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Divine Principle
Divine Healing
Divine Blessing
Part 2 of 2
v. 1.7
• The Worst Storm in History?
Hurricane Sandy looms over the US East Coast,
but just how bad could the 'Frankenstorm' be?
• Monster Storm Targets East USA
Markets Closed, Residents Evacuated,
Flights Canceled as Hurricane Sandy Approaches
Oct 2012
Artist Benny Andersson
Lourdes is a small market town lying in the foothills of
the Pyrenees, famous for the Marian apparitions of
Our Lady of Lourdes said to have occurred in 1858
to Bernadette Soubirous.
Fátima Prophecies Modern Times – Spirits
1916 - 1917 Mary apparations three portugise children,
Jacinta,Francisco and Lucia, outside Fatima, Portugal.
The Apparitions at Fatima
Read more: Search for Apparitions at Fatima
Diary of Pope John the 23rd 
The world will suffer through a painful period of violent wars,
deadly famine, and destructive natural disasters over the next
eight years.
But that nightmare will be followed by a lengthily stretch of love
and harmony, a beautiful serene heaven on earth.
Those startling predictions come from the sensational lost diary of
Pope John the 23rd, the beloved Pontiff who died June 23,1963.
The dusty, leather bound diary containing hand written predictions
was found by a Vatican cleaning woman who was sorting through
boxes stacked in a little used storage room. 
The entries clearly spell out the assassination of John F. Kennedy,
the Vietnam war, the unrest in the Middle East,
and the fall of communism years before they took place. 
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
July 2,1962 The Madonna tells me this will be her final visit.
It is a joyous one for she shares tremendous news. As the year
1998 arrives, our heavenly friends will have shared much of their
advanced knowledge.
Mankind will at last wipe out most of it's diseases and our life span
will increase to the length of those listed in the bible.
The visitors will also share the remarkable power of resurrection
and throngs of wrongly dead will rise again. 
Finally a wondrous miracle will take place in the sky above
New York City December 25, 2000 (2013?)
when millions will witness the sensational appearance of a messiah
who will announce the beginning of a second paradise here on earth. 
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ
9 -11 2001
3 -11 2011
Face discovered in testicular tumour
Doctors who took an ultrasound of a man's testicles to find out what
was causing him pain were astounded to find
a gaping face staring back at them. /Daily Telegraph 31 Oct 2011
trapped spirits
Tromsø Norway
Prolegomena To A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Spirit World
Claude Perrottet
According to the views of Unification Thought and even
according to common sense, the spirit world amounts to
half of reality (not in the sense of a precise 50%,
but in the sense of being one of two "worlds" constituting the universe).
According to the views of Unification Thought and even
according to common sense, the spirit world amounts to
half of reality (not in the sense of a precise 50%,
but in the sense of being one of two "worlds"
constituting the universe).
Unification Thought holds this notion is common with
the general understandings prevalent in most cultures.
If that is the case, and if we additionally assume
(again, according to Unification Thought and to vague notions
floating in consciousness at large) that the "half" of reality
represented by spirit world is the dominant though largely
unknown half, it is surely an understatement to say that taking
it seriously into account revolutionizes all aspects of
philosophical inquiry. .endprologue
• In Unification Thought terminology, we would say that
the hyungsang part of the spirit (the spirit body) is the
external appearance of the sungsang part (the spirit mind),
and thus has its qualities.
• In Unification Thought terminology, we would say that
the hyungsang part of the spirit (the spirit body) is the
external appearance of the sungsang part (the spirit mind),
and thus has its qualities.
• When trying to describe the spiritual realm from a Unification
Thought perspective, a perspective that is in keeping with
Swedenborg and others with personal experience of spirit,
the expression that first comes to mind is total freedom,
freedom from the constraints of physical existence.
• In Unification Thought terminology, we would say that
the hyungsang part of the spirit (the spirit body) is the
external appearance of the sungsang part (the spirit mind),
and thus has its qualities.
• When trying to describe the spiritual realm from a Unification
Thought perspective, a perspective that is in keeping with
Swedenborg and others with personal experience of spirit,
the expression that first comes to mind is total freedom,
freedom from the constraints of physical existence.
• But this "dream world" does follow laws of its own that are
by all accounts even stricter than those of the physical world.
Free movement, change and development are possible only
to the extent that these laws are respected and practiced.
3 frogs
• Being and knowing directly depend on the state of one's
heart and soul.
• Being and knowing directly depend on the state of one's
heart and soul.
• “Mind” refers to the union of the spirit mind and the
physical mind
• Being and knowing directly depend on the state of one's
heart and soul.
• “Mind” refers to the union of the spirit mind and the
physical mind
•  There is a vast array of indices (if not evidence) that
suggest the existence of a reality beyond perception
by our physical senses:
like …
• Near death experiences
• Near death experiences
• Spiritualists' testimonies
• Near death experiences
• Spiritualists' testimonies
• Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act
• Near death experiences
• Spiritualists' testimonies
• Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act
directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance
• The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health
• Near death experiences
• Spiritualists' testimonies
• Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act
directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance
• The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health
• Attempts to register spiritual phenomena through physical
• The traditional religious and cultural consensus
• Near death experiences
• Spiritualists' testimonies
• Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act
directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance
• The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health
• Attempts to register spiritual phenomena through physical
• The traditional religious and cultural consensus
• Scientific theories generated from quantum physics,
mind/brain research, etc.
• Near death experiences
• Spiritualists' testimonies
• Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act
directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance
• The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health
• Attempts to register spiritual phenomena through physical
• The traditional religious and cultural consensus
• Scientific theories generated from quantum physics,
mind/brain research, etc.
• The entertainment media, where in recent years angels and
the afterlife have joined sex, violence and courtrooms as
favorite topics of the American film industry:
Ghost, Sixth Sence,
Artist Benny Andersson
2000 years of preparation
2000 years of preparation
2000 year of preparation
for the Second Coming of Christ
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Publ. 1998
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford
SunMyungMoon, beside a spiritually inspired painting
of the New Buddha to Come!
This image depicts the eyewitness account of Kim Young-ho,
who reports that on July 19, 2008, he saw True Parents'
helicopter being supported in the sky by many angels.
Miracle Helicopter crash
1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2012
3rd Adam
2013 13Jan H.C.
Messianic Years
1920 - 2012
1935-1942 1954 1995
TF Seung Hwa
2000 2004 2008 2009 2012 2013!
2013 13Jan H.C.
