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Pair 1
Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this
form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person
as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters
8 and 9.
Section 1 - Overview
Leader Name:
Monica Tolson
Student Names:
Stephanie Scott & Alexia Charlton
Email address:
[email protected]
Name of Organization:
B.C. Pension Corporation
Position or Title:
Assistant Director Business and Information Services
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this
Stephanie’s father has worked at the Pension
Corporation for a while now. He has always spoke very highly
of the friendly atmosphere within the business. He describes
his work environment to be more like a second family. We
were really curious to see what type of leadership styles/traits
help to make this such a family friendly environment. Not only
is going to work an enjoyable experience for employees, the
organization is very Work-Life balanced by providing flex days,
family days and in some cases the ability to do some work from
home. We were excited to discuss all of this with Monica and
see just what it takes to make this environment possible.
Section 2 – Pair 1 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
leadership style?
2. How does she motivate others within the organization?
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Pair 2
Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this
form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person
as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters
8 and 9.
Section 1 - Overview
Leader Name:
Student Names:
Email address:
Name of Organization:
Position or Title:
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this
Section 2 – Pair 2 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
leadership style?
2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization?
Complete the following table for each of the leaders that you
Integrate Chapters 8 and 9 leadership and motivation theories
and concepts into your summaries.
Monica Tolson/Stephanie S. & Lexi
Leader 2 Name/Student Names
What leadership style/s were identified? How does their
particular style fit in with the theories discussed in Chapter 8?
Democratic Style & Laissez-faire Style.
Monica is very people oriented. She is very open-minded,
transparent, collaborative. She works very hard to have a
relationship with each employee so build trust and to inspire
them. Monica’sMonicas leadership style falls between the
DemocraticDemorcatic and Laissez-faire. Most of the
employees already know what they have to do and come to her
if they need guidance.
· Identified; Democratic Style & Laissez-faire Style-Monica
falls between these two styles.
· Monica also talked about being open-minded, transparent, and
· According to Hershey and Blanchard, Monica is a Delegating
Leader because;
· her followers are able, willing, confident and come to her if
they need any further guidance.
Does the interviewee consider themselves more of a manager or
a leader?
Monica sees herself as more of a leader. She inspires her
employees to help them move towards a common goal.
“Leaders have to manage, but Managers do not necessarily have
to lead.”
· Monica sees herself as a leader.
· She inspires her employee’s to work towards a common goal.
· Works towards being someone people can follow.
· Monica is not someone who “bosses people around.”
What characteristics/traits were identified as important?
One of the most important characteristics Monica identified was
being authentic. To be able to create a connection with the
employees. “If you don’t believe in a leader, the will not be
able to take you in the direction you need to be.”
· Identified; Desire to Lead, Emotional Intelligence Drive,
Inspirational, Honest, and Authentic.
· Authentic-being able to create a connection with her
· Monica stated “If you don’t believe in a leader, they will not
be able to take you in the direction you need to be.”
What characteristics/traits could potentially damage a leader’s
From experience, Monica has witnessed leaders who are not
honest with their employees. Leaders whose own personal
interests outweigh the interests/goals of the organization.
“Being a leader, it’s not about you.”
What sources of power does the interviewee use?
· Position power (reward, coercive, legitimate)
· Personal power (expert, referent)
Monica uses a very personal level of power. She “gives the
power to the people” and in turn “manages the results.” Monica
believes that if you help people do the best they can in their
jobs it will motivate them to be the best they can be. She
believes you need to be able to apply all the levels of power,
but only use them as little as possible, as a last resort when
there is a major issue. “Don’t wheel the power.”
How does this individual motivate his/her employees? Theories?
(apply Chapter 9)
Monica’s personal relationship with her employee’s is the base
for keeping employee’s motivated. Monica describes is as
giving your employee’s a sense of belonging. Having open
communication, giving regular feedback, and ensuring a
common purpose and goal are also very important aspects for
keeping employee’s motivated. While giving regular feedback
to employee’s, it is never dealt in a demeaning manner, rather,
she gives them examples to try and address any issue that is
ensuing. An example issue Monica used to describe this was if
an employee is continuously late for work. Instead of docking
them with letters or verbal warnings about being late, she sits
them down and asks them why it is happening, and is there
anything she or the company can do to help resolve the
situation. The Pension office also has the ability to trace all
work that has been done so each employee can see how their
work is contributing to the organization. This helps the
employee’s know where they fit in.
Developing Trust
Dimensions of trust – which ones were identified? What other
traits or characteristics were mentioned?
Monica described the most important trait/characteristic for
developing employee trust as openness. Having open and
honest communication with your employee’s is the key to
developing a trusting relationship. The open communication
goes both ways, first Monica has to be open and honest with
them, and in return wishes all of them to be open and honest
with her. Second, being supportive of your employee’s.
Monica makes sure she is there when they need it the most.
Monica also used the phrase “walk the talk”-meaning do what
you say you are going to do. Whether it be something simple
for a specific person, or a larger project for the whole division.
If you say you are going to do it, DO IT. Through are
conversation she also implied that integrity was an important
trait for developing employee trust as well.
Advice and Current Issues
What advice did this individual suggest?
Monica gave us some great advice for anyone going into
leadership or management position. The most important of
which is that you are there to learn. To do so you need to work
with you employee’s to set common goals. Also need to find
where exactly you fit into the organization and its employee’s.
To do this you need to be a good listener. Getting to know you
employee’s is also very important. You want to make a
personal connection with each and every one. The best way to
do this is to set up one-on-one time with them, not necessarily
to chat about work, but to chat about life and learn about each
other. Also, need to make sure your employee’s feel that you
are there to listen, not to criticize in any way. If the
employee’s feel that you criticize them, they will not want to
come to you with issues or ideas, eventually leading them to not
trust you like they should be able to.
What current issues were identified?
Monica has experienced that more and more often, leaders tend
to be there only for themselves not for their employee’s. This
is a very large issue with leadership. At the Pension office,
they do a lot of leadership training to help alleviate the any
possible problems with their leadership teams. Monica is
always there for her employee’s and stated that “every
employee is a leader in their own right.” We found this to be a
very powerful and inspirational quote coming from someone in
a leadership role. Monica stated that there seems to be less
leader’s these days that believe their employees’ can be any
type of a leader and that this harms the organizations.
Section 4 – Team Summary Report
Motivating Employees
Chapter 9
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1. What is motivation?
2. How can needs help one be motivated?
3. What are the contemporary theories of
4. What are some current issues in motivation?
5. What can managers learn from motivation
Learning Objectives
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
What is Motivation
• Motivation
– Is the willingness of an individual to exert high levels
of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by
the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need
• Effort: a measure of intensity or drive
• Direction: effort directed toward organizational goals
• Need: personalized reason to exert effort
– Motivation works best when individual needs are
compatible with organizational goals
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How can “needs” help motivation?
