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mHealth, telehealth and the digital society:
          Where does the ‘value’ lie?
                           Claudia Pagliari PhD FRCPE
                             Senior Lecturer in Primary Care
                   Convener eHealth Interdisciplinary Research Network
                       The University of Edinburgh Medical School

HINZ Conference, Rotorua
     Nov 8th, 2012
Presentation will examine
•   Environment & ‘ecosystems’
•   Policy context & digital society
•   Vision for transformation & benefits
•   Challenges & possible disbenefits
•   Complexity & value chains
•   Some issues for the future
Overlapping concepts

Typically more
policy driven,
                                       eHealth - Use of networked ICT to support the organisation &
system centred &
                                                                     delivery of health care

                                         Telehealth – Subfield concerned with supporting remote care
                                         provision or enabling patient self-care via condition monitoring

Typically more
                                             mHealth - Use of wireless devices, networks & ‘apps’
consumer driven,                               to support the management of health and wellness.
user-centred, less                                Increasingly underpins telehealth interventions

   [Multiple definitions and terminologies exist e.g. Digital Health, Telemedicine etc. Terms are poorly defined and subfields overlap considerably]
Mobile and internet use are growing & changing

Source:                       Predicted rise of 4G in developed Asia Pacific regions

Complex and inter-related
Device ecosystem
– Regular mobiles (voice & text)
– Smart phones (web, video, email etc.)
– Laptops & tablets
– Wireless sensors, monitors, BAN, RFID
– etc…
Functional ecosystem
– Communicating & networking
– Informing & educating
– Monitoring condition or wellness
– Supporting tasks or decisions
– Encouraging behaviour change
– Reaching large groups
Market ecosystem
– Illness
   • patients, carers, clinicians, HMOs, payers
   • chronic & acute conditions
– Wellness
   • healthy citizens, well with LTC, active elderly
   • leisure, lifestyle and looks

– Market appidemiology?
   • Apple: 15000+ ‘Wellness’ vs 9000 ‘Medical’
   • Impact of FDA medical device directive?
Ecosystem as Community?
Personal ecosystem
• Increasing device interoperability & cloud computing ->
   – health as part of digital lifestyle (social networking, finance,
     entertainment, education, home eco-logistics etc.)
   – always on, ever present, IoT, unrestricted data volumes
   – Flexible & personalised
Personalised eHealth
–   Personal Health Records
–   Personal Health Self-Management Systems
–   Tailored health messaging
–   Choice-based consulting
                                     “What we are starting to see is a patient-
–   Tailored telehealthcare          led healthcare revolution”
                                                Orion COE quoted in Pulse IT Oct 2012
Where does eHealth sit in the
    policy landscape?
    …a quick view from Europe
Seven Pillars of the
              ‘Digital Agenda for Europe’
•   Pillar 1: A vibrant digital single market
•   Pillar 2: Interoperability and standards
•   Pillar 3: Trust and security
•   Pillar 4: Fast and ultra-fast Internet access
•   Pillar 5: Research and innovation
•   Pillar 6: Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion *
•   Pillar 7: ICT-enabled benefits for EU society

                                                 • eHealth
           Digital Society                       • eGovernment
          Digital Economy
“The Digital Agenda will support the
development of eHealth though actions to
equip Europeans with secure online access
to their medical health data by 2015 and to
achieve by 2020 widespread deployment of
telemedicine services”

             European Commission (2010) Digital Agenda for Europe. Action 75.
‘The Vision Thing’
Vision statements from policymakers and
  industry are overwhelmingly positive
Stating the obvious
• Mobile brings
   – Convenience
   – Portability
   – Accessibility
   – Flexibility

• Already part of our lifestyle
• iPads & apps are sneaking into the workplace
• Mobile telehealthcare taking place informally

• Key theme in the prevailing narrative
   ...of services, business processes, relationships

• e.g. “mHealth is about distributing care beyond clinics and
  hospitals and enabling new, information-rich, relationships
  that drive better healthcare decisions by patients and
  providers” (Intel speaker at mHealth 2011)

