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Holistic Spirituality
Every Component under the Lordship of Christ

              Dr. Kenneth Boa and Bill Ibsen

The Centrality of Christ

The Centrality of Christ
An Integrated Life

The Centrality of Christ
An Integrated Life
Relationships, Work, and Society

The Centrality of Christ
An Integrated Life
Relationships, Work, and Society
Stewardship and Purpose
The Centrality of Christ
What is Holistic Spirituality?
What is Holistic Spirituality?

Holism: The synthesis of entities into
organized wholes that are greater than
the sum of their parts
What is Holistic Spirituality?

Holism: The synthesis of entities into
organized wholes that are greater than
the sum of their parts
Emphasizes importance of the whole and
interdependence of its parts
False Pursuits of Happiness
False Pursuits of Happiness

False Pursuits of Happiness

False Pursuits of Happiness

False Pursuits of Happiness

“Men lust, but they know not what for;
     they wander, and lose track of the goal,
they fight and compete, but they forgot the prize;
“Men lust, but they know not what for;
     they wander, and lose track of the goal,
they fight and compete, but they forgot the prize;
they spread seed, but spurn the seasons of growth;
           they chase power and glory,
           but miss the meaning of life.”
                   George Gilder
Life Without Meaning and Hope
Life Without Meaning and Hope

Most people live unexamined lives
Life Without Meaning and Hope

Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Life Without Meaning and Hope

Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Most people have an unlimited capacity for:
Life Without Meaning and Hope

Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Most people have an unlimited capacity for:
Life Without Meaning and Hope

Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Most people have an unlimited capacity for:
Life Without Meaning and Hope

Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Most people have an unlimited capacity for:
Life Without Meaning and Hope
Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Most people have an unlimited capacity for:
Life Without Meaning and Hope
Most people live unexamined lives
Most people avoid ultimate questions
Most people have an unlimited capacity for:
               “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are
  Avoidance           restless until they rest in You.” St. Augustine

A Compartmentalized Life





A Compartmentalized Life





A Centered Life
A Centered Life
A Centered Life


     Intellect              Family



The Realities of Life

                 Hobby                                    Hobby

     Intellect                              Intellect                 Family

                 Work        Friends   Emotions         Finances


                 Finances                                Recreation
Compartmentalized or Centered Life?
Compartmentalized or Centered Life?

  A Compartmentalized
Compartmentalized or Centered Life?

  A Compartmentalized   A Centered
         Life              Life
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

   What is wisdom?
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

   What is wisdom?
     Skill in the art of living life with every
     area under God’s dominion
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

   What is wisdom?
     Skill in the art of living life with every
     area under God’s dominion
     “With Him are wisdom and might; to Him
     belong counsel and
     understanding.” (Job 12:13)
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the ability to use:
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the ability to use:
      the best means
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the ability to use:
      the best means
      at the best time
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the ability to use:
      the best means
      at the best time
      to accomplish the best ends
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the ability to use:
      the best means
      at the best time
      to accomplish the best ends

“He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to
        men of understanding.” (Dan. 2:21)
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the key to a life of:
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the key to a life of:
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the key to a life of:
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the key to a life of:
The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things

    Wisdom is the key to a life of:
        “How blessed is the man who finds wisdom.
       For her profit is better than the profit of silver
           And her gain is better than fine gold
             She is more precious than jewels
        And nothing you desire compares with her”
                         (Prov. 3:13-15)
True Wisdom Gained by Fear of
          the Lord
True Wisdom Gained by Fear of
           the Lord
Fear = awe; humility; reverence, holy terror
True Wisdom Gained by Fear of
           the Lord
Fear = awe; humility; reverence, holy terror
  To recognize our creature-hood and utter
  dependence upon Him to live, move, and
  have our being
Biblical Fear of the Lord
Biblical Fear of the Lord

“Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to
   depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28)
Biblical Fear of the Lord

“Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to
   depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28)
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
A good understanding have all those who do His
        commandments...” (Psalm 111:10)
Biblical Fear of the Lord

“Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to
   depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28)
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
A good understanding have all those who do His
        commandments...” (Psalm 111:10)
     “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
      knowledge; fools despise wisdom and
             instruction” (Proverbs 1:7)
A Heart of Wisdom
A Heart of Wisdom

Live each day in light of That Day
A Heart of Wisdom

Live each day in light of That Day
Remember that our days are numbered
A Heart of Wisdom

Live each day in light of That Day
Remember that our days are numbered

   “So teach us to number our days,
      that we may present to You
      a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12)
An Integrated Life
Playing by Two Sets of Rules
Playing by Two Sets of Rules

Playing by Two Sets of Rules

God’s               World’s
Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual
              God in Heaven

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual
              God in Heaven

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual
              God in Heaven

Lower           Temporal

Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual
              God in Heaven

Lower          Temporal
Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism)
Higher         Sacred
Realm          Spiritual
              God in Heaven

Lower          Temporal
Realm         Man on Earth

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm           God

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Lower          Unspiritual

Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Lower          Unspiritual
Compartmentalization of Life
Higher         Sacred
Realm            God

Lower          Unspiritual
Realm           Inferior

Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred

Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Lower       Sex
Realm      Home
Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred         Belief
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Lower       Sex
Realm      Home
Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred         Belief
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Lower       Sex
Realm      Home
Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred         Belief
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Lower       Sex
Realm      Home
Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred         Belief   Profession
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Lower       Sex
Realm      Home
                       Behavior Practice
Activity Compartmentalization
Higher   Sacred         Belief   Profession
Realm      Church
         Bible Study

Lower       Sex
Realm      Home
                       Behavior Practice
Results of Compartmentalization
Results of Compartmentalization

The spiritual has little to do with the temporal
Results of Compartmentalization

The spiritual has little to do with the temporal
Substantial disparities between belief and
Results of Compartmentalization

The spiritual has little to do with the temporal
Substantial disparities between belief and
  Amazing ability to overlook these
Results of Compartmentalization

The spiritual has little to do with the temporal
Substantial disparities between belief and
  Amazing ability to overlook these
  Incongruence resulting in a lack of integrity
“You are sort of an imposter when your
  profession and practice disagree.”
      St. Ambrose of Milan, A.D. 340-397
A Biblical Worldview
A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

A Biblical Worldview

         School     In harmony
          Sex           with
           Art      God’s design
         Music        “good”
A Biblical Worldview

 In conflict             School     In harmony
    with                 Sex           with
God’s design              Art      God’s design
   “evil”               Music        “good”
A Biblical Worldview

 In conflict                School                In harmony
    with                    Sex                      with
God’s design                 Art                 God’s design
   “evil”                  Music                   “good”

 Done in the temporal with a temporal mindset: temporal value
A Biblical Worldview

 In conflict                 School                In harmony
    with                     Sex                      with
God’s design                  Art                 God’s design
   “evil”                   Music                   “good”

 Done in the temporal with a temporal mindset: temporal value
   Done in the temporal with a eternal mindset: eternal value
All of Life Is Spiritual
All of Life Is Spiritual

“Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7)
All of Life Is Spiritual

“Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7)
  The Spirit should animate whatever I do
All of Life Is Spiritual

“Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7)
  The Spirit should animate whatever I do
“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as
for the Lord rather than men; knowing that
from the Lord you will receive the reward of
the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom
you serve.” (Col. 3:23-24)
All of Life Is Spiritual

“For in Him we live, and move, and have
our being” (Acts 17:28)
All of Life Is Spiritual
All of Life Is Spiritual

“I am doing now what I will do for all eternity.
   I am blessing God, praising Him, adoring
    Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”
  - Brother Lawrence, monastic kitchen worker, ca. 1690
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

Sacred/Secular      Sacred
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

      Changing diapers

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

      Changing diapers

                         Driving carpool
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                         Mowing lawn

      Changing diapers

                          Driving carpool
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                         Mowing lawn

      Changing diapers

                          Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                           Mowing lawn

                         Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

                            Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                           Mowing lawn

                         Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

                            Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                           Mowing lawn

                         Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

      Taking out
                            Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                           Mowing lawn

                         Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

      Taking out
                          Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                         Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

      Taking out
                          Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                         Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

      Taking out
       Writing reports      Driving carpool

No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                         Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers

      Taking out
       Writing reports      Driving carpool


No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                         Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers
                                Watching TV
      Taking out
       Writing reports      Driving carpool


No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                          Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers
                                Watching TV
      Taking out
       Writing reports      Driving carpool

              Waiting in line
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                          Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers
                                Watching TV
      Taking out
       Writing reports      Driving carpool
                    Washing dishes
              Waiting in line
No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy

                          Mowing lawn
         Painting fence
                       Washing clothes
      Changing diapers
                                Watching TV
      Taking out
                   Sacred             Thinking
       Writing reports      Driving carpool
                    Washing dishes
              Waiting in line
Where Is the Focus of My Heart?
Where Is the Focus of My Heart?

 All things can be done to the glory of God
Where Is the Focus of My Heart?

 All things can be done to the glory of God
   The workplace or the monastery!
Where Is the Focus of My Heart?

 All things can be done to the glory of God
   The workplace or the monastery!
 Ordinary                        Elevated
Where Is the Focus of My Heart?

 All things can be done to the glory of God
   The workplace or the monastery!
 Ordinary                        Elevated

   Lower                         Higher
Where Is the Focus of My Heart?

    All things can be done to the glory of God
      The workplace or the monastery!
    Ordinary                        Elevated

       Lower                        Higher

Contemplative                       Active
Implications of All as Sacred
Implications of All as Sacred

All believers are called to full-time ministry
Implications of All as Sacred

All believers are called to full-time ministry
  No such thing as “part-time” disciple
Implications of All as Sacred

All believers are called to full-time ministry
  No such thing as “part-time” disciple
No biblical clergy/laity distinction
Implications of All as Sacred

All believers are called to full-time ministry
  No such thing as “part-time” disciple
No biblical clergy/laity distinction
NT teaches all believers are in the ministry
Implications of All as Sacred

All believers are called to full-time ministry
  No such thing as “part-time” disciple
No biblical clergy/laity distinction
NT teaches all believers are in the ministry
  “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
  nation, a people for God’s own possession, that you
  may proclaim the excellencies of Him” (1Pe. 2:9)
Implications of All as Sacred
Implications of All as Sacred

Vocational Christian workers may be no
more or no less pleasing to God than
Christians in the workplace, and vice
Splendor in the Ordinary
Splendor in the Ordinary

Most of life is spent in the ordinary- the
commonplace routines of life:
Splendor in the Ordinary

Most of life is spent in the ordinary- the
commonplace routines of life:
  The mundane, the details, the thankless,
  the drudgery
Splendor in the Ordinary

Most of life is spent in the ordinary- the
commonplace routines of life:
  The mundane, the details, the thankless,
  the drudgery
Faith is demonstrated more in the mundane
than anywhere else
Splendor in the Ordinary
Splendor in the Ordinary

Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities
Splendor in the Ordinary

Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities
Audience of One
Splendor in the Ordinary

Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities
Audience of One
Cultivate skill of praying in every situation
Splendor in the Ordinary

Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities
Audience of One
Cultivate skill of praying in every situation
Invoke God’s manifest presence in each area
of life
Splendor in the Ordinary
Splendor in the Ordinary

In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy
Spirit to empower and live through you
Splendor in the Ordinary

In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy
Spirit to empower and live through you
Single-minded pursuit of knowing Him better
Splendor in the Ordinary

In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy
Spirit to empower and live through you
Single-minded pursuit of knowing Him better
Discipleship is obedience, mostly in the
mundane, thankless routines of life
Splendor in the Ordinary

In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy
Spirit to empower and live through you
Single-minded pursuit of knowing Him better
Discipleship is obedience, mostly in the
mundane, thankless routines of life
Jesus transmutes the ordinary into
the extraordinary
Temptations to Lose Our Focus
Temptations to Lose Our Focus

Temptations to Lose Our Focus

Temptations to Lose Our Focus

Spiritual sloth
and indifference
Temptations to Lose Our Focus

Spiritual sloth
and indifference
The Highest Ambition
The Highest Ambition

Knowing that I am set apart for His
The Highest Ambition

Knowing that I am set apart for His
To allow myself to be possessed by God
that He may be free to reorient my heart,
values, and behaviors in every area of life
Christ: Component or Center of Life?
Christ: Component or Center of Life?

   Christ as Present in my life
Christ: Component or Center of Life?

   Christ as Present in my life
   Christ as Prominent in my life
Christ: Component or Center of Life?