2003 2006 2010
Cheon Jeong Gung
Peace Palace
1920 1960
8 Great TextbooksEra of
4th Adam
last 12 years, 3 x 4 year = 2000 - 2012
My 36 Years in Unfication Church
Shirley Stadelhofer
Rev. Moon has taught that it is much better and wiser to fulfil
God’s will while we are in our own physical bodies on earth.
The reason?
It takes much longer and much more effort to achieve
resurrection of our spirit selves in the spiritual realm than
when we are on earth and in the driver’s seat, so to speak, of
our own physical lives.
Tromsø Norway
From Lucifer to True Parents: 1999
I am offering this to True Parents.
Since all people call you True Parents, I call you True Parents.
I am very sorry that I gave you an extremely huge difficulty to
straighten out the countless aspects of evil history of sin that I
What word would I have to tell you?
Once, I, undeserving and selfish, desired to receive the blessing.
I am very sorry for this.
If it is possible, I ask for your generous punishment, as you are
the parents of humankind.
From Lucifer to True Parents: 1999
As I see the countless ways of evil and sin, the ways of indemnity,
even with my eyes, I can see that the only way of my return is the
way of bloody bruises.
However, if it is the last way of suffering to go to God and True
Parents, I will follow obeying.
True Parents, Parents of humankind, Lucifer is very sorry.
I am truly sorry.
From Lucifer - March 21, 1999
Pledge 5
Reaching to the Spirit World
천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고 매일 주체적
천상세계와 대상적 지상세계의 통일을 향해 전진적 발전을
촉진화할 것을 맹세하나이다 .
Our family, the owner Cheon Il Guk, pledges to strive every
day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the
physical world as subject and object partners, by centering
on true love.
The fifth pledge discusses the role of the spirit world
in human life.
Having been given dominion over the creation, human
beings are the lords of both the spiritual and physical
The human mind connects with the spirit world and the
human body interacts with the physical world.
In a real sense, our mind and body constitute
the microcosm that controls the macrocosm —
the spirit world and physical world —
through its resonance with them.
The key lies within us.
When we align ourselves properly, we can tap into
the inexhaustible power of the spirit world to bring us
prosperity and victory.
Furthermore, since our ultimate destiny is to live
eternally in the spirit world, we should use our time
on earth to prepare for life in that world.
Six spheres of intelligent being,
with a seventh which is a Central Sun
and the more particular abode
of the Godhead.
/The Harmonial Philosophy
Andrew Jackson Davis
The Non-Principled Spirit World
Our tour beings with the Non-Principled Spirit World,
which is populated by the vast majority of people who
ever lived, who did not establish true families while on
People on earth vary widely according to the degree of
their love and to what extent they lived a life of goodness.
Though they co-mingle during earthly life, in the spirit world
they separate.
According to the various qualities of earthly people’s inner,
spiritual lives, they come to reside in a place within one
of three major levels of the Non-Principled Spirit World:
Hell, Lower Heaven, and Paradise.
The Non-Principled Spirit World
The Transitional Spirit World
In addition, there is an intermediate realm,
the Transitional Spirit World, which serves as a way-station
on a spirit’s journey to his or her final abode.
This is the realm closest to the earth, where spirit persons
stay temporarily when they first enter the spirit world.
After a stay lasting from a few days to a few years,
spirits journey either downward to hell or upward to one
of the heavenly realms at their own volition.
Within a few days after death, spirits are led to this realm,
guided by angels and spirits of the departed.
The trip is like being lifted in an elevator or like passing
through a gate.
The Transitional Spirit World
On arrival, the newcomers may experience the warm,
comforting embrace of a transcendental being of white light.
Their relatives, intimates and acquaintances may welcome
them and remain with them for a time before returning
to their own places.
The Transitional Spirit World
When a spirit arrives at the Transitional Spirit World,
his speech and actions become totally unconstrained.
He can express in words whatever he thinks and do
whatever he wants. Having shed his physical body,
he suddenly realizes that he has profound wisdom,
as if his intellect had grown fifty-fold.
The Transitional Spirit World
Although the newcomer may cling to his old habits for
a while, before long he accustoms himself to the
laws of spirit world.
Earthly honor, knowledge, position, property and wealth
are of no use.
The Transitional Spirit World
Hell is populated by people who lived predominantly
selfcentered lives while on earth.
(Reflexion of satans lineage)
They pursued only their own interests while
committing falsehoods, deceptions, injustice,
and crime.
Even if outwardly they led respectable lives,
their hearts festered with jealousy, hatred, avarice,
lust, anger and complaint.
After they pass over into the transitional spirit world,
fellow spirits of Hell who witness the newcomer’s
past in the mirror of judgment lead him to
their infernal dwelling-place.
Lee’s description of the hells is
reminiscent of Dante Alighieri’s
Divine Comedy.
Dante’s depiction of hell, The Inferno, depicts 9 levels,
each darker and bleaker than the last.
Dante’s Paradiso depicts 10 heavens of ever-increasing
brightness and glory.
On May 5, 2004, Father Moon announced the 쌍합
십승일 ( 雙合十勝日 , Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il),
the “Day of Double 5 and Victory of the Number 10,”
which marked the beginning of the “Age After the
Coming of Heaven.”
It opened the era for cleansing the evil satanic kingdom
and manifesting the kingdom of true love on earth
and in heaven.
Lower Heaven
Conscientious people, the charitable, patriots, educators,
the virtuous, truth-seekers, etc., people who made efforts
to do right while on earth, dwell in Lower Heaven.
Whether or not they believed in religion, they sought to
live a life of goodness according to their conscience.
Beyond Lower Heaven lies Paradise.
(Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 12:3)
It is far brighter and more splendid, with magnificent
mountains, azure rivers, fields of flowers with sweet
fragrance, and lovely music rejoicing the mind and heart.
In its upper levels people live in a state of ecstasy,
totally immersed in all the beauty that surrounds them.
The Principled Spirit World
God’s original intention for the spirit world was that it would
consist of only one realm, the Kingdom of God in heaven.
Spirit persons who have perfected the Four Position
Foundation on earth pass over into this realm.
Today, with the appearance of people who have received
the Blessing and who are on the way to establishing
true families, the threshold level of the Kingdom of Heaven
has been newly opened.
It is called the Principled spirit world.
This realm is above even the highest level of Paradise
and is incredibly beautiful.
The Subjective Role of the Spirit World
One reason to learn about the spirit world is to better
understand how spirits affect life here on earth.
