomal exchanges Stern demonstrated pro-
                                                                                     vide the solution to the paradox, because crossing over
Morgan's experiments led to the general acceptance of                                can occur between homologues anywhere along the
Sutton's chromosomal theory of inheritance. Scientists                               length of the chromosome, in locations that seem to be
then attempted to resolve the paradox that there are more                            randomly determined. Thus, if two different genes are
independently assorting Mendelian genes than chromo-                                 located relatively far apart on a chromosome, crossing
somes. In 1903 the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries sug-                               over is more likely to occur somewhere between them
gested that this paradox could be resolved only by assum-                            than if they are located close together. Two genes can be
ing that homologous chromosomes exchange elements                                    on the same chromosome and still show independent as-
during meiosis. In 1909, French cytologist F. A. Janssens                            sortment if they are located so far apart on the chromo-
provided evidence to support this suggestion. Investigating                          some that crossing over occurs regularly between them
chiasmata produced during amphibian meiosis, Janssens                                (figure 13.24).
noticed that of the four chromatids
involved in each chiasma, two
crossed each other and two did not.
He suggested that this crossing of                                                                                             Abnormality at
                                                               F! female
chromatids reflected a switch in                                                                                               one locus of
chromosomal arms between the pa-                            Abnormality at    /F]                                              X chromosome
ternal and maternal homologues, in-                         another locus of ' U
                                                            X chromosome
volving one chromatid in each ho-
mologue. His suggestion was not
accepted widely, primarily because
                                                              car •~> "*•
it was difficult to see how two chro-          No
                                                               в ~                    f

matids could break and rejoin at ex-
actly the same position.

Crossing Over
Later experiments clearly estab-                                                car 1           4
                                                                                               " 4.
                                                                                                                          car          T   +

                                                                                 8                                         +    <~*
lished that Janssens was indeed cor-                                                       J                                           LJ
rect. One of these experiments,                                                        •
                                                          car Q                                                                                       Q
performed in 1931 by American ge-                             +         i

neticist Curt Stern, is described in                                          --X.

figure 13.23. Stern studied two sex-         Fertilization                       X
                                                                                                                                           / .."-^^
linked eye traits in Drosophila strains      by sperm
whose X chromosomes were visibly             from carnation                                /                                          1V
                                             F-| male                                                                                      ч

abnormal at both ends. He first ex-                                                                                r-*.
                                                                        p             / ^
                                                                                                    ^   ^I car             ^ ^ car
amined many flies and identified                                                 ^car car
                                                                   4-                -IB       +             4-                 4-
                                                                                                                                                ^     в
those in which an exchange had oc-
curred with respect to the two eye
traits. He then studied the chromo-
                                                                        v>       ]                  ^
                                                                    Carnation,                      Normal        Carnation
somes of those flies to see if their                                bar
X chromosomes had exchanged
arms. Stern found that all of the in-
dividuals that had exchanged eye                                    Parental combinations of                      Recombinant combinations
                                                                    both genetic traits and                       of both genetic traits and
traits also possessed chromosomes                                   chromosome abnormalities                      chromosome abnormalities
that had exchanged abnormal ends.
The conclusion was inescapable:           FIGURE 13.23
genetic exchanges of traits such as       Stern's experiment demonstrating the physical exchange of chromosomal arms during
eye color involve the physical ex-        crossing over. Stern monitored crossing over between two genes, the recessive carnation eye
change of chromosome arms, a phe-         color (car) and the dominant bar-shaped eye (B), on chromosomes with physical peculiarities
nomenon called crossing over.             visible under a microscope. Whenever these genes recombined through crossing over, the
Crossing over creates new combina-        chromosomes recombined as well. Therefore, the recombination of genes reflects a physical
tions of genes, and is thus a form of     exchange of chromosome arms. The "+" notation on the chromosomes refers to the wild-type
genetic recombination.                    allele, the most common allele for a particular gene.

258    Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
Using Recombination to Make Genetic Maps                              Chromosome                        Location of genes
 Because crossing over is more frequent between two genes
 that are relatively far apart than between two that are close
 together, the frequency of crossing over can be used to map
 the relative positions of genes on chromosomes. In a cross,
 the proportion of progeny exhibiting an exchange between                                 Flower color                         Seed color
 two genes is a measure of the frequency of crossover events
 between them, and thus indicates the relative distance sepa-
 rating them. The results of such crosses can be used to con-
 struct a genetic map that measures distance between genes
in terms of the frequency of recombination. One "map
unit" is defined as the distance within which a crossover
 event is expected to occur in an average of 1% of gametes.
A map unit is now called a centimorgan, after Thomas
Hunt Morgan.
    In recent times new technologies have allowed geneti-
cists to create gene maps based on the relative positions
of specific gene sequences called restriction sequences be-
cause they are recognized by DNA-cleaving enzymes                                        Flower position           Pod shape               Plant
called restriction endonucleases. Restriction maps, dis-                                                                                   height
cussed in chapter 18, have largely supplanted genetic re-
combination maps for detailed gene analysis because they                   ©
are far easier to produce. Recombination maps remain
                                                                                            Pod color
the method of choice for genes widely separated on a

The Three-Point Cross. In constructing a genetic map,
one simultaneously monitors recombination among three
or more genes located on the same chromosome, referred
to as syntenic genes. When genes are close enough to-
gether on a chromosome that they do not assort indepen-                    ©
dently, they are said to be linked to one another. A cross                                        Seed shape
involving three linked genes is called a three-point cross.
Data obtained by Morgan on traits encoded by genes on
                                                                      FIGURE 13.24
the X chromosome of Drosophila were used by his student
                                                                      The chromosomal locations of the seven genes studied by
A. H. Sturtevant, to draw the first genetic map (figure
                                                                      Mendel in the garden pea. The genes for plant height and pod
13.25). By convention, the most common allele of a gene is            shape are very close to each other and rarely recombine. Plant
often denoted on a map with the symbol "+" and is desig-              height and pod shape were not among the pairs of traits Mendel
nated as wild type. All other alleles are assigned specific           examined in dihybrid crosses. One wonders what he would have
symbols.                                                              made of the linkage he surely would have detected had he tested
                                                                      this pair of traits.