• ‘Horizontal alignment’ of patients and clinicians?
                   e.g. Marceglia et al (2012) How might the iPad change healthcare? JRSM 105
The BIG promises
• m- & tele- health will
  – A) save money
  – B) improve patient outcomes

e.g "mHealth …solutions deliver health. The ubiquity of
mobile devices … presents the opportunity to improve
health outcomes"
Where are we? (It depends…)
Dangers in ‘overselling’
        "We've trialled it, it's been a huge success, and
        now we're on a drive to roll this out
        nationwide," ... "The aim - to improve three
        million lives over the next five years”
                                  David Cameron. 5th December 2011

Headline findings announced in Parliament long before trial
results were published. Researchers’ conclusions more cautious …
“If used correctly…”
Market forces
• Hype often disguises a mismatch between ‘inflated
  expectations’ and reality
• Market forces are shaping the appiverse
   – Natural selection, sometimes unpredictable
• Many consumer health apps functionally worthless
   – “For entertainment purposes only”
• When does it matter, when does it not?
   – Context, purpose, risk, expectation
Peer review

Unsystematic but influential….
The Evidence-Hype Chasm

         Bellagio e-Health evaluation declaration 2011
Demonstrating RoI

Source: Friderichs (2011) Improving the evidence for mobile health. Mobile Asia Conference
State of the evidence?
•   Systematic reviews reveal mixed picture
•   Lack of rigorous, well-theorised studies
•   Not clear what is being evaluated
•   Most evaluations take health service perspective
•   Poor integration of social & economic indicators

   Mistry (2012) Systematic review of studies of the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine and telecare. Changes in the economic evidence
    over twenty years. Jn Telemed & Telecare
   Black et al. (2011) The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Health Care: A Systematic Overview. PLoS Med 8
   McLean (2011) Two systematic reviews on telehealth for asthma (Cochrane database) and COPD (Can Ass Med Journal)
   Balas et al (2009) Healthcare via cell phones: a systematic review. Telemed J E Health
   Forthcoming in PloS Med: Systematic reviews by Free et al. on effectiveness of mHealth for improving health and health services.
   Older but relevant: Jennet et al (2003) Socioeconomic impact of telehealth: Systematic review. Jn Telemed &Telecare
   Conclusions supported by recent expert consensus (e.g. Whittaker 2012, JMIR)
Testing the Value Proposition
Proposition: m-Health will save money for HS
  e.g. by supporting healthy living with LTC, keeping
              the elderly out of hospital
                   • But what will it cost to implement?
            •   Is it the technology that makes the difference?
          Proposition: mHealth will make money
                  by offering sellable benefits
  •        what type (e.g. choice, convenience, access, life years,
                      monetary savings), and to whom?
          Proposition: The market is willing to pay
      •     Which markets (provider, insurer, government, citizen,
                         patient, carer) and why?
More than the gadgets…
  • Economists and sociologists are revisiting concepts of ‘value’
    in the digital age and recognising that it comes from what we
    get out of interacting with technology, not from the
    technology itself.
  • We ‘co-create’ value.

Value comes from the whole system, not
the components, from what it can ‘do’
rather than what it ‘is’, and from what
the thing it can do offers to the people
who use it, at the time and place they
use it.

                                                      Slide by Irene Ng
A few challenges…
  • Devices, back end services & training cost money
         – Who will pay?
                 • For what types of devices or applications?
         – What is the critical RoI to leverage state investment?
         – When is it necessary and when is it just nice to have?

  • Costs can increase where systems haven’t evolved to
    accommodate innovations
         –    Technology needs to be tamed* in order to integrate
         –    Where does this leave the business case?
         –    How much faith do we need?
         –    Do we need to question our expectations/theory?
* Pols & Willems (2011). Taming & unleashing telecare. Sociology of Health & Illness; Ure et al (2011) Piloting tele-monitoring in COPD:
exploration of issues in design and implementation. Primary Care Respiratory Journal
Complexity, impact & value
• What you think you’re buying (off-the-shelf solution)
  may not be the same as what you’re actually getting
  (opportunity to reconfigure your service)
• Need to ask:
   – What process changes are needed to implement this
   – At the end of the day, what is ‘the intervention’?
• Likely costs vs. savings? Do the sums add up?
   – Will they add up once this has been embedded?
      • Sponsored evaluations typically <6 mth
Tales of the Unexpected
Some insights from our research
Supported COPD monitoring
    Phase      Driver                     Intervention?              Method                      Sponsor

