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Paradigm Spirituality
Cultivating an Eternal versus a Temporal Perspective

            Dr. Kenneth Boa and Bill Ibsen
• Life is a journey, but where are we going?
• Life is a journey, but where are we going?
• Can we trust God?
Life Is a Journey,
but Where Are We Going?
Grasping Life’s
Grasping Life’s
“You do not know what your
  life will be like tomorrow.
Grasping Life’s
“You do not know what your
  life will be like tomorrow.
   You are just a vapor that
 appears for a little while and
then vanishes away.” James 4:14
Biblical Realism and Hope
Biblical Realism and Hope

• “The statistics on
  death are impressive.
  One out of one dies.”
  George Bernard Shaw
Three Dominant Worldviews
Three Dominant Worldviews
Three Dominant Worldviews
     Humanism   New Age
Three Dominant Worldviews
     Humanism   New Age   Theism
Three Dominant Worldviews
         Humanism   New Age   Theism

Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism   New Age   Theism

Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism   New Age   Theism


Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age   Theism

           Impersonal +
 Origin   Time & Chance


Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age   Theism

           Impersonal +
 Origin   Time & Chance

Purpose      Survival,

Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age   Theism

           Impersonal +
 Origin   Time & Chance

Purpose      Survival,

Destiny    Annihilation
Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age      Theism

           Impersonal +   Impersonal
 Origin   Time & Chance     Agency

Purpose      Survival,

Destiny    Annihilation
Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age         Theism

           Impersonal +    Impersonal
 Origin   Time & Chance      Agency

Purpose      Survival,        Self-
            Autonomy      Actualization

Destiny    Annihilation
Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age         Theism

           Impersonal +    Impersonal
 Origin   Time & Chance      Agency

Purpose      Survival,        Self-
            Autonomy      Actualization

            Physical       Absorption
Destiny    Annihilation     (Spiritual
Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age           Theism

           Impersonal +    Impersonal
 Origin   Time & Chance      Agency
                                          Personal Creator

Purpose      Survival,        Self-
            Autonomy      Actualization

            Physical       Absorption
Destiny    Annihilation     (Spiritual
Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age           Theism

           Impersonal +    Impersonal
 Origin   Time & Chance      Agency
                                          Personal Creator

Purpose      Survival,        Self-        Relationships
            Autonomy      Actualization   (Other-centered)

            Physical       Absorption
Destiny    Annihilation     (Spiritual
Three Dominant Worldviews
          Humanism        New Age           Theism

           Impersonal +    Impersonal
 Origin   Time & Chance      Agency
                                          Personal Creator

Purpose      Survival,        Self-        Relationships
            Autonomy      Actualization   (Other-centered)

            Physical       Absorption       Unbounded
Destiny    Annihilation     (Spiritual     Relational Life
Paradigm: A Way of Seeing
Competing Paradigms
Competing Paradigms
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal   Eternal
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal   Eternal

   Here &    Now &
    Now      Future
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal   Eternal

   Here &    Now &
    Now      Future
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal    Eternal

   Here &     Now &
    Now       Future

  Tangible   Intangible
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal    Eternal

   Here &     Now &
    Now       Future

  Tangible   Intangible
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal    Eternal

   Here &     Now &
    Now       Future

  Tangible   Intangible

  Cultural    Biblical
Competing Paradigms
  Temporal    Eternal

   Here &     Now &
    Now       Future

  Tangible   Intangible

  Cultural    Biblical
Eternal Perspective
Eternal Perspective

                “All these died in faith,
           without receiving the promises,
                 but having seen them
      and having welcomed them from a distance,
                 and having confessed
that they were strangers and exiles on earth” Heb. 11:13
“A Short and Fevered
“A Short and Fevered
Our revels are now ended. These our actors,
  As I foretold you, were all spirits and
     Are melted into air, into thin air;
“A Short and Fevered
 Our revels are now ended. These our actors,
    As I foretold you, were all spirits and
      Are melted into air, into thin air;
  And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
  The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
    Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
“A Short and Fevered
 Our revels are now ended. These our actors,
    As I foretold you, were all spirits and
      Are melted into air, into thin air;
  And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
  The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
    Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
  And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
 Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
  As dreams are made on, and our little life
           Is rounded with a sleep.
              Shakespeare, The Tempest
The End of the World

              Doomed star Eta Carinae
The End of the World

“But the day of the Lord will come
like a thief, in which the heavens
will pass away with a roar and the
elements will be destroyed with
intense heat, and the earth and its
works will be burned up. “ 2 Peter 3:10

                                          Doomed star Eta Carinae
Deepest Longings of the
Deepest Longings of the
• Cannot be satisfied by any
  of the offerings of this
  transitory world.
Deepest Longings of the
• Cannot be satisfied by any
  of the offerings of this
  transitory world.

• There is simply not enough:
Deepest Longings of the
• Cannot be satisfied by any
  of the offerings of this
  transitory world.

• There is simply not enough:

   • Time
Deepest Longings of the
• Cannot be satisfied by any
  of the offerings of this
  transitory world.

• There is simply not enough:

   • Time

   • Opportunity
Deepest Longings of the
• Cannot be satisfied by any
  of the offerings of this
  transitory world.

