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This report explore Filtering, Ranking and
Selection algorithms used for the purpose of
selecting the best web service for requester in
line with her preferences. Experiments are
conducted using real web services datasets and
the outcome of the experiments confirms an
improvement over existing methods in Page
Page Ranking, Service Filtering,
Web Service, Web Service
• Al-Masri & Mahmoud proposed a solution by
introducing the term -Web Service Relevancy
Function (WsRF) which is used to measure the
relevancy ranking of a specific Web service using
parameters and preference of requester
• Zheng et al. proposed a Web service
recommender system (WSRec) which
incorporates user-contribution machinery for
Web service information gathering with a hybrid
collective filtering algorithm.
Publishing, Binding and Discovering web
services are the three major tasks in web
service architecture
A Web service is a software system designed to
support interoperable machine-to-machine
interaction over a network.
The Web service uses SOAP messages, and
conveyed using HTTP with XML standards.
The service providers build web services that
offer specified functions for users.
The web service requester is any user of the
web service who submits requests for the
purpose of finding a service.
Universal Description, Discovery and
Integration (UDDI) is the registry standard for
Web services.
As the number of Web service providers
grows, redundancy becomes prevalent with
many Web Service providers offering the same
or similar services. we try to find an automatic
and objective way to recommend a Web
service. The ranking process will reduce
correlation degree and extract user
Service Filtering is one of the methods used to reduce
the redundancy services.
Web service selection refers to the process by which a
service implementation is chosen for a request.
Qualified, Filtering, Ranking and Selection
Web Service Selection and Ranking Model
Web Services using
Filtering, Ranking and Selection
Ranking is the Reputation-enhanced service
discovery algorithm.
In a situation where multiple services providing
similar functionality, Ranking provides a reliable
means of differentiating between the services.
Ranking is an essential factor for choosing
optimal service for requesters.
1. In Google, the web crawling (downloading of web
pages) is done by several distributed crawlers.
2. There is a URLserver that sends lists of URLs to be
fetched to the crawlers.
3. The web pages that are fetched are then sent to
the storeserver.
4. The storeserver then compresses and stores the
web pages into a repository. Every web page has
an associated ID number called a docID which is
assigned whenever a new URL is parsed out of a
web page.
Google Architecture
5. The indexer distributes these hits into a set of
"barrels", creating a partially sorted forward index.
6. A program called DumpLexicon takes this list
together with the lexicon produced by the indexer
and generates a new lexicon to be used by the
7. The searcher is run by a web server and uses the
lexicon built by DumpLexicon together with the
inverted index and the PageRanks to answer
Resources for Google Page Ranking
Google Page Ranking takes more factors such as,
• Hits
• Backlinks
• Citation Graph
• Keywords, Candidates
• Metadata Keywords
• Damping factor(d) obtained from random surfing
• Outgoing links
• Anchor Text
• Repository of web sources for more web sources
• Indexing or Sorting of documents based on DocIds or WordIds.
• Font type and Format
• Internet Ranking
• Final Page Ranking
If your site doesn't show up on Google or other popular
search engines, no one except those you tell about your site
will find it.
For example, if we type words "school of public health" into
Google. It displays the following “hit list”.
school of public health
graduate school public health
public health school
masters public health
The higher a websites PageRank, the higher it will show up
in search results. Google and other search engines use
secret algorithms pointing to dozens of factors to determine
PageRank. To select an optimal website.
The Ranking System
Google maintains much more information about web
documents than typical search engines. Every hit list
includes position, font, and capitalization information.
Additionally, we factor in hits from anchor text and the
PageRank of the document. Combining all of this
information into a rank is difficult. We designed our ranking
function so that no particular factor can have too much
Single and Multi – word hit lists
single word query:
At first Google looks at that document's hit list for the
given word.
The hit list types are title, anchor, URL, plain text large
font, plain text small font, etc.
The indexed vector of type-weights is prepared
Google counts the number of hits of each type in the
hit list. We take the dot product of the vector of
count-weights with the vector of type-weights to
compute an IR score for the document.
Finally, the IR score is combined with PageRank to
give a final rank to the document.
Now multiple hit lists must be scanned through
at once so that hits occurring close together in a
document are weighted higher than hits
occurring far apart in the web crawling.
 The hits from the multiple hit lists are matched
up so that nearby hits are matched together.
Huffman coding is used to hit the optimal list.
For example, in a web site containing 200 pages
the pages nearby to the home page are selected
first for ranking.