Spiritual influences can bring luck or cause misfortune.
Indeed, diverse bands of spirits descend to give invisible
influence to the earthly world—some for good and some
for evil.
An amazing stroke of fortune or a crushing blow can
occur seemingly without reason, but psychics who have
access to the spirit world can clearly know its cause.
Destiny and Responsibility
People often misunderstand the subjective role of
the spirit world, particularly when it comes to the
question of fortune and destiny.
Many people believe that every person has a foreordained
destiny written in the stars, stored up in the spirit world.
Are the important events in our life—the day of one’s death,
for example — predestined?
It is said that plans unfold in the spirit world years
before they bear fruit on earth. Thinking in this way,
we may consult fortune tellers for advice about our lives,
believing they can give us a glimpse into the future.
The Divine Principle, however, clearly presents only
one sort of predestination for human beings:
God’s predestination of prosperity and success for
the person who fulfills his portion of responsibility.
Uniting the Spirit World and Physical World
Many people are aware of the higher power of divine
providence that guides our lives.
We have felt God’s guidance leading us on through
dark and despairing times into new situations with fruitful
paths of action.
When we rely on providence, amazing things can
and do happen, for we place ourselves in a position to
receive spiritual help.
As Jesus said, those who seek for God’s kingdom and
God’s righteousness will find that every good thing is
provided for them. (Matt. 6:33)
Three Keys to Mobilizing the Spirit World
At the center of unity between the spirit world and
the physical world stands the human being, who joins
the two worlds in the circuit of give-and-take action.
There are three keys to completing this circuit, and
thereby to receiving spiritual help.
First, a person affirms his or her heartfelt dedication
to God and determination to do God’s will;
therefore mobilizing the spirit world to give inspiration,
guidance and support.
Second, the person establishes good unity between mind
and body, and hence is able to act on this inspiration.
Third, the person has laid a practical foundation on the
earth, that his actions might carry weight and be effective.
The Liberation of Hell
The saint and the sinner are both God’s children.
Therefore, we who would draw close to God must
love our brothers and sisters who suffer the pain of
a bitter or resentful spirit.
The Divine Principle explains that Abel cannot enter
heaven without saving Cain.
/True Family Values Third Edition –
Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson - 2006
The means by which spirits can be liberated from
hell is discussed briefly in the Divine Principle:
SECTION I - Resurrection
Biblical Concept of Life and Death
Death Caused by the Fall
Meaning of Resurrection
How does Resurrection Change Man?
The means by which spirits can be liberated from
hell is discussed briefly in the Divine Principle:
SECTION II - Providence of Resurrection
How is the Providence of Resurrection Accomplished?
The Providence of Resurrection for Earthly Men
The Providence for the Foundation of Resurrection
The Providence of Resurrection in the Formation Stage
The Providence of Resurrection in the Growth Stage
The Providence of Resurrection in the Perfection Stage
Heaven and Paradise
Spiritual Phenomena Occurring in the Last Days
The First Resurrection
The Providence of Resurrection for Spirit Men
The Reason and Method of the Spirit Man's Resurrection through
Second Coming
Resurrection through Second coming of Spirit Men Who Were Christians
in Their Lifetime
Resurrection through Second Coming in the Growth Stage
Resurrection through Second Coming in the Perfection Stage
Resurrection through Second Coming of Spirit Men Outside of Paradise
The Theory of Reincarnation Viewed from the Standpoint of Resurrection
through Second Coming
The means by which spirits can be liberated from
hell is discussed briefly in the Divine Principle:
SECTION III - Unification of Religions by Resurrection
through Second Coming
Unification of Christianity by Resurrection through
Second Coming
Unification of All Other Religions by Resurrection through
Second Coming
Unification of Non-Religious Men by Resurrection through
Second Coming
Possessing spirits, who penetrate the body and
attach themselves to the psyche, afflict people without
their knowledge.
They can enter the body in a moment of weakness;
shock, a fainting spell or a high fever.
Alcohol or drugs provide ready opportunities for
possessing spirits.
These spirits cloud the mind and induce obsessive or even
psychotic behavior.
Even many physical illnesses have possessing spirits as
a contributing cause.
The common denominator of all these evil spiritual
influences is inherited sin.
The Restoration of the Mind
The original mind and physical mind conflict with each other.
The physical mind cannot encroach into the realm of the
original mind and influence it.
The lineage was changed.
God and Satan will always be divided.
Gold cannot be combined with marble or granite.
Gold is always gold.
If everybody insisted on becoming the subject,
the core and partner would not be needed.
They would both just disappear. /SMM Mar 30 2007
The greatest of all Healings EVER to take place, 
including Jesus remarkable healing of people
is the forgiveness of Original Sin = "Blessing Marriage"
in our time
 = creating a new future Mankind also in our time
Great changes in Spiritual World
Church Level
National Level
World/Cosmic Level
St Augustine on
Blessing Ceremony in the Spiritual World
I am living in incredible truth and boundless grace,
which I could never imagine in the physical world.
Having attained freedom in this truth and grace,
I am living a happy life here every day.
What is more amazing, however, is the
Blessing ceremony in which those people
who had left their physical bodies and come to the spiritual
world participated.
During the ceremony, the officiator, Rev. Moon,
suddenly changed into the shape in which
God had appeared in the Garden of Eden
before the human fall;
God's rays spun in splendid and enrapturing colors and
circled around Rev. Moon, whereupon he assumed God's body.
Then, the whole scene of the Blessing ceremony
was showered with brilliant light,
as if floodlights of housands of volts
had been turned on in a dark room.
In this ceremony, God's light touched each and every couple.
At this time, my wife was on earth and I was, of course,
in the spiritual world.
An earthly person would not understand what
this means, but at one word from Rev. Moon,
the ceremony site changed colors and structures,
and the couples' ceremonial dresses changed.
God's light touched all the people, and their spirits became
consecrated, after which their forms became different from
those of the spectators. 
The Blessing is a ceremony through which God brings
together an Adam and an Eve in the Garden of Eden when
they become fully mature. I believe it because I have seen it
clearly with my own eyes. I firmly believe that Rev. Moon is
marrying honorable men and women as an officiator in God's
body.  May 24, 2000
given through the clairaudient mediumship
of Rev. Louis W. Lusarde California
May 20-21, 1962 
The message(s) were circulated and read in the
US movement (Dr. Kim's branch) in the late 60s
and early 70s.
I remember feeling at the time that they had the
ring of truth to them. 