   Christ as Present in my life
   Christ as Prominent in my life
   Christ as Preeminent in my life
An Integrated Life
Relationships, Work, and Society
Relationships, Work, and Society
Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips
Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips
Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips

Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips

Friendship                    Parent-Child
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
10 Tips for Husband & Wife

1. Marriage is a lifetime covenant of
mutual commitment between a man and a
woman leading to oneness on every level:
spirit, soul, and body
10 Tips for Husband & Wife

1. Marriage is a lifetime covenant of
mutual commitment between a man and a
woman leading to oneness on every level:
spirit, soul, and body
2. Marriage is an earthly analogy of a
spiritual truth
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
3. Masculinity and femininity each
expresses something different about God
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
3. Masculinity and femininity each
expresses something different about God
4. Problems: Failure to leave, to cleave, or
to become one flesh
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
3. Masculinity and femininity each
expresses something different about God
4. Problems: Failure to leave, to cleave, or
to become one flesh
5. Growing marriages never happen by
default; they are cultivated by years of
discipline and dependence
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
6. Five Love Languages:
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
   6. Five Love Languages:
Quality Time
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
   6. Five Love Languages:
Quality Time
  Words of Affirmation
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
   6. Five Love Languages:
Quality Time
  Words of Affirmation
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
   6. Five Love Languages:
Quality Time
  Words of Affirmation
          Acts of Service
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
   6. Five Love Languages:
Quality Time
  Words of Affirmation
          Acts of Service
               Physical Touch
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
7. Greatest Enemy: Selfish attitude
concerned with the other person’s
character and one’s own needs
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
7. Greatest Enemy: Selfish attitude
concerned with the other person’s
character and one’s own needs
  Other-centered love focuses on our
  character and their needs
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
7. Greatest Enemy: Selfish attitude
concerned with the other person’s
character and one’s own needs
  Other-centered love focuses on our
  character and their needs
8. Best Gift for My Spouse: For me to love
Jesus more
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
9. My spouse should be my best friend
10 Tips for Husband & Wife
9. My spouse should be my best friend
10. Spiritual and soul oneness provide the
basis for physical oneness - not vice versa
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

 1. Your home is the training ground for:
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

 1. Your home is the training ground for:
   Imparting values
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

 1. Your home is the training ground for:
   Imparting values
   Learning how to give and receive love
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

 1. Your home is the training ground for:
   Imparting values
   Learning how to give and receive love
   Development of relationships
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

 1. Your home is the training ground for:
   Imparting values
   Learning how to give and receive love
   Development of relationships
 2. Children are a gift on loan from God (Ps.
 127:3-5). They are God’s possession, not ours.
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  3. Common Mistake: Building your life and
  marriage around your children
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  3. Common Mistake: Building your life and
  marriage around your children
  4. Accept your children the same way God
  accepts you
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  3. Common Mistake: Building your life and
  marriage around your children
  4. Accept your children the same way God
  accepts you
    Your true source of identity is in Christ, not
    your children
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely
  responsible for:
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely
  responsible for:
    shaping their children’s character
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely
  responsible for:
    shaping their children’s character
    guiding their spiritual, psychological,
    intellectual, emotional and physical growth
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely
  responsible for:
    shaping their children’s character
    guiding their spiritual, psychological,
    intellectual, emotional and physical growth
  6. There should be a 5:1 ratio of positive to
  negative comments
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  7. You cannot impart what you do not possess
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  7. You cannot impart what you do not possess
    Spiritual, intellectual, and emotional vitality
    must be in our hearts before it can be in our
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  7. You cannot impart what you do not possess
    Spiritual, intellectual, and emotional vitality
    must be in our hearts before it can be in our
  8. We must respond not only to God’s love, but
  also to God’s Word
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  9. More is caught than taught
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  9. More is caught than taught
    What we are communicates for more than
    what we say
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  9. More is caught than taught
    What we are communicates for more than
    what we say
  10. Young children’s view of God is profoundly
  shaped by their view of their fathers
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  9. More is caught than taught
    What we are communicates for more than
    what we say
  10. Young children’s view of God is profoundly
  shaped by their view of their fathers
    Children spell love T-I-M-E
10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships

  9. More is caught than taught
    What we are communicates for more than
    what we say
  10. Young children’s view of God is profoundly
  shaped by their view of their fathers
    Children spell love T-I-M-E
    Five Love Languages


Acquaintance   Companion

Acquaintance   Companion   Friendship

                            Untested      Tested
Acquaintance   Companion   Friendship   Friendship
Safe Friends
Safe Friends

“Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort
      of feeling safe with a person,
Safe Friends

      “Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort
             of feeling safe with a person,
having neither to measure words or weigh thoughts,
 but just pouring them all out grain and chaff alike,
Safe Friends

      “Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort
             of feeling safe with a person,
having neither to measure words or weigh thoughts,
 but just pouring them all out grain and chaff alike,
           sure that a faithful hand will keep
                 what is worth keeping
and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away”
                  - Author unknown
Growth in Friendships
Growth in Friendships

Growth in Friendships


Growth in Friendships



10 Tips for Friendship
10 Tips for Friendship

1. Friends share
“the treasure of
common memories,
of trials endured
together, of quarrels
and reconciliations
and generous
emotions” Antoine de
Saint-Exupery, The Little
10 Tips for Friendship
10 Tips for Friendship

2. C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is the least natural
of the human loves, because it is not driven by
instinct, necessity, or survival value”
10 Tips for Friendship

2. C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is the least natural
of the human loves, because it is not driven by
instinct, necessity, or survival value”
  Least jealous of all the loves
10 Tips for Friendship

2. C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is the least natural
of the human loves, because it is not driven by
instinct, necessity, or survival value”
  Least jealous of all the loves
  Essentially free from the need to be needed
10 Tips for Friendship
10 Tips for Friendship

3. Requires intentional investments of time
and energy
10 Tips for Friendship

3. Requires intentional investments of time
and energy
4. Learn to love others without being
controlled or consumed by them
10 Tips for Friendship

3. Requires intentional investments of time
and energy
4. Learn to love others without being
controlled or consumed by them
5. Characterized by trust, openness, mutual
respect, honesty, and self -disclosure
10 Tips for Friendship

3. Requires intentional investments of time
and energy
4. Learn to love others without being
controlled or consumed by them
5. Characterized by trust, openness, mutual
respect, honesty, and self -disclosure
  No need for pretense; safe
10 Tips for Friendship
10 Tips for Friendship

6. Revealed in times of crisis
10 Tips for Friendship

6. Revealed in times of crisis
7. Friends rebuke when necessary and are
candid and truthful (Prov. 17:10; 18:24; 27:6)
10 Tips for Friendship

6. Revealed in times of crisis
7. Friends rebuke when necessary and are
candid and truthful (Prov. 17:10; 18:24; 27:6)
8. Friends keep confidences, listen
attentively and empathetically, and do not
seek to control or manipulate
10 Tips for Friendship
10 Tips for Friendship

9. Highest level: covenant relationship
where two people agree to walk together
for life in trust and loyalty (Prov. 18:24; Eccl.
10 Tips for Friendship

9. Highest level: covenant relationship
where two people agree to walk together
for life in trust and loyalty (Prov. 18:24; Eccl.

10. Friends faithfully build into one
another’s lives, believe in each other,
sharpen and encourage each other to
grow in their relationship with God
Relationships, Work, and Society
16 Tips for Work
16 Tips for Work

1. Not a result of the Fall
16 Tips for Work

1. Not a result of the Fall
2. Part of God’s created orders for humanity
(Gen. 2:5, 15)
16 Tips for Work

1. Not a result of the Fall
2. Part of God’s created orders for humanity
(Gen. 2:5, 15)

3. Patterned after God as the Worker (Ex. 20:11)
16 Tips for Work

1. Not a result of the Fall
2. Part of God’s created orders for humanity
(Gen. 2:5, 15)

3. Patterned after God as the Worker (Ex. 20:11)
4. Idleness and sloth are sin, but work has
genuine value
16 Tips for Work
16 Tips for Work

5. Work done for the Lord honors God and
benefits people
16 Tips for Work

5. Work done for the Lord honors God and
benefits people
6. All honest professions are honorable and
16 Tips for Work

5. Work done for the Lord honors God and
benefits people
6. All honest professions are honorable and
16 Tips for Work
16 Tips for Work
        7. Work as unto the
        Lord, not men
        (Col. 3:23-24)
16 Tips for Work
        7. Work as unto the
        Lord, not men
        (Col. 3:23-24)

        8. Seek to glorify God
        through excellence in
        work, regardless of
        whether others notice
16 Tips for Work
        7. Work as unto the
        Lord, not men
        (Col. 3:23-24)

        8. Seek to glorify God
        through excellence in
        work, regardless of
        whether others notice
        9. Work hard, but do not
16 Tips for Work
16 Tips for Work
10. Our identity is defined
by God, not by our work
16 Tips for Work
10. Our identity is defined
by God, not by our work
11. When it is the source
of our security and
significance, work tends
to consume us
16 Tips for Work
10. Our identity is defined
by God, not by our work
11. When it is the source
of our security and
significance, work tends
to consume us
12. We do not work to
provide for our needs
(Phil. 4:19)
16 Tips for Work
16 Tips for Work

13. It’s not the fruit of my labor but the focus of
my heart that gives value to my work
16 Tips for Work

13. It’s not the fruit of my labor but the focus of
my heart that gives value to my work
14. Looking to clients to meet my needs rather
than the Lord will lead me to manipulate and
control them rather than serve them
16 Tips for Work
16 Tips for Work

15. We cannot contribute to the work of God--
we can only participate in it (Esther 4:13-4; Ps.
115:3; 2 Cor. 3:5)
16 Tips for Work

15. We cannot contribute to the work of God--
we can only participate in it (Esther 4:13-4; Ps.
115:3; 2 Cor. 3:5)

16. Working harder does not necessarily lead
to greater prosperity
16 Tips for Work

15. We cannot contribute to the work of God--
we can only participate in it (Esther 4:13-4; Ps.
115:3; 2 Cor. 3:5)

16. Working harder does not necessarily lead
to greater prosperity
   Correlation, but not a fixed causality
Relationships, Work, and Society
Society: Expressions of Christianity
Society: Expressions of Christianity

Society: Expressions of Christianity

 Word                        Deed
Centered                    Centered
Society: Expressions of Christianity

 Word                         Deed
Centered                     Centered
Evangelism & Edification
Society: Expressions of Christianity

 Word                         Deed
Centered                     Centered
Evangelism & Edification      Social Action
Society: Expressions of Christianity

 Word                         Deed
Centered                     Centered
Evangelism & Edification      Social Action

Personal & Inward
Society: Expressions of Christianity

 Word                           Deed
Centered                       Centered
Evangelism & Edification       Social Action

Personal & Inward         Social & Outward
Society: Expressions of Christianity

 Word                                  Deed
Centered                              Centered
Evangelism & Edification              Social Action

Personal & Inward                Social & Outward

Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

     Word          Deed
      Soul          Body
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

     Word          Deed
      Soul          Body
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

     Word          Deed
      Soul          Body
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

     Word          Deed
      Soul          Body
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

             Word                        Deed
              Soul                        Body

“And when did we see You a stranger, invite You in, or naked, and
clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come
 to You?... to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of
     Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me”(Mt. 25:38-40)
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

      Word              Deed
        Soul             Body
   Spiritual Needs   Physical Needs
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

              Word                        Deed
                Soul                       Body
        Spiritual Needs              Physical Needs

  “If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily
 food, and one of you says to them ‘Go in peace, be warmed and
be filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their
 body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead,
                    being by itself” (James 2:14-16)
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

      Word              Deed
        Soul             Body
   Spiritual Needs   Physical Needs
      Message            Mercy
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

              Word                        Deed
                Soul                       Body
        Spiritual Needs             Physical Needs
             Message                      Mercy

“This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and
Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep
            oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:27)
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

      Word              Deed
        Soul             Body
   Spiritual Needs   Physical Needs
      Message            Mercy
    Proclamation     Demonstration
Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry

                   Word                                    Deed
                     Soul                                    Body
           Spiritual Needs                         Physical Needs
                 Message                                    Mercy
             Proclamation                           Demonstration
“And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common; and they began
 selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have
                                     need” (Acts 2:44-45)
Society: Holistic Spirituality
Society: Holistic Spirituality

Common unbiblical errors:
Society: Holistic Spirituality

Common unbiblical errors:
  Meeting physical needs
  while ignoring spiritual
Society: Holistic Spirituality

Common unbiblical errors:
  Meeting physical needs
  while ignoring spiritual
  Meeting spiritual needs
  while ignoring physical
Society: Holistic Spirituality
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
  Feeding the hungry
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
  Feeding the hungry
  Clothing the naked
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
  Feeding the hungry
  Clothing the naked
  Harboring the stranger
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
  Feeding the hungry
  Clothing the naked
  Harboring the stranger
  Visiting the sick
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
  Feeding the hungry
  Clothing the naked
  Harboring the stranger
  Visiting the sick
  Ministering to prisoners
Society: Holistic Spirituality

7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  Giving drink to the thirsty
  Feeding the hungry
  Clothing the naked
  Harboring the stranger
  Visiting the sick
  Ministering to prisoners
  Burying the dead
Society: Holistic Spirituality
Society: Holistic Spirituality

             The NT does not teach
             that the Church’s
             mission is to bring
             society into conformity
             with God’s expectations
Society: Holistic Spirituality

             The NT does not teach
             that the Church’s
             mission is to bring
             society into conformity
             with God’s expectations
             Personal holiness and
             social holiness go
Stewardship and Purpose
What is Biblical Stewardship?
What is Biblical Stewardship?

“Oikonomia” =
Management of a household
What is Biblical Stewardship?

“Oikonomia” =
Management of a household
We own nothing
What is Biblical Stewardship?

“Oikonomia” =
Management of a household
We own nothing
  “What do you have that
  you did not receive? But
  if you did receive it, why
  do you boast as if you
  had not received
  it?” (1 Cor. 4:7)
What is Biblical Stewardship?
What is Biblical Stewardship?
We have no possessions - not
even ourselves
What is Biblical Stewardship?
We have no possessions - not
even ourselves
We own nothing
What is Biblical Stewardship?
We have no possessions - not
even ourselves
We own nothing
  “Or do you not know that
  your body is a temple of the
  Holy Spirit who is in you,
  whom you have from God,
  and that you are not your
  own? (1 Cor. 6:19)
What is Biblical Stewardship?
What is Biblical Stewardship?

All that we have is His
What is Biblical Stewardship?

All that we have is His
  Explodes popular misconception: We
  give God His percentage and the rest is
What is Biblical Stewardship?

All that we have is His
  Explodes popular misconception: We
  give God His percentage and the rest is
We manage the possessions of Another as
What is Biblical Stewardship?
What is Biblical Stewardship?

We are not here on our business
What is Biblical Stewardship?

We are not here on our business
We are accountable to God for everything
What is Biblical Stewardship?

We are not here on our business
We are accountable to God for everything
Our key responsibility as stewards is
What is Biblical Stewardship?

We are not here on our business
We are accountable to God for everything
Our key responsibility as stewards is
  “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of
  Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this
  case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be
  found trustworthy” (1 Cor. 4:1)
What is Biblical Stewardship?
What is Biblical Stewardship?

It involves every facet of our life;
it is all-inclusive
What is Biblical Stewardship?

It involves every facet of our life;
it is all-inclusive
Stewardship is faithfulness in using
whatever God gives us for His glory:
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
Opportunities           Family
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
Opportunities           Family
  Interests             Talents
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
Opportunities          Family
  Interests            Talents
    Skills          Spiritual Gifts
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
Opportunities          Family
  Interests            Talents
    Skills          Spiritual Gifts
Employment              Land
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
Opportunities          Family             Money
  Interests            Talents
    Skills          Spiritual Gifts
Employment              Land
What is Biblical Stewardship?