Fancy hits and plain hits
Our compact encoding uses two bytes for every hit.
There are two types of hits: fancy hits and plain hits.
Fancy hits include hits occurring in a URL, title, anchor text,
or meta tag.
A plain hit consists of a capitalization bit, font size, and 12
bits of word position in a document (all positions higher than
4095 are labeled 4096).
Font size is represented relative to the rest of the document
using three bits
For anchor hits, the 8 bits of position are split into 4 bits for
position in anchor and 4 bits for a hash of the docID the
anchor occurs in.
According to W3C [4], Web Service s denotes
the web service such as performance,
reliability, scalability, availability, etc.
In a situation where multiple services
providing similar functionality, it provides a
reliable means of differentiating between the
services, However the existing system not
provide optimal service for requesters.
The higher a websites PageRank, the higher it will show
up in search results. In the existing system you can find
out the PageRank of any web page as below:
Check Page Rank of any web site pages instantly:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page
Rank Checker service
http:// Check PR
In general:
•Search Engine send out "spiders" or "robots" that
comb through web pages, recording URLs, page titles,
content and meta data. They move from a page to
every page linked to from it, and from those pages to
every page linked to from them, in a spider-web-like
•A count is kept on how many times the robot comes
across each page.
•They use information from internet directories.
•They use information submitted by Web Masters.
•Lesser available data:
For example, a requester can request for weather
information service with availability of 96% data
•No Optimal Service for the user’s request
Inadequate for selecting optimal service that would
satisfy users’ expectations
•Higher response time
Optimal selection of web services is the aim of
the proposed system. The system examine
various PAGE RANKING methods by which
optimal web services can be identified from a
set of candidates offering similar functionality
using the performance of the candidates and
the preference of web service requesters.
The number of sites that link to your site is the
number one determinant.
Targeting appropriate sites, such as
affiliates/partners web sites,
business/trade web sites and
related sites.
Best results come from having the keywords as part
of domain name
Use of short, descriptive page titles.
URL is the most important factor for search engines.
Provides Good Content
• The first 200 words on a web page are crucial.
The first 2 or 3 sentences may be used in
search engine result listings.
• A well-written first paragraph, packed with
keywords, can do wonders for your search
engine ranking.
• Make sure that there is text on your site's
homepage describing your site and its
Provide Good Meta Data
Meta data is defined by the meta tags you use
in the head section of your HTML document.
The important ones are:
• Knowledge-based services
• Quality of a web service such as availability,
response time, reliability, scalability
• Cost beneficial for the business people due to
increased visibility
• Reputation-enhanced service discovery algorithm
• The higher the Page Ranking the lower is the
response time.
Web service Ranking
Content Searching
Search Engine Optimization
Page rank Algorithm
• PageRank is defined like this:
• We assume page A has pages T1…Tn which point
to it (i.e., are citations). The parameter d is a
damping factor which can be set between 0 and
1. We usually set d to 0.85. Also C(A) is defined as
the number of links going out of page A. The
PageRank of a page A is given as follows:
• PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + … +
• PR: Shorthand for PageRank: the actual, real,
page rank for each page as calculated by
Google. As we'll see later this can range from
0.15 to billions.
• Toolbar: The PageRank displayed in the
Google toolbar in your browser. This ranges
from 0 to 10.
• Backlink:If page A links out to page B, then
page B is said to have a "backlink" from page A
Page Ranking Essentials
• In short Page Rank is a "vote", by all the other
pages on the Web, about how important a page
is. A link to a page counts as a vote of support
• We assume page A has pages T1…Tn which point
to it (i.e., are citations). The parameter d is a
damping factor which can be set between 0 and
1. We usually set d to 0.85. Also C(A) is defined as
the number of links going out of page A. The Page
Rank of a page A is given as follows:
•(1 – d) – The (1 – d) bit at the beginning is a bit of
probability math magic so the "sum of all web
pages' PageRanks will be one": it adds in the bit
lost by the d(…. It also means that if a page has no
links to it (no backlinks) even then it will still get a
small PR of 0.15 (i.e. 1 – 0.85). (Aside: the Google
paper says "the sum of all pages" but they mean
the "the normalised sum" otherwise known as "the
average" to you and me.
How is Page Rank Calculated?
• PageRank or PR(A) can be calculated using a
simple iterative algorithm, and corresponds to
the principal eigenvector of the normalized
link matrix of the web.
• Lets take the simplest example network: two
pages, each pointing to the other:
Each page has one outgoing link (the outgoing count is 1, i.e.