FIGURE 13.25
The first genetic map. This map of
the X chromosome of Drosophila was                                                                                            Genetic
prepared in 1913 by A. H. Sturtevant, a                                                  Recombination                         map
student of Morgan. On it he located the                    Five                           frequencies
                                                                                                                             .58    r~ -    r
relative positions of five recessive traits               traits
                                                                                    у andw                 0.010
that exhibited sex linkage by estimating
                                                 у   Yellow body color              v andm                 0.030
their relative recombination frequencies                                            v andr                 0.269
                                                 w   White eye color                                                         ол             т
in genetic crosses. Sturtevant arbitrarily                                          v and w                0.300             -O't
                                                 v   Vermilion eye color                                                     .31            у
chose the position of the yellow gene            т   Miniature wing                 v and/                 0.322
as zero on his map to provide a frame            r   Rudimentary wing               w and т                0.327
of reference. The higher the                                                        у andm                 0.355             .01 — w
recombination frequency, the farther                                                wandr                  0.450               0 Г-. У
apart the two genes.                                                                                                             с

                                                                                          Chapter 13       Patterns of Inheritance              259
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Patterns of inheritance

  • 1. Patterns of Inheritance Concept Outline Mendel solved the mystery of heredity. Early Ideas about Heredity: The Road to Mendel. Before Mendel, biologists believed in the direct transmission of traits. Mendel and the Garden Pea. Mendel, a monk, experimented with heredity in edible peas, as had many others, but he counted his results. What Mendel Found. Mendel found that contrasting traits segregated among second-generation progeny in the ratio 3:1. Mendel's Model of Heredity. Mendel proposed that information rather than the trait itself is inherited, with each parent contributing one copy. How Mendel Interpreted His Results. Mendel found that one alternative of a trait could mask the other in heterozygotes, but both could subsequently be expressed in homozygotes of future generations. Mendelian Inheritance Is Not Always Easy to Analyze. A variety of factors can disguise the Mendelian segregation of alleles. „ Genes are on chromosomes. Chromosomes: The Vehicles of Mendelian Inheritance. FIGURE 13.1 Mendelian segregation reflects the random assortment of Human beings are extremely diverse in appearance. The chromosomes in meiosis. differences between us are partly inherited and partly the result of environmental factors we encounter in our lives. Genetic Recombination. Crossover frequency indicates the physical distance between genes and is used to construct genetic maps. 13.3 Human genetics follows Mendelian principles. E very living creature is a product of the long evolution- ary history of life on earth. While all organisms share this history, only humans wonder about the processes that Multiple Alleles: The ABO Blood Groups. The human ABO blood groups are determined by three / gene alleles. led to their origin. We are still far from understanding Human Chromosomes. Humans possess 2 3 pairs of everything about our origins, but we have learned a great chromosomes, one of them determining the sex. deal. Like a partially completed jigsaw puzzle, the bound- Human Abnormalities Due to Alterations in Chromosome aries have fallen into place, and much of the internal struc- Number. Loss or addition of chromosomes has serious ture is becoming apparent. In this chapter, we will discuss consequences. one piece of the puzzle—the enigma of heredity. Why do Human Genetic Disorders. Many heritable human disorders groups of people from different parts of the world often are the result of recessive mutations in genes. differ in appearance (figure 13.1)? Why do the members of Genetic Counseling. Some gene defects can be detected early a family tend to resemble one another more than they re- in pregnancy. semble members of other families? 241
  • 2. heredity. Early Ideas about Heredity: The Road to Mendel As far back as written records go, patterns of resemblance among the members of particular families have been noted and commented on (figure 13.2). Some familial features are unusual, such as the protruding lower lip of the European royal family Hapsburg, evident in pictures and descriptions of family members from the thirteenth century onward. Other characteristics, like the occurrence of redheaded children within families of redheaded parents, are more common (figure 13.3). Inherited features, the building blocks of evolution, will be our concern in this chapter. Like many great puzzles, the riddle of heredity seems simple now that it has been solved. The solution was not an easy one to find, however. Our present understanding is the culmination of a long history of thought, surmise, and investigation. At every stage we have learned more, and as we have done so, the models we use to describe the mecha- nisms of heredity have changed to encompass new facts. FIGURE 13.2 Heredity is responsible for family resemblance. Family Classical Assumption 1: Constancy of Species resemblances are often strong—a .visual manifestation of the Two concepts provided the basis for most of the thinking mechanism of heredity. This is the Johnson family, the wife and daughters of one of the authors. While each daughter is different, about heredity before the twentieth century. The first is all clearly resemble their mother. that heredity occurs within species. For a very long time peo- ple believed that it was possible to obtain bizarre compos- ite animals by breeding (crossing) widely different species. The minotaur of Cretan mythology, a creature with the body of a bull and the torso and head of a man, is one ex- ample. The giraffe was thought to be another; its scientific name, Giraffa camelopardalis, suggests the belief that it was the result of a cross between a camel and a leopard. From the Middle Ages onward, however, people discovered that such extreme crosses were not possible and that variation and heredity occur mainly within the boundaries of a par- ticular species. Species were thought to have been main- tained without significant change from the time of their creation. Classical Assumption 2: Direct Transmission of Traits The second early concept related to heredity is that traits are transmitted directly. When variation is inherited by off- spring from their parents, what is transmitted? The ancient Greeks suggested that the parents' body parts were trans- FIGURE 13.3 mitted directly to their offspring. Hippocrates called this Red hair is inherited. Many different traits are inherited in type of reproductive material gonos, meaning "seed." human families. This redhead is exhibiting one of these traits. Hence, a characteristic such as a misshapen limb was the result of material that came from the misshapen limb of a from the other parts, and the child was formed after the parent. Information from each part of the body was sup- hereditary material from all parts of the parents' bodies had posedly passed along independently of the information come together. 242 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 3. This idea was predominant until fairly It is worth repeating that the offspring recently. For example, in 1868, Charles of Koelreuter's crosses were not identical Darwin proposed that all cells and tissues to one another. Some resembled the hy- excrete microscopic granules, or "gem- brid generation, while others did not. The mules," that are passed to offspring, guid- alternative forms of the traits Koelreuter ing the growth of the corresponding part in was studying were distributed among the the developing embryo. Most similar theo- offspring. A modern geneticist would say ries of the direct transmission of hereditary the alternative forms of each trait were material assumed that the male and female segregating among the progeny of a mat- contributions blend in the offspring. Thus, ing, meaning that some offspring exhibited parents with red and brown hair would one alternative form of a trait (for example, produce children with reddish brown hair, hairy leaves), while other offspring from and tall and short parents would produce the same mating exhibited a different alter- children of intermediate height. native (smooth leaves). This segregation of alternative forms of a trait provided the clue that led Gregor Mendel to his under- Koelreuter Demonstrates standing of the nature of heredity. Hybridization between Species Taken together, however, these two con- Knight Studies Heredity in Peas cepts lead to a paradox. If no variation en- ters a species from outside, and if the varia- Over the next hundred years, other investi- tion within each species blends in every gators elaborated on Koelreuter's work. generation, then all members of a species FIGURE 13.4 Prominent among them were English gen- should soon resemble one