   It involves every facet of our life;
   it is all-inclusive
   Stewardship is faithfulness in using
   whatever God gives us for His glory:
Opportunities          Family             Money
  Interests            Talents            Time
    Skills          Spiritual Gifts
Employment              Land
Areas of Stewardship
Areas of Stewardship

S	 T	 E	 W	 A	 R	 D	 S	 H	 I	 P
Areas of Stewardship

S	 T	 E	 W	 A	 R	 D	 S	 H	 I	 P
Areas of Stewardship

S	 T	 E	 W	 A	 R	 D	 S	 H	 I	 P
Areas of Stewardship

S	 T	 E	 W	 A	 R	 D	 S	 H	 I	 P
Areas of Stewardship

S	 T	 E	 W	 A	 R	 D	 S	 H	 I	 P
Areas of Stewardship

S	 T	 E	 W	 A	 R	 D	 S	 H	 I	 P
Stewardship of Time
Stewardship of Time

You have enough time to
accomplish God’s
Stewardship of Time

You have enough time to
accomplish God’s

God determines the
length of our stay on
Stewardship of Time

You have enough time to
accomplish God’s

God determines the
length of our stay on

Like other assets, God
owns time (Ps. 31:15)
Stewardship of Time
Stewardship of Time

             Life is brief, and don’t be
             presumptuous about the
             future (Ja. 4:14)
Stewardship of Time

             Life is brief, and don’t be
             presumptuous about the
             future (Ja. 4:14)

             The eternal gives
             meaning to the temporal
             (Rom. 13:11)
Stewardship of Time

             Life is brief, and don’t be
             presumptuous about the
             future (Ja. 4:14)

             The eternal gives
             meaning to the temporal
             (Rom. 13:11)

             Make the most of God’s
             opportunities (Eccl. 8:5)
Stewardship of Time
Stewardship of Time

Our use of time reflects
our priorities
Stewardship of Time

Our use of time reflects
our priorities

Budget the use of time
Stewardship of Time

Our use of time reflects
our priorities

Budget the use of time

“Therefore be careful
how you walk... making
the most of your time,
because the days are
evil” (Eph. 5:15-16)
Stewardship of Truth
Stewardship of Truth

God will hold us
accountable for the
amount of light we have
Stewardship of Truth

God will hold us
accountable for the
amount of light we have

   “From everyone who
   has been given much,
   much will be
   required” (Lk. 12:48)
Stewardship of Truth
Stewardship of Truth

Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and
train us in righteousness so that we may
be “adequate, equipped for every good
work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
Stewardship of Truth

Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and
train us in righteousness so that we may
be “adequate, equipped for every good
work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
As stewards of the truth, we must remain
students of the Word
Stewardship of Truth

Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and
train us in righteousness so that we may
be “adequate, equipped for every good
work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
As stewards of the truth, we must remain
students of the Word
  Requires constant exposure to Scripture
Stewardship of Truth

Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and
train us in righteousness so that we may
be “adequate, equipped for every good
work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
As stewards of the truth, we must remain
students of the Word
  Requires constant exposure to Scripture
  Requires a heart to apply what God teaches
Stewardship of Talent
Stewardship of Talent

               Our talents,
               aptitudes, spiritual
               gifts, and special
               abilities belong to
Stewardship of Talent

               Our talents,
               aptitudes, spiritual
               gifts, and special
               abilities belong to

               Talents: musical,
               artistic, athletic,
               persuasive, etc.
Stewardship of Talent
Stewardship of Talent

               Use natural talents and
               spiritual gifts to glorify
               God and serve others
Stewardship of Talent

               Use natural talents and
               spiritual gifts to glorify
               God and serve others
               “As each one has
               received a special gift,
               employ it in serving one
               another as good
               stewards of the manifold
               grace of God” (1 Pe 4:10)
Stewardship of Treasure
Stewardship of Treasure

Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500
verses on faith; but 2,300 on money
Stewardship of Treasure

Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500
verses on faith; but 2,300 on money
> 10% NT relates directly to financial
Stewardship of Treasure

Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500
verses on faith; but 2,300 on money
> 10% NT relates directly to financial
  Spend much time earning, spending, and investing
Stewardship of Treasure

Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500
verses on faith; but 2,300 on money
> 10% NT relates directly to financial
  Spend much time earning, spending, and investing
  Money has a profound effect on relationships
Stewardship of Treasure

Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500
verses on faith; but 2,300 on money
> 10% NT relates directly to financial
  Spend much time earning, spending, and investing
  Money has a profound effect on relationships
  Money usage is a measure of our commitment to Christ
Stewardship of Treasure
Stewardship of Treasure

“The earth is the Lord’s and all it
contains, the world, and those who dwell
in it” (Ps. 24:1)
Stewardship of Treasure

“The earth is the Lord’s and all it
contains, the world, and those who dwell
in it” (Ps. 24:1)
Principle of 100% Ownership
Stewardship of Treasure

“The earth is the Lord’s and all it
contains, the world, and those who dwell
in it” (Ps. 24:1)
Principle of 100% Ownership
Principle of 100% Stewardship
Stewardship of Treasure

“The earth is the Lord’s and all it
contains, the world, and those who dwell
in it” (Ps. 24:1)
Principle of 100% Ownership
Principle of 100% Stewardship
  Do I believe these in theory, but deny
  them in practice?
Stewardship of Relationships
Stewardship of Relationships

People are eternal beings who are appointed
to a resurrection of life or judgment (Jn. 5:28-29)
Stewardship of Relationships

People are eternal beings who are appointed
to a resurrection of life or judgment (Jn. 5:28-29)
  Time invested in cultivating relationships
  by loving and serving is never wasted
Stewardship of Relationships
Stewardship of Relationships

Wise stewards leverage temporal resources
into eternal good
Stewardship of Relationships

Wise stewards leverage temporal resources
into eternal good
  Learning and living the Word of God
Stewardship of Relationships

Wise stewards leverage temporal resources
into eternal good
  Learning and living the Word of God
  Investing our lives in people
Other Areas of Stewardship
Other Areas of Stewardship

Bodies (Rom. 12:1)
Other Areas of Stewardship

Bodies (Rom. 12:1)

Minds (Rom.12:2)
Other Areas of Stewardship

Bodies (Rom. 12:1)

Minds (Rom.12:2)

Opportunities (Col. 4:5)
Other Areas of Stewardship

Bodies (Rom. 12:1)

Minds (Rom.12:2)

Opportunities (Col. 4:5)

Environment (Gen. 1:28-30)
Other Areas of Stewardship
Other Areas of Stewardship

We are stewards in relationship to:
Other Areas of Stewardship

We are stewards in relationship to:
Other Areas of Stewardship

We are stewards in relationship to:
Other Areas of Stewardship

We are stewards in relationship to:
Other Areas of Stewardship

We are stewards in relationship to:
Other Areas of Stewardship

We are stewards in relationship to:

We are called to manage the resources of
Another with integrity
Purpose in Holistic Spirituality
Purpose in Holistic Spirituality

Primary Calling:
Purpose in Holistic Spirituality

Primary Calling:
  To know and love God
Purpose in Holistic Spirituality

Primary Calling:
  To know and love God
Secondary Calling
Purpose in Holistic Spirituality

Primary Calling:
  To know and love God
Secondary Calling
  To express this relationship in all I do
  with everyone I meet

Primary             Secondary

Primary             Secondary

Primary             Secondary

   Primary                      Secondary

   Primary                      Secondary

Relationship with Lord       Activities of Life

Erroneous Primary Calling:

Erroneous Primary Calling:
  Success and significance in what we do

Erroneous Primary Calling:
  Success and significance in what we do
Erroneous Secondary Calling:

Erroneous Primary Calling:
  Success and significance in what we do
Erroneous Secondary Calling:
  Knowing and loving God

Erroneous Primary Calling:
  Success and significance in what we do
Erroneous Secondary Calling:
  Knowing and loving God
The visible and horizontal swallow up the
invisible and vertical - “Nature eats up
grace” (Francis Schaeffer)
Life’s Ultimate Questions
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Where did I come from? (Origin)
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Where did I come from? (Origin)
Where am I going? (Destiny)
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Where did I come from? (Origin)
Where am I going? (Destiny)
Why am I here? (Purpose)
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Where did I come from? (Origin)
Where am I going? (Destiny)
Why am I here? (Purpose)
  What do I want my life to add up to,
  and why?
Life’s Ultimate Questions

Where did I come from? (Origin)
Where am I going? (Destiny)
Why am I here? (Purpose)
  What do I want my life to add up to,
  and why?
  “Lord, what do You want me to do?”
Aspects of Purpose
Aspects of Purpose

You cannot fully know or express the
fulness of God’s calling on your life
Aspects of Purpose

You cannot fully know or express the
fulness of God’s calling on your life
  But you can ask the Lord for a clearer
  picture of your unique purpose
Aspects of Purpose

You cannot fully know or express the
fulness of God’s calling on your life
  But you can ask the Lord for a clearer
  picture of your unique purpose
Written Purpose Statement can give you
focus and passion
Results of Having No Biblical
Results of Having No Biblical

Activities and objectives become ends in
Results of Having No Biblical

Activities and objectives become ends in
Pursuit of security, significance, and
satisfaction is the main motivator
Results of Having No Biblical

Activities and objectives become ends in
Pursuit of security, significance, and
satisfaction is the main motivator
Hope in institutions or individuals is
destined to disappoint
Results of Having No Biblical
Results of Having No Biblical
The world will define
my purpose for me
Results of Having No Biblical
The world will define
my purpose for me
The grind of life leads
to hopelessness and
Results of Having No Biblical
The world will define
my purpose for me
The grind of life leads
to hopelessness and
Life can become an
exercise in futility
Purpose: Universal and Unique
Purpose: Universal and Unique

Purpose: Universal and Unique

  Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
Purpose: Universal and Unique

  Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
  Making God known (spiritual reproduction)
Purpose: Universal and Unique

  Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
  Making God known (spiritual reproduction)

Purpose: Universal and Unique

  Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
  Making God known (spiritual reproduction)

  What is my calling?
Purpose: Universal and Unique

  Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
  Making God known (spiritual reproduction)

  What is my calling?
  What is my gifting?
Purpose: Universal and Unique

  Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
  Making God known (spiritual reproduction)

  What is my calling?
  What is my gifting?
  What has been my equipping?
Unique Purpose Statement
Unique Purpose Statement

                 Global Purposes
Unique Purpose Statement

                 Global Purposes

Unique Purpose Statement

                 Global Purposes


Unique Purpose Statement

                 Global Purposes



                 Role Purposes
Unique Purpose Statement

                 Global Purposes



                 Role Purposes

Unique Purpose Statement

                 Global Purposes



                 Role Purposes


Global Purposes:
Example Statement
Global Purposes:
         Example Statement

Loving God Completely: To know God and His
character and grow into conformity with His Son in
Faith, hope, and love
Global Purposes:
          Example Statement

Loving God Completely: To know God and His
character and grow into conformity with His Son in
Faith, hope, and love
Loving Self Correctly: To see myself in the light of God’s
character and grow in humility and obedience
Global Purposes:
          Example Statement

Loving God Completely: To know God and His
character and grow into conformity with His Son in
Faith, hope, and love
Loving Self Correctly: To see myself in the light of God’s
character and grow in humility and obedience
Loving Others Compassionately: To see others in the
light of God’s character and grow in love and service
Role Purposes:
Example Statement
Role Purposes:
          Example Statement

Role as Husband: To love and serve my wife in such a
way that she is free to live up to her full potential as a
woman of God
Role Purposes:
          Example Statement

Role as Husband: To love and serve my wife in such a
way that she is free to live up to her full potential as a
woman of God
Role as Father: To love and serve my children in such a
way that they know that Dad and Mom know and love
Role Purposes:
          Example Statement

Role as Husband: To love and serve my wife in such a
way that she is free to live up to her full potential as a
woman of God
Role as Father: To love and serve my children in such a
way that they know that Dad and Mom know and love
Role as Son: To love and serve my parents in such a way
that they know that they are honored and cherished
Role Purposes:
Example Statement
Role Purposes:
         Example Statement
Role as Friend: To love and serve my friends in such a
way that nurtures commitment, transparency, and
vulnerability in relationship of mutual acceptance and
Role Purposes:
         Example Statement
Role as Friend: To love and serve my friends in such a
way that nurtures commitment, transparency, and
vulnerability in relationship of mutual acceptance and
Role as Writer/Publisher: To love and serve readers in
such a way that helps them manifest eternal values by
drawing them to intimacy with God and a better
understanding of the culture in which they live
The End
Reflections Ministries Resources
Reflections Ministries Resources

         Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter
Reflections Ministries Resources

         Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter

    website -
             Daily Growth email and free text
             and audio resources
DVD Series
DVD Series