• Early theories of motivation
1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
2. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
3. Hertzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene
4. McClelland’s Theory of Needs
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
• Human needs are categorized in five levels
– Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before
they can satisfy higher order needs
– Satisfied needs will no longer motivate
– Motivating a person depends on knowing at what
level that person is on the hierarchy
• Hierarchy of needs
– Lower-order (external): physiological, safety
– Higher-order (internal): social, esteem, self-
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McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
• There are two distinct views of human nature …
• According to “Theory X”
– Employees have little ambition, dislike work, avoid
responsibility, and require close supervision
• According to “Theory Y”
– Employees can exercise self-direction, accept and seek out
responsibility, and like to work
• Both views are based on two types of motivators:
– Extrinsic motivators (external aspects such as pay, bonuses
and tangible rewards)
– Intrinsic motivators (internal aspects such as interest,
challenge and personal satisfaction)
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Hertzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
• Motivators are intrinsic factors that increase job
satisfaction and motivation
– Achievement, recognition, and responsibility
• Hygiene factors are extrinsic factors that
eliminate job dissatisfaction, but don’t motivate
– Supervision, policies, relationships, working
• According to Hertzberg the opposite of
satisfaction is not dissatisfaction
– Consequently, removing hygiene factors does not
necessarily make that job more satisfying
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McClelland’s Theory of Needs
• According to McClelland there are three
acquired (not innate) needs that motivate work
– Need for achievement (nAch)
• Desire to excel, to achieve in relation to set standards and
– Need for power (nPow)
• Desire to make others behave in a way they may not have
– Need for affiliation (nAff)
• Desire for friendly and close relationships
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Contemporary Theory of Motivation
• Four-Drive Theory
• Reinforcement Theory
• Equity Theory
• Expectancy Theory
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Four-Drive Theory
Describes motivation in four categories:
1. Drive to acquire
• For material goods, status, accomplishment & power
2. Drive to bond
• Engage in mutually beneficial relationships
3. Drive to learn
• Satisfy curiosity, understand ourselves & the world
around us
4. Drive to defend
• Self-protection
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Reinforcement Theory
According to Reinforcement Theory …
• Behaviour is influenced by consequences
• “Reinforcers” are consequences that, when
given immediately following a behaviour,
increases the probability that the behaviour
will be repeated
• Emphasis is on positive reinforcement,
meaning … managers should ignore, not
punish, unfavourable behaviour
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Equity Theory
• An employee compares his or her job’s inputs-
outcomes ratio with that of relevant others
– If the ratios are perceived to be equal then a state of equity
(fairness) exists
– If the ratios are perceived as unequal, inequity exists and
the person feels under- or over-rewarded
– When inequities occur, employees will attempt to do
something to rebalance the ratios (seek justice)
• Originally focused on distributive justice
• Recent research focused on procedural justice
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Equity Theory (cont’d)
• Employee responses to perceived
– Distort own or others’ inputs or outcomes
– Induce others to change their inputs or outcomes
– Change own inputs or outcomes
– Choose a different comparison person
– Quit their job
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Expectancy Theory
• Individuals tend to act based on the expectation that the act
will be followed by a given outcome and that outcome will be
attractive to them
• The relationship between effort, performance and rewards is
– Effort performance linkage (expectancy): Employee expects
that certain amount of effort will lead to a certain performance
– Performance-reward linkage (instrumentality): Belief that a
certain performance will lead to the attainment of a desired
– Attractiveness of Rewards (valence): The importance that
individuals place on the outcome or reward that can be achieved
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Current Issues in Motivation
• Motivating a Diverse Workforce
1. Employees from Diverse Cultures
• What motivates individuals in one culture may do the opposite
another culture
2. Minimum-Wage Employees
• Money is not the only motivator; recognition, performance
and empowerment may also motivate
3. Professional and Technical Employees
• This group values challenging work, problem solving and
educational opportunities
4. Contingent workers
• Provide opportunity to become a permanent employee or offer
training for skill improvements for future positions
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Designing Effective Reward
• The Role of Money
• Employee Recognition Programs
• Pay-for-Performance Programs
• Stock Option Programs
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Improving Work-Life Balance
• Flexible Work Schedules
• Job Sharing
• “Telework”
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What can managers learn from
motivation theories?
• Recognize individual differences
• Match people to jobs
• Individualize rewards
• Link rewards to performance
• Check the system for equity
• Use recognition
• Don’t ignore money
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
Chapter 8
1 Chapter 8
“The manager accepts the status
quo; the leader challenges it.”
Warren Bennis
“Effective leadership is putting
first things first. Effective
management is discipline,
carrying it out.” Stephen Covey
Learning Objectives
1. How do leaders and managers differ?
2. What do trait and behavioural theories tell us about
3. How do contingency theories of leadership improve
our understanding of leadership?
4. What do charismatic and transformational leaders
5. What are some current issues in leadership?
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
Why leadership is important
� Leadership and organizational performance are
closely linked
� Good leadership contributes to good
organizational performance
� Leaders are the ones who make things happen
� How leaders make things happen is the subject of
considerable study
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How do leaders and managers differ?
Leadership therefore is…..
the process of influencing a group (in an organization)
toward the achievement of goals
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What do trait theories tell us about
� Trait theories
� The focus of early leadership research to find a
common set of traits to differentiate leaders
from non-leaders
� 8 traits are associated with effective leadership
� Drive
� Desire to lead
� Honesty & Integrity
� Self-confidence
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� Cognitive intelligence
� Emotional intelligence
� Job-relevant knowledge
� Extroversion
What do behavioural theories tell us about
� Theories of leadership that identify behaviours
that differentiate effective leaders from
ineffective leaders
� Behavioural theories can be distilled down to two
main aspects:
1. People oriented behaviours
2. Task oriented behaviours
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University of Iowa Studies
� Kurt Lewin & associates studied 3 leadership
styles that focused on leadership behaviour
1. Autocratic style – where the leader tends to:
� Centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral
and limit employee participation
2. Democratic style – where the leader tends to:
� Involve employees in decision-making, delegate authority,
participation in deciding work methods and goals and uses
to coach employees
3. Laissez-faire style – where the leader tends to:
� Give the group complete freedom to make decisions
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Behavioural Study Observations
� People oriented behaviours are related to:
� Follower satisfaction
� Motivation
� Leader effectiveness
� Task or production oriented behaviours are
related to:
� Performance by the leader, the group and the
� Getting the tasks done
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
Contingency Theories of Leadership
� Traits and the behaviours of leaders were found
to not be enough to predict leadership success
� The “situational” influences were considered to
be additionally important
� Lead to two key contingency theories:
1. Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership
2. Path Goal Theory
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Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational
� These authors argued successful leadership is
achieved by ...