    Procure-   Sale of concept by major   Tech: VC, monitoring,      Researchers flag
    ment       vendor. Goal to reduce     decision support,          importance of
               admissions through         education                  formative evaluation
               home telehealth            Vision: Nexus of GP &
    Design &   Questions over             Planning process shifts    Qualitative                 Technology
    set-up     readiness, fit,            emphasis to nurse-led      observation &               supplier
               configuration              service with call-centre   interviews

    Trial in   Need for evidence of       Specialist nurse-led       RCT with                    Gov.
    practice   value & safety             service with or without    embedded qualitative        research
                                          ‘telehealth’. No call      Study                       programme
                                          centre or VC

•    Quantitative: No difference in admissions or mortality. Clinical indicators improve in both
     trial arms. Prescribing costs increase.
•    Qualitative. Vision very different from what emerged. Patient satisfaction high (perceived
     safety, access, legitimisation). Uncertainty over ‘normal’ readings. Key change agents:
     high nurse-patient engagement; service redesign & optimisation

                                                                      Pinnock et al (2009) PCRJ; Ure et al (2011) PCRJ
mHealth for asthma
Phase         Driver                      Intervention?                  Method                            Sponsor

Formative Producer seeking                Mobile self-                   Qualitative study                 Industry
pilot     insights to inform              monitoring via
          developments                    peripherals with
                                          automated feedback
Trial in      Need for evidence           Updated version of             RCT                               Asthma
practice      of outcomes &               product                                                          charity

 Results from trial:
  – No difference in clinical outcomes
  – Both groups improved, suggesting telehealth not the critical factor (care ‘optimised’ in both
                                            Ryan et al. (2012) Clinical and cost-effectiveness of mobile phone supported self-
  – Phone more expensive                            monitoring of asthma: multi-centre randomised controlled trial BMJ 344

  Insights from pilot: Most likely to be used by people adapting to asthma
  –     Issue for market segmentation & value
                                                            Pinnock et al. (2009) Understanding the potential role of mobile phone-based
                                                                monitoring on asthma self-management: qualitative study. Clin Exp All 37
Supported home BP monitoring
Phase      Driver                  Intervention?                                Method             Sponsor

Post       Academic & clinician    Mobile reminders to check BP                 RCT                Government
market     interest                using peripherals linked to mobile                              health research
           • Common consumer       phone. Automated feedback &                                     agency +
               device purchase     advice with weekly clinician review                             supplier (kit)
           • Equivocal evidence    and immediate response if outwith
                                   safe thresholds

Results from trial:
    – Significant improvement in BP compared to usual care. No difference in other outcomes
    – Increased prescription of drugs in the actively monitored group.
    – Clinician and nurse time (and cost) also increased

     – Telehealth made readings impossible for primary care staff to ignore, leading to increased
       use of antihypertensives, but did not influence patient lifestyle
     – Technology as catalyst, not cause
                                             Padfield et al (2012) ) Early Results from the Health Impact of Telemetry-Enabled
                                             Self-monitoring (HITS) Trial. Conference paper. British Hypertension Society
mHealth for paediatric diabetes
   Phase                 Driver                         Intervention?                            Method                Sponsor

   Development           Poor medication                Scheduled SMS messages                   RCT with              Diabetes charity
   & evaluation          compliance in                  tailored to personalised                 embedded              and mobile
                         adolescents.                   clinical goals and                       qualitative           network
                         Reported benefits of           motivational drivers (‘push              study                 provider
                         costly high effort goal-       support’)
                         directed interventions

  Quantitative :
      – No difference in Hba1c compared to usual care
      – Increase in clinic visits
      – Increase in self-efficacy and self-reported adherence

       – Patients actively sought interaction with a system designed mainly to ‘push’ messages
       – Some believed the automated messages were coming from a human

  Soft benefits (e.g. self-efficacy) may add value downstream e.g. aiding transition to intensive insulin therapy

Franklin et al (2006 ) Randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabetic Medicine
Franklin et al (2008) Patients’ Engagement With “Sweet Talk” – A Text Messaging Support System for Young People With Diabetes. JMIR 10 (2)
Risks and uncertainties for
  telehealth & mHealth
Information security & privacy
• Data custodianship & liabilities unclear
• Risks due to
   – Technical/system issues
   – Human error
   – Malign intent
               Greater knowledge about data harvesting
               & security will deter some users
               Will it also spawn techno sub-cultures?
Users can co-create risk as well as value…
  – Patients
     •   Dangers of false expertise
     •   Unwarranted trust in junk apps
     •   Unjustified trust in systems or their overseers
     •   Dependency vs. self-reliance