• There is simply not enough:

   • Time

   • Opportunity

   • Energy
“Life is a short and fevered rehearsal
         for a concert we cannot stay to give.
Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency
      we are forced to lay our instruments down.
“Life is a short and fevered rehearsal
         for a concert we cannot stay to give.
Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency
      we are forced to lay our instruments down.
           There is simply not time enough
                         to think,
                       to become,
                       to perform
     what the constitution of our natures indicate
                    we are capable of.”
“Life is a short and fevered rehearsal
         for a concert we cannot stay to give.
Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency
      we are forced to lay our instruments down.
           There is simply not time enough
                         to think,
                       to become,
                       to perform
     what the constitution of our natures indicate
                    we are capable of.”
           A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
Experiencing Our Mortality
Experiencing Our Mortality
• Few people attain this wisdom early in life
Experiencing Our Mortality
• Few people attain this wisdom early in life
• Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus
Experiencing Our Mortality
• Few people attain this wisdom early in life
• Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus
  • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility
Experiencing Our Mortality
• Few people attain this wisdom early in life
• Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus
  • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility
  • Realization of our inability to fulfill our many hopes
     and dreams
Experiencing Our Mortality
• Few people attain this wisdom early in life
• Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus
  • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility
  • Realization of our inability to fulfill our many hopes
     and dreams

     • Traumatic
Experiencing Our Mortality
• Few people attain this wisdom early in life
• Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus
  • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility
  • Realization of our inability to fulfill our many hopes
     and dreams

     • Traumatic
• Reminder to transfer my affections and ambitions
“How completely satisfying
to turn from our limitations
  to a God who has none.
“How completely satisfying
to turn from our limitations
  to a God who has none.
Eternal years lie in His heart.
“How completely satisfying
     to turn from our limitations
       to a God who has none.
    Eternal years lie in His heart.
     For Him time does not pass,
              it remains;
     and those who are in Christ
    share with Him all the riches
of limitless time and endless years .”
“How completely satisfying
     to turn from our limitations
       to a God who has none.
    Eternal years lie in His heart.
     For Him time does not pass,
              it remains;
     and those who are in Christ
    share with Him all the riches
of limitless time and endless years .”
 A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
Responsibilities and Pressures
       of This World
Responsibilities and Pressures
       of This World

• Clamor for our attention
Responsibilities and Pressures
       of This World

• Clamor for our attention
• Squeeze our inner lives
Responsibilities and Pressures
       of This World

• Clamor for our attention
• Squeeze our inner lives
• Starve our souls
Responsibilities and Pressures
       of This World

• Clamor for our attention
• Squeeze our inner lives
• Starve our souls
  • Lose sight of the eternal
Responsibilities and Pressures
       of This World

• Clamor for our attention
• Squeeze our inner lives
• Starve our souls
  • Lose sight of the eternal
  • Focus on the temporal
Loving This World
Loving This World
 “Do not love the world
 nor the things in the world.
Loving This World
    “Do not love the world
     nor the things in the world.
      If anyone loves the world,
the love of the Father is not in him.
Loving This World
    “Do not love the world
     nor the things in the world.
      If anyone loves the world,
the love of the Father is not in him.
     For all that is in the world,
        the lust of the flesh and
        the lust of the eyes and
       the boastful pride of life,
Loving This World
    “Do not love the world
     nor the things in the world.
      If anyone loves the world,
the love of the Father is not in him.
     For all that is in the world,
        the lust of the flesh and
        the lust of the eyes and
       the boastful pride of life,
        is not from the Father,
         but is from the world.
Loving This World
       “Do not love the world
        nor the things in the world.
         If anyone loves the world,
   the love of the Father is not in him.
        For all that is in the world,
           the lust of the flesh and
           the lust of the eyes and
          the boastful pride of life,
           is not from the Father,
            but is from the world.
The world is passing away, and also its lusts;
  but the one who does the will of God
            lives forever.” 1 John 2:15-17
The Precious Present
The Precious Present

• Heavenly mindedness:
The Precious Present

• Heavenly mindedness:
  • Treasures passing opportunities
The Precious Present

• Heavenly mindedness:
  • Treasures passing opportunities
  • Alive to the present moment
The Precious Present

• Heavenly mindedness:
  • Treasures passing opportunities
  • Alive to the present moment
  • Not overwhelmed with the problems of life
The Precious Present

• Heavenly mindedness:
  • Treasures passing opportunities
  • Alive to the present moment
  • Not overwhelmed with the problems of life
  • Savors blessings and joys otherwise overlooked
Present Opportunities
Present Opportunities
• “Be most careful then how you conduct
  yourselves: Like sensible men, not like
  simpletons. Use the present opportunity to the
  full, for these are evil days.” Eph. 5:15-17 NEB
What Would You Have
What Would You Have

• Reflect more
What Would You Have

• Reflect more
• Risk more
What Would You Have

• Reflect more
• Risk more
• Do more things
  that last
Can We Trust God?
The Risk of Letting Loose
The Risk of Letting Loose

• Taught to clamor after and control
The Risk of Letting Loose

• Taught to clamor after and control
• Uncomfortable & Unnatural
The Risk of Letting Loose

• Taught to clamor after and control
• Uncomfortable & Unnatural
  • Treasure the invisible over the visible
The Risk of Letting Loose

• Taught to clamor after and control
• Uncomfortable & Unnatural
  • Treasure the invisible over the visible
  • Promises of God over promises of the World
The Risk of Letting Loose

• Taught to clamor after and control
• Uncomfortable & Unnatural
  • Treasure the invisible over the visible
  • Promises of God over promises of the World
  • Future fulfillment over immediate
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

• Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10)
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

• Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10)
• Last/First (Mt. 19:30)
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

• Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10)
• Last/First (Mt. 19:30)
• Save/Lose (Mk. 8:35)
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

• Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10)
• Last/First (Mt. 19:30)
• Save/Lose (Mk. 8:35)
• Serve/Greatness (Heb. 5:7-9)
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

