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Reasons for Learning
Different contexts for learning
Learner differences
The importance of student motivation
Responsibility for learning
Reasons for Learning

• Living in a target language community
• Improve English generally

         different contexts for learning
• EFL/ESL: English for speakers of other languages
•   School and language schools
•   Large classes and one-to-one teaching
•   In school and in company
•   Real and virtual learning environment
Learner differences

• Age: Children/Adults
• Learning styles: the way you like to learn (
  Diversify activities
• Levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced
• Ed and cultural background: learning by rote or
  learning by doing: T need to be sensitive of different
  backgrounds. Offer different material, topics and teaching
  techniques to suit different individual expectations and tastes.
The importance of student motivation

• Extrinsic motivation: the motivation that Ss bring into the
  classroom from outside the classroom.
• Intrinsic motivation: motivation from what happened inside the
  class such as T’s method, activities, Ss perception of their success
  or failure.
• T’s main aim is to sustain Ss motivation: activities we ask Ss to
  take part in, excite Ss curiosity and provoke their participation,
  help them to be interested in the subject, select appropriate
  level of challenge, be professional, Ss may have some decision
  making power.
Real motivation comes from within each individual, from the Ss themselves.
Responsibility for learning

• Encourage Ss to take more responsibility of their own learning
• Instead of imposing learner’s autonomy, we need to gradually
  extend the Ss role in learning( make their own dialogues,
  investigate a grammar issue, puzzles, use dictionary), self
  access center, CD,DVD resources to continue studying outside
  the class …

I. Who teachers are in class
II. Rapport
III. Teacher tasks
IV. Teacher skills
V. Teacher knowledge
VI. Art or science?
Good teachers:

 are born and not made! (they have a nutural
affinity for the job)

 those who do not have this natural gift learn

their craft by mixing personality, intelegence,

knowledge and experience.
Who teachers are in class
1. Personality

Effective teacher personality is a blend betweenwho we really are
 (natural personality) , and who we are as teachers.
 Teachers have to show a professional face.
2. Adaptability

 What makes one teacher out from another is how they react to
different events in the classrom as the lesson proceeds.
 Unexpected events happen in lessons and part of a teacher’s
skill is to decide what the response should be when they do. (not
everything goes as planned)
 T should react quickly and decisively before the escalation of
3.Teacher roles
Controlor                     prompter                      Assissor

_ being the focus and doing
evrything.                    _ encouraging Ss by pushing   _Mottivating SS by grades or
                              them to achieve success.      whatever.
   The teacher-centered

    Ts have to be a resource for SS to consult
   whenever they need advice
 it’s the relationship between teacher and SS.
 It is established when SS see T as a professional .
1. Recognising SS
• good T knows his SS’ names
2. Listening to SS
• Ts should make themselves as available as they
    can to respond to their SS’ needs.
 To maintain rapport, Ts should listen to
    comments from SS about the activities that
    make them interested or bored.
1. Respecting SS
•Ts should respect their SS by minimising critical
comments (correcting SS) and praise as well.
• Ts should not overreact (anger) when their SS
2. Being even-handed
• Ts should do their best to reach all SS of the
 group not just those raise their hands up.
 Ts should deal with their SS equally.
Teacher tasks
As professionals, teachers have to perform certain

preparation            Keeping record            Being reliable

   • Knowledge of          • A useful way for      • Time keeping
     the subject             looking back to         and homework.
     (what & how).           what has been         • practise what
   • Planning.               done.                   they preach.
                           • Know what
                             works and what        •       Are a model
                             does not.                 for their SS.
                           • To adjust testing
Teacher skills
 Managing     Matching tasks         Variety        destination
classes       and groups

•Successful   • SS levels and   • vary activities   • learning
activities.   tasks.            and lessons.        outcomes and
                                                    tangible results.
                              • change SS
•Prevent      • enjoyable and roles and
misbehavior   interesting     groupings.
Teacher knowledge
Language       Materials &       Classroom   Keep up-to-
system         resources         equipements date
•Knowledge of • know about       •computer,data    • try new ways
grammar and     books &          -show,            to do things.
pronounciation. websites where   screen…ets
                courses are      •Never let
• praise        available.       technology
questions.                       drive you and     •Attend
                • know how       dominate you.     conferences,
                coure books      • know what       seminars,
                work.            your SS need to   tvs….etc
                                 do and what
                                 materials they
                                 need to use.
Art or science ?
            • Teaching works when the
              relationship between SS & T is

Art           at its best.
            • Decision-making is often the
              result of teacher‟s feeling and

            • Understanding the language

science     • Find best way to explain.
            • keep abreast of changes in the

 Nurturing positive
 student behavior
What is
Is there any distinction?
Control vs. Discipline
What are some possible
characteristics of the disciplined
Does knowing and using Ss‟ names a practical
 hints for teachers on classroom discipline?
The teacher should invest time and energy in building positive
relationship with students
Students are more attentive, motivated, and helpful when they

perceive the content to somehow relate to their life

 In this chapter, we are going to see how a teacher can motivate

and help his students
Establishing rules

Some teachers prefer to set rules the first day of school

 Most effective teachers establish a few, positively stated rules

 its better for a teacher to establish his own set of rules based on

his needs and experience

Don‟t try to cover every possible unacceptable behavior
show students that you are very serious in establishing rules

 be flexible while dealing with latecomers, don‟t be late is

different from be on time

 it‟s good to be firm at the beginning and then you can relax
Tips for managing classroom behavior

Treat each student with degnity and respect in order to create a

positive relationship with them

 react immediatelly and calmy to the infractions[ students test

you to determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior]

 refocus everyone‟s attention and get all students back on task
deliver interesting,fast paced, and orgnized learning experiences ,

much students act out due to boredum

 be sure your rules and expectations are clear

 be cautious of touching Ss when they are angry

selective hearing

 remain firm yet compassionate when you discuss a Ss‟

Tips on using Positive reinforcement of good behavior

Reinforcement based on the principles that the frequency of a

response increases because it is followed by a rewarding stimilus

 A teacher‟s goal in using PR in the classroom is moving Ss up

the reward hierarchy from external motivation to internal control

 Reinforce Ss‟ behaviors, reward appropriate behavior; don‟t

ignore it « catch the Ss being good »

 use praise effectively, should be specific rather than general
Motivating the Unmotivated

In every classroom, there are Ss who seem unmotivated to learn,

the challenge is to improve the dose of engaging them.

 individualize instructions

 allow Ss structured freedom. Offer options in assignments,


 link your content to your Ss‟ personal lives and intersets
What good listening is Not

Listening is not advice giving because the T is not an academic

adviser. Even if the student asks for advice, giving it is not

necessarily the best thing to do.