  – Professionals
     •   Under-the counter clinical transactions
     •   Context-inappropriate tools
     •   Failure to integrate hand-held & organisational data
     •   Failure to define lines of responsibility
Societal risks: Equity

– Those with greatest need may be in worst position to
  benefit from eHealth
– Avoiding ‘double dip’ requires tailored solutions that
  capitalise on familiar & available technologies
   • e.g. ‘edutainment’ & social media for the young, DTV &
     videophones for the elderly
– Important not to further isolate the disenfranchised
  through digital ‘help’
– Hype around mHealth for developing nations is obscuring
  still vast disparities in health & access to medical care
Psychosocial risks
UK Financial Times, August 4, 2011
Teenagers ‘addicted’ to using smartphones
  “Just under half of British children aged 12 to 15 own a
  smartphone, with many claiming to be “addicted” to the
  devices, which they use while eating, at the cinema and in
  bed” (Source: Ofcom)

Journal of Public Health, May 2011
  “Problematic mobile phone use in adolescence should
  become a public health issue” (Martinotti et al.)
Physical risks: Can mobiles cause cancer?
                 May 2011: WHO finally concedes it may be ‘possible’
                  July 2011: Danish observational study suggests not
                April 2012: Dedicated conference takes place in London
    June-Oct 2012: Major western health agencies release new, reassuring, analyses
      Oct 2012: Nature blog reports a successful Italian lawsuit by a cancer patient

  What level of risk would make us
        give up our mobiles?
  What’s the trade-off for mHealth?

Looking the future…
• Smart phones, tablets, cloud and IoT become the norm
• With pervasive systems the term ‘mobile’ becomes redundant
• The eHealth sector explodes & then rationalises as evidence
  accumulates, value chains are clarified & market segmentation
  is better understood
• Return on government investments in HIT is demonstrated
• As society ‘digitises’ eHealth integrates with consumer-centred
  platforms and already-owned devices
• Tensions between the need to innovate for growth and the
  need to control quality, spending & governance continue…
Key issues for ‘value’
• Without better evidence current levels of spending on
  telehealth & mHealth cannot easily be justified
• Complexity presents challenges for demonstrating RoI
• Value is co-created by systems & users
   – Lack of clinical or economic impact does not mean lack of value
       • But ‘soft’ impacts can be hard to monetise
   – Evidence of clinical impacts may confuse human & technological causes
• In this fast-moving environment creative paradigms are needed
  to evaluate technology programmes while they happen

                      It’s not a no-brainer

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mHealth, telehealth and the digital society: Where does the ‘value’ lie?