- Audio/visual presentations of crucial topics
DVD Series

- Audio/visual presentations of crucial topics
- $20 each
DVD Series

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  • 42. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the ability to use:
  • 43. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the ability to use: the best means
  • 44. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the ability to use: the best means at the best time
  • 45. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the ability to use: the best means at the best time to accomplish the best ends
  • 46. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the ability to use: the best means at the best time to accomplish the best ends “He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.” (Dan. 2:21)
  • 47. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things
  • 48. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the key to a life of:
  • 49. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the key to a life of: Beauty
  • 50. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the key to a life of: Beauty Fulfillment
  • 51. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the key to a life of: Beauty Fulfillment Purpose
  • 52. The Wisdom of Seeking Christ in All Things Wisdom is the key to a life of: Beauty Fulfillment Purpose “How blessed is the man who finds wisdom. For her profit is better than the profit of silver And her gain is better than fine gold She is more precious than jewels And nothing you desire compares with her” (Prov. 3:13-15)
  • 53. True Wisdom Gained by Fear of the Lord
  • 54. True Wisdom Gained by Fear of the Lord Fear = awe; humility; reverence, holy terror
  • 55. True Wisdom Gained by Fear of the Lord Fear = awe; humility; reverence, holy terror To recognize our creature-hood and utter dependence upon Him to live, move, and have our being
  • 56. Biblical Fear of the Lord
  • 57. Biblical Fear of the Lord “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28)
  • 58. Biblical Fear of the Lord “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28) “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments...” (Psalm 111:10)
  • 59. Biblical Fear of the Lord “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” (Job 28:28) “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments...” (Psalm 111:10) “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7)
  • 60. A Heart of Wisdom
  • 61. A Heart of Wisdom Live each day in light of That Day
  • 62. A Heart of Wisdom Live each day in light of That Day Remember that our days are numbered
  • 63. A Heart of Wisdom Live each day in light of That Day Remember that our days are numbered “So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12)
  • 65. Playing by Two Sets of Rules
  • 66. Playing by Two Sets of Rules God’s
  • 67. Playing by Two Sets of Rules God’s World’s
  • 68. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Lower Realm Secular
  • 69. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Lower Realm Secular
  • 70. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Lower Realm Secular
  • 71. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Unchanging Lower Realm Secular
  • 72. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Unchanging God in Heaven Lower Realm Secular
  • 73. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Unchanging God in Heaven Physical Lower Realm Secular
  • 74. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Unchanging God in Heaven Physical Lower Temporal Realm Secular
  • 75. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Unchanging God in Heaven Physical Lower Temporal Changing Realm Secular
  • 76. Greek Worldview (Platonic Dualism) Higher Sacred Realm Spiritual Eternal Unchanging God in Heaven Physical Lower Temporal Changing Realm Man on Earth Secular
  • 77. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm Lower Realm Secular
  • 78. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Lower Realm Secular
  • 79. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Lower Realm Secular
  • 80. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Soul Lower Realm Secular
  • 81. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Soul Superior Lower Realm Secular
  • 82. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Soul Superior Man Lower Realm Secular
  • 83. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Soul Superior Man Lower Unspiritual Realm Secular
  • 84. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Soul Superior Man Lower Unspiritual Body Realm Secular
  • 85. Compartmentalization of Life Higher Sacred Realm God Spiritual Soul Superior Man Lower Unspiritual Body Realm Inferior Secular
  • 86. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Realm Lower Realm Secular
  • 87. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Lower Realm Secular
  • 88. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Business Lower Sex Work Realm Home Recreation Secular
  • 89. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Belief Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Business Lower Sex Work Realm Home Recreation Secular Behavior
  • 90. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Belief Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Business Lower Sex Work Realm Home Recreation Secular Behavior
  • 91. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Belief Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Business Lower Sex Work Realm Home Recreation Secular Behavior
  • 92. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Belief Profession Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Business Lower Sex Work Realm Home Recreation Secular Behavior Practice
  • 93. Activity Compartmentalization Higher Sacred Belief Profession Realm Church Bible Study Prayer Ministry Business Lower Sex Work Realm Home Recreation Secular Behavior Practice
  • 95. Results of Compartmentalization The spiritual has little to do with the temporal
  • 96. Results of Compartmentalization The spiritual has little to do with the temporal Substantial disparities between belief and behavior
  • 97. Results of Compartmentalization The spiritual has little to do with the temporal Substantial disparities between belief and behavior Amazing ability to overlook these inconsistencies
  • 98. Results of Compartmentalization The spiritual has little to do with the temporal Substantial disparities between belief and behavior Amazing ability to overlook these inconsistencies Incongruence resulting in a lack of integrity
  • 99.
  • 100. “You are sort of an imposter when your profession and practice disagree.” St. Ambrose of Milan, A.D. 340-397
  • 102. A Biblical Worldview Business
  • 103. A Biblical Worldview Business Church
  • 104. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School
  • 105. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School Sex
  • 106. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School Sex Art
  • 107. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School Sex Art Music
  • 108. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School Sex Art Music Home
  • 109. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School Sex Art Music Home Recreation
  • 110. A Biblical Worldview Business Church School In harmony Sex with Art God’s design Music “good” Home Recreation
  • 111. A Biblical Worldview Business Church In conflict School In harmony with Sex with God’s design Art God’s design “evil” Music “good” Home Recreation
  • 112. A Biblical Worldview Business Church In conflict School In harmony with Sex with God’s design Art God’s design “evil” Music “good” Home Recreation Done in the temporal with a temporal mindset: temporal value
  • 113. A Biblical Worldview Business Church In conflict School In harmony with Sex with God’s design Art God’s design “evil” Music “good” Home Recreation Done in the temporal with a temporal mindset: temporal value Done in the temporal with a eternal mindset: eternal value
  • 114. All of Life Is Spiritual
  • 115. All of Life Is Spiritual “Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7)
  • 116. All of Life Is Spiritual “Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7) The Spirit should animate whatever I do
  • 117. All of Life Is Spiritual “Where can I go from Your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7) The Spirit should animate whatever I do “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” (Col. 3:23-24)
  • 118. All of Life Is Spiritual “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28)
  • 119. All of Life Is Spiritual
  • 120. All of Life Is Spiritual “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, adoring Him, and loving Him with all my heart.” - Brother Lawrence, monastic kitchen worker, ca. 1690
  • 125. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Changing diapers Sacred
  • 126. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Changing diapers Sacred Driving carpool
  • 127. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Changing diapers Sacred Driving carpool
  • 128. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Changing diapers Sacred Driving carpool Sex
  • 129. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Washing clothes Changing diapers Sacred Driving carpool Sex
  • 130. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Washing clothes Changing diapers Sacred Driving carpool Sex Reading
  • 131. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Washing clothes Changing diapers Taking out garbage Sacred Driving carpool Sex Reading
  • 132. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Washing clothes Changing diapers Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Driving carpool Sex Reading
  • 133. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Driving carpool Sex Reading
  • 134. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Writing reports Driving carpool Sex Reading
  • 135. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Writing reports Driving carpool Sex Reading Dusting
  • 136. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Watching TV Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Writing reports Driving carpool Sex Reading Dusting
  • 137. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Watching TV Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Writing reports Driving carpool Sex Reading Waiting in line Dusting
  • 138. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Watching TV Taking out garbage Sacred Smiling Writing reports Driving carpool Washing dishes Sex Reading Waiting in line Dusting
  • 139. No Sacred/Secular Dichotomy Mowing lawn Painting fence Washing clothes Changing diapers Watching TV Taking out garbage Sacred Thinking Smiling Writing reports Driving carpool Washing dishes Sex Reading Waiting in line Dusting
  • 140. Where Is the Focus of My Heart?
  • 141. Where Is the Focus of My Heart? All things can be done to the glory of God
  • 142. Where Is the Focus of My Heart? All things can be done to the glory of God The workplace or the monastery!
  • 143. Where Is the Focus of My Heart? All things can be done to the glory of God The workplace or the monastery! Ordinary Elevated
  • 144. Where Is the Focus of My Heart? All things can be done to the glory of God The workplace or the monastery! Ordinary Elevated Lower Higher
  • 145. Where Is the Focus of My Heart? All things can be done to the glory of God The workplace or the monastery! Ordinary Elevated Lower Higher Contemplative Active
  • 146. Implications of All as Sacred
  • 147. Implications of All as Sacred All believers are called to full-time ministry
  • 148. Implications of All as Sacred All believers are called to full-time ministry No such thing as “part-time” disciple
  • 149. Implications of All as Sacred All believers are called to full-time ministry No such thing as “part-time” disciple No biblical clergy/laity distinction
  • 150. Implications of All as Sacred All believers are called to full-time ministry No such thing as “part-time” disciple No biblical clergy/laity distinction NT teaches all believers are in the ministry
  • 151. Implications of All as Sacred All believers are called to full-time ministry No such thing as “part-time” disciple No biblical clergy/laity distinction NT teaches all believers are in the ministry “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him” (1Pe. 2:9)
  • 152. Implications of All as Sacred
  • 153. Implications of All as Sacred Vocational Christian workers may be no more or no less pleasing to God than Christians in the workplace, and vice versa
  • 154. Splendor in the Ordinary
  • 155. Splendor in the Ordinary Most of life is spent in the ordinary- the commonplace routines of life:
  • 156. Splendor in the Ordinary Most of life is spent in the ordinary- the commonplace routines of life: The mundane, the details, the thankless, the drudgery
  • 157. Splendor in the Ordinary Most of life is spent in the ordinary- the commonplace routines of life: The mundane, the details, the thankless, the drudgery Faith is demonstrated more in the mundane than anywhere else
  • 158. Splendor in the Ordinary
  • 159. Splendor in the Ordinary Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities
  • 160. Splendor in the Ordinary Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities Audience of One
  • 161. Splendor in the Ordinary Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities Audience of One Cultivate skill of praying in every situation
  • 162. Splendor in the Ordinary Look to Jesus in hour-to-hour responsibilities Audience of One Cultivate skill of praying in every situation Invoke God’s manifest presence in each area of life
  • 163. Splendor in the Ordinary
  • 164. Splendor in the Ordinary In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and live through you
  • 165. Splendor in the Ordinary In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and live through you Single-minded pursuit of knowing Him better
  • 166. Splendor in the Ordinary In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and live through you Single-minded pursuit of knowing Him better Discipleship is obedience, mostly in the mundane, thankless routines of life
  • 167. Splendor in the Ordinary In dependence, invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and live through you Single-minded pursuit of knowing Him better Discipleship is obedience, mostly in the mundane, thankless routines of life Jesus transmutes the ordinary into the extraordinary
  • 168. Temptations to Lose Our Focus
  • 169. Temptations to Lose Our Focus Materialism
  • 170. Temptations to Lose Our Focus Materialism Reason overriding Revelation
  • 171. Temptations to Lose Our Focus Materialism Reason overriding Revelation Spiritual sloth and indifference
  • 172. Temptations to Lose Our Focus Materialism Reason overriding Revelation Spiritual sloth and indifference Men-pleasing
  • 174. The Highest Ambition Knowing that I am set apart for His service
  • 175. The Highest Ambition Knowing that I am set apart for His service To allow myself to be possessed by God that He may be free to reorient my heart, values, and behaviors in every area of life
  • 176. Christ: Component or Center of Life?
  • 177. Christ: Component or Center of Life? Christ as Present in my life
  • 178. Christ: Component or Center of Life? Christ as Present in my life Christ as Prominent in my life
  • 179. Christ: Component or Center of Life? Christ as Present in my life Christ as Prominent in my life Christ as Preeminent in my life
  • 184. Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips Husband-Wife
  • 185. Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips Husband-Wife Parent-Child
  • 186. Holistic Relationships: 10 Tips Husband-Wife Friendship Parent-Child
  • 187. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships
  • 188. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 1. Marriage is a lifetime covenant of mutual commitment between a man and a woman leading to oneness on every level: spirit, soul, and body
  • 189. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 1. Marriage is a lifetime covenant of mutual commitment between a man and a woman leading to oneness on every level: spirit, soul, and body 2. Marriage is an earthly analogy of a spiritual truth
  • 190. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships
  • 191. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 3. Masculinity and femininity each expresses something different about God
  • 192. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 3. Masculinity and femininity each expresses something different about God 4. Problems: Failure to leave, to cleave, or to become one flesh
  • 193. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 3. Masculinity and femininity each expresses something different about God 4. Problems: Failure to leave, to cleave, or to become one flesh 5. Growing marriages never happen by default; they are cultivated by years of discipline and dependence