/Dan Fefferman
I bear witness to the fact that the Old Testament
and the New Testament combined are not sufficient
to live by in the New Cosmic Age we have ascended into.
To be saved, every man, woman and child must
commence their mission before they leave this earth plane. 
And before they can do this they must find the reason
for the original sin and what original sin is. 
Perfection and resurrection can only be achieved through work
and that work must be done in the body,
the spirit of Truth demands it. 
The Future:
• Global WS like in CP
• TF in spirit world!
• Spiritual tradition in CIG
Book 5 - Earthly Life and the Spirit World
Book 6 - Our Life and the Spiritual Realm
Book 15 - The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk
2013 13Jan (22Feb)
in spir wrld
Start of real CIG
The Future:
• Global WS like in CP
• TF in spir wrld 2012 !
1960 - 2009 … 2013 13Jan (22Feb)
WS in spir wrld
Start of real CSG
Physical – Spiritual Worlds
The Fall of Man bacame a barrier between
the 2 worlds meant to be fully 100% transparent!
• Original Sin
• Hereditary Sin
• Collective Sin
• Individual Sin
1. Failing to take
God’s standpoint.
2. Leaving one’s
proper position
3. Reversing dominion
4. Multiplying the criminal
5 Spiritual Sences Jesus opened up Channels
by His Sacrifying death!
From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
Restoring the Marriage of Jesus
From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
Restoring the Physical Fall
From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
Restoring the Spiritual Fall
Feb 2013 Korea
Cosmic Level – Cheon Il Gul
How many!
Subcounceous Heavenly Spiritual Inspiration!
1984 The year Heung Jin Nim dies! –
and goes to Spirit World
• Many times non-religious lyrics also disclose
a spiritual deeper truth
• the desire for True Love and eternal happiness
• Eternal relationsship with God
• Complete Salvation through Christ
• A lot of music has been composed to complement
religion, and many composers have derived inspiration
from their own religion. Many forms of traditional music
have been adapted to fit religions' purposes or
have descended from religious music. /Wikipedia
I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984
Now this mountain I must climb, (Finding DP)
feels like the world upon my shoulders
Through the clouds I see love shine, (Gods Love)
it keeps me warm as life grows colder
In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far,
to change this lonely life
Let's talk about love, I want to know what love is
The love that you feel inside, I want you to show me
And I'm feeling so much love, I want to feel what love is
No, you just can't hide, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is (let's talk about love),
I know you can show me. (TRUE LOVE)
One man one goal one mission, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
One heart one soul just one solution,
One flash of light yeah one god one vision.
One flesh one bone,
One true religion,
One voice one hope,
Wowowowo gimme one vision.
One Vision – 1985
spiritually very inspired
No wrong no right,
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white,
No Blood no stain,
All we need is one world wide vision. (DP - True Parents)
One flesh one bone,
one true religion, (Divine Principle)
One voice one hope,
Wowowowo gimme one vision.
I had a dream,
When I was young,
A dream of sweet illusion,
A glimpse of hope and unity,
And visions of one sweet union,
But a cold wind blows, (FallofMan)
And a dark rain falls, (Fallen Spirits down to Earth)
And in my heart it shows,
Look what they've done to my dream.
So give me your hands,
Give me your hearts,
I'm ready,
There's only one direction,
One world one nation, (KoH, Korea)
Yeah one vision. (Divine Mankind)
No hate no fight,
Just excitation,
All through the night
It's a celebration wowowowo yeah.
One flesh one bone,
one true religion, (True Love)
One voice one hope, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
One real decision.
Gimme one night,
Gimme ione hope,
One man one man,
One bar one night,
One day hey hey,
Just gimme gimme gimme
One vision. (DP – Christ - True Parents)
A Kind Of Magic – 1986
spiritually inspired
It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
A kind of magic,
One dream, one soul, one prize, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
One goal, one golden glance of what should be,
It's a kind of magic,
One shaft of light that shows the way,
No mortal man can win this day,
It's a mind of magic,
The bell that rings inside your mind,
It's challenging the doors of time,
It's a kind of magic,
The waiting seems eternity, yeah,
The day will dawn of sanity,
Is this a kind of magic,
There can be only one, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
This reign that lasts a thousand years (Biblical)
Will soon be gone,
This flame that burns inside of me
I'm hearing secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic,
The bell that rings inside your mind,
Is challenging the doors of time,
It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
This reign that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be will soon be,
Will soon be gone,
This is a kind of magic,
There can be only be one,
This reign that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be gone,
Magic - it's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
Magic, magic, magic, magic,
It's magic,
It's a kind of magic.
It's a kind of magic.
[ From: ]
Development by Kurt Sattlberger,
of the Emotion Code and Body Code,
put forth by Dr Bradley Nelson,
into the Original Energy Code,
which takes things a giant step further
and develops the technique on the basis
of the Divine Principle
and the foundation of True Parents.
• OT – 10 Commandments – Revealed from Heaven
- preparing for the Messiah, Moses > Israel > Jesus
• NT – Jesus came to be accepted!
- was rejected
- Cross, temple veil being torn in two
- only Spiritual Salvation
- 2000 years of indemnity
• CT – True Parents
- Physical and
Spiritual Salvation
- Ancestor Liberation
Divine Principle and TF:s words
show us clearly:
• Life continues after death
• Spirits interact on Earth for good/bad
• Fall of Man destroyed our Spirit and 5 sp. Sences
• Blessing = Physical forgiveness of orig. sin is needed
• Ancestor liberation is needed
• Blessed future for Mankind – KoH
Divine Messianic Healing - Forgiveness of Original Sin,
takes place through
the Blessing by True Parents.
Tool: Foundation of Faith
Foundation of Substance
Foundation for the Messiah
Divine Prnciple 2005 Color Version
Unification Theological Seminary
Unification Resource webpage
Prolegomena To A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Spirit World
Claude Perrottet
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Material for an Education on Spirit World
(also including external resources)
Depossession Healing: A Comparison of William Baldwin’s
“Spirit Releasement Therapy” and Dae Mo Nim’s Ancestor Liberation
written by Kerry Pobanz
Ref cont.:
Life In Eternity: Human Beings In the Spirit World
by Kerry Pobanz
Messiahs Vol 1. by Christian Nseka
The Healing Power of the Mind
Joseph Sheftick - March 1985
Part 1, 2 and 3
See also Depaak Chopra India
DP & Mind-Body Reality
DP & Fall of Man and Law of Indemnity
Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there
to inspire us!