 The chinese proverb « give me a fish and I eat for a day; teach

me to fish and I eat forever »;

 Its more important to equip our Ss with skills needed to face

and solve life‟s challenges

Time management
Time management is not only important in improving students‟
achievement; it is also an important element in preventing
discipline problems.
Time you try to manage falls into two broad categories:
•The daily time you spend before and after classes getting
ready to teach and manage your Ss engaging in
professional activities( planning lessons- grading homework
and classroom papers- conferencing with SS, parents,
teaching colleagues and administrators, professional
•Instructional time: the daily time you spend during class
teaching, engaged in professional activities ( instructing the
whole class directly- instructing small group of SS directly,
audio-visual instructional presentations- helping inattentive
or distracted students remain on task etc)
•Instructional time is of three types :
Allocated time               Engaged time                         Academic learning time

-The amount of time that is        -The amount of time SS spend         -The amount of time the SS are
allocated to teach the class.      focused on the instructional         engage in learning the objectives
( how much time allocated to       objectives.                          with success.
teach a given concept or skill).   ( time that is spent on activities   ( ex: a SS might spend 20min in
It should take into                other than focusing on the           activities focused on the objectives
consideration the prior            objectives ex: distribution of       but does not do so with success
knowledge, interest, motivation    materials, ss moving into                    Zero academic learning
and the learning approach.(        groups, discipline problems..)       time .
according to syllabus -level:                                           -Increasing academic learning
know/don’t know)                                                        time requires that teachers remain
-T have a professional                                                  active in monitoring SS’s progress
obligation to teach the content                                         (efficiency in managing T)
they are assigned to teach .                                            through:
are ss given the appropriate                                               -Maximizing the engaged time
time to learn certain skill                                                -Minimizing the portion of time
before moving to the content of                                         that is lost on activities and
the syllabus.                                                           constantly monitoring SS.
                                                                            - The allocation of time based
                                                                        on the abilities and prior
                                                                        knowledge of SS;
Ways to increasing engaged time

    Establishing C.R             Providing assistance        Managing
    routine:                     to SS:                      transitions:

-things that you do a lot        -Monitoring SS work     - the moment when you
with your SS.                    to make sure they are   shift from one thing to
                                 doing it successfully   another.
                                 by using the            -give clear instructions to
                                 principle:              SS, provide signals to
                                 Praise: encourage SS    inform them of what they
                                 (don‟t exaggerate)      should be doing , and keep
                                 Prompt: give clue       things moving at a brisk
                                 Leave: very quickly     pace( very quickly).
•The greatest sign of success for a T is to be able to say “the
children are now working as if I did not exist” ( clear
instruction/SS are fully engaging/SS are autonomous in a positive
way / no spoon-feeding )

    the classroom
In one of her daily routines, Mrs. Trimasse enters her classroom
greeting her SS and starts brainstorming about today‟s session
which is about “managing the classroom environment”. She
directs one of her questions to Ait Madani.
T: what is classroom climate?