              • Empty/Full (Phil. 2:6-11)
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

              • Empty/Full (Phil. 2:6-11)
              • Let Loose/Embrace
                (Lk. 9:22-26; 46-48)
Paradoxical Eternal Perspective

              • Empty/Full (Phil. 2:6-11)
              • Let Loose/Embrace
                (Lk. 9:22-26; 46-48)

              • Give/Receive (Lk. 6:38)
Two Rival Value Systems
Wisdom of the World
Wisdom of the World

• This world is all there is
Wisdom of the World

• This world is all there is
• Goal of Life:
Wisdom of the World

• This world is all there is
• Goal of Life:
  • Maximize your pleasure
Wisdom of the World

• This world is all there is
• Goal of Life:
  • Maximize your pleasure
  • Minimize your pain
Wisdom of the World

• This world is all there is
• Goal of Life:
  • Maximize your pleasure
  • Minimize your pain
• Get all you can, can all you
  get, poison the rest
Wisdom of the Word
Wisdom of the Word
• We are immortal creatures
Wisdom of the Word
• We are immortal creatures
• Our brief life is incomparable with our future
  eternal existence
Two Rival Value Systems
Two Rival Value Systems
Two Rival Value Systems
Two Rival Value Systems
  Pleasure     Knowing God
Two Rival Value Systems
  Pleasure     Knowing God
Two Rival Value Systems
  Pleasure        Knowing God
Recognition of   Approval of God
Two Rival Value Systems
  Pleasure        Knowing God
Recognition of   Approval of God
Two Rival Value Systems
   Pleasure       Knowing God
Recognition of   Approval of God
  Popularity      Servanthood
Two Rival Value Systems
   Pleasure       Knowing God
Recognition of   Approval of God
  Popularity      Servanthood
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility

  Emptiness            Fulfillment
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility

  Emptiness            Fulfillment
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility

  Emptiness            Fulfillment
  Delusion               Reality
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility

  Emptiness            Fulfillment
  Delusion               Reality
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility

  Emptiness            Fulfillment
   Delusion              Reality
  Foolishness           Wisdom
Two Rival Value Systems
 TEMPORAL              ETERNAL
   Pleasure           Knowing God
Recognition of      Approval of God
  Popularity          Servanthood
Wealth & Status   Integrity & Character
    Power               Humility

  Emptiness            Fulfillment
   Delusion              Reality
  Foolishness           Wisdom
Our Presuppositions Shape
     Our Perspective
Our Presuppositions Shape
     Our Perspective
Our Presuppositions Shape
        Our Perspective
• “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
Our Presuppositions Shape
        Our Perspective
• “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
• Everything should flow from our basic
Our Presuppositions Shape
        Our Perspective
• “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
• Everything should flow from our basic

• Everyone has a worldview
Our Presuppositions Shape
        Our Perspective
• “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
• Everything should flow from our basic

• Everyone has a worldview
   • Few are aware of it
Our Presuppositions Shape
        Our Perspective
• “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
• Everything should flow from our basic

• Everyone has a worldview
   • Few are aware of it
   • Less have considered the logical
Our Presuppositions Shape
        Our Perspective
• “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
• Everything should flow from our basic

• Everyone has a worldview
   • Few are aware of it
   • Less have considered the logical

   • Even less have compared implications to
     their practice
The Implications of Our
The Implications of Our

• Life is about God; not about us
The Implications of Our

• Life is about God; not about us
• No higher purpose than to become like Him
The Implications of Our

• Life is about God; not about us
• No higher purpose than to become like Him
• We must learn, understand, experience, and apply
  God’s communication
The Implications of Our

• Life is about God; not about us
• No higher purpose than to become like Him
• We must learn, understand, experience, and apply
  God’s communication

• Expect to be constantly pulled toward the
  temporal, rather than the eternal






Priorities Aligned with
Priorities Aligned with
• Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture
Priorities Aligned with
• Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture
• Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy
  with God through prayer
Priorities Aligned with
• Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture
• Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy
  with God through prayer

• Sensitivity to God-given opportunities to love
  and serve
Priorities Aligned with
• Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture
• Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy
  with God through prayer

• Sensitivity to God-given opportunities to love
  and serve

  • Believers
Priorities Aligned with
• Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture
• Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy
  with God through prayer

• Sensitivity to God-given opportunities to love
  and serve

  • Believers
  • Unbelievers
Last Things First
Last Things First

• “Write your obituary now and see if it will play
  well in heaven”
Last Things First

• “Write your obituary now and see if it will play
  well in heaven”

• “What are you taking under your arm to the
  ultimate show and tell?”
Treasuring the Unseen
Treasuring the Unseen

• “We must work the works of Him who sent Me
  as long as it is day; night is coming when no man
  can work...” John 9:4
Treasuring the Unseen

• “We must work the works of Him who sent Me
  as long as it is day; night is coming when no man
  can work...” John 9:4

• “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do
  good to all people...” Gal. 6:10a
Treasuring the Unseen

• “We must work the works of Him who sent Me
  as long as it is day; night is coming when no man
  can work...” John 9:4

• “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do
  good to all people...” Gal. 6:10a

• “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward
  outsiders, making the most of your time, because
  the days are evil...” Eph. 5:15-16
The End
Reflections Ministries Resources
Reflections Ministries Resources

Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter
Reflections Ministries Resources

Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter website - Daily
Growth email and free text and audio