Have a great Blessed week.
Prepared for 2nd,3rd ... Gen. Inspiration by Bengt Sweden/Finland
Denmark Sweden

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  • 8.
  • 9. Diary of Pope John the 23rd  PREDICTIONS FROM THE DIARY OF POPE JOHN THE 23rd  The world will suffer through a painful period of violent wars, deadly famine, and destructive natural disasters over the next eight years. But that nightmare will be followed by a lengthily stretch of love and harmony, a beautiful serene heaven on earth. Those startling predictions come from the sensational lost diary of Pope John the 23rd, the beloved Pontiff who died June 23,1963. The dusty, leather bound diary containing hand written predictions was found by a Vatican cleaning woman who was sorting through boxes stacked in a little used storage room.  The entries clearly spell out the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam war, the unrest in the Middle East, and the fall of communism years before they took place.  2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ
  • 10. July 2,1962 The Madonna tells me this will be her final visit. It is a joyous one for she shares tremendous news. As the year 1998 arrives, our heavenly friends will have shared much of their advanced knowledge. Mankind will at last wipe out most of it's diseases and our life span will increase to the length of those listed in the bible. The visitors will also share the remarkable power of resurrection and throngs of wrongly dead will rise again.  Finally a wondrous miracle will take place in the sky above New York City December 25, 2000 (2013?) when millions will witness the sensational appearance of a messiah who will announce the beginning of a second paradise here on earth.  2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ
  • 13. Face discovered in testicular tumour Doctors who took an ultrasound of a man's testicles to find out what was causing him pain were astounded to find a gaping face staring back at them. /Daily Telegraph 31 Oct 2011 2011 Earthbound trapped spirits
  • 15. Prolegomena To A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Spirit World Claude Perrottet
  • 16. Prologue: According to the views of Unification Thought and even according to common sense, the spirit world amounts to half of reality (not in the sense of a precise 50%, but in the sense of being one of two "worlds" constituting the universe).
  • 17. Prologue: According to the views of Unification Thought and even according to common sense, the spirit world amounts to half of reality (not in the sense of a precise 50%, but in the sense of being one of two "worlds" constituting the universe).
  • 18. Unification Thought holds this notion is common with the general understandings prevalent in most cultures. If that is the case, and if we additionally assume (again, according to Unification Thought and to vague notions floating in consciousness at large) that the "half" of reality represented by spirit world is the dominant though largely unknown half, it is surely an understatement to say that taking it seriously into account revolutionizes all aspects of philosophical inquiry. .endprologue
  • 19. • In Unification Thought terminology, we would say that the hyungsang part of the spirit (the spirit body) is the external appearance of the sungsang part (the spirit mind), and thus has its qualities.
  • 20. • In Unification Thought terminology, we would say that the hyungsang part of the spirit (the spirit body) is the external appearance of the sungsang part (the spirit mind), and thus has its qualities. • When trying to describe the spiritual realm from a Unification Thought perspective, a perspective that is in keeping with Swedenborg and others with personal experience of spirit, the expression that first comes to mind is total freedom, freedom from the constraints of physical existence.
  • 21. • In Unification Thought terminology, we would say that the hyungsang part of the spirit (the spirit body) is the external appearance of the sungsang part (the spirit mind), and thus has its qualities. • When trying to describe the spiritual realm from a Unification Thought perspective, a perspective that is in keeping with Swedenborg and others with personal experience of spirit, the expression that first comes to mind is total freedom, freedom from the constraints of physical existence. • But this "dream world" does follow laws of its own that are by all accounts even stricter than those of the physical world. Free movement, change and development are possible only to the extent that these laws are respected and practiced.
  • 23. • Being and knowing directly depend on the state of one's heart and soul.
  • 24. • Being and knowing directly depend on the state of one's heart and soul. • “Mind” refers to the union of the spirit mind and the physical mind
  • 25. • Being and knowing directly depend on the state of one's heart and soul. • “Mind” refers to the union of the spirit mind and the physical mind •  There is a vast array of indices (if not evidence) that suggest the existence of a reality beyond perception by our physical senses: like …
  • 26. • Near death experiences
  • 27. • Near death experiences • Spiritualists' testimonies
  • 28. • Near death experiences • Spiritualists' testimonies • Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act
  • 29. • Near death experiences • Spiritualists' testimonies • Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance • The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health condition's
  • 30. • Near death experiences • Spiritualists' testimonies • Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance • The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health condition's • Attempts to register spiritual phenomena through physical machinery's • The traditional religious and cultural consensus
  • 31. • Near death experiences • Spiritualists' testimonies • Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance • The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health condition's • Attempts to register spiritual phenomena through physical machinery's • The traditional religious and cultural consensus • Scientific theories generated from quantum physics, mind/brain research, etc.
  • 32. • Near death experiences • Spiritualists' testimonies • Parapsychology - experiences implying that spirit can act directly upon matter without a material medium, at distance • The effect of prayer on unknowing subjects' health condition's • Attempts to register spiritual phenomena through physical machinery's • The traditional religious and cultural consensus • Scientific theories generated from quantum physics, mind/brain research, etc. • The entertainment media, where in recent years angels and the afterlife have joined sex, violence and courtrooms as favorite topics of the American film industry: Ghost, Sixth Sence,
  • 34. 2000 years of preparation
  • 35. 2000 years of preparation
  • 36. 2000 year of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Publ. 1998 Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy ”1920” Tagore Yeats Many Prophecies St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Branham
  • 37. SunMyungMoon, beside a spiritually inspired painting of the New Buddha to Come!
  • 38. This image depicts the eyewitness account of Kim Young-ho, who reports that on July 19, 2008, he saw True Parents' helicopter being supported in the sky by many angels. 2008 Miracle Helicopter crash
  • 39. 1920 1943 1960 1992 2000 2012 3rd Adam born 2013 13Jan H.C. (22Febr) Messianic Years 1920 - 2012 1935-1942 1954 1995 HSA-UWC 1st 2nd 3rd CIG TF Seung Hwa 2012
  • 40. 2000 2004 2008 2009 2012 2013! CIG start 2013 13Jan H.C. (22Febr) 2003 2006 2010 Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace Historic Years 1920 1960 8 Great TextbooksEra of 4th Adam KoH Millenium last 12 years, 3 x 4 year = 2000 - 2012 1st 2nd 3rd
  • 41.
