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NetSupport School 11.00.0000 Released on 24 July 2012
This version of NetSupport School is a chargeable update and requires a new version 11
license key.
 Enhanced Class Wizard:
o The Class Wizard now includes a new mode of Student connection called the
“User Mode”, this mode allows the Tutor to define a list of Students to
connect too based upon their Logged on username.
o The Class Wizard is also now displayed both when the Tutor console is started
and when a Class is restarted.
 Enhanced Tutor User Interface:
o The Tutor Console User interface has been updated to be more streamlined
to provide quicker access to all of the features minimising the number of click
required to perform any function.
o Many of the features of the Tutor Console are now dock and un-dockable
allowing them to be moved around the desktop for regular use.
 Question and Answer module:
o With a “game show” style, a teacher can quickly ask verbal questions, allow
students to be selected based on Speed of Answer, their Team, randomly - or
simply allocate scores automatically based on correct responses.
o Supporting the new module is a range of question types, including Random
Selection mode ensuring all students are included, skipping students who
have already answered, assigning scores and much more.
 Quick Launch Desktop Controls:
o The new Quick Launch feature brings together functionality from other
modules and provides a single source where Teachers can remotely launch
applications, or specific documents or websites on selected or all student
computers remotely and instantly.
 Enhanced Groups:
o Groups now supports an additional option to create Random groups of
Students within the Tutor Console.
 Enhanced Replay Files:
o New Video Editor available allow replay files to be trimmed and edited.
o Replay files can now also be exported as AVI or WMV files using the new
Video Editor.
 Enhanced File Distribution:
o File Distribution now utilises UDP for one-to-many transfers.
o The Send and Collect feature now provides real-time feedback on the Status
of each document sent.
 Enhanced Student Toolbar
 Enhanced Tutor Minimised Toolbar
 Enhanced Active Directory Integration:
o New ADMX template files are available for the Tutor and Student component.
 Enhanced Student Journal:
o Teachers and Students can select an existing journal files and continue to add
subsequent lessons to it.
o Teachers can add chapters to the journal, create bookmarks and synchronise
missing content from their journal with a Students who missed the lesson.
 Tutor Assistant:
o Version 11.00 introduces a new Mobile Tutor Assistant component available
free from both the Apple and Android app stores.
o Once installed on a Tablet the app pairs with the Tutor Console to allow the
Teacher to move around the classroom while still monitoring and interacting
with the Class.
 Google ChromeBooks:
o Version 11 introduces support for Google Chrome OS Students within the
o Chrome OS is essentially a browser-based operating system and NetSupport
School now includes as standard a set of plugins for Chrome OS netbooks that
allow them to be monitored by a Teacher’s Windows PC. The NetSupport
Chrome Client is available from the Google app store.
 Enhanced Tech Console:
o New Security Policies feature where all PCs across the school can be checked
against a pre-defined set of security policies, identifying instantly any
computers that are without anti-virus, Windows updates or internet
o New Policy Management tool that allows for NetSupport Restrictions to be
defined and applied across the school permanently. Currently, classroom
management products offer usage control for the duration of a lesson and
these restrictions stop as soon as the Teacher PC disconnects. In NetSupport
School 11, these restrictions are applied centrally and remain in force 24
hours a day. During a normal lesson, these can be overridden with a Teacher’s
specific settings.
NetSupport School 10.70.0006 Released on 25 November 2011
This release of NetSupport School 10.70.0006 does not require a new license key and will
work with an existing NetSupport School 10.50 License.
NetSupport School 10.70.0005 Released on 26 October 2011
This release of NetSupport School 10.70.0005 does not require a new license key and will
work with an existing NetSupport School 10.50 License.
NetSupport School 10.70.0002 Released on 25 July 2011
 The Setroom.exe utility now includes support to allow Room names to be set from
the command line using a switch.
NetSupport School 10.70.0001 Released on 28 June 2011
NetSupport School 10.70.0000 Released on 14 June 2011
 The Web Control feature now includes support for monitoring and applying
restrictions to the Google Chrome Browser.
 Support for NetSupport School Tutor Console to connect to NetSupport Assist
 Application Control – Support provided to enable 64bit applications to be restricted.
 Web Control – Support provided to enable restrictions when using 64bit Browsers.
 NetSupport School updated to include support for SoftXpand 2011.
 The Show Hotkeys feature now includes support for 64bit applications.
 Messenger Monitoring now include Support for Windows Live Essentials 2011.
 Tutor/Tech Console performance improvements when displaying web and
application updates when connected to a large number of Students.
 Terminal Services Room Mode Lookup settings added to ADM template files.
NetSupport School 10.50.0014 Released on 10 August 2010
What’s New
 When Message is sent to a NetSupport School Student from the Tutor Console and the
Student has the Student Toolbar visible a larger font has been used to the message Text to
make this more visible to the Student.
 Low Bandwidth mode and Low Colour mode options have now been included for use within
environments where network utilisation is a high, to help improve the performance when
using the Show or View feature of NetSupport School.
What’s Fixed
 Fixed issue whereby it was possible for the Tutor to access restricted HTTPS websites when
performing a Show to Students with the Show option selected to apply Internet restrictions.
 Resolved issue where the Portable Tutor folder installed with NetSupport School Tutor was
missing the Control.kbd file causing an error to appear when attempting to configure the
Portable Tutor KeyboardMouse Settings.
 Resolved issue whereby an additional / could appear at the end of each URL displayed in
the Students list of Approved Websites causing the access to these Approved Websites to fail
at the Students.
NetSupport School 10.50.0009 Released on 11 March 2010
What’s New
 When Message is sent to a NetSupport School Student from the Tutor Console and the
Student has the Student Toolbar visible a larger font has been used to the message Text to
make this more visible to the Student.
What’s Fixed
 Resolved problem whereby Students were able to bypass ISA web restrictions from the
Internet Explorer window that is opened when the Student clicks on a URL link included in a
Message sent from the NetSupport School Tutor.
NetSupport School 10.50.0007 Released on 08 February 2010
What’s New
 When Message is sent to a NetSupport School Student from the Tutor Console and the
Student has the Student Toolbar visible a larger font has been used to the message Text to
make this more visible to the Student.
What’s Fixed
 Fixed an issue with Application and web restrictions not working when the windows shell is
changed to the Novell application launcher shell.
 Fixed a potential problem with the installation in an NComputing environment.
 Fixed a problem with running the Student in a SoftXpand environment.
 Fix for the NetSupport Tutor generating a General Protection Fault, when connecting to a
large number of students.
 Fixed a problem with the Power Off and Reboot features when running in a thin client
 Fix for a General Protection Fault that could occur when opening the Tech Console.
NetSupport School 10.50.0005 Released on 14 December 2009
 Fix for the accelerated browse and connect that could cause the tutor not to connect to
students after updating to 10.50
 Fix for Clients not being spawned in terminal session on windows 2008 server 64bit
 Fix for the room details not being preserved on a upgrade
NetSupport School 10.50.0003 Released on 11 November 2009
 Problem deploying Client Configuration to NetSupport School Students running on
Windows Vista machines
Resolved NetSupport Client Configuration can now be deployed to NetSupport School
Students running on Windows Vista machines via the NetSupport School Deploy tool.
 Wrong encoding/font being used within the Journal if no special Polish characters are
included in a note added to the journal
Resolved Polish characters are now correcty displayed within the NetSupport School Journal.
NetSupport School 10.50.0002 Released on 22 October 2009
 Cannot Remotely Login Vista Student Machine if an Interactive Logon Message is Enabled
in Local Policy
It is now possible for the Tutor to Remotely Login a Vista Student machine that has a
interactive Logon Message enforced by the local policy
· In Tech Console can no longer use mouse wheel to scroll up and down client list in main
Resolved it is now possible to use the Mouse wheel to scroll the list of Clients in the Tech Console.
· Unable to save Group Layouts within the Tutor
Resolved problem found with the Layout applied to Groups within the Tutor not being saved.
· Error "File winman.cpp, line 305, tid=b2c, thread=View" after changing Tutor Window to Full
Screen using F11 and then connecting to a Student
Fixed problem whereby an error would appear after switching the Tutor window to Full Screen using
F11 and then connecting to a Student machine
· Student icons view not saved. When the Tutor is restarted it will default back to the Large Icon
Resolved problem where any changes made to the Icon view in the Tutor would not be remembered
after restarting the Tutor.