  • 1. mHealth, telehealth and the digital society: Where does the ‘value’ lie? Claudia Pagliari PhD FRCPE Senior Lecturer in Primary Care Convener eHealth Interdisciplinary Research Network The University of Edinburgh Medical School HINZ Conference, Rotorua Nov 8th, 2012
  • 2. Presentation will examine • Environment & ‘ecosystems’ • Policy context & digital society • Vision for transformation & benefits • Challenges & possible disbenefits • Complexity & value chains • Some issues for the future
  • 3. Overlapping concepts Typically more policy driven, eHealth - Use of networked ICT to support the organisation & system centred & delivery of health care controlled Telehealth – Subfield concerned with supporting remote care provision or enabling patient self-care via condition monitoring Typically more mHealth - Use of wireless devices, networks & ‘apps’ consumer driven, to support the management of health and wellness. user-centred, less Increasingly underpins telehealth interventions controlled [Multiple definitions and terminologies exist e.g. Digital Health, Telemedicine etc. Terms are poorly defined and subfields overlap considerably]
  • 4. Mobile and internet use are growing & changing Source: Predicted rise of 4G in developed Asia Pacific regions Gartner Source:
  • 5. Complex and inter-related ‘ecosystems’
  • 6. Device ecosystem – Regular mobiles (voice & text) – Smart phones (web, video, email etc.) – Laptops & tablets – Wireless sensors, monitors, BAN, RFID – etc…
  • 7. Functional ecosystem – Communicating & networking – Informing & educating – Monitoring condition or wellness – Supporting tasks or decisions – Encouraging behaviour change – Reaching large groups
  • 8. Market ecosystem – Illness • patients, carers, clinicians, HMOs, payers • chronic & acute conditions – Wellness • healthy citizens, well with LTC, active elderly • leisure, lifestyle and looks – Market appidemiology? • Apple: 15000+ ‘Wellness’ vs 9000 ‘Medical’ • Impact of FDA medical device directive?
  • 10. Personal ecosystem • Increasing device interoperability & cloud computing -> – health as part of digital lifestyle (social networking, finance, entertainment, education, home eco-logistics etc.) – always on, ever present, IoT, unrestricted data volumes – Flexible & personalised
  • 11. Personalised eHealth – Personal Health Records – Personal Health Self-Management Systems – Tailored health messaging – Choice-based consulting “What we are starting to see is a patient- – Tailored telehealthcare led healthcare revolution” Orion COE quoted in Pulse IT Oct 2012
  • 12. Where does eHealth sit in the policy landscape? …a quick view from Europe
  • 13. Seven Pillars of the ‘Digital Agenda for Europe’ • Pillar 1: A vibrant digital single market • Pillar 2: Interoperability and standards • Pillar 3: Trust and security • Pillar 4: Fast and ultra-fast Internet access • Pillar 5: Research and innovation • Pillar 6: Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion * • Pillar 7: ICT-enabled benefits for EU society • eHealth Digital Society • eGovernment Digital Economy
  • 14. “The Digital Agenda will support the development of eHealth though actions to equip Europeans with secure online access to their medical health data by 2015 and to achieve by 2020 widespread deployment of telemedicine services” European Commission (2010) Digital Agenda for Europe. Action 75.
  • 15. ‘The Vision Thing’ Vision statements from policymakers and industry are overwhelmingly positive
  • 16. Stating the obvious • Mobile brings – Convenience – Portability – Accessibility – Flexibility • Already part of our lifestyle • iPads & apps are sneaking into the workplace • Mobile telehealthcare taking place informally
  • 17. ‘Transformation’ • Key theme in the prevailing narrative ...of services, business processes, relationships • e.g. “mHealth is about distributing care beyond clinics and hospitals and enabling new, information-rich, relationships that drive better healthcare decisions by patients and providers” (Intel speaker at mHealth 2011) • ‘Horizontal alignment’ of patients and clinicians? e.g. Marceglia et al (2012) How might the iPad change healthcare? JRSM 105
  • 18. The BIG promises • m- & tele- health will – A) save money – B) improve patient outcomes e.g "mHealth …solutions deliver health. The ubiquity of mobile devices … presents the opportunity to improve health outcomes"
  • 19. Where are we? (It depends…)
  • 20. Dangers in ‘overselling’ "We've trialled it, it's been a huge success, and now we're on a drive to roll this out nationwide," ... "The aim - to improve three million lives over the next five years” David Cameron. 5th December 2011 Headline findings announced in Parliament long before trial results were published. Researchers’ conclusions more cautious … “If used correctly…”
  • 21. Market forces • Hype often disguises a mismatch between ‘inflated expectations’ and reality • Market forces are shaping the appiverse – Natural selection, sometimes unpredictable • Many consumer health apps functionally worthless – “For entertainment purposes only” • When does it matter, when does it not? – Context, purpose, risk, expectation
  • 22. Peer review Unsystematic but influential….
  • 23. The Evidence-Hype Chasm Bellagio e-Health evaluation declaration 2011
  • 24. Demonstrating RoI Source: Friderichs (2011) Improving the evidence for mobile health. Mobile Asia Conference