  • 42. My 36 Years in Unfication Church Shirley Stadelhofer 2006
  • 43. Rev. Moon has taught that it is much better and wiser to fulfil God’s will while we are in our own physical bodies on earth. The reason? It takes much longer and much more effort to achieve resurrection of our spirit selves in the spiritual realm than when we are on earth and in the driver’s seat, so to speak, of our own physical lives.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 47. From Lucifer to True Parents: 1999 I am offering this to True Parents. Since all people call you True Parents, I call you True Parents. I am very sorry that I gave you an extremely huge difficulty to straighten out the countless aspects of evil history of sin that I committed. What word would I have to tell you? Once, I, undeserving and selfish, desired to receive the blessing. I am very sorry for this. If it is possible, I ask for your generous punishment, as you are the parents of humankind.
  • 48. From Lucifer to True Parents: 1999 As I see the countless ways of evil and sin, the ways of indemnity, even with my eyes, I can see that the only way of my return is the way of bloody bruises. However, if it is the last way of suffering to go to God and True Parents, I will follow obeying. True Parents, Parents of humankind, Lucifer is very sorry. I am truly sorry. From Lucifer - March 21, 1999
  • 49.
  • 50. Pledge 5 Reaching to the Spirit World 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고 매일 주체적 천상세계와 대상적 지상세계의 통일을 향해 전진적 발전을 촉진화할 것을 맹세하나이다 . Our family, the owner Cheon Il Guk, pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.
  • 51. The fifth pledge discusses the role of the spirit world in human life. Having been given dominion over the creation, human beings are the lords of both the spiritual and physical worlds. The human mind connects with the spirit world and the human body interacts with the physical world.
  • 52. In a real sense, our mind and body constitute the microcosm that controls the macrocosm — the spirit world and physical world — through its resonance with them. The key lies within us.
  • 53. When we align ourselves properly, we can tap into the inexhaustible power of the spirit world to bring us prosperity and victory. Furthermore, since our ultimate destiny is to live eternally in the spirit world, we should use our time on earth to prepare for life in that world.
  • 54. Six spheres of intelligent being, with a seventh which is a Central Sun and the more particular abode of the Godhead. /The Harmonial Philosophy Andrew Jackson Davis
  • 55.
  • 56. The Non-Principled Spirit World Our tour beings with the Non-Principled Spirit World, which is populated by the vast majority of people who ever lived, who did not establish true families while on earth. People on earth vary widely according to the degree of their love and to what extent they lived a life of goodness.
  • 57. Though they co-mingle during earthly life, in the spirit world they separate. According to the various qualities of earthly people’s inner, spiritual lives, they come to reside in a place within one of three major levels of the Non-Principled Spirit World: Hell, Lower Heaven, and Paradise. The Non-Principled Spirit World
  • 58. The Transitional Spirit World In addition, there is an intermediate realm, the Transitional Spirit World, which serves as a way-station on a spirit’s journey to his or her final abode. This is the realm closest to the earth, where spirit persons stay temporarily when they first enter the spirit world. After a stay lasting from a few days to a few years, spirits journey either downward to hell or upward to one of the heavenly realms at their own volition.
  • 59. Within a few days after death, spirits are led to this realm, guided by angels and spirits of the departed. The trip is like being lifted in an elevator or like passing through a gate. The Transitional Spirit World
  • 60. On arrival, the newcomers may experience the warm, comforting embrace of a transcendental being of white light. Their relatives, intimates and acquaintances may welcome them and remain with them for a time before returning to their own places. The Transitional Spirit World
  • 61. When a spirit arrives at the Transitional Spirit World, his speech and actions become totally unconstrained. He can express in words whatever he thinks and do whatever he wants. Having shed his physical body, he suddenly realizes that he has profound wisdom, as if his intellect had grown fifty-fold. The Transitional Spirit World
  • 62.
  • 63. Although the newcomer may cling to his old habits for a while, before long he accustoms himself to the laws of spirit world. Earthly honor, knowledge, position, property and wealth are of no use. The Transitional Spirit World
  • 64. Hell Hell is populated by people who lived predominantly selfcentered lives while on earth. (Reflexion of satans lineage) They pursued only their own interests while committing falsehoods, deceptions, injustice, and crime. Hell
  • 65. Even if outwardly they led respectable lives, their hearts festered with jealousy, hatred, avarice, lust, anger and complaint. After they pass over into the transitional spirit world, fellow spirits of Hell who witness the newcomer’s past in the mirror of judgment lead him to their infernal dwelling-place. Hell
  • 66. Lee’s description of the hells is reminiscent of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Dante’s depiction of hell, The Inferno, depicts 9 levels, each darker and bleaker than the last. Dante’s Paradiso depicts 10 heavens of ever-increasing brightness and glory. Hell
  • 67. On May 5, 2004, Father Moon announced the 쌍합 십승일 ( 雙合十勝日 , Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il), the “Day of Double 5 and Victory of the Number 10,” which marked the beginning of the “Age After the Coming of Heaven.” It opened the era for cleansing the evil satanic kingdom and manifesting the kingdom of true love on earth and in heaven.
  • 68. Lower Heaven Conscientious people, the charitable, patriots, educators, the virtuous, truth-seekers, etc., people who made efforts to do right while on earth, dwell in Lower Heaven. Whether or not they believed in religion, they sought to live a life of goodness according to their conscience.
  • 69. Paradise Beyond Lower Heaven lies Paradise. (Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 12:3) It is far brighter and more splendid, with magnificent mountains, azure rivers, fields of flowers with sweet fragrance, and lovely music rejoicing the mind and heart. In its upper levels people live in a state of ecstasy, totally immersed in all the beauty that surrounds them.
  • 70. The Principled Spirit World God’s original intention for the spirit world was that it would consist of only one realm, the Kingdom of God in heaven. Spirit persons who have perfected the Four Position Foundation on earth pass over into this realm.
  • 71. Today, with the appearance of people who have received the Blessing and who are on the way to establishing true families, the threshold level of the Kingdom of Heaven has been newly opened. It is called the Principled spirit world. This realm is above even the highest level of Paradise and is incredibly beautiful.
  • 72.
  • 73. The Subjective Role of the Spirit World One reason to learn about the spirit world is to better understand how spirits affect life here on earth. Spiritual influences can bring luck or cause misfortune.
  • 74. Indeed, diverse bands of spirits descend to give invisible influence to the earthly world—some for good and some for evil. An amazing stroke of fortune or a crushing blow can occur seemingly without reason, but psychics who have access to the spirit world can clearly know its cause.