Ait: after a few seconds of thinking, he says with confidence: it is
the collective perception by learners of what it feels like to be a
learner in a particular educator‟s classroom such as TEFL & ICT
master program.
Then Mrs. Trimasse turns to other SS asking if they agree or not. In
fact, Mrs. Trimasse, as an effective educator, uses her knowledge,
skills, and behavior to create learning environment that maximizes
opportunities to learn, where TEFLers and ICTers are well managed
and motivated to learn.
After Ait Madani‟s answer Akklouch comes with a comment in which
he talks about the factors that influence the classroom climate. He
says that “EMSIC” is an acronym that summarizes four factors: “E”
for Ecology, “M” for Milieu, ”S” for social system, and “C” for
culture. However, Zakaria does not agree with him and instead he
describes the classroom by using a classification of classroom
properties (content), classroom processes (conduct), and classroom
structures (context). As soon as Zakaria finishes his talk, Akhrazze
intervenes by saying “what puzzles me is that I don‟t know the
aspects that influence how learners feel in a class. Then
surprisingly, Mezgar comes with a beautiful answer. He says there are
8 aspects; 1st Clarity about the outcomes of a lesson, 2nd Order within
the class ( Ait MAdani next to Aklouch, and Elomari next to Jam3ati),
3rd Standards of behavior ( Trimasse says make sure your mobiles are
off and never yawn in my class) 4th Fairness, 5th participation, 6th
support, 7th safety, and the last is interesting, comfortable and
attractive environment.
Commenting on what Mezgar said about features of a learning
community, a loud voice from the lift corner speaks about 3
building stages for a positive classroom climate: 1st the
establishment phase during which the focus is preventive. Mrs.
Trimasse, in this stage, aims at minimizing unnecessary
disruptions by having a balance of rights, responsibility, rules and
routines. 2nd the consolidation phase in which Mrs. Trimasse
continues to teach, encourage and maintain what was established
even if some SS test these rules by being late. The third stage is
the cohesive phase. During this phase, cooperative learning,
classroom meetings are the norms.
After talking about these 3 stages for building a positive learning
environment, Mrs. Trimasse asks us how about managing the
physical environment?
Then, again Aklouch raises his hand and says that while
organizing the physical layout of the classroom, educator must
keep in mind “VAFCA”. Then SS turn to each other asking about
this new word. Aklouch explains the word saying that „V‟ stands
for Visibility, „A‟ for Accessibility, „F‟ for Flexibility, „C‟ for
Comfort, and „A‟ for Aesthetics. Then, the class applauds and
Mrs. Trimasse says; yeah! Indeed, classroom space can play an
important role in creating an optimal learning environment.
At this point comes Omarakly with his usual criticism. He says: the
problem is (da) that of class size. Apart from disciplinary aspects,
large classes present a number of difficulties: Learners are not
sure of the purpose of instruction. They do not know whether they
are progressing or not. They do not know how to improve. They do
not have the opportunity to read widely. The teacher is unable to
cope with the variety of Ls and their particular needs. All this is
about managing recourses for effective teaching. Mrs. Trimasse
responds saying that a key aspect of managing learning in large
classes is often the production of appropriate resources.
Therefore, your materials and media should be accurate, readable,
sufficient, interesting, varied, linked to the outcomes and content of
the lesson, and used constructively. All this, she says, should be tied
to the age and the ability of the class, time available, and the
teaching strategy used.
While Mrs. Trimasse still talking, Zakaria Jamaati says: can I
Mrs. Trimasse: is it a question or a comment?
Z: just a comment
T: ok, go ahead
Z: I just wanna tell you of a strategy that I learned in USA. It‟s
called “independence strategies” by which learners are motivated
to become independent learners.
N.Sellam interrupts him by saying: but how Si Zakaria? There some
problems resulting from large classes. For example, lack of purpose.
Then Z.J. stops her and says Independence strategies suggest that
you use learning outcomes.
N.S: what about knowledge of progress?
Z: you can use self-assessment.
N.S: then, what about lack of opportunities for discussion?
Z: you can rely on independent, learner-led discussion groups.
N.S: but Ls are not always motivated!
Z: you can resort to problem-based learning
N.S: try to establish support mechanism, e.g. peer support groups
Ok, ok, ok says Mrs. Trimasse. That‟s ok for Managing
resources for effective teaching. Let‟s now focus on establishing
the Socioemotional Environment. As far as we know,
educators are responsible for evaluating learners‟ work and for
controlling the quality of life in the classroom. But, how can we
establish that environment?
Then, the answer comes from British accent. She says: by focusing on three main
points: 1st communication whether verbal, non-verbal or written. In fact, effective
communication skills form the foundation of effective classroom management.
Therefore, we, as future educators, should listen carefully and effectively to our SS,
give clear messages including our feelings, give of ourselves, consider our feelings
about the message that we have received, and finally consider our responses to the
messages. The 2nd point in establishing socioemotional environment is education-
learner relationships. If you still remember! Mrs. Trimasse told us that, in order to
facilitate engagement with learners, we should accept our personal responsibility
for learner‟s success and stop blaming others. We should take on an extended
teacher role, even outside the classroom. We should be persistent with our SS (just
remember the poster session). We should express a sense of optimism that all
learners can learn (remember Mrs. Trimasse saying Ya Nadia, come on! You can do
it). However, this relationship cannot be good if it has no openness, caring,
Interdependence, separateness, Mutual meeting of needs, all this can be
summarized in one word that is “OCISM”. So, creating good educator-learner
relationships in room 57 would be by creating open, professionally appropriate
dialogue with TEFLers, systematically building better relationships with ICTers,
communicating high expectations. And finally, by creating opportunities for
personal discussion: by letting Aklouch to tell his story with Lalla molati
BismALLAH 3liha.
Before Ahlam coud reach the third point of establishing positive
socioemotional environment, Mrs. Trimasse stops her raising a
question about the guidelines for avoiding the negative effects of
educator expectations.
Then Goali says: it is just a (ay) matter of:
- using sensitive information on very carefully.
-Being flexible in your use of group work strategies (not always
BAs in one group and experienced teacher in the other group)
-Making sure all the learners are encouraged.
- Monitoring your non-verbal behavior.
Suddenly, Omarakly says: as a conclusion to all that you said: I
think that (da) the basis of a positive educator-learner relationship
and positive classroom climate is self-esteem and self concept.
Self esteem is the value or esteem we place on our perceived
abilities, our bodies, our feelings and our social interactions. The
problem is that (da) many people, and learners specifically,
process a person‟s critical comments about himself or herself in
critical ways. These critical messages are internalized
(understood) as “I am a failure” rather than “I sometimes fail”.
Therefore, Profs: Trimasse, Hassim, Tamer, Jennifer, and others
should be aware of what they are communicating to learners
(TEFLers), both verbally and non-verbally.
Resuming her talk, Ahlam says: the third and the last point in
establishing positive socioemotional environment is creating
positive peer relationships. She says: peers play an important role
in determining the quality of the learning environment. Furthermore,
Ahlam emphasizes the importance of positive peer groups for
eliminating or preventing misbehavior in the classroom.
Again Mrs. Trimasse stops her asking another question: how can we
create the social conditions for effective learning in the
Then, here comes the answer from Souba3i. He says:
Let your SS get to know you. Treat your SS with respect. Memorize
their names and how to pronounce them (A9louch instead of
Aklouch and Ait 7amou instead of Ait Hamou).
Build a sense of community in the classroom (not BAs in one side,
experienced in the other side, and the others in between. This is no
longer a community; it‟s an open gate to civil war, instead)
Here stands Elomari saying: but my classmates, the pressing
question is how can we create classroom climate?
Yes brother brahim! Says Takeddine. It is simply by creating a
learning milieu in which the focus is on learning which means that
it is learning-oriented classroom rather that work-oriented
classroom where the focus is on production. The foundation of
learning-oriented classroom is a system of critical attitudes. The
first critical attitude is RESPECT for the learners. The second is
CREDIBILTY; educators who are credible practice what they
3ARON 3ALAYKA IDA FA3ALTA 3ADIMO”. The third critical
attitude is educators who hold themselves and their learners
accountable for learning that is taking place.
Omar continues saying it is also by motivating Ls because having
motivated learners such as TEFLers in class will make the educator‟s
task of managing the classroom easier ( except the case for ICT1
where everyone indulges in surfing the net or chatting while the poor
Afdel is still talking about Doodle. In fact, (LA HAYATA LIMAN
Adding to what Omar said, Aboulahassan argues that the lack of
discipline in public schools is seen as the most serious problem
facing schools today. Although disciplinary problems impact on
school as a whole, it is the classroom teacher who is the first line of
defense (which means ALLAH IKON FL3WAN).
Then Amal HAfidi stands to intervene. She says: I agree with you
Mustapha, but how can we address disciplinary problems?
Before Mustapha could even respond, Mrs. Trimasse reproaches
Amal and says Voice Projection, How many times shall I repeat
Mustapha then continues saying: It is merely by establishing Rules
and procedures. For example, Routines for accomplishing lessons,
interaction between teacher and Ls (respect), and communication
between Ls (groups). Also, by developing a positive classroom
discipline policy; this system usually consists of three parts: Rules
that learners must follow + consequences of breaking rules +
Rewards when they follow rules.
This policy aims to establish a fair and consistent way of
promoting good behavior and dealing with misbehavior. Moreover,
says Mustapha, the participation of Ls in the establishment of
classroom discipline policy is so crucial (even Mrs. Trimasse does
not agree), there should be an agreement with Ls, and the
formulation of the policy should be through the use of the first
person i.e. “we” and “our”.
Ok Mustapha! Says Amal
But these Rules should be few in number and linked to the school
rules, stated positively, be teachable and enforceable, frequently read
through and referred to.
That‟s true nodded Mustapha!
After that, youness intervenes by saying: for managing learner
behavior, I have a solution, we can just make a connection between
the management functions which are 3c‟s: Content, Conduct, and
Context and the level of control, where the level of control varies
from preventive and supportive to corrective. If the learner‟s
behavior, says youness, is desirable, the educator will focus on
prevention. If minor disruptions occur, the educator may select
redirection. When behaviors become severely disruptive, team-
support steps may be utilized.
Here again comes the hero!
As a conclusion to all that you said, the teacher‟s personal style,
the learner‟s personality, the success of past disciplinary
approaches with that learner and the specific circumstances
surrounding the misbehavior should all be considered in
determining the most appropriate step to be taken.
Ahah ! says Rahma.
I have got a poem entitled “ the 20-step discipline model”
Provide effective instruction
Help learners experience more success than failure
Recognize and reward desirable behavior
Send a preventive ‘I-message’ communicating desirable behavior
Give early attention to potentially disruptive learners
Change circumstances that may produce misbehavior
Use physical closeness to prevent misbehavior
Ignore minor disruptions and recognize behaviors
Send non-verbal message requesting a change in behavior
Ask for status or rule to redirect behavior
Request a change of behavior
Isolate the learner to keep a minor disruption from escalating
Send an ‘I-message’ communicating the effects of undesirable
Conduct a reference: no-lose conflict-resolution approach
Conduct a conference to develop a behavior-improvement contract
Implement a class ‘assertive discipline’ plan
Send the learner of ‘time-out’ to another classroom
Involve the parents in changing learner behavior
Involve the principal in changing learner behavior
Request that the learner be removed from the classroom.
In a nutshell, it became clear that the educator who is successful
in building learners‟ confidence, self-esteem, knowledge and
skills is the educator who exhibits the following aspects:
•Clarity in setting tasks and skills
•Enthusiasm for the learning area
•Care for the individual learner
•Consistency in encouragement and teaching style
•Encouragement to work cooperatively, as well as to learn
individual skills
•Utilization even of failures as learning experiences
•Expectations that learners will succced.

 Managing learner
participation in the
Coming soon

   Lesson planning
Why is lesson planning important

Clarity         • Being clear on what you want to teach.
                • Being clear about which strategies and methods that will
                  be employed to reach the learning goals.

Unpredictable   • Being ready to cope with whatever happens.
framework       • Give your teaching a framework, an overall shape.

Reminder        • A reminder for the teacher when they get distracted.

Commitment      • It suggests a level of professionalism and real
How is lesson planning important for the teacher and the learners?