another exactly. The garden pea, Pimm tleman farmers trying to improve varieties Obviously, this does not happen. Individu- sativum. Easy to cultivate and of agricultural plants. In one such series of als within most species differ widely from able to produce many distinctive experiments, carried out in the 1790s, each other, and they differ in characteristics varieties, the garden pea was a T. A. Knight crossed two true-breeding that are transmitted from generation to popular experimental subject in varieties (varieties that remain uniform generation. investigations of heredity as long from one generation to the next) of the How could this paradox be resolved? Ac- as a century before Gregor garden pea, Pisum sativum (figure 13.4). Mendel's experiments. tually, the resolution had been provided One of these varieties had purple flowers, long before Darwin, in the work of the and the other had white flowers. All of the German botanist Josef Koelreuter. In 1760, progeny of the cross had purple flowers. Koelreuter carried out the first successful hybridizations Among the offspring of these hybrids, however, were some of plant species, crossing different strains of tobacco and plants with purple flowers and others, less common, with obtaining fertile offspring. The hybrids differed in appear- white flowers. Just as in Koelreuter's earlier studies, a trait ance from both parent strains. When individuals within the from one of the parents disappeared in one generation hybrid generation were crossed, the offspring were highly only to reappear in the next. variable. Some of these offspring resembled plants of the In these deceptively simple results were the makings of a hybrid generation (their parents), but a few resembled the scientific revolution. Nevertheless, another century passed original strains (their grandparents). before the process of gene segregation was fully appreci- ated. Why did it take so long? One reason was that early The Classical Assumptions Fail workers did not quantify their results. A numerical record of results proved to be crucial to understanding the process. Koelreuter's work represents the beginning of modern Knight and later experimenters who carried out other genetics, the first clues pointing to the modern theory of crosses with pea plants noted that some traits had a heredity. Koelreuter's experiments provided an impor- "stronger tendency1'" to appear than others, but they did not tant clue about how heredity works: the traits he was record the numbers of the different classes of progeny. Sci- studying could be masked in one generation, only to ence was young then, and it was not obvious that the num- reappear in the next. This pattern contradicts the theory bers were important. of direct transmission. How could a trait that is transmit- ted directly be latent and then reappear? Nor were the Early geneticists demonstrated that some forms of traits of Koelreuter's plants blended. A contemporary ac- an inherited trait (1) can disappear in one generation count stated that the traits reappeared in the third gener- only to reappear unchanged in future generations; ation "fully restored to all their original powers and (2) segregate among the offspring of a cross; and (3) are more likely to be represented than their alternatives. properties." Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 243
  • 4. Mendel and the Garden Pea The first quantitative studies of inheritance were carried out by Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk (figure 13.5). Born in 1822 to peasant parents, Mendel was educated in a monastery and went on to study science and mathematics at the University of Vienna, where he failed his examina- tions for a teaching certificate. He returned to the monastery and spent the rest of his life there, eventually becoming abbot. In the garden of the monastery, Mendel initiated a series of experiments on plant hybridization (fig- ure 13.6). The results of these experiments would ulti- mately change our views of heredity irrevocably. Why Mendel Chose the Garden Pea For his experiments, Mendel chose the garden pea, the same plant Knight and many others had studied earlier. The choice was a good one for several reasons. First, many earlier investigators had produced hybrid peas by crossing different varieties. Mendel knew that he could expect to observe segregation of traits among the offspring. Second, a large number of true-breeding varieties of peas were available. Mendel initially examined 32. Then, for further study, he selected lines that differed with respect to seven easily distinguishable traits, such as round versus wrinkled seeds and purple versus white flowers, a characteristic Knight had studied. Third, pea plants are small and easy to grow, and they have a short generation time. Thus, one can conduct experiments involving numerous plants, grow sev- eral generations in a single year, and obtain results rela- tively quickly. FIGURE 13.5 A fourth advantage of studying peas is that the sexual or- Gregor Johann Mendel. Cultivating his plants in the garden of a gans of the pea are enclosed within the flower (figure 13.7). monastery in Brunn, Austria (now Brno, Czech Republic), The flowers of peas, like those of most flowering plants, con- Mendel studied how differences among varieties of peas were tain both male and female sex organs. Furthermore, the ga- inherited when the varieties were crossed. Similar experiments metes produced by the male and female parts of the same had been done before, but Mendel was the first to appreciate the significance of the results. flower, unlike those of many flowering plants, can fuse to form viable offspring. Fertilization takes place automatically within an individual flower if it is not disturbed, resulting in offspring that are the progeny from a single individual. Therefore, one can ei- ther let individual flowers engage in self-fertilization, or remove the flow- er's male parts before fertilization and introduce pollen from a strain with al- ternative characteristics, thus perform- ing cross-pollination which results in cross-fertilization. FIGURE 13.6 The garden where Mendel carried out his plant-breeding experiments. Gregor Mendel did his most important scientific experiments in this small garden in a monastery. 244 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 5. Mendel's Experimental Design Mendel was careful to focus on only a few specific differ- Petals ences between the plants he was using and to ignore the countless other differences he must have seen. He also had the insight to realize that the differences he selected to ana- lyze must be comparable. For example, he appreciated that Anther S trying to study the inheritance of round seeds versus tall height would be useless; the traits, like apples and oranges, are not comparable. Mendel usually conducted his experiments in three stages: Carpel 9 1. First, he allowed pea plants of a given variety to pro- duce progeny by self-fertilization for several genera- tions. Mendel was thus able to assure himself that the forms of traits he was studying were indeed constant, transmitted unchanged from generation to genera- FIGURE 13.7 Structure of the pea flower (longitudinal section). In a pea tion. Pea plants with white flowers, for example, plant flower, the petals enclose the male anther (containing pollen when crossed with each other, produced only off- grains, which give rise to haploid sperm) and the female carpel spring with white flowers, regardless of the number (containing ovules, which give rise to haploid eggs). This ensures of generations. that self-fertilization will take place unless the flower is disturbed. 2. Mendel then performed crosses between varieties exhibiting alternative forms of traits. For example, he removed the male parts from the flower of a plant that pro- duced white flowers and fertilized it with pollen from a purple- flowered plant. He also carried out the reciprocal cross, using pollen from a white-flowered in- dividual to fertilize a flower on a pea plant that produced purple Pollen transferred from white flowers (figure 13.8). flower to stigma of purple flower Anthers 3. Finally, Mendel permitted the removed hybrid offspring produced by these crosses to self-pollinate for several generations. By doing so, he allowed the alternative forms of a trait to segregate among the progeny. This was the same ex- perimental design that Knight and others had used much earlier. But Mendel went an important step farther: he counted the num- bers of offspring of each type in each succeeding generation. No one had ever done that before. The quantitative results Mendel obtained proved to be of supreme importance in revealing the process of heredity. FIGURE 13.8 How Mendel conducted his experiments. Mendel pushed aside the petals of a white Mendel's experiments with the flower and cut off the anthers, the source of the pollen. He then placed that pollen onto the garden pea involved crosses stigma (part of the carpel) of a similarly castrated purple flower, causing cross-fertilization between true-breeding varieties, to take place. All the seeds in the pod that resulted from this pollination were hybrids of the followed by a generation or more white-flowered male parent and the purple-flowered female parent. After planting these of inbreeding. seeds, Mendel observed what kinds of plants they produced. All of the progeny of this cross had purple flowers. Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 245