     Kenneth Boa

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  • 1. Paradigm Spirituality Cultivating an Eternal versus a Temporal Perspective Dr. Kenneth Boa and Bill Ibsen
  • 3. Overview • Life is a journey, but where are we going?
  • 4. Overview • Life is a journey, but where are we going? • Can we trust God?
  • 5.
  • 6. Life Is a Journey, but Where Are We Going?
  • 8. Grasping Life’s Brevity “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.
  • 9. Grasping Life’s Brevity “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” James 4:14
  • 11. Biblical Realism and Hope • “The statistics on death are impressive. One out of one dies.” George Bernard Shaw
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  • 16. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Origin
  • 17. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Origin Purpose
  • 18. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Origin Purpose Destiny
  • 19. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Origin Time & Chance Purpose Destiny
  • 20. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Origin Time & Chance Purpose Survival, Autonomy Destiny
  • 21. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Origin Time & Chance Purpose Survival, Autonomy Physical Destiny Annihilation
  • 22. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Impersonal Origin Time & Chance Agency Purpose Survival, Autonomy Physical Destiny Annihilation
  • 23. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Impersonal Origin Time & Chance Agency Purpose Survival, Self- Autonomy Actualization Physical Destiny Annihilation
  • 24. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Impersonal Origin Time & Chance Agency Purpose Survival, Self- Autonomy Actualization Physical Absorption Destiny Annihilation (Spiritual Annihilation)
  • 25. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Impersonal Origin Time & Chance Agency Personal Creator Purpose Survival, Self- Autonomy Actualization Physical Absorption Destiny Annihilation (Spiritual Annihilation)
  • 26. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Impersonal Origin Time & Chance Agency Personal Creator Purpose Survival, Self- Relationships Autonomy Actualization (Other-centered) Physical Absorption Destiny Annihilation (Spiritual Annihilation)
  • 27. Three Dominant Worldviews Humanism New Age Theism Impersonal + Impersonal Origin Time & Chance Agency Personal Creator Purpose Survival, Self- Relationships Autonomy Actualization (Other-centered) Physical Absorption Unbounded Destiny Annihilation (Spiritual Relational Life Annihilation)
  • 28. Paradigm: A Way of Seeing
  • 33. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal
  • 34. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal Here & Now & Now Future
  • 35. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal Here & Now & Now Future
  • 36. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal Here & Now & Now Future Tangible Intangible
  • 37. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal Here & Now & Now Future Tangible Intangible
  • 38. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal Here & Now & Now Future Tangible Intangible Cultural Biblical
  • 39. Competing Paradigms Temporal Eternal Here & Now & Now Future Tangible Intangible Cultural Biblical
  • 41. Eternal Perspective “All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on earth” Heb. 11:13
  • 42. “A Short and Fevered Rehearsal”
  • 43. “A Short and Fevered Rehearsal” Our revels are now ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air;
  • 44. “A Short and Fevered Rehearsal” Our revels are now ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air; And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
  • 45. “A Short and Fevered Rehearsal” Our revels are now ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air; And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. Shakespeare, The Tempest
  • 46. The End of the World Doomed star Eta Carinae
  • 47. The End of the World “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. “ 2 Peter 3:10 Doomed star Eta Carinae
  • 48. Deepest Longings of the Heart
  • 49. Deepest Longings of the Heart • Cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world.
  • 50. Deepest Longings of the Heart • Cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. • There is simply not enough:
  • 51. Deepest Longings of the Heart • Cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. • There is simply not enough: • Time
  • 52. Deepest Longings of the Heart • Cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. • There is simply not enough: • Time • Opportunity
  • 53. Deepest Longings of the Heart • Cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. • There is simply not enough: • Time • Opportunity • Energy
  • 54.
  • 55. “Life is a short and fevered rehearsal for a concert we cannot stay to give. Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency we are forced to lay our instruments down.
  • 56. “Life is a short and fevered rehearsal for a concert we cannot stay to give. Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency we are forced to lay our instruments down. There is simply not time enough to think, to become, to perform what the constitution of our natures indicate we are capable of.”
  • 57. “Life is a short and fevered rehearsal for a concert we cannot stay to give. Just when we appear to have attained some proficiency we are forced to lay our instruments down. There is simply not time enough to think, to become, to perform what the constitution of our natures indicate we are capable of.” A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
  • 59. Experiencing Our Mortality • Few people attain this wisdom early in life
  • 60. Experiencing Our Mortality • Few people attain this wisdom early in life • Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus
  • 61. Experiencing Our Mortality • Few people attain this wisdom early in life • Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility
  • 62. Experiencing Our Mortality • Few people attain this wisdom early in life • Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility • Realization of our inability to fulfill our many hopes and dreams
  • 63. Experiencing Our Mortality • Few people attain this wisdom early in life • Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility • Realization of our inability to fulfill our many hopes and dreams • Traumatic
  • 64. Experiencing Our Mortality • Few people attain this wisdom early in life • Midlife crisis often brings our mortality into focus • Decline of capacity + increase of responsibility • Realization of our inability to fulfill our many hopes and dreams • Traumatic • Reminder to transfer my affections and ambitions
  • 65.
  • 66. “How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none.
  • 67. “How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in His heart.
  • 68. “How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in His heart. For Him time does not pass, it remains; and those who are in Christ share with Him all the riches of limitless time and endless years .”
  • 69. “How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in His heart. For Him time does not pass, it remains; and those who are in Christ share with Him all the riches of limitless time and endless years .” A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
  • 71. Responsibilities and Pressures of This World • Clamor for our attention
  • 72. Responsibilities and Pressures of This World • Clamor for our attention • Squeeze our inner lives
  • 73. Responsibilities and Pressures of This World • Clamor for our attention • Squeeze our inner lives • Starve our souls
  • 74. Responsibilities and Pressures of This World • Clamor for our attention • Squeeze our inner lives • Starve our souls • Lose sight of the eternal
  • 75. Responsibilities and Pressures of This World • Clamor for our attention • Squeeze our inner lives • Starve our souls • Lose sight of the eternal • Focus on the temporal
  • 77. Loving This World “Do not love the world nor the things in the world.
  • 78. Loving This World “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
  • 79. Loving This World “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life,
  • 80. Loving This World “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
  • 81. Loving This World “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:15-17
  • 83. The Precious Present • Heavenly mindedness:
  • 84. The Precious Present • Heavenly mindedness: • Treasures passing opportunities