C(A) = 1 and C(B) = 1).
Guess 1
we don't know what their PR should be to begin
with, so let's take a guess at 1.0 and do some
d = 0.85
PR(A) = (1 – d) + d(PR(B)/1)
PR(B) = (1 – d) + d(PR(A)/1)
PR(A) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 1
= 1
PR(B) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 1
= 1
Well let's see. Let's start the guess at 40 each and do a few
PR(A) = 40 PR(B) = 40
First calculation
= 0.15 + 0.85 * 40 = 34.15
= 0.15 + 0.85 * 34.15 = 29.1775
And again
= 0.15 + 0.85 * 29.1775 = 24.950875
= 0.15 + 0.85 * 24.950875 = 21.35824375
PAGE RANK 0 - 10
1 Page Rank (PR)
• The principle of PR is that sites are divided into 11
categories with ranks from 0 to 10, respectively. The
concept is that the higher the PR, the better the site.
• Sites that have a PR of 10 are very rare.
• Sites with PR of 7-9 are more common but they are a
minority PR.
• If a site has a PR of 5 or 6, this means this site is viewed
by Google as a quality site.
• PR of 3 and 4 are for sites that are about the average.
• PR of 0 to 2 are for sites that are below the average and
therefore aren't the top backlinking candidate.
2 Alexa
• Unlike PR, Alexa doesn't divide sites in groups.
Rather, it arranges them in a list. The most popular
sites, such as Google, Facebook, or Twitter are at
the top.
3 Compete
• When you analyze Compete data, you will notice
that frequently sites with good PR
4 Quantcast
• Quantcast is also a service targeted mainly at the
US market. It gathers data from a sample, ISP and
5 CustomRank
• provides a service that combines
several metrics at once to offer a joint ranking. The
services it aggregates are MozTrust, MozRank,
PageAuthority, DomainAuthority etc.
6 MozTrust and MozRank
• MozTrust measures the global link trust score,
while MozRank measures link popularity. The
more reputable a site's backlinks are, the higher
the MozTrust score.
7 ComScore
• ComScore is another company that uses a
sample of 2 million users to provide rankings
8 Google Trends
• Google Trends is mainly about search volume of
keywords but one of its less known uses is to
compare how two sites fare over time or in
different regions.
9 Ranking
• is one more service to consider if
you are dissatisfied with the rest.
Ms – Office for documentation and
JSP.NET and XML to create forms
Net beans and DOM Web Server to store
 World wide web and internet libraries
 Google Chrome
 The proposed system is designed to carry out
the process of selecting optimal service for a
requester using service. The following four
Increased Response time, Reliability,
Availability and Successability are provided in
this project by ranking the page.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Enter your Website here</title>
<script language="javascript">
function verify()
alert("Please give username");
return false;
alert("Please give a password ");
return false;
alert("Please retype your password");
return false;}
if((document.form1.pass.value != document.form1.r_pass.value))
alert("Your password does not match");
return false;}
alert("Please enter country 'India or Global'");;
return false;}
if("") {
alert("Please enter your website name");;
return false;
function Rank()
var r1,e1,e2,e3,rank1;
e1=new String(;
document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");}
document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");}
document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");}
document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");}
document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");}
<!--Enter your Website name-->
<pre><form method="POST" action="" name="form1">
<table border="2" align="center" cellpadding="7">
<td><input type="text" name="u_name"/></td>
<td><input type="password" name="pass"/></td>
<td><strong>Retype Password:</strong></td>
<td><input type="password" name="r_pass"/></td>
<select name="country">
<option value="" selected/>--select--
<option value="India"/>India
<option value="Global"/>Global
<td><input type="text" value="http://" name="website"/></td>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="button" value="Verify" onClick="return (verify());"/></td>
<td><input type="button" value="pageRank" onClick="return (Rank());"/></td>
Result :
The PageRank is :37%

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  • 1.
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  • 7. This report explore Filtering, Ranking and Selection algorithms used for the purpose of selecting the best web service for requester in line with her preferences. Experiments are conducted using real web services datasets and the outcome of the experiments confirms an improvement over existing methods in Page Ranking.
  • 8. Page Ranking, Service Filtering, Web Service, Web Service Selection
  • 9. LITERATURE REVIEW • Al-Masri & Mahmoud proposed a solution by introducing the term -Web Service Relevancy Function (WsRF) which is used to measure the relevancy ranking of a specific Web service using parameters and preference of requester • Zheng et al. proposed a Web service recommender system (WSRec) which incorporates user-contribution machinery for Web service information gathering with a hybrid collective filtering algorithm.