  • 6. What Mendel Found intermediate color, as the theory of blending inheritance would predict. Instead, in every case the flower color of The seven traits Mendel studied in his experiments pos- the offspring resembled one of their parents. It is custom- sessed several variants that differed from one another in ary to refer to these offspring as the first filial (filius is ways that were easy to recognize and score (figure 13.9). Latin for "son"), or FI, generation. Thus, in a cross of We will examine in detail Mendel's crosses with flower white-flowered with purple-flowered plants, the FI off- color. His experiments with other traits were similar, and spring all had purple flowers, just as Knight and others they produced similar results. had reported earlier. Mendel referred to the trait expressed in the FI plants as dominant and to the alternative form that was not ex- The FI Generation pressed in the FI plants as recessive. For each of the When Mendel crossed two contrasting varieties of peas, seven pairs of contrasting forms of traits that Mendel ex- such as white-flowered and purple-flowered plants, the amined, one of the pair proved to be dominant and the hybrid offspring he obtained did not have flowers of other recessive. Trait Dominant vs. recessive F2 generation Ratio Dominant form Recessive form Flower color 705 224 3.15:1 Purple White " Seed color O 6022 2001 3.01:1 Yellow Green Seed shape x -<•' 5474 1850 2.96:1 Round Wrinkled Pod X 152 2.82:1 428 color ,„=**•' Green Yellow Pod shape </ 882 299 2.95:1 Round ' "Constricted Flower position 651 207 3.14:1 Axial Plant height 787 277 2.84:1 Tall Dwarf FIGURE 13.9 Mendel's experimental results. This table illustrates the seven pairs of contrasting traits Mendel studied in his crosses of the garden pea and presents the data he obtained for these crosses. Each pair of traits appeared in the p2 generation in very close to a 3:1 ratio. 246 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 7. The ¥2 Generation After allowing individual FI plants to mature and self- pollinate, Mendel collected and planted the seeds from each plant to see what the offspring in the second filial, or p2, generation would look like. He found, just as Knight had earlier, that some p2 plants exhibited white flowers, the recessive form of the trait. Latent in the FI generation, the recessive form reappeared among some ¥2 individuals. Believing the proportions of the F2 types would provide some clue about the mechanism of heredity, Mendel counted the numbers of each type among the F2 progeny. In the cross between the purple-flowered FI plants, he counted a total of 929 F2 individuals (see figure 13.9). Of these, 705 (75.9%) had purple flowers and 224 (24.1%) had white flowers. Approximately /4 of the p2 individuals exhib- ited the recessive form of the trait. Mendel obtained the same numerical result with the other six traits he examined: ! / of the p2 individuals exhibited the dominant form of the trait, and 14 displayed the recessive form. In other words, the dominant: recessive ratio among the p2 plants was al- ways close to 3:1. Mendel carried out similar experiments with other traits, such as wrinkled versus round seeds (fig- у 97 y ure 13.10), and obtained the same result. A page from Mendel's notebook. In these notes, Mendel is trying various ratios in an unsuccessful attempt to explain a segregation ratio disguised by phenotypes that are so similar he cannot distinguish them from one another. A Disguised 1:2:1 Ratio Mendel went on to examine how the F2 plants passed traits on to subsequent generations. He found that the recessive К were always true-breeding. In the cross of white-flowered with purple-flowered plants, for example, the white- flowered p2 individuals reliably produced white-flowered offspring when they were allowed to self-fertilize. By con- trast, only И of the dominant purple-flowered F2 individuals (i4 of all p2 offspring) proved true-breeding, while 2A were not. This last class of plants produced dominant and reces- sive individuals in the third filial (Рз) generation in a 3:1 ratio. This result suggested that, for the entire sample, the 3:1 ratio that Mendel observed in the p2 generation was really a disguised 1:2:1 ratio: !4 pure-breeding dominant individuals, 1A not-pure-breeding dominant individuals, and 14 pure-breeding recessive individuals (figure 13.11). When Mendel crossed two contrasting varieties and counted the offspring in the subsequent generations, he found all of the offspring in the first generation FIGURE 13.10 exhibited one (dominant) trait, and none exhibited the Seed shape: a Mendelian trait. One of the differences Mendel other (recessive) trait. In the following generation, 25% studied affected the shape of pea plant seeds. In some varieties, were pure-breeding for the dominant trait, 50% were the seeds were round, while in others, they were wrinkled. As you hybrid for the two traits and appeared dominant, and can see, the wrinkled seeds look like dried-out versions of the 25% were pure-breeding for the recessive trait. round ones. Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 247
  • 8. Mendel's Model of Heredity From his experiments, Mendel was able to understand four things about the nature of heredity. First, the plants he crossed did not produce progeny of intermediate appear- ance, as a theory of blending inheritance would have pre- dicted. Instead, different plants inherited each alternative intact, as a discrete characteristic that either was or was not visible in a particular generation. Second, Mendel learned that for each pair of alternative forms of a trait, one alter- native was not expressed in the FI hybrids, although it reappeared in some ¥2 individuals. The "invisible" trait must therefore be latent (present but not expressed) in the FI individuals. Third, the pairs of alternative forms of the traits examined segregated among the progeny of a particu- lar cross, some individuals exhibiting one form of a trait, some the other. Fourth, pairs of alternatives were expressed in the ¥2 generation in the ratio of % dominant to К reces- sive. This characteristic 3:1 segregation is often referred to as the Mendelian ratio. FIGURE 13.12 To explain these results, Mendel proposed a simple A recessive trait. Blue eyes are considered a recessive trait in model. It has become one of the most famous models in the humans, although many genes influence eye color. history of science, containing simple assumptions and mak- ing clear predictions. The model has five elements: 4. The two alleles, one contributed by the male gamete 1. Parents do not transmit physiological traits directly to and one by the female, do not influence each other in their offspring. Rather, they transmit discrete infor- any way. In the cells that develop within the new in- mation about the traits, what Mendel called "factors." dividual, these alleles remain discrete. They neither These factors later act in the offspring to produce the blend with nor alter each other. (Mendel referred to trait. In modern terms, we would say that information them as "uncontaminated.") Thus, when the individ- about the alternative forms of traits that an individual ual matures and produces its own gametes, the alleles expresses is encoded by the factors that it receives from for each gene segregate randomly into these gametes, its parents. as described in point 2. 2. Each individual receives two factors that may code for 5. The presence of a particular allele does not ensure mat the same form or for two alternative forms of the trait. the form of the trait encoded by it will be expressed in We now know that there are two factors for each trait an individual carrying that allele. In heterozygous indi- present in each individual because these factors are car- viduals, only one allele (the dominant one) is ex- ried on chromosomes, and each adult individual is pressed, while the other (recessive) allele is present but diploid. When the individual forms gametes (eggs or unexpressed. To distinguish between the presence of sperm), they contain only one of each kind of chromo- an allele and its expression, modern geneticists refer to some; the gametes are haploid. Therefore, only one fac- the totality of alleles that an individual contains as the tor for each trait of the adult organism is contained in individual's genotype and to the physical appearance the gamete. Which of the two factors for each trait of that individual as its phenotype. The phenotype of ends up in a particular gamete is randomly determined. an individual is the observable outward manifestation 3. Not all copies of a factor are identical. In modern of its genotype, the result of the functioning of the en- terms, the alternative forms of a factor, leading to alter- zymes and proteins encoded by the genes it carries. In native forms of a trait, are called alleles. When two other words, the genotype is the blueprint, and the haploid gametes containing exactly the same allele of a phenotype is the visible outcome. factor fuse during fertilization to form a zygote, the off- spring that develops from that zygote is said to be ho- These five elements, taken together, constitute Mendel's mozygous; when the two haploid gametes contain dif- model of the hereditary process. Many traits in humans ferent alleles, the individual offspring is heterozygous. also exhibit dominant or recessive inheritance, similar to In modern terminology, Mendel's factors are called the traits Mendel studied in peas (figure 13.12, table 13.1). genes. We now know that each gene is composed of a particular DNA nucleotide sequence (chapter 3). The The genes that an individual has are referred to as its genotype; the outward appearance of the individual is particular location of a gene on a chromosome is re- referred to as its phenotype. ferred to as the gene's locus (plural, loci). 