           For teachers                    For studtents
   They don‟t have to think on • They realize that the teacher
    their feet.                     cares for their learning
   They don‟t lose face in front • They attend a structured
    of their learners.              lesson that is easier to
   They are clear on the           assimilate
    procedure to follow.          • they appreciate their
   They build on previous          teacher‟s work as a model of
    teaching and prepare for        well organized work to
    coming lessons                  imitate
What do you take into account when you design a lesson plan?
  Five guiding principles:

   Variety :           Coherence     Balance :           Flexibility      Challenge :
- Vary              - there should   -The lesson    -the use of        - the new
Contents,activiti   be connection    is a mixture   different          lesson should
es, materials,      btw the          different of   techniques.        be challenging
Aids…               different        techniques,    -ability to        for Ss
Why?-To meet        activities.      activities,    change the plan    - present new
different           - Smooth         contents ….    if it shows        items beyond
learning styles.    transition.                     inappropriacy      students’ prior
-To consider         -Build on a                    to the             knowledge.
different           previous                        classroom real
intelligence        lesson and                      situation.
types.              prepares for
-To keep Ss         the next one.
interested and
avoid monotony.
 Information     Goals:         OBJECTIVES      Procedures :        Materials
 about the                      :                                     and
 learners:                                                         equipment:

- general       - an overall    -what        - Detailed, step-     - it is about
information     general         students     by-step               the aids that
such as the     purpose to      should be    description of        will be
number of Ss,   accomplish      able to do   what the teacher      employed at
their age,      by the end of   by the end   will do to achieve    each stage
their level…    the lesson      of the       the course            in the
                period.         course.      objectives (Introd,   presentation
                                             main activity,        of the
                                             closure) including    lesson.
                                             time, logical,
Evaluation of the lesson plan:
             - The teacher should make sure that the objectives
have been accomplished.
             -Make sure that Ss have practiced what you are
asking them to do for evaluation.
             - During actual classroom interaction, the instructor
needs to make adaptations and Ss.
The lesson plan is it curriculum centered or learner centered?
Learner cenetered:
Take 3 things into account: feelings, interests, needs in terms of
basing the choice of materials according to their needs,

The collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between
two or more people, result in a reciprocal effect on each other.

Through interaction, Ss can increase their language store as they
listen to or read authentic linguistic materials…
Interactive principles

                                  -Automacity: ss
                                  are freed from
                  -Intrinsic      language in
                  motivation      control.
-the language-    - Strategic     -
culture           investement     Communicative
connection        -risk-taking    compeyence:
-Interlanguage:                   involved.
feedback is
Roles of the teacher


- Facilitator

Questioning Strategies

Key to create an interactive language classroom is the initiation of
interaction by the teacher.

 T questions give ss the impetus and opportunity to produce lang
T questions can serve to initiate a chain reaction of ss interaction
among themselves.
T questions give the instructor immediate feedback about ss
T question provide ss with opportunities to find out what they
think by hearing what they say.
Kinds of questions are effective in the class:

 Start with display questions that aims to elicit information
already known.
 Refrential question that request information not known by the
Some kind of questions discourage interuction:

 too much class spent on display questions
 A question that insults a student‟s intelligence by being so
obvious that s will think it‟s too silly to bother answering.
 Vague questions that are worded in abstract or ambiguous

Questions that are stated in a complex language.
 Random questions that don‟t fall into a logical and well-
planned sequence.
Group work

• Generates interactive lang: provides opportunities for students
to practice in negotiation of meaning.
• Offers an embracing affective climate: no shiness or fear of
public speaking.
• Promptes learner responsibility and autonomoy: difficult to
hide in small groups
• A step toward individualizing instruction: help students with
varying abilities to accomplish separate goals.
Avoiding group work

The control of the class is absent

The large groups

The use of native language

The errors will be reinforced

Individual work preference
Considerations for group work

o Taking cultural expectations and belief systems into account

o Arranging the class space for active student participation

o Emphasizing the importance of group work

o Teaching ss how to work cooperatively

o Assigning group roles
Course book

Four stepts for course book:




Authintic materials


Ss exposed to real language in real life situations


Time consuming

Assessment of students

   prepared by: Mohamed ait madani youssef
Using this technique with
Minor modification are necessary.

Adolescents need to learn to be more independent
and self-reliant.
Homework setting
Setting should be :
Devoid of distractions loud noises siblings and so
     Parents still need to ensure that the student is
working rather than getting in other activities.
Introduction to assessment
Effective assessment becomes vital part of
teacher’s job.

In the years teachers wrote only “well done”,
“poor” or “see me”.

There should be a how and why.
Difference between Formative assessment
        and summative assessment
               • It is informative
               • It explains what is needed to improve the
  Formative      piece of work prior to final substitution

 assessment    • It can come in many forms, but it is
                 basically any activity undertaken by
                 teachers and students themselves.
               • It is referred to as assessment for learning.

               • It is a final mark that you give for a

 Summative       piece of work.
               • Give a grade and a comment.
               • This feedback given may be used to
 assessment      inform future work and not the piece of
                 work which has been submitted.
Assessment for learning
Teaching becomes more interactive.

Encourage students do vocalize their opinions

Ask them about what they think

Teaching style should match students’ learning style.

The teacher should take much responsibility working
with each member of the class.
Assessing for motivation

Written assessment has a crucial part in this aspect.
Positive comment      Positive impact

negative comment         harmful and destructive comment

Written assessment need to be continual process, not just an
occasional activity.
Send students a message that you care, through giving
attention and the benefit your benefit of your expertise to their
Assessing for motivation (continue)
Think about the investment for the future that is
more important than the single piece of work you are
about to mark when you give marks.

Never, ever start with negative comment in you
comments because you may cause students to avoid
investing effort in learning and then be disappointed.

Don’t overload students with suggestions.
Assessing for motivation (continue)

This has short and long term benefits
students are
 more likely                students will
      to     The quality       engage     You will have
 implement of the work       with you if      more
     your                      you are    contented or
             will improve
suggestions                   positive     constructed
 as a matter                toward them students.
  of course
How much should I write?
One word is next to useless.

Don’t write too much because you may resentful
and write more than what the student write.

Put a positive comment and then a few comments
for the improvement.
The power of verbal motivation

A good teacher is assessing progress of his students all the time.
Whatever started you are doing, it is the first opportunity to have assess you
students and should not be wasted.

Your response you give to students’ answers must be positive and not a put

If you are asking students, direct the appropriate question to the right

If a student is nervous or unwilling to answer a question make sure you ask
him one he knows and don’t forget to give a lot of praise.

It is important to avoid the temptation of asking answers from the same
students who put up their hand up again and again.
Self-and peer assessment

  Self assessment                                         Peer assessment

  It gives students chance to step back and look at       You can display, for example, a student’s work to the
              their own work and targets.                                      whole class.

  Provide them with a frame work where they can
   assess their work. This may be in the form of a
checklist to identify if a student has performed a task
and then give space for their own recommendations.
Homework setting

                   Free from

 Not isolated                    constructive
Homework time

Homework time depends on students personality.

It can be determined by routine within the home ,
parents’ preferences extracurricular activities.

They should have the same homework time each
Best time for            Worse time
 homework               for homework

                          -Right before bed
   Half an hour after     time.
         school           - When students are
                          left on their own

 An hour before           Late in the day or in
 dinner or                the morning before
 immediately after           student go to
 dinner.                         school.
Begin a homework checklist or
Systems to assess students in keeping track of
Homework journal
Sheet of paper that has spaces for homework in
each subject.
You may have a notebook in which you or your
students fill out a blank sheet he finished homework.
Homework rules
Homework journal should be assigned.

Books, notebook, handouts, and every item
needed for homework should be present.
Doing the homework
Parent should help their children organize their
assignments by locating and categorizing all work that
has to be completed on the homework surface where
it has to be done.

When the assignment is done, students should
show it to their parents to check whether it is correct
or it should be redone.
Earning an after-homework
Parents should restrict certain privileges until after
homework time to teach students that homework
completion is rewarded.