  • 194. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships
  • 195. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 6. Five Love Languages:
  • 196. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 6. Five Love Languages: Quality Time
  • 197. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 6. Five Love Languages: Quality Time Words of Affirmation
  • 198. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 6. Five Love Languages: Quality Time Words of Affirmation Gifts
  • 199. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 6. Five Love Languages: Quality Time Words of Affirmation Gifts Acts of Service
  • 200. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 6. Five Love Languages: Quality Time Words of Affirmation Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch
  • 201. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships
  • 202. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 7. Greatest Enemy: Selfish attitude concerned with the other person’s character and one’s own needs
  • 203. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 7. Greatest Enemy: Selfish attitude concerned with the other person’s character and one’s own needs Other-centered love focuses on our character and their needs
  • 204. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 7. Greatest Enemy: Selfish attitude concerned with the other person’s character and one’s own needs Other-centered love focuses on our character and their needs 8. Best Gift for My Spouse: For me to love Jesus more
  • 205. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships
  • 206. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 9. My spouse should be my best friend
  • 207. 10 Tips for Husband & Wife Relationships 9. My spouse should be my best friend 10. Spiritual and soul oneness provide the basis for physical oneness - not vice versa
  • 208. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
  • 209. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 1. Your home is the training ground for:
  • 210. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 1. Your home is the training ground for: Imparting values
  • 211. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 1. Your home is the training ground for: Imparting values Learning how to give and receive love
  • 212. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 1. Your home is the training ground for: Imparting values Learning how to give and receive love Development of relationships
  • 213. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 1. Your home is the training ground for: Imparting values Learning how to give and receive love Development of relationships 2. Children are a gift on loan from God (Ps. 127:3-5). They are God’s possession, not ours.
  • 214. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
  • 215. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 3. Common Mistake: Building your life and marriage around your children
  • 216. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 3. Common Mistake: Building your life and marriage around your children 4. Accept your children the same way God accepts you
  • 217. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 3. Common Mistake: Building your life and marriage around your children 4. Accept your children the same way God accepts you Your true source of identity is in Christ, not your children
  • 218. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
  • 219. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely responsible for:
  • 220. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely responsible for: shaping their children’s character
  • 221. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely responsible for: shaping their children’s character guiding their spiritual, psychological, intellectual, emotional and physical growth
  • 222. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 5. Parents, not outside institutions, are solely responsible for: shaping their children’s character guiding their spiritual, psychological, intellectual, emotional and physical growth 6. There should be a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative comments
  • 223. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
  • 224. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 7. You cannot impart what you do not possess
  • 225. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 7. You cannot impart what you do not possess Spiritual, intellectual, and emotional vitality must be in our hearts before it can be in our homes
  • 226. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 7. You cannot impart what you do not possess Spiritual, intellectual, and emotional vitality must be in our hearts before it can be in our homes 8. We must respond not only to God’s love, but also to God’s Word
  • 227. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships
  • 228. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 9. More is caught than taught
  • 229. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 9. More is caught than taught What we are communicates for more than what we say
  • 230. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 9. More is caught than taught What we are communicates for more than what we say 10. Young children’s view of God is profoundly shaped by their view of their fathers
  • 231. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 9. More is caught than taught What we are communicates for more than what we say 10. Young children’s view of God is profoundly shaped by their view of their fathers Children spell love T-I-M-E
  • 232. 10 Tips for Parent-Child Relationships 9. More is caught than taught What we are communicates for more than what we say 10. Young children’s view of God is profoundly shaped by their view of their fathers Children spell love T-I-M-E Five Love Languages
  • 236. Friendships Untested Acquaintance Companion Friendship
  • 237. Friendships Untested Tested Acquaintance Companion Friendship Friendship
  • 239. Safe Friends “Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
  • 240. Safe Friends “Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to measure words or weigh thoughts, but just pouring them all out grain and chaff alike,
  • 241. Safe Friends “Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to measure words or weigh thoughts, but just pouring them all out grain and chaff alike, sure that a faithful hand will keep what is worth keeping and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away” - Author unknown
  • 244. Growth in Friendships Opinions Facts
  • 245. Growth in Friendships Feelings Opinions Facts
  • 246. 10 Tips for Friendship
  • 247. 10 Tips for Friendship 1. Friends share “the treasure of common memories, of trials endured together, of quarrels and reconciliations and generous emotions” Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
  • 248. 10 Tips for Friendship
  • 249. 10 Tips for Friendship 2. C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is the least natural of the human loves, because it is not driven by instinct, necessity, or survival value”
  • 250. 10 Tips for Friendship 2. C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is the least natural of the human loves, because it is not driven by instinct, necessity, or survival value” Least jealous of all the loves
  • 251. 10 Tips for Friendship 2. C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is the least natural of the human loves, because it is not driven by instinct, necessity, or survival value” Least jealous of all the loves Essentially free from the need to be needed
  • 252. 10 Tips for Friendship
  • 253. 10 Tips for Friendship 3. Requires intentional investments of time and energy
  • 254. 10 Tips for Friendship 3. Requires intentional investments of time and energy 4. Learn to love others without being controlled or consumed by them
  • 255. 10 Tips for Friendship 3. Requires intentional investments of time and energy 4. Learn to love others without being controlled or consumed by them 5. Characterized by trust, openness, mutual respect, honesty, and self -disclosure
  • 256. 10 Tips for Friendship 3. Requires intentional investments of time and energy 4. Learn to love others without being controlled or consumed by them 5. Characterized by trust, openness, mutual respect, honesty, and self -disclosure No need for pretense; safe
  • 257. 10 Tips for Friendship
  • 258. 10 Tips for Friendship 6. Revealed in times of crisis
  • 259. 10 Tips for Friendship 6. Revealed in times of crisis 7. Friends rebuke when necessary and are candid and truthful (Prov. 17:10; 18:24; 27:6)
  • 260. 10 Tips for Friendship 6. Revealed in times of crisis 7. Friends rebuke when necessary and are candid and truthful (Prov. 17:10; 18:24; 27:6) 8. Friends keep confidences, listen attentively and empathetically, and do not seek to control or manipulate
  • 261. 10 Tips for Friendship
  • 262. 10 Tips for Friendship 9. Highest level: covenant relationship where two people agree to walk together for life in trust and loyalty (Prov. 18:24; Eccl. 4:9-12)
  • 263. 10 Tips for Friendship 9. Highest level: covenant relationship where two people agree to walk together for life in trust and loyalty (Prov. 18:24; Eccl. 4:9-12) 10. Friends faithfully build into one another’s lives, believe in each other, sharpen and encourage each other to grow in their relationship with God
  • 265. 16 Tips for Work
  • 266. 16 Tips for Work 1. Not a result of the Fall
  • 267. 16 Tips for Work 1. Not a result of the Fall 2. Part of God’s created orders for humanity (Gen. 2:5, 15)
  • 268. 16 Tips for Work 1. Not a result of the Fall 2. Part of God’s created orders for humanity (Gen. 2:5, 15) 3. Patterned after God as the Worker (Ex. 20:11)
  • 269. 16 Tips for Work 1. Not a result of the Fall 2. Part of God’s created orders for humanity (Gen. 2:5, 15) 3. Patterned after God as the Worker (Ex. 20:11) 4. Idleness and sloth are sin, but work has genuine value
  • 270. 16 Tips for Work
  • 271. 16 Tips for Work 5. Work done for the Lord honors God and benefits people
  • 272. 16 Tips for Work 5. Work done for the Lord honors God and benefits people 6. All honest professions are honorable and dignified
  • 273. 16 Tips for Work 5. Work done for the Lord honors God and benefits people 6. All honest professions are honorable and dignified
  • 274. 16 Tips for Work
  • 275. 16 Tips for Work 7. Work as unto the Lord, not men (Col. 3:23-24)
  • 276. 16 Tips for Work 7. Work as unto the Lord, not men (Col. 3:23-24) 8. Seek to glorify God through excellence in work, regardless of whether others notice
  • 277. 16 Tips for Work 7. Work as unto the Lord, not men (Col. 3:23-24) 8. Seek to glorify God through excellence in work, regardless of whether others notice 9. Work hard, but do not overwork
  • 278. 16 Tips for Work
  • 279. 16 Tips for Work 10. Our identity is defined by God, not by our work
  • 280. 16 Tips for Work 10. Our identity is defined by God, not by our work 11. When it is the source of our security and significance, work tends to consume us
  • 281. 16 Tips for Work 10. Our identity is defined by God, not by our work 11. When it is the source of our security and significance, work tends to consume us 12. We do not work to provide for our needs (Phil. 4:19)
  • 282. 16 Tips for Work
  • 283. 16 Tips for Work 13. It’s not the fruit of my labor but the focus of my heart that gives value to my work
  • 284. 16 Tips for Work 13. It’s not the fruit of my labor but the focus of my heart that gives value to my work 14. Looking to clients to meet my needs rather than the Lord will lead me to manipulate and control them rather than serve them
  • 285. 16 Tips for Work
  • 286. 16 Tips for Work 15. We cannot contribute to the work of God-- we can only participate in it (Esther 4:13-4; Ps. 115:3; 2 Cor. 3:5)
  • 287. 16 Tips for Work 15. We cannot contribute to the work of God-- we can only participate in it (Esther 4:13-4; Ps. 115:3; 2 Cor. 3:5) 16. Working harder does not necessarily lead to greater prosperity
  • 288. 16 Tips for Work 15. We cannot contribute to the work of God-- we can only participate in it (Esther 4:13-4; Ps. 115:3; 2 Cor. 3:5) 16. Working harder does not necessarily lead to greater prosperity Correlation, but not a fixed causality
  • 290. Society: Expressions of Christianity
  • 291. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Centered
  • 292. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Deed Centered Centered
  • 293. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Deed Centered Centered Evangelism & Edification
  • 294. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Deed Centered Centered Evangelism & Edification Social Action
  • 295. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Deed Centered Centered Evangelism & Edification Social Action Personal & Inward
  • 296. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Deed Centered Centered Evangelism & Edification Social Action Personal & Inward Social & Outward
  • 297. Society: Expressions of Christianity Word Deed Centered Centered Evangelism & Edification Social Action Personal & Inward Social & Outward BOTH/AND
  • 298. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry
  • 299. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body
  • 300. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body
  • 301. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body
  • 302. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body
  • 303. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body “And when did we see You a stranger, invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?... to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me”(Mt. 25:38-40)
  • 304. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body Spiritual Needs Physical Needs
  • 305. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body Spiritual Needs Physical Needs “If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself” (James 2:14-16)
  • 306. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body Spiritual Needs Physical Needs Message Mercy
  • 307. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body Spiritual Needs Physical Needs Message Mercy “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:27)
  • 308. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body Spiritual Needs Physical Needs Message Mercy Proclamation Demonstration
  • 309. Word and Deed: Holistic Ministry Word Deed Soul Body Spiritual Needs Physical Needs Message Mercy Proclamation Demonstration “And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need” (Acts 2:44-45)
  • 312. Society: Holistic Spirituality Common unbiblical errors: Meeting physical needs while ignoring spiritual needs
  • 313. Society: Holistic Spirituality Common unbiblical errors: Meeting physical needs while ignoring spiritual needs Meeting spiritual needs while ignoring physical needs
  • 315. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church:
  • 316. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty
  • 317. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty Feeding the hungry
  • 318. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty Feeding the hungry Clothing the naked
  • 319. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty Feeding the hungry Clothing the naked Harboring the stranger
  • 320. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty Feeding the hungry Clothing the naked Harboring the stranger Visiting the sick
  • 321. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty Feeding the hungry Clothing the naked Harboring the stranger Visiting the sick Ministering to prisoners
  • 322. Society: Holistic Spirituality 7 Works of Mercy of the Early Church: Giving drink to the thirsty Feeding the hungry Clothing the naked Harboring the stranger Visiting the sick Ministering to prisoners Burying the dead
  • 324. Society: Holistic Spirituality The NT does not teach that the Church’s mission is to bring society into conformity with God’s expectations
  • 325. Society: Holistic Spirituality The NT does not teach that the Church’s mission is to bring society into conformity with God’s expectations Personal holiness and social holiness go together
  • 328. What is Biblical Stewardship?
  • 329. What is Biblical Stewardship? “Oikonomia” = Management of a household
  • 330. What is Biblical Stewardship? “Oikonomia” = Management of a household We own nothing
  • 331. What is Biblical Stewardship? “Oikonomia” = Management of a household We own nothing “What do you have that you did not receive? But if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” (1 Cor. 4:7)
  • 332. What is Biblical Stewardship?
  • 333. What is Biblical Stewardship? We have no possessions - not even ourselves
  • 334. What is Biblical Stewardship? We have no possessions - not even ourselves We own nothing
  • 335. What is Biblical Stewardship? We have no possessions - not even ourselves We own nothing “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? (1 Cor. 6:19)