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  • 12. Publishing, Binding and Discovering web services are the three major tasks in web service architecture A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. The Web service uses SOAP messages, and conveyed using HTTP with XML standards.
  • 13. The service providers build web services that offer specified functions for users. The web service requester is any user of the web service who submits requests for the purpose of finding a service. Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is the registry standard for Web services.
  • 14. As the number of Web service providers grows, redundancy becomes prevalent with many Web Service providers offering the same or similar services. we try to find an automatic and objective way to recommend a Web service. The ranking process will reduce correlation degree and extract user preference.
  • 15. Service Filtering is one of the methods used to reduce the redundancy services. Web service selection refers to the process by which a service implementation is chosen for a request. Qualified, Filtering, Ranking and Selection Algorithm(QFRSA) Web Service Selection and Ranking Model (WSSRM) Web Services using Filtering, Ranking and Selection
  • 16. Ranking is the Reputation-enhanced service discovery algorithm. In a situation where multiple services providing similar functionality, Ranking provides a reliable means of differentiating between the services. Ranking is an essential factor for choosing optimal service for requesters.
  • 17.
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  • 19. 1. In Google, the web crawling (downloading of web pages) is done by several distributed crawlers. 2. There is a URLserver that sends lists of URLs to be fetched to the crawlers. 3. The web pages that are fetched are then sent to the storeserver. 4. The storeserver then compresses and stores the web pages into a repository. Every web page has an associated ID number called a docID which is assigned whenever a new URL is parsed out of a web page. Google Architecture
  • 20. 5. The indexer distributes these hits into a set of "barrels", creating a partially sorted forward index. 6. A program called DumpLexicon takes this list together with the lexicon produced by the indexer and generates a new lexicon to be used by the searcher. 7. The searcher is run by a web server and uses the lexicon built by DumpLexicon together with the inverted index and the PageRanks to answer queries.
  • 21.
  • 22. GOOGLE PAGE RANKING Resources for Google Page Ranking Google Page Ranking takes more factors such as, • Hits • Backlinks • Citation Graph • Keywords, Candidates • Metadata Keywords • Damping factor(d) obtained from random surfing • Outgoing links • Anchor Text • Repository of web sources for more web sources • Indexing or Sorting of documents based on DocIds or WordIds. • Font type and Format • Internet Ranking • Final Page Ranking
  • 23. If your site doesn't show up on Google or other popular search engines, no one except those you tell about your site will find it. For example, if we type words "school of public health" into Google. It displays the following “hit list”. school of public health graduate school public health public health school masters public health The higher a websites PageRank, the higher it will show up in search results. Google and other search engines use secret algorithms pointing to dozens of factors to determine PageRank. To select an optimal website.
  • 24. The Ranking System Google maintains much more information about web documents than typical search engines. Every hit list includes position, font, and capitalization information. Additionally, we factor in hits from anchor text and the PageRank of the document. Combining all of this information into a rank is difficult. We designed our ranking function so that no particular factor can have too much influence.
  • 25. Single and Multi – word hit lists single word query: At first Google looks at that document's hit list for the given word. The hit list types are title, anchor, URL, plain text large font, plain text small font, etc. The indexed vector of type-weights is prepared Google counts the number of hits of each type in the hit list. We take the dot product of the vector of count-weights with the vector of type-weights to compute an IR score for the document. Finally, the IR score is combined with PageRank to give a final rank to the document.
  • 26. Now multiple hit lists must be scanned through at once so that hits occurring close together in a document are weighted higher than hits occurring far apart in the web crawling.  The hits from the multiple hit lists are matched up so that nearby hits are matched together. Huffman coding is used to hit the optimal list. For example, in a web site containing 200 pages the pages nearby to the home page are selected first for ranking. MULTI-WORD SEARCH
  • 27. Fancy hits and plain hits Our compact encoding uses two bytes for every hit. There are two types of hits: fancy hits and plain hits. Fancy hits include hits occurring in a URL, title, anchor text, or meta tag. A plain hit consists of a capitalization bit, font size, and 12 bits of word position in a document (all positions higher than 4095 are labeled 4096). Font size is represented relative to the rest of the document using three bits For anchor hits, the 8 bits of position are split into 4 bits for position in anchor and 4 bits for a hash of the docID the anchor occurs in.