  • 75. Destiny and Responsibility People often misunderstand the subjective role of the spirit world, particularly when it comes to the question of fortune and destiny. Many people believe that every person has a foreordained destiny written in the stars, stored up in the spirit world.
  • 76. Are the important events in our life—the day of one’s death, for example — predestined? It is said that plans unfold in the spirit world years before they bear fruit on earth. Thinking in this way, we may consult fortune tellers for advice about our lives, believing they can give us a glimpse into the future.
  • 77. The Divine Principle, however, clearly presents only one sort of predestination for human beings: God’s predestination of prosperity and success for the person who fulfills his portion of responsibility.
  • 78. Uniting the Spirit World and Physical World Many people are aware of the higher power of divine providence that guides our lives. We have felt God’s guidance leading us on through dark and despairing times into new situations with fruitful paths of action.
  • 79. When we rely on providence, amazing things can and do happen, for we place ourselves in a position to receive spiritual help. As Jesus said, those who seek for God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness will find that every good thing is provided for them. (Matt. 6:33)
  • 80.
  • 81. Three Keys to Mobilizing the Spirit World At the center of unity between the spirit world and the physical world stands the human being, who joins the two worlds in the circuit of give-and-take action. There are three keys to completing this circuit, and thereby to receiving spiritual help.
  • 82. First, a person affirms his or her heartfelt dedication to God and determination to do God’s will; therefore mobilizing the spirit world to give inspiration, guidance and support. Second, the person establishes good unity between mind and body, and hence is able to act on this inspiration. Third, the person has laid a practical foundation on the earth, that his actions might carry weight and be effective.
  • 83.
  • 84. The Liberation of Hell The saint and the sinner are both God’s children. Therefore, we who would draw close to God must love our brothers and sisters who suffer the pain of a bitter or resentful spirit. The Divine Principle explains that Abel cannot enter heaven without saving Cain. /True Family Values Third Edition – Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson - 2006
  • 85. The means by which spirits can be liberated from hell is discussed briefly in the Divine Principle: SECTION I - Resurrection Biblical Concept of Life and Death Death Caused by the Fall Meaning of Resurrection How does Resurrection Change Man? …
  • 86. The means by which spirits can be liberated from hell is discussed briefly in the Divine Principle: SECTION II - Providence of Resurrection How is the Providence of Resurrection Accomplished? The Providence of Resurrection for Earthly Men The Providence for the Foundation of Resurrection The Providence of Resurrection in the Formation Stage The Providence of Resurrection in the Growth Stage The Providence of Resurrection in the Perfection Stage Heaven and Paradise Spiritual Phenomena Occurring in the Last Days The First Resurrection The Providence of Resurrection for Spirit Men The Reason and Method of the Spirit Man's Resurrection through Second Coming Resurrection through Second coming of Spirit Men Who Were Christians in Their Lifetime Resurrection through Second Coming in the Growth Stage Resurrection through Second Coming in the Perfection Stage Resurrection through Second Coming of Spirit Men Outside of Paradise The Theory of Reincarnation Viewed from the Standpoint of Resurrection through Second Coming
  • 87. The means by which spirits can be liberated from hell is discussed briefly in the Divine Principle: SECTION III - Unification of Religions by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of Christianity by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of All Other Religions by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of Non-Religious Men by Resurrection through Second Coming
  • 88. Possessing spirits, who penetrate the body and attach themselves to the psyche, afflict people without their knowledge. They can enter the body in a moment of weakness; shock, a fainting spell or a high fever. Alcohol or drugs provide ready opportunities for possessing spirits.
  • 89. These spirits cloud the mind and induce obsessive or even psychotic behavior. Even many physical illnesses have possessing spirits as a contributing cause. The common denominator of all these evil spiritual influences is inherited sin.
  • 90. The Restoration of the Mind The original mind and physical mind conflict with each other. The physical mind cannot encroach into the realm of the original mind and influence it. The lineage was changed. God and Satan will always be divided. Gold cannot be combined with marble or granite. Gold is always gold. If everybody insisted on becoming the subject, the core and partner would not be needed. They would both just disappear. /SMM Mar 30 2007
  • 91. The greatest of all Healings EVER to take place,  including Jesus remarkable healing of people is the forgiveness of Original Sin = "Blessing Marriage" in our time  = creating a new future Mankind also in our time
  • 92. Great changes in Spiritual World 1960 Church Level 2010 2012 2003 National Level 2013 World/Cosmic Level 1970
  • 93.
  • 94. St Augustine on Blessing Ceremony in the Spiritual World I am living in incredible truth and boundless grace, which I could never imagine in the physical world. Having attained freedom in this truth and grace, I am living a happy life here every day.
  • 95. What is more amazing, however, is the Blessing ceremony in which those people who had left their physical bodies and come to the spiritual world participated. During the ceremony, the officiator, Rev. Moon, suddenly changed into the shape in which God had appeared in the Garden of Eden before the human fall; God's rays spun in splendid and enrapturing colors and circled around Rev. Moon, whereupon he assumed God's body.
  • 96. Then, the whole scene of the Blessing ceremony was showered with brilliant light, as if floodlights of housands of volts had been turned on in a dark room. In this ceremony, God's light touched each and every couple. At this time, my wife was on earth and I was, of course, in the spiritual world.
  • 97. An earthly person would not understand what this means, but at one word from Rev. Moon, the ceremony site changed colors and structures, and the couples' ceremonial dresses changed. God's light touched all the people, and their spirits became consecrated, after which their forms became different from those of the spectators. 
  • 98. The Blessing is a ceremony through which God brings together an Adam and an Eve in the Garden of Eden when they become fully mature. I believe it because I have seen it clearly with my own eyes. I firmly believe that Rev. Moon is marrying honorable men and women as an officiator in God's body.  May 24, 2000
  • 99.
  • 100. SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATION WITH THE APOSTLE PAUL given through the clairaudient mediumship of Rev. Louis W. Lusarde California May 20-21, 1962  The message(s) were circulated and read in the US movement (Dr. Kim's branch) in the late 60s and early 70s. I remember feeling at the time that they had the ring of truth to them.  /Dan Fefferman
  • 101. I bear witness to the fact that the Old Testament and the New Testament combined are not sufficient to live by in the New Cosmic Age we have ascended into. To be saved, every man, woman and child must commence their mission before they leave this earth plane. 