· GPF message appears at the Tutor when switching on Audio monitoring feature on a Tutor with
no Audio Card installed
Resolved GPF no longer appears when switching on the Audio monitoring feature on a Tutor that did
not have a Audio card installed.
NetSupport School 10.50 Released on 28 September 2009
Reduced the amount of memory used at the Tutor for student application and web history. Depending on the
size of the class, this had the potential to cause low memory conditions at the Tutor.
TCP Port number support restored to the Application and Web restrictions list
Fixes a problem running the client32 service on terminal services where there was the potential for more than
one terminal session to load with the same port number.
Fixes a problem in the Test Player associated with reviewing results to compare the answer provided against
the correct answer.
Fixes a problem playing replay files that include audio content.
Fixed a problem associated with changing score values in the Test Console.
NetSupport School 10.01.0004 Released on 04 March 2009
Problems with Networking connections after uninstalling NetSupport School 10
When uninstalling NetSupport School version 10 from XP machines that have been updated from some variants
for the version 9 release it is possible that the NSLSP (the LSP used for blocking Internet) is not removed
correctly. After a restart this could cause loss of network connectivity. To insure this does not happen we
recommend that all 10.x installations are updated to the 10.01.0004 release.
Sort order for Student icons are not being retained after Tutor is Closed and then re-opened
The sort order of the Students icons in the Tutor interface is now retained correctly after restarting the Tutor.
Tutor not displaying a marker next to the Sort order option that you have configured
The context menu in the Tutor Interface was not correctly displaying the "Arrange by" setting, this has now
been corrected.
File Transfer issue with long file names approx 200 characters or longer
An issue was resolved when transferring files with long filenames to folders using long names (200 characters
and longer), where the file name was being truncated.
Occasional Vista Student issue causing disconnect/reconnect and connection problems
Fixed problem with the Vista student where you could find disconnect/reconnect problem.
Vista student occasional crash when logging off while viewing the Client machine.
Fixed problem where the Vista student could crash when logging off while viewing the Client machine
NetSupport School 10.01 Released on 14 October 2008
Batch Number NSS01EVL
Sending repeated chat requests to the Tutor no longer causes Tutor program to fail.
Corrected problem in whiteboard displaying word wrapped text
Extended characters within Test results reporting now display correctly
Using Tutor and Tech Console on same PC no longer affects Classlists
Fixed problem using print screen to paste contents into Journal
Tutor now remembers icon display mode when using "browse and connect" on start-up
Fixed problem restricting size of destination path for File Transfer and Quick Send Dialogs
Test Designer fix to make text visible when selected as answers for "drag and drop" text question types.
Mouse pointer now visible at student PC's during a show leader session
Prevent Student Toolbar being closed when cancel a logoff session.
Fixed problem where Tutor icon display setting "Arrange to Image" could get reset to "Auto Arrange" on
reloading the Tutor program
Using V10 facility to provide Internet access for a period of time now returns to previous access level rather
than "Block All"
Deploy utility no longer reports successful install when install fails due to Eval expiration errors
Expired lesson timer displayed on Tutor and student now removed when new lesson started
NetSupport School 10.01.0001 Released on 10 August 2008
CD NetSupport School 10.01.0001 Batch Number NSS01EVL
It is now possible to Install the Tutor component on vista without the student component
Fixed problem in the installer when performing a modify during upgrade where it was possible to
remove the LSP without de-registering it correctly which could result in loss of TCPIP connectivity
until a manual de-registration of the LSP was performed. Note this problem would not occur on
upgrade where component selection was not changed or when performing a modify after completing
the upgrade to 10.01. Problem connected with a modify during upgrade and de-selecting all
components that necessitate the use the LSP
Tech Console and Gateway UI files now digitally signed
Fixed problem with Broadcast Message
NetSupport School 10.00 Released on 07 July 2008
Fixed problem with Print Thresholds where both pause and delete notifications were being sent to Student
instead of just the delete notification.
Firewall exceptions now applied on modify/repair
Fixed problem using safe search with google
Fixed a case where it was possible to attempt to add a student to a non-existent group which resulted in an
assert at the Tutor
Preset messages no longer relies on Teacher name being set.
Histories now handle changes to logged on user during Tutor session
Device (CD/USB) restrictions now preserved if user logs off/on
Send discussion history to new invitee in chat no longer displays double spaced
Test Console ignores logged off PC's selected for Test so that Test can continue to others
Fixes problem saving student register when logged on user has restricted user rights.
Tutor no longer GPF's if student disconnects while performing a scan
NetSupport School 9.04 Released on 14 May 2008
Fixed Run Plugin Issue on Terminal Server - High CPU load
Fixed Runplugin locking up when client32 stops
Fixed GPF error when opening incorrect file type with client32.exe RPF player
Fixed Runplugin launch recovery problem not restricting student machines
Also contains the following fixes from NetSupport Manager 10.30/10.30f1
Fixed Vista spurious runplugin in session zero
RDP/ screenscrape message only sent if Remote Desktop User is connected not for occassional
gdihook errors
Fixed view/replay causing GPF when PC is using a very large cursor e.g (h*w=192*177)
Fixed mouse navigation issue with different arrangements of multiple monitors
Fixed to allow more than one install within the eval period
Fixed multithreading issue with tutor-student connections causing GPF's
Fixed problem extracting tests in a Terminal Service environment
Fixed Client Configurator anomaly that prevented the 'log to file' option being de-selected
Fixed Client Configurator restricting access to Control/Share mode when viewing a client
Show Reply file on Vista no longer errors and reports 'Invalid file'
Fixed a potential GPF when mouse over clients to use the 'Zoom' function in thumbnail view
Fixed Client Re-boot function where an application with an open 'save' dialog could cause a client
Fixed a disconnect issue when remotely logging off a Vista Client
Fixed Control detecting a client disconnect when there is a remote command prompt session open
Fixed a problem associated with restoring a minimised view session which is recieving high volumes
of data due to intensive screen activity on Client
Fixed a potential problem when recording replay files in a view session when an error occurs
Fixed Control name truncation in the 'Client is already connected to Control' message
Fix to use Windows + key combinations e.g + E to display explorer in view session
Reduced runplugin.exe CPU usage
Fixed high CPU usage using School interface in Terminal Services environment
Fixed problem where ESC key in view session occasionaly sends CTRL-ALT-DEL
Fixed Vista log off on disconnect problem
Fixed problem in print capture where printer incorrectly shows from previous control connection
NetSupport School 9.00 Released on 25 May 2007
Batch Number NSS01EVL
Fixed Question Links in Student Report for "Multi True or False", "Label Image" and "Order Items" question
Application Control manual Registry setting provided to disable Process hooking. When applied Application
Control is Less efficient but provides a workaround for older 16biy applications which may conflict with this
method. (PCB Designer)
HKLMNetSupport LtdNSSNoProcHook
Set this to 1 (DWORD)
When using the Test Designer Question editor it is now possible to scroll through the answers
Class Wizard It is now possible to scroll selected lesson plan to see the filename of browsed selection
NetSupport School 8.50 Released on 15 July 2006
Batch NSS01EVL300707
Fixes a potential Tutor program GPF using the Record function followed by monitor mode.
Fixes a problem with web restrictions where an approved site would not allow access to a page on an
approved site containing a frame with a reference to a restricted site.
Fixes a bug in the getwebicon thread which potentially fixes an obscure condition resulting in high CPU
utilisation on the Tutor machine.
Fixes potential problems introduced circa 8.01 with transport DLL's causing intermittent client disconnects.
NetSupport School 8.02 Released on 09 March 2006
· Fixes a problem introduced in NSS7.50 where the mac address defaults to 0123456789ab if it cannot be
· Screen Scrape now works at the logon desktop
· Fixes a problem where students enter a trailing space in student register. Causes a problem in Send collect
work "error 3
· Fixes problem with show performance using wireless network connections (refer to on-lien help for further
· Show function now defaults to UDP
· Internet metering : fixes problem where Block all did not work if applied while client logged off
· Fixes a problem initiating a chat session with two or more clients if there is an existing chat session open
with one of them
· Fixed Tutor crash File ?, line 0, thread=View that could occur hovering the mouse over a toolbar
· Fixes a problem when performing a full screen show to clients where an attempt to connect/view/scan
from another Control causes the cleint receiving the show to blank out
· Monitor mode. Attempting to start a Show, then canceling from show dialog no longer causes thumbnail
image to disappear when hover / zoom image in monitor mode.