  • 85. The Precious Present • Heavenly mindedness: • Treasures passing opportunities • Alive to the present moment
  • 86. The Precious Present • Heavenly mindedness: • Treasures passing opportunities • Alive to the present moment • Not overwhelmed with the problems of life
  • 87. The Precious Present • Heavenly mindedness: • Treasures passing opportunities • Alive to the present moment • Not overwhelmed with the problems of life • Savors blessings and joys otherwise overlooked
  • 89. Present Opportunities • “Be most careful then how you conduct yourselves: Like sensible men, not like simpletons. Use the present opportunity to the full, for these are evil days.” Eph. 5:15-17 NEB
  • 90. What Would You Have Changed?
  • 91. What Would You Have Changed? • Reflect more
  • 92. What Would You Have Changed? • Reflect more • Risk more
  • 93. What Would You Have Changed? • Reflect more • Risk more • Do more things that last
  • 94.
  • 95. Can We Trust God?
  • 96. The Risk of Letting Loose
  • 97. The Risk of Letting Loose • Taught to clamor after and control
  • 98. The Risk of Letting Loose • Taught to clamor after and control • Uncomfortable & Unnatural
  • 99. The Risk of Letting Loose • Taught to clamor after and control • Uncomfortable & Unnatural • Treasure the invisible over the visible
  • 100. The Risk of Letting Loose • Taught to clamor after and control • Uncomfortable & Unnatural • Treasure the invisible over the visible • Promises of God over promises of the World
  • 101. The Risk of Letting Loose • Taught to clamor after and control • Uncomfortable & Unnatural • Treasure the invisible over the visible • Promises of God over promises of the World • Future fulfillment over immediate
  • 103. Paradoxical Eternal Perspective • Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10)
  • 104. Paradoxical Eternal Perspective • Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10) • Last/First (Mt. 19:30)
  • 105. Paradoxical Eternal Perspective • Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10) • Last/First (Mt. 19:30) • Save/Lose (Mk. 8:35)
  • 106. Paradoxical Eternal Perspective • Down/Up (Heb. 2:9-10) • Last/First (Mt. 19:30) • Save/Lose (Mk. 8:35) • Serve/Greatness (Heb. 5:7-9)
  • 108. Paradoxical Eternal Perspective • Empty/Full (Phil. 2:6-11)
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  • 112. Wisdom of the World
  • 113. Wisdom of the World • This world is all there is
  • 114. Wisdom of the World • This world is all there is • Goal of Life:
  • 115. Wisdom of the World • This world is all there is • Goal of Life: • Maximize your pleasure
  • 116. Wisdom of the World • This world is all there is • Goal of Life: • Maximize your pleasure • Minimize your pain
  • 117. Wisdom of the World • This world is all there is • Goal of Life: • Maximize your pleasure • Minimize your pain • Get all you can, can all you get, poison the rest
  • 118. Wisdom of the Word
  • 119. Wisdom of the Word • We are immortal creatures
  • 120. Wisdom of the Word • We are immortal creatures • Our brief life is incomparable with our future eternal existence
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  • 130. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character
  • 131. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character
  • 132. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility
  • 133. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility
  • 134. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility
  • 135. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility
  • 136. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility Emptiness Fulfillment
  • 137. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility Emptiness Fulfillment
  • 138. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility Emptiness Fulfillment Delusion Reality
  • 139. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility Emptiness Fulfillment Delusion Reality
  • 140. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility Emptiness Fulfillment Delusion Reality Foolishness Wisdom
  • 141. Two Rival Value Systems TEMPORAL ETERNAL Pleasure Knowing God Recognition of Approval of God Popularity Servanthood Wealth & Status Integrity & Character Power Humility Emptiness Fulfillment Delusion Reality Foolishness Wisdom
  • 142. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective
  • 143. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective
  • 144. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective • “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer
  • 145. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective • “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer • Everything should flow from our basic presuppositions
  • 146. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective • “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer • Everything should flow from our basic presuppositions • Everyone has a worldview
  • 147. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective • “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer • Everything should flow from our basic presuppositions • Everyone has a worldview • Few are aware of it
  • 148. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective • “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer • Everything should flow from our basic presuppositions • Everyone has a worldview • Few are aware of it • Less have considered the logical implications
  • 149. Our Presuppositions Shape Our Perspective • “God is there, and He is not silent” Francis Schaeffer • Everything should flow from our basic presuppositions • Everyone has a worldview • Few are aware of it • Less have considered the logical implications • Even less have compared implications to their practice
  • 150. The Implications of Our Assumptions
  • 151. The Implications of Our Assumptions • Life is about God; not about us
  • 152. The Implications of Our Assumptions • Life is about God; not about us • No higher purpose than to become like Him
  • 153. The Implications of Our Assumptions • Life is about God; not about us • No higher purpose than to become like Him • We must learn, understand, experience, and apply God’s communication
  • 154. The Implications of Our Assumptions • Life is about God; not about us • No higher purpose than to become like Him • We must learn, understand, experience, and apply God’s communication • Expect to be constantly pulled toward the temporal, rather than the eternal
  • 155.
  • 159. Presuppositions Perspective Priorities Practice
  • 160. Priorities Aligned with Scripture?
  • 161. Priorities Aligned with Scripture? • Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture
  • 162. Priorities Aligned with Scripture? • Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture • Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy with God through prayer
  • 163. Priorities Aligned with Scripture? • Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture • Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy with God through prayer • Sensitivity to God-given opportunities to love and serve
  • 164. Priorities Aligned with Scripture? • Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture • Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy with God through prayer • Sensitivity to God-given opportunities to love and serve • Believers
  • 165. Priorities Aligned with Scripture? • Ongoing renewal of the mind through Scripture • Commitment to cultivating growing intimacy with God through prayer • Sensitivity to God-given opportunities to love and serve • Believers • Unbelievers
  • 167. Last Things First • “Write your obituary now and see if it will play well in heaven”
  • 168. Last Things First • “Write your obituary now and see if it will play well in heaven” • “What are you taking under your arm to the ultimate show and tell?”
  • 170. Treasuring the Unseen • “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no man can work...” John 9:4
  • 171. Treasuring the Unseen • “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no man can work...” John 9:4 • “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people...” Gal. 6:10a
  • 172. Treasuring the Unseen • “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no man can work...” John 9:4 • “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people...” Gal. 6:10a • “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of your time, because the days are evil...” Eph. 5:15-16
  • 175. Reflections Ministries Resources Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter
  • 176. Reflections Ministries Resources Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter website - Daily Growth email and free text and audio resources