  • 102.   And before they can do this they must find the reason for the original sin and what original sin is.  Perfection and resurrection can only be achieved through work and that work must be done in the body, the spirit of Truth demands it. 
  • 103. The Future: • Global WS like in CP • TF in spirit world! • Spiritual tradition in CIG Book 5 - Earthly Life and the Spirit World Book 6 - Our Life and the Spiritual Realm Book 15 - The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk 2013 13Jan (22Feb) TF / TP HJN DMN in spir wrld Start of real CIG
  • 104. The Future: • Global WS like in CP • TF in spir wrld 2012 ! 1960 - 2009 … 2013 13Jan (22Feb) HJN DMN WS in spir wrld Start of real CSG
  • 105. Physical – Spiritual Worlds The Fall of Man bacame a barrier between the 2 worlds meant to be fully 100% transparent! • Original Sin • Hereditary Sin • Collective Sin • Individual Sin 1. Failing to take God’s standpoint. 2. Leaving one’s proper position 3. Reversing dominion 4. Multiplying the criminal act 5 Spiritual Sences Jesus opened up Channels by His Sacrifying death!
  • 106. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture Restoring the Marriage of Jesus
  • 107. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture Restoring the Physical Fall
  • 108. 2003
  • 109. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture Restoring the Spiritual Fall
  • 110. 2013
  • 111. Feb 2013 Korea Cosmic Level – Cheon Il Gul
  • 112.
  • 114. Subcounceous Heavenly Spiritual Inspiration! 1984 The year Heung Jin Nim dies! – and goes to Spirit World
  • 115. Lyrics • Many times non-religious lyrics also disclose a spiritual deeper truth • the desire for True Love and eternal happiness • Eternal relationsship with God • Complete Salvation through Christ • A lot of music has been composed to complement religion, and many composers have derived inspiration from their own religion. Many forms of traditional music have been adapted to fit religions' purposes or have descended from religious music. /Wikipedia
  • 116. I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984 Now this mountain I must climb, (Finding DP) feels like the world upon my shoulders Through the clouds I see love shine, (Gods Love) it keeps me warm as life grows colder In my life there's been heartache and pain I don't know if I can face it again Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life Foreigner
  • 117. Let's talk about love, I want to know what love is The love that you feel inside, I want you to show me And I'm feeling so much love, I want to feel what love is No, you just can't hide, I know you can show me I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can show me. (TRUE LOVE)
  • 118. One man one goal one mission, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) One heart one soul just one solution, One flash of light yeah one god one vision. One flesh one bone, One true religion, One voice one hope, Wowowowo gimme one vision. One Vision – 1985 spiritually very inspired Queen
  • 119. No wrong no right, I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, No Blood no stain, All we need is one world wide vision. (DP - True Parents) One flesh one bone, one true religion, (Divine Principle) One voice one hope, Wowowowo gimme one vision.
  • 120. I had a dream, When I was young, A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity, And visions of one sweet union, But a cold wind blows, (FallofMan) And a dark rain falls, (Fallen Spirits down to Earth) And in my heart it shows, Look what they've done to my dream.
  • 121. So give me your hands, Give me your hearts, I'm ready, There's only one direction, One world one nation, (KoH, Korea) Yeah one vision. (Divine Mankind)
  • 122. No hate no fight, Just excitation, All through the night It's a celebration wowowowo yeah. One flesh one bone, one true religion, (True Love) One voice one hope, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) One real decision.
  • 123. Gimme one night, Gimme ione hope, One man one man, One bar one night, One day hey hey, Just gimme gimme gimme One vision. (DP – Christ - True Parents)
  • 124. A Kind Of Magic – 1986 spiritually inspired It's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, A kind of magic, One dream, one soul, one prize, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) One goal, one golden glance of what should be, It's a kind of magic, One shaft of light that shows the way, No mortal man can win this day,
  • 125. It's a mind of magic, The bell that rings inside your mind, It's challenging the doors of time, It's a kind of magic, The waiting seems eternity, yeah, The day will dawn of sanity, Is this a kind of magic, There can be only one, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) This reign that lasts a thousand years (Biblical) Will soon be gone, This flame that burns inside of me
  • 126. I'm hearing secret harmonies It's a kind of magic, The bell that rings inside your mind, Is challenging the doors of time, It's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, This reign that lasts a thousand years, Will soon be will soon be, Will soon be gone,
  • 127. This is a kind of magic, There can be only be one, This reign that lasts a thousand years, Will soon be gone, Magic - it's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, Magic, magic, magic, magic, It's magic, It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. [ From: ]
  • 128. Development by Kurt Sattlberger, of the Emotion Code and Body Code, put forth by Dr Bradley Nelson, into the Original Energy Code, which takes things a giant step further and develops the technique on the basis of the Divine Principle and the foundation of True Parents. 2020
  • 129. Summary: • OT – 10 Commandments – Revealed from Heaven - preparing for the Messiah, Moses > Israel > Jesus • NT – Jesus came to be accepted! - was rejected - Cross, temple veil being torn in two - only Spiritual Salvation - 2000 years of indemnity • CT – True Parents - Physical and Spiritual Salvation - Ancestor Liberation
  • 130. Summary: Divine Principle and TF:s words show us clearly: • Life continues after death • Spirits interact on Earth for good/bad • Fall of Man destroyed our Spirit and 5 sp. Sences • Blessing = Physical forgiveness of orig. sin is needed • Ancestor liberation is needed • Blessed future for Mankind – KoH
  • 131. Summary: Divine Messianic Healing - Forgiveness of Original Sin, takes place through the Blessing by True Parents. Tool: Foundation of Faith Foundation of Substance Foundation for the Messiah
  • 132. End
  • 133. Ref: Divine Prnciple 2005 Color Version Unification Theological Seminary Unification Resource webpage Prolegomena To A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Spirit World Claude Perrottet Cheon Seong Gyeong Material for an Education on Spirit World (also including external resources) Depossession Healing: A Comparison of William Baldwin’s “Spirit Releasement Therapy” and Dae Mo Nim’s Ancestor Liberation written by Kerry Pobanz
  • 134. Ref cont.: Life In Eternity: Human Beings In the Spirit World by Kerry Pobanz Messiahs Vol 1. by Christian Nseka The Healing Power of the Mind Joseph Sheftick - March 1985 Part 1, 2 and 3 See also Depaak Chopra India DP & Mind-Body Reality DP & Fall of Man and Law of Indemnity
  • 135. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd ... Gen. Inspiration by Bengt Sweden/Finland Denmark Sweden