  • 28. According to W3C [4], Web Service s denotes the web service such as performance, reliability, scalability, availability, etc. In a situation where multiple services providing similar functionality, it provides a reliable means of differentiating between the services, However the existing system not provide optimal service for requesters.
  • 29. The higher a websites PageRank, the higher it will show up in search results. In the existing system you can find out the PageRank of any web page as below: Check Page Rank of any web site pages instantly: Top of Form Bottom of Form This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service http:// Check PR
  • 30. In general: •Search Engine send out "spiders" or "robots" that comb through web pages, recording URLs, page titles, content and meta data. They move from a page to every page linked to from it, and from those pages to every page linked to from them, in a spider-web-like fashion. •A count is kept on how many times the robot comes across each page. •They use information from internet directories. •They use information submitted by Web Masters.
  • 31. LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING SYSTEM •Lesser available data: For example, a requester can request for weather information service with availability of 96% data alone. •No Optimal Service for the user’s request Inadequate for selecting optimal service that would satisfy users’ expectations •Higher response time
  • 32.
  • 33. Optimal selection of web services is the aim of the proposed system. The system examine various PAGE RANKING methods by which optimal web services can be identified from a set of candidates offering similar functionality using the performance of the candidates and the preference of web service requesters.
  • 34. OBJECTIVE The number of sites that link to your site is the number one determinant. Targeting appropriate sites, such as affiliates/partners web sites, business/trade web sites and related sites. Best results come from having the keywords as part of domain name (e.g., Use of short, descriptive page titles. URL is the most important factor for search engines.
  • 35. Provides Good Content • The first 200 words on a web page are crucial. The first 2 or 3 sentences may be used in search engine result listings. • A well-written first paragraph, packed with keywords, can do wonders for your search engine ranking. • Make sure that there is text on your site's homepage describing your site and its purpose
  • 36. Provide Good Meta Data Meta data is defined by the meta tags you use in the head section of your HTML document. The important ones are: Content-Type author title copyright description keywords
  • 37. • Knowledge-based services • Quality of a web service such as availability, response time, reliability, scalability • Cost beneficial for the business people due to increased visibility • Reputation-enhanced service discovery algorithm • The higher the Page Ranking the lower is the response time. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
  • 38. Web service Ranking Content Searching Search Engine Optimization Page rank Algorithm
  • 39. • PageRank is defined like this: • We assume page A has pages T1…Tn which point to it (i.e., are citations). The parameter d is a damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1. We usually set d to 0.85. Also C(A) is defined as the number of links going out of page A. The PageRank of a page A is given as follows: • PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + … + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))
  • 40. TECHNICAL TERMS IN PAGE RANKING • PR: Shorthand for PageRank: the actual, real, page rank for each page as calculated by Google. As we'll see later this can range from 0.15 to billions. • Toolbar: The PageRank displayed in the Google toolbar in your browser. This ranges from 0 to 10. • Backlink:If page A links out to page B, then page B is said to have a "backlink" from page A
  • 41. Page Ranking Essentials • In short Page Rank is a "vote", by all the other pages on the Web, about how important a page is. A link to a page counts as a vote of support • We assume page A has pages T1…Tn which point to it (i.e., are citations). The parameter d is a damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1. We usually set d to 0.85. Also C(A) is defined as the number of links going out of page A. The Page Rank of a page A is given as follows:
  • 42. •(1 – d) – The (1 – d) bit at the beginning is a bit of probability math magic so the "sum of all web pages' PageRanks will be one": it adds in the bit lost by the d(…. It also means that if a page has no links to it (no backlinks) even then it will still get a small PR of 0.15 (i.e. 1 – 0.85). (Aside: the Google paper says "the sum of all pages" but they mean the "the normalised sum" otherwise known as "the average" to you and me.
  • 43. How is Page Rank Calculated? • PageRank or PR(A) can be calculated using a simple iterative algorithm, and corresponds to the principal eigenvector of the normalized link matrix of the web. • Lets take the simplest example network: two pages, each pointing to the other: Each page has one outgoing link (the outgoing count is 1, i.e. C(A) = 1 and C(B) = 1).
  • 44.