Teach them that privileges are earned by taking care
of one’ s responsibilities.

It is an added motivator for students who tend to
procrastinate and a very long time to do their
Providing assistance
Give the assistance but don’t do the assignment for

Let them complete the task under your monitoring.

If they ask for help for a regular basis, you should
inform the teacher to consider the nature of the

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Overview of classroom management chapters

  • 1. CHAPTER 1 learners
  • 2. OUTLINE Reasons for Learning Different contexts for learning Learner differences The importance of student motivation Responsibility for learning
  • 3. Reasons for Learning • Living in a target language community • ESP • Improve English generally different contexts for learning • EFL/ESL: English for speakers of other languages • School and language schools • Large classes and one-to-one teaching • In school and in company • Real and virtual learning environment
  • 4. Learner differences • Age: Children/Adults • Learning styles: the way you like to learn ( Diversify activities • Levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced • Ed and cultural background: learning by rote or learning by doing: T need to be sensitive of different backgrounds. Offer different material, topics and teaching techniques to suit different individual expectations and tastes.
  • 5. The importance of student motivation • Extrinsic motivation: the motivation that Ss bring into the classroom from outside the classroom. • Intrinsic motivation: motivation from what happened inside the class such as T’s method, activities, Ss perception of their success or failure. • T’s main aim is to sustain Ss motivation: activities we ask Ss to take part in, excite Ss curiosity and provoke their participation, help them to be interested in the subject, select appropriate level of challenge, be professional, Ss may have some decision making power. Real motivation comes from within each individual, from the Ss themselves.
  • 6. Responsibility for learning • Encourage Ss to take more responsibility of their own learning • Instead of imposing learner’s autonomy, we need to gradually extend the Ss role in learning( make their own dialogues, investigate a grammar issue, puzzles, use dictionary), self access center, CD,DVD resources to continue studying outside the class …
  • 7. CHAPTER 2 Teachers
  • 8. OUTLINE Introduction I. Who teachers are in class II. Rapport III. Teacher tasks IV. Teacher skills V. Teacher knowledge VI. Art or science?
  • 9. Introduction Good teachers:  are born and not made! (they have a nutural affinity for the job)  those who do not have this natural gift learn their craft by mixing personality, intelegence, knowledge and experience.
  • 10. Who teachers are in class 1. Personality Effective teacher personality is a blend betweenwho we really are (natural personality) , and who we are as teachers.  Teachers have to show a professional face. 2. Adaptability  What makes one teacher out from another is how they react to different events in the classrom as the lesson proceeds.  Unexpected events happen in lessons and part of a teacher’s skill is to decide what the response should be when they do. (not everything goes as planned)  T should react quickly and decisively before the escalation of misbehavior.
  • 11. 3.Teacher roles Controlor prompter Assissor _ being the focus and doing evrything. _ encouraging Ss by pushing _Mottivating SS by grades or them to achieve success. whatever. The teacher-centered approach.  Ts have to be a resource for SS to consult whenever they need advice
  • 12. Rapport  it’s the relationship between teacher and SS.  It is established when SS see T as a professional . 1. Recognising SS • good T knows his SS’ names 2. Listening to SS • Ts should make themselves as available as they can to respond to their SS’ needs.  To maintain rapport, Ts should listen to comments from SS about the activities that make them interested or bored.
  • 13. 1. Respecting SS •Ts should respect their SS by minimising critical comments (correcting SS) and praise as well. • Ts should not overreact (anger) when their SS misbehave. 2. Being even-handed • Ts should do their best to reach all SS of the group not just those raise their hands up.  Ts should deal with their SS equally.
  • 14. Teacher tasks As professionals, teachers have to perform certain tasks: preparation Keeping record Being reliable • Knowledge of • A useful way for • Time keeping the subject looking back to and homework. (what & how). what has been • practise what • Planning. done. they preach. • Know what works and what • Are a model does not. for their SS. • To adjust testing practise.
  • 15. Teacher skills Managing Matching tasks Variety destination classes and groups •Successful • SS levels and • vary activities • learning activities. tasks. and lessons. outcomes and tangible results. • change SS •Prevent • enjoyable and roles and misbehavior interesting groupings. activities.
  • 16. Teacher knowledge Language Materials & Classroom Keep up-to- system resources equipements date •Knowledge of • know about •computer,data • try new ways grammar and books & -show, to do things. pronounciation. websites where screen…ets courses are •Never let • praise available. technology questions. drive you and •Attend • know how dominate you. conferences, coure books • know what seminars, work. your SS need to tvs….etc do and what materials they need to use.
  • 17. Art or science ? • Teaching works when the relationship between SS & T is Art at its best. • Decision-making is often the result of teacher‟s feeling and judgement. • Understanding the language system. science • Find best way to explain. • keep abreast of changes in the field.
  • 18. CHAPTER 3 Nurturing positive student behavior
  • 20. Is there any distinction? Control vs. Discipline
  • 21. What are some possible characteristics of the disciplined classroom?
  • 22. Does knowing and using Ss‟ names a practical hints for teachers on classroom discipline?
  • 23. The teacher should invest time and energy in building positive relationship with students
  • 24. Students are more attentive, motivated, and helpful when they perceive the content to somehow relate to their life  In this chapter, we are going to see how a teacher can motivate and help his students
  • 25. Establishing rules Some teachers prefer to set rules the first day of school  Most effective teachers establish a few, positively stated rules  its better for a teacher to establish his own set of rules based on his needs and experience Don‟t try to cover every possible unacceptable behavior
  • 26. show students that you are very serious in establishing rules  be flexible while dealing with latecomers, don‟t be late is different from be on time  it‟s good to be firm at the beginning and then you can relax
  • 27. Tips for managing classroom behavior Treat each student with degnity and respect in order to create a positive relationship with them  react immediatelly and calmy to the infractions[ students test you to determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior]  refocus everyone‟s attention and get all students back on task
  • 28. deliver interesting,fast paced, and orgnized learning experiences , much students act out due to boredum  be sure your rules and expectations are clear  be cautious of touching Ss when they are angry selective hearing  remain firm yet compassionate when you discuss a Ss‟ misbehavior
  • 29. Tips on using Positive reinforcement of good behavior Reinforcement based on the principles that the frequency of a response increases because it is followed by a rewarding stimilus  A teacher‟s goal in using PR in the classroom is moving Ss up the reward hierarchy from external motivation to internal control  Reinforce Ss‟ behaviors, reward appropriate behavior; don‟t ignore it « catch the Ss being good »  use praise effectively, should be specific rather than general
  • 30. Motivating the Unmotivated In every classroom, there are Ss who seem unmotivated to learn, the challenge is to improve the dose of engaging them.  individualize instructions  allow Ss structured freedom. Offer options in assignments, tasks…  link your content to your Ss‟ personal lives and intersets
  • 31. What good listening is Not Listening is not advice giving because the T is not an academic adviser. Even if the student asks for advice, giving it is not necessarily the best thing to do.  The chinese proverb « give me a fish and I eat for a day; teach me to fish and I eat forever »;  Its more important to equip our Ss with skills needed to face and solve life‟s challenges
  • 33. Time management is not only important in improving students‟ achievement; it is also an important element in preventing discipline problems.
  • 34. Time you try to manage falls into two broad categories: •The daily time you spend before and after classes getting ready to teach and manage your Ss engaging in professional activities( planning lessons- grading homework and classroom papers- conferencing with SS, parents, teaching colleagues and administrators, professional development. •Instructional time: the daily time you spend during class teaching, engaged in professional activities ( instructing the whole class directly- instructing small group of SS directly, audio-visual instructional presentations- helping inattentive or distracted students remain on task etc) •Instructional time is of three types :