248 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 9. How Mendel Interpreted His Results flower color. The dominant allele is written in upper case, as P; the recessive allele (white flower color) is assigned the Does Mendel's model predict the results he actually ob- same symbol in lower case, p. tained? To test his model, Mendel first expressed it in In this system, the genotype of an individual that is terms of a simple set of symbols, and then used the symbols true-breeding for the recessive white-flowered trait to interpret his results. It is very instructive to do the same. would be designated pp. In such an individual, both Consider again Mendel's cross of purple-flowered with copies of the allele specify the white-flowered phenotype. white-flowered plants. We will assign the symbol P to the Similarly, the genotype of a true-breeding purple-flowered dominant allele, associated with the production of purple individual would be designated PP, and a heterozygote flowers, and the symbol p to the recessive allele, associated would be designated Pp (dominant allele first). Using with the production of white flowers. By convention, ge- these conventions, and denoting a cross between two netic traits are usually assigned a letter symbol referring to strains with x, we can symbolize Mendel's original cross their more common forms, in this case "P" for purple as pp x PP (figure 13.13). White Purple (PP) , (Pp) Pp Pp PP Pp Purple Purple Pp PP (PP) generation (PP) F2 generation FIGURE 13.13 Mendel's cross of pea plants differing in flower color. All of the offspring of the first cross (the FI generation) are Pp heterozygotes with purple flowers. When two heterozygous FI individuals are crossed, three kinds of ¥2 offspring are possible: PP homozygotes (purple flowers); Pp heterozygotes (also purple flowers); andpp homozygotes (white flowers). Therefore, in the p2 generation, the ratio of dominant to recessive type is 3:1. Table Ш Recessive Traits Phenotypes Dominant Traits Phenotypes Common baldness M-shaped hairline receding with Middigital hair Presence of hair on middle age segment of fingers Albinism Lack of melanin pigmentation Brachydactyly Short fingers Alkaptonuria Inability to metabolize Huntington's disease Degeneration of nervous homogenistic acid system, starting in middle age Red-green color Inability to distinguish red or Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) Ability to taste PTC as bitter blindness green wavelengths of light sensitivity Cystic fibrosis Abnormal gland secretion, Camptodactyly Inability to straighten the leading to liver degeneration and little finger lung failure Hypercholesterolemia (the most Elevated levels of blood Duchenne muscular Wasting away of muscles during common human Mendelian cholesterol and risk of heart dystrophy childhood disorder—1:500) attack Hemophilia Inability to form blood clots Polydactyly Extra fingers and toes Sickle cell anemia Defective hemoglobin that causes red blood cells to curve and stick together Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 249
  • 10. The FI Generation Using these simple symbols, we can now go back and reex- amine the crosses Mendel carried out. Since a white-flowered parent (fp) can produce only p gametes, and a pure purple- flowered (homozygous dominant) parent (PP) can produce only P gametes, the union of an egg and a sperm from these parents can produce only heterozygous Pp offspring in the FI generation (see figure 13.13). Because the P allele is dominant, all of these FI individuals are expected to have purple flowers. The p allele is present in these het- erozygous individuals, but it is not phenotypically ex- pressed. This is the basis for the latency Mendel saw in re- cessive traits. The РЗ Generation When FI individuals are allowed to self-fertilize, the P and p alleles segregate randomly during gamete formation. Their subsequent union at fertilization to form ¥2 individu- (a) als is also random, not being influenced by which alterna- tive alleles the individual gametes carry. What will the p2 individuals look like? The possibilities may be visualized in a simple diagram called a Punnett square, named after its originator, the English geneticist Reginald Crundall Pun- nett (figure 13.14). Mendel's model, analyzed in terms of a Punnett square, clearly predicts that the F2 generation should consist of % purple-flowered plants and 14 white- flowered plants, a phenotypic ratio of 3:1. The Laws of Probability Can Predict Mendel's Results (b) A different way to express Mendel's result is to say that FIGURE 13.14 there are three chances in four (%) that any particular ¥2 in- A Punnett square, (a) To make a Punnett square, place the dividual will exhibit the dominant trait, and one chance in different possible types of female gametes along one side of a four (14) that an F2 individual will express the recessive trait. square and the different possible types of male gametes along the Stating the results in terms of probabilities allows simple other, (b) Each potential zygote can then be represented as the predictions to be made about the outcomes of crosses. If intersection of a vertical line and a horizontal line. both FI parents are Pp (heterozygotes), the probability that a particular F2 individual will be pp (homozygous recessive) is the probability of receiving a p gamete from the male (A) Mendel's First Law of Heredity: Segregation times the probability of receiving a p gamete from the fe- male (A), or 1A. This is the same operation we perform in Mendel's model thus accounts in a neat and satisfying way for the Punnett square illustrated in figure 13.14. The ways the segregation ratios he observed. Its central assumption— probability theory can be used to analyze Mendel's results that alternative alleles of a trait segregate from each other in is discussed in detail on page 272. heterozygous individuals and remain distinct—has since been verified in many other organisms. It is commonly re- ferred to as Mendel's First Law of Heredity, or the Law Further Generations of Segregation. As you saw in chapter 12, the segregational As you can see in figure 13.13, there are really three kinds behavior of alternative alleles has a simple physical basis, the of F2 individuals: 14 are pure-breeding, white-flowered indi- alignment of chromosomes at random on the metaphase viduals (pp); Уг are heterozygous, purple-flowered individu- plate. It is a tribute to the intellect of Mendel's analysis that als (Pp); and 14 are pure-breeding, purple-flowered individ- he arrived at the correct scheme with no knowledge of the uals (PP). The 3:1 phenotypic ratio is really a disguised cellular mechanisms of inheritance; neither chromosomes 1:2:1 genotypic ratio. nor meiosis had yet been described. 250 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 11. The Testcross To perform his testcross, Mendel crossed heterozygous FI individuals back to the parent homozygous for the reces- To test his model further, Mendel devised a simple and sive trait. He predicted that the dominant and recessive powerful procedure called the testcross. Consider a purple- traits would appear in a 1:1 ratio, and that is what he ob- flowered plant. It is impossible to tell whether such a plant served. is homozygous or heterozygous simply by looking at its For each pair of alleles he investigated, Mendel observed phenotype. To learn its genotype, you must cross it with phenotypic ¥2 ratios of 3:1 (see figure 13.13) and testcross some other plant. What kind of cross would provide the ratios very close to 1:1, just as his model predicted. answer? If you cross it with a homozygous dominant indi- Testcrosses can also be used to determine the genotype of vidual, all of the progeny will show the dominant pheno- an individual when two genes are involved. Mendel carried out type whether the test plant is homozygous or heterozygous. many two-gene crosses, some of which we will soon discuss. It is also difficult (but not impossible) to distinguish be- He often used testcrosses to verify the genotypes of particular tween the two possible test plant genotypes by crossing dominant-appearing p2 individuals. Thus an ¥2 individual with a heterozygous individual. However, if you cross the showing both dominant traits (A_ BJ) might have any of the test plant with a homozygous recessive individual, the two following genotypes: AABB, AaBB, AABb or AaBb. By crossing possible test plant genotypes will give totally different re- dominant-appearing ¥2 individuals with homozygous recessive sults (figure 13.15): individuals (that is, A_ B_ x aabb), Mendel was able to deter- mine if either or both of the traits bred true among the prog- Alternative 1: unknown individual homozygous (PP). eny, and so to determine the genotype of the ¥2 parent: PP x pp: all offspring have purple AABB trait A breeds true trait В breeds true flowers (Pp) AaBB trait В breeds true Alternative 2: unknown individual heterozygous (Pp). Pp x pp: Уг of offspring have white flow- AAbb trait A breeds true ers (pp) and И have purple flowers (Pp) AaBb т Dominant phenotype (unknown genotype) if Pp 00 Pp PP PP PP Pp PP Homozygous Homozygous recessive recessive (white) All offspring are purple; (white) Half of offspring are white; therefore, unknown therefore, unknown flower flower is homozygous is heterozygous Alternative 1 Alternative 2 FIGURE 13.15 A testcross. To determine whether an individual exhibiting a dominant phenotype, such as purple flowers, is homozygous or heterozygous for the dominant allele, Mendel crossed the individual in question with a plant that he knew to be homozygous recessive, in this case a plant with white flowers. Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 251