  • 336. What is Biblical Stewardship?
  • 337. What is Biblical Stewardship? All that we have is His
  • 338. What is Biblical Stewardship? All that we have is His Explodes popular misconception: We give God His percentage and the rest is ours
  • 339. What is Biblical Stewardship? All that we have is His Explodes popular misconception: We give God His percentage and the rest is ours We manage the possessions of Another as stewards
  • 340. What is Biblical Stewardship?
  • 341. What is Biblical Stewardship? We are not here on our business
  • 342. What is Biblical Stewardship? We are not here on our business We are accountable to God for everything
  • 343. What is Biblical Stewardship? We are not here on our business We are accountable to God for everything Our key responsibility as stewards is FAITHFULNESS:
  • 344. What is Biblical Stewardship? We are not here on our business We are accountable to God for everything Our key responsibility as stewards is FAITHFULNESS: “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy” (1 Cor. 4:1)
  • 345. What is Biblical Stewardship?
  • 346. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive
  • 347. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory:
  • 348. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities
  • 349. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Interests
  • 350. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Interests Skills
  • 351. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Interests Skills Employment
  • 352. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Family Interests Skills Employment
  • 353. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Family Interests Talents Skills Employment
  • 354. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Family Interests Talents Skills Spiritual Gifts Employment
  • 355. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Family Interests Talents Skills Spiritual Gifts Employment Land
  • 356. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Family Money Interests Talents Skills Spiritual Gifts Employment Land
  • 357. What is Biblical Stewardship? It involves every facet of our life; it is all-inclusive Stewardship is faithfulness in using whatever God gives us for His glory: Opportunities Family Money Interests Talents Time Skills Spiritual Gifts Employment Land
  • 359. Areas of Stewardship S T E W A R D S H I P
  • 360. Areas of Stewardship S T E W A R D S H I P Time
  • 361. Areas of Stewardship S T E W A R D S H I P Time Truth
  • 362. Areas of Stewardship S T E W A R D S H I P Time Truth Talent
  • 363. Areas of Stewardship S T E W A R D S H I P Time Truth Talent Treasure
  • 364. Areas of Stewardship S T E W A R D S H I P Time Truth Talent Treasure Relationships
  • 366. Stewardship of Time You have enough time to accomplish God’s purpose
  • 367. Stewardship of Time You have enough time to accomplish God’s purpose God determines the length of our stay on Earth
  • 368. Stewardship of Time You have enough time to accomplish God’s purpose God determines the length of our stay on Earth Like other assets, God owns time (Ps. 31:15)
  • 370. Stewardship of Time Life is brief, and don’t be presumptuous about the future (Ja. 4:14)
  • 371. Stewardship of Time Life is brief, and don’t be presumptuous about the future (Ja. 4:14) The eternal gives meaning to the temporal (Rom. 13:11)
  • 372. Stewardship of Time Life is brief, and don’t be presumptuous about the future (Ja. 4:14) The eternal gives meaning to the temporal (Rom. 13:11) Make the most of God’s opportunities (Eccl. 8:5)
  • 374. Stewardship of Time Our use of time reflects our priorities
  • 375. Stewardship of Time Our use of time reflects our priorities Budget the use of time
  • 376. Stewardship of Time Our use of time reflects our priorities Budget the use of time “Therefore be careful how you walk... making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16)
  • 378. Stewardship of Truth God will hold us accountable for the amount of light we have received
  • 379. Stewardship of Truth God will hold us accountable for the amount of light we have received “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required” (Lk. 12:48)
  • 381. Stewardship of Truth Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and train us in righteousness so that we may be “adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
  • 382. Stewardship of Truth Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and train us in righteousness so that we may be “adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17) As stewards of the truth, we must remain students of the Word
  • 383. Stewardship of Truth Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and train us in righteousness so that we may be “adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17) As stewards of the truth, we must remain students of the Word Requires constant exposure to Scripture
  • 384. Stewardship of Truth Scriptures teach, reprove, correct, and train us in righteousness so that we may be “adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17) As stewards of the truth, we must remain students of the Word Requires constant exposure to Scripture Requires a heart to apply what God teaches
  • 386. Stewardship of Talent Our talents, aptitudes, spiritual gifts, and special abilities belong to God
  • 387. Stewardship of Talent Our talents, aptitudes, spiritual gifts, and special abilities belong to God Talents: musical, artistic, athletic, academic, business, relational, persuasive, etc.
  • 389. Stewardship of Talent Use natural talents and spiritual gifts to glorify God and serve others
  • 390. Stewardship of Talent Use natural talents and spiritual gifts to glorify God and serve others “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Pe 4:10)
  • 392. Stewardship of Treasure Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500 verses on faith; but 2,300 on money
  • 393. Stewardship of Treasure Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500 verses on faith; but 2,300 on money > 10% NT relates directly to financial matters
  • 394. Stewardship of Treasure Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500 verses on faith; but 2,300 on money > 10% NT relates directly to financial matters Spend much time earning, spending, and investing money
  • 395. Stewardship of Treasure Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500 verses on faith; but 2,300 on money > 10% NT relates directly to financial matters Spend much time earning, spending, and investing money Money has a profound effect on relationships
  • 396. Stewardship of Treasure Bible contains ≅ 500 verses on prayer; 500 verses on faith; but 2,300 on money > 10% NT relates directly to financial matters Spend much time earning, spending, and investing money Money has a profound effect on relationships Money usage is a measure of our commitment to Christ
  • 398. Stewardship of Treasure “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it” (Ps. 24:1)
  • 399. Stewardship of Treasure “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it” (Ps. 24:1) Principle of 100% Ownership
  • 400. Stewardship of Treasure “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it” (Ps. 24:1) Principle of 100% Ownership Principle of 100% Stewardship
  • 401. Stewardship of Treasure “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it” (Ps. 24:1) Principle of 100% Ownership Principle of 100% Stewardship Do I believe these in theory, but deny them in practice?
  • 403. Stewardship of Relationships People are eternal beings who are appointed to a resurrection of life or judgment (Jn. 5:28-29)
  • 404. Stewardship of Relationships People are eternal beings who are appointed to a resurrection of life or judgment (Jn. 5:28-29) Time invested in cultivating relationships by loving and serving is never wasted
  • 406. Stewardship of Relationships Wise stewards leverage temporal resources into eternal good
  • 407. Stewardship of Relationships Wise stewards leverage temporal resources into eternal good Learning and living the Word of God
  • 408. Stewardship of Relationships Wise stewards leverage temporal resources into eternal good Learning and living the Word of God Investing our lives in people
  • 409. Other Areas of Stewardship
  • 410. Other Areas of Stewardship Bodies (Rom. 12:1)
  • 411. Other Areas of Stewardship Bodies (Rom. 12:1) Minds (Rom.12:2)
  • 412. Other Areas of Stewardship Bodies (Rom. 12:1) Minds (Rom.12:2) Opportunities (Col. 4:5)
  • 413. Other Areas of Stewardship Bodies (Rom. 12:1) Minds (Rom.12:2) Opportunities (Col. 4:5) Environment (Gen. 1:28-30)
  • 414. Other Areas of Stewardship
  • 415. Other Areas of Stewardship We are stewards in relationship to:
  • 416. Other Areas of Stewardship We are stewards in relationship to: God
  • 417. Other Areas of Stewardship We are stewards in relationship to: God Neighbor
  • 418. Other Areas of Stewardship We are stewards in relationship to: God Neighbor Ourselves
  • 419. Other Areas of Stewardship We are stewards in relationship to: God Neighbor Ourselves Creation
  • 420. Other Areas of Stewardship We are stewards in relationship to: God Neighbor Ourselves Creation We are called to manage the resources of Another with integrity
  • 422. Purpose in Holistic Spirituality
  • 423. Purpose in Holistic Spirituality Primary Calling:
  • 424. Purpose in Holistic Spirituality Primary Calling: To know and love God
  • 425. Purpose in Holistic Spirituality Primary Calling: To know and love God Secondary Calling
  • 426. Purpose in Holistic Spirituality Primary Calling: To know and love God Secondary Calling To express this relationship in all I do with everyone I meet
  • 428. Purpose Primary Secondary
  • 429. Purpose Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
  • 430. Purpose Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Relationship with Lord Activities of Life
  • 433. Purpose Erroneous Primary Calling: Success and significance in what we do
  • 434. Purpose Erroneous Primary Calling: Success and significance in what we do Erroneous Secondary Calling:
  • 435. Purpose Erroneous Primary Calling: Success and significance in what we do Erroneous Secondary Calling: Knowing and loving God
  • 436. Purpose Erroneous Primary Calling: Success and significance in what we do Erroneous Secondary Calling: Knowing and loving God The visible and horizontal swallow up the invisible and vertical - “Nature eats up grace” (Francis Schaeffer)
  • 438. Life’s Ultimate Questions Where did I come from? (Origin)
  • 439. Life’s Ultimate Questions Where did I come from? (Origin) Where am I going? (Destiny)
  • 440. Life’s Ultimate Questions Where did I come from? (Origin) Where am I going? (Destiny) Why am I here? (Purpose)
  • 441. Life’s Ultimate Questions Where did I come from? (Origin) Where am I going? (Destiny) Why am I here? (Purpose) What do I want my life to add up to, and why?
  • 442. Life’s Ultimate Questions Where did I come from? (Origin) Where am I going? (Destiny) Why am I here? (Purpose) What do I want my life to add up to, and why? “Lord, what do You want me to do?”
  • 444. Aspects of Purpose You cannot fully know or express the fulness of God’s calling on your life
  • 445. Aspects of Purpose You cannot fully know or express the fulness of God’s calling on your life But you can ask the Lord for a clearer picture of your unique purpose
  • 446. Aspects of Purpose You cannot fully know or express the fulness of God’s calling on your life But you can ask the Lord for a clearer picture of your unique purpose Written Purpose Statement can give you focus and passion
  • 447. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose
  • 448. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose Activities and objectives become ends in themselves
  • 449. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose Activities and objectives become ends in themselves Pursuit of security, significance, and satisfaction is the main motivator
  • 450. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose Activities and objectives become ends in themselves Pursuit of security, significance, and satisfaction is the main motivator Hope in institutions or individuals is destined to disappoint
  • 451. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose
  • 452. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose The world will define my purpose for me
  • 453. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose The world will define my purpose for me The grind of life leads to hopelessness and despair
  • 454. Results of Having No Biblical Purpose The world will define my purpose for me The grind of life leads to hopelessness and despair Life can become an exercise in futility
  • 456. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal:
  • 457. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal: Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth)
  • 458. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal: Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth) Making God known (spiritual reproduction)
  • 459. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal: Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth) Making God known (spiritual reproduction) Unique:
  • 460. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal: Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth) Making God known (spiritual reproduction) Unique: What is my calling?
  • 461. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal: Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth) Making God known (spiritual reproduction) Unique: What is my calling? What is my gifting?
  • 462. Purpose: Universal and Unique Universal: Knowing God experientially (spiritual growth) Making God known (spiritual reproduction) Unique: What is my calling? What is my gifting? What has been my equipping?
  • 464. Unique Purpose Statement Global Purposes
  • 465. Unique Purpose Statement Global Purposes Goals
  • 466. Unique Purpose Statement Global Purposes Goals Objectives
  • 467. Unique Purpose Statement Global Purposes Goals Objectives Role Purposes
  • 468. Unique Purpose Statement Global Purposes Goals Objectives Role Purposes Goals
  • 469. Unique Purpose Statement Global Purposes Goals Objectives Role Purposes Goals Objectives
  • 471. Global Purposes: Example Statement Loving God Completely: To know God and His character and grow into conformity with His Son in Faith, hope, and love
  • 472. Global Purposes: Example Statement Loving God Completely: To know God and His character and grow into conformity with His Son in Faith, hope, and love Loving Self Correctly: To see myself in the light of God’s character and grow in humility and obedience
  • 473. Global Purposes: Example Statement Loving God Completely: To know God and His character and grow into conformity with His Son in Faith, hope, and love Loving Self Correctly: To see myself in the light of God’s character and grow in humility and obedience Loving Others Compassionately: To see others in the light of God’s character and grow in love and service
  • 475. Role Purposes: Example Statement Role as Husband: To love and serve my wife in such a way that she is free to live up to her full potential as a woman of God
  • 476. Role Purposes: Example Statement Role as Husband: To love and serve my wife in such a way that she is free to live up to her full potential as a woman of God Role as Father: To love and serve my children in such a way that they know that Dad and Mom know and love God
  • 477. Role Purposes: Example Statement Role as Husband: To love and serve my wife in such a way that she is free to live up to her full potential as a woman of God Role as Father: To love and serve my children in such a way that they know that Dad and Mom know and love God Role as Son: To love and serve my parents in such a way that they know that they are honored and cherished
  • 479. Role Purposes: Example Statement Role as Friend: To love and serve my friends in such a way that nurtures commitment, transparency, and vulnerability in relationship of mutual acceptance and esteem
  • 480. Role Purposes: Example Statement Role as Friend: To love and serve my friends in such a way that nurtures commitment, transparency, and vulnerability in relationship of mutual acceptance and esteem Role as Writer/Publisher: To love and serve readers in such a way that helps them manifest eternal values by drawing them to intimacy with God and a better understanding of the culture in which they live
  • 483. Reflections Ministries Resources Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter
  • 484. Reflections Ministries Resources Reflections - A free monthly teaching letter website - Daily Growth email and free text and audio resources
  • 486. DVD Series - Audio/visual presentations of crucial topics
  • 487. DVD Series - Audio/visual presentations of crucial topics - $20 each
  • 488. DVD Series - Audio/visual presentations of crucial topics - $20 each - Call 800-DRAW NEAR (800-372-9632)