  • 35. Allocated time Engaged time Academic learning time -The amount of time that is -The amount of time SS spend -The amount of time the SS are allocated to teach the class. focused on the instructional engage in learning the objectives ( how much time allocated to objectives. with success. teach a given concept or skill). ( time that is spent on activities ( ex: a SS might spend 20min in It should take into other than focusing on the activities focused on the objectives consideration the prior objectives ex: distribution of but does not do so with success knowledge, interest, motivation materials, ss moving into Zero academic learning and the learning approach.( groups, discipline problems..) time . according to syllabus -level: -Increasing academic learning know/don’t know) time requires that teachers remain -T have a professional active in monitoring SS’s progress obligation to teach the content (efficiency in managing T) they are assigned to teach . through: are ss given the appropriate -Maximizing the engaged time time to learn certain skill -Minimizing the portion of time before moving to the content of that is lost on activities and the syllabus. constantly monitoring SS. - The allocation of time based on the abilities and prior knowledge of SS;
  • 36. Ways to increasing engaged time Establishing C.R Providing assistance Managing routine: to SS: transitions: -things that you do a lot -Monitoring SS work - the moment when you with your SS. to make sure they are shift from one thing to doing it successfully another. by using the -give clear instructions to principle: SS, provide signals to Praise: encourage SS inform them of what they (don‟t exaggerate) should be doing , and keep Prompt: give clue things moving at a brisk Leave: very quickly pace( very quickly).
  • 37. •The greatest sign of success for a T is to be able to say “the children are now working as if I did not exist” ( clear instruction/SS are fully engaging/SS are autonomous in a positive way / no spoon-feeding )
  • 38. CHAPTER 5 Managing the classroom environment
  • 39. In one of her daily routines, Mrs. Trimasse enters her classroom greeting her SS and starts brainstorming about today‟s session which is about “managing the classroom environment”. She directs one of her questions to Ait Madani. T: what is classroom climate? Ait: after a few seconds of thinking, he says with confidence: it is the collective perception by learners of what it feels like to be a learner in a particular educator‟s classroom such as TEFL & ICT master program.
  • 40. Then Mrs. Trimasse turns to other SS asking if they agree or not. In fact, Mrs. Trimasse, as an effective educator, uses her knowledge, skills, and behavior to create learning environment that maximizes opportunities to learn, where TEFLers and ICTers are well managed and motivated to learn.
  • 41. After Ait Madani‟s answer Akklouch comes with a comment in which he talks about the factors that influence the classroom climate. He says that “EMSIC” is an acronym that summarizes four factors: “E” for Ecology, “M” for Milieu, ”S” for social system, and “C” for culture. However, Zakaria does not agree with him and instead he describes the classroom by using a classification of classroom properties (content), classroom processes (conduct), and classroom structures (context). As soon as Zakaria finishes his talk, Akhrazze intervenes by saying “what puzzles me is that I don‟t know the aspects that influence how learners feel in a class. Then surprisingly, Mezgar comes with a beautiful answer. He says there are 8 aspects; 1st Clarity about the outcomes of a lesson, 2nd Order within the class ( Ait MAdani next to Aklouch, and Elomari next to Jam3ati), 3rd Standards of behavior ( Trimasse says make sure your mobiles are off and never yawn in my class) 4th Fairness, 5th participation, 6th support, 7th safety, and the last is interesting, comfortable and attractive environment.
  • 42. Commenting on what Mezgar said about features of a learning community, a loud voice from the lift corner speaks about 3 building stages for a positive classroom climate: 1st the establishment phase during which the focus is preventive. Mrs. Trimasse, in this stage, aims at minimizing unnecessary disruptions by having a balance of rights, responsibility, rules and routines. 2nd the consolidation phase in which Mrs. Trimasse continues to teach, encourage and maintain what was established even if some SS test these rules by being late. The third stage is the cohesive phase. During this phase, cooperative learning, classroom meetings are the norms.
  • 43. After talking about these 3 stages for building a positive learning environment, Mrs. Trimasse asks us how about managing the physical environment?
  • 44. Then, again Aklouch raises his hand and says that while organizing the physical layout of the classroom, educator must keep in mind “VAFCA”. Then SS turn to each other asking about this new word. Aklouch explains the word saying that „V‟ stands for Visibility, „A‟ for Accessibility, „F‟ for Flexibility, „C‟ for Comfort, and „A‟ for Aesthetics. Then, the class applauds and Mrs. Trimasse says; yeah! Indeed, classroom space can play an important role in creating an optimal learning environment.
  • 45. At this point comes Omarakly with his usual criticism. He says: the problem is (da) that of class size. Apart from disciplinary aspects, large classes present a number of difficulties: Learners are not sure of the purpose of instruction. They do not know whether they are progressing or not. They do not know how to improve. They do not have the opportunity to read widely. The teacher is unable to cope with the variety of Ls and their particular needs. All this is about managing recourses for effective teaching. Mrs. Trimasse responds saying that a key aspect of managing learning in large classes is often the production of appropriate resources. Therefore, your materials and media should be accurate, readable, sufficient, interesting, varied, linked to the outcomes and content of the lesson, and used constructively. All this, she says, should be tied to the age and the ability of the class, time available, and the teaching strategy used.
  • 46. While Mrs. Trimasse still talking, Zakaria Jamaati says: can I intervene? Mrs. Trimasse: is it a question or a comment? Z: just a comment T: ok, go ahead Z: I just wanna tell you of a strategy that I learned in USA. It‟s called “independence strategies” by which learners are motivated to become independent learners.
  • 47. N.Sellam interrupts him by saying: but how Si Zakaria? There some problems resulting from large classes. For example, lack of purpose. Then Z.J. stops her and says Independence strategies suggest that you use learning outcomes. N.S: what about knowledge of progress? Z: you can use self-assessment. N.S: then, what about lack of opportunities for discussion? Z: you can rely on independent, learner-led discussion groups. N.S: but Ls are not always motivated! Z: you can resort to problem-based learning N.S: try to establish support mechanism, e.g. peer support groups
  • 48. Ok, ok, ok says Mrs. Trimasse. That‟s ok for Managing resources for effective teaching. Let‟s now focus on establishing the Socioemotional Environment. As far as we know, educators are responsible for evaluating learners‟ work and for controlling the quality of life in the classroom. But, how can we establish that environment?
  • 49. Then, the answer comes from British accent. She says: by focusing on three main points: 1st communication whether verbal, non-verbal or written. In fact, effective communication skills form the foundation of effective classroom management. Therefore, we, as future educators, should listen carefully and effectively to our SS, give clear messages including our feelings, give of ourselves, consider our feelings about the message that we have received, and finally consider our responses to the messages. The 2nd point in establishing socioemotional environment is education- learner relationships. If you still remember! Mrs. Trimasse told us that, in order to facilitate engagement with learners, we should accept our personal responsibility for learner‟s success and stop blaming others. We should take on an extended teacher role, even outside the classroom. We should be persistent with our SS (just remember the poster session). We should express a sense of optimism that all learners can learn (remember Mrs. Trimasse saying Ya Nadia, come on! You can do it). However, this relationship cannot be good if it has no openness, caring, Interdependence, separateness, Mutual meeting of needs, all this can be summarized in one word that is “OCISM”. So, creating good educator-learner relationships in room 57 would be by creating open, professionally appropriate dialogue with TEFLers, systematically building better relationships with ICTers, communicating high expectations. And finally, by creating opportunities for personal discussion: by letting Aklouch to tell his story with Lalla molati BismALLAH 3liha.