� Selecting the right leadership style to match the level
of follower “readiness”
� Readiness
� Do followers have the ability and willingness to
accomplish a specific task?
� “Acceptance” is important as well: do followers
accept or reject a leader?
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Situational Leadership (SL)
11 Chapter 8
Path Goal Theory
� A contingency model that suggests it is the
leader’s job to:
� Assist followers to attain their goals
� Provide the direction or support to ensure
follower goals are compatible with those of the
� Based on the belief that effective leaders:
� Clarify the path to goal achievement by followers
� Make the path easier by reducing roadblocks
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Effective Path Goal Behaviours
1. Directive
� Lets subordinates know what is expected
� Schedules work
� Gives specific guidance on how to accomplish tasks
2. Supportive
� Friendly and shows concern for subordinates needs
3. Participative
� Consults with and uses subordinates suggestions in decision-
4. Achievement-oriented
� Sets challenging goals with an expectation of achievement
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Leading Change
� Two types of leadership that inspire change in
1. Charismatic-Visionary Leaders
2. Transformational Leaders
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Charismatic-Visionary Leaders
Exhibit the following behaviours:
• Enthusiastic and self-confident
• Personality and actions influence follower
• Have a vision that they can articulate
• Willing to take risks to achieve the vision
• Sensitive to environmental constraints
• Sensitive to follower’s needs
• “Out of the ordinary”
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Transformational Leaders
� Inspire followers beyond their own self-
� Help others focus on what is good of the
� Turn followers into “believers on a mission”
� Provides followers with a cause around which
they can rally
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Current Issues in Leadership
� Managing Power
� Power is the leadership capacity to influence work
actions or decisions
� Since power is based upon influence how leaders
acquire power becomes important
� Bases of Power
� Legitimate
� Coercive
� Reward
� Expert
� Referent
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Current Issues in Leadership
� Developing trust
� Credibility as a component of trust is the degree to
which followers perceive a leader as honest,
competent and able to inspire
� Trust has five dimensions
1. Integrity
2. Competence
3. Consistency
4. Loyalty
5. Openness
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Current Issues in Leadership
� Ethical Leadership
� Moral leadership in the means used to achieve goals
� Goals must be morally based and sound as well
� On-line Leadership (requires special skills in the “virtual”
� Excellent structure, tone and style in use of on-line
� Ability to clarify expectations despite lack of face-to-
face interaction
� Ability to create a culture of trust in the absence of
visible actions
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Current Issues in Leadership
� Team Leadership
� Effective team leaders balance delegation of tasks
to the team with intervention in team work
� Team leaders key priorities are:
� Managing the team’s external boundaries
� Facilitating the team process
� Priorities require four specific leadership roles:
1. Liaison with external constituencies
2. Trouble shooting
3. Conflict management
4. Coaching
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Current Issues in Leadership
� Understanding gender differences in leadership
� Are there differences between male and female leaders?
� If so, what are the differences?
� Evidence suggests different genders use different
leadership styles
� Women tend to adopt a more democratic and
participative style
� Men tend to be more transactional, autocratic or
directive approach
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Management Perspectives on Leadership & Motivation
This is an assignment completed in two teams of two (4 people
in total). Each pair is to
conduct a 15 - 20 minute, in-person interview of a leader in one
of these industries:
Each pair is to decide who you will interview. Conduct
preliminary research into the organization
prior to your interviews so that you have an understanding of
what the organization represents and
what they value.
Remember that you are representing Camosun College and the
School of Business;
professionalism is expected. Identify yourself as a first year
business student and inform them
that the interview is being conducted for educational purposes.
Ensure that you have the
interviewees’ permission to use their name and answers in your
analysis or ask if they prefer to
remain anonymous.
How to get a good mark on this assignment:
-interview reflection of each
leader is included.
ummarized in the Interview
Summary Table identifying each
leader/student names. Identify and integrate Chapter 8 and 9
theories, concepts into your
learned about leadership,
power, trust and motivation and the current issues that were
identified during your
o Apply Chapter 8 and 9 theories, concepts, etc. into your
o Ensure that you compare and contrast the similarities and
differences between the
two leaders as part of your summary.
contents. Submission is
professionally presented with no spelling or grammatical errors.
Apply APA referencing
where appropriate.
Use the marking rubric as a guideline to ensure that all
components of this assignment have
been completed.
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Assignment 2 Interview Tips
Before you make contact with your potential leader; carefully
review the tips on this sheet.
twork to create a list of potential leaders. Ensure
that the leader represents one of the
industries identified on page one.
general idea of what your leader’s
responsibilities are.
ew the questions that you will ask during the interview.
You may want to jot down some key
words from Chapters 8 and 9 in case the interviewer needs any
clarification on the questions being
The Cold Call
d ask for the person with whom you want to meet.
-20 minutes)
nd place of your
The Interview
list of questions
t no more than 10 minutes early.
for giving you his/her time.
flow naturally.
interview is going longer than the allotted
time, check that additional time is all right.
hank the person for his/her time.
Follow Up
BUS 130 textbook for the appropriate
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Questions to Ask
1. How would you describe your basic leadership style? What is
one example of how you
demonstrate this?
2. In your opinion, what is the difference between a manager
and a leader, or is there one?
3. What is one characteristic/trait that you believe every leader
should possess?
4. What is the one behaviour or trait you have seen derail a
leader’s career?
5. What sort of power or authority do you use to motivate or
influence others?
6. How do you keep your employees involved and motivated?
7. In your organization, what specific traits or characteristics do
you see as important in developing
employees’ trust?
8. Why is it important for your employees to trust you?
9. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership
or management position for the first
10. What do you see as some current issues in leadership either
personally or generally?
11. Choose two additional questions that you may want to ask
your leader related to the chapter
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Pair 1
Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this
form. Provide a solid rationale as to
why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts
and theories from Chapters 8 and 9.
Section 1 - Overview
Leader Name:
Student Names:
Email address:
Name of Organization:
Position or Title:
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this
Section 2 – Pair 1 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
leadership style?
2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization?
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Pair 2
Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this
form. Provide a solid rationale as to
why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts
and theories from Chapters 8 and 9.
Section 1 - Overview
Leader Name:
Student Names:
Email address:
Name of Organization:
Position or Title:
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this
Section 2 – Pair 2 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
leadership style?
2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization?
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Complete the following table for each of the leaders that you
Integrate Chapters 8 and 9 leadership and motivation theories
and concepts into your summaries.
Criteria Leader 1 Name/Student Names Leader 2 Name/Student
What leadership style/s were identified?