  • 12. Mendel's Second Law of Heredity: Independent Assortment After Mendel had demonstrated that different alleles of a given gene segregate independently of each other in Round yellow Wrinkled green seeds (RRYY) seeds (rryy) crosses, he asked whether different genes also segregate in- dependently. Mendel set out to answer this question in a straightforward way. He first established a series of pure- breeding lines of peas that differed in just two of the seven All round yellow pairs of characteristics he had studied. He then crossed seeds (RrYy) contrasting pairs of the pure-breeding lines to create het- erozygotes. In a cross involving different seed shape alleles (round, R, and wrinkled, r) and different seed color alleles Sperm (yellow, Y, and green, y), all the Fj individuals were identi- cal, each one heterozygous for both seed shape (Rr) and (RY к rY ry seed color (Yy). The FI individuals of such a cross are dihy- F2 generation brids, individuals heterozygous for each of two genes. RRYY J RRYy RrYY RrYy The third step in Mendel's analysis was to allow the di- 9/16 are round yellow hybrids to self-fertilize. If the alleles affecting seed shape 3/16 are round green and seed color were segregating independently, then the RRYy RRyy RrYy ^вг Rryy 3/16 are wrinkled yellow probability that a particular pair of seed shape alleles Eggs 1/16 are wrinkled green would occur together with a particular pair of seed color alleles would be simply the product of the individual prob- RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy abilities that each pair would occur separately. Thus, the probability that an individual with wrinkled green seeds RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy (rryy) would appear in the ¥2 generation would be equal to the probability of observing an individual with wrinkled FIGURE 13.16 seeds (/4) times the probability of observing one with green Analyzing a dihybrid cross. This Punnett square analyzes the seeds (K), or УК,. results of Mendel's dihybrid cross between plants with round Since the genes concerned with seed shape and those yellow seeds and plants with wrinkled green seeds. The ratio of concerned with seed color are each represented by a pair the four possible combinations of phenotypes is predicted to be of alternative alleles in the dihybrid individuals, four types 9:3:3:1, the ratio that Mendel found. of gametes are expected: RY, Ry, rY, and ry. Therefore, in the F2 generation there are 16 possible combinations of alleles, each of them equally probable (figure 13.16). Of These results are very close to a 9:3:3:1 ratio (which these, 9 possess at least one dominant allele for each gene would be 313:104:104:35). Consequently, the two genes ap- (signified R Y , where the dash indicates the presence peared to assort completely independently of each other. of either allele) and, thus, should have round, yellow Note that this independent assortment of different genes in seeds. Of the rest, 3 possess at least one dominant R allele no way alters the independent segregation of individual pairs but are homozygous recessive for color (R_yy); 3 others of alleles. Round versus wrinkled seeds occur in a ratio of ap- possess at least one dominant Y allele but are homozygous proximately 3:1 (423:133); so do yellow versus green seeds recessive for shape (rrY ); and 1 combination among the (416:140). Mendel obtained similar results for other pairs. 16 is homozygous recessive for both genes (rryy). The hy- Mendel's discovery is often referred to as Mendel's pothesis that color and shape genes assort independently Second Law of Heredity, or the Law of Independent thus predicts that the p2 generation of this dihybrid cross Assortment. Genes that assort independently of one an- will display a 9:3:3:1 ratio: nine individuals with round, other, like the seven genes Mendel studied, usually do so yellow seeds, three with round, green seeds, three with because they are located on different chromosomes, which wrinkled, yellow seeds, and one with wrinkled, green segregate independently during the meiotic process of ga- seeds (see figure 13.16). mete formation. A modern restatement of Mendel's Second What did Mendel actually observe? From a total of 556 Law would be that genes that are located on different chromo- seeds from dihybrid plants he had allowed to self-fertilize, somes assort independently during meiosis. he observed: Mendel summed up his discoveries about heredity in 315 round yellow (R_Y_) two laws. Mendel's First Law of Heredity states that 108 round green (R yy) alternative alleles of a trait segregate independently; his 101 wrinkled yellow (rrY, ) Second Law of Heredity states that genes located on different chromosomes assort independently. 32 wrinkled green (rryy) 252 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 13. Mendelian Inheritance Is Not White Always Easy to Analyze Mendel's original paper describing his experiments, pub- lished in 1866, is charming and interesting to read. His ex- planations are clear, and the logic of his arguments is pre- sented lucidly. Although Mendel's results did not receive much notice during his lifetime, three different investiga- tors independently rediscovered his pioneering paper in 1900, 16 years after his death. They came across it while searching the literature in preparation for publishing their AAbb ааВВ own findings, which closely resembled those Mendel had presented more than three decades earlier. Modified Mendelian Ratios In the decades following the rediscovery of Mendel in 1900, many investigators set out to test Mendel's ideas. Ini- Purple tial work was carried out primarily in agricultural animals and plants, since techniques for breeding these organisms were well established. However, scientists attempting to confirm Mendel's theory often had trouble obtaining the same simple ratios he had reported. This was particularly AII/AaBb true for dihybrid crosses. Recall that when individuals het- erozygous for two different genes mate (a dihybrid cross), FIGURE 13.17 How epistasis affects grain color. The purple pigment found four different phenotypes are possible among the progeny: in some varieties of corn is the product of a two-step offspring may display the dominant phenotype for both biochemical pathway. Unless both enzymes are active (the plant genes, either one of the genes, or for neither gene. Some- has a dominant allele for each of the two genes, A and B), no times, however, it is not possible for an investigator to pigment is expressed. identify successfully each of the four phenotypic classes, be- cause two or more of the classes look alike. Such situations proved confusing to investigators following Mendel. Why Was Emerson's Ratio Modified? When genes act sequentially, as in a biochemical pathway, an allele ex- Epistasis pressed as a defective enzyme early in the pathway blocks the flow of material through the rest of the pathway. This One example of such difficulty in identification is seen in makes it impossible to judge whether the later steps of the the analysis of particular varieties of corn, Zevz mays. Some pathway are functioning properly. Such gene interaction, commercial varieties exhibit a purple pigment called antho- where one gene can interfere with the expression of an- cyanin in their seed coats, while others do not. In 1918, other gene, is the basis of the phenomenon called epistasis. geneticist R. A. Emerson crossed two pure-breeding corn The pigment anthocyanin is the product of a two-step varieties, neither exhibiting anthocyanin pigment. Surpris- biochemical pathway: ingly, all of the FI plants produced purple seeds. When two of these pigment-producing FI plants were Enzyme 1 Enzyme 2 crossed to produce an ¥2 generation, 56% were pigment Starting molecule —> Intermediate —> Anthocyanin (Colorless) (Colorless) (Purple) producers and 44% were not. What was happening? Emer- son correctly deduced that two genes were involved in pro- To produce pigment, a plant must possess at least one ducing pigment, and that the second cross had thus been a good copy of each enzyme gene (figure 13.17). The domi- dihybrid cross like those performed by Mendel. Mendel nant alleles encode functional enzymes, but the recessive al- had predicted 16 equally possible ways gametes could com- leles encode nonfunctional enzymes. Of the 16 genotypes bine with each other, resulting in genotypes with a pheno- predicted by random assortment, 9 contain at least one typic ratio of 9:3:3:1 (9 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 16). How many of dominant allele of both genes; they produce purple prog- these were in each of the two types Emerson obtained? He eny. The remaining 7 genotypes lack dominant alleles at ei- multiplied the fraction that were pigment producers (0.56) ther or both loci (3 + 3 + 1 = 7) and so are phenotypically by 16 to obtain 9, and multiplied the fraction that were not the same (nonpigmented), giving the phenotypic ratio of 9:7 (0.44) by 16 to obtain 7. Thus, Emerson had a modified that Emerson observed. The inability to score enzyme ratio of 9:7 instead of the usual 9:3:3:1 ratio. 2 when enzyme 1 is nonfunctional is an example of epistasis. Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 253