  • 50. Before Ahlam coud reach the third point of establishing positive socioemotional environment, Mrs. Trimasse stops her raising a question about the guidelines for avoiding the negative effects of educator expectations. Then Goali says: it is just a (ay) matter of: - using sensitive information on very carefully. -Being flexible in your use of group work strategies (not always BAs in one group and experienced teacher in the other group) -Making sure all the learners are encouraged. - Monitoring your non-verbal behavior.
  • 51. Suddenly, Omarakly says: as a conclusion to all that you said: I think that (da) the basis of a positive educator-learner relationship and positive classroom climate is self-esteem and self concept. Self esteem is the value or esteem we place on our perceived abilities, our bodies, our feelings and our social interactions. The problem is that (da) many people, and learners specifically, process a person‟s critical comments about himself or herself in critical ways. These critical messages are internalized (understood) as “I am a failure” rather than “I sometimes fail”. Therefore, Profs: Trimasse, Hassim, Tamer, Jennifer, and others should be aware of what they are communicating to learners (TEFLers), both verbally and non-verbally.
  • 52. Resuming her talk, Ahlam says: the third and the last point in establishing positive socioemotional environment is creating positive peer relationships. She says: peers play an important role in determining the quality of the learning environment. Furthermore, Ahlam emphasizes the importance of positive peer groups for eliminating or preventing misbehavior in the classroom. Again Mrs. Trimasse stops her asking another question: how can we create the social conditions for effective learning in the classroom? Then, here comes the answer from Souba3i. He says: Let your SS get to know you. Treat your SS with respect. Memorize their names and how to pronounce them (A9louch instead of Aklouch and Ait 7amou instead of Ait Hamou). Build a sense of community in the classroom (not BAs in one side, experienced in the other side, and the others in between. This is no longer a community; it‟s an open gate to civil war, instead)
  • 53. Here stands Elomari saying: but my classmates, the pressing question is how can we create classroom climate? Yes brother brahim! Says Takeddine. It is simply by creating a learning milieu in which the focus is on learning which means that it is learning-oriented classroom rather that work-oriented classroom where the focus is on production. The foundation of learning-oriented classroom is a system of critical attitudes. The first critical attitude is RESPECT for the learners. The second is CREDIBILTY; educators who are credible practice what they preach.”LA TANHA 3AN KHOLO9IN WA TATI MITLAHO, 3ARON 3ALAYKA IDA FA3ALTA 3ADIMO”. The third critical attitude is educators who hold themselves and their learners accountable for learning that is taking place.
  • 54. Omar continues saying it is also by motivating Ls because having motivated learners such as TEFLers in class will make the educator‟s task of managing the classroom easier ( except the case for ICT1 where everyone indulges in surfing the net or chatting while the poor Afdel is still talking about Doodle. In fact, (LA HAYATA LIMAN TUNADI). Adding to what Omar said, Aboulahassan argues that the lack of discipline in public schools is seen as the most serious problem facing schools today. Although disciplinary problems impact on school as a whole, it is the classroom teacher who is the first line of defense (which means ALLAH IKON FL3WAN). Then Amal HAfidi stands to intervene. She says: I agree with you Mustapha, but how can we address disciplinary problems? Before Mustapha could even respond, Mrs. Trimasse reproaches Amal and says Voice Projection, How many times shall I repeat this?!
  • 55. Mustapha then continues saying: It is merely by establishing Rules and procedures. For example, Routines for accomplishing lessons, interaction between teacher and Ls (respect), and communication between Ls (groups). Also, by developing a positive classroom discipline policy; this system usually consists of three parts: Rules that learners must follow + consequences of breaking rules + Rewards when they follow rules. This policy aims to establish a fair and consistent way of promoting good behavior and dealing with misbehavior. Moreover, says Mustapha, the participation of Ls in the establishment of classroom discipline policy is so crucial (even Mrs. Trimasse does not agree), there should be an agreement with Ls, and the formulation of the policy should be through the use of the first person i.e. “we” and “our”.
  • 56. Ok Mustapha! Says Amal But these Rules should be few in number and linked to the school rules, stated positively, be teachable and enforceable, frequently read through and referred to. That‟s true nodded Mustapha! After that, youness intervenes by saying: for managing learner behavior, I have a solution, we can just make a connection between the management functions which are 3c‟s: Content, Conduct, and Context and the level of control, where the level of control varies from preventive and supportive to corrective. If the learner‟s behavior, says youness, is desirable, the educator will focus on prevention. If minor disruptions occur, the educator may select redirection. When behaviors become severely disruptive, team- support steps may be utilized.
  • 57. Here again comes the hero! As a conclusion to all that you said, the teacher‟s personal style, the learner‟s personality, the success of past disciplinary approaches with that learner and the specific circumstances surrounding the misbehavior should all be considered in determining the most appropriate step to be taken.
  • 58. Ahah ! says Rahma. I have got a poem entitled “ the 20-step discipline model” Provide effective instruction Help learners experience more success than failure Recognize and reward desirable behavior Send a preventive ‘I-message’ communicating desirable behavior Give early attention to potentially disruptive learners Change circumstances that may produce misbehavior Use physical closeness to prevent misbehavior Ignore minor disruptions and recognize behaviors Send non-verbal message requesting a change in behavior Ask for status or rule to redirect behavior Request a change of behavior Isolate the learner to keep a minor disruption from escalating Send an ‘I-message’ communicating the effects of undesirable behavior
  • 59. Conduct a reference: no-lose conflict-resolution approach Conduct a conference to develop a behavior-improvement contract Implement a class ‘assertive discipline’ plan Send the learner of ‘time-out’ to another classroom Involve the parents in changing learner behavior Involve the principal in changing learner behavior Request that the learner be removed from the classroom.
  • 60. Conclusion In a nutshell, it became clear that the educator who is successful in building learners‟ confidence, self-esteem, knowledge and skills is the educator who exhibits the following aspects: •Clarity in setting tasks and skills •Enthusiasm for the learning area •Care for the individual learner •Consistency in encouragement and teaching style •Encouragement to work cooperatively, as well as to learn individual skills •Utilization even of failures as learning experiences •Expectations that learners will succced.
  • 61. CHAPTER 6 Managing learner participation in the classroom
  • 63. CHAPTER 7 Lesson planning
  • 64. Why is lesson planning important Clarity • Being clear on what you want to teach. • Being clear about which strategies and methods that will be employed to reach the learning goals. Unpredictable • Being ready to cope with whatever happens. Events framework • Give your teaching a framework, an overall shape. Reminder • A reminder for the teacher when they get distracted. Commitment • It suggests a level of professionalism and real commitment.
  • 65. How is lesson planning important for the teacher and the learners? For teachers For studtents  They don‟t have to think on • They realize that the teacher their feet. cares for their learning  They don‟t lose face in front • They attend a structured of their learners. lesson that is easier to  They are clear on the assimilate procedure to follow. • they appreciate their  They build on previous teacher‟s work as a model of teaching and prepare for well organized work to coming lessons imitate
  • 66. What do you take into account when you design a lesson plan? Five guiding principles: Variety : Coherence Balance : Flexibility Challenge : - Vary - there should -The lesson -the use of - the new Contents,activiti be connection is a mixture different lesson should es, materials, btw the different of techniques. be challenging Aids… different techniques, -ability to for Ss Why?-To meet activities. activities, change the plan - present new different - Smooth contents …. if it shows items beyond learning styles. transition. inappropriacy students’ prior -To consider -Build on a to the knowledge. different previous classroom real intelligence lesson and situation. types. prepares for -To keep Ss the next one. interested and avoid monotony.