How does their particular style fit in with
the theories discussed in Chapter 8?
Does the interviewee consider
themselves more of a manager or a
What characteristics/traits were
identified as important?
What characteristics/traits could
potentially damage a leader’s career?
What sources of power does the
interviewee use?
How does this individual motivate his/her
employees? Theories? (apply Chapter 9)
Developing Trust
Dimensions of trust – which ones were
identified? What other traits or
characteristics were mentioned?
Advice and Current Issues
What advice did this individual suggest?
What current issues were identified?
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Section 4 – Team Summary Report
Refer to your Summary Table to complete this section. Provide
a one to two page single- spaced
summary about what the four of you learned from this
assignment about leadership, power,
motivation, and trust from your leadership interviewees and
from Chapters 8 and 9. Summarize the
current issues in leadership and motivation for today’s leaders
and managers. Ensure that you compare
and contrast the similarities and differences between the
leader(s) as part of your summary.
In the final part of your team summary, list your ten (10)
takeaway statements (most important
information that you learned). These statements should include
reference to the following course
material from the corresponding chapters applied in this
Current issues facing today’s leaders and managers
Point form is acceptable; however, use appropriate headings to
ensure readability. Use appropriate
APA format when referencing the textbook or other sources in
your assignment.
Pair 1
Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this
form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person
as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters
8 and 9.
Section 1 - Overview
Leader Name:
Adam Marre
Student Names:
Ryan Egan & Abdulla Ahmaid
Email address:
Name of Organization:
Position or Title:
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this
When pressed to pick a leader to interview, we decided to ask
Adam because he was a contact that Ryan was on excellent
terms with as well as he fit the bill perfectly. He is an
entrepreneur who started his own business straight out of
university. He slowly built it up from working by himself to
building a large team of employees. Therefore, he had first hand
and recent experience learning to be a leader as well as a wealth
of personal experiences relating to leadership.
Section 2 – Pair 1 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
leadership style?
2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization?
Adam motivates his employees by focusing on empowering and
engaging them as much as possible. He believes that people
have the judgment and the skills to get things done and that they
mostly just need to be left alone in order to succeed. He
particularly likes the phrase, “I trust your judgment.” He has
found that when you maximize people’s freedom to the extent
you can for a task, you get the best results. Of course, in return
for this freedom, he has high expectations on the quality of their
work and for them to meet deadlines and follow basic
guidelines. He prefers a process he calls the “Vietnam
maneuver”; basically, you are given a gun and told jump out of
the helicopter. So you have to either shoot the other guy or die
or in other words, the employee has to perform or fail, right off
the bat. By providing his employees with all the right tools and
dropping them into their positions, they learn and become
experts much faster than any training program could manage.
Thus, he gets better returns on their performance much faster.
A look at the motivation theories in Chapter 9 of our text seems
to bring two theories in particular that apply to his leadership
style; McGregor’s Theory Y and the Four Drive Theory.
(Stephen P. Robbins, 2013) The way he describes the way he
views his employees is straight out what the text says on Theory
Y. He believes that employees are capable and naturally want to
succeed. All he has to do is create the most general of
circumstances where they can succeed and they will take it from
there. Both McGregor and Adam propose that maximizing
challenge, participation, and good relationships are the ways to
motivate employees. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2013, p. 250)
Additionally, his particular style of motivation seems to have
strong tenants similar to the four drive theory. He tries to
address two of the “proactive drives”, the drives to bond and
learn, from the Four-Drive theory and include aspects of them
in the working environment. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2013, p. 251)
His “Vietnam maneuver” is how he uses the drive to learn as
motivation; especially how he creates a “learn or fail” set of
circumstances for his employees. He told us about how he often
would take employees out of the office on trips into town for
random outings. There wouldn’t be a plan and they would just
figure out what to do as they went along. From these outings
came some the best work ideas, because the outings,
themselves, encouraged the kind of mindset that he wanted in
the office. This seems to be an example using the drive to bond
as a powerful tool for motivation.
Bus 150 Assignment 2
Pair 2
Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this
form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person
as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters
8 and 9.
Section 1 - Overview
Leader Name:
Student Names:
Email address:
Name of Organization:
Position or Title:
One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this
Section 2 – Pair 2 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
leadership style?
2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization?
Complete the following table for each of the leaders that you
Integrate Chapters 8 and 9 leadership and motivation theories
and concepts into your summaries.
Leader 1 Name/Student Names
Leader 2 Name/Student Names
What leadership style/s were identified? How does their
particular style fit in with the theories discussed in Chapter 8?
· Laissez-faire with a touch of autocratic
· Has a very participative leadership style according to Hersey
& Blanchard’s theory
Does the interviewee consider themselves more of a manager or
a leader?
· Leader – he aspires to be someone people follow, rather than
someone who order’s people around.
What characteristics/traits were identified as important?
· Passion – “insanity with a twinge of reality”
· Ability to rile people up
What characteristics/traits could potentially damage a leader’s
· Loss of self confidence
· Loss of perceived competence
· “you can be at only 40% of self-confident, then suddenly
everyone else is only at 20% because you aren’t at your best”
What sources of power does the interviewee use?
· Position power (reward, coercive, legitimate)
· Personal power (expert, referent)
· Prefers to use legitimate and expert power
· He uses legitimate power in that he makes sure he has the
“final say”; complete veto power at the end of the day.
· He believes that the leader should be seen to be the best at
what they do so that they always have expert power
How does this individual motivate his/her employees? Theories?
(apply Chapter 9)
· Promotes employee participation and engagement
· McGregor’s Theory Y is almost a total description of his
motivational style
· He believes that people are naturally there to work and that to
get the best results, you simply need to provide the tools and
guidelines for them to succeed
· Also seems to apply Four drive theory in that he seeks to use
drives to bond an learn to motivate
Developing Trust
Dimensions of trust – which ones were identified? What other
traits or characteristics were mentioned?
· Identified competence, consistency, and openness
· Trust is immensely important to Adam or otherwise, in his
words, “what’s the point?”
· Competence and consistency came up when he talked about
how important self-confidence is and how employees need to
see the leader as someone who is the best at what they do
· Openness is present based on his team-building adventures,
the extent to which he practices his laissez-faire style, and how
he values being the “trusted advisor”
Advice and Current Issues
What advice did this individual suggest?
· Nothing you can read or study will help.
· Team building and social bonding are essential.
· “Fun is also part of being a leader.”
What current issues were identified?
· There is too little trust from the top down in today’s world.
· Too little autonomy for workers.
· The way leaders lead and control their employees stifles
creativity too much.