· Fixes a Tutor Assert when trying to create folder for a low level user in FTranfer
· FileTransfer to locked Student no longer removes the Lock
· Sending work to a locked student no longer unlocks the student within a Lesson Plan
· Fixes problem where Student Register Sign Out Option ws incorrectly set as not available if select then
· Fixes potential Tutor Lockup using UDP Show to different sets of students
· Chat Save at client now uses context of the logged on user to restrict access rights
· Fixes Group leader 'Error opening file' using NTFS and student with Limited access rights
· Fixes problem with "LabView" application. Tutor can now view and without corruption of the icons in the
function palette.
· Show to a maximised window now sets window size to size of primary monitor's work area, rather than
using windows default size
· Fixes Client Assert failed, file platnt.cpp, line 662, error code 122 ALT using gr + Enter key connected with
having desktop name longer than 31 characters
NetSupport School 8.01 Released on 01 August 2005
See What's fixed for more information on this release
· Fixes a problem using Tutor "show" function where some student machines (low specification) may lag too
far behind the other students
· Fixes a potential problem where student machines could disconnect while receiving a Broadcast Show from
one Tutor machine when another Tutor machine performs a browse
· Students prevented from using Ctrl-Alt-Del to interrupt Show session
· Fixes intermittent timing related problem where client service could stop responding. Connected with
setting the client to quiet mode (icon not displayed in system tray) and repeatedly logging off/on the student
machine. (Introduced NSS800)
· Fixes a potential client failure that could occur when attempting to view a student PC while it is attempting
to auto-reconnect back to the Tutor (introduced NSS800)
· Fixes Tutor/Client failures associated with the client attempting to auto-reconnect during an exhibit session
(introduced NSS800)
· Missing Tooltips for thumbnail view and additional platform support added
· Internet Metering : Improved the algorithm for handling host names to except 2 letter domains
· Following the completion of a lesson plan the Tutor program no longer prompts to end lesson plan before
opening a new plan. In addition the Abort lesson icon is no longer available.
· Help text added when activating a whiteboard to the student. Previously displayed Missing help cmd
· Internet and Application restrictions no longer affected by calling up and cancelling the windows security
· Fixes Tutor GPF using NetBIOS and attempting to connect to known list of clients. (Introduced NSS800)
· File Transfer confirmation settings re-instated for Directory Copy, Directory Delete and File Delete.
· Tutor program no longer fails if enter and attempt use an invalid Broadcast address for UDP show.
· No longer necessary to install the student component on Tutor machine to use the publish class start-up
· Corrects problem with directory store location for a chat session when selecting to store to desktop on a
PC with O/S installed on D Drive.
· When changing audio format during the remote session zero byte audio packets are discarded. This
prevents potential problems attempting to process incomplete data resulting in control program failures
· Test Designer : Fixed a potential crash when canceling a test Import
· Fixes a potential Deploy failure on exiting progam File Connect.cpp, line 1326, thread=RIUI
· Fixes Unknown Resource error 6307 displayed when finding a Tutor only installed machine. (introduced in
· Now able to use Deploy utility without administrator level rights to the PC running the Deploy program.
· Deploy no longer installed desktop icon if not specified in instcfg / values.txt file
· When Deploying the client with a client configuration file and selecting not to install the client configurator
the PCICFGUI.exe file no longer gets installed.
· Tablet PC – Fixes problem where Writing Pad data was not being sent to the Client PC
· Fixes a potential blank view window or even BSOD that could occur connecting (and viewing) immediately
following a disconnect. Connected with having ATI utility loaded atiptaxx.exe.
· Fixed when 'Approved Only' slected for applications, printing is not automatically disabled.
· Fixed problem where tutor cannot save and close register if a student has not entered their details i.e they
are away.
NetSupport School 8.00 Released on 13 May 2005
Fixes problem where user Acknowledgement Dialog would not display at the client if the client {Help}{About}
or {Transport} Dialogs was open.
Fixes GDI handle resource leak when using client chat/whiteboard
Client Tooltip now updates when IP address is changed
Fixes a potential blue screen viewing client screen width > 2730 pixels
Fixes an obscure BSOD when viewing a client machine Clhook4.dll files: wscache.h, wscache.cpp
Fixes view related problem where lines are sometimes not clipped properly, (lines drawn outside/below the
expected area)
Remote controlling Windows XP welcome screen no longer displays password entry as series question marks.
Execute at Client function now looks for an entry in the app Paths registry key to locate the application before
reverting to using the Search path variable
Fixes problem using Deploy function to verify client running after re-start
The School Configurator password for NSS 8 has been updated to store the encrypted password in DES format.
Password set with an older version still be accepted. The new format is used when setting new passwords.
Once the password in set in the new format you cannot use the configuration file with older versions of the
Video Hooking code enhanced to be more resilient under conditions where third party applications use
excessive gdi objects.
Fixes Intermittant Web metering related problems with Runplugin
Control /Tutor Program
Updated German and French keyboard mapping templates applied to control.kbd
Annotate Icon on Toolbar now correctly toggles indicator off when closing annotate via the Annotate Toolbar
Show Function, Improved the colour interpretation for specific data items when Control/Tutor Video Adapter
set to use 16bit Colour mode
Fixed problem using File Transfer functions with long file names. Previously only allowed max 64 chars for last
part of filename.
File Transfer, selecting a folder marked with the system flag in the right hand pane no longer displays the
results for parent folder.
Send work no longer fails to all students if the delivery directory on any of the student machines is inaccessible
(e.g student machine logged off and network drives unavailable). Send work continues to other students and
reports success / failures.
Tutor/Control program no longer hangs when Clients disconnect abnormally during UDP show,
Scan function now continues to others if a client has disconnects
{Client}{Chat} option is now available when there are no client icons selected. Initiates a chat session for all
connected students.
Fixes a problem when assigning group leader rights to student machine while logged off.
Fixes Unhandled exception (GPF) attempting to use Send and Collect work with a UNC path
Application and Web restrictions are re-applied if students use task manager to end task on runplugin.exe. The
school client program checks and re-starts runplugin.exe
Fixes a problem where Tutor sets web and application restrictions before students logon. In earlier versions
only the last set restriction was being applied
Fixed a problem where Web / application enforced restrictions were affected by students switching to the
windows security dialog
Fixes problems displaying ampersand “&” in web and application list views
Assigning group leader rights to a logged off student no longer results in group leader icon not displaying in the
system tray.
Fixes problem introduced in NSS7.50 where Publish class startup option required Tutor and Student
components to be installed on the Tutor machine, now works with a Tutor only install
Execute function correctly reports logged off state of student machines
Tutor Test Console
Exiting a test before the player has completed loading on the student machine no longer results in the player
failing to close down correctly.
Fixes a GPF that could occur right clicking in the Exam Selection Dialog after selecting the Exam.
Fixes a problem that could occur when printing the results for all students
Fixes an intermittent problem where the Test Console does not count down to zero, leaving 1 second
remaining on the clock.
Close window option now functions correctly in the results window
NetSupport School 7.50 Released on 04 May 2004
Tutor only install configured for DVD support while viewed or connected. When logging on as a non admin
users show was defaulting to screen scrape mode (mouse movements not visible)
Print capture related items removed from NSS installer and view window
Tutor program
Reverse lookup now works for redirecting approved and restricted sites.
Client version and OS version now returned correctly for Windows 2003
You can now right click and select properties to edit web sites in the approved / restricted lists
''BACK' button removed from the first dialog in the 'Add a Group' function
You can now double click on the title bar in the Tutor test console to maximise the window
DBI Information displayed for version of file in location used. if any of the following files are in the nsm folder,
the details are taken from system32 clhook4.dll, gdihook4.dll, gdihook5.dll, pcigina.dll, pcimon.dll, pcivdd.dll,
pcimsg.dll, gdihook5.sys, pcisys.sys
Text in survey dialog is now word wrapped.