Editor's Notes

  1. \n
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  9. These things always promise more than they deliver. Eventually, we’ll be dissatisfied with what we buy. The loneliest moment in life is when I’ve been promised the ultimate experience, but we realize it is empty.\n
  10. These things always promise more than they deliver. Eventually, we’ll be dissatisfied with what we buy. The loneliest moment in life is when I’ve been promised the ultimate experience, but we realize it is empty.\n
  11. These things always promise more than they deliver. Eventually, we’ll be dissatisfied with what we buy. The loneliest moment in life is when I’ve been promised the ultimate experience, but we realize it is empty.\n
  12. These things always promise more than they deliver. Eventually, we’ll be dissatisfied with what we buy. The loneliest moment in life is when I’ve been promised the ultimate experience, but we realize it is empty.\n
  13. \n
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  21. \n
  22. My relationship with Jesus is not related or connected to the other areas of my life. Much of the time, He is relegated to the periphery of my life.\nWhile this compartment can grow larger, it still is not related to the many other areas of my life. This is my singular “spiritual” or “sacred” area; the rest of my life is “secular.”\n
  23. \n
  24. \n
  25. The reality is that sometimes our center isn’t Christ; some other area consumes us.\n
  26. LEFT: Disconnected, unrelated compartments of life.\nRIGHT: An integrated, holistic life, where my relationship with Jesus is the sole basis for my perspective and my practice in all other areas of life. Every facet of my life is centered around Christ as the unifying point of integration and coherence. When the heart is focused on Him, He becomes relevant to every part of life and empowers us to live before Him in all that we say and do. Here, there is no distinction between secular and sacred; all things are done for Him and through Him (Ro.11:36; Ph.4:13)\n\n\n
  27. LEFT: Disconnected, unrelated compartments of life.\nRIGHT: An integrated, holistic life, where my relationship with Jesus is the sole basis for my perspective and my practice in all other areas of life. Every facet of my life is centered around Christ as the unifying point of integration and coherence. When the heart is focused on Him, He becomes relevant to every part of life and empowers us to live before Him in all that we say and do. Here, there is no distinction between secular and sacred; all things are done for Him and through Him (Ro.11:36; Ph.4:13)\n\n\n
  28. To be centered is to seek Him in all things.\nWisdom = chockma in Hebrew. Pronounced “hokema” which means skill.\n\nTo gain a skill requires training and practice (stumbling and getting back up). How did you learn how to drive a car (stick shift)? At first, its very mechanical, worrying about coordinating the clutch, the gears, and the gas. But over time, you train your muscles and body to react smoothly and easily.\n\nProv. 1:1-7. The first seven verses of this book are the most important in the whole book. They provide the theme and purpose of the book. A pithy observations of a fundamental way of viewing life. You never get skill without instruction and discipline. Theme is “fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” \n\nThe greatest skill in life is to live all of life in the fear of God.\n\nImage: Giving Socrates the cup of hemlock for his death.\n
  29. To be centered is to seek Him in all things.\nWisdom = chockma in Hebrew. Pronounced “hokema” which means skill.\n\nTo gain a skill requires training and practice (stumbling and getting back up). How did you learn how to drive a car (stick shift)? At first, its very mechanical, worrying about coordinating the clutch, the gears, and the gas. But over time, you train your muscles and body to react smoothly and easily.\n\nProv. 1:1-7. The first seven verses of this book are the most important in the whole book. They provide the theme and purpose of the book. A pithy observations of a fundamental way of viewing life. You never get skill without instruction and discipline. Theme is “fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” \n\nThe greatest skill in life is to live all of life in the fear of God.\n\nImage: Giving Socrates the cup of hemlock for his death.\n
  30. To be centered is to seek Him in all things.\nWisdom = chockma in Hebrew. Pronounced “hokema” which means skill.\n\nTo gain a skill requires training and practice (stumbling and getting back up). How did you learn how to drive a car (stick shift)? At first, its very mechanical, worrying about coordinating the clutch, the gears, and the gas. But over time, you train your muscles and body to react smoothly and easily.\n\nProv. 1:1-7. The first seven verses of this book are the most important in the whole book. They provide the theme and purpose of the book. A pithy observations of a fundamental way of viewing life. You never get skill without instruction and discipline. Theme is “fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” \n\nThe greatest skill in life is to live all of life in the fear of God.\n\nImage: Giving Socrates the cup of hemlock for his death.\n
  31. This is a fundamental concept in the Bible. As is the fear of God. But these things are rarely taught today. We prefer the soft virtues of God- grace, love, compassion. We don’t like the hard virtues: wrath, fear, anger, holiness. But His love and His wrath are equally infinite. But we’re more children of our culture than we’d like to admit. We’ve dumbed down the gospel to make it more palatable, more relevant. Yet Jesus in John 6 (drink His blood and ate His flesh) said some “hard sayings” upon which many disciples left Him, separating the curious from the committed. \n\nA church with 100 pp may have more impact than one with 10K pp. God is not impressed with numbers.\n
  32. This is a fundamental concept in the Bible. As is the fear of God. But these things are rarely taught today. We prefer the soft virtues of God- grace, love, compassion. We don’t like the hard virtues: wrath, fear, anger, holiness. But His love and His wrath are equally infinite. But we’re more children of our culture than we’d like to admit. We’ve dumbed down the gospel to make it more palatable, more relevant. Yet Jesus in John 6 (drink His blood and ate His flesh) said some “hard sayings” upon which many disciples left Him, separating the curious from the committed. \n\nA church with 100 pp may have more impact than one with 10K pp. God is not impressed with numbers.\n
  33. This is a fundamental concept in the Bible. As is the fear of God. But these things are rarely taught today. We prefer the soft virtues of God- grace, love, compassion. We don’t like the hard virtues: wrath, fear, anger, holiness. But His love and His wrath are equally infinite. But we’re more children of our culture than we’d like to admit. We’ve dumbed down the gospel to make it more palatable, more relevant. Yet Jesus in John 6 (drink His blood and ate His flesh) said some “hard sayings” upon which many disciples left Him, separating the curious from the committed. \n\nA church with 100 pp may have more impact than one with 10K pp. God is not impressed with numbers.\n
  34. This is a fundamental concept in the Bible. As is the fear of God. But these things are rarely taught today. We prefer the soft virtues of God- grace, love, compassion. We don’t like the hard virtues: wrath, fear, anger, holiness. But His love and His wrath are equally infinite. But we’re more children of our culture than we’d like to admit. We’ve dumbed down the gospel to make it more palatable, more relevant. Yet Jesus in John 6 (drink His blood and ate His flesh) said some “hard sayings” upon which many disciples left Him, separating the curious from the committed. \n\nA church with 100 pp may have more impact than one with 10K pp. God is not impressed with numbers.\n
  35. This is a fundamental concept in the Bible. As is the fear of God. But these things are rarely taught today. We prefer the soft virtues of God- grace, love, compassion. We don’t like the hard virtues: wrath, fear, anger, holiness. But His love and His wrath are equally infinite. But we’re more children of our culture than we’d like to admit. We’ve dumbed down the gospel to make it more palatable, more relevant. Yet Jesus in John 6 (drink His blood and ate His flesh) said some “hard sayings” upon which many disciples left Him, separating the curious from the committed. \n\nA church with 100 pp may have more impact than one with 10K pp. God is not impressed with numbers.\n
  36. 1. Pursue those things in life that give you a sense of transcendence. Only God can give me beauty, fulfillment, and purpose.\n
  37. 1. Pursue those things in life that give you a sense of transcendence. Only God can give me beauty, fulfillment, and purpose.\n
  38. 1. Pursue those things in life that give you a sense of transcendence. Only God can give me beauty, fulfillment, and purpose.\n
  39. 1. Pursue those things in life that give you a sense of transcendence. Only God can give me beauty, fulfillment, and purpose.\n
  40. 1. Pursue those things in life that give you a sense of transcendence. Only God can give me beauty, fulfillment, and purpose.\n
  41. Isaiah, Daniel, Abraham (passed between the animals), John in Rev. 1- these were terrifying experiences; Daniel fell down like a dead man. Fear of divine displeasure rather than a fear of human displeasure. Being a slave (bondage) to human expectations and opinions will not allow me to being a slave to God. Defining myself by people’s opinions is a terrible slavery.\n
  42. Isaiah, Daniel, Abraham (passed between the animals), John in Rev. 1- these were terrifying experiences; Daniel fell down like a dead man. Fear of divine displeasure rather than a fear of human displeasure. Being a slave (bondage) to human expectations and opinions will not allow me to being a slave to God. Defining myself by people’s opinions is a terrible slavery.\n
  43. 2. The “fear” of the LORD (in this case the Hebrew word really means “foundation”). Paraphrase: “The reverential awe, in the humility of a subject in the presence of his master, is the foundation of wisdom.”\n\n3. The wisdom literature of the NT is the book of James. He refers more to the wisdom literature than any other book in the NT.\n
  44. 2. The “fear” of the LORD (in this case the Hebrew word really means “foundation”). Paraphrase: “The reverential awe, in the humility of a subject in the presence of his master, is the foundation of wisdom.”\n\n3. The wisdom literature of the NT is the book of James. He refers more to the wisdom literature than any other book in the NT.\n
  45. 2. The “fear” of the LORD (in this case the Hebrew word really means “foundation”). Paraphrase: “The reverential awe, in the humility of a subject in the presence of his master, is the foundation of wisdom.”\n\n3. The wisdom literature of the NT is the book of James. He refers more to the wisdom literature than any other book in the NT.\n
  46. Paul only had two days on his calendar: today, and That Day. The future defines my present.\n\n“Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things, and consider the lovingkindness of the Lord.” Ps. 107:43\n\n
  47. Paul only had two days on his calendar: today, and That Day. The future defines my present.\n\n“Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things, and consider the lovingkindness of the Lord.” Ps. 107:43\n\n
  48. Paul only had two days on his calendar: today, and That Day. The future defines my present.\n\n“Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things, and consider the lovingkindness of the Lord.” Ps. 107:43\n\n
  49. \n
  50. On an individual and corporate level, we begin to play by two sets of rules and try to have it both ways- the world’s and God’s. This becomes possible when we compartmentalize our faith and divorce it from other facets of life such as work, finances, friendships, marriage, and parenting.\nReason tends to override Revelation\n\nImage: The Roman god Janis, who can look forward and backwards at the same time.\n\n
  51. On an individual and corporate level, we begin to play by two sets of rules and try to have it both ways- the world’s and God’s. This becomes possible when we compartmentalize our faith and divorce it from other facets of life such as work, finances, friendships, marriage, and parenting.\nReason tends to override Revelation\n\nImage: The Roman god Janis, who can look forward and backwards at the same time.\n\n
  52. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  53. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  54. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  55. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  56. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  57. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  58. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  59. Shows the dichotomy of the two realms- the higher, which is sacred, and the lower, which is secular.\nThe unbiblical philosophy of Dualism was made popular by Plato, and absorbed into the church through Saint Augustine. \nThe Spiritual has little to do with the Physical; the Eternal has little to do with the Temporal.\nInevitably, business and work end up in the lower realm. Other Lower Realms: Drama, Sports, Labor, Agriculture, Medicine, etc.\n\n\n
  60. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  61. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  62. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  63. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  64. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  65. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  66. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  67. Greek view therefore compartmentalizes life into two major halves: Sacred and Secular, the Higher and Lower, the Superior and Inferior.\nThis is not Biblical; it is sub-biblical. \n
  68. With the compartmentalization of life, activities also become compartmentalized. Therefore, my spiritual life becomes disconnected from, say, my work life. \nWhereas my behavior should connect with my beliefs….(NEXT SLIDE)\n\n
  69. With the compartmentalization of life, activities also become compartmentalized. Therefore, my spiritual life becomes disconnected from, say, my work life. \nWhereas my behavior should connect with my beliefs….(NEXT SLIDE)\n\n
  70. With the compartmentalization of life, activities also become compartmentalized. Therefore, my spiritual life becomes disconnected from, say, my work life. \nWhereas my behavior should connect with my beliefs….(NEXT SLIDE)\n\n
  71. My beliefs are disconnected from my behavior. I therefore act inconsistently with what I believe. \nEx. I can justify lying at work because my work life has nothing to do with my spiritual life.\nI can justify cheating on my taxes because “making it in the real world” has nothing to do with “heaven.”\n\n
  72. Further, where my profession and my practice should also be connected, because I compartmentalize my life….(NEXT SLIDE)\n\n\n
  73. Compartmentalization also leads to a disconnect or a disparity between my profession and my practice. \nWith this thinking, my words don’t have to align with my actions, because the two are not related. “What I believe is one thing, but what I do is totally another, and that’s OK.”\nThis leads to tremendous inconsistencies.\n\nThe Scriptures do not affirm this sacred/secular mentality. \nThe secular becomes spiritual when the focus of your heart is on the eternal. Likewise, the spiritual becomes secular when the focus of your heart is on the secular. Its not the fruit of my hands but the focus of my heart.\n\n\n
  74. The spiritual is disconnected, is divorced from everyday life.\n\nThree defense mechanisms we use: Denial; Rationalization; and Projection (spot it- you got it!). These we use to deceive ourselves.\n\nIntegrity is a consistency between what I believe and what I do, what I profess and what I practice. Thus the godfather has high integrity- very consistent in his views; he practiced what he preached. Regarding hypocrisy: get your eyes of the performance of people and get your eyes on Christ. If you hate the hypocrites, then you agree with Jesus. So it’s not the issue between you and Him.\n\n
  75. The spiritual is disconnected, is divorced from everyday life.\n\nThree defense mechanisms we use: Denial; Rationalization; and Projection (spot it- you got it!). These we use to deceive ourselves.\n\nIntegrity is a consistency between what I believe and what I do, what I profess and what I practice. Thus the godfather has high integrity- very consistent in his views; he practiced what he preached. Regarding hypocrisy: get your eyes of the performance of people and get your eyes on Christ. If you hate the hypocrites, then you agree with Jesus. So it’s not the issue between you and Him.\n\n
  76. The spiritual is disconnected, is divorced from everyday life.\n\nThree defense mechanisms we use: Denial; Rationalization; and Projection (spot it- you got it!). These we use to deceive ourselves.\n\nIntegrity is a consistency between what I believe and what I do, what I profess and what I practice. Thus the godfather has high integrity- very consistent in his views; he practiced what he preached. Regarding hypocrisy: get your eyes of the performance of people and get your eyes on Christ. If you hate the hypocrites, then you agree with Jesus. So it’s not the issue between you and Him.\n\n
  77. The spiritual is disconnected, is divorced from everyday life.\n\nThree defense mechanisms we use: Denial; Rationalization; and Projection (spot it- you got it!). These we use to deceive ourselves.\n\nIntegrity is a consistency between what I believe and what I do, what I profess and what I practice. Thus the godfather has high integrity- very consistent in his views; he practiced what he preached. Regarding hypocrisy: get your eyes of the performance of people and get your eyes on Christ. If you hate the hypocrites, then you agree with Jesus. So it’s not the issue between you and Him.\n\n
  78. \n
  79. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  80. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  81. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  82. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  83. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  84. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  85. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  86. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  87. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  88. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  89. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  90. All things can be good when in harmony with God’s design, or the same things can be evil when in conflict with God’s design.\nIts not the action, its the mindset; its what animates the action.\nNote that in Ge.1:31 when called his work “very good” including man’s work, man’s work was truly manual, physical labor. \n
  91. All I do is in the presence of God’s Spirit-\nAll I do is with my spirit-\nAll interaction with others (spirit-beings) is therefore spiritual-\n\n
  92. All I do is in the presence of God’s Spirit-\nAll I do is with my spirit-\nAll interaction with others (spirit-beings) is therefore spiritual-\n\n
  93. All I do is in the presence of God’s Spirit-\nAll I do is with my spirit-\nAll interaction with others (spirit-beings) is therefore spiritual-\n\n
  94. \n
  95. \n
  96. Holistic Spirituality stresses the relevance of faith in Christ to the routines of daily living. The spiritual life is not limited \n\n
  97. Holistic Spirituality stresses the relevance of faith in Christ to the routines of daily living. The spiritual life is not limited \n\n
  98. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  99. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  100. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  101. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  102. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  103. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  104. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  105. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  106. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  107. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  108. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  109. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  110. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  111. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  112. The spiritual life is not limited personal devotions, spiritual exercises, church activities, and Bible studies. It is nourished by these, but it should be lived and expressed in the ordinary and the everyday. It’s not an add-on; it’s a well-spring of our being and the meaning of our existence. \nWashing dishes is just as spiritual an activity as singing worship hymns.\n\nMost of life is lived in the mundane; the ordinary. My attitude in the mundane will affect my attitude in the non-mundane.\n\n