Editor's Notes

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  7. The Scriptures drive home images of transience to remind us that our stay on this planet is briefer than most of us are inclined to think.\n\nIt is better to know things as they are than to believe things as they seem. This is realism.\n\nBut there is more to life than what we presently see.\nOur longing for more than this world can offer is not merely a dream.\n
  8. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  9. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  10. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  11. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  12. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  13. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  14. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  15. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  16. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  17. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  18. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  19. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  20. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  21. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  22. Only Theism offers genuine hope beyond the grave, since the first predicts annihilation, and the second, reincarnation. Instead, Scriptures teach resurrection.\n
  23. A paradigm is a way of seeing based on implicit or explicit rules that shape one’s perspective. A paradigm shift takes place when the rules or boundaries change, so that we no longer see things from the same perspective; when the rules change, our way of seeing is altered.\n
  24. Most celebrated paradigm shift: The Copernican revolution in astronomy.\n\nPtolemaic worldview of a geocentric (earth-centered) system was held for over 1400 years, despite observations to the contrary. Instead of questioning the paradigm, astronomers invented complicated theoris of epicycles to explain why some planets appeared to stop, go backward for a while, and then resume their original direction.\n7 Spheres travelled around the Earth, with each sphere containing a planet, plus angels and demonic beings watching humans.\n
  25. Heliocentric (sun-centered) Copernican view of the universe.\nCoperinicus’ breakthrough was the realization that all of these planetary observations make perfect sense by switching from a geocentric to heliocentric view of the sun and planets. That is, we do not live in a terrestrial system but a solar system.\n\nCopernicus published his views posthumously because he realized that this radical shift would meet with a hostile response, especially by those in the religious establishment.\n
  26. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  27. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  28. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  29. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  30. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  31. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  32. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  33. We can live as if this world is all there is, or we can view our earthly existence as a brief pilgrimage designed to prepare us for eternity.\n\nThose who adopt a temporal paradigm treat the temporal as though it were eternal and the eternal as though it were temporal.\n
  34. \n
  35. Prospero, a magician who rules an enchanted island, is the protagonist of Shakespeare’s last play, The Tempest. When Prospero addresses his guest Ferdinand in the fourth act, it is as though Shakespeare himself, nearing the end of his life, reflects directly through his character.\n\nAt the end of the play, Prospero gives up his magic and turns his thoughts to the grave. Just so, the playwright would create no more works on the stage of life; reflecting on the brevity of earthly existence, he \n
  36. Prospero, a magician who rules an enchanted island, is the protagonist of Shakespeare’s last play, The Tempest. When Prospero addresses his guest Ferdinand in the fourth act, it is as though Shakespeare himself, nearing the end of his life, reflects directly through his character.\n\nAt the end of the play, Prospero gives up his magic and turns his thoughts to the grave. Just so, the playwright would create no more works on the stage of life; reflecting on the brevity of earthly existence, he \n
  37. Prospero, a magician who rules an enchanted island, is the protagonist of Shakespeare’s last play, The Tempest. When Prospero addresses his guest Ferdinand in the fourth act, it is as though Shakespeare himself, nearing the end of his life, reflects directly through his character.\n\nAt the end of the play, Prospero gives up his magic and turns his thoughts to the grave. Just so, the playwright would create no more works on the stage of life; reflecting on the brevity of earthly existence, he \n
  38. Shakespeare’s quote from The Tempest is consistent with the biblical vision of the fiery consumption of all human attainments on the day of God.\n\nDoomed star Eta Carinae has a mass approximately 150 times greater than the sun and is about 4 million times brighter. It is over 10,000 light years away and prone to violent outbursts. The rapidly expanding shell was ejected from its last outburst in 1841, and is moving outward at more than 2 million mph, The star is one of stellar astronomy’s great mysteries.\n
  39. If we examine the heart’s deepest longings, it becomes evident that these aspirations cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. There is insufficient time, opportunity, and energy even to scratch the surface of our deep-seated hopes and dreams.\n
  40. If we examine the heart’s deepest longings, it becomes evident that these aspirations cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. There is insufficient time, opportunity, and energy even to scratch the surface of our deep-seated hopes and dreams.\n
  41. If we examine the heart’s deepest longings, it becomes evident that these aspirations cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. There is insufficient time, opportunity, and energy even to scratch the surface of our deep-seated hopes and dreams.\n
  42. If we examine the heart’s deepest longings, it becomes evident that these aspirations cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. There is insufficient time, opportunity, and energy even to scratch the surface of our deep-seated hopes and dreams.\n
  43. If we examine the heart’s deepest longings, it becomes evident that these aspirations cannot be satisfied by any of the offerings of this transitory world. There is insufficient time, opportunity, and energy even to scratch the surface of our deep-seated hopes and dreams.\n