Entering web sites without prefixing with www is now automatically prefixed with http://
When using publish a class the option to reject students is now functioning correctly
Show video now starts paused on first frame
Fixes a display error when displaying the Tutor License expiry message in the Arabic version
Fixes an intermittent GPF in pluginsoftwaremodule.dll
Test Designer
Adding audio clips to resources, previewing an audio clip without closing the previous audio file, now plays the
correct file.
Editing a label image question now maintains the selected area for images too large to fit in the viewable area.
Text labels added to Toolbars
Creating an exam it is no longer necessary to change the default time value offered.
Adding questions to an exam the average time per question is now correctly displayed.
Exam editor – Curly Braces" {" or " }" in description or Notes fields are now preserved and displayed correctly
Warns if attempt to use unsupported characters in file names of resources
Test Player
Test Player – Now warns tutor if the student leaves the player
Fixes a problem where if the Tutor pauses the exam under certain conditions the student could continue to use
the player
Test Console
Test Console - fixes a resource leak when displaying the results of an Exam
It is now possible to print results for all questions within the test
NetSupport School 7.00 Released on 04 October 2003
NetSupport School 7.01 Released on 18 July 2003
Student Survey submit button no longer remains active after the survey has been sent to students
Fixes a Tutor program failure:Assert failed nssplugin.cpp, line 438, ec 1421. This is an intermittent timing
related problem connected with receiveing data from multiple machines in an undefined order.
Deploy console in School now pulls the product name from the product.dat file.
When you re-position icons in the list view you are now advised that “Arrange to Image” has been removed
Fixes an Assert in Show Leader when using the annotate feature.
The Group Leader control no longer crashes if group leader is changed whilst Annotate is in use
Fixes a problem in School Deploy where local applications fail to run on the client machine until the client
machineis either logged off/on or re-started.
Fixes a problem introduced in Manager 8.00 / School 7.00 with connection / browse failures if the Microsoft
client is not installed on the Control/Tutor machine.
Fixes a number of issue in execute at client
Execute substations for program files winnt and system32 are not attempted for back release clients which do
not support this functionality
Fixes memory leak in execute function
Fix for potential stack corruption / heap overflow errors if Execute command string exceeds 256 characters
Fixed a problem where attempting to send a test to a logged off NT based machines results in non protected
files in the root directory being deleted. Note: machines that do not have boot.ini as read only can result in
boot failures
Configurator : Send Physical Fonts added to the Advanced Page
Fixes a problem using the School Test Console and sending tests to users signed on with restricted rights on
NTFS partition machines
Fixes a problem using the School Layouts function in conjunction with the connect by hostname option in DHCP
Fixes a problem when selecting not to display show icon in the system tray, using show leader function could
cause either a space or the show icon to be displayed in the system tray
Fixes an IP error when re-starting the client service without re-starting the machine. TCP/IP (adapter 0),
operation: 03H, code: 10048 (2740H) Problem occurs when you re-start the client having previously used the
execute function at the client and left the executed application open when disconnecting.
Fixes the Alt-f4 issue that closed the Student Survey dialogue box without an answer being supplied to the
Fixes a windows 98 problem where the Show Video tutor controls were sometimes not recognized at the
student machine i.e rewind, pause, fast forward….
Fixes a problem where the ‘File open’ in show video opened to a different location to the where the currently
selected video was chosen from meaning you would have to browse to the video directory once again
Fixes a problem where selecting a drop down menu was taking the focus away from view bar on left meaning
you would have to click twice to get to where you wanted
Fixes the problem where ‘Remove from group’ was not on right click menu in Web, app and student view when
navigating within a group. It was displaying ‘Add to group’ instead.
Fixes Web and App control if no apps or sites listed the ‘Close at student’ option is greyed out when right click
Fixes a issue when right clicking on the application menu displayed the Context sensitive tool bar.
Problem fixed where the ‘Yahoo’ icon is now displayed at the Tutor machine in web view rather than the
regular IE icon that was previously displayed.
Fixes issue where updating a web site URL was not updating the keyword successfully causing the web
restrictions to fail
Fixes problem where the Student result was left on the Tutor’s screen even if the student disconnected or the
survey was cancelled
Fixes ‘Refresh list’ changing to ‘Add students’ then switching between web metering and back to the client view
window had changed it back to "refresh list"
Fixes the Dr Watson error when double clicking on an image in Drag and Drop question of the Test Designer
Fixes problem where the GroupLeader.cfg was saving to the last directory used to save a screen shot
Problem fixed when using the ‘Power on’ client option on an XP pro machine caused an assert. This was due to
the control window needing to be open. This is no longer the case.
Fixes problem where the Application restriction on XP stopped the user from logging off.
Fixes Application restriction problem when clicking on the NetSupport icon in the system tray.NetSupport was
terminating the restriction on that application
Fixes problem where Application restrictions were being removed if the Student logged off then back on. This
was same and different user.
Fixes GPF when cancelling connection to students very quickly. This was caused by one of the EventsToCall
having been deleted, and thus when called it was calling freed memory and GPF’d.
Fixes memory leak on windows NT when performing the ‘Show video’ feature.
Fixes problem navigating the tree in the file transfer and file manager windows.
Fixes the GPF when connecting then scanning to a known list of clients.
Fixes the issue where hitting the enter key during an exam would close the test at the Student machine.
Fixes the Runplugin closing problem during unsuccessful logoff.
Fixes problem during a suspended session, when the client moves the mouse or makes a keyboard entry
causing the assert.
Fixes problem where manager commands were being included in the School install i.e Load bridge, Unload
bridge when selecting the client icon in the system tray
Fixes problem where the NSS 7.01 build was returning NSM 8.10 when selecting the properties of a client.
Fixes the problem where the client32.ini was not being used to give you the Ability for Students to browse for
published classes on different subnets. See example below
Broadcast_1= - (Test Network)
Broadcast_2= - (Main Network)
NetSupport School 6.00 Released on 19 March 2002
NetSupport School 5.00 Released on 21 March 2001
Windows NT and 2000 clients prevented from using Ctrl-Alt-Del to interrupt Show or View (Control) sessions
(No change on Windows 9X)
Screen Scrape mode on Windows 9X - keyboard hooking problem resolved
Animated cursors turned off on Windows 9X systems when initiating a view or show session. Resolves
problems experienced with Intel 8XX onboard video chip sets
Fix for problems experienced with viewing / showing Jbuilder application. May also help with other Java based
Fixed an Assert in wheap.c line 234 which could occur on Windows 2000 clients under certain conditions
Fixed problem where not possible to return to Full screen mode after performing a windowed function such as
File Transfer.
In File Distribution it is no longer possible to enter a blank destination in the Copy Files Dialog, which caused an
exception error.
Fixed incorrect behavior in Execute at Client Add/Edit Program Details Dialog.
In File Transfer synchronizing directories and specifying a directory that does not exist no longer crashes the
NetSupport School 5.01 Released on 06 February 2001
· Full Screen option in a view window whilst scale to fit enabled now works correctly. No longer displays in a
view window with floating toolbar
§ Windows Millennium (Me) where the operating system power save mode is set to turn off the monitor.
The monitor is no longer turned off during a show as this caused the client machine to hang and interrupt the
show to other students
§ Fixes an error when attempting to Exhibit to clients within a group
NetSupport School 4.00 Released on 05 October 1999
NetSupport School 4.20 Released on 26 February 1999
Fixed a problem where the End Show button was left on following an exhibit
Using Ctrl L-shift R-shift to end an exhibit session now correctly closes the view session on the exhibited client
Fixed a problem where it is possible to customise the Toolbar in NetSupport School and select icons for
functions only available in NetSupport School Pro. (subsequently using these functions caused the Tutor
program to fail)
Fixed a problem when Performing a "Send/Collect work" where the files to send are in the root folder on the
control error "FNODE.cpp line 2004 EC=0"
Fixed a problem where If you perform a show, suspend the show then attempt to exhibit a client that is being
shown to. A message is displayed advising that the action cannot be performed but on canceling the message
the Tutor screen is hidden and is no longer accessible.
NetSupport School 4.30 Released on 26 February 1999
NetSupport School 4.50 Released on 26 February 1999
Execute at client handles now programs/files on mapped drives correctly
The Mouse no longer wiggles to dismiss the screen saver when connecting
When you press delete in the 'All' group it removes the client. When you press delete in a group it removes the
client from the group.