  113. Slave in a salt mine who prays and works as unto the Lord is accruing reward in heaven.\nAn ambitious ministry worker whose goal is to become President of the mission, manipulating others to get there will be suffering loss of reward in heaven.\nIt is all an issue of the focus of my heart.\n\n\n
  114. Slave in a salt mine who prays and works as unto the Lord is accruing reward in heaven.\nAn ambitious ministry worker whose goal is to become President of the mission, manipulating others to get there will be suffering loss of reward in heaven.\nIt is all an issue of the focus of my heart.\n\n\n
  115. Slave in a salt mine who prays and works as unto the Lord is accruing reward in heaven.\nAn ambitious ministry worker whose goal is to become President of the mission, manipulating others to get there will be suffering loss of reward in heaven.\nIt is all an issue of the focus of my heart.\n\n\n
  116. Slave in a salt mine who prays and works as unto the Lord is accruing reward in heaven.\nAn ambitious ministry worker whose goal is to become President of the mission, manipulating others to get there will be suffering loss of reward in heaven.\nIt is all an issue of the focus of my heart.\n\n\n
  117. Slave in a salt mine who prays and works as unto the Lord is accruing reward in heaven.\nAn ambitious ministry worker whose goal is to become President of the mission, manipulating others to get there will be suffering loss of reward in heaven.\nIt is all an issue of the focus of my heart.\n\n\n
  118. I am no less a part-time (insert my last name, ie. “Jones”) than I am a part-time child of God. He establishes my identity.\n\n
  119. I am no less a part-time (insert my last name, ie. “Jones”) than I am a part-time child of God. He establishes my identity.\n\n
  120. I am no less a part-time (insert my last name, ie. “Jones”) than I am a part-time child of God. He establishes my identity.\n\n
  121. I am no less a part-time (insert my last name, ie. “Jones”) than I am a part-time child of God. He establishes my identity.\n\n
  122. I am no less a part-time (insert my last name, ie. “Jones”) than I am a part-time child of God. He establishes my identity.\n\n
  123. \n
  124. Routines of Life: rearing children, commuting, paperwork, phone calls, washing dishes, paying bills, washing laundry, pulling weeds, relating to family and friends.\n* The reality of our faith is demonstrated more in the way we walk with Jesus in the mundane than in the number of religious meetings we attend.\nThe most difficult places to manifest your spirituality is at work and at home.\n\n\n
  125. Routines of Life: rearing children, commuting, paperwork, phone calls, washing dishes, paying bills, washing laundry, pulling weeds, relating to family and friends.\n* The reality of our faith is demonstrated more in the way we walk with Jesus in the mundane than in the number of religious meetings we attend.\nThe most difficult places to manifest your spirituality is at work and at home.\n\n\n
  126. Routines of Life: rearing children, commuting, paperwork, phone calls, washing dishes, paying bills, washing laundry, pulling weeds, relating to family and friends.\n* The reality of our faith is demonstrated more in the way we walk with Jesus in the mundane than in the number of religious meetings we attend.\nThe most difficult places to manifest your spirituality is at work and at home.\n\n\n
  127. * Learn to depend and look to Jesus as much in our hour-to-hour responsibilities as in teaching a Bible study or sharing our faith.\n\n
  128. * Learn to depend and look to Jesus as much in our hour-to-hour responsibilities as in teaching a Bible study or sharing our faith.\n\n
  129. * Learn to depend and look to Jesus as much in our hour-to-hour responsibilities as in teaching a Bible study or sharing our faith.\n\n
  130. * Learn to depend and look to Jesus as much in our hour-to-hour responsibilities as in teaching a Bible study or sharing our faith.\n\n
  131. Continue to show fidelity to the Father in the mundane.\n
  132. Continue to show fidelity to the Father in the mundane.\n
  133. Continue to show fidelity to the Father in the mundane.\n
  134. Continue to show fidelity to the Father in the mundane.\n
  135. 1. Rather than using wealth to serve people, we are tempted to serve wealth and use people.\n2. God can never grant us true joy and peace apart from Himself, because He alone is the Source of these gifts.\n3. Must hone a sense of our divine calling, lest we slip into spiritual lethargy, boredom, despondency, and burnout.\n4. The audience tow whom we play will eventually shape the content of our belief.\n Biblical wisdom encourages us to cultivate complete trust in the infinite and personal God who created us, redeemed us, and gives us a purpose, a future, and a hope.\n
  136. 1. Rather than using wealth to serve people, we are tempted to serve wealth and use people.\n2. God can never grant us true joy and peace apart from Himself, because He alone is the Source of these gifts.\n3. Must hone a sense of our divine calling, lest we slip into spiritual lethargy, boredom, despondency, and burnout.\n4. The audience tow whom we play will eventually shape the content of our belief.\n Biblical wisdom encourages us to cultivate complete trust in the infinite and personal God who created us, redeemed us, and gives us a purpose, a future, and a hope.\n
  137. 1. Rather than using wealth to serve people, we are tempted to serve wealth and use people.\n2. God can never grant us true joy and peace apart from Himself, because He alone is the Source of these gifts.\n3. Must hone a sense of our divine calling, lest we slip into spiritual lethargy, boredom, despondency, and burnout.\n4. The audience tow whom we play will eventually shape the content of our belief.\n Biblical wisdom encourages us to cultivate complete trust in the infinite and personal God who created us, redeemed us, and gives us a purpose, a future, and a hope.\n
  138. 1. Rather than using wealth to serve people, we are tempted to serve wealth and use people.\n2. God can never grant us true joy and peace apart from Himself, because He alone is the Source of these gifts.\n3. Must hone a sense of our divine calling, lest we slip into spiritual lethargy, boredom, despondency, and burnout.\n4. The audience tow whom we play will eventually shape the content of our belief.\n Biblical wisdom encourages us to cultivate complete trust in the infinite and personal God who created us, redeemed us, and gives us a purpose, a future, and a hope.\n
  139. \n
  140. \n
  141. Present in their lives, but His lordship is often resisted or rejected.\nProminent in their lives, but there are still areas, such as work or finances, in which they retain sole control.\nPreeminent in their lives, as the focus of their being and pursuits. Relegate all areas of their life to His rule and authority.\n\nPeter said, Lord to whom shall we go? We’ve burned our bridges. Jesus calls us not necessarily to understand Him in His totality, but to trust him.\n
  142. Present in their lives, but His lordship is often resisted or rejected.\nProminent in their lives, but there are still areas, such as work or finances, in which they retain sole control.\nPreeminent in their lives, as the focus of their being and pursuits. Relegate all areas of their life to His rule and authority.\n\nPeter said, Lord to whom shall we go? We’ve burned our bridges. Jesus calls us not necessarily to understand Him in His totality, but to trust him.\n
  143. Present in their lives, but His lordship is often resisted or rejected.\nProminent in their lives, but there are still areas, such as work or finances, in which they retain sole control.\nPreeminent in their lives, as the focus of their being and pursuits. Relegate all areas of their life to His rule and authority.\n\nPeter said, Lord to whom shall we go? We’ve burned our bridges. Jesus calls us not necessarily to understand Him in His totality, but to trust him.\n
  144. The top quadrant represents our relationship with God. Our image of God (center facet) is developed through the Word of God and prayer. \nThe bottom quadrant depicts our relationship with ourselves. Our image of self (center facet) is affected by our inner life and our outer life. \nThe left quadrant represents our relationship with the world and include the people of the world who do not know Christ (center facet) as well as the things of the world and the systems of the world.\nThe right quadrant portrays our relationship with the body of Christ and includes church life (center facet), family life, and ministry life.\nTop and bottom quadrants symbolize our vertical relationship with God.\nLeft and right quadrants represent our horizontal relationships with others.\nThe center point of the vertical and the horizontal is the person and work of Christ and our identification with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection life.\nIn Christ, our vertical relationship with God makes it possible for us to manifest a new quality of life in our horizontal relationships with people- those who know Jesus and those who do not.\n
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  155. Which is your love language?\n
  156. Which is your love language?\n
  157. Which is your love language?\n
  158. Which is your love language?\n
  159. Which is your love language?\n
  160. Which is your love language?\n
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  174. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  175. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  176. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  177. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  178. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  179. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  180. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  181. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  182. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  183. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  184. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
  185. 6. Be on their team, not on their backs!\n
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  190. Perhaps an old Arab proverb, according to one of the guys at Half-Time, Monterey, CA\n
  191. Perhaps an old Arab proverb, according to one of the guys at Half-Time, Monterey, CA\n
  192. Perhaps an old Arab proverb, according to one of the guys at Half-Time, Monterey, CA\n
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  236. The gospel is holistic; that is, it address the whole man: the body and the soul.\n\n
  237. The gospel is holistic; that is, it address the whole man: the body and the soul.\n\n
  238. The gospel is holistic; that is, it address the whole man: the body and the soul.\n\n
  239. The gospel is holistic; that is, it address the whole man: the body and the soul.\n\n
  240. The gospel is holistic; that is, it address the whole man: the body and the soul.\n\n
  241. Manifesting Christ is not merely limited to the spiritual; it extends to the physical.\n\n
  242. The gospel of Jesus inseparably links the message with mercy.\n\n
  243. The gospel is holistic; that is, it address the whole man: the body and the soul.\n\n
  244. We should avoid the error of a privatized and individualistic approach to the spiritual life and the opposite error of reducing theology to a servant of the social system. Faith is not merely an inward affair of the heart, but it is to be expressed outwardly. Photo: Tide out, China\n\n\n
  245. We should avoid the error of a privatized and individualistic approach to the spiritual life and the opposite error of reducing theology to a servant of the social system. Faith is not merely an inward affair of the heart, but it is to be expressed outwardly. Photo: Tide out, China\n\n\n
  246. We should avoid the error of a privatized and individualistic approach to the spiritual life and the opposite error of reducing theology to a servant of the social system. Faith is not merely an inward affair of the heart, but it is to be expressed outwardly. Photo: Tide out, China\n\n\n
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  255. It is effective in many contexts to combine evangelism with social reform as long as the latter does not occlude the former. Models: William Wilberforce, George Muller, General William Booth (Salvation Army), Dag Hammarskjold, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa.\n\n
  256. It is effective in many contexts to combine evangelism with social reform as long as the latter does not occlude the former. Models: William Wilberforce, George Muller, General William Booth (Salvation Army), Dag Hammarskjold, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa.\n\n
  257. Holistic Spirituality involves a growing responsiveness to the lordship of Christ in every internal and external facet of our lives. It is not a question of developing a list of theoretical priorities (e.g., God first, family second, work and ministry third) but a matter of allowing the centrality of Christ to determine and empower what we should do each day and each moment.\n\n\n
  258. 85 year old pole valuter\n
  259. Oikonomia is the Greek word from which we derive the word “economy.”\n\n
  260. Oikonomia is the Greek word from which we derive the word “economy.”\n\n
  261. Oikonomia is the Greek word from which we derive the word “economy.”\n\n
  262. 440-430 B.C. marble replica of torso, Louvre\n
  263. 440-430 B.C. marble replica of torso, Louvre\n
  264. 440-430 B.C. marble replica of torso, Louvre\n
  265. Image: A denarius of Tiberius (AD 14-37), the biblical tribute penny of which Jesus said ‘Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s”\n
  266. Image: A denarius of Tiberius (AD 14-37), the biblical tribute penny of which Jesus said ‘Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s”\n
  267. Image: A denarius of Tiberius (AD 14-37), the biblical tribute penny of which Jesus said ‘Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s”\n
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  284. Others: includes our bodies, minds, opportunities, environment.\n\n
  285. Others: includes our bodies, minds, opportunities, environment.\n\n
  286. Others: includes our bodies, minds, opportunities, environment.\n\n
  287. Others: includes our bodies, minds, opportunities, environment.\n\n
  288. Others: includes our bodies, minds, opportunities, environment.\n\n
  289. Others: includes our bodies, minds, opportunities, environment.\n\n
  290. Most time is wasted not in hours but in minutes. If we do not regularly assess the way we spend our 168 hours per week, our schedules will be cluttered with activities that may be good but not the best.\n\n
  291. Most time is wasted not in hours but in minutes. If we do not regularly assess the way we spend our 168 hours per week, our schedules will be cluttered with activities that may be good but not the best.\n\n
  292. Most time is wasted not in hours but in minutes. If we do not regularly assess the way we spend our 168 hours per week, our schedules will be cluttered with activities that may be good but not the best.\n\n
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  307. “Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification. For even Christ did not please Himself” Ro. 15:2-3\n\n
  308. “Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification. For even Christ did not please Himself” Ro. 15:2-3\n\n
  309. Our Lord said more about money than He did about any other subject, except for the temporal vs. the eternal.\n\n
  310. Our Lord said more about money than He did about any other subject, except for the temporal vs. the eternal.\n\n
  311. Our Lord said more about money than He did about any other subject, except for the temporal vs. the eternal.\n\n
  312. Our Lord said more about money than He did about any other subject, except for the temporal vs. the eternal.\n\n
  313. Our Lord said more about money than He did about any other subject, except for the temporal vs. the eternal.\n\n
  314. Find our heart’s desire in the Lord, and be content with what He gives us.\n
  315. Find our heart’s desire in the Lord, and be content with what He gives us.\n
  316. Find our heart’s desire in the Lord, and be content with what He gives us.\n
  317. Find our heart’s desire in the Lord, and be content with what He gives us.\n
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  323. God owns all things, and we are accountable to Him for everything we have and use, including the above areas.\n\n
  324. God owns all things, and we are accountable to Him for everything we have and use, including the above areas.\n\n
  325. God owns all things, and we are accountable to Him for everything we have and use, including the above areas.\n\n
  326. God owns all things, and we are accountable to Him for everything we have and use, including the above areas.\n\n
  327. Technological changes and the increasing lure of materialism will make stewardship an area requiring increasing dependence on the Lord for the management of His assets.\n
  328. Technological changes and the increasing lure of materialism will make stewardship an area requiring increasing dependence on the Lord for the management of His assets.\n
  329. Technological changes and the increasing lure of materialism will make stewardship an area requiring increasing dependence on the Lord for the management of His assets.\n
  330. Technological changes and the increasing lure of materialism will make stewardship an area requiring increasing dependence on the Lord for the management of His assets.\n
  331. Technological changes and the increasing lure of materialism will make stewardship an area requiring increasing dependence on the Lord for the management of His assets.\n
  332. Technological changes and the increasing lure of materialism will make stewardship an area requiring increasing dependence on the Lord for the management of His assets.\n
  333. 85 year old pole valuter\n
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  338. If the secondary is not related to the primary, we dichotomize the spiritual and the secular when they should be integrated. \nWhen this happens, our relationship with the Lord is disconnected from the activities of our lives.\n\n
  339. If the secondary is not related to the primary, we dichotomize the spiritual and the secular when they should be integrated. \nWhen this happens, our relationship with the Lord is disconnected from the activities of our lives.\n\n
  340. If the secondary is not related to the primary, we dichotomize the spiritual and the secular when they should be integrated. \nWhen this happens, our relationship with the Lord is disconnected from the activities of our lives.\n\n
  341. When the above occurs, work turns into our principal vocation (from the Latin word for “calling”).\nKeep the primary first and the secondary second; become more holistic in thinking and practice\n
  342. When the above occurs, work turns into our principal vocation (from the Latin word for “calling”).\nKeep the primary first and the secondary second; become more holistic in thinking and practice\n
  343. When the above occurs, work turns into our principal vocation (from the Latin word for “calling”).\nKeep the primary first and the secondary second; become more holistic in thinking and practice\n
  344. When the above occurs, work turns into our principal vocation (from the Latin word for “calling”).\nKeep the primary first and the secondary second; become more holistic in thinking and practice\n
  345. When the above occurs, work turns into our principal vocation (from the Latin word for “calling”).\nKeep the primary first and the secondary second; become more holistic in thinking and practice\n
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  360. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
  361. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
  362. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
  363. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
  364. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
  365. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
  366. Valid purpose is defined by our purposeful God.\n\n
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  381. The end\n
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