  • 45. Guess 1 we don't know what their PR should be to begin with, so let's take a guess at 1.0 and do some calculations: d = 0.85 PR(A) = (1 – d) + d(PR(B)/1) PR(B) = (1 – d) + d(PR(A)/1) i.e. PR(A) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 1 = 1 PR(B) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 1 = 1
  • 46. GUESS 2 Well let's see. Let's start the guess at 40 each and do a few cycles: PR(A) = 40 PR(B) = 40 First calculation PR(A) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 40 = 34.15 PR(B) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 34.15 = 29.1775 And again PR(A) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 29.1775 = 24.950875 PR(B) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 24.950875 = 21.35824375
  • 47. PAGE RANK 0 - 10 1 Page Rank (PR) • The principle of PR is that sites are divided into 11 categories with ranks from 0 to 10, respectively. The concept is that the higher the PR, the better the site. • Sites that have a PR of 10 are very rare. • Sites with PR of 7-9 are more common but they are a minority PR. • If a site has a PR of 5 or 6, this means this site is viewed by Google as a quality site. • PR of 3 and 4 are for sites that are about the average. • PR of 0 to 2 are for sites that are below the average and therefore aren't the top backlinking candidate.
  • 48. 2 Alexa • Unlike PR, Alexa doesn't divide sites in groups. Rather, it arranges them in a list. The most popular sites, such as Google, Facebook, or Twitter are at the top. 3 Compete • When you analyze Compete data, you will notice that frequently sites with good PR 4 Quantcast • Quantcast is also a service targeted mainly at the US market. It gathers data from a sample, ISP and ad.
  • 49. 5 CustomRank • provides a service that combines several metrics at once to offer a joint ranking. The services it aggregates are MozTrust, MozRank, PageAuthority, DomainAuthority etc. 6 MozTrust and MozRank • MozTrust measures the global link trust score, while MozRank measures link popularity. The more reputable a site's backlinks are, the higher the MozTrust score.
  • 50. 7 ComScore • ComScore is another company that uses a sample of 2 million users to provide rankings 8 Google Trends • Google Trends is mainly about search volume of keywords but one of its less known uses is to compare how two sites fare over time or in different regions. 9 Ranking • is one more service to consider if you are dissatisfied with the rest.
  • 51.
  • 52. Ms – Office for documentation and Flowcharting JSP.NET and XML to create forms Net beans and DOM Web Server to store intermediately.  World wide web and internet libraries  Google Chrome
  • 53.  The proposed system is designed to carry out the process of selecting optimal service for a requester using service. The following four attributes. Increased Response time, Reliability, Availability and Successability are provided in this project by ranking the page.
  • 54. ALEXA PAGE RANKING <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Enter your Website here</title> <script language="javascript"> function verify() { if(document.form1.u_name.value=="") { alert("Please give username"); document.form1.u_name.focus(); return false; } if(document.form1.pass.value=="") { alert("Please give a password "); document.form1.pass.focus(); return false; }
  • 55. if(document.form1.r_pass.value=="") { alert("Please retype your password"); document.form1.r_pass.focus(); return false;} if((document.form1.pass.value != document.form1.r_pass.value)) { alert("Your password does not match"); document.form1.r_pass.value==""; document.form1.r_pass.focus(); return false;} if("") { alert("Please enter country 'India or Global'");; return false;} if("") { alert("Please enter your website name");; return false; } else return(true); }
  • 56. function Rank() { var r1,e1,e2,e3,rank1; if("India") { r1=40.0; } else{ r1=35.0;} e1=new String(; e2=e1.lastIndexOf("."); e3=e1.substr(e2); if(e3==".com"){ rank1=32.0; document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");} if(e3==".org"){ rank1=34.0; document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");} if(e3==".in"){ rank1=36.0; document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");} if(e3==".edu"){ rank1=38.0; document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");}
  • 57. if(e3==".net"){ rank1=39.0; document.write("<p>The PageRank is :"+((r1+rank1)/2)+"%"+"</p>");} return(true); } </script> </head> <body> <!--Enter your Website name--> <pre><form method="POST" action="" name="form1"> <table border="2" align="center" cellpadding="7"> <tr> <td><strong>Username:</strong></td> <td><input type="text" name="u_name"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Password:</strong></td> <td><input type="password" name="pass"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Retype Password:</strong></td> <td><input type="password" name="r_pass"/></td> </tr>
  • 58. <tr> <td><strong>Country:</strong></td> <td><p> <select name="country"> <option value="" selected/>--select-- <option value="India"/>India <option value="Global"/>Global </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Website:</strong></td> <td><input type="text" value="http://" name="website"/></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><input type="button" value="Verify" onClick="return (verify());"/></td> <td><input type="button" value="pageRank" onClick="return (Rank());"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> </pre> </body> </html>