Fixed problem where Client not loading on Windows 9x when its a Tutor only install
Fix for 256 colour support in screen scrape mode
Removed close button in floating toolbars (view and annotate) this didn't do a close and was considered
NetSupport School 3.11 Released on 12 September 1998

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  • 1. NetSupport School 11.00.0000 Released on 24 July 2012 This version of NetSupport School is a chargeable update and requires a new version 11 license key.  Enhanced Class Wizard: o The Class Wizard now includes a new mode of Student connection called the “User Mode”, this mode allows the Tutor to define a list of Students to connect too based upon their Logged on username. o The Class Wizard is also now displayed both when the Tutor console is started and when a Class is restarted.  Enhanced Tutor User Interface: o The Tutor Console User interface has been updated to be more streamlined to provide quicker access to all of the features minimising the number of click required to perform any function. o Many of the features of the Tutor Console are now dock and un-dockable allowing them to be moved around the desktop for regular use.  Question and Answer module: o With a “game show” style, a teacher can quickly ask verbal questions, allow students to be selected based on Speed of Answer, their Team, randomly - or simply allocate scores automatically based on correct responses. o Supporting the new module is a range of question types, including Random Selection mode ensuring all students are included, skipping students who have already answered, assigning scores and much more.  Quick Launch Desktop Controls: o The new Quick Launch feature brings together functionality from other modules and provides a single source where Teachers can remotely launch applications, or specific documents or websites on selected or all student computers remotely and instantly.  Enhanced Groups: o Groups now supports an additional option to create Random groups of Students within the Tutor Console.  Enhanced Replay Files: o New Video Editor available allow replay files to be trimmed and edited. o Replay files can now also be exported as AVI or WMV files using the new Video Editor.  Enhanced File Distribution: o File Distribution now utilises UDP for one-to-many transfers. o The Send and Collect feature now provides real-time feedback on the Status of each document sent.  Enhanced Student Toolbar  Enhanced Tutor Minimised Toolbar  Enhanced Active Directory Integration: o New ADMX template files are available for the Tutor and Student component.  Enhanced Student Journal: o Teachers and Students can select an existing journal files and continue to add subsequent lessons to it.
  • 2. o Teachers can add chapters to the journal, create bookmarks and synchronise missing content from their journal with a Students who missed the lesson.  Tutor Assistant: o Version 11.00 introduces a new Mobile Tutor Assistant component available free from both the Apple and Android app stores. o Once installed on a Tablet the app pairs with the Tutor Console to allow the Teacher to move around the classroom while still monitoring and interacting with the Class.  Google ChromeBooks: o Version 11 introduces support for Google Chrome OS Students within the Classroom. o Chrome OS is essentially a browser-based operating system and NetSupport School now includes as standard a set of plugins for Chrome OS netbooks that allow them to be monitored by a Teacher’s Windows PC. The NetSupport Chrome Client is available from the Google app store.  Enhanced Tech Console: o New Security Policies feature where all PCs across the school can be checked against a pre-defined set of security policies, identifying instantly any computers that are without anti-virus, Windows updates or internet protection. o New Policy Management tool that allows for NetSupport Restrictions to be defined and applied across the school permanently. Currently, classroom management products offer usage control for the duration of a lesson and these restrictions stop as soon as the Teacher PC disconnects. In NetSupport School 11, these restrictions are applied centrally and remain in force 24 hours a day. During a normal lesson, these can be overridden with a Teacher’s specific settings. NetSupport School 10.70.0006 Released on 25 November 2011 This release of NetSupport School 10.70.0006 does not require a new license key and will work with an existing NetSupport School 10.50 License. NetSupport School 10.70.0005 Released on 26 October 2011 This release of NetSupport School 10.70.0005 does not require a new license key and will work with an existing NetSupport School 10.50 License. NetSupport School 10.70.0002 Released on 25 July 2011  The Setroom.exe utility now includes support to allow Room names to be set from the command line using a switch.
  • 3. NetSupport School 10.70.0001 Released on 28 June 2011 NetSupport School 10.70.0000 Released on 14 June 2011  The Web Control feature now includes support for monitoring and applying restrictions to the Google Chrome Browser.  Support for NetSupport School Tutor Console to connect to NetSupport Assist Students.  Application Control – Support provided to enable 64bit applications to be restricted.  Web Control – Support provided to enable restrictions when using 64bit Browsers.  NetSupport School updated to include support for SoftXpand 2011.  The Show Hotkeys feature now includes support for 64bit applications.  Messenger Monitoring now include Support for Windows Live Essentials 2011.  Tutor/Tech Console performance improvements when displaying web and application updates when connected to a large number of Students.  Terminal Services Room Mode Lookup settings added to ADM template files. NetSupport School 10.50.0014 Released on 10 August 2010 What’s New  When Message is sent to a NetSupport School Student from the Tutor Console and the Student has the Student Toolbar visible a larger font has been used to the message Text to make this more visible to the Student.  Low Bandwidth mode and Low Colour mode options have now been included for use within environments where network utilisation is a high, to help improve the performance when using the Show or View feature of NetSupport School. What’s Fixed  Fixed issue whereby it was possible for the Tutor to access restricted HTTPS websites when performing a Show to Students with the Show option selected to apply Internet restrictions.  Resolved issue where the Portable Tutor folder installed with NetSupport School Tutor was missing the Control.kbd file causing an error to appear when attempting to configure the Portable Tutor KeyboardMouse Settings.  Resolved issue whereby an additional / could appear at the end of each URL displayed in the Students list of Approved Websites causing the access to these Approved Websites to fail at the Students. NetSupport School 10.50.0009 Released on 11 March 2010
  • 4. What’s New  When Message is sent to a NetSupport School Student from the Tutor Console and the Student has the Student Toolbar visible a larger font has been used to the message Text to make this more visible to the Student. What’s Fixed  Resolved problem whereby Students were able to bypass ISA web restrictions from the Internet Explorer window that is opened when the Student clicks on a URL link included in a Message sent from the NetSupport School Tutor. NetSupport School 10.50.0007 Released on 08 February 2010 What’s New  When Message is sent to a NetSupport School Student from the Tutor Console and the Student has the Student Toolbar visible a larger font has been used to the message Text to make this more visible to the Student. What’s Fixed  Fixed an issue with Application and web restrictions not working when the windows shell is changed to the Novell application launcher shell.  Fixed a potential problem with the installation in an NComputing environment.  Fixed a problem with running the Student in a SoftXpand environment.  Fix for the NetSupport Tutor generating a General Protection Fault, when connecting to a large number of students.  Fixed a problem with the Power Off and Reboot features when running in a thin client environment.  Fix for a General Protection Fault that could occur when opening the Tech Console. NetSupport School 10.50.0005 Released on 14 December 2009 Fixes:  Fix for the accelerated browse and connect that could cause the tutor not to connect to students after updating to 10.50  Fix for Clients not being spawned in terminal session on windows 2008 server 64bit  Fix for the room details not being preserved on a upgrade
  • 5. NetSupport School 10.50.0003 Released on 11 November 2009 Fixes:  Problem deploying Client Configuration to NetSupport School Students running on Windows Vista machines Resolved NetSupport Client Configuration can now be deployed to NetSupport School Students running on Windows Vista machines via the NetSupport School Deploy tool.  Wrong encoding/font being used within the Journal if no special Polish characters are included in a note added to the journal Resolved Polish characters are now correcty displayed within the NetSupport School Journal. NetSupport School 10.50.0002 Released on 22 October 2009 Fixes:  Cannot Remotely Login Vista Student Machine if an Interactive Logon Message is Enabled in Local Policy It is now possible for the Tutor to Remotely Login a Vista Student machine that has a interactive Logon Message enforced by the local policy · In Tech Console can no longer use mouse wheel to scroll up and down client list in main window Resolved it is now possible to use the Mouse wheel to scroll the list of Clients in the Tech Console. · Unable to save Group Layouts within the Tutor Resolved problem found with the Layout applied to Groups within the Tutor not being saved. · Error "File winman.cpp, line 305, tid=b2c, thread=View" after changing Tutor Window to Full Screen using F11 and then connecting to a Student Fixed problem whereby an error would appear after switching the Tutor window to Full Screen using F11 and then connecting to a Student machine · Student icons view not saved. When the Tutor is restarted it will default back to the Large Icon view Resolved problem where any changes made to the Icon view in the Tutor would not be remembered after restarting the Tutor. · GPF message appears at the Tutor when switching on Audio monitoring feature on a Tutor with no Audio Card installed Resolved GPF no longer appears when switching on the Audio monitoring feature on a Tutor that did not have a Audio card installed.