  • 14. Continuous Variation Few phenotypes are the result of the action of only one gene. Instead, most traits reflect the action of polygenes, many genes that act sequentially or jointly. When multiple genes act jointly to influence a trait such as height or weight, the trait often shows a range of small differences. Because all of the genes that play a role in determining pheno- types such as height or weight segregate in- dependently of one another, one sees a gra- dation in the degree of difference when many individuals are examined (figure 13.18). We call this graduation continuous 30- variation. The greater the number of genes that influence a trait, the more continuous the expected distribution of the versions of ш я that trait. .1 20 ~ 1 How can one describe the variation in a Т! С / trait such as the height of the individuals in Number о figure 13.18я? Individuals range from quite j о short to very tall, with average heights 1 more common than either extreme. What one often does is to group the variation into categories—in this case, by measuring the 1 1- ' э heights of the individuals in inches, round- 5 0" 5 У 6 О1 ing fractions of an inch to the nearest whole Height number. Each height, in inches, is a sepa- • rate phenotypic category. Plotting the (Ь) numbers in each height category produces a FIGURE 13.18 histogram, such as that in figure 13.18£. Height is a continuously varying trait, (a) This photograph shows the variation in The histogram approximates an idealized height among students of the 1914 class of the Connecticut Agricultural College. bell-shaped curve, and the variation can be Because many genes contribute to height and tend to segregate independently of one characterized by the mean and spread of another, there are many possible combinations of those genes, (b) The cumulative that curve. contribution of different combinations of alleles to height forms a continuous spectrum of possible heights—a random distribution, in which the extremes are much rarer than the intermediate values. Pleiotropic Effects Often, an individual allele will have more than one effect on the phenotype. Such an allele is said to be pleiotropic. When the pioneering Pleiotropic effects are characteristic of many inherited French geneticist Lucien Cuenot studied yellow fur in disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, mice, a dominant trait, he was unable to obtain a true- both discussed later in this chapter. In these disorders, breeding yellow strain by crossing individual yellow mice multiple symptoms can be traced back to a single gene with each other. Individuals homozygous for the yellow al- defect. In cystic fibrosis, patients exhibit clogged blood lele died, because the yellow allele was pleiotropic: one ef- vessels, overly sticky mucus, salty sweat, liver and pancreas fect was yellow color, but another was a lethal develop- failure, and a battery of other symptoms. All are pleio- mental defect. A pleiotropic gene alteration may be tropic effects of a single defect, a mutation in a gene that dominant with respect to one phenotypic consequence encodes a chloride ion transmembrane channel. In sickle (yellow fur) and recessive with respect to another (lethal cell anemia, a defect in the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin developmental defect). In pleiotropy, one gene affects molecule causes anemia, heart failure, increased suscepti- many traits, in marked contrast to polygeny, where many bility to pneumonia, kidney failure, enlargement of the genes affect one trait. Pleiotropic effects are difficult to spleen, and many other symptoms. It is usually difficult to predict, because the genes that affect a trait often perform deduce the nature of the primary defect from the range of other functions we may know nothing about. its pleiotropic effects. 254 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 15. Lack of Complete Dominance Sperm Not all alternative alleles are fully dominant or fully recessive in het- erozygotes. Some pairs of alleles in- stead produce a heterozygous pheno- type that is either intermediate between those of the parents (incom- CRCR plete dominance), or representative of both parental phenotypes (codomi- nance). For example, in the cross of •Eggs red and white flowering Japanese four o'clocks described in figure 13.19, all the FI offspring had pink flowers— T generation indicating that neither red nor white flower color was dominant. Does this All CRCW CRCV example of incomplete dominance CWCW argue that Mendel was wrong? Not at F2 generation all. When two of the FI pink flowers 1:2:1 were crossed, they produced red-, CRCR:CRCW:CWCW pink-, and white-flowered plants in a 1:2:1 ratio. Heterozygotes are simply FIGURE 13.19 intermediate in color. Incomplete dominance. In a cross between a red-flowered Japanese four o'clock, genotype CRCR, and a white-flowered one (CWCW), neither allele is dominant. The heterozygous progeny have pink flowers and the genotype CRCW. If two of these Environmental Effects heterozygotes are crossed, the phenotypes of their progeny occur in a ratio of 1:2:1 (red:pink:white). The degree to which an allele is expressed may depend on the envi- ronment. Some alleles are heat- sensitive, for example. Traits influ- enced by such alleles are more sensi- tive to temperature or light than are the products of other alleles. The arctic foxes in figure 13.20, for ex- ample, make fur pigment only when the weather is warm. Similarly, the ch allele in Himalayan rabbits and Siamese cats encodes a heat-sensitive version of tyrosinase, one of the en- FIGURE 13.20 zymes mediating the production of Environmental effects on an allele. An arctic fox in winter has a coat that is almost white, melanin, a dark pigment. The ch so it is difficult to see the fox against a snowy background. In summer, the same fox's fur version of the enzyme is inactivated darkens to a reddish brown, so that it resembles the color of the surrounding tundra. Heat- at temperatures above about 33°C. sensitive alleles control this color change. At the surface of the main body and head, the temperature is above 33°C and the tyrosinase enzyme is inactive, while it is more A variety of factors can disguise the Mendelian active at body extremities such as the tips of the ears and segregation of alleles. Among them are gene tail, where the temperature is below 33°C. The dark interactions that produce epistasis, the continuous melanin pigment this enzyme produces causes the ears, variation that results when many genes contribute to a snout, feet, and tail of Himalayan rabbits and Siamese trait, incomplete dominance that produces cats to be black. heterozygotes unlike either parent, and environmental influences on the expression of phenotypes. Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 255
  • 16. 13.2 . are on chromes . • .-.-. - Chromosomes: The Vehicles of Mendelian Inheritance Chromosomes are not the only kinds of structures that seg- regate regularly when eukaryotic cells divide. Centrioles also divide and segregate in a regular fashion, as do the mi- tochondria and chloroplasts (when present) in the cyto- plasm. Therefore, in the early twentieth century it was by no means obvious that chromosomes were the vehicles of hereditary information. The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance A central role for chromosomes in heredity was first sug- gested in 1900 by the German geneticist Karl Correns, in one of the papers announcing the rediscovery of Mendel's work. Soon after, observations that similar chromosomes FIGURE 13.21 paired with one another during meiosis led directly to the Red-eyed (wild type) and white-eyed (mutant) Drosophila. chromosomal theory of inheritance, first formulated by The white-eyed defect is hereditary, the result of a mutation in a the American Walter Sutton in 1902. gene located on the X chromosome. By studying this mutation, Morgan first demonstrated that genes are on chromosomes. Several pieces of evidence supported Sutton's theory. One was that reproduction involves the initial union of only two cells, egg and sperm. If Mendel's model were correct, then these two gametes must make equal hereditary contribu- tions. Sperm, however, contain little cytoplasm, suggesting resolved. A single small fly provided the proof. In 1910 that the hereditary material must reside within the nuclei of Thomas Hunt Morgan, studying the fruit fly Drosophila the gametes. Furthermore, while diploid individuals have melanogaster, detected a mutant male fly, one that differed two copies of each pair of homologous chromosomes, ga- strikingly from normal flies of the same species: its eyes metes have only one. This observation was consistent with were white instead of red (figure 13.21). Mendel's model, in which diploid individuals have two Morgan immediately set out to determine if this new copies of each heritable gene and gametes have one. Finally, trait would be inherited in a Mendelian fashion. He first chromosomes segregate during meiosis, and each pair of ho- crossed the mutant male to a normal female to see if red or mologues orients on the metaphase plate independently of white eyes were dominant. All of the FI progeny had red every other pair. Segregation and independent assortment eyes, so Morgan concluded that red eye color was domi- were two characteristics of the genes in Mendel's model. nant over white. Following the experimental procedure that Mendel had established long ago, Morgan then crossed the red-eyed flies from the FI generation with each A Problem with the Chromosomal Theory other. Of the 4252 F2 progeny Morgan examined, 782 However, investigators soon pointed out one problem with (18%) had white eyes. Although the ratio of red eyes to this theory. If Mendelian traits are determined by genes lo- white eyes in the ¥2 progeny was greater than 3:1, the re- cated on the chromosomes, and if the independent assort- sults of the cross nevertheless provided clear evidence that ment of Mendelian traits reflects the independent assort- eye color segregates. However, there was something about ment of chromosomes in meiosis, why does the number of the outcome that was strange and totally unpredicted by traits that assort independently in a given kind of organism Mendel's theory—all of the white-eyed p2 flies тоете males! often greatly exceed the number of chromosome pairs the How could this result be explained? Perhaps it was im- organism possesses? This seemed a fatal objection, and it possible for a white-eyed female fly to exist; such individu- led many early researchers to have serious reservations als might not be viable for some unknown reason. To test about Sutton's theory. this idea, Morgan testcrossed the female FI progeny with the original white-eyed male. He obtained both white-eyed and red-eyed males and females in a 1:1:1:1 ratio, just as Morgan's White-Eyed Fly Mendelian theory predicted. Hence, a female could have The essential correctness of the chromosomal theory of white eyes. Why, then, were there no white-eyed females heredity was demonstrated long before this paradox was among the progeny of the original cross? 