Section 4 – Team Summary Report

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Pair 1Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of.docx

  • 1. Pair 1 Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters 8 and 9. Section 1 - Overview Leader Name: Monica Tolson Student Names: Stephanie Scott & Alexia Charlton Email address: [email protected] Name of Organization: B.C. Pension Corporation Position or Title: Assistant Director Business and Information Services One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual: Stephanie’s father has worked at the Pension Corporation for a while now. He has always spoke very highly of the friendly atmosphere within the business. He describes his work environment to be more like a second family. We were really curious to see what type of leadership styles/traits help to make this such a family friendly environment. Not only is going to work an enjoyable experience for employees, the organization is very Work-Life balanced by providing flex days, family days and in some cases the ability to do some work from home. We were excited to discuss all of this with Monica and see just what it takes to make this environment possible. Section 2 – Pair 1 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs 1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s
  • 2. leadership style? 2. How does she motivate others within the organization? Bus 150 Assignment 2 1 Pair 2 Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters 8 and 9. Section 1 - Overview Leader Name: Student Names: Email address: Name of Organization: Position or Title: One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual: Section 2 – Pair 2 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs
  • 3. 1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s leadership style? 2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization? 2 Section 3 -- INTERVIEW SUMMARY TABLE Complete the following table for each of the leaders that you interviewed. Integrate Chapters 8 and 9 leadership and motivation theories and concepts into your summaries. Criteria Monica Tolson/Stephanie S. & Lexi Leader 2 Name/Student Names Leadership What leadership style/s were identified? How does their particular style fit in with the theories discussed in Chapter 8? Democratic Style & Laissez-faire Style. Monica is very people oriented. She is very open-minded, transparent, collaborative. She works very hard to have a relationship with each employee so build trust and to inspire them. Monica’sMonicas leadership style falls between the DemocraticDemorcatic and Laissez-faire. Most of the employees already know what they have to do and come to her if they need guidance. · Identified; Democratic Style & Laissez-faire Style-Monica falls between these two styles. · Monica also talked about being open-minded, transparent, and collaborative. · According to Hershey and Blanchard, Monica is a Delegating Leader because; · her followers are able, willing, confident and come to her if
  • 4. they need any further guidance. Does the interviewee consider themselves more of a manager or a leader? Monica sees herself as more of a leader. She inspires her employees to help them move towards a common goal. “Leaders have to manage, but Managers do not necessarily have to lead.” · Monica sees herself as a leader. · She inspires her employee’s to work towards a common goal. · Works towards being someone people can follow. · Monica is not someone who “bosses people around.” What characteristics/traits were identified as important? One of the most important characteristics Monica identified was being authentic. To be able to create a connection with the employees. “If you don’t believe in a leader, the will not be able to take you in the direction you need to be.” · Identified; Desire to Lead, Emotional Intelligence Drive, Inspirational, Honest, and Authentic. · Authentic-being able to create a connection with her employee’s. · Monica stated “If you don’t believe in a leader, they will not be able to take you in the direction you need to be.” What characteristics/traits could potentially damage a leader’s career? From experience, Monica has witnessed leaders who are not honest with their employees. Leaders whose own personal interests outweigh the interests/goals of the organization. “Being a leader, it’s not about you.”
  • 5. Power What sources of power does the interviewee use? · Position power (reward, coercive, legitimate) · Personal power (expert, referent) Monica uses a very personal level of power. She “gives the power to the people” and in turn “manages the results.” Monica believes that if you help people do the best they can in their jobs it will motivate them to be the best they can be. She believes you need to be able to apply all the levels of power, but only use them as little as possible, as a last resort when there is a major issue. “Don’t wheel the power.” Motivation How does this individual motivate his/her employees? Theories? (apply Chapter 9) Monica’s personal relationship with her employee’s is the base for keeping employee’s motivated. Monica describes is as giving your employee’s a sense of belonging. Having open communication, giving regular feedback, and ensuring a common purpose and goal are also very important aspects for keeping employee’s motivated. While giving regular feedback to employee’s, it is never dealt in a demeaning manner, rather, she gives them examples to try and address any issue that is ensuing. An example issue Monica used to describe this was if an employee is continuously late for work. Instead of docking them with letters or verbal warnings about being late, she sits them down and asks them why it is happening, and is there anything she or the company can do to help resolve the situation. The Pension office also has the ability to trace all work that has been done so each employee can see how their work is contributing to the organization. This helps the employee’s know where they fit in.
  • 6. Developing Trust Dimensions of trust – which ones were identified? What other traits or characteristics were mentioned? Monica described the most important trait/characteristic for developing employee trust as openness. Having open and honest communication with your employee’s is the key to developing a trusting relationship. The open communication goes both ways, first Monica has to be open and honest with them, and in return wishes all of them to be open and honest with her. Second, being supportive of your employee’s. Monica makes sure she is there when they need it the most. Monica also used the phrase “walk the talk”-meaning do what you say you are going to do. Whether it be something simple for a specific person, or a larger project for the whole division. If you say you are going to do it, DO IT. Through are conversation she also implied that integrity was an important trait for developing employee trust as well. Advice and Current Issues What advice did this individual suggest? Monica gave us some great advice for anyone going into leadership or management position. The most important of which is that you are there to learn. To do so you need to work with you employee’s to set common goals. Also need to find where exactly you fit into the organization and its employee’s. To do this you need to be a good listener. Getting to know you employee’s is also very important. You want to make a personal connection with each and every one. The best way to do this is to set up one-on-one time with them, not necessarily to chat about work, but to chat about life and learn about each other. Also, need to make sure your employee’s feel that you are there to listen, not to criticize in any way. If the employee’s feel that you criticize them, they will not want to come to you with issues or ideas, eventually leading them to not trust you like they should be able to.