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  47. As we discover the decline of our capacities and the increase of our responsibilities, we realize with clarity and force that we will not be able to fulfill many of our earthly hopes and dreams. This can be traumatic for those whose expectations are limited to this planet, but for believers whose hope is in the character and promises of God, it can be a powerful reminder to transfer their affections to their only true home, the kingdom of heaven.\n
  48. As we discover the decline of our capacities and the increase of our responsibilities, we realize with clarity and force that we will not be able to fulfill many of our earthly hopes and dreams. This can be traumatic for those whose expectations are limited to this planet, but for believers whose hope is in the character and promises of God, it can be a powerful reminder to transfer their affections to their only true home, the kingdom of heaven.\n
  49. As we discover the decline of our capacities and the increase of our responsibilities, we realize with clarity and force that we will not be able to fulfill many of our earthly hopes and dreams. This can be traumatic for those whose expectations are limited to this planet, but for believers whose hope is in the character and promises of God, it can be a powerful reminder to transfer their affections to their only true home, the kingdom of heaven.\n
  50. As we discover the decline of our capacities and the increase of our responsibilities, we realize with clarity and force that we will not be able to fulfill many of our earthly hopes and dreams. This can be traumatic for those whose expectations are limited to this planet, but for believers whose hope is in the character and promises of God, it can be a powerful reminder to transfer their affections to their only true home, the kingdom of heaven.\n
  51. As we discover the decline of our capacities and the increase of our responsibilities, we realize with clarity and force that we will not be able to fulfill many of our earthly hopes and dreams. This can be traumatic for those whose expectations are limited to this planet, but for believers whose hope is in the character and promises of God, it can be a powerful reminder to transfer their affections to their only true home, the kingdom of heaven.\n
  52. As we discover the decline of our capacities and the increase of our responsibilities, we realize with clarity and force that we will not be able to fulfill many of our earthly hopes and dreams. This can be traumatic for those whose expectations are limited to this planet, but for believers whose hope is in the character and promises of God, it can be a powerful reminder to transfer their affections to their only true home, the kingdom of heaven.\n
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  57. Our value system becomes confused when we invest more of our thought and concern in things that are doomed to disappear than in that which will endure forever.\n\nThis view is one of the richest in the entire world in terms of the wealth represented in this photo.\n
  58. Our value system becomes confused when we invest more of our thought and concern in things that are doomed to disappear than in that which will endure forever.\n\nThis view is one of the richest in the entire world in terms of the wealth represented in this photo.\n
  59. Our value system becomes confused when we invest more of our thought and concern in things that are doomed to disappear than in that which will endure forever.\n\nThis view is one of the richest in the entire world in terms of the wealth represented in this photo.\n
  60. Our value system becomes confused when we invest more of our thought and concern in things that are doomed to disappear than in that which will endure forever.\n\nThis view is one of the richest in the entire world in terms of the wealth represented in this photo.\n
  61. Our value system becomes confused when we invest more of our thought and concern in things that are doomed to disappear than in that which will endure forever.\n\nThis view is one of the richest in the entire world in terms of the wealth represented in this photo.\n
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  67. Does this mean that we should be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good? On the contrary, when people become heavenly minded, they treasure the passing opportunities of this life and become more alive to the present moment.\n
  68. Does this mean that we should be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good? On the contrary, when people become heavenly minded, they treasure the passing opportunities of this life and become more alive to the present moment.\n
  69. Does this mean that we should be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good? On the contrary, when people become heavenly minded, they treasure the passing opportunities of this life and become more alive to the present moment.\n
  70. Does this mean that we should be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good? On the contrary, when people become heavenly minded, they treasure the passing opportunities of this life and become more alive to the present moment.\n
  71. Does this mean that we should be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good? On the contrary, when people become heavenly minded, they treasure the passing opportunities of this life and become more alive to the present moment.\n
  72. \n
  73. Most of us have squandered more money and time on toys and diversions than we would like to admit.\n
  74. Most of us have squandered more money and time on toys and diversions than we would like to admit.\n
  75. Most of us have squandered more money and time on toys and diversions than we would like to admit.\n
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  95. World vs. Word\n
  96. World vs. Word\n
  97. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  98. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  99. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  100. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  101. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  102. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  103. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  104. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  105. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  106. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  107. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  108. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  109. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  110. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  111. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  112. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  113. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  114. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  115. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