  • 6. NetSupport School 10.50 Released on 28 September 2009 Reduced the amount of memory used at the Tutor for student application and web history. Depending on the size of the class, this had the potential to cause low memory conditions at the Tutor. TCP Port number support restored to the Application and Web restrictions list Fixes a problem running the client32 service on terminal services where there was the potential for more than one terminal session to load with the same port number. Fixes a problem in the Test Player associated with reviewing results to compare the answer provided against the correct answer. Fixes a problem playing replay files that include audio content. Fixed a problem associated with changing score values in the Test Console. NetSupport School 10.01.0004 Released on 04 March 2009 Problems with Networking connections after uninstalling NetSupport School 10 When uninstalling NetSupport School version 10 from XP machines that have been updated from some variants for the version 9 release it is possible that the NSLSP (the LSP used for blocking Internet) is not removed correctly. After a restart this could cause loss of network connectivity. To insure this does not happen we recommend that all 10.x installations are updated to the 10.01.0004 release. Sort order for Student icons are not being retained after Tutor is Closed and then re-opened The sort order of the Students icons in the Tutor interface is now retained correctly after restarting the Tutor. Tutor not displaying a marker next to the Sort order option that you have configured The context menu in the Tutor Interface was not correctly displaying the "Arrange by" setting, this has now been corrected. File Transfer issue with long file names approx 200 characters or longer An issue was resolved when transferring files with long filenames to folders using long names (200 characters and longer), where the file name was being truncated. Occasional Vista Student issue causing disconnect/reconnect and connection problems Fixed problem with the Vista student where you could find disconnect/reconnect problem.
  • 7. Vista student occasional crash when logging off while viewing the Client machine. Fixed problem where the Vista student could crash when logging off while viewing the Client machine NetSupport School 10.01 Released on 14 October 2008 Batch Number NSS01EVL Sending repeated chat requests to the Tutor no longer causes Tutor program to fail. Corrected problem in whiteboard displaying word wrapped text Extended characters within Test results reporting now display correctly Using Tutor and Tech Console on same PC no longer affects Classlists Fixed problem using print screen to paste contents into Journal Tutor now remembers icon display mode when using "browse and connect" on start-up Fixed problem restricting size of destination path for File Transfer and Quick Send Dialogs Test Designer fix to make text visible when selected as answers for "drag and drop" text question types. Mouse pointer now visible at student PC's during a show leader session Prevent Student Toolbar being closed when cancel a logoff session. Fixed problem where Tutor icon display setting "Arrange to Image" could get reset to "Auto Arrange" on reloading the Tutor program Using V10 facility to provide Internet access for a period of time now returns to previous access level rather than "Block All" Deploy utility no longer reports successful install when install fails due to Eval expiration errors Expired lesson timer displayed on Tutor and student now removed when new lesson started NetSupport School 10.01.0001 Released on 10 August 2008 CD NetSupport School 10.01.0001 Batch Number NSS01EVL
  • 8. It is now possible to Install the Tutor component on vista without the student component Fixed problem in the installer when performing a modify during upgrade where it was possible to remove the LSP without de-registering it correctly which could result in loss of TCPIP connectivity until a manual de-registration of the LSP was performed. Note this problem would not occur on upgrade where component selection was not changed or when performing a modify after completing the upgrade to 10.01. Problem connected with a modify during upgrade and de-selecting all components that necessitate the use the LSP Tech Console and Gateway UI files now digitally signed Fixed problem with Broadcast Message NetSupport School 10.00 Released on 07 July 2008 Fixed problem with Print Thresholds where both pause and delete notifications were being sent to Student instead of just the delete notification. Firewall exceptions now applied on modify/repair Fixed problem using safe search with google Fixed a case where it was possible to attempt to add a student to a non-existent group which resulted in an assert at the Tutor Preset messages no longer relies on Teacher name being set. Histories now handle changes to logged on user during Tutor session Device (CD/USB) restrictions now preserved if user logs off/on Send discussion history to new invitee in chat no longer displays double spaced Test Console ignores logged off PC's selected for Test so that Test can continue to others Fixes problem saving student register when logged on user has restricted user rights. Tutor no longer GPF's if student disconnects while performing a scan NetSupport School 9.04 Released on 14 May 2008
  • 9. Fixed Run Plugin Issue on Terminal Server - High CPU load Fixed Runplugin locking up when client32 stops Fixed GPF error when opening incorrect file type with client32.exe RPF player Fixed Runplugin launch recovery problem not restricting student machines Also contains the following fixes from NetSupport Manager 10.30/10.30f1 Fixed Vista spurious runplugin in session zero RDP/ screenscrape message only sent if Remote Desktop User is connected not for occassional gdihook errors Fixed view/replay causing GPF when PC is using a very large cursor e.g (h*w=192*177) Fixed mouse navigation issue with different arrangements of multiple monitors Fixed to allow more than one install within the eval period Fixed multithreading issue with tutor-student connections causing GPF's Fixed problem extracting tests in a Terminal Service environment Fixed Client Configurator anomaly that prevented the 'log to file' option being de-selected Fixed Client Configurator restricting access to Control/Share mode when viewing a client Show Reply file on Vista no longer errors and reports 'Invalid file' Fixed a potential GPF when mouse over clients to use the 'Zoom' function in thumbnail view Fixed Client Re-boot function where an application with an open 'save' dialog could cause a client GPF Fixed a disconnect issue when remotely logging off a Vista Client Fixed Control detecting a client disconnect when there is a remote command prompt session open Fixed a problem associated with restoring a minimised view session which is recieving high volumes of data due to intensive screen activity on Client Fixed a potential problem when recording replay files in a view session when an error occurs Fixed Control name truncation in the 'Client is already connected to Control' message Fix to use Windows + key combinations e.g + E to display explorer in view session Reduced runplugin.exe CPU usage
  • 10. Fixed high CPU usage using School interface in Terminal Services environment Fixed problem where ESC key in view session occasionaly sends CTRL-ALT-DEL Fixed Vista log off on disconnect problem Fixed problem in print capture where printer incorrectly shows from previous control connection NetSupport School 9.00 Released on 25 May 2007 Batch Number NSS01EVL Fixed Question Links in Student Report for "Multi True or False", "Label Image" and "Order Items" question types Application Control manual Registry setting provided to disable Process hooking. When applied Application Control is Less efficient but provides a workaround for older 16biy applications which may conflict with this method. (PCB Designer) HKLMNetSupport LtdNSSNoProcHook Set this to 1 (DWORD) When using the Test Designer Question editor it is now possible to scroll through the answers Class Wizard It is now possible to scroll selected lesson plan to see the filename of browsed selection NetSupport School 8.50 Released on 15 July 2006 Batch NSS01EVL300707 Fixes a potential Tutor program GPF using the Record function followed by monitor mode. Fixes a problem with web restrictions where an approved site would not allow access to a page on an approved site containing a frame with a reference to a restricted site. Fixes a bug in the getwebicon thread which potentially fixes an obscure condition resulting in high CPU utilisation on the Tutor machine.