  • 7. What current issues were identified? Monica has experienced that more and more often, leaders tend to be there only for themselves not for their employee’s. This is a very large issue with leadership. At the Pension office, they do a lot of leadership training to help alleviate the any possible problems with their leadership teams. Monica is always there for her employee’s and stated that “every employee is a leader in their own right.” We found this to be a very powerful and inspirational quote coming from someone in a leadership role. Monica stated that there seems to be less leader’s these days that believe their employees’ can be any type of a leader and that this harms the organizations. 4 Section 4 – Team Summary Report 2/16/2014 1 Motivating Employees Chapter 9
  • 8. Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-1 1. What is motivation? 2. How can needs help one be motivated? 3. What are the contemporary theories of motivation? 4. What are some current issues in motivation? 5. What can managers learn from motivation theories? Learning Objectives Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-2 What is Motivation • Motivation – Is the willingness of an individual to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need • Effort: a measure of intensity or drive • Direction: effort directed toward organizational goals • Need: personalized reason to exert effort – Motivation works best when individual needs are
  • 9. compatible with organizational goals Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-3 2/16/2014 2 How can “needs” help motivation? • Early theories of motivation 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 2. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y 3. Hertzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory 4. McClelland’s Theory of Needs Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory • Human needs are categorized in five levels – Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs – Satisfied needs will no longer motivate – Motivating a person depends on knowing at what
  • 10. level that person is on the hierarchy • Hierarchy of needs – Lower-order (external): physiological, safety – Higher-order (internal): social, esteem, self- actualization Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-5 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y • There are two distinct views of human nature … • According to “Theory X” – Employees have little ambition, dislike work, avoid responsibility, and require close supervision • According to “Theory Y” – Employees can exercise self-direction, accept and seek out responsibility, and like to work • Both views are based on two types of motivators: – Extrinsic motivators (external aspects such as pay, bonuses and tangible rewards) – Intrinsic motivators (internal aspects such as interest, challenge and personal satisfaction) Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-6
  • 11. 2/16/2014 3 Hertzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory • Motivators are intrinsic factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation – Achievement, recognition, and responsibility • Hygiene factors are extrinsic factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction, but don’t motivate – Supervision, policies, relationships, working conditions • According to Hertzberg the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction – Consequently, removing hygiene factors does not necessarily make that job more satisfying Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-7 McClelland’s Theory of Needs • According to McClelland there are three acquired (not innate) needs that motivate work performance – Need for achievement (nAch) • Desire to excel, to achieve in relation to set standards and succeed – Need for power (nPow) • Desire to make others behave in a way they may not have
  • 12. otherwise – Need for affiliation (nAff) • Desire for friendly and close relationships Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-8 Contemporary Theory of Motivation • Four-Drive Theory • Reinforcement Theory • Equity Theory • Expectancy Theory Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-9 2/16/2014 4 Four-Drive Theory Describes motivation in four categories: 1. Drive to acquire • For material goods, status, accomplishment & power
  • 13. 2. Drive to bond • Engage in mutually beneficial relationships 3. Drive to learn • Satisfy curiosity, understand ourselves & the world around us 4. Drive to defend • Self-protection Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-10 Reinforcement Theory According to Reinforcement Theory … • Behaviour is influenced by consequences • “Reinforcers” are consequences that, when given immediately following a behaviour, increases the probability that the behaviour will be repeated • Emphasis is on positive reinforcement, meaning … managers should ignore, not punish, unfavourable behaviour Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-11 Equity Theory • An employee compares his or her job’s inputs- outcomes ratio with that of relevant others
  • 14. – If the ratios are perceived to be equal then a state of equity (fairness) exists – If the ratios are perceived as unequal, inequity exists and the person feels under- or over-rewarded – When inequities occur, employees will attempt to do something to rebalance the ratios (seek justice) • Originally focused on distributive justice • Recent research focused on procedural justice Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-12 2/16/2014 5 Equity Theory (cont’d) • Employee responses to perceived inequities: – Distort own or others’ inputs or outcomes – Induce others to change their inputs or outcomes – Change own inputs or outcomes – Choose a different comparison person – Quit their job Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-13
  • 15. Expectancy Theory • Individuals tend to act based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and that outcome will be attractive to them • The relationship between effort, performance and rewards is important – Effort performance linkage (expectancy): Employee expects that certain amount of effort will lead to a certain performance – Performance-reward linkage (instrumentality): Belief that a certain performance will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome – Attractiveness of Rewards (valence): The importance that individuals place on the outcome or reward that can be achieved Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-14 Current Issues in Motivation • Motivating a Diverse Workforce 1. Employees from Diverse Cultures • What motivates individuals in one culture may do the opposite in another culture 2. Minimum-Wage Employees • Money is not the only motivator; recognition, performance awards
  • 16. and empowerment may also motivate 3. Professional and Technical Employees • This group values challenging work, problem solving and educational opportunities 4. Contingent workers • Provide opportunity to become a permanent employee or offer training for skill improvements for future positions Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-15 2/16/2014 6 Designing Effective Reward Programs • The Role of Money • Employee Recognition Programs • Pay-for-Performance Programs • Stock Option Programs Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
  • 17. 9-16 Improving Work-Life Balance • Flexible Work Schedules • Job Sharing • “Telework” Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-17 What can managers learn from motivation theories? • Recognize individual differences • Match people to jobs • Individualize rewards • Link rewards to performance • Check the system for equity • Use recognition • Don’t ignore money Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 9-18 2/16/2014 1
  • 18. Leadership Chapter 8 1 Chapter 8 “The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.” Warren Bennis “Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.” Stephen Covey Learning Objectives 1. How do leaders and managers differ? 2. What do trait and behavioural theories tell us about leadership? 3. How do contingency theories of leadership improve our understanding of leadership? 4. What do charismatic and transformational leaders do? 5. What are some current issues in leadership? Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-2 Why leadership is important � Leadership and organizational performance are closely linked
  • 19. � Good leadership contributes to good organizational performance � Leaders are the ones who make things happen � How leaders make things happen is the subject of considerable study Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-3 2/16/2014 2 How do leaders and managers differ? Leadership therefore is….. the process of influencing a group (in an organization) toward the achievement of goals Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-4 What do trait theories tell us about leadership?