  • 25. State of the evidence? • Systematic reviews reveal mixed picture • Lack of rigorous, well-theorised studies • Not clear what is being evaluated • Most evaluations take health service perspective • Poor integration of social & economic indicators  Mistry (2012) Systematic review of studies of the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine and telecare. Changes in the economic evidence over twenty years. Jn Telemed & Telecare  Black et al. (2011) The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Health Care: A Systematic Overview. PLoS Med 8  McLean (2011) Two systematic reviews on telehealth for asthma (Cochrane database) and COPD (Can Ass Med Journal)  Balas et al (2009) Healthcare via cell phones: a systematic review. Telemed J E Health  Forthcoming in PloS Med: Systematic reviews by Free et al. on effectiveness of mHealth for improving health and health services.  Older but relevant: Jennet et al (2003) Socioeconomic impact of telehealth: Systematic review. Jn Telemed &Telecare  Conclusions supported by recent expert consensus (e.g. Whittaker 2012, JMIR)
  • 26. Testing the Value Proposition Proposition: m-Health will save money for HS e.g. by supporting healthy living with LTC, keeping the elderly out of hospital • But what will it cost to implement? • Is it the technology that makes the difference? Proposition: mHealth will make money by offering sellable benefits • what type (e.g. choice, convenience, access, life years, monetary savings), and to whom? Proposition: The market is willing to pay • Which markets (provider, insurer, government, citizen, patient, carer) and why?
  • 27. More than the gadgets… • Economists and sociologists are revisiting concepts of ‘value’ in the digital age and recognising that it comes from what we get out of interacting with technology, not from the technology itself. • We ‘co-create’ value. Value comes from the whole system, not the components, from what it can ‘do’ rather than what it ‘is’, and from what the thing it can do offers to the people who use it, at the time and place they use it. Slide by Irene Ng
  • 28. A few challenges… • Devices, back end services & training cost money – Who will pay? • For what types of devices or applications? – What is the critical RoI to leverage state investment? – When is it necessary and when is it just nice to have? • Costs can increase where systems haven’t evolved to accommodate innovations – Technology needs to be tamed* in order to integrate – Where does this leave the business case? – How much faith do we need? – Do we need to question our expectations/theory? * Pols & Willems (2011). Taming & unleashing telecare. Sociology of Health & Illness; Ure et al (2011) Piloting tele-monitoring in COPD: exploration of issues in design and implementation. Primary Care Respiratory Journal
  • 29. Complexity, impact & value • What you think you’re buying (off-the-shelf solution) may not be the same as what you’re actually getting (opportunity to reconfigure your service) • Need to ask: – What process changes are needed to implement this service? – At the end of the day, what is ‘the intervention’? • Likely costs vs. savings? Do the sums add up? – Will they add up once this has been embedded? • Sponsored evaluations typically <6 mth
  • 30. Tales of the Unexpected Some insights from our research
  • 31. Supported COPD monitoring Phase Driver Intervention? Method Sponsor Procure- Sale of concept by major Tech: VC, monitoring, Researchers flag ment vendor. Goal to reduce decision support, importance of admissions through education formative evaluation home telehealth Vision: Nexus of GP & patient Design & Questions over Planning process shifts Qualitative Technology set-up readiness, fit, emphasis to nurse-led observation & supplier configuration service with call-centre interviews Trial in Need for evidence of Specialist nurse-led RCT with Gov. practice value & safety service with or without embedded qualitative research ‘telehealth’. No call Study programme centre or VC • Quantitative: No difference in admissions or mortality. Clinical indicators improve in both trial arms. Prescribing costs increase. • Qualitative. Vision very different from what emerged. Patient satisfaction high (perceived safety, access, legitimisation). Uncertainty over ‘normal’ readings. Key change agents: high nurse-patient engagement; service redesign & optimisation Pinnock et al (2009) PCRJ; Ure et al (2011) PCRJ
  • 32. mHealth for asthma Phase Driver Intervention? Method Sponsor Formative Producer seeking Mobile self- Qualitative study Industry pilot insights to inform monitoring via developments peripherals with automated feedback Trial in Need for evidence Updated version of RCT Asthma practice of outcomes & product charity practicality Results from trial: – No difference in clinical outcomes – Both groups improved, suggesting telehealth not the critical factor (care ‘optimised’ in both groups) Ryan et al. (2012) Clinical and cost-effectiveness of mobile phone supported self- – Phone more expensive monitoring of asthma: multi-centre randomised controlled trial BMJ 344 Insights from pilot: Most likely to be used by people adapting to asthma – Issue for market segmentation & value Pinnock et al. (2009) Understanding the potential role of mobile phone-based monitoring on asthma self-management: qualitative study. Clin Exp All 37