  • 11. Fixes potential problems introduced circa 8.01 with transport DLL's causing intermittent client disconnects. NetSupport School 8.02 Released on 09 March 2006 NSS01EVL280207 · Fixes a problem introduced in NSS7.50 where the mac address defaults to 0123456789ab if it cannot be calculated · Screen Scrape now works at the logon desktop · Fixes a problem where students enter a trailing space in student register. Causes a problem in Send collect work "error 3 · Fixes problem with show performance using wireless network connections (refer to on-lien help for further Information) · Show function now defaults to UDP · Internet metering : fixes problem where Block all did not work if applied while client logged off · Fixes a problem initiating a chat session with two or more clients if there is an existing chat session open with one of them · Fixed Tutor crash File ?, line 0, thread=View that could occur hovering the mouse over a toolbar · Fixes a problem when performing a full screen show to clients where an attempt to connect/view/scan from another Control causes the cleint receiving the show to blank out · Monitor mode. Attempting to start a Show, then canceling from show dialog no longer causes thumbnail image to disappear when hover / zoom image in monitor mode. · Fixes a Tutor Assert when trying to create folder for a low level user in FTranfer · FileTransfer to locked Student no longer removes the Lock · Sending work to a locked student no longer unlocks the student within a Lesson Plan · Fixes problem where Student Register Sign Out Option ws incorrectly set as not available if select then cancel · Fixes potential Tutor Lockup using UDP Show to different sets of students · Chat Save at client now uses context of the logged on user to restrict access rights · Fixes Group leader 'Error opening file' using NTFS and student with Limited access rights
  • 12. · Fixes problem with "LabView" application. Tutor can now view and without corruption of the icons in the function palette. · Show to a maximised window now sets window size to size of primary monitor's work area, rather than using windows default size · Fixes Client Assert failed, file platnt.cpp, line 662, error code 122 ALT using gr + Enter key connected with having desktop name longer than 31 characters NetSupport School 8.01 Released on 01 August 2005 NSS03EVL310706 See What's fixed for more information on this release · Fixes a problem using Tutor "show" function where some student machines (low specification) may lag too far behind the other students · Fixes a potential problem where student machines could disconnect while receiving a Broadcast Show from one Tutor machine when another Tutor machine performs a browse · Students prevented from using Ctrl-Alt-Del to interrupt Show session · Fixes intermittent timing related problem where client service could stop responding. Connected with setting the client to quiet mode (icon not displayed in system tray) and repeatedly logging off/on the student machine. (Introduced NSS800) · Fixes a potential client failure that could occur when attempting to view a student PC while it is attempting to auto-reconnect back to the Tutor (introduced NSS800) · Fixes Tutor/Client failures associated with the client attempting to auto-reconnect during an exhibit session (introduced NSS800) · Missing Tooltips for thumbnail view and additional platform support added · Internet Metering : Improved the algorithm for handling host names to except 2 letter domains · Following the completion of a lesson plan the Tutor program no longer prompts to end lesson plan before opening a new plan. In addition the Abort lesson icon is no longer available. · Help text added when activating a whiteboard to the student. Previously displayed Missing help cmd 10708 · Internet and Application restrictions no longer affected by calling up and cancelling the windows security dialog.
  • 13. · Fixes Tutor GPF using NetBIOS and attempting to connect to known list of clients. (Introduced NSS800) · File Transfer confirmation settings re-instated for Directory Copy, Directory Delete and File Delete. · Tutor program no longer fails if enter and attempt use an invalid Broadcast address for UDP show. · No longer necessary to install the student component on Tutor machine to use the publish class start-up option · Corrects problem with directory store location for a chat session when selecting to store to desktop on a PC with O/S installed on D Drive. · When changing audio format during the remote session zero byte audio packets are discarded. This prevents potential problems attempting to process incomplete data resulting in control program failures · Test Designer : Fixed a potential crash when canceling a test Import · Fixes a potential Deploy failure on exiting progam File Connect.cpp, line 1326, thread=RIUI · Fixes Unknown Resource error 6307 displayed when finding a Tutor only installed machine. (introduced in NSS8.00) · Now able to use Deploy utility without administrator level rights to the PC running the Deploy program. · Deploy no longer installed desktop icon if not specified in instcfg / values.txt file · When Deploying the client with a client configuration file and selecting not to install the client configurator the PCICFGUI.exe file no longer gets installed. · Tablet PC – Fixes problem where Writing Pad data was not being sent to the Client PC · Fixes a potential blank view window or even BSOD that could occur connecting (and viewing) immediately following a disconnect. Connected with having ATI utility loaded atiptaxx.exe. · Fixed when 'Approved Only' slected for applications, printing is not automatically disabled. · Fixed problem where tutor cannot save and close register if a student has not entered their details i.e they are away. NetSupport School 8.00 Released on 13 May 2005 NSS01EVL310506 Fixes problem where user Acknowledgement Dialog would not display at the client if the client {Help}{About} or {Transport} Dialogs was open. Fixes GDI handle resource leak when using client chat/whiteboard Client Tooltip now updates when IP address is changed
  • 14. Fixes a potential blue screen viewing client screen width > 2730 pixels Fixes an obscure BSOD when viewing a client machine Clhook4.dll files: wscache.h, wscache.cpp Fixes view related problem where lines are sometimes not clipped properly, (lines drawn outside/below the expected area) Remote controlling Windows XP welcome screen no longer displays password entry as series question marks. Execute at Client function now looks for an entry in the app Paths registry key to locate the application before reverting to using the Search path variable Fixes problem using Deploy function to verify client running after re-start The School Configurator password for NSS 8 has been updated to store the encrypted password in DES format. Password set with an older version still be accepted. The new format is used when setting new passwords. Once the password in set in the new format you cannot use the configuration file with older versions of the software Video Hooking code enhanced to be more resilient under conditions where third party applications use excessive gdi objects. Fixes Intermittant Web metering related problems with Runplugin Control /Tutor Program Updated German and French keyboard mapping templates applied to control.kbd Annotate Icon on Toolbar now correctly toggles indicator off when closing annotate via the Annotate Toolbar menu Show Function, Improved the colour interpretation for specific data items when Control/Tutor Video Adapter set to use 16bit Colour mode Fixed problem using File Transfer functions with long file names. Previously only allowed max 64 chars for last part of filename. File Transfer, selecting a folder marked with the system flag in the right hand pane no longer displays the results for parent folder. Send work no longer fails to all students if the delivery directory on any of the student machines is inaccessible (e.g student machine logged off and network drives unavailable). Send work continues to other students and reports success / failures. Tutor/Control program no longer hangs when Clients disconnect abnormally during UDP show, Scan function now continues to others if a client has disconnects {Client}{Chat} option is now available when there are no client icons selected. Initiates a chat session for all connected students. Fixes a problem when assigning group leader rights to student machine while logged off. Fixes Unhandled exception (GPF) attempting to use Send and Collect work with a UNC path
  • 15. Application and Web restrictions are re-applied if students use task manager to end task on runplugin.exe. The school client program checks and re-starts runplugin.exe Fixes a problem where Tutor sets web and application restrictions before students logon. In earlier versions only the last set restriction was being applied Fixed a problem where Web / application enforced restrictions were affected by students switching to the windows security dialog Fixes problems displaying ampersand “&” in web and application list views Assigning group leader rights to a logged off student no longer results in group leader icon not displaying in the system tray. Fixes problem introduced in NSS7.50 where Publish class startup option required Tutor and Student components to be installed on the Tutor machine, now works with a Tutor only install Execute function correctly reports logged off state of student machines Tutor Test Console Exiting a test before the player has completed loading on the student machine no longer results in the player failing to close down correctly. Fixes a GPF that could occur right clicking in the Exam Selection Dialog after selecting the Exam. Fixes a problem that could occur when printing the results for all students Fixes an intermittent problem where the Test Console does not count down to zero, leaving 1 second remaining on the clock. Close window option now functions correctly in the results window NetSupport School 7.50 Released on 04 May 2004 Installer Tutor only install configured for DVD support while viewed or connected. When logging on as a non admin users show was defaulting to screen scrape mode (mouse movements not visible) Print capture related items removed from NSS installer and view window Tutor program Reverse lookup now works for redirecting approved and restricted sites.