  • 20. � Trait theories � The focus of early leadership research to find a common set of traits to differentiate leaders from non-leaders � 8 traits are associated with effective leadership � Drive � Desire to lead � Honesty & Integrity � Self-confidence Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-5 � Cognitive intelligence � Emotional intelligence � Job-relevant knowledge � Extroversion What do behavioural theories tell us about leadership? � Theories of leadership that identify behaviours that differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders � Behavioural theories can be distilled down to two main aspects: 1. People oriented behaviours
  • 21. 2. Task oriented behaviours Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-6 2/16/2014 3 University of Iowa Studies � Kurt Lewin & associates studied 3 leadership styles that focused on leadership behaviour 1. Autocratic style – where the leader tends to: � Centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions and limit employee participation 2. Democratic style – where the leader tends to: � Involve employees in decision-making, delegate authority, encourage participation in deciding work methods and goals and uses feedback to coach employees 3. Laissez-faire style – where the leader tends to: � Give the group complete freedom to make decisions Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-7 Behavioural Study Observations
  • 22. � People oriented behaviours are related to: � Follower satisfaction � Motivation � Leader effectiveness � Task or production oriented behaviours are related to: � Performance by the leader, the group and the organization � Getting the tasks done Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-8 Contingency Theories of Leadership � Traits and the behaviours of leaders were found to not be enough to predict leadership success � The “situational” influences were considered to be additionally important � Lead to two key contingency theories: 1. Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership 2. Path Goal Theory Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-9 2/16/2014
  • 23. 4 Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership � These authors argued successful leadership is achieved by ... � Selecting the right leadership style to match the level of follower “readiness” � Readiness � Do followers have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task? � “Acceptance” is important as well: do followers accept or reject a leader? Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-10 Situational Leadership (SL) 11 Chapter 8 Path Goal Theory � A contingency model that suggests it is the leader’s job to: � Assist followers to attain their goals � Provide the direction or support to ensure follower goals are compatible with those of the organization
  • 24. � Based on the belief that effective leaders: � Clarify the path to goal achievement by followers � Make the path easier by reducing roadblocks Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-12 2/16/2014 5 Effective Path Goal Behaviours 1. Directive � Lets subordinates know what is expected � Schedules work � Gives specific guidance on how to accomplish tasks 2. Supportive � Friendly and shows concern for subordinates needs 3. Participative � Consults with and uses subordinates suggestions in decision- making 4. Achievement-oriented � Sets challenging goals with an expectation of achievement Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-13 Leading Change
  • 25. � Two types of leadership that inspire change in organizations: 1. Charismatic-Visionary Leaders 2. Transformational Leaders Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-15 Charismatic-Visionary Leaders Exhibit the following behaviours: • Enthusiastic and self-confident • Personality and actions influence follower behaviour • Have a vision that they can articulate • Willing to take risks to achieve the vision • Sensitive to environmental constraints • Sensitive to follower’s needs • “Out of the ordinary” Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-16 2/16/2014 6 Transformational Leaders � Inspire followers beyond their own self-
  • 26. interest � Help others focus on what is good of the organization � Turn followers into “believers on a mission” � Provides followers with a cause around which they can rally Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-17 Current Issues in Leadership � Managing Power � Power is the leadership capacity to influence work actions or decisions � Since power is based upon influence how leaders acquire power becomes important � Bases of Power � Legitimate � Coercive � Reward � Expert � Referent Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-18 Current Issues in Leadership � Developing trust � Credibility as a component of trust is the degree to
  • 27. which followers perceive a leader as honest, competent and able to inspire � Trust has five dimensions 1. Integrity 2. Competence 3. Consistency 4. Loyalty 5. Openness Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-20 2/16/2014 7 Current Issues in Leadership � Ethical Leadership � Moral leadership in the means used to achieve goals � Goals must be morally based and sound as well � On-line Leadership (requires special skills in the “virtual” world) � Excellent structure, tone and style in use of on-line communication � Ability to clarify expectations despite lack of face-to- face interaction � Ability to create a culture of trust in the absence of visible actions
  • 28. Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-21 Current Issues in Leadership � Team Leadership � Effective team leaders balance delegation of tasks to the team with intervention in team work � Team leaders key priorities are: � Managing the team’s external boundaries � Facilitating the team process � Priorities require four specific leadership roles: 1. Liaison with external constituencies 2. Trouble shooting 3. Conflict management 4. Coaching Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-22 Current Issues in Leadership � Understanding gender differences in leadership � Are there differences between male and female leaders? � If so, what are the differences? � Evidence suggests different genders use different leadership styles � Women tend to adopt a more democratic and participative style � Men tend to be more transactional, autocratic or directive approach
  • 29. Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc. 8-23 Bus 150 Assignment 2 1 Management Perspectives on Leadership & Motivation This is an assignment completed in two teams of two (4 people in total). Each pair is to conduct a 15 - 20 minute, in-person interview of a leader in one of these industries: - ism Each pair is to decide who you will interview. Conduct preliminary research into the organization prior to your interviews so that you have an understanding of what the organization represents and what they value. Remember that you are representing Camosun College and the School of Business; professionalism is expected. Identify yourself as a first year
  • 30. business student and inform them that the interview is being conducted for educational purposes. Ensure that you have the interviewees’ permission to use their name and answers in your analysis or ask if they prefer to remain anonymous. How to get a good mark on this assignment: -interview reflection of each leader is included. ummarized in the Interview Summary Table identifying each leader/student names. Identify and integrate Chapter 8 and 9 theories, concepts into your table. learned about leadership, power, trust and motivation and the current issues that were identified during your interviews. o Apply Chapter 8 and 9 theories, concepts, etc. into your summary. o Ensure that you compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the two leaders as part of your summary. contents. Submission is professionally presented with no spelling or grammatical errors. Apply APA referencing where appropriate.
  • 31. Use the marking rubric as a guideline to ensure that all components of this assignment have been completed. Bus 150 Assignment 2 2 Assignment 2 Interview Tips Before you make contact with your potential leader; carefully review the tips on this sheet. Plan twork to create a list of potential leaders. Ensure that the leader represents one of the industries identified on page one. general idea of what your leader’s responsibilities are. ew the questions that you will ask during the interview. You may want to jot down some key words from Chapters 8 and 9 in case the interviewer needs any clarification on the questions being asked. The Cold Call
  • 32. d ask for the person with whom you want to meet. call. -20 minutes) nd place of your appointment. The Interview list of questions t no more than 10 minutes early. organization. for giving you his/her time. cussion flow naturally.
  • 33. interview is going longer than the allotted time, check that additional time is all right. hank the person for his/her time. Follow Up BUS 130 textbook for the appropriate format. Bus 150 Assignment 2 3 Questions to Ask 1. How would you describe your basic leadership style? What is one example of how you demonstrate this? 2. In your opinion, what is the difference between a manager and a leader, or is there one?
  • 34. 3. What is one characteristic/trait that you believe every leader should possess? 4. What is the one behaviour or trait you have seen derail a leader’s career? 5. What sort of power or authority do you use to motivate or influence others? 6. How do you keep your employees involved and motivated? 7. In your organization, what specific traits or characteristics do you see as important in developing employees’ trust? 8. Why is it important for your employees to trust you? 9. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership or management position for the first time?