  • 67. COMPONENTS OF A LESSON PLAN : Information Goals: OBJECTIVES Procedures : Materials about the : and learners: equipment: - general - an overall -what - Detailed, step- - it is about information general students by-step the aids that such as the purpose to should be description of will be number of Ss, accomplish able to do what the teacher employed at their age, by the end of by the end will do to achieve each stage their level… the lesson of the the course in the period. course. objectives (Introd, presentation main activity, of the closure) including lesson. time, logical, sequencing…
  • 68. Evaluation of the lesson plan: - The teacher should make sure that the objectives have been accomplished. -Make sure that Ss have practiced what you are asking them to do for evaluation. - During actual classroom interaction, the instructor needs to make adaptations and Ss. The lesson plan is it curriculum centered or learner centered? Learner cenetered: Take 3 things into account: feelings, interests, needs in terms of basing the choice of materials according to their needs, autonomous.
  • 69. CHAPTER 8 Initiating interaction
  • 70. The collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people, result in a reciprocal effect on each other. Through interaction, Ss can increase their language store as they listen to or read authentic linguistic materials…
  • 71. Interactive principles -Automacity: ss are freed from keeping -Intrinsic language in motivation control. -the language- - Strategic - culture investement Communicative connection -risk-taking compeyence: -Interlanguage: involved. feedback is crucial.
  • 72. Roles of the teacher Controller - director Manager - Facilitator Resource
  • 73. Questioning Strategies Key to create an interactive language classroom is the initiation of interaction by the teacher.  T questions give ss the impetus and opportunity to produce lang comfortably. T questions can serve to initiate a chain reaction of ss interaction among themselves. T questions give the instructor immediate feedback about ss comprehension. T question provide ss with opportunities to find out what they think by hearing what they say.
  • 74. Kinds of questions are effective in the class:  Start with display questions that aims to elicit information already known.  Refrential question that request information not known by the
  • 75. Some kind of questions discourage interuction:  too much class spent on display questions  A question that insults a student‟s intelligence by being so obvious that s will think it‟s too silly to bother answering.  Vague questions that are worded in abstract or ambiguous language. Questions that are stated in a complex language.  Random questions that don‟t fall into a logical and well- planned sequence.
  • 76. Group work • Generates interactive lang: provides opportunities for students to practice in negotiation of meaning. • Offers an embracing affective climate: no shiness or fear of public speaking. • Promptes learner responsibility and autonomoy: difficult to hide in small groups • A step toward individualizing instruction: help students with varying abilities to accomplish separate goals.
  • 77. Avoiding group work The control of the class is absent The large groups The use of native language The errors will be reinforced Individual work preference
  • 78. Considerations for group work o Taking cultural expectations and belief systems into account o Arranging the class space for active student participation o Emphasizing the importance of group work o Teaching ss how to work cooperatively o Assigning group roles
  • 79. Course book Four stepts for course book: •Omit •Addapt •Add •replace
  • 80. Authintic materials Advantages: Ss exposed to real language in real life situations Disadvantages: Time consuming
  • 81. CHAPTER 9 assessment & Homework
  • 82. Assessment of students ‘work prepared by: Mohamed ait madani youssef
  • 83. Using this technique with adolescents Minor modification are necessary. Adolescents need to learn to be more independent and self-reliant.
  • 84. Homework setting Setting should be : Quiet Devoid of distractions loud noises siblings and so forth. Parents still need to ensure that the student is working rather than getting in other activities.
  • 85. Introduction to assessment Effective assessment becomes vital part of teacher’s job. In the years teachers wrote only “well done”, “poor” or “see me”. There should be a how and why.
  • 86. Difference between Formative assessment and summative assessment • It is informative • It explains what is needed to improve the Formative piece of work prior to final substitution (ESP) assessment • It can come in many forms, but it is basically any activity undertaken by teachers and students themselves. • It is referred to as assessment for learning. • It is a final mark that you give for a Summative piece of work. • Give a grade and a comment. • This feedback given may be used to assessment inform future work and not the piece of work which has been submitted.
  • 87. Assessment for learning Teaching becomes more interactive. Encourage students do vocalize their opinions Ask them about what they think Teaching style should match students’ learning style. The teacher should take much responsibility working with each member of the class.
  • 88. Assessing for motivation Written assessment has a crucial part in this aspect.  Positive comment Positive impact negative comment harmful and destructive comment Written assessment need to be continual process, not just an occasional activity. Send students a message that you care, through giving attention and the benefit your benefit of your expertise to their work.
  • 89. Assessing for motivation (continue) Think about the investment for the future that is more important than the single piece of work you are about to mark when you give marks. Never, ever start with negative comment in you comments because you may cause students to avoid investing effort in learning and then be disappointed. Don’t overload students with suggestions.
  • 90. Assessing for motivation (continue) This has short and long term benefits students are more likely students will to The quality engage You will have implement of the work with you if more your you are contented or will improve suggestions positive constructed as a matter toward them students. of course
  • 91. How much should I write? One word is next to useless. Don’t write too much because you may resentful and write more than what the student write. Put a positive comment and then a few comments for the improvement.
  • 92. The power of verbal motivation A good teacher is assessing progress of his students all the time. Whatever started you are doing, it is the first opportunity to have assess you students and should not be wasted. Your response you give to students’ answers must be positive and not a put down. If you are asking students, direct the appropriate question to the right student. If a student is nervous or unwilling to answer a question make sure you ask him one he knows and don’t forget to give a lot of praise. It is important to avoid the temptation of asking answers from the same students who put up their hand up again and again.
  • 93. Self-and peer assessment Self assessment Peer assessment It gives students chance to step back and look at You can display, for example, a student’s work to the their own work and targets. whole class. Provide them with a frame work where they can assess their work. This may be in the form of a checklist to identify if a student has performed a task and then give space for their own recommendations.
  • 94. Homework setting Free from destructions Homework setting Not isolated constructive
  • 95. Homework time Homework time depends on students personality. It can be determined by routine within the home , parents’ preferences extracurricular activities. They should have the same homework time each day.
  • 96. Best time for Worse time homework for homework -Right before bed Half an hour after time. school - When students are left on their own An hour before Late in the day or in dinner or the morning before immediately after student go to dinner. school.
  • 97. Begin a homework checklist or journal Systems to assess students in keeping track of homework: Homework journal Planners Sheet of paper that has spaces for homework in each subject. You may have a notebook in which you or your students fill out a blank sheet he finished homework.
  • 98. Homework rules Homework journal should be assigned. Books, notebook, handouts, and every item needed for homework should be present.
  • 99. Doing the homework Parent should help their children organize their assignments by locating and categorizing all work that has to be completed on the homework surface where it has to be done. When the assignment is done, students should show it to their parents to check whether it is correct or it should be redone.
  • 100. Earning an after-homework privilege Parents should restrict certain privileges until after homework time to teach students that homework completion is rewarded. Teach them that privileges are earned by taking care of one’ s responsibilities. It is an added motivator for students who tend to procrastinate and a very long time to do their homework.
  • 101. Providing assistance Give the assistance but don’t do the assignment for students. Let them complete the task under your monitoring. If they ask for help for a regular basis, you should inform the teacher to consider the nature of the problem.