  • 33. Supported home BP monitoring Phase Driver Intervention? Method Sponsor Post Academic & clinician Mobile reminders to check BP RCT Government market interest using peripherals linked to mobile health research • Common consumer phone. Automated feedback & agency + device purchase advice with weekly clinician review supplier (kit) • Equivocal evidence and immediate response if outwith safe thresholds Results from trial: – Significant improvement in BP compared to usual care. No difference in other outcomes – Increased prescription of drugs in the actively monitored group. – Clinician and nurse time (and cost) also increased Interpretation: – Telehealth made readings impossible for primary care staff to ignore, leading to increased use of antihypertensives, but did not influence patient lifestyle – Technology as catalyst, not cause Padfield et al (2012) ) Early Results from the Health Impact of Telemetry-Enabled Self-monitoring (HITS) Trial. Conference paper. British Hypertension Society
  • 34. mHealth for paediatric diabetes Phase Driver Intervention? Method Sponsor Development Poor medication Scheduled SMS messages RCT with Diabetes charity & evaluation compliance in tailored to personalised embedded and mobile adolescents. clinical goals and qualitative network Reported benefits of motivational drivers (‘push study provider costly high effort goal- support’) directed interventions Quantitative : – No difference in Hba1c compared to usual care – Increase in clinic visits – Increase in self-efficacy and self-reported adherence Qualitative: – Patients actively sought interaction with a system designed mainly to ‘push’ messages – Some believed the automated messages were coming from a human Soft benefits (e.g. self-efficacy) may add value downstream e.g. aiding transition to intensive insulin therapy Franklin et al (2006 ) Randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes. Diabetic Medicine Franklin et al (2008) Patients’ Engagement With “Sweet Talk” – A Text Messaging Support System for Young People With Diabetes. JMIR 10 (2)
  • 35. Risks and uncertainties for telehealth & mHealth
  • 36. Information security & privacy • Data custodianship & liabilities unclear • Risks due to – Technical/system issues – Human error – Malign intent Greater knowledge about data harvesting & security will deter some users Will it also spawn techno sub-cultures?
  • 37. Safety Users can co-create risk as well as value… – Patients • Dangers of false expertise • Unwarranted trust in junk apps • Unjustified trust in systems or their overseers • Dependency vs. self-reliance – Professionals • Under-the counter clinical transactions • Context-inappropriate tools • Failure to integrate hand-held & organisational data • Failure to define lines of responsibility
  • 38. Societal risks: Equity – Those with greatest need may be in worst position to benefit from eHealth – Avoiding ‘double dip’ requires tailored solutions that capitalise on familiar & available technologies • e.g. ‘edutainment’ & social media for the young, DTV & videophones for the elderly – Important not to further isolate the disenfranchised through digital ‘help’ – Hype around mHealth for developing nations is obscuring still vast disparities in health & access to medical care
  • 39. Psychosocial risks UK Financial Times, August 4, 2011 Teenagers ‘addicted’ to using smartphones “Just under half of British children aged 12 to 15 own a smartphone, with many claiming to be “addicted” to the devices, which they use while eating, at the cinema and in bed” (Source: Ofcom) Journal of Public Health, May 2011 “Problematic mobile phone use in adolescence should become a public health issue” (Martinotti et al.)
  • 40. Physical risks: Can mobiles cause cancer? May 2011: WHO finally concedes it may be ‘possible’ July 2011: Danish observational study suggests not April 2012: Dedicated conference takes place in London June-Oct 2012: Major western health agencies release new, reassuring, analyses Oct 2012: Nature blog reports a successful Italian lawsuit by a cancer patient 2013-50?? What level of risk would make us give up our mobiles? What’s the trade-off for mHealth? e.g.
  • 41. Looking the future… • Smart phones, tablets, cloud and IoT become the norm • With pervasive systems the term ‘mobile’ becomes redundant • The eHealth sector explodes & then rationalises as evidence accumulates, value chains are clarified & market segmentation is better understood • Return on government investments in HIT is demonstrated • As society ‘digitises’ eHealth integrates with consumer-centred platforms and already-owned devices • Tensions between the need to innovate for growth and the need to control quality, spending & governance continue…
  • 42. Key issues for ‘value’ • Without better evidence current levels of spending on telehealth & mHealth cannot easily be justified • Complexity presents challenges for demonstrating RoI • Value is co-created by systems & users – Lack of clinical or economic impact does not mean lack of value • But ‘soft’ impacts can be hard to monetise – Evidence of clinical impacts may confuse human & technological causes • In this fast-moving environment creative paradigms are needed to evaluate technology programmes while they happen It’s not a no-brainer