  • 35. 10. What do you see as some current issues in leadership either personally or generally? 11. Choose two additional questions that you may want to ask your leader related to the chapter topics. Bus 150 Assignment 2 4 Pair 1 Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters 8 and 9. Section 1 - Overview Leader Name: Student Names: Email address: Name of Organization: Position or Title:
  • 36. One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual: Section 2 – Pair 1 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs 1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s leadership style? 2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization? Bus 150 Assignment 2 5 Pair 2 Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters 8 and 9. Section 1 - Overview
  • 37. Leader Name: Student Names: Email address: Name of Organization: Position or Title: One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual: Section 2 – Pair 2 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs 1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s leadership style? 2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization? Bus 150 Assignment 2 6
  • 38. Section 3 -- INTERVIEW SUMMARY TABLE Complete the following table for each of the leaders that you interviewed. Integrate Chapters 8 and 9 leadership and motivation theories and concepts into your summaries. Criteria Leader 1 Name/Student Names Leader 2 Name/Student Names Leadership What leadership style/s were identified? How does their particular style fit in with the theories discussed in Chapter 8? Does the interviewee consider themselves more of a manager or a leader? What characteristics/traits were identified as important? What characteristics/traits could potentially damage a leader’s career? Power What sources of power does the
  • 39. interviewee use? legitimate) Motivation How does this individual motivate his/her employees? Theories? (apply Chapter 9) Developing Trust Dimensions of trust – which ones were identified? What other traits or characteristics were mentioned? Advice and Current Issues What advice did this individual suggest? What current issues were identified? Bus 150 Assignment 2 7
  • 40. Section 4 – Team Summary Report Refer to your Summary Table to complete this section. Provide a one to two page single- spaced summary about what the four of you learned from this assignment about leadership, power, motivation, and trust from your leadership interviewees and from Chapters 8 and 9. Summarize the current issues in leadership and motivation for today’s leaders and managers. Ensure that you compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the leader(s) as part of your summary. In the final part of your team summary, list your ten (10) takeaway statements (most important information that you learned). These statements should include reference to the following course material from the corresponding chapters applied in this assignment: Current issues facing today’s leaders and managers Point form is acceptable; however, use appropriate headings to ensure readability. Use appropriate APA format when referencing the textbook or other sources in your assignment.
  • 41. Pair 1 Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters 8 and 9. Section 1 - Overview Leader Name: Adam Marre Student Names: Ryan Egan & Abdulla Ahmaid Email address: Name of Organization: AdamLouis Position or Title: CEO/Founder One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual: When pressed to pick a leader to interview, we decided to ask Adam because he was a contact that Ryan was on excellent terms with as well as he fit the bill perfectly. He is an entrepreneur who started his own business straight out of university. He slowly built it up from working by himself to building a large team of employees. Therefore, he had first hand and recent experience learning to be a leader as well as a wealth of personal experiences relating to leadership.
  • 42. Section 2 – Pair 1 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs 1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s leadership style? 2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization? Adam motivates his employees by focusing on empowering and engaging them as much as possible. He believes that people have the judgment and the skills to get things done and that they mostly just need to be left alone in order to succeed. He particularly likes the phrase, “I trust your judgment.” He has found that when you maximize people’s freedom to the extent you can for a task, you get the best results. Of course, in return for this freedom, he has high expectations on the quality of their work and for them to meet deadlines and follow basic guidelines. He prefers a process he calls the “Vietnam maneuver”; basically, you are given a gun and told jump out of the helicopter. So you have to either shoot the other guy or die or in other words, the employee has to perform or fail, right off the bat. By providing his employees with all the right tools and dropping them into their positions, they learn and become experts much faster than any training program could manage. Thus, he gets better returns on their performance much faster. A look at the motivation theories in Chapter 9 of our text seems to bring two theories in particular that apply to his leadership style; McGregor’s Theory Y and the Four Drive Theory. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2013) The way he describes the way he views his employees is straight out what the text says on Theory Y. He believes that employees are capable and naturally want to succeed. All he has to do is create the most general of circumstances where they can succeed and they will take it from there. Both McGregor and Adam propose that maximizing challenge, participation, and good relationships are the ways to
  • 43. motivate employees. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2013, p. 250) Additionally, his particular style of motivation seems to have strong tenants similar to the four drive theory. He tries to address two of the “proactive drives”, the drives to bond and learn, from the Four-Drive theory and include aspects of them in the working environment. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2013, p. 251) His “Vietnam maneuver” is how he uses the drive to learn as motivation; especially how he creates a “learn or fail” set of circumstances for his employees. He told us about how he often would take employees out of the office on trips into town for random outings. There wouldn’t be a plan and they would just figure out what to do as they went along. From these outings came some the best work ideas, because the outings, themselves, encouraged the kind of mindset that he wanted in the office. This seems to be an example using the drive to bond as a powerful tool for motivation. Bus 150 Assignment 2 2 Pair 2 Each team pair is required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this form. Provide a solid rationale as to why you view this person as a leader. Begin to apply concepts and theories from Chapters 8 and 9. Section 1 - Overview Leader Name: Student Names: Email address: Name of Organization:
  • 44. Position or Title: One paragraph summary of why you chose to interview this individual: Section 2 – Pair 2 Post Reflection - Two paragraphs 1. What conclusions can you make about the individual’s leadership style? 2. How does s/he motivate others within the organization? 3 Section 3 -- INTERVIEW SUMMARY TABLE Complete the following table for each of the leaders that you interviewed. Integrate Chapters 8 and 9 leadership and motivation theories and concepts into your summaries. Criteria Leader 1 Name/Student Names Leader 2 Name/Student Names Leadership What leadership style/s were identified? How does their particular style fit in with the theories discussed in Chapter 8? · Laissez-faire with a touch of autocratic · Has a very participative leadership style according to Hersey & Blanchard’s theory Does the interviewee consider themselves more of a manager or
  • 45. a leader? · Leader – he aspires to be someone people follow, rather than someone who order’s people around. What characteristics/traits were identified as important? · Passion – “insanity with a twinge of reality” · Ability to rile people up What characteristics/traits could potentially damage a leader’s career? · Loss of self confidence · Loss of perceived competence · “you can be at only 40% of self-confident, then suddenly everyone else is only at 20% because you aren’t at your best” Power What sources of power does the interviewee use? · Position power (reward, coercive, legitimate) · Personal power (expert, referent) · Prefers to use legitimate and expert power · He uses legitimate power in that he makes sure he has the “final say”; complete veto power at the end of the day. · He believes that the leader should be seen to be the best at what they do so that they always have expert power Motivation How does this individual motivate his/her employees? Theories? (apply Chapter 9) · Promotes employee participation and engagement · McGregor’s Theory Y is almost a total description of his
  • 46. motivational style · He believes that people are naturally there to work and that to get the best results, you simply need to provide the tools and guidelines for them to succeed · Also seems to apply Four drive theory in that he seeks to use drives to bond an learn to motivate Developing Trust Dimensions of trust – which ones were identified? What other traits or characteristics were mentioned? · Identified competence, consistency, and openness · Trust is immensely important to Adam or otherwise, in his words, “what’s the point?” · Competence and consistency came up when he talked about how important self-confidence is and how employees need to see the leader as someone who is the best at what they do · Openness is present based on his team-building adventures, the extent to which he practices his laissez-faire style, and how he values being the “trusted advisor” Advice and Current Issues What advice did this individual suggest? · Nothing you can read or study will help. · Team building and social bonding are essential. · “Fun is also part of being a leader.” What current issues were identified? · There is too little trust from the top down in today’s world. · Too little autonomy for workers. · The way leaders lead and control their employees stifles creativity too much.
  • 47. 6 Section 4 – Team Summary Report