256 PartlV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 17. Y chromosome X chromosome with X chromosome with white-eye gene red-eye gene Parents X Male Female F1 generation X Male Female F2 generation FIGURE 13.22 Morgan's experiment demonstrating the chromosomal basis of sex linkage in Drosophila. The white-eyed mutant male fly was crossed with a normal female. The FI generation flies all exhibited red eyes, as expected for flies heterozygous for a recessive white-eye allele. In the ¥2 generation, all of the white-eyed flies were male. Sex Linkage chromosome is said to be sex-linked. Knowing the white- eye trait is recessive to the red-eye trait, we can now see The solution to this puzzle involved sex. In Drosophila, the that Morgan's result was a natural consequence of the sex of an individual is determined by the number of copies Mendelian assortment of chromosomes (figure 13.22). of a particular chromosome, the X chromosome, that an Morgan's experiment was one of the most important in individual possesses. A fly with two X chromosomes is a fe- the history of genetics because it presented the first clear male, and a fly with only one X chromosome is a male. In evidence that the genes determining Mendelian traits do males, the single X chromosome pairs in meiosis with a indeed reside on the chromosomes, as Sutton had pro- large, dissimilar partner called the Y chromosome. The posed. The segregation of the white-eye trait has a one-to- female thus produces only X gametes, while the male pro- one correspondence with the segregation of the X chromo- duces both X and Y gametes. When fertilization involves some. In other words, Mendelian traits such as eye color in an X sperm, the result is an XX zygote, which develops into Drosophila assort independently because chromosomes do. a female; when fertilization involves a Y sperm, the result is When Mendel observed the segregation of alternative traits an XY zygote, which develops into a male. in pea plants, he was observing a reflection of the meiotic The solution to Morgan's puzzle is that the gene causing segregation of chromosomes. the white-eye trait in Drosophila resides only on the X chromosome—it is absent from the Y chromosome. (We Mendelian traits assort independently because they are now know that the Y chromosome in flies carries almost no determined by genes located on chromosomes that functional genes.) A trait determined by a gene on the sex assort independently in meiosis. Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 257
  • 18. Genetic Recombination The chromosomal exchanges Stern demonstrated pro- vide the solution to the paradox, because crossing over Morgan's experiments led to the general acceptance of can occur between homologues anywhere along the Sutton's chromosomal theory of inheritance. Scientists length of the chromosome, in locations that seem to be then attempted to resolve the paradox that there are more randomly determined. Thus, if two different genes are independently assorting Mendelian genes than chromo- located relatively far apart on a chromosome, crossing somes. In 1903 the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries sug- over is more likely to occur somewhere between them gested that this paradox could be resolved only by assum- than if they are located close together. Two genes can be ing that homologous chromosomes exchange elements on the same chromosome and still show independent as- during meiosis. In 1909, French cytologist F. A. Janssens sortment if they are located so far apart on the chromo- provided evidence to support this suggestion. Investigating some that crossing over occurs regularly between them chiasmata produced during amphibian meiosis, Janssens (figure 13.24). noticed that of the four chromatids involved in each chiasma, two crossed each other and two did not. He suggested that this crossing of Abnormality at F! female chromatids reflected a switch in one locus of chromosomal arms between the pa- Abnormality at /F] X chromosome ternal and maternal homologues, in- another locus of ' U X chromosome volving one chromatid in each ho- mologue. His suggestion was not accepted widely, primarily because car •~> "*• it was difficult to see how two chro- No в ~ f -s • crossing ou matids could break and rejoin at ex- over actly the same position. Crossing Over Later experiments clearly estab- car 1 4 " 4. car T + r ~ 8 + <~* lished that Janssens was indeed cor- J LJ rect. One of these experiments, • car Q Q performed in 1931 by American ge- + i 4~- ~-~ neticist Curt Stern, is described in --X. figure 13.23. Stern studied two sex- Fertilization X / / .."-^^ linked eye traits in Drosophila strains by sperm whose X chromosomes were visibly from carnation / 1V F-| male ч 8 abnormal at both ends. He first ex- r-*. car p / ^ ^ ^I car ^ ^ car car )+ amined many flies and identified ^car car 4- -IB + 4- 4- ^ в those in which an exchange had oc- curred with respect to the two eye traits. He then studied the chromo- v> ] ^ D Carnation, Normal Carnation somes of those flies to see if their bar Bar X chromosomes had exchanged arms. Stern found that all of the in- dividuals that had exchanged eye Parental combinations of Recombinant combinations both genetic traits and of both genetic traits and traits also possessed chromosomes chromosome abnormalities chromosome abnormalities that had exchanged abnormal ends. The conclusion was inescapable: FIGURE 13.23 genetic exchanges of traits such as Stern's experiment demonstrating the physical exchange of chromosomal arms during eye color involve the physical ex- crossing over. Stern monitored crossing over between two genes, the recessive carnation eye change of chromosome arms, a phe- color (car) and the dominant bar-shaped eye (B), on chromosomes with physical peculiarities nomenon called crossing over. visible under a microscope. Whenever these genes recombined through crossing over, the Crossing over creates new combina- chromosomes recombined as well. Therefore, the recombination of genes reflects a physical tions of genes, and is thus a form of exchange of chromosome arms. The "+" notation on the chromosomes refers to the wild-type genetic recombination. allele, the most common allele for a particular gene. 258 Part IV Reproduction and Heredity
  • 19. Using Recombination to Make Genetic Maps Chromosome Location of genes number Because crossing over is more frequent between two genes that are relatively far apart than between two that are close together, the frequency of crossing over can be used to map © the relative positions of genes on chromosomes. In a cross, the proportion of progeny exhibiting an exchange between Flower color Seed color two genes is a measure of the frequency of crossover events between them, and thus indicates the relative distance sepa- rating them. The results of such crosses can be used to con- struct a genetic map that measures distance between genes in terms of the frequency of recombination. One "map unit" is defined as the distance within which a crossover event is expected to occur in an average of 1% of gametes. A map unit is now called a centimorgan, after Thomas Hunt Morgan. In recent times new technologies have allowed geneti- cists to create gene maps based on the relative positions of specific gene sequences called restriction sequences be- cause they are recognized by DNA-cleaving enzymes Flower position Pod shape Plant called restriction endonucleases. Restriction maps, dis- height cussed in chapter 18, have largely supplanted genetic re- combination maps for detailed gene analysis because they © are far easier to produce. Recombination maps remain Pod color the method of choice for genes widely separated on a chromosome. The Three-Point Cross. In constructing a genetic map, one simultaneously monitors recombination among three or more genes located on the same chromosome, referred to as syntenic genes. When genes are close enough to- gether on a chromosome that they do not assort indepen- © dently, they are said to be linked to one another. A cross Seed shape involving three linked genes is called a three-point cross. Data obtained by Morgan on traits encoded by genes on FIGURE 13.24 the X chromosome of Drosophila were used by his student The chromosomal locations of the seven genes studied by A. H. Sturtevant, to draw the first genetic map (figure Mendel in the garden pea. The genes for plant height and pod 13.25). By convention, the most common allele of a gene is shape are very close to each other and rarely recombine. Plant often denoted on a map with the symbol "+" and is desig- height and pod shape were not among the pairs of traits Mendel nated as wild type. All other alleles are assigned specific examined in dihybrid crosses. One wonders what he would have symbols. made of the linkage he surely would have detected had he tested this pair of traits. FIGURE 13.25 The first genetic map. This map of the X chromosome of Drosophila was Genetic prepared in 1913 by A. H. Sturtevant, a Recombination map student of Morgan. On it he located the Five frequencies .58 r~ - r relative positions of five recessive traits traits у andw 0.010 that exhibited sex linkage by estimating у Yellow body color v andm 0.030 their relative recombination frequencies v andr 0.269 w White eye color ол т in genetic crosses. Sturtevant arbitrarily v and w 0.300 -O't v Vermilion eye color .31 у chose the position of the yellow gene т Miniature wing v and/ 0.322 as zero on his map to provide a frame r Rudimentary wing w and т 0.327 of reference. The higher the у andm 0.355 .01 — w recombination frequency, the farther wandr 0.450 0 Г-. У apart the two genes. с Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance 259