  • 16. Client version and OS version now returned correctly for Windows 2003 You can now right click and select properties to edit web sites in the approved / restricted lists ''BACK' button removed from the first dialog in the 'Add a Group' function You can now double click on the title bar in the Tutor test console to maximise the window DBI Information displayed for version of file in location used. if any of the following files are in the nsm folder, the details are taken from system32 clhook4.dll, gdihook4.dll, gdihook5.dll, pcigina.dll, pcimon.dll, pcivdd.dll, pcimsg.dll, gdihook5.sys, pcisys.sys Text in survey dialog is now word wrapped. Entering web sites without prefixing with www is now automatically prefixed with http:// When using publish a class the option to reject students is now functioning correctly Show video now starts paused on first frame Fixes a display error when displaying the Tutor License expiry message in the Arabic version Fixes an intermittent GPF in pluginsoftwaremodule.dll Test Designer Adding audio clips to resources, previewing an audio clip without closing the previous audio file, now plays the correct file. Editing a label image question now maintains the selected area for images too large to fit in the viewable area. Text labels added to Toolbars Creating an exam it is no longer necessary to change the default time value offered. Adding questions to an exam the average time per question is now correctly displayed. Exam editor – Curly Braces" {" or " }" in description or Notes fields are now preserved and displayed correctly Warns if attempt to use unsupported characters in file names of resources Test Player Test Player – Now warns tutor if the student leaves the player Fixes a problem where if the Tutor pauses the exam under certain conditions the student could continue to use the player Test Console Test Console - fixes a resource leak when displaying the results of an Exam It is now possible to print results for all questions within the test
  • 17. NetSupport School 7.00 Released on 04 October 2003 NetSupport School 7.01 Released on 18 July 2003 Student Survey submit button no longer remains active after the survey has been sent to students Fixes a Tutor program failure:Assert failed nssplugin.cpp, line 438, ec 1421. This is an intermittent timing related problem connected with receiveing data from multiple machines in an undefined order. Deploy console in School now pulls the product name from the product.dat file. When you re-position icons in the list view you are now advised that “Arrange to Image” has been removed Fixes an Assert in Show Leader when using the annotate feature. The Group Leader control no longer crashes if group leader is changed whilst Annotate is in use Fixes a problem in School Deploy where local applications fail to run on the client machine until the client machineis either logged off/on or re-started. Fixes a problem introduced in Manager 8.00 / School 7.00 with connection / browse failures if the Microsoft client is not installed on the Control/Tutor machine. Fixes a number of issue in execute at client Execute substations for program files winnt and system32 are not attempted for back release clients which do not support this functionality Fixes memory leak in execute function Fix for potential stack corruption / heap overflow errors if Execute command string exceeds 256 characters Fixed a problem where attempting to send a test to a logged off NT based machines results in non protected files in the root directory being deleted. Note: machines that do not have boot.ini as read only can result in boot failures Configurator : Send Physical Fonts added to the Advanced Page Fixes a problem using the School Test Console and sending tests to users signed on with restricted rights on NTFS partition machines
  • 18. Fixes a problem using the School Layouts function in conjunction with the connect by hostname option in DHCP environments Fixes a problem when selecting not to display show icon in the system tray, using show leader function could cause either a space or the show icon to be displayed in the system tray Fixes an IP error when re-starting the client service without re-starting the machine. TCP/IP (adapter 0), operation: 03H, code: 10048 (2740H) Problem occurs when you re-start the client having previously used the execute function at the client and left the executed application open when disconnecting. Fixes the Alt-f4 issue that closed the Student Survey dialogue box without an answer being supplied to the Tutor Fixes a windows 98 problem where the Show Video tutor controls were sometimes not recognized at the student machine i.e rewind, pause, fast forward…. Fixes a problem where the ‘File open’ in show video opened to a different location to the where the currently selected video was chosen from meaning you would have to browse to the video directory once again Fixes a problem where selecting a drop down menu was taking the focus away from view bar on left meaning you would have to click twice to get to where you wanted Fixes the problem where ‘Remove from group’ was not on right click menu in Web, app and student view when navigating within a group. It was displaying ‘Add to group’ instead. Fixes Web and App control if no apps or sites listed the ‘Close at student’ option is greyed out when right click selected Fixes a issue when right clicking on the application menu displayed the Context sensitive tool bar. Problem fixed where the ‘Yahoo’ icon is now displayed at the Tutor machine in web view rather than the regular IE icon that was previously displayed. Fixes issue where updating a web site URL was not updating the keyword successfully causing the web restrictions to fail Fixes problem where the Student result was left on the Tutor’s screen even if the student disconnected or the survey was cancelled Fixes ‘Refresh list’ changing to ‘Add students’ then switching between web metering and back to the client view window had changed it back to "refresh list" Fixes the Dr Watson error when double clicking on an image in Drag and Drop question of the Test Designer Fixes problem where the GroupLeader.cfg was saving to the last directory used to save a screen shot Problem fixed when using the ‘Power on’ client option on an XP pro machine caused an assert. This was due to the control window needing to be open. This is no longer the case. Fixes problem where the Application restriction on XP stopped the user from logging off. Fixes Application restriction problem when clicking on the NetSupport icon in the system tray.NetSupport was terminating the restriction on that application Fixes problem where Application restrictions were being removed if the Student logged off then back on. This was same and different user.
  • 19. Fixes GPF when cancelling connection to students very quickly. This was caused by one of the EventsToCall having been deleted, and thus when called it was calling freed memory and GPF’d. Fixes memory leak on windows NT when performing the ‘Show video’ feature. Fixes problem navigating the tree in the file transfer and file manager windows. Fixes the GPF when connecting then scanning to a known list of clients. Fixes the issue where hitting the enter key during an exam would close the test at the Student machine. Fixes the Runplugin closing problem during unsuccessful logoff. Fixes problem during a suspended session, when the client moves the mouse or makes a keyboard entry causing the assert. Fixes problem where manager commands were being included in the School install i.e Load bridge, Unload bridge when selecting the client icon in the system tray Fixes problem where the NSS 7.01 build was returning NSM 8.10 when selecting the properties of a client. Fixes the problem where the client32.ini was not being used to give you the Ability for Students to browse for published classes on different subnets. See example below [TCPIP] Broadcast_1= - (Test Network) Broadcast_2= - (Main Network) NetSupport School 6.00 Released on 19 March 2002 NetSupport School 5.00 Released on 21 March 2001 Windows NT and 2000 clients prevented from using Ctrl-Alt-Del to interrupt Show or View (Control) sessions (No change on Windows 9X) Screen Scrape mode on Windows 9X - keyboard hooking problem resolved
  • 20. Animated cursors turned off on Windows 9X systems when initiating a view or show session. Resolves problems experienced with Intel 8XX onboard video chip sets Fix for problems experienced with viewing / showing Jbuilder application. May also help with other Java based applications Fixed an Assert in wheap.c line 234 which could occur on Windows 2000 clients under certain conditions Fixed problem where not possible to return to Full screen mode after performing a windowed function such as File Transfer. In File Distribution it is no longer possible to enter a blank destination in the Copy Files Dialog, which caused an exception error. Fixed incorrect behavior in Execute at Client Add/Edit Program Details Dialog. In File Transfer synchronizing directories and specifying a directory that does not exist no longer crashes the Control. NetSupport School 5.01 Released on 06 February 2001 · Full Screen option in a view window whilst scale to fit enabled now works correctly. No longer displays in a view window with floating toolbar § Windows Millennium (Me) where the operating system power save mode is set to turn off the monitor. The monitor is no longer turned off during a show as this caused the client machine to hang and interrupt the show to other students § Fixes an error when attempting to Exhibit to clients within a group NetSupport School 4.00 Released on 05 October 1999 NetSupport School 4.20 Released on 26 February 1999
  • 21. Fixed a problem where the End Show button was left on following an exhibit Using Ctrl L-shift R-shift to end an exhibit session now correctly closes the view session on the exhibited client Fixed a problem where it is possible to customise the Toolbar in NetSupport School and select icons for functions only available in NetSupport School Pro. (subsequently using these functions caused the Tutor program to fail) Fixed a problem when Performing a "Send/Collect work" where the files to send are in the root folder on the control error "FNODE.cpp line 2004 EC=0" Fixed a problem where If you perform a show, suspend the show then attempt to exhibit a client that is being shown to. A message is displayed advising that the action cannot be performed but on canceling the message the Tutor screen is hidden and is no longer accessible. NetSupport School 4.30 Released on 26 February 1999 NetSupport School 4.50 Released on 26 February 1999 Execute at client handles now programs/files on mapped drives correctly The Mouse no longer wiggles to dismiss the screen saver when connecting When you press delete in the 'All' group it removes the client. When you press delete in a group it removes the client from the group. Fixed problem where Client not loading on Windows 9x when its a Tutor only install Fix for 256 colour support in screen scrape mode
  • 22. Removed close button in floating toolbars (view and annotate) this didn't do a close and was considered confusing. NetSupport School 3.11 Released on 12 September 1998