  116. World promotes pleasure as an end in itself.\nWord promotes knowing God as greatest pleasure of all.\n\nWorld exalts recognition and approval of people.\nWord exhorts us to desire the approval of God. (Gal.1:10)\n\nWorld tells us to pursue fame and popularity.\nWord calls us to emulate the servanthood of Christ.\n\nWorld raises wealth and status as a standard of success, security, and identity.\nWord elevates the standard of integrity and character. (Jer. 45:5)\n\nWorld drives us to amass power over people and circumstances.\nWord tells us to walk humbly before our God (1 Pe.5:6-7)\n\nPeople THINK they want pleasure, recognition, popularity, status, and power. but the pursuit of these things leads to emptiness, delusion, and foolishness. God has set eternity in our hearts (Eccl.3:11), and our deepest desires are fulfillment(love, joy, peace), reality (that which does not fade away), and wisdom (skill in living).\n
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  124. 1. All things have been created by Him and for Him (Col.1:16), and we exist to serve God and not to persuade God to serve us. In essence, the Lord’s repeated message to us in Scripture is “I am God, and you are not.”\n\n2. Since we were created for relationship with the Author of every good thing, we can have no higher purpose than to grow in the knowledge of God, and by his grace and power, to become increasingly like Him.\n\n3. Since the Bible was inspired by the living God, we would be wise to learn, understand, experience, and apply its precepts and principles. The Scriptures reveal that our brief earthly sojourn is designed to prepare us for eternal citizenship in heaven. Thus it would be the heart of folly to become entangled and enmeshed in that which is “highly esteemed among men” but is detestable in the sight of God” (Lk. 16:15).\n\n4. We can expect to be pulled again and again toward the temporal and away from the eternal, because the truths of Scripture are countercultural. whenever we are lured away from obedience and service into disobedience and selfishness, it is because we have deceived into thinking that we know better than God what is best for us or that God is not in control.\n
  125. 1. All things have been created by Him and for Him (Col.1:16), and we exist to serve God and not to persuade God to serve us. In essence, the Lord’s repeated message to us in Scripture is “I am God, and you are not.”\n\n2. Since we were created for relationship with the Author of every good thing, we can have no higher purpose than to grow in the knowledge of God, and by his grace and power, to become increasingly like Him.\n\n3. Since the Bible was inspired by the living God, we would be wise to learn, understand, experience, and apply its precepts and principles. The Scriptures reveal that our brief earthly sojourn is designed to prepare us for eternal citizenship in heaven. Thus it would be the heart of folly to become entangled and enmeshed in that which is “highly esteemed among men” but is detestable in the sight of God” (Lk. 16:15).\n\n4. We can expect to be pulled again and again toward the temporal and away from the eternal, because the truths of Scripture are countercultural. whenever we are lured away from obedience and service into disobedience and selfishness, it is because we have deceived into thinking that we know better than God what is best for us or that God is not in control.\n
  126. 1. All things have been created by Him and for Him (Col.1:16), and we exist to serve God and not to persuade God to serve us. In essence, the Lord’s repeated message to us in Scripture is “I am God, and you are not.”\n\n2. Since we were created for relationship with the Author of every good thing, we can have no higher purpose than to grow in the knowledge of God, and by his grace and power, to become increasingly like Him.\n\n3. Since the Bible was inspired by the living God, we would be wise to learn, understand, experience, and apply its precepts and principles. The Scriptures reveal that our brief earthly sojourn is designed to prepare us for eternal citizenship in heaven. Thus it would be the heart of folly to become entangled and enmeshed in that which is “highly esteemed among men” but is detestable in the sight of God” (Lk. 16:15).\n\n4. We can expect to be pulled again and again toward the temporal and away from the eternal, because the truths of Scripture are countercultural. whenever we are lured away from obedience and service into disobedience and selfishness, it is because we have deceived into thinking that we know better than God what is best for us or that God is not in control.\n
  127. 1. All things have been created by Him and for Him (Col.1:16), and we exist to serve God and not to persuade God to serve us. In essence, the Lord’s repeated message to us in Scripture is “I am God, and you are not.”\n\n2. Since we were created for relationship with the Author of every good thing, we can have no higher purpose than to grow in the knowledge of God, and by his grace and power, to become increasingly like Him.\n\n3. Since the Bible was inspired by the living God, we would be wise to learn, understand, experience, and apply its precepts and principles. The Scriptures reveal that our brief earthly sojourn is designed to prepare us for eternal citizenship in heaven. Thus it would be the heart of folly to become entangled and enmeshed in that which is “highly esteemed among men” but is detestable in the sight of God” (Lk. 16:15).\n\n4. We can expect to be pulled again and again toward the temporal and away from the eternal, because the truths of Scripture are countercultural. whenever we are lured away from obedience and service into disobedience and selfishness, it is because we have deceived into thinking that we know better than God what is best for us or that God is not in control.\n
  128. If our priorities shape our practice, then our practice will reveal our priorities. If our practice does not include such elements as an ongoing renewal of the mind through consistent time in Scripture, a committment to cultivating growing intimacy with\n
  129. If our priorities shape our practice, then our practice will reveal our priorities. If our practice does not include such elements as an ongoing renewal of the mind through consistent time in Scripture, a committment to cultivating growing intimacy with\n
  130. If our priorities shape our practice, then our practice will reveal our priorities. If our practice does not include such elements as an ongoing renewal of the mind through consistent time in Scripture, a committment to cultivating growing intimacy with\n
  131. If our priorities shape our practice, then our practice will reveal our priorities. If our practice does not include such elements as an ongoing renewal of the mind through consistent time in Scripture, a committment to cultivating